The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 23, 1859, Image 2
QESERVER.. 13. F. fiL.O.ALW, editor Timm it so ma YICAIi za AD44114L 91 1 1TURDAN MORIVG, WLY IMit State Democratic Ticket. TOE AVDITOII alUi..u., RICILAILDIBON L. WEIGHT. 701 i SITILTITOR assta.u., .0-1 JOH/11 ROWS. . ,111 As n good many of our friends bare ex pri,sed some anxiety aN to the reasons which controlled the Post Master General in abolishing Distribution dulls. at the Erie Post 11 —andas &paper in this city, not,. riously established 'to disorganize the Detn «vatic party, and play into the hands of the opposition, has given currency to the slander upon the Post Master and the ad ministration, that the order was issued co.sequenec of a leant of can ti, Master, and as an act 0 - punts/intent t. him fiar some fancied dertlettou hi.rt - etaliv to tde Ad nwastration,"—we have deemed it no more than an act of justice to the P. M. General, a- well as to ourself, to lay the following letter from that official relative to thomat ter before our readers. The letter is n pri vate one, but under the cfrcumstances we think the P. M. General, as sell as the friend to whom it was written, . rill deem it lo breach of confidence to give it publi cation : Post I .l .Filel DEPARTMENT, July 9, ItLl9, is . Your letter to the President, of t he 15th ult., in reference to the discontin uance of distributic4l duties at Erie. Pa., has been referred to this Department, and regret that an earlier answer has been pre vented by pressure of business. - The order in question was a part of one withdrawing distribution from thirteen offi ces, situated in twelve different States, and but the initiatory step to the gradual re duction of the practice of distribution, it not its final extinction as a part of the postal system of the country. That this class of offices were too numerous, and that in con sequence of the increase of population and the great improvements of modern times in the mode and speed of mail conveyances, many of them had not only ceased to be useful or necessary for the purposes for which they were designed, but had become positive obstructions to the expedition of correspondence, were facts apparent to the Department for many years, and had at tracted the attention of several:of my pre decessors:with a view to an abatement of tlie evil, but the usual pressure against the de privation or curtailment of privelege and emolument has hitherto deferred action on the subject. The location of distributing offices has never been fixed at points tpecially favor able to the interests of individual states. their functions affecting the mail interests of the entire country as one community, altogether independent of geographical lines—in fact the mails of a district imme. diatelt CeutiSOUCR4 -to .o...diaZ4l.l4iia 91% 0 4 4 1 of remote places, and so far from the citi. zens of cities where such duties are per. formed being benefited by, or interested in them, not one in a hundred know that they are so performed. The Postmaster and his assistants are the only persons de riving advantage from the operation called "distribution," and from, them all the op position to a change originates. The discontinuance of distribution from one office does not, as you suppose, trans fer the same labor and expense to another office; thefewer there are of such offices the greater is the extension of the practice of dowt mailing, and a consequent diminu tion in the amount of distribution coin- Intszsions It is estimated that one fifth of all the I.o,tage (nearly several million of dollart-) - ou letters , passing through the mail Is alr bed in distribution commissions, Now it IN evident that if the area of our Republic was less extensive, so us to admit of tin cv : change of mail, each office with every other office, without the intervention of distribu tion, this large amount would be saved.-- so admitting that the vast extent of our country requires some distributing offices, vet in proportion as the number islessencml and the range of direct mailing extended. would the saving be in distribution com missions. I TAKE PLEASURE SAYIN6THAT I KNOW OF NOCOMPLAINTAOAUN:ST TIIE PRIZIENT IN< I'MBENT or THE ERIE OFFICE, VII THE ILANNER IN WHICH HIS DUTI.E'i ARE DlStillAli6- *D: and as distributing offices are locatod without referrence to state lines or inter ests, so in taking tlrent up the good of the whole service only is taken into considera tion. Respectfully, Your otet. Servant, .1. ITOLT. Hon. Lazo t.s) I'l.o/um Franklin, Pa Mr The Cleveland -Vatiosat Deporrai re bites the fact that upon the arrival of aim Packet Neon at that port on blonday morn ing last from Port Stanly, C'. W., she tworliot sixteen fugitive slaves, who had escaped from the South at varions Periods within the last two years, and who had been liv ing at the negro settlement at 'Chatham, Canada West. Becoming weary of Cana dian bastions, wilth to many blanks, em braces the exalted liberty of going insider, yuately clothed, and of being nearly nerved to death, they were about to return to the Nouth, preferring phintation life to the re-, sponsibilities attendant on a state of exis tence for which cirettmstances have rem-, dered them peculiarly One family, consisting of a cokired man, hiss mother, wilecand three children, who es caped from near Paris, Kentucky, about , one year ago, niter the expwinnosafibrded: by a hard Csigadiatt winter be it to sigh . for their "Okl Kimble/4 . end short time ao they worte to Oak. agester informing himof their desire to etituluoitut requesting him to meet them at ClevAintd. When they.atriried as thePachei thair\i muter seas *we to meet them, sad expressed their liadaol6oll et tiler • in a smusservideittieinted*sincere regard fax him. whose hisek ault*tbigliifie • but strange contrast withherht driven mow, took =,„ • .' I mind in regard . • talk about their freedoms ere4 s t ins wi th a estsAbesei ;• ter in the direction marked b * wake) bent I'd a beep leveyer tionSdows bs ok Yberstack." Hon K isys Sfis. es. —There s probably a nominal rt•publican majority i the On stittitiona4 (I,.IIVVn (ion of Kart. thottgh we arc not yet advised • political cLissitieat ion of o to what we have learnd, how': ; it ld have been a, well for the ; itians ad their rietor) been a tie so t the leading republican paper of the Terri to. IVe allude to the Lawrence Herald. *;/' .Nir demi the last.numher of which discusses the rest*• orVie ejection at considerable length, exitiolgu t tiiiig asAillowat •W e conscious that we shall be charged with a ilesire to play into the hands of the democracy, because of this article. Our design is to show our friends in the States the or, .ttreandi (?) of the republican party in Kansas, and to show how much has been gained by proving taboif. to pledges, and organizing a new party with new tests, for the purpose of g ivin g •skid and comfort' to a party outside of Kansas. We mean to say further. that the late vote is significant of the future, and renders the prospects of a final democratic triumph more than probable. and the sending up of n demo cratic delegate to Congress in the fall, and. finally. one democratic Representative and two democratic Senators to Congress, under our State organization." I K course this frank statement of the -state of things in Katis4u, will not be sweep table to the party which owes its origin and gorwth almost wholly to the unfor tunate Kansas imbroglio., But it is a state of things to which that, party may as well adapt itself. We wondei if the republican leaders will be as anziowifor the admission of Kansas at the next 4-tion of Congress as they have bet , n at foiller sessions. VS. WO. a,. ee with ''. the Washington 11 , nstautieri, that in eider ~to steer clear of the ultraiscinilVongressional interposition for the pro ection of slitie property in the Territorie' on the ineNCind, and 'squatter. a nvereigty. on the ether "it is only neces sary that we rharleaton convention should reaffirm anti readvpit thf Cincinnati plat form. This will the o'll, complete and aufficient. It ha, net all tho exigencies of the past, and, if faithfully adhered to, will ineet all exigencies In the future." DS_ Previnu4 tn'the - preparation of the , recent °el la' 1 leter to °Or minister at Ber lin, instrupting him to tAernand of the Ilan °vernal' ger merit the surrender of Wil liam Ernst. attorney fit•neral Black, at the retitle.; ,ft I President' rendered an opin inn in the• •., mikintnitig the general right ~..n of expatrin • as inedntestible, and that in regardX the protection of our citizens In their ra:ghts, at hOrtie and abroad, we have no law which div ides them into class es, or makes any diffe4enee whatever be tween them—that a nlitive and a natural ized American citizen nry therefore go forth with equal security ever every sea and through every land under heaven, includ ing the country in wbirh the latter was born—either of them May be taken for a debt contracted or a clime committed by him, but both are a... , utely free from all pcpliticel oliii4gations t • ' every eountry but their own. Ther ar zenz, *nd thew clelu to theigovernment o In .1 ucl ge Black '944 gov er4 men t cannot j Ernst by sbow•in4 th can also be proved t of czyntriation d4pet ereign, and this WI no man can establish te r - The duel betweet' Mt. Ct. Jennings and Mr. F, JI. Alett, the peppery Richmond editors. was quite an absurd af fair shot, were exchanged ert Neither brave wag injured. An "Au thorifive statement of the meeting will be published," the {Pug says: 1t is to be hoped, if this "nut hen tiestatetuent" should see the light, it will lend to a triangular duel he. tween tite Editors of the three Richmond papers,tuid that it may prove fatal to all. Du els between limb mond Editors have become such an in.u'rerable nuisance, that any thing that sll abate them. ; will reoeire:the apiirobation of the cottatry .1 filar The Committee the calling or the Ch , will meet at fix upon the time The it prolitalle that it wil which it earlier than th wa• held, but which to avoid the clitreme Southern eily„ -Apt- A t t.h.kalooa. it ) aung °mail who-e litt-Landcaute h tl6 drunk the oth er day Aook (loon the x goad, and eh:ta t-134.d him most ions!) —until he prom not to do wt again. Re laid the blame upon a Mend nth* asked him to dnnk.— She whaled hint again for not having sta bility to refuse. i The nett day she learned that it Was a female that he had been with at a dance 1i0n44 , , a hen she gave him another lathering. which qo affected the po4 ;fellow that he has not been seen in Oslcaleoso vineei sir °aft extraordinary elopement • took place frr Gaines , Orleans county, Ne! . Vioik s trie 4ib. Two juveiiiies, name litarieteUsins and Mrs. 'oily Burgess, each about iittity years of a_ ,atots, away at tea o'clock at night and w married by the Rev , . Mr. Koeler. y ! l ad 4* 11s.ed . * contempiation for sm. Limo, but wore re strained by their . Theftit, te a ton g. 'S. Y., hide a renatirlt priarepatruik other. Otte nit.t.hosn got ttiartied a a Hott time since. and hiq cotapentona boatired the erent itlitylnir Oito hitCheilehani -be; and needy drq*D i o- thina sad, his bride. sir The Marysville 17wpm/describe/Nth. „following rometitie itteident *shaving hite ... .1. , • ly so,ciTeci „Su_t.l4 Kora 4, .. A wealthy Fronehinali of *ii. city.; rtio lorigaee. quit Faux* in iion. of fortune, kft an oalyienn behind.- . lie taw inkinn) idrayed tai w i et rompoxid, :d a p eartira i bank.,n2 ,uownroboothis ile was nowhere to found, alth 4 40 linittre onn=4 ....a. frollkrsiP, , at l's!`" 4 by e ',io.4.-- - ..;._ • Most Important Foreign News !. Lbw pension of Hostilities ! Probable Peace! - -e• still Jskit 4 11 - M. -, = TV s lie stitit v ;lip Mr' a:odb le wile Live data th . ... h ?he Fwito*and Ci 'of ascialter'''.nrrt ) 'end' t o 0 4 on thilltik mid t pa a ille 101. On I liel . th Inst. the perm of the 'Trench telegraphed to the Empress that an had been concluded between the Entperdr Austria and himself, and that commissiaers bad been appointed to settle the clauses and duration of the armistice. .v.Zisit Patin Monikeur asywit is measemenr that the public should not misunderstand the extent of the armistice. It is limited 1 1 71 8, to a IMP laxation of hostilities het ween the which, though leaving the field open for negotiations, do not enable us forum present to mate how the war may be terminated. The London Times believes in peace, andre marks before the truce has ended, the French army will be refreshed and reinforced. A Beet of gun boats will - be ready upon the isike that surrounds Mantua, and a great army will be ready to make its descent upon the shores of northern Italy. Broken and dispirited as Austria now is, she , is better able to fight at this moment than she will be at any future time. -We believe, there fore, in peace, and we believe that the path of peace will be smooth to her, for the Emperor has won the itdvantage which for the moment he proposes to himself, If this war between France and Austria is ended France comes with tremendous power out tittle conflict, while Austria and Europe will look on with increasing interest, touch meditat ing on the future, while she rests upon her arms. Paws, 9.—The Monitenr of to-day says the armistice was signed at Villafranea on the Bth between Marshall Valliant and Boron liens. Its term is fixed for the fifteenth of August. It stipulates that merchant vessels without dis t inction of flag shall be allowed to navigate the Adriatic unmolested. t~caoaay.--The London 3%mea in a city ar ticle gives information obtained through a per fectly legitimate financial channel, respecting the Emperor's intentions in regard to Hungary through the agency of KOSalatik, who had an interview with his Imperial Majesty before he left for Italy, when the Emperor agreed to give Kossuth a corps d' armee, and arms and aunt nition to any extent requested. It was settled that the Emperor should issue the first proclamation to the Hungarian nation, and that this should be followed by one from Kossuth, that in consequence of Hungary ris ing and freeing herself from Austria, France should be the first officially to recognize the independence of the country, and then would obtain the same recognition from her allies ; that the Emperor should allow Hungary, with out interference on his part, to choose her own form of government, and to elect as her Sover eign the person she may deem most advisable. That the Emperor should place 8,000.000 f at Kossuth's disposal, the nuinagementof which Kossuth having declined to accept, has been placed under the Hungarian commissioner now acting at Genoa. In Kossuth's proclamation to the Hungarins be never. speaks of Austria, but the house of Hapsburg, whose expulsion he says is the mission of the Hungarian nation. He asserts that he will be supported by a power which ten years ago replaced the house of Hapsburg on the throne. FORZION News.—The Washington brings one day's later news from Europe, the details of which are given elsewhere The attitude of Prussia is still doubtful. It is claimed both in Paris and London that ger position will be purely defensive, and that pnless the soil of Germany be invaded, she will not min gle in the war. On the other hand, there is a report that GARIBALDeR corps has already violated the Tyrol, and that Price WINDeiCH GRATZ has gone to Berlin to call the attention of Prussia to the fact and to her treaty obli gations under such eiacumstances. The arma ment of the German Confederation is still progressing, and the French are accumulating troops upon the Upper Rhine.—An indicative article in the Invalid Bowe probably speaks iktbetninfrillei a in iite nature of an ultimatum, and may be regarded all a threat. Such an offer should not come from a single power, but should have also the indorsement of Russia and England. There is also a curious rumor that if Prussia inter venes. Russia will rake Austria off the hands of France and leave the latter power with only Prussia to contend against Mr. GAILLARDRT, of the Cr/Helen' ded Mate Una*, writes that he beard one of the most powerful and intelligent of the Parisian capitalists offer, a short time since, to belt a large sum that before the end of October, the French would be in Berlin and the Russians in Vienna! For himself, the writer believes that Europe is on the eve of speedy peace or a generst war; and that the chances of the two are even. We are not yet prepared to believe that Prussia is ready to enter upon so great a hazard for so small an interest at stake 'both American citi ve allegiance is due he United States.— ion ,the Hanoverian stify the arrest of Mr. t he emigrated eon- V tit I tp:33 I at the original right • on the naturalsov , I . ition be 15 sure whO have in charge estion Convention in Deeenahet to ' 6Aie Ledger thinks be called iu May, Co* vention of 1856 • dvfsable, in order hotit in June in a A /3ncoriAs Pxonntrr.—The following cartons paragraph is froth the Colognocor res_pandellipot the Continental Review: We may now afford to smile at the sing ular prophecy of the Westphaltui shep herd, who li red some ' hundred sad fifty years_ ago, and who predicted a terrible Ea ropesn war, in course of Width the Turks should cool the feet of their horses in the .Rhine. These things—thus 'runs the tra dition—Were-to come to past when carriages run without horses, and the Prussian sol diers Were dressed like the soldiers who crucified Christ. Carriages do runivithout lioreeit, and the :Moue& of a Prussian sol dlei, bi his funic and helmet, is in all re spects' that Of a Roman legion But the tOPetttiVitnhi, who speculated on this singular prifiphecy, cool never reconcile wit ft thOdieline. of the FiNnitisli power, and the Manifest improbability of the Std.- tan's troops csryin the standard of the Protiliet td the banks of=hinet res = for*" at Prance has of ut:l Zona**, end that = i f aims ssgoodltindensen wryer in the streets or Stamboul. was I.l4ll4ll rfeit ; Nara wilillegabioall lama:. id , taleasnwediliateliill birliis4ll,biesi 1 in haa , Z,4 l , l t, i t ir thi c i j= oNarilei rt iL it he Washin , gton Bter (inkier" the; ' new ;;; g i ll amtii P op 1' , t ingninicli=li ca Ve TIM -1110nAlino.- u l i Tie .. • taw ` sine!' he sinieeositil ewe. or-tb* -I,l &ifiorordehogbasifter+losigririnfluabro 411 4 04 e. WantieWit. ,Ft lade, bowereo; Illist" the' co 11 14 4 tian niiint IS , abeilkift forties in the South 'interested in tbe ' i nd ; 1 ,„„i „,, k • . 0 .1. , • - • *viral of** trade, are dobig their brat 1 , . L ...,, km - ' 7 r 7-4 77_ 1 • . ~,__- • to leiniainame the aqtiorioffire Gerverntoetit r,F I '—'—'" 4 . 1 " 1 " 141 1114 %; I Oidiels ohirged with the duty of guard big 42 lIC4 iikiltiliiiiirllir , Aim Simi! will rino ecenta, a paying branch of the trade. 'far. Slt KLLS RZCONCILIATIO.N.--Of the re ported reconciliation of Mr. Dam'. E. SICKLE, and his wife. the New YOrk bwie says "The reconciliation between Mr. and Mrs. Sickles was constunntated, as we are informed, while Mr. 8. was residing at the house of a freind on the Bloomingdale mad, about half a mile from the former house of Mr. S., which for some time past Mrs. Sickles has occupied, either alone or with some of the members of her own fam ly. The suspicions of his host were excit ed by the repeated _absence of Mr. S at unusual hours; and when he came in very early one tilOrUillg he wa s interrogated by the host and another friend who wa s pre sent, and on his positively denying their right to question him, and refusing to give an explanation, they shook hands, with him for the last time and he withdrew. It is -41 id he has addressed letters to his former intimate associates notifying them formally of the resumption of conjugal relations be tween himself and Mrs. Sickles." The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald says "The freintis of lion. A. E. Sickles in this city have learned that he and his wife are about to resume marital relations, it they have not already done so. It was ru mored that be was about to sue for a divorce, but that idea has been abandoned. The fatuities of both put their heads together, and: after discussing all the pro's and con's, they Came to the conclusion that it would be btittor for Mr. Sickles and his wife to livetbgether again in peace and mutual affection, burying the past in the grave of oblivion. Both parties have agreed to this step, and it is said their love is greater than ever 'There is immense rejoicing among their Mends, who have written letters of warm congratulation." g i “Z 4. Ufa of Iliir it is too complain Ear The loopool, Ittadiug, har tom grout ing to us iaWj. 2t . is a capital serrpoltl% but its politick ticiap • air The Firer Presbyterian Church saline is progressing litany. and gives indignant's of being a splendid ear.. sir The Meadville papers do not runtish us any infortuatiiist this week in regard to 1441 railroad ! What's up? Sir Two men in the employ of 43. J. Morton, on the Dock, were sun-struck on Tuesday.— By the prompt application of the proper rem edies they reeerared. ber 41DDLS. MAIMIII it Co., of tb• Erie City Iron Works, bare *slaked two passenger ears for the Sunbury and Erie road. and have an order for two more. mar The Lancaster Union says the largest harvest ever secured in that county is now being garnered. It estimates the wheat at four millions of bushels, and everything in propor tion. sar Monday last waa decidedly the hotest day of the season. The: thermometer stood one hundred In the abade. and if the day had been a few hours longer, the mercury would hare doubtless went up a good deli farther. E ar The IT. S. Steamier woe in on Sunday from a cruise to Buffalo, and left for a trip to the Islands at the head of the Lake en Wednesday. She returns in about two weeks, and will then leasne for a long cruise to Lake Superior. sir We wilt pay a reward of $26 for such information as will lead to the conviction of the pereon who entered this office, on Friday of last week while the hands were at dinner, and destroyed one of the rollers of our power press by cutting it op with a knife : „ gar Some old fogy is writing in the Syra cuse Journal against the selection of pretty women for wires by young men about to run their heads into the auttrintoshd noose. Well bet our Moe! pen against a dray goose quill that he is blessed with a wife aiNgly as sin, or that some pretty girl has given ltelhaatitten. AM, • sar Our old friend Hamm Tsiamu, of Gi rard, is annonsced u a candidate for site Leg islature before the lieleiglibin convention. It Henry will behave itimolAr, nail don't brag that he can't be best, we do not know but we shall let him be elected this year- w provided he gets the nomination. Sr We notice that 010. 8. ftwur, of Elk Creek, announces hinistlf as s candidate for County Commissioner, "subject to the decision of the Republican Convention." For a man who has been a Republican less than a year, that is rather cool ; la'iu it, Genre: aft„, Governor Packbe has appointed Bother Hoge aid Col. James I:)..leaugherty, of Dam Oda, and Nathan J. Mitehell, of Centre county, Commissioners to examine the western end of -- • -v. ...riralmoli t • bor of Erie to Warren, now reported to be graded and reedy for the iron. The Commis goners will meet in this city on the 2d of -Au gust. w• believe we one, wrote Toledo down as a ~h ard town," and here is proof that it has not improved since. he editor of the To ledo Blade having spoken somewhat plainly of the shortcomings orPaul Edwards, Canal Col lector at that port, the latter waylaid him on the street, and dealt him a blow from behind which knocked him insensible, and another man, who came to the rescue of the editor, was badly beaten. sip We have not lees this week to reply to the Gazettes rejoinder to our criticism upon its article last week in regard to the rights of naturalized citizetts, and the position of the Democratic party is regard to Coligressiould intervention. If the weather is not too hot; we may devote a column or so in our next. lathe mean time, we would simply say that our ea temporary has completely changed the charac ter of its changes,—or in other words, backed out of the material allegations of its first ar ticle. Qn litiosuiay eight a parcel of. rowdies, —a class of whichthis oily appears to be well supplied--made a eight of it by tearing down awnings, destroying signs, and. in one instance we have heard of, defacing the front door of a private residence. In remarking upon this state of affairs. the Gazette says !•useasurres must soots he taken to *rush the atysteni *flaw. Imam and disorder which appears to have beep inaugurated." In view of the fact that one of the Editors of the Gault*. is II leading member of our oily government, we call this rather cool. It will doubtless satisfy our oft. hens who pay tastes to keep up sparse) ofueity suckers," and nightly have their property de stroyed, that at some fitting day—wisaa, Lord only Imews--they ate to be protoetnie• sir. In view of the prospective opening of s portion of the Erie and Sunbury tomflti few weeks, appthittrons for *Mg nitai It Si it' as thick u pus hoppers in the 4fiettiii NAM, as part of the einutty. The :,Itteatia" attire road—wensn the "peculiar" firiener—were sever so numerous as now. From riSeetwof the wheels to couthOtor—Sht, N 101114,11114-, to Station Agent-44 crry Is "trill. SIT• We hope they will ail sueosid,,hr they ow all sliver nillitwa--at least, “they my they are!" ar In noticing the bet that tliCiVatren County Bank has bees re - 4,44.. 11 *tit?-4/* title orate giirosti )padorn itaaV the.Gosehe says it "believes J. Y. Junes ie efidleuremeeest with-i&" ellittenest would hid therteliso er to infer that Mr. J. 4411 eptittfitOi With tttst Oink wben lAA in . Mr. J. bad Intim( team an easaimitioli the Warren4loak long before it thileml,. and It 'What jest to Ids to ray tbst to lottriu . tifo.: fe /di lkihnkh' isonvitff I :Zg /tO k ‘let 4 14741 1 11 4 - Oh the "tor 471 kraitro." , „ Tb. Ifesditilletamidillies ua tntalle AK, volitSid 1 " 8 4 1 :0404 I#.o* . derit,o(A NN ettj au :' ' A pp lig! . " a : hold la *Wow Nnendip,AP aer The Harrisburg Mini •ooties an arti i of ours last week, on editing a paper; and laces it by saying that it wr bed hi .1 11 1 0 7 - friend fiber U th article * we ; hat's' we can its one . 1 tykeif we ;sit il. sr lis• Judge Run, one of the Judges of our Supreme Court, came to town on Wednesday and restutLued seer till Thursdsy. As the Judge is oar of the Republlein candidates for Treat- • I ; • Irti him surround ed by the faithful, but swap ittSny they were wonderfully cool end reserved twogirds him What', the - matter!—brae elyneron got the in side track in this "neck ofthe Woods ?" It would seem so sir We are authorised to say that the ru mor that the Editor of the Express is about to abandon the publication of that paper, for the purpose of accepting the position ofbrakesman on the Sunbury road is not true. The reason that controlp him in this decisive is the same as that which prevented his accepting the nom ination of the Republicans of Warren for the Legislature last fall. par The Buffalo paper are disputing over a story, to the effect that about a week ago a German girl, fourteen years old, living cm the corner of Geneses ami. Oak streets, in that city, named Maurer, swallowed twenty-two needles. Dr. Stork was celled and prescribed for her The whole number passed through the process of digestion in a few days, The Telegraph avers to the truth of this story, sad publishes affida vits in substantion. The basalt-re, on theeon trszy, says it is all a humbug ; and we guess it is right. ti. is ;aid the girl ate the needles that she might be sick Lail escape working out ill a servant. ear Erie county is still ahead on the wheat question. Last week we noticed the receipt of a sack of flour nissubictured from Kentucky White Wheat. Wee then Messrs. Caoren zg BROTgIR, of the !Fairmount Mills, have shown us a specimen of Erie county wheat, and also one of Kentucky White wheat, and even to our unprofessional eye the difference between the two is plainly to be seen. The product of our "Southern sister" was truly a fair article but that of our own Country was - the best we ever saw—large, plump and white. looking good enough and tempting enough in fact to eat : and proving, we may add, in this psrticular at least, the superiority of free over slave labor In this' connection allow us to assure our read ers that Metestminitaimu k Dimmest are man ufacturing this kind of wheat into flour every day, and are reedy to fill orders either for home or other consumption upon the moat favorable terms. P. 8 At last accounts Erie county and Messrs. C. & B. were ithesd—taill we are "open to conyiction." air Erie has a "mystery" at last It is the mystery of the mysterious chair, which the owner of a building, not far from the corner of State street and the Public Square, found in one of his unoccupied rooms in the third story, one day this week. The chair is a gdod)y ap pearing chair—a handy chair—as handy, in fact, as a "pocket in a shirt - -but, who owns the chair? -Thereby bangs a tale. ' We be. here the chair as, what _dealers call an "inva lid's chair," which means that by a skillful t of the wrist you can convert it into either ,sa -• gar occupant.— Will some one explain the mystery—who owns the chair MIES /fib• The liarrisburg L'nwa says there is no class of peopL more frequently sneered at than editors. It lie the easiest thing in the world to charge the with being mercenary : to say that such and, such an article was paid for : that anybody can have anything praised or shooed in a paper. if he will pay for it : and says • wiseacre, every now and then. —lf I had a newspaper here, would'ut I show the people What an independent payer is!" Well, my friend and pitcher, why not establish a paper and •pitch into everything and every body '. Nobody can object to your doing so The papers that are in the habit of pitching into everything are the easiest edited in' the world. it is only well-practiced and matured editors that possess that wisdom and true in depeadence which consists In refusing to "pitch in ;"• that manliness which can withstand a 'public clamor, that can scorn personalities, and that can treat public questions with dignity and soberness - that can alone secure respect fir the press. its What a dissatisfied set of mortals we are. When it is cool, we sigh for warm weath er, and when it is warm we're wishing it were cool. What fine corn weather, said we to an agricultural friend. the other day. it is too dry, acid he—we want rain badly. Thai re freshing shotier came down on . .Monday night. and we met the same man the next day. Fine "shower that, last night, we remarked : it will give the corn a famous start. Yes, said he, but it is bad for wheat. And so it goes from week to week never satisfied. never willing to ac knowledge that “whatever ie, is right " If there was ever such a thing as . "special prov idences," the crop of grumbles would have been out olir long ago. SOXN EUIUM ON THE C inotnnati Ex prose It h IA o'elock in the morning, the hour that %al ind I' ordinarily arias to breakfast. When we 't?liNi . hi ails bight Express we take a qiiiptaleeP estiaiding far iato the morning, and Wilhedadscprerailo on oar landlady to muffle the-door-bell lest it shenkt dishoh as, while , !h. site within view et the front door to receive her 'deities, lid oars. it the breakfast table. , if we hime g nsse any particular characters on the habaibe - night before, we make our adven t truer with thaw •and their peenliarities the Maple et cowitirsidmi: 1 1 121telnalus then gives us out erniud_ list, In Buffalo for to-morrow iteeitkr‘ ,1 4rtlr•iiolukkior. ittAtoiug to give .a party; and wants it box of lemons—ditto of swages, tin* &Wen pine-apples,' &c.. &c. Mrs. Thichbroom gid not get enough silk for her dreis it Orirtold's—he has sold the bal itnce of : here is a matple—try and And two yaUl-like it *• Buffalo. Mho Chickweed wishes et imgownt to Oaklaad'y and get the • in Tiolettitir looked :.t Its: week. Yon knor,Witysi Wilhehnias (a little wickedly) that Igliebst tidotaltme—to Cold 13prini—and then, 740 iteloPhst about few et lee aware@ to Mak sad Yen tianside Melt. Old Mr. Whikle "Ints".,_ , _lafesaita, i• * th aw* and got a box' - Obolbiiiri ' tVi n ifflfig Olitment, and e i • • ~' s W#Oirtre Mali Iteensiastor.— sliatirkel hellitiMiatensereatium of articles, imOingiallinn youponlistn•ilintredne at Barnum , deb.lifind and awe Ikon; 111 ibluesu, sad " I=fre. .._,4 i kikt& h .,ig.fisk,ead9 4 0 11 per funds' 1 !•104:41iliM f44oolfagli, :ha!, you irgi: 1 _Altroo4Pll4 aiWustinli at wing (Ur in .oAtuft kiesenatientimweald mishits; from taheatoodhantioa pie,- Oki lanes of hulks' , 144111 0 .fi1l '11 i . ,,' id sit Mit..**—but -tlest u ,r 1 141,44u hiftlif ffeit.intlit Wrested for the pith ti id rod, pm4i.§." Mink* said this manaisg, rifilaratboAiwilow friends, WWI Tot can sa them" • Paul repind, dilliisietinies, Ili& ' =MO CABS. damns, I think that the Old man who got on the train at Westfield, and met an old friend f rrsa (whom he engaged i fter ' tion, and con ,eoruiPg wa ) ow,. re did not say so very 4 ° o * a tillog al The old man in reply io a Ilnuislik by 'end, that they were on tie deep h of li d would soon sleep at *e fat, reidied i / apparent sincerity, "My heavers, I hope so. I would'nt live my life over again with he informal annoyance*, and bothers, for the best kept(' in Chautatique County." Breakfast over I enquired of Paul the order of the day, and looking a his memo randum book be says, ''Our squad drilla to night ; we will miss that, as we go oat at seven." You set.. Mr. nbarrorr, we arc "some military"—we belong to Wayne Guards, can march the required distance, and have teeth sufficiently good to bite a cartridge. Wilhel mina wishes to know if we have to march "just so far" every drill night. and receives an af firmative answer. She speaks of tiaribaldi's fifty mile a day forced marches, and hopes Paul and I. will never have to march so far, es pecially if the weather is as warm as now.— Paul. also, assures her that the Grand Surgeon examines each man's molars before he iv re ceived as a member. In after-noon, -Dag," Paul and I went fish ing. We dropped anchor opposite the mouth of Big Cascade, and the way we hauled in the fish was a caution •-to weakly minded people " Off to oar right, Mr. Hennewsy and Lady were seated in their pretty cockle-shell boat, with their fishing apparatus working to its full ca pacity. is a true sportsman. and long may be •'fly in the wind." In, nearer the shore, in the stern of his "dug -out, site "014 Ben" with his little old pipe in his mouth, and his fishing rod in his band, motionless an the sculptured ,marble al the gates of—(I forget the name of the place.) We sometimes think that this old man, "the last of Perry's men," will he spared to paddle his canoe ut sad down the Bay, as long as the black bass frequent these waters To be sure, this has very little to do with running a train of cars. But then, you know, go many folk., are anxious :thou, the location of the Depots, we thought we would start once from the "Harbor. ' just to see how it would seem The trainfrom the west is late to-night—but at last the whistle sounds—the train is here' the "Comet - is attached, the bell rings, "all aboard,' and late as we are, you can bet your life, with Ike Barker at the lever, "if the han dle dont break the beard is hound to come off," which being interpreted means, "we will be in Buffalo on time. - This train left Cincinnati at six o'clock this morning, and it is the one that carries "the Southern travel It makes but three stops on our road, and is the most pleasant train to run that we have The gen erality of the men of the south have that plain, frank, open and manly address mu different from the north. and the Ladies, (when alone are requiring your attention to their baggage, ' your escort to the supper table, and ninny other little nameless attentions which a faithful con ductor knows so well how to bestow,) never furyrt most cordially to thank you, and do not seem like many others to think the favor shown is on their side, in giving you an oPP o titutit7 to devote yourself to them. Paul was taken aback ord. evening at Dunkirk. A woman from his train, was going to a way station ..n the Erie road, and in" re checking her I..iggage (which 14 not done on the train for small way stations; she experienced some annoyance and delay. Shecame into the dining saloon a little a...4.a. ......1 remwd.111.4.4 it• Peorl. • •Tl•• .....atn., tut jrom Clevelind to Erie WAY very attentive to me, and here I hare been left to my own de struction ' Paul hail two or three ladies at the table, who offered to excuse bun until he calmed this excited individual "; he however remarked to them that she was an old traveler and could take care of herself She was simply one of that class of individuals denominated -sand-flies - by the train boys. I thought I would play smart : and ..tiered my service to 3 yaukve girl at Dunkirk and she gave her head a toss. and switching her crinoline, shereplied pertly, -Thank you, sir, I've traveled enough not to need your a"sistance." lo addition to our Cincinnati folks we hare Chicago, and the Wabash Valley represented on the train. Leav ing behind time we are booming along at a high rate of speed. A diminutive, weazen faced man looking out of the window'until his head swims, draws a long breath, and enquires in a loud squealing voice, ••Alassy sakes:if we should run off the track neow w-h-e-r-e would we go to "" Gruff fellow with a head shaped likealenion, hair combed down and cut straight across in front, as though t he barber had crowd ed a crock over his head, and cut by the rim, seems annoyed at little man's remark and re plies, "Most probably you'd fetch up in some out of the way place beyond the reach of your friends '• Round faced fellow, jolly but sappy, remarks atwe tear off his ticket. -Don't :pile my tikit, I paid fourteen dollars for it. and your terin on it : yer wont leave me enough to git home with, - and then he haws, haws, haws, and looks around him, and seeing no one in clined to laugh at his ,r./..!/ remark, he concludes that his neighbors dont know stew goods when they see them; and subsides. A little further on—a double seat and a sight familiar to us of the train. A. young and care worn woman, supporting the wasted frame of her husband, pleads earnestly for Paul to -top at Ft Her husband is dying The last resort—the southern journey—has failed to have any good effect on the doomed man : and, oh ! she wish es so much be may reach their own home be tore he dies. She describes the situation of the house—their home--close beside the track. Although the train is behind time, and we are straining every nerve to make a connection. Paul cannot deny this woman, nor resist the anxious look on the face of the dying man.— We reach their borne—Paul and I carry him in and lay him beneath his own roof. and three days afterward in passing R— with thetrain, we see a group of persons with uncovered heads surrounding a mound of fresh earth in the vil lage church-yard, and the bands of the solemn man of (104 raised to Heaven, and we know that our passenger has reached the end of life's journey and is at rest. A bewildered looking Cell, -with a large arid dirty family has just ex changed his checks with the checkman who passes on, The man is sweating like a saw asgo-stuffer, has his checks in one hand, his tattered and torn tickets in the other, and a puzzled look on his countenance. He yells an imprecation at the crying children, looks at the cheeki6 thief at the tickeis, and now at the retreating ehotktima, and proceeds to scratch that heed of his In vain effort at a solution of the quandary he is in. We take his tickets and discover that they are from the Wibigh Valley end bike him to New York by the Erie road. He salutes us with "Koppel', will yea phut* explain 'ail me what I'm to do; tietirane the luggage, and the childer and the tickets, rte all through other." We set the Cek right; - explained everything partiesdarly to him, and saw the entire fentilt off the train a Ibuskirk, mid theta treat to On going through the train Aar leering Dunkirk, toehold this Interesting tastily la loather coach of the same 'train. We viannoe describe to you the wails they setup at the discovery of theirigunder. The Whet easturenoed sweating, and his ami able looking motipadon began to "bate the eididerby way'ofirearsitan." At Silver Creek we unloaded them to return to Dunkirk on nest train, and we must say the chances were in favor of their again passing that station An old lady sits behind this party inunrhin, popcorn and earryiag a vagabond lookin g ell ; on her lap, which swaps at Paul as he nis c h,. for old lady's ticket. About this time art ode, fills the ear strongly suggestive of skunks to the vicinity. These offensive animate come up out of the swamp. at night, and if the night it cool, take s position oa the rail, which yet re tains the hest of the sun, and dazzled with the brilliant light of the lamp of the approachin g locomotive remain until struck by the pile? and directly a sens e of their presence is a tt. Need throughout the train. Oldcouple hehlud commence to smell and suggest to Paul the pr, priety of putting out old lady's dog, as h e has been killing skunks. a Old lady ftsres up, " s o we pass along leaving them to blaze away et each other. Paul reaches his hand to the next man for his ticket the man rises to his feet, grippe Paul's dexter and gives it a hearty shake, with • 'show, d'ye do." .prestuni ag et course that the conductor was some old acquam twice whom he had forgotten. Paul asks ter his ticket and receiving it panne oa. Man re marks, -Terrible warm time of it; Yes, Dry Yes ; Seed. rain ; Yes ; Grass is light Yes Frost do much damage 1 Yee, killed all th e children in Chautauqua County under two year, of age. No' Yes." Old Lady nays, "Mare) on us! killed the children l" and then looked affectionat e ly at her mangy looking cur till lady with pug nose and Iron rimmed spectacle , replies to Petal's request for her ticket—"l e., I've got a ticket to Buffalo, but I &Int gout give it up 'till I git my chist." We explain, remonetrate, but she holds the ticket tight Sod says, "You &int a pin to tome any of your de. lewsions over me, i tan tell ye; I've beard tell all abeout ye ; Ind'eu Jeremiah tell me lieu. t to des, and to be kereful ! He's been deowe twice store." At last we get the ticket h) making her understand that it is the check she is not to give up before receiving her baggage Man carrying an infant. „and endeavoring with a bottle of milk with rubber top to supply the place of a mother. You can read the story 111 he gazes in that infant's face and traces the features of its abseiq mother. She has died in that far off visceral country, maybe from the lack of the comfort of her Old New England home, and he is taking the child to its grand Parents ; and poor Ilan, when he has fulfilled her dying charge in regard to the infant. y,,e, will see him returning alone. Ood be wok him in his terrible privation A woman will. fare dreadfully scratched and bruised holds 't child tight in her arms and sits in an absent mood save when the train thunders user 1 bridge or rounds a curve, and then the expre-- sion on her face is one of wild anxiety. She and her child escaped with their lira in that terrible accident which occurred the other day on the Michigan Southern load. She inform us that three hours after she was taken from the ruins, her child wits found safe and jured clinging to the body of is dead woman and then whispering to Paul, she enquires .; he considers our bridges quite safe Twe Milesians in seat together tine rises. -Mr Kundoolttlaet could yes lit the two of us g,. , Itoonkerk for a shillinr No you must the regular far,'. -Oh, bad cess to yet yet hard.' and then they pay. Behind are returning gold seekers from Pikes Peak a o sling on a pass. dirty. ragged. sunburnt 41.1 penniless—but "satisfied. We are to the coach and now the rain begins to poor I. outside and in comes a bruised. Longed e , tuokeng man from pie hind platferm a elan., at hits and smile others we hole ti..l yet t... ed shows them lobe trout the -titan id Ike They are as plentiful to-night .14 a• t dear lit tle consolatory bullet ins nlprogrer.eme. eastern papers announcing weekly the -coh.l. lion' . of Charles SUMAC!' and Theodore Parke, Irishman and his wife got on at Westfield at I want to get oil at Salem We dont .rep at lent; woman says we must stop at Salem. site Ines there Paid tells them there is ho tor to talking we are behind time and ~nut •:, t , and would'nt stop any way Theft cane volley of abuse front them which conituued until we reached Dunkirk, and aathey off the train and .•struck out" in the RP] ior walk of some miles. the woman turning to and shaking her fist at huo sail, —Condooktet I do hope til (lady u'le brake your neck before you get til Buffalo. and then spit venomously at hint. Paul replied It is a wet night and dark, pick your steps, keep out of the cattle guards, and 'lest we may never see you again. we hid you an affectionate Farewell. Fare well echoed Nicodemus .01.1.1.i . NT STAND nit DOCTORS.--Jolty - since an old revoluntionary soldier, named Benj..) ohnson , of Milford. Mass., wat—tru, by lightning, but not killed. For is i (lays he was insensible, when two doctors were called, who said he would die. Jut at that moment his speech came to him snd calling his wife by name he said, "1 hJi stood mnnon and musket balls and bay oil, I and I can stand Mwider and ItgANny, It Ow doctors will only let me he! - -and enough he recovered. =:=2l When Napoleon was riding to (lai ana he saw an Austrian lieutenant dying by the road aide. He ordered hi:, to be attended to, and, the dying man having taken his watch from his neck. pla ced it, together with a locket and a ring in the Emperor's hand, begged him to sena them to his young wife according to an addrees which he gave. The Emperor promised to do so and sent them by a special messenger that very evening to the neare,4 outpost of the Austrians. iolk. Men will sooner give large sums tu erect nation:eats, and endovrbospitela, an blaton their names, than a crust to the miser able mendicant, asking alms at their doors. ••cup of cold water in love," will be more favorably registered by Deity, than million• expended under the /attune* of Tufty. pg.- It is rumored that tie Pike's Pesters managed to deceive Greeley in respect to the richneal of some of the diggings he leas ex amining. by ebppmp void chat into their d, , . boxes and washing it out in his presenc grTIM MEAT MIMI WM • imams asavurs CLUMMUTIitIi a Coma Trams onto L 'by the Soh' Pooremer of tie Original Owl moot 0. tioul“lr fa ail Lamers litarde and k he at _ wed It otthe mow. - nsas asaktai am, bat time beat tb• dation kW yeas; both la Prams art ameriea, o at a. ileatooo en** atalt ; .04 lit rd away Atwood lollies who biro atamt Ma* to Pate the pima public. tor the olleeleithea ot those letithelag !rum to innolguiaritina wbatager ashupa i aa as to am"' to thane hdhs 'Meshsslti wilitaot panto ea hata7. Ptslassakhatalsa, ss thaw ssaiss , °‘ tamasst". • so, are costumed spawn win thus. pile that Plitslotte aa the proprietor ammo so rupsaatt.” tty sass tls• above sdassalliaa t aldose' OW* ma"' would wrest &Xi .Is.hl.fto tbihelatb ; olistrabs three Pah are Peolemarsalhed. hill sad solidi direetioa !i• "4"eitri:eaai e.. for iota by Cali= i OILMEN N. IL—Ose sad throe lassos stump saslosid t., W*SY MIL amt. slit = 4 % . , =l7 u. July 4, 11111t--10. N LT 21111 , ViCiliai at User Clualstrt vUi Meow la Ilatehlowe' Lai Ittitilatsat a elsa psaaaa. wastadlr 4 tot tommadistssiad perosaist sent la tide dkortgot aosoldat; It Ilistrias asadess the metal eaha sad clear het ; It reporoastae aid neetiena stmeortle with ease tokamak& T el. iIittICLAIR. litia, Ps. lt we 7W wait vik.vmtss i sasilita Aim • 63,,J• • ago us et tW .z. lavlsaseat. Ilaseklage ltablienat. It is hollallal la all Na sassallsaa A. N hasigetaat N lias as, olasil—fsjsraraaslag seed and smily vita assalarlal solseity awl psnoaarst react add Ipy CAIIIPII2 220, Lis. A. Or aitakise Lai tabfianat la a iejovisator a sowirgerfebbhio oat tobodliabbe oweelbooes. Toe 01l or vase isaatler bow protiscod. It mat be eosi oiskrailtilillollUW•obsicile. 11 lealimosseargior smistothils tb Hier. stourieb or Wis. Ito is Wow oitireatiti, - WO, CLAM% it lAD. 7fis. ' 411.1 y.