=II Go o d & ies' La Ilk. Coo Gold Lima Mallork olou Moir Im 1/ Colt re Wok*" Gouts' Wu. lam Watches, Gouts' Savor Laois* Widths% Pazior Time }atlas, Ladies' M do PIMA do loM Black silk Drew Pottorros, LaMar e• UAW OWN* Be* (Pla Drop.) extra to% Lake 6/0 do Aa WIN, Gold Broosioto, [Um Soltiop, Lona Son Goldllloodo2=r award ANA Goat? BoUd Goat* loot loglid or =evi Wise liloards. Largo Gold Ledab a wor e =kid Soar do it *Ni t No. dot do Mowry Gold sooll may oi GM* Poso, flo Gold Ihmooradi allidelllllllol Gold Goma' Beary=ordlo. . Goo& gad 7Prois. with Sew arbro Prod* Laser Soil Proota Beam with ivory Hoag" UAW' Nome Gold Stone Soto, LaMar' 71011111112211 SO% the NMI Dyll,ll. I:oboeSob. let do 4o -Ilsene. do do Ladies' Ouse* Ptio, a tr a te, lodise' do As Ladle? do do scroll, UAW Gold Mose Plai t sololl. Ladle? Box sad Glass MalsUrs or adr Plus, Lanai" ?lath Gobd Phos i dow potters', Latta' do Go Ler d nosps, Dee Mimes' do li, Gents' Cluster Pb., slob% Geste Illogie stow Gomm/ Cameo or York oeuso 8014 itagesood Goid do do tioatd Plato do do do Gent.' Skov* Bodlooo, lAdiee -do . do .. _ Ladles' Pout C a rd C Y O, &40 Ladies' Cameo, blooale, or Gold now Ribbon Moo 16.• Goofs' flllvor Pornls, Tli awe Plod Aselairt Line, 3 Wad" bortvollty, /02 Genre Bit or Ivory do do do- 71 Glamor Loa rho, 2 IN i;d•hi• timid Wake' goys sad Nadia ewastiawd, 2 OD (hate Geld Tooth pith% with 81 , hhni, 8 ow m u s . timid Rims. with Maas3 2 00 ladled' do do 1 1 1 . 0 ..1 - ' IIQ Sots lithwernole d T ee d , ___ -2 CO dUvorPhdod Didier Lollies' ortiostie Po wow Gobi Motel Loysoold, Ladies' nomads, Blood Mo. . Luo? Jot do do Ladled Bleiria - do do !roar' Llaoso lir DrOila. 12=3121 timid Mar Drops, with Stowe Sohhitt, li woo' Gall li Inai din, Hall Roomd hood, loolid do do do (:ante flat( Eta, t timilki Jot nada, , Gish? Jet Spews Rattan, II lime Gobd Crowd. 60 It Iseelbompass Gifts, set seßiberated t the above List, Toning In 'sloe bum 16 cents to $U 06 g ar WO worth of the above Gifts will be hopothaffy disuilmated amo.Psrebasars with every $lOOll worth of howls sold. Ali Boots laid at Publishers' lowest prises. All Ltooks that Esans doer sot peddiaii hbenelf are bought direct Gore the Publishers, sad Is huge lawanti to.s. Souks to suit every tests ate to be Wood ow his tat Joys*, at prices which would be so inducement etew *abort the Gift dy eters, tibial ollirs we maw, oddities/a sdeautagra Works by the most popular seldoo . lithe sod dead, ot all styles, heat the =oat costly to the plats amid sub staatial, at aatoadalgag low plum CATAIAXIIJES BENT .?KKI TO ANY ADDEMS. We ss of Demo C e lia, •• Arlo flatillortos, O Dr. &Wispiest, I " Immo* Mem. Waverly Womb, Worts ot Ithoo. Franklin. • ime. Jeaerser " Marko Dicker I, " Wm South, orth. " Ira Woutti idari , " Ylreda ll NcotraoM o E. IL katoseher, o T. If. • 1'0.4 " A. il. Roe. o•o.Sem D. P. tbestrosaa. Elliek, • Jane Milo. " Marion Der - load, O Wary Hoek; " Charlie LIM, " 'Award Mosnott, • LOMOND Dow, O Lord Bases. 'Y OF THE li OUT CE LE UTHOSB. Ankles. Dtherser, Pri =ay, Goodrkh. hreseD, mate, I=n, Glbilaa, NM tam, I Lord, ,_, ,l stion. Hothiey, And a host of others t tao inemenree to TUE, 411C1ILli AID moon?' ruin. Dealer. Sikes, T. 8.1.14, g Ma Jainism. e=r, essr . Byres, Mrs. Derions, Booth lbs. Norio., Moony Depths, - tot ablel iegilet w, Pope, _ Tennyson, Banos, Cowper. Lelzb Haat, Whittler, Ira. Ithroataey, Daa Ralf" Z. Itillerfiefel i kosthey Hood, IL nt inoth l i zg i Wit Wordsworth, Alia I=Bl4 Dboallay. Seats, Montgomery, Wier A. Poo. &pith. Re rm. tho atom In ell thylor of Madill. , ._f o = Sofa et cloth to the Ihrest calf az d antique. to oil ." 'b." other Isom parebeems. lie sells Doc mse skimp so eq In the country, Weider the Mitloool .a. a. of° OW% with seek Botook sold. ALUMS FOE LA.DIga. Albano f all ethei med all MTHE yles el Maras, to sult all tem, prof o usely lllustnited with sibiletilisist Steal Ith. rat D/ nut= soon AND Emu( wan. B.umua sa w pouts, ;stplal Yaeger WM*. Bilitist BYlell th, lauthl ?Wet Boou., . Lathoresi dyne hooks. l enshytorien Upton loom, Of ail aim. sad Mad la ail Wm. Othh!loor T 011 47 motoom.•attque, Velvet. ha., with mod , aut Cl.ops PALLY SIBLIM A Luse assortment of Family Bibles. of 11 0 doloffltooll and riU priers. from 11l to kW, Illuekstert GMse pawner, printed tall Isrpsity room good la varicose dyke oi blor"..ta. from the diepteet to the meat ormomrtal. Also, Pulpit Bibles. to mines@ leyler t ,at tow pr. f or A mobsClamil—taloguol Boobs, is tom dor di ef be literstars. esoMMadull a samples. list 01 GI with fall instrections to blasts and pm= kons. Dm , will to seatbeeto put of the Unioa.... Pomo to bona Library., have Dm abook of ninnelree Moos waking sutlies: Iliad for it, and yea wbe ill ootrorters4 of the sad thriory of = l;w thelts, %Mu Wag *mot with ItheraliF *I'M el 'Mao Orders Ma the ermatry promptly Mtioindlingy filled, lad gook seat i t y loan be earreal 4 Ft d lb. ••••t l 7. 105 tooth poldkiked is the llai M, tbo retail prim of onion la 01, or norimAll• !Fill ..at by mu oil me= or roombee. prove, en a. per mitaloese. sal sammisairra allowed 14:1 tonniag OM. Permits Mak as Agents lor us romp all the Mame. of lb, Gift system without oray to themostme, lies getting • Libe.e.y of geed hookah. a abort Wm; Monde Mak the QUO removed with comoolmiwo books, will miller mom lima snow& to pay thro no Mk boroble. Minna vented to every Ma LaOm Onion. Perms sobbing to act es oath, sad all thoes Miami of a Pith brie, will mkt a beer by semillair Mir adds r to G. O. ilf•llit, GM Book-Store cad Pill norm, AprU 9, 1160.-44. CO Clommt. SUM" Plan -- , Pa. ------- - Bayard Taylor'm Tearsla, WanooM Mimi likesaer, " Wins. " Do log, • Addlobs, " .jay, " Dr. Johnson, "P.= . • J.T. • lost Torroder. " ais Maybe Erid. " Charlotte Bros:, • Wasiluito• " (ism alas", " Met. Q.AuSporgesso " Capt. " Illanyait, Peter Parish " eirelle:, " fishitag, " =Lk. flettos. RISTORY AND BIOGILAP BRATZD "OLD FOUNDRY" STILL AHEAD!! aims & masses , as .4 to to runtish ot Itleitook , 1.04 RAW, Mom a the but aad nod approved patlyea, arml davits ilia atierdes of Faroe sod other, to thadr Work as band roardatiair of 11CL8WORTH, J. Loma, grown :um DVTCUU. PMB/001ta, NOVNTAIN KING, ha, be. teethe, ettbeollbrebool.Cera Plastereeirdetberedieks n le be ewe to be properly appepriew4. Don't "OW roproary," et. W. Como Stetearre Zlirrootb MAD to. April 2,12 M 2421 411 JOHNSON. TJOGWOOD • 'Nfis bre* a lazy stalk et Calppelllorrabol off I.a4' wbk6 we offer at very tow ratio by the bard. Hsieh CARUS e 11110. PURE NATIVE W I N E, CATAWBA, wpm and MANDY, pat op at Olneinnid, eau Is• MIS es Ape GREASE 1 GREASE 1 1 GRUBB 11 ! IS par distilind or soft BAZIlei POW! _Ade Grows too Onollorma% fgoa ~ mod Ca !a, oriOi is toad 40 to lar ot. . to asr 4010 mit ceiste A taw • - # 4oma al OS • ith Pr Z i Vninsay aotaso of Imam VW Ask. 1111011 P cool sad la t 4114 and romaint as Ito Mao .1 Nay *Ow pot• lisoars. • A dies .111 issantooo say coo ot Ka "shit owl de doom lad to SW. Ilasoolo • St* OW 14 Ulla 411 :tame ii 11110. 0 1110 FIRE IitiXeIIiNERALTAINT. surm. --- 1 1 6 . bittru . 14 111 NO'BOE. WHEREAS my wife MARGARET, has vallost pist ems et ipremserekmOr air paw% NW 'WINN% sessert. am I v4ll rot Ay ar 641:init bora* 11. DAVUI. Varage Si., as., Pa, ley 14 11111.-SLOB. latl k tilk i —A lot of veil , fine so.. tom 11. JAL is. r BE HAD red OY. a ca AT LAST, COA ns L a Of Nam LI 10 1= N. spleirPlace. PHILADELPHIA, Corner 76 & Chisetiint ALBANY,. No. 44g Broadway. OLEVILANV, C 4. Sense segos*. Streets. NITWIT, No. 70 Woodward Avelino. CHICAGO, ow Clark altd.„Washiagton Streets. Er A 1 u U 00 U 00 nOO, Eltatlns 4 l WA any eye of these Colleges, by Ow paf t t ebs * booms entitled to M. privtle o the la a e i XViall*Vvo the moot rates ma po d tar so look flehooto . " — iM valid. ior Oatoloireee and Meek" , eon at the O'ner Room., or oddroos as above. BRYANT & STRATTON'S Aug=Azir ,s: Devo to Comeneree, Banking. Nteigiliellirear, A gri . alitUrk ted Mechanical &Mom, Coancieratil Law, Polid Economy. Literature, Art arraditatiatiral lefoemrtloa %Monthly at C,oopor Inetitatie, N.. . Terme fa per an with thermal rothietsou to Cla The work la did to bra arand tannest of the Coimetnial rad inteneelacd Awns. . • March, 28, 1/119.—1y.42. TM ma 6 Oo 3 6o 2 Is ACARD. ?. R. BLAU, ?Mal pinion la Mara tag hie thank., to the Lady's and the Public, kr the yee7 blaitzOnagn, thei be... nn kindly buetowed on ban the dee year ; Aad o 1 Introdatalas to then; Mao i A. . Col.; hew Mew en hie aedemor. rtnplag that the lame patronage and kind feelings which ham been hammed on him, may bal tandem! to her. MISS A. E. COLE, Would yet* revertfally inform the public. that ohe bee bought out the entire Ittock of Blake's Bonnet Roent'i, end !Meade eerrita on the 111E,Inery sad ranee Goods hisinew", lo an lb Waving Juin , eterred from New York, with a very choice 'election of as LEn is I 00 a3O 3 8o b bo an X6O Rho earaestly *ottani • Illtarni share al' patronage.— litllinen soapptied as 'lanai at Wholesale priesa. Also Bleaching and P , ,asong done In a superior manner at RIX eta, GRAND OPRIl•ING, on Palmas, !larch 23th., 1169. ItIP , SI A. P. Proprkaor of Itlake'a Bonnet Rooms. (tpi..atte the Part 2 PI 466 6 Oo 2 so 36e 3 30 Ent., llllamb 19, 1359.-41 gELi) EN'S 5:Ai ;I( 4 . LP) 1), -- THE GREAT LIMIEST / FOR MAN AND BEAST SELDEWB MAGIC FLUID, THE GREAT . LIMIXENT ! FOR MAN,AND BEASPF. S MAGIC FLUID, , ,THE GREAT, LThitintris ! • • FOR MAN AND BEAST. _ SELDEN'S MAGIC FLUID, TEE GMT LartNIINTI FOR MAN AND BEAST SELDEN'S MAGIC FLUE TEE MAT Limn FOR MAN AND BEd Inn lo t = 0 1 :: a dZ i t t r a zu r ri t 1 arttata iv nu `uM~.yt .nn Dealers th" l b a rt t Nara "1 PUBLISHER OF MUtilt; AiliD MUSIC I Luoil. Dealer is Koala, Xtriederrae, Airraair+ Organs, Oral Aceordeoaut, Martin's cokbrated mull ether Guitars, Ylaileit, MOOT li . WS. Vidaillol4llo, lAtagediplaa. flaileark. Fbetea, Fllake'lrrieas. /ay, ?aloft erks; sad re, %lona bows, OW Brum laiarerarsia, for Wad; llama litaala sad Coma. • sad all kis& °lllogical Dastramente. 141111 LET 1.1)810. Item all the potgleheee IN the 11. Bostbaro, Buntla's and Modern ifehool, soil all kinds of Instruction Books for the ammo tootrinoeste Church Made Books ; finale olegootAy Booed ; Made ?bpi', sad 01l Mods vir *WO /I oroboadiser. AT TAX pUWKINI mugs. Pi jar PLANO* at SUI, •2 1 / 1 0, $1l . Vide, and up to 2800 ; =PAW ii•ND ?W.Ud Won up to $lOO New Illelodeepiley sl6* SW $76, IllOn v and up to 1200; SECOND HASID MildJUStibli, tows PO to PO; Lisa radon ILtraisonn, wish Gee stop% $3OO, nine stop; $166 and , eighty.= saps. end. striband $llOO, Meta stops am and ; •lesissialiste Dripan • - sow instrusnert Jut kmptarted—priee iio aid • liberal discount to Clan:mien, Churcbes ; tobbath • Ileutisimus and Teachers. The Trade se at • usu al trade discounts. l'lbluits amid 1111 00 Ibier ' sad rest stlessred lipurchaa•d within a specified • Monthly pal meats reddved towards the pureluse of Pianos Metodeoua Yid UMW*. • BIDIROOI. WOES errausium BY T HIS THY Anniversary and Sunday-Se:boot Basle Book, No. 1, contains X.{ tense sop brains. Price 8 rents each, $2 per hundred. Thlr. Aanlimenarp and Sunday-School Nude Bot No. contains 36 tunes and hy ups. Price 3 cents , per hundred. THIL anniversary bad Sunday-School Music Bixby No. 3, contains 60 runes and brans. Price 4 ants cm*, g 3 per hundred. THR Aaairataary and Sunday-School Music Book, cominkining Jul. 2 and 2, with reverel additional ctistains 76 tunes and hyenas. !'rtes cents each, pie hubldred. lila Revival Penny Midis Backs, Na.. 1 and 2.1 Ne. 1 cobtalas 13 tunes sad hymns. Price one cent. • 80. 2 etsstains 36 tune and by most Price 3 cents each, S 2 per hundred. Peatage one cent each. YHKdabtdbbeMol twastran4bytnns. Price 12 oasts roch,.s4 per hundred, postage 2 rents each; al essairi bound, 14 coots ay* $l6 per hundred. Oilier:dos at Sabliatti &shoot Minas and Tame, for tbobbbsdh *books of the Westminster Prkibyterian Chukik, Brooklyn, N • T., cooltaino upwards of !lbU twos and lipase ; Is beautifully bound. Moe 1 4 Monts each, $l6 per hundred ; in paper covers, 12 cents aseb, $3 per hundred. W here WO copies an ordered the Mal" of threakred or ebOrck Will be pat on, if desired. tuN01120411014 WlNoll4B—baltaele *miens of it—from intercepted Letters. An eight pee ?rect.— Price 26e, per dtjs gl b 0 per hundred. MORACE WATERS PIANOS & MELODEONS. " Tins Piano cause to hand, and in and rate order. It is beautiful instrument and no mistake."—Las A W • Leen, Phila. John Hewitt, of Outline, New York, who has bad one of the Horace Waters Pianos, writes es /Wines: " A f, lend of mine wishes me to ponchos a piano fur bee. 81. s likes the one you sold me in December, 1860. piano .s becalming pepadaz in this, rims, and 1 thin). 1 introduce one or toe more ; they will be more popu lar • . any other make." " • ham two of Waten' Piano. In use in On r lietninary, \ km o bleb has beea severely tested for in remand we ems stilt to Dna gust quality and durability. - - 'WOOD k s Joist', Moon% Carroll, 111. •. U. W• 1-1!" Kl• - g.„ nor .--Masiair mod one J your rl/1/10 DrirO or o yews past, I have found It a very r ippler newel. ALONZe 0 as v, ~ ...:#1 : Itro.lips Heights tiewasery. - ' Rev. ihram H cs.s, writee madly.. : ..I. ilot.tow, N. Y., July IN 1668. Ma. Walnut —Lbers Air: I received Wu. Melodeon sale and In good order ; well pleased with the estbrnal appearsoes, sad the e also. hope I shall have sums- Riots to order no, or more the pnontarman." . TIOGA, N. Y., Aug. 6 1861. 401..tei W •TV.IL/$, Kn.— ir . Ihe Meiodrou you scut see was duly recerod in order. lam now Daily p. e pared to my that the Instil at Is Mighty aattsreeesrp; and 1 beg you will accept my Its *or the very liberal twig. no which you twiwiebedbi s fee We me; how able excuser In which yaw bass if sad more them fatEled all BbeA you promised. Very n=ally yodrs, ic.. - . Th. Piallo 1 meets* from you cos use to give matte helots. I regard it aeons of the best to la lbw piece." --Jaw Ittiriumauirieincue V 'Tile mildg , . arrived. I feel imed toyou tTa.l our Mend silt—will do all Ima for on in these "—Raw. J. . Mocomilici, Yalloriviller U. a he Plass dray nroeival. it came in lest Son, sod very Iraqi' admired by my y. Accept my thankafer your proseptswea."— tsar Conran, Warrenham, Arattbrd Co., Pa. 4 Your Plano pleases us well. It Is the beet ewe Ia Reenty."—Tnowew A. LATIUM, eilldpbolltol4 Ga. .." We Cr. very much obliged to you for having sent such 111 liar illOtrUlOdef for glin, sod we shell pike pewee In er commend it."—Dnarra, War) k Co., Bibb "The Hamm When Mims me known as th• pse7 best. W• see euabladlt• Mesh et times lasiss rrswls with mohdence. from prolongs) knowledge of their ex milleablisea use similes Aligiti. - -/Y. Y. aft w a r t. - Wemos *goal el the Morin of firssow W aft . sees riasos Iron; personal kaoiledges aig being 07 EMI very bolt quil Neghing t, atMe r —terroris * e t r Eisli aa eow. . ',dimwit* incollones la sky deparlmegit than Ho aters Pinnee."—Chwori. MEL. . Thitkille. Weisen , Pliele lose it tbilow S Fthiwasekly semoned Misterbl : Me ham so doubt W Y . = d° m "arbor Miaihr.stkaki• Uwe . otber is the '—.4lhrersto ad Jowls& a Woon' name sad Melodeons eballeage aospiu4iiii• willik the divest mode asywilmire Is th e enoitry."—Mime Arms; . , , mama a aaa . 4 Boma Wotan New Porter aro ed ran. rith, se& evettesol, mot vevrirhie'—/tror Yoh itoriosi &Wm mon Shoe aid Ode* hr. Weber Amer the very Iri issortemert of Ihraldsad of Pismo to to treed la the CsOsod sod err sier aosthore sad Indere trievoisho hhe • serroor they got. Nor Tei." tif altOAOirAY r Pint To,. (10400A/NE. t very su perior IL/ 'dead the /31114 11011111&1110000A/Nr., aaa Isaa paralaa at air wog seem de Afig QUM a 111110. A YONTEILY ILAGAAIN lA, IMEMM YLOWERII, IikAD.DFI:BI2 Fancy Goods, TOO ISTUNEROrg HORACE WATE 333 BROADWAY, HULSE. TI NTIMOPfLAI.PI OF TIM .111 , 4t , -XlB , 4.72PhatAinis......x.rhia,, =MI EMI PirikiVaii Zarb* .thbf' INBI7WANVE. d. ~f CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, [JANWAY I, ISt] $1,867,920,08. L OWES PAID DURING YEAR 1858, INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY VIRE, • Perils of Inland Navigation. T. DOWNIN G tOSSItf DS iris sad sialaltr. DOkuk 11 0 , Litho Adjust*. mad Ihaporvi : WI APO. Minh /116 Ulear,44 L•,11. J4IBLET HAS , 881 LOVED 818 splendid Math of reasitar• down to EU New iteli. oa Mats owe dreelionth of Perry Bloch, It adigollalp the that obit* nay to %aid a Isar sad troll sokoted ansafposat ot 7 vairtita, - Es all kinds of Cabinet Ware assally kept la ash an astaidlahaisart Oa the ha bar he bend crisataaii. Bergsma Tobias iteseneiee Wash Mesas C...esi Wash Sterada Stands . Freset r i;=nd 44. ..... Nanniketured by Idwooll, togs wit);:it of fk C 7 H A. I Ft Et 4' Of way ride nd prim to sett etaioniers. The weetind Seer Is MI a UMW rostxrrust, each am Folio, Teio-er Totes, lards Otatteines'a limy Chain, mod all kinds of Cushioned Marble Top Centnr and Card Tablea, What Nola and Quarbetto Stanch Tim third door emotion inatartalr soda kriesursiirer of worirnety COMpetent to roonatsster• any article In the era :duet Ilse in the best style and sisorlart notice. The public, prirtieularly tire Wks, are nespeettally lir cited to call arid ex/intim bontiltsre and peters, or I ant see to be girders/Ad by any eseatillabarrell is the at/ or 'Wisher,. AU kis& of lumber and predate hips In rt. I(*aura for furniture. J. II BIBLJIT, Kris., !larch id, 111L0.— 41 Solo Proprietor. N. 11.—Jost received a large stock of ilirron, 'umbrae its all shin, spialitie• mid pric es. AAA, many sty lee of _-:-- BONNETS, RI RROPM, PAWS FANS AND ELEGANT FANCY Articles. The Ledior will nod few more of those splendid Maas sad Combs left, at do Parries Building. Nara Is. T. IL AU:4TM.- GILT PORTRAIT FRAM E 4. silt Mouldings, Looking Illogoea, Floe handl utb opspbso In Frames, or oat, seillleig these at the l'ax%4 Y 1 6 1 1 W AL N. G ILT SHADES. GILT iiHADES. A beautiful lot of (lilt ShaSes at very tow j z rea s ta i x t be tooad at Mod' Lt. IN Is 1W INJRN leNi Cirials Banda, Wledow Cornier*, Cord► and Tarela, Window Fixtures, for sale *bray by J. C. SIMIAN. A superior satiate at STEAM PLANIN(I MILL rarthil, DOOR AND BLIND iIANURACTOKT. IMPORTANT TO ROILDZI, I I Caster do llit lierry. HATE A LAMS STOCK OF THOROUGHLY SEAR ON= Aah and FePler sad iti= o 7detbed sad plaoed Ph*. Windows, Mouldings, leet flildneksa Winslow Ihsargs.P•os Tram" Ms. Rev width, they will tell etwm Oseh. Having two et Woodworth's Improved Planing Mai:Woes and ommeteot mechanics to operate them. wars prepara to do custom Planing, Matching and Hippillg all Uses and In e NA. iectary manner. All orders - willeoceive pumnplattention. Srle. DIPL se. matt. as. GOLD AND SILVER GOODS. Fine DUIMO66I and all kladantJml,y nada and repaired by the Ivry beat workmen. Slime Spoon, con stantly on hand and made to order. Gotha and Watches corefilly repaired at low rates, sad all week minuted. .T, Y. AUSTIN, ,ST. it so, ghre Gas oonvineethe wort THE SABBAT H-ACHOOL BELL--A 'NSW collection of choice hymns and times, original and standard, carefully and simply snug ed as solos, duets, trios, semi-ehorsees and choruses, sad for organ, melodeon, or piano. This book sontains neatly hymns and tansy and L sae of the bait collections far Sabbath-schools ever issued. Price 19 mats, $ll per bemired. postage I cent. Illegantly bound, 110 eta., {lb par hundred, pousaanB eta. Awns Gee Ogre number of nit and popular tunes may be ibund alLbiod Words can MOTO! Die, • " The Voice lkom Heaven," and "God is There." These were sung to sows IPS thousa n d ebalram use teachers at the Sunday-school Cetehrallon and United States Teachers' Convention at Jayne's MIA Philadel by the caw. Tam and Mattis 2ismaina of N. Y., sad wirelighly approciated. Neariy teal= copies bare been sold within sixty days. They bees been introduced into SOLO of the hugest actunds in W Ye* and Brook lyn. among the comber ass Dr. T B, Dr. Hatton's, Dr. Matte's sad Dr. McLane's. Just p had by NOR2O/1 W AIWA Airest, iste.--wour. E VERY LADY. we meanerearlgenuloe Lady, sank as ses e the Garden Rake and Pron Knife, should procure • Pair of the VI:LCANIZIED INiA RUBBRR GLOYRB, br which her bandit sill hefrom In. Jury, rind rendered eat, trbIL I al l sld . 11=o be bad at Now Drug Store of April 9, 1869. Cann a BRO. --.— - American Hoterjkoaribrig across. T HE SUBSCRIBER having fitted up and furnished the above premises In the best style would announce to the pubite that be is now prepared to remise noardszkos the meat favorable rotes, either by the weer or day: Perseras an. tendAl Court will fin d ebb a desirable place to stop, when strangers and abets brill And all Um miamenkes of a hotel, inoinding Mabiting kir bangs and twins during their day in Tetra entrance on State Bt. between tbe bank of Neater, & Liam and Walther k Gables Sty sp. brie, Apra Allielt—dtain A. CRONENBRIIGM G. F. BREIrELLIER, MANUFACTURER OF Soap and Can and oluth Streik', Ink Pla. dles, Corner of Holland thankful for the liberal patronage reasived hereto fore, I would r spaetiriLy Write all those who want to the thews arliotss• of a superior quaky, to give me • tall before purchasing elsewhere. Order* from abi nod, acowndianied With its each or prep er references, will be promptly atilaaded to, and ill iro purchased delivered is the can or wars-house., free of hesp annidantly al land • Imie agranimast of NEW CAMS NAILS, which will be sold asap for cash by the key larger quatips, April 16, 111"14-1161W• DENTAL NOTICE. D R. W. H. LtTCE, Would Lukens bin pahmka and the palgie generally that be has just rebusittrroto New York WITH A LARGE AND VALUABLE STOCK emlmicing all the VARIETIES ()F TEETH NOW IN USE, with which be is ready to do we/ k In approved style.— He desires especially to call attention to the CONTINUOUS UM WORK, which be Is prwpaimi M eseattip paronpay aad aaaltl• If preevals advarages OV 1411. ALL MB ER MODES, .•teith r itos seroosoisUoo of food, mod MO I NV A PERFECTLY PILESBION, whet. miststaels; to Übe Smog* a! lito room sad al comfortd tits robject. Optestions kr the oreOrrwalloo, mooval and replacing of Teeth, ;;;C to Olee entire ialidaction of all who desire his prahseioe sl *lreton. Die, April ZI, 11162.-00.48 1131NOVAL SPRINO STOCK OF OROCERIES. T JOHNSON do BRO., t/ • Ray. peotorott to Itiodornetbt's Block, Corner of State and Fifth Streets, and an Meg up with the largent and most extinoint lidoskee WET AND DRY WOODEN AND • WILLOW WARE, ever offered is this fosrifet ; sad w riff Ike sold air toithissily dump tortpider! COM Call and examine Ural: &ook of SUGARB. (111111 EN, BLACK AND BWERIAL TRAP, ROASTED, JAVA AND RIO CIOVVXM, MOLABBEB, ARCH, CANDLES, • W : TE 11811, , AC '%ll/11., HAM, BUTTER, . , •l• • • • foe., to. Toi r i t iu Of every; Milig iitso good to Oa . Dr i nk, gnus, to. ow Of 8 1 1 1Okeo frig, April 9, 869.-44. I Ruka ":1 B Mist, Vandobolealstag. *Aim Hone, &web, TaPaling eadaposralmsertimiti bf • OW • Adothdettatore. Notice.. - WHERRAS. , 'ottani of Administroaces • epos the Nide if &ha imhp kb of di=te beta pelted te the W an mho kommotkio popew. to the slog Dor Mai*: deter sr irerade what 1U agate of orial ate% WV glom make Ur amp dews mist dry D. IL hitOLIMIT, Ikm ft„ 1111. Meliskionheo. $773,601,11. ANII SRI k noTr m ETA L- Passees BoiSnag, G ROCERIEB, r ROVIBIONB, C=ll avmm; sip)B en tr ***lii.Nuw4l****'o.omilv Lad* 9041,Miqpiailla ! - GAHMtIIIIII, (4,11,44. lkl ally ll N ,Mboo NO spiral • ow, ••• to begOreligieg .ellllll4 ••• o,erre r ut abort aothipomaglie es,t c eirlo ,11 and *swifts •ipollbrasii • • ' ' MN Yob JODY 44111.11 CULTIVATOR TEETH. AX‘sail eel Sirl/4 at ARBIL BROTH&E. • 'vs Jut —'.' smog rwarkohiss rwr Imp eb al x India lies Ids at Seamy.* •Mu her CIABB, Noah" (weal semerre se leis ally se Me Ikeede et pee east above the MANS Mk Nils. They have • seed Ned se Haste madames, Otte. Dames% her Were the use tinee. arivemol as es th e she e t Ow OIL Selo. WAIL B oo ! rs, Maissismos t 2Paper, litattamr% WiISrPAPIER, 114.• A T P•ILIC ZOW 300 X STORM. Ps. . ENIIIIIn t r nimpefte w. ZAN rob. 111, UNA. G LOOM' S i __ • 121101 DAT 9PIIIMID• spine" samrAoset Ode Glitt Wes Irmo. *Oft Olps Aid Sisson% Ns" OsadiroDeks. sad a wit tad* et DWI* AND ORNAlliall'AL AMIN" wail& Ai 111 Mondapi MAW lisibets.tes De% Pl ailesp teln u l ino4 lllTer sr 9=4lr e st a ta thae,a.dDerrallt46llll N EW ARRANGE:MINTS. J. iII•CAMIMIL. Wag poschuot tie esti/. tater- Old at D. & alspelk, of thi lhot of Clark k MoCertor, laktbe Growl one Preetetoo Itoboon, the Wows beneenie be esetiased h bias at tb. old Wood oboe/ be will be mod, obit willing to trait es all UNP obi codoeseni fo the late firm mad will be *limed to pee el owl woe owe fee will Weer kin With a eel. 11141, J ISOM. F IRE? FIRM! FIRE?!! On TO Gl. A. 11111ONIMPTO Is inereare Mee, anew el Nide lied filth sine% If reefs Meek tar sod pt par pnig n isoared. H. re. promote e kabelag reliable leo. MARCHANT!, PIRA & MAMIE MUNI= CON. PAWf Ildheldphis. AutherleedOtobla OGOGAGIO. B. 7ZAW CA %1 1411 M13 COMPANY, Athol* Bredbed 134 6 L ea 'A. CapUal TONAPOIL AS pad op Rates is 4w se eteerity to the lasoned lOU pesaL Brie, Dee. 13. 111. G. A. GIRIGFM, Aet. m. JUSTICE IN THE FIELD ty . AGAIN. I WOULD LAY to is, Meads Nod the pains Is roma that 1 hairs oassareaeld Ike Tallbortwa and Ready Nada Mehl limiuMwa. In all It, VIAOW is the Store lately emulated by It. Cameo*, the Pablk mot, between Drown's tel and the Reed Boo" when I Mil eademee to Wave at all times • Moist oetosttoo M mum", ommoussuirs, AND VI:WINGS. whirl I will rake op to order spoil abort Donor, sad warrant to stye mthaettoo or so sals. Tosco* to wrist of saythia6 hi me Ma. Ma &pond ape Wag !INV Oman with, as Lain 6stroodasd ort to orb up say Rorie MA mob as trUl slot ratlirotlos. las making • good or mortgagor§ of UAW ADZ CILIMMIO, whist wilt bo et Sorro mak* sod warraw•rd to be sr re proosatod or Norm rekadol. remelt pr st- rog Nor CASS an hastier! to it sad wads* rof _Soo& sad Prior, as I oas 4d tidasd k. otll obeOWL OITTIFINIA & A so oo .keel sottoo sad worranta Oct.O ltbi. JOHN N. JUSTICI. J. C. SICI.DRW& T' 0 ELAWAILE MUTUAL INSUR • as . • /WANT Or PILELADXLMLL A new do, loulness as Do Mutual plan, &tar the is 111 • , . la the pestle at Its• Caspar " Lis !tl tbs . 4 ' lak.. and Durk lassired on the nest bearable . Lassa will be away Ist pasawity Ita l 1 149 111s v ea toorstsadisrytnildings and other Fsparq la terra ar netatry, lbw a Hotta tans pormewea. DrUOTOSS. Jamb N. IliZ ahm, alanssa II Bra& Thespiilar Jabs C. Dari n, &tad Berta% Jaw Gaiertt, MO Cada, easseel tripsadio, = , Larriaass, David B. Stsarp, tater, lavas K. Davis, Wilts= PatavD, Witham Day. thowns, Dr. 11. Baal;.. lois Tslisr, Jr. va* ovary lansil, M s rl. Dant* Panted Darthrtsn, Jobs D. PI J. G. Jam Mood Alavalas. B. er Jones I, Wm. kasers, Privet. - itzosup 8. Million" alley. cr Applicator ern be algae te WU, Aril 4,14 47. 3. 11111. LOGO, ArNst, Ms. NEW GOODS! -- BMW AND SUMMER MILLINERY NI. R.S. CUBTIS, Is sow sweivise a Imp and Tan air sonsisot el lIILLINICRY sad FANCY GOODS, esasisk Lag eta vest misty el Widistsesd COLORED STRAW SOMMER BLOOMARS, And Andrea's Hada at enta7 adyle, Shaker Honda, Sara Hada, IN" bia, Sibbana, Menem Itesebea, Cape, Head Dreams, Alimeadeets Ind , Law Veil; Fres* %netts tad Skizte,= ) % 3l Mllthado ter Itat• Thiel Valeaedsanta, Lee, Appliatheandlfteath Week, cellars. et' 1111.11=28 toadied with Cleo& at trbetaleab; also, Amen. Seam. Moen. Illebellai and dose In the hest assamer, abo,Stran Bouvet' tamed Binrurs and Mack. Aril 11, leak SRL IL HORTIL CROCXERY AND GLASS WARE STORE, No. 12. Empire Block, by ' ROGERS & BENNETT April O. IMS. HARDWARE. ROGERS AND BENNETT, Have the Largest and Best &sleeted Stock of IRON, SPRENOS, ANVILS, SHOVELS AND SPADES, NAILS,__ Pin BOXES, SAWS, SADDLERY, HA 'NESS TRIMMINGS, Ike., &e., NATURAL EX- PLATED WAKE. In hot shoed every thing. Remember the Old Bland. Naas. saws, alio. re. T HE Mar SALE. O. bar •.. IlOr Sat% so olosomeglo to. am It lo oliosOid oso-Ilia 'f nee bew i Roads, Itrio Ofmnity. ye, sod *outdo' -TM sores ef lark Th %Witte efirbieb we odor eyed Ogee of tiveertreet ee am lire kart Ns J 1 oft Go pfor mimeo, ow Ibby 111 saittbe other fie ily Ilk / 11111111 / 1 / 1 111 waisted by ores, Ibillat ilphoge. For t 'oiolo so* to tie aelmeeiber lb - __Mpeletlett Aril% tifb : ..4lLeeL ILATTIPIA =MOW S BRAlSSVarterManntr 1011 . E ovAL. no ostoerfbef bee tem;red • . IMAM AND MI, FOUNDRY to Alopebse Ego, wigs d Xithir 101 • iehowe be ieW be beetyler ewe all airi so low mom moo_ io maroond ,He m : bels_bee. bilk, Apia l e Aie.-4L dm JA/wow% - - SYRUPS, 111 CR, SOAP; FRUITS, NUTS, T..7l;Mii4rs TO TIM PUBLIC'. • ALL TIIOBII bidebted t. Mho luis Postea. ar* rir=lh iinthat to cal lad NW, Phosswas with i tsq, within sixty _ftsj arer 1 0011114 nsautats that ate amath4 :a t lo pasha satUl ir. 401111, T. IL AMAX& PORK, SCALES.. mtivatit sod drams 110Alak us vansalimt the telt ashationikler April IMO. • Man IBILINOVT. I BRUSHES!!! CIO-PARTIMBIThhi.-M, MAL 111101i1111111" 111/11110111 *So" li lei i empeliptth sob esev it e snms ed IlesleeutThlr 111112131Aeedt Ise the vie heiestlie r esodettleilighiesteisteart risislicoN4ll, ramp - - R l 4APril PM o&-sorin.wri. TN WASH SHIMESSA viy hip hat Mr ash lowil aisza to , Pik • lb IMO. SPICES of all B:INV/4 MM.%Wak i re a l m leek. 4011111. UN. 11XDI0 J. C, RELDitil. smarm asp seams, NAILS, AXLES, VICES. AMES, WASHERS, HORSE SHOES, CUTLERY, EMPIRE BLOCK,_ No. 11 sed 12, 2001211 & 111XIIIII • Alt 1.4! -.•• r ' • CIUM* II O 1111 1 111114) Ware" 1 00 Arm M.Ol/44i t Ara f4tl Olgaradlß ISIS ttl e & SW* dspislill sisdl sitiveMPVZ:=7l NOW 217. 11 a WINOS 11= 16 1rimisr Amp at Phisiwvily AaliteAwhi awl .ir..t.alr..r Brie 114 $ A. 446 1411, P.N. ~MI 10p4st psi...r m., 11441- 4.11. al lino* st 1414 1 M. - 12.1=1110. - LBAVIC tiLiVspesibehnispsa44llB444.o4wases' ert Prwille cal". aka wive at _lll A. 7IS ALA C T I VI it 417 Ste.=NO 111 41/ 011,JALft IWO sal WWII/. t y lli Air amiss. 121 P: ?Ws Aiwa Misr* Oiwwwwsi. 44' awl Thiseartlisowly.4Bl arews4 stClawilaad 1 4411. 7.11. losy st a te i st esikte, Ine s iall Weak vill ben Pssossppr Iltr sod " Air ifssSsea. (IL a l sieitalos i rlse&N r esiso wtm =ea mmet r Oht i di rAs l li Zasturardoirsag at flair Id* OM ON bit.. it x. T. • Die 11411rowl: aid at Saab with Oa N.Y.0112751 mod Id $. sad N. Y. 121 y a. 20171131111411,11. ClainiguaS, A 4.1.1111. KEW. TORE a ERIE R. R. Cik o klaf OF N L HerBS, comitmcnto radar .in learebeabilb 4400401161366,16. boa" ris Zastwird Bovid—Dopart. New Tett twos I 46 A. .4 « A. /A .4 1$ P. U. Itirprosr-- 4 16 r. s. /lestl SO A. r. TsiioL i t l e i lt 1 , so r. 1„...... ,...1h.1.146 6 0 A. v. by NlAt Marvin Tabs Mut on 4~ tg . "="rver Arbt and preened on C s chianti Iliposobsoiloy = al NOWA INvet. Diumbisk. Lora SO ISIL-41.tt. BUPFALO & ERIE R. R. /NW 1122AXGBILIINT. s. Orr 214•Eqr, Aril 4. and uuttl farther •0- 4.1 11" Auseigior Tabs sill r ft bllowss Mai =IL 1 SO A. N., Meld Ilappula stops al West&id. DEW* sad Ulm Croak arThea at SAW* at 4 46 A. M. es P. V., Vail afierast Nardi bud * Mate Liao, Quiney, Weatisid, bdaski•randdrk, 811varaack sad I min. ankle at Balkh at • 20 P. V. 7 OD P. V. Claciassa tsprem, stops at Walfish!, Dun kirk sad eitverem44 SWIM at Etutlkla 10 20, A. K. sbev•Andse mss at Dunkirk sad Bensla vitt' lbws= balm on X. T. L IC. sod Ns. Yost entail 6sll Heed. *OO A. IL Wall, stops at Avails Mottle, Irving, Silver Cara t Buskirk, Reim, Westfield, Quivery, State Lbs, North Waat and Frarbernerdc, arrive* at Erie at 140 P. K. II 40, P. N. Night Papers elope at Sliver Creek, Morklrk and Wes. iMidd aniseed Its% at 12 20 A. K. 4 00, A. K., Bodo" tapresa, slops at Bilvessei* Bus kirk Westlield nod North Raid, arrives at Erie 11, A. -April 4. ale. W. N. BROWN, Sept. • • I_l I • .r. TIME TABLE—TO TAKE EFFIFX_V MONDAY, APRIL Mi, 1/MA Texans kwire land dally.-11uodeps except*: MOO A. N. Mail der Piffsbergh and Wheeling. 446 P. Y. Aseenuasedatkea for Bananas sod Itillersh'g 9.14 P. N. Express fer Pittsburgh and Wheeling. Till 10.09 A. N. and VI. P. M.-trains make dineet ensnare. eleationa with lYnin's. IL R. for Baltimore, Philadelphia, K., To* mid Net*. Also tetth Baltimore Ohio R. S. foe Baltimore and Washington Ch y, 10.00 A. N. train else eonneeia at Hudson (or Akron anti ni J. N. WCULLOI36III, Rapt. AL T. lll =t Gen. Ticket Agent. di SNOW ALL P - KRI3O - --- N 8 - THAT THERE IS ON SALE CHEAP A T HANSON'S, PEACHES, Cikerneft, Cu trus t m an d ITsinatotahas froeb Sil New Pratt, pro- AM, _ iserved la Air Mehl QM. TitIOVH RA. 3 r l ifi, Currants, M IMk Pie Legume and Nata et wil -1 view oda, Yradry %MN, (far Dried Treat,) Felparnd weekly by an Emilia Lady ! of Usti aity, warranted the beat Yeast 110 lOC GROCERY DtPOT AT FUXISOWS /MELT AT amnion's AT HANSOMS, A T RAXSONIS AT tumors A T BAIII~IWB I bet wa most stop-4W Printer awl adlord ea way space new—but the handreth part b..a pet hews told you. - herbage we may rename the mattreet peat wthelti on est don't wait for that bet come and see, and with the of the Booth poet will be led to exclaim, "The ball net been told ea " - 110141PTJPONOBT THE mien. TM* Jan. SS, ISM WHISKEY. DOUBLE. RECTIFIED, WARKANTIID P1.711Z, 417 8. R. Miran.= s RtZD 11010 SE ON roma, 8 TREKT. 083:1111.1t BRANDY, it CHURCHILL S. = Us esolleal use, at CHURCHILL' S. stall Made, at CHURCHILL' S. Thies of all kinds. at WORM= S. Oft of all kind; at CHURCHILL' & Ressot mated*. et- CHURCHILL'S. Pars Sp . also Au austidael purposes, at CHURCHILL'S, Ws, Fob 1% 1909. Reed House en French t. S.N. PIKE'S Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy TWO MUNDY has been mairnhictured for err srriusrs tar Mb from -the PURR after of the CATAWBA aiditiosal evidence of the pro pose Areas as Re and indortry, and of our WM to pebble artkies at hams equal to those made by app °time eaties. Ore cuigrAwim BRANDY not only equals but WNW* the bait Imported Brandies la purity sad Savor. Ras, la bet, Tat BM BRANDY BROWN. 'flab obabloaslit Is hairy marabotated by the aartideates • f our moot distingsdabal aaalytiami Chemist& TM trust erns BRANDY has loop bairn halt In this , sad the hattedectke Oars arta:is of mob qual ity.' matesdo the 111111111 and nee of those rile com pose. hitherto add Wow the mass of Brandy, as amb be regarded ma a great pablic good. The CATAW 111,,ANDIf peonswe aft Usegood qualities cialmal for the best layorimil Li% aad is of perfect purity *edam prior Gator, and a ser a and role ranee; for Dyspepsia, rfatesiey, Crimp, Cholla, Leaguer Lae Bpiriti, Geeeral Debility, Cbolets Workouts, Ao - NO VAIIIILY (MOULD BE WITHOUT IT. STEEL, SPIKE, BELLOWS, • IItaMAU. rases ea U PUS !WWI& .16EaRead the foUnoting atetbinato tom Charles T. Nam Nita& Mayor. October et, 1158.1 Stan SonitnanT T. I blank that I bone this Any tondo • elm. *sal Ilk &f a_ maple of Catawba Brandy, brought to me by a. tog, and that 1 hare found no adolteraUng Intedlanin air Isponpar sebotantes in It It is a pato beasidly arra, with Übe tonal coloring and saccharin* inattant hakuiging to Ws/4y. I loould recoinutend ft for nedieimal oat,. MAA. T. JACILSON, HOES, State Mover Flessetedeelreaa of teethe ilia article will be applied with a upon bottle pat* upon application to the Agent. Doe L L BALDWIN, Sole Agent. F ABER'S rENCILS of all Color, and Grades, at prkee from Meg SD ape sesta, ems be had at ARBLICKLIMT at lb* Paid Olrs dpril 2, 12160. J. L T TIN. COPPER . , i••••, AND SHEET IRON WORKER, ' • It. ... lIOUSEKEEPINO UTENSILS, wain'. Mc Japanned, Tie and Britannia oe, Seat Wed dial Stale FL, berm 4th & ith. Se sad sal DlU?wort done an short sad nimonable term. OldM a nd Purtel d isht. All kind* of Re illeseu moderato. IS4 W e l l ° April= Chocolate. __ . A....i... ~....h Ftbeirpattite, sad Valdlia MGM . a ebeesaa. areasaCooodt Tailia ChisallNlihallihtbbo, and [hyenas = 6. oesabipl Cee, sod Cocoa etilf 41 so laistagy and or. dellehmu mpsei r um* than tines emi nfusoitiry l ar• tons *mew O. , and vansxted •• r to ether OW* Troholowayorml• *the Volt Stabno. As mmobiliang•besb&lb a and in !Noah, and al ••••0160P11, %sad Oslo le and 19•0• aftwo,}hq in• tafflibrobah, and an posealmaimi - IP - the mil indnibt Ticiledano t Pir•imllli66oll4=. O MAY. Neer Twit 1 111 X. & . T. V. VRONDIG&11•141- • men I , -tiaT, DIDDL&T a CO., Otanhalatt, CO., Med by WALT2II. SAW k :1111"1148 Ap4 1 r milit Tonnlbs•W. Tihm• ' • E A ril UK "In t 1 6 4 4 1 A1 I Z I ODNI L 08. ArD ABBORTNNNT . MI Midi et 1= 4: 111110. talk =INK 31•1111 Most. LEAVE BUFFALO. SALIRATITS, Crum of Tartar, Car bowled sod Sal-Soda. Darker, and Babbitt's Baking Purer. Macerated, Vertnicills, Perrina, Co ss% Saher's Chocolate and Broom, barge sad Oatmeal. Salad Oil in bur sad mall betties, Pickles, Peper &sass Catsup, Womestenddr• Sum and Flarrodmi Sxtracts DAROILIddif t.:OI , 7fEE, Rammee of Cede% pare pound Jaya Cork* in 6 pealed aim or by the single pound, Java„ Roches, Rio and other ema; also, Routed Coffee; Imperial Oen Pewillic Tung Rpm% Old Rues, Hymen, Skin, Oolong arid other Black Teas, of eeparior quality, by the bees or on }Mail. KRARS—Crembed. Granulated. I="l'White and Yellow Collee, rleseas and Porto Rico Snort SYRUPS t MOLASSES.—Neer Or leans and Parte Rico Rohm. and Su gar House Syrup. TORAOMe-liaperior flu Cut and Smoking, Casandiab end ,foT=Leat. Aaderson's Solace, AND ItirfAlL DtAIAR IN STOVES, ME:I'MZM of 6 BANG-UP"lainntiet • " • Whom oil' said "Onoserfam. " tbo gam doh Wboogbili go Oboe MO Oils Nod brio es fits, ? ,fgr B. lourynts. ale; nos Tot livosloil. Wised Ana PiWloolobievillboorg - • Tita'r *rugs noro is bog Ibmo wimp P Atikabowillb Who bib lob Of tholel lidlitig44 - oboe bob wbollommo li AM Oddeo 'owe uoimioolli liounrur. Wbo grosb *mak* WI% Lod Awn you you all %ore Imo Imo me, Goitup rote, oboonalokso t R. Sm. ober WM low *be For lbw bat Moro = .l4 booostb aa l l i e l obg. void& so am boamosii Whop at I'll_olo4*th ossi,roodi , , To volt re au— iog. meg rod gook AS goo oboobootuor of bk owillido 1 0. ff. VALDWIS. la* Womb 111 • 11146.40, , , , IR, TUE FARMERS. 111011 lbs. DM Pa TeiNi g Ilbe Wit Wank 12, IsBlo. - J. la ALWAYS READY. ..• ~ . cows sad otbse mosehstate orrhia i k t zas "WaTtr, • Pima' 11•0118. PERUVIAN SYRUP, t. .• a, s ... . Protected Rotation of /total& et boa. Ton rim • CURE OF D.YBPIIPSIA, Afteedess obi Livia!, 1.11%1010 Pies Bressildgi% vaiseirprre Telikeeke, lissakar illeriv moo, Seamy Mop di =eg a gilms el Lead or Ilaremrs. ALL =MAW wain TONY:F . IRD ALl2l4ll7l# l =Mir lte.orspwWw the Dieeeposhoi .1111hottetwil s.• aeor4ag teLdta Oireidation. die Qum , tit/ oi from, unithoost what Hasid mimeoio oats. tome& The roe* "it Its maw SI • A esumensse. se sea , .• .: ~ sad else& pessiterobsessisr. _ sedisere ' et ressesslitt bolter , , 1 ,•-• to to meths osse the peeldisel S$ I . . ' • fees to be s ewe al, int Its rasp ' ....,,-,„,0 ' - Is estbessese mot Mier no. solakan MOW is . tali sad preessitlag boss 0110 asses. ow be - semi br sad nosolly • ?be oleos of &Now kw vile hi the limp peeler • sem Ii prods* thst, shish has se ales ladled the =oder of mediesl shin. eerysets ers tiagille, the erossellio, sod the sad Mess* st the Syrup ladistreednita• • Those who may wish for so opiates hoe deletereelei persons reepeeting the cheddar of the Syrup. mead AM to be asthenia with the toIIo leg, among enmereas tee tinsenlals, fa the tome of the The egestaate are thine of gentlemen well hares the community, of the highest nemetudditty. • .A.p As edli The itadalnigned, baying NM tweeldie lif ted" et the .Pernyisaillyntp, de netbaditale to sonai -10,414 to the stroutlea oldie yeldto: Flee use awn• emettatme newel! as hem the Iseemeity Mothers, whose Intelligente sad Inter* an altogether omossitioesble, we hare- au delta af=la soda of Inelpfem Dlweemeof the Idingsand Dy mettle', firer Complaint, Deem, Ihermagia,lM deed Ite eats wield be iniffeadea bat boa t e high character of those who hays witnessed ties, ban volunteered hair Seatinney,as &sum to nohow Nye pow. iter. ' er oral mouvorr. !RONAN C. ABORT, Tito AS A. Dom, PIM RARELY, 8. H. KENDALL, W. D., JAMIE C. DUNN, SAMUEL. NAY, -Itarr.THOS. WHITTINORK. CZELINICATH OP DR. HAM. It is well bemire that the okedieal easel of Froteidde of In,a Is tort by same very brief exposure to air, sad that to walidale s solution of Pre text& Mind, wittiest NAM., asididiosi, has been deemed lospeesilde. In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point Is attaleol by monstesdon IX A WAY BMX= Meows ; and We volution rosy replace all the prat earboestee ideates, sad tartrates of the Vetere Medina. A. A. HAYeli, N. Amager to the State of asetts. N. L. CI.Alt& It CO.. Propridierg No. t Veen Sheet, . iF y- la EA. le CART= & D SUL, N and rmMteerr,ov. FL At the old Stand. N. MURPHY.. Betweeen Brown's total Reed House, RAN ON NAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOUSE- HOLD GOODS, STOVES, &a. Mao, a and complete amoitineot of copper, awl , • nest Imo warm. Also, a large moot ' . meat of Cistiee7 sad P• e k • I, Zaire*, - le., Britania Table tlesisin and Ton - =rain% Tea and ~Poreol ialsaM4- tlim, ako, a lug* aniasetmertse Jaime Ware of all kink% sad tie bentsfiems* 1, , MilaYrapi, is Ilirisowfan Map& T.. Pears, alms, 16Ma„ Caro C i rspitzgems: kora. t• hovels 404=, Pokers, Washbowl, Ellweals, How, Potato Hoak Hooks, /iss,, Not Faka, Sip War sad Bathing Tubs, Ibiltigerators, Kamm ?about Onus rse-aer, Pim:Toot albieseriptloods. Log Most C Chain; and Tubing Stow 11 mid .. e n rumps, and Lance, Water Coolers, and Fluid lamps of all kinds, Seabee and Bt s, BUM Iron, Wire, DhbCoeme.Candlestkks and I= Table Pats in Jr liberal said Teague and Milk Pane and Toy Ist Wan, Tea Bslk,Treblisr Drainers, lisullbre sad Meese and Nat to Pot Serous, Tub and 011 Tendoli, lesabse Masters, geed Bosea, Dog Wises, Tronal liMili na Stew Palm, Grind Stoned and Bangles, nil fletuans. All of width will be mid Mr lasi clay. .1 , done on the sbortart , Dress, Pouter as Rap taken in azekange for goods. Plasm ea/1 tad wands* my Stock and Zile, May la, 156*.Yours img rAgr risenlL IWEIY. Go( II) FURNITURE AT - LOW PRICES. Taunt & Bristol, t i• FURNITURE AND LOOKIN GG WAREROOMS No. Z 33 Mirri sired Vormarly (Adler A. &Armes B UP FAL O. ST 0T11 , 48 Oi7>ZATTIENTIOIt TO 11112 1141210. faefare of one work, sad saketiag and siekieg ear Meek with el nos teheaties b the Mail ~toe tads, ve Sr. enabled to aka to those seeking as ozoallest article of Furniture superior advantages kw °Wales the hest of quality, style and fi nish , which we oiler at low We also to keep the beet qualitzf : = Wok sad useteut.iiittteres, sad of IirtIENITURAtIrD mimosa, to be bound In Buffalo. WI maxi factury and km, comatantly on baud sAil amortmout of MAEOGANT, wAutur, oAK WOOD, NARBLI and WOOD TOP BIIRSADS, TABLES, WHAT-NOTS STANDS and SIDE BOARDS. Mao, SIDSTIADS, SOT • "• - - --- - . PIA It( TICTI AZDA ' ASIR AIIM A QD S ZC lIST BOOS WARDIIII, LOUNGh s. TABUS, 01171 CID FANCYCW:II STANDS, u ttiMirnON ROBl6, WOOD P OTP% Di 4 1 11.* PAU= MLDOCXO sod DICK awl an sttieles of Parlor. Cbsiober. daft Boon awl Inches FtritNITUTUL we 13110111hetlIn sad bora oa 'mad ma-gm% bask. palm In and bafr Mattresses surd Spring Beds.' Alno, a splendid varlet/ of Mahogany, Moss Wood and Gilt MIRRORS, of every sine and is. Bulfido, June 26, 11161.-I.ly. TAM • Unrl4ol.. NEW TREATMENT! RI VA pa AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE AT TUB BUFFALO PAUVATX UOIMPITAL. Sphdtlttihad for tba cure of IllypkilisAmrlaul Iffroksooma and the secret Infirmities of Tooth sod Kstarrity b' Dr. ABIOS A SON, Buffalo, N. Y. Mai wow of Nairn and Quay etreetAt, (up,dtaizs.) A MON't NICEICNTE VIC ILINIVILTITION. An Instrument fbr the eon of Goottal Debility, or Nocturnal Ibistadons, mere properly known aa Ireaknoos, be. Can be yorossootyr amid In Miss Moan days to two months by Me goo or Una Inotronnot, whoa used conjointly with inolleines. YOUNG DWI TAKE PARTICULAR ?KWIC*. Dr. ANCK4 k IKON Mks pkeemmi In anneeneing that they bore inmeited a 10014 la pertain lastritanent Ike• Übe ewe of for above Monism It has been waded to I Mot by the most eminent phydeloos in Lototem. Patin. rhito4.4hia ant New York; It boa been declared lbw only weft,/ inatrunient ever invested far t/a. can of Bassitsal Weakotia, or any divans of the genital .mfem mood by the ferret habits ofyostb. Pries 110,hy wan or swam Navy KNMDMID4 AND QUICK MIRA& fi r . Ames k Bea =my be astalataid be= II *thick la the naoruitaruuttl_9 at alight, la every Map nod rialtos of disease, Seromlary symptom', denials! Wesitamelee potence and litzietwee el Übe Midi* and all thee* dreadful ~hum ashen heal the mast habits eir youth, witch yeadosee eoaatHestiesal debility. seadee• marriage harealbity, sad la the sad dilaters@ both bads and Wad. no beelmealbey adapt I. the remit Wier verde et thirty yeses' eateeeree and noterehtt rue We hi Syrup* and Annie& A CMS WAIIIRAPITID. Dr. AMOS I 80N have devotee their ettendert ea bs aloely to this pieuDu elms of roalatilen romt the ratisf they biro consequeutly bees seabled to res4er la their Ulm creatures Is belly teetlned sad gainfully sebestrbidipiltq ocsermiescesit patients sad others daily unities `test from all parts el the eenatry. ter theelgragi of with the meet coneultatton, while their inertias' Yoe Ines yo 4 Oren what thy have esperiseced i tl a nq tie ewer tithe Was, We* GemPland. MOM their meet she* stedfties le that attire eat durgerestaad lavrfteehtJ thar lagesir grategatertilaed of their pneveatiset sad retrieval. sad %%Mee leemisbhbawl umatlakgmast raw little sail maligisat tome esffdd emsbil ahamel at. ways be baited to etre of the Mandan earns Inerreesen aniaaroie the 81 soda et assitilMQ ttealema% time. arra Dr. of a . soN bare euensedel fa lithenschia selecOs of their ramPees.,4lilh, ~sal sad gagr tie= atone; ountthqg all beam eireleedite whigi bear as equivocal character, as well es tbearebsge gat goalste sad 1 4. 440112 11 1= 0110 Wi g" V i = et bed ssusequesere to the et plisse, le fiber; the Yaisllsend ante* mardage b lb% Ignore iz r ofmtoßS ~a of hems Wan 'mike et lime eillegagif egllt= the went WIWI*/ so gartered tag. all shell but eat ukill atedlatraliettaga dot Wit 0011 1 11111111,. WALLIN& POMO. hi a*lt ale Wejtkitty ... .10 wissoutgli treated kr • wrung emu sr Isswei" lila a romiliase• tit Obese Dr. UM e arm et Ms sal (iNati etami. Ikea% 11,74 nii. /16 WWL-40111 ASH !tor n hem, Bye. Cam and nin Mao left ony ma. foore___&eige a 111. PA ' RI V NROARI Nis Cst ma rar at. S. IS 1 , 3146,11114,:‘ , , ra.t. NOW 'r 4.. Assoctainox, pRm A ,ZNEVOLEr narriTtrnoN 7 E;lo=2:grat air I" 16. VICIUMUIPIP SO imiumiums. no NKMAILO - iimr of So avrai frorroooloo at •I 4 tio ether pulse/ olpeollboralkarovezes of mob alioroorby good% ihab 4 = i. - .• t , lorolomil ottu s Aral illaMMA._ . kenoslMPATioill "- with • 4sr. Napalm el lholor ail Wit. if NMI Si ti , , a et a al MIMS. l . 01 e aill Miliehdill leallMila .. olAtAir. NA ullltiiilrliW us ur a 4 . weal.' 1/1011iptiortb•ftlioloilia t la Illarionomi &port i r m agt s . ellissok ilignoso the ode ll* mow VIIII Imo attroad Ole Yoe of Iblerarowirsa te a* elm 4 soterroorr- Smisig Wrotoos i dl_ Oro. a n in t; alllmano or Maim et fisL 6 . owl imalie. ea, • Nibilimmir of Ur mine Witillf as Thisi l tll l =: silli 'ft do jpol6llol tOot tirloboordigilitoplitat issoornot ow Isis kr oirrOwn to tar olbolo4, to emit or Yoe ricolood lodoroto sowed orol. IS Otis vory ingooloot mill . throw 04•11% - • nr ib mivattSWlLT or 1111- 111. 441441111111 31 ad lir ° ll4 si l roa2s i d s Is a IRO Le oo liAl r i.4. l 4l t i hrt meg a" 1.16. = a z . ail itilkg ro ili ml& M = larl e i lt Some NOW asil mem& oI IrrottlM, albs the pit= 4 * No et iptutt yam A kar tol=l/s. J. MULLIN lOC SilostM 41".111114 *e . r 17 qt Om amrsaa o , literlAiMlLl, irm. . - Ilmisso'l.• • .IPasilira. DL ATED WARIL ' asholkilkaa. illgss. Or alb w4hp, ad • plat ippietr of Mk Mad as.o IP. IL. ATIIITIN, /Wive midi*" • srguilk. HOUSE. PAINTING PAPER HANGING. Tux nrascentat IP/RAI issioNdrity tam sitionii arts sad vidalty, that he II Parini tio a. General HOMO Painting and P&P** lianifti With Neatness and DispatelL goz=47l. sear Moat= ig ni. ;mm6 Me e arab id. Ifs.-111m* ANTHIBLMINTIC WAFKIIS FOR WORMS your Mad , / amilim. in* MY ere mrisimposie worm Ilkftiftsiy Noe les Mb Ulbil pmeaga li tint law nrry mutate as Otesseekseigil Ohre Warl ot ess Isiredirmtp, but are suety veritabil, mad wow WI to oxpol moos view thicy salty oisi improno tie hooltl V t 3 aesea imam et Wisdom Nei jimobss may tiecalsbrated Astbeirdietis Widierliseinneir whidi an Ur stir Mead este* rift sal WM* ems a•L'estioli sow fa oop. Sold it krl4ll6.lllllsed Swum ti/ Much 111, 1111 W-41 RALVIVI, you'll( AND l MA iak NHOOD re . afore Itsum 11 Thom e s sailad la a Naiad oat to esq =t pod paid, ea raelds at dotiodlompa. idadied met am do piloted ate aid drnr the petits, Cemetl by ihir.theer:* doltorimitio eereeghtettee el diesar VIM doff 4, a* 14 asaallar qf lit amid WWI alrellook arlimadidi IltoloiotOodlal sad a Eft ß OA ty lito a sta, of lnioa h % to Idossipado m a mind try sailiodfa JIMA pod mat smaosoodal ads a unarms; by mom of tridalv taw lavadd eta sepia. Ostia* WIWI m aim& ladalaall lonise nootuos to daagaraii lied wroth, as Lards. I eye t) The boa tom=irrar miaow ea a soldwat od vital Im tiOrt pa awe to" wed worth, the aidialea G repay ed repoa. AiWm% Pulaisisis J. C. XL= &CS, lit Avow., ear. IS& stamt Pest bin OK Wye 'fork City. • Wuxi. Sir ta1i."413.1. 1"1 "tiall . F I R AI !LC: i ll:all' MUTUAL INK.R. hcorporatai in 1839 CAarter Pevetu44l: Pooloany lasoriad A.l.sot Law by brim Cro sot Toro ma aticeocllas /cam rerneise tamed spas the Ospataill of Premium Plots", or arts .Iso payinat of the soma nosh Baas is Mou. with out tie Habt :tp of a Piossials Not.. Lomas paid with - oat Illtatiast. ask only has over hoes brosibt ate- Compass. ThroCriveal is eatareipfroi from dolt, oldie • Nile isms C. llasakall, C. 111. Tlbtola, W. T. Ittaikrioeht tb, J. Zaasocrly, 111.11tsasett, S. P. Thos. leastioad. Jacob Samoa, 11:1114 Z. babbitt. Ws. B. Hay% J. AL Asolloa. 071110Z1111. .1 C. MAMMAL, Pluct. Jonas 90111211101. 8.11. am. A. !Auer; ?nos. to Mows fhaamirao. ilialhoura Law sacs • £ilo 3i, 13: DWIN'S CATHARTIC PILLS — Ammtiximaar 1 1;reipertablble loottsalisas, itrieiked ael-zz n a• humeri tam, Comaamaisco, Staribors, Apqmerew INelkosts Ms Atosaca, if Ma Lbw, sod dilitorait ql Ast itgaboo resoroDy. rams ss CENTS PER BOX. Karelßold to Ws lay 41L yanirug, IN. alma Hosoo.. 12.1&11L 'INDIGO AND MADDER m COUNTRY MIRCRANTS AND WYNRs. A. hive a quatith which w rill tarnish at b. is E=32¢3 pAPEB HANGINGS! I au saw malty Ire- - 1 1 34 1 S* endnetnitik, Insintr Or s and • wordinrpond Its* Ito* 12.1111 e. DANDELEDTE COFFEE. ?Iv myriad sad goraiiir PrfsfUon. loaddirubdt WU ass briiiingrasol consvaAr ani siddi via low parecas art a 'maid do to ire In And of Rho, Jays or Lambs, to be bod at the Nat Dra I on of Apell I, 010. & 110. PAINTS PAINTS IiPADITS likile Lei; Dry aid be OU, Wade WI ituelltieel Yak INOIIIC WW2, et !plea ara Amedesek RAW AND IK aftm I ihft %:MIREDILZD OIL, vorrnow Tessa rd Aseviera Yaw Obbre, anima Talicos for Onalle n _ i _. mad hi abort been *big ta the Iln• Op Ormaimmelat Palatka& eee be bad at Te= l"l reies, at the Ibleve Are f, lOW CARIES b IRO. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. TAUSTIN, [us Paragon Building. •ow heal Rama salt to Inn bad tread taste feettbe habbankma of as pada, tabs doe naertomeat et data astaise, Jearth7. Tamp bad oar Oath are load not be an at men Mar /alai s Auld se amp are thity lievft tan Morn Umit as aaa so to earbete ta pries, deed et &Ise way dila wadi ha Wawa to do ttosealey, to oesrambiS. the depravity of the wog mei* It h trn a ver o aad roperad nabs soda biathlon to deo et le trade don the It adore di la sok !Molt Whoa arab ono at Tory tow prim, of di 4MWMa aseep m bu Una. Morns if am iniMineall tine la Matis ail t rip,... tb. tan, the Ms ie oboe randed Ilabo, Mani 13.1810.-411. ERIE OITT MILLS! H. B. HAVEREMCIE, Proprietor', Moservamens AMP Ihroiamma ip aeaa DaiLIR ni Flour, Corn Meal, *lll Peed, dorm, ideas, to, FLOltteD 'MP aux At by OW soave lb*. ow boor booth a tt. ma" are Wool Itols. Moe deo* trims I hi^ esetsaui ea WM etUisfitio lio awe 1. - Id* too Ow l Mod oat Nino* ears. 06 11.11 1 6, an br bilro WI O lon* osorte 111 01. 0,4 101 , fr0., obi Jamul boo el aim i f • ix Wimp/. IL b. 111:11011T1a. Ibio. AO* WlL4ft. G . ' • g 1 1111 *AIN13. a a_ i _ . I hme ari iii r *BATS al alicon4 s k i . : m . ... I = l ‘ itlemill= k lood spi Wp' IP.I. i lia Malia...4litt , - 111101AMON OF l iii *TlL VW liiilasnalt r barsawkait =W I" k N iro 11.6 Ilaillailiow s p inier Hl oats.' coo ilmia•so d rit au b. tiiii 4 CD" : kft•lleAllit Sa *' ' sr manor Sas Arai 1 . how oSee , iibitlkeit pause _ll4 l irith Whi Ow us t0g1104 . 4* !IMI wa d t RIM x, PIiIIriZEREF F Toms. itb j u a mer L ,177,. = 1 bil l bs i Wtt IllviiiiiNa4.4l ll 2 l M o - __ t ' a Istatinvphr• "I li ._, _ win au At wawa; it , •a"' W. * , caa Alper amok ma am Apell 11, MIL 81CE11.414 WM a Oa E2l AND OatTIM & IRO J. C. ULDZN.