THE OBSERVER. B. F. SLONII, Edkor. 111:11318: 6/ 60 PER TSAR IN ADVAN CR. SATURDAY MORN'G. JUNE 4, 1859 State DenkmniAU Ticket. aa.*Woisoit .amitsuass., azgititamom L. WRIGHT. :tea JOE* SOUR. tts Amendment— Who is Responsible ? The Gazelle still insists that the respon sibility of the adoption of the two yeas amendment rests upon the Dernocrany- of Massachusetts, because they did not defeat it at the polls. Now, while we do not ex pect to convince our cotemporary of the fallacy of such a position, or of the fact which is patent to every body else that „to the Republicans of that state the honor alone due of its inooiptantion in their con stitution, we are not disposed to let his party escape from the odiUm of this mesa. ure through the means of his special plead ing. We very well recollect, and we ap prehend our readers do to, when the Ga zette would not have been so anxious to "purge its party of contempt" for our for eign born citizens. At that time--whop Pollock was a candidate for Governor, and the members of the moo Republican party _of Erie county, met in secret phloem to de vise means to save the country from the this of our adopted citizens, the ld'amachu. setts amendment, extended to twenty-one years instead of two, was a plank in the platform of the o,:aette's party. But this aside ; the Gazette wants to know why we do— • * not state, for the information of his, (our) readers, that while, the full Democratic vote of the State la from 66 3o 60,000, only 35,824 were polled on the question of the Amendment-20,826 for and 15,200 asornsat Why doei he not, in a spirit of creditable can dor and magnanimity, admit that the Demo crats could have defeated it if they bad been so disposed ?—tbsit less than one-half of their number would have availed for that purpose?" We do not state the fact.that if the en tire Democratic party of the state--(some 39,000 or 40,000 and not "55,000 or 60,000," as claimed by tho Gazette—had voted, the amendment would have been defeated, be cause it has nothing to do with the ques tion of "who is reapoesiide for Me amendment?" If the Ga:.e• tie could show that the 40,000 Democrats of Massachusetts were possessed before the election of a knowledge that but 20,000 Republicans would go to the election and vote for the amendment, then possibly some blame might at tach to them for its adoption, but not for its introduction, advoCacy and passage through twoiruccetsive legislatures. Not for its adoptiim in party caucus, as a party measure, two years in suocession! Not for its recommendation, as a party meas ure, by a Republican Governor in two of his annual messages, nor yet its advocacy generally by the Republican politicians and pressesof that state. That Democrats, as a general thing, are possessed of a good deal of political wisdom and foresight we admit—but when the Gazette assumes as it evidently does, that the 40,000 Democrats or Massachusetts knew before hand that the polls on a party question, it gives' them =wiit for a great deal more knowledge than is generally ascribed to triortelittc- To look into the future in an attribut of Omnipotence—not of Democrats ! This ke,ing so, it only remains, in order to make our point against. the %Gazettes assumption, to show the numerical and political condi tion of the Democrats of Massachusetts when this amendment was submitted to a vote ; and for this purpose we quote the Boston Travel r, good Republican author ity : "A . Massachusetts democrat is a black-balled man at home, in all local matters, and can aspire tolittle that the people have to give.— A few members of the democratic party may succeed in getting into the Legislature, now and then, bat to the Governorship, or to the Senaterships, or to places of Representatives in Congress, or to those places that are espe cially designated as "State Officer," they can not aspire, and be deemed sane. It may be doubted if a democratic sheriff could legally arrest or bang a criminal in this common wealth. A democratic Senator from Massa chusetts would be as unnatural a thing as a Protestant in the College of Cardinals, or Mormon in a nunnery, or a Zonave in a full rig at a Quaker Conference, or en Abolitionist in Charleston, or a shad up au apple-tree, or an ice house in a lime-kiln, or whatever the reader may choose to imagine as the type of the absurd and the outre." And yet, a party thus hopelessly in a minority is to be held responsible for dot defeating a mesrure of the dominant party at the polls. _Can absurdity go farther I We think not, and so thinks the Spring field Republican, quite as able an advocate of Republicanism as the Gitutre, and agood deal more honest. - That paper, in its issue of Wednesday week, puts the "saddle on the light horse," and tellssome wholesome truths of is brethren in the same para graph : It saya•—= "The burden of the measure rightfully be lunge moon the Rtotsbhearas Rf Massaehneetta but It in no sense attaches to the party in other States, or to the party as a national organiza tion. It is repugnant to its spirit, a violation of its creed, and finds no sympathy anywhere in its ranks outside of the Commenwpaltfi, which has so mistakenly adopted It. While the Republicans of other States and of - the nation are not justly chargeable with this miss and avast act, thou , of Alassadasceste, as a body, right Aare no sk to easkavar to stake( e . Both the senators were arrayedin opposition; Mr. Sum ner by his early and consistent protestations against the whole spirit of &now Not hingism ; and Gea. Wilson by his able and active exer tions to defeat It ache polls. But of the eleven members of the liuse, we know , only tin*. who voted against it, viz: Messra.i. Thayer of the Worcester distridt, Delano of' the Connec ticut valley, and Dogs °Pile Berkshire. The other eight were either openly in its-favor, or gave it a tacit aulnKirt. teal Mae. Francis Adams, whose name and whose history areas sociated with advocacy - of Lim tights of ma as men, faltered In this matter, and raters wpm hts Cimpassionst career wait a blot ryas Moped.- teat wide/Wm Back original Freesoilers as Burlingame, Alley and Saba wee also among its supporters. Their-Owes on Ibis queseke,. in connection with their *inner poi* qdreoord, leads to the cattilusios t. that rim I/try home of Licir advocacy of &Sec* and equal tiriate, lAce swots 4bcrty awl veal siyhts for the eta= nu AIM see roe era WXITXXXX. Bad the osition been to (woo s von instead of upon white Germans and bah and Boole* we can easily imagine theindig nation which would have fired their hearts.-- , Is he not a l ma and a brother?' 'squid have been their I *ST walla old Adam blood, so long dormant, bid still towing, Would hate mounted high and fierce in Atopdemnation of the injustice." an— Mr. Cook, the Chicago Postmaster, who was "up" on chargei betbre the De partment,' has, it is said. matie,outasecesti satisfaetery to the Preside& • OrrottatagoMmwar=ThisCrawfardaisas ty Republicans have taken ground against a mongrel People's State Ticket and the 'proposed "People's National Convention." They propose to take thoir olitics clear. They want nothing butliihelfure, u‘dul tersted Itepublieenhim. ,They want no Americanism or Anti-Leco4tonl,gobby item mixed with theft huh. pitiyhave bett r er grit than most of the party through out the stale, and it, remains to be mien whether they will "caved lto the blandish =tents of Potney or the threats of the "Stmight Amerimma." Thais semantics' inatructing h their delegates is very emphat ic, and wiU b y e apt to raise a storm in the assemblage of all the factions which seek to)zinbitte and overthrow National De m-ocracy. The following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we instruct our Delegates to the State Convention on the Bth of June to resist every attempt that may be made to ignore the Republican Party or Repnh• lican Principles, and to oppose the issuing of any call for a "People's national conven tion." We emphatically declare our abi ding faith in Republicanism as the only true opposition to the present Despotic Administration, and agree, to act in this campaign only as Republicans. We desire the nomination of Republicans for State officers and the endorsement of Repaid can doctrin and will support no ticket or platfornf that is not essentially Repub lican. If the Crawford. Republictuts have the pluck to attuni by this, wentay expect to see lively tunes at Harrisburg on the Bth of June, a fhll account of which will prob ably itii)ear'in our next week's paper, 111 Ps / T, the American Chess Champion, has returned from his victori ous tot? iii Fnrope and for several days has been the guest of the lovers of Chess in New York and Boston. On the occa sion cf his arrival in New York, he was honored with a public reception, and pre sented with a gold and silver set of chess men valued at one thousand dollars. He was alio pr e sented with a splendid watch of Americatu manufacture. His deport ment in receiving so much marked atten tion from his countrymen, was in conform ity with hilt reputation for modest grace. While he his the talent to succeed he has also the modesty to wear his laurels with out being inflated with that vanity which is too apt to predominate in the characters of those whti at so youthful an age are fiat. tered and (cited for their personal triumphs. His speech pt New York on the occasion of the chesei presentation, was highly cred itable to hit; head and heart, and evinced a mind of the highest ordeal. oar The 'Rochesterit'Atiott tells a strange incident connected with a divorce case.— A Mr. Edwin, W. Collins of Rochester, has somehow displeased his better half, so she is -in" for snap ling the tie which binds them. Nearly thirty years ago he was first married to Mrs. Collins. tier name had been Pease; and she brought Collins sev eral thousand dollars in cash. According to The Lilian he was this Spring married again at Suspension Bridge, (to whom or why we can broadly guess,) and some 30 days after had his marriage published in Rochester, bailing from Indiana. He was married on- the Bridge--telling the preach er that he Was a little romantic in his no tions, and 'Wanted to have the ceremony performed on that great, work of art ma pended over the roaring flood. He was Some hate intimated that Mr. COMM se• lectedilds place for the Marriage ceremo ny that an uncertainty Militarise whether it was performed ii the Stateof New York or Canada. There is so thing very hazy over the whole story as it has been trans mitted to UB. o j For cool imputienim the Editor of the Expresa "taloa the 4akes." He a4> knowledged l last week lad he was a can didatel for the Legisla last Fall in the Republican convention o Warren county, but this week denies t at he voted for either Fremont or, W ' t, the candidates of that party for Presid t and Governor in 1i1,66 and '67. Tha is, he wanted a Republican nominati n in 1858, but had never acted with t party. He must be either first usin to, or the I f identical c phimself, o used to pre ambulate e streets of ; New York, and approach t e "greenies" !with the modest question— Have you ainfalenee enough in melt* dme $2,50 for a few hours?" According to his own story, the Editor of the Eiyvots asked the Republicans of War ren to lend him a nomination, although a total stranger to that party. They did'nt do it, however, and not he is trying to play the "generous confi dence" game here. His success will be aboutias it was War- Ter: 1 , . As the Gazene qudtes, with a great deal of gusto, the opiniontof some "irestern 'Paper" on the Maasach+tts ammidment, will it allow us to quote tinother tirestern paper" upon the same tilabject'. is the Dubuque (Iowa) La' press and Hensl4 and it is emphatic in its declaration that,the sen timents of the "Republican" partyisi lowa against foreign born eitiutns are ic4tically the same as that of "Republican'b Mama chusetta, and is becoming more pr tent ev er/ day. Indeed, that prttscriptive tfrid hos tile feeling is one of t he chief elem.* ts upon which the Know Nothing "Republican" party was nourished into life and strength. The rankling hatred which lurks in the hearts of their leaders toward adopted cili wat'and the poor white laboring popula tion-from Europe, mania* itself occasion alb? = • The Sage The Coart of Ohio (all the members Present, qwo diseenting i and all Republicans) has decided-the Fugitive Slave Law constitutionaljutd chnsequently a hi* that must be obeyedby all the citizens of the Statc. Oberlin include& The p•ople of Paine+ villa tolled the hellion the reception of the news and themBons Of Liberty," which ems the Giddingeitee, re grierrouslr4lis• !IPPoilgot gar The Desucieriscy of Virginia get an 'awftd ware, last wee, at their election.— With hardly a prontonotary sytoptom of vitality, the "old whig", party shook i ds gory looks, and with 'Gowns e 4: its head, mada r rash at the sleeping f Democratic gianf,, and.came very neat overpw►ering it. Horiever, all is *ell that, ends Well—Lirrcn int ii elected by from 3,000 to 5,000 autjor-; ity, while the Congestions' delegation is' entirely etoeption. Nair Natliudid 13rbwite hap been sp. pointed Dput P4t4iiitei at Philadel phian inmsd dt .G. Waked* re. Edon& 'ROL Janes 41. ,Caswo...-This one Whigs of Shelby county, Hy., recently ad dressed al'etter to thelion. James B. Clay, asking fiis opinion touching the future po- Lreali ' l movetnesita of the noun yy.,,ao w i t epjleeklit tong* with w ye whainseterislat .z!t. e have may pixam flikt *ambit h ink/Simi. !Ma will b eliell ler est, asiesially bran who belonged 'to the old Whig party, and who have refined to identify themostruitb Boroblicsa Know- Nothingiem : 1 "hi ocushishm, gentiennen ; -1- that ; 6ina /Kt io deubt L °meet ness of the poo which I assudiedthree years ago. I believed' then that the only p-mt political contest hi the country was between the Black Republican party and the Democratic party—that the, stake played was for the - lIWon itself. I believe that next year, under whatever name the opponents of the Democrats may be arrisy!d. we shall have the same battle over again. Whilst I cannot expect . every measure of the Democratic AdMinistration to accord precisely with myjiidgmisnt, any more than could the measures of any other party be expected to sword fully with the opinions of each individual member of it ; and whilst ( in the selection of men, I shall feel myself free to vote, or not to vote, sword ing to my own choice, it is asy intentiaa by -nay Amend/4 SWIM 116 ony power to sustain and support the Delotxratie par% cm the caw peados: orgroisation wAicA hese the taloa the power to preeerve the Union /rim dissolution." bit They have an agreeable way of "doing thine hi Nashville, Tennessee.— One day .last week; a personal collision oc curred in the afflei of the Repubtrixm Ban ner, between Mr. Poindexter of the Mimi and American and Mr. Beaumont of the Banner. In the afternoon, the two men, each accompanied. by a friend, met in Ce dar street, opposite the Capitol, for the purpose of settling their difficulty. "With a coolness"--says the Nashville Gawk— "which, under the circumstances, might be considered commendable, they took po sitions so as to tire acros the way, thus avoiding the danger of injuring persons passing up and down the street. Using pistols, they fired almost simultaneously, neither shot, however, taking effect. On the eoond shot Mr. Beaumont received a slight flesh wound in the leg. - Mr. Poin dexter was unharmed." We should rather confider that the "coolness" shown was in the entire disregard of the safety-of those who might by chance be hit "across lots." "With the wounding of Mr. Beaumont, hostilities ceased. We are glad to learn that the differences between the belliger ents have been amicably adjusted, and their former friend), relations restored." If shooting s man in the leg can be called an amicable ca(Mstment, most men would pre. ffir a long continued misunderstanding. It is an old and true saying that no one knows who is Governor till after eleo tion—and this has been realised pretty ef fectually in the case of the Virginia elec tion. Mr. (locum was the •opposition" candidate, and they were so confident of his election, that they gave him an ovation the night before, in which he was saluted and addressed as "Governor Gooorz," and the report of the Richmond Whig closes with paying : "At the depot, Gov. GtAgin parted from his friends, but told them in tones of con fidence, that he expected to be elected, and would therefore meet them all again, on the first January next, when he would come to Richmond to be installori ism IMIL. The N. Y. New states that Lola Itfontes has been converted to religion, and has settled down in London, where her house is now "the receptacle and centre of a large number of wealthy and plow' en thusiasts." 18.. The New York anti-tenterti have resolved upon renewing their political life, having been smashed in the courts. If they should form a party of any strength, we shall see the Republicans coddling them, as they did in those antique times w hen there was a Whig organization in the land. 116- "A very respectable" gentleman in Stock ton, California, cowhided a clergy man for reading the marriage service for an - etoPed daughter. She was johied in bonds; but her father was put under theta —to keep the peace. . RS. The Judson girl, who eloped with 'that Michigan negro, is about to be drama tised—herself and her amalgation ictions —for the good people of Detroit. She will thus obtain more blackening associations than her hope of fame had ever con jured up. NT Several lady editors are to attend the Editorial Convention, which is to come off shortly s Milwaukee. The assembly it was hoped would be a bar one. It is likely to haw) some debit to the title. MIL Walker, the filibuster, is, it is con fidently reported, now in" New York, and not conducting the I)lexican foray laid to his charge. He is *aid to have arrived there under a false name in the Northern Light, which reached. that port on Sun day. am. Last week, in Cincinnati, Geo .. ' . Johnson Was isished by &young woman for "at tempting : to Ati44 her fair fame." The cow akin is supposed to have made it all right. Si? Rev. Dr. Wit.z.ten A. Ormaniaien, Rector of Bt. Peter's March, Philadelphia, was last week elected Episcopal Bishop of New, Jersey. Dr. Odenheimer is between finty and tlfty years of age, and. is an able writer and eloquent preacher. He was Rev. W. H. De Lanoey's assistant at Bt. Peter's, and when ther latter was chosen Bishop .of Western New Perk. Dr. 0. took his placei and has remained in charge of the same pariah ever sines. H. is the author of several works on Minh amik- Jed. which have been highly approved. Berawr atm emir:wee Came MID Nara- CASTLE COLLBORIL—To the well directed Mier. g y sad practical ability of Messrs. UTAST & H01)117011 are the Americas people indebted for the sueOessful establishment of one of the , most valuable wiecatiousi enterprises the world has ever kacrwa. Wa rehr to their skin of ileresatile•Colleges, located at New York, Al bany, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Clevolud, Detroit sad Chicago. These gentlemen supported by a auseroca corps of ebb end devoted saw elates sad preemptors have pram sad are daily. more fully premiss the utility of lleecautile Colleges as nmelbanta atomism education. We look With pride upon thin, purely Assericaa pa 'uprise, whisk has contorted wok webelaatial mid practical hiselits upon ens young taw It is to be hoped that this eaterprisiree admbably beg= will extend Wolf to every oomateredal cent» on the Americiat Caminent. It would dittos a itigloor onto et buskins intalligemO •OM tbateugh aid pamplimal bwaisatil Wet. Owl duU a 680670(er state, Moo dial; sad western. Pscrvutoss—Port marked is lower. Bees 2.000 bble at $l7 00 ter sewing= ; ;16'00 for peth al i_ite. Beet dull. Boma sok& Cut 'mate . Lard doll. Bake SOO libirot 111012 e.. Butter soave at 18€120e for Ohio sad 'tat...— Cheese steady at 613.10 e. M. The cities of Dubuque, I and Keokuk, in lowik, have dispensed with the use of gas for ghting the streets.— Keokuk has also ab h anhedlits police force, and Dubuque has reducedthe nutaber of policemen to half a down.. The object is to economise, in order to pay their debts. MP Robert Morrison. &well known cit izen of West 'hey, R. Y and sheriff of Albany county, was mot** _sit a late how on Friday night, and *oed r and his body thrown - into the basin, fiord which it was raborefed on Wazufores, June 1 The States says that retina 6om 129 counties in Virginia, show Letcher 3700 ahead of Gon. A despatch from Rich mond says that the reported and ofkial returns of 128 counties, give Letcher 3,542 majority, and that the remaining counties to hear from gave Wise 1,381 majority. Prominent democrats are oonfident of a majority of over 5000 for Letcher. There is no truth in the report that Guilty is elec ted to Congress. Itis reported that Letch er is verb ill at home. WASHIN&PON, June 1. Attorney General Black has replied to the joint letter of the Uttsh Judges on - the subject of the military force called kir by the Judges to protect the C\surtdurin_g the recent term held at Provo City, Mr.,Blach says it is the decided opinion of the Presi dent that the Governor of the Territory alone has power to call out the army ; that there was no apparent occasion for the press tmce of the troops at Provo ; that in case there had been an attempted rescue of the prisoners in custody, it was the duty of the Marshal, not the Judge, to summon the necessary preventive force; that the troops ought not to have been sent to Provo with out the concurrence of the Governor, nor kept there against his remonstrance, and finally, that the disregarding of these prin ciples and rules of action has *main many want extremely urifertunate. He says it - b - clearly probable the Nor moiglusve been guilty of crimes for which they deserve the severest punishment, and that it is not intended by the government to let any one escape against the proper proofs can be produced. With thatview the District Attorney has been instructed to use every possible dilli genee in bringing criminals of every class and bf all degrees to justice. Later News from Burope---Arrival of the Americo': Nsw You June 2. The Eto al Mail steamship America ar rived at Halifax yesterday m. Her ad vices are three days later than previously received, and are ?f considerable impor tance more especially in a commercial point of view. uunifir _MOM °f . Mr.!! wi gt baitle bad as yet oocurr The Austrians had removed their head-quarrets to Gar limo, and had also withdrawn from Ver rill', which place had been occupied by the French and Sardinians. An action was looked for at any mo ment. The Austrian port had been blockaded by the French squadron and many of their vessels had been taken. There were vague reports that the Em peror of Austria and Major Hem had reached Milan' and left for Pavia. Later news had been received from In dia. Tantia Topes had been tried by t drum head Court martial and hanged. In the Liverpool cotton market the sales of the week were 38,000 bales and the mar ket closed at a decline of ;aid on current qualities as compared with the previous week and a still greater reduction on the inferior description,. In the Liverpool Breadstnia market prices had a declining tendency and all de scriptions were slightly lower. The Liverpool provision market was steady with the exception of beef, which was heavy and lower. 'The London money market was easier. Consols quoted at MC4911. sir A witness, a jolly, plump old lady, in the Supreme Court at Worcester on Thursday, was, asked what time a certain train of cars passed her house. She replied that she oommet.cid knitting at 3 o'clock, and had knit twice around the leg of a. stocking, before they came along. The next question, of course, was how long it would take to knit twice around. The judge here, in his usual quiet humor, sugge sted that that would depend upon the size of the stocking. To this the witness remar ked that the stocking was for herself, and hat they could exercise their own judgment as to the size, and guess how long it would take.—Boston Transcript. _ E.):714 4:01 In Harborereek, on the2Oth ult.,l4frs. ELEA NOR, wife of Jahn 8. Tuttle, aged about 51 years. LOOT, & 11.11211&1 1 / 4 DI&LW Is all binds 4 Coal, Saltortgater, Mow 10114 AWL Public Dock, Ittiadts. $l. A. WM% & R. wawa. jair mi k For Chicago i i iir om b And Intessiodtato Ports I ONE OF _THE PEOPLE'S . ILINE OF WI haw Ildp Pod fr.r CIWIV- Jairessid=os WZDNICSDAY E DA Y web week mind mod westbor cr.for 'Melt or Pima'? WV to G. J.ll N, Er* Jame 4. 'UNIet7444L retbkke poek. 100 PIEC. SELECTED C: ALLA 18 mu* at mg At, worth aim ,0441 au the aim ELOW LOWEST 7 4 11 PRICE . A ill•Padid oollaatios al Lava 'wigs, Lae' Mantlat. sad Mat Silk am WSW lag at tait Jame 111110.-ft lIVL Top'EPINED COAL OIL. • /mum uttei• jut NO tribe Nur 4•4•46 z I; Inc RENCK • siat„it 4.. 1 ' ass. 4, lOU. 7-7 WE LT . 1 ZI ia wallallwarlo=7; es. s • : ,' T DEUCE'S toutiono N. Y. 'RIPE Mr moo so Wed as ?rm. , r. 00114111PLATII iketlPT. \a Ifinuo Qom =now ?tn. q a bum Atm Nino km% Li An Iwo Comm Otmoso Loma' Attie limas, - ; " 411;;;& MITAL/ norio, sea I 1 ha k e .6.1 .1110 ..r a n toot elms 'pour Ow Ilk lout to tilts . the sit i i *AI4o i E - 0116 pomodoof orodog um to Woo &Nob and tie *mot of 1 apa,. tail l•soir a i ciamitilke, asitaisil spivpriers, A pow . Pam of liottoroathisof OM. , r f !ewe P. thOPMool l ol l ofoono mop floo *LW . Printrmpr le who asses is tkb,Ui+ or litio aoto, QM f ir rat oo t r . aol alorwn t ate' ern MI A Us Vow at kip.; ANS ale at of li, go moloalfair soosijoo• Woo. . iiinntot . jar 4131116.nii. 1 11E---4. - '1 1 ' • ' . , ILASSLIL aa • u_.4.ii Cliesber OM of Turatturs. ref oak es u Coambrisa.o to a. AMLuil. 14* Jess 4. Op* Bed Btme. - - --- IST OF -APPLICANTS.,FO.I to imn sontammi Luvowl. I • id 1111 C vale et " Llteam. • - —earlier?". nitinnat, All.rasems indebted to the late firm suhur 1MX414 see unto =WM te v est r y =willt ticestealber, Won the Id an amts. J. j r * D9l leaFigeve;r. RIM APPLE AND PEACHES.— • theism IN tio belied & IL HALM 111, IMAM • I . _st...abtrve Use D•pet, , CAS.H FOR WOOL ! " Wr=torari, ""lt it restideribrodArt to Is:1;;- rot pries for al Idoliser WOOL, aril TUI ps,y CAM hr Oar boodeolftwhad prands. B. MEM 211„ qr-r 23(01 I : 0 TI:.. wi, 1813 ; ves to in 1, a foes the UAW ' of We that die ..p 1* ign Its losaehoo, at her at POGO- appot. Lit hosts abovollovois_ tib mud aids.— Is is oriotast no* of** What harrow pad toot fogrovot pettoroa. • rio of public patroaage Wha S le& 10 4 MAY 214 1•110.--1‘ I. BIND t3TONES 10 T. Dorm Grind Mem and Glisd Stelae g tar Wing .f 1. C. SOLDIX. pAnirmi PAINTS 1 1 PAINTS !! ! Wbkile idad.llmand ismii.Asnallossalid Yew& Ca, Raw Kett /Wiled LMs•N V•Detlas 1101. heath Odope, Cavan =4 nes& ems, and la Boort -.ivory thin to. Opo Woo of PAINT% for solo abi the atom -Kay te. T. a. smarm 05 PE: CENT. CASH SAVED! 40 The social athistios sik Neastacturon, Cowman • elm 111,ysieleee .ad Coaatry Yonthaots, is invited to my Urge Um* al GOODS, Ledo* with grist caro. sad putehmostl whit thsh,-smathaw mo to oar indoemwento worthy of ottostios. stock oseshrta of DRUGS and NvEDICINPS, Perrimmery sad Bah' Olio, Pittston'. *telials, Window Glue and Putty, line Toilet Soap, SWAM Tooth Brushes, ku . he, Putts WIVES AND BRANDIES, ler medlehial M •041 all the Pigott os PmpoW etu t dem of tb• doy. Order' promptly Oiled sad fratied lon, mesa to pries siva weeny, No. 6. Rood L. I. BALDWIN. WIZ Na TOM. AO. ii.l/1A4:(11'1047 1 1.1e0 Asoommeouseot of Me hoprietorlor die Season THE OHIO WIIITE - SULPHUR ormallos are situated In Dela mite County, 18 = north him Columbus, (the capital of OW) on the river, 10 miles from .Delaesnr, b miles from the White Sulphur Station, on the gpringiteld, Mt. Vernon Pittsburg IL R. and 10 mike from Masan' Valley or Springs Station, on the Columbus, Piqua I lads as Balk road Them Sprhip sill open /or the reception of rid tom, On the Ist Day of June. The improvements of Ufa have been large, enabling the proprktor to accommodate from Ave to six hundred ineeta. Ames( three improvements my be mentioned ahoy and elegant hotel, new cottage rove, additional tinildlimp for annteentent end reeneatios, extensive bath *mass, a Mew inumb7, kr-, he. Upon the estate there an eve Springs, all within the lowa, bee of witch, the Watts rienarems, the Cite. Lemur; the 114oressuar and the SA L= Cantv seers ate decidedly sesdkisal, whilst the filth istelimritahle (or the rutty ants water. THE WHITE SULPHUR is • beautital Arias as fountain, situated near the rooky hank of the Sokoto deer. At the depth of NM het below the hovel of the Scioto, flows the remarkable strewn of sulphur water which supplies this spring. This stream soul diacoormed some 30 years ago, by a rentleman *ho was bortag for malt. The avatar, whoa reached, at once areas to the surto*, and be. ever sines continued to low, aU seasosa, erkhoct change or ahatement, either la gnallty or Tolima- MEDICINAL PROPERTIES. Ter yam them Sprinp bars bras highly entrained for their niedlidnal propraties. Daring the past ewes Uralic rapatatlon hi thin respect ha. teem ninguisrly c o nfi rmed. They nail administered by a physician, judidossly as to quantity, inns of drinking, orratinuanoe, kr, sad under ahr nystenatin plain the male wore nramerous and gist iiiimfirE WHITE SULPHUR WATER isjsoldserwiesuis in thew disorders of the Lfrer which so often ontot seathoosn who heir. been too away conduce! to Maness, and persons of med. estori habits.. THE CHALYBEATE SPRINGS - - an permanent ton Ma. Their edict. upon benksh-down and dehihtsbed comettbstiono hnre been net trameind but lasting, giving to the blood a new vitality, and to the person aim lite and vigor. THE MACINESIAN WATER. ken gentio aperient. WlJlRMU T LL l E th .. t i tw AL... f i niabed As • delighthil resort during the summer months, the Oldo WU% ealphar syringe Lave no rival in tin Walt, and but kw in the United States. The location Is peen heal i thrimLfteksta here k a 71*K rocky Stream ; the " a farmathea li d nnui ket in thiekaess, th=mgMleh th e river cuts its way, la weary- Admire either at is mar the eureka, • the rounds of the saute are beantifially undulated, sad interspersed with nanerrone ravines- which sorry of all the sup rtinosie water, thus mradering the soil dry and the atmoepters bin from that humidity so prejudicial to health ; these cheuntstennes, tams in eonaection with the altitude of the place, Omni. 1,000 fret above the level of the soma, make the lenity as fees film malicious Waimea as a mountain neon The ' Bssing propartroonaists of =0 acres of land, one hundred - 0 which is coveted bpoeueot_thissakEt beautiful pone in Ohio. This woodland te handannerflalll - 011 Into walks smad drives, one of the latter being two miles in intent. BATHS. Bathing here by the Om adopted, ie brought iato felr competition with that at naturally Warm and Hot t 4 prince. The water le bested la the bath tab by steam pipes ; the heat not belay rsiamlhigh mooch to:precipitate Its mite. It is by tithe system applied to the surface - yr the bather without the lose of ita wake laciedienta. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. - - _ A Telegfaph 01lea, coinartnieating with all parts of the amitry,liaa bees at thw Priori. To be thus ta powneetioa with distant points., will he a groat room. gime* to gentlemen who can hear from and direct their bagasse Mani daily. AU the seminaries tienewary to health, pleasure and antoseinest, Ambers may expect to and at the Ohio White Solphar Spriggs, as the proprietor Is determined to make It, be eregypartioalar, Snit elate watering whoa. Oral %id with the Jibed petroneire *Rivaled Let year, so ollbet will to mood to merit tea enotimianoe. A livoty, eteekod with hones sod caviares, le at • tatted to tin Sprints. Vat farther iselbrwmitian, ursogeweets for rooms. At., seldom ANDRICW WILSON, Jra White Sol her P: , Delaware Co., 0. 11Lay V4111,66.-11w11 - TO FARMERS. IF YOU WANT THE BEST COMBINED B lIT 13111 AEU 1111111311 PAIPIENTSD 18S11, With all the Irseroverneste for 1 84.1 . 9 THE LIGHTEST MACHINE IN USE The Newer enellehi tisiy ell hundred mod thirtridao pounds% and the r sight hundred and eight pound; LIGHTEST D Aff--410 SIDE DRAFT. ourthisd km draft Uumaar other immarwm Mato at trials with the Dynamo's= the teetheontein of tentwN aboudatitly show. STRONGEST /a MOST DURABLE MACHINE. Doing aD htos, azomiatat,pole and platkrm, and the weight e 6 diatainalod tole give the greaten amount of A nd o= no et we4ht of iron. The Castings are loads of bee, sad Use Inger-bar is of wrought Irak with • Ilmi g os the front odds, thus giving it great NOVwilh wfth t, RESSU UPON THE HORSES' NEM the weight of the driver eouatarbalanaing lb* weight of the front of the frame, itni throwing the whole upon the dzirift wheel. sny..AILTESTING FINGER BAR. la this ' it la aattrelly anogaalted b any swath» pt augar-barearta op and dawn Inds. of Ow drietag-wheid, ambito( it to go *reap Iramowa alaik Abets. wiliellt. down and bog% and Wier lutollbiabladtla, ohm so other machine aim follow Is. It pa poi be oat tei wort at any height trim two to olditibes beW and lb* change eau be ,In an in it.*. tban ~iikelli ta an Wade , 0 - , ' Who, wow. kW se asiulli , Pe " or 100,111 . Ned. AP:' • ' ' l 1 MBINED MACHINE. .- . eigawltY Wen whether treawfrag err mph% and ala Um Yid lin& NIK.WIIII., sag th. tem Amp. Mr" IS i VISPOC _ RAKERS POSITION BASISST POSSIBLE le Vida plat Mammas all napes; aims Si . swat= duress the pa _vol at ti ld e Ie Ms . - 0 ' at w hi ch is as as • • • saw *sit be trinairathat Ira Ur • . • • •" . 11311,1114 P IA_ : , ' ; . 1 • " 0 OPERATED. Sy maw ___,.' -"---- Myst en ea pampa lbw so , • _ r-" 7-- • par, kr another lam be saa raise dear - Or ' : Mit or Oar ft M iw bar to pans over ab. litaillisp4 tor wt. *pad& it frau loner is new Is NO, via , be R WOE NT beau, Way sessissimil sib essodbia. • HIMICT AleL POIS. llmo* Ye ekigriii liaiiiedisii; is '' emisleiiebsisossitio* lisiiiittagst il =r i is • 84449 mot usissiiiiksediii• ssirssiiiii sad Sa t* . tia irrplillWiaOlioriallha ausset7. Ul •• • 'PROM MACHINE IN MAREIME. 1461 ' . * SUS I M Ilreerairlg i = ecSirilt ' theL IL 4 I I - IMO •. • - kis., \ • ,--..-- • • , El CENSE 46:04rk EEI K 181111. TEEE'r - V* r - k : - . • • _O , -• UNFURL B/44.M-!X sodr Mott —.- 14:Amite* • ". BARR & ( sucaegsgas rili`444UM' • Have rempved Their tali te Stock BOOTS AND MOM; Friim No. 10, Brown's Block to No. 18, OadwelPO Lately occupied by W. A. Griswold's Empire Stores. We are now prepared to furnish all of J. G. Barr's old customers and the public gen eraily with Gents Pine French OW Boots, THICK BOOTS, BOYS i t YOUTHS BOoiB, Gents Patent Leather, Calf and Pnnuiii Congress Gaiters; Gents calf and patent leather orroato, Trews Gents, Ladies, Misses, • RUBBERS; BOYS, TOVTIIB AND CHILDILP SHOES 0? ALL KINDS AT ALL PRI= LADIES C AND LAO4I- TE gar SS OF EVERY ONGRESS KIND AND PRICE CE PIUAI 75 CENTS UPWARD&Joi Ladies White & Black eitiall&ppers. -ALSO Preach Kid, Blank na4 Braid. ifirrino Hid asid ?runnels linstias, every Vans else ILO* lino of Wise Shoes. ger Of Drones and Childress' Shoes we have enough and to spare: &ii on the little Minat."lll 'We have Leather and Findings of all kinds, including Harness and Bridle leath er; Oak and Spanish Hole leather; French and Eastern tanned Calf Skins, Calcutta Kip and upper leather, Binding and fin ing skins of all colors. 8111,-Shoimakeis Tools and List a, Tin ners Oil by the bbl., &e. &e. Erie. Kay 5. 1859. Groceries and Provisions. 1:=1 NEW STORE!! jICHE subscriber has just 4:Per_and s RE TAIL GROCUY AND PHOTENIOII nos& la wears Meek, blares!Highth sad maul, 414 nos stseet, He Is lilmuully supplied l, with Ihe dillusat vaeL tl of cu Prig SCG I / 1 14 TRAIL illtllll o % . 1141164 Batter, Eggi, and Provisions Geseridtpr. Special attention le peed to the bdier deperlioNt. Steer has been carefully aelectot, sod be an timeline eonfldeully recommend It to Ida Mende In the Clt7 and Country. Letendlog todOnde W viol* thee to the bud• oen, be bows to mein • Übe& shame of ponommt. respectfullysolicits a esti Itme Isdienead Mona needing any of Grosseto, or sew adept of hie abLltti to mot and mind , ' then. K.:zany Prods*. team mehame tot Goods, the eland—on State Stmt, a few arm be low the corner of Ninth, nest aide. Erie, April "Me. J. J. 113111147. MRS. S. H. HALL, is Bas *lt opeiwid a Dow t all" 164 11=t igfra. MILLINERY PLOWS:ILK ka, be. Aiwa BOWNIVS, AX D T machine and ikand.anada, bonnet bazar sad aims, DRESS BONNETILi--DRESB CAPS, & HEAD of to tM. ohloo. a r emi Partioilor attention paid to Weds& bioooktog Bitxmeni amid Blase noto dremod la Um aboottobionalblo Ails. An al" Also, a suporior - k - t of Ladies larsakty. *paw with a go - oor - ol asoortmost of Larfro Goods. April 23, 11169.-414.80. 8./311:= lOUESCEI4 FRONTING THE PUBLIC RAJA ERIE, PA. P. ELLIOTT, 'Proprietor, T HIS LARGE . AND ELVA= BOT:SL Has teen thoreogidy repsdeed wed elikehlob ed,osst is now open for the »option et mots. IRLBoard by the Day, Maim" Mentkirs n amiable terms, tlie Proprietor piaelgiiv kilas!V dal no effort dealt be waiting lirsauire PutVTote Parttes, Mow Parties. or hreee la i lls vtlt tod the asoosite et eds MOM attperko le. r to sty other la the city sled the dark ad " 111 . pr Eraeat Stabling attsema iamb from !hi elms*/ sits7a stlisears byela, le Isis amp at their emu 14114011 . TF YOU WISH - r to to see Ms laSset Arks eelllA dm*witioriel. MOANS TF YOU WANT .A.. les MOM, Deed. Woe Clesti, MP weft mar or Amp in assaseleg.teareNs& er Psalter Presi g &pr re te nbo TIO YOU WISH lj a lieselseeliste ler* is& liliegbeei OM in worth. eo t° the lINZ Rs (IR IF YOU DESIRE sa 88 —_ N.; w allpilleall2 4 wakes.% fir O. bildtiN me 1111112 . it iota. IF YOU WANT Pothar's Gaol N W?dagi /*e - 1 0 10 ^jam F YOU WANT Mee *es Ilbsetek. Oink . I•=e,ster • : Ey NRRP • the heat ashes at Ithitieh; 0.:.. ad Meidess awiery, at dm M etri 1111 'U ;.- • IL YEla £ JORDAN he e p i Noe lad Ohm% ale Mak We met AYES It JORDAN MI *meet Ikeesilek.rl7ll‘.lllkediest IErAOO . 1 JORDAN, • JIM hemp s ;Mies Medi 11, Dwyer,. GO WINNOW 41; _ I US • - • , •• • ussimakpa. SUMS. MOP, -esaMallet:7ll AT 11111 P 70, ip'Cr • _=•-•""1. 14;4.* 'HIVE!! jun itIORDON, Will apes this (EIARDAY, 21st, inst.,) limas Ansortant, MEI I ME Ilili Scuts non= Rom, 5,7 , A • -. 0 el I .1 irrirr Fitt& /Ma t : " 1 French Lei. i r drita. • s nick Bilk Mantillas, diflinesit styles.) 6-4 Beyer for 1 4 11 / 111 % 4311411.101Maii. (in PWfl White kind Plain Black.) • IMF AID NBAIITIPITL UM, 20 SPIUITOK fOr Vs. MEM= OMPUNZBEEI, gent men and Boy, Wear ! Mgt Call and examine; prices at which we are selling our-snperior Stock. -wg Ms year Interest tor viva the XIS 111. M. Meg z d l r a l Lut z ih ri pars .. 10.900 Sail in the led Fee; fears. 0 single establialunent lit the world AT eua trsonais data is haseseeheelniesee nog • sayllft Like se lame • wriabir of Reogday mak 'loathe .ase dada( the mese thoe, IV! nay sew dame deism hook to the nista el m• Mar lu 301114—, pawntar Wm eet=ad azolusndy i to = la the aredisture • Zs koebtase ever ia l= ma sift my lagnsessmale Ilse 1116/4 de heettete to wensat ay Wiese sea Saws. *wet. /per 6 l ea ti lliner to s4 ai leer=l7 . • ' ll'iliwas4 who nogr orb , lt. an et Marty to Wads, eielmork We hentesseithE ues . not bey Ise the ere prelerna. The • the Wig/ Ilesbiao (asysattated) era Illele ellUirr. .1 WOO io spostsereseih gad sistas tie weight adds tea, rarer If the Ntisil 13os lady tight on.— thher sakes, lone•to heal then Tahoe en the Plettbno, he aSo mmil ebeldt le hating the dust thane le his ral AO 011ie teekeed to left be over ottani ant IrM• be tides -#214 ta•big lini. =thlas to *eta This se ' • tor the frea aweblisity • wi:y Keeling th others. • amid &aka Mks! amordial ilaciias at Levan ia Stead Galli Maild rat is 13$11, Bard= Swat, of 1.11. Mead Oak* 414 V. S. .1111811 .Sasiary, i.lasr, AS THE BEST REAPER. Piddles/km' made by the isasedideseta of the Ifanny 11111 0 4 " 1 .9,.., . . 41 dmer_ tIMM Itigneed bona; ete,, e bet ak triMenal NZ Ides, ib /164, Ass same or t ee. Tv /ALM in t r o bir..., while as ime u teafre 1 41111111131LALLT, are worthy of no caddis:a, raper makers salts abashes@ et labsetem and Is seam the Mahe salmi esse- bone seateass am eseleary. Adalli 1:1 may nes fro ylt is mewerthear mue, that them hare bees mold at ceentermlvely low prima, OM bat kat boldness with which 1 Introduced sad soh thht by (or the tea yea:* part,, other manes annefite mesh desbasee have nut the aloe smash halm meld hosish themes& of teethmaishe trees rim. sail ethers, ef the trethishase of every statement I sad muma more. I may further mos& that a the alsebinee et any prostheses hi he Me mow meAdmeteen at my Yachts% all other Mein seess ftdted mperieme la MI6 my storm 'high/yeses SZTERS BERVICZ vlll snit) the "u , that In pout Sr DintJansin, ay Mischime Is very 'Wail oases ; blades serendl meet aspen tamed to la ay levier Anneal Gees- Is Sera whale eall be.sieleed thaw is be team:Wien. by eddressing he. on amass IST Amass. crittrs FL Iteoo2/111CIL. =rls wanauted to ad en, son et WU'S or inds pot boor ; to am at lion thauenortha ea rib ssottored by grant, to be .well nods, sod doable to* peeper 1.10,111141 that tbo Wkly aai I. wall dose by own Snag ipso It, I sill hatbox' soy to ill wantni t yeembile iducitieur this sewn tu Brio Cowan, tin ea will ust luny so op i=ed pungent! bettor sews espy awe terms than Oda. experfasso ller lbw lost ton wasranto ono taping, that thrsensutbs et t tlaellw cow in woo in .11 tiro Weems Inns an ariolherend by C. H. IIeCORMICIL 1 iree boon boo - olio. alsootaitastoot, dozing fist amok sad ma t+oth wNouoa Gat so Naeal—see la the United Mars ham the far a Reaper therthis Illsellas has; aad era it@mi e two Bono of re has boon tiltrodsood. with. tor of lan OM 1111.1111114 Of to be at rood o llosilio as eon be be ha mar • have assamasil la eirekarag Ur santer et the well ari kers* bora Ira at Ileum Mein k BU- M% sir Ike My oar Alasetk la attie lawlawis Wit Osat ter be . Ms 6 ere at tiro Aker aid ippl b anal aOt try rkrales fierlw• sad Orrils7 Salahlritasear la this b. oil mai bs haws la rat all who may deity Ootontil thimashoo 011 - tit of this Ye alarm , H.l asc s. you C. H. lisCoatrars Suns ass Mowing. 14.11115-1710. litomieturfod at Mono Dl. Y GOODS. AND STRAW GOODS, RIBBONS, - , ADJOlllarnil&l.& OS VilttrAßLE _LEAL ESTATE. illiE following desires Qty Property will ba said id the Ills,ooltlienwkai &ibst Ow day efelaaa Mt n at le a? 1.1. eery valasidebmisens Let ea Chi Malik aide * the Pabaie *raw% beams= Oa Hour and 114Inra's Heal. baring • beat Ole hid fig illaill is tb• NW* litn it abd ital.'s.* is Flab Stmt. aad as- Abeat mid &pan le 11th savant, is "irt i leb eneasti . stbran story taw band*" In r 01l arr i =il • he a dry ler i innadsto MIS r e jieli. ?b. pseadass E llil busi l i la ellsra seausamtsd • v at Um ea* se aaaass, tad& erg be-lergely lasnatad by lamb. 4at sari* dent. , Water Let No. 74, bribes •Il Chistat see* the mute ea the eater Canal Dada Hat. sadendsad tram Strut torte; halals limner *Gilding lbw*. 411 ...1 balt et la-Let Na lOW below ea &mod elneata *lb a large bear daiU ss toass pad ether blillalaas times. 4. hie Mt& WI, ans. - a si" mast. te em* State, TWA. Steatasnd riegerstata. k eint la Bait ea sash it aid obey* Mt= WU* het bimi u g**l4• ma.uny 111* atom is all * Ure lame lisqvatiag porn Mew it the . sad album ea ogroteakkie . beeratis sad arida' predtabia bale as ea set sew spin la t illill e:lSM gals thereat mut positively be made ea abbily.te late tip regairmesta el abaselowst* a/ laid preparty hr tlsr i etat =a *ban& Lb* Weans la std. sad ilsidna ssistbsoecand oa the ttNadata b'y teed esranatesg. a N th. *Use sutler li tlisistrim may et the prepeelly nay be "paralured at amity law rate at stlegitWeb . , that& we ail/ at leatiaa. - R. • "MIL tin . Allitma et &J. l'alip. akisov-ax mace RENT, AND LOW PRIM I • CAN , GM' -POIMID la r • Oa Law Priam al rininvs, X.. 4 • OLOCX illiii•Ohisg,,l," Itif.te'•'iwlllii , bir m arditilaillataldiAlltr iiil lisa t a 1 •Il RENZI E n ral ga -14 i wait a Osageire • i 1 .1m.,. Sim ar • Kid .1. I 1 W . 641"t4 311 if "a . ti. I 1 it ) e". '' It ' - WIP alit SOCAN it Ii I E n, is arnith.,z it l ijs. woad Oldidids% lima , ...' '' g i a i d a ,1 ' I I _ W i r et ‘pott saytlibig 'is th• • ' . addiEl••• Vail, pd. , . . .. it% ' out al"'"—•—..-- Ulna gal oft' 'llj 1 IF Vita bi the Oliy, rd te g i s t a o ltiayiii••• EAOligiloas INlK 3 7,lllollbinifi iliWes. , i/O:f JO. SM4/10 • L_,•• • ‘ • • NM NM LINENS, 'Olt ' WM 01 11111.