ETCHING/ 1 r .1411 , 13 SX .„ t r, tin. Aged' Stress% to the Week ~paratiou has met with tie approval of ttcr r .a 4 the world, aad the disorrearer sad proclaim& it to be ipiggiVA I.LIO ..4 restorer .1' wasted or Inert farrettous. idr Kllsdaraut abould be used by an Derr .! i t .tirnalatra the D.TrOll t .. tleeir 10141101 d ..„, ~11 n ..l pnatu, a martins urs aratter hrt• !r•pi" 4 ' I. Toxic, and will ewe WWl* Teresa nr.t dom. A 10.144 persisteraw In lb sr wlll tL..tvregse), Ins Serve of pernkri braltit. sod „I N. ,i,d .uoula bas make Hatealone Lif 1 ,, ~,,, , 1,,,, l 4,... si tide lessanoch sift yin . . . „id.' is feeling India sdrartb,nasissidas ~ ' ~ ~.„, „ 11, Jays of their !nails* joy. It ho , ~,,, kit AtIvIIIBI4.OO, sad is really an 10•11110 - ~..w„ ,, kJ/My to those who have bass 'Witold ~„, ~ .. ',nit() by misfortune, or ordinary skis ,., „,,,,,,, • Lat the camas of the impotency of any „ ~..„, lb° , .superb Eabliarasit will t room* the ',• I,e, aba furrlrr 11; Et hilstrant •bould be used by all per. -, 1.11. dim.rderr4 Derr.*, ateasarb, liver, mune t„r; „! ititelleet, or lona= of spirits. It Is .r.. 1. Lather, yet powestal sitapkw. and ~, g 4 1., .t.m of mineral sobalance. , . 0..1..1 • ith barrenness, will discover to . ~ ,t. F‘bilsinut the realisation of their hopes . . i".l o olpgrosebAhte prepartUos Is for l',...rnrtfr, K. K. tirromaspa, at 165 Chmotmrs rt-• •hould he addressed to him Ono largo bottle SI ; ; T S SINCLAIR, mid CARTKR k 1.4 41, it - - sa I.tio health renewal llutebinys' hirli IP infallible as s rojnyenant, and .trowiti, with imastieal praraptnesa p. nusornef. !tor Old and feeble porooas rt bl CARTIER it BROTH lilt Frio. 4:b ly (r • 11. 4•1 Complaint • 1.1 4liscorrr in ,I,klaraul a grand pana.res, unaloalle4l iatk ;tn.l vitnanrut atirtt ID tbia distrrasing • rryarra tlir mead calm and c r iwar• ~. roatnroo with magic ' •I I.AIK, He, Pa. 16.1 y •• al w I reeet% e hew Plretwth firsts a mocle ‘eeileot mTI K eraut, tiutattto' 1 Ire ~ !wall IL/UI In Ail 114 Operal ao t„. - rroiNeaatlng the aired aa.l .„, 1401 relent) and y. ru.ata I I: BR" I) jut. Fslotannot lo ► r. ESEll== ',gat, Lur pro.lurvd, It con m11[4.11.64 else. Ow II it :Omit f eurvior nltin ticalr ut the hi et.... La or lirsito it• Mt... IS ^ “Lxii/y. 1.1.. a, al I.ibl I, A Hit.' Erie, I► 4 1.1 11. t ‘1,11,30 I ..1 .. .k and Act' • hi) ild txkr 11.• MO.-Ilan,: I Ito .01 14c, wirt.ole, L.aIIL, •timi isAppy 4 ,1 Irv, :id.. ii, .•r.tial Ile. int ii.t n• 1.. tile 1. I. LI, 4w 11. Hutettingocludaratat 1., 1.1 I to-1r puero rltir: rid prrm•n• Who, I n i u..ra, lu.rlr c.i rdgrrlyd, • • • • I , r e,- ml, cuwaltutt..nA I. T - 4.1)a - I.OR, KriP hi. 41,1) hp," .1i l;.• "4.. I.lli h.. 1 .11 11,.t two,• I if. l xlAilwaht. Wral, ~1.111 r... label iiiv,rfrpt kasl4lo ul.llid a uunt leg' 111 th, •IM , Te cam k NNu., .u.l 1 44.1 y IJ • I ilr F.•ll.lltrotsst. ()or 4.... I. at Mc...a. r.dar Ito: .11.4.1 /%111111 rlf.cto IA u.. 1 LA, ..,• -111. lit Ilse,uvich Ih. o.ntr, •.1 ler 1.1m.1 alai sal painful fewlio.., urlil L I••• I.IIIL, I'm a.l. . I k an 4 elfedual, rat ,•l rod 111...1 aggravated ease of II) Ape!.Au, t Ar? Ali other Arra nons-oto of the • Anil a ill rev • the 1114.101.11ehnl v. and m i iiielliatirl9 The fortile, 999.999.199,19,991 • tri toy T V. : 4 114:111.Alt, Krt., 4:9 /9 re. TUE taR KtT ENG 11101111,1)1".. nit{ JAME.B CLAR.KE'egtlelebrotted PROM Tb I. I ATTIC?, Y.T Rol AI n prral rp too* of Ser J ?writ, Al 1f .. I ,I , Oordilogrw re lArt (ewer* 111. the rho,. ol nl 1 4 . .11 •, Syr • 14. *Lt. is lb.- femal utp.t It u....l•rvt.+ all .ar..' su.t r nu./ •1•• • •It are. .11,4 TO %%RN* NI) I.AIH I a., Ii •Jl, ID R Phipri hi, ilh rr,cularity in n J ihliar, bear, Ow Hut rn.n,r. 111111 •nt lt.itaiu, to prvveul roubli.rti ii catrx.x.comkr. •4orid oaf be taken by feinetiee .I,ere.4 lb fltllf I' vrimrus Prrime•ri, as thew ••• th•r•ni•Rr, bat •1 •fty Warr la•r thry - Nei, one and if. ikal A it. ethiria, Pain in 10010, Fitt,gl/0 00 alight r ?al ohs n. it. art, tlvatatina and Whites, tbeFr I'lll. will • I.e. all Other cleanaJlar", • 1.,•• rtii I renanly, nal elantnin ir •n i thing hurtful tit the ennstitntitin. i•rei n. a... the t u,.11101 Ma h lat kit , preeer,..l wt./ Stab. and Canada nits Lur P. 9, ILate I r n.. 1.11.8. ...) itoeh.ter. pt.,taty 1,1(101 6, 1 A/ it. XII. MI Art t, 'WM luaur• a 644[LN 4.4,atainine M faii 4 4 , 44 4.1 4 &net Bro., and I. I Raltlo to, It rw, e't , on he Sth mot, Hr. AI . Al ft annul rear. re _ AMK Wit KICK f".-- , lnrla iitapnautinos al the) are renal, so eget...m.lml • tuntieh, H 4414111.1• •• etc, tiednth regra.:etl 'dual, ere in themseltea, are, re.vertheiaa, IMI,MIN.M of • , _anent. which a/4.nel to roenitme, a rmelt • .I.••••• ..1 the a holy 0 1.1,111 M ith all Il• •1411- , ~ , ne ay the titbits' h, thrtagh any eau*. 1'in ...1 Went Ill)113(11/eglall a dvisnimiaml, a' he I. If •,•• rrnnalserl by a removal of the ran... a 111 10.3.1 •, • long hot o 1 Lauer .lla ati.l set. to layer e..ars• .1. I eta. pranature ~1.1 ae. and Death The t ,• .rand reservoir from whence to doffneed aud life sad vigor are iropart..l In Use 4111- •-I. a. I. 1111 Important, then, that the :distant tt t fenny, and her from everrthing ealculatt d ..ated aeon,,, and binder the perinreeasne .4 nest.. function.; and .peathroatch itudimmtann, • T ..r aller circumstances the etwertes at the •tratett, and the stomach eMt nth., pate a 4 tr mat .'cone,., are siugßiap and Inelbenint in Uri of their duties, err Miss there leas esednd % 0. th.,•11 lonntneaapettear ot t resortto wale ma tl ' ...•••• altertve and MI t qualities r isnrena action and a healthy tone. A trestle • and 'slakes, win peuisaps Mare thnio any ntber • t• , nmplialb We end-amid it in istlott ammeter, ..ale. awd aelleient aperient, laxative .eel nor a'k t I fOA t•ATHAKTIC I.* ere 111N/ 1 1 . . 1 1 . 1 .1. ite'nw entirely kjeetalda In thear row • , the. may he adusaniatered safely 1.. all. Ad - every I.a. • ell to the Lanni and dehrterr fernale. an • Mall. for lb* rdy cure n( Lwtinr ~ 441,,e/1/4•11. Ikarliers, He Its, 1) Jog.- .4 lA, shmsek, Aptegs.... .' s Lamy, .441 of Ow /Mirk Spans gerurralig thy* rr thawed. Theaerille are alreen le•ri ttttt to Y I. es. of Use beat and m'et alertnal rontritn E. Banat pedant ariatkoottl whfeh has , seer bean - the annal•ry of duarare Tire ere erorreeteld • .aslie•etk.a, r tams pre,* a., pre win k A o ki in alik. only, al RAS 1.1111% . :4 1.•114 •.. A , Hoed Houk. Meant, k C klr YO agm i 11POUTA NT TO It E.ll DK. iiKESKIIIICS PILLS, rrrpae e d C•nw h ui .• 110.11, 111 D New York City To rmfenation . • et. 117 Urea Pills are lb, remit of a long Gad 1 . rar Tber are mild to thrtr operstiaa, and • sil irnersbaritios, ' l / 4 11,001 liwnstrus ... ••. [ l obstruction*. o. l f l or • brad/eche, peen In lbw alde.pelpeusion of the te. all nervous see byetrrira, fatigue, sod limbs, kr, And u rts4l 'town, which riiption of Datum. 14) MA Ritillt 1111 KM. " • Nu, ar. itlt thry will bring • a,.. Ll , ~ r .,ud nits trgulenty Laden. •bo ber• Doe use 44 other Pill+ .an piney the •• 10 Dr. lbeemernen'm PIIM rlolpe all that •.y.rt.•• lit ds. ('K. le one condition of Mr innate qr. the snout be taken without profile.. I'l I t lAK KUL LT. The ameditiem.eta to U • 1 _the remit, MISCAMAOL ie the '• • leitaltur• the nondleien to cordon %bow:mai '''•• t , • nocins! condition. that even Um" roprodut-. • , 4 notate. cannot N$W it. 10 - kr11. , 11,u1.•1y ymplablo, sod booboo sertileg ••• ia- K. phut direction., which "inlaid be NIA PC .nrh bo". Price 111. Seat by Mal oa oodesieg 54.1.11 by ob• Itrlaari t i• over" Put.. M. 11. :,••••• f•••• , h.• I oriel Sham, Itl•Chansbeir•St= odr. • ...d Wholeinl. °Men should be add •IIINCI.AIK. Arai I, is J K ritANCIS, Ilul*lo NI Olt r Brown'. tiotoi .art Wool F10w..., Priv. P. It Coheert and Festival at !forth East. 'l' II f: Band sikses by .1: 'IL 1 . .•1-,, •-tpain.a fn.* ** 611 1 6 166 ► nut, on Tavalay PT lei. Anllo6l ,•. 11.. North knatliannin after whieb ••••• ~ 1 1 ioai..l All an* en hitillY tattled ta at. Jet,. 80, .....___ ...... ...____. _ PATENT PLY CRAP. I Wal Utah Ink If Yon will Kin I E O frit E: i; It F. it ' f EXT novelty 'of the agi-- ,L Th.. 66 ? sadr. Ihreplate Tea* will,eatth sissaio.ll74 ".."`' P. , day. la the Vilall roam It it hleadaah la Ur .. , ....1 Its ftly. , ... ft Ilya aft, Yam; ilia ellah--• "...I: 11, U.,lahriery of a Mack, they an ssuasksbile -A , a , sam , sfai In operatic/al by aU mow (Main a ~',: 1,1.1 r % 114.1 th• theta. Vor YU 4 the all" a W. XLap •,'••• IL 1v.,! tu . w tan bale mad ConliAlll4ll6lll Saiet . .1, v A t-e . Net t alb, on Slaty at.. Mete, Pa... P" l \S WANTING, L'il A Mir. OF ,", I 'lower.. health. Bee a.breetleement of Haseato• • aa , 1,.. another column. 6410 fat getvlork stkits, A Daily Ifforning and, Ilhening NEWSPAPE3, /31DHPILIIDIIIIT IN pounce. It. colognes atm! • rem et tirs litedire Mull ems' to day ; le Coanspe. Bo =Amoy st 1701411111 represe an Sepia likely SO 11111041111 = i t %settee. I* the provartitedie and baleen ertto sterside of MD Great Italian War, The Maw-Tau Tilts, has thus 6ir roalhasolt, pad all its eatemparatia. ; a preostiesee, which= aro* Editorial &Mother Correapriadaria• at the Sea of ii will ■sq■aatloushy Main. Pries by Mail, Six Dollar. a year. _a_ #nniVerldg Timm ,• • Is issued en the rondo( of every tees&sad Triday. sad eontaies, in addition to thedialk of is in the Daily Paper, A LITERARY DKPARMIZT, Embracing Standard Novels sad Tales, sad llflaredbasses Selective" of the highest Intermit With the lasso of Turoder, July Mb, the the WNW cbapeses of "The Good Fight," An Or aiial sad profolutAly Intotrestiog gory of Oat oisequalled Nov•ast, CHARLES' READE, will be reproduced from early London Mei* and will De motioned through the volume. Bock numbms can ha supplied. The Agricultural Department Is compiled from a variety of aoureee, num of them inammailde to the Ameriann reader. Price Three Dollars a Year ; Two Copies to One Address. Five Dollars : Five Copies toOtie Ten Copies to One Address, $"0 -a ?be arttkig TWO, Appearing *tory Saturday morning, embraces a enure ',coat, r digest of the news of the phardiar week, with at tract ire, Literary features, among which vitt be found READE'S SPLENDID STORY, ba other choice reading. It will &leo enattnne to Ihra ish Ile valuable inkirmatton for the FARMER AND GARDENER, A IL•partment which tau Swoon highly papaw.. Pro,. DoLLLis A yaw three to One Isidmeno, Ft vs Ro LLA its : Are eopies to Z IOW? Dot "a. ; ten COUlt.4, to ono . madras' Tlril.lll DOLLAIIta to Poty copik to ono madras; Tsprit DOLLARIL Any pers.% aea.iiag es s Club ti treaty er wore sell k Waist to ma erlre ropy TI MM , ' Sr At.i. or a. I i•tons.--Caati Unnsinbiy tab inlranor Slowin.n numbers forwarded upon npplicatian. All kttors to ho odds...est tri the "Nnw-You Tints. Now-York City. rr The Tams Brmatau is situated apposite Me City Park Res, zepruee and Nassau Streets. AUCTION! AUCTION! T HE 1; REATEST CH ANCE KVER 0 1 / 1 /1111130!! TEN TTICI' 4 A ND DOLLAR.' WORTH Or Piano Forts, Melodeons add other Musical lnstruments, TOVI4 Catolie., Notions, Fancy Present, Baskets, lathoirrap6s, l)iintings, Oval Prison,, will be eold to the highest bulder by the subscribe; at his New Atom ' is Krie, MONDAY the Ist and2d AUGUST. OND•Y and TPBSDAY, the finest selection of Nano Porte* ever tees io Erie ; also, a astriber of second band Plasm, WO h.. ,4.141 without reserve. Taros Cash, or unquesdnnable Anew ray and part Oast. WIL WILLING. Erie, July A -1868 . --2 " 1 lhhee k Ashtabula L It C.. Cleveland, July 16,109. NuTICE.—The Ammo] Meeting of the Cleveland, Peneevtlleand Ashtabula Railroad Can pinny, will he held at their Oak* ias Cleveland, Ohio, on Toeeder, the 9th Say of August belt, et 2 &clock P. It , for the election of Direetors, and for the transacting' of gnat other briainees a. Tway CMS before thews. The Trawler Books of the Conipear will be dared from the 3/11.b day 01 Jule tome the 10th day of Aurelia. Jul) :t, )aka.-71d. NOT DE AD YET! BUT IV I LLIN(; Tt ) LIVE AND Ti ) LET LIVE. The undorri t ercl haring Jim' Wought from the FA**, New sto.l Ho/wilful Patton" of frock Baiting. au no. prtiare.6l to execute ordorm promptly lo their Nee ; porti Fencing House Lots, Cemetery Lots, I'UTTI t VERANDA s, W N DoW-C A,s = TETti, tiRATINti, AWNIN(I &c., &c. All wort warranted and Priem irramoaabie Call at Bth trwt, to , taraen Stat.. and Freud' Striate, Kr* Peale& JOHN GORR, Jul, 22. 1&b6.--32227 - - USE CROSBY'S XACIIE7 I I - dliLi! 1 1 (IR RHEUMATISM, HEAD ACHE, ...4ore Thee; Swelled Face, Met" Cramps, Pike. Spates, Praises, Cats sad Strains, dwelled Glenda. SUN Joints., Swelled arm* Sere Nippks, Toothache, whleh It will es la frees Ise to tee wittates, Chilblains, Cents, Sore airealerl4.4, Denlow or itaracbe, Gout, Law Back. Scalds, it , It u, also equally atomic's Ia the cure GI diseases in Horses, or other animals, such aa Rlngbose Sparrle, Chafe*, Foaisitcrcl Pert, Lameiteree, contracting of the Muscles. Synths. Wind Galls. Scratcher', Creamed llerle, NS Sores. Poll krii, tr. Although thia la a new artlolo, Roo for the first limo hr sht before t h e pobl4e. Jet ft too bees Netrerely tested in a great number of cases, and foetal all that la claimed for it, u eertifirutow nor lo the poraeladon of the Propitia tor. fully whnv . . GA A penis awl try it : aad if it is sot all it is meow sired. rrture it ►a.l your moor) will he relesiewd C CROSBY wile. ru►oufrtunraad Propeletur, 210 Kula Sliest. Bagels a sa.l sold by 1.. I BALDWIN, Eris : gl,l:Epga, Weleohlye. Pik., Ws Crab Tier Nettie July 29 11150.-Iy7. - Selling Off ! Selling Off ! TII E SUIWRIISER kw taken the on to.. :4t.e. ot 6.1. Finn At IfiNNia a BAN YARD, .unslutlng of CI-R.OC MIIIMB, PROVISIONS, 3C0TX02:13, &C., ZIC.C , And In order to make payments, I .111 sell at REDUCED PRICES SO DAYS ! FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. THIS IS NO HUMBUG The Gonda roost sod will I* sold before October neat, at ...bleb - thaw I will endeavor to ernarniestar the Weimer on • rystru) tour . antis! to the Uwe, aadraete beneficial to soy .cif asid - 01 oho may favor we wi th th eir patrons.* F. rte. July P. MINNTG. - SAMPORD'B LIVER INVIGORATOR, NKVKM ORRILITATIN I'fiv eoutpounded entirely from Gums. and has humane aa establiabed fact, a standard Med . oc, known aid anwo- o j .red by all that have used il, asei is now resorted to Val ; with eonadesies to all the thecalno Bar which it is f•-•,g i commended. It has cored tluorwands; ',within the last two yews o bn bad glvenup all hopes i of relief, as the MILIDSTOIN ORSOiklted cettllteatee in, my : possessies show. The done may be adapt-' ,sd to the trespenuosot of the Individual Warts It, land used la mach quanti ties as to act gently on 8 lOM Ittivtpla.- 144 the dictates of your lodgment istide Log la i the see of the UTERI lIRVIGORA you. and it will rare Liver Cams-, &does Maw Ate tee to, Dy•it e p • la. vamoose Illisroiteely flaininer Complaints Dye- 'intery, ',flour Blear soh, Habitual Coatlee-' ;am, Mode. rap Cluderst 311orbas,' 'Clikleirs I Fiats/race, Jaundice, 1 . 0. m imam WeakateseZ i g tog be seed successfully ' r''' las as Orem?" ly M.dki.e . It will, ;cure NICK IIIiAIR ACHR. foe themes& , ISM testify,) IN impiai volhowitee, J two or three , T fobs are takes at colesuoustoseet ofeataek., , A Vlbla me Id arm *Wag their Waimea, . ;in Its favor. ' gar MIX WATBSI 114 4IU moms WLIPIR ?FIR inyiumicompa, AND SWALLUW,berille uswpstbef. rrlitte One Do/kW pow Mid.. t —ALSO— f V SANFORD'S LUULIf CATHARTIC PILLS' 11 COI4TOI7NDZD 4 Mil TIVITAILZ EVIVIACTIti AID PtrT VT II atria CABIN, it* imam 43D WILL EMT VII AaT =awl. Ths aluillir MOM. de r Is • psdie Mt 5e tM1441.14 . ' l i p Isbiph. _1 tlss possrisess Ins mil Is hl4 psdbis mars Otis* GE ssintsat4 lamer ,i Woo 0 444 , who MN lon Owl them 7. r Ai i was- I Ina Which ill 'vim, sof Ile I. limb •se.bies iodoeid ow to ago= glow .../ ' Noma deli, rim Prahr .il 11 '—',_ Wray , the Illssittes sot as digtoorat p 4 r The FAMILY CA• Ir • tik4so asismses to Aim r loom a vett- el a I blil a r mieli tzaets, width pd j .7; __ - alksostag : i mii i •kikt r assi F . WZR . 74.1 1 4 pl sow. Psis sal Imo sodden 501d.4. , ,, slot Is a long emus. 1•• to Casspill sesisk r ilesadscbs, orwsight m ., = mossiser i A tim as ''''' Tuna. • 4 4 and Issisky.fisses , I toss liestereas to *iodide 0 44.1,16 , 5. . rattor ailit )6- sra a... Emig. pernelay, Mbq =tb: 107111iiiO6, lisnot July 2, 1 —174 333, Lr• . adway, M Gusiows 41 1 1441Hif IXTRAORDINARY - Challis, Lawns and Ehimmer THIS WHI EX., WM. A. GRISWOLD THE BALANCE SUMMER SILKS I . Ten Oases of Goods just axed Y'dii fine Printed won h 30 eon Y tine Paris ' worth 25_ I"ciii Printed Bri Meriuuu•, Cocheco and English Prinks for 10 cents, worth 124. SHUT HENRY ♦LtHO, Lace Maatillaa, p,77•11,n Stella Hatayla is all Great = piss la • Tsble Llama, Na . Pillow Cottoas, Lifteg apd Cotton abatis'. Bost malutlrish I.loofte, ClirPetgs '‘k• etlek alkOng I t err WWI IS 01111/141, Br 111 10 01 1 . ariWeeli IIATB, HAITI M" OM iniCrinik ke. w*. A. CIitISWOLD. Alm M oft Palk r 0 "..ela.4 - • n.• IM jLi RiltriAlNg. tat GRL&T satLl DRESS GOODS WILL OFFEE ON Friday s atom 10, 1869, VI 4 'lsis) :4 ell (ki OF HIS LARGE AND DRESS GOODS TOGETHER WITH FROM THE . 70 ' : . • Z f 4 44 4-4 French C'hinta st 124 nted Chaps at 124, cents Wits 12i cents, worth 25 5 Cases f P f IP f Barer Robes, Double Skirts Barege Robe, a 141 urgundi Robes, Double Skirts. (h^geodi Robe, • Les Rich Silk Robes, Double Skirts French Jacosets Plain and Printed Barnes. Fine Organdie sad Lawn* Traveling Drew Goods Rich Silks, &c. &e. /se FPPPP f r :LeMilei:y as) • 1:;11 laad doub'Pleo■eed. Borden; ;very cbesp. and Cassel. H Towellags, URNS Ikeetiap Pillow Llama, Cowls ilhoothiss, Table wad Piano Coot, Lace Curtains, Drew, MLaslisa. I KW Gloves. ilissider, AM OITZELID IN JIM NTONWISIX2--A Ems To t& oii.trwr. ESE FEr UNFURL the; BA NNF:R 111VOLBSILLE 1133TAna Bob% mon, BARR & : 4' = EY, (aroozsgoss ro J. O. BAR 11,) Have removed BOOTS AND SHOiS From No. 10, Lately occupied by We are now prepared to furnish all of J. G. Barr's old customers and the public gen orally with . 6 $ SICK OF Mar BOOTS, BOYS. YOUTHS BOOTS Patent Leather, Calf and Pronnel Congress Gaiters; Gents calf and patent leather Gents, Ladies, Iffissem, Children," RUBBERS; BOYS, YOUTHS AND CHILDEES SHOES OF ALL KINDS AT ALL PRICES. sir LADIES CONGRESS AND LACE GAI TERS OF EVERY KIND AND PRICE FROM 76 CENTS UPWARDS. Ladies White & Black Satin Slippers. —ALSO— French Hid, Black and Bronzed. gel6Pine Kid and Prunnela Buskins, and every thing else in the line of Ladies Shoes. pr Of Misses and Children.' Shoes we have enough and to spare. Bring on the fink ifsaa.lllll /p-We have Leather and Findings of all kinds, including Harness and Bridle leath er; Oak and Spanish Sole leather; French and Eastern tanned Calf Skins, Calcutta Kip and upper leather; Binding and lin ing akin. oral' cobra. 11111.41inetnekers ,Tools and L as* Tan ners Oil by the bbl:, &c. ke. Me, May 6, 1859. 48 MELODEON MANUFACTORY SATZ WZJTY PI& CM WILLIAM WILLING T EM excirs i r m r mika hoo•Sy years, and Ite PIANOS AND MELODEONS la IWO gyp* Ono I too buy thee Oildlit Demme root II fassaper, Isobar Is chaps; coal L eper hros the oar, Wilmot no to tooploy compotes% matt ostoptota. snotionoot votbilDre who tarried ow a Thiso Itaaahwtory two. rhos for Ivo posro, sot who rid or their oath* Moot aessasars to 00h...b instruments, and lan oaa profaned to taroia• any saosetoss Moots Pianos and Melodeons Of .prior T... sad Wei. sad .►u 111174111.111121W11inr • For soy Imre% et item. to she CSMPLITI ISATIRVACTION. Ny supisluliss as s /Whim sad besiasso ma would bo lost thugs lasleussoss should usst read, sieti I MOM lho poldielbst not/slog is is being sliest ties deshramt math vls : Prods**. a Om owl ealludassehad Moho widish V 1011 et war mat osksfrOkseslats, as& may Im Mod Isolpor ass meg Mow I know se. TERME VERY EASY ! PRICER VERY REASONABLE ! with hue Cashmere Tour Own Mims. at Some 1 ORDERItat WOOLESALR or RETAIL lboontod pi sad lowly. hodass. orlon ea Ow% cola lastnamaata, Lan kw, sad my *tag aka I same apbs arum la any bus ben. MU tabsa a al la aka 1 b willaine la we ll lir Pima lhai laysa. Maia• rs6Dshimapt *fag um Mora I FIS ! mane DOD WELL 111 W KWIC EVERT WEEK NOD BUT TUB BM ARTICLES ON RAND TIE GUMS UNSIVALSD , laddlaring Seal %no Nato, Nis.4ll O. WM. SAW at m a r Weltiistr Asap *IeWI/11.14N0. EZDITOREL—You all remember the eft MN Moo Wain of Items Tett, lama& lot Mlittale W p a s r la r mT rime a y r e T a b h leo a tv iaaineag ia se ll ll , v s i a i d i d w e i l a l MIN. Give mit your erasit. MIL 'w muse. • Also 4201111.-11 PANIC! AGAIN DRY GOODS!! I RAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP DRESS GOODS LE/MUM STORE, Their entire Brown's Block to No. 13, Oadwell's Block, W. A. Griswold's Empire Stores. $ Gents OXPORD TM; PIANO PORTS BY BUYING OF SINMOI. PIIII3:ON'A.. = PATRONIZE . 41/1010 !IRO EXIBALDAB, 011600.,t,mROBEEI, sex Vernrirat ' ai taw CLONING 067 , sakis 1441X/fL . Maar ce tbets ,PRlpzi WREN r Wirt. MI AT Mama= 4641114Paignacke -3 WU. BELL, JR. -GROVES & BAKERS' 1111111311111111C11111. N EW STY LES—Prices from $5O to $125 . Sztra Charge SAS for Hemmers. 495 BROADWAY, There Machines sew from two spools, as purchased from the its.., requiring so re-wirmilig of thread ; they Bum, Toll, Bather, and tidbits la s superior style, ink& ins each moan by their ewe operettas, without recourse to the haad-oredle, as is required by ether assebisies They will do better and Ampler stylus than is sesositnue era, seen Wan works for eee sod an Mar, and are, nee questionably, the hoe liksehiass in the market for mewing, on amount of their thusikity, durability, same a management, and adaptation to ail ratiase• of fa lai orriag—executing Atha hoary or line work with equal heility, sad without special adpuittlent. As evideure of the unquestioned aperlority of their liabones, the GROYES k BALM Swarm liscsirre Cow. PAZT bee leave to reepeetfelly refer to the hollowing T EST liki()N I it LS. Stock of "Raving had owe of Grover k Baker's Iffrehines Ia goy Emily fur nearly a year sad ••balf., I take owes" la comaroosdhtir ft sa *very mar MUM* for the Orr which It I. daditsed—Family eitylag."— *ekes Leavitt, ogle .1 fin, Dr Leona, Easter of R Y. lad& PetkAret. .1 eoafess myself delightadirith your Bearing Marble', vidch baa been In my family for maay moult's. It barn altrayo been may fur duty, requiting no adl,jusuniat, and la easily adapted to every variety it family miring, by Noi I ehaagiag the spools 01 thread."—Mr.. Lbsabra MI/.' Rn. Dr. Midland, Glad tif it. Y. ahreidieli Adeeonte. "After trying several different good machines, Ip re - Served yoara, on account of Ha simplicity, and tbe , par fecteasr with which It Is managed, as well so the strength and durability of the seam. After long experience, I feel competent to meek In this manner, and to emilbilently recommend it fur ewer) variety of family sewing Airs. B. spawner, wife .1 Ike &Woo of Brooklyn S. “I have turd a 0110•111 6 HAKIM Se.i” for two years, and have found It adapted to al kinds 01 taan ily front Camticte to ateadeloth. Garments have been worm out without the giving way of a stitch- The Muhl*e is easily kept in enter, and easily used."—Myr. d. N. nipple, elf, 4 Res. (he. Whipple, New York. "Your Sewing Machine has been in um in my family the put tiro years, and the ladies nicest me to give you their taaatimoulais to its p•rfret staiaptednesa, as well as labor-sus Inc qualities an the performance of family and homsdhold sewing.."--Reim Eesefyt , Sett not. "Poe revere) months we have used Grover k Baker's Sewing Machine, and have come to the oonellusion that every lady who desires her leering kaki ally era /merry dose, would he newt fortunate la pobe one of those reliable and indeLattgable 'iron needle-winnea; whose econbloed you li tiro of aremay, streaoA, sadrisapairdw,are Invaluable "—J W. Allerrie, absarker GM tia.. P. liktrru, lErlifor of fit How Journal. Extract of a letter Irma Twos. R. LEATITt, Iraq, as America') gentleman, now resident in Sydney, New South Wales., dated January 12, 1836 ' 4 l bad a tent made in lieltmonte, la 1663, in which Mare were over three thousand verde of wrwiwc doe* With one of Grover k Baker's Iliad:apes, and a seragis sewn of that barn outatood VI the /made seams sewed by Radom • ith a needle and twine." "If Homer could be railed up from hie murky bodes, be would sing the advent of Grover it Baker as a more be nignant missele of art than was year Fulcsin's iunittiy.— He would denounce midnight shirt-makitiggis nbe direful spring of woe. unnembered."—Prof. /tort: take pleasure 1113 saying, that the Grover t Baker Hewing Machin...l,w° inner than atuitained my expecta tion. Alter try lug awl returning others, .1 have three of them in operation 10 my different places, and, after foul years' trial, have a., iaelt to - J 11. llassammail, Senator of Sonia Caroltais "My wife btu had one of Grover k Soket's Family Sett ktig tlaebiaea (or eons* time, rid I asnentared it IA OM of 4b. beet latior.eaving martlinte that ima been ta,ented.-- I take muck tiirrure in trcioneareiding it to the public.' — J. O. Herr* Geoerwor if Tremors*. "It la a beautiful thing. %Ad pots everybody tato ao ex • Mei:went of good humor. Were I a Catholic, I aboold Instal upon Saints Grover and Baker having ao eternal holklay to commemoration of their good steeds fur ho assially."— Camas AI. Clay •'1 ILiot it by for tbe boot palent in us►. This lfaehia too be adapted hum the no-est cambric to the istesmieat Melees* It sewn stronger, taidar, sod More beautifully than ooe can imagine If law, wad not be replace money Got buy it "—Aka J. O. ibeea, Noskrille "1t in npeedy, very twat, and , ahtenlale to ita work ; is essay understood and kept is repair. I esaseetly recant wand this Machine to all ray seqnstotancea and others." —Arc N. I. Forrest, .141rasph• 7ina. nWe And thin Machine to wort to nor matiodhetion, and with plea..., roooontoend it to the public, as um believe 1 . the Greer? IC er tube the loot ewe, toir leachume to use," —Deep lir 411ssmsa, now. ' an used aid ixot ) for gamily latrine., • ith °Willowy tare, I will wa r tpey it 111 lent On• ..three hiref e earl and Us; and neve pet out of fit.".-Jahn Erskine, Ilona have had your Machine tor menial wreka, and se perfectly satisfied that the work it don is the beet and most beautiful that ever stas made "—Marcie dmnisms, Iffsiskriffit, Warm. - "I um my Ilachio• upoo mats, dreg/soak M ins, and SI nilleti 'Waiting, and the-unit a admiribie—for better than !lobes. band-wevinr. or any other machine 1 ham ever Men "—Lucy B. Taerersou, 2Vamirestle, nun. "I find the sort the 'trooped and most beautiti t I have ever Poste, noel, either by hood or usarbina, and et card the Grover a rater Machine am nue at the greatest isimahurs to nor a i Mrs. Taylor, itasheallt, Teals. "1 havens, of Gruver At Sakes'', Owning llacillinns In aae is my hinny. and and it invaluahte Imu ormtleirrotly nteamimmid it in all pPTI.MTIP in want of a umehine."—Ci. 7 71.milnimi, Ilaeleile, 71tos .4 take p/ouworw In certlf)reg to the utility nethre Grov er k Sakar tirtrino klachinea. 1 hare need one on almost eritrideacriptowei of.urk for months, and end it mach atroovr and better In ...wt. renpret than work done by lasd."—Mn. A fr Mustier, Neskeille, "I would kauu willing. to dlapoae of my Grover k Baker Mathias fora Wry amount. (wild I not replace It again at plapinve."— Mr% Seellret, /teekeak, Tau sifter two !feeble... perehms4l from you. de the emit of twenty young ladies W. with pleasure recommend the Grotrr A itaker Sewing Mackie* to be the hest is sae."—lv. million 4 CO.. Ailemplaa, Vint. "Th. limy., it Baker ilroriaw limidoe works admirably. thank the Pule h am/ work tar imperiar to that of say Seale( Kimble* I mmoitati. Ina dor work, I think the Machine would to herd to Mat"— W. J. /moos, Mramtdiro, root MI Tod the Machine easily many d, very dualist, np.4 tar pleasure in reonsumendituf it to all who wish eoffic. siewse, setmoonty, and pleasure."—Mrs. r - INiory ;skis, afen 1. 'Tits drover h Baker Sewing Machines haw gine each latbd•ctios that we cheerfully t•COMMOrId Them to all who wish a good and substantial Sewing Machine. it execute, work withsouch care and speed. and more finely than any cam melons I have sirea.**—Mrs. R. N. idilaisit, Ake. rte Tless. "I am happy to rive my testimony in favor of Grover It Baker'. Sewing Machine and of the perforil antiebre= firm In Marl TVIIPeCIo: P.P.R neatly, and is by no oomplienhni, and I roofer It to ill others! have memo. " -.. Mre. Bryon, wife if lita A. M. litrysei, NosoAsis "It afford , Oto moth Ploitoofi , 4y, that the =hi* worts well ; and 1 4n nut Ircoltate to recommend It as pia cealoyt all the advantages you claim for it. My wife is very mach otomed with it. and we take plomurs In oar drying On this ,feet."—R. C. Brinkley, bleordre. nor It gives aro pleamure to thed the firmer it Meats Storing Machine gi.lng so much ratiehietion. 1 hare it In con stant use, and and It all, that could to dewed. It Ia the vo.ot limp and durable machine id owe, sod f heartily IeO.IIIINSWOII M. White, ahrityline, now "Haring seen, Pi14114a.1, and need many other kin& of Sewing Madames. heel free Is lay that the Grover k Ba ker Meteittleiril are far as porter to all other, In use -- 418. Becierene &Alt, Pktekoillc, Thee. "1 ern:heftier suy SrOng 111.ehlre invaluatolo. nod would not take dye times its nut, if I could in.t eupply itaylass. With it I can do ell my faintly wiring to about oeio- fo urth the time I emit/ with my haunt Sealt, Mawr nue. J SEND FOIi A CIRCULAR -WM J. J. LINTS, Agent. Eris *anti 12, 1‘49.-17.14. A Safe and Certain Cure for poet 4 Abe physk— • age; prossutod ties publie with the Wiest eoestiesoos twits isdrint st mez: its It is wiegkol in ellbsts, solteeteg aboset tiessoludy Um mai Waal maw, while hissers& osa to Hs wougestei otres. Wline tide eiskiliested abodiahhe K.aelliat and soothing 1w its Edam as nn oil other eoropeeteerie, It Is elessly, wet Dollar to the Ibis , owl is agresebly rearred. Try it try it I 1111 tbot is uA.d Ohba ; sad we feel ataildeot %Mahood ewe, ewe Itti USA atilt hour testgeseugyeAsa -e l m* sod Mier Trak a *est `ptistal at !teal& Rah tilmetar_ Cbaps. Oe. It will le tame equally sow elosis fee ineosiolion, Chain& and Chaps et the 1314, 'ormerai, ereo Is imam esere,__Ona tin staatoasoesly.— For lale by COAT= WROTH 88, ; BLRs ?U Realtor& Joky so litlia.-177. TO ALL WANTING FARMS. SEE AD witheant lissimatie Lauds. Tastable Land fn Bala 111 n UNDERRIGNED Omits FOR .i., soku • tract .4 Lied lomma SI tile U RWU ,I; bpi b..r manse put st Waterford, ea tb. Brisk Ir &teak =d , oz d als=tta . taema wies ildTilA "" pgrvisei-4t I. , 14. ir47 .1 . b7 •4l br a = e reed. it will be seed la a Mob ay i. ' to Balt pagebasere. JAWS ally lill 111111,-Altl. Ole la fit,ITIAL n MOM WISHING TO CHANGE their bougessg tea mady laaws _boat= smaleassit stole bakate Is sghl asd Iles adairtlasoast 0$ UN Haw wain datlkaastiror aoissra. ens. 'WM A :1114 :11 NEW YORK ten;' 4 • •-r• • .•••• -\ T TICEI • - BEE A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRIORS! INPORTANT NEW FOR THE LADIES Ell] Comihunity tienerally ! Low Price Jubilee Just Commencing ! Low Price Jubilee Just Commencing I EFFECTS OF THE LATE FROST EFFECTS OF THE LATE FROST ! FTWX OVERCOME I FULLY OVERCOME I Reduced Prices the Alternative ! Reduced Prices the Alternative INCREASED SAL} THE EFFECT ! INCREASED SALE THE EFFECT I MONEY THE DESIDERATUM! MONEY THE DESIDERATUM ! CHEAP GOODS THE EQUILIBRIUM ! ('HEAP GOODS THE EQUILIBRIUM ! ALL CLASSES BENEFITTED ! ALL (LASSES BENEMTED ! AT TEE BEE MITE AT TKO BEE HIVE THE SUBSCRIBERS Simply announce that they will sell during the WARM TERM, that is to come, their entire stook of LACE 'MANTILLAS, From the Looms of France and Lyons, Silk Made MANTILLAS, Of French Design and Manufacture, Lyon Laa•Maatlllai, AT TWELVE DOLLARS EACH' (Have sold readily at $18,) French Laos Idaatillas, AT JUST TEN DOLLARS (Regular retail price $1b;) LACE POINTS & VIZETTES Reautiful Design and Superb Quality, A 7' SE VEX DOLLARS. (Worth lit least $12.) -......- ear 100481 SILK MADE MANTILLAS Or EEQrIBI7I DESIGN AND At a n "Dial range of Reduction! Double Jupe and Flounced Berages, Printed Berages and Robes a Lea, - R t obee.4l Organda and Printed Muslim, MOIST A GNI FR:ENT DESIGNS, AND SUPERB QUALITY, Greatly r duced below coat of Importation. EVERY DESIRABLE MATERIAL For TRAVELING DRESSER; ♦ND DRESS GOODS FOR THE MASSES At prices of your own making,'if nt all reason able, say lay FORTY PER CENT at least below regular selling prices. Bruxelle De Diable And Fabrique De Cheves; Goat's Hair lind Taugora'e, Soi Tais and Costumes du Voyage; Challais and Ernannai Silks Totally Regaritleas of Cost ! FOR CASH EXCLUSIVELY Let Frost at night Delight to smite The Products of our land—,- WHO CARES! Let France and Austria Growl and FOAL - •• WHO'S AFEARED ? " With us LOW PRICES And MONEY RULE-- • LOW PRICES Triumph ! TVE BEE HIVE IS TRILTMHANT!! - THE BEE ErrE, TEE BED: RIVE, TS THE RALLY! COME THEN, LADIES, Come 0110 Come All! I VISIT THE BEE HIVE DCRIN4I TOR LOW PRICE JUBILEE! SUCH CHANCES SELDOM OCCUR Come, then, and behold some of the FRUITS OF FROST & WAR Shawls ! linawLs ! SHAWLS ! Just in from Auction • SHAWLS boantiftl and cheap, DRY GOODS Generally for C ..A_ 8 ME At prices to gait T HE MILLION 1 JOB LOTS FROM AUCTION, ALMOST EVERY WEEK. Dr MIT 1111 II UM ALWAYS - CHEAP - AT THE GOLDEN EKE HIVE. Five Oases, Oases. ' i Ramaant PAO* SPRAGUE'S & DUNNELL'B, ; FOR fif 4AV! air WOMB Oxi Simula I -SI JUST R&M= A T THE E B" HIE 11 ; o &YIS & 'WA*, &me* Hotel. Erie, Jaw 14, . 1- , Notice tice. 004 :is' OF or wint"..l=2 7 aß C=Vit RetilW""- tot therappos at ‘l7 maissims. ;'• P E - 41111 AND laa be aunisd as se flommisim lieSairer-- timassa aimessisalaaria. - ANL mom war, rALL ' ' FARMS, Lula orroaawinl Ur pu liZALTHIr mAt Wie illtr ap • IC ILIJILHOAD &NUM ke ell este& sifilz:ZtosseLdbeesdisilo of Welled =see bee Mw We Tema of odelloos idol* pettelfessit. A popilked• ulage•Poma apt ,- Ings. frost Teliees no midribs Mates sod bow lbseftad Uwe Uwe tie pest year, Inspromsd theft tramoil robed ladyside a ct i o ~. to w ertn t ifie wry; the esef weif the best liesility leo Uur . arodnothin of Meat, Cloo.r. =rinagrturr affair lita )t ir e game lo psbcUy mean bum frenlirtme thistroctirs ear SU al tie as . he of grabs. grams and trait ere sow woods* sag am he assa. by examining too pees Susonestjudgmlorist im formod of Um Hee WA. The%ma see mob sag to P logrooteessit of laud, width is osly sold for easel improlfsetsod. • The malt has bees, that 'misfit tbo put ism. ammo Shrea dad , 4 Mom ion been graded, tyro aslibt see olloi*, bar otarmy soilos kelp sibyftedeted Pima Mohards libn led, aid a large number of other Isom provesesitio, muMag It a dosiraido sad Wire plum of bun- abssou Tfif MANTA; • as Um remise may pormie• tali MST DI THY U2i DAS . Predate brines; doable the pries than in locations soy Iran the city, mod mem Uwe Moulds tits prom may lb* Siam. it is ismoult Mail& bwitlemmuid • miorearima In Chia latitude some from ow J‘uroy, sod ere safteally, exported to the titan of editions. ls loWleghen, the settler boa many adosiitsies. H. Is wile d& •fn hears rids ii the infessetios at IM. Ear 1 had and Riddle detail, be Is num hi. old friends and as- sooladoits, to is is a settled cosistro veers every @arrowr oots; if ormissi mud eanftsatlon mat hand. H. oui buy way artists he wants at the obotosat piles, and sell his predator Stir the bletest, (In the Waft We le reversed,) be Ms schools for his cluidten, arts arms, sod etll •zejoy as lipid winder, sad dolightfai camels, where hem* see any 111111001 M. The moult NW*, Moine aro mos. from this mirth, has generolly been to restore them to as ouseibmir state of health. la the way of blinding and improving, lumber coo be obits set at the tattle at the tea. VA per Moe.- and Racks from this brick mil armed la the plea, every macho tam be procured la the place, good carpenters are at bead, and there to no place in the Union when, build- ' logs sad imprareassate COO be made cheaper. The reader will at ono* be struck with the adltsatages here pretended, end ask harmed why the property be* not ' been taken up before. The reason is, it was pert!' throws in the market ; and %also these aipasseate were correct, no owe would tee Wetted to examine the lead before pur- • chasing. This all are expected to do. They 111411 see the land seder cultivation, such La the extent of lbe setts. - meat that they will rho doutic PONS perousie,, from Uieit own heighborbood ; they wilt whales the bapraradeate and as Judge lb* character of the population. If they loins With a view to wells, they should come prepared W stay a day or two sad be ready to purchase, .a loca tion meet be held on refusal. Thane an two daily tratoll to Plaidsipbia, and to an otallowi wlto Improve, TUX KuLRO•D I,OIOIPAIT DIT•v • Yaws TICIET POK IIT soNTSLI, •ID • D•LP` rkICD I D.1.•7 PDS TO* TI•L. ?Hs TOWN OF kIAMMANTON. to oonnectloll with the agricultural settlement, a new and thriving noun has nate rally arisen since permerr sa theinerrentefer arty tried f beameas, portuviarly a.►u sad samfeiremetn Me blurs leinassa outatt be carried on q this phis" sad Issrlist to good advantage, also cotton be al sad inanufsetones ol winners( larplemeals or iLaa/sriaJar Caltlilyr NM/ii 1111441140. The Imp or elven t teas hem as rt as to moue a constant and permaueot increarre onoMmt Town lots ei a good sue, we do not sell Mall ones, as it would eSset the Improvement of the pines, tea be had at boa andupteards. Tb. interreeetee Fernier, • monthly literary sard-seiri cultural sheet, containtrut full informrtion of iiaararoatho,, ear be obtained at TS cents per ■alum TIU indisputable--wastaabee deeds given, skew of all loeunabrause when money is paid. Route to the Line : leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia lor ham:mouton by Railroad, at 7)6 A. M., or 43P.L. k are 90 mute. N lieu there Inuaire for Mr. Byrum. boarding ceneantnnoea .us hand Parties had-better stop with sir. By rnes, a prom eipet, •atil they have decided as to purchasing, se hr reLil show thew at er the laud la Ida eismage, pre ul es pence. Letters sod applications eau be addressed to Laouls ti Byrnes, Itannsioutou P 11. , AUantis to., Sea Jcrwry , ur tl. R. Cougtihn, ALI South 1 , iftb street, Maws and ioforatatiou elteerfally fareilalseat. MAT 16, 111141-6,.. 6 HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. it is a tact that, at some period, tvery member of the human Iletnily i subject to Simon or dueturi Wanly. len -onii; beat, with the aid ..f a goeviTlanie 'red the Oilteiblll Of pion Comm.. Sta., they may be able ' le%Mato the system se to dr*Vainl. permaneut hearth le o to accomplish this desired okeet, the trreet cone*. to patine is instantly that which wile produce • netur e l state Of tillage at the least laird of MUM surest+, end life, For thee potpie.., Br. Horastter has introduced to this mentry a preperntlon beating hie name, which ix sot eon amelicine, but mei that kaa beam Bad ter year., gtvin astidection to all who hero used it. The 11114., operate penrialalltesi the titomer-k, bowels and Lever, re taliate, them to • healthy mid vigorous action, end there, by the simple proems of strengthening nature, enable the ',Mein to triemph over Mamas. Toe the cure of Dyspepeue., Indigestion, Nausea, limo trey, Leas of appetite, or arty Beilious Compininta, en- any fr om a morbid inaction of the Stemma' or Bowels, pendeclng Llsatpe, Dy glittery, Colic, Cholera liornee. arc, thee. hitters have no a l ma. Diarrhoea, D) Moiety or Flo; so gesierally contracted by hew settles; and caused principally by the change of ' water and diet, will be speedily regulated hy • brier use Be of la preparation. Dyinepele, a Manes which is wag e/UT More prevalent, to all varied tonne, Ulan any nth et, and the cease of which way always be attributed to tvzrto of the Myrtles crease, can be cureol,with , wing HOSTETTER'S tITuIIACH bl se per direction on the bottle. For tier dimmer every pbysdcsea nal renuansand Bitters of semis WIN; ties why of *sena article known to be urfalleb.e? All nations 4 have Their titters, a. • preventative of den-a.. and # etrengtboarr et the system la general, and anibag teem all them is not to be found • more healthy people than the liermens, from whom Oita preparation vroarreted, ba nd epos streanne experimeuto %biro Darr trieurrl to prove the raise, et the. great preparation in We Ara/leaf mediae seance. Fsir•si sirD Ants.—This try tag arAl pr.•vo t .11. 41 which Usee its telentlesa grimy 11 'help..., DI ins bun to a Mery Shadow to • sla.rt utu. , 0.4.. I r ..It. • blut.physsailly and tatotali) uoidese, dm. T. thebedy by Wit am of HOsTdiNfitfro kit:m{lo,l4AM TILES. further, user of the .13ve-stated diaraat*b*Tal * ,. enlltimeted, evert is exposed situations, if the bitters MI used as pee dirrehoas. Asti r the, neither ens'. nause m , nor obend 4 the palate, end tender. oarseeenerY keit , h.ngc of diet or taterruptuse ortiblehry paraidta, heks.romt,,,, trend sleep and nealkhy digestion, tbs- ry atitiaib r t. re mooed as speedily as is eunalatent *Oh ;Le pr. u • thorough and permanent cur* For Pereess to .4dartuassi /sere, oh, are mule. in, Ingo an enfeebled ommotitetton ontt hour timer ACV tarakiabte as It rrstorattle .4 itu4 • 41.! mod only hip ti 1.41 to be appecLab* uJ 4. • us.' h. r while sussing these hitters are indupsasetde, espe. whets tonic, such as Itoetetter'• z•t r iatiech oil leis, iultutudell to Impart wawa-az) wrap", wu vl , .r t., we r. Ladies should by all seam. try rrmrd) for eirorit Wu. of debility, sod, butane tio their tyeiciart, ohs, If he it acquainted slut list wtribe of the iers, recurnmend their nark. all oupui erareshues CALVIION— asuison the public uul 11Fra Lig any of the many imitatioo. or onseborhoto, bit auk for hos- STOSIACII PhYTILItn, and se* that each bottle has Ile words -Dr. .1. fi,mett.,•,, -toono : b Bitten blown on the We of the bottle, and stamped on the liarrhanhellip covering the cork. sad observe that cur astograpkingnatero tow the label Prepared and sold by lIOSTETTEII SMITH Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all dray g 0 44'roses+, and denims year raartA rye/ghat' the. Unsted Stool!, Canada, Swan rnirte7l and rlsr many, Far 'pato br CARTER k Btln , and r BALI , Erie. B EL; (Ward; H. r•liklititith 4 nuN, We.ishorg • Il LONG k CO., Fairrion. Juue 9, MORE To BR ADMIRED THAN THE 1L1E333814`1 1 DIADEM IMEEI Worn by Kings or Emperors. What! Why a Beaatiful Head of Hair EICILUSP It is the ortlattlofti asilkiet, premiss{ 1.4 ail use ram. ilystder, although the MM. mud 1/14.011 ..r so brightly le the ignoring cheek, the e)eer sparkling, the teeth to those .1 .wile, tt the heed is be reft •1 ita am...ring, or the lour be rained led ahritr•ti karma waif ary. or won.. *till, it aprtoklirrt with era,. nature Witness more than Waif h. r therm... Prof. W 0....• Bair nostoratlee, If used two or !hoc time. a ...A, • ill restore and permanently secure to all aueh an eon...mew. Head the lot wing ono imam. The writer 1 11 tha kr,,t • the releirata Pianist, TUArr g DR WOOO New York, April 19,18:4 dam Sir :—Permit me to express by gym th e ohligo4••• 1 Wa made, Inc the satire notoratlee.of my Yaw to He original color ; about the time of my arrival in the elates it was rapidly becoming gray, but upl.n the appli cation of your -Liam Stostoraties , haoans reenim.r,4 original bee I oorimador your ftrotoweire as curve eau. *Mal 10,001108, gun* rffirottMee am well m ogreeaute. I am, dear air, your, truly, S. Tral.ll "Drych Gic.tirt." Welsh fflowpierir oPws, 111 aS., April rviffif.. hot. 0 J. MoOD:—Drwa trir;—Soako tbodtb of ti ago I received a bottle of your Hair itertoratit • and vs it my wit", olio onsehnied M iiy it an her heir. thinking at the time that it 'would restore the gray • It. W original/mks, but to her as well as my rurp:4 miter arse woohlettial hlWarefhnowt 011.. , V. 04 aid I• 7 turning all the gray balm to Mark brown, at alia mama Woo bosolityloir sod leaning the hair. 1 etteogly mimonnand tho above lielatorative to all yeriete. is what of such a ohmage to their hair. CHARLFA CARPEL Ifs.. Yaws, Jul, 1i,11G7. Pmt. 0,4. Woes cohlkipeali Ala 1 rharariastail zonal Hair imitmathe,aolisfring 411ommterilleollertiehr I "oellilT. aim* alhifjogit. ll 44 Itasionaire ail hair sad waleitera which were almost Whits Iltarli gradually grown dark • and I mow fact imallilant that a Seer more . Wl.l l 7estore Ikeda to abets tratsgal eakse i a - Wtt l it a llweed owe If all eiaminalt and'anproloant .1 Worm alwolosiwowhg powwu who poespirailborty. 4.d. lIII,BIV. • '',. - • . nima% HI.J, 4, M. ' SOK Waco -.-Alt two tow Ica wry hate Err amottralltterwar sad tursiag pray : 11 - wwalialt bsSeSslaw MK sad hot tehre away ilowokka to 00 allaat. I ma woweat mho toes lawelorsthe la J lot ! A Sew sppilowtheriiwaseal my bats Snaky. It to SO ap, rpm oat. mod wand back to its wipe, (lawel l i. 1 M Ihietiime Heating 8.10 t .1144 art appaimata, me I -m "HAto a/L - mt. 'D. HOlB. ' The Fat make la pot vp in bowie at 3 Agee, $s : _ miesoymeamall ; the small bolds 3f, a piatodid , -1 Me oft Ogler par hetet; the umAilm What leselt to** pre mat amem hopreperdes Oise* maalli i 4 I MOOR Sao 4allara par MOW , 41,0 lowa Habil* ow% A y MP pram& sehealh 1184 eelsatima , H. J. WOOll & .874== 0 ; Ksiik. u4 (l=rwS ., _8 11 . ..•4 4. so. I. . . _ igaatir alropm Devisawsitra t r am pag- a en i =-t • ' - --zooia• ~ 4 reillialitla . 101121111t.fgailliftl ri s - . ils, nco-imicii th _l 1. eait 1. rti lit 1 , F• • • • : • ir . ar. a l a l i VIIIr i". I LA; , • I IS • I : 3 EMEM, 1 la le MN"' Waal. likall ti s k as at Mee Mk l/WitlWWMat•...' F .--- . M n i vr al 11* ige4V e M2 4 tlhe_ lartamdea meths lagfalaime,m4lseielaao lam ormeesg. Ihie. July LIIIS.-111 a woe s(tbo'hisleis. I