GiRPAT RiiMMAIP, NZ* FLEX! ORMSBY & BOOTH. (Sawassacrs to Amnon (I- Flan, ) DIALERS EN t):7•:61'4:411 -_-:_i Wooden & Willow Ware, FLOUR AND FEED, Pork, Fish, Salt, Bco. ago. FOR THE MILLION; BOUGHT FOR CASH, ♦ND WILL BE SOLD 01:13fA43+1 THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS CITY FOR CASH OR READY PAY. EVERY BODY WILL SAVE MONEY BY CALLING AND EXAMINING OUR SPLENDID STOCK 4 it' SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, AND EVER YTAING EL.SE IN THE ROCER T A XI) PRO VISION LINE, BEFORE P CHASEVG ELSEWHERE!! XX, Extra Superfine &Graham - 't.o - Um:r., Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat, GRA IN ;A YD FEED, Of 411 kinds kept constantly on hind and for sale at prices that cannot but satisfy all. ar All.pods Warranted to be plat what rwomowoded, cm.l Sr- Averai to all parts c e j the otylree olclw,yr warßemembeT the old stand of Shannon & Ryan, No. 5 Cheapside, Erie, Pa. ORMSBY & BOOTH. Erie, March 12, 1859. 6m40 NO. 3, REED HOUSE. M'CONKEY h SIIANNUN, Have on hand a large stock of IRON, NAILS, Cut and Wrought Spike, 4~~i :1s a .J: CARPENTERS' TOOLS, A M IC S" SHOVELS and SPADES, FLINT, MILEY, MILL, CIRCULAR CROSS-CUT Springs, Axles, AND ANVILS, VICE) ANP BELLOW Wrought Nuts and Washers, TABLE AND POLZET PLATED SPOONS AN!) PORE'S, BORrNG MACHINES, ELEYS' WADS AND WATER PROOF CAPS, SHOT BELTS, sad POWDBE•II,ASEir; WHIPS, .., 4t -C , No. 3, Reed House, Erie, _ M'CONKEY l SHANNON. erg., March It Mil. New Plour and Peed Store. rE s : d u=, ereof tlrfinn of Seigle FLOUR 44A1 FEED STOKE fa Übe Au*boilitlat o rt aide ot ir Pott, wham liß be stall times ail the sisiiirt traadansf near mad _Cars Mal, Widow 111.1113efikk 1.14 orikoolierthimig she la bM Mr a. or et Ow Arbiter Is solletted Maio, Joao Ilk SO ..4111681. - PLATED WANK Cake lied" Perks, Ihrooes, Cepa and a mat variety of ICA Plated Goode, ter eel , try T. /L 411711P1N, Pefae* Beiktiag, - Itteir nisei Et.,._ ,PitboinllMßAL PAINT. Nardi ig, E:l3 • • weesier wale Isii 21 • Pat. MVP , W ie Cil Bews. lbeldipaubileaSllMlNliiii ; a Tams: , tine amid3l L. L alsalteL Iv Ilia UM/ or ibr Ilay Dlaratifill FS leftWait i Viatettr ; 0 „„„....'' ' lr . • • Codiastion*-Sarvffni::4 atoCIARTIMAXEMILOW,' at vs sameilikki Rid; ine in t, H# the buitZ• via Imnar t bo vi. la the as d hoti 1 missea • .e4te• ei Dial( NAND's/TM/41w iil• by lima Ws, um. J. 4 p& u. AL h. I. Arbord. V to) SHE iluntractisi Mauna Hobe all kinds MUCKS. 8 11 M r trria t iVi!r i nt ' r ' 7l l 0. a; New Alel• twos 1.4 t.„ $76, 3100, an.l u SECOND 116.611 111.1.,.. , 19.066, How 6.30 to SSO; Alex &advt. Orman's. arith nee 'Lova, $l6O. rase atop., WS end It 2 i thirteen atiipa, $220, 3'C.. awl 12IUU, Otteen atop. 3= d 1 I, il $.37:. ; Afrxnudre Orgasm Acedirlninn—n pew matron:teat Ji Up iih ported...priee •$S Lek le A liberal diacounf to Mrs, ikon, Ckunetion,sahhatb. ii bbix Beirunarie• and Teaebera. The Trade .iiiiilleal at the usu. Itl A rir ihasoutita. t 8 nfiri tquiooL *ow* runtkartv BY 1 1118 11111:8t: : T)IE Ann" orrary and zinhilay•Schrod klui.le Book. No. I contains a.: oduts imp 10 area. Price 3 tent. each, $2 per hundred. . . T 1.11., Antoraniaup aitadgeakiday—erlaiot Ignite Bali, No. 2, eoutatua 36 kaki' sod hythha. Price inert. each, $2 per h uodreil TH 6 AZIIIVAIrtiati auiltlsisulai-kkhout Music Bunk, No. 3, contain. 84) tunes and WIN... hire 4 mots each, tEd per butarknett. TII 1. Ann...emery and Sunday-lioltoul Music Book, No. 4. contains :73 tutitik au hympa. rrlce 3 cents naafi, $.5 per hundred. Tlik Anatversary and itmoisyeeicitool Music hook, eombinil. K 0r,.. 1 pu4 tt, with *arena additional pieces, conialus 73 times and b:s ulna. Prlce a cents each, IL per hundred. TH B itectval Penuy Musk Hooka, hoe. I and 2. No. 1 minmani 1 tunes and hymn]a. Price our cent. h... 2 coo tarn. tuna wd i, 4 wee, , Price a eenta eht b. S.: per hundred. Postage one rent etch Tli K:aohl*tL 5e.h00l Bed con taintritil tauttiaad hymns. Price I:: $lO per hundred, postage I tent each, bound, elt per b uudred ; eiegantry bound LP cloth 21 mute mei, VA/ per handred, pewter 3 mats est,b. CONGRVIATTAYrAL SINGING—An I %hl lunge Stat.' Price per $1 ver hundred. LI 0 It.I.CE WARS PIANOS & MELODEONS. The Pis.° tame to band, and to first rtt z e s ord.r. Hie a beautiful instrument and sornistalui."— h aril*, Phtla John Hewitt, of Carthage, Neu York, ilho has had one of the liol ace % t attn. honor, writes ies to lows: ..t friend of Dlltle wish.* toe to purchase a piano for her She likes tbe'.one yon sold me in Dekezobet, 1660. My piano is becoming poplins. In this plans, and I think 1 can our 14 100 More they Rill be more popu lar than any other pats." We lAA , tit° %raters' Moor in use la our Seminary, one of whteh has liken aliterisky Weird fir three yearn, and •- ran testi() to their 'rood quality and littrabiitty." WOOD X 141.1601 r, Mount Larsoli, •' At) uA, :Ir. taxed One dour 4,r ti 1•or 1.160 yaws put, I bay@ found It Pert Saprrodor 14AtroMievol ALONZO Gk./. t, Principal /iro•/./ri h4A4. Amu/dry." "The Piano I rove IN J (rum )ou cousiuu u u t o &rein,. I nit,. ni nax mane of the heat Inatrumenti In thf place -- 4 AX lit: , I. II Akhk, liarleatoll' \ - Thy Ititiodemr has raj* arrilltd. feel obliged to you for vonr Eflberal' ali. do all I LI for you in these parts "- hike. .1. M. .11.•witig at, 1 arm ville, B. C. -1 ho Pomo can duly rometi ed. I came in exoelleut cow:mon, and tout. m r b „emu.. bf soy sizneroluli family Accept cue Misfit/. .st your prn p theea"—Rolasitir COOP). a. 11 arteuhasu, Stra4.lord Co., bo ..1 PIADO 1t1e50..40. Un Urrll It in 3., ot o u e to .ur Collo ty "—llioess A.4.4fu01. Cammi. Atom l.a. .-We are rrry sour W 1319104 to PM hat mg sent such • tin. 11 , binnt!rnt fur ,W, mutt ae nb a I take paw" to re. conom Ltd It ' -..- 1)/3/NK. likld) A: 1'0.., B pa.,/„•••••-..w. •• I he Horace VI ears Ilium ass kuhens an among the vet) 1....0.. tS. 0 mv.rttlll)lo,l tub oetllsaml inatrusueutiL with co ulfnit bee, frail • peep, lauatallea ~/ atm* at ct !lout 1.•11.r dad 6/1 - 31610 , {11.1.1111. - .:1,. i' Lraivijgge .. VI • can sprat of thsi merits of the Horace %sten Pianos from persoual know ledge, as Lemg of the very brat qunliltj '- 4 -4..lirsesen hdditirtwarr. ' Nothing at the :Late rail msplalvigritatereActlleure ID earpiraztaialq tbs. Husaen Alrattiqiitasa.",carntA wan. • • - . - . f .. .. IEI " nte.fiornOn Waters Pianoe ►re hullt tf the beet and moat thoroughly seaaom.l materist We Lave n, d.,ubt that La; ers cat. Jo an well, pat - naps better. at thin than at any ntbar LOU. in 11. Unn.n."—Adrerain and Jungraal. " %stern' habon and 1101nd...0wl aballenge comparison irth the burst man• an, where in the coup' Jeer ad • • ki orate-IW, Nano ports( W ot A t h, and evro-t oar, s d pilethrl. - -24 re' ]•k Rafter. Our forudn alp nod at lt. Nattrr' r tort. the very Fret easertarent 01 *tote as," of Puutueto he found fa the cuttti 'taws, sud sr tor nor •oalbrro and vreateru fru nux to pt.. hutu • awn 'abrupter they lotto Y.rt.* rakal* • Marauxe. MI uLEitillolll4 &VI BROADWAY, Wow t•rk. Jour It, lbala,v-1.4. S( 01 ET 11 INO EN' .-B. I'. BA,IBI 1i -T E1.1 , 1‘ Al. , A14.1t41 60. I.[Datiureiter•ti friptn common asit, and Q to prepared tollnpl) Ailrot trims oLtirf .1 .1.1.,1A1311 An 0...d..14 - te iomt matter ex• A s ol , tr•rtral noel, a Malltntr &. 1" prg•du.* ANL t.waid.lluwull, and all kistils of Cake itttb. . a partllll - `ate IS lama ; iprv. n•bultm. F S, - ) part] f t lir 01 ,1 11/ 0 1 - 01,0 i• turned to a. and passe. au ;high 111 Weal! or llisrpit !h. Bakal. I 6 4,,;; . rotlirquently novibecivmpoi -rzt 6- 1 (._, ~..11., Vb &ter asid Flail.' A riot in perct ~. b ) th e lade u/ this Saleruttas th at , N l, IN "' , it to enure!? thgletretat /row other :•alerst t u.. • is packed rs one boded papers, onch' 7ki I,runcldd, .11 • 'T. Et abbi rP Reid 70 ziliosAl 144.401/ott Naiterlattel T." *Ho, picture, twiatml • .Ibot, rr lit. Is.. 1 4 e ll , rroo , ctos • 68 ..ster "U the top. Whrfo you rumba,* ollu rho , ol prawerao the wrapper; atm t. • articular to get the writ eaaatl,r ANT, "to. 1!.. AN - 1, ). a diraertiona maktnik. Rrea,l with or 4 rev.TAU: 7 ;•0. .• din-rt omit or martin all kinds of Poultry ai 0 4. Iror Isaias 44.44.404,38 imadi owder, 68 Make Your Own Soap, 68 70 Pure Concentrated Potash r 7() .rnat NI doable the strewth of ordloari maid,, put up iahe-1 , 311 M. 6 SZ'fs snit It 0,. —with full oireetiuns lot i t-Zs 0 mak inr 11'0 , 1 and putt, Caminkronra wall mei thii the ebeatimit Yntaab in mar- t k , e ilanufactuinil and lur tale hr owe . T. fiAlitifTT, I 0 VOl4 ti, and 70 Waoh ti laikanmst.. New York., 0 1 ,1111 2 ah.l Boston. AND 'HAND SAWS; PIPE BOXES, IRON, CUTLERY, 110R&GrE w --4*ollk= Ag't. m2fg TEST/AIOI4IA LO. 01' Till E TO HOUSE KEEPERS. witti INII tNI) 13. ) - tall33l3XVl"il ' JOHNSON'S HERB DISPEbtbAitY. Ogler BS .11atu et t (*Jai Juwr, ItFiribura,) Buffalo, N.Y. Tint' ap_MESSRATED DR ,iOjIN2SON BotaatePbygie q 'mats xueohellally the follow. rob divaw V : ~,,Trip4 i. , . 2,1 4 .t.yuc l ',Emmy. BRoN ~.13 igiblent, curevi iu 10 ut LUNG 81(111. 4 T liar"F.AsEq;...4CROl. CI.A. DI , F.A:W.••• OF TII RE ART; ALT mittni, Kinz , Ey A FFEilloNs, RHEI'MAII.4I. LIVI,R rosti , L,tr...N. Fi M) kVER A AG1•11, IEII ALE 'A k AK. F ,S. P13111.1F.5. VR'L.A:q;. 0 THE LAR ANJ) EYE, ke., !Le , - A li•rip ao.s.l4l6eflPir. treint4Lp shirr« WM*Olll h io. way MAW , etbratNratea litentytthifit of yeah allia=c, are it,f•rmell that tht , ran halo forwarded by matt r• ex• pr.-ea 6.r. tb.• +mall Om of 11l OS • neat FIC*III. adl Math i cinf—,will. al lowa gar! direction* and 1121telleli 114iTler Patheata should sop y wi th out delay, •A. the• an c obtain *Anti. t relief from he , la o ctor'a recovii,,, Ur Johneon', Nrell,lllar rood*, of rs tracts from the Chore. At Iteil foceign and notes }soots and Bests, sonouleetonsdion4HhilosThoopoirl44,splids Mite* ars, and troteiSeivesiliulsholf This use Neebory adt other soiazi pawns, tbUt were rimer dem moci to trb nanny thousands tart Whin ciettms and gone Qr early grain*. LOTION VOrt TtHr. COUN.F.,EION. —Dr Johnson's tr Met/Of! Anginigstisg uspiremig owassinstionlisolsososels Thus. whisk. Ise, mploe , ke , II be pent to any part of the country for $1 00 nod or eportage rump N kesualekills $l. a box. Address DR: JOHNSON, Drawer 40i. Jose, 11,'69.1111 Moat* Malin St.. buffalo, N. N. 11,AMIV1l4 t IWJX(Y, •,-#o. Ef .1 II d.r.:3oN* it non readying from Ciatemaata a voice lot of i•iugar Cared HUSS. IMid IRMO of die irm. gme Waits That Fitimine Call at the .ause 11, 1869-14 kik: o l. ERV M.:PAT, CREPSIDS. SYRUP ANA) liiGLAASitg, v e ry. e - bel t , embracing three grade. of Syrup,— • good article La : tter sod eery Asa ditetirthi ; Awl are Golden or W e Syrup hi : New Otte liotaiwesa. the very best kind or b aking purposes at Jar,. 11 ] . wassahrs GJt4X h DEPOT: HERMETICALLY F RESH 'RIX ATO ES oes oftioatt Ottrot-, to ...II luoe 11.180 —1 80.1 it. V ir t n i . 0111...... en lad ! upon , 14 ' i n 'i le ' • i of ten • to vitm eveard, late of Elk ann.k, doe'd., he 11 on Indebted to paysnen , nod those hating or demand,. ardbot Ole esti* e• r tail *O. will phone nobs the name known without delay to ; I CARY ROGERS, 4 JORATUAN K. STEWARD, . J nor 1 ti, Deo.l 1 f 4 Ezeley Ilea. e l4 *!•• , e -_ _ • " i ' 7 O* * MUSIC. 46SA RA HIASE tLER:" • , t I SONG (D COWS- A very - -- - hlinntllhallsirs ns mi t„ with tiny sworn pnabnont, ebn , b e =n r nig so adult, Abel n t nopnbit 866 E 6 of t66 - 4* /* a 1 1'a5 616 . 6 W 0 4, Wads nAnalest— grim 1111 cents, tue . • Dee% 4ny4 re • • • • by lionacs . ~* - ; • rue ' • . , w •, • . t „ y % V I iAZ -., . , .r• i l Word . `MN An I S 14 F W A '' ' w EI P Bold .W , th,, • p est " ~ tee Alf 5 1 1 Air ,• • ban Row :" eryh ou ld s .4t ' :" "NI lbw Still : "Ever nt Th es ; 4 " - sia ,l 1 axon r sang by the Students of 'l lin Vttl i V l l l tlt V ita "lel'. n... ,"... . ~..G n!rijr e,.P tt;''. vi ta=4 l 4fig reel7:"V." 1111 / , : o :ir/16;lib • '4... dl i tt o : h • Ow r itikrate Mr. ' il b l r w saNkaTire .l i4o . . ". ell i ttt i ti ~ r, , t -- 1 ,—, Vir...filb, 1ta1k . 44 - Wr s Tlip a ie....&l4:sai Sett G. v.i ye. ' Per alb 1104 Jae 11, Wilted '. t -' 4L , 0, B ESS & WHOLESALE GROCERS'. HAVE TAKE HE STORE No. 10 Brojitfook, If , > to 00 eviof .11 4 . .JNOPT C 0..) ~, Where they ark ofirstimptil'.and gen --• - Ago. maxof G R itb-ER s AMfl firBOVISIONS Exaw.ixely at 11 0 1 7 c• 1 e 'sale! And reopeetfully solicit a 4bare of the trade. Erie, Julie 11, 1859. 1. RS! 01 6e -(3-l) I,4 l ;rir ige,/ G1417,8‘1 AMP L ICA'aD AT BCFF.A.LO, Corner Settees & Main Streets. N. Y. CITY, •• Cooper Institute," Astor Place PHILADELPHIA, Corner ith &r, Chestnut St. ALBANY, No. 448 Broadway CLEVELAND, Cor. Seneca A Superior Streets. DETROIT, No. 70 Woodward Avenue CHICAGO, our Clark and Washington Streets Studrnt■ rotating any our of these Colleges, by the Psyment of F 40.114001110. entitled to the pnothrom of the cattle duos," comprising seven of the most thormigh, extrusive, soother.* sod popular Business Schools in the world. For Catalogues and Circulars, eel at the College Rooms, or ad.:lines as above. LIRVANT & STRATTON'S AMERICAN MERCHANT. A MONTHLY XAOASSIN E. Devoted to Commereta, Woking. Manufacteree, A el ealtnre, Yeebaalcal Science, Commercial Law, Political Exonotny, Literature, Art and Statistical Information.— Published monthly at Cooper Institute, N. Y. Terms $3 per annum, with t&t, usual redoeton to Clain The work I■ &slowed to be a round exponent of Use Commereial and Industrial Interests of America. Marsh, 26, 111611.—IyAL • EITREKA. I The Latest & Best Iturtrevement its Deattstry RUBBER ANV OUTTA PERCH& INSTEAD OF GOLD AND SILVER TN the Eastern Cities, for a year or more, ulcanised Rubber and Gotta Pereira bare been used aa bases for Artillend Teeth, bot owls, to the difficulty and *spews of obtaining% 1144.4... proper steam apparatus for loudening the "'"' material, Dentista located at a distance from theme cities hare been deprived orate benefits of tbe discovery. Now, however, the paieutees bare invented pe r 14444 heaters, and I hair, availed myelin' of the oppov. tautly to introduce this cheap and eteelkint llstain into um here. I have wen tt worn elsewhere, and bare already used It sullictestly in my prsetbee to this City to satisfy me that It la the hgenteal work yet hiventod ; that tt willfis better than any other ; that It has all the ad raatages which can be claimed for other work in point of clematises , that it ls cheap, siorpolile. end easily reput ed ' good for both permaner t and temporary work. 'fro those who hare Metal Plates winch will not IR by atmoopberte pressure, this discovery offers a certain re. lief, for the Rubber Plates ri 1 lit For Clasps it is the best.materiat yet offered, because It will ref rear the oatmeal teeth. lam prepared to construct such work for all who wish to use it, and make this fair otter, that If the Rubber fails to do all that ran reasonably be est. • bee fairly tried, I will motece It with Gold or Silver and charge only the difference in price. IlliPlettit, in Itosennreig's Meek, over the boot and shoe store 01 Miller and Henry W. R MAGI LL. Rm., June 15,11469 —3. Dentist. AMBROTYPES!! PUT llPa i r F 0 R t\ 20 CASES CENTS -. COLBY will put up in oases 'the SI ›. :.: picture for 60 mats. to a COLBY will put up in cases the $2 pie- S a. lure for $l. F COLEY will give )ou a beautiful new i - ' . . m . style likeness to send by letter for 25 cts...t COLBY will give particular attention to r i, ra taking childrens likenesses Pe .... COLBY will do all other work in his '= _ profession in like proportion. * COLBY can, with his mammoth sky a; light, throw more light on TILE subject in to ;.•.p dark day than is really necessary to . E! make an impression. ' , :i C COLBY will he found during hustness :6 1 cA hours in the Rosenzweig Block. • 9 2 ,„ 7 - Erie, May 14. 16544. 4t ' - ..z. '`.. 1ig041404111111T 180d/404QU:1V T irosE DELicious STAAWBERRIEN 11ay be. preeerreel for future ore. perfectly herb sad line Matured, by petty gg them up Irk Glair Jan, tech as are .. 2 101 by IF CARTER t SAO. Jane 14. a ROCERIES.—A Food supply of most site** In the Grocery tine may be found et HeiggOtett FAMILY GIROCIERY, Erie, Jane 11, 11169.-.-1. Cbeepeido. Iti s w SPRING AID ItIVJUIIR, GOODS GENSIZEIMERS Corner of State and Seventh sta., Erie, Tes 4 BE 7 1 .1 b''C at ri b h4 :s r p hiLs j d ust re etottaStore, on the Corner of Stab , and Sesvoth strre4e, a large stack of RIMY; t: AND RIMER GOODS, of the West styles, and ertti 000ttnee to Awn on band a large looc.rtoatot of Sett ed IWY Eiji am,. ihm, Dress, Frock arid Seek Coats of ewery style sad prim, Vests of all kinds, Cravats, Marts Under-Shirts, Drawees, Handkerehlefs, Collars, Roos ery of different qualitios to short. be keeps every artiek usually k.s Clethloy tatablishmen C In. Clothing is inanelletnrsd by him Pelf, and warranted equal to MO in tits cite. Persons wishing articles in his line will do well to emit and etatallie his stock, u be Intends not to to undersold by any establishment west of New Tork.— Clothing made to order on short notice: Tint forget air 'hue, iSkasimeiner's Corea., ow ner iv State ■wl Saveath shwa. Brie, April, 30.-1884. JOHN 01218ki =Mt _ TH} AND SNATHS. 100 Daunt Gram Brython 10 do Grain do 6do Brush do do bluley and Patent Smiths, do Maley and Grape flu e Cronies, 60 4o Nemo, 60 do 2, 3 and 4 Timed Hay and Elttan Foltz, 20 Boles Plymouth Rock and India Pond &Tito& Stones, 12 Done. RIM% by lho doom or aingio t em7 cheap by 14ria, Any 28, 166041. J. 13RLDS14. TNTIGO AND MADDER. cffimeksty mutaciwors DW/018. --11 4 haws • qualstiti: .idol wit will term* st I. 'stash 41650.11 CABTAZit & BRO. SELF ROdKING CRADLES , on BALE anti Iltbititios t alas, tits ITZILLIWING RPWING BED.% fro m $5 to Ir each. Lit..24.] G. W. WLLIULT. ILLMEIONIL _ 03 M 420 CANS ONSMrPTI* .P W( X 3 , obtain Itwo riypo p eoaputea, Itath dry mad la lona, at /oily 960'11. CALL AT WILLING'S STORE. ter Mature* Llthevefthe end Piloting& BUY your grates! Instruments at Wil ift Hum be letheetteete, end the rot he knows t4itheep. R CANDIES you must go to Willing* f HO keeps op the steak f BASSLETS are Cheapest At IVlZniall. Framing. itouklifnasVealess; n L TI•i B ' s rot a larger see better -- imu . sft helmets has at Wiltlftea F IRE -WORKS for the mumll F IRE W ORKS itiy Sea at irmamos. TUE FANCY Department colOyorkes hpacy Him it W hr. Ary , sad rim met Inn 01 fit the -EP autsro an* Tuning (lowa wen,. et Wlitieriahute Ilessalemerp P/ANO FORTES from 05 to WO - Alee ode see et lot. Stetrielleme thero i v , apietheeelloi le tlesetrallotoreenlK KAKKart iat acerb tt while peer at tt. I shall to leeer tem& t Gettimett—the Big Mibtossiiiiirieat Itsisobb FRE BILVDIES.—Just received b ,threegh the c a l Hesse at St* ape ISAgar oh 44 1 CAREIVI Allt ottoson, 000siottog of 800 gOISOCIF %ft fprff AV nto iit easigiamate M Flo ha r s Oworl rzitmTgtirtz rIKADY MADE which TAR sok7 tru s=t trd o i afe r tfnnor 2 net 2 otf l out the concerts. Person In wont of Clothing will not eons bare naddafirdadfalig= " rr N. Bs Nand tog 1611.10 to order on reasonabio li tim p and intloinelinn 'warranted. .-4.%f1u , _ ! HOUSEHOLD __ FRONT and Back Par lor iV,Til.orn and KITCHEN FURNITURE. MATHIM - • • - Ziocid 7 • CADVERLIDb, II •LL IMO 0, CARPRTING, R U t,), Xe9o: l- 41‘4 , r AIN'T k•-•" AND OTUt• •- Housebold Requisites. Stures,ke.„ Taken in daily for Sole, trade, or esniiiino, or Commission, W Y, Bed and raiz Flare. S pring Juno 24.-1. Nene nth it, en Eitate.stmt, Krim, Pik. ‘OLD FOUNDRV" STILL AHEAD!! BARK de JOHNSON are rkl to lurolsh at Wholesale and UMW YU*a of and most approved rotterne, and Invite the attention o Farmers and others to their Stock ou band emoistior o F: LS W ORM. 3 LONG, W OL V ERIN E, WARD, DUTCH ER, PITTSBURG, MOUNTAIN KANO, he, C. together with Cultivators, Cali Planters sad other spates to be seen to be property Don't " Old Foundry," li. ai r e trier Moto and Elereeth ftsvtla, NH* Pa. April 2, WA. BAHR A JOHNSON. ,- Luc nn P W E have a Urge stork tat Mapped Lnicsnott on bawl whit* we olfer.vd very Inc. talent." alv barrel, blue\ /11. . f CAIWICa k 61104.• PURE NATIVE WINE, I'ATAIVI3A. WI/TY asui ARANDY, put up at Cincinnati, tan be had ot April 3U. CARTER & RHO. - - - GREASE! GREASE!! GREASE!!! 16 per rent awed by usher iliANIT's Patent Azle Grease, for thnuibinnea, Nagon., and Carta, which is found to be far &Nips/floe to say etibeel , llVMtkli. N. it combines all this bloodiness of on lt t w rtee greasy nature of tallow, keeps the Atks always ~I and dean, and moire ois dm** the time of any tabOr rhea, known. A single trial will convince any one of Its value and cheapness. gold isyt Itk-Aextm:bit Eno, May t k PURNITII4EIIRATITII! Jlf:trate!' HAS' Ittilette 'Ms . splendid Moe* ha ildiug, on state stitidi saw lLarlllbNth of Perry Slott, built expressly for that purpose, where may tw found largo and relectol asaostruent of P lIRNITURE., I Embracing all Wads of Cabinet WareZ . .hwt„ku act' an entablialnne t. On the fret floor %flank Burma Tailes, Vat* Ste.*. Gummi Weser Sloweles, Leiria btemie. I resat, Cattail cad Cwr.a. be , Wortirar44, Gni% ir5, 641 7 114. ' •• • .., Idwaatslartured by htatorlt, togethrr with a bags orit of C .A. I S Or every st. 4. and price to suit custom er s. Tho seeoad floor is full of EArIENN FURNITI7R2, such as sobs, Tete-a 1 rtes, I urge Rockers, Itentlerneo's F.asy Chain, surd all kinds of Cushioned eitaira, 111datkile Top Centre anti Card Tables, What Nista and Quartette stands The third boor contain,. material,. arida large bomber of workmen, compete nt to usa nub, e any article inthe cabinet line in It e best At.t le acid abodes, notice. The public,/Articular', the ladles, are reopeetilaft"... vited lu rail and tliamOue lurnallite sod Mina, as I boa oot to be uncienuAti by nuy retablto.htoent to tha City or elsewhere. All kind, of lumber and prodosseholiew to ex change for flalDtlU/S. J. li. KLBLIMr, Erie, March le, leLe.--41 Oak rroprietor. N. B.—Jost to a large floe, of N'ilisth•s, endwor log all viten, qua Miro sod to I 10111. . IBIS FANS An) ELEVANT FANCY P Artielea. TM Ladies wilt find r lbw mote of tbithe spiendid Fans an.l Combo/eft, at tbo Paemeon Dadklimr. March rJ, T. It. AU S TIN. ortaphs in Frames, or l e i t il l i Zing cheap at the Paragon Match a T. U. Ategt s. MMIIIMUM Atookotiful lot of Gilt Erlimb.* at rrry I. w primp mar as found at J C SELDEIi 3. DTl\l+liW Vi r ot i t It a tti: 4 ;:rat rt:st ru p i t c tr . C° 1 4 1 4 a g}, l l. 7 Dti e . is. B A RBI El Id I.- I A superior article at J. C tiELDEN'S. STEAM I'l. 1 SING MI_LL nArkki, DOOR AND ISLAND MANUFACTORY 191P016'AlfT TO BUILDERS' Hart z ELIZIAITIVIDIVA °NEL Asti and Poplar doorlnp, and baling, matched and face planed Pine. 1% inilowa Doors,nd; Doi Leith, Shingles. Framed, Door 1 1 te., which tt dell demi for teinh. liming two of Woodwat's Improved Maitre Machine, and Marquident nseeltivalcs to orate them, ow are propane to-do'eastato Planing, ilatebbra and Dipping at all times and Mr WV isfactory 11111.11 MT. Alt onhen w pempt stihnititem Itrie, Sept. 26. 111141. f. GOLD .. , LNI) SILVER QOODS. Tine Dtainotds and all kinds ofJetrelne Made and repaired by tiv very bast worlietwo. River Spoons eotr mostly on benched leads to order. Clocks and Watcbee carefully repaired at low rates, and all not* warraated. T, M. AUSTIN, Paragon Banding ' - - - DENTAL NOTICE. D R. W. 11. LICE, Would Worm his iimaressand the FA* generally that he has jug returned Arian New York WITH A LARGE AND VALUABLE STOCK, innbraos, all the • VARIETIES oF 'TEETH N'tlW . l'hE, with wh,ch he is ready to do wo,k an approved style.— He desires especially to calkatteption to WOMA • 1 4 which he le prepared to execute promptly and nestle It presents advanta g es OVER 5.1.3;4.)1 1 11ER *ODES/ . allowing no seams or spaces for the aceptnulatron of food, and giving to the MOUTH 11EILEVTLE ;Nail* TKESSION, f while minister*/ tialaseorsoftb r f the mot, gokiiner al comfort of tlWtobjeet: Operations for the re i gnlanon preservation, removal and replacing of Teeth, performed to the entigs thdreellon of all whorri deur. his al - SPRING STOCK STOCK OF GRPC.EIIIE4« i • I . JOHNSON & ERO., Hazateeeto.tved e 1at: 41 . 3 Xes s etisf dittiisca the Lewd and moat @stanshe Pinch o WET AND DRY GROCEELEL PllORlBfOllB, WOODEN AND • ' wU.U3W WARE, wrier odszsd lit this gisirket; owl a6W wfll t* blg4 at toulahisigly diesip_lbr Csalt osSoisiito mos. Cal sod ex,alßipe tore Sloe* of suGARRettIX) - 1 s - ORNEN, BLACK AND' EMPWAIMAM4B... .4' vi ars,. JAIfA AXD.ll.lo4ollin moimmEs: STARCH, CANDLES, RICE. EQA.P.: • ' • • *ntrtrs & ni s ts• W HrtE FTBII, ..) t I es, • w. :'..4;119501111PP8A MACKEREL, HAM. BUTTER. tai ii h Elt u BrWirstiff. Chew or iihnoke. 9 /A B Viestilii3. 7 , a*o moo' CWIOR Wow , kul" *VA° bine impoisted amine hpr Iva Kir boars Ilashofietatei, and selloliamod to oar Abe Z i e l Atat r o =to= l4 oll4o ll Zr ll 4 l / 1 / "" P. .4 Itt LL PROS - I•t iass. F ii mmarep t i s4.6 faiebini ma, id* 1171i 7PROCk el r lirit2 Pia• AC OD AS !MIEN" '' et su kw. a 111 "Mare,b1": Edo, Aplrlia Poo pie. Mali Do" 8 ' 81108 STORE. • t r 4 . •1 0 ktAji SOOTS, MOM AIM mammas: 01 avast, i Ware 12W MOS lITORA asktiotoc il l 1 1 Cra144:216 , Woe aad the Public ka iak" that be Dm jest °posed a yo u ma rerkie Moak of the ahoy* articles, sad I a ' dart. aetie lsa bei , COUI mod • Ea* Yob nelL.— CLLTIV. ' I 4" CjlA J. C. SELDILN. B ARR & BRAITHER, ILAVS jig roweivildltem PhD*!phis a yew large Stock or lIPTAILS WRY fitODS, Which they will well at the tee for CASH, Country Prod ' Of County 'or Cite Bond. at b rate.. T boy Isar, oleo a stock ot Boots and noes, tiblria, Drawers, Clothing, tee, ke, for sal* on the name terms,. Groceries as damp a. the cheapest for Cash Erie, March & 1459. 8 00 inirlitsfer — I 1 so A/ MaPilbClPll6ll: 8 at terY PARK ROW BOOK STORE Erie, Feb. 26, 11160. LuOMMIfi, • t. G• h THIS DAY OPENING a opiendid aaaurtment of rick Gilt Clio* Tsars Motto Cup. and Saucers. Mega, Carvdeslidta;land a mat variety of USEFUL. D O,IOAMEITTAL ARTICLES, =liable to I liinallM•JusiniintnsTSo Pitchers, 111 ver op*, orts, Spoons, Ladles. NALtAIh , Rings, (beautiful petters%) and lots of rich Jewelry, Wst ebes, and Fancy end see. Rd*, Dec 26, 1866. M. ,J4/14 L .11 iN TRF, Fl 'ELL) tr . AG XIS'. I irtiOULD 'MY to my friends and the po‘ tic hi genend that I have commenced tbe - Tailoring sod Ready Made Cloddy. linalorma In all its rations In the more lately occupied by Mr. rase, on the Public times between Brown'' , Hot , ' and the ite:ed Uooaq where 1 will endeavor to base at all Amen a thole* selection of CLIJTIEIN - VAPAlltik.ltitte, AND VICr/TINGre. which I will make up to (mint upon short tlce, ancl warrant to glee eatteracalmeereemb of anything In my line den slepeuel upon bets( OKIt • 'tic, as lam determined ant to make up any goods but each u will glee aatialaeden. I ari making a gond as sortment Of READY MADE CLOTIIIIIO, p r i ttvjor ocy nir on lill a gi v arli • arranted to be am •re teiri Persona purcbasin x For CAPILI uw ancitrd to call and *twine my Gootta and Primo, as I am determiced to gel' cheap for Cask. CUTTIN46 dune on abort notice •h.l Warrant...l brie,O c t. 2, Iltt s JofiN M. JecTICE TIT `I) F.LA 11"WE 7 ift 'TT" AT. 1 it R. A. ',NCR WMPA.Y 11t I'LIILADLI.IIIIA AILS how doin g Willow* all the Mutual plan, lo sin g the in Meet, a participation lb, profits of 11,e Coin pa -ay, with Urdralit i b ar und Um penman= paid. Rs Lakeiewel Cabals lent as eh the raw favorable tenus Looses will be literally and prompt ad j asted. nee risks nu wercimotime, &aiding' and otber property in town or country, for a limited term permanently DIRECTORS. Joneph II ',rat, James C. band, Tbelophilur Paulding, John C. Pavia, Robert Barton, John Gar ,11, Hugh Craig, , t, Sosnuel Edwards, Henry Law rence, 10111• id B :Macey, Charles Kelley, Isaac R. barn, WillObaobottell, William Hay, Dr. B. Thornaa, Dr. It. N. Button, Jobu Teller, Jr. - Swam, Ile.ltyaos George .tierrell, John J Edward Darliot.,a, • John B. .1. G. Johnron, Joarr Brooke, Edmond Alouder, W3r. ISastu, l'ren't RirnAmn S NKW BOr LI), gee,. ErApplication can be made to e, April 4. ltlsl. J. KE.L1.04.i, Atnqlt, V.7lr CR(K'KERY AN 4 6 - eltiSS WARE STORE, 12. Empire. Bluish, by HARDWARE. ROI;ERS AND BENNETT, Havebe Largest arid Rest t•electrd Stock of NAIL S IWs EMPIRE BLOCK, Nu. I I and 12, k. A ....11.1 . Stage 'tmt. Brie, PR. April 9, /359 FARM FOR SALE._ T HE SUBSCRIBER Otters her taros kr Sale, on reasonable msa. him ettnalled otpt-half waif from nirinelleld X Road., gate County, re, and contaloa ORTY-THF.F. net. , of Jamie itilrty_liite of •harti are under a good atote of improvement There are tw6 late. barna on the pre robes, one TO by 30 and ti,e otter 30 hr 40, the whet.. w.ll watered by never fading Fpiloga. For terms apply to the subeoriber to Sprrogtirld AprttQ.lB69.--M.6m. LA\INACRAW FxtRtf _ BRASS itz BELL FOUNDRY. R EM 0 V • .. rectiorOd hal nRASS AND !ALL FOUNDRY to An:tem:on Block, one door Weal ot Neiler and Warrens. where be will be happy to see all bit old Cut 011ogr. 11, co a. many DOW ones sa may want anythtmi JD his law. Ern., April 2,10110.-411011 Pa . HUM. JAkIECKI._ VINEGAR! VINEGAR! VINEI AR' 2 Para Cider Vinegar can be bad at April I, 1669. BI2CKMAN, KENDIG k CU, CARPENTERS' & JOINERS' 'FOOLS. hate recently mad* Imo addltions to way former stock of Carpenters and Joiners' Tft•da, making it tn. most so mplitte in the atty. Watch 12. 19. J. C. e k LI , It . --r-.-------_ DD3SOLrITONOF PARTNERSHIP. The Partnership hocololows wasting bideerothe sooectibers ender the swat and style of LIDDELL, HER SHEY, A Co., has been this day dissoleed by mutual con sent, and tiler whole Eta* hiachiserr sad Redness of SA Thin haajtoes sold to LIDDELL, MARSH it Co., who lOU cond one 1 b• bleat at the stood ft: P. WLIIR Ras bees shay appointed Agent to settle the business of the old inn at their former ofhea, where all persons having suettled bastes se with the late into ass request.% to milliard wake immediate payment. W. .1. Y. LIDDELL, Erie, - _ E xTßActs • - for-Flavoring of all kinds, at reAIUIVIAMIXNWIIvItre, Qz PE.4 CENT. CASH SA V E: I) The special attention of Wanotactatees. Con.orn • ort, Physicians sod Country Merchants, is invited to toy at 8 'to *Sr" ; sidis=e an utli tro7t ' hy of attention. ' Id, atoc eonsiets of DEVOS and MEDICINES, C ille a# l . B , l l . 2=# • nand sok, Dew lasolte, -Haar Olio, Palates Materials, Window mud sad Patty, Fine Toilet /one, Bohr and Tooth Brash% IA PINS Wine ASV SAIL PIZ , Jot r alllhs Potosi ow. l 'Wa r ms" Judi. His sn i ns L pomp* Mod sod whistaiMor s avail to pe 1.. I . ke gie ALOW/IL Ity . Ns. Rend • 4R 4,IIIALT 14, WE.,W ta V i IT mom aubta wt Amp nip s. sifted Badness ow lad basseaMa. WI puttee. address with she!, era* A / 7 * July Z 1,11.6940 140 • MEAK Y. • . `"i" - !""" --- "7 •• • " I • • 'w 1 i • j Atatip iT; dOrluelli - 4.4611 4 (10W'S SELF SECCII4G my, list 'weir( at .• N. lIIINPRTIL ~.,, r i 81RIJPS. PORK VA if on-laNsisb i rim Pr t lkwE GROWERS CAN CAR iimus most ailoy at liaamos•- . Pre ust i = iN tr i ty a v=r ea ct4 1104. OR 7011. WALLPAPER, &0., - • • " A T L.Y. ENSIGN, ProPflieter ItOGER:.• s. HENN LTI Aril 9, IRON, SAILS AXLES, SPRINGS, ANVILS, ZEE! SHOVELS AND-SPADES, .1V AREAS. HfittBk; HA RNES S• TRIMMING PLATED WARE In fact almost every thing Reulunber tho Old Stand • OPI3TrZTO . 0"3" - cho lections :4 r ie • .‘,s. , r/ p IV4 . . , C Ni e Bonnet Bonlinsi Alaing; JUOV 11 , MIR 6 6 13 A Nt4-tTP " R M 1.1•4 When Si& said ."9reeerter," the Mbar day. Where end I To 'without delay, ,and brtnia load home on a dray To H. Fist i trerts's When T. is wanted. trash a ot: raze, And Sugar to aeltet with care. Yon't 'twain MI , : to find thew • Lei.• • At 8.A14.111' Who boa lots of eboteott BAIR good And labor kinds of wbokonfoo &oft &Ada moo others understood' Who greets ynn with a uniting mien, And Anus you all that's In he *nen, got up an tawley, nice and dean • Who keeps the oragneel “Itang.-er I'4IC The hest that's tnit.te beneath the 1.k3 , For .4401 gnaw ;nog and ale h • 11411 ACT Who'. at hie pnet hdeth .'arty and lat*, • To wait no all- big, -mall arid great, Al the +traria corner of al h and qtaie • IL IsALDWI . bri• , Mardi I.A, 1359.-40, - - - - At the, old Stand. / 1V ML'EP IT Y AA . Betweeen Brown's Hotel & Be7B Rouse, n %.,, on n Ann A LARGE As(IRT3I ENT I.' HUSE -01 fit ILI) 1;04 ,fr.t. .4TI I V ~,,, &e, A 1... a largo stud rr obrktr aaa yet of topper, and Rbeet loon ware/ Also, a imp amott a • lir tarot ./ eutia4 and Pocket Kale's, • .... At , flrdaiiia/ Table i asters and Tea = ":4 ...... p.m, ab., r a and Table Spooisa, Mess, c op per, 13 reel• Iti sad Grouadtat -111.01. two, Llw a large assortment of Japan. Ware o all kinds, and the best assort s. men Tea Trap', in Fria, of all Shapes and Simi. s,, lass , ,s•ntli . Oder Milts, earn P /14 F Selves, Choppm 4Ku es. fat trona, l. bevels and i=, Poitira, Coal Hod", a•hboards, Shovels, Spade; Roes, Potato Haulm, 1.. Hooka, 4t.4 .• }WA Tubs, Hip Baths and Hallung Tu Itrfruirratot a, Lauer Patent Cream Freessit, Liao, Piatai pa of all deseriptiona, Lead Pipe, Sheet lead, Pump Chaim., and Tubing Alava Pipe sod Mows. Canal Pumpa, and Latetw, Water Cooler., and dlters, Fluid Lamps of all kind,. Sraira and bUlyarda, Zink a nd Sheet /11174 ' Wire, Utah Covers, taudleatiiks and Lamps, Table Matsin basks, Hammers novel Lou Tonga,. Stand, and Milk New and Pails, Toy let Ware, Tea Sells, Tumbler Condition, So utters and Tioya, Mouse and Rat Traps, Nail; Serra a, lark, and WI Nodera, },tither Dusters, Bread toasters, tired Dotes, Is g toilers, }much Code rots, Stew Pans, Grind stones and Hangings, with &Ivens. All of which will be sold cheap Isr nub only. Jobbing . door on the abortest belie*. Copper, Rocco, No Mr and Raga tak..ll I u excliane« for goo].. Please call and examine my iamb, and satiafy yourselves. Fri... May IS, lab& Yours N. MCELNI Y• NEW TREATMENT' rail.l ,ek ( NI.DICAL .t.bricr AT TUB lit`ttie.Al4lll PICITATIL IithiPATAL. 1,1,14.. a 14, lb.. cur.. nt :•)1./11111 , ,StiniDal N vskuelui, and arcri-t Infirm tread Youth and Maturity, by Dr. A MUM it M/S, klUnAio. writer id Vain and (}olaS •I r..•,, An I.,tfunient for entn .t (;euttai JJelnlo, or ntn.ll,•. to prntwri) Lin wit ar ',moral .skut.-. ( At, I , %Irani in (r , ..r, tiftton d a ,, i n tan tn ,, n ti, I v ii.r a n .1 limo.. it ootrtOtlivofla, V Lens ua,inno : niut;) fir • 11 . 1111 if: It T %NIS PA 1113('I I.AR NOTI t fir ni Ink.. a.ur. •11 ann. Ule. lug that Lb, La'. .11 , 1 10114 a 11.10. laga 11111 iit cure 4 ,1 Ilur &Iron e Mira. 6.• . - 11 u Eject ed tri 1.•. t in thr• mnirt rminetit playslrieri.. in lifinitnreSParriii, .1.11 bia au-. 1 iirk , it La.i • • nrire . lb. i l l.ll inktrument et, r 101rint. 1 1 fur th. a ;Ire of or 41,1 on..ui 111.. iitai TVlfl t hull •.1 •uif, l'tlow• tilt, . wa prr• • ACALUD itte 4 ND 111 ICh tt; itfrae. I.r Ai Snit roar A , col:m.11h.! ream H n'elo c a to the morning ontti d at Plytial, la es re) oar dnuti P)mptogo of diaeaas., faidse, •i miaemA. 4 eanimti Weatkoetut, Im potence acid ...tricture- ilt• t reqhm, and all there drerldrwl atlerittr.he ari•tAtii fr. et the aeeret habits ni piatb, which peretuer. ~ , notitutiuttal debility, MI:I4M atutla K• • 1,...nt.t. al.. in the ..O1 destroys bathe...6y 11. i 0.11. d. Ihe trwatmeot they adapt I. the moult of -. r d. nl Shirt, .earl erteneler Mid ,freerwatil ;one.* - Sn F am a 4 ff.`171 , 1, A pi.igtc VAgit ViThll). Ur. .h.cotest their ..1.• . •4. ly t:.l. ou,tar I,• .4 •, . .e• t hrl irr Cul3H.,/nena ly i ..r1.. hi..' 1. , ren.'• ,•, 11,.v fr 1;,,,, Ca...1 , 11...k It lull) t• .; teth I I a. 1,, cons si.lcrefil 'Ali/lap 'MO SO I ot•Ilt an I, ir gln 1,1•1,0 mmlll,lll the CI 0111,), for tho r•••• I.urieu. out of c.mnrlta?l n, while their et lure to, n creamed elth the rroott ePGnal lesautagrer tr..rn *hat th., ba , . •"601,1. in ,ntA 1.:VR.4'01 the infer roinplnint, 1,1-* '1 that (Attie meet dangero4.,,al.l ,u , ••torsis. , tbr% hate a/- 39.41.141,111 MA tie the 41 pre..-fit writ au, r...m0• al, :Let Itt.•••11.1. .• t. and that the (.I,le atvl tattii4mnut ,00111 almost ..I a All, ti Traryli to on. or tor loirsfAntr, negleet, or the. ill effect* 1.1 1.11,41111a' In Om nt. Dr A )414,, •IloroTrrlng, ur the *election of their • bale, .-Heels.) and mu , omittr g ....It'll:%lsr. 0f rem•Aies iht It brat an .1,01 otal cliarnetr.r, a, "elf ahp or pre in.inClic ion. at lairs' iOr• might he reottneto• I lad es,lo,Nitienerl, en the hands of prrroar /17,.11,C102.: la %bort, the laudable cud r.f their relmedire la the koorep , Leg of e'gr. at Mao,. et Liman ntw n 1., the alk.vtation, ILI 11. , •••O tteopeallifriboo. that are In remity 11,, wt r•.I ..1 1 ,e. and vti ph, *brie they w. cornett ely otlriutitad us, •I.ust Poe ..or ArLillartri .ota k rfeberier for Ihert cattruieula,uo„ STEEL SPIKE, part ..f t 1 lambi may be loucresnfully resteot tp‘ ' r. AeM ea r ,, rrert 4rtaf 1.1 then . two, *llk a romittnner Inn Medicanw... kr. Vl4 'E.9 BELLoWN Addrra• ‘1.1(0 , . `tll%, corner • f Nakif anfi Quy tnrf, BnllYln, N V. _V, is.:4l —I7RM Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. T .11:STIN. in. Paragim Paultitlig, 1 • n••r Peach Street, I. 4111 In loan and would Prate La the information of the l nbue, that a how sowortment of florkP . Wntrb..P, J•W•lfi Feuer rod other Good. art. on band and bwr wale at vuti,us) low prows, in abort kw cheap are thee leaelor the •tore that no one rats •arwet to ...mike,* In prim whnrt ,4 a.ting away thew!. Goods, Well he Itit..tol. 1., In kr snare, ln seennunfwate b k . pi.knie and tbpn der,. It t r or the mono, market. It is however prol.nnwed to ref.", .www • soditions to the .t k in trade from the Esetern ie., as .halt iodate pareb- Aiwa at re: r low peter alt demesi•le Goods in rite lino. PIPE BOX Es OMM CUTLER Honing for more swank...alp tin,. an Era., for the f-n WI , . tb. Flag 1• now. alto, uninrlecl at tb. Paragon lii a eh 12.1 W —M. _ ERIE CITY _ R. k h. 11:N1 II . li, Proprietor, • P.OGERf3 IL BE.NIiIiTI MA}L't./.(T P •ND Wyrnrl.tALE svt, ftrt•lL IX Flour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed, FLOUR AND FEE D STORE, A t to . ) (01..1 stand,he'r 11.ork, ,/ ,, or south of th!" e. truer. east v. eof the. I's ft, F rench street, where I bare r , •attanthr on MOO ur ..f kind* of m) own grit:Ri me. Corn Neat and knit F. owl, Oran and Shorts, Corn, Oats, ke , .11.4 n torh will be rcpt at the lowest market nt, .Strialiy for Cask, and delivered free of ch*e r e in the eity. ti. It ssAVERSTICI. Fri.., Aped art, 15.74 , —4: SEWING MACHINES. G REAT BIRCUINs. ' The r o !mother bag FIVE of Singers k Co a., /kin. 2 Sowiug Matelot..., expressly manufactured for Tailors use, • tuck he •111 nil we hear, loth good security, it a bergaio. W I SCOTT, Enp, April 9, 18:41 —44 1/ _ , _. P AYER LEA N(4 !NUS'. . lem now makt large ad.htionn 4 1 W ~ to toy stock of l'kkEE. LLA NO- . ..-- - - tb Cid far the Spriog Trate • loch • „,"`,' for beauty of *kilo sod chi:spade So • '- al omot be istismiaiet ••le a ill l r 0..... Erie, Wareh 12. Iki9. D ANDR.i.SE n ir}: tngtual an .1 genuine. Pre tion, ao celebrated both ash beverage and areaway (or • and wh]cti vcry many persona andltanallwa would do well to use In owed of Mo. Jars or Lamle., to iv. had at the New Drag Stare of April 11, 11(.4 PAINTS! PAINTS!IPAINTS! Whine load, Dry and in Oil, visions brands Rod finalities: also, ZINC WHITE. of Ereneh and Ameridin inannflorto re. RAW AND wirttail.lNSßlED ItlL, YERITION RED, Irene!' and Atuencan Yellow Derr., Greene of raviolis *bade' Jur Blinds. awl in short am', Wag An the Una of Hoare. Ship, Carriage*, Sign or O rr ot mw til Paintwg, ao be had at the 10.... t ratt , , at the "ltore of April I'o9 ciltt. A : 4 1 nisei ot•lcle‘ itdi.t..eeivett wt the theft Inn. 4, I'!9- 1.. I, 11A1.11WIN. EMS YOUTH AND MATURITY Jturt Ihiblishod; (bits, o,6th Thousand : AFEW Woklis tIN 11l 1.: , nr 7 RATIONAL TREATMENT. with mat Medicine, of 4 1:0 1 111Mr0Orirra, Or Loral w. ..• Weakness, Nocturnal EfUllooo/111. and Nervous Debility , Premature Poway of the system, Impotency, and I nipedhnents to liturriage etrnally. ItY R. u. The important fart that Ole malty alarming complaints originating in •he imprudence and/0111nd.. of youth, may Messily removed Iritraote 111contime, is in this small tract clearly denumstrinted : and the entirely new and highly suereseful treatment, an adopted by the Author hall uN raplained try means of eei=pe is enahl to • igingtr the stet Rintr otifrtlitilMe Sent to any address, gratis all post free 10 a sealed en ...lope by relletant 004 PIM two Imotega stamps to Ds- It DE LANEY, SS East tict Street, New York City. June 24, 11109.—1an.3. I:Lit:w NEW ARRIVAL ! 333.3121, No 1:3 Empiro 131oric, )l:tv Jost recessed a large addition to I their stock of HOOTR Aaii SHOEd. and will not b. undersold by any Beakrapt stock from ao,o Alio of gm goom outdo of (Mods. Call on us Wore fooling away your money on OLd buddoord and mot off Mock from drilar atom Itrio. Jaw Vs '1109•T I P.NTIIII , II' ENTION COl. NTli INVAL/Dr.. SiOirts, BP Q.; Q aTI•, 01.10, to THE SECRET INFIEMITLEB OF NEW TORN Egg 8 . 111111161 M RANGE OF HOURS, Comm ,-ci Ni, 1 somumy, APRIL 4,1115. rains will leave Dunkirk at about the io/1oo:12g 2,,,. i4' , Eastward Bound— i • . art. = York Express. ..... -- • • ....3 t 4 . , etreUFO,- -•- • - ------ — 69 r 3) : ' r pesse ~, St t oc k .Exgreao. i 1S r s ss 4 . Freight No. 11 i 60 r rygizht No. 4 . . 6 46 ar=by Night Ex • Troia East 00 :•11 t ar4,1 . over us night 44 hobs, slid prowl , i (~,. elbahti Palates Mewls) aloe. 14.411LX13 MORAN, he, I thurkirk, Norsk 19, .. .-41 U. BUFF- • tic ERIE R. R. Ai1841.1043.1010.411 T. 0 N tico, and 4 "1,1.1 , 1 4 •.". ° .." 4110%,':"'” LEAVE BRIE. to IL. Night Samos, @Up* st Worths:,. and Silvis C utters at liallalo at t 44 e •A 2 P. N., Nail stops at North East, State Liu., v „„,„ Westiiehl, Salem, Dunkirk, SUVrcierk and I n arrivals at 11411aio at& 20 P. an 00 P. Y. etneinnati lapriaa, slops at Wastta.l,l,ll,, kilt and Stharcmak, artivan at Ealsio A nal atm:mart/auto connect at rhankirt and Hudak al Esprit= trains on N. Y. it R, and Nov York Cen!rai Rind: BA Low :2 H II p Ii 1000 A. N. Mail, slept at Kraus Centre, reek, Dunkirk, Salem, Wattleld, 4111113, j , Lao', North Sant and II arberereeli, 1m re. 4f at 1 40 P. M. V uO, F. IL Night Express stops at Sliver Creek, i)4l • a and Wistbeld, arrives at Erie at 12 30 A II 4 111, A. IL, Boston Express, stops at Stlverer...k.l. uh we stliel4l sod /aorta Yost, arrive'.* kr).• A. Y. April 4, NW Cleveland and Erie Railroad. ON AND AFTER Monday, April 4t&, 16tI, sod satil further *atom raillaile" T"" . • run as lotion •hp— LEAVE CLEVELAND. 10 10 A. I. Mall Train stop at all Way Stations Wickliffe, Perry, Voronvi/le Saybrook boss., I ,k, end arrives at Erie I 42 P. /11, Diaduri, 3 4; Y k Buffalo 6 20• P. N. 9 46 P. X. Night Train stop at Pune.•,:l. Ashtabula no4.ouard, only, arid arrives at kne 1 A. M.; Buffalo, • 46 2 20, P. M. Cincinata Erman, stoprat Pallier. We. 111. son, Ashtabula, Conneaut, and Girard, arm. • Lite* 42, P. U. Buffalo 10 20, P. W. LEAVE ERIE. 12 06 A.M. Night lawns Tnun stops at Girard, COLIJN, Aahlabula, and Partomville only, and arri , Cleveland 340, A. W. 7 24 A. M. Mail ?min siva at all Way Stations elh , • Saybrook, Unionville, Perry, Mentor .id and arrives at Cleveland at II trk, 1 '2:( P. M, kl,cprase Train stops at Girard. Conneaut ~ tabula and Painesville only, and arrives at ( 6 00, e,m. Day freight trains, Fart as d West, •ill hare ha CV attached, and will atop" at all Ptattons. till the through trains going Westward, cootie , Cleveland with truism for Toledo, Chicago, Columba., 1 einnaU, We. he. All tee through trains goium Eastward, eoutiect et kirk with the trains of the N. Y k Eris Railroad. ac Buffalo with the N. Y. Central and Buffalo and N. Y t !• Railroads. 11 NOTTINGHAM, Superiatrad, • CiesAand, Alai! 4. 109. _ Cleveland and dPittsburg R. R TIME TA BLE.-Th TAKE EF'F Et MONDAY. APIt.II. 11th, 1859. bolos lease Lie, i• Istod daily-45[1[o*,a esoqited .. 10 00 A. M. Mail for 1 I tt.burgh ■nd Wheeling. 4 45 1' It At, omnrodation for Itar•rin• sod ilillerob'a 9 45 I'. M. 1 lyres. h r Pittidurgh sod &breams". The 10 00 A. N. sod 9,114 I'. M. trains mike direct biradoua nth Penn's. 1t It. for Baltimore, Nee l otk and Boston Also with he/boom & Ohio It. for kinitunore sod WashingtoneCety. 10 oU A. M. tram also connects st Hudnon for Al i and Milltral , urigh. J. N. 111 - CT'LLOLOII, -• K. F. &YVES, Gee Tleklit Agent. 48 HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PELIL. A. HIE N I)I.EN T rj,,., te.•4.41•1i.11 , 4 F !or 11,r Lei.. Sirk , sntto !Pt .1. a flitclett 14 lilt Vliti'LENT dic AN4)CIATIoN, t o rl.w of ti. orfinn of IlUtlvall .111 v faltalf.iff offif.vgir. t: a ••• eet,twelt practacedall.ti tk e unfortunate Vtt : • ,hai l wer by Quack*, bfrsetaJ j ears sift, utre• t• 4 •ineullgng• Slot geou. tea ( 11A1(iTA 111 4 Al T ~ • tat-141.en a I)tepeoaary for the to at fro r•• • .1 char* of Utoraene, in all theft - loftue, anti to u s, )I4 Al./1 It 11 ti It A (I , to +fel ho alp.) l ) ..• • ry suitor] nI (heir et :Anti..., ,t,. 1., Afe.., and ah rem- 11( ellfer • •I, t. I I • • ft.S ltk.4. 4.11A1‘t.1. It o • that the A.,14•: 1A00114,1..1. 41..16 t.e I I, h. ..1" tile act., •lot •• • 11 tnn,i.L tl r e • • treat:pea t ba", trr• I . 1.• r • . p.o. th.• trrata.rot .J mason. rr, ....• • li.• b , gilLl ll l ,ll t 4 aCti.4l • 111. lb.. • al. A • !idol I.i. Leb.lllll thrat 11,1•IUS in ii.. I •i• r11..10 lima, Seminal 1 6..1.1410rt • Ir.; L..... lee •ice Diagrampa or holl• l• 14 , I 'I/MAPV , ta tor na.t• nod Bind , lerTnc.. and ~ . ./rt a itatlaia plan ior the atiattit g tat The Directors on a re. u.. I ti.. part, feel anrozr.. •a r r their labs/1110 this of 1/.1, 01 LA aeviiictit elturt haii of great beg:alit to the allltrted, e.ivreuilly to the au t . anu ILey he•Ve fre4.ll/ril to 11,11.4 V tbru,aelvra, err IP laced zeal, to this very =portrait and roach a , ppiiie. cause An allowable net ort .ou Spertuatorrhira, or senoi.. A Weakneaa, the t ice of 01.914..e11, Ilaittarbatton. • i'buse, and other &teases of the StlY•l Orgooe, I • tf, e oustatLlng Surgeon, 1.111 he *eat by &mai, itu a ••••• r•• neelopoo Fhb& Or t 1/Afitrik., on ~m i t • I at. STAII ea for townie tither ileporbt a.d Traele i.L L. nature and treatment of nexual disease*, diet, hr. u. elitistsiot/y tieing pnbaiihed for gratuitous distriet.tido, and will be wept to the allbsetad. befog of the iti•* rex. dies and methods of treatmeat du t eoeiet e d dutag past year, are of peat rathe. Address for Report or treatment, Dr. J SKI! I.:S NUL GHTUN, Acting ilurgeon. Howard Aasorishop, e. 2 South N loth Stmt.; Pkuhi4elpium, es. By order of the Loirsetore. GLO. FA] litC/1/ LD, IZliAll. HEARTU 1.1 L. 4L Sotrstary. AA N 1' II EI- 31 IN TIC 11 - 1 if? w °mato. ay give pear children names ea and Iv,. ho'.k Worm Medicine*, obep ion have ill, j.repointo So gat They contain no Caletnel, or any name If I 01 n ingtedtteta, but are purely •egetable, cad tr, .a./ to expel WWl= %ben. they estat,ooll itPi rO.• the . e •t. la all eases. keener of tailtatles a , anal poichne. the Celebrated • Ant licrnizito Valera for IA orm•' %tee are the only original and only ate nod relo•lne •••• eonteetioa now la nee. Sold in Erie, No. a Need hoop. by lir.reb lb, 1649 , -41 hAI.OI I[ 4 l l{ 1 E COUNTY 1117 V :A 14 ANCE COMPANY. 1 iteorpor ated in 18:39-- Charkr Pelyetu , lP PreDerty labstred Amami Lew by Fire far am, Tom not .eiteeediag Sue Yuan. P ,, /tries Issued upon the depoott of /Wrote= Note,.. 'Upon the paytoont of tbo usooi Stork Rates in lioney with out the lialsility of a I remit= Note. Lames rad ith out litigation. Otie salt only has ewer hero brought 04% test this Company. TbssComprzy is ratrrsly fru from debt, sad m • .q. Awes fastannues. DIRECTORS. Jame. C. Marshall, C. 11. Tibbs* Wm. F. illaderbeett S. Smith, J. Zimmerly, Jos. 11.81errett, S. P. Kepler, ?boa *flathead, Jacob Haasea, Geom. A. Elliot, R. Babbitt, Wm. B. Hays, J. M. Jaillee. OFFICERS. J•ei C. MAxalliA/.1.., Pzest. Joaaa Ovnitnona, Soo Geo. A. Nii.iorr, bias. 011 low in Moser, Gunnison & NeCrearro Las odd Chespadde Vie, Pa. Erik April IS U6s. ALDW I N'S CATHARTIC PILLS! 21 a1 1 /rely ITempertablbleo Alsto.B•lie•as, note, owl ihat-Dropqmia ; tor beetrits lung, Cocterearem, heartier,, hemlocks Dryryisa Jasiiidtart, Swimmer el Ma Slimack it( thr Lseer, sad Arneadresust .1 Os Spasm gesitrelly. r, si 1.1/NN Sold In F.rie by BALDWIN, No. 5 Reed Room Match 12, 1159.-40.. 11[ANDL.a4: Hoe, York, Rake, Shovel, Auger, Mewl, auC Plsoe Handles, at SI J. C. EItILD9VB CARTER k BRo CI GAISS. —# lot 4 vio t t po guide. p . tt ArlfLA,. Eri!,11011,214 ,• ' 64) COCOA I NE.—Tbat very a_pperior COM pound lee the HAIR, BURSET: COCOA can b. lued.reeidee tb• Dreg Store of April 30. • GAIMIII BAS' CARTER & BRI) NEW GROCERY. C AUGHEY BRonores, Nave oposod • Grosory and Pro , Atom ip Hoottrs Mork North smo of the West fart. whore •good niggly or FREM - FAMILY ORWERI Es, AND TAM 1 ",4 ,,, • • QUALIT MATS 11. WOODEN LIia.OIIIT.WARE, karCash sod She MONA issaket rise per ha all at Cassaartdaea. B. I. C. 'A Wag . tile, April I . SPIPES irfillt-IX • "r 2, r n " 1 , 4 April /NM • 1".4' li Air k Co CASH paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn and _ Oats at the Zile City Mina. flirmers sift u. • Wt. q, 130. n. R. lIAVKR.4TICK SCALES. PLATFORM and coUIaIR SCALES, uanted the best to euutactwtdaer oake by pit 9. ISM ROGIRS k DENMT . A ',WAYS' READY. cow. ibi.4 'um riaaihoue of Piatalat'E nos 4117Sru, Penmen Haildint LLAVZ BUFFALO IL N. BROWN. ,4,, ►Nsu%MI PRICE 24 CIIOIITB PRE BOX. PIIOVIMIONri OF ALL flu NOS. R. C. CA Ulittilf