Patt iv I , \ 44., j iMa. Lever a ebee, open ,I :l.:. oo woad Bilvar Lever Witt ca. 2I OD Gentetlltirer Len* Watellea, Gents' Silver lepine Watches, I. Parlor IMMO 4 4/00101t1040,' ' 10 I.oitearglivint Black illik Grim Materna, l 60 Libellee do Plaid do - do 12 00 Ladles' Came Sda, (l'in and Nom) oam Ilan; lli 46 Ladies' do do do 1(1 00 I.4idlear Gold Bransio4o, Stowe Idetttnan, In 01' Ladles' Gold Ararariada. plain or enamored Gaud, 4 00 Goofs' Stolid Gold Veit Chains. new pattern, ;5 00 Geste beta Ittiglfailileted Veld Oftina, - 6 00 Ladies" Gramdanor Giatetaine Gloalne, ebotlen, 11 00 Large Gold ,Speing Lockets. w ita deo)* cases le 04 Gold Snap Locieta, do do 400 linCrowtsa, Not 3, Loeitota, do do 900 Limey Gold it artoo4lorme, milk Odd Pram, 7 60 Sainanor Gold Maw, with Hoick'', awl liox, • 3 04 Ladles' Gold Pencils, 2 0.) __ Goals' heavy Gold resellse • 3 50 lieNs*e Geed hum s with Milos listatialse Peneeila, t 00 Ladles Gold Peat, in Boxes Tab ivory Helder?, _ ,1 S 0 Ladles' Monate Gold ?torte Sulu.. 11 ti 6 ladies' rionaatine Selo: Ila ilea Dehla, HP 00 Ladies Jet Sete, do do ' 160 Ladies' Lava, Jo to 00 Ladiwe este/eine., tare she , el Ott ladies' do • die atedhua. - . 5 t,o Ladies' S 9, do usitn :4 G 0 Ladies' Gala Stone l'lna:kmall, Ladles' Bog sad (Gam Mlnuatureuto . Gait Kt.- Wiwi Kale Gold rlilfl.aew patiotn, Ladies do ICat Devi. . 'lbws' do Gold )tae, t: tads' Ousts'. Pia, opal eentr,, ileata* Single :Stone M.,, Genii Outlet. to Ittolutle Ttneoto Studs, I:vu lA' k:tig I at. •I lod•I do to . _ (lento' Pulae do do do - 2nu Goat.' '....k0v0 UulLosa. • :. Al Likkei do 4o :4. UV Ladies' Pearl Card Caro-. - , 4 tie LAKUOIe 0111110114 MONkt.. of Gold 11ione 1/11.000 Pion. I ad Geoid Wen: Nacll6. 16 Grote' Pearl Pocket Kniv..., 3 bio,1•• , Wet puiligy. 100 Genre Buff or Ivor) do ,lo do IS Maori Lars Pima 1 ',,4 Gim44.• Gold WWI Koya sod Poodle condoned, 2 00 Gent? Gold Tootkpislul,oredb Slides, 7 in Grate Gold Rine, with Moo, Setting, i 02 60 ladies. do no do - • • 160 Sets liiirer.Plated Ito Spoorut, 2 00 Sllver-Pland Batter KIWI**, • I on Ladies' Ozbe Match Porte-moon 1 Su Grote' Gold etch Heys or 1 7=oolle, lin Ladies' Florentine Llreast ling, 3 SO =' Jet On do ' Massie do do Ladles' Cameo Eat Drops, Mined do do Mimes' Ear Mops, with Stone Setting, Wass? Gold !hamlet, Hall Hound Hand, Ladies' do do do dente Soar( Pin, fivo ts' Jet Studs, Goats' Jet Sleeve Buttonp, lillsnee Gold Craws, YiaosLLaoeou► WAR, not enumerated in the abort M=== SSOO worth of the alowle Mfls lull be impartially thatribated among Purchasers with 'Tar.) $I( mart!' ul Books sold. All Books sold at Publisher.' loweet prices.. ... . .. All Books that Evans doer not publish hlnuelf are bought direct from the Publishers, au‘n large quantt• ties. Books to salt every taste are to I* found ou isis, Catalogue. at prices which would be an Luau, etnent even without the Lift System, which otters so many additional advantages.. . Works by the most popular authors, Itraug and dead, la all styles, from the most costly to the plain arid sub stanttal, at astonishing low prices. CATALOGUES SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. Bayard Taylor's Travels, , Worts of Dean Swift, Worts of Mist Bremer, ' " Judge Hollbartori, • Stillest, . 0 Dr. Livingstone, - I' De Foe, . . Lawrence Sterne, " Addisot, Waverly Novels, " Mockery, I Works of Besiy. 'Yranklin, " D. Johnson, ! " Thai JeWermi, • J. F. Cooper, I " Charles Dickman, • J. T. Headley, I " lira. Sonthwortb, " Frank Forrester, " Km. Bents, " Hugh Biller, ' " Ha tietigwick, " Copt Rayne ! Reid, " YLrgftla Townsend, A. Charlotte Smote,, " a. /t. Smucker, " Washington Irving, w-ti " T. S. Arthur, " Grace Aguilar, 1 " A. S. wt., . " 'Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, I " D. P. Thompson, " Capt. Xarryatt„ I " Sam alb*, i " Peter Parley, • Kra. Marion liarland, " aniollet, . " Mary Hewitt, " Yielding, " Cherie. Lamb. " Perry, , " Edward Everett, Lorene° Dow, " Barton, • " Lord Bacon. • HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF THE POST CELE . ._ . BRAYED AUTHORS. Allison, Bancroft, Hums, Goodrich, Macaulay. Russell, Prescott, Ferguson, GRamo. Rollin, Rebel two,' Lord, - . Heed ley, Sparks, And a host of i t e tbers, ton numerous to swottoo E TH A lICNT /1 ND MODERN Yr•wes Butler, - Milton, ' T B. Reid, PrZerf, Mrs. .1111111111111014 , l; ere, Byron, . Mrs. licersea, SWAM. Mrs. Nurtow, Moore, Kimble. Dryden, : Longfel low, Peps, —, I Tentrysos, Burns, Cowper, Leigh Bunt,l Whittier, Mrs. Sigourtery, Dante, • Rogers, E. W. Faseernrth, Hood Sout h irlt , d, , ey Mate, I Tupper , i Goldsmith, 7M i rs s . C )atniewo, I Wordehrorth, • Alice Carob ' 1 Shelley, Boat., 116,11141.111t1ry, Ups A. Poe, Bryant. Re has the abet a la all styles of leindlug, from plea cloth to the Ansel calf and antique, to suit sill classes of lia,sella them as cheep as say other bon* A tiM mienk esastry, besides theendHieual advantages of a Wilt will' sash Bask sold. ALBUMS FOR.TFUS LAhII . Albums of all sizes and all styles of bindiag, tc wit all tress, profusely Illustrated with magnincerst Reel En gravings iIItILF4 PRAYER ttr•on Joni HYMN BOOKit ihrthediat Hymn Books, 'itplownpal Prayer Hooka Baptist Hynes Books, .Clatbotte Prayer Rooks Lutheran Mynas Books, i Pseabytelisa Hymn boos% 01 aLI sloes, sad bound in all stylen,..Arabessioe, Turkey morocco, Antique. Velvet, he., with and without churpa. FAMILY lIIIILKS. A large asaortmeo r if Familp,Bfblea, all deseriptons sad all prices , fro illustrated 'with dos en: Ilrwvloga. printed w larllars us good paper and rn various styles of blodlng,Rom the simplest to the roost orsaansmaal. Also, Pulpit bibles, In various styles, at low prams. cir A eofripfete Masi Heil Cabana! of Rooks, In ever, iiirpostment of literature, containing a complete Lipt of Witte, with tall utstruetions to *Meta and prone form ing Clabti .plll be mesa horse say pert or the Immo Yemen winkling VD farm Libramea r slionld have It unhook of reference before maim , out their Ilete. Send for fily sod yon will bir esavluessi of the cheapness and vsirkoy of the Looks, bonds% being pleased with lesobberslity of tine system. Orders train the country promptly and satialsenortly filled. and goods seat by mail or express Many part of the country. Any book published in the l nlWi rhates, the retail price of whack ia lil, Of tilpialiln. Rai but proinptly sent by nail on receipt of pubtleher's price, with poetage tut per cataloosa Libmal oostuidninttallowod to WiNiona forming Clubs. Pontine acting an Agents for on min reap all the sdirstiWts of the Gift ay 'item witboutan; oust to themselves, tins ',Wing a Library of gotatiorriu ion very short limo; besides whirl, the Gate meeitivi with .the toininisinon books, will pall for inure thaw euoitgb torunply pay these for their trouble. airmail wanted In - linty town in the Gnion.• Persona wish*, to act as inch, sail all them deeirona of a Cata logue, will touter a favor by anainsi their asiskers to RVANB, fkodk-Store and Pubilahlug Hoene. Apel 9, 11+59.-44. Oa Cbeimet Street, YhiFa. , P. 4 01 D FOUNDRY" STILL AHEAD!! BARK JOII.XOO PI ere prepar ed to fornieh at Wholesale and RAW, Plow* of the beat wad treat patter-se, sad titans the zit:ratter, ef newer end sabers to their Sleck nn hand ronsirting of WLIWORTII, .f. LONG, DUTCH ER, PTITIIBVINI, MOUNTAIN JUNO, tootles? With Cottlyetbra, Dore Neuter. and othevertalee neomary to to mos to he properly eppeeeieteal. Don't km; "Old Foundry," N. V. Corset !State end Devout!' /Thnets., Pa. April 2, NHL LO W 0.0 - Nfr It have a large stook of Chipped Larsoul iio hand which we ad* my km ratiebttbillarprl. Nardi 4. " ekrrim h I,llto. 11315111, NATIVE CATAWILI, 1. •DWI wall MUNDY, pat up •it Cfnehumti, ems be beil 01 Aril SA GREASE ! GREASE ! ! GRFAS.F., ! 7114.riest ;aka bp osisigilsohrbl'obbitA xis Gam" fox Nontbuisoi, Wagoss, and Carta, obteli ti bond to to tbr moto r b sat eikwEjogoostigits as it combines allbe ftees OD nub toe bio glossy Nature of tango, koni• the Aalseydirays cool cicoo, and peemoboo ea lieula the ON of ellY 1 2 1 Moe known. • sloes trial 1411 centime soy oos of its value Lod ehaagaus. Field le 2 lb. Boxes by ibie, May 14, MO. MI CA RTEit t WV I. N ERA CPAI tt r ear leak 'M, bled aid &e t NAM., Bride, tied Ott Butildbir Camptuntt, Tarps- Um amid Alcohol, by tbir band orWon. for irk by Ili !t L L BALDWIIC,Nn. t Reed iloome. BRU=TV . 7 1 1:;1 :• I :; ,- TFIT .:!!! Plbit,„ If Glabday . Llt . rity, Whit. limb, Window Rom, Sera hoe_y_lllair and Tooth. and a goooral .' ofir - We of BREHM, knraas er. l iti lai dm i ti aclitk WHERW,,, lettip of lobar Atbehuiski444ion& upon the slide Liisptfiis; Tau ,o'r trio City, deed tore born inioted to tie soloce 4 All memo iodobtod to tie NA ..t. ..:1*...., et soaks tmotodiato payment, mit - • • et dostiode want tho NW, of unlit . . • Aro mho Ike IMO Weirlillboot Alipilik : , Etio, lt4 01, 3 00.—0 t so. ' "' rill : ~ ,l w . . . " ATED Itl I'F ALA). c.,riter liqflem..t. 111 m. :-...reelq N 1 011'1. • 1 ...per 11...1 , 1111e. I,lor l'lnee l'lll4-.11)1:1,1111 7.11 ; 1 / 4 eltegilitit St A 1.11 1 ,..N1 :A. 11s 1:1'0 ,, . 1 )010. 1 '4..4 I LEIVKLA NI). Sem.. n,A pi•rior Streets lIET4T t N.. 7 , 1) )4..(1 ward I'lIN" I,Tcor 1 11 1 r) AI mid Woothiiirtwhi s reel g Stu,lank au feria/LBml ..maft of these ul pat - m.on of 110.1.0•0•10114trUedt-iontbei enh•"o cmpriainy am an of t moat oronirh, r•trn.i re, nntuploe And popular Ittutioraa ttehnola In the .rld\ll latalogurs And rfulara, rSII at lb« College Rays at. fitted mitaak - i l o „ • ' A MONTILIA . .11ELAGAZ1NE. Dttootoil to Comortor, /Wawa, Mown factures, Agri citiff*, ifeetuthicaffiVionfic, ponaurntal Law, Politica) Litaratitre, Art, •nil clathitical Information.— month'. nt lotitituto, N Y Terms $1 iwif annum, with It. utual reithettofx to clubs Tbziz i l iLi . drancd to be 1) -und exoostool of the Came and IndeKtrinl ,•( A r,,,, ricr , Ilaich, 1 , 59 11 QEI.I ) EN'S btetio; viatuip, 1•. uo 2 uu I'o 250 I II I 4 t.,4 :71 II'I,I•I-.\ NI.\(;1(' FL! !1). L THE GREAT LiNnrEnT FIJI? NI lII.IST Q ELY)I7\ r 's FLOP ~4' =M= 3 be 5 50 . 4 50 4 00 6 00 ED 8 00 J a 0 24 elOt• to f'.! , 00 WOLVERINt, WIARD BARS a JOHNSON 4:11011TI2 i 820.1 - - - ,11 , 421,10.41=11MW : /117' -Y-51) , 77/4 BRYANT a STRATTON'S AMERICAN . MERCHANT. THE GREAT LINIMENT! Fivil id 1N AND BEAST THE GREAT LIR IMEIT ! WIC NUN AND LtEAST. THE OSEAT LIELIEENT! \I \N ANI) BEAST, MMEEME THE GREAT LIHIMENT! 17(111 M \ AND 111:1ST ri l , \X - a il:.:1 i 1 1; ,, 1; ,, twrit. If 1.., stir till; , r il koptiral I.) all I au u Al 2 I: , EII. S. 1+49. ly 41. NEW: MILLINERY GOODS. IT tile• IlapOt Ent, 11 I i 1 , 1 PIO. (Truett a Pea Ststrk of EHI 'ND ;•:TIZAW lil ll llls R 1884.7 1 ,11 1 4, Ita2X-a13.13. T.9TArEItI4 Ac., he Also, Mt!, RUSCIIF.S AND TA BBS, marl:Ann and band-mad% bonnet fratEMISJIIDa crown*. DRESS 1 u\\ETT, DRESS CAPS. HEAD TIFILIEMJI9I3I3I4I3I .1 th• latent ante% scr- Particular attention paid to coloring, bleacbiog •TA Pcce.tog lito•inore Sad hiding Helm deemed to the meet at)lo kW' A 1..., a superior - lug of latdi•r Floniery together with a r••ni• rat eseortraeot (300411. April I ~ .59 • AMBROTYP'ES!! PUT TTPag P R TN - 20 CASES CENTS C()Lill tall put up in cases "thc. V. ›. pit tU re fort.. .ftg I oLBY will put up in easet4 the r 2 plc- = p:- tore foi ;2-1 ',' ITILRY will give you n beautiful new :4 C- - . t t 1.• likenc.• to fend I , r letter for 2:i eta. K 14 COLBY will give particular attention to DI = :•-.: taking children. likene.sce cm, _ • COLBY will .la all other work in laft rrofev•itm in liko proportimi E t , ILB1" ran. with hi 4 mammoth qkf .;,141111, throw light on THE I , uhivt in a lnrk , lay than tt really n.Cr.7 tnE . E make anttnpre.sul.n. C w1.,8V IN ill t‘d found (luring hmtnran in the How!inzwrig,tilork, 7f: 7 Erie, hley 114, 4:3 ;isoclAtvsJcAV ittadltbaqtiry R Dr i p v (7/1 IP in vr 'l\l, to el' klt ' you . t-k 14 - Olt irt.. vt. Sag riii l l6, ?to 3, t't RR t' ( A. Ps If luu grant a Fivillet Arir 4 • noit. - grant hnit.r. for I, fly rt.l.t. And Non ar.l% go In iiininn h. tin Perry Nock. want • r,•• a a mi • 1., 41 ,oe 14 , mitli t Perr % .0 .c .c 1 Cr. sf Q Too want roOgrIMOI alkinit or • Kld , . 4 4 dipper for No o rt, "a , • - •.1 I you n sot I •'.I 80.111 PI • t • •• :- $... '....". ,:r. It , ' , 'lnilli.. i'rrr, i11.....k at . 4 A, 4 i . . : 1.,.. w.„, iloi . 4 all - Moots. Istr !: 141, v. I, mnith 14 th , - - ' a. A •. r.. 1'4.7” Block I you niknt e4lldren'ePtt,./.. t. etl eta 1.. tvr relit• eD:, tin I Stria'• .• reel ilt , 4* • t 6 _c , Ceilt ot h MT ld In Ton lift', go to 7.mi11, A, N.. 3, Prrrylll,Kk staile tittr4l. 1 , 311 , 1 , g .i,,11.• Its atly •In.l therip al grnilli'q 14, ihta Curt'. • • Nt&LK TN GENTLEMEN ! ! . •,• NE W SPRING AND SUMNER GOODS ' AT GENISHEESEER'S Corner of State' and Seventh eta., Erie, I T II E -0..4T:14.r ha-,just r.- r.• v& at his 0.0 and rips ' , tour , qio, ... oil Var. re Tn. r i f •Al,te mut Atrontbsirools.• largostosS of XNUNG ANII tillll%lElt I'd or OS, ..f lb. Nt....t oilkm, and a ill ( 4, 0111 UP to ki..p so Wind a lane insioristiont of . i Soiled RIMY EH a° li ~ to tie PWI. 6 D, c.•ndeling of Dream, Frock an' Back Costs of oviiry style awl vies, Vests of all kinds. ("rants, Elloris Undet4lbtEts. Wooer*, Haadkorehrote, t.oLtors, Flooriery ettetwent onstittet t In *bort. be keeps PV.r7 *Miele Winally kept Ins Clothing V-stablsehment. Hb C l othing to nasnutsetur.,l by hoso.olt, and warrantsel oyes& to any to tbe oily. Persons triAiing article* In his 1100 will do well to tall Wei essattse stock, se be totands not tat oadersokl by, say ootSdiudaseot wad of Sew York.— Clothing made to order oo abort mottos. lar• Dash forret at ccoutia plate, Otaalitsasers Corset, fare en of 81•4 mud S ar. Km, A pea. OOL—HINk. ' JOHN JP &NON ICHIER. S TV:T A 7-- r IS. 100 dozen Graf,* Ecythae. 10 de Groin • do 6 do Brush - do 26 de Mktg apd Patentlzoathe, 6 do IfOßt hid Grape Cradlrt, 60 do 14tH. 60 do '4, 3 and 4 Tined .11*, and Straw Forks, 114.t0. 'Plymouth Roamed India Nod Scythe Siloam 12 D , ,mfitra, by the Miro arsine* diet yy 1266, 'Kay 26,166041. e 4 ANDL FY.) I V , Eliar ns atk. Rake, also*. /Amor. 4=41 a• • 64 -J. O. CIaAR:S.—A lot of very fine ones, for sale at I , Erie, Ear 21, 1869. b0. • OOA INE:•4=Thst very . truperioi (*Am ite file 114Ift, BURNETT'S COCOAINE, eha be M i ta* at the Divit Store of !Awe , , CAREEIE r nun. mow orrrq ite9lelds ady, mob NW MIMI the atoMitlto 04341 Pterstpyr knife, Ahotild prnew• tbe .CANIZIE! letlMOly nunA EL UNER cLovo, loerhieh her hula *IR le p pistoled from hi 21,am! resdeleet. wet, teht end delicate, to hi bad st w Drug Store of ,4:t•vA 9, lON. MAIM it BRO. L E , • PLATFORI t 4d cii 4,,k, by ?CALA 'rteellisted the beet mane by A Pri la, Mt ZRAI k HEIM? • Perils of Inland Navigation. J. i. DOWNING Atent for county of Erie god. Viainit.! Capt. E. P. IKIIII.a / ft*Aa, Maria* Adjustor and Saporvi Lake Area . Kau& 12, 1104-41. 1 : I 11. RiIBLMAyETiIr HAS REMOVEP HIS el • spitre er lrlarliture doertu_tCh Itu ildiamosuMthirearree,lefier dear FlouthrierPtitry built expreenly for that purpose, where nay be found • large and well aeleetectaaportseent of F U EN I TUBE, zabracing all kinds of caloolimt Ware unipoil4 kept in Each an establialiment. Onlge first Snot tray ke band Rvirress rables, irkstaos Takka, Efteleerd fraaA ev 4 kPolgo" , mr..* maw, Larks sima., Pried; nutters and amain, beelsseelx, Wardtua, (rata, kt., ere, li M• nu fact u red by him/tell, inga th er vitt' o o W f lioi 0 I — l A. IR S, of every grade andprice to putt customers. The reecput Suer ta full of EASTERN YURNITURF., sash as Miss, Tote-4-Tstrs, I.arß. Rocket-a, Gentlemen's Easy Chairs, and ill kinds of Cashtoneal Chairs, Marble Top Centre and t al,l Table's. What Nola and quartette 't a oda Tha third lia.u.r contains materials and a large number workmen, competes t to matt& en re by article lathe cabinet line in the best style add shortest notice. The public, particularly the le4Ses. are respectfully Me riled to call and trandue furniture sod priors, se I am not to Ice undersold by any establOArtat in the City or rises here. All kinds or lumber sae predate taken In ex change for furniture. J H itiliLICT. • Erie, March 1V , 109.-11 Sole Proprietor. , N - Just rewired a large stock of Mirrors, embrac ing' al/ sin, quatrain. and prises. , • P.kins FANS A N D I.:Lai ANT FANCY Ankles. The 'Adler! will Sad a few mote of thorn § Fans and Cla 1011, at the Paragon Building. March 12, AUSTIN. GILT PIIRTRAIT FRAMES. Gilt Mouldings, Lookiwg Waage% MY French Lab - ogrAptii• In Frani.", or mit, wiling cheap at the Paragon Building. T. IL AlltiTl N. M=EIMENI Window COTO itIPR, Cords sod Tame 'W indow Fixture*, for sale cheap by J. C. MF.I.IIIIf.N. I: ). u want waythonc In 16r 1i..0t nu. 1:4 Lin• I lur YS p•r #,1 1 8,,67,920,08. 1,088E.5 . PAID rEAR Nss, $7,71004 . 11. • N DEMN MMINST LOS§ BY Fl DEEM March 12. Alpeautlful lot of Gilt t , tsa,lea at very low priers ma 7 IT Io at J. C. bRI.DIF.N WININ ,W OWN IcFN B A RBII7 METAL- A superior urtiele ut STEAM PLANING MILL N7ANH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTOBE. IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS" Carter aillesr3r. HAVE A LAMS BUICK OF THOROUGHLY WA& OM= Ash and Poplar goosing. and Siding, matched aad face placed Pine. Windows, boors, Blinds, Mouldings, lath whit, Shingles, Window IMMO, Door Frames, its, lli they will sell them fir Cash. Baying twoa Woodworth's, Improved Planing Machines and competent mechanics to operate them„ me are proposec to do means Plaamg, Mattblug and Ripping at all times and in S Sat isfactory manner. All orders w ill recsivo prompt attention. Erie, Sept. 211., 1866. 1110. G ILD AND SILN' Eli GOODS. Fine Diamonds and all kinds °Unwary made and repaired by the very beat workmen,- Silver Spoons con stantly on hand and made to order. Clocks and Watches carefully repaired at low rates, and all work warranted. T, iL AUSTIN, Paragon Building, G. F. BILEVELLECR, MANUFACTURER OF Snap and Candle■, Corner of lioUsad and ixtkiStrerts, Erie, Pa. Thankful for the very liberal patrnnage received hereto fore. I would naop,etfidly invite all those who want to bey the above article., of * superior qualtty, to give me a call before purchasing elaewbere. Orden from abroad, acoompanied with the nigh miaow or reference*, will be promptly attended to, end all goods purchased delivered to the ear or witirboosto r afteo of I ale° keep constantly ou band • large amortmenal of N*W CASTLE NAILS, which will be Aoki cheap furbish by Um Mg or larger quaelltiee. Are 4i6.111111.-45...... DENTAL NOTICE. D R. W. H. LUCE, Wattlantana his patrous and the pabite generally that he has frst returned from N. Yttrk WITLI A LARGE AND VALUABLE STOCK, easirraehtg all the VARIETIES OF TEE'l'll Ni INV IN USE with which he is ready to do work iniigkpmrpti He desire, esperiallyr to eel attention to the ruNTIMUOUg GUM WUJIK, •bicb be us prs ► rosl to execute promptly and oisothr. prevent" advatt4sgeo OVER ALL 4 MIER MoDES, allowing 40 mama or PpIICIPO for tha aernmelatioo of food, anal giving to lbw MOUTH A PERFECTLY NATURAL EX- PRMSION, while iainbaertog to the strength of the yoke and al comfort ef the subject. Operations for thy regurr preeareatiou, /11 . 1110 TS i andlacing of Teeth. Sallie satire satiafactkin of al rep l oho desire his proiession al iseeriesta. trio, April 23. i669.-CimA6 IV • SPRING BTOCK OF GROCERIES. JJOIfNSON & BRA )., • Have removed to Riadnerneehro. Ulna, Cornet of State and FM Sbreta, and an. ailing up with the largest and MOM IllnklilliTe Stock of WET AND DRY ORN'ERIM, PROVISIONS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARN, orcr ogrrOd to tins siaritst , sod which will be sold ionishiskly choir. for Cash or Country Product. Call and examine iliere.l3l ea of SUGARS, INIPERIAL TEAS ROASTED, GROUND, JAVA AND Mu t oFFEt Sri) L.IBBEB 4TAR(II. CANDLES. FiWITS, NUTS, WHITE FISH, .MACKEREI, H Ahl. • . BUTTER, • . MOW, ' &c , &c., ate Together with every thing else good to eat Drink, Snuff, Chew or smoke. . . Erie, April 9,•18&W..-.-014. ... Groceries and Provisions. NEW STORE!!! THE subscriber has just opened a RE TAIL GROCERY AND PROVISION STORR, is ./oreeirs Meek, between Eighth and Ninth, oa Shah street, Hots Monslly supplied with the dlikarsat etrM lMa Of s CIONFERN, SUM RPI Tian. FRIJITR„ OANDIitI wins ALBO. Better,'lggs, and Provisions Generally. Special attention ia paid to the latter department. His Stock haw tom carefully se and he cam thosseßns cualldeotly recoossapad It to bis is tea CR" and Owaohy. Intending to:devote his whole ten to the Wai mea, He ke to receive • Wail shams of potroasts— Ile 117 solicits s pio from ladies and ratlPlNfili needing sa ptiota of Groceries or Provisions, Jam- Meat of bin ahtltjJ lo meet sod Wl* them, lEibito 4 isotry Produce takeout azsage for Good tor the stead—we State Street, a low *was kr, lam thiriorser of Nita. weal Ms. ll* sprit 80, PPG. J. J. PINIIIJIY. CASH FOR WOOL ! I haw, aisle Moo uppolistod Arad for tour Ilex. tlimbollauslooturro, end me esabielt to oiler the high• -let pike for a Om* Thrgusa kinds 000 f WPOLOOirI will =b( pawl.. • arie , "/ 211 . / 8604 111 TO THIS ' I A LL THQ§E " Mdebted to polo Itotioot_. Soon; am 1107 itizotrol t =t: on Brno or 4 with 4 11•001111% . eat =Mt 1 I ,tl I. 6 11 ,'M A r iv 1114111111 L—d& It' AL " cO-nialmeall—NEW 711011 v nAiiiith imertst=szatumat ei m UMW DOWN *sir Pxolaeal melitammaiiii wielmoom islatii ‘isseir i r yte sfIMMAJIU UMW kin . 1 . Y‘" 11 0 trio% Aloi& S, 4 5 .016 Jfits kG4r.)Cfl5 ASSO . Mode Toot inn Wit ri, Dello 4 4w,,...,.,...-,, - ,. ..,, , :_;_ t. ',..1.40.414. ' 4 - - --. '. - - . 4 1161La . . I .. jiikohnikw „ ! ..vr Os , ' —a. i . : v i itiqi.k vit . : li l lik i . • eel ,. 122A' ally that ` , :e . "" r SW& vile lean 4111 44 n Duties. a and vassals* ' 840 . iftalli. Ma-- . i . I ' aommusur. t CULTIVA IR TETTE'. ' ' . „ . . ~ All atevollytlttrator Teeth at J. C. SCUM. wit & Eirirrli ER dt• lust )Meeteed haw figlaillitilhia a very tarp Stook of - , -r wisriat DRY Goons, Widele tbey win - eta sf the Lowest Rites Co ,Coe stry Praise. (erreill areepiern et Bete Cowley S' Cit. Bawd. sillapor cool shoes dbe kiesest au metes: The"' here also a geed asodi ai Basta 0641,8bee11. Mb* Drawers, Cloth's& Ste., b, for Este oti tier some tene. Geom./Jesse ebempfies thPasespost for Adt. lb* Ileweba, la*. . . B 0 0 JE - 58 , EVE MagaFides, PkPert Stitticeory, ' WALII•PAPPM • PARE BOW BOOR STORE. a — Loo • IS THIS DAY OPZNYNCI • splOodid ariertmeoll of Sell .04111 Mae Yaps, Matto Ours and tiaseers. Map, Quilleaticlui.aod • pod satiety of SIFUL "lAD oatqAjacirrAL IRTICLZS, su,table for the Holidays. fkirsot Cake Baskets, Tea Gels Pitchers, Silver Cope, Yorks, Spaces, Ladles, NOtia ORM (beautiful us,) Wise ride isteshy. Wat ches. and fasay sat see. Er* Doc, 26. . IRE I FllliEl I FIRE II: . GO TO G. A. 1811CNIGUTDO la asinnee Mee, corner of State and s: 4 ll 4 .iimm d „ Feet, Wrehrs Block, up Marra and pi=pro . H. re preinsW lb. frilling/fag MUOMILIPTIT TIM b fla YVANCB COM PAN Yof Plilladelphis. Aruleed Capltalll4ollANlM. Securely throated PARMEADP UN IrMl l iffli COMPANY, Athena. Bradloed Capital 1,9011009. All paid up d invested. end as security tin the Ineuned .01 }Pruitt T.rb, Due. U. Tub O. A. 11111101ZNY, Ain. JM. JUSTICE IN THE FIELD • AGAIN. I WOULD DAY to oily Moods and tho publio In gamma that I have coomoopood Do Tattooing and Read" !Made listtibia Haildnimi in all its miaow bniadhen,:ts tba IStaint lately occupied by Yr. Cane, on the Public kw" between Brown's H o ist and the Heed House, where I will endeavor to bare at all time a ebony selection et CAMLII2IOIJO I . AND 11112971NG5. w bleb I will make up to order upon abort notice, and warrant to giro satisfaction or rio was. ?aromas to mint of anything in toy line am depend upon being fairly dealt with, as 1 am determined not to make up any goods bet reel as will Kim saillartios. lam making a good sir sortmeot of . . SIA.DY ECLOTHING, which will be d Howie make and warrtinted to be as re, prevented or money refunded. Persons purebasimr for CASH are invited to eel and 'mains Illaooda and Primo, se I ass determined to cell fka to G"rill'lNG done on abort nottee and warranted. Oet. '2, 1866. JOHN h. JUSTICE: J. C. SELDEN'S THE DELAWARE MUTUAL INSUR ANCE Mil/PAN or PEILADICLPILL ARM now do tonabises on the Mutual plan, &tag the la sand • la the pinata 61 the Comps ny, without lisbdity keypad th• madam paid. Risks span the Lake. sad Casale hisered as the Mad bmershle isesa. Lamm will be Itherally and promptly iflre risks on ineretiandise,badlsre and other pro tardy In town or country, fors limited tees permaningly. . DIRECTORS. Joseph H. Seal, . Jams C. Hand, ThoophUse Paulding, Jolla C. Dar* Robert Barton Jobe Garrett, Hugh Craig, daratiel Maar* = Lawrence, David B. Stacey, iiiillig, law R. Davis, William Ulna, 11701saa' Hay, Dr. S. Thomas, Dr. R.R. M. Haateri, Jolla likilvaaa, . Gimp Sorrell, eil l i J. It Hdintrd Destitute'', ' Job" B. Piarova, J. Cl. Johnson, R. Jana Brooks, Rdmovid Alvimisr, WI. MAIrIIIII, Prowl. Artiman S. Sitirmarta, Swill. 1112 r appliestion ME be nada a Riia. April d, WM J. KELLOGG, Asyut, Brie. GREEN, BLACK AND SYRUPS, lUCE, SOAP, CODFISH POR K. AT D. r. grisitax. firimietwrJ Mr* Feb. 11111, NEW GOODS! SPRING AND MONMER MILLINERY. 3f its. M. MEM, , softwood of MILL I th'g- TMlrr ib L". 1700 4 a, Log of groat variety of WWI* sad COLORED STRAW SONNTES, BLOOMERS, And Obildlores Ras of gluey style, Blokes Hoods, Noy. /Se, te, Gibbons, neerurs, Rubes, Cam Head Dream, Ahesandres Hid' GI Ilutihry, Lose V•11s, Fees& Cermetts end Bletstis lfata 01. of ell Mods fest rale. beeidely. ltsksescienisseh LH" Applipisaued Trench Work, Collars, Mows. les *LIAM LIM supplied $* Guido; It wholsesale ;Also, Maur Bousiet Bleaddsp sad Pressing dove In the beet manner; alsw,Blrnw Botamot•esioeed Boob, Brown sad Meek. Spell 9, Übe. MM. K. CURTI& _ _ CROCKERY 'AND GLASS IA'ARE No. 12. Empire Block, by & BENIIETT 4111119, 11149. HARJ WARE. ROG ERS AND BEN NETT, Have the Largest mid Net; Selected Stock of [EMI NAILS, AXLES, SPRINGS, ANVILS, AMES, SHOVELS AND SPADES, . NAILS, PIPE'BOXES, WASHERS,' SAWS HORSE RHOLS, BA.MODDISTVW . , HARNESS TRIMMINGS. & PLATED WARE lit fact altruist every thing Remember the Old Stand. EMPIRE BbOCH; No. 11 sad 12, *ate Spept, Brie. llla. April Q. UM. RUM FOR SALT. THE SUBSCRIBER Olken bar 6411 a for Sala, on mannable taros. It la situated orW-halt twee X Bowie lite County, Pe, and tooted& FORW-211X11 scree of land, thirty 01111 at width ate ander a good state et latprwreworat. Thom awe two largo lam on the pre. also., one 70 by 30 and Os other IP hp 10, the whole well watered by never lallity Sorbets. I' or Nem apply to thoodnedint in AnrilD, 11110.-44.00. LAVIN I YMMILD. BRASS A Ilita - rititriarßY. REMOVAL.: The wobealber nanoesd alum AND BEL PONNINriIw Annerkas Meek, one door West et Netter and Warms, . ea whenthe new will be Itappy . io an all kW ell Osetemara nosy fie w m*w_ht hie this. Iris, Aprll ogee 111111. ed - RI, . r //W 6o of a. •, .71 71 Et* Feb. 0110: [pia /1110 87°c6111. Itembill;P: _ER Monday, Aptii 4 th. ,fujetr ?SW Piteaeoger pales will iICIJINBLA N D. • • igkn.• sr iiigitent 5am14 9 1., %Vial*. ft IL.lhaskitit I 47 P. IL; SO P. 946 P. N. Night Iggprera 'hate atm* at Pahtestitlo, Aahlakada and tiges soil *MT.. at E r r I I 5 Y. .4=gbtk 3 ;fit, r atdpl~➢l~'lYnvavill.•, Mali eta, eri, MVl , Mali w ilitrilr . ok write, at 1•• • • ;igl l s , Bus. 12 WW( 1141 1 1 1M=7. 1101 i arrive at A. T WI A. I. >Yaii iotaS i tt an Trey Statleoe exempt Saybrook. Satan Perry, Meador and Wirkliiir, sad arrirecittiort at 11 00, A. Y. 1 a* P. N. Saimaa 'Praia abort at Ohio* Conoravrt. AA. tabubtaati Pittaresilleealy,and arrivas at eh reined 500, P. IL Day freight balsa, teat aad Nast will bate l'sogenret Car atleshod. sail will dop" at all Stations. All the through trains siting Weattrand, assioret at Cierrhami with balms toe SoWo, Chlogp,olosewthlto.i'lo eisatti, ate ka. _ MI too through trains gums F.aetword, manful at Dun kirk with the tattoo of tie N. V.l Kris Railroad: and ni Buffalo with the N. V. Couto! and ituthik, sod N. 1 City Itedimedr. NOTTINOTIAII, EtoraintrtMent Ormeland, Aril 4. IV& _ _ NEW YORK £ ERIE R. It eII:LANGE IfOLTItS, COM of TV(' 140241).4Y, SYBIL 1.1669. twins trlil st %heat Tit: Eastward band—Depart. New York Express. Mai 1..... A ... . S OSi A NI Chaelimed express. .. .:'. ; . .4 l 4 r a Night Express -- -- 4 I . r a Stock E.... 4 :w ., a 186. l Freight 1i1... ' . ll4 .. Fretzht No. 4 . 4.. 1 a Night rapreas True 1:11.1• i 0 fl .tug M .. will remain over night at Elmira, eta t.r,......... ... t , einciati riper.rr l 2 ooday toorruoe CHARLEs tliiit.a le, P., • t ' Dieskirt.,lllirreb 19, . 1111111141 WIRE 5 1M NEW OMEN T. O N sod after If ouday, A p w ril m 4,zd a. f: oi, ~„. LEAVE ERIN. 1 XI A. M., Night Ms stops at Wsothekt, flunk, rk, 01l ant pat Ilottalo at 4 45 A. M. 2 i P. stops at North 'last, State Line, Quicwk , Westfield., Salem. l►aaklrk, Fll‘..xrefl. It nil 1 r 3 in arrives at nundo at a 20 1' 11. 7 00 I'. N. Clansman Ramat., stops at W. 4t.t...7.1,1.u.. It Irk andSihereieet , arritea at Cud. 6 10 20, A NI ?be abort trawl sonneet .t Dunkirk :mil Buffalo with Expert trains N: Y. 41: E., sad Now V ., k C e ntel Foal Road. 1000 A. 11l Mall, delta at Stubs Contr., Iri ,1, or Creek, Iltaitklr.k, Rabin, Pht.• at 1 40 P. M. 00, P. Y. Night Exprtsas stops at ?1:1, r Cm. t. Dl] F.l - 111 400 Westlidd. anises at Eno at I.: 30 1. 11 00, A. 11., Boston Yawata, stops at I„ Itaa kirk, Neattitl.l and North East, art ti. - at Ft . A. X. April 1, Is4o. U. N. 111WW . K., Supt Cleveland and Pittsburg IL R. TIME TABI. t E.—To TAKE Evyt:i . r MONDAY, AP ML 11th, IRA if AiliS Ira.. i 0... laud daily—Bitadays eacepted 10.00 A.M. Mailer Pittsburgh aud 4.66 P. M. Areerromodatlon it% rfql I. I, tltla .ti 9.16 P. M. Wipers fer Pittsburgh bud M h...00r The 10.00 A. N. sad 9,25 P. M. trams!. wale direr! nieatiorie with Note& It. R. hit Battallorn, 1%1114.1. I I I 1, New York sad Duster, Alto with tialtim..ft R. for Baltimore and Wsahinigtoa CAty. 10.00 A. p. train AIN eonan-t. at 11 t1,1•..n AI and 11Wendergilk. 3. N. it tt 1.1.4,rcif - n o R. F. MYNAS. Cr... Todret Ard. 43 KNOW ALL PERSONS T HAT THERE IS (IN SALE (11E11' AT RA) ON'S PRAC : HES, Ch«rri, r . t "en. Y 1.4 Toznatoempio Prenb 0.,• Frt.,t, dROCRRY ,served in At, Tight TRRSiI RAISINS, Cumuli, tt - - DIEM" i ron, rig% Lenora i Awl Nat. fn -- 1 riots Mods. YEAST CAKES, (for lined Irmo LA prepared weakly by an EngbFli AT HANsowsof tbb city, 'mauled th. br.t T. -1 • {in ann. SALSRATUr , Caste of TA/tar, 4 Lr• bonaled and Hal Sod% ' , orb., - and !Babbitt's Baking Power GROCERY- Bacearoni, Tarnuctlia, Fat r(n„ co ;eon, Baker's Chocolate awl thowa, lenge and Oatmeal. Salad Ihi ie . AT BASSONlalatid mutit botthva, Vugiutey Catnip. Woratober.bire ranee sad Flavoring' Evlrarty, DANIMI.LIA C 4 )I , F F CAM. 04 I. :of C.6b pant. ground Java t olive IFI AT HA NSOIT'S 3 pound Carts or b 7 the *yogi. pootoi, 'Jim% limbo, Rio rani nthyr coat e*, 44100, Raisnted Coate; Imperial Hon lie•wmig 1,117•.1, .11411 II Pens. Hyson,Rtin, Oolong anti the BlabAT BANK ) " TOILS, of Dupe:riot. quality, by R.: Lox or on MAIL AL:GARS— Crumilw!, mtliaLea. Powdered Wla fie nod 1 Alt, • Co/1.-, AT HANSON'S! New Oeleftea and Porto Rfr anrgr. SYRUPS a NOLASSI:S.- 1 4 414)44 4)r leans anal Porto Len Iluta..ars a :1.1 u ga*_gbt". 8 1 ) /1 0 . A T 11 " gn " TUBAODUIP—rhip•Tior ri no Cid t Cheri ng and amok g, lAtvitak 411.11 tn.! Natural heat, Anderson'. Folaco , , bat we moat otatr—the Printer rant afford we more apace mow—tut We hnntlreth pert h .1. not bre. told you. rbaps we guy rename the sutoret next week, bat datet wait for that hat emue and e.r., and a oh the Qneen of the South yen will be lett to earls. at, "The half haw not hers told roe " DON'T YO/i(ili? TII E I,A 'F . Er* Jas. Mk MS. _ S . . PIKE's Pure - Ohio CetiOrbs Brandy ! THIS BRANDI - brut been snanutertured for N. 1 . - loral 5 n from the PURK JUICK of the CATAN IIA ORAPR, thus affording additions!' mirleure of th.. mid American gnterprise and Industry, and of on, ability to prosily* articles at house coal to those nmde by an other nation. OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY not otsly !Salk the beitaser rted Bramble to eurltv and savor it (a, fit airs, Tat EST BRANDT RNtitili. THE stotement Ss fully corroborated by the rerttfleoterr o f oar moot distinguisbed analytical Chemists The want of PC RIL BibtAhDl has Mug been 14.1 t in thlt country, and the Introduction of an article of mach it: so to supersede the sale and 111.1. of thou. rile com posed, hitherto sold ander the name of Brandy. ran only be regarded as a great public good. The C.ATA Ur - BA BRANDY all the good qualiti** claimed (or the best Imps Liquors, and is of perfect I.uritr and m pertor Sneer, and • saiessign and mire Tenney for Dyspepsia, Flattotacy, Cramp, Cholor, Languor, Low Spirits,GeneralbolAlity, Cholera ll,,rtai, Ay, NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. RETAIL PRICE $1 • PER liirETCE , Eir Head the following rtiflente from Cherie' , T Jackson, Mesa. State Aseayer ton t 2". 1 !, STAYS A 4841101 1 .11 W. 62 O . II7 XSIFT I hereby certify (heel hare his Jai mule - r Ist 111,1.1 analysts of somple of Catawba Brand 1' ai I it, I.y G. Simmonds, Pp., and that I hare found tor 4.111 Iteruting ingredients or Improper substance. to it. r pore brandy spirit, with the URUILI coloring nil au•clirtue matters belonging to brandy 1 would commend It for autttleinal usso. CIIAS. T. JA, 11. D., , State Unta3er eM will he euppltod irettfolt to the Arzettt. I.ItWIN, Age.nt., STEEL, SPIKE, VICES, BELLOWS, ROES, &groans &alma. otteitlng thL with a atuaU bottle gratL, upon ap Dee. 4, 1888.-41m30. 1.. I. A Erie, Ps. CUTLERY, FAKERS PENCILS of all Collo oro. to twenty five eosin, - the Post Office- d. I. T T IN, DIPPE; Roots k DItiIiNICTI EIM IWO lb. a% Li r h Drag Ttotb, for al. by Moth 12, 1 r SKI.IIF.N ALWAYS READY. OW. sod other etienufam ore ..1 190,01., Kre velalrAt TE WASH BRUSHES: 7 :A very hap Stock epr sale low by . Are a. CARTitlt R ORO. SPICES of nil KIM*, it No. $, Wei bt's Block. April 9, pliti. lICCYYAN, KUPI(I k Co. elAidi paid to Wheat, Rye, Corn anti IVielli.City mull' "^"ni e l . we . H. B. IiaTA_CIL V. Mtttr rr . ~ _ ... . lON OF PARTNERSHIP. Miamikip EN%lame 'Wing hetirown fib. mew the shwa glad lAA, WHLIDDICIA, HIM Waal re, haabeea We dy diasolvd by mutual eau rgad ... tha arimba nbseN__Lmitiminy 4 sad lbsalueap le 11111 1 1=4 ., • no% blot i llillitall I Co, who i I. .P. , ,er r 4bmea oily appealed Arai to tb:# l ad ed. dim at th eir formAr o, Ei l :eall allellldd billops with th ole* jus . I. it" " W k .. reiter.. " j . ~._—___ ~ isti.i. Hessurt, 4 Ittio, swum 4NO--lneli JOll nmeAnuq, 151; 0 410, Ap_Apl)ER. wiWorn juijapilAWlS POW "swats. ;vas a quaDiArproigh w wlt! fanuah at kw Welk I. UM • •, • • cairn a no.; d [road. BUriALO & ERIE R. R. LICA YR BUFFALO EClt==== and Grads, at prier. brim bp bad at Altl (XI April 2, Dian NER, Agt., D SiIF.ET !RON %I( )11,k AND RIZTATI. DKAI.F.R IN USEKEEPINU UTENSILS, Japiniwil, Tin and lh itannia Ida of State SL, lani worn 4th & sth ill etbeyg Ivor! &rt. mu *h u rl AP Wow mull hurter ught 111 k 11.44 of Th. 'lmewlegugte. HE FARMERS 6 t . trf; RHYMES' VI kirit ttlfit rai4 “tattly4l . ifLir ottwr 4sy, h I t .. With,.t.' • . And brier • load tines 0,. airs, To 11. tittorwittit: Alutted,A ' , toll • A 4 tan. Awl gt.t ' A .11 , IOW." ni,/ !rosin berme , At Il.tuviAir Wietpha. l n l a6bentfr. asp, r Gnd, And ntllnr r tt. 1., 11•044.-p , ...a* editor* asil-Alttod Witt, grprtiA)Oa 4.11. MP* 6,r my Awl ..hAwn )ou 411 that'. t.. 1.• it...tali*" taws.. icrwt • Witorkri. Am.*, nil.' Th.. I.r i It. i . ;. , , Yar trlttAir. ray 'fir old W !VA nt his podt . l..Aat AAA, *MI 10 ,1 4. ••• Tn W tit ow.f! -pint! awltrreAt, At It/watenotot e.0.m., a Mb and mune if. hru . Uar. 1. 14, /.....nn.-44). At the old Stand m r I i 1.1 IT Betweeen Brown's Hotel* Reed House, 11A6 oN 'HAND N I, 11:4;k: 1:-.111ZTA1 ENT br 3 al pi, newortment of anypee, and :met ren anon Ape. smart, t • . ( l as . u . ~! •1. r y ayrneket kniveit, , ilnitaata alLiell Us Sad Ten-* 1, ....and Tableerponatltraas, Popper, nree I n and arnatteKeli. Oath abo, s Wage ansorunent of Japan of all Linda, and the twat:none .. meat Teatrays, to ¢rfgnftunha p s sad JAYS. atan, !us, Cgline Mtiln, Corp 11A.pers, K rra. Plat tent's, haVela mad ToSts; yowls, (n.i Ileda, War blamed.. ititoovele, :+pattea. lbws Tolntu 11..1., I F 0..; Titba, nip Baths and Tnt,•, Illofrionatura, Mai/k.el Pattlit.A. •• re•.rer, wo.). ; übspe .4 all •linocriptiona. biaal I ea•l. 11.1.1 .• `1 rntAtbr. Yinve rip , and ER. 0 •1 4 . 4, anal Pumps, a tin I.AIIII a, %Yalta - UPOICri, and tate 11u ! airt sr! Sltilyardo, ?NA and Iron. twe, Casolleethets and Latileao Table ,u I taL /I.,,auere : 4 140••1 and 'long.'s Stand. a M To' let WT'.. Tea ltella, Tumbler t i ra3 Nouse and Rat ?raps Naals, :I 71 . 1 ' lA. IN V. r no•ierok, I.: .•lef •, I t. ("0 -, Tler•, Fr. to It Coffe rota, 1.,/ • bon . •nrl Ilaneirrea, with : 44. 1(114 1 . .1 Ire 12,1 r .p 1.111). J.r1 , 01D5 1:.x, r •1 .1.. ti wx. harle.• 'or 0.•:• 1 ab a: , • -: • r. ..or. 1.'' , 4 • Yntin . 1111VRYHY. G , ! , FT' f! 7 ‘. f !!1-• ‘l'l„>r Taunt & Bristol, Fr uvi r rrh .1 ALi LIP/K.IA e; ("LAM .1 • `..' trri N 4. 01 IL AI"IJ.NTLUN To TLIN. MAAR: . 1,, • ‘,; • ♦e,.t., •., ',•1 0 ; and, mniatvg our irtmrk k k n-• .•1• rk nfl to tlr• •rtnel ridilf•kt tratk, •01 ■r.• t Ilth.r u,► .44.11.11ki. ►n . ralrairitit seatiftle rd Karesit.ort, nup•nor .i•tvautairta , or ..41..straiceg the belt .111klitt , 1,11 tu t 11 4:1411.. 11 • •'. kat l•tIr 1%. k ., • , kkk 1.•. t lenlNr• 114.11. rt netish, la6•d 10.111.. r. prttnrnn, rTA lark..l. It-a..ltanetit .•f i• 11,11 T ill; AND .1111111()Ii..... ‘„. 1 1, !,U. ..n I lull cs lan& „ Allt.c; 4N 1 r %ALM I, coAK sine 1•0.74. %% I ,o;1, tI A l,u6F. nord 1l IN7I I t icl' TAM F 4 , I ♦l l 3 l ' l- 1 1 s 11 to 1• '} " ' 11 11' x= . I 114112', I I" K 1 KITS, 4.1 P 1 1 11.111/1 1 .11, ( A,114.4, 11 A 1.1,1.1 • 1 cirNi;f7, ' ^, - lc "I , { F -. ' -1.\'.1 1 . 1 c kr] \ I 1 1 11 \ /•1 1. .1 1 1 1 1 • • 1. •••„' 11 1 s CH =EI Mattresses and Spring Beds. • . r• Slafinvolt , . R A n I r • 71 r. I'VT A ittiNTOL. - _ N I 1.11 . I .4 %/, rT/ :I 111 nir TII F. 111 VI till Vlt IVA TV. lIILDSPITAL. kid 3111 LB tA.4.i f or tat- ..1 ri .1; I N 1.4 f Ina I llnkoah •• t I 1 • n •` II II , al, I , y Dr. k I Rok,,C )Ibro eon or of Maio and ALL /a:1 , 4/11U 11l 1 r t .4. .n+. • 4 I hil.t IMk•i its, tut, • ! r••-- I•• I rt • • •••• 1,,11) NV mi.. pi,. e. in n In • r1(1.41.1• I L J -eri ri.rloin!hr n•:L 11,1 ,. . • 'IC 'l4 01 N '1111.1% T %ht. I'.IILTII 1. 1.1 IC NOTICE • I 0-, =1 Zit* a• t.l •.• 11 , 1 •.:. : I • ' 1•••• ww• :.1 :tr t • ..l• ;I rot titot t or. 01 5t.1.1111.1111 Weakt" ‘D• .k.,1111. I t..t ~ to al I ti f t • $lO.l, . w11..••1., • . k: Itl UKD iII 91 It 1. tF r it 1E. , . T. Illpt.tnl to t. nool- *ll tr.on loal+its of A...,.1rc „,., • [ •V•stese, .M•rntu.,r 0 ill. 11,, , , : ••••111 , t1 ••rt,i'foo , lat lett, .: 6 ,1 a : 6 , j• •• •... "at t 611•666 .6661, ;,• 1p 1 - 64••6,t of up 111111,i0 H 51•1 7 .1 V 1 1 11.' r•• 31•4:. 0,. •••Islui prs• l (lit,: W %Rl{ 1 'IT} R. / i I.• A‘III •A: 1)S hnto .I. 1.01,1 th eir pt•• , ,tiaii l ui, .... • k t .•..... ~.,... a. / , L.,- ' ..“ % N on.. 6;.;1: 6. r. 61066) 1 . 6 6. •.,,,nontly .. • t•I • • - •1. , !r••1 tr. \ tone, t , Ih r fellow . fully bln.t.t. . &LA 4 I at. ! 4ty ii• k al , 1.414....., by I c,,,, , n, • .....a...., , -, -11.• %1....1 , . b. 1, ~,, 1...,, ~,,,.,.. 0 %, :0 , :1 • ,- . Fl t •‘' • '...irti , ...a , ~. i .!_at Ivey 1.,-. ..xt.n-1, '444 1 •, Itvttlitlr - Into lll.ll.)lll4kl,l,ll,^infor ti,lu& o,iniad at, ~,, on , 1... r ~,,,d alit 001 .. traIIIII - ll'n LI/ ill.. I tto L1.,•1 di. i •r..- , . l • .V..'•, ' I! .1 hart 11 . ..c,...,-1., I tait..4" 1 . ,1 , 14.•:T.1 1 1ty , • fl.. 1r rrines4ion en.! r,t0.. ,- .1,1. moil Ilkolt.A. enynrintd, Vau , illat lb.. todert Lot- t .froo and truhgri,ant. t.rm , .. ,4 , 14..... ..,ul.l sittioat Ai wa). I. lisp ed 1.4' • 1... Of it.. (..9.61.1 1 / 1 : &111. • 1,110r14,‘... 1 , eg et. r •1,, , ,'T ,^..-1. ' r.V.1..0 I 1.• •Imebt, there ..,lll. ,1`404 . ) -t ,td 1.,,,,,. u r ~ :,,,, ~, ,i 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 ,. t, t , 1.., t. el lon id t .1..1' nu 4.-„, 1, -.n t., .4 4 .tllll.l slid I au . ,/ i , .., ../ I ,A?..A. , •'' ~ 1 .14 ' yr r• MM.,. Ilt II if 11 '1 .11 1 ' ,' I - orlrll •. n ••• .1 , i• ~,,,,, lit ppr.,X At , •& -I Ntl4, • IX, ...ill 1••• predgetly ..;,. I. L... .n it .: td• ind,,sdua'a; Atd, . r 1.,- rr' , 1 •,.• ,• 11...i , ,t1 - I •-•:•• , •••r, , • 1 , 8••• s , ••• latt4n, It 1 111... , att..,1101.. !int aro To trait) 1 , „ &4 1 & 11 e.,. 1•11,..• 11••) ..,• ciatt.kairoly •• • ..yeal IZIEI I. .1. , Mac «tu .1' IM, pr 4 vonty lit to•• 4,1 Ver.,' Al am ;Art . th.o Iv `.rl tnaT I, turcalitiallf 4. / I, tl. ,P• 0 , ~: , 1 . •• l .. a.l . .t. it 1a..., ix ;tit A,•10 .... iO. 114 0 ' , I , & .0 ‘. mils, .0 M. ,000 ancrQuay otr..,r, 0 . t• , ,.• . \ 1 r4..4, 144. —l,Na •• . r ha. at A1.“1 .- ;AM A \ n 1 \ k CO, C k 1, 1'1.N I :I Ti 1111.•, , ', , lrir'•• ••••. ••• r`l 'rrrTrrer +lock of earpobtr 1 - 1•' aI, .0111.4 ,1)1 1, 11,01111114 It (ha' MortV,l•ll •- • I V.. .1 4 31 , 1.1)EN, Clocks. Watches, Jewelry and FaUcy Goods. \I k I I.;\ l'atagi,ll 1;011.101,,, /tate r ••,•• • • • • • , 0 he, that a line Reettrlinent .41 1.,1 • . .:• 11., r 1 le are a, 11..41 nod for sit ip• pt..,••, In abort 10 eltt Ili 11.• it it ? .1,•• •• 10.0110 can r•Treer U. enn.;.efe In p•ver. *hart f krivlntt a" at that, (oods, h.• to .1) tl ,texary, 1.. h.."11,11logIMP hog .11;4 To!. 41.1 11, 'Or rslll , /I, e te rmer mar k et It is heo•l.t. r propo.+l IC.a .10t. 1411.‘1111110: 10 HP. al k In t.• I .11•111t1 t , lrt, p u r,b. a... vannl all .1, :MM.• liMNis in his bac 'toping tent, *err; i•ol• e, lie the /-n lard, LL, htht.• t• tint. I. at lb. I'm - No, Fn., March 1 . 2,1•4 C.— ERIE CITY MILLS! 11 I. it r: I. /4. AN I I 11l .!I.IER Flour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed, STOVES t .1••• 1.1.1 ,lAI 11.. •••. ,• 11 o,k, • 1442 gen/ .0.1114 of the m.l : :1 r. t , 1, •11, et, st here 1 have r • tml VII 11.14 I a( ofm, viz, I Ste,. a 1..: /11., than and .. , horta, Corn, 10, 1, , kr ,111 r•• !deli will be wll,l at thy Ingroot ma r ket raer, , tru4 4 , f, to 1 , Do. I .I,lll"grtni s Clair. /a ( • 11 I I I It 1111 I:II.4ITT('K. SEWING ISI.A.C/Ell=B. R LAT U.l ii(i Al NS. I LT Th. S mt...., , IMP ;V t , •I tiitic•c• & ( , Mlle! It entrntsls many fart told Ow Tailors oar, whirh I oil on time, pith poods•cority. • bervab . _ . W. L. tit:OTT, A LIBTIN'iI, Paragon Building I) - A ii ii I TO Do* OokitOLt targ• C .r.. to IV at et (.1 !Slid r the Spring Trot. . • for twenty of .Orin and rt..vpn.. n. 11611111— I enamel be eurldaseal -- , ------ DANDELFNE corFEE. pri= i7 Tl, nilgirial And genuine a, sooetel.ratn.ll , otil Ma beirrageaud a romedyfar and whiel, ynm many pni,nio. asni familimt would as are to tuba to ate.l nr Wo, J. a or lAgo tray to 00 bad bulb, New Drug Storr 01 April Si, IcSiti CADTT:bI & DUO. 1 :MIN' P I AL . !, .11. TSI " 1 ---.--- `i r rAP k - White Lead, Di-, mad ,la Oil. variorum brau.l and qualiDea; aim., WiC,lirki,4ll4of Yransa& sad Amerienti numnittetere, RAW AND IiOII.RD LINISRA3 I 1.114, VRN mu* UA L Fran/kw:id Amorinan Tnnew Debra, G rvrifo' 4 various Shades Iktr SWAP: sad In Abort *very thing to the Our al Reuse, Ship, Carriage, Sign nr Ornatrousitat Painttq, WI be had at the itraraif 11044, at tbeiltbovatior April il, 18415 , t;ARTY.R k BRO. REF/ NLI) -CIUAL OIL • Scrynos 11111,11 due' reelel ,, e4l IA the Droi /tore of Jane i,1,40. t. T. IN k LOVIN. GRP') 10 Tons Art.% Ciei'nll Stones and Mind Ston anoquitlor tabs by ntglift;',s,l. 4. 0. MUZAK. 1101,p ( ; i g rl , •, gTovEs, ,ve It AI.; 1: 1 .1 ~ 11.\ 1,1 1 MEE X , 141. , T v• I vri It INv ENTioN illE MIMI ( 111 7`.1"1: 11.111. FLOUR AND FEED STORE, Kr , ..„lpr I 14..1. I W, April J, 1 , 50 41 U St* Ilan+ 12, I,all n.. l :,t r ift iojtofrrnio TH E SQ IRV 11RIE, PA. P riBLLIOTT; Proprietor. i is LARGE ANT) ELEHA NT Iliqi Hs* torn thrornahrtay repainol and ...40,04 jape" *pm Sol , OIM/Mliptips of punt,. ; Board by Mg AIN. Week w ll.lO Ft ma de terms, the Propriii,or pledyohy huh , . '1 so rffrt shall he tottatinyttyme "-war Rah. , rortioi} Dinner or ithllitie*WlWlhotlflto oarotmooditfoun at lb,. li.. ow moa n s;t.. how other to Um dtr sad tip diary% Wawa ' Ottani:Jr stiorlsofl *two mgt. f.,..., • llamado oaabuto Itod alteignoe bootleto to tat, b., of their taunts Way h , IASO trtro YnIT WISH to goo the latest styles and 1116,1441148pri0c Ra to HAVE 4 k T Yt)U WANT •Sas elhollni, Dart, Elvin Cloth, or an, th or damp In nwwruiog , trlivehog, or Fancy prise 1.,. Jiro to the arr Tv) \'o) I: WIITT Jur • aupaisser forty inch °lngham the he wortly, go to rho BM. Hi., OR IF YOU a pretty Foulartle or Ratner Mks at re, .•, . • or • bosatedeowitO RS To. Other t{o 4. HAves it PAT) \ • IF Tot' WANT Pedlar*, floods at Wholesale, go to lb.. =Ca Eznama fio* Ai, YOT.' WANT CeonterpaliA, they have th e Ilenwthee Hone, r lty and the Lanenater t et the DEE I 1 rr E KEEP the beet mice of Sloglifh, flprnian and krt , Hosiery, al the figs HAYES 8 JoRDAN igen, the genuine Salon Kid Clanywa - , and Kid Gauntiortn. 'Dr ATF.S . tt.TORDAN II 1 lumen a Intl line of ftrocatela, I for Upholateeera. riAY F.:•4 k. .F 1 - keep a thole. Static of Window Ilrape• GTO THE Itf:E HIVE for I.lanen Sheeting., and Pillow Caw. I 'Tha I'SIA rxA HI Ilueluebneks Uhl* latneene.Napkind ltr TII E 6LP ER.I 4 8 Spring *in for Stet* 10 Pprlng lilkhrt for ft 100 11 Spring Skirt for 126 Can be round only at the Kn., April :10, 1039, MUM HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHIL A 13 E .Z 5 EV 0 LEN T INSTITUT! , ,' NotattHam.] by special Itatimrsiebt ger tb• &kW! o , Yiek &uI liistremed, 0:Wet...1 with YI2t'LEIT 4k EPIDEMIC OISEAsE. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, In view of tlic • dectructioo ,of hunlim life eanaed b riezuril dricasi tri, deceptions practiced ni on ILe uafortaoat. .r, Cud, , itorase• l.y Quaeka, reveral yowl. sAo Connultiog Surgeon, as &ClllltlTAßl.k AUT 01.1 their name, to open • Phipensary for the triatcni, rim. of diaeacee, In all theft Stems, and to girt Ili I•it Air% ICE lIRATN to all vibe apply by letter, criptiou of their ernditioo, (age, Demolition, and in caw of catteme poserly, ti. it I M rtirp 11F CTIAEGE. It Is or. .1 that the Ali aochation cotomaods the highest Scow. of tho %ire, xtatl vi al furnish thr Inapt • treat went. The Inrectore of the amociation„ its their ant.ll.l I poll the treatment of sexual diseamil, capes. hrghnt aattafactioo with the raceme whirls has arts the lalorn nt their liargeons in the etre of Spein I L.. a, Seminal Weakness Gonerthrra, Glort, the vire of Onaniern or Self-Abaft-, limeareft 1.1 Ile net's And RIA , Mee, ete., and Order a run *moan.« name plan br the entreat g year • The Directors ou a review of the peat, feel amie rod their Inhere In !Lk sphere of benevolent effort hav d great be••dt to the attleted., eapodally to thre sud they hate resolved to devote thildaPiireft, mined anal, to this very impeetant and An admirable Report on SpPreesten. Weaknets, the memo( Onaniant. Abase, and other dimanee of the Sexual Conitolting Surgeon, will be omit L envelope.) FRES OP CILAIttIE, on - STAXM for peonage Other Itelmrta r nature end treatment of Sexual d ronntAntly bring published for g ntl on. t and ail! l.r wilt to the afflicted. me 01 the s.• dice atid ntelhicts of treatme diarevert.l pant year, are tot peat valor. Address Inc Report or tr t 001014 TON, Acting : 4 V South Ninth Street, i' y order Gam. 1•1 aril 1 I a., ly 41. - hu.k thq n.t h r tb li P. 11 laillir.l4.l v. 1 .41 h♦ aper Hanging, With Neatness and DispaUc b. uu }much strt-el, beat Fourth, eppopas J.. 1. • I •riwutrr x. 1101.. A 1.4.14 I • 114 w, ll•reh 2A, lea. -42m3 A NTIIELMINTIc WAFEI W owns. NII g ITC 'Our chaava sauae.roue arid u•.•... ortu bledtclues, •I,eu you hare tbia prereta•. Sugar • They contain no Calumet, or sub nits loped teats, but are purely %violable. and 4.1.14e1 w rrtmr 111 tittle they riot, and I/MI./we il.r ' in alt meet. Beware et 11:Mishima, and pureLati • the celrbra;ell • A irtheltnintic lA:Arra for V. Of t 111 1" are the only original and only pa. and reheat, confection now in tame. .old In Erie, No. Wan b 19, ISLV:-41 8A1.1.1% 11 - 111 .1NI) 31.1N11(04)D dimit' s Jr . i r ed rx t - :ll.rtra, .:::: e tth T to h,,..u.atio, , p....t pala, on trcelpt of Mee slang. Ate al toe, on at e yineal ISZAZIIII4. sad 4 , r. the fringe, (leased by Self-ikee," lafeelioa e. tewsredue evesseyeaseee qf Macey. hp. IL J. cid M. Jl. , member of the Royal ['allege of ' .. tVe tom '6 torrhma or Seminal Esulanioaa. Gen.:, . Nervouo art y, Impotency, Loan of Energy ! 1 , 1 , • of 6pirita, That ity, inseam of tbo eamml Orgao., , ten\ Impediments to amino, me promptly and rare,. world by the &rialtos, novel and 0111114 t aneeermei m •e. treatment, by wtea/re of which the Invalid ran - : pri.ilne health without having mecum.. ta .!ft! star. raperlellee Mordieitl4ll. •.' i From tht4 c optlori Lancet. ) The heel heath ever . er nen on a aut9ect of ~1 portauce to ell, welt worth the author's malted rr• lion. A .htresa, the Publishers J. 46 t4XLINE Alfa., 1.1 A i • 9t tor. 1h aimed . root hoz New York tit) ...arch. Lta, 1859.-12.3 m. VI? I K. STY MUTITA ' _LA ASIA COMI'ANY. itteOriXn (tied in 1839 ehat-ter Per i • ' Property lasured Agaboat Lem by Fire for nu 'Term obi sacredly tire years. Policies issued upon the deposit of Premium Not.. ■pon the payment of tbo usual Stork Baba None, sr out the liability uf a I smitten Note. - Loren paid • out litigation. One salt only tug *Ter been bentiglit lust this Company. ThiMhoepesay ts nstriviy free r • debt, end is a safe berm tnatihMion. DIRECTORS. James C. Marshall, C. M. Tibial., Wm. Ir. Rimlerm.. S. Smith, J. Tammerly Jor. W.lltorrrn, S. I'. Kepler, Thos. /I oorhold. Jacob ElAnoms, Georg« A.Lihot , E. Babbitt, Wm. U. Says, J. N. Justfee. OFFICERS. J.. C. %I • mn Al I Frvirt. . JONAS G11X19071, Se , Gs... ♦. F.s.i.vrt, Tres& olSee, In 11.40 re Osnnedeni ik MeOmar; Law Claeafanie Erie, Erie, April N, 11M. 'S AT I('P I L ' B C Eizatirolp 'lTaigeotsbialc, : 71nne, sad Aleir.Dis, frr toe., tuna, Costscentss, ihartiers, Drry. , • Jestrisher, &awe, leltAe Stegaark, Afeetenl” • Ms Law, wad ansiegesenw, qf Balm. Swaim dreseraly. NOS W in Kai, ky 110. BALDWIN. No. I B**4 l areit 1859.;= ADJOIDIRIVED t4ALR OF VALIIVILE REAL ESTATE. THE following desirable City rro ) . ' Will be sold at the Market 110111111. on Setup... • ~ loth day of Jobs Wit , Illt. le (Meek, A:11.. via 1. 1 very valuable boatmen. Let booting 0nt1... N., nide of the rum'. Square, between the Seed H. .• '. ' 8r01•11 • 1 Holtet,..beriog a front of 90 Ord rh" lad,. ' Public/Aquae, sail a lib, front on Mb Street, n u • • =1166 feet from maid Square to Fifth stn. s erected a laurpp Ibtbe story flame bow,' . fororder and POMP. 12110 a su l= r erv a l i tich n io l l o m r' ~• aa asa ba rasa, r 'l ' remise. on , •••,,,,• retofore eouttuatelef not at the rate el $ ^ c arruana, which way be largely lavreased by train. th , trout oo Fifth Street. 2.. Water tot Ito. T 4, having 01 frost ea Front •* • • and the same on the outer Canal Bawls Pier, and ..%., lot boot gkoot to Phrrt hula; a Grocery btLldlng IL," en ereefed. J. C. gg.t.DiVt: ' a. the esetetdellialf of 14,Let No MI. trent"' Front and &mond streets, with • lame dye keine sail weber bellehistelibleetea. 4.1 - /140.205. =Mb =Mk /Calk allS2, at tea t. , ' t. teem Ms* reedy Trent awl beesod Ste., and fr , •at In we ea seekeisalitilnele. Tharremoad will ha by the Root la inuth u nay wit the p e r. hee. t lbw sib* ' Ilan Ala tid'seee larreetine thug et . Asel SAM SA soyerballfli for •r°'''" ' foot In and "eating Oblast& inseam , ' seelbaairUil 'sell *sear soda to this Clti A olio ti=ustredttnely be mile oa said day. tt • the ree bet le essermnienl of said piteperi t •• Y the benieSt aortedbons. Teetieb.-04•4bitrat to Wed, the balance In twelve bud b Ztteenamittite. eneseed eettierpeem. , t• Judgment lr isettpark pt the option ottbe tt t Vim lob% slAy of the bitegebeir pepoey n." pasobared at a tory taw Ift• 44 perste tele•for i *rebut It .111 i•u at Radian. IL 1 3 ABBITT. Ray 27, *MX laal Andpiseot Z. J.Eei.. or S., 100, ei :pop, I ail, (Jo h /na Trod.l 50.,, I. A, ;tzuettt, Dr :-h! n, Reward A •itorint ins ftklphta, Yu. the Ittreehar LZHAD HhAI:T I :•rinttary PAINTING ANI) HANGING 14114 lA, I • 1.1 1. .110 oust) Painting PRICE 23 CENTS PRIt SOX ERE DEEM% and