HORACE WATERS, Ag't. SIWITIMADWAY. N JP Seely,ls, iidZeitelt The'rade sapplie4 at tt.latosu al trade discounts. sAHHATH 14,1114sok_HODES •I'LliisigHW $L I MS' A l, --1 , 41 1 011 SE t THE Anniversary sad Sands, •aeb , .-.1 lf uur 110 , 4, :e.• 1, tontignsi tones anp hymns. i'vws 8 cents en* $Z par bandred. THE Annirevisty and Sanas, -Bc.b.st thine Knot:, No. contains 26 teats au hymns. rnce 3 rents easgm $2 per boapeed. ?Hit. Astaivenaryassi Eanday-Scheat Mutate Reek, No: ; cootainn SO lawns sad h) nal& PrteeA 004 anon, probasente. Mit Anniversary awl Eunday-Sichnol 4, COlltaiall tunes tan by tin.. Pries S cents each, II per hundred. THE Anniversary and Qunday-Schoel Music Book, sresilaniair Nor.-I snit; with several adiMinnat pieces, tantedna taws and biome. Prise 2) auto each, fp per bandied: Mk Relived Penny Yukio 'Books, Na. o I and 2 No. 1 coetaisks tows bed brims. Prior our eout No. cantatas 3u tuna and bjulua. Mc* 3 aims each, $2 per Lc:tram! Footage ono coot 050 L... TILE tiobboLU-: , ehooi flon contains nil 11, bra yid h!ujn,. rtICO prr hoods..-41. partrw r I a , ot each bound, TO arida rAch, Sla per butkdrra .4,gunti) ts.and to cloth 2b &ruts each, rx per I,dodrrts, i.uKta~r.3 guts rsfrik. C1iNG11.E0.4.110.).% Al, SLIvitiAXI: —Au eight page T‘..i Price Zc, per doz $1 twr hundred. ITATIAONIALS OF Tilt HORACE W ATERS PI AN uS E )141oN 71.• Piano mule to band, and In ll* roe prefer. ft G a beautiful loateowspet sad no numt.kp "- I rt x W *LK Mi. Jolt' Hes CorAkkorie. Nrs l ors, La. 1544 our of the/3°race Wares Platkos, untes as turi o w s "A Mend of twine wishes UM to plardlaiii osno fur tsar. She likes tit. oar yon sold so* /.4,,,,,,0tp.e, Ply Auto is becoming poptasr la &b)4 place, coal I trunk esD tatrodaee one or tIWO Moro; they sill Ls /awe pops Ise thaw any otbor make." We ha, e two 01 Wsters' Uo to out SrlOtoar . l. oo Of which has been sersrely teased for uove. res,e4, su q we as tart* to there good quoliry aird Woo° ir nartUOYLY tetatall'Arrul), •• H. WAnic.a. ide l .—bear Air .-41iting used one of your Piano-Yortes ur too years past s (hare fourul It s very rapers saalsquoineS. Atosso Gas r, Prinorpal Areukiya Ungar* nowassien " The ?limb I r,eriv,rlfroro ou r"raltsurs to pr.. &two. 1 repardet moo* of the beat instroatrets In the piaois"—Jaasts elmelefitral . Va " rbe.lla4aCkvdt has aufady arrived. 1 feet °bilged t. , fat you, Wawa/ thanotent—rlll An all 1 eau fur r 011 it t papa. - -Rev. J. 44. iloCusarrea, rantUrfredle, S. I: "The Ihnau, wow duly re•ceivr..l. It Mi... In ..X..11..ail rundittva, and i. rery much, admired try my nunneriun, family • Accept my llama.' for your PINMUPW....."--41114.6041r C,R:oricit, Warn-a/Wu, ftrad:uril f "Your Piano Weimar. us veil. It is the hi—t nor In i.iir County ' - -Tilua•a Ca4lll.l,lllogi, 1.. .• ate a iry lattorli d.b2ir...1 t., ..•4 1 1, I. 11,11•4 u ; no I One it:marmoset fer sztAl, soil a e shall tab. pail... 1.. C0ME0 0 144113."-1)141..1C, k , ktujola below,. a "The llamas W stars eilln4W are 1,11. -, vu r , Al21 , •1;g T. 1% beat. e an, enabled speak of thew loot rum, i 4- tri cunAdetioa. from perauhat knualerl*,t , rI mil, cielient tone and nut - solo quality "Ar Fr ave.quit ibrai ran speak of the Went/ of the Horse. Plat.. frnon pen..u.u.l know 1.41 4 ,, , Lett yusclity ' - - 4tnaleas. letstA+ over. ' Nothing at tbu :,;tate Fair display ed greater okd adh - e an any departarrent than Itor., p inn .., • _ Oat. "The Humes Waters Motet are bail) er rbr re at.„t men Uteetinighly eetatineel anaterte I tt e Lwe« v., doubt chat bnyitta mat do as wwll , pprb.po Itet ter, at at t. ttaa any earn boons in the Unien."— .leroeitte and Joursal.` " W &urn, Pisani. and alelotirone ehaltenre comparlena rah the (lurid (nadtt an) abet. in t‘y —How .1/1/441/1/. "Borst* Waters F,.reet ate ol full, tivlb, au. &yea UMW, Sid pontflui.”— :tor rovra .ilauoca/ jit TWO. .tvirr iriemawfi find at Mr. 'Waters' •ture tbr bey) Deft aaortmentnl Maxie and rd Pita , . to L.. tt. Utut.mi States, and Vro taiga. our watboro snoods to girgaisa a mai irbroe.ser tboy tr.. to Now 1 ~rk —Or4so:_s Mograto' WAXY-KM-US MEI 1111.0AJIVVA V, Now I.ark Jou* 11. 1869.-131: DR. ,TOSON'S HERB.DISPE,NSARY. 9MA, 93 Main St., (24 door, Up . 4tairp,l Run' Y THE I'ELEBRATET) DI? ,TIIIIN.i_IN Botanic Phyncian, trclita tb. Ott., lag Wawa 01110101/IPTION AarrintA, BRONCHITIS, . At)A CH F., eur.-.1 tr i LUNG CHEST DISEARIMSPROFULA. MURIA OF THY iirractsh,.vt KIDNIY AFT/DCVOS& RkiEUILATUM Ltvwe cownrurrs nvER AR YINALU WIAJENICK4 NJUPLES, IS DCOID) OF TU , E EAR A. 24 D L YE, All who are ■nffering from the store turned dlasaass, or any other complicated complaint of years standutg, are iniarated that they can hare forwarded by maal or ex press for the men man of $1 (I a DrAl package of Meth- CItItS, with all necessary rtlreettetut and medics" 11.3. - ace - Pabents ehould apply without delay, a. they can obtain inatatik retie troika to Doctor's remedies. pf. Johlriaers Xt.:tido* consis?, of extracts from the choicest *edictal foreign had native }teem and Herta, manafactured under La own *opera - moo, at him biol.-va sty, and therefore ateeduor the use of Memory and other mineral risoos., that vete newer d.agned for the syratetn, to which many thousand/ have (alien t letiMP an , ' Mite to early graves LOTION lroft TAR traIIPLEMON.—Ltr. Joboeon remarkable LOTION for beentifying and Impe,,,n, tie C initno.t PhnaktameOutki Tan, ' , neck - plea, ke., erlD he sent to any part of the country for $1 00 and ore postage ' , tamp N. N. break Pills $1 a box. Addrata DR. IDEISSON, Drawer 4W. lane. IL * 59-3../y Nike AS Diu St., Buffalo, NN. - - - Notice 4.,;Teacheie i -- APPLICATIONt for appointment Tii e cite r o In the Public scc7L. bt. of the City of brie, win be received until Md. ' , the lit *toy of July °el- Th e fellkeefrir appointment . aro to be fowl. 114 THU NAST WARD. I rrlncipial of the. Secondary Departral at $2O pr, mouth of OM Primary oi 0 30 1 Fire Aainatant to Principal of Higl, " 2 fitzmnil dasuitanto each 1 Nato Testi* of Gertuaz, EV THE wasT WARD. ?Amelia tit Pram!, Dtpartsvpot •' 1 I,rtt Asstetaat to Prioripal Teaehrr ;3, 8 G.wral Assatasta, olu* 25 1 gale Tiocber of Gentian. The ePPliestione mart Min the henJwriting. ,4 the applicsata, t od may to Mft at my odic., or bddremeed to me throuilia the Poet Office. So ibieeboteChe be morpiopid iritbout hiring the reqn, Kite certificate of the 13611Att Pisprrintetplent, of has mg been Maly examined by him , cnAitugs W. )IEI4O, Etie,illime 11,1839-13 t Steer terry °Law Huard lm. _ NEW GROCERY. E Y 131 ti rFli Eiff 4 , Base rikpeaed a Cro , ery wad Peorhwo 8#80.7'. Not* North St& of the Mast Park, ~ll suppii GROCERIEs, ItUVll6loPitt Or ti4l.ll` V , 314 V Jib FOUND. WOODEN &wiliLow,vraitz, or Cob and tha bletbedt 40410 t prier paid, for all kin& lif•Counirrfrodnoa. B. c.cAucurr, A. C. CAUGHLT. trio, April =, risd9. SPICL . 4 4af all KIN Ik4, • • sit xO.ll. Wright'a Stork, April ft, WA. BICCKMAN, FirXIMG fn CASHpaid for Wheat, Hye, Corn atisti Osta at the grit' city Nina ianoria gitr ale (*U. ape 813 H. B. ILA VKRTiCK. SCAL ES. PLATyoRm cot - s.l}:R I the bows mantatactiored,for mkt by Aptil Rot: E \ Lkilit) AN 1) lit A 1)1 'Eli. vourteruir MERCIIAIIIII4 AND OVEN*. bre hat• • quanta): 14 hirii •. rill funimil at Ham. Morel O, 111:4 : F A BEHR P EN(' I lAs of ittl Colors mot Grultot, at rior. tOOO utio, to twootr Ay* WO% t 0,01,4 itt t . I.ol' .1 tior Post iiltoo. - Aril 2, ltio'fl 25 I'MCCHNT. CASII SAVED . The spode nttenttoti of Itanutartnrwm t'ow,ao era, Pil)Pirlabo and Country AkreliAsidp, ra tu I /Led to wit i.riresrfect dir (111100114, ,Mersa wi th Ores* .sr.•, porchasoNl with Cash, .nabitog aur t. .41.er les.l4 n worthy ol'atily.stook~. DRUM iiiid . II 4 EDICINES, nLa elseadeahy tidos", Oils, 'Vaisitirbes. Pre matifiro• Perfatabers , sag flair Oils, harstiesilaWeibb, Whoa* Mir rutty, VINO follet s o ap, Hair and Tooth Bruthrr s ke.. Pt= WINES AND BRANDIES, tor ;medicinal 41 1 4 . , Ind ail tjegtra or Provi2 4 l,,ii• ape. of WWI gm Med sod as WIC ‘111.1111114.4 Irak roiruAlepriee ei oslity N. 4. Itvr4 OOM- 1.. BALDWIN. Pic May SI, AIL • I R Ell 414, 1 $ A d it ) P BACA6N. A 6/WM bPI4.• H. "FALUN. , Idrio 111 Perch et, above Ow Toopot. 100 PI EC SELECI I ED C/1 A jokerrre; Vt . ' N SI I 'li ivV g pins - FAINTS I I PAINTS ! ! Indio Lena. dry and In oil, American and Fiance Zion, Raw sad Relied Linseed Oil, Venetian Rid, T roi a Odin, clowns asid Fiverb Ones, andin awn every Wog in th. deg of PAINT% for oak at the *We Ray V. T. IL 81:1144LAIR FIFTH YEAH nF TIIE NEW Ll# GTPII3, I'ATA I.4) lt Ut t i F I t". 1 7: ;I'o A LL DEE ( Irk 10) 14r•, I • - %. 1 . An • 1 le• 415 , 4 , I.trf • 111., it,• v••••,...41 Inn •111.• 111.0 oski• 1 WI :••i • t• .141! 4 , I. rf .., 44 , 4 , 44 , to , 1,, 1044.1. !Oh • ••14 14. t•Vt r u''- 'l4o* Lao r ,,,,, •tl t 1.4 .1 tb.,l ~, sa •irtr•Julasr••: ••• // • • ' not I t. 14.1 11.• a' in c ,, nd urt,,., tan/let IL .I o,.'r o.lli a 4,54,4• r .• if"! .r k 4; makuutfr than •el Other - !towhee 11.24 dna n altnnat al. id•pi0...11.0•01. and 1,41 in, 11.. 1.:11/nta.. ••1 1,,• '4 l O olwrgliutA 10,5 %I .Itio 10 I u,11.0,,.. h• rvu O:10111 to 1. grlit•tOlipt. Try pith, 5nd,42 . 1.1de tar I. , nmit. SOELEDULF. 01- . TztP'X'f3. hat. IA iilnld at, lot, $lOO 00 Aorhor ',at.; 1.01 , 1 Writc.o././6 40 00 I,ndin, Ink Illar...1:01•1 (*Vet Wildteo„.. 11l 00 Lxd,ck * 116././ . (14.1.1 I vier Walr , en, ni,,en `,500 I.earr Walnigon. 2.5 00 ....,./vnr Leant 0% ettelln.. 00 tiootteleorof I.sfdes Wartihic, it 00 rsrlecrlltne Neer .e,iseer priee•rer, - • le 00 Eterr-ut Babel. Tqlk Ilreer 19 00 I.e3tet' do 1 . 00,4 do to l2 00 I.l.l.llOtrt'amru "4041 . E I.,ecitre Jo 00 60 10 Labe.'linu 4 ncts, getAp u, 10 Ladle, Geld Hribeelete, Mein or engraved Baud, 6 00 64en1ic Soltd Gold 1 eat Chains, new patine(, lb 00 timid' hest Eng/lAL_ r )1.1• 1 601 Prat ..... - /5 00 I.seles'atssirtiiit,tr ~ t telsdosaittlns, ricks, 15 00 Large Gold Spring Loo-krta, with double comps, 10 00 I Jut. tiotd Snap Lockets, do do b 00 liedouitt ease, NO, 3, I.ockete, do do 000 .Nary (101/1 1 woctl cases, wilt Bind Pare, 7 60' superior Gold POLIO, ertt.h llolderteed boa, 3 10 2 OJ bents' Geary Gold l ' encils, 3 50 Getty' Gold 140 W. willt.dileer teredoe Pencil., 300 Ledlere Gnid.Pene, In Elexre with Ivor, llolders, 1 60 Howie Gold Stoat Sete, I'2 00 1.0.14e4' F lereti WA Set., rt. Sod mops. 10 00 I.atilieW Jet seta, do .1e 710 1.111/.• rr ll /1 1 .1 Jo 10 00 L 4t o.eo , lore use 00 Lou. h. Il 111'415101, 0 ;AO dq, tined. Y 60 14.4,* MOO, mall, 2 a 1.000 • Po Illidature or llour Pine, it 00 I.adie4 PIA, , 10410 110., TWO totitern, 1.4.z0w' do o:wel..r..pP, Ho.wee do Wad Plus, ' t.."1,1.' Cluster Cl5lll rent re, lirutri YLnKle "tour l`tbs, Gent,. C•IllOtt 140th*'SowOrtt 4;. I'ngrvr, ,1 Gold do do 15. tilo' HllOl 410 •••• 4,1 11011••nr, Y •4.1 40, 00 1,444 , Y:141ml card ..Neeee.' 00 or 1/.. 1 / 1 4 tilue K 1111.04 Pl4ll, 1 5 1 J/0/110 ./.11,11/, I•t 014' I'emrl Karr•, biudt.g, 1%111 .oaltty, 100 (lenui Butt or Iv,. do u 0 do Tb $11,0.4 s Vine, 260 K,y..nd Pencils eornb,ue.l, 1: 00 (rant* 00 .ruts klutz> %Ali atone :setting, 451.41e1e do du do Stet". Siln Tcs Spoon,. Nktscr-Tlstcd liotter Kul Volk, LitAlte. 1i41.14" l'o*tt•loo.owaow, I. holt , \ rot 1100k1 1,400. tat, I,zdta, .1.1 1,..L4114,1° .1110.0ie .1a do Alll , ol For liroto, 115,o0.• „o 1110140 hie Drope, • itL Atcno %ltoowoi•fi01.1 Ilfweelwt, 11101 ROUII.I Itand, 1.10:o d• .10 belts .I;1 nitud, • fl•••tit.' ./.1 Jlrr,, 1:1,1101/- 1..441 tl••••••••, 001 entlllirialJ, 10 ILr 01.4,1•• /, ',I in.: In Reel (rots 0.1" iV n sit 1p r, Ana lIN 1.:31' a up to to $100; to *%)U; Alex a Jr, fWS .ilaen sigti 1 liaNlmbo— is m fan' t DA'S PET'SIA, tßvnutt DEBI LITI El= WI OF AI.), k I !lipid, Al4lll CARTFR k Ft RC. C=. Ck. Areli743.ll7lEi. IT 11. iill4l\.\l. Ling. slnpi To. 13 Vlseista • i4r'. rid in del s E -i•tr it It W. Itl tt tri rtatti\ It) 1., r ;dr ird among Purtbau.t, .) , 41 $10 ,4, no rth vi I, 10,414 MOW nt Pla11111),"• itim pr 1,•1.• tt.et put,tstql tiltat•elf are 14.1 l'utatuttele, mitt to tugr yUubta- Ie• giwkAt" bint rl try tante ore to be found on ble a1e;.10, et lut•••••. , whit II U4.u04 la Alt lo.locelineat el ell IA it Ag•ul Ihe (rat nit 01, A 1 1,1. tl.r 1.0 tuAut etdttlnnd 4.4.1 as tar, A. moo popular outhore, living mud &OA, r.O •1. •, ( ~ 1111 tt, 01,,. tt it , lite plain Au.t Aub. 11.1.1. , , ~,,, u ir, 1.. • SENT kJ HE 14) %N 1 11)1)1:1:;:c.4 .‘ 3114 T4j 1 rut , or, 1 oteau tit, Wit of 1111 k, Itretner, " JuAre fishburt.., " L a Inetttur, • Ih. I' or. •• L. 41. lier :••t. r ' IV .••••Ayi orrlA, • 1113okeretv,Worker B.n) meal.° '• lii. • I lion. Jr ". J F'. Gooper. " Chaim. Dick-coo, • I 1 11.....11. • , •• 111,4, ~...utl...rth, ' i rack Yorri-•••,, •• Mt. Hertz, •• ilu.:l. .111lior, • bin* .4...1pid. I, • t',..i.t tato ; ne 11....n1, - l Tut* 1,...1... 1.4, •• t I.di,rlett* 0rva1..., - 4. httiock..r, • V. ....MN:ton I: nor, • T A. Artlinr, ‘,.,...„ .. Aguilid, • A I''. K. • Rev C 11, Si.o (irw.n, •• ID 1". Tb4enr.nn, •• i Ol t. 111irt .• ' • iiiati 7.4,4, ' ' Peter hirl.,), . • Jaae A tudah., - MI,. Ikluo.h., Ration flatland, " i•11014d, " Wit* llowitt, ' 1. Willy, " Clodlc. hatob, " ILA itar4 .161 , iirett, • 1T Ake., '• Lnri.eiral Dow, " Murton. " Lodi bar ..2 , 111 F Ti/RY Aliali 1410dHAPHS Voir 11iF, 1106 T CELE E1N.A11..1) AL THOR.S A111, , 11, Ilanut,tl, Home. ~• Goodrich, Aacsula}. , Kuspiell, Prt.ecott,...., Fertrxwo, I;b6ou, -. Rollin. itt,t., t, , ,,i,,1 Lord, il.thilry. I rota', Attu a tin.? n( whorl., V. , numerous to mention 111 F. ANIII...N'T Alsl•iliiEll•lth 1".41:••• butler, W,itoa, T B. i 5.44, :••14.1.e.r, .4.0 Jedinteaut., l'haruct•r, 11 run, Mr* Ilettutho, ~entt, Um Snruna, 1.1..rn, kettible, ry:.,, hutig6eliOW, - 1'4.)• • 1 corny sou, I, unit, Cn*per, 1 eLII 1111“ , , 14 hittwr, %I, 514.,•,.,ney, 4 Paolo, ft..evr., t , E" W. I 11. worth. ...• t 1114 .•• • h hcli WLlte, Tupper, r 4 ..., ins tuAtr. al., 11, A .1 sul . hou. Worsworth. A./4W C ar,e,) , zisedley, li.eatis, St , ctivribery, !dear A P.,p, ' Hryaut. ..." 14...1...1 the at. 0... Pt, if I , of Laclioi, , , num piAln I, 1., th, h.nrao: calf and aptiqUe, to putt all claffirs of pur , 1.1.5...m.. f‘s so, 01.11, boo.. D tl.t 1,11)1 tr. b. !Idea $4,11.10.11.) saProgoiAg... of a bat with .nelt 11.0..1 ~f A 1.81.114 F„ it a an.'a 1 61., .14 .t bindl l l,, fait all kiwlrate 4 a(ta taagnitawat 'Ateet 10K. , S, PI:41 IbiPIAK• 4 ANL) HYMN HOOMg ti tll,,A;iet. It; mu tite4ii, }.l,igertyal Prar,.4. 800 s Haptiet if] Inn Uo..b I .thOilf Prayer 110 , Aw laitlwran iirma Hooka, Presbyterian liyran tsta la a, I.,ant) w a.I Aral. oyar, Turkey .a Aatiqd., ith . aa4 without elaapa. = A :nrc.v rt•ottp.ll,,t cf Faintly Itthl•e,..f lI tie•cript. t r. ta aL.I a/1 plifl 1,•In $1 tt. $.O, 11/ tattlratted •HI at.* en. r.• I.,set bp•i-on real pe.p.e rad to • 'moo. ••••3 II r ut 1,111,1 in or tram tha aturpleat to tbf moat 1,1 , 1111. 111. i A htli it lit hit tt, lit aNI WU. PO) fill., NI lOW ,rt A derai.twt , al:1114NY ol v ry .etrtment or ht. rstuop, 4.01,111111.145 g a r. (1111.161, 1.104 4.f 1.1 le. with 1411/ 1... !0r1i... to Agt rap and torn,- 11l I. •.,.t fres. Any part al tha t rr544,414 ..f.ithlng to 100m100m...,.-r, alsoulti Aar.. It so. &book or r. I. rr wn to trot. troll. ~. roll their hot", S.llll for ft, • 4 0 It ill la. cons tar... 114 the t 4 l4..aptarta and varlet, of 114 , I 411,1,,, )....Iklkt, It. itl4 It t elitotral4t) of the 441 rtrat . - (4.;.•ritt Irt.en titr rowan rrotripti, and watufa(toril) 611,1, wtwi, g00th.,...n1. mall zi.resx to any part o f the enn It trN . An; 404.14 ptibllplard In %tit United Stately the rrtael price. of %limb it $l, or 111,111ada, NMI be promptly pont oast 0.0 r..ortt tor piibliother'n pride, aelh pootagx as per catalogs, Lateral ODOStaLlaator , ailow.d to perrooll formula Out. reraelaa aattlng ae A grr l t• 14r ua ran opap all the awl , rintazew of the Gt . { ”,=h00t any eo ‘ t thell.lo/41/00, aItIIiF6IILLIK a Librall e.rol a errs short Litt*: beidw'e* slue/. the I.iftw zwetire.l *Atli the c orol t w.wton le.owN, will well for enure float, rnougb to amply than for IN.. trouli'Le A itenta *anted in OYlOry toga= In the talon. Pomona Irlxtoog to net an W . /1, and all those drairona of a cats a tat eetwling their address G. ti. LI ANS, tto t ,k •tort And rubtistartr Howie, rtl 41 4..9 t ),r=out Mr,-.•t, 111)1.s., Pa. WI) nPi • 10:1"" ,•:Tll.l. A EA ISA KU Jic JeIINKON ere Velar ed 1 , ,,0hth %i N ht4e../e and 1 44(Ai1, Phstr• of the he% !WI t. N,. e , I ',tole,. and 1,1114 , It.. At.tenti,,f, IoCI7I r Wars. ZAUCk 1111 band 0.114•111,14 g =MI 4 , 1. ERIN I a rs 111 1 d VSA 1 S KIN , . =I r ke( r , U s Mgr.,. rrr n l'l•utvta •ndothrr art ivies noronattra• to ta'aron to fa. prope . rtr ap . pm .t eiato. poo't 10r0. 9 . °N.I ous, , :ra ,• • N SLAW and April RAHN. k JOHIN.NoN. _ - - . 1 01; S% U n svir: have a tarp , stock 01 ell r ...11,00rott ea /mod• arkteh .ter al sot, Streit) be I. Na,c/i g • • • .114 11. Puy: NATIVE. WISE,' 04TAWIIA, WT mitt tßitkitart, - Put up Ilt.elueinbati ran to• Wad ot April 30. r A irrrn akgo. . . _ . •• _____ GIL KA 4.).: : i tit tiA.tili ? ! 411 - LEASE 1•0 1", per rent Aiefeill trlx.ll4c Want. Y's Atent A". unman. for 001JOIAMPOefle la 011.1114 sod Carla, which IA hand 1., le. ler ...in:filer to a43541.1ner prrporatloni, AV It nI entnn.n nll 111. 1 latinneno 04 1 with the frw.. Keeney mat Ire of „Wt.!" hoar U. 101441ahai)g 14.41 a,a4 Awn, tend crloollne ..a tinrlolll/.• the 10110 e of any other groom k moon, A .a f cfe trial will ooncince any ow. of Ito Woo sod cheN.oces. Sold in 2 lie Doter 6, in., !Icy 14, 1860. d 9 . i t AKTIVI 42 Oki. ---- • • - 0 Illp pj H/Pfli mg .14 I IS PAUL PAINT. A eureka *nick 4loput,, EtttAnC cad Ow liquAwk.2loll4.* sad Out Bo ; lliftlopitoop, Airport tloe and Alcohol, by the barrel or ono, Fo r n njp I I lay 21 le. I. priiivripidin 5 Rood /lomat- . . 2EusilE>o. towsintt-0.! BliCSIIIIS!!! ?Mat, Tarnish, tanded):l4.lutr. l ll l 6ll. Wash, W dow , Hares, *rub, Tawsers. la sad (spay Halts Testl2, sad a when,/ assdrtararat aft ball of BRUSFICK, Gmalae bl as 21 T. ti. AINCLATIR —.._ stAboiniatratorir ' Notice. _. N 11 E itKAK I foots of Administration .p.O the state of Ibut Loropkins, We of d i ff:rto E Cat, a.ted , have Woo rnA' D EA tb• selturlibelv• All pettstms ind.ht..l th the satkl le, are requested to Air Immediate pay m.ot„ itkil, ring elitists er dothistvds against th. t...tells at deed, will please melee the saw known without yto . B. IicCILLUICY tl . i., Noy 22, isme.--etimg. i minguirimer• • _ _ ) f Fire, Lake Karim) and Canal ./1 INSUiCAN:CE. ( ' 1:1;A . / Alril//7(- 1 2 - / Jl/94ri‘eitii Ltlr A TE-1.1 AT BUFF.% LO, Corer Svuects s Main Streets. V. 4 'ITV, •• cooper lost tite," Astor race earn'er tth & Chestnut St. ALBANY, No. 148 IlmsJway. MAW - ELAND, for. &urea k Superti?Streets DETROIT, No. iU WoodwArd Avenuit. CHICAGO, cor MA and Washington Sires4s Stollen ta entering soy one of then Colleted'. 107 the poyinettt of $4O. boomer entitled to the priviktre of the path. .chscar 000110140101 010[00 0( tiNliteoef tboeolgh. dllteo*lS OMOPIOII4 eld porno' Bodo.. 'fiattool4lo the world. Foe pi Ogees imd (*tuba.; ratd the College Rome, or address µ *bows. BRYA.NT & STRATTON'S AMERICAN MERCHANT. tterots4 to GOIRIDOTON Booking, Yorodoctones, Agri: culture, Notthanical Science, Cowmen Low. Ponnag tocoworry, Litorsturo, Art and Btotiohlool trifinuotiolt-- Published smoothly at Cooper Inotitotr, N. Y. Term. 55 rot tolowoo, with the oral redaction to lAA& The wort lirdermi iiirbe sawed expamot artier Commercial and holootriti Intermits of Amerim. March, 25, 1869.-4 42. SELDEN'S MAGIC FLUIp, THE GREAT LENIJEENTI FOR MAN AND SFAsT. SELI)EN'S MAGIC FLUILI, TES GREAT =MEET! FOR MAN AND BEAST. SELDEN'S MAGIC FLUID, ME GREAT WEIZZET FOR MAN AND BEAST. .SELO.EN'S MAGIC FLUID, THE GREAT UMW?! FOR MAN AND BEAST. SELDEN's MAGIC FLVIp, TEE GREAT LIII/XENT VnII'AIAS AND BEAST. ratty tt:nt..:llll If .o, ut a t 'key ti 3bjkali!sll:47,lr.:l:l•Arteuur tu) 14 IhO s5O 150 2 00 100 160 Marrll,24, 11559.-1).12. AMBROTYPES!! PUT UP FOR iv 20 CASES IL BY %%ill jolt up in case% the $.l picture tor SO Drat COLBY will put up in eases the $2 ph.- lure for $1 rs' eftL/11 will Flvr you a heatititul new style likeness to send hy letter for t't COLBY will give liartieultr attention to . z ,"4 taking children. likenepmea. (.'.)Lily will .10 all other work to his prufe.‘iun in like proportion. >- cOLBY can, with his mammoth sky light, throw more 11,ght. on THE subject in a dark any 'Than le really neee.Pary in I— wake un impre , t. ion ~3 r. COLBY will he found during impinesP J . hours in the Rosenzweig Block ' Erie, May 14. IK-di. ctIE_IP RENT ASO /,011 - PRICES Y(11' CAN (iET PC/STET) On Low. Priori kl M 0 IRA Y BLOCA. state strprt, xr,e, Pa r too want II Fast'toosbi afoot, go to Sgalttes, to it , so the Block - 4' az Ca' If you want aaatera for fifty $ aosits and upward; g 0 10 cc 4 a. cr. Swathe In the Perry Block. (you waat ft 1,004 R"'111." 1 e for $1 00 go to Pasithe .4 to A the Perry Block. co co eu ap •- - If you wont a Cougress :••• Wolkiug tiboo or a Kid Hipper for 1.4) els , go to . 3 71 L &sotto II you waot Calf Hoots for le Ii 1:6, go to Smiths, Perry o I 7 El lock 0 0 CZ ei EMNMI f you want ebildren'o Shoes at/ etylea ft,c not& anq nratnnta, R ., to SUMAC/ the peril BilOcit. Ifyou want any th ing In the boot and Shoe line 2.5 per mot cheaper thew any otb• er place lo the City, go to Smith* No. 11, Perryßkwit ....State Street. Repairing dime nent6 and cheap at Env, Ill•y 14, 1%441 —2.0451 . I 1 :1 ell WALK IN GENTLEMEN 1 ! w SPRING AHD SIIILEIR GOODS AT GENSWMER'B Corner of State and Seventh its., Erie, E subscriber has just re apirea at bia now sod :spa , I nolo Store, On Um Corner of State wet Revroth Warta,* large etoek of SPRINO I: AND BCI4IIkR 0001*, of tie Wert styles, sod will continue to keep on hand a Lyle seaorttneat or mewed I I Y MI CR, to tie Dross, Frock and Sack 043114/1 of every aty ie and pnee, Vesta of all kinds, Cravats, Shirts Under-dbirts, Itraernt, liendlaltebiela, Collars, Hammy of different qualities: in abort, be keops every article namely kept in a Clothing Ptet< ehmen Hye Clothing to wineutactured by himself, end araprottnt squat to coy in the city. PPTII.aII wishing artlelok JO Wm Hoe will do well to rail and examine his stock, Yie leir Wesel bot to be undersold by any establishment wadi of New Tort.— Clothing made to brier on abort •ogee.. rir /Am' , frrfti tikePladacCif Ciorser, ear sir of State fold z.erna.l efee4p. Ene A pri I, ao.-1839. JOAN GONSUIIMIER. SCYTHE AND NNATHS. 100 (limo Grams Scythe% 10 do Gtaia do de lb de '2A di* *day gad %trot fianiths, ' 6do Maier and Grape Vino Cradles, 60 10 Raker, 60 da a sod t Thad Hilly sad BMW Forts, 24 Bowe Plytwould. koak and Pond. Saytloo Stono, 12 foams AWL by gos dose% aintle,nory amp by krie, May .Vl, 18.50-51. J. C S.N. PIKE'S • Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy! Tam 11111Ald11 Y baa bran insumlhettwed for NM • years bean the MIRK MCI of the CATAWBA ilme affording addltlemedmigente of the of el Aaterksasi Sotooprioo and tbdastry, and of' oar ability to prodigal" artfolea at home equal to these node by soy olio, potion. OHIO CATAWBA. 1111LANDY notooky *gale bet estemie the beet Imported }handier bp partly and Iliver. It in foot, THY BM BILANDY 1111411 OWN. This atittmarat I>t fully torrohorated ify the certilitatee •if oar most diatfirulabed anoArtirai Ciromieta. The want of Milli DT has Wag Mom Mt In this cooing, and the latroductloo of as reties at rack visa at is to mpereode the Ma and WO of theme rile eon posime bitharto into nodes CM same of groat, ean only be rogarbed he a great pnhile yrood. The awa r d • all the mood osaaltiss slalmod for • Ihm bet; I Lague sod io of mein% parity and su perior Gavot, asmi a end am matey for bysarpmfaOltafamomy, Cramp,, Cleotle, imepor, LAI" Spielts.Oviemit bet ;1 try, Mart* illitorbus„,4n. YANTL:t 811011411 fl tramout IL it.macit as ita "Vs. OEM DITIIIRK ANDLES ! It . tiw , FINIIN R•ka, 91110144 4. Ao R sert4;: f Saw Hand/4A ot a C lCi A ii&—ot lot of ropy fine ones, kJ West , • 12 •21 K7NCLAIWB. 2 1 / 4 2 21. so COCOA TN t.—That very NOl' 00111- pouad lair the Balk COCOAINIt. ea* bit bed itosnitai at the Dolt Nan Itt April XL CA/IM WO. A 111.01ITHLY JIAGAISENN, liseddloaqury igodAloaqury RE 7 MOVAL. t( Inu *vat Boy's Call Boots fur $2 410, go to Smith a, Perri Block season, consisting of COM CAPITAL AND Flr Rrtrs. PANCART 1, M.) $1,867,920, , 08. LOSNES' PAM DURING FEAR IK,R, $773;001,11. INDEMNITY AGAINST LI tO3 BY'FIRE, AND IDE Porila-of Inland Navigation. J.l. DOWNINIA, Aped for fontaty of Di% or 4 Capt. R. P. DOM Dotal % lleatoo JAjoallor sod lloparvi. :Aft lAk• AWOL • North 12,1450.-40. FURNIIIME! FITENITUBE 13. RrBLET mts ILEMOVED opioadiot Brock of Piss Win doting to bi• New tinikUsib ea SUM stied, •w doottloatb of Prrrylosol4 WWI •*pre•d for that pupa kb•n may be hold ft hop• sad rrell •oteet•d uoorte•at of FURNITURE, Embeseing kinds of WADS, Witte actually kept in Wal AA totablioitasent. Os the IDA Boot cab bo Sound Mover Zak/4 lbsommtios TWIN, Wash curb, Camise4 ANA Xisidik. 14,46 SUP P.* Gbact• cod Clarisso. Wardrollos, Itabutatetneett by Wink*, torkkor with a I rock sit O( wary in le 'Miller to *all castanets. Th. second lio.r is run of R+wTM TITAXTTCRE., soak es ktotaa, Tet.-4-Teter, Large Esselnwrs, GelltielliteS Easy Chaim and all kinds of Ceolitested Chain, Warble Top Cedes and Caul Talley What Note and Quartette steads The third Deorcontatas materials rind • large number of workman, etrametent to notnulsetare any artscie is tb• tabfaet lino In the Wet aty Wand abortion natio*. The publie, particularly tbp tadirs, are reopertfull7 111* 'cited to can and examine Wafture and priers, alif lam set to be nadmoold b 7 any •Mcibttabinent in the City or otaryberr. Ali kinds of lumber sod produce taken in pi chimp for furniture. J. H MUM Ed*, Muth 19, iss9.-41 ROll/ Proprietor. B.—Just ft.:tin"! • tar r stoat of Minot% embrac ing all aims, qualities and pAitis FANS ANI) EtiANT FANCY Artielka. TM Lawiloga ...ill Bud • few moors of tb••• ipatudid FSIMII4I.I Combs VOA, st the riitafteu Bultatibit. Ulm+ 12, T, 17 ACATIN. GILT PORTRAIT FRAMES. Gait kouldlngs., Looker% Glarekeir, Floe French I.lth ricenphs In PraAtom t.r oul.,•10.111eg rheSp St the I'n on Bnihho March 12. T. M. Al'aTl N GILT SIIAPN. +H LT SI - IA.1 1 1;S 7.-9" A — beautiful iut of Gilt She..as st tart 1. r pricers may be found at C SELDF.NS .frt I )10 Cii"). • 1 7! Cn rtsla Banda. Vi ieninv Cornice*, Cord* sad Tasoela encio* k extiereis for sole cboati by J. C. SILLIIEIe. BA BMW METAL.- A supPlior •rticir wt STEAM PL.ASING MILL mAtill, ODOR AND DIAND 211.ANUFAVTOD V IMPORT/Xi' TO BUILDERS . : chr 21111Callcorp. IIAYR A LA ROM STOOL or THOROUGHLY MAAS °NEL Ash and Poplar Soaring, sad Siding, matched and fame eared rim. irladovn, Doors, bloaidtne, Lath, Shiners, Window Framers, Door Frames, Lc-, kr. which they will sell chess for Cash. Haring two of Woodworth's /mimosas/ flaring Maehloes and competent usechaura to opeeati titans, we arc prepsrec to do custom Planing, Mateblo sad /tipping at all times and lo r ala• Istsetort4nantser. Alt orders sr rocaire prompt attention. Cele, 1461. GuLl) AND'. SILVER 61.11 Flue Diamonds and all klads of Jewelry made and repaired by the tery'beet wortmep, Silyrr Spool's emi r:loHr oa hardiaredrede to larder. Clocks and Watches curtail, repairs. sg low rates, and al/ work reenacted- T, 11. ACSTIN, Paragon Building. e. P. BREVEIatteRT MAN ITFACTIMIER OF Boat *ad Chaillek Garner of Holland and Sir& Streets, Ms, rs nisikkha (or the Mold patronage susind hereto fora, 1 would re Incite all thous who want to buy the above articles, tir a superior quality, to sin me • sill Wen palatalising eiteralren. Orden tram alit eadioassesiqpiadad theta each or prop ososaoo% .4 als M seesesms Mtro Su oled , au a ras paret sed delivered to the are or ware-bottars, free of cti a l. so keep constantly on band a large assortment of NEW CASTLX NIILB, *bleb will be sold cheap for rash ay Um keg or airrrequastitin April la, 1660..-45. an. DENTAL NOTICE. D H. W. H. LUCE, Would inform his patrons's/id the pub ceneraDy llama ke bat just returned trona Nen York WITH A LARGE ANL VALUABLE STOCK, embracing all the V A It I FT I Es t F T EETH NUW 1N t'SE rah whieb be 1• ready to do wOrk Ia ■pppprveed style. He desires especially to call stteatbOa to tbs CoNTINVOICS GUM WORK, *bleb be la prepu+4 In eremite promptly sod oestl presents advantage" OVER LI, ()TITER .31()Di:', cpaicec for the accumulation of food andetn to the MO i tlqi A PERFECTLY NATURAL EX- PRESSION, while ministering to the strength et the yore and gener al comlort of the subject. Operations for the refutation, presuernition, remora! and rep/ring of Teeth, performed to the entire satireetion of ell who &wire his protrusion. al eersions. Erie, A .ril Et. 1E.9.-6m.46 REMOVAL - SPRING STUCK lll'' GROCERIES. T ,t4liissoN & Blot; u • . Have removed to Ritsderthealt's Block, Corner of State and Fifth Streets, and are filling •p with the tante and mold owlet:also Stock of WET AND DRY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS WOODEN AND WILLOW WAKE, ',or °Roma lo thlo enarigot and wbirtl will b. *old ur fordobtogly cheep for Citah or Coootry Pnxloce. Call and examine there Stock of SUOARS, IMPERIAL TEAS RoAsTED. u ItoUND JAVA AND Rio O)FFEE, MOLASSES STARCII, CANDLES WHITE PlBll MACKEREL, HAM, BUTTER. EGGS, se., &c., &c. Together with every thing else good to eat brink, Snuff, Chew or Smoke. Erie, April 9, 18,59.-44. Grooaries and Provisions. NEW STORE!! HE aubseriber has just oponed a RE TAIL GROCItRY AND rßovtuox STOSI4 le Jeteett's Nock, Warm Matti sad Nllath, on State swot, He to moony eleat idea tae Aitteeeet 'vie tiee et IDOPTIMV m i n CAptpin__ Baiter, Boa and Providone Bally. epeeist elimottoo pelit=MC atiortrommt. The Ste* its. Mai mot be ems ttsendttrt enendeutly neemoseetl It to MO to the City sad Country. letesoliog tetAmote Islb wbet• Eine to tios beet be" teit to ',metre lftemsl.slare of pittrosefo , — soppowan7 tiolAt. ean boat. 'mow aiat nom= needbei *ay w , ..oa of Gromelos oil, ree smolt of Mt Witt: to meet eat gem. M.C . , , mostry Prorloos tAro 1,111 He for Goode. her the stud—oe Mt* Stored, it r.w doors tie tow the Corner ./ Ninth, weft Me, • it* ittxrd attaP 4ll . J- J. ftNpUtlf. . . 1 , 1./R WOOL 2 C rA ff i kuns lois ism spraw* A rut for bar &s -hook* ilialsamilharoW. awl ..eaabk‘d 66 afar the WO eat prim for all kb& of !WOOL said 10 pay CASH Is. Ora heady,/ Ilamaaad youada. • f Fi. Winn!. Pia. Kay * ISA 11 -,- trc• tat irt*ao. A LI. TROIA " , .. Wks* to %bawl' ltaaas, are A . vattrzfa.raKlErlail it mitillathe mai with A. A. C.Kakfit vilikia • assailer tbes dame ail wasaaila t woo as pulled wain April v. vtita.--46: ; T.. R. II Owl feet •ikat, openTlaalUTP 7 t MY. Aisasuman, • 00 I PWAWlLsirwolik as !al 6•0111, "IPta ..." r IMMCZatitt •SU MUrDWIIIM be uaallorr.eol,lmmidorrilik avimileekl la Wow* th::of atetllAW, =WM At tr' • Ara% NNW W' . AL I P, OD AB*3o of dl l* of a ft ri lters trb,tM. Poodle Non pipet. GABLE's, N. SIIQE STORE. 88LLINO OFF ! EIELLIIO log ! 1100774 mllOlO4 /IND HVIIIMRS! AV taint ramtziu mow peg Ladies, Oentleasen, Youths and Children, 04LBLESS. SEW SHOE MBE, umiouir, 4. tw1e . ...4* 94 ,:*,/ 6th 4,-,,,, Az.Th IR SVISPICHARICSI 81111 s TO 1.., 10frpg • hia Wen& atott tho Piddle 'Parr altt that hr hi tt last open.' it ~try ot Iro l 4 Mott* of lho sharp arttrhaL. and willotootthorture taratrr way Waft it Ws lute up . M ort peace, arbieh tan Moen u ehrap a. Das .h• -atoott Cali sod wituulas vial tytand prien. Me, Edo 96,1 "-wont.' CULTI V 4C1 1 01; T Erni .. . All steel Cul Ovoid* Toptb tat ILIA RR vical Put 'relived from Ph/lade/pht a tar Largo Moak MO PIA URN 000111, Whit's they will ..II at . the Lowest Bates for CASII. Courtly Predate (asnaiii erespted) or IKoie County or City Bonda at .16 par seat above, the bllibest rail rate.. Tbey have also ariod aback of Boote and Shore, Desiree% Clathabt he, he., for "hie on the Same t«rug. Groceries as cheap as the cheapest for Cash. Erie, Minh& MIA -- • - - B oOKB,_ • itavisilm, Paper, Stationery, PARE ROW BOOK STORE U. P. ENS/CM, i're,ptirtut. - - - Loomis, - a • IS THIS DAY oPLNING a assortment of rich (hilt China raw..., Xottn tpd Banner,. Kura Caudiastiana, and a groat van. tr 411(13 O.IIIICIAINIVTaL ARTIcLi.• ekdable for the Holidays Megan& Cake klakkrta, Pitcher% Mali Cam Forts. tlponaa. Ladles. hapkia %op, (baautilkl pattryolo an 4 lOU .11 ncb .1t , IIVIT), d ela/Azad Fang Goods--Call lad aye. Dee. 26, kWh FIRE: FFRF FIRE!!! (10 10 G. A. EIENNICTf'S in •onute• 000 e of Hint* and Fifth stunt, Wrphr. Mork, op stain , and get run property insured. He re prompt* lbw 'billowing rellaGe Companies. 1111=BAN7d, )1R It MARINE fhtil'an het, Ctoll• PAXY of Philadelphia. Authorised Capital 54 0 0. 0 0 0 Secturel stoeoloo. r UNION issuRAPC ECUN7'AAI, A thro., arsdronl Co. , 11. Capital 104941,001111 AU t.ai , u r and securely inflated. Nees ma low as 'merit) ro luaarevt • ill I , ri),,! Erie, Doc. 13, HOC (I. A. 1.11.:".M.,Nt. — "7- --; ;.-- dM. JUSTIf 7 F. IN I if F. I- ILI a AA lilt. I WOCLD Ma to ;ay (nem!. awl, to. 1,111,1 , general that I have cou.menc.4.ih.. ThitUaralbwal awd Ready Made 1 latadaat ita carious branchm, In the St.•re lately or" upo by 4r. Cane, on the Public Square, h e ir.. n Cron awl the Reed Hawse, ',herr Ia di ..a.144,1 , •r w b.'. rt al) Uwe" a choior rM tloa ftl C LOTtita, C W.Oll "1 tilt Ex, & win wane up to order upon "lost u. 1)c... wool ',arrant to Fir•eatielneto44 Of 111.. *4l. r•• • v. ,t of &mythic* in lay Ime can drpeu.l up.n loa, with, SS I MU 4.l`irrtnilw.al not to otaie 41 , a 4.• inch in will give ratimia..tion I an, monk aorta:went at J C GKEEZ4. BLACK AND SYRUPS lUCE, 3t)A FRUIT:4, NUTS CODFISII Pour SM WALL.P-APER, &0., MI Eris, Fib. St% PISA READY MADE CLOTHING, which trlo b cif tletn, make RI! •i , primeste4l Of tatame, e. f un ded. Fermat porrbunin, ter 4`1 , ..0111 p, rt1..1 tr. • • r ••• . vissain• fay G 7 o Ia and knee,, a. 4 I sun iirt4 •-• eb k fur Limb. oktoat ~., I , t re • 1. , t 1./A 2, 36 )1:1• 48. Jo, ..II - .174 F. _ THE DELAWARE ail - 1•c AL 1N;,1 ANCE (Y.NIPANI tri 1Nll..41,1•1J li; ARE sow doine baxistena on the Mutual plan, $(3111.0 the in lured • partkapetiou sn tlu prullta of the ay, with o ut iti k hillty beyond th. pnlniuto 1..1 Wilts apse the laktri and Canal , . aivonibir terns* itxmere will liberally • a.IJ waled. Ilse risk. oat,toert soda. , Ip/ding. sort • 'I.. rT. in town or room for a tuced.l term 1 .••,t o IIFHSC•ON.~ ' Jame," 11A1/. Theotthilot. Pau Itlnh John 1' 1-, Robert Baru., John 1:41 ~.ti, Hugh Crag, • &WWI F inn, near,' 1./Mr...43e., PS rid 1{ Chariee , Inca. It Winitoin Intern, Wilt :In. Dr. 8. Thomao, I', 1: Iwo., Jobs Teller, Jr , peneer George Serrell, 1,114(t .„/ Kdarsed Charlanton, J..ho 1: JoAnne, 11 . .11,11., n'.. lourfor. Vim Anre., nICHANP Nuwiot rAppliestlnn ran be mane t o ,April 4, 1857 J. K1(1.1.041“ A w ... 1,1 .1. rt., CROCKERY AND WA la =N=77% - .,, No 12 Empire Mud:. 11 April 9, 18.59 HARDWARE. RO(i ERS ANIr BEN N F.TT Have the Large.t and Beat Selo, ot IRON. A 1 L 6 AXLE:- SPRINGS, A M ES sztorEis AND SPADES, - NAILS, PIPE 11()X1:;• W SATSB IioRSE 5.A.3:33 1 .D MTVW . , tiAKNEtzlz TRINtAINGS. Sc .;•,r• pLATED WARE. In flvi silliw.i e , 4 ers shiny Remember die 01,1 Stand EMI'IRE 131.1)CK, !so 11 tt..l 12 State Street, ittie. l's. April 9, IWO. 1:04,1:12.s FARM FOR SALE. T HE SLTRSC'RI BEI: Offers her farm fer Stile. en tprine. fl is tltoatnl one-half man from Sidlnctiehi Rood/a, Erie County, Po, and runtodov VtifiTT-THEI: acres of land, thirtj titre of which Sr. under ', g ood state of improvement There are +r" largo hams the Os.iOby 3 1 .1 and the ether :341 by 4,1, the whole sell motored IT never &Wog Spr - htpx For terms apply to subaertbor to Spriuft,..M April 9, 130.-44.6na. L 4 /NA (*RA I% calf/ BRASS & BELL FOUNDRY. R EMl)‘' A L. The 11111 r by, retuor,4) bu ORASS AND DELL F•Ul'\ DHY to A nu,i,aa Block ono door Wind of Nrller nod N'am•n•, w►an be will be bappy to see all to. old Cu.t.aaeir a O ,l Y litany 111. f area 11.11 MAY want say 'Magill Erw, April 2, 1660.-43. 6m. FREI) .1 . A l.f i kl, J. L TANNER, Agt., corPER "'ft ti .kNII Rif EFT IRON AND lI:KEE. I AND ItET %I/ 1 , 1K.11.1,1t IN ...• ..:.,1 -,... • w. fIoUSEKEENNfI UTENsil.s. ssithAbppsimba. ruom, Japans rd , T m otn,l Itritantna W4ra Eteriris INA, Weir( aide of Slate St , tad. .en 4th k sth Intgne Ps. j 10011,14 and All OW., jot, work done on ',Lori Rol and idisoliable t.sum.,ll Old Copper bpd Pewt4iFoadhl All k ind. ..l R. done. Tends moderate. April 14, 11149.-45 • - - Baker's Premium Chocolate. lux.ER sfr CO ' S. A [Of. AMU. French lincocer.sthic awl • ''aside Presegam Choetdsho, Preemcd cocoa Brains roeoo , reildb, 'COWL Stiehl, liblable, Hotempatble bietetit C Casctied Cocoa sad Corn .. Sirens, celebrated so aatrltle., sidebars sad delicious hemmers, for more thin ttatoo•leattb• of • century, ate notnatactumi from Cocos at theloest quality, sad ieserdated wow ior to any other Gatos Prinsustiose mai& in th• Untied $ t+ter. Al boaytabineut fur children sod perilous to health. and ass astbad tutu, tar 'Mead CMG. In ?Orr...named D%apoptie aufree,ther aro laminable. and are rcconsoroded t., the mai emitest nridans, rotl bz kbeit Agent; D. C NuitNAY, New York : WIC E. 161111APM, T, V /IFICNIIICIr., Boat man** NPAINErs, 1)Unt•1:Y ItcU.. Clutinnatl, and al Orocerisfy. WALTER, RAKICR k . Apell lS =lll.-.4lL2ne Deratiaannt, limns DISSOLUTION OF PA RTNERBII Ir. Thallassteseship bertdollors 'Mathis between The inotenribees sailer the Dame sad style ot li i i k Coy bashees this day dissolved be mutual ma re soli the who* awl Sueseas or fee has boom soli% ThDIVLIMR.BII Is Co., slob Rill asselassaillise buboes id Os eh! stand. s. F. rignies, ham bee" duly appoiatpd A g yent to Mlle besirem of the el Ina , t their tort °dim whom all periewia.haviag samittled Maim se with the late lbws am mikadeted to malt sod make immediate pogrixwnt. w. r. IiKIu3HCY, • VON-Await ISIII—Sta 49 MIN FAIRBAIRK. EMACTS lbr of kinds, lit •Of a Co 6 1101 A Nki-UP " , %b. lahl . "13,ra me.," 1 ,:o or ititoo! 0,1 AWI I.ri( ,4et+S)...no- non 1.1.14. % T.H 11.1,16 • •i•• %lultlm .• trrAi, %re. :tr., Awl Stw..r for. It.l will. mrs., Yoe ., .s. 14, 01114 nr ; ....v. Wilt, bus I , lt , PI • V.,ori. Witt/4 :114,1, end etl.rr 1"ml. .41 ~bd.'. • • 1..•••1. 1104•iti.44 ado.. ,•• no 4' 4•14 Who gr.-:. j 0 nil, kn•l •11,,41! .i• • l• 14441 op .11.44,41 P . ,1/1 It 4,0 t•vr, Wig" It • of-trio/a 'II ,4.-4 t 11 4 in , . -4 , I, For lot •• 144-n 4 ,4 •4., 1 4 4' F;ollpry NV In,. • • ' .r4l lit 4,d) . 10.1 lot.. To V , 1,1 . -, %did A 1 ILI ,111 %WI :it:tle• • II 1.A1.11% F h 1.%1,1" JOHN GABLE At the old Stand. 1.1 110 lit I 111 . . Between Brown's Hotel it Reed House, IM=l A 1..i101 E JEITMENT tioliSE -11( Li) I Illj .`rI,VES . li-C. A 1.., a larorand r••to t 1/to aato,rinient or cropper, and • • • I,,►n n are. Alan, s /nee aa.art• tr • h nn ,t l'otlerl and Pock at Kn/vos, A r a w.. AA lora and Tos ••••• •'a sod Table Stemma, ;Mum. Cuppec,P eei aI n and 4eisuadEet ......_ abo,largo ••••••aortno-ut or Japan N•A War , . of •Il klnda, and the t.e•taawrt ' gurnt of Tea Trays, in Erie. nfgli Shag.. au.% s, airy tauten.., I Ogle* M 4114. Corn I } o peea, S. i• o r , t lit.prw •• ',pi, Fi•,t hotola and /•Anga, Innai W514h1.10 , 14., 4 tOrrelk "‘Plith9L,S=4. rolato %f 001... its!. pot Tub a . B. Itolttp• ratnr., 'oa••1•4 Isstrot erbain rt. otor, Pon pa of tit de•arript‘nam. road Pipe, ft 4 IA ad, t °top ;In% ann. Tubtng Stove 111,* and E.lhn s. Canal I nntc •••••' I ltn•os, Wnt• • Coolers, and Fl flow Laso l .• 4.1 .11 kind.,SPMVA and St &wards, Zink td :64.'",1'.• `.• I studi. • tt./1../ azol Tattle 1101st• .n /Isstrr;ers `thnrel an•l F•42:1 ,rtol I Ivo, To, 5,1 of . it.,a.,Ttacubter 1•••1• • • ••••• •••• ...• •• - . s o .; fat 'Napo, Nall., t... 1 111,1 Urn., alit, if 'learnt. lirrnst , 0, • 0., F' r•a..b l 4.fle lota, sirow rflos, (•••11, t. on•I I'l ,-In'., with Srmrns. A•I • . • ..o.ls's• 11. .4.1 op • nab o, n j••l4,ing pl.•n. .s. •:)I , I. •P. t .o; • , Jin Coy; tor s rs 4 It.*• butt?... ;or coo l• I • 4 • w!‘,(k. li,• Erlr. ti,. 1.., i• • I do W. N. /IL 10'1'11 ,1 1 I.‘ Ro t Taunt & Bristol, Fri,' v I Tr yr) v .I:„ ,16 Ail form, r(y 'oel'ef of Lv i'..rfd s) ts't OT I Ni• 01 It NTT F.NT141,• TO Tug 31API,U. I, i„•• •••i.. • .. -• .it 114.1 aolk,tis our stock r• r lb. ',lllO , tir•ivon Iry I, 0 tttii•tter to loose orreFittrig nui 01 F ••,•,. - r to. , r ‘••r • t.stavtlfasq tiLtb bt•M .•sle to rti• • rfr, prtetio. N. at[ -t /A tA/1/01/t , A: ft MIA, lAttAlkt ME nn.l 0111 - 01 , r•n 'mu,: a Itrxo 14 AI fu • Oft I'l f.ff. I, 0.; K. 11114 1W1 4 4.; Vl," . 1 ..", F "1' 11 1 1:F U TAM.I,I, 1 1% 'IA f f..fff NlO- sf,•: 'WARP: Al",, I'l A 11 H A 111- 4 , I '4 , AL lIIKTTS, " riI()KIA Qt. •I I l't - t ‘.• • '\ • .• • • t r 1.3 , 11•,V1" I . 4 1.14' :I' 4 1 4 / 4 044:. i. - t Cf,, t, , . 1. I u-k, Mattresses and Spring Beds. , • , • , li•.; iul . • n: it Int v 'VI' Tlll, It% NIO Tt: 111r...PITA I. • .11.1,111 11.-ekke t e., ‘.l ) lir. 'M.( MEM :sc 11l •I't • \lrri t t tK ♦N9'(( =MIMS • An 0 In , .0 \‘ Ii I - iL MI lEF.L :-.llhl • IL , • r t to.tn,..gt tor : ' .1 .11 - 1:1: 'I 1 ~•ea.,• 31M0•1 -•, • •1... • • •r• l'• I%l'\ o‘t .11 , • f t i r 0 411. t 1000, 9 . 1110,31 Mid !AU • . . . , .1 htrit \ h'E= ttELL(l‘i . • lk ; 0.1 . ; ;i l• •••• ' •k, 1L• ,r(be 1.4....tx- I' •I • r 1 ,t 1 I I•cr., I r ..111"11, • I' ; ."• " tin. m , RnivlN , „ /r rit /r C 0( NTIZIL IN% 11.11)S. I. in./itt• rt 1//‘ .r• rd . Ow world 1 14/ •/.//// t•-! i r• d ' , v./ . ;13:13, 3 corr. dt 11,,.11 . r 1'(1 Lowe I. )11 Ac . \ - 11,2, MEE yi\ INII, \tt :\ I \ \j;: tt .kpr I 4, • 111 IshNl..ll; C k \ ILI: , A .1 1 ) 1 1;••• i'CTLEItI~ Ji. ,r. •a. m. mat J, art , J^• ^. 1.10114, la • :"} Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. I_ • ) lut I , ` , ‘n and ontild r Ilra. aal..rl Lai.•• iA.: m 1.0 . I..ll.otatAttla • e it aa , at • a I taal are TI Laud nroi f..^ so',. 1uq.04.1.‘ (410. In short so • lir‘i I • t .• I‘ ••, lba: no • or CALI expect t ~•. )4 , r 1 , 1 ) • 0 r I Aar" their ttooels. tall r . ..• It. tt It 1:v....4r'. 1 ,, ,11. ~ e `o l ., l lste hu ; f ~ t. s , ket I . is ; •"" • r. .1 e pale •h. 1.. In r,, „„ , 11,11 lurch. ,t tor to , ' .1 I • ,rlt•ii. lo • .1,1 10 his I, tte , th e I. ttt rift, d :Os the I.•:trage,n. ERIE CITY MILLS! Ti R. 11 \ )%);.-.1 14,K • • l'iof.rit•tor, I-1-• WATI II Al„il t ,I I I r 1 AU Flour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed, WT-, FLOUR AND FEED STORE, Ur, • . ~ .or ...tit or the (no e ( r.nelt ktr r e%..1.,... S 1 % ... no 1. 1 .ilt 1.11.1 A ed n'i( O*U grind. ttiv, 1 rn 11t111 kll.l Corn, «f xhich .I'l be oold the Inior*Al marlin `t-0,11•( r I 4101, :••• , i u 'i‘er..t Int e eliare. fn 11« l'Ur. H h It k V.ltttlicK. SEWING MACHINES. (11; E Vii: I SS. Thr Sut...:nlyer FWIt: of *kn i t?, t t t II 0., No. I .owin: MAO. t 3 •. MN 1%1 . .4404V insnotmet U re 4 for ralktrl. UM", *inch ho wiII oil Un tune, wd.h F ooti morality. At U 1,,T4A1m. M. I. :wt. in, Erie, A twit lAL9 - it r H H IN - I am now "salon: 1 u..• '•!.t 14.01 • to VPt I: o.:‘, P --- INtet f. r suringTratn, . •L, • •-•-, • for beauty of at. lo lAA chettptre•• 111 0 • erklta•lt tan aurrom,l (• 46 C.V 411....- Erfo. Mareh 7q59. e get.tir)r. . D A N 1)EI.IN E oF Ihr onalaal am! R.* a* rreiparstior. .tr.l 1.•• t tab, nual a r.etno.;) tor Dy.qprposo aml whirh r.rr many families amid do Won to ‘ll4. to xylq, k I (.1 In. .k to 4.• 1..4.1.1.t for Mug' ..f April IJ, CAitTICR At. IMO. \ 1 ,, \ iiry rind_ igs wasiou% 1.,ar010 11.,”1 ZlNte v Urn . % }teach and A rnoricsin raPanufartarr. RAW ' tbl l lO l ll.E.l/ 1.11%1'1.1,1 1 111„ RED, F renchand American Yettew tlebre, aterns or tartans. Sicadmi Ina Minch.: N and ni iont every tlnanon the line .4 r.rrin g v, s .•r (4namruta dating, can be had at the lower. rater., at lb.. Awry of Ayrti St, !SSP. CAIZTEK k 1111° _. - - _ E E 1 N ' • A 1, lJ t L, A•srptk,og article, in.: reeels.Xlni the Drug story Int Juno 4, 14:59-10:,. 1. i 1111.111111 i. GR I NI) sTt 10 Taos Bern Grind :+ten.• and Gridd Stott amens for sale by. ray 2 .5/. J, C. SZLDEN. TIAA (0: flINi I.l' 111 S 1F,11.0 Ft'itNlTl - tte %ND MI It Itollo.. OM EN MINT x II NT{ I II , „. ~•,, =I =I lIIM \t.% k.:••• r"..1) 641 h. 11 IMEIMI EMI 'I.. S t It! IA tltit \ Tl.ll lEZMME=I r • • 4 411 , ‘ •• I IL tj•jo, • . 4, . 4 •-,' !r t.. It f t . ••s n, rt.., 310 UN y hake al i d I .41, 11EV YORK & ERIE R. R. Milli P Y, AYRII. 4, UM r rsinh will hate buokt,lt at $e....1 9.• Itastwiul Boned — Depart. ' l / 4 ., 'York Kiiirr.voi n 4% . Mail 4'in...howls Exprrsr. V 1. . . tiigrkt if cpreadr - - . 4I , r V. tnek 4.w1 1-.... ..... .- • -•• •• ... IS 31) I . rt•if. la NO 2 - • • Vrvi..i.t No 4, . 1. 4) -s r Pannrrievro b. Slght Esisttos train East on Nnto• , will mg:min .. , rPr bight at pi:nu., . 4 ,1 p,,,,, ~ ~ eMonat I Ilt rpnr.. V InKlay trinfoluy, Dunkirk. ilh eli irr ARLMS MORAN. I. i ia 19. 0i50.,--41 tr. BUFFALO & ERIE R. R. 1 " NEW ARRAAGEkLENT. stp.l APT Apill 4, arid anti! forth, Hex reasenirr Traisa4rill no u folloso• LEAVE ERIE. I )1 A. M,, Night grpreaa, atop, at Weatheld, and Cm*, aretres at Buffalo at i 44 A xt I W. P. M., Mall step" at Nor% Itaat, Malt Lin., Westfield, Balelo, PosArit, anomie* &ad arsine at Buffalo at 6 26 P. M. 7 00 M. Mel:matt Espies, stops at kirk and Btlremark, azg4lrea at Itueilo to A 4 Tlio shove trains connect at Danktrit sad „ %%pram trims on N. V. and New Yeti Central, k. toad. lU OPU A W. Mail. 'Rape at gran. Centre, • 1";,. , reek, Poulin*, Salem, Westheld, Quir.ey, lAas,, Nona Nast aad Esstsontatt, snit« .t 1 40 P. N. 90t P. N. Night txprerg atop at Silvire Creek, rtr.,,k and arrives at foie at 12 30 A. 4 00, A. 11., Boston Itpreas, rt.op. at Silvereivok, lurk, Weettirld sod Nortb Pat, antresat A. A pril 4,1 8 / 4 . it. ?.q. BROWN, ~,q ; • - Cleveland and Erie Railroad aii igiRMINNEWIN IV AN LI A FTER Merntlav, A prd if h O 18:de, and until furibrr natio Paindner ran sa katocro, run-- AVELE CLEVELAND. 10 10 A M. Hall Train ►top► at all WA, Stat,o,o Wiekligki, Parry, Unionville Saybrook, Swau•r 'y and arrives at Erie 142 P. M., Dinatirit 3 47 l' Buffalo 5 20 I'. W. 9 .1.7, 1' 511. Night Exprent Train mop' at Pai WWI Apbtabali andolrszch only, sod strives at grit, 1 A. W. Buffalo. 4 4 A. M. 20, Y. M. ‘ tinetsall Itipmes, Mops at.Paaaen Ble. )la I Aon, .14.6tabolsk, Cosnoutt, and 641614, Erie 6 M P. K. Buffalo 10 20. P. K. LEAVE ERIE. 1.: OZ. A.M. Night It:press. Train atone at MraiN4Corinea,,„ Arditobnia, and Palseertlto only, and area,. Cleveland 3 40, A. Y. '25 A M. Iliad Train stops M sll Way•Statloar :Saybrook, U.:dens:ill% Yarry,,Yrator and lib:lo.n. and arrives at Clevelanc. at 11„ Oti, A. 1 1.1 P.s.preas Train stops at Girard, Conneaut, Ail. WALL and Parneavoilbaonly, and arrives at Cie. ,ar OU„ P. M. (lay freight trains., Resat 1,114 tC rat, Wtil have Pa... rq. Aar attisehoil, and " trill slop - at all !Nonni's. All the through trains going Westnard, ellrlll. 1: 00,11.64)11 Witt% trains for Toledo, Cbtair4 Columbus, IN. contrail, arr. et.c AI: tt« thrnact, tram. via* taatward,corineet at kirk with Mt train• a lb & trio Railroad arl • Vuttain with the N. V, Central awl Basta and Y t i•i H,,tir-adm If Nornmuum SNperat.Pwn ( 1...14u34, April 4. WO: Cloveland and Pittsburg R. It aiMNPONAPIrI ru E BLE.--TO T.IKF EI:11,4 moline Y. APRIL 1 1 th, 109. Tnigag lware daily- Suudays •Iro Ned . In nO A M. Mall for Pitteborgh and Wbotho .4.5; P. St A, rorunindelion for hiltfooll and Mr• AN , pnpl, r‘p,• • fo r P111,6,111;1, and W heeling 71, tt, tio A St onct 9..:5 P. 11 traitiontalke direct comma no at, It • I' , on a 1:. V.. for Baltimore, rbiladrlyb,. S. . •• , k a;•••:‘ , 11 Aloo a ith Baltimore lk Obi. , I 1:: t., in.,. • rs.: Ka.btntitoo City . 1U 1. ,, J A. Al. [lain a 1... corrocortat ffedson for Ali) 11111.r1d.ur L 11. .1 N.111Ti1..1.01111, t Lits.l:ro Ticket Agent. 41 MEE ITOWARD ASSOCIATION', Pill L A. BENEV i.v.NT. •t•tt , l,h. ol I,‘ vitt t ,t L IL. IL 1,, • , .r.•:, titlt,cto ■ ItI 1111.114 NT 6; El'ILlF.3llll' Aril ATillS, in ~o t•f . Ihtt I/. 114 01 tin wan itln vaunt, . 11 t' • nett On. tot NI 11111,1 41..1 Ott . IWO . ..riot/ay.. ••,• -tit tiotottnt.t. toy &marl., r•• dn.. It e•t• IiARITA it! k At I a., lit• •I ~{+!• •• tnttl..n....rt for tile tr, I .'l%l .9.0 • I (nun., t•. cu. 1 0 Apt ti I GRA • '•• al/ girt. t. It.t••, eott tit•... t 11 •It .• ..11 , 1. , . • • ) it., A,. I 1,11.1 Ito ••••• o•I • A tlorott , %II I l i , l '. l S t . 1(1 I oot It k o I It Itt t , I ttt the A .ilt.l ME= =III L 1 =MI I be. o.r.ct—r• in tit- , • Petit 1.1••11 110. 1 r...tts • 1.! • ••• •II ri . . . . - • I' MOE 1:•=111M11 .iii,r• I in iL..• wt,111,3, tleakr.,nin. ..a Aa• • 110.1 or 40: a ratillt.taav,, 1.1 tL I ;an If •I IL. , , ' . ' 4 , , rt, 1/1r.e1e. , % At. 1 Mel. r t th. t...t, fey. 11.0•111 - .• 1...0 tat .11f a. a•• •pi.erk ..1 14•4• ,,,, 14,13t 0011 L., • • tt tt,. swt they rru.•hyd to dit, ut. thetuwh. • • o•a ti.to very importatit .ant =EMI at Is lirporl on tiertlnatt.rtba a, of n P Ait , ati.rra,the.tee r.l 1/ftaxamn, MaiallitAtp•o, • r , ! • 1 , ,t... and.. tl,t .11aaliat - a "( tie , Sexual °JI L L., twoaltJag Surgeon, sill be ment - !v omit, IL • • ( Si IHAHGIi, .11 r••• ,,, lpt •" " STAMPS for poatage. Other itepotta std Tract. aature oml treatment of Sesta' Muteneta, tls.,t, a.. a - ) e.n•tantly I.lbe pubb•betl fortrattsitoux "thrstrit • • and be sent to the afflicted. !ttme of the nea 10d.e. , and Wet1110)a at trralwat dtiscor,,,pa durlbir paid 'ear, ate of great valise =lll 1, 'lt., (.10,01 : ••P ied,..t,l vr• ,r tt tt,y A.arevEri for Report or treolownt, S.K,I I /1 , 1 Gh Tr , N, Arr,Dir , urve.n, Howard Aioecisto c • 2 South N tuth Sire, t, l'a. lir order rat the Directoro: F.Zit A D. IitARTWEL secrrta.rr. Prr-ordeur 4 4r , rt Lt A N 11 Ll. 311 N I'l' IV.IFERs 1-,0 HY vie lo or 1-11 n. d ren 11•411144,121 , sod UnlllrboDiv•iutll. arm w t • n )nla Knit. thin prepa.rst... • • Soo, • or other iro• o•u•• thew., t of nt.• purely •rt.tnlnt, and sspet *mut. alit to they rite, act tiolltAr the L..* In all C&1“ 1., •srr t t tu.ttatlons , and _kW, 1.11•• the crirborOtrd ' A Othe , Mlolle Walerstor Worm. - • o are the ouh ortsioal anti only tale and teliabie sourretion um, in nil.. :"0!d In 6:vie, No. 6 Rood yr March /9. 18140:-41 8A1.P% yhl F:c(lt - vry MUTUAL IN-ri: ANL Ineorpor ale(' in IS39 Charter i'er r ytua. Property Inured dipabot iota. by Fire for nto Tenn not exceeding live yellow. r0i,,0. issued upon the deposit of Premium biotms upon the payment of tbe Renal Stock Rate* in Bonet out the liabsitty of s I renal= 1404. Lofts, p. 4 • Irb not litisstom. One snit only Ilse ever been brousbt test this Company. ThroCasopmey u retied, fru debt, 'smd u e safe /wow 4astitatima. MEMO DIRECTORS. Jim" U Marshall, C. M. TibbslA Wm. F. Madera...4 t S. Smith. J. Zimmer Jo. M.Stsrrett. /' Kepler, Thos. Moorhead, Jacob klllalkfln, (tor t ;. A. Elliot, E. Babbitt, Win, B. Rays, J. K. Jairtios. 01tVICEB8. JAS. C. RA HMO A LI, ('test. J 0314111 GrON/1110X, Sot (;1,... A. Etuorr, Trams. Ofßev, in lii•iisrs Onrualnon t kleCreary's /Ayr ot Clitaruit lino, F.rie. April 2.5. 1858. p .1 1.1 , w T it: I'll; hillsonto, Toile, and Alter: /er /*dig , * tu% Corivrenaa, Heterinern i /honed*. d'arodtc,, rtkoeso of SA. StumatA, djetta lAr Lorer, end dereurestnif of the &Maas spailest .9.1.1 in F.rie by BALDWIN. No. b Reed Timm. March 17,184.9,-40. VALUABLE REAL Eill'ATE. THE f4)llowing desirabie City Propt.l will be Old at the Market goose, on &torus, ' Ll .:ay of Jane Jost , at 10 b'eleth.,, A. N., L A very rat o abte bolotwea Lot fronting on the t•ide of the l'ol4te Square, botoreou tho Iltoornl‘ flUteL ; bar in` a front of 20 feet ts; inches on • Square, and • lUte front on PIM' Street, tow e‘ tending. 163 feet from mid Square to Fifth etrwt, ‘. which Lo erected a largo three story tome good order, ant allontiag a snimortor position for a goods or other' idore, and for aloe*: Of whiel, how, on mil bestove. The rename, as tb•s.e•-•• see I lre i rrtofort commanded a rent at the rate of Pet , aooutn, Isich *toy be largely Iserteeed by Iraster Ll , ' front on V.llllt tree, Water Lot No. 74. ttartog 33 front on Front * l,- • sip) the 'omega the outer Casa/ Bans her, and ester" lo g from Street to Mr, having a Grocery bollotoi on erected. 3. The and/rialed'hatf of In-Lot No. =A (foots., Pinch, Front and tiooond Arne* with a large h." dwelling bona* end other bniklinge thereon. 4 In-Lute Noe. mag, Jaw. as" =al tt zisv, ast o4:- turn State, reach, rront and Seeond eta, end ~,'" ' lo poet on each of *aid attests. _This ground will be o by the foot in inch "reels is inv soil lDe Plarr , barrr' She above' property to a 0 In the most liner° , Int' 1.. ' none of the City, and awe oppattealty for oreor,b. (exorable leeetions and mall losi profitable temettno t.!•• slat se will twohahi/ Dot omit Data to this City A pati thereof most positively be on* es maid day, to f , ..; the requittements of an untignment of wild proper'. , the borwlit of creditors. Terms.— On«fourtb In band, the bellow". 111 • trifles wad eighteen Months, noeured on the piwoi”.‘ ittdiPneut ie'n't or or.rtlittaroi at the option of the a taped. In the Intrtm any of romrlair property 1 , ..` porehoood et a very low rate at p rate male. for les. i• • ablr than it will .owl at asetioar IC. ISABBITI Ilny 27. 1869. td6l A• 041 0 100 of K. J JR T 1 1y FARMERS. • 4 LW AY READY. coin, so(' otber npnaAotnn of Modals. to. at Paragon Buildir, WIIITE WASH. Bit I.IBHtS.—A 1% by wit Stott On sale loio n Apia So. oARTER EIRO LgA VE BCFPA LO 114 t 4 1611. /il tt., I • t'l 131=! IBM s ~R INS~MCE 3Oztti.re/3r "'Crteigertist:olo i nuts 2 catPors rfli sox. lb. of 3 and brat lteslbObr sale by sret J. C. 8E1.14' MIMEII=I EEO =I