local awl Xittrag. , I, 01 sonic cnpetn) corn weatit- Jo the r 0. Ni p oi . is the Ime , l pi tetN tvl Nleti.lay evening attract , • , tovk,l; lint thi.isnuthing new I,a‘e the rcpul&tiun of boingg - g prom ill the Stale. wing rkneinnalistis run snag' i!cwl t' , s/l'is from that oily last week. „,..r.• or that kind that St Paid „ , Lc, and consequently •Tany of Philadelphia Firemen %put to Buffalo the past week. went home without getting up •-• r.itl.er unusual for e PLiladel tand hence worthy of Frt. litotal Fair ut the Chauouque Society. 'is to he held nt „ , „ Wedpendny and Thur•- , h. and 15th oil. September. We •, • ;,,, farmers of 'Erie county, nn .l ~% ;,, compete for premium, , heing absent this week, all tit trity.ttetl to the •'deill' 40 liii•111 -:1 , t41 :1 or 3 —poor del i!.. s:vitr.ok tht..eity Are ntion When thee It, the 1 . ...:1•0 mar.! ne- I,tie. ;11,1 . gry tilt N. Slrtilt , .! 1 Ol• J I ~nh•n :11I• varied,. A •'•, A •,• hi, 1 , .. , kplo. • ,•\ 1.1 \ \ll.llllllll t ' ,11.1:, 1111 „.1 Poe" • s‘e hiL.- I. nen iet hei W 1 .% &'J"% 1.1 i: 1 , 0 '.l•/11 . lo •k!‘ Illt` 11 .4 I 3• • I' then triwn 14e0, it • tki-t Iny it to ‘.1,.\ Jr .tlt tuattet , I ~t i Ile tile fretitiewl,?, iniliiietl with tliptt hien what a tt.. ,, 11 ,, I It , tone u,t111.1 have. 1, • a 1/1.1011101 want the , t, that great 111311 n third , t t t i would 111.11'r /14.1:0 ut , I exclude till aitivertl:K.lllQllll•, • • 111.• •10!)...'e to the 1 , 1 ..r „ thee It titers foi I IL, J/ ft 11111 i 111.1.-1 4 ILttt its,later .tuji, u a %tot !If I 't 'hat tor 001-11 or ILe iwtrolootli - ritighhor Jenkin- —.mil 4,, on ilult-foolel 4 ,liaroer ,Now o 11 1- 11111.v.511,1t. to 1•11...1-.4. all 'I I -1111 d a- Ih ukst I.c -I , v I.k pteane s , I„ I ii3ll .111.1 I:ill these I. .olt• ilg,.lg Vie twt.j.,rity tini io k%e IS.. 11, 141 'LI• 11, ENIZIE "XI. 1;1x1.•,. I 1•1 VI% lilt f .$r It iend. tht• It =I r oecitt 11114 e.% er . l •!ht 111 til,l lo til ....r n ut,••l " .tl.l 'hem al, .1111.41 Ml:ll , Zrgtlf 1.1 1..• her.. Ifi kqtr LitNint•-- 11,1117 nn r•door'od oh.ert t &oti over I'M in e,•il Wll-1111. -pen.l halt 311 it.,tir an t. 10• 3- 1. 3131 41 111 1 - ,1111,:: 1.- 11 leuer ihi)z )13- nrri,rr , •.l m hi• ail Le st , .; t at li %%erk t .4[114.1 , 4 f.krl ••:tool • t ,;.1 ua “tn 1.11 e rur AP rn lti VS e I n. wt t,nl2, •II NM r uut thing new neigh hieel 01;1, of iht ir,l , .rrnat) , q) thu. },:j n ,F7-.l. tt r r • ;or the jr, rake Persona Who are elrOSed to Ihr ray. will a pile , / rir,lee! lon J.l er).i )1.4 et ham kerchief het wren their liewl ttle.l the 01 m ut their hat. If the haiiillserchiet much the better. Ureett lei e. Ntll au-A . t.t th e mane purfiupe. and •care. IIC:11 Of n) =I r, .k. I, • leg th! , :tide, illtn , elf 14 /di - r h 1• trn, 1,11" , ...r any lir avh !he s Lull (4140(.6 - gr.wlh, write iv+ ,•011:Al ,; wl ,, rn a tale on the necetoot r of Co ly :v.11117%14 rweltre If -owe fwd.- , •••intlkr..iw. tired of life. .Ituffies off t his • • w.lhout the help of n 1,1 , teian or ut elergy. we want to know it. for pirigraph. nre new.pnper4 made In ,weueg itl tour he partn-nlne ,, and we Il wake it note HI 11, W.. one of the eompininty.. first nl- .• • ' • •i• tai , article. that attention •.•.1 • ?he local affair. the i•••unti, will • ,••ino‘,••l Think of till , . !riun•l••••• :in•l ne-.1 • ph. Or the weel, nfier. •+r ant tune when the , 1 11.1 tau \ es - and the , •ece•t..n deuttuvle, as A" fifth .I\l4 1 ,, the :tttpler. • a line fg"."". liarliAoing I i , 1 ejoll 1 , 1 11 e.••.utry papers' 1014,111 g wore lit tent 1,,n , tie r to Ilse ‘ariokr. part. ot ! s ue •inse. t 11,,t hi% We eall thte nailer coul If r. ot 4111%11 ill 111, afsir 111111 i• mart. a ‘lliagr i69n Ilarrimburg we %Ilowid lIMMI The Ihtfrat" I •Itt,irro tell, the ful w,t.i: •it the expervir of tl worthy .t. titular, with the improniittneuble name of 3 3 tittyri.LL riving between that city and xicp..rl ton the Fourth of July Jona and wife were hoeing corn in itteir field, when 110 , balloon pulsing over.— t.eing potted up In aerial natigniion, Jowl( tl,e Last Day, or the comet, land come, t•t0.,1 ttp to hta wife, went down on hip mar trl (111.1 t•egge.l her forgivenesA for all Irluiting+ he lied given her, and then •;rtit l t.. Heat en a it II prayers and hasty run ..t manifold //, neighbor who w.-... 1 ihr , reur describe , it no being very t. rather uttpopulsr Smoug • I, ..lttt3ti Ilt,glibms, as ,1311 y rtthierted to a s-tttig on bin fright. and h often reminded "..1 guilty coireienee wakes enirsnip of tua L,•••• \l*. hare sulTere4 wine frutu the cul -1 • notteed by the Ifeirrtsborg ..t hitching hoist, to iiiiiatte trees, and • r IPe With that d rat Stith a Tweet ice • ..iorag• A., in Ilarrisburg, Suis it here, net• of enreirtinere are committed h) the fgrturra who bait our town nwrutt,d.t • and on other days of• the t,. notke their purchase• To save $ iar,, expense they hitch their auunais to the trees, and allow thaw to stand there ter boon at a time, While they travel about town at tending to their bulginess. The horses become impatient. rettless and hungry, and consequent. ly chew the trees, destroy the bow. or rein the bricks in the gutters along the streets, ju4t beentige the owners of the said home are 100 "tingy to spend a shilling to put them up in a •table. These dinners complain bitterly if any of our citizens should visit their farms and tramp down theii growing crops, or injure their trees; hut think nothing of hitching a pair• 0f rrancing horses in front of a man's house, to destroy hisgutters, break his awning posts or tree boxes and skin his trees. ger- We find the following in the Pittsburg tryQ/ Journal hi regard to the Forsr enset — This decision of the Suproitue Court setilles finally, we suppose, the ipiestion of Judge Dee rickson's want of Jurisdiction in all criminal rases, and if followed up would send RIDDLE. eonvied at the saute term, hack to be tried I= -The Supreme I (tort during this week lies been holding a special session In Philadelphia Among the ruses disposed of. -was one from this district ; that of Jacob Foust vs. the Com monwealth ; error to the Oyer and Terminer of Eric County. Foust was tried for. nod con t•tcted of murder in the first degree, hefl.ry Judge Derrickson and sentenced to be hanged. on the 3d of May last his counsel took a writ of error which was argued at Harrisburg , on the '2..lth of May _ Saturday July Yd. the Supreme Court reversed the court below and granted a new trial: Woodward. J. delivering the opinion; Read, I. dissenting. TT/egret/nil for the reversal was that Judge Derrickson the -additional - Law Judge created by Act of As setubly, had no jurisdiction in such a case. ex cept in the absence or sickness. or at request of Judge Galbraith, the President Judge of the Hist• let, and the record failed to show off/rot atively any one of the necessary contingen cies. jar Timothy Judson. Fsy.. of N't suerford, ~ne of the oldest citizens of that portion of our county, died a few day• ago, ai'ed 711 yeam He W IL% universally respected. afar The Sunbury and Eriesroiut t. itlreail going evii‘enee of vitality in the way of Iretghts The states that on Motolity morning Mesgrq rtak \ C I''+xnitt sent vie the line of that Road a -apply of I irissertes. el , for ft h on .,. near W aterforil. which ilieed ily and .afely reached the -point de.tinat inn This is but n small foretw.te if what they and other like titahltahtnentii. will ...end when the rails are laid to Warren Dar The New Castle Bank has • *one ILII , IOI. closed it doors. Pause—its manager. , went into the grim and tluiu 'Tea taw ion. and the frost did'nt help them out tek,„ Jt sricE. in Brown :4 Block, 111V1 tire.. ley (MI( HOlllee SUgPeillier Brace. for .ale Be have been wearing them for a few .111.)- and rind thew very cumfortable Call and buy a pair air The following i. the hit of arawn for the Court of Quarter Se.sion- on the .1 Ntontlay of Augn.v. l8:At tin Iv RV -\l's - ron li oc xtn, klain line, and S :•;rerreti. Pam . J01;11 I. foreman. SUITICIIII F Niciy Meru. Wnyne . placid Lmdfre. Alhert t•omi. n Harbor Creek , : Jeremiah N1.1.1;- R Prime. Warren Skelton. Girma Steplo.o M P. Jlilla, Robt Ticknor. Greenfield. ituarell Darow, Abner Lliley t„”neerd Rohr 11004. W Ml/ NI at ert ord Uy re Loomil, Asa Ragman. Nlellet; North Cwt John M'Clanalmn. toblng/ on lolin Smiley, Litton Asti M N oree, M Kean IBA% ER.L J; Rl --JOllll R Fi Finch. .18e.1, Charle. Lyneh. 1)nv, , 1 Sterrett, J Spencer. St..wari. B. 11 . Ent.. ('ornell/v. Bull. JAN, Sheriff:4u. %Minim 11, rty, Iletuan t'. II Merl., .%/no. I'u/rip% \ E , e.c .1;,4 1 kunp. I r. I;roetier. C F .1.0111 Frol“. Derio , Fteli -, I. F .101 in Sediori. k. e”tor,l /,,or - ;1., //ray, John M Kee, ‘l:llereek n Lee' ": I . ' 11/111. ,, r Creek \II ri`.ll. v.... I. Dean l'3rker. S,/lney Root. Ii I) :•••//tni r. MEE anti tl Ili. 11 io her. l% 'pie. Woo skit, uer, Walisburg . Johu Watt from, Lel'srutr : Gideon Kenn N. il•,ni 4,g))1. Wv Wet tatTOI Willi pee). ;,1 Ili. V. 41. ren county "vin's hole It Ira- right 14n , h the n.,•.e of the Editor of the To WritC : , 11,,th. 1 gee In the mateer of news there i,.. a •• , 1 'Z.' nant calm thus week. except the details of he great battle. Newspaper. to the numbcri of hundreds sleep peacefully by our gOo. Iput there is nothing in them There t. food for philosophy in the pile of Etchanges, but host for'bils ine , htat tun, aml the cw , e 14 cantlnue,d. n. they gay in Court. 4* Dar At the Lnited States Court lit 11 - tllians-• port, lest week. Charles' Mtller was found guilty of manufacturing coin. and sentenced 11, $:;01) tine and *even years imprisonment in the WlO4- cul Penitent tary ..[:ate King • ' and t•harle. 'Bride. tried fur the same offence. were ay quitted Silas E. Lynn. for stealing a "love letter'• three month , . in the Penitenlinry p a r An important decision to rat/road travelers has just been rendered Ina New 'York Court--to wit, that a ticket marked "to hewed within - days front date," means precisely what it Aso s.and that, in case the purchaser choose. , to remain beyond the 4pecifio4 time, and re fuses to pay the additional fare demanded on the return trip, the conductor of the train has a legal right to eject him therefrom The Pallor of the I ,tb , tiot e '•sink Itol.a ut ‘Vnterf.,ol - • That .11 I , lli lII3Le up tor the ot tit ,1 par This is just the of wcather tot bowl by run-vark.ko. .se all 0w1.% no! tekt. otte or two death') in I'lttla.ittlpbt.l from .1m- tar span of horses. Litell,,l in front of Murphy's Tin shop, broke away on Monday, and after endangering the lives- and limbs of numerous boys assembled to look at the Circus come in, brought upagainst the Market House. breaking a leg of one of the animals They Were owned by a Mr. Warr, of RarboreTeek. pa r tlen. St. aLtruczia, of this city; was elected Major-General -at the eleetion'helti on the 4th. We touch our bearer in compliment to the General on bie promotion. star. We are indebted to H. B. HAYTI/MICK, of the Erie City Mills, for a bag of superior Flour, manutnotured from Kentioky White Wheat, of this year's gowtb. To Rai that it is "tip top," and that friend H. does up that kind always, at the City Mills, is to say *bat every body who ever tried - his flour knows to bee fact—we therefore merely advise those in went of a good article, at a reduced prig call at that •Ilitstitution Y. if. If any body else grants flair puffed. we're open to conviction! sir The Dollar Weekly Peamoyiro the largest paper in the State sent to •' bars for a dollar a year. It is also one best mere or' our melange list. To --.....,_ ---- • -r - v Poet Masters a.d tubers to eanxiss for it, the publisher makits Abe tollowittg liheral.offet t Any person witoaltall . forwatti tettketofftite the subla;b c largest uumber,4f4OW •iB, by the first of Slopeudier, witk tile nth° t their Par/ subscription iti tiJel'inic, shell else a prc miumiof WM ILTV , iIX.H.iItAJO ! .l Telille4 49 mn setpli lig the tumesul higliasi lackni4lr ef new °" I '" scribers, TW EDITY' DOLLARS : t Forth . rd highest namber ,TEN 'DOlitit4 : .34 're PeerwiliOliP 1 0 tie limited to listi forimirlUlty the 136 of September next. f ' Thereautt will be published in the Daily Onneytranion by the First of September, end in Om Doilor ;reek* Aotto?tirontn on Saturday t September litl.-4-- The pieuduzus will he forwartbill to those en titled to receive them on the 1l et named 44. • •,•• W:SIM A DY Nall i41011*47 1 ' f Da, Ban roilr'n 11.1yer latisoradr *ad Jet i tadly Cat har ' 11 auuthor column. 'I i t e rire 'Y HIIITCIIIINGW Litz ri miLARAwr outh to the Axed ! **end to the Week! Mit, not ,1 prepatition has nut with approval of the arulty in r% rry pert of the world, sad e dteeirrerer and propri , •l4, Gnu leriy prochdroe It to be 't "(EQUALLED ue • rejurerdlor and restorer of wastedjor Meet (unctions. I.tro ilaraut shqukl he used by all nen owl itrraana i as it odttnalates tbr ammo to theft %Nairni wt.rh, and will not produce • traction tio malar how drappo4. It In also a Gassh Terme, and w ill ore reit , I 10 of a, A u ith the lira dose. A brie( pendatenco in its use will eetWeate the ettletetl to a Atzete of iWriert health, and Waits}, inot foci ril Tho aged &tumid be ordain to stake litstelaibo* Lit l'Oularai,t a boanielm.,l artwl , maantich an It it ill :or (Wet them youthful to feeling and in atreugth, and enat,lc thou, t., Ist.• over again the , Lays r , f lb, ir joy- It flit 6,0) 4•N h 111,r - ill a hit eronghtem, awl Is really an lurinlei• Nldc blrie fug, eaturrtally to 'Mute who, hate been reduced 1,, a otehtion of Jaen hilt by mixfortu ate, nr ordinary sick- No matter-a bat the canoe of the irnpoi.tle; of am i ,, i" 11 . 1 41 41 4 this superb hibiloradat viii ramose time It. at at once sad imorriler tglimmot.ri I.llli Etbilanot shoul/ . l . Ltised !.7 all per lose disordered 1101,tik, s• b, liver, tuulocu bar action. torpid tutelltet, ur 10111111011 of 'girt/IL It is OinvtrOlurilltti ttrtO tint m0t..., 'et po Lttmal I,irci 1111141 collt , tlSt not a OULU of latrUl of mantra! rubotmare. t taste. ekthirtied with tottiwykol : will tligeover lint , hibrs' ate Exhilarnet the teal lion in( their hope. "I mat& t,it) Thu rernatrkahlt met tiwarproarltal a prelowttkost IP tot hr th. 1'r. , 1 , r1 , t ,, r, It B llnrrnt cs,at 161 cliawbvrt sto t" , l 1o•k All taller. sboul Is 1.1 ntd{e him Selit by 11:34 A rr.ei wry where t/ne rpm 64tle FI. sit T $ sINCT. IH, hu.l t Alt /tlttiTificK, nr-The aged can ha. e health re • wed he Hutetnnws' I .f.• hick is infallibly iss a rejusenant, and onloto %ante.' st,rogth. withusaitleal promptneea sod worptnrin I permanence. Fur oIJ and feeble persons it r.bi t olusl r•-..id b CA kTli3t • Ilknilltbat /Saw Pa. 44.17 11.• 1 ictim of Lacer Locuplalnt wit discover in II utchlugs I it , . F.ollaruct a grand panacea, unequalled for uVrucd,st• and elect in this distressing n.plsk ,t ltlewase renders the mind calm and rbott hi! • tt and rvittnres •trength with ?Raw .it:l<-1413.r.; T •I 81.r1 41K, I' rie, Ya 15 ly I t„. 0411 r»yrrr nvvr strenzth from It mod. r.sto 4 r , h 0 nt mrtfr tart. Ilatehingie Lire Kt:lA:tram It Irraltlitul in all Ito nperatimis. Ar an r‘lit it has en ih t oal—tr j urensittne tbn aped •nd %;th 11 t.n.lprful crl..rity and yrrmaornt —.l : ).t 3,1 Eft° try., l'a. L? ' Matching. Li& F.L11,-int is a rejuvenator nt Noproiebabie 3i44.1 tatulitabk sollociot }or all rer r..o+•! . nn matter how produce/I, it mast be ,r 1 d.nd an nf,pihle bbreifir k u also a curt. for agibcf ions • n't we in ILI. Itstr, 111.4mach or 1 4 1'4111. 11. 11101814•11 44 4 4. 4.1r4. •I,nrtb. ara.l 1111,14 al ability Sol.lt, 4 Ai. r /4 . /. A I,kn, t ri.. Ya 4:i 1T rre ihr' I t. Fahl'arant la.h. aOl weak an 1 „dm /Id take the Ilutchinaa' Life t make no strobe, healthy and happy, r•gl.i.•. lit 11144611410 n • and irrrgulat itte• from the menat rue( igitt MOO re the hlro.m nf health In the alckly tact.. Sold by CAR 74 R k 14/20 ht 1 1 .E 1, I. rpr 1.• n ...1• had ilutchintr• tate 1 ‘hlisrant A 1,11, r. ,nai I. ri i their Kußt 411,3 rwr+4oB%. 11... •;1:11 ok, u... C, %Lit I • • of , • I, 10.4. Aria temetattell,.l. t. : 4' 44 '1 7 S 'IN( F rie CI. I , .nn. in.. nil Im lan., l amnineil if lin tail .q t • I raliilliasit IVnak ttnnallit, I pllio 1.4.o . 00l .3.1 r, .• s!1. r ttltne,r• -111 Y 10 of l• to' ~. us no.p. low rhtr.te,. rill ttha n masher In the. Menu. ce.rh i . 111 ; ~ ; 1,, C 3 I:Trk 34 Ilftl 1 , .1, A T -:. SIVt I.AIR, I re.. II 1 46.11 ll'ir tt.a.l ,, .:t. 1 ,f..s. el.lmo i., Im. "11. 1. 4.1; r. 11 ••• • 1,,, ~,,„ . it. ,L•t, . tn ‘ ...1T... to ..1 . N Ind •. r I. Isktt. „,r. aloi U. lo .poolt llo• • ~. 11 rr, • IVY. Ow .n..gorat ~ .1......, t h... .01•-• ~•in,1,4 . yitaki allpalnft.',l,lldi • .tll ~. I , ,•L •-• o , 1.1 I '.. itNt I.lllt, kro., I's 1..1, 1%4 %Fr Tilt; I:I :lT V.144:1.1•41 UltllElll UKl..•S4'elobrnce..l I L I 1.0% it r4rP•T 7,0,11r.n r r r .11 1• , rh. (Mee r Prep,. V/ r ri 4 111 - 141,1 l!, • 1 - 1143 b 111. • 11, . t 4 Id 11l St elli .1 ,. , 1• ,11 14 •r 151= /111 ED LAD/ ES It ; / pit ,, rt tl/111, • TO II 1 liar, .tut.'d ~.. ~,..r ~h;~ ~ ~.~„~~1 prk. -I 141.t.t CI prrsetzt rrriCol%T. ba be lakes. by jesuaes arrosor tAr 717 of a. 01,4 .re a a ■lmdd P11?11' TURF I. 31 a rt....et, lOrt ai saw hiker tune they shirr fu hrtaz ~ n Vto qi ♦qf .01 eae. s of Net rtional Aflectiurie, Pant in klse Bork and Lunt's. Vanity• an e:trthl eseerlion tor 11. in, li. r.tetd s.s and thew , Pills a 41nel a rare 'hen all other mean. 1111111, rolled and al tliough a ienkerfil r. welly, .1" nut tout.un Iron, r-tlomrl, antimony, or au, thing hurtful to the eonst4tuUon. F all du...1-tome ,n the laimphlet ar, and each towbar h$ •!t •;souh: I,r earrfolly pn.er , fol IP Agent for the I n itltrA Stater, and Canada, JOH 11 0 SEA., i Lat. : 1111$1win A C..) IluehertAtr, N. ti N . ft .$ 11,10 1101'1 poetage Atanupa II elneed to an, Mt licrizAttl Agent, will sane. a hon.,. containing :0 1, lh. return mall Yoe male by Carte/ k ern., and 1. 1 11aldwan, Ene, Mal 7, 1859.--$llO4l. w Willi AUX Wit NICK f"ewerilight to dispoeitions as they are called, as eostivenesial sour et oinarh, liewiaehe, (40., though retarded as enuat, n-at . ,. to thtrowlve.., are, areertheleas ftedications of derangement, which it allowed to continue, will result in ir oo-railionmer td the • bole system. With all its nurse long ee the action Is, through any caner Lin d.rt•t, that ttroment commences a denotement, which if oot speedily remedied by a removal of the cause, will Rao ilin , ugh a tong Ilst uric-am life andwiles to Ltrer cum pixtut, rpoquia, premature old alho 'IPA. The etomach to the VOA revert - 0D from wiseerce is digused nourishment, sud ilk Ned vigor are imparted to. the an tire system ; it to all important, then, that the ,ctoomova be kept healthy, and hoe from everything calculated to excite a Mara... 4 action. and Moder the portorthance of its legitimate functions , and when through indhemation s ecident er .other rircurnstanoes, the energive the node are prlstrotted, and the stomach and othatpuia of the o n,m^l noon] are doggish and ioellitient in the performer' of their duties, or when Were hi as excited ,oserscu‘ia, ben it becomes necessary tu resort to aOttIO ,Oledietov, w nee elteratise and correctsaot qualities ”y restore ati tuns action and a healthy tor. A path apertent a laxative, will perhaps more than any Oboe medicine plias this awl-and It is In this character, of a mid, to wile, sad elliciest aperient, laxative sad Dor the BALDWIN'S LATHAN:IW ?ILLS sot aler t,/ to the blie. Botha entirely vegeta/lie in their com position. .y any be misablirleted safely, to til, of every and * as well to the Infant and delicate Impale, as to the • us man. Iron the speedy aunt of Ciediter eels, / /Another'', fleaaWbo, Dpirepria, Jour dint, S sf lAe Stouwocil, Iffedierts of ik Lie., awl tike Botha* Spites rears* they cannot be s trewed. These Pills are already. beghonint to be knowa one of the beet and moat eilectiam/ remedies, a nd as 0, most perfect emnpound which has ever been ISeYieed to the triaseetrirr disease- Tier are rerrsatei f yinearrisulate, me th en' prior 21) per Ms, salt Ie refused. !told in Erie only, at BALDWIN'S tfrior store, Nols, Reed House. Girard, B. C. Ely. —ewe - MirIIPOUTAPIT TO 11 1 / 3 1ALEK DAL OlLESF.ltayi's PILL& Pretested by Cornelius emeinam D New York City. The combination of lacredlenti to these Pills Me the neault.e4 a hog said ext. osier practice. They ainatild in thei:Coa,ead certain 1.0 cocrecting all use starlike P al hisestres dons, smorretes all . whLehrir or others IN., headaches DNS In the side, peloittatiou tmo Merl, whit, all nerromi siteettons, Ivreterfee, &Arse, pain L. the Week and MINN Br disturbed deep, wiiich arise ham interruphou M attar ;, TO MA RMAXD LADES, • Dr. Chcesenpla'a XII are blivaletabki,si ihei , brin4 on the monthly period with t4intarity. Ladmaelitiabaan been dineppointed le the tier 0 other can OM Me . ultitost'ersifidence tit Dr. elomosthatfh PWedoiag aII that theypthreeentlp di Ntalielt. that, is one condition of the Wok &pe trel lii which the i'l'ls cannot be taken without prodea Inc a Mc CLAW& itiCieLt. / Thor oehrred to is McFall ASCII'4-460 taaldt.iilielainling. Ilse* hi the vortanelaide toroperiey of the maliclatrth *slow sate 'functions to I t normal condition, that even the tire pereeer of illnisee meant noodat ft. war!soud pater vegetable, and figs ham anything li yurinnj.. Expllelt Mcleaceii, Witch eaglet be read, tgi company eaCh hoe. Prier $1 Sint y snalloa melodies si to the general agent fold by one lrywegist town be the United States linteseines. Agent for the nailed Staters, lelbalistiNtreTWlß iTei whom all Wbuleaaleordeessibeald be aridneeme. TS.SISCLALW : 3, Z. TILANCI4 ME dour MT] ! liars f the . , wee t ai.d • 16•noaI. ••,i EMT ar2rlts .10 • • r •••• I••• lo• • 11.1 ri (wr• tr lir I 1.1. r 1•111 MIEN =1 •v.•* I 11./.1 •;4r•vt . % run. .itay Ir rem it Is IrIUUSISt no Poi lA/. IA W . 1.1e I..siverti Olen defy their lestiloorty • , jit ila favor. IX*IX WLTKg IN TM MOUTH WITH allilailatATOSl 4WD faivaralioW $ toessurr. , refer Use Dallet. per Settle. . , ——kL3o— SANEVIU)S LOULY CATHA R TI PILLS, welt 1141157.4/14.111 /04.1114c1ik alb MT In• title/ omits, " Ala tinier, aut. Vitt [UP WATT =MAT& The ramollty Catlear- flit FILL/ is • gentle but acttreCathartic which the pronietot Winnow! in hit practsee more than 20 MU jeers. The constantly increas- r" lug demand Irons those who have long mood these rut,'" and the satillse• tine which all azure./ 1.2 in and to their nee, bee iodated me to place them within the teach of aIL The Prohomion well , know that different Ca thartics act nn different Ile portiona of the Rowels. The FAMILY CA- Tii PILL haa, with due redolence to third emit established hict, been compounded from a Tart- ety of the purest Verita ble Itztractei, widen act auke on every part of the alimentary canal, and are I" , 11,3101.10 and MAPS in all CVO'S where a Cathartic E i. needed, each as DB IItANOCOICYTS OF TJELS ST OMAC eh-repines*, Paiiia in the Mack and Loins, Unitive. ems, Pain and Sorenees over the whale Body, from sudden cold, which ireurrently, it neglected, end in a long course of fee h.d is,, Lose tit Al.= Creepingoeneauon a cold Wover the body. nem, Headache, or weight . In the head, all I maws. inns cry Ul a e wee s, E wousas so Children or Adults, IiSMI:MATIoI.M, ail great PuriSer of the Mend, and Malay draw- OS to which Seidl le heir, num.roup to locution C.) in tbiailadirectiontiest. Wawa,l, to rrice, Be Cents. Tile Liver 1 sehronstar and Family Unbar* Pllie are retail-. 11. I.niggista renenillr, and sold whnle eel« by the Troie in all the tsars towne. et. T. W. SAX roma. 3L Ede, Manufacturer and Proprietor,. 333, Ir•ndw•.. stew Verk. July 2,1 N... PANIC AGAIN 1331133113 DRY GOODS!! I HAVE A LARGE AS. “RTMENT of DRESS GOODS I=l EM I li ALDAs. oRo AN DA ROBES, TISSUES, BRAIZEs, CHALLAIS, LAWNS, &c rirC ' D . U72 l 57 ll l- /IL 4 ' LACF. I'HX3rTS! l'trcliastNtl at the (1,,'.01.\ - (; 1) t•ales of DEALERS. Mani - of them at PANIC PRICES ! Will( II I WILL SELL AT A. Simaill Akcivrauticse 1 WM. BELL, .11( PIANO FORTE rune 2i.-- ELO iEoN MANUFACTORY SAVE TWENTY PER CENT BY RCYlatit. WILLIANI 111121. MEL .V 013124 0 -1•7 *.EL. 511! 49 II rI I II.F. o•iiee Ft 'Jr 4 , 0 ansi t hr. t , .. l• • ••••••I mate PIANOS AND MELODEONS In F,.- • r 1 1.00 1 enn 1.01 them ..1.40 Isere, I.oitra •• r•I i• • Ire% • i Atlas ht,ir b, sr“.. the is... Speed s. ts , etsaple. L y•roprionl, and •••••nli I. te, exvetietsee.l' • 'Listen, who ter. Le4l en A FSAII ,O Y.. tottNeter, them hire AMI 111 , ?J. , .e,14 the thirlif 01 , AL.. t. , AItAAM au.L IDAtrAIOII,IA, Ird lam VOW prrlmrr•l lq. I Irn II in) an Mr NIIIS rr1.11.11. GEM Pianos and Melodeons In .14prt 101 . Tone and Ihtlatt, and wall 1017.A.XILIEL.A.1%T i r TXX3II7AIt 1 For an) leogti, of time, to give COMPLETE :4ATI4PACTILON Ily mputatiun as Pt Munn - tan and tnunnens wan nrupid tw bunt d thew. Instruments nbonld nut prove rm.& *gel anon re the public that nothing in niyang-d to brio. : mbiN o t the dmilred rtputt, rtz, Premise/di a fiese and sabsdastissl Maas, wirier will the good didialitetiosi, and dtay INi Mae larger than day Plume I kaew of. TEEMS: VERY gAsr rithjEs• VERY REASIO; IRIS;' PATRONIZE Tour Own Citizens at Home oh' 1 'ER It.llol, ESA LE REr.m. Executod promptly and lardy. order/ on tltorti N i.l.l Inds:m*lst., Low tier. and Any thing Apo I ran veil &VW,. o Elloor in wy bum ineop will be taken in e•zrbagge• hit hank. /telex, )44.10- 144)01., DUitinlVP 11114 44r thing d..• I has! , on my a10e... OA NO: 4 TO LET ! TUNING 'DoNE WELL : NEW MUNI(' EVEKI• WEEK ' NI IN E BUT THE BEST ARTIC.I,BS ON HAND GiNUINF: ri:RIVA lAA) Chickering 4 Son'e Pawl Porten, I=l Hari. you 000 w likt.l of a poor Ctkifleering Llano rl toe know w heir It .• and 1 will exckiagge ii 1C )I T " ED, I RS.— You all remember t he s lier Mr. II r•ce Widen , t.f New York, bee "wide for sus ertialeg la your pigpen. The tiodereigood will do • little better, if you rwal bror hire with a e, e, t arid .t ni fuieb yen itb awy Mann I.•ii older or re M e e, Me your order. WY. WILLING, Erie, Juno ilk S .l J. E. OP PEWS IN Sl'. PAUL'S CHlLliell. Natic► tea,; y Orel, that In penman.. of a teaolation otbe Waydeas an 4 Yeatty. .a the autb.tity Otte be the charter of loodrporaUeo the following Pews to 411. Pa Vt.:ll CHURCH P.RIE, will be 'old at Public Aladin° at the Church, on the Klth day of July, leall .t 2 o'eloel4 p.m., tor the reflections at the arrears of seessoneati taxes wallet the game to Nay 4, 144, and costa of gala. No of Non* of * Annual AmY Pftw. Owlbers. Unpaid 9 . 11. La --- X -I j' - SVF 11 - fie 19 Um. th i kbldna, 115 72 'l2 25 56 1? 11 1110 1 ';' J. .1 . .. 1 1;tr . r. 130 28 IP 00 58 J. Mlle", l3O , 26 ' 24 00 87 1 Qua , 76 l6 1 aOil clew, 146 21 ' :a 28 52 A. ' 136 27 11 13 _ Tema mud« k s iiro on day agate. ELSO, Erie July 2, 1 . Secretary of 1194aVetaay, Aa. CALL AT •WILLING'S STORE tor Pieliutes, Lithorswas; and PaLUMP. ICY your Musical Instrumepts at Wit p. ItS ajakes theta. ad** ?Intim kaolin ibus 'bo* FOR CANIIIFSyou must go to Waling.% He asoli ap tag TAME' 1 BASKETS Ate C1144)1)40 ' ,at vtuviva., "PROM Uatildisi a 4oniers; .s: 11••• no • bow mot Wow as wins liaa at Wilatafai F IIEII4IEB for the FOURTH any tamt Tru.tocal. TUE Depentakd comprises es 4 I. at Oa Y. old /ills eel. Nam all ba the isaa hais at s. Rk.nlitt± 4 o slid TuriiMi4oFte well, at rirp_iisessisten t , DIA NO OORTER,... 1 6 00, I_ r ads aad 10 - 10., Piss* 1+.4 , intuit Le Poi 4 la Cklif Woo hi eflasuary. Dot p it_ bijr siOs.sau'r si it. I shall vs anew tam the lid* 1 Se it fint.lige Big ?Idea Mai SI MA 'zatstJal7 L . UM GRAs . woilys - Comin. ' s ►~ t : 1 if ,11.. j f'l 4 4 41 4 4 f 4 f 44 XXIVAORRINARY Challis, Lawns and Bummer DRESS GOODS THIB-WE~g_ W M. A. tiftISWOLD Friday, June 10, 1869, ItEDVOED PRICES THE BALANCE SUMMER SILKS Ten Cases of Goode jet Ree'd Z T'ds tine Printed 44 Fronch Chine: st 124, worth 30 cents. rds fine Paris Printed ha at 12i rent*. worth Vtis Punted Brilliant , : 124 ceirtrt. worth 25 Mei 'mac, iAteito4-o Englbeh Print- for I(imatN, worth 1:14. ; 1: it ege Boles, Double Skirt, Rohe. n LP7 hy•ttigh Otolit•iv ?,k (Olgaudi 1{,44c, 1.. r h U.•ubie Sk French Jacutiens Piaui nn.l I run...l linrrl.;.•» F 11... 1 1 rguudlr and La% 1,1 Tinselnig Rich filt•. ;;; ; ; - ALSO, JUST OPENE.D, Lace Slant single and 4louble Flounced Lace 114,rthtus, Llied Stella Signals in all eehtrs, with bne Cashmere awl Camel , Hair 114.nlers, very cheap. Tal.le Linens, tinpkiti.o T"weiilig.,, Linen Nlkeeting. '14 4. 1 ! Cutt..u•, T*.? sod Piiint.ooAteri, Linn mot Cotton tibeetitwo Bela Asks Irish Linens, Superior Indnceme24ta Oszvets t -tke stook being very • Velvlgts, lino eels it Wdolir2 RUGS, MATB, Klemm au, CLOTHS, &c. June 7, 1369 56 DOZ. LG DLOW 'S SELF BELCH * part, CAPS, just pactived at lino 23,13344 PI. 3117111111"11. prRE • IIIi3.N.DIES,--Just received, tutoi‘gb the Quortow Howe u Brt.. hit Pita br :14:4 : • : (0 PAINT. HAIR, TEETH, 3E10E.! . 1 And sill other. kinch of am:ragas, at WHOhEagiLE AND BETATh et vety red*oed . f;Was, by riie, July 2. CARTER & BRO• • ' BARGAINS. GREAT BALE WILL kiFFER ( ,N 1 OF HIS LARGE STOCK OF 11311 DRESS GOODS Ti M ;ETHER WITH FROM THE 0,4 4 1,900 1,200 1,000 5 Cases Great Bargains In Pillow Lini•nv, Cotton :Sheet C!!5:2=!1!11!IED Aid . Gloves, Mitts, posiery, be ARE oFVERBD IN LARGE 1/1 WM. A. GRISWOLD SCRUBBING, TANNERS, MORSE, THE ir CASH SYSTEM lan UNFURL the BANNER WHOLESALE ADD RET4n. BOOT, BNON, AND LEATHER STORE, BARR & KELSEY, I SUCCgssoRS TO J.M. PARR.) Rave removed BOOTS AND SHOES From No. 10, BrOwn'a Block to No. 13, Cadwell's Block, Lately occupied by W. A. Griswold's lIMEEI We are now prepared to furnish all of 3. G. Barr's old customers and the public gen erally with Gents Pine French Calf Beata, THICK Boors, 11oysg nirTffs BOOTS', Patent Leather, Calf and Pruiniel Congress Gaiters; Gents calf and patent leather OXFORD TIES; Gents, LAdies, Misses, Ohildrens RUBBERS; BOYS. YOUTHS AND CHILDRES SHOES OF ALL KINDS AT ALL PRICES. Mar LADIES CONGRESS' AND LACE GAI TERS OF - EVERY KIND AND PRICE FROM 76 CENTS UPWARDS... Ladies White fi Black Satin Slippers. - French Bid, Black and Bronzed. .Fine Kid and Prunnela Buskins, and every thing else in the line of Ladies Shoes We' Of 3fit—eA awl t'llildrects' Shoes we have enough anti to .pare. Brov cn t,ke little Misset."o3lll • aiir We bare Leather and Finding of all kind, including Ilarne..• and Bridleleath er; Ita.k and Spanish teeth. r; French, rind Ea , terft tanned (*Mr kiris, "Calcutta Kip and Ipper leather. Binding and lin ing skins of all craors 1113-Shobemaker , I.IIAP. fah"- hers 111 by the VAIL .te ,te Erie, Wilt !Mg 4 FARMERS. IF 17 7 1 - LVT ME HEST COMBIVEP IV MIN 11E11 BUM, PATENTED 1536, WIT/e all rh, impifq •m• ~;.r -THE NI,WIIINE IS The Slower weighing only n t hundred and thirty•nine poonda. and the }testa, eight hundorl and idglit I.I6IITEST Dtt.IFT—NU SII)I-: DRAFT. Requiting one-thira La. draft thank any otheimachlae. as namennsolle‘ta at triao with thn Dynamotneter, sad the teßtimonisla tol farmerß, STRANGEST l MOST M ICH IN E. Beteg all loon, except israt. polo and platform. and the weeglit so drainer:led as to pro the greatest amount of strength with the least • etcht trou The Castiogs are o A de of-Salisbury iron. sod the fi ogrr-har ta of wrou g ht iron. w , tti . d a ,„„„ e n the hoot edge, thus giving It great attesirth with light niviiint. No pHrs'srEE UPON THE HORSES' NECK. The retglit of the &iron' eounterbalaneing the Wright of the front of the frame, and throwing the wbolo upon tn. &lying o beet. SELF- thJUSTI NC FINGER. B.R. In this respect it 1.4 entirely unequaal led hi` any mAtektum yet produced. The tiuger-bar works up and down Jude pendently of the driring.whewl, enabling itao g 0 through deed furrows and ditches, among stones and bogs, and oier 'knolls and Lillis, where no other machine can follow it. It can s i b ; be wt se work at any height from two to eighteen inelow, and the change ears be made in an in stant, thus adapting It to all kinds of work, •Insther mow ing nr - reisplng, nt gathering grass or elm'', seed. A PF.RFECT )lACHLNE. working equally well ...bettor mowing nr reaping, and stupassieg the best ctnc'e rot a.r, nt o t the best m ag i, reaper as a rear. RAKERS P( pe )sirtos E.ISIEST POSSIBLE. In this point it surpasses all reapers, the rakes positi o n oubling him to tourer the gravel at the oder with but one inoremens of his arms, which la as natural and easy as if be were standing on the ground and raking., EASILY NIAN.kIiED AND OPERATED. !iv mesas of a lever the driver eve at pleasure throe the *otters oat and in gear: by another lever be can raise either end or both ends of the Mager bar to pass over ob. 'unctions, or roar.: from held to Melt the Orange from mover to reaper is earaly sad quiet ly the ell bouts, bolts, screen% and nuts are eastir aeeeprobbs. PERFECT IN ALL .NllNult PoINTs. :tlntlt be clogged' ban no draft: is inamelonaly am ply in conatruction, and not liable to get out of repair; te ni*te - ol the beet material,. and the workmanship and fin ials siZor to any other machine in the country. T PRICED 'I.I.CHINE IN MARKET. The price of the Lower being only $lOl, and the conebi .44 so w n . On. Nome Mower SOO; One Horse Coeuldned Machine POO. Matuiractured by rAe Buffalo Agricultural Machine Work!, Aitfalo, lteme lADDZIA4 YALU 4 Co. Ai VINEI3cAR! VINEGAR! VINEGAR! Pimp Cider %loos*, cam be bad at 11E,CKYAN, k CO., April 0.1860. CCARPENTERS'& JOINERS' TOOLS 1 ix - a.• mend," made large additions to my former stook eit Carpenters and Joiners' Tools, miltiog It the meet eomplete In the city. March 1.1. he. J. U. ItILDIZN. NOTICE OF PARTIT/ON. In thnOrihnow' Court of Erie On. t Mo. Mt, Kay Term, 3559. s In lb* inattar of the Partittith of the Beal teats of Dug& Am& dnoosoos3, To LUMINA, interingribia WWI J 411156 iIeCOMMICIP; Amsa, interwirned with hermit* lan Attortis, toter isortiod with Stoddard, the rid Aur. being de osseed, leasing AarelniBtoddasd bar ably surviving cbUd and Mk; ILAcesr, the Petith~, intairol with An- CO/11; Daiala , Aetna, We. Acute, TOMAS Maui Wane intermarried with Joon , owe; 1111000141.. Mgr mama that J melds Hrootw, and' aninti.t.t. Inter niarrhet with CllOlOOl BMW*i yen are hereby weaned "that bpannamee of the writ of Partings. inid order at the subitmort far an inquest to nobs partings of the Baal (Mato of the mid Daniel hens, cantabiles two busred mad deity germ, mete or hes, in the toired4 of =wink in said eonady,. shoaled in and Awned the" Wisp of Neville, • eve parlimMaffdeserfted to odd in* to w threetoe, I will proceed MI the Mith dais of Julgt i j a i?. at 10 o'clock + A. IL, to hold an tequila of on the lominfro ahwealid, and will maim fe rns to Cmart on the tat tionnii Aogoot 110 M, he'll, ISM. JOHN W. teLdN • IV7,'ICEIS HEREBY GIVN, to all affronted, ti k earner to the United Preablite ma Hwy granted, (os the rner eF Eighth end Preach Stmets,) tri tenvemov• er arum the removal of their reinaine, on or Wens the lit.o der of Odeiret apt— Thow remain in the roue& Meek that them min be testamal Ile %.'• C . e ar_l!" °•,, 4/"WPiI to the ptiettatees of thenet of eieemety. pealed ex wia beg emillema arthe Leiblehttara rutheelslea ntd retatatal. Erb, 181111,-4ttl Sy onlie. otraboyhippew 111 ••• • THER DUST At }ay 2. • Cana k 1101. Their entire Stock of Empire Stores. Gents =!! REEEZE -77 AI • CELEBRATED 111ILLOJIII IWIII. NEW STYLIN—Pmes &can $5O to $l5 Extra Marsala for- 4% BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Thome Voyeliowr raw from two spool o, as puldiorort from the de e, requirteig me se-wieduag or thread ; deo Alm, Till, Gather, aa4ll Stfieh 4,0 solosier Mat* illadeb- log ass* scorn by their elm *panties, without opoosres to the hored.rreodlo, se is monied by other oisichlues 11moy *rill do bottle sad draw sew*" their • wisaistrees eat, vivo if she, worts for MY seat on Sow, sod sok us euestiousbly, the hue listheass in the mutat for f mny wain`, on saasant of theft siosplietty. 4 / 1 1119 , 4 6 1, asp of Management, sad visitation to all vssitities dila& erwhig—exseuthig either hooey or Sae work with «past facility, and without special orkinsporrut. As *Tideless of die ' impiertiosed superiority of th.tr Machines. the Cuomo & Rom Stymy thelenreColl FAIT beg leave to respoeittally rater to thotonowissr TESTIMONIAL.s.. "Hating had oas of Grover la Bulges Nachdem in my family forignairly . year aril a•ballf I Mlle pleasure la commendhirt as every ray reltsbas for the for which it is dielmord—lacolly tlawlag."— Joshua Leavitt, rill of /kw. Dr Leavitt, Zhu.' of it r hart perish' ' Yj ..1 confess loyealf tie:Whim! vitt' Oar Swiss Nse jj bine, which Wm bre in my funny for many months. It bee alway a bean ready for duty, requiring no adjustment, and is easily adapted to every variety at family mwtag • by simpl changing the mamba of thread."—Afrak nissiartli ad, sofa of bee. A. Strickler/. Editor nf r CArsatams dgeseste. “After trying several different good machines, I pre ferred yours, on account of Its rempßelt7.aled the Per east NM with which it is managed, as well ea the sheasugth and durability of the seam. After bug expariemol, I feel competent to sneak in this manner, and to coalldently recommend it kr ere q variety et M ill) aseisiT.-11fas L. B. Spanner, wife of tlio Liao, of Brook/vs Um% "I have used a 6ipris & Basis Sevin Illiactilne for two years, sad have broad It adapted to al Wads of lam ily sewing, from Cambric to Broadcloth. Garments have been worn oat without the giviag way of a glitch. The Madame Is easily kept in order, and wily ssed."—llfre. 4. IMP^ 0 04 law 40 ; 1 '. OrkOrifb "OM,* "Your Sewing Meebbse ham been to ass la say 6t•By the past two year% and the tidies request roe to (tire you their testimonials to its perfect adapteduess, labor-saving quslities le the ekknosesse of Wally rod household sewing."—R.irrt Bawssa , Allo York. - . For several mouths we have used Grover * Baker's Sewing Illaehioe, sod here come to the reseldusion that I.ly who desires her sevrhst heest#has mad wrestle don., would he mod fortsoste Ib poistudoy *WO( those reliable and indefetigable 'ire. seedis-worseo,' whose ...whirred q...a/ittes of b..sty, bestir , sod atagrfiesty, are Morels, ilserike Oe.. Gee. P. Marne, LIN., of Ili Mame Aserea, Ewtniet ..t s letter from T0:40.R, t &Irre?, Iraq, sa A tut ran... tleman, Dow resident in Sydney, New geutti Wolf., date.] January 12, 18U11 .1 had a teat teat* Iq Measienny 11.1111 Q IPArflkb there ere, ewer three thoesatad &rd. of sewing dons with Anle ttrot et k Better** Machines, cc t • take• cram ol that 1,•• tothur4 cJI the 111•14611 ININSIPP anted by sailors • ill:, a tat,dle and twine." "If limner could he called op from We murky Win, be would alas the advent of Grover k Be a More be stow* miracle of en than woo met niimn`a midthy Ile would denounce midnight abirt-making dirmu I spring of rote unnumbered."—Pre. Aiwa "I take pitman in saying, that the Grover k linker Sewing Machines have more then instalneet my expecte tutu. Attie trying and returning otken IWe Mimeo , them In operation my dialermit *era sad, allot Aar years' trial, hate be Wit to thett."—er. N. lissmas.l .!itiyator of Stmtk Cotroataa. • Yy al& haii had ova of Grover it Sakei'a Family Sew log Mullin", for some tune, and I aim lattstiod It la ors of the beat latioraaving easehinto that Lan town iteatated.- 1 take much plassute in nroodaoending it to the public. - -J. G. Marra, Gamiroor .f 7Vosoommi. "It II a beautiful thing, and tuts ever7body tato an ex eitraoont nl roil hamar. Wen II R I elb ei o, laboald inmost upon hunts Grover and Baker baring on oteroal holiday In entennetnnratlon of tintr good dro6i the hu manity ."—Coamnio M. any. "I think it br far the beat patent in one. This Nitichtd eau b. adaptiril trona the hart caudate to tie boasts-at eamiimexe. 11 mat stronger, taster. and more bout/to ll s t Lars use can twists*. H raise cu nat . •rtidae•d, mine, could Sot bny it "—Mrs J. O. Br am, Naskrahi Teas. "It is speed), very neat, and durable in its work ; is easily twderstood and kept in repair. I earnestly recom mend thta Neelithe to all lay itinpUtirfkkikfue aid Ilielflk" —Abe. N. 4. friere.a, Mempeis Ikea. "We find this )Lachine to work to our satisfaction, and with pleasure rmaussamtd it Le tkes petal* sit we believe the Grove, k Baler to be the host hewing kfacMMe in nee" —Lkor7 &Meer", ..illweava, Thum. "limed exclusively for family porpoises, wkikyakel ry mire, I wilt wager they will last ooe 'three seem raw end ten, and never get out of lia."—Jaie reakeies, /freskrslie, Tres. "I have had your Machine tar several weeks, and am perfectly tattafled that the ir r ork it does is the beat and nw.t has:at/sal that ere, sa.. 10111d46" , -. NyVililt anwsimrst, Nashville, Dram. "1 um my Machine upon coati, drimannakimg, and en* men stitching, mid Una tort U admlraildie—far better than the heat hind-rising, gabby otherlite I have rom eeen."—Laey Thempaim, "I find the work the atronimit and moat bean! it, ' I have ever siren, mad. either by hand or machine, and r. gam! the Gruver 4 Haber Maelime a. one of Lbec u test blessings to our sex."—Mrs. rapier, Plinerdie, ""I hare one of firmer k Baker's Sewing Itaelitnes In use In my family. and find It tnraluahle. 1 can confidently weotormod it to all persona in want of a markine."— T Thinwpron, 2tardird/r, 7kaa. "I take pleasure in certifying to the utilaty of the gray er k Baker Sewing Ilackines. I haw. 11404 one on almost every deneription of work fur Months, and find it much stronger and better in every reapatt than work ions to hand "—Atm D. W. Wheeler, "I would be unwilling to dispose Ow Grover k Baker Mecham. fora large amount, amid I sot repleaeo It scam so pleasure. - -Mrs. H. Same', .Naaketile, Teas. "our two Machines, rue-hoed hem you, do the u ork of twenty young, ladies. We with Mammary reoomtueout the Grover k Baker &mimic Machine to be the beat iu oee."—M. Skillman 4, /111nepauu "The Grover lk Raker Sewing Machine work.- admirably I think the retch and work far enperior to that of any Sewing Macbtbe I ever raw. tlai boa wogs,l tild= Id aehtne would hard to toad."- , 4 4/. J Dem* T'roty. •"I find the Ilacl,ioe easily managed, eery durable, sod take pleasure in recommending it total who wish mete ni.neuecunoul.Y. and pleaaure."—Alrs. F. 7►tas, Nen Pima, 71tia. 'The Grover Raker Sewing klaclis nes have given each satisfaction that we cheerfully lecommetol theta to all eh,. wish a good and suliatantial hewing Machine. It ekocute. work with mach ea, and 111004. and onorelleelv them sof other maclune I have seen. Mrs. R. B. Allacktii, Meta I Isis. Tree. • ant hippy to glive Rai tonamotty io Woe at Grover 1s Raker's . .. Sow fug Machine. andel' the perfoet satistsetloo it give. in every respect. It sews neatly, and is by no toes uc complicated, and I MOW ts to all others I hay. moo."- Mrs Bryant, E. ef Ars I. M. Itrposi, Mope* Tort "I t affords me much pleasure to say, that the Machine works well ; and I do not hesitate to tettosomend it t, pos-essing all the advantages you elate, hie it. My wile is very much pleased with it, and we take pleasure in cer ttfying to this erleet."—R. C. Brudier, ifinuipisa. Ten. .111jees me pleasure to ted theCrover Baker Sewing Machine giving 110 much satisfaction. I have it In con stant use. and Sod it all that could be delisted. It Is the most supple and disrable machtne la one and I Mani 1, recommend ,t. "—F Phopkta, "Marina seen, ezaintaed, anti used many other kinds t Seising Maclaine*, I feel free to say that doe graves It Ha ter Marhiaes are far la i ror to 11l dams Is la* " agatou SO:, Nubs Trim. "l consider my Sewing Machias invaluable, and would sot tate five times its cost, WI vowid mat nappiy Its pima With it I ran do all my family sewing in about tine-fourth the tuns I could with my hands."—ALJ Sam, Nookmitt. gar SEND FOR A CIRCULAR -6w J J LINTS, Ageni, Erns Mira 12, 1550.—v.40. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEA• Oi tiLllt COUNTY. to the matter of the Irrett Aeeternt of Cbatk. C Boyd, Asah t eee for the t•eseet of the cmlitore cf Seaport fietchhte WI D. C. Madill*. ' No. IP or enost Term, 1857. OBOICO OF COCRT. "And now to ,rtt June 20th, ISAIa aroma* re pented and dinkin open Contt. sad the Goys oilier awl direct that Wte► of the Snot of the was 'So given by publication in one newspaper pablinhoot to the alp e( Erie for the period of three erten; that the moo ISt he confirmed straohrtety on he fist attiwa egeeptireis those% be Pill ecru Ad el kg MIN SECKNIS, Pro. ,ABLE REAL, ESTATE UK J9l, V -5- iki ,'FOR SALE. WE, subscriber, as Assignee of E4llill J. A. Lap, Wins kw was IA miry sedated seism giti or sal part, of the following Valsiable Red th. City of Elie, 1. A very reliable batmen Lotbras . tiNg an the lieeth ride 01 th e Mlle ere, butane tips Seed Seam sikti Brown's Hotel. Amin • front one NA 'Pm was" on The Public &m a mba a like front an Mk Street. and Pi tfall said Squats to Poth 'asset, on which 3e erected a Wee story frame bailees, in good enter, awl Wheelie a aspen geirteoe= goods or otber note, Led ; *bleb niriresa la glen. The gineelloa aft Zell l bre tiebneneded arena - lie wens. ebbe easy be leg* inenheeed by kedgeo L lM trout ea PM littellt. 1 lrotor Lot Ma 74,_keying 14, best as Nast *wet sod the woe ea So oMeMisallballt rug as 4 enloit4- tog frost etroaa to Pier; bars(sentait}lieedlng &did ea droded. a, Tao atolfildial Imi of Isrlot Pk. NIA haellig on peana. Frost oaf a soso4 tAM9.99. a...... ....itk • bite hum dw.Ma ti= " lll l" 4. be• gest 111 1 1 411 We. sham. be - tm Ostaidit la= is lq *a kwat is 41. tualso Soogisa 'Ma Gam je IA - wort buppylna - elms of Ilmt, ; sof 41111ttras lavoraltbvet inaltisk i rt. au na trill k sot wear soda la . A sup pelditndy be wadi 19 aalltliti anat. of aa terra. osdasonomar ot oda progratt pit sitam laaaant of onsli And if sot meow .d i alsto ker winks nt44.at am - W ain% to el= It Mir AN*. Siam% II Sr* Go Wonky %WO "pia sat, at ill tido*. A• M. L. 111111141 T, Attl at Law, Zia, )ay 9, Ma. tioatil-Wont ter. rub. Pylon. MR 1.0 ••• , ..111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers