The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 11, 1859, Image 3

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    focal and g• .•
Me Snow fell on Astor& t is several
.3. ,le?• 111 the Soothe= this *op intr.
l't Ts Gooowts. Um ' Seed Heuee
11, •erA e up e T e Y a eaPh;l l . /04.
No , in ntei try it.
They are g(4 14 have • Wiwi ogle-
Tilton al ;:partzinr4rg on Illital4llol die 2d
July The lobe" to Premblised by
1, of this city.
ik „,er the Terabit' mArtet days in
co w a pe Tuesdays, Thursdays sad Bas
;l.oordinance to that 'elect kiwis(
Do, 4, no% berries are selling in Cineintuai
• a quart.. Al ail prise eves edit
. , h „ not have them .4ald cut" their
1,r9 . enjoy a dish occasionally.
me 1.1 • . a 110 went 1.0 Columblyk Ohio, to
„ I , s,th his haloon this week, did'ut. nue_
„„,, The insch'ine started, but "got on
came doWH.
sp,„ The Synod of the Lutheran
clroh, the scasion of which has jusfrolosed,
;a—A-m..011160ne by a decisive vote, deacon
.¢ the t , e of lager belie and fermented
p gi r : military election held on Monday
NN itt, was elected Brigadier General;
r rx Ito Ka, Brigadier Inspector; J.
t „ T i r4. o, Colonel, and Wit.iims Itasnea,
v2y - Who says we are not a patriotic people?
%t ,„.no, our -city daddies - hare approprio-
I;I to defray Lite expenses of rc-interi*g
ui tm. of the goldiert of IR,V, now being
.1 by the workmen on the Sunbury and
t• r,.ml
: t er It i s said that coalition table salt and
ul eeitea alum. Kill tirlye the tooth tube out
the moot lin or men, women and well Iteltat etl
till , iren. Mix equal ,iiiantit les of Mont and
turd till the cal/1y of the tooth with
kir. The Fou.l ease liras argued before the
-„ 1 rrlue 'ourt at Ph iladelph is on Tueediry
%,, tee ion Itto yet beemientiered. J. P. Vitt
, F., 1 . Appeared foe Defendant. and Judge
k\ , x anti JAM r.. SILL, Req., for the Con:anon
age No person is admitted in Bunton to see
. ti rphy without a ticket.— Exchange.
rl 1t..-t,,lnott+ evidently think Morphy in a
Zer . Iti they were never knawnite make
, , u ,.1, f t over a white man! .41_11.2";:.
age k t • •rough guess," we silotild put
%1, the temperature of the weAthei., about
t . ral days this week, at about as many
Fsrenkieu, as persons of full habit
i find it comfortable to endure. out iii. the
..1.1 .unlight, with ••nsry" it hrt:xth of rtir
• .11 II e Not to put too fines point upon it—
., ..gto ..:ty that it was positively Aurninerish.
The attention of those in want of a
s•w ut Nltteh toe IM invi.esi to the advertisement
'I., Nal in another column. We lisle
IL and it appears tone 6c Isim
complicated, and altogether the hest
• iwiehine we. ever ,mw. It is only
ii difference between that and one or the
.r j luV articles, in these hard times.
ply` Thr (i =elle says the new Methodist
nortm ott C:11113.411 Cl alau Cra , diam •
h , 1 lelool, will he dedicated by appropriate
on Sunday the 19th inst. Bishop
will !Teach the dedicatory sermon itt
A M. Other distinguished clergy
, ~1 the Methodist Episcopal denomination
krveteti to he present, and preach in the
1-,.rii“,.11 end evening.
Ittir The entire city of Philadelphia—that
• Le whole population, including members of
—is at work with all ita inventive ge
' trying to get a name fora new hotel 10-
,t,-.1 utl Chestnut au-eet. The prevailiogjtiea
•., tn. to be that malt properly mowed the en
' , rpri.e will prove a ilare. What a piece of
ti•ense. .•
gee "A good rufs , much followed in Eu
r, 14 never to go (lc of the house without
• !.? tiling at least a up of ooffee. It is very
,Niiiriotia to health to exercise beforobreakfaet
bout, at least this precaution. Take eowe
thing, at all events, before going out. - do says
In exchange, but in this country we have a1%4-4,4
%4-4 , 4 noticed that those fellows who get
Irly to take a walk, always "take aoruetitine
,Uer they get out—say at the first earlier gro
. ery
pfd' There is one thing we aqraiii like to
know -and that is the propriety' of sending - to
L „ u~ti the to procure the services of ORCI)
VTIc a to deliver a fourth-of-July oration.
s Lill we have a doyen citizens among as whip
hettermrators. Like lioratioareeley,
witty George is as dull on the stamp as g
rtz,r that has been heed a twolemonth fo
bay., .k young woman, "under thirty years
. the daughter of a deceased Methodist
, i,rgyttuto," has recently recovered a verdict
ot $14141,000 damage, for breach of promise, of
~b 1 bachelor of sisty-five, •lrorth over a
latillon of dollars." The "damage - to dm,
lady's heart was estimated, we suppose. itt,eil
a,t ratio to the wealth of the -gay old boy:"
right--a hundred thousand will. not hurt
hits • besides it is maimed he keens children
gay - The military spirit is riving in our
but whether wdueed by the war news
tr 4,, Europe, or ►hat that the Awl
t „ of the State 'has 'become a' ?evident
Lirwou us, lie are sot preplyld to !is".
wivatever the minas, though not inf
I we are glad to see it. It haail , TJ
~ en x i+haine and a reproteh that icsitref
Inhaivitanta ita4ild boast of 4se • UMW
t.i r y pride—in tact could not Tura out one
-.I well drilled ecnorpanX• 4 t . Thn t fetil 1 13 "
O.• have been able I. amine kW manual yeas
4een the Gentian cosopsoiss, aid gia, it
to us, for the want Or Itroper s teminne
ment and competition, have derindled indstsm
-1., r. and deteriorated in efficiency. Under Lim 1 ating influancti o of Coo ion JAMIE wilt
I..nialens Itecomelfivirjerery Welkin
nr And this rompatition Limy are about
tvti. ; in the formation of a milltary corps,'
....piegeel of some of our moat snbetaigaidlonsi
h..- men, lawyers, mereimatn, trim. lunti
halite-, Some seventy-liven em ire iirestd4
enrolled, and to-night tin" lallot to Potr7,
N•rt their preliminary Ar t 9. • ,BM. 6.04
.11 moother column.
air The frost on itaitirday daubtifisi
used a very heavy injury to tba tango. War.
in all sections of the country north of the
iPtlio river; but we apprehend It will not peon
.lisastrons as the more gloomy antleiinste. A
k portion of the fruit crop will undoubtedly
lust; but there will be enough left tifolkltk:
1,11 use. The potatoes and corn, maulat,
%egettibleot, have been more or leas injured.—
•till they will recover in good part. ,la to the
wheat, In *rime particular localities there may
be en .appareat injury, .bat if the @Weigh* of
our correspondent, published in to-day% paper
relative to a similar calamity, are to be re
lied on, there will 14 no injury even is such
totalities. In this eonneetion we may add
that the Buffalo Commercial after 'publishing
extracts from letters and papers from all @ea
titles of the country, concludes with the fol
"It will be seen from the above that the
(rest was remarkably extensive and severe,
bet second or counu in ail oases are more cheer
fUl than first. Corn will not need repiatating
and we learn of many instances where it is
starting up briskly. The total damage to the
wheat crop w ill not be enough to deprive us of
a more than. usually abundant harvest"
MS. Huss T. Barns, eon of the senior
editor of the Detroit Tribune, was accidentally
hang while prsatising alone in a gynmasins in
that ay on Friday. It seems that between 10
and 11 o'clock the young mat visited the gym
nasium, in which he was In the habit of mum
cisingalone. At 11 o'clock another young man
repaired to the roam and (mind Henry hanging
by a strap from one of the ladders. He was
immediately cut down, but life had fled.
Ma. ihrrrent—Prest _reports from various
parts of Che oonstry I am pained to learn of
the emote **nod that seem to have been in-
Meted by the frost of lag liaturdry night. I
had a earneireetian this afternoon with a pn
demon of high standing, and well and favor
ably known to many of our citizens, from Ro
chester, New York, who informed me that but
a short Lime ago an intelligent flutter of the
strictest httegiity called his attention to the
het that 1110818 he bad purchased wheat from
the farmer, and referred to the severe frost on
the night of the 7th of June of that year,
(known I believe as the cold season.) In the
cementation the farmer stated that his wheat
was froten so severely by the June frost that
the bead and stock willetl t and lopped down
and came off; that he allowed the crop to stand,
unpromising as the prospect appeared, until
tteptember when he harvested it, and that it
yielded him twenty-fire bushels to the sere, a
part of which was purchased by my informer.
Hoping that this may be of use to Koine per
sons, L eommunieate it by permission as I re
ceived it, and have no doubt of its entire ac
par The Crawford Jamul comes to us this
week in a new dress, end consequently much
improved in appearance. The Jountal is a
straight-out republican paper, conducted with
a good deal of ability, and deserves the gener
ous party support it receives. We admire its
spunk, lee tiers' t ita politics.
aft. Modesty is a virtue that adorns who
ever assumes its garb. We do not wonder,
then, that the New York Tribune announces that
there is "no man tiring whose arrriral in Kan
sas could hare made such a sensation as the
chief of the Tribuste''—Mr Horace Ilreeley.
Modest Horace
sir Postmasters orer"the count) should
make it an object to obtain subdwribers for
their own county papers, as they are allowed
out of the post office 10} cts. fur el ery county
paper received at their office.
Wk. CYRUS H. licConmics, the inventor of
the Patent Reaper, at the late General Assem
bly of the Presbyterian Church (Old School)
at Indianapolis, presented SIOII,OOO for the en
dowment of four professorships in the Theo
logical Seminary, of that body at Chicago. Cy
rus evidently thinks that by sowing now he
will reap hereafter.
1166. A few days ago one of our business men
called uptn us to notice in our local column,
••free gratis for nothing," of course, a matt4r
connected with a church in which he is deeply
interested. We politely informed him that we
would do so with pleasure. Alter he had left
us, and although an Editor's charity covers a
multitude of sins, we could not but recollect
two facts:—first, that this same gentleman does
not take ours, nor any other paper published
in the city : and secondly, that when he wants
any job-work done he either goes to another
city for it or employs an itinerant card-printer
who has no interest in the city. Now the query
is, if everybody else did the same, would there
be a paper here to notice, "free gratis for
not either Church natters, ('ity matters.
or any other touters of interest which it is ab
solutely necessary the public should know '
s or A few days ago a girt only seven years
of age fell into a well in Buffalo. The well is
sixteen feet deep, and contains thre feet of
water. The child went to the bottom, striking
her head with some Noce upon the stones. She
at once threw out her tends, and felt the pail
resting on the bottom, and raising one hand,
grasped the pole which rested against the wall
of the well.
,By this Idle raised herself to the
surtax* of the water, Ind then climbed up the
wall to the top.
Diarertoss TOR TILAVtLIIIB.—As this is the
season ftir pleasure trips we deem it not amiss
to furnish mar friends who may gopleasuring
with a few brief directions which will greatly
promote their comfort, facilitate their pro
gress, and as►e them a good deal of vexation
and bad humor :
1. ('arry se small *stock of clothing as pos
sible. A single carpet bag will contain ample
baggage for any sensible traveler. It will sale
the trouble of (+miring, the worry about bag
gage, as well as quarters to hackmen.
2. fkatt plenty of the "needful" to more
than cover all estimated expenses, and have it
in gold and silver, exacting the saute in change
when paying bills. This you will find mast
eatitfsetory, and the danger of being imposed
upon with bad bills will be, avoided.
3. Be el:meow:to and obliging to everybotlil,
This will smooth the journey wonderfully. A
great many people leave thek manners at home
when they go on a journey. Their enjoyment
4s ve ry apt to remain with their manners.
4. Buy the daily papers and read the Rail
road advertisements so as to know the exact
tintiaten the train teases any particular point.
The 11111 save you asking questions and enable
y 4 to answer thew to; others.
6. Always Or, yourself ample time to reach
the depot tot the Bain. Better be half an hour
toe imply than a minute too Ince.
11, Union you know personally the charao
tor oCthe Wel at which yen wish to !top p
to Brit dose house. You will ',miens risk
of Wise imposed upon La • hotel of tip best
qtatig titania,eay of the lower order of pub
lic blouses.
7. lif . you carry much money with yew al
;ways deposit nin the safe of the hotel. By
- 111 row the risk
- , pockets
... '
I.J ,
. mar The frost ott !Wards,
slostruetivo is Crawford event
ebtudd judge, *NM along the isl 4
Mende Journal se,ys the dsy was
blustering, with occasional spits of tine
wsids visaing the wind set in from the n
to Use gen-
Aks, set as
relit% from
kihowlsdss sad
sods you.
IVA tes7
bote ioo, we
Osiire. The
1141 sal
tibia Moo* away; thothonows-
- began to plaint ;. 10 P. IL `it *Om
holt tbssematia
lee was formed ih mat weisels $ tho:titiolt
nem of one-half Of let it—in same ballast
it was thicker: Wet of l i the rye its-thatAmme
diste nefghboth= the wheatblow
is thought to be the ftwii so far
as heard is frown—and hoop. block sod mis
shapen upon the !trees. This is a sad picture,
but fear it is unectititt. Is pet ecittned to any kr
calhy. Throughout Sonsylatala mid the
northern stales we bade' equally as bad ac
counts. , ,
111/1„, Talk about Piceolomini, Strekoech, and
the other faehioimbie Mager' ; there is not a
mother, son, or :daughter: in our goodlky city,
or in the country either, that cannot attend a
better concert, 4 without money and without
price," ever, day of their the*, if they are
only a mind to; All they have to de is to
get up at four in the morning, throw up
their window, if it is not already up, which
it aught to be, and let In the voice of the
birds. Listen! there is a Rolxiis--cati Piecol
°mini beat thatf—theierlas Qrioler, Jenny
Land is nowhere; heirlhaßluo-bird. haft it
stretches its little throst,•and tries to lift its
voice above the rest of the feathered band!—
And now they are all in chorus, Robin, Oriole,
hue-birt h Cat-bird, 'eves to the Wile Wren ;
did art ever produce anything equal to it!-did
mortal voice ever sing His praises halt as glad
ly, half as sweetly, or half as effectively 1 We
doubt it! And yet how few enjoy it—simply
because it mats nothing, and Is not "the fast:
ion." Nor is the "bird concert" at fear in the
morning the only peg one gets for leaving
the downy pillow and ping forth with nature.
There is stuatss! Franklin, (says one of our
roitr contemporaries,) glade the eyes doll Paris
swell with wonder whekatetold them that there
was such a thing as sunrise. and that it was
the most inngnificent spectacle in•the universe.
The .Imerican philosopher was right. Paris,
by a desperme,effort. got up, or, rather, didn't
go to bed, to witness it. Only once, however.
They said it was a great thing, and also voted
it a great bore—the time at which the "show"
came oil It is an impossible end of the day
to a Frenchman within the walls of his own
dear metropolis. 'Nevertheless, 4 o'clock A. M.
is a period in the twenty-four hours which is
really great, though unknown to a majority of
mankind. Take it in June. How fresh and
delicious and inspiring the air. How sweet
the Hong of the birds; what concerts they give
without umney or price, as before resnarkedi-
Iloli fresh and cheering is the face of nature , .
How intoxicating the exhalation of opening
flowers, their bosoms each a laboratory of aro
ma to delicious that even poetry could not de
scribe. And then such an atmosphere of quiet
as reigns over everything. There is no crowd,
nothing to oppress, but everything to charm
and make delightful. We repeat, there is noth
ing like 4 o'clock A. M. It is the rose-white
hour of the day. It is the time when men
feel, if they ever do, just as they sbsuld—free,
grand, devout. Will our readers try it two
weeks and see how they like the novelty! We
will be responsible for the consequences. Above
all, let the young lathe*, who have an innate
appreciation of the beautiful, because beauti
ful themselves, go forth tit the charming hour.
Let them set an example and introduce a fash
ion that shall result in a health and enjoyment
such as they have now, in their 7 and 8
o'clock risings, no idea of.
1114,„ We uo.iee that a counterfeit on the
Bank of Commerce, of this city, has made its
&NW. 11111,C Itl smut row ems •••• • ize- . i.
is describe.' as be;ngan altered bill froTh some
other banit. and is wholly unlike the genuine
fires of the bank. The vignette represents
figures of steamboats, with the word rive in
large type in red ink--the inkshelving as dis
tinctly through on the back as on the face.—
Left end, numeral v; and head of Clay ; right
MU/ figure 5, and head of Washington. On the
bottom of the bill. beneath the signatures of
the officers, which, by-fhe-bye, are by the same
hand, tire the words. "Stockholders vidual
ly liable," which words are not on the genuine.
The bill is also slightly shatter and narrower
than the genuine. The red ink showing through
and the signatures being in the same hand will
sufficiently detect the fraud even by persons
unacquainted with the genuine notes of the
nth. A Pity Justice in Cincinnati decided a
case on Saturday. which possess peculiar inter
es:, from the fact 'hat it is probably the first
of the kind in the State, being for se-vices ren
dered in procuring a husband fora widow. The
plala facts are as follows: Samuel Milligan, an
Israelite. brought suit against a Mr. and Mrs.
May, forteraonal ten ices in bringing about a
match bet ween the defendants, at the instance
of the wits. whit was rather a dilapidated apt&
men of widdwittiod, with the aristocrstie name
of Mrs. DeYoung s .'. The plaintiff claimed for
nineteen days service, at $3 per day, and
Drought suit therefor. The Justice flnarlx ren
dered judgment in favor isf the matrivasorial
broker for $3 and costs.
sm. Mej. P. P. Thextsoos, of\diarrisburg,
JANES C HATO AM and WU. DEUX, hay of Lock
Haven, appointed by the Governor in \ accord
ance with the act of Assembly of 1858, to N tw
the line of the klunbury and Erie Railroad frau!
Williamsport to Sinnemahoning, have attended
to their duties and made report to the Depart
ment, that a certain portion of the road hula
been properly completed. In 'mordant*
therewith the Governor directed the State
Treasurer to deliver to the Directors of the
Company bonds to the amount of one million
Mir The Easton new; complains that there
are men so mean in that burg that they - refuse
to subscribe for that paper on account of its
pub( ical character, and yet make a practice of
getting up in the morning hefbre those who do,
take it. and read it sitting on the subscriber's
door step. This is pretty mean we admit—but
is it any worse thaw for ma* to stealtheir read
ing year after year, and ail the time abuse sad
vilify add traduce the editor of the paper! We
think not.
sir- On the 2d inst., at. ,
vivid flush Of thunder so ala
of Mr George W. Potts,
while :landing at her door, that in .
fatal attack of beast disease. She tell Wok
and died in a few moments. She was a
niece of lion. George M. Pallas. and. e
daughter of the late Teevantoo B. Dallia,
of Pittsburgh.
*atmla Visrrsrtotr.—There is a *wand
man ih (Wens, Ili, Who ins is that atom'
night, about ten o'eldek, a ghost in Immure
vrbrears in his etuunher, and looks'at
urin th a stare that appals him. t il l he
turns 'terror to histrife, whose's:totes° the
Sensation. Re bolts his door 4htt fastens
hut windows, but all duo me the intruder
itil g lrse. May it not be an ill-used
eart t
A couple were married in Pawtnetet
hot Week, one of hot
thatilthirteen years old. It was • rtmaisor
raid* mad took place in the libiltait* 60,03
hom• of the father, who is a respectable
farmer in North Providence. The beelii4
absented herself from school on pretense ,
of illness, but it appears she recovered
suffirifotly to leave home without her
mother's knowledge, and return a wife.
1111 JAMAS ai o ' • Cleibtropi
7" b. inionions paystrearitarsit
Prvera from • pairgoilim 10 Clark. It 1).
Ifilreselbarp isisk limer. , •
imisaliaarl/ains ninainsi la tie ogee el an
asps Dakota mid dappospi dhinmetwibbni, Llusio
aosidlEnnsit lisinfeit. moniiins OMNI. Intl ie.
wove, an eistnelionsy sod • apisay cony way 10 WWI
111W1111U RD
it is porenery 9lll
sannot It win, I And M!
nue, bring es
the "alrlily preive irnkrpredisnly.
resis beetle, pries Ow Dabs, bon tiro Geeseeeent
Stump of 41bosli SAM* se weed iits.
CLAMri e *SOOr•
Tibial AIM ANEW ami
FIBIT 7112“ .1110111111 I V Noissoseg. as Mg aft
fere .tb Irby , ea learantiqrs. tyd at ay slaw Mai thigi
ars Wa.
lain a a Nervous 7=4 Spinal Alharama, rata hi
the Ilia and Labe, Hasa... slight easation. Psilpatai
ttoa a the Hook Hyatt/am and Mates, tame MI Mill
Bret a ewe who all etas means lave haat : end al•
though a powerful ready. do not oantain iron, solonset,
antimony, or any thing hattal to the ionalibilan.
rob Orations to tho pamphlet aroma each poky%
Oda dmailhe ..really P' +4.
&de Agent for the I.Totted Ebbw aid Canada.,
JOB WOW, Was 1. G. allkhrla k Co n )
kodkonse, L. Y.
N. 11-41,q0 and 8 postage stamps toetooot to any an
horliM Agent, will finnan a betas, ene•sibing 140111
by retain wail.
Per sal. by °uteri' Bro., and L. 1. Baddiss, Baia, Pa.
7,1160.--41.1 y.
sr. ntrrcitimuw LIFE EX 111 LA RA NT
Youth lo Dr Aged 1 Stomata to Ole Asst I
TM novel preparation has incA Mb the approval of the
malty to ovary part of the world, and the discoverer and
proprietor hal Maly proclaim It to be
e i retwareater sod rater of wasted vir Wert (maxima.
Matchless' Life Bahilavant should be used by all nerv
ow. as it sinstelates the nervy to their eaters*
work sad will not produce a reseties no matter Ow
soddenly dropped.
If la also a owe viessay sad will give relief in arum.
ohs noith the Seat doss A brief peudetenee Ia its ass will
renovate the stoesselb to a degree of periled health, and
bestial dyspepsia thrower.
The aged sivotaki be strisin to math flutehlaupt* Ltf
Italtilarast a bouesield atielo innotostdi as it will:lode*
theist you thhal in **Rag and is etreolgth, and suable theft
to live ever again the days of their phase joy. It not
only exhilarates bait idreogliteue, hid is really io hovels
able blearing, especially to those who have been refaced
to ► condition of servility by sihdotinue, or ordinary sick
ness. No matter what the owes ot the latent/alley of any
banes owes, the. gapes* lExbiliereet will remove the
elfect at onoe and foregoer. •
9atebiegi 1J( Malilanai should be seed by all prr
so as olio bate disordured Darres, stomach, Hum, mum
tar action, torpid inicibiet, or loariool l Or spirit.. It is
eoraportedid Mau homiest*, let powerful allepleo, and
usotalos not a vain or Mom of ratieral mbetartem
Pringle* Afflicted with bircismos, will discover
_pla ',chine' 1.11. Its Misread tiv• rosilsotioo of their hopes
oi ,mitoniity.
This remarkable and inapproashable preparation Is for
sale by the Proprietor, fl, fl. Brroarrars4 at 166 Chambers
Strrrt, New Yo.k. All orders ahead be add/Nosed to him
Seat by Zumta evert 'bare. Oat large bottle ill ;
b4tke tor $6. Sold by T A. SINCLAIR., sod CARTIM k
MtOTHER, Krie„ 46.1 y
The aged eaa have health reamed by fiatobiage'
Ufa Itsbilamed, which le tatallible as a nejaveriat, aad
will restore wasted atssigth, with magical promptness
aid wonderful pertuaseree. For old Lod garble persona It
bbs sot its equal. [told by CARTZR k BROTIIIR
Fb. 41.1 y
:Er The Vieille of Ussir Camp Mint will Almoner In
Ifirishinie Lffe le xhllanurt a grand panacea, unequalled
Sr Immediate and permanent *fleet in this distrmeing
complaint; it Murata, readers the Wed Wu and alum
flit ; it retneenates and restores etrihialb with made
4deitares. T N. SINCLAIR, ZAN Pa. 116.1 y
A" The — weali will receive Dm atravarth fetes a mode
MO roe of that excelleet Wel gerast, Iletebleice
It is tieultidal is all Ili operat4sos. As as
iiiriancent Lt bee so toIOSISPIIMOSILtigIg the aged awl
weakly with wonderful °Acuity and permaaent
Sadly carma a BRO. ati., Pa. may
Outshine IMo Esldlasant is a rojuvonstor of
arupprosebable and Initspillubho eleallenos. Yu au ses
tets dlosson, no gristle , ' bow produced. It roast be coo
adored an Infidlibloabecide. It Wake &canine aluntoos
!uttering In the lieu, Aomori' or brain. Its minden Is
looter, strength, vitality. and physical ability. floldby
ClitTlLlt t IMO. grto. Pa. rkly.
E r Hutchlop' 1,16 lishilarint. Ladies of weak and
aleftly eouditutloaa ahoald take the Machine la/
xibllarourt; It will subs you Aron, boon* and itappy,
reutovoull obeleactioas and Irtuvilarities from thouopust
.....l and inidnes the bloom of Walt& to Um sickly
and wastrel earewerm Aar. 8.44 by CMITICR k 11Ro.
Erse, Pa
r i r The nervous win and ileteltinp' L Ns Zahßarant
a SIAM remedy for all their suffering; and persons who,
free* the taladietene we of Unerna,liawebenesee dejected,
and theLr nervous systems shattered, and constitutions
broken down. Sold by T.B. OINCLAM £r. P.. 4111 y.
Dp i pptk. ca. bag. all Ids woes baaielbed 8101,11
bet use ilutaldugs' L* ExldtwooL Wort .tonne,
feeble digestion . distinee aftereatimmootive labile bilious-
Dom, low spirit', Iv 11 1W a voider is the *ewe eels
woad. :iotd by CANTER & 004 aod T 8. BLNCLA9I.
l ale, l'a. 46.1 y
listelnwelv litxbilsnot. Owegiewe will reaseres
the disagreeable and distressing egret. of Wind or Mtn
lowers, and the sw.ment the stomach receives the iorigsrst•
lug effect,. the distreasill laid and all painful feelings will
be , onnared. Sold by T. 8. SINCLAIR, brie,
Patel:kip' lac Fish)Want is quick and effectual. cur,
USK the worst and moat saramited MIS of DJ
Kidney Complaints, and all otl•er denicia Beata the
'Wenzel' and bnircls. sod will rosin the mairateiloly and
di:wiping spirits immediately. ?ha feeble, oaryous, and
slaty aboold try It. Sold by T. S. SibICLAIL, Reis,
43.1 y.
ne nog cartage and *se/, rrnady seer flow:avert/ fer
atl Dweases of as Owe esi Zara" Omar* Cabin Ara.
ea, Onmalphat, Breschass, hglhernita, fioarseeess, DO-
W/ Breatinag, Sore Throat, 4.e. ,
TERSE WAIMEA give the most instantaneous
sad perfect relief and when persevered with according to
already.* weer tail to effect a rapid and lasting cure.—
Mouses& baseborn restored to melee( health who have
tried other means in vain. To all classic and all ootrtj-
Italians they are equally:a blessing and a cats—netenetsi
despair, no matter how long the disease maylhave
Csi, whenever seevere It may b proelded the organic
structure of the vital organs to not hopeleesly decayed.—
Frery one afflicted should give them an Impartial trial
To Vocuarts AND Poem° artststuc these Wafers are
peculiarly valuable ; they will In ors Der restore the
neat saurreoessononal hoarseoess seal their regular see
fora its di,' will, et an Woes, Increase the power sod
Otaxstallty:of.the voice, reratly improving her tow, elm
:pass sod dearurai, for which parpow. they ate sayslarty
'rased by sassy profiaional vocalists.
JOB NOW', Sole Proprietor, Motheaten, N. V.
Price 25 cents per box. Irer Os, by Carter k Bro. and
1.. I. Baldwin. fire, Nay 7, 11159 --48.1 y
"WUY AkK we KICK t0....4111iht to
- . dispositions as they are called, as costiveness)
r etomech, Devalachey etc., though regarded as anal,
makers In themselves, are, elms, indications of
ut, which If allowed to toutiona, will result in
ge l tiestraite of the whole wire& With all its rote
plexity si.l.tong as Use sedan is, through any Cage, hin
dered, tha moment ennimenms a deraagmarqt, which If
oat speedilytediell by • reSneral af the elitillr. will Iced
through a lao let of Imam Ills and ochre to Liver COM'
plaint, Dyspe t tipremature old age and Death. gins
stomach is reservoir from whence is dlfhtsed
nourishment, and " . W. and vigor are imparted to the re
tire systems t It Is all lemortant, then, that the mostace
be kept healthy, and fraii from everything eakidated to
excite a ithemord Wick hinder the performance of
Its legitimate funttlens ; when through Indiscretion
binder the
or other arra the of the:
body are proatrated, and the sad parts of
the animal eton7 are alugglab ` i od indkient in the
performance of t deities, or wimps im is an excited
overoctlon, then becomes miceenary resort to some
blediclue, whose alterative and mantles mu
restore a viromat notion and a healthy A issue
aperient and lautilive, will perhaps more any otbet
eatespitalt tits eted—oed It le terti I'.
r i t tic i=, gentke,aillieNedelat apmi. isultilter ' eor
ectaet, that BALDWIN'S LAMAKT C PILLS Oar.
Id to the ;Public. Being
a earetobk. In their . ,
position, ale, nay be mod ssib i t all, ref .
act art am re *ell to the lisfantlued
is t
to the vtgetoya arm rev tr= eon el=eo.
Ant. = l 7 llBll = 41 6411,00,
teamet 44Efitirja"-oted
Eterantearots ge as ittliere• arg
o t a mi reflogy SAS
top eerpeteed. Moo Mk are
bt =tz
be knot/ow one of Me beet and sweet
sod ae he toed polka eeeepeeed witch Me ever bob
&Moe tibiae bastitw et 4Weeti. Thity dmit ili
I:jillipq NikilietSes, or pries 21 mg., gee b o g. usi 4 6
thold In Nrie o nly, at IbaLOWIN•ii Drag
o. 11, Seel flown. aim{ B. O. Eq. . S
utrowcurr re vitatunk DK.
'ILA_ Perya by Comedown .
$. ft . Kw York IMO. Tbn ral
ai ittyronlititta i timmfr i Ptllo aro tie met of • love aad
extrusive . entitrmoolues. sod
certain le lasitles,
them, feValt=44llll= ll 6 wille "- 71en l f im itoMr.
itb er abcc, pais I* tie affe. Mabee of ea
Mem al imeeca•
pile the We Nei Ilalle. fie., i d o pp, W hz
wipe hese beaereptiee a oaten.
Pr. illawerwoni PM are beelaellikee they will woe
al 1e.,...th10 period with t taditowlso he
boa dleeppoiselod tho swe erdesity.
el *Wm PIN ears plow
0•111114 ONA*III/0/ Chesosesesto miles all tart
boy to *to
WOWlelir Therm le or ameetiera of the boob ve
to. he whieb ibe Plibrafterit Letz tagi ldtheat ealiar•
reteried . • to is
wibicT-48. ma, =muss t. Seal 1$ the
=theidaper at orer maws fib soessal
riersiepel owiditissi odieb
olea the ripoodow
Y w power at antere eaaard rube ii-
Wemator ead bak= esertirios irs
jeAmis. lola* simmehl bad, or
mem hat. tries sa . 4 oe slod
Lob le the Ilider " Stabo. W. 4 111. Welaleares. - araWl 7 l3
A wet fur th.ll.itrdStater, 16/IChem6ers St.„ New Tort.
Tu whoa all Wholesale orders Aosta M addreseed.
J. g. 12ANCgt.
vim van Sri psvae -8111411141
AossonolOoPOS Of MO PViooIIiONIPIW Om 000000
of ISO&
LT IT - . 11, ,, r1 NAGNICIL u
L“ sad the Su Ciesamazura
we y usedkisal, *Mat the elth is nimailksbis for
the periV telt@ water.
M a beautiful Artesian fourstain, situated sear taw redly
dusk e 1 the &Coto river. At tint deptit of Maud balm
the level a( the &kite, Bows the remarkable damn of
nalpitatr water whisk sagglisa this, Spring. Tilde strewn
wan discovered sons ago too* ago. by a gentleman who
was host•* for salt. The =Mr, when reaskadost Nq
sumo to the reathsee, and has ever since eoutistual to Soo,
digital all wagons, wilbott change or abatement, anion
in quality or volume.
lot pens tines Sprboop have Woe tobilly eateened sue
their nedlolosal rope/dn. barbs the paa sanen Una/
nputallea a tido nap/et ban besa
iTicfsaaeeti s eeelnaeol.
They wars sotababotered by a phyalena, as to
=it= dittat anotte
11 710jr•
bo pendia/1y aery koalas le than eleentan of tie Lbw
sad aeons& which so ones aalkt onatlenen wile been
beat too elnely onalasd to Inatasek sad passim else&
notary habits.
It, prbottoent tonic& ?brio Whets epos broicie-dows
slut Soblittated constitatioo• bawl, boos Dot tansies,
but WIWI& &Lai to do blood • sow vitality. sod to w
penes BO Wit and vigor.
le a gentle aperient.
hmaltdp Nay reir opots beility being furidithed
wild can meat/On&health sad sombet.
As 4 thillghtfel resort dud Um suer menthe. the
Ohio White Sulphur springs ye on rival th e .Want,
sad tart her In the Vatted States. The loestlou la peat-
Dusty health the Scioto here is a rapid, rocky strewn ;
the MU, ," a kamattoa humiliate of feet la
%hammy, through watch thirty," eats Its way, la even
where eler at dr near the Once ; th e cods
_of the
estate are heautsfuny code andutak
nessereue ISTIDNI which carry off all the superlboas
wet" thus rendering the OW th 7 and the atmosphere
tree irons thatittundility so prejudicial to health ; diem
eireneeitiorm, taken in coneretion with the altitude
the pima, moot 1,000 feet .Love the level of the ocean.
noire the locality a free Iruet msbrbae ineneoces ae
usounatalii region.
The Spring property soma/Its of VA arm* of Mad, oat
hundred of which is e4veretl by one of tlbs mod baaatlful
1e Ohio Tide irnodtand baadinrinly laid oil
CA7awl drily., nue of tbe latter being Urn ogles in
Bathing here by lb. plan adopted, is brought into fair
competition with that at naturally Wsi wand Uot Springs.
be water is heated in the bath tabby items
!a pipes • the
heat sot bring bed high esorsgh to:preiripitirte Its Wats,
it le by this rosilmw applied to Ore warfore of the bilther
without the lora of Its Wise ingrediestm.
• Tetrigraph ociumeanisatA with l ports ot the
country-,las Yea ea
at tite te be time
in connection atilt' distant points, be Prat relare-
Dianne be pntkmeat who ass hear from sad dines their
bootees* alters &Mil.
AU the secermories nerressary to bearth. Piellemew i r
amuorent, visitois way expert Ile led at the_Oltio Who
Sulphur Springs, as the proprietor is determined to Make
It, la weary particular, • Ent rime wolleting plane, that.
itied with the liberal pat...wage extended last year, no
Mier* will be spared to merit its acatisaaace.
A livery, well stocked with hams and carriages, Is st.
tackled to the Springs.
ler larder information, erten for room, Ac.,
Wiese ANDES' 'WILSON, Jed,
White Snlphar
Delaware Co , 0.
May Is, I&so.—Sw.6l
With all the Improrf fluids for 1859
The tiover the l oalr air hatted aid thirty-due
paaatis, Lod r
AFTht hundred salt eight p ost a4 s ,
Arettairtag or -third teat dn. t ttots say ettst
ma aurserolui tse:s at trials with the Dystaatorrtar ".ll4 , l" Z
the Is theoltiala of tarmars, aletadautly avow.
Bring .11 lase, witeept seat, pees and Ostler's. and the
weight so distribattod sa a te thi rs the greatest aninast of
strength with the *set we i tof ircsi The Casting. are
made of dalistriery hew, the d. -bar ts wnsidlit
iron. with a Osage on the retest "kik thus &tog it grist
strength with light ...4 4 ibt,
The weight or the driver eounterhelaneiwg lb* erupt
of the treat of the frame, and throwing the whole upon
the ,Wirtne wheeL
to this respect It is entirely unequalled by say IltSettine
yet produced The begat-bar works up and down Lode
pendently of the driving-wheel, enabling it to go through
dead furrows and ditches, anions armee an 4 bogs, and
neer knolls and halls, hare no other machine can follow
It. It can also be not t work at any height from two to
eighteen Inches, and the change be made la as In
stant, thus adapting it wan kinds of wort, whether gum.
lug or reaping, or gathering grape or clover seed.
Wortiog initially well whether mowing. Or maple* and
10.11111111 Ming the best simile oat wer, sad the best deg%
reaper iks II Riper.
In this paint It aarpenere all reapers; the, ahem paeruon
esabliog htm to tlehser the gravel at the stlis bat
ens aterrenent e 1 his anus. sattelt is as natural and saw
as if he were at tattling on the owned east raniag.
fly meas. of • *err tbe driver eeMi *saute throw
the ratters out and ie row by stootiwir loner ha eso rata
rittor rod or both ends of the finger bar to per seer ob.
strortioas, or move from UN to bold; tbir door hen
wooer to reefer is wally and quickly made; the sebum,
bolts, screws and outs are easily aecessibba
It cannot he clocred; halve draft; to marvelously use
pia in conatractama, and not Labia to pt sat sheystr;
made of the boat material a aad the *odium/m/4 and
aaperlor to soy other toachisa Is the ogystri.
The prior of the Mover tads/ only $144 and the coadd
red machine sl2b; One Horse Room #00: Oar Horse
Combined Machias SIM-. I.
.Vanufacittral by the 11 . !ienlo .4.frieultural Machin,
Works,lo. - N. T.
LIDDKLI., MARSH a Cn. Aftents, Zvi*
12,H1f 3a01783A-
-P. ELLIOTT, Proprietor.
Has has. tlwwnurbly ropaired and retartihdt
d, and is now up .0 tor the rrreption of gavots.
le.. &ant by /hr nag. Ireek or Month on rea
sonable terms, the ?Myra!or pledging hisnitelf /bat
no rforl Ann br wanting to qtre HAWS 544,14/aCittea•
lrtirlthr Dttister Porthrs, or Monitors or
Pobil,roili will nod the aeeentutodatioes at this Bosse
superior to any other in the ear and Os eluttleg M twa
Innlood Stabling attaehed where guests from► tha
roam," will slew tad attentive lioetiera to take charge
of tilikt tears. May 6. issa.tas
---- --- - -
to meg tb. latest styles and eheapeat Singing Rhaerk,
a One Chanel, Driest thin Cloth, or aeythle=
illir cbelip ilUnourniam Wording, or gooey Dor
No t.' tb• BE/ DWI.
a Illgsebalet fatty tech Gingham that lisa Peal
two . • oto the MIX RIM
0 R a ' re F t
IF T ( e l e l T TO T" SU; at Astern met;
sr a gleam Mks at ta g• or itio, ta to
NAVIN k JOltila,Nll.
IF 1. 7 0 U WANT
Pedlar's Deeds eitWholeask„ go in the
Coanterptae• they
at the klareeithe ignery Ore"
and the Lanneetr• alike US. WIYIL
the beet rakes et Rnitieh, *from bpi( A amine
, at the \ in HIV g:
it .YES & JORDAN \
keep the panhier Nan KW Alerre t shoe Mk User
and Deraattela.
, -
11 0 = paeolihveatle,Deaniesors\Narienier
H \
key • ebedeadr of Vl•dew Diapery. \
err Lbws fibediage sad Moe Cape dies...
Tao tlit& CMASHEB
XII Reekakenits Triati. Lieses• Night . be.,
II Defeo Skirt Air Whoa
110 grpelasilktrt for $ lad
Ourl2lniN ta ki:t for IIS
be fir rot at the
Kr* April as, 4 111
REFINE I) C 0 A L 4) 1 L.
A Suriname wade, jaitt elsolsWAl *be Dreg
Store 44 }awl, AO' 42 . L. I. BALDWIN.
(Successors ko Shannon & Ritaft,)
Wooden & Willow Ware,
Pork, Fish, Salt, &c. ko.
XX, Extra ifti i imfbae iftWialsi
Cora tai, • Cranked Wheat,.
Gli t i IN AND FEED,
Of all kinds kept constantly on hand and
for sale at prices that cannot but
all, Miran goods -
It'urranted to ttejitst wAat recommended, and
livered to all parte of tAe eityfKee of
lirßemembettiAsesid*nd of Shannon
& Ryan, Na. 5 ChnesOar & ie, Pa.
Erie, March 12, De 9.
Poi - row oil bared so hammer,. Amok of
oir - art Tit% Frxie Tyr%
MUSIC TT Pet Ow sr;
C osta
ass cow= Tr's, ' Coitus.
r •ASS AND ALL /Mi. Lasoo,
Br . s Ass K tetra COWLS. 111111112,
- Lasoo SAVISO itc.q,CostOts WAD&
Beret Tuesrevits. It..
7110 types are all east by stoup 'power bus the Hard
metal preallar to this tsrabdsy. The saampostlerl sapidity
laths moor of earthily esohbot re to sell th icon
Wahl, to pre the Wrist petensof esdhorry typostotthor
for each or credit.
Treece. Wood 1, Ws. amok Melt, ealo,, Ilasalaboa
et the toonafitestoes itroest petrel. • sposiosso psas
raist a Tonto of I e.t . a. Daly, aid prioterlialibod to Print
log allero, or the reception of awes mots. to-orpor the
TAMA'S. ot-it theses t• rakish this
wertiormalrot, loam thla mots, throe ears before th e
10 day of Magog% sod Iblessiot a *oft e porn,
'Au be ofloes• tbsir at the this. of moklog a per
duos freak me of Oro Owe tie asoost of my amooke
tares. Address,
1119.-6111 t.
Have on hand a large stock of
Cut and Wrought Spike,
Springs, Axles,
wrest Zeta aadl w, •.
/SOT MA sad POWDZIL mut,
WIIIPS, ac., &C.,
No 8, Reed Hoe, Reis,
*lk b Mani lA, LM,
sested pommels, meireemot be the
to the Trertmee Mt. I Cher*. Ihtektee=
' of the we &mei «Mis of mid enolit sail Ow
• this My,lrW is eseetwed !MO Wohmodly,
Juno 11111 K ol Medea. abool. Tab bi
°ar,-tthe wheel; onets,
or petals=
- Plane • soy he meo Aye the let ei
Jam. by ' my Mom es the *Mei& of therm&
I hy Otto ?meteor
tab. Unttab. Ilay 11, ' RA. J.
2 6 11,111 D ' I D 3 1
m lb '
Strile,Alrrad littaboo sod ariapd Nom
Oar mar kr usr2Lit. J. C. BELDEN.
r „,,,41k•4!** /
01109ZZ - 41 IfAnna!
N NW ElTYlSSB—Ptioeffesatl6o WV!.
aztra Chang* N Sw Itenimerli
Than llmahta.-aw brio two yeas, as *milyosi•d
howl the stem newel beg se strwileihe of heetlia 'they
Ben. hdt, Geller, and Stith to eteeret46.olWlheik
tay sea ems by htdr Imo eperettok reeeßes•
le the leart-oeedie, es le 'oohed hy edelt eteehhot•—
They will de toque sad etweyer weft WWI a wrheave.
Pa. *tee If she vests her ewe me mak*. wet are;ia
qesuitembly. t. boa Nadia Is the amelset he- homily
parfai. es aessast of their aimplidtr, dagabildkr. dam of
soket, m.d ehoptahoo w ell entities it hotly
sewhy--eemeettey tether homy we Ism week with semi
sad 'UWE* gavial adjasimat,
Ad Mame* of ne aelesilaral oesseleely of Amor
Ifecidasa W Cherrsa i milt Seem likoskits -
vs= big loaro to romeettelly seler to Ow isnowiaii
"navies had ems of nravor fk Ykkkooll fkookilves laly
family for
family year sad ale% leis plesaivo e
emooamadiss it every way nail& Mn tltte r
'WA It Is dertgeed—rtally —JIIIO. Jesitra
=ir V la.. Do• Lgoodetr Aldirm.4l Jk T. /air-
-I booboo smolt donettOd with your andlott 31 1 641 105 ,
whit* boo boos Is toy badly for may opoltleo. dr
always ready for duty, requirtog tio oikloottoolit, sod
to esittly adopted to worry misty of hipby writtri,
ohm fisagifeig the 'pee et duled."—Mirg. itbuilm
itNre of b ls
r. ambre )
Oration Adootota.
"After trytag sera* 4111ramt rod urahlur, 1 ra-
Strad mina on account of Ito inalpliMity, rod lies par
hot aro With with& VI fo ararreal, at rear. theoirreh
aad dorahality of thorium. Afar kris espeeisseui 4 bid
euespotest to rook la the. muses, awl to smiler/1y
toornamomet It Lc WWII Mikity of lunar AP L
aIL Spesser, We .1 " the RAW of bandlim . •
°I byre, load • °soma Lam &rein 3 gif
two years, rid halm frail lt a4~O al. =thus •
117 mowing, from Cambric to 11Ioth, Ganarato bore
him wore oat without the Orbs' try of a stitch. The
Machias if costly kept is older. sod esady seed , ".-10 , 0
J. R. frhippis, wife cif Rte. Gee. Whaidds, Ise Irk
"Your 13. wiag Machine Ide boss is ad is ifty hal*
the pest two year; sedtho ladles roped de to ere yes
their testidoW is - its whoa ealspledisses, es will se
istiordeving qualities is the pwriordszer of hid* and
Issaisebold eswist."—Rellert issress, Pre Tawil. •
'Tor goners; swaths we bays mud Groner h s
doehnolined have err to the dusalsehme, t
orrery y who desires het seldhd iddilidsdilf and f
dose, be mwd fortadshe Is possissids ass . *we
and isdeddigsbie ins seedie-womes t • whose
anntesed itielitars el hod% fildisdab sod sispihdippire
issvalealia. --J. fr. Arra% dirighisr qf Oa. OW P.
Jierfis, SINN, /V t i . Bow ilisiumi,
itre•set of a letter from Taos. R. Gum?, Lg.; es
Assetess gentlesiss, sow reddest to Sydney, New Saks&
. I
Wake, 111101•4 haw, 12, UN ;
I had • trot mad* la, lleibcouna to MK is Whin%
then were over throe thowand vat& of sowing dose
with out of Urines t lbober's Mitooknoin and a noes yam
at that by mitatood all Iha est& mime atwed by Mon
with • needle sad twine."!YetAwglre.bLs Wes, b.
would Mug the advent of Graver Inner as a wore be
nignant *mete of art than was innw V alcan's seal*. i;
He wade Shneassee uddnicht shbt-leibise ei ibe
awing of tress asenaabenet."—Pre. Nora.
tallua plaarro• th etzrtag, that Uri tharrat 11 Maker
&Mug lirattitsue tam tarn than aaatatoma ury otoota-
Usta. Abu toads sad retaruing others, I kayo tam, or
thou braptuatkra My rtilltmat plasma add, Mar :four
parr lutitt, boor So haat
aa to trad."—./. likarileed
Seadmir And Carati
Y 'I& boa bad me of Glover & Bobo.* Itainfibr Soo
big > llorsooss toss, and I snortilisd it too* et
the toot Isborloneinft asseldneo that boo tam to tho
I Woe smell obteisar• In reassisesofting tt
—J. O. Mork Geserser if fisames.
.14 is s booOttllbl Wog, and job oreryilosiar /atom et •
eiteinent ot good tumor. Weer I a Ciantie, loboold
Waist upon &slab &mot and &snot bartwookio/ornot
botiesy soomeolomtion of thole rood &MO ler Su
ffionalty.'—aismine AL Cleo.
-I thin& ftby far the boot potosit to sae. This!
ems be sdnip*4 !tea the easot motto& to t
eINIMPRIS. Keno otrongor, hitter, sad room bol t
Von ono ell intogins. IS W. onoli not to.
moots ovoid sot boy it."—Afro J. f. frrosos, Alooloilte
"Ma speedy, tory tifok nod durable in ito *orb ; is
will nadiostood tad bpi In repair. 1
ass4 this Maebioe all oalstaneso aid
—Alm IL 4. Porreat, Nkaspiso
.II• lad this Ifaeltinto to 'wort to oar
with ilinuoro mernonsoid it to the pabllo,l l ,l
the Grew k Biker to lo the hest &noise flosads*h, on Bretkoro, _s_ .tssti ?bas
"If mod ezeinstrolykft nuttily pationso oniinary
Noe, I will water they will hat one Mumma mom and
ton; and never get set of Az."—Joan &seise,
I hate had yenelleebine for several were, shd am
perfectly astlelled that the work at does fa the 14 4 : :: d
mast beandfal that ram w mada."—Jdnimis
Adrevals, Ikon.
"I use may Machine epee coats, dreamlands., twel
Ibsen stfteinny , and the work le admirable-61404r than
the beet hand-aswineu sr any other mashime hien nree
aten.'—Lari Theneyeren, Beeheills, Ilren.
"I Ind the work Or arab/art and mast benertili.l I
have ever men, made either by hand or nmehtem, mod re-
Grover 4 paw II AWN Si pas of theAmtost
to parses —am Thyskw dr
. amhenke,
wl hove ems e/Grover & saw • erwlia Ideeh in nee
- efty, sad aid ft lavahiable. les a eaddesity
moinerei it be all moon' tn vast of a saiebh4."—CL
Thempera, damiwsll4,
- tato Osseous ia cestepiaps is thoetility of Grov
er & Other Illsebbeent Idm mod ogee or easel
mop doieriptiou of work for moths, sod led l i zeth
=sad ttor fa_ mop mired Ursa wart
1 11 . :Mrs. be D. Ir. ira whir, liaskyak, 7 • b 7
.1 would bitiseellibeg to dispose only Gyms It=
Machias Ihr • Ihristamewitt. maid I 1110 t Peebles ft
pisesers.'—.lllre. B. Q. Scotia, likeilirtyg,,
two Machiseet ,pu rch ased from yoe, do the work
of wont, wesw LaMar. it • with pkinotre omammeed
the Omer it Baker 811Wille liecides bba tbsi met
em." . —U. Miasma 4, Oa, &Mtwohis, Theo
ono ilrorer ar Baker Sookie Machias works etedroly
I think the stitch sod weal ler scaporler to that/ of say
&nips Mathew I emir,. On doe Work s I think the •
Macaw would be bard to beet."—lr. Agri, limplikia,
"I tad the truckles godly manatd. rely de4.le, and
take Season reetteftoWhegjt all who COOK.
economy. and pheisare."—.ll6l. Mew
Pag 4he °roma k ItaltOrperedag liachloso hare stien inch'
aattedertles thaws ehoen wiag rarennessd than tit=rt
wish a good wed abets:Mat Ilachhot. it
work with emu* care ed wed. and more
other soseldne I have asen.'—.lere. B. Men
l Gla
arikafill 10khkshi
e ne
" NV
end 7fa dererzt=t'
• iakeg l
& fi
rale every rebe,
sad te bgt.*OMPIIWO
cornalketisk and ri rywoho 4,041 others I howitesop
Mrs. Aiwa se qf Rio. .4 IL Nam% ti alas.
"It anode ste mach Owosso to ney. that tlsalkieoltiew
works wail • and I do wet headole to tose sesad t
poems*ll the ad emitegoe yen alaireAlar
Is m y wise pleased with it. sad "me laks.plesseare Is cot:
Wag so this earl."—l. C. Artisidept Allempias pips,
'it sire ms *seam to am Wanner h boy. beirtee
Illselibro slides or mobsolisibetiow. I is we
staid me. aid and it all that could bo desired. It is the
moot slopplo and shunt& __sees in Us, and I heart fl
recesonseed tt."—F. IL *UN Nitraphis. Dram
oilman aosu, essedated. and used assay other lea& et
%Wog Ilisabistea, lied Aso to oey that the Groior At Ha-.
her Ileridoesarolhirse riot to an others is itee.^l.4l.
"mo w airs. rllesktilOti Thole
eassidta Bay Sawing 11budgie 60'11114k, ,&D4 would
bat taw that. Ws mit, if I NAM out tap its Itta
With It i Na &all toy fanny rwtat to
tin Up. I could with fay Itrods."—M. J Met; Ifearille.
J. J. LINTS. Agent} Brie
Stud 4 1611.—Ivis.
rtlE followingdesinfibic Qty "rtlattr
rilal b• sold at the Yeast Smog en Situ y that
yii Jam lad .at /0 eitock, A. /1.„ stia - ,
1. A wry remaibli latasoas Lot beat 40[01.i. Woo
side al W Palitte Same, ladwaiit the Ikal No
*owes Betel. blitagt• boat el 20 hit Ut Wawa mi li gt
r"" ternig a Wiset aa tr.tia. t ri nt t;
`vme,- ...d.d • lugs time e: frau. . la
rood an/se t said elotillag • Pt? or pow' kg
psi sr *No 10010.104 far Was; al ultiat.
iNi be *via. Au piumbe.
si takli +
tr• Niab itinislito taismitdal • nett akfb• Waft ittri
ansui, irldth NW bli burly loao4 .11, la AAA
Irost ea nob At.
t vale us 11. irl. 111.11111 a 6014 ait tii **B64 l •
site Sem* ititbs_iatit Nes{ *a Ifs; ip= l . ,
lag =Ma ta MI Waft a
it TM mailhilat limit at Is44iti t taii, ft umi . .
lamb. laist sag Siseal
1 bars mai Aber bant r V ies :
I a ta•
...s garnet* '
lia mat * E. ~.t.r . t. vill I. •
' bv lie
Ths 1 ...,., • • - 1
= - POW
thane ' I ,- hi - & a l l
Imaktiv mokablig
wit am • tit my.
4•l•dowalr aa ay. to
tbs St • - tet aid4~ll
Sibs It
• • is bark SW Mime la Ida.
0 a m r ie l
i tti:=o=llZlMetz
ts Mt.Utal se Ow 11 11 4, 11n rkal -
= 11 1272 11 7 11 = ' Ii . '
.., a Mil _ • ioiliAir --1
Dam/ tor Per
arias A . 1110.111 Rout.
Ibis, Jobe ,-62.
: : f NEW 'MK