The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 18, 1859, Image 3
focal and gittraxg. s e prof STaints made a balloon sacebsion ~ h,•mi,ott on Saturday last. fr e Th,•c are eating large, inaniona pest *" ) , .rk, at $lO per bushel, brought from , .Arle-.011, S I' 109,_ They advertise to take senbrotypes in .0 . 0 , I,r eenta That is a little ahead of ~ _hut then Cour( is ahead of the Bufalo in nil the elements of a good picture. 100 ,, Th,• krt. between Cleveland antl,But ,. ~„ c i,,. Lake Shore Road, hint been peduee4/1 r meet the competitiotr of the Lake e y,„et. Much have lately commenced run .; I.,•!ween 11108 e two point!. 04. k .otl of 4. W. Batouss, Esq.. of this „ Ir . I ten years, accidentally fell through r I NI)11s, from the third story to the , n Toe-day tuorulag, badly tweaking owe t ,. c . That he escaped with his life is a =Si pg, The two Jamestown papers, the Jour- Knot the Democrat, are baring a "good ,•Irru a tntt the question of "capital pun -I%e think their readers will be cowl 's [ otto•hod fiefore they get through. kr 1 Planing Mill and Sash Factory be : ~,,:, r Slater at Girard, was burned it- contents last week. The mill had ihrough the day and at night was ‘i.:ll it-pt' elution pe The atate•t that ahoy about Aix (l- ages. employed in the tihtnicle in 11 it Jittssoa, in Union township, - I. t: •trot torn off at the shoulder. on • the- 7111 111+1., While engaged Omit the imsism OFII h +Petit. 0.14 that although hceoinmini rithnirera in New York, none of ,en, rit•lttiferte , l the `mt••:lne desire 1.4 pay the oing ludy's,boarti NO usual in tote Hf • n, c , .ll,44itteittly it is said ,he 1,11 One of the ,t,• hotels at that city minus het ween tn , l t I tolllVlrld dolbilrs for board kr The annottneem that the earner „, „ I the Fn.! Pregbyterian Church will he I fi1t.,13) hell, :LI 10 o'clock, M lu tI • .11 • the rfu. , tor, (Rev. Dr. LvoN,) Rev. 11 I 1.. t. rind Rev. CRARLItY HI , WHIAIN are s; , t pr.-tent and participate in the -t- ltldreng appropriate la the ot•- ..—tt e dl he deltvered general attengli-nce ISE x, lw neataville Courier soy eIL heard ' I t.triner In lbal county who purchased iievk ten barrels of flour, for $lOO, anti a.• lime remarked that lie had 200 ‘.l wheat in his granary, all of which proted to re-sell at $lOl per barrel, to his r ,tatNing neighbont His barn had nut ‘truck by lightning up to Tuesday mot.- ! L e — The Warren Ledger mn . y. a very prom - .ong, man by the name of Ar gill, %VW' , tit.‘ll3 shot in that county on Saturday .hile getting him gun rea.l , y for hunting (4) , kVel) into /he mouth tint) throng! ) part of the head, killing flit , . unfnr ,•.ang mitt tilnot..i Ti,,• weather t. 1114 week put on as many ‘• the party. .1 huh. fug wle rairly—goutetimev intensely warm n n •hale cooler —occasionally as bright. • • ,, ti-hie rwiely irv.talled office holder. t no a •••, cloudy as a .lefeated candidate -- wk ic , wever, it will pmc , for June o tittV . I• of t he pipets lire the • urh trout, sad est them.' We think , i tle-tzou is wittily solved Catch them they bite the hook, but be pure and not , till they are cooked. We tried this •t great, many yv,rs ago, and it workotl ;e-11,Ing !Oozy,_ N e are requested to my that the rumor t! the Erie County Agricultural Society is to invite Pticr. Monettr to deliver a SCi ,''sif• lecture upon the culture of wheat, and t. , rever settle the question whether it will .•1‘ rhesw, is premature. It may be kW, crily not"he I=lll like' A clear conscience and a eontented are two qualities often sought. but rarely .tio,i—more especially, if after buying a Sew ig Machine you cannot make it work. Now ~htoin both, and obviate the latter, go to s SLk Rs and buy one of the "National Seteriy " It is the machine for the minima, it'sti re cure for all morbid diseases the house 'l )4 heir to. It works like a charm. Some papers have a queer way of tell •¢ win'.lrsome truths. Thus, one tells Unread - 'hat it is extremly unwholesome to fall in oh another mares wife. A. renpeetable ••1. n of Alabama -died ' the frrit yearn ae "t an affection titans kind. The last was seep he was looking into the mouth a ~,eked pistol. ititer The other day a party of,ladics and lewen of Buffalo went on board the City lotlalo to examine her. Forgetting the ad nit to•gu ashore when the -bell rings. - hr 4 they knew they were on .their *ay i'lereland, much against their will. The .etelz+ and relatives of the abducted party, , t haling a remote suspicion of the muse of 1r disappearance, were in much tribulation of the party returned by the Lake rind. pick it 1.. Worm, Esq., who turmerly ~, •trtotban in thin city, has purchased ii:nierprur, and will issue it under the name of the Fayette Pal . 1144. first number was to Appear this "• k Ir'W is a republican, thud in the w I O.) it ti,r members of that party in "olti 1. ' know which "side their bread is hut will give hint a generous support. commend hitu to tilt it " nndw►lso to the "leader mercies" • lir • liread eagle - friend of the Germs of / • ~y Success to kis l'uirsot, hot destruction parriutisor ex he will preach through Fla un.lo, tiny' we gee - Ur Srrti 8.41.t.s hum r, who litany of our • 1.. a. will reeallect as at one time the Mar of the Western District, died at Wells- Jrg. Citetauaig co., N. Y., an the SC/auk He a,rly resided at East Sinithfield,'Etradford ~• nry. in this State, from whence he wen Wont 1...m3411e:i11y write • polities! letter in favor 4 441 I.4tra Jouvion for the Prottideacy. =EMI &if To extras ■ Mentor from a calamity philosophy ; and it is in this spirit that • .rn•-iwondent. assures the Pittsburg. Journal nor wheat crops have been suffering for • ,tile year; mud from various kinds of Ws, until the annual product has bees tsar tie , l fully one-ball from what they yen s few nr• back. Re thinks that all thee, are prob .),ly exterminated by the recent frost, sad that farmers should rejoice to lose an entire r.,p to have these 1716•111 ire destroyed. 11F 3J— The Reading tiazette soya that sum !, age one of its subscribers discontinued I.ecnose he was taking too many papwrs. Ss said he took two from Philadelphia, and on 4 from New York, besides the New York Ledger t which made four, and that was too many for a poor man. He thought he would try to do without the Oaseite:as it was published at bolos, and he didn't need it as muck as thee, that contained the news from abroad. Th4l Editor said nothing, but wheat's tbseeipired, stopped the paper as directs& Last week, however, the "discontinued!" subscriber same and ordered the paper again. He did not know. before, he said, how Worsening the local new was. Sines he had stopped it, he was entirely ignorant of all that was going on in the city, and county, and he missed it more than he would hate missed all his other papers put to. gather. He was satisfied now A. , could not de lookout a eoenty paper, and be would never be without one again. This wan a very sensible conclusion. The home news that the county papers collect and publish, is of far more in terest and importance to the eitisens of the county, than all the contents of the New York or Philadelphia papers; and It is s queer Dins tration of the propensity people have undo valuing everything at home, and seeking what they want abroad, that so many refuse to take the papers published in their own immediate neighborhood, while they will take three or four from the distant cities. If they could only be prevailed upon to take a county paper fora year or two, they would, like the subscriber whose case we have mentioned, discover that they couldn't do without it. ear The Germans from all over the coun try hare been having a "good time" generally nt Cleveland for four days this week. The Suengerhund Pest ival commenced there on Tues day and lasted till yesterday. Delegates from the principal musical societies in all cities and large towns of the country were on hand. Of coarse Erie, which possesses as much German wealth and intelligence as any town of its size in the country, wasduly represented air GOOD NIGHT.- Good night! I have to say good night To such a host of peerless charms' Good night unto that snowy hand, Good night to graceful, rounded arms, Good night to fond, delicious eyes, Good night to chestnut braids of hair, (Laid night unto that perfect month And all the sweetness nested there— The snowy hand retains me, then I'll have to say good night again. [tut there will CUWC FL time, tuy love, When. if I read our stars aright, I shall not linger near the porch With my admits. Till then, good night' You wish the time were near—and I. You do not blush to wish it so' You would have blushed yourself to death To own so much a year ago— What but these snowy hands ! Ah then, I'll have to say goal night again ler The Greestftebl Maas. Deawc,at, says that Haupt & CO., of which W. A. (.3.c.titth fru, Esti , of this rity is a member, have contract ed with a company to mink a shaft in the west slope of Hoosac Mountain Vat feet deep, anti ex - cavate 2,200 feet of the tunnel on the Troy aut/ Greenfield Railroad,:rheriby prosecuting the work at four different places instead of two, at. at the present tijne. BM,. The Conneautville Comm/rem! :Meer urr, a neat little paper published by our riend, Judge PArros. gives our correspondent •Nicodetnua," the following "first rate no- RICADADLIt.—" Some Things seen on the Cars," by Nicodemus Nightshade, now being published in the Erie Observer, is • series of humorous aril/gee about as good as is made now-a-days. Genial, vivid and life-like, writ ten in a free and easy strain, we'll bet some thing handsome Nicode.nus has no "Chronies.' That's true, Judge; "Sic" is never afflicted with "chronies," unless it is a chronic propen sity for fun. Pie Mr. BACKI A, the editor of the Cana joharie Radu, is a deaf mute, but how eloquent ly he gives voice to the language of grief in the following paasage from his lass paper, every one Who has lost children will fully appre ciate : " We cannot this week fill our usual column --every time 4 bitherto, before this. that we have sat in the old place. to the now regularly recdrring duty, we hare had dear little fingen. rambling along our knees, or making strry snatches at the paper, A little face, all lit with happy eyes, bo-peeping into ours. .1 little head, nodding as it shook its curls, a mock "by-by, papa," and turning back again to the sweet childish teasing. But now, alas' the lit tle fingers are no longer here: the little eyes are dim with a dimness that shall never know the old lustre again, and the little curls are yonder, beneath that sod that gleams so green ly beneath the trees and the glitatnering white tombstones." ler The large foundry, and ware-houses attached, belonging to E. A. LISTIR & Co., at Fredonia, was consumed by ere on Wednesday afternoon The wore-roomy were filled with various agricultural implements, all of which were consumed. The loss is estimated at S I ti,- 01X.), $8,260 only of which is covered by insu rance in the ,Etna roroptiny, at Hartford. sisr We are requested to say that the Wayne Guards will hold their first election forofiker. —Captain and three Lieutenants—at their Ar mory in the Empire Block, this evening at R P M. The attendance of all enrolled members is earnestly requested. jar Bsseusit has "laid upon our table ' tt basket of the richest, sweetest, largest and most luscious strawberries ever raised this side of sunrise. They were of the Wilson's Al bany variety ; and, let us whisper it in your ear reader, he is bringink that same kind to.ttiwn every , day. With a dish of them slightly sprinkled with sugar, and smothered in cream, a man need not care much whether school keeps the balance of the (lay or not s ir The Methodist Episcopal Congregation of this city have contracted for the construc tion of a new Church edifice, at the corner of Seventh and Sassafras streets, with Messrs. Parnintiss k Gahm aneliro. W. firshaker fur the sum of $10,500. Much of the credit, for the consummation of this long needed improve ment, is doe to Rev D. C. Watotyr. the Pastor of the Church. air We learn from the Erie Casette that after the first of July. the Erie Post-office will ems' to be a distributing office. This will be good news to the business men along the lake towns, whose correspondence has to lie over one day at Erie—it will bring them one day nearer the Eastern cities.—Conneasu Reporter. It is strange an Editor who pretend. to know so munch about the working of the Postal sys tem really knows so little. Bo far from the "business men along the lake towns" receiving their eastern correspondence one day earlier because the Erie Post office ceases to he a din-' tributing office on the Ist of July. they will not receive it one day, one hour, or one minute earlier than they do now. Let us Illustrate. Sew York now makes up all Miters for the of loe•on the Reserve this side of Cleveland in packsgeako the Erie °See. That package is opened here, sorted, and: the letters, is con amnion with—others from rarious made up in packages for their final destina tion. After the Ist of July the New York of gee will send this metier to Buffalo instead et Erie, and own the same process we have de-' scribed will be gone through with.—the time of detention being precisely the same. When Conneaut and its sister 'flake towns" arrive at that point of guineas importance which will warrant the *set rise is Haw Ttlek It "changing haga diiteet with the offices of dm *like towns" "foresail, than nast not till MIL Will the delay lawalssit dititailmtiets be obri- Mad. Bat that Oise, re appnbmi4, lral Ica be in the lift titalt of ash fe their PrINTH 4, busineas mean" A Card :ta tha t Palate. To rataitnMettor MAI= Osamu : We wish through Jim columns of your paper to correct °troths ',thole's, in title end *Veining Constar* Atll u Tit,week, it was reported that dour wassailing In this City at front $0 * to $lO 80 pek barrel, when the fact was,' we were selling good su !tilXX extra ell from $8 00 to $7 7b ; and trw only Worth front $8 80 to $1 1 . 6 , barrel. The trade in our City, both In ~ r and other goods, is become so large, , . the competition so great, that all kinds . goods are nbw sold hiere it less prices t . n:Clere- Is id Dr Buffalo. i W would most reepeettliny tu t to our Mead ville 'ends, that if they will row away all rive of feeling, and rusk their purchases here Wstead of going to eveland and other Citi , they am save 10 to 20 per cent, and yin their own wford County Bank Me at par. l .; motto is, buy whale we can bu y . the eapest, even though that should be i Mee ille. for the truth of the above, just call (Lee) end take a little of his three years old Rye. CAUGRIT & CLARK, artiorire Itlioksete Grocers cad deekra in Ere, June 18, 1850. Flour, Ash, 4e... a THZ:FOREIGF:2I2IWS ANOTHER BATTLE`. Another arrival from Europe brings news of another - battle and another allied tri umph. The Euro left Liverpool on the 4th and her , intel ' nee is oonsequently three days liter. e affair of Palest?* was a serious engagement. On the 30th ult., the Sardinian troops commanded by the King in person, crossed the Sesia in the face of the Austrians and took Pales tro by storm.. At 6P.IL on the 81st, the Austrians with .Z,OOO men endeavored to retake Palestro. The Sardinians made a successful resistance, and finally assumed the offensive, driving the Austrians across the 'Ticino. The allied head-quarters, are now at Vercelli, recently occupied by the Austrians. The entrance of the allies into Vercelli was an occasion of great rejoicing. In the fight at Pelesto the allies captured 0100 prisoners and 8 guns. WO Austrians were drowned in a canal during the contest. t)11 the 31st the Austrians made an nnsue eesbful attack on the Sardinian vanguard at Sesto f '3lentle, a town at the foot. of La go Maggiore. From this it is evident that the Austrians are between Garibaldi and the main body of the allies. Garibal di is making a brilliant incursion into Co mo. Ile has been driven from Verese by the Austrians, but returned, re-taken Va rese anti re-entered Game, where he had his 114%W-quarters at last accounts. Como has (lectured for Sardinia and Garibaldi was recruiting largely from the insurgent popu lation. His force increases constantly. In the Valtellina the people have declared for sardinia and were marching to the revolu tionary headquarters At Sondrio. The stun of the neks is that the Aus trians are beaten in every direction, have abandoned the line of the Sesia, and will make their next steno!! upon the Ticino in the defence bf Lam y. Discouraged by repeated disasters, thqy will soon fall back upon Milan and other fortified places, and to them the seat of war will be transferred. According to the Plugs' letter of the ant, mercial Genoral Neil, with 30,000 men, is in close support of Garibaldi, with the double object of protecting him and march ing to Milan. Five Americans who had been in prison at Route, had been released at the demand of the American Commo dore and were on board the Wabash. Tux FSesT Psvic.-:-.-This panic IA fast being dissipated, and; ere it not that there is always a failure of the wheat crop just i,e4cern kint-vorie, the Minim felt in many parts of the country of a total or even partial failure of the crops, Mould have noabiding place. That the 1.1... e frost did somewhat injure the wheat, is a fact, but that it destroyed one-half, one-fourth, or even ono-eighth of the wheat, is not now generally credited. The present harvest, if what we hear from a reliable source be true, will show a greater yield of wheat than for many years before. This is mainly caused by the un usually large amount sown. During the late pantie, so fearful were some of a total failure, while othem, anx ious to turn a dollar or two at the expense of their suffering brethren, that large amount.; of grain aria flour were bought up and boarded for hiMprices. We are hap py to record the fact that these greedy gentlemen would now gladly disgorge at the price% they paid, asking nothing for their trouhle.—Clive. Nat. Democrat. Forst] LADY Potsonso.—A most distressing case occurred last evening, which occasioned considerable excitement in the neighborhood. A young lady, na.ned Miss Mary Queen, aged 1S years, residing wit h 'her parents on Walnut street, below Fourth, it is said, had been unwell , for some time, and had received a prescription from her physician, which was filled at one:of our drug stores. She partook of a speonfisl, and was. corpse in fifteen minutes- The prescrip tion it is stated, was misunderstood, corrosive sublitnste being put up through mistake.--4for roibury Union, 91). ins!, MABIZZTEL Berrat.n, June 7, 1859. sitirtz -j There is a pretty active dem d for Flour, and some holders evinced ' anion to meet buyers at lower rates. Sales 2,700 bbls, at sii 75 for extra State from Chicago "Amp tail" wheat; $6 00 from No. I spring do ; it; 27., for superfine Michigan ; $6 7507 00 for extra Wisconsin; $7 25437 60 fOr good to choice extra Michigan, Indiana and Ohio; $7 450\7 75 for double extra do; and $8 00 for favorite do. Wheat doll and held avove views of millers. Sales 1,000 Web fair white Kentucky at 170 c ; 2,000 bu Standard Chica go spring at 116 c ; :too bush Milwaukee elub at 125 c ; 400 bush white Indiana at 10/4e; and 5110 bush red Ohio bagged at 1 Ski. Cam market dull and lower. Sales v i m* be" wam.Chiea g o at 70e : 6,000 bush No. 1 Rail road at 79,./c ; 2,500 bush prime River at 75c; 1.2(10 bush damaged Toledo at 71e; and 1,000 bush choice Illinois river at 760. Oats duU : holders are asking 50e for Western, with buy. ers at 47648 e. Rye .earee and would sell at 106 e. Barley dull and nominal at 00(85e. FLors.—The market heavy and 100 Lower. Sales of 6,800 bids; at $8 1606 40forsuper fine State; $4 60®6 80 for extra State; Ko. 20&.6 10, for superfine Wm:item; $6 65(07 00 for common to good extra Western ; and $7 11 n 7 25 for common to good extra roustr ..ped 0hi0.4 Market eloeingdull. Comedisa Flour-continues nominal and dull. Eye Flour dull at $4 woes 00, with small Wm. 0 rutn,—The market for Wheat is heavy and drooping. Sales small week white Kentueky at 1790192 e. Rye dull. Sales 500 busk Jet* eel at 94e ; choice held at 970, with bayous at 96c. Bahl more inquired Ew a . and no eaks made yet. Corn market ie heavy and lover. Sales 17,000 hush ; at s4e for old mined Wad ers in store;' 881 e for new faddist do slot ; 88e for prime white Southern for tairmirt ; 88 ®9oo for Scathara yellow, the /aim as out.. side prim ; tad 88081kr for renal yellow.— Oats are lan? sad dull, with isles at 470610 for Mate; and 44/®6Be for Catedien. or The Erie market far lour, as., is 04- , erred very tea erelly by the prises is Salle mid New Port—hence the reader as read* arrive at prises here from the reports above. lii= the sick sad Undol6 ratairm , go tkola is( tie Mork HysMeta sad WWII, taw PUlls elket • owe elm aU ether areas love dWsd 7 atti et. these' • Mmes nattiolp. do Net esedsdi tna . solsimdi, aattortey, or err Wog boottal to Ur eartatettas. Well ibeettee• be the paattitlet monad melt wide, skkk should be thriftily peeeetvet. Selo A rod tor Übe timbal Male mil Ohm*, JOB VMS. (14d• 1. C. ligidirid 11; 06.3 Bodrester. W. T. N. 8.-411,00 and s poetry) stoma milkmaid to mi barked to y t, oi l fawns •Yo 000takdos AO pido by otters mit. NW 4 lkiMmiajklo4l%. Nay T, oar. tivnArimpor WI isSil.U•ll RA we Tooth to the Al.t? Oboes* to as Weak 1 nil aoral proposatioa Ira sot gift tho approval of dm aealty la every part 01 Ow veal/, sod tar dlarerarer aad proprietor holm* proeiffilos It I. to U1411103/11.Li• so • nyinormotor ood redeem et muted or Mort huietiour Etutehlagrt US. ilikiholott abroad be and by MI wore coma perm:mom it stimulates the isms to theft Wand went, sad will not prodders a rosettos se orator bow seibtenly dropped. It is an, aOlAirto tom, sad olla istvo edict ist OVINIST• ma with the Brat dims. A twist posiliiturne in its me will moos% the stoosselli to a illoirsoi of read loot* and baobab dyspepsia former. The mord Assad ha sootaia to mobs Beadlike LAI tabilarant a bouseboht artiste boom* on it wilt noodle them youthful is feedisig media stesorth. &Moat& thou to live over asulu the days of Ifs& *dim joy. it sot only imbibed*, bututrangithluil, said h rally as torah , . able bieselog. sapedally to them who balm boos redneed to a modal°, of sorvillty by oridartoars sr *Wooly skit mei& No *oder what the moos( the hapatsasy of say hr maa ores, thii superb ralltassist Al remove the Oben at owe and tosever. notable Lilo Itaibirmat should be goody di pr DOSS who ham 4So:doted sewn, atisoseb. Itror. mom kr action, torpid intellect, or lowness of *MIL U. is compounded Moen her Weis, fort powerful aimphis, sad costal.= Dot a grain or atom of mineral rubotaisee. resales alltioted with barreamem, will disessier m flute-kluge' Life Uhllanai% The realisattess of their teepee of sesisreity. This remarkabis last amaippirmelthabls preparation is for sale by the Proprietor, LLB. Thereratans, at 1% Chambers Stivat, Nee Yo , k. All orders shemid be addressed to him Sent by iglqpresh et's berm. Ow largo bottle $1 ; boUJeedur Sobl by T. S. 81.14CIAIR, and t IthaTtllth., Kris, 46.4 ur The nand ens Inve health metered by lintalitage Wk Rsblterant, - wbleb I. infallible am a regurrement, and will restore ersaled strength, with masieni protoplasm and wonderful permanence. Yew old and hank pseroas It has not its equal. Arad by CART= dr. BROThXR Isis. Pa. 46.1 y lar The Pietist et Liver Cocottetat will disariver la hatchings' Lae Esiiiiariutt • grand pumas, anegnahed for immediate and peratioeut effect in this iltstiesising cosephilat: It likewise modem the Wed eales and cheer ful ; it repiesaisiesiand radnires strength with tesebr quiche/Hu. T S. SI 'CLAM Erie, Pa. 14-17 or The weak 6111 ramie, new strweirtb tram a ando, ?Ili am of that easel sat Thdebinve 1.114 SxbUarant. 11 Is 1664/114fal la all its artist/am As 66 {amigo rant It bar we 41441—rejaweasting the aired and weakly with wondletial ealseity 66d pest•asest ell‘Pet.— #old by CARTER k BRO. Ilhioa, Pa. wkly Or fluteblegof Lib Itzlittarant la s rojuvirstov of rat spprosetants blui tnineitslste ezerlienos. Tor an ner vous diseases, so minim bon roubsesd, It oast be son dieted so Isfslllblosbedne. It isslsosenrofirsillatkins oeuteriug in the thus, stomach or brain. Its mission is bestow strong" vitality, and pbystral shinty. &nay CARTER! IMO. Si* Pa. j 46.1 y. Ey- flatelderf Lib rattUarant. Li4e at weak and sickly conalltatloaa, thaal4 take the }latchkey' Lib talilarawt; 4 t will mak* rot stn.& Maltby mai happy, remove all obetraetionaand hieTolarttime thaw tiolethab• in 4 *Wm.. and "Ware th. bloom of bean to the *My sod wasted takaoloolta thco. kid by CAROM k SRO. ICA% ra. 45- if • Eir Ths liervoisa will end theteklase Liao Taddhowe a 11111111 mostly he MI their aillet6ll; MA renews dim, trots the injudicious um el hileare.havetememeedeleeted. said their wervints system' shattered. and roestittitises bridges Swim Said by T.S. filliCLenit. tete Pri. 451 y. The Drepeptle eon boys Ida *pee ben/8W If be teti but see thetoldedot lA4 Itshileramet. Weak edorall, feeble digestlea. &Area Oder oollosoloothit habits btiser. bees, low spirit% wilt nod • mode! to the ammo osier pound. Sold by CA RTZR nod T. lb SINCLAIII. krie, Pa. bkly natekddiMe Llie telhaseast. Doe dor widtromeovo the and lidnosing *ads of Mod or note teem, sod the asemoest the etomeoh retertem the Invigorat ing .a.ets. the dletreeettleVaacl and all Pala." haling" wUI he removed. Sold by 1. 1. sixcLAIR, Rn., P. 46.1 y. listetative Wfe Itsbilarliat la quick and Mlantimik, cur lew Um wont sad moat auravate4 case of Dy Kidney Complaints, end air other dsrausementsVt stomach sod bowels, and will relies the mobeacheily and droop w spirits immediately. The feeble, ~VORA, sod sickly should try it. Sole by T. S. surctra. Er* Pa. iLELI Er TIT TZBI SCCWI7,IBEt Bit Imes 1111,310N1C The meet certain mad p.ody ressedv err itamwerval /sr .a tit.... 4t/ the awe and I r ma" aegis bads Asth ma, Cimeemptires Breath** iftilweena. Memsewsla oat Areetheref, Sere Throes 4e. THUM WAPEILIS give the most instssetmemas sad periled Mist sad when perwerod with ormentbeg to directroes, weer MB to elects espkt sad lading tam— Tiemessode ham bees teetered to reflect health vitalism tried other mews to vain. To all dame and all oweeti. tedious they sr* equally:a bemire; sad a care—ammo seed despair, m matter how lea( the diem* marglesee *Met ev4twevrer severe it easy bs, presided ties tergasie et of the vital organ, la sot hopelessly decoyed.- 1, • one sAlleted should eve them is impartial trial 1 , 0011.111111 Ago Mew Bristaws, them wales ore ••• Harty valuable they will Is off DA tememe the Wag weeny messional leosreenceo sad their reeptiar use tor a km day, wIO, 41 all Ware, lowers the power sod do:ability:of the coke tr .tly improving its toss, owe pan and clew:ems, for which partway they ere regularly used by.msny prod egionaLfroosileta. JOB NOWT, Age Proprietor, Rocharter, N. Y. trice SS mote per be:. Per male by Carter it Bev sod L. I. Baldwin. • Brie, May t, 11160.—dit1y. Nsw Tow( Juno 16 I!II=E=S=CMI2I:I saproNWNY ABM WE MICK to"—etilight to disposlUeess as they are mile& as restireeessi so., .batch, ileeelaehe, eta., though regarded us moat loaners le themselves, are, ammtheless, holiestium of dersageassat, which U allowed to matinee, will merit in moms' dimes* of Um whets prism With all Ha sem- Vity re long as Um settee is, through say mese Wi thal memist esseasemees a drrampuieet, whirl If rot speedily remedied by a removal of the mute, will lead through a loop list of Immo UM sad to me Liver owe pWat,DLIPX" , Premien std sise sad Dottlx The dome& ac rid reservoir dross whores Is WfAmed nourishment, ills and r are lawted to the ea bey ; U Uwe, 'W ,Stesseol kept healthy, and tree from merytistag rekilatod tote melte s dimmed 'igloo, sad hinder the performatoe of its legtdmate femstiose = sad when Waugh iediseestioo, saddest er other ehemeetamem, the semgies et the body re preetreted, gad the sheaseh sad Mlseit parts el thw satemel fissesisty are iiimmtigh sad lesliebet to the mrlixemmes of thelr datiseger when Yore Is ea readied overgeties, then it hememes esemeary to resort to some iledieioe, whom alterative sad terreetart itwalitieezaz resters a melee sad stealthy teas. A r speristst laxative, krill perhaps Imes time say ether *edicts% aseemptilladmee thiseilsemelm, et a MU{ ge•Go, amdelliskteA ermat, that il A LOWIWS LA A 0 ?MA Mg OW ad to ams petals. Aries euttrely etireksiir la their dew w Umy may hp isistAfAgeed sal* te, et sway weed' Mg, ea well leo de Waal sod idled. howitii ii um to tbe ligerette owe. Far it= was 1 4. CM 1010 : Wm, = l 47lAst wi t isie ssiA Affitigises if tb who* MOM fly os j . Thoperille 4.44 2=143 to 'ea woe et do Met sod Ned and as the most perked end obi* boo ever embed Is, the Bret sty or 7Bor ors Os* prioiS I to n % Oat IfeAd Le Etta may at B Sion, lie. b, Beet Boom disk E. R Ely. ri t amirmAirg lireirrAelk re es p e wt. VersoOm Vg. 16iNingsmiilholW at Wrnikods Is 'Ow More Ur malt d 4 WI aisieWve ls paWer. ? wl ru i m i kTh64 thstr WI "rids wrestler Ut doss AU *Wks: OW sold sr *sic * oUsers6s, pia ts . Mhi.",.. dM. iiNlsie er cm Mtn sib N the WI! 1=1, 7 14 14 are1l Sri+ barn SnsentrUssel iftWe. le MMON. liADita t • Dr. Chipossissa , e 11lim are linslssltis,asibq willies! se, tli• siosibly perisi with taws/WV, takerimebs bin Awes Die use al *Oaf Pilb moo Oils dm , Staissi Dr. Olosissra's Rib bele all Aid 4 MOIL Theis Is ow easditios iit VW Dal& , ins Is Al& ths Pm. sessell i t Wow illtb ' to* „ bo a yr to iisissislibi= r inse is a serigel ew ssit io siiis IDS ispriesur =li "........ viviii l s-11"isss. - : -^1 ' Pries , . DM MN lii "44 73Easor. Dui ID elbe Is tows is strialle , brisk DaDsi Si TOL lb irbask ell Ilipbbsals . sant 'be '2. ligli 3. 111131011. THE CASH SYSTEM GREAT BARGAINS I WHOIXSALE AM RETAIL BOOT, MOE, AND lemmata. STORE, BARR :& WRTSEY, (SUCCESSORS TO I. 0. BAER,) Have removed Their entire BOOTS AND SHOES From No. 10, Brown's Block to No. 13, CadareWs Block, Lately occupied by W. A. Griswold's We are now prepared to furnish all of 3. G. Barr's old customers and the public gen erally with Gents Pins Preach Calf !not', THICK BOOTS, BOYS* rourrrs BOOM Gents Patent Leather, Calf and Prunnel Congress Gaiters; Gents calf and patent leather OXFORD TIES; Goats, Ladies, Misses, ()hiHusks RUBBERS; BoYS, YOUTHS AND CIFILDRF.S SHOPS OF ALL KINDS AT ALL PRICES. ifoir LAI►IES CONGRESS AND LAW.: GAI TERS OF EVERY SIN ► AND PRICK FROM 75 CENTS UPWARDS...a* Ladies White is Black Satin Slippers. —ALSO-- French Kid, Black and Bronzed. `Fine Sid and Prunnels Rankine, and every thing else in the line of Ladies Shoes. OW' Of Misses and Children' Shoes are lave enough and to spare. .bring on the ittle Misses.'jag Ilii/We have Leather and Findings of all kinds, inchuling Harness and 13ridleleath er; Oak and Spanish Sole lepthec; French and Eastern tanned Calf Skire , Calcutta Kip and upper leather; Binding and lin ing skins of all colors. MlNLEibeentakers Tool* and Lasts, Tan ners Oil by the bbl., Erie, May 6, 1 f ..2. 48 NEW MIMIC. "SARAH JANE LEE." BONO WD cm - mug. A beautiful Ras i; ly w.tb apcm7llllNl putiment, .14 ur r to• Cl"d a • well ow adults. Mod s 'moo o eme or tiro mat ppoopprrkir Poop of Um day. Sertitw ,ta of Um words Prim '26 mots, =Wed ee, Jost pahlialud by aOlllllOlll Wallow, 3.0114 34. 333 Broadleaf. Now Volt. NEW AN./ POPULAR VOCAL 111181 C.--41101 Wade An c e. lAd me a.." "Moro of Gmakeel r or ow pea r oatre M. r ek Sr Noustain Name r "Thoughts of God ;" "Cm with Moss 11011 4tosor ed Theo ;" agoo1"01.1 Nauman r to sung los kka Rtedmita at Prue:Moo Collate. Pot •Id mote each. NEW AND OfTLAII isorstrammu, Kmact.- -ria. Garden rolk‘ ripetta ; •111sapor• or &deka Quadrille ;' • Now Mare, prim No end' week. "Pieeo lumini hiker •Wwimfhpir Nehottfaelor "Thomas Raker SeboUlaeh ." all with e brae I, Dery "Riberulau Om& rilla RS ants reek .1....•-oaßroa Walks ;" "Duval* lla aorta r ..1-abisis War Cry bush r "Woordiwor refits e" "Very taut Vaisoelono• . 'Weimar Polka sod "Abode ra Polka Platr•Me vim 2$ mita ON& Jam 11, 11130 —l.l .. THE SABBATH SCHOOL BELL—A kik collet on 0j e ore hymns sad to ea, outbid and le 'milord, remcally and thkply sneer rd as solos, daub, trios. amed - ehoesek eid ehel 82 . 11 4 and for muse, melodeon, or Mono . Thb book coetalsenserty 100 hymns and trues, and in elm of the Mod ordieellirse tot Ilebbothmebook wee Weed. Peke 12 ante, so pw ltandeed, pootess ] omit Ellssetty beemil„lo VS per hundred, preys II eta. Ammons U lama amber of bee and pawl* tam • mete be kmand "Cod Work ma Nrier Dta T" • Co' nom Reeves" God Is Them" /mot ueo• . • to sane No thoomod *flame are teatbees at tbo . 24-school Cligebeelkin and Baked Matti Tes twee Consentlon Ity oiewaal, littbedep2ilA, by the Mk se d Nettle Tie r Moe stilkeol= and IMO ilighly spur 4. IC sly twenty entries h: tot en sold "DV" al. days. They bate Mee la trod .uted into so el, of the' - sod nehook be Werer Peek sad Brooklya. Aimee tbe number am Dr.= , :e i Elateon's, Dr. Otllotteee mod Dr. likleme's. Joel byHOLM= WAYI3III, Aped, • Jum 11, 1150.-1.6 w TO FARM-ERI3. IF YOU WANT 7 , 14 agar COMBINED B NY Mill MIRO 111111111 4 PATIIIIITIIIII 1104111, With all the lirovnisenta for 1859. THE CHHITEST MACHINE IN USE Ties Mowerweigiiir w oulf heedird mil lidetrotee p0 ,,,, d ,„ . 4 th e : si g ht hunam4 4•4 agiut pomade, LIGHTEST D 411-1/0 SIDE DRAM'. Dageirtmg onwthltd Imo dealt than any eibterieseltina, se sitinarear testa at trials with the Dynamometer, and the teetimoniala of fahners, abetainiatly ahem. STRONGEST & MOST DURABLE MACHINE. Being all liunt, except seat, pole mid Odium, and the weight an distribated as:Au the rested amount of diresigth with lb. isast Ind ed knit. The Castings aro thaiourg bow. the linger-bat Is of wrought ir on , with a oleo the front edge, thus Is It great iron with t weight- NO 2U UPON TUB NORM' NBOK. The we *ribs &Wee esuotertabisetag the weight slides et Ike hate, and tbsystair tibierhele epos the ibta erbeet. r•Aunlerrnie PING= BAR. L this roped tt is esttsetr wi p m astted tki mg swab. yet Etteed. Th s thspirrlihr up amid bows hods. =Wof Its &Mori , asiblEsg It los* Wyse* itrytiihi sad 411- riessiists=l , bap, mod ay lobelia sae Was. •PWl's fie Wirt au lame It. er lt esti she he mist too ins* st say height from two 10 slirlites• biditit sad th *up iia be orb is am at! slut, thus *IV, It to 1 ., 111 Maas st inst. rbakbotssom or asset issol. . - lag or VILIPE4I7 I OMD MAGIII2CI. •Ale( soak ad) Oath* madas =ld 013101111kell r ai r en elagii OWN, m 01044 8 KAMM ON KAMM POINIMIL fa Olt point II ay evasicall reopen: trailer Footles aortas ear ipila k =trel at Ow , at* bat sernaktatal mlide le reared sad tag. as it bet wort satadlas am WILT lIAN I MIND AND a arinh2D. at arms id a lam VoNdvtaat lima et piames Omer Sr metros aid and la paw ihroemor low aaa sake Witharaad or bie Naiad Ye flow oar is pmts evar o► draath.y or mom hem add tothe draw ban nay* •altaapar bandy isolt Add; r y arda; dr Mame% Way anstaa aid Bab asseatiliw MOM IN ALL OS POINT& It sissist be bassisdisik is madislossiritis pis hi set labia topiseSsissOW is sorb at Ism soisriells, miles wsitimiimisimi al- Islistie_ 6_4 sat oho =dam is es ema il= UMW n., 1 i lidi Z e ral II . me prim atm Wit ye& 111111411111i - fisil* ismi sosetiss' OW Norm M; Om Moss Combined liseidss Sift Mosisfeete*.by the "filo Arialikra ifechiss , Works, l ThectiO, le. /T. Slat ' UMW, Yank 0•4 Aguas, leis 011318 BY & BOOTIE, ' (iicessiers to fialiviOn th "SO - FLOUR AND FRY► FOR TIM KILLION; i Stook of ♦ND WILL la IPLD TRAY ma ukaut OFFMED IN Empire Stores. Evsay BODY WILL SAYE XXAMININiii OUR :like 4 : AND EVERYTAING ELSE IN THE XX, Extra Superfine &Grabs= Corn Ifta, Cracked Wheat, Of all hint% kept constantly on hand and for Bela at prices that cannot bat satisfy ail. sarAuoode Warnettoi to be jun toAnt recottortroded, and de livered to cdlparet V die eityfree elsarge. Illirßemember the old stead of Shannon & Ryan, No. 5 Cheapaide, Erie, Pa. ORMSBY & BOOTH. Erie, March 12, 1039. 6m40 M'tONKEY & SHANNON, IRON, r l l.Trilf7l7l7ll 11001111 LB sad SPADES, Springs, A gi BORING bIACH INES. SLUFF WADS AND .:14. irlis. Ilarilts U. MAO. lIRENCH SNOW W 1-1 ITE ZIN C. .;saa relied le wtsit• Dom, Varafah. tar Pet , atlata A at We. I Rod Beam. *la. Jam Isl —l2. 1.. 1. BALDWIN. BOOTS AND MOM AT -4 ;57 - 23.0143313A-LEI. rrHE subscriber would invite the attest & tido et 001111111 RI XEROX/LIM And BUYERS from all quarters to his LARLIE STOCK OF BOOTS AND 831.0118. Which will be sold at a much Los mum than can be purchased elsewhere. It is the Stook of a:IWO:m*1 It Outprisse a Ossapiets Ansaistain4.- And ate GOODS will be sold WITHOUT . REGARD TO COST H. F. writ P. & Boots and %owlet, Retail, 40 per sent below ordinary prices. Between Btown'a Hotel and the Reed Rowe. , At Sign of Bad Floc June 11, 1859.-I.lnt. xx kbted mcm. ALL= $llOOll4l. tCP the late hiftw 11111 1 Iliriraierestle with the =Mir, fob's thi ay et Jolly sad. lad laseestik .T. w. DOMAN. Ide• 11,18011.—Nift. Itieshits. NNW IFIRXI ITTMTri Wooden & Willow War% Pork, Fish, !MK be. bo. IiOUGHT ROE GAEL TSUI CITY FOR CASE pit READY PAY. XONSY BY CALLING AND '.. SPLENDID WFOCT. OF GROrERT AND PROVRsION LIKE, BEFORE P CR( 7148/NO ELSEWHERE! FLOTTEt, _ GICAINIAND FEED, NO. 8, REED HOUSE. Have on hand a large •Lock of NAILS, Cut and Wrought Spike, JIM CARPENTERS' TOOLS, AMES' FLINT, MULET, MILL, CIRCULAR CROW-CUT AND HAND SAWS; AND PIPE BOXBA ANIMA, VICES AND BELLOWS, Irma& Mats and Wuhim IRAN, TABLE AND POcKET PLATED SPOONS A ND FOJfK WATER PROOF CAPS, WHIPS, &C., &C., No. 11, Reed House, Erie, ?MONKEY & BIIAN NON GM) Vila * BALURSO 11111111 Nal 11C1115. NEW STYLES—Priods *ow S5O to StAti Ram Mars. Of be Reseisers. 4G BROADWAY, : : Ihmoo lnothisto boot two yolk as gozobrool lois tibootsoo, regokfai so wwilosidag st *sort ; Um an% lhal. liletboo, owl IMO* la a eogoottet tip* lobli tog Noi; mot by tisk we ogodloot, ittemtot ristmost lo log bitai, so la sogobtell bg Ober omobiamo ll* wade botbworlierwor omits( Soo it oomolmo ess, Gess Mao ei he one eat as Yon and ass, as goooti.llll4 Joe nrodiftio to Ow miliot for &nag osorfog, es amooselotlbole eleogiking, Etsobillty, as ot meloggeteeeit„ sad ologootion to on vorlotbo et hinny sudiog-olonolke unbar *ay or boo mob with aged Ilmeng,Noi trill -M-W sabosi - Am Mime of no IlsOleonolted togesdeeeitg ot liar inoteleineo. tie Goma At Zmz emu, itamoreehoo. wag bog boo to reopodtting robe to no balm* TESTIMONIAL-8. •Haviag lad vas el Orem k lesiees Ideelldass la sey Swift law smut; • yew sad a-bek. I take pleasure lei eassesuedism It seeey way seillidelear aka ler Aide IS Is blaget. 11 6= 1 1 11141.117 Dr. r.. Aliw iatit. psadad. Nt atahipo lorsif dollibtod wttb year &vise Illa.bloo, yid* bra bola hi Ay &Ugly for sow immatirs. It has -aver bop boody year ditty, estaistary so gia tstmeot, ant Y sully Mor bid wary wilily tor orwirfr, by =.48110111021 to tb"We Ir. tbrabd."— Slibriga sfr qf & '. pr. Strioltisail. liar qf At Y. Ciridboo Adoorobs. "MUT k oreerst peed sisehhoe, I peo Immed yeallos seeleeat of its aisollottp. sot the per hot Om with wallah is al tea. the sod dolehlUdy et tie mew hog espeeflool"7re eo•poleot to meek to Ode araissr awl I* sadlellmilar omeoreasod it far every verieV of lkolly leoria"—Abs & *mar. .4/* la.. lev erldreeidpe awe, "I have egged a Groves Boum 51,111/ for too pews, and have hood It adepbd to sr kM of too - Up ..wise. boo Condole le Bresdeloth. Cluselote have loom von set without the Elvis( way of a mute& The Wiwi*. Is easily kept le Neer. sod eaelly seed."—Jrke. 4. N. Whipipkovir of Am the. /IMO; M reirL ...Tow &mei INS.ehlee bre bees to on to mew Wetly the post two Taus, rod the ladies meant no to era you their tortioosiata to US serest adaptedees., a. mat ea laboe-asving qualities in the petits/whey of faolly and boissebnid arviag."—Baden Bairmar., n w Ywt. oPnr /PIM& menthe me ham mod Gross" k Baker's gefriror Machin., and have come to the monelnaiou that mr..r ) Ia.!) alto desirea ber aeafal isaaffifoilo mad efridia WPOW e. /O ,, Nt tOrttlallte in prooprodne• nnear timer e. liable and indefatopilmie 'iron noodle-women; obese combined (*notifies of Irtenere, A, sad nimphary, are toraluable."—J. M. Morrie, daagAtee of On. Os* P. lifereirf, 144. r 4 Ma Haas J•ersat. Katmet dl a letter from Tires. lt, Laav;Tr, Reel., as American mintlearm, remr eminent in Sydney, New Smith WM/notated Jannary IY , INA ; "T had a tent made In lie!bourne, in ItSt In e lax II them were river three thoseand aeL of ....wing 41 , 100 Wilk 6000(GS - 0\er A. 13aker'a Machines r an.l a ..meta 44 . that Mu ontatund all the drlndid seams Rimed by sailors a needle and to inc." "11 Homer eonta he rafted up from h;e murky hail.., he would sing the advent of Skeeter k 'Baker a* a more be ignant marseas of art than war ever Putout's amital.— He would donottnee midnight Aim-making no 'the tlfinft I spring of woes inratanibered."—Pry. "1 tales phonons In saying, that the (linter it Baker fiswing linektisss bees mon taus sustained my experts thou. Mut t•7log and mint oing others, 1 hare three of these la Operstkei fn s up ditienrst *tea, and. atter toot rune 614 ham bolt to da4.^-1. Himonord swot.. of Sod* Cirsiins. " olio boa bad ow et Grover h Mart's rola, tog Math.booo termite Vase, aaal aim dettiakd taloa oi the beet laborestieg merldneo that ban been Inveated. tal k l snob phosase u reeownoeadlng it t. lbe public." —J. G. iisorria, afterwar y lhosesees. -nig a bessUde Wog, mad oats everybody tote as er eliciting at good leloor. Were I a Catholic I aboald hoist spelt Galata Gnaw and Baker boadiaria Normal botldsy V aomoseeerottoo of their good deeds Ibr be autotty."—Clerirt Y. gyp. think IS by bko tip . e NUM Is ass. com bo odploi boss li basot mobile lo = 4 41 esislollol. It says ston o rt, son 7 them cos eau limaighie. Was scold ant 'lOblsesd, mossy could sob buy tt."— I. O. Bows, irogrritle Tam "Itts stosedy, ••ty asst. sad darshls is its 'twit ; .• sadly saderstood end 'mid in repair. lea meetly e•••• 1. wood this Machine t• all sty segndntaac,s sad ether"." —Abe. M. 4. Rust, Massplos Tlaw. 'we WIWI ski *sews* to work to mu eskiateektoo. end with Atom" oweimead it so the poblie. as we bebere the Grover lk Baker to be the beet Sowing Machias in wee." —Dowry **then,lfHreie Tirew. qTEIEL, "If used exchsahely der firstly Ori culinary care, I will wager tbey will lest orb• kL score and ten: :a nd sower get oat et Ix "—Jerks trishise, nem 'I him lad oar tiarekisto for sovon.ll ,, sad ea poilloolly tbot as ewe A dew IP the boot sad meet beeettral that rea r olio noolo."—Mergia temoioro, Sorsi Tar. . u_.•!. *Po* mats , dsesieshi% end an. lbws winesuag, sad the week is admirable--lsr then the best kood..alsiaa. say ether machine I hams ewer sesa." . --.74ety At. Alieheine, lbws. "I fad tar malt 4lat• dammed aad auk liesatitt.l I fart war assa, n,sile 'War by head ea loaalibm, aid re. Worrever 4. &ger kaablas as avast 4.4z.t...t to oar im."—Jlllra lapkw, Raalaills, el bowies alchwatalt MMra&wfae llashimar la woo is sty aid lad 1 sat eatertmitly reemeheibt It la all is vast da auslalaa."-40. T. Tlamaraa. ram. %Wits pliamare a eartgolar la the utility rt for Grow & Won Itarytactiteddites. Hums used arse es ahreoet Ireer7 diaasiallas of work tar swath; and glad It am" elasagat WAR la_rarry Norma duo welt ammo try barst."—Mra Madly, Biasergile, nom "I would kr wwwilldwg Ita **woo of my OPIMIN k Vaddillehr • Wow assault. amid I wet repass. It avow at ploasturs."—Mbo. il. G. Ihemmel, Perheeifile, leas. "Vier two ilackhros, pdstkowsi Ilrosa you. do the week tureeternl ikar iedies. Ile wtth olowere resonuourd Ch the eerer & Swim &rehire to be Me beet Ia esft"--11. Blames Ch., Yr.ptti Tess. ronierararras k Sakitkroiag Illardsime works odadzotakY • 1 Wok the With sod MIAOW' separter to tart of say &swine likrebiar I isnersaw. Oa Ow wort, I Wok the tit weld he herd te.leesL" W. J. Dark, klrapilit, es. "I Sad Cho illasishis assay wisiempiel. miry ilusalag bAiii Aran his rassauseaditqr is to slierbo w sootii siiinaosioulim plostanew"—litts. 7W... N. Pi ts Manisedi Haim fisartsi lisetidass ham rims mob yliat 4814////hakr neoesmued lama WWI she wish a good sod substantiaJ sawing Rio.. It caseates trout with mash ewe sad mord, sod somillasty Ohm say other sasseias ham sosia*—lits. At. Ai. .1111111014 Mom hia Thom '4 as law togfve aq tissabrieury In favor of Grover Bus" eselig naeldoe, We of the sistba ke tkp i pt ever he ovary moped. It ores mad is I T no means aampacerad,aad I pone It to prathers I hove asen - - item. brresi, *Rot. 4. M. Mriplok, it %nor* los swab plasm* to may, that the Itaahlos worts well ; and I do not frartabs to recoosasmal it an mraZdan an advantaged yea alert tor It. Tay al& ar auleh pleased with It, sad we take pienanre In per tilfyina to this efeset,*—it. C Driabley, Iweptu , Thep Memo me pleasure to Pod thethever k Baker Peeing ltaeltfae gIHKae moth satlidhotion. I have It le con stant ass. mid &14 ft all that could be dement. it is t ax genet do* end durable machine la ass, and I lwartily reergnemed /Pk" "Horton wen. essupinetk, and soot marry other kiwis ot Sewing Mriduesi, I het flee la sap that the Groner We ` d. naehates lees tsr so or to all others io usso*-0/. Peasant sag, Ilan. CUTLERY, K catheter my Bowing Idsdidao aresksatelm sad moeshi aed tab Am times Its cost, if I maid sat soma; its Oars With It I eao do sli my imaly sedriag In shoot orodbeuth Um tilos I would with my hands '—J/. J &wit, Naskrette, Ilnea. pair SEND FOR A CIRCUL AR. J. J. LINTS, Agent, Erie Itareb it, INIO.-11y.40. PLATED WARE. Cake Dashek, Foriv, ftroomi, Ceps, and a Igo 11 variety n 1 Rkb Phited (leak, br oak b AUSTIR, Tanya Bulking, Nosy Noel St. • llassb 12, J. C. BURGESS & WHOLESALE GROCERS ! H A V RITA IC EN THE STORM - (formerly oeempkd bar Las tip. c 0.,) Whore they are caring a large sad gen: end stock of GROCUBIES 9 4717 10. 0i vim" e And respwAndtr ace* a Air of 4 a* J 04.11, UM. rvtA B F. 1 1 01 P ....i.e.. w. NE* Jose 46 Dv* / Bed Mara No. 10 Brown's Nook, PROVISIONS !: Ike!whets a* =Ern NEW YORK