The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 04, 1859, Image 3

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    local and girettiVa'-
s i er Ilie fluffed° Conenstriial says that forty_
~n., \ ear , ago last Saturday the first steamboat
ct d on Lake Erie.
Bk2 r They ore going to home a celebration
o I 111..0 Mi ll i on the 4th. tissserr, of Ben
im to proride the dinner, and A.
NI I) I,ToN, EM., of this city, is to deliver the
~noon. -
p a r Ali. SILL and J. P. Iftwomir; lupe.
, re ate delegates from this eitukty to the Ito.
dldllcas State Convention. They were spc
r ant by the County Committee. This is rep
re -eating the people with a vesipmeoe.
i t ir In Buffalo, s - few days dace, larinuracri
ri nit, five or six years otap, drank a pas-
Lty of whisky, and died in coasequsabs a few
aiseovery !um been made by a mod
em writer, that without &mouth a man mad
nether eat, drink, kiaa ths gizim 124:11" OUT
It must haTe been on et the attatereachat
ilv cf "Rog" who that Made the discovery that
Article designed by nature to irist i witit, was
6 , receptacle for tobacco.
se- We are pteased to learn that the W
ive of the iron requisite to lay the track of
!be Pittsburg and Erie road as fir is graded,
J mne cown, and possibly to Greenville, ha"
vete purchased, and that operations on the
commence immediately. From this
we are warranted in saying that simudtaneoue
ly with the opening of the Sunbury and Erie
roel to Warren the Pittsburg and Erie will
i.e ..pcned to Greenville.
Err We learn that Assistant Engineer
St.o.,Nra, of this city, who was recently de
l:lk tied front the Michigan, and ordered to the
;•&n Jacinto, destined for the coast of Africa,
ha• sent in his resignation to the Navy De
ler It is not safe to predict the character
of the weather for a month ahead, in a fickle
climate like this, hue those weather prophets
who said in April that we should have a dry
Ilay because it had been asserted that an the
%Lys of the 69th year of the five esaturas be
giuntug with 1330 had been dry, were net sit
tar out of the way. May was emphatically a
dry month in this section.
It is stated that:Captain WARD is build
tug a steamer, to be caned. be "Coaster," to
run between Cleteland and Buffalo, touching
vtrions pores along shore. Bo says the 13uf-
f c 4100 7,101
5 We regret to learn the death of Cates-
Li •:z rt , l4L, Ersq., one of the editors o !•••
j. l if,r o sswii, published at Westchester. Hews.
a pracilcal printer, s young non of fuss quoll
gutni understanding and liberal sod gen
eroul sentiments ; but the horizon of hja pros
and hopes was narrowed by the slow but
~rtatin progress of that disease which had
Itrteti him for its own—Consumption.
pay- A break ocourred in the French Creek
,inn of the canal last week just below
Moluivtlie Some fifty feet of the embankment
~wept away, requiring several daysfor re
; living to the rainy weatberthe work of
•(.!. rsing does not progress 60 rapidly as it
under different circumstances. It will
~J othly be ready for business early next
kir The first division of the Fivette county
t‘lruad from Connellsville to Uniontown woe
'plied last week with a grand excursion and
The road is now completed to within
mile. of Uniontown, and will be entirely
hriNhed bei.,re November next.
Pg. The railroad bridge across Millcreek,
mile+ ..ut on the Sunbury and Erie road,
tini,hed this week, and the iron laid across
.11 Thursday. In company with the Chief
Enz•neer. Mr WORRELL, and a large party of
tr ciiitens, we took our first ride over the
• I that day, and visited this work. The.
• wracuirs of this part of-the road are Messrs.
lltrr & Brother, aad a most substantial job
have made. Very few, even of those who
werc acquainted with the location of the road,
:•., I any conception of the extent of a bridge
•0>... • ,- ..ary to crime Sflllereek at that place. •It
• -,,tnething over 880 feet long and 88 fret
—and for eryounetry of construction,
.r,•ngth and durability, is a model. and reflects
greftt credit-upon the engineers and contractors.
The road itself thus far is pronounced by all
railroad men the best they ever sew. In cow- ,
ng over this part of the road one gets a mug
-I:ltl,•eut view of the city, bay, island, lake and
.lit , rvening country. And then a snuff of one
or delicious lake breezes on snob a day as
T:.ursday, will repay our Philadelphia friends,
the road is finished, for coming out here
rtijoy 11.
giir We are authorised to deny in the most
m htue terms the charge that the editor of
t..• Fr i .rfs• contemplates being a candidate for
a—kqubly before the Erie County Republican
.nrention this fall. The rumor is totally
;;:r bout any foundation, and thosepapora which
'OO - e circulated the story in this and other
441 e. should at ono. make the correction. It
a mistake that he will join tan. Rice's
toils the protein. season. Dan and the sforer
• I editor failed to agree aa to terms. It is
ugh!, however, that by =other 'season they
be able to make a satisfactory arrarigeme*
.o.• 1 that our neighbor will make his appear-
Ito ein the ring. it is said that the main
tihle in completing an engagement this seer
was owing to the fact that the editor has
e r fully recovered from the effects of ids
• ,, m1,14 , in the Warren County Convention bud
Ile hopes by spring to be fully restored.
I f 1,, , t able to enter the r4g then, he will go to
,ri, and submit himself to the celebrated phy
•:(nn who has been se saccesdul in UsaLiag
sen:k:,.r Sumner.
Mn). The Philadelphia correspondent of the
1 nrk 7hßEsis4— : a gentlemen a .la4ge cepa
rit tire lilltKOMßlerela sageolty---in gesesking
!,,, letting of the mink dl7isicH n of the
nbury and Erie Rallrond to dootrellisoarli
. nuVI . •
This important road, iiiielt)ettap the dil
-1 Ott of imamatee and civilisation to twenty
nor counties of the State, neer• shut out
'r o, all kindred facilities, is ono of the good
to be enjoyed by Peoneylvaato from the
• kit , of the patine.,intint- It wilt bh's-prv
•,. rival to your own Brie rood. • stA situst
Nocatrate at the city of firth a lake trade,
Ir, I R vast menelbeturing baldness - la LakerS:a
-1..•r10r iron, width will build It up into yeema
h,“ importance, if its wealthy eitisens tembe
rou.*.l from tht Ki 4stby • which th ey base
kio long rei p .
Every day briar us freettrideseelhat cap
abroad are begianiai teliJra l erade
al adTantages for frame* .4441 . 1111611414"-
k,r, Five years berme se ifeble . :olo4ll*
.xt...n anti yeah)/ of the of y, qadatortoesiill ,
t take her poper placelft of
(I, Lake cities. ..
wit. Wonders will never cease. The
publiblien a eoniatu.niestion this
A ••••It defending the President from sorrillPf,
;6•. 1, 1 , 01494 - xlg of Fornef's Ifress, Weal
tempted to believe after 'this, that the
leopard can change its vela.
Mintleast Ithelmoirilelhigli s
-- portiowet Iris ad Oreerfeed vole*
ties writes us Ma the wheat crop wryer baste
looked better in this region. The spring crepe
look remarkabliwelk and the pasturage fa ex.:
cellent. Fruit trees tawlisseally lorded with
as abundinie of liegOktfriO. All the Indi
cations are fayorabliAo a beautiful barred.
s t ir Ripe strawberries from the South are
already swearing among us aad is a Env l idays
the crop about here will begin to appear ta the
Market. The seasba has his. very faverehle
to the growth of this ehokest luxury. The
vines an very full and the berries unuettany
large. People are turning their attention inore
to the cultivation of strawberries than in fbr
reer years, hence the supply promises to be
very large. We trust the price will be reduced
as the quantity increases.
lllir Thero With a. well as poetry in the
following item, beaded ally-and-by."
There's a little miseidef making
Ellin, who is ever nigh,
• Thwasthig awry underntanding,
And his name is By-sad-By.
Wilma we on,6t to do this minute,
" Will be better dove; he'll ery,
01 N tognaTOW WO •be it; •
t.rtit or Dread-By.
Those who hood hie treacherous wooing,
Will hia faithless guidance rue ;
What we ilWege put off doing,
Clearly we Asa never do.
oar The practice of naming western towns
after celebrated places in Europe, or after
those mentioned in bisto6, is happily hit olf
in the following;
A man named Phillips, charged with mur
dering his wife at Cairo, and a man named
Hanna, who recently escaped from jail at The
bes, were arrested at Pinang a few days ago,
endeavoring to make their way to Palestine,
and a man was arrested the other day fbr horse
stealing at Carthage, and was sent back by the
way of Warsaw. AU this happened in Mi
not& •
MIL. A Western litlitor, in speaking of a
"celebrated penman and card-writer," who is
now astonishing the worthy burghers of the
town with his performances. says "he writes
the eOire Lord's Prayer in a space the size of
a three cent piece." If a three cent piece ap
pears as large to the artist as It does to certain
pterchants in this city, who don't believe in
advertising, there would be space sufficient not
only for the inscription of the Lord's Prayer
thereon, but Gov. Wise's recent letter could be
added, and then have room to spare.
agL. The Duquesne Greys, of Pittsburg, one
of the finest military bodies in the State, gave
a banquet to Gen. R. C. Wrteos, of this city,
Adjutant General of the State, on Saturday
teat, whiq was attended by i large number of
iaflted guests, and was the occasion of much
good speaking, all about "our volunteer eye.
tam" and the patriotism of those comprising
that arm of our national bulwarks, together
with several tons, some good wit, and we are
bound to suppose, the destruction of numerous
battles of excellent champiagne. At all events,
from the newppaper accounts, the company and
their guest appeared to ~ltaly at home;
and what is a little wonderful on an occasion
of this kind, while-the wins wis in the wit was
not out, nor the sense either, fbr the remarks of
the GeneralW., R. Brines ROllll/TI, Beg., and
others who were called out during the evening,
were exemseaingb. well conceived mid to the
point. That of Oen. WiLso.* in partheuslar,
where be alludes to the participate* of the
volunteers of our State in the various contests
in which the country has been engaged, was
pointed and appropo. We cannot forbear quo
ting a paragraph :
" In 1812, as in the Revolutionary war. ',mu.
sylvanians took the lead. They were with
Gen. Scott in Lundy's Lane, and with Taylor
in Mexico, and whenever a battle was fought,
where tie carnage wu thickest. there were
found Pennsylvanians, with their wounds in
front and their eyes to heaven. As long as
Pennsylvania exists, whenever there le fight
ing to be done, her sons will be there. When
the tocsin of war sounds, the strife will not he
for who shall stay at home, but for who shall
go to fight the battles of our country."
But the reader mutt not suppose the General
is wilting the volunteers of Pennsylvania shall
restmittly on the laurels already iron he is
a"I. , ms,Oe* destany" man, and -lays out" quite
a field of action for them in the future. Hear
" I am glad to be here, and it rejoices me to
be the guest of such a corps of soldiers as the
Duquesne Greys, whose gallant deeds in Mex
ico have been the theme of universal admira
tion. Their deeds are worthy of the Common
wealth to which they belong—and prove that
stout hearts beat in ilia bosoms of Pennsylva
nia volunteers. Pennsylvania haefought many
battles, and will fight many more, if they only
Jet her. blow, while Europe is at war, she can
'Chow her prowess. We must soon have Canada.
Cuba and 'Mexico. I have always thought we
committed a great mistake-in not keepinglqes-
Ise when we had her, and now we mutt go to
work and take her over %pip. But Aur boys
have trod the ground, sad watered the soil
with their blood; and now while dta nations of
Europe sr t3 warring one with swaer, if three
or Asir of our Western neighbors will take
Cuba, the Pentisylivania volunteers will soon
add Canada and Mexico to the' Union."
That's the ticket, Gesun?l; Cuba, Canada,
and'lllesice, and when they are safely ruder
the wings of the American Eagle,—why then
let's take all that's nest to 'em !
ag6-w• wonder if the following Psix.han
shot, from the "Notes from the Plymouth Pul
pit," by Henry Ward Deeehsr, hits antrbody
in all this ilea& round about t We bope not.
AIL Beecher said:—
" There imitating before use in this congrega
tion now two h und red men, who stuff flair
Sontisys full of what thy} call religion, and
then go oat en Mondays 'tad catch their broth
er by the throat, saying: "Pay me that thou
*west; Wil,-14aa4sy now, and you needn't
think that because we sat crying together yes
teiday over our Savior's sufferings and love,
that I am going to let you off from that debt,
If It tkitie ruin you to pay it now."
isir The exashation of EDWARD JACKSON,
fbr the alleged attempt to rob the U. 8. mail
egret on the 18th inst., near Port Jervis, N.
r., an account of which we giro last week, has
been cosc44l. The paineipsi witness was
Amor , tam, the mail agent, who decalbel the
pattienbire of the attempt to Map* him with
chlorelbrif. 'mind of the fight whit* took plum
in the mail ear. The lair occurred just as
OM train aroused the Delaware War into Penin
eylvenis, and mm be tried in that State e
'lo4etmer was fully identilled, and a warrant
ludo out vein him to Pennsylvania - for
Was koasmittedie Um Tombs.
shiskt praise is awarded to Yr. Keck for the
4iorows annum in which he treated the tam
Jaeketitt4,isimiki. lived is New York, and, bad
a gars in Ilbsieetoisate. is said to% anin
telligetst locking rem, shout thirty years
imir A curfaii4 oeatesporery, to dosed
lolaig the Teraina* Stallions for gentlemen is
that eity, ,saya tiers is as iassasity of stgle
*44 Toitiiit As latish Wheat** re
*Siting. to tasbissable patiassemthere is a
ebdage." Bloated beavers sad shaashai sacks
and efe; the 'Wiest is stoglialo
Itehd.**iii. 4 "40 1 44 ,laitt 4 Pk of
o=l l4 FBlri Yc'wor Tbfasnwilm l4 ;
sales off atd ater7stwites kept • oa. ilheei
are tie rags. Gloves ed!ert 4kre wash stel
• *,,iititerally egarled. toi be
p ile "lips
iiiattLobtupy loider on the proammalle, is
ie►lihe."l-14laa rapt: / •
' l l# tini NOVO* OP 1164,1181101111 7 • . -- ` . 'Mppi WEN VitltalP *MOW— , : .1111110/1W:
.OW4O Mi. 11 ; 6 itlhaal. WAXEN". claksietsliall
t i n tril i nsdnift and 4WD= =tie Mk reornonn umpires an sem ram!
'ehtit b 1 trid 134 —k . ;lit .' . miskirti 8 - PPlrlf.tko ilf 1 1 8 4 4 44" AO4 l .-
- let a .
7 ha
' 1 .'' . " ! be°"dt tatilirrail • - -
i'ex CriniThirilrf - • . -:. . . ASO 4 ' Th. 't= 6 Ow"inso4i an
again auggestid to the *Pe . - "ssman.. those postai ass dignissiliiiiitievihha the hash
littY the 1411/44ilkf t O l ll4 ' probe- .0...04.46.1., ‘ ,4 1 - 2,Pg.PP0t., , A0.07,•"4.,
its the lo ot isentin- mover ell estme &Woe/ Gets mar hr mast
Ads Roadwanararshigis etribuiertseroute
the the Mend ese * frit/Of Srie."'lndoed, tt Is psesll44 l
_ I X& wa ligilli g ini M=sse,, ids( ea
the people of Watorfet4Jlthoe ever Oriuldered .the mood* pudill wEitntrobsith, ' ,
14 4
themselves badly treatildia the location of the oa th hew; 4ittoo 'Oso Sear. Uinta ills armersiant
rou d edly by being phsted at Sumo einem& Ikriths.te eerreethea '' I 'l
the of sane isrrn. to nipple ClalhoWi e MON. " ..• '-•
gro*th an enteeptiee e then wafe It boo flat liesed tot kerbs INAhohidtelog lb
to be 1
throl= ine ttureagh, they chose slur rid= MONTS' gralir, es Om am
to run it through a swamp, which, sera Wring so Nktotriogo,:bilta out ill' pas the
though mil, about h *mile In With, will ere Mf g ' •
sink from one hundred to a hundred gad; ifty IN all same of Bermes sad Belga Alkedlees, Pala I.
thousand Ohms of timirsompaay's mew, and ma Bask and Liman tantrum Ann mlsalls. l'alpiti
event the n robably be more or few hisselUre ties of tke Bear% Meted= Ind Wein, them raie wit
and e Ire• In addition to this, they have An ease when an ether mew have sited t sad sk,
cli m a; 'grade of eighty feet to the mile, Wag% a Owned Andy, do set owed' tree, eaktail,
while, as has been proved by actual survey, a eathatier, or eat Ming burled as the emthetteatha.
route =have been ol4abred *here a Mari- fill,Aresikmain tbspamgalot arsewilema pashas,
mum does not exceed tweedy-awe or. salsa saiswil to sessesvet
thirty Aland unencumbered by pits to sink sou Arlo sr th e now Beam and Omeia,
hundreds thousands or dollars' 'which might ..I(dt 1101114 Osto LC. Dearth 4
be aspen to better purpose. pier. ar. T.
Now, 14 have nothing to say against the etess-‘ N. 11 - - ske immi 6 lowiai• Amid 01 0 001 del ea.
tinuatiOn of the Road to . Iris. tie are very bwriwid .yent a will 1 ••• T• • torsi., ooatWee 6 0 illi ,
anxious that they shall net' all the advantages W r ille tai. ma to &dere Bps. and 1.1. Bade* MU, Pa.
that they be supposed tohnioli 'trim this4tont- aray t 7, tele. --Mir
pletion n ==fare. But rye, rovith
most to the Stnthery nett
Erie CompOny the following proposition: Tint
a survey of a route from Waterford tel3irard,..
by way of the Elk Creek valley be made with,
a view of continuing time mod Ito* this point'
to meet the Lake Shore railroad, thus saving
for western trade and travel this magnificent
circumbendibus by way of Erie. The maxi - r '
mum grade to the mile is, as we have above
stated, twenty-five or thirty feet to the mile,r
while thaeby way of Erie It is ascertained to b ed
about eighty. -The Mature from this point to
Girard, by the proposed rent% is about sigh- I
teen or twenty miles, while the distance to (lir-
ard, by way of Erie, is not under thirty-two
miles. Thus, in the abort distance of thhty
twe miles, there will he ass sctuoi too* of tar
or tooter mike ! The principal intinemnents in
the company are, First,lhe absolute necessity
of shortening the rondo ,in order to competa
with the New York and ,Erie road in western
trade find travel; and, Secondly, to avoid the
necessity of transhipments which must occur
at Erie. These, it moist be admitted, are con
siderations of a good deed of magnitude. That
the Sunbury is destined to be the rival of the
New York and Erie no One can deny, had the
company-should spare pepsins in ascertaining
the nearest and most expeditions routes in
order to secure the green and increasing trade
of the yiest. These are facts to which the ,
eyes of this portion of the country are begin
ning to open. There are other features which
I may develop in another letter,
Yours truly,
Waretrozn, June 18, 1869.
Believing that everybody should have a hear
ing, when disposed to discuss matters of pub
lic interest, we cheerfully give place to the
above communication, reeerving to ourself, of
course, the right to criticise and dissent from
the conclusions of the writer in almost every
particular. In the first place we have no Idea
the managers, engineers, or others connected
with the Sunbury road, had any "design" in
locating that work "one mile" from the village
of Waterford, other than that of securing the
best, shortest, and most feasible route for the
road. That a mistake has been made—that
the celebrated Waterford "sink-hole" could
have been avoided by carrying the road far
ther to the right of its present route, and thus
made that pleasant village a point, and that
some money could have thus been saved,—is
quite possible. But even as it is—one mile off,
as the writer asserts--it seems to us the people
of Waterford will be quite as well accommoda
ted as some other towns near the road equally
as important. There is Columbus, for exam
ple, that would have been vastly benefited if
the company had selected the route Ti. the Lit
tle Broakenstraw instead that finally located.
Not do we imagine that the mode proposed by
"Publicus" to redress the grievances of the
people of Waterford quite ea practicable, or as
easily attainable, aa he seems to think. It le
very easy to talk about building railroads, but
the experience of the country, particularly
in the case of the Sunbury road, shows that
it is not so easy to "raise the wind" to con
struct them. 'Nor can we see how a break of
gunge is to be avoided, in passing from the
Sunbury to the Lake Shore road, by construct
ing a "cut off" from Waterford to Girard. In-'
asxnuch as one road 15 8 feet 10 Inches, and the
other 8 feet 8 inches, 'it strikes us very for
cibly there would be .a break soosowArre. Nor
does it seem to us that, "Publicus" argot:mut t
based "upon the absolute necessity of enort-l•
ening the route in order to compete with that,
New York and Erie road in western trade," ill
very favorable to Waterford as aixibit; heeamie,
if the argument is good for anything in the
case of his proposed Waterford and Girard
"out off," it is better if we can_finda ocut of'
that will save more diatomite. We proposh,
therefore, that "Publicus" aid outeelf, and a
few more equally as good fellows, organise a
company at once to construct a "cut off" from .
Pittsfield, Warren county, to Ashtabula, Ohio.
Such a "cut oft" would seve several miles, if
not more—it would'bt take over two or three
millions—a mere,baOatelle to "Publicus" and
us—and would be certainly the most direct
route from the magnifieent harbor of Ashtabula
to the "city" of Pitunield that wild)* titrriaed
either on paper or underground. Of course
the Lake Shore road would jump at this "eat
of' like a small troitt at a big fly. Ili stock
holders hav'nt got tore; half a million or so in
vested in the Sunbury reati....iidld'at-erat over
a couple of millione to build ark road from
Ashtabula to Erie—andtherefere they will not
be at all anxious to thud western predawn and
passengers atria? as 4 tlntosp in their ewe oars
over their owe road„,norwilLthay be stall par
ticular to hate everytaile of the Sunbney toy eit
much dividend as possibleon the little sum they
have invested in it. For these reasons we think
our "cut off" is. at least a length-and-a-half
ahead of that proposed by "Publicus," and
must therefore "take the cakes." Still, we are
not disposed to act the "pork" because-we are
the-discoverer of its advantages—not Si ail—
tad to show that we are not, we Maki "Pub
licus this "first rate" offer. Uhe will furnish,
the "needful," we'll act as President and "mil
'er through," or we will furnish the requialibk
amount of the root of evil, and he shall net its
President. Whin do you my ?--fir l$ ,a
Pin I
Mr A Military meeting w folot ao
Thursday evening in AdJ. Gert• 111 1 3110 M IA
office to take into oonsideration•r*s.
,priety of re-inteting the MI/abiiiii4r..4.
Soldiers of the Isst war which
exhumed by the S. & IL R. IL CO. on the
bank of the kike t hen. Wilms 'stalled
to the Chair, and goL J. Ran Tbompeo
appointed iiiearetniy.
On motion, Reds Tbme i Pso C l3l
John W. McLi e, caps. 9%Jamilki , lo,
Major P. Wagnef,-were a ointed s Ckan;
mittee to oafs* with the committee,
counale in Mg,* to taking the stietieuery.
'steps. , . . .
After's otestelttionvitk*Kettusitter
of the / Commis, wlAgrescCieriii4 6
inttn the 4th tit 3eV:;!. - -'
it is otettenttettled =Mot e deitatientie`
tom, wetthy '4lo,teattion. &POWs
'person inteoelegled °to take chergestr'
rem iUI and!..thi“ dine.
op- We nolo, I new w!kolmsele Greeet*
Moses opes ' by
14 irevnee Block, ca the room
iiieestly ooeuipiedi by 1.6. liereelibie them
to fru k J. CI papa & Os.
WIN IM"It tik to übs Aged Wlllia l l°L l . BtMlapi to tm'jil.W•ik.!
TILL* sever lisspareSbeabsaaribuitir theelppereal of the
malty la *varnish at 110 ia,.al ISNI etlesierer bed
peephetar herbreely proorelme it te b.
ai • ntiorrostor sod rogrior of waited or lord tanotioos
Ihstcdiiraptl.ueltOilmet.shosig•if awed hW sew
see peasoos, Is lt stnailstes tfa perm to Usk astaral
work, Ail(' will net 'rodeos • resetioa so matter how
seddsely dropped.
It Is also • mom Tem, sad she Wiens irrimir
at• stit,• fibs dud &sew • Wet parsisloses Is Its ass will
resessie *be stsissel Se • dopes et psi** beak*. and
banish dyspepsia ibrevar.
The aged ebould br errtaho I. disbar itatebbeigir
ExlbUiradt ► bessrbold article thairsoodi se it will mobs
tbast yourthhd to biding rod la dirsesti.aiddembis thole
to live over again Lb* dry" of Um& peirllna Jrl. It art
only oxtillairotoe but strosghtssa, and IA really as barahr.
able blowing, especially to then wire bon bola rmises4,
to a eanditios of earriliis by rnislartaal, or ordinary Wei;
nosa. No matter That the taws se the %votary of say
ham. orprObas awn* gradisraad will reiarre the
• lid at MIN and tbrovar.
Hatehtne IM6 IMldtrortat should too watt fry an per
sons who have disordeted naves, stomach; Um, swum
tir action, torpid intellect, or lawmen! of mobilo. It is
compounded from hariolom, ,Tot smormftl Morphs, amid
at ntsins Doi a, gate or atom of dud* mbstancs
Pausaiss siltectosi with bityssuiess, artil iiissersr
Hutchins' Lifs hh• tualastise ci their lopes
of oatornity.
This zomelrabio sad wisarproselablo,prageratiss base
sale by tiro Proprietor, A. B. BoreasasiN of HS Maness,
Dlrost, Now Yort. all cads= shoal
oatty. am ~robot*. Oas imp bottle 141_ •
ollars far $.4. Sold by T. d. 81:11014111. sad CA k
BILOTIESZ, ads, Pr. 414
cp. The mid me base Mil* reamed by Hatebbire
Lifb tiblierant. ebb* b IbbLUbis ii r 11 , 4•1110Sii,
will mien warted eiremtb. wtth yiewrotaem
mid wonderfid primula/L rot old aid treble pumas It
hoe sot tta aqua Bald by cusnoi*imr gib
Ps. 1e..1y
or The Victim of Liver Coopthint will inseam bi
Hatchings' Lib irslallarsat • pawl pthecee, asketisilied
for isouredisie and permuleet aid is this diattherlag
emplaint; It likaruish mans the mied this sad eirwir•
fel ; tt rejasaustim sad rudoses drumeth will am iris
cistakasse. T 8. BLN CTLAUR, Mt* Ps. illy
lllr The weak will reweire w atreagth from a .ode
rats um of MA eusUsst !Ashton* astsbise Las
Zahltarant. It is bealtbfial la all Its opsestSoss. As so
lirrieraat it baa Do peal—estavemattsg th• seed said
weakly with woad efal eatetity sad perimeawat amt.—
Belk ky CASTER k BRO. Erie, Pa. 444
lar Hatching? Lae liellteesat is a nalavonatat of
la/approachable and inimitable eseollems. Torah ser
vals diamem, DO artist bow prodaold. tt 'mud be oft
eidoved as It Isaias aersrofor silistiosa
ossiteriog is the Uesr, *ma& or teats. hs Walk* is
bistro strelliL*._ TIMMY. lied physical ability. Sob:ft
IRO. trio, Pa. &M
Er thilkkloge I.llti Izbliana& Loam of Tisk said
siskly constitutions, 'boat tabs the floteblase LOB
Mitalsrsot; ft wm mato yes dross, liashby sad asp .
moors all obstmeloss sad Inerilmettlswitum tbo mead
nal organs, tad motors Um bloom of boslth to Ilsosidtly
sal wasted eireirorii bow bald bj CAMS" 6 MO.
Erie, Pa. 46.1 y.
Cr no narrow will Mod Ilniebiapt L &Aamid
• IWO moldy liw all their marine: sad parsons walk
from the injudicious am of liquors, beowbowiebo MOWN&
add their diiiwwwi Miaow shattered. dad essatttetioss
beldoin down. Sold by T. S. fiLNCLAII4 NAG Pa. dilly.
The Dyspeptic can have all We weal budded If he wil
bat am lbatakingo Lib likahliarant. Wank staissek,
treble direation, diatoms Act ~, e adilac behltebitkree.
M oat lit, low splrile,, gala Amid le_m ato the eileVil COM
pound. Bald by CARTY* it BRO., cod T. 8. tiI.NCLAII,
Sete, Pa. 48,1 y
- tr . Re tar lege IA 4 iztlibar s■t Oostdogo will room*
theAtbagmeahte sad disisossing Meets of Wlisd or Flask.
Woes, sad the moment the stoma rosetved lweigorsir•
tag stbses. thedlstasoalas load sad all pasha doWisys will
be removed. Sold by T . S. SINCLAIR, ICE* A. Way.
Hateline Life Exhilsrsat iequitt sad silbetail. aw
hile the wend eM mod ewsreamt ram of V”il,
aids' Camillalate, sad all other Itneepeale the
Marsh esorhowele, sad will revive the aleisachety lad
drooping *site istosmedtstely A. The feeelts serveas, sad
mkt 40ald try it. Bell by T. S. SINCLAjr4
The mad weak ad /peaty remedy ow dieeewered far
Dimes t his awl mad Lea" Qui" Cafe, Alta
lora Cloarsaptirea Bread** S fkorareesa Dr/-
o& leeedheag, sere Tibet, ae. K.
111,1 SSW WA V SIM eve the most instaataaeoas
tad Wild iellet sad abs. parameat with aatordiag to
&sections, Dever fall to .dents rapid sad Lothar atm.—
Theuearals have bow regtereil is pocket health who have
'ed other mesas in rata. To all edam, sad alt
fstloms they are equalty:a bleriag sad a eare—seseraeed
despair, wo antler bow beg the dhows* wasylhave @slat
ed, or booreer swan It way be, previded the erpaale
streetateof the vital organs le ;eat hopelessly dbesped.—
Seery one aalleted aboeld give these as Impartial trial.
To VooLusra aso Pram Seersots, those Wafers are .
pssausrly waleside ; they will I■ owl tom meows the
salt sowereoleasissal heenestes ; and their regular sue
Ibr a ins days will, at all Wass, incurs the power and
desabinty:ot the voice, greatly Impreviag Its tone, soar
pre sad sharers, for which parps• limo, an raralsaii
wed by =ay proholosal veeallets.
JOB MOSICIL We Proprietor, Roebeeter, N. Y.
Price to watt per box. Poe able by Oerter it Bro. and
L. I. Bolder trio, limy 7, 1661.--Oily.
frir• 40 1Wair AV' SW 111011.Mr411 1 / 4 10 to
dispositions as tee, are dkd. ea eoetiveobel
Oar ateaseb. iterbehe. Ad. Molded Ea moat
baiter) la thelibßob, on a ladlostione of
de.aaaewat, which It man la
e of the whole mama WWI all lb 0.61
platity so !wag oath' baba io. theolith any mese kis
7ierod, tlist asobeat esolabeital a Ileroarawoot, which If
throey resiodieo7 a mem' ,the wow& will load
& • Inig Hat libber Me aid Mob to;Maraewa
pitiot, Dyspepsia, premature old op mei Dna. Tho
googol* tho woad noseade awn whims le allemel
oodrinhatost. aoa lib sad vigor ore 1•111111API to the oa
th* *Jobe • It be an inaturtssit, Urn, tint the du•s h •••
to kepi 11 4 . mai boo hem ~Wag eabblatoi to
ItoMit adios. and We** Oho Fettenetabit qt
boob Lyons. aid whoa through imileanties.
ethie ehoaaribba4 tin ftselles a the
an e pLotinaell, aa4 tab eteeta i tsial raw pi=
`lobibmaane of their Mies, et lbm Is as suited
obeastioa. theft it bemuse beamejoist aura to some
Ma:whooo altentire lad eiwrootied Nay
vigorous sad healthy bew., , swab
t and bath% oesibao arm thole
agaidas, setemptlik vidwod kis hi tido
I . a .
inn ist ige aralk ist anglagN:
• bi Übe =lll4
= 4 lsis, 11."&" -- aa=lrelo ar= ""
if theArMOir g ar L . (
. o=7
sris amil
. - rOl;ilR6 - muvistsit. Mrs • JI M
Weirs am wet tammol mei
.442 Ilie w ro ktla ow Wit
Is eirselsi
tie - at
g elN.11 4 1:01 Bow. 411:411. 1117
I ; - 12 6741 " Impeßns iraill4 Lthi l
vais his ?n o -
- • Y.. 0. Ow Ink • imam*,
• of Ye Wes IMb l a ttneall al &kw=
artda he "
451 . 16. N.N. Zilte w tb.;IIDAt e6I4I 11 4116 .
rr in
6wttlisylW Ousts,.
Jar. pp. F.
48= Ma us sew nib 411~0
• !Thom inist nein= of Os Mid& ilyer
Z wi rMagr : lll= * arb %
07-41/ . PM" amausimmagm. ft
' a
iliesmiutgakagesaititissgaill.'h* ,
i•;iiro ser4
.; r
t• tip =IN Stsliiir U. a.
'oollolselraiimilillimh INldlri
r. Wieksaftwisnamad M odlilmsof.
- wIl
. N.ltyare. , • ...71. r,54"a11iPP..-4..: .14,X..f . er r e.l, - Pr: v
r"• ('HI
sta - ni,.ltldlw
L =4j•)f•lY~•7,t•~#~ (•I=-,=III
TheUnmulm - mr
' Will reioioe at the
The Lwgmt
North Western Pennsylvania!!
The finest. Sales Boom
Mouday & Tuesday, 2b & 99th
Lary and
0W. 1 . 1 44 riso toap co Iyo 4 VI
4PP f f
c)7l,l;_p :11-1+
Wednesday Nardi 30,
2 1::.I'Cl.00k, P. EL
The Second
SPrioi Stook of
The Laois( of
: •:.s :.
Leading Impirting Roams
_ :1 :1:. SA;
k I L
`Superior to
'Tin= (WI ?Foes vigiatio
,r• "I - ^
A,,e Nome.
- ri le.. it h eproummk....N.p-oe so!
- •• • wri i i imptea
viststmelk mat
11 - 164111110.40 ,
, , lbw day sir Juse-aitsph
14 111 adios M1'91111611 041110111 sail.
1. Ilk DIMLY%
M! l , ll rT uli n
Nearly Every
Nation in the
, TION!!!
Any Other
p :-r.A
Alf 1)
wx. A0163W016.
(Allieatuori ro Alkaa= b lipss.,)
re ) 7_0:11 ".1 I_^
Wooden & Willow Were,
Pork, Pth, Bolt, &a.
SUGARS, TEAK, 001711211,
XI, Mani Superfine &Graham
F1,01:71 2 L, .
' Cora Kea; Cruiked Wheat,
Of all kinds kept constantly on hand and
for side at prices that aianot but
satisfy la air All goods
Wssreveed to be just Wise reemsasesoded; and de.
livered ee all pare* 91 the eieyfeee of cktrge.
sir Remember the old stand of Shannon
I Ryan, No. 5 Cheanside, Brie, k
ORMSBY BOOT*.Erie, March 12, 1859. 611140
Lvf.Nl I ::ffej 4 ICU'. • 7.4
azure AID BU* poops
0: . 1:.:.-t.. i:i. ,- .
Oorsor of State sad Some atm, ni.,
ITHE subscriber has Jura te
ek. awe, so tas Osessr sr MAI ea
Desssdkur=s4MsSoit oIIiFNING
AND st Or Mart
strife, sad win sesdiaas bP bump sa
Mad slay. assortaimS se
Plait Ain ! 11111 Miso Nims
soma% masigliag of
Dress, Frock and Beak Coats •
iffory etyie sad prise, Veeteetailkisde, S•tri
ThoderAgebhi, Drumm% lberifiteedibe4 Oath"
evatilliee le absei l Ike belga
seeelly INS fe Oietither vim.
I.iniasibeteited by Motet sae trarismeil mind he emy
in the atty. Anew wielding Wadies is hie Mao win 41,
even be adl sod emostm Ma Meek, m boo Mama BM te
be isubormid by say liellehlisheitiotteete et %kw Tork.—
Cleibtag uses te weer as sheet swam
Dietforgat Orr. ficribAmei Armor, ow
oar qf Male sod Umegil West&
am. • iO.--Isis. JOHN OriIiSMIIMIL
Have as hand a largo stock of
Cut and Wrought Spike,
_A A( ES'
g!hwilit;a A3Ekoh
wigllea 11161 MA wean•,
- tRON,
aluvr riffle. sad Mr= MINA
• wants. AC.;
• No. 8, Rood Nlooo, Mr*
r • ironnErra taulnic4c
' ghg;ik nom
: - 0 ; I -a. • :
• , . Ilsisile •
or hamaftsairaa il l bi lL Oltsish. • • -"•"""'
01111 sfilmiscre sinass sir • , ::"
is MS las • .
•. _• ell hos at 12 s'elosk. vessii.;•, _ yair
_'• .
sassithilliselsols issalsolllllolllPlo
sishelsb, earlhsoy or yareiskst
1 07 is
ra......4 ON at sky so Os asphlils of Itlit Sib.
. Sy 0* Inamisss S. S. am% assi,
11101. Nei 11.1Swas,K. J. 111A111101‘Ssisslos.
114141 MIraf rin"
NNW STY Lleorbiati AVM Srl9
aslra Charge $5 ter Ramslew
mow mg Iron tip Irma% az iparamot
dm Mit dam meld', at rlidiallic at gnat t tbS
So^ Foo.ooilm wed Mita la wprilmeliiit edit
lig sub aeM.a list tittNtis spoitibt. willtott
Is Se alit soiroloal At Was arielato
Soy tam da Wier rig oltattpor mike Una a amisboot
oak oria NA* gnats ha otalar. bor. tail am at
toottloaatily, tho i Maskiaiss la Vomited* tar badly
oattag, n risoust stark dopliedit.timitaity. ow et
toingtoosat, sad atioptottoa la all mulatto or body
oroltor--imatlitor talon kw, at Sao Aradtirlilt areal
batty, oad IMMO Raid
' tatiamo M tho aastmotioaot aotpakali, Si this
dot Glaoria Is Bow Ilawata law= Ow
MIT bat Iwo to orpottally net at As iglotrtig
onerteri WI ear of Owner a Iff&wito Ilitabises is y
Amway' he amity o a year sad 4.141. I iske iii ist•
rallmmdlre sgtwi7 way *for
NOWthe o Air
which it is dedgerri--Irmatty Alias
Leeseet. leVe el iser. Dr. Lewitt, Zelliwt qf JI: has
.of wishes wire& delighted with year BMW /Armihiaa,
Alla ism bass la .y hotly is, mamy smiths. It bar
sheep alma toady for deity, twain. %rd. sad
M malty adapted to fo*l7 wilt, 11,1141 : =
14A2s edi ehileml doi Web at ttirart."—
AdAmeafe. qf Ise. Dr. Sereetemi, IV-416-T:
"Attar trying ',mat itiatraot good ...taro, I prr
hewed youoo,am amount of its ofizoolt owl Ito poor
istesso wit* whisk It is mosairod, "Was Uri
and danidlity alas arm Misr keg oopiri s ig
o u re y t
tootiotoot to asaali in this seansee, and he
sanall it liar seers surioV al loft asssbe—ilut.
AI B. Ipassa. sf Ms Misr 4/ Anamilips Max
"I bins used • Goma h Las Pr
qv a
ing. o AIM and base Mind it = l tikt. =Pm
w frost Omit% to lays
Wen worm oat offbeat , tie ithriog Inv of :l l = The
liadsise fa easily kept is - and sully uned."—Alks.
AL IL Ink*, age qf Ike. lies. nip" Pka Yink.
'Rear &ming Machias ha• bees la use lag holly
%spent two imam and ihe LAN mann IND U s t i =
tWr tiothooofolo to its
labsseming palate is C imi and
beueshold eawiag.%—aeleni dhen Pre.
•Tor ernwal usaitio we lhawo mod Gram liskaa's
Machine, end ham come to
the emeetnciem that
way y wbe &oboe bwor oinidag sdadeda* audr ac
=would too swot tbeilwaste la pomosodug - owe fbood
idWoWliatio iron emdie- mime
combined qualities et Dowd% stringti. mud ici4r,
iomhiabb. - "—J. Nerrit, Oal. de. P.
Morris, Liner if Ses Mem .herseL
Ramat df • Ws: from TED*. 11.4.a•vrrr 16q., ma
Ammle•b_ sew neitisat SOW% Now lOU
'Wes, dated Jimmy 12, VMS ;
"I had a hat wade la Ihdboaraw, la 114 la which
than wen over three thawatad maim does
with one al Chem kl/w/sfea aad a air dris seam
af that ltwa eatatood aft the dart& maw awed by &Won
Intl • asedle art Wm.*
Briser could Mains. sp ben it. null beim, be
would the whist et ,Grover ft Maw as • nom be
aferiat raw Voleale imitlry.—
11, would &swum t "the &Mai
aping of war nun "—Prof.
.1 Yap pismar• Le swim that the ihorow bare
Bar ail Xashisas home mese than sustained isty amests-
Um hiss and Mends/ °Urns, I base Mies of
then in epandsen 41111sesst plasm sad. after how
pane Mai. have slso
Cirein Is
ilad."—J. fihnimpad
&mew qf iamb sa
has lad eat at Elmer k Itahses ir •
tap My
Au Was, sad I sataattillad ld Is cas el
the hest assidaes that has bees lavaated.—
I tali us* pitman is strominationag it to tilt pane."
—J. G. an* dteeeradr Iliasamees
oft is a besettedel Ude* sod yiete eele.ytedy bide ea as.
dankest of geed Mew. Were I a Gothel* I Amid
'add apse Saida Ginner sad Asher is vilee as eheraal
M. —Oresise
heliday oseausemeatioa of their geed bee ba
-I thiak toWiz US blat Wait la ass. This Yeakiso
as be *aphid hose the Met essabris to the Muhl
abiders'a itlbws skaffigeri hriv. sad seam lallea
time one era tuestias. If alas could sot be
maw weld Not bay 11."—ilbs. J. 0. Amos,
"It la sporty, very kat, Gni knot& ita week ;
reeky seikestood sad hope to repair. I earemettp refees.
mod this Illarkiree ealataerie and ellrea"
—.Ara M. Ai. Arm* Xisossibis
-ws had this hissiblie to troth to owsiitisihsti=
iith plowing rsconessoug it to um
the Greyer k Raker to be the beet Beerteg Yaeiia.r
—.D•ory Braila% dMn.tS Mow
"If sand eteloaiwilytor badly with wrilisszy
aws, I will view they :Mho* ow score sod
tin,' sod Dom got oat wf Itt."—Jais AMIN§
'Dona. sNs ( W.
"1 hays bp your Iliaabba rot amoral weekm amyl am
porbady madded that Ur work it dove Is the bad aad
toad bar atihfl that am ins sards./—Magree
.141hatadas, Itora
'I sie Illacbtaa upon foe% aressentiat e a r id los
Hama iwitsir, the work is irsbio—ir
Ms boa or osy other woddne I bus nor
au."—Li•ey It. Asehiffilkt,
NI And •the work Ow stioagoot sad mod bold& .1 I
Ado dor sass, stadloOltbor by band or mats& aid to
=so Gtorar Mbar littr..biao aa ot - Umo
to oar tai."-..M m raptor, Raaboals,
hatood ot Ordure latAireolkodoe iladsoos la do
Ia lay ludly, sad bad It hordukia . 1-a
mosomosait it to di Is date a Am=
Ilidepaos, Dim
"I tali plasm is wet** 16 Senility of the am
h Baker &swift Madist& asied,ost or almost
degy addytioa M.
too siostba,
Ad d ad
Amy aad bailor is moray mood *ea sait by
band. —7lrs. D. IC Wllaildr,
9 voilinot assilltair to diaper et me' %owe &bad
itesbiso Our a larroadosstoosid I not rah ds *salad
pliamo."—ilbo. AL G. Ahmeii Radivaii, Dos.
•Oarims Ilmidtast. poselmmod &ova yan k As workot toady roms=l. l llllpri t tostomssa
lb. ardor & to to gm toot ta
uot."—X, ifilkoass Mgr&
•Tbo Gond & Balunripriag 114•1110 is
I Walt tie mitt& and rotkiar isaperkee to OM of ay
ilartag Madam Lows's. Oa Ad &WA. I Udall Ow
n .woad
Illadtiso woad la bad to boal:—W. d, Doak Ifdriia,
0 1 end tba blaohla. eaabl7 asaaartd. very dung* sad
bate ~vs ts It te sJI idle nth osavo.
abasta thi Lsoasay. sad plaasar&"—Alt& t The& aid.
Miro Order & ltaidSoutag lasidass bare Aiwa am&
ustbdiottos a WINIIIINSfidirIPOIXMONINgia UMW to oat olio
doh a pod and sobitaatial &rotas Ma/Wm astoslot
'orb tuft dud gaze sad 'peed, ant tows awl ray
Wow maids* 1 bins ass. - -Jtre. it a. midis; air
9 taut &swat give toy tedistooy Amor If
Dad% lioStag Maeda% awl of tb s i si Co astialbotamet
glade la every
... Tr It :Ir e
an autd? by so vauto .
Z i e lisid4 jAvam. PZ,t. /Amos A brro CT::
no mod pisaisra to my, w i t Ow Ilsebtoo
worm wan d e r do ad bids& to notaloand
gadtastoaso you dohs Ar It. NA wbb
wry with N adi vs tde
to Ms C Tbsp
lior2Vattiagibs ptrasw
g =tloa. I bad It 'd"
staid eatclibmilibd it ail *a* dald be &mid. ia Ibo
glad ditty& sad dual& mobta• ht da. sad I Madly
1..5 L 1 IV-4 1 : Ar. Ma& Misittak nos ,
' Lists, essastbed, sad mad duty Deo -klub a
litada Wtddatit, lbal boo to say tad tbotbrodt t So
lod Mealtimes ore_itrealmager io all dims ta
Aldo* &es, Hool nos.
add** tay lootag It brodubla, atlal timed V/ osibitisot magoly its
1 as do all sty IbudiratolAy la abort
OW OW 1 daktwitili of Made—KJ Sesa, Nstaladiht.
PUT UPag 70 2
- 4 - 10LBY will - put up in carall :the .$1
= k i -,,,,,
iotILBY Met up b: ease: the $2 Pie'
tare for IL
COLBY will ghre you a hosanna sew ,
Cidyls B Y
a to mad by letter for 26 eta.
Ilin give perelar attains to
laiar r oallikrese likessaia ,
Will do all saw lark is hie rk
_ prandial* Me propardon : '. .
ia — MIT am with lde arAatiastb Oa.
a light, WNW ID•111 light ea Initablealla
rdark day than la roviommuy t 5,
peake as inplaselea _, ... .., „. ,I`:' — ' "
COM' all be Mad 'tab, hararea
a been hi l t Nnelt, -
*Oa; -1 1rgit ig4 .'''
1 gilidAttalliNV illittladlloll, =‘
§se• cr.: ARD . : 41 , 17:!. '
amm ammo 6 111111110; ;-1,4*, -
mi ila Gaga Oa - - -
' 1 Ild Mob .de , 4 ',.! . • • ,
lib 1111 *ft sod NINA Ilin • - I
' II 41, Wad lbw Mks
MI iii _ "'• ;
- /111 Ili 48 and 1 Mood 1/494 1, - 4, ' , .111
, fe
. 13iiimtl Mai mil WPM
. .
& i ns% fleskillaishabord, MIMIC
J. J. LlM!$, Agent, Fifa
lhash 12, 1111 M-17.40.