GREAT BARGAINS NEW FIRM! ORMSBY & BOOTH, (Smomoosts to S'Aarutors cfr Ryan, ) DI ALE BS 11 GIMERIES, Wooden & Willow Ware, FLOUR AND FEED, Pork, Fish, Salt, &c. &c. PVE THE MILLION; BOUOUT FUR (_.ASH ♦DI'D WILL SS SOLD op APER TM.AN EnR BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS CITY FOR CASH OR READY PAY. IVIRT BODY WILL SAVE DEONEY BY CALLING AND EXAMININO 01.7 R SPLENDID S'l4 SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, '• A NI) ErERTTAING EI,AE IN Tllk. GR6('ER T A NI) PRol'l,lo.\ LINE, ItEPHR I'URcHASING EI.sEWHERE'' XX, Extra Superfine &Graham FLOUR, Cora Meal, Cracked Wheat, GRAINIAND FEEI) Of all kinds kept constantly_on hand and for sale at price" that cannot hut satisfy all. rW—AII.I;OO4I., 144rrantatt• yusi what rectniimmird, un4l Gyred to all parse r,i tile rrt . 4,.1; re ,:1,4,7rve iiirßemernber the old stand of Sh.►onom & Ryan, No. 5 Cheapside, Erie, Pa: ORIISBY & Erie, If arch 12, 1859. fan4o NO. 3, REED HOUSE M'CONKEY & SHANNON Rave on hind a large 14 tovic IRON, NAILS, Cut and Wrought Spike, 1 1 1 14 i BUILDERS' HARDWARE, I CAMPIEITERS' TOOLS A Af E S' PBOYEL3 and SFADEk_ FLINT, MULET, MILL, CIRCULAR CROSS-CUT Springs, Axles, I N I) ANVILB, VICES AND BELLOWS, Wrought Juts and Washers, MALLEABLE IRON, TABLE AND POcKET PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS BORING MACHINES, ELEYS' WADS AND WA TER PROOF CA PS SHOT BELTS, and POWDER FLASKS, WHIPS, &C., &C No. 3, Reed House, Erie, MC*)NKEY Sli A NNON Zile, Much 12, 11IS9. New Flour and Feed Store. TAE subscriber. lateof the firm of Seigle j and Ittigletuart) haa opened a new FLOUR AND FEED STORE to the Part Building, east aide of the Park, when will be found M all times A:lw all the choicest brands of Floor and 1 ' Corn Ideal, toicather with Grain, and ewst7thing slas in his line. or The eartena of the Public I. reepeetftilly ooltrited kilo. Juno 26, Übe —3m.3. I'. ENGLEHEART. PLATED WARE. Calm Baskita, tort; Spoons, Cam saul • ' mat vadat/ at Hla Plated Oloa, for DO* by T. M. AUSTIN, ilarch 12, 01110 FIRE PIV N )F MINERAL PAINT. A superior article for Depnt, Login* and Car Houses, Bridges sod Oat Buildlnp :Gunplisne, Turpen tips and A leobol , by tM berm or gallon, nor Ws by Way 21 L. I. B14.1)111X, No. 6 Rea none, BRUSII ES ! BRUSHES!! BRUSHES!! . Nita, TarafabOraftilag, Striping, White W, Wiadow, Rams, Scrub, TILI , OOIII, plain Mid limey Hair abd Tastli, sad a general assortment of aftkiads of ItßUilliCS. for sale by may 21 T. H. SINCLAIR. CoMartnershift-AJew Firm. MoCAR?ER &. KELLOGG. IHAVE associated with me in the ti ro -6,17 Loa Pivvidon I. 1 -‘ 'GC. and Gme bestows will berewfter be eoodueled In the name arid style of HeCARTER & KELLOGG. June 11, JOSEPH HOCATISER. CODFISH.—A superior article of At 43.0r10 Baal' Coasb ens sale at Jose 11.1 ANSoN'S GRMICItY DEPOT. acquicit SAT : Airt. ..;3.3 BR() ow AI , . 11131:111.1N11 ER 01 , Alt'sl AN!) BuI.K. In /gawps, Ikladeoul„ Aliazandre . I Priuk Arennirdos, frollaboullod as.l *Wu Unita*" iolina, Tenor Viola Ylollacellt Acirordrons, Flutinas. Flutes, !All., Clariosotta, Truing. lca, Tuning Forka,,_Ylipius,. and Hammen, Iri o i l n• Bows, Will Italia Staiins. . Brass lastrutotests, for beads, Piano tltoo4 and Cover; and all kinds of Swim! lustransienta. SU BHT 31t, ,C from all the publish w r. In the 0, b.; }fortiori, !loather atatatodaral School, aid all Mods of Instruefloa Boob filor tits above taitratiovata l Chaveh Music Books ; Music rbigau,lly !Lonna--; ausic Papvr, and all kind. of Music Merolla:dim, AT THE LOWEST PRICE'S. PiKlVlANOltaltt SIX $2OO, $215, 12603, and np to SODO ; COND HAND 1' ANUS lrorn pa up to $100; New 1 4 4 , r 6, rot), and up to ; AI , ,COND holm $3O to SAO; Alex andre Ormolu, a it', Ore stops, MO, Woo stun, $llO an MA, thirteen atom., WO, land S3JU, Often stops Egto and $376 ' • Alexaadre Organ Accordions—a tsew tnatriiment just Imported—pnce *Sin and SM. • liberal discount to t ;erg) WWI, Churches., 4 +ohath School., Semosaries and Teachers. The ' , wool at the usm• at trade dracounta SABBATH SCHOOL HOOKS PUBLISHED HY I HIS • THE Aooitersary and Skudoy-School Musk Book, So con t inw . 32 tones sop h) ions Price 3 cents each, t.. 1 per huedred. THt Annievraatr and Sitaday-deltooi Music Book No. 2, contains 33 tunes and hice 3 ands each, $2 per hundred. THE ananvereary and Sande) ttchool Music Book, No. 3, coutatue ko tuner. and brims. hire 4 cents each, $3 per hundred. THE Ariniveriaty and Bundy-Sebeol Mule Book, No. 4, contains 39 tunes and hymns, hire S cents each, $2 per huodritd. THE etentieriary and iunda; •School Music Book, combining Nog. I and loran, *eyelid additional pleats, etnitaind Ti tow* and hyping( Price Sonata each, pot THE Repeal Penn♦ Uston- Books, Noss I and 2 No.l contains Is tunes and hymn►. hie.. one cent. No. 2 contains 341 tuns and II) inns Price 3 mita aa,L, per hundred Postage one odut each. THEr..sodastn• school 13411 vltl tams 191 tunes and by mus. ?nee I 2 trots r*Cll, $lll pet 1105411,1, postage I cent each; bound, In , trots «ann. Sid pet handresl, elegantly bouad in [loth 25 trots earh, I$l.lU per Lumitrd, jxlstagv 3 crests ra tt (.:statEt;Al IUN Al. 41:iti1M. pa t ,« TraeL Vrier r doi. $1 f,O Tetr hundred. )ItA4'E WATERSTIANOS&SfELObEoNS •. The l'uttio cattr t.. hand, siod to ti/Ikt tate o uter It ta • beautiful it lAm...tat 114.1 uo 11.11.1,01, - —1.1611 E a W • Litlit, John Ilowitt, of Carthago, Nrl4 liork,orho has haul one of the HUMP) 14 &Lora .1"1.5.04, wrl Put an UAW/fa . - A fr tvod of mama whahow ins -to purelhaat a piano fur her liko• the our you sold me-in lloconiber, My planu to tuocounmv pr§mlkr In this place, suit! I think ran introduce uor •'r 11441 Lad, , they will be more popu lar thorium) other make.' •• Wir hare to u of Aisle-re' iu uee hi our Seminary. one o' (4141 th 111 V been nererely ter•Voli for throe years, and -e can teet.ll 141 their p.". 1 qualit) rod Mar:MO.lly, - - wool, l Uktoo 1, M.,1111 n 611,U, 111. • II tt ATION.A, -,Vedtr Ste -Haling used our of our Ptaall, urt••• t rla u enrn vaAt, I hair found it • %yr) aopeldrr tow rooirak 4L0110 4 6 i'etectiptil Brooklyn //rigida Saitisary." "The reeetrtutfr. , 2l sou tuntinUes to gate rata ! (action. let.ttar.l It it the bent tbstrullient. In the pin - JAN a.. L. (LILY, likr.entbn' \ a •1 h« )feh•d«eu toon safely at rt.* .1 I feel obliged to you for your ÜbereJ ou.couut.rittit it« I coo for lou au these istrto."-ltire. J Y. HoCbLJIx, t lr. C " Ibe Ylano ass duty rerei,l.4l. It rattle 111 excellent i. c0n0...0n, and is ‘e r) 041. ...Uattre.l by my numerous fatutll Accept mythunt, ft your prlation. Cs - holuatT U I tt, M r•ilhA, otgl , PA '‘• lion" pus.. Nell It t. tbe trst our to our Count) f nU4A3 A fear 11, iu, aanyirebb.ll, tra. Weser ter,' utu. ltbli to ou fur having tout such a lie IWO riling LI hue and w nti.ttl take pains to re ' • 01.1111.1e11.1 it a too , Beale h. Ili ray e N Aler 4 1 uw a ar.• kn. an .1• 1•11.11011 g the lon bent Near. . tus4ll.ut to o r eak ..f these instruments with conkdoluke, trona; yetkonal knowledge of thole ex. of Vim. awl (torah'« geltlity "-.l' P:t ! ong//sit "N e ran peak ..f 111, torn', of the Ilora.« N eters t rtiot pel.o,lla. ;11.1,11A ledge, as tAelllig of the sexy In it ..jualtty - GArrialsim lalelltgencer. • Notting at the , t4tr th. 1.1,9.41 greater t xnllenre wau ,Irpa./ 011..01 taati at..r.t) . Moos ' -LAt.r.rA era •• the Elora". Wateri i'tanos an bunt ~1 tile beat and moat or ou,:l/ls aaspb.d [nab nal We Lave 110 doubt ;bat Lu..rr , 111 . 1 60, tk, it pati,ap. better, at !Li. Ilan at ao) tior Loup.. 111 ILic .fdracag, snd %hi" onipartmuti with the Os:Peva um.or pm) vt !lett w t 4• coup try ." Roam ".4 • 11,.reie.. Wai.ia I -rtia ari• full, rich, and 100.. ant icy I ert 31ItSiCal r fnroa. will j$ toi It Hr. N 1 Ater. .t.r t the ire) oar, at I Mel. t Hyyu &lid of l'ia uirt I. be found in the ult.. Mat.. and ae r t ;• our - 011.rrli oral weatern friends 10 gyro. h. 03 • wt.ennerr they gut° New York." —Ciyis.Aus. • 3L0gai...., %ItEltUtl qi. 383 Mill/1111%VA I - , Nevi V •rit. ,110 . ii, —IIS syiNfi if EW-I Nt; N T BA WWI' lt" , bk,l , Ili IN 41 -.ALM:AII • 8 In manufActared from common end 6 0 (. ) iP Frimrt-t1 r.tnr*l, from o th er 0 :ssileratuc ILlrterioult matter ex• AN trarted io atich ■ manwer as to prodoee AN h U real, Isisi . uit, aryl all kind* of Cake with- vut c ,, ntaluiug • Nnlt.r.tur. • Le. 11 , r, wd or ‘.41... IP tkak..-d . thereby pro- rip 461..ratu• . turtuui to Kato and paeara through the Brea4 or 800 u it *tale Bating; 68 rt vtaing but common 68 Naterund Ficcur Iccu vrtll muclicy A\ r , jorrreore L. lhr tnatr of thici Sclierattit that D „• 70 it lbaCk.ll.l: IL ono pavent, .*d "15 T ktAbloitt a Best STEEL, s Vr1.14, on the top. Whet% you purchase one 6B 6, paper ,toollti‘e the w rapper, - .t d t.e pertkuler to get the Delft ryintil A\ ,Ike 1141,1, ANIL) F ull Ihroction. for I.,,lging Firefol alth this Sairrislius ist.rii :sour Mak or Cretin Tar-. 70 Itar, Aerial:hp/my • sill prickags . 68 Make You, Own Soap, 68 1 1111 • \ I. t'il) 11. ..r. 71A.33131PT14 • ,•r, 7 pure Concentrated Potash !70 W.eru n t e a doable the At r.oirth of ordinary i'otash , put tip in emir— I lb., 2 Ina., 3 , 6 6, 6 „..., and 1: lbs.— with full dtreetkona lot ‘ , B 0 making Hard and Soft Somp t onsumere kJ A will 6 ntl the Potful] in Tar lrt iltl4llll2.nure 4 l and fur ale be 70Et T 11,k ELLIITT, 70 No. G. and 7i) Waehineon-et., Sew York, AND lIAND SAWS HERB DISPENSARY. (Mos 93 Pt , (2d door, Pp Stairso Buffalo, N.Y. TEH cELEBRATEI) 1)R. .14.)IiNsoN Botantc Physician, treats surressfully this follow ing diseitscs CI INSUMPTIf e AST I! M PIPE BOXE.S., BRONCHITIS, HI AI)At 116, curr.l 1u 10 m I.CTSI3 k CHEST DISRAPES,SCRoFTI.A. DNEASES OF THE HEART,c , A LT RIIKD KIDNEY AFIECTIONF, REIF.UMATVM, , IArER COMPLAINT: I . FEVER AND AMA:, FEMALE W KAENKcS PIMPLES, DI,EASFS OF TH Ei EAR AN D EYE, kc, he. All who are imfferins from the above maned diseases, or •ny other complicated complaint of year dins, are informed that they awn hare forwarded h mall or ex press for the small sum of 11 tie a newt i age of Medi cine*, w ittt all n y threetions and teal airler.— Pattents should applt without delay, as they ran obtain Instant mite( (Mtn the Doctor', remedies Ur Johnson'. Medicine consists of estraeta from the choicest Medicinal foreign and native Boots and Herbs, manufactured under 1 • own supereu„inn, at his Dt s pen a . ary, and D . erefore avelthoir the use of Mercury and other nth:tepid poison., that were nes er designed for the system, to which men) thou,,and,, have fallen s 'ethos and gone to early gram. LOTION Fait TIIF CoMPI EXIDN. —Dr Johnson's remarkable Ltalfst.i for heauttf) log and improving the COMplySlOl3, remiss-log almost situ u ltaneoctoly Tan, Freels les, Dimples, /cc-, will be sent to any part of the country fur St 00 and err Postage stamp. N it Female Pill, $1 a bos. Address lift lIINSON, Drawer 404. /* June. 11, *S9-1.1-r Odin. VS Main St , Buffalo, N N. CUTLERY, H.\NIS AN!) 1111311 NY. J. JIAN,, I. nor reeeit Ins from Clue/110111J a ei/Olee 10t Of Sugar Cum' flame. anti it.,131e or the rew eave Haste }hat Homi all at the June 11. 13.69-1 ny Eta CIIEPSIDE. QY ANT Very elowie, embrartog three emit... of Syrup-- • goof article 5.1 better sod nary flue tlari,retl b. ; Stew. art'.. Gold., or t 1" late Si rep ha w Url, ana Molasses, the very toct kind for baking put et June 11.1 HANIO).‘I) IiKocERY DEPOT. F R ESEIt3I ET IC A L I,Y Se% m retaining original durnr, in small Ti . mar for Manly uw, nn sale at Erie, June I, lin,/ Wll ER EAS, letterg testamentary upon t he ~..ttat. n( Lemuel Steward, tate of Elk cm*, 444 , 4., hare been grouted to the aubomihrra. All persona indebted to !basalt] Estate, are mrpaeeted to make immediate payment, •nr. them. haling claim,. or demands soaked the eqate of yid decd, will pleaae make Umlaute known without delay to ___, NEW MUSIC. "SARAII JANE LEK" :••ONG AND CIIDRIII. A very - ---- beautiful firming Melody with easy &canto pastiment, rap be eon . be Children as well u &delft. aria will anon bunny erre of the meet popular san g ." of the dal. Sentiments Of the words eneellent.— Pelee 2t ranter, mailed ifili. ili“ rabliabed by IlonAin WAtina. Aerie. Ma I= Broadiroy.Aaw Tort. "NEW AND ?UPC LA.S VOCAL bUMIC.--"lthed tonal' "Ile Angelo 11.1.1 mil% "As ofAtosabell" "Wild. of the Weld..." "Civiii 'SIVA illy Nor a kin Acme '." eTboo t bta of God ;" re * thee $6ll ;" "Sur of Thee ;' and "(Jul Suomi ;" eel si by the Studentp of r Pnutg•too C.4ir lee 1',,.+ ?d each. NEW ANn WWII, 4lt IN. 111110rTAI. III':•IC.-- "Pallee timrcien 1'..1ki," '4/nett.. "Mow., or Wicks •loottn/10 ," • See Daum. prim 40 rule met. "Picon l^inini Nth.' , 4Rwhiginosciu4aidir "Tbmnaillkagr Schott/Art, ,- ill oath i•ep, ore "Hibernian qumi rill. I* , 35 rrtrtm oar+ “Crlnollne Waltz •.' "Danville bla. tarifa :" "Arabian Mar Cry. Mue-eji ." '"ltearllng Polka:" "airy lir( Vir...•firitiop r • .Wollola; POHL* :" and .Alral ra Nlka Mastirka .' Orley Pb rents ne IL litfiu —1 tbie Paragon Building, Near Pesch BC GILT i'LCIIVERED, 31A ft Ft L E T►►P wili t ritte limber Yuit k'urnjture. Fur .4. vet COlllll4l6klU. Apply to G. W. ELLSEY, Erie, June 4, 1440.—M. ' Spring Bed Store HOU: , F. TBSTIMOP,LALs OF TOE TO HOUSE KEEPERS tirlng Kfosine.anl . psirti I= , • •Iw, picture, 111[11.1- ,-1 to•f l,to-a.l, wit le Oa.. obf I rh,11.4.11 tor rn...kinv all kit:ON of-Pasta •INO, f..r votk.n,z Hl'ater wad Seldtits jr la ly 2 and I witm-ot Hutton _T:;4I , L.. JOHNSON'S IVISPEPNIA. NEIIN of DEBILITY Executor's Notice. CARY ROGERS, JONATHAN IL STEWARD, Executors Jou« lit, 1 6 159 —2.6 t Jas. Buss . 8t WHOLESALE GROCERS IT-A.VE TAKEN THE 14TVIRE Ne. 10 Brawn's Block, vorisierty orospied6 J. G. Barr ".• 000 Where the): are °filming a large and gen eral stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Exclusively at Wllolel s al e I And respectfully solicit a share of the trade. Erie, June 11, 18:19. 1. cie azl 4,,t p i p sa i„ LOCATED AT BUFFALO, Corner Renee** Main Streets. N. Y. CITY, "Cooper Institute," Astor Place PHILADELPHIA, Corner 7th L Chestnut St. ALBANY, No. 448 Broadway. CLEVELAND, Cor. Benet& tr. Superior Streets. DETROIT, No. 70 Woodward Avenue. C II II'AGO, cor Clatic and Washington Streets Stud/131P estertai an me of those Coilevs, by the payment of so become entitled to th• prtrthiges of the entire "thorn," compriatug anon of the moot thorough, extenAlwr, afitoplete and popular Business Schools In the world. For Catalogues and Circulars, call at the Colley, Hoorn, w addruma i abo're. BRYANT & STRATTON'S FT, ' I7 ' MUZ A MONTHLY hLAGARLN E. Devoted to Conrnerce, Banking, llanufaetures. A ulture, Ifeehanieal Selene*, Comniereial Law, Nattiest emmonly, Literature, Art aad Statietical InformatlOn. üblishool 'monthly at Cooper Institute, N.Y. ikieser $3 er annum, with thermal reduction to Clubs. no work designed to be a sound exponent or the Commwernial ad Industrial interesta of America March, 26, 181331.—1y.42. EUREKA 1 'rho - 1 4asola Best /111Provement in Dentist/7 RUBBER AID (NITTA PERCHA. [MEAD OF GOLD AND SILVER. T N the Ear,tern Cities, for a year or more, vlapotwit Rubber ardrhitta Perch* have been need la lame. for Artificial Teeth, but owing to '' the daliculty and expense of obtaining a proper Meant apparatus for harde ndida t n ing he matelial, Dmitists located at a ce from tlsee Miles have been deprived of ids benefits of the discomkty. Now, however, the patentees have invented ;raffia:4r heaters, and I have availed myself of the oppor tunttl to introduce this cheap and excellent Material into use here I have wen It worn elsewhere, and have already used It etteciently in my practice to this City to eatiotty that 4 1a the aghtest work yet Invented ; that it will haler than any other ; that it has all the ad .aots i which can be ciatened for other work in point of ago/awes , that it Is asap, and sadly repair ed • nod for both permanert and temporary work. ielhoor who have Ketal Plates which win not at ly atinoaphericFare, th te is ithcovery offers a certain re lief, for the Goer Plat waif fit. ler Clegg it is the hest coterie yet altered, because it will eel weer the uatuql teeth. 1 amprepared Ito coastruct teeth work for ell eel aria to use It, and mate thin fair offer, that if the Webber hills to do all that eau ressonant le-asked, when fairly tried, I will replace it with Qold or Silver and char i er only the difference Inprice. 01 0 vicr.on ttosenmet ir 's Block, over the boot and *tore oi sod firry W. E --MAGILL kris, June 'A, 1869.-3 Dentist. SVoLDEN'S MAGIC FLUID, THE GREAT ! FOR MAN AND BEAST SRLDEICS MAGIC FLUID THE GREAT LIHMEXT ! FOR NWT AND BEAST. SINLnEN'S Mitiie FLUID, TILE GREAT LINIXENT FOR MAN AND BEAST. SELDEN'S MAGIC FLUID, THE GREAT MT ! • FOR VAN AND BEAST. S ELDEN'S MAGIC FLUID, •:•1,011 FOR MAN AND BEAST Will you —mu you doubt Its merit I If so, giro this snick a fair trial, aa • Vila TRIAL will eonTilheil the most okeptleal. &Clog by all Dmlen tbrouirbre melon. Ck ISTER k BRO., sole Agents for Erie. Much, 21,1111.-1 y. 42. AMBROTYPES!! PUT UP air F 0 IN - 20 CASES OEN' rion3y . will put up in eases 'the $1 y . : N./ pleturs for 60 meta. 2. • COLBY will put up in cases the $2 Pie- a titre for $l. "" COLEY will give you a beautiful new style likeness to send by letter for 26 eta. t' COLBY will give particular attention to taking eh ildrens likenesses. 56. • COLBY will do all other work in his profession In like proportion. COLBY can, with his mammoth sky_ ..... tight, throw more light on THE subject in I •-• a. dark day than is really necessary to F. make an impression. • COLBY will be found during bushtess hours in the Rosenzweig Block. i Erie, May 14, 1859. 49 used4oaqtay ised4f4azqury • THOSE DELICIOUS STRAWBERRIES Vs). be prearrrved for futwv muse, pertretly THOSE tad doe bamend, by pantos them lap In Inass Jars, each as sr* • 0 14 by CLITZR t BRO. Jane It GROCERIM-A good supply of' most &metes ta the Grocery Ilse ma be toubd st RANSON'S 7ANILY GUMMY. grie, Jane 11,1169.-1. Clomosbia. WALK IN 0 NEW SPRING AND 811XN:ER GOODS GENEMEEMERI Corner of State and Seyentkets., ltrie, T " ..i gu v , d bse at t if i r has fir re-- • dons Store, on the Con i srr w or " Sta . =l I Seventh strestsos tarp stock or AND 8I:NINIZR 00008, of ics styles. and lON mothme to Imp O. Med • bug" assortment at Autted MIT 11111 MIRK to the •1•11•111, eosoisting of HANSON Dress, Prods and Sack Oasts of every style and pdto, Vesta of all ithWeftlilligthrte Onstee-ifitirte, Demme, Ilandkerthieb.ry of different qualities ; In kbeet. b. . " 'nessel article usually kept fa a Clothing Estabkisharat. Itlie Mottling is manufactured by himself. and warranted equal to any in the city hrsons wishing articles in his Noe will do well to call and examine his stock, am he intends not to be undersold by any eetablishment west of New York-- Clothing made to order on abort notion. Er- Poet fowl the piste, Geaseeemer's Corner, ear ow of Si t rad SeenitA streets. Ene, A . SO.-1869, 1H8N43 OMB EIXILL scyTHES AND SWATHS 100 Down Grams Scythes, 10 do Oralo dot bdo Brush do 26 do Maley and Patent Snetbs, it do Noisy and Grape tine Cradles, 60 •10 Bakee, 50 do 2, 3 and Tined Hay and Stray Forks, 20 Boxes Plynou b Rock and India Pond Scythe Stones, Lkaeo Rillea, by the down orsingle,very cheep by Brie, Mar 3M, 1360-41. J. c stmts. NI►IGO ANl► MADDER. I COUNTRY IIIRRORANTS AND DYDRO. —We have a quantity, whieh we will furtueb at low Rtes cARrrR A BRO. *web 6, 1850. SELF ROCKING CRADLES, on SALE sad ii.ighibigo•;lo6s.the lIVIIRLAXTING SPIV AG NEE S, from $6 68;7 mai. 0.26.] Cl. W. SI..LSZY D H YSICI ANS AND u CONSUMPTIVF,4 Cam obtain the Ju ly L Ifjpophamphlha nta * la l / 2 betb th 7 at J 6. 6 1114 D FOUNDRY" Etna AiREADU, 110/1110110: 1 1. OZ4 14 _2 1 = rd tX.rsisb et lrboleede eiett viris, news ow &se most acme pefteleoped hail! ike= Farman ethers to threilleek ea BMW 0 IMMO , J. LONA, .11r011 ...., . ns i smri S "WIAW. MI PHISHO • NW:MU IN Info,lnfo,lNl, by Os. together with Culttesters.Oirli Plsoteresad otheesatlelse to be wee to be prepetiy_ Seen t, " Old Fooadtg," N. a rgmwr State sad S Sri, Pa. eptirt, UMW BASH 4 JOHNSON. LOGWOO i. 11 bare a lave Stork et Chipped Logwood ewe beat witleb we oiler et very law Wesley lie barrel. March 1. CART= h BkO. PURE' NATIVE WINE, CATAWBA, BRANDT, put up at Chteimaill, eaa Da had se April 30. GREASE I GREASE! ! GREASE I! I 76 per coat saned_by using ratan aids Gnarl, for Osnalbws's!". Wagons, and Outs, which is baud to to fat earrelor to say other ;oreparstks, ss it combines all the hisatinsar of OH with the fna inlaid' nature of tallow, Monaliss Axial always cool and els/a. and remains on doable the time of any other grams known. A single trial nih marines any ono of Its mins and ebsamama. S WI. f lb. Bases by Din, lay 14,1519. 69 CARTRR b BRO. T H. RIELET HAS REMOVED MS tr . aplendki Stook of Paralture down to hie New Building, on State strpet, on. door South of Perry Block, befit 4 tzforaaly for that rupee*, when my be towed a large and veil .looted amortment of FURNITURE, mbracing all Ueda of Cabinet Wan usually kept to `ewe.n eiMafiAsomiA On the OM door =ay Os toned eam Tislkits, ..nimint Wars, Asoisla Weed Conmen Maeda ceseinen Wash Staab, LIM=I., i' °Magi sad FreWa foliraimi Cram, 4 4 , IL•pullicluted by himself, lavabos with • of CI I — l A. I IR, , Of *vary ears& &sad 'price to salt maws. The second low to MI of ItaTLIS PURNITITRK, such so Sofas, Tete-s- Totes, Large Roekere,Gentlemen's Easy Chairs, and all kinds of Cushioned ChM* Marble Top Centre and Caid Tables, What biota and 4.tuaritetts stands The third door contains materials and a large number of workmen, competent to monodies» any article in the cabinet line la the best style and shortest notice. The public, particularly the lull/44Ln respectbilly yard to call and examine furniture and pukes, as lam not to be undergo/4 by my establiabment in the City or elsewhere. All kinds of lumber and produce taken in ea• change for furniture. 3. H. ItildlXT, Erie, March 15,18/44-111 Sole Proprietor. N. 1 5.—Just rewired a large stock of Mirrors, embrac ing all tiers, qualities and prices. pAILLS FANS AND ELEGANT FANCY 1. Article& The Ladies will and a few mon of those splendid Fans and Combs left, at the Paragon %R Min`. Nardi 12, T, M. AUSTIN. GILT PoRTRAIT FRAMES. Gilt Mouldings, Looking Glasses, nog. French Lith ographs in frames, or out, selling cheap M the Butlftg, 111"11 V., M. AUSTI N. I=E3l GILT SHADES. (4ILT SRADEIi Abeautiful lot of Gilt Shade* at very lo• prima mai be found at J. O. SELDEN S. WI N DoW CORNICES Curtain Roads, Cornices, Conla and Tassels W Indow Fixtures, for Isis ebrsip by J. F. sigLDEN. B ABBITT ILETAL- A impel-kw swtlel. at STEAM PLANING MI Patin, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTORY. IMPORTANT TO AU/L.DARS: Chaster cat Ad !ILIA:M*3r. MATS A I.4IRGE STOCK OF THOROUGHLY SEAS osr sr, Ash and Poplar boorin& and Siding, matched and rice planed nos. Windows, Doors, BMo , Moaldlngs, Lath, Shingles Window Frames, Door Mounts, *c., /a., which they will tell rhea Mr Cash. Haring two o f Woodworth's Improved Musing Machina and competent mechanics to operate them, we ars prepare( to do custom Platting, Matching and Ripping at all times and In r sat- Lawlor, manner. All order wlllredire promptiatantion. YrAs. Sept. M. INV SAL GOLD AND SI VER GOODS. Flue Lannon& and all lands of icestry made and repaired by Me sen 7 best workmen. Bihar apnoea con stantly on hand and made k. order. Clockanutd Watenee carefully repaired at low rates, and all work warranted. T, Y. •CrITIN, Paragon Butiding, G. P. 1311EVELLIMI, MANITACTUREH OF Soap and Candles, Corner of HoMod had siztb Streets, KA., P.. Thankful for the eery liberal patronage received hereto fore, I would respecthilly Write all tkoot who went to buy the above articles, of a superior quality, to give me • call before purchasing elesokere. orders from ►bread, accompanied with the each or prop er references, will lie promptly attended to, and all goods purchased delivered to the ears or ware-houses, free of charge. I also keep constantly en hand a large assortment of NEW CASITLA NAILS, which will be meld cheep for each by the keg or larger quantities. April 111,156111.-46.3 m. DENTAL NOTICE. D R. W. H. LUCE, Would inform his patrons and the paths generally that he has port returned from New York WITH A LARGE AND VALUABLE sTOCK. embracing all tee N' ARI ETIES OF TEETH NOW IN I'SE wi-th which be is ready to do not k M approved style. He desires espocially to call ottestaon to the cankrriavorl4 01311 WORM, which he is prepared In execute promptly and nestle. It pressents advantages OVER ALL OTHER MODES, A ollowinvo moms or spoon for the accumulation of food a Z i o l ti ill to othe PERFECTLY NATURAL EX- while ministering to the streoolt of the voice and reser al comfort of the subiect. Operations for the regulation, preservation, removal and replacing of Tooth, performed to the entire satisfaction of all who desire his profession• ol sorrioes. Erie, April 93, 1869.-4m.46 REMOVAL SPRING STOCK OF GROCERIES: j JOHNSON & BRO.. Cl e Have removed to Rinderneeht'a Block, Corner of State and Fifth Streots, and ere filling up with the largest and moot extenalve Stock of WET AND DRY En WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. ever offered in this market ; and whirl will be lead as tool/thinly elteap for Cash or Country Produce. Call said examine there Stock of SUGARS, IMPERIAL TEAS, ROASTED, GROUND JAVA AND RIO COFFEE, MOLASSES, STARCH, CANDLES WHITE FISH, 111 ACKEREL HAM, EGGS, &c., &c., &c Together with every thing else good to eat, Drink, Snuff, Chew or Smoke. Erie, April 9, 1859.-44. FE Groceries and Provisions. NEW 6 - 1 77 )0 R E THE subscriber has just o pened a RE TAIL GROCERY AND PROIONNt Olilt, THE Sleek, betimes MO* aad Math, es Mats street, He Is liberally supplied srilk the Mimi varie ties at Collr WWI R.ta, ?SAM, CA NDIAN m ! lite, Batter, Eggs, and Proirisions Generally. Special &hellion is paid to *flatter deputiartit. RR Stock has been earetally neleeMd, and be am tbfraftore confidently recommend It to Ids Mends la the City and Country. Intending todewote hls vitae tine to the bad- Der, ho to receive a libel* share of patronage.— Rereepeetihlly eolkilts a call tram ladles and gentlemen Deeding any description of Grolnertes or Provision; eon. Mint of Irls ability to meet and at them. - air Country Produce taken ta aselnuare for Goof* Remember the stand—on State Street, a her deorjke low Ore corner of Ninth, west side. Sri., April SOW. J. J. PERDU :T. CASH FOR WOOL I have wan been appointed Agent for tour Ex truths Itanntrre, and ent edotded to offs* the kist est pees for ill hinds of WOOL sad till pay CABIB to on. hundred Thous a nd pounds. 8. SMITH. Ibis, Kay 28, IBA • Id (s A LL THOSE habghtell to filAkes Bonnet Rooms, an fully lavited to asll aged settle the seam with Koq., within itityl days ; as altec that time all account. that are aoirettled will be pushed StatUl Aril lei, 110.-41. T. R. BLAKE. CO - PARTNERSHIP-.-NEW FIRM saciwx. ammo dk Co.. 1 NAVY' !mandated with nee tp lb* and 'Fowl akni Be s HENRY BECKMAN and ZU DW , and the baxineae will hereafter be nominated in that nano and idyls of BIRCK WAN, NICNDU/ lig CO. Zria, April 2, 1111111. WIC P. ItINDERNgrat )RTM T . • of all kin& of•So gi v i o="trtots A nkx)l) Ast4 Post Oiler Norcr—rgo;ot. hyer. Kr* April 2. 110 FR TAE. FARNE 'S. bs. or la sod 1 Drag Tooth, for sals by 14feb 12, 1969. J. O. UMW CARTER k BRO J. C. BELDEN'S PREBBION, GROCERIES. PROVISIONS GREEN, BLACK AND srßt P 8 RICE, SOAP FRUITS, NUTS CODFISH PORK BUTTER, WHIMS NW SHOE STORE. &ULM 011 ! I MUNI OPT ! 1 INIFES, MOBS *is SUBORNS! Olf IVES Y DIOUSIIMOIRSOK Ladies, Genthem Yom and Children, 111133 GAM= maw LUZ STORE, . OS &WI. S., WOO% Ed gad filth emits. Anomte /SIX lIMIIIMMIUM MOO TO In tern Ids Meads aid the Public imper ially that he hat just opened a very su perior Slosh of th e above artlellis, and 1 to order say Wog In his Hoe on abort mottos, whisk to will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Call and amnia*quality and pieta. Ma. Tee stoses.—wit. CULTIVATOR TEETH. irstsa Cultivator Tooth at 4 J. C. SICLDEN RARE & BROT4i ER, avai jest nitglved from rtalladelphla a •.rf laage Stock of 13TAPLR DRY Goon's, Whirl they will melt on the Lowest Rates for CASH, Country Prentiss (emelt ea/Opted) or Erie County or City Ronda at lb per cowl above the niftiest man rates. They bovssibo ra good stock of Roots and Shoes, Shirts, Drawers, Clot/A.og, ke-, ke ' for sale on the same tenon Groceries cheap sa tbeeheapesi for Cash. tries, Ranh a. B OOKS, Magasines, Paper, Stationery, WALLPAPER, &a., Mg PARK ROW BOOK STORE D. P. ENSIGN, Pr•prietor Me, Tibb. 26, ISM G- LOOMIS, a Is TIM; DAY OPENTNG a spleneld assortsstat of rich Gilt Chin Vases, Hotta Cuts and Ilaseads, Mugs, Candlastlela, and • great satiety ei USXWL IND ORNAMENTAL ARTICLLA, suitable forth' Holidays.: Elegant Cake Haakets, Tea meta, Pitchers, gayer Cups, Forks, Rpnona, Ladles, (be until pattern:4) and lota of rid' Jewelry, wAt- Ada, and Fancy Gook.--Call and see. Erie., Dec 25, 1266._ _ -- IRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! GO TO G. A. BENNEITTN. In surance Odle., COMM" of State sad Fifth street, Wrght*, Black, up Aura, sad pt your property lass:ed. He re promote the following reliable Compotes. ItILRCHANTF FMB & MARINF. INSURANCE rot! PANT of Philadelphia. Authorized Capital 04040,000. Ifeert A rsly turreted seaoryroo. r Pi" UNION INHURAPCF. COMPANY, Mi...., Bradford Co.. Pa. Capital *iseopuu. All paid op and securely invested. Rates as low se security to the insured will penult. trio, Asc. 13, 11156. O. A. BENNENT, A,? t JM. .1 STI (' E 'l 7 lll. 1; I EI.II . AGAIN. I WOULD !SAY to my friends and the pohlie in gewsrul that I havoc:ammo:wed the Tailoring and Ready Made Clanking Haslures, to Sll it• various branches, in the Store lately ocrutoeel by Mr. Case, on the Public Square, leit•eii Brow I lotel aad the Heed House, where I will endeavor to have at oh times a choice selection of cLoTiatk, cAmeamisittn% Alti) which 1 will make up to order upon short pout,. al.! warrant to giro satiefaotion or no rale. rereons in • not of anything in my line can depend upon heinglauly trai t with, aa fam determined not to make up any good. bu t such as will give ratiatartion. I art making a ~• aortment of READY 'ADE CLOTHING, which will be n( Houle make and warraoted to M. a. re presented or money refunded. Persons purehaeins lnr CASH are Invited to ea.) and examine m' Goods and Priem, SA 1 am determined to pea diem) for Cann. - cr . CUTTING done on short notice att.) citric tit,', Get. 2, Ibl.B. JOHN )1 THE DELAWARE MUTUAL ANC& COMPANY DS PHILADELPHIA. AIRS now doing boldness on the Hetes' plan, ulvin, the In cored • participation In the profits of the ',lmps ety, without liability beyond the premium paid Risks upon the Lakes and Canals in•unrd on the met favorable tonna. Losses will be liberally and ad)ustod. Yin risks on merchandise, buGdings and . properti In lowa or country, fur a limited term permanent's DIRECTORS. Joseph H. Seal, JUMP. C. Hand, Thsophilus Panktlng, John C. bar's, Robert Barton, John Garrett, Hugh Craig, Samuel Edward'', Rea TT I.llll■Telbee, David *tarry, Charles Kelley, laser K. Dart., William Yolwell, WObam Hay. Dr. S. Thomas, Dr. H. IL Horton, Joke DOW, Jr. Spencer Itc/tranc. George ,Serrell, John J. New lin, Edward Da:Union, John 11. Penrive, J. G. Johnson, H. Jour. liroi•lie. Edmond Mouder, _ Wm, 11•• vie, Preat Rrareart S. NEwsiorw, Seel. Et:Application can be made to April 4, I&ST. J Agent, Erie C ROCKERY AND (11.-t'S WAR}, STORE, N. 12. Empire Block. by ROGERS & 'SENNETT April 9, 1459 HARDWARE RIX; ERS AND BEN N ETT. Have the Largest and Best Selected Si. k ..1 rII6N, NAILS AXLES 8PR!N08, ANVILS A NI ES SHOVELS AND SPADES, NAILS, WASHERS SAWS, HORSE SHOES, - - SADDLERY , HARNESS TRIMMINGS, &:e , &c PLATED WARE. In fact altnic4l el-cry thing Remember the Old Stand, EMPIRE BLOCK, No. 11 Itud 12 Mote titreet, Brie. Pm Apirti 9, IU9. FARM FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER Offers bee farm fir Sale, no , a ssam,;.. terse. It is situated one-half mile from smine..m Roads, Kris County, Pa, and contains F 1 RTI -TIIEF. sures of land, this'le dire of *Mel, are under a goad Mate of Imitromement there are two large barns no the pre wises, one TO by 30 and the other 30 by 40, the whole watered by never failing Springs. For terms apply to the subecriber tn Svingtit.l.l April 9, 1069.-446 m. LACINA CRAwsohil BRAS & BELL FOUNDRY. REMOVAL. • The subscriber has removed him BRASS AND BILL FOUNDRY to American Slack, one door West of Heiler mad Warren*. when be will be happy to are all his old Custom,. slid so many new owe as may wantany thing In ht. hue Nei*, April 2. 18.39.-48. dm. FRED .1AI:1 , 4 Rl, Baker's ..Premium Chocolate. wBAKER it CO'S, • American, French liouvrpatirle, sod 'Vanilla Premium Chocolate, Prepared Cocoa, Brom& I "cis% Pads, COecm-Sticka, Soluble, liorocepathic and Dietetic ti=tCracked Cocoa, and Cocoa celebrated AA re., salutary and delicious beverages, for more illsn three fourths of a century, are manufactured from Cocoa of the Guest quality, and warranted suisnior to any oilier Coma Preparations made in the Coiled States. As nourishment for children and persons in health, 411 , i as eubetitutes For %sand Coffee In Nervous and D, sport lc carer, they are invaluable, end are recommended the twat endpoint Physician; Por sale by their Agents, D. C MURRAY, Sr... York , W. S. GRANT, Philadelphia T Y. RRUNDDIE, !Ulti mo. • BENNicrr, Durni , :s S Cl)., Cillflollllti, and I, amnia ramenally. WALTER, BAK KR et Co , Aprll 211, 11169.--46.13ns Dorchester, Mao. DISSOLUTION OF PA RTN Il IP. The Partnerahip heretofore existing between the subeesibers under the namaand style of !Altai:Ll., File' BEET, ACo has bees this day dissolved by mutual non sant, and th e whole Stock Machine -v and auxin... ..f the Firm Ida been sold to LIDDELL, MARSH it Co., w hii will continuo the intainug at the old stand. S. P. ICKPLSR funs been duly appointed Agent to settleithe business of the old firm at their former office, where all poisons having unsettled busily so with the late Arai are requested to call sod make Immediate paymrot W. .1 F. LIDDELL, BENJ. HERSHEY, Erb, April 22. 1869—Sui 49 JOHN FAIRBAIRN, VIETRACTS tor rtarpring et 411 Lindy, at I:MCA/lAN, KKNDIQ 4 C., Aril 11, IMAL 25 PER CENT. CASH SAVED The wend attention at Mancitacturera, CODOIIM ere, Physician. sad Country ilerthants, la Invited to in largo Moot at (wails, waled./ with groat ann., and portioned with Cank enabling me to over Ind norm« au worthy of atienticut. My stock etionivin of DRUGS - and MEDICINES, Meade*l.4 Pasts, "ON Vaireisahes, Dye .Pitufla, rerfamory .d Alalr pideteee Material; 'Wow (31a■a sod Potty, Fine Toilet Raw. Bair sad Tooth broobPo, is ke., PURE WINE AND BRANDIES, for medicinal uskaimil all tha Patent or Propriety Medi dues of the day. Orders promptly tilled and satisfaction =toed with mord to prim mid L quaLlit BALDII y, o. b. Reed VIC ins, Nay 21412/10. 50. "BAN(4-111' " Itli N:MES ! Whim wire mid “iiroteriwi," ti• ntiisr day, When did I go without deLas, And bribg a load loin. Oh a Arai' II H 1 LOW lex Wben TIPS is wannsd, trssb and tar.. And Sugar tor/drat with care, Your always pore to find them whet... • At Pat never. ]►hn ham Into of choo nutter goad. And ether htsdnut wholoonnie •tertdee route other, outer], taxi • Ito I.l$W Who rroeta you with a •uotinc mien, And %haws you Met ~ to too rn•n, got up so taster, Dice arid c•ean - L. 1.5.11 01). Who korps the revisal •.t4 • vt, rr I'i~' - -The best that's I=l4e hrowath the Yet • hich 1.0 wally look( and . ,h • 110•1(1. Who's at h.a j..t *IA late, • To wilit " 0 OV, Idiq. *mall awl irvat, Atli'« Piro 04 r• •rp r 1.1 lar.l slats , II I) AIIt tt 12, I ji. JOHN G ABI.R At the old Stand. M t 1: 1 H N . .01 • Betweeen Brown's Hotel & Reed House, 1..% 1;r, OF ill ?t•sE. SI large rkini t. warortnortit of copper, and en; !Ml* In. 111 . ntl. r, and Pocket KIIIIVPIN • A •., Ilrasnia Tann. a• tara a nd T « .- . ••• '• I arid Table sponna,ll.rama, .11 1. r In and (Iroundgele Elea, A . ..., a lara« lar«ortrues.t of Japan 71. . are ..f all 1,11.,1a, and the beat ras...rt - t rtent of T.4.lTrslre In Erie, of all • bap.* and 51.... ( ..1t. • Mal.. I or , p o pp r ro, SPIV..., bon 11.1: and rungs" 1.01.. d., Coal H t ota, H a•hboar.t«, HIP* Potato Hook., Houk.", kr, , Font Tula, Hip (laths and Itathing Tula, befr4. ratorr. Mar., Yat..nt ratter, atom, F0u1p....1 all deveriptl.,a. Lewd l'lpe,Sbeet toad, Pump ( and uldn• .`tore Vipii• and I.lbolra. Canal l'u nil a, rod ate.' Coolers, and bltrns fluid lau,h. «t kindo, r‘.•l.r and •td,arda, Zink and SLwt Iron, Pin, 1 ....1. ra, Candlestt. Its and Lamm Tabie Mat.. in ',a., I Intood r. "h., I *ad I,.tigra Stand, and Milk •n: I lit., T..• lot {Tare, Tea Rolla, Tumbler 1/rankot..., fa and I ruyi., 111.1 Rat Trap., balls., Serena, Ta.l...nd tn'..r.k, F. a - 1... r lou.tera, 11;100- toarter., 14.4.1 . 1 15.,,, Pollan. F ranch Colts Pala, -t., I on.i.with Servie•osi. All of which r to. odur ehortro Sro 21.1 only .1..1.1.1nit done on the ni•lieP. I opprr. 13116...., P. a ter and RAO. Lake I. I. itiVi r inPaPP P./1 ./14 tI 1 •toek, and .....ahrfy 'connotive*. Erie, Mal 1.., •,• V. ur. 'n. 11l kl'rlti 6 4 HQ) t•I;1"11'1:1. - .N'l I.ll‘‘ th il Taunt & Bristol, l'1•1:.\17 I,'l' .I\-1.1.(if,11"1.V17i; So. z. 31 yarnto.rty t's.tior A• l4Forest's Ev4rri Nil% 04 IL ATTI,NTIIIIIN TV Tillie. MANI'. f‘ctur.• t•I ,•,r u.,1 A, 1,...,;Mg amr timiA Ilift our 'lock otepte , tr nfen be mail rtiotom Inuit., we ;10. t., .evitiug all t serpent artycle O urtall.sre r • fir obtain Old the best of gnalt t...t hub. w hish w, filler St ii•er prices. 11, r atu, 140 Arr.) , If, is At Ao.a,il 141,:iirbt 1.1.k1, latest and neatt•l p.n.! .. T rott ',port thrill of Ft ItNITt lo be :out.. to rnAnn'arin, nn,: kn.•l . • nottaitCy r n hand a large %1d...1,A V•AI and kin,E 01111. E an , t Tig' T A it I.Y.S, an.l 10,ARD, Al., 1:1•:1.-.71- 41ILS, tit. 4 KU "-, 1.41 • A ItTLTTP. , .I , j•ltt 1 tRIF )t1)(1K . 11.4“1 , / , ' , h) . j, LPL Ni•F>, h\ii\~~~Ttl~l}.-, 1\ 1.1 lIEMBEI=EIIIII Nl. ts .1 p4lnt • A • • , Mattresses and Spring Beds. A,•. •. NIt.II .7%,‘ 1 •• Wi.,.41 and Gilt II Ittl:4 '1. 4 .. .r• • • - I. \ T !' Ith , T()! N , , m I f'hff A I} , )\11:/i %HAL 41. thi AT TIIF ISt F F %IA) I'lltlV 1111,4r1T1,1 Is ,• I!, • • • +tWaakneus, asui lb« Put 1431 rul 1 1 , 4t,1 anu Mato r 11.1•4 ILA {Vt., \ lA.L rn 1 \ 1 1111 x« rot. nrr I Slim, and g n u ! ,u, ,ktutr- At thr z. 1•4.1 ~• t 1 pry 1..,. s. ~.Lora, A. .1r" t•• 11. ur.•d aajiatl% a 11: 14.1 t tripe ik 01 NI.: 111 I. 11/Tl.l. t 1..% It NOTICE, ts.t, MEM MEM Phi ad. Ipbl t ‘ll N., i.e . .. it has Itreil dr. hu•41111. elaJi• 11.. I. 1.,•• it t • t.• t ur, • 1 , • th e Ala eaus• tli. kr • rtt• Or s• Nt..vs UL.311:011: , %\I/ QI Il 1%. 11..4 • intt rn”rl log in, vri- .tag• ' ••••11 1,31 ‘‘ I.- I lb« I rethtn. niol all tho... O. .r t 4. r, ntot. I ! 111,4:11, rSuL nktnnaLn • Inlnt ni LA 1',41 Itifit), tn... • In, Iln r, •‘ r- • • nud u t I ILE %V AHICANTED =Eli %CIA 111. m..• I_llll 3.l”Littb4 , lra, yt t 1 , . u. 1. Dat tor) 111.0 e 1%1..1 • ~• I 111 tittl., t't n. 1 Ili I' tLst .. tn. . • et• • k :NT} LI SPIKE MA, • 1.. t trn.• 1 ti •I e , ll+ i VI( E: BELL( S 11=12111=11 f r..ns• y.. •1, • P. pr a, 41. twit, In 1 , 14 , 11. Co• 11 , 'Ir 11 1111, 1, aII st,llll. in.: • r .• weir t ; .Ile, t.stipu, n knk: pr, • I• I I.rtw. 11..1 11, ... F. t •ttr,.. , .n.1 ~,, tn. ..ten it a PIPE BOXE;_. DIM flt t• 1111 MI% he trtettt,-Ify treaty • 1., tAt .ar. ••,; e..r, et' tati the* th ellto Lt. • V. 11, A N . V IND, 11;: . Art, v, I% ,n CUTLERY hti& \ hl-\ & C A Rl' I.N I LI; .1 4 )INLIo , "I 1 ,4,1( )I.Sj 6Aro r. t S 4 I' , ft. I.• t. t.ty l' ttnrwr of •rp. 1. , . " 4 / 1 t the mit ntvlerte •1, •I•• • i`FLIWN. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry a#d ROGEAQ k BF.N 1% 171 Fancy Goods. r 1 M !ii rirocort n..r ; , -I. • w loaf! anti 1.411 t. Pit 'rat" ll t r lir, I , Olt 3 IIIII•1•••orttntnt el,niks. t 1 ,t, 1,-, .1, 4,441 r I' snit and n 4144. I:4lo4it?lse hair:l' • • • • 111 ••,./. 011 111/•Ifso ni, •••• 11. , t 3, . •k i .• •I,•rs that no nrwlran saflect 41, pit,. I ,I,lilg •.••y• liti+ts, • 1,1 , 11 1.•• •,•,• I, • • • 4 -4,,ntusindstrit,,, ••..1 .1, , •4 ,t‘ ,• 16r tont, • 431441,1- is r •, .• • ,e i 4, k in Inn!. • rs.i...ta r• ..11, iriturp t.d „ 'a t 311. I=E1111111•11 t r I. u. t. ,tart.. ilurt. ul Er .% lb* f tt.. WO I 11, r • ht sirra t ,r , t• F ~•, Marrh 1_ - 4. ERIE CITY MILLS! II It HAI'I:I:` , TICK, tr. HAM rAI Tt t gi 1,, ,il[.o 140, Flour, Corn Meal, Mill. Peed, ~..{ ji.ork..•,••• door SOUtn or the , I 11„ r 1•1.11 In 141.11, ',ere I have noart:t I I I'l 1a“ . ..1 nr,r own grind. and .14,11 lila. and - Aorta, Corn, uatr, &r n.; f h .111 1 , • oi , . at tit.. I, , v4ent market so.,,tht for ,trit and delice-.•d free 41 charge, in It Is 11 tt lf,R; 4 11( I: , 1.% 11 ,, I 1 4 '. 47 I .‘ 1 Flt I. of 4 ; ne•r. r,, Sir tr• .. I %otanreitirrti for inll. , t• 11K1., .1,11 h at I. .451, SCOTT, 1..r0., 4,, O. I". —44 IA P I E IZ IT \ \ (; \i; I Sol DIOW 111x{111\ 1... A•t to mv Ato,k of f r the , .1,,„ •ft for Itottot) ‘l.• I , eaktglill • -- eNnslot omrprtguw. .1 • .is KLDes. D AN DELI NI. ( 1)1. FL - 1•:. and zontztootreparstlno, 1111 141 .10 ' t• .. r. t . a remotty rDrifortptoll mot it I,t, rt 1111,,‘ lw•row.a.. sTiki Llllllll'l , 1.41 , t11111 .10 well Ur to itt,ll.l tbi jel,-. I r to lir had nt the Now 111 Aprti L, Ib .t 4 t AW 'Li: A: }MO. I P.' P 11 Vl's ' l',k INl's lute 1,4.1, Lary an,l is li 0 11, 1114111U1 /k/01.1, , and , 01n'..•• a. n. , / , oil Vt.., it and Arnpriran ii , ,onfarture RAW Ain ILlU.kir .41 I wt . I ,, ,nrh and Am«. - 1 , ..t0 hre, Grt,ola of •arinua Similes Igo' 131 ind.. an, .hurt ..ten thing the Its, of 'loose, ' , hip, I, • ..r id n 1 rxintiNt oath ho. had at th , l , wral rat.., .t; the •torr April L, _ _ I Alt! FIR A, 111111. ID t t \ I.: 10 4' 41 \ I . tI I I. IA, , A t.t*rt:Altill Arti• Ir, JD*: r. , .ir, r t tb. Ira 'to n a i t.. I, 1.,„.4- Is. Gitl N I) s' , T4 )N io Tun s D im Gimp! t. .Lt, &Lai 4;110.41 Stop Haarlog tor tali by myS 51 J. Cl. SELDF.N. %-• ItV •,A:4;1) llt OA) ( 04 11) . .. :••• V Es. Ac( EP ALO •1- ). 7:1 • I. 71 , .N I HAMS ; . E S %Mi.! FP 11A nI.:1-TS 1%01.N I 1.0 :I\ I \ •nu 1;,.,t0 nod .a‘ i Laud MI gn.fl, Luck A )10'T r IFNTI! 11... k.NTION 1 Ar., ..Lt r. #li,.itkl trlro.T•trit f. r 1.0 •t 1.1U1%)u tr.) 4. I Ii« t , " ! • 84” i t IN liar moat ut lip „,, s• 1•,• Vitt Ir 41i.' 4 '• =I t. -• • • • • ,•t. d.rdhy nritsitig in town iliCil rzin nt. rn.14,...,0 tit Ithtee• :no , *llp.t. Mer/Irilllal lu PI . I II pre rtytion t•. r.• that 1.14 wool hot . ..1 (.1.11.....•14,114.rancr. I to. thrtr ,. ret...t114.1 Slltr rel•+.lre*llit 1. ern. A. tit.. 4 Irene pre II 44 pre.ielle MZE IMO MI Cl)( NTS{ 1 INV ►l. I Ds. REIM MEI k%, FLOUR AND FEED STOIE, SEWING PerAcHiwis NEW YO EWE R. R. ilit.txuE oft. worrti,conPr N , IiONDAY, All2ll. 4, :s6*. T rwitis w ill tests Duribillii iillibout Lbw follow tog 1w0... wiz • Zasturard bound—Depart. Non York Kipreas. _ , 3 44 • Natl. A 00 • elnrinniiti Raman , .11 IS p Xlight Kap... ......... .... . 4lb P. think Nati nova Il 30 A Frelabt he. 2 1 50 P Frectlit No.! . /I 40 • Pannoncers by NI bt Minim" Train East so Satani. v . ill rrinaiti firer night at Elmira, and pron k .d „ a ui, innati Rapti... tlunday' morning. VII ARLIP2A MORAN, lic• Dunkirk, !toren 19. 11349.--41 tf. BUFFALO & ERIE R R AsitaIPINWPMIPM PHEW AREA.NOE MEE T and alt.:r Iluottay, Ayrxl 4, anti aural turtli.r tivr, , T ',Lam will ran as L. 11,.. 131 A. . Night Kkrnis, stops at Westfield, hank.. ard Creek, arrives .t liutlalo at 4 4.5 A 2 (1.; P Y , Mail stops at North Eaat, Mtats Lime, tiad,, Westfield, Salem, busklvlt, Pllverereelt and arrives at Banal() at b CD P. 11. 7 00 P M I Inelunati Etpresa, stops at Westfield, r,„. kirk mid Palvernesk, arrives at Steak to 20, A It The shove trains connect at Dunkirk and lineal., S.:sloven train. oa N. Y. k K., and New Yort Centel I 000 A. M. Moil. dope at Ervin' Centre, rt.e.k, Dunkirk, Fslrrn, Westfield, t i tultieev, z , ts . Lin*, North List sad Fairborn...* arrives at &,. at 1 40 P. M. 9 00, P. E. Night Express stops at Silver Creek, Doak and WesUield, arrives at Erie at 12 30 A,, 11. 4 00, A M., Boston Express., stop• at Silverereek,l , ..4 kirk, WestAeld and North UN, arrives at Ere. ' A M. Apnl4,lW4 Cleveland and Erie Railroad, IliIL ILL N AND AFTER Monday, April 4?), O 1269, and until further nOties Parien v er run au to/Iners, vie— LEAVE CLEVELAND. / lo 10 A M Mail Train stow at ail liry litationa es— • Wickliffe, Perry, Unionville Saybrook, Savner..i.. and arm.* at tn. 1 42 Leunkirk 3 47 Buffalo 6 :V P. M. 9 46 I' 11 Niglit Ex-preps Train atop* at Panto.. ow Ashtabula sod G trim!, only, and arrives at Erie A 11., Buffalo, 4 43 A. /ff. 3 20, P 11. l laeiaatf Etprees, ►tops at Palaroville, son, Ashtabula. Couueratit, and (antra, amen . Erie 6 42, P M. &ditto 10 20, P. Y. LEAVE ERIE. 12 04 A.V NnehtEipre.TealnstopsatGtnrd,Cononut, Ashtabula, sad Painesville only, and arrive . t lei - eland t 40, • M. A M Mail Train at all Way Stallone exc.{ • Saybrook, L moor Perry, Mentor and Wiekline and arrives at Cleveland at 11 00, A. M. 1 P M Express Train stops at {Mewl, Connesut, Lanolin and Painersville only, and art print at LlevenL • 5 00, P. I - Lay freight trains, but .ad West, •l/ 1 bays Pa..."11` ar attached, and '• sill stop" at all Stations. All the through trains going : Westward, tuounert Cleve laud a ith trams for Toledo, Chloaigo, Columbus, Liu rinnatt, ke. kr. AI: tne through triune Koine Eastward, connect at Duo ltrtk watt. the tratrs...t thee N. IC it Erie Railroad at .• e• Buffalo with the N. Y. Central and Italfalu and Y t.•, IL NOTTIXGRAM, sopertateedeut ( les , :and, April 4. I.V. Cleveland and - Pittsburg R. R. 1 1 1 ME T:\lit.E.-Tii TAKE EFFEi MONDAY, APRIL iith, 1840. Tlllll2l !HT,' • land datly—Sottd” - exteittrd IO 00 A M. Mall for Pitt•burgli and Wheeling 4 bb I'. N Arooriowtwtatom for Ravenna •nd Itinerth c 9 ...Sr M, hotprcr/. fr., 1 ittshurgb and Whrellog. The 10 GU A M. and 9,23 Y. M tralor make direct eommy • lIICAIIOIIII wtth YenrCe. h It. for Baltimore, l'hatadelpbta, w Y..rk and Borton Atom with Bolin:nitre it Otto, R It. for Baltimore. an.: WwwhilitteiCtty. It i3O A M tram slow C. 1101.011 13 Mullion for Akr• • and Minowahur,h J N IrtI.I..LOrGH, Salt It I. M y LK:, n Ticket Arcot. 68 HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHIL. A BE EV()LENT INSTITJTIi I...n.bliohvti I.) PlA`rial Ito tlootToott t tot time Rehr) of and aliseted 410 VIRLLENT EPIDFMIC Tht 110 W ARO iu tww of thr deotro, two *I Lomat, We rauswi by e.-znal 14 , 111.1 , Yi ar 11.• Arceptlt D$ prattrr.d jruj.ou t 6. ul.l. rll.nalp ri,1 14 • OLUI h .:,nea•r• • 1 y ••• Qt•uclo, /4 • r•I I.l\ll. • a' '• I •wilm g •CHARITA FHA Al T =EWE] their name, to „pen a 1/Aptel.StAry for the trnstms et 1 i.•11..1 diora/.«, in All ti 10in,., anal 'tt at... 141 I:. NR\ Alit WIC I ' IKATI , II she a} p ? It , letter. soli s CT Iptlon ..1 lin 1r a l , I til,ll. tale . , II t Lira'. t o. 'tt b. Ilk, k< and In rttt. 1 .11,1 T e it. ‘ril, , • , iI 1 :', Mk.1 , 1 4 -INL.'" , I. F. OF liH Akill. It it It. t tl.rt, 'tt that the Ave.,. lattll.ll 111, IS a 1.... Ilr tt, It. tt • II" ; 1.01”:/..) Yarb EMMliinaillEll=l The Ihmete•ra the ar.4. • in I. It upon the Itrataurr, t 4.114,11auen, e 1 pr c/orlp ratiefartlot, r ltu tl.e p.uret re .1. h r• • 1.1 , r• •. the lalearr, rf their •t, .4.1'. in lir. , cure ut.hal 11 .•h.ther.r, G. - 41.211,ra. t. •• •, t!, nine of 01 - vantoLau or 'elf- A Lupe., , • t , h 13. v• and Bladder, Re., &wk. order • a. !.. .• • I t•tao for I tir g Tie Ihrretor. oo a re, wir 1•( tie pa.t, 4 ,1•91' hrlr luUar. it, IL 1. .1141 r« crl 1.1 r Lt • It, • . • e ot to IA- aliltoted, t. tv t, tuot the., ha.. t0...h0t: to • , t 0v0t...1 to this tory tu.i.ortlx: •D.l much tau-. !at, - ii••• 1:1. 9•1•:•1 Ihr rvtt.r ;.k felln‘ An mitnitat•lr Rrp. rt ot. Styr!liAltatt ua , , r :••• 9 A H roltnt••, thy ri.rt,f I r tnanmen, thisturtstion, 1,11.1 °tile/ LtitirMWO 11w Z.,V1u861 it. P•urif•-••!1, I. In by .rot fy n 111, .n n r • owtolope.,, FRI r: i.F 4.11Akt,E., on it eit.t ,I 10, ;,•••isige I, ther Rri,orto •11.1 • nitUrP NE4I ttratturbt of :•txual •;•••?, At • et,nstant4 Iretng pubtiplord for vat6tioo... , 11,•;r1 , 0 1 and will tr.• •ent to lb.. affi.ctrf! F, in- of 11. j•r , •• I . l v lpolot uuly u ernwiwat Met and methods of treatment durnovetrn catlaff Last %oar, ar uI gnat ;Cur Address for Report or treatment, Dr. J -LB Ilul trIiTUN ACtlug Ho nand South Ninth Sire. t, Eta, l'a By °rater of the DarCtorl. 1. 4. NTHI MINTIc WA FEW , 11: tot II r 4:11r 1.2,46er.1111•Ld1,11b1,1*-6. r Worm Ileuldnr.., •L.o ,au halo alp I rtparatl. Sugar ; 11,, • t.L16.11. Ins 1 •mtut t,1.1 &by other it ,u 1 our lOCIN lIIH ti. I it an 3 1,0, Tr,rlat .1, •I:.i netrr 4 1t to 1'1464 61 0 fUlt. • 3...6•• ILr, rilrt.auntmprovelhelns I in all tape. be • or* 1.1 111.131611140. 64,1 _Nalft..lo.l , • Lb reirbrated • A utile mmtic &Mr., tor K urn.' • are the uol) onions/ Lua 11711 ) bah. atil !cilia, • , coult-rtioo COIN in une Or, No. 5 /tPt•I 11,1 e rth 110, lirMo —4l .I.r.lA • Vill , l%Ffy in Pt tell - 11-rrace ror Itain and Q4‘ay VR I ECf)UNTY MUTUAL ro,r}: INCE COMPANY. Incorporated in 1839—Charter Per t mtnai Property I soared Apraloac Leas by Fire tor Ob. Term sat exieedlog /se years. Popsies iasuettipon the deposit of Premium Note., upon the pa) meat of the 11111111 Stock Bates to Moroi • out the liability uf a I remiom Note. Loose. 14,1 • out litigation. One suit only has ever been brOUEI3 ZOl loot this Company. T baseebeepasty a entwely fro, .r debt, cad .s • safe host ssuititigia,a. I) [HECTORS. James I' Marshall, C. hi. Tibbala, Wm. r • S. Smith, J Zimmeely, Joe. M.Btenvti. S P Kepler, Thos. Moorhead, Jacob George A Elliot, E. Babbitt, Wm. B. Hay., J. M. Justice. OFFICIKRS. C 1 1•10 4 11 ALT, Preit. Jouss GI GM). A Ettatirr, Treas. Office, in Messrs Gunnison 4k, McCreary's Lae ..fb , )- Chrapiade.Erle, Pa, Ens, ApriV 23, 18311. B" Mx<lx-elp 17cpsertablzolte: .4 B,theme, Tow, and diuts-DlPploperma butte" M 1 54.. .alsreneam, Redrawn., MAINICar t, Dylpilym• Jerodser, Stases* of the Stamm* e tat. Ltrer, mut dersagemest r,/ Me Mt lawe .3 piton geseraly. Sold in Fri* by RAI.DWIN. No. 3 Reed Holum. SI arch 12, 1850 —4O. T _ T A N DLES Hoe, Fork, alike, Shovel, Auger ' Marl, , •e• aud Plane Handles, at .51. J. C. BRlAll6.l4'' Clli.kßS.—A lot of very fine ones, t -t sal« at SINCLAIK' May 21, 1859. Su ( )A I N E.—That very superior C pound ler the 11A1/A, tauirrrs co. ( ) AI \ r can be had genuine a the Drag Store of April 313. - CARTER k NEW GROCERY. c .11 - (1 1I EY BROTHERS, Harr opened a Grocery and Pro, etere In Beatty's Bieck Nearth.Bide or the West I eat where and .opply or Fit ES il FA bl ILY G ROCERI AND QUALITV. JIA Y BE pot ND. WOODEN &WELLOW,WARE, rr eaeh and the higheot market prtee ' kind* of Country I'mduer. B. C. CA UGlllO*. Brie, Aprtt IMO SPICFS of all RINDS, at No. 2. Wnght's Mock. tiger:tux. ityNnic; April fl. /kW CASH paid for Wheat, Rye. corn oatist the Erie CAT Mille, Icemen • roll. %pH 30. Tl. fl HAvirasnris CALEB. C PLATFORM and COUNTER SCA' E , Ousted NOWA kosuollieturini,ler bY rr April 9, 'ROOERA k 6ENVEr _.• A LWAYS READY. _ and other zosnetheture or Pistol", int "' Tlilzhini kn i r, it At:sTlVes / 2 • Parsee Beihlipt LEAVIi ERIS LSAVS BUILFALO R. N. BROWN, Sept I/.RAP Fll ►RE FNS ocE IN'S CATIIA.I{TIC PILLS PUICH 23 CUNT* PEA sox. PROVIKIONI4 OF ALL TUB BENT KINDS. t NU K. C. CAI (Alf