GIM4.T BA.AOINA.s NEW 411r.X1 ORMHBt H, ' -` •'1 *;. • • • G• _ a • *ltibeiklibtrNvimt, 140:61t1 . 734114:-; Park, Fish, Salt, &c. &c. FOR THE XTLLION; BOUGHT FUR CASH, AND WILL BE SOLD THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS CITY FOR 1 GASH OR READY PAY. EVERY BODY WILL SAVE MONEY BY CALLING AND EXAMINING OUR SPLENDID STOCK 4 I} SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, AND EVEBITAING ELSE IN THE UROCERT AYD PROVISION LINE, BEFORE PURCHASJEG ELSEWHERE!! 1 1 M77 1. 7rM F. i ‘11 7 1 M PM.017M,, Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat, GRAINJAND FEED, Of all kinds kept constantly on hand and for sale at prices that cannot but satisfy all. MirAlligmla Warranted to lie just what recommended, and de- hvered to allparts qf !lie eityfree qf rAarge lirßemember the old stand of Shannon & Ryan, No. 5 Cheapaide, Erie, Pa. ORMSBY & BOOTH. Er* March 12, 1859. 611140 NO. 8, =ED HOUSE. M'CONKEY & SHANNON, Have on hand a largo stock of IRON, NAILS, Out and Wrought Spike, 1 11 1 1 1 1 ROILDERW HARDWARE, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, A MES' SHOVELS and SPADES, FLINT. lIVLNY, MILL, CIitCULAR t ROBB-CIIT EimPhlica A AND ANVILS, VICES AND BELLI)WS, Wieught Nuts au waidull4, , KALLEABLE IRON, TABLE AND POcKET PLATED SPOONS AND PORES, BORING MACHINES, ELEYS' WADS AND WATER PROOF •CAPS, SHOT BELTS, and POWDER FLUES, WHIPS, &c., &C., Na 8, Reed Rome, Erie, M'CONHEY & SHANNON Eria. March 14 ISM Now Flour and Feed Store. THE subscribe; (We& the firm of Seigle sad tetliebs4 bee *resod • WSW FLOUR AND FEED STOIrE the Mirk vi letMeei ew t ei6e a the Vd t wk ism's/ Firer lila evu z ia g tsP rie la vi r 1 s " a l'be m et the Pulite Is ra gik etrA t iled Awe SNIP C. PLATED WA.R.E. . A Mai Bite mis. rgrks, breria. Caps, sal a rest misty It Itlia Pistol Weft in mai by . T. IL AMIN, Preps Neartiinht, Nardi 11. t THOIFTRE PROOF MINERAVPAINT zams4l : edisztr4 A mistur ini =4.z_ bib ae s 7ryr Ikr /i rilf : I : I ): . 1 7t rah. t.Yg na ulialiettetiliseln e riA lim•li/rtimilagenerilairoriststaiginnant. csaitamikiP-sew 11150011.11211 M & =W NW T NAV:W! warms in thy tiro- est /XILLAINkaad asaaaad * - the jugs n, mann. GlituTlßr . it IPMWM X bog %sears or i t maw. ROR4CE WATERS , Agtt. IM BROADWAY; N. Y., PUB HER OP MUSIC AND MUSIC BOOK.. Wake in Plan Melodeons, Alexandre Organs, Organ • aplebratuil Auntieert, VioHt and ether eecwlam lnellalf 1 Ilaa,. Annerisina, Flatlet/is, llsOlusi".. Mau( • let. l i d Min Milk imp. TOlla Boma, litebega. Brum ge, % pi th , Plano Staid& earns, and all kW& tir Instrument WISE? 3410141 e, from all lase pelidithers In the U. S.; Beetle:Ps, Hanteres and Modern gehnol, and all Made of Instruction Books for the ,bore Instruments I Mora Musk Hooks J ' Mimic elegantly Bound; /loath all dandle 'nf Ilurlic Menimiedias s AT THE Ist , * PIIIO6B. / 112 W PIAX O _!SAt $135, $2OO, s:=6, $2169, and &to SO' I TeX . MAU 4•1‘061 i Mins ilso;Np to ; l'OPlfili INN Sigkfted, $75, sloo, and np to ; SECOND HAND MELODEONS,. from $3O to Pe• Melt &mire Origami, WI !tea itaisa, 0116 aad $226 thirteen and enema stops $320 and $316 • Ale iadre Omits Airwordle•aa—a as ialthitaar:4 bat poided--price $36 and $36. A liberal dintathrat to Clew men, Clio robes, Sabbath Schools, Sallibuirlas sad Teachers. me Trade 'applies( at the nutl et trade &minute. SABBATH SCHOOI. BOOKS Pi KLISMED - BY lllllB HOUSE: THE hauler: wary and Sunday-School Music Book, Na. 1, cantatas Mt Penes asp hymns. Price 3 cents each, $2 pet hundred. THE Anniversary and Sunda, -School Music Book, No. 2, contains 36 tunes and la) WWI Price Scents each, $2 per hundred. THE Anitvereary and Sunday School Music Book, No. 3, contains SU tones aced hymns Pike 4 cents each, $3 per hundred. THE Anniversary and Sunday-Sehool Music Book, No. 4, contains 110 tunes and Lyme. Prime 3 cents each, $.l per hundred. THK Anniversary and Auntlamtrichool Music Book, combining Hos. 1 and:l, with several additional containsis'lll.l3ll% and hymns. Price assents each, p sl ieces, pm 4 bundled. THE Revival Penny Musk. Books, No.. I and 2. No.l contains 16 tunes and hymns. Price one cent. No. 2 contains 36 tom and hymns. Prior 3 cents each, t.: per hundred. Postage one cent each. THY: Sabbattorwhool Bell contain. Itsl tufo., and 19 mos. Price PI t mils gall, SW per hundred, postage 1 mot each; bound, 3.0 cents each, lilt per hundred . ele s cautly bound in cloth . 4$ tents each, IPM per hundred, ptettage 3 cents each. CONGREG A Tli th AL SINGING-An eight lunge Tact Prim- 25. e, per doe. $1 :Al net - hundred. TEsTIIIOSIALS OF TOE 111 IR ACE WATERS PIANOS & NIELI gin INS. " The Piano came to hail, and in first rate tinier It is a beautiful insulin.. iii and 11 ,, 1111 , FilLke... -I.i•X It ii At ape, Phila. John Hewitt, of larthage, New York, who lam hail one of the Horace It atm+ Pianos, writes sadollows "A blend of mine trutheo me to purchase a plan. fur her. She likes the one you sold me In December, 166 d . piano •Is becoming popular la this place, and 1 think I can intro-lute one or Iwo Hoar . they will to Olinn popu lar than any other make." 1 " We 'Ace two 01 Waters' I isnot in nee In our Seminary, one ol whirls bus been mime!, tested fur three years, and we ran testily to their good quality and durability."- Woub 4 tie scout, Mount Carroil,lll. •• H. W•ritits, beii.—licer Sir;—Having U/Iloi one of your Piano I oat., for two yearn past, I ha,, lougl it 4 very raipprior tudremeid. AtClezo GaAs, Pelee:pal Brook/pa Ilsighis Sdimisarp.'" " The Piano I rite . ..lied from you eitutinues to give satis faction. I regard it no our of the best instremeuts in the liner." -J•nes L I'Le 1g.., t Itsrleston • la .. 1 i.e Melodeon has Bahl) arrived. I feel obliged lo YOU for 3 our litter/I distonm-w ill do all I can for 3 on in these parts "- has J M. kleCoun At by Var.iummille, S. C. " the 1' ace wits duly receiteil. It Cage is ealgileell rondit 00000 , Ogol Of Very much astniinesi by my numerous faintly Accept air thanks for 3 our prommtne..."-Honeer Coors sr, Warretiiimu, Itraditord Co., Pa. "your Piano pleases us well. It is the bent nor in our County.'-Tins, o u t A. LATHAO, Tampbellton, Ga. " We are very much obliged to you for hiving sent seek • line instrument far Ulm, and we shall take piing to re ...osunieud it."-lyworg, Hain k Co , Befalo Licesocear. " The llorace Waters Pianos art known as among the very best.. We are enabled to speak of them Matrunients with cwoadesmi, from perverted k,uoeledge of their ex cellent brosand durable qtality..:—.N. Y. iisesagolisl. "We can Ispetak of the menu of the nrm, 'Waters Pianos Iron, seminal kneel/din as being of the tiny best quality.' -. ram ferrlhrurcer. Nothing at the htate Pair dlilayed greater excellence In any.departnimpt than Horace eters Hobo"! " -Clwyd Oleg. - "The Horace Waters Pianos are built tf the best and Emit thoroughly seasoned materna. We have no doubt that buyers can do as well, perhaps better, at this, lima at any other Lome in the I:nion."-4sfeeted; end Jeered. .' Waters' Pianos and belodeola challenge tromp:ins= with the buret made anywhere in the country :'—Huse Joapusi. "Liorace Waters Piano Fortes are of full, rich, and even tone, and pOlierful. - -Nee Turk Shierrel Renee. "Our friends utli find at MR Waters' store the very test assortment of Music and of Plano. to be found in the United States, and we Urge nor southern and western friends to give him • call whenever they go to hew York." —GreAses'a Marazise. WA KYROOMIS 333 BUOAD VV.% I', New Vert. June 11,, TO HOUSE KEEPERS. . suMET II I.N NEW. B. 'l'. BA 138ITT's BEST MEDICINAL SA LERA TVA. 6 Q is Is man pa tifaet red e u n red tire f ly roTOplomon salt, i nt frottiotrerd 68 r fkalenitus. All the deleterious matter ea. AND Muted In such a manner as to produce, AND Bread, Biscuit, and Sleds of Cake with.' 70 z e , ;sitar :o r g , a pai ake l liele stratu b baked ; when y p 70 during wholesome results. Ever/ parti els of daleratua la turned to pa and pares' throligh the anted or Dimwit while Making; COOnnynellay nothing restyles but common 68 sait, Water and Flour. Yon will avidity; in by the taste of this 13alerates that p rD AND it le entirely diterent from other Salmi uu.t 70!_ " pe " Me in ' "'I Ina= .6eb :70 Medicinal Seletteu r gLo , picti;re, Wet.. ed lost of bread, ern a glass of ellervescing: 68. grater on the top. Mien Z 011 11orebameo" 68 paper you ohonld Fermin um wrapper, arid be particular to ;et ad nest uactly AND like the QM—branda above. AND • Fail 4 I . Hoe, Twit, Rake, Sieve!, Auger, Chasse!, S.. and Plane Handles, at 51 J. U. BELDE.V'S CIiiARS.—A lot of very fine ones, I: sale at SINCLAIR'S &ie., May 21„ 111591. Sty C.ICOAINE:That very superior coin pound for the HAIR, auaNzrra COCOA! emus be had genuine at the Drug Ittoro of April JO. CIAXMit k BRo GROCERY. C A IA) ! Ir Er T BROTH FIRS, Have opened a Groom awl Prot. , . good Stor ehere in Beattra }Hoek, North tllcto of th e West P.A. of FRESH AND PROVISIONS OF ALL • KINDS, A NI) TIM ISNOT QUALITY, MAY BE YOU Pi Ir -ALSO • • 00,1113214WELLOWNARE, t ar ant and the MOW market pries pa 4. for An hied*et Ceelitry Traduce. B. t. CIVOBICY. R. C. CirGFIEY trio, April 11111, SPICES of all BINDS, la N.. 2. wriabra Meek. April 1111 M. AN , IaINDIO kCo CASH paid for Wheat, Ryer , Corn awl Osta at tie Ed k ctio II hihillag saw aal. spirt SO. I t: B. HAV CU kCAL ES. PLAI7OIOI sad COUNTER Sic A t,' 4 9 sated the beet eisselletereetr m ipale ley 'April ISS& & B ooaAYS •.I Y. r. sad irmarminairean rioirm• limk , • Ithigemit• JONAS GCSNI*ON,