A OEM : IT; Ladled' irk. Oasa Geld Lame Watebri, arm dial, 35 00 Gaeta' Saver Lever Walloon, 23 di Geste 3111ver,Lemer/6 00 Gents' Giber larpkerlll=a, Ix 0o Parlor Tina Moak see a paGare Mae , 10 00 Lodge ilefill• DWI llt Patkena, 16 011 WIG" lie nal de A. io oo Ladle.' Chao Beta, (Pia sod Done) *atm Be., 1L 00 Ladles' do do do 10 00 Ladle Gold'Breoillets, Steve Seitlega, 10 00 UAW Geld IDDIMOODI. pieta ee eagesmal . Banal, • 00 Game &aid Clal4 Veri lalaL arr i r 16 OD Geste beet Sagliala_pleted Viet 6 00 Lollar' Guar* or Cliaallalna 16 00 Large Goldlagaim Laeleeta, .11 C rttio 0•114, le 03 =Gold Soap LoGurks. do do 600 AN L 80. 30 1 1544Gtia v de do Beavy Gold t aseaUlasi, *llt Gold Fru, 3 00 7 60 Elaprelor Geld PearwartlY Bolds= and Box, 3 00 Ladies' Gold 2 11.1 Gents' Beery l i ttl kerns a be °mate Gold Nark via Newer Latension Pencils, 200 Ladies' Gold i'vea,_in Sane via Ivory Beldam', 1 60 UAW Massa Gold Stoma Seta. 12 eo Ladies ° Flarratlama Beta, Pin and Drops, lo oo UAW Jet Bella, do do 1 50 Lelia Lora. do do 10 00 Ladle.' Cameo Piara,a m r, 1 00 Lona de de 350 Ladies' ele do soon, 2ao Ladiro' Gold Stone Plan t mall, 2 sa, Ladles' Box and Mara BlelaWe or Bair Ptak 200 Ladle/ Phde Gold Ma, near pattern, 3 50 Ladles* de Bar Drops, 2 0(1 Mine? do Gold Ras, 1 10 Gude Muter PI" . OeosOlo. a 5o Geste Sias% Mona . 1 0 .1 Geste' Game or /Ileiralrosem Mod; ' 4 la Gott 111 Bagraffed Gdo do ago Geste 4 do do d° 200 Goats'ta' Sleeve B old eGeoa, 2 30 . __ UAW dal ' de 2 as Cos Ladles' Pearl i Cud% 6 00 Louse Mosaic, or Gold Stone Ribbon Pius, 1 to Goode Elllvor 76 Goer hod Past 11 blades, best quality, 100 Geo& Sat or hog do do - f d. T 6 blissoe Lays 211. 2 60 llostir add W Goo sod Pencils mooldned, 2 00 Geste Gobi Toothpicks, with 2 op Goose Gold Itispt, will Stoso l =rog. 2 dd LEAN' do '-- do do IAO bets litlver-PlatadVasfini, 2 00 =noted Batter 11 - or Gatti' Pair Goats' Gold Width loyolo N r l =looka, Lidice Flossethie WOW Ms, Ladiof Jot es do Lobo' Nook do do Ladloof Omar* Nor Dog% blisowe do do Missed for Drops, with Sure dottlior, Moor' Geld araseiw, 801 l Baud Bead. LAW do do do Gate' Seed Pis, Geste Jet lade, Gam" Jet Owe battesie, Kisses' Geld Creme, lillesellsessose OR% .s 1 .oersted is the above Lie% "mist Is este* no. so seats to $ 00 rir We worth at the above Gifts will be impartially Bo tt s distr ibu soul.ted s an har Publishers /* west with every slowest 00 worth of maid at Books that leans does sot publish himselfs aloes.n bought &red from the Pubilahsee, and la Lip gush- Use. Boobs to salt emery taste are to be lowed on his Catalan, at prinso vldedi would In an Induannent even •itboat the Out System, weak oats so loony additional advantages. Womb toy tae mast powder satbori, living and dead, lo all style% hoot the most costly to the plain and sub staertial, at astonishing low priors. COALOGUES SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. itayanTsylots ?mak Works of DWI Swift. Mom of Mr Brow, " Jades HaMarton, " Bating, 0 Dr. Llviagsloss, is Fay . Mandy Ile Lasiesta• Steno, : =y Works iit iluil li Naaklia, . De. Joha.:" * nat. JeSitsock, " J. Y. Coope r, " Muir Diekem, " J: T. " Mau dosthwarih. " !mak INerno6 Kn. Heats Hugh Mar, Swig Nehd. - abaNha Direats, Washington IrrLeg, " Grace " Itsv.is " Coe. VlsarrAA " 41 1 4 "ezlIKA, " Wsod " Sosollot, " MSTOUT AND DWG : BRATKD AMA., .I_l=y. Prescott. OilSion. Rohmtom. HlMdisy, 81,1 i Ask • bost of 4= 1,•• issasesous to option: L THY AN AND MODMILM PoRTH. M T. inter Illito = n, lbs.h , fungi Mr. lm aros, Scott, /In. Norton, Mown, its • DTTABs. w, Pops. Tennyson, Harms, CowPwri Leigh Bunt, %Tinnier, YrAlageorney, Dente, BORON L W : Ohms* liostbsy Hood, H. IDS Whits. t3o , M. linnsasasses, I lltudaworth, Aliso Corey, Ilielloy, HAWK Montgomery, IddgAr A. PO% Bryant. Ile has the above is sill soyhts of binding, from plain cloth to ties heat ealtSka,, d asti9loo. to Boit all olomoo at parehosero. He sells Qum us eheop as any ether holm , in the country, besides the odditionMmistmiages of • Gift with noel Book sold. amiumesok Tax LAMM Albums ot all mini hot all sV!es . 1 lasees& to nit sle tastes, pastaarly illastralsol with inagsdliesat Steel ta pas B I NHIVHAYNH BOOKS AND HYMN BOONS. Methodist ata Books, tt=wl Psalms !look s , Baptist Bras Prayer Barrer, Lathwilla nyuka B" &z, IProsbyterlara Myna tropes, f all Wawa, arid boa la ail styles, Arabesque, Tarts; wareeeo, Astiquit, Velvet, te., with sod without clasps. IrAMILY • iarge asseetawat Bibles, of on dowesiptoisa sad all prima. Iron to $oO, illustrated with awe ea - gravlap. prlNed withlibrw type, 011* 1 014 Prim" sod Is various styles at Mailing, ham the Salami to the meet ornassestal. Also, Pulpit Bibles, la !uneasily lea, at ksw Fiera. Er A mashie Clamilial &tabooed Basks, la *very departhrest of hiortiture, oastMalm a anapiair List of alt %PM lab lathraetinthe to Ages's sad pampas iam bi' flit : b ib: mat five to any part of tbe Union.— Palmas to Librarias, sheath bays It book of neereace senhum oat their /Sta. deed for it, mad you will be onaviseed or thesMappeas sad variety ir/ the Boobs, beehive bang phases with the libendity of system. Orders hoes the country promptly and satisfactorily filled, sad goods wont by nail or earths to, W Put or the wastry. day book pabliabed ha the Usium States, the retail prim at which la $l, ar awordy, inn be pr o li g t most by irdi as reatipt of ;irks, with as mr Wawa. Mimi eosonnineke Ahmed to parsons taming Chiba. Pemba sethe as Ages& lot sr can rasp all the advantages et the Sift mete* without say coat to thesivelveu, thusa Weary of geed books La • very short Wag bsethes il l a dr the Oils rushed with the commission boobs, will rail Minim than moss* to imply than ht that trash* madod la miry town is the Claim. Persons wishing to act se such, sad all those dsdrous of a °sta bly's, will alight a raver by assent their addrams to G. G. mons, boot-skin and Poblinbisg Boom, Slip Mond Strad, Plat., Pa. April l, INNI. A . OOOD ASSORTMENT of all kis& of goveleres, Ow Letters see No st Associams, trio, Apetl 2:11114. Peet Mee News Decal G OLD FOUNDRY" STILL AHEAD!! MAWR & JOVIINON saw= r d to (Isla at Who lamb sod to flows of sod omit omporood palms, sod Writ. the atiostioa of Motown sid others to thoir Meek out hood cosoilog of J. LON& WOLVERINE, RAW DUTCH'S., PITISURG6 MOUNTAIN KENO, IB &a, tordhor oak ClonhodsmOora he, Thurtosood othorartielee to to ma Io Deal " Obi FOILIIW I VILT:= State sod Myna& Erb Pa. Apitil 2, UM. RAZE I JOHNSON. SUGARS ! SUGARS! • iorinagrug a law Weir of N. o, P. R. sikiellsood wkleh we will sal this 811 No. Wriirri fiksek. Celt mid ows. aril 2. IVA 21=22/". wow A 00. VINEGAR! VINEGAR! VINEGAR I PeNeark=eut be had as bell 111, ntio. 121101 a CO% ISSOLUTION VP • PARTNERSH IP. The Ihstowtship lowohlibms adding labalwaraa ihe ants aa4 il ol LID ELL, HEW SEM I ea., Mai boss this ssivoirloy Iltatealimos, seek Old the whets sod lissioois et tho rhos iirliatalalliw illi tDDELL, I co., who will costiass tho Islam 'A the old stshlL " = bli tlL n eu4 l e i" Aga" t. ostile tits of eat. a m homer oar^ whore all 'snow Davie alliwllbd Molar is with Usa late Ina ars tam to mall aM =ha limailala mat. W. J. Y. LIDD MIL BZWOINT, Ml* WI 111.1104-6•411 JOHN tAasairs, ROAD SCRAPERS!!! torp rad Non WM ..CO& ailifires ar ewe meaullerture, reeseratly at lie CO s n. atablail X. W. Omer WIN& • mil tiro% trio Ps. Apt A. M. S 4irtus, ASH—FOR SALE The aaddiligesd Ir si g i rel of SASH. 111sd silk *,,,, Ilinsi Walk, iv sidi glum 01111111.-- WA asst.,. Soar lights sash. SS by SI Isar. sad th Soak Axton Vita sarii. 12 Ity ld bicims..- 12bry win I:.dd doer. G. WOWS. Wit 1157 14, JIIL IS. =1 WATED BUFFAW, l'orner Ft moan Nl“in Street?, N. Y. CITY. " (I(ioppr I st hula," Amor Place ronier Tih & Chestnil ALBANY. No. 448 BrosOway. OLEVELAND, cot. Spoils & Superior Streets. DETROIT, Nu. 70'Woo4ward Avenue. CHIC UK), cor Clark arid Washington Streets, st u dent s cowling any o 4 of thew Colleges, by the Par De n, of beetorre euttl.ed to the privileges of the reties "theist s " eultprisiog moron et the nod thorough. ezterstve, eseopletoatiol perigee Boatwee Schools to the world. For Catsbows and (Brealan, call at the College Booms, or address as ;bore. ' BRYANT & ITRATTON'S AMERICAN MERCHANT. A MONTRLY .11tAUASEENE, Devoted to Commerce, Manufactures, Avi culture, Mechanical commercial Law, Political Economy, literature, Art alit Statistical lnkinsiation.-.. Published monthly a* Cooper institute, N. T. Terms $ par annum, with the alma! reduction to Clubs. The work I. designed to be a ediand ex= or the Comeonertil arid Industrial interests of March, 96, 1869.-4 42. Ac A R D. T. 34 BLA4II, Takeeplemaresareseti• in( his thanks to the Lady. and the Publie, for the very lilierpAtronare, thy hank* kindly bestowed on him Orr Rye ,ran; And of !introduce*/ to them Was A, . Cots, from Chloe.* a t his sweneeser. Roping that the WOO patronage kind feelings whieli has been bestowed on Won may lie tendered to her. 'Try Rwitertfally, T. R BLAKE:. 11 4 415 S A. E. (X)LE, • Would eery respeetfelly inform the *albite, that she ban bought out the entire Etna of Blake's Bonnet Room's, and intends earrylu s s etio. Use Millinery and Fancy Boo& huslness, in ail Ila Raving Just returned from ?few York, with a my choker selection of 1 a) 1 be loo' 340 a 60 5 50 • 60 2 60 2 00 :the earnestly eelgotta a I abate of patronage-- Milliners 'applied at aims( at Wholesale prioea. Also Bleachiog sad PreOng dime In a maperior manger at MY( eta, GIiIAND Orlifilbi , on fiatarday March RM., lug. MISR A. E. 0013" Proprietor. iof Blake's Bonnet Rooms. Erie, March 19, 180.-41.. Opposite the Part. El 3 sOO aOO am 0 Wm • Virghtiownsend, " 8. N. firsacksz, " T. 8. Arthur, " A. S. Soo, "N " D D. m P. Thompson, " Sikh. A Jas. Aishm, O Sidon Barlead. " Nary HowlB., " Charts. I,m, O idwood Bsonott, " Loi Dow, Lord Bassm OT MB MOST CKLB UTBORS. Bancroft, Gosohich, UAW; Par'. HORA.CE WATERS, Ag't. 333 BROADWAY, N. Y., p u n a O I 4 I K SELER OF MU SIP AND_ MUSIC Dealer to m i l"* " . tirated uez " dre th a sju ‘ " la Accordeo r tMartl 's role and o oguarg, V loil. Tester ligols,„ Viodleseeesa, Amm t nyebas, 1 , 1 , mui Flutes. Ms, 1110larklinells, 'Meng. lea. T:els li4i Mow ig:: st asil liallarlibez, V lo s, best String^ Br fait bands, Piano Stools d Covers, anti all d un :s I *mica! okra SI4I/Cier .1101111 C, dorm all the nablishres la the U. S. ; Betties, iluatinVeasd Modems Hamel, mal all kinds of lastnotilon Woks for the above Metrumeeds li Church Node twists ; Bozic elegantly Dosed ; slue _Paper, and all kinds, 01 Manic Meechellier, AT 'Mt LAJWYST PRICES. I NEW rlditiOn, at $376, IWO, PEVA, Elfeb, aged gip go POO; SEA2JND HAND WANDS from $l6 up to PIO; New hielkodeamer $46, hdik 106, $lO3, and up to $3OO ; eIIiCUND 'HA b 0 Mr.l4/1/11.010, Iran PO to goo; /USW award Otiose, with doe lOC able Mops, Wei and il=l6,,thatemo stops, 041, bead $3OO, *hew stops Wu bud j 376 ; Alexastetro , Aroorleamo-4 new leolltangent pet importe d--pride $3l out gab. A liberal disectunt tot- lergy urea, dbu ethos. dahlaUt School; seminaries and Teachers. Tbei Tradeaupplioe at toe usu al trade d beau luta. Plume aNd al haine for Keay and tenttilowed U purehee4 within a xpedtkd time.— tion tidy playa:tents received towed. the purchase of Pianos lielodeades and Organs. SABBATH etslieteL BOOKS` PUBLISHED BY THili lielbtig. THE Aninverauty and aunday-School Music Book, No. 1. cootale Mt tones sop bye**. Price b mots each, EJ per hundred. Tlik Abutvermary and :soda) -Baboot Hoek Book, No. 2, contains' ad tunes and Lyme'. Fricie 3 emits each, $2 per hundred. THE Anniversary and Sunday-School Musk Book, No. 3, contain. bu tunes and hymns. Itrice 4 cents each, $3 per hundred. THE Anniversary and etundarktebool Husk Book, combining Boa 1 mid 2, with aereNd additional peas, eaten■ iii tunes and hl Enos. IPril.M accepts each, $6 per hundred. r Til k; Revisal Penny Music Hooke, Nos. nand 2. No. 1 can Mins IN tunes nod by me. Puce one cent. No. 2 contains Vit toe and by me.. trire 3 cents each, $2 per head/ed. Pommy ono mutest*. i Mk sobbstetool boil 16 161 tonersoie hymns. Price 12 emits ~IA, VI pal' boo ,dretti postage 2 cents each; elegantly bound, 2u mats eitek, s luodred. THE Wegtminster Lbilectios tea &haul Hymns and Tunix,,for the webileski I of the Westminster Pere, beim. Church, Drooklyakb. Y., contains upward. of 160 Deep and hymns ; it ie lleatefully bound. Price Oil emits Math, $l6 per hundred ;•: to paper corers, 12 cents each, ep e e hemmed. Where din epee as ordered the name of d. school er eburab 111.1 bp put es; U dogtrot. CoIgUItbIGATIUNA I. WNW 11.4eatanic opinions of it—Crum' Wei orpied Lettori i ..4 eight page Track— Price kbe, per dos. $1 Wliiir h . TH teTl3ll/MIA at Or THIN HOUCK WATERS PlANOt i ii I . ItILLODEONS. . The Piano mow to band, ant in rate order. It is beautiful kalflitObent and no nastake."-1.0 0 W stain, Mks. jelm lietrltt, of (bather!, Nei Ilork, who how bad one orate* Home Waters Pianos, 'Obi se fullers: . • friend of mine wishes as; to kinediani a plane Si, bet. She likes the one you sold ei la December, MIL.— My pee * becoming popular it tie place. gut 1 think 1 eats istrodasee one or two more # they will be more popu lar shaman: other wake." ; , . We ball two UI Waters' Mato iii ess in our Seminary, • 11 ma of which bag been severely iss for three years, and we as tastily to their goody r and dorabtlityr— WOOO A UMIGORT, Mount tar n. 41 o' H. MI Anna, kegs— User b •i:lbsetar mod am of year Piano-tortes r two 'pup peat, 1 hem found it a very wsperth sangranneat. I L Axone 02.8 T, Preeepsf Breakage rThights Sessaberr." Bev. Hiram Haynes, writes as loUpws : • I . Peuerrox Aloud,. N. Y,,, July 21,1666. Me. WATIMIL—Lktar Sir : I reedited the Melodeon We and in good order; ass well ytteraseit with We external appearance; and the tone also. j Hoppe 1 shall bars Dow Web to order one or two more-tie peeled 'woo.' " rieuedit. Y., Aug. 61161. Holum Ilismina, Elm.— ifir : the Melodeon yen mot as wed duly receivedl ma mew Way paw nand to say that the t 1 1=6 "651 bit* Why= and I tug you will accept my Decatur the ee r y tormati which you lazuhpliteit tor thin yeeix twynair ahlei manse la which yew lee WI. malesere than dal eil all That you promised. ; Very =llly ...The Mimi recebeedhom=use to End patio lbetiou. I regard It ail one of batt lastromoute to the phise."—Jolos L. CLAW, Ye. o nig ii4Wipa-lum Way wind. i hol obliged to you for your Ind& amount-IMdlali 1 can for you la the.. parts"—MST. J. M. McCosomcs, argemni/le,ll. C. " The l'bram has doly nevi .it by la suallout oesedidas, emit 15 very seen Minitel by pay D emaerosa Ilially. Accont my thanks for your pitompMeen"—Roaxas Coons; Warionham, Ressih.rd CO, Pa. Your Pipeo plumes us well. It I. this boat moo in ear Colostek."—Teoeoe A. LATIAII4 are CffillSpblaiOntir ins g very much obliged to you br hav sent mach a Ihge lastmemeut for 11=11, and we 11=Ine , =its sty amaimad It - -DLLs; Hain h Co.. M. "YIN Horace Waters Haws are Agora se mow the ray bet hli ouromiabled to spat of thew lastrunmata ultbesonidence, from personal know •of their , suo , ealloattosound durable spallty."—Jf. r. -Ir. o w soap. the Immo ortaikloo Liao ralaaMi from personal knowledge, as Ming of the very bed gelillty."--liwistssw huothrufesor. Mothlng at tbelltate fair szeolleaor to miy deportmeat than Homos i VtV i s I= lll' •.....asoed. urea Honettlifferi tilliWilliahialli et the buil oil east thoroaghly . s wordmateriel. We ban ap doubt Hug burrs outdo sword wea se r s = w isooss yds Mao al my other imago* Gm mad Jairesol. " Waters' Planes sod Melodeons obollimg• asnum ea* Want made anywhere in the compilry."—,Nems artai tZ lEloyest W.W. now False an rich, sad am tits% mad poloordsle"—Xess 7 oz a tioz s Ha bed at kr. W shoel b riskr ewe of Mhos Is iseloils tie 171•4 Stattil l ire oar oeothett std 'redo* . to atoll they ire to Neer Tea." t . ,_ • 1' .. + . 1 . 333 Int. lOWA ir, New Tait. .t . 2, 11110.--iatr. - • ta/AIN E.—That veiTl superior nom posed for the HAM, 1311)1N17111 CWMAIMM, ma*had pasha al the Dreg Store Al 41pell 30. CASTYJI N BIM LUIZ k lIIIINSOIL E /Wa/k/i j; itilibn fri 11, • ; ( - TOO NIIIIIEIROU SELDEN'S GIG FLUID THZ GREAT LIIIIIXENT - FOR MAN AND BEAST. SELDEIN.PB MAGIC THE GREAT LINIZEIT FOR MAN AND BEAST. S ELDEN'S MAGIC FLUID, TES GREAT LINEMINT ! FOR MAN AND BEAST. SELDEN'S Lillie FLUID, MB 08SAT Ll3riEnl FOR MAN AND BEAST. SELDEVS MAGIC FLUID, THE GREAT 1.11011011 1 1' FOR MAN AND MAST. Will you—can you doubt A morn t U so y giro this artlele a fair trial, as a aws raw. *lll conytheo Mo moot adtepticol. Bel list by all Dealers throughous Cason. CA UTICA t BRO., solo Ageati kw Mo. March, 2, Pint, Lae Xarine aids INSIIR'ANVE. LOSSES' PAW DURIXO 1 EARISSA, INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS 1W FIRE, Perils of'laland Navigation. .1. r. DOWNUfra, Asyut or eolosti of 'edema *Asa,. Oipt. L P. pm, 15ssalo, Marto /Mader sail Bawd- An L4 O AVM Mardi ' ' BALDWIN'S CATHARTIC PILLS ir H. RIBLET HAS REMOVED HIS t./ e Rk3dM Wok of 'Wallin dose to his New BailOiag, es Mato shwa% our door Sow* of Perry Block, built expressly for that purpose, where may be found a large semi well molested mmoortsmest of FURNITURE, itaibraeing all kW, el Oatdint Wan an.* knit la seen an establishment. On the One floor w , j be bound Berrees Tablea Extrasiee Ter is., Mara Steads, Comma Wash Stasis, hlV ii Lia 4 ads, "tack Catteianif Onemea Were, Grabs, iba, lat e Manufactured by Man tatellun wit's late of fi ll a 1"1 A.. I R, ES, BONNETS, StIBISONM, FLOWERS, HEAD:DRESaS, Ala Naas styles of Of every pada aad price to sallt enstonsen. The second &or is fall of 'ASTERN PORWITCHE, stieh as Sofas, Tete-a-Tetsa, Large Boehm, GenUesnan's Vary Chairs, and all kinds of Cushioned Chairs, Marble Top Centre and Card Tables, What Note and Quartette Stands Fancy Cktods, TO MENTION. The third boor cantatas materials and a large number of workmen, competent to inanniketure any article in the cabinet line in the best style and shortest notice. The public, yorticularly the ladies are respectfully in. cited to call and examine furniture and prices, an I am not to be undersold brAny establishment le the City or elsewhere. All kinds of lumber and predate takes be It:- cheap for furniture. J. FL RIBLET, Erie, Morel 19, 1869.-41 Sole Proprietor. N. 11.—Jad mottled alarge stork of Mirrors, embrac ing all 'Mrs, qualities and priers. PARIS FANS•AND ELD3ANT FANCY Articles. The Ladies will and a few more of those apiendid Yam and Combs left, at the Paragon Building. 12, . T. M. AUSTIN. GILT PORTRAIT FRAMES. Gilt Mouldlogs, Looking Glaesea, nee Preach LIM ographa la Frames, or oat, asthma cheap at the o BW diog March M Par Y. ALeTIN HOES, SHOVELS AND SPADW. shu vela. Spades, Manure Farts, Hy Forks, Hoes Picks, Mattocks, Crowbars, Bakes, ke—, for sale by Kara 12,1110. J. C. SYLDICJI. PLASTER. BO Tow, prima Ground Plaster, to Burrell orb, for rale by J. KELLOGG k CO. Barth 32, 151111. —6 w .40 GILT BHA OIR GILT RIADDI Abeautiful lot of Gilt Shades at vary low prices say be found at J. C. BELDEN'S. WIN IX)W WRN 1 CEIS Carlaln Bands. Window Cornices, Cords add 'fusels Window }titans, for isle &nip by J. C. &ELWIN. BABBITT METAL- ♦ superior setiolle at STEAM PLANING MILL. Men, DOOR AND BLIND BILANUFACTORY. IMPORT/3T 7n BOILDIRS C 7 imartetz• 7111 t millAeor3r. HAVE A LARGE STOOL OP THOROUGHLY SLAB ON ED Ash and Poplar floctriad lir m t , nistebod and bap planed Pine. Windows, Mouldings, Lath, WORM% Windom Thaws, Dow Atom, Da., Da, which they will eta &my ihr Cash. Waving two of Woodworth's Improved Planing Machines and competent mechanics to operate them, we are pliplIPIK to de custom Planing, Matching and Ripping at all times and in s sat• Otactory Wept. 'winner. All orders wlllreciehre promptattention. Erie, 26. 1111 • GOLD AND I4EWIR 043013 1 8. - Vine Diamonds and all kinds et . Jewelry mole and repaired by the wry beat workmen. Silver Spoons con stantly on band and made to order. Clocks and Watches carefully repaired at low rates, and all wort warranted. T, L AUSTIN, Paragon Building, LOOK AT THIS LIST OF NEW BOOKS. JUST RECEIVED BY ARBUCKLE AT THE POST OFFICE NEWS DE/VT. 0 Lady of the Isle by Mrs Southworth" "Culprit Fay," A Foe= by Drake. Spread Saglaid's," by 0. F. Train. ° Sixty years Okaaturr by Brown. 0 Tenant Hoose." " Home Mesoortes" by Carry Broth. ° Letters Crow Spain' by W. C. Bryant. Mary of Lady Mown." "The old Plantation and what I gathered them" by aangerford. Lodi, and Tenth's it lianwod lietrares of Country LID." a YAWKWIIIa by Dr. Wm. W. Wood. "My thirty years out of the Senate." "Two Ways to Wedk.ek." The Methodist," ,y irletcher " Lena Rivers." "Add= Berte," by G. Elliot. "Can sad the Doctor." ,CALL 111 ARID KEW Erie, April 2, 1869--NU. - - THE SABHA THSCHOOL BELL--A NNW collectioa of choice bynate and unes, original and standard, eassfelly andeinuly among od NOON dale; bias. sod eternises, and fur orpm, melodeon, or piano . This book rentals, neariy 200 hymns and tunes, and leiter of the het collections for flobboth-sehoole ewer tweed. Primo 12 mots, $2 pre hundred. postage age 1 cent. Elegantly bound, 20 cis., $l6 hun4sed, post 3 CLI6 g the huge number of new par sad popular Mimeo may haAmon lband Kind Words ma Never Dior The Voles from Heaven," lad "God Is There." These were sung to some Ars thousand children and teachers at the lianday-school Celebration and United State Teachers' Convention at Jsyne's Hall, Philack a Aa, N. the II Wes Lanza and Hattie Tramaine of Y., and wee highly apeechited. Nearly ten copies have been void within silty diva. They have teen latrodeced Into some of the largest schools fa New York and Brooklyn. Among the number are Dr. Tpa r ka m h.. Hutton's, Dr. Gillette's and Dr. McLane's. Jut bY BORA= WASIRS. April 2,186h-43.10w. Agent. • EVERY LADY. We mesajlei_geseisse s k to t seep se men the Garden Rake sad a Pair of the V ULCANIZRD " MtIaBER 087 ' 23, by width ber hands win be perfectly tram M ktg.sreg readmod of men, while sad to ho Itoll Now D SW* April 9, 1969. American Noteaktarding Reuse. T HE SUBSCRIBER bartne fitted op wwl hashibed the shove premiere In the be d sit le would announoe to the public M that is now to rewire boarder, on the sae livorabielatae,hy the week or day. Persons at laeiling Coast will ha this a desinlie place to stop, when sod others will glad all the seerealrea eP a hotel wing dishing Wham; aril no dating their stay to Toes. Matthaei aa State Ilk betimes the bank of Neeler t Warren sad Walther it Gabbs Stem Keg April Ie,ISIS . -4L ni A. alllNENßlLlttihra G. F. lEREVELLEER, MANUFACTURER OF &am nod Oaredbes„ Comer or Rada sad Meth Streetti, Eli" Tbankfal for the liberal patronage received hereto fore. I would excise Invite all those who want to be the above arikfee, of a superior muddy, to ere me a can before pa eirentiere. Orders from abe red o areompanied with the are or roMmonore, will he promptly atioadisd le, said= penalised delivered to the are or wanrbeesse, hie ed lafio hasp mustentlyi de bassi *bard lesertmeat of CJIBTLZ NAILS, which will be said chap Sin alai. NS yb the la 1 isa i r i M i u . senalibm . ; .1 , 1444 1. DENTAL NOTICE. D ". 11.!IUCE, virmity lb bat ' - 12rsitufttWe il " WITH A LARGE AND VALUABLE STOCK, ..brad an the VARLETIEB OF TEETH NOW IN 1:::•1. ali t t e le MI elk OPPITINVOIN MI initil„ wtstri li le progatod to tom* piiiiprity sad seally. It prmabadrasbps OVER ALL OTHER .1101)E13, moo mum or awes be all imouniaties alio* sew A PERFECTLY NATURAL 11E 4uppel _..71:: •. eillOaaktedig to oisiokigtbeltairroi l A itotetibet or no winnow lee no Whelk L=tattstooneo ef i rot ilir o ilodlo his prolimitoo al oserioto, . . Nis, April Is, 1 1 / 1 1.—bnA6 . I, CASH CAPITAL AND•SURPLUS, [JANUARY 1, I[3lA] $1,867,020,08. $773,10i4L AND IUE BALDWDPS CATHARTIC PILLS, BALI/Wiles CATIUE!IC PILLS, BALDWIN'S cArturne PILLS, ENTIRELY VEGITTABLE, ENTIRELY VROSTABLAI. ENTIULT AM) TVZ BUT CATHARTIC NOW IN ÜBE. BUT CATHARTIC NOW IN UDR. MOST CBTHARTIC NOW IN USL Sold at 25 cents pet be: At BALDWHIPE Dreg Stem FAN Nardi 12.1 No. & Road Hoeft. 1 34 paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn and OW at the arle Ctty to s_ • apt ft KABALA G A size' WSW iSitOril i irOß. , KILLER Off It On 0007P+,41140 \ ow tin! • D rreor Ladies, eastipiostbs sad 0 OAII4II lOW BEOB 1101114 o,7lksit. keraillith mai Id abatis. ;14111 ro vii,ths Mw ' tillilf MI IiII/I il• Mlilmill *op as Da aliataga,. Call amt essailaa qually aid gellerrilk KORN GUM CULTIVATOR TEETH. Xasst Clidevallor TWO it R Artn e BIioTHER, Stook sevx p.m milked fr iss n l e ad 1 * earl ker OW/Lig 11300111/14 Wilick egg tens& eh kilo Used !Wu let AM, Cassie? Protege (avail emalee4 or Edo ° Bllal V OW Beside at U par eant a tre the Wont title nem _Thr brmaisforips sails sadsrees, ebb% ursersol. Clealeimata be, tar mkt es the Mee tome Graerelea ea Agee ea the elleeepest ear Cosi. Iterebe, B°° 8, Magazines, Paper, Stationery, PARI 1011111001 STOII D. P. INIIII6I I I, Preprieter. Cl* PA. 311. Ili& GLOOMIS, VII • Is TIMM DAY OPIMIMO . spisnad sasomssat of vieb OM Ohba Tiara Mans Cups and Saunas, Mugs, Ousendl44 and . fi t rist misty st USZPVL AND 0 t. 4.17712LX/I, suitable tor Zs &Map •poia Oaks IlaikelyTas MN ad el P i tc a I 411 4 11 14 al :Ij uil l ti io l ar l il l . i l ll RUN"' aiwand ass. bee. • . N EW ARRANGEMINTS. lieCAlitTin, balm pareheadlhe entire later est at D. B. Clark tboe Out a Oka k iaktbe Grassy sad haiskra lassa the 11= ar a hens ter ba epaikesed Cilia a Ur ell al awed wane a will be nay lad willies welt as the ea Cutassete to Dia late Ina sad passed to see as amp aew awes as will taxa kla with a as& Die, Jae I?, Ill?. F IRE! FIRE!! IRE 11 cHir TO O. A. ORPOIRITTIAI ausaspea Odiso, censor ad Odd and Mk Amok W_Mildri Block. ups/Ain; gt= 6 l .. hroorot. Ar• preemie Os lIPACHANCM, ILARIONSUAANCA 0011. *ANT ad Pldbadeapids. Astlasaboad Clonal 04?1 . 110116111. 114" ="7 vuIiM UNI ON IN 0011 PANT, Atiass, Ihddhad Co., Pa. Capital 4111110,80111. All paid up and aseuraly Bator u kw u mecuity to the trend rillpm& D. 13,116 L 0. A. IlumT, AeL s ld. JUSTICE IN THE FALD I gy _44 . 1_ ROMP BA rto int Mende and the goblin In pascal timed I have theitheocod the 'r wets End ileathr MA/ Clething Ithrthesee• lo all $ mimes to the then lately by /b. Owe, so the Pone sift, betimes they= sad the Reed Seem, whin I vRI ..deeded to bath it all time • eheicothiestlN CLOTHS, C.AMMILR" ARD 1111111,111618. wiikh I Pill ado to' odor ape eo sheet RAO; and inmost to give.or Do ode. renews to vest of soyikimeg r. toy iii. se depend spot being thirty dish with, se lea deteeinhbed .at to mesh..! say geode bet inch an give sedhenatten. I ant inaking a geed sr sorb:meet of imam Hu OLOTIMIO, wt i& oriU be at Horan nabs mod w*matsd to be so or promatot or sorry retriadeL Persons posoog for OM on invited to ion sod mains imG7ds and Memo, om 1 as detotorlosd to moil da lm arrnile does an ant nodes aiml aru ktioL Ome. b. MI. JOll3l M. THE DELAWArLE MUTUAL INSUR- Amor. 0011PANY OV P/M.1111112.41M. ARM now borrsosi as go Matra P. &tag the 6 oared a 6 the profits if the Comps "itrskitir goa t 64 Iv= r....1.:=Pr....... brunt isms. Lime 6116. litemdtr sod preanpUy " Cl . ot es worabsoliwAstblogo sad Mb Is tows or coastal, kw slaspito. Des IRIOTOSS. ; Jess* H. DNA, Job. It tti w il t Irtiropbtlos l'emJairtsy . Robed Ilwriao, JAE Haltik Crag, ilememol 16,6146 Lairrerees. Amrl4l. Stray ' Wlllisso l i gli Al, • inuisPrAray. Dr. L Mow, 11wX ii = Jolts Teller, Jr. George Berrell, ot=a J. Nr4114, Lloyd Dunstan, Jobs 1. Asszess, J. G. Johnson, ii....„.. /1. Jame Brostro, Dlsowit in=nnui. Itrowass S. Nurailina, segt , 1117" Appliestios ess be Nods Ms, April 4, mot J. EIIILLOOD6 Ascot. MAL .1. C. SZLDgWS. SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY MRS. M. CURTIS, is new receiving s Lane sod Pall As oortment ql MILLINXitY aiml PAM aeons, wield ing of a goattatielly of 11114, mod COLORED STRAW BOBBIES, BLOOMERS, And ma Am.„ inly, Ba r r dns, in,* *As, Walker Medi. Wee Halk Ribbo lkswers, Rados, Pim Beal Drams, Al bP-,, mothit's Kid arm Hotili" jaw VIII% Free& Coreetto gad Skirt', d. of 1111164111bt law broldery, Valera dance, 11A411, Appliqacied Preach Wink C°ll4l l2= ' " MI geode atM i t z esil ,. c buo, Muter Boanei Bloats. Illimbehlag sad slow ha ail best xassurr; alma, Straw Bassets mimed Brown and Black. April 9,159 NW K. illam CRS EERY AND GLASS WARE STORE, No. 12. Empire Block, by ROGERS & BENNETT April 9, In 9. HARDWARE. Roo ERS AND' REF NUTT, Hire the Largest and Best Selected Stock of IRON, SPRINGS, ANVILS, SHOVELS AND WADES, NAILS, PIPE BOXES, SAWS SADDLERY', HA RitEBB TRIMIIkINGB, &e., &e., CARTYR • HI LO PLATED WARE Remember the Old Stand, Mao Iltreet, Sal% Ita. Aril I. 1160. FARMIAPB. SAZ4I sußscm ami . . 4 0.111111 bar lima toe Ea* se namosalie *ism It Is semi** stirbiali oily egad gists ail l n ipelmussrir ant km MOWN PPP 4 1 00 TO 10' a the oast le von ""! by mom Mpg Ofpriags. ter tilinssamb sakstibela BRAM & REMOVAL, ' net wilissesor Art Dmory4 Wiwi" AND siu.souimmaimase aka. ow W•otet Lam mad - *Uri be Ida low i ntip alr as may Taft t sustr -- , St* 4012, Oa AL L 1 7 141) 87117 : Jam* i= ft ma in raft wiabiamillar; after* au Aril It tilla-411. SC, I ES, , , moms ma OplONlMEß iss ;lek Iner. oidalm WS • •_ _ • Apeill. NM • ' - • • ' ' • I R. : 4:•;I:ii• 1 ;12);,' 0* - , .. sistalitillii•Okiielle 7,4 ' • , N 4 , Cpl 1:11 tidos IXICTIMOIMIN salt • in the anie , 4 . 6 -- 4 n ... , . Cplharsolkir le SLINUILUt, MID* k 00. Arell I. NNW 1 wm: P. Ilarr"" 11 ITE W =H BAD' >: —A very 'bur Stock for ale low A tam ra a MMX J. 0. SIRLOIN WALLPAPER, &0., lE!Ei NEW GOODS! NAILS. ABLEB, VTCEI3, AMIII3, Lft:1:1 A HORSE 8110121, CUTLERY, In flint Anont rrery thing EMPIRE BLOCS, No. ll'and 12. 11061140 a =WWI strlNitokiiiia .o l. -Woe 6 X45% - & rCi ii= l z h ri l izatr . Jur.; , b•akirks 4 l r. • 46 P. 14.akb1 Wilda Amp at Fahmeo4ll_4 2 AsAlabsi M* • s 994 Valid 9thmat Erb I 211 A.IMA A V.I. Clioftal Neff all Maws We. MA. may Ofras4, mine Nth trkn - 11911119 111 P. IL L&LVIC BM 12 ell a l ad tlicreesebahteteq#eatatiard,Osassaat, . sad Pidseadlie lady, sad why at 1141.1.1 L VIII A. a l l == as all liz ar dhatimes awl* =nal and Lana, adage dAlaialil i al ilk .M. 1 01 P. 11: liyea e Vega dap at Abut. theaseat. Asap leasilsaad Ithiswinelod7.daddriftelidmon"" lb elk r. x. B 4 Dew amok lied sad WesS, en; Yam Itareager Car iftilliall NA S iddl slor at all Satan& All the aasao trihr=4/ im aiihrt=et st eisailsati vitlityabefar 12a. elaaati. km. rm. ma see tame& trams Nam laionek, t emsed 61 Da 2- kirk with the Was se the h. l''. sad at Bag& at* the X. T. Metre! laad i links — ri . adiV - T. City ItiMboada. H. NtillthafiAN. ileparlearseeat. 014.41444, Aped 4, I.M. ZiEW YORK £ ERIE 8. 8. irdnal~OOMMl cmANOE OF HOURS, COMMENCING 1101111 AT, OWL 4,1118 L d.. VII boy* Mums aubeetiar tow. b - oors, via Eastward Km T.* ispresa. Cliciaasti Itipier!.... 9 16 r. a. . Night briar_ e 4 .16 r. a. NMI II $0 A. a. Ihelght g 1 ha r. is. Pripl:l4 Xio. 4....5 ft A. a. fteelerrpre by Nlyikt Awns nits East au ilabir4sys will gramta ever elgs4 stlelealre, lad record on Cis email tepees Suedey :serreter:_ . r,._ MAXIMO 511011.A15, Preset. Cluiakirk, Iffireb 19.111169.—att. BUFFALO & RRXR R. R. - - AMBANGRIMIT. COIF 4414 atter Mondry, April ♦ ami mW farther ..- tie., Psonger Tailas will nut la follows: LEAYS 1 30 A. IL, 044 ltzwers, *laps at Weattlaid, Dunkirk, and Sibs Omsk arrives at Dural° at 4 45 A. M. 101 P. M., Mall daps at Xarth £a 4 , llUAdo Lisa, chantey, 11441101 d. Salem, Dunkirk, 011rerenrek sad IrTlu. who a& BMWs st b 211 P. M. I SO P. M. Claelasail IraprinN stops at Westlahl, Dea th* sod ellieresook. arrlras at 8011110 10 'SI, A. M. The above Daum araseet at Dunkirk sad Flafhle with Egon= truism as N. Y. It L, and Maw York CasrtnJ Rail Mao& 10 00 A. N. Nail, stops at Evans Centro, hying, Sliver Crook,Dualthit, Satre, Woottleld,. Wooer, State Lino, North East and Emborarsa , , arrives at Erin at 1 40 P. N. P 00. P. N. litteiktrplis stop at Silver Creek, Dunkirk sad WistiNd, mhos et Me $t 12 - 10 A. N. 4 00, Sashes Zspross, 01. at Silvercrook, Dor Ireollitid and North Nit, anima& Erie t 21, Apell 4. UMW R. N. BROWN, Supt. Tkr TIME TABLE.-TO: TAKE EFFECT MONDAY, APftnal* 11169. Trains leers elere land daily-41anftys sacepteit : MOD A. L Libor littsbargh and Wheeling. L 65 P. M. Aecoannedailon tor karma and itillerafg AM P. 11. bpresa for Pittsburgh and Wheeling. Ifs ULM A. M. and 9,25 P._lll. trains mho direct comma. &Matto= Pens'a. ILK M Ilartisaars, Now York Bosnia. Also with Baltialorl ii i=e. R. kw Ilatthwors sad Washington City. 10.40 IL train mins oonireets at limbos for Akron aa4J. N. IrCiIILLOI3OII , Sept. ILI I . U M IL Gest. Ticket Agent. di , OW ALL PERSONS THAT THERE 18 ON SALE CHEAP AT munitersi • MON= DITOT AT HANSOMS ILLY anocsirr AT HASSOWS AT HANI3OIn3 AT HAW/ON's AT HAXIIIOIIIII AT marsors but we most atop—the Printer caul allbrd u wore space new—bat the buadreth part ti,s not bees told you. 'Perhaps we asap resume the subject next iresilti 4 t don't wait tar Usti bath ewes sad Ira sad with tit of the Bath you will be led to "The half set been talk's" " DOW? POROET ?U1 PLACE. iris. Jas. 36.11158. _ _ WHISKEY 1 AT N. R. CHUCHTL.I:B READ 110(781 Alf FRANCH 8 TREAT. CRUM V MUNDY, at CHURCHILL'S. =hi mesa ase. as CHURCHILL' & of all biota, at CHURCHILL' & Wises of all kW* at CHURCHILL' 8. ilibi of all binds, at - CHURCHILI: S. Dam, • part attiata r at CHURCHILL' S. Para Spirits Aro for umbdiciaal purposes. at CM • .RMLI."3, iris. P.Y . 19, 1569. Eked hoar to hooch Bt. S.N. PIKE'S Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy 1 THIS SHANDY boa Men seanabettued Ibr se.- soulxtra tram the it JUICY of the CATAWBA thus affording, additional evidence of the pro- IN. a American Itnterprtee and Indtstry, and of our shirt, to amities at bone equal to than made by any o maim OHIO CATAWBA SHANDY not only equals bat mei. Mal bast hmiportoi Brandin'. In parity and savor. It la, la Set. TEN UST BRANDY KNOWN, This statemmt la tally oonoboaated by the mertilicalea of oar boot_ L inallojothamad analytical Chemist& Tin want of Mfg BRANDT ham bag lien intt la thla , sod So istreiretioo sad artlnie or math opal. ity seria the maim sad ease of Mom vile saw pomadesold antler ths name of Brandy, can only be regariledm a gnat palate good. Th• CATAW BA BRANDY all thieved easlitias Want fir the best si M i arl is of pried patty andem parka. Samor, sad aad awe ressery Me Sysperds, . Orcup, Cbolk, Liagsor, Low kW*. Oineital Debllhy t elgokys Morbaa, Le. NO FAMILY SHOULD SE WITHOUT IT. ItIITA IL HR MS ISOTTLX. .1 Swam Stade =teed mottileme tram Charism T. Ammer. tilsapa October 28, la AaamoCi Onlikulitt Sona r 82. ha* edit* that 14w this day me& a smayie4latawba Broady, brought, to ma by G. Mussels, Seq., that I have !mod no adallemitni lagesdlamb or sabstasees in it. It le a pare hmady nen% • meat motoring sod mechanise imelllmabeleasylny to Mindy. I would reammosed o for asedieftla was. ,VILAIL T. JACKSON, N. D., Stab Amag renew dseinge ottestlag this article er. ho swentleil with •Apra beit iut ik upon appiteation taw Eris Afseot. Dos. , L. I. BALDWIN. Ws Aped, Pay STEEL, SPIKE, BELLOWS, ROES, FABERS - of all Colon aad Grades, at prises from ass. le timutV In oils. M bid at ARIBUONIAIr at go Pori Mar. . April 2. IMP. L BL2l3llilt, Agt., TIN, COPP ' AND SHEET IRON WORKER, k 1 •i AND num DRAWN IN LITOTES. INIUSRICEEPINO UTENSILS, caßkintrour a JOIXILRB' TOOL& aliatiiim to my iffewrotiMmil at lad Joins& Tools, maths( It tie molt Is take atty. Ilanigll. I& J. ULM. .s 1 I MBE LEAVB BUFFALO MOM, Cherries, Currants and llama's', as lbeib- aa New Fruli, pro se=Alt Tight Cana. EA.WSI3„. Currants, Cli me, r i lp,Lemona and Nut. of va rious TEXITITAXEIS, tor Dried Yeast,i ii=dweakly by an English Lady ty, warranted the Mra. Yssat in am - SALOUM, Cream orTarby& Car bonated and lial. soda. Darker, pad Babhdre Baktag Power. Monaront, Yarmicilla, lamina, Co oboe Balwea Mondani and Brom, *re and Oatmeal, Salad Oil in large and =mil bottles, tarterok Pickles, Pepe: Same Catsup, Worize Sanaa a R ab a t =6 COME. Lams at Coakib plum maid Java Coins in , gamed Cemi or by Um singlor g r . , Java, Nacho, Rio and other abr. lioastml Clolbse llmpmMd_ gm; or mu quality, by the hoz Sr OS • lIIIGAXII--Crashed, Graaalated. Powdered *kite and 'Yellow Coffee, New Orisons sad Porto Rico Supra. SYRUPS it 110LASSEIL—Now Or leans and Penn-atop Malarrog and Sa w Boar TOBACIM T oyorior Pine Cot , Cavandlah and =Leaf, Ardenaen'a Solana, he, , WARMANTSD !URA. !==l 6 6 BANOMP" likintEg! azv.* iligrapoU s : doh • _Sad /One WeLleSse ewe I. Ts gairesers. 4 7=4 di eg rote wimp Ie Nem One Seseetste. . 6 4= 4 gkl. esseelliele etillsesleed t emu. l y ea wish CNRUIIi flik" i=yes Sid% le be Illiesp se Sulky. eke sae dies / es" IL UAL* via 1 / 1 0 Sow the wilweeel "Ilessirs rur Tie bed siantares beige* ter oky, Sairvbieb missey lwfrdelisbl. Ilesees. Wbei et Wiest be* el* sirl le% Ts welt es alesilseil ee/. Attie steselseerser eell s 1 lIALIVIVIX. USN Much 12,11110. , 7111. . FOR THE -FARMERS. isto as. .49(10 It DWI SAN for Nal Meath 14. . J. MOM NniWAYB READY. Com sad lOW ailigh B 4. lo 11 1 11 4Ammis Taxa 11101.0 BMW. PERUVIAN 8 1 111111" on X5.1•._•1 ._ „f,i• ~ t ~ ,~~, t.. POI TUX CURE OF DYSPIIMA, • Allisedismilbelavie Dimply fre= a 4MMIROM etas BalbOtegiars7, Elko, die pos_Mbilp 40 Lead or liereitry. POWNF. ALL DIMASZIII I / 1 1= TONIC AND AATENATIV=CfI3I, B 18•41egmMig et•rherto the &palladia the hmaipmembis ems. list hen, without mita &ski ow& is sae& Idea. Tile prods of Os 41Bey moo pesoliereiss aut ter tha Z moot les lesltse Mein *be pmegheol We • hat I tsitenls -• slue 111 hat age beessee may dims My Ralik% are lath*- , sid poitoollas eon may =sr bi send by no woody. The ehro of disessee Ise telisit tais /no geoehiss sluolehest, is pa /timely that wine! ham me Mini bead the sel AUL The Jodi one tsoggiVime Elam re ar= oo. md the NSW sod Massey el the Syrup twos Thome who say visit kw ea spiaima hoes disistmoloi peresee reepreUeg the tharreter the Syropoismoot idl to be attiried Intl theisibredarerg .. as... tiosooiss, Ur the heads of the The tigastores azir thaw or peatieurea wen heave the eonstulty, am/ of the highest tossomstalditf. i m A rb e st . The lewd, having the benellelal ef• hots of the "I'sie amp, de net hseUtste te esseen. owed to thee Mt. ties of the *Ain From oar own exparbises as well is boo the of ethers, whose ladellipres out intspity ere uswialtissablit. ws have So doubt, writs ia of Ledpleat Masses sable Langesed Dr i azt=rer prom liseratejek, would hi inawMte, but trots the hhei choosier of Uwe, who bare witnessed Se m, and haw volunteered their testimony, as we dame, te Its reslenr• Hsu. 111.1120XT, TSOILAII C. 111011. T. THOMAS A. Derma. MU RARITY S. ff. wawa; ie. D, .AXIS C. ntrine____ E _ RAVEL RAY, Haw. THOS. WILUTILItOIItE. CZRTIFICATZ O D&. BATIAL It is well lau es that the steaks' sleet of el boa b lost by ewes • very heist aspens, to afr, sad that to inabstain a solution of Protervide afros. withal& tertian extetation, bas lees dosed Imp-MW. In the Peruvian Syrup, this itesitslitti piglet is atialasi by COMBINATION IX • •AT EXPOLII 17MILIN)1/1 7, sad We Wades Inas replies all the pieta autanatas dint% sad tarUstee of the Miaterla Media. A. A. HATIII, IL D.. Assayer to the Ilbste of Lessiseheestree N. L. CLARK & CO.. PoopPliimos. No. 6 Nat io Doolboa. ai r in Erin by CARTER & awl Nov. 10. At the old Stand. 1V MURPHY, 11 Betweenßrown's Hotel a Reed Roue, HAS OK HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOUSE HOLD GOODS, ISTOVM &c. • • largo and somplete assortment of sapper. sod Moors mons. Abe, a large simost. , meet at Outlay and P• is k • t Kahle. • to &Dank Maim CasSter pools,s sad 'hie. O = so, orcel in ?mead Table dla Owes, P sadmadirlb. "se__ tisk she, $ large eassrtaind at Japan Rate of all MAN Sad tisbisisasert - • ottestrem lakreof Vas ; A d : else, • Was, Coffee Ilm Cora Seises, lOdielObff hoes, bbeltataisd Pokers, . BoalMiresisimatt* Bralka, Here, Pedals Boole, Plaii l u i m.‘ l:4Keeti Tles, lisffss atblei tabs, limes Maid Oasis P im p Tamps of Lead Pi Ipa 1 11,1,616 b5et Loot, Cheinsousehddi_l( Move Pipe and Cased Pumps, and Lamps, Want Coolers, sad Ilan; raid Lamps et all Osaka mid Ktilysidlalhat sad Sheet Deo, Wimp , Dish Osaidleetkim end lnble Hats in Tisha i le i Lineess sad Toops= sod{ Milk Pis sad Taybri Wan, les Ballik easslisr Draers, ffaallars sod House sad Est Tsaiph i ti& Serevs, Tush. sad Oil llbadies, itailkse towns; Deed Dome, Dog Callers. Yreneh Dligli ZA Pets. Stew has. Grimd Stour and liaeginp, with assesaa. All of whisk will Wield sheep tar Cash snip. d il one se the shortest ionise. Copper, Brass, Pan ' sti k IC I = asstAoro in mimes* tor weeds. MY* call sad ars/sibs soy doeksad yearashaa Prig, Nay la. ISM Yours N. ICEIMPBT. GOOD FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. Taunt & Bristol, FURNITURE AND LOOK7N GGLA&S WAREROO.MS No. 233 Akio aped UFJPALO (foramiy attlor It DoAmor* B. 'VOTING OWL AIMEMIION TO TOM lianio actors of our omit, and orkdirog sad ardor our Auk with e reformat to the retail evoiou tr= an oaahled to oboe to thaw sookismg au ezasilwit of Taretten earner senators ler elidebq the bad of quality, atykroad !ebb, wit& we ear at r a i s ktiewa We aim Whoop the beat quanty= mod sad oostiod pottiowoul at PIIMUUTURE II MI MLIIIIOIIO6, to be towel to HoMilo. asaufadoze sad kop aally as Mad a i Mg w s at MAHOGANY; WanuatA LNUT, OAJE iad WOOD, WASHLT. sad WOOD TOP SUNISAOWLSSJ, 'WK AT-NOTS STANDS sad SIDS BOARDS, SIDSTNADS, - 80P MM . d QUA WRITBOOK W ‘ ARDRA M h is EXISNBI TABLAS, OITNILOITAIGt FANCY CORM __BIMPIIOII ROSS WOOD MIN, ZNANZLND CiLLN/1101 PATIN? NICCLJNENG and RIM 0/1•111% aad all articke at Parlor, Cluiamber, aim and =elm MCMINN!. We imaseketare and ton ea load rerveley. Week peg= be see hair Mattresses and Spring Beds. ALIN& ollisitbdid .albof Nakieway. Nem Wood mai sup MR+ of miry Moo sok tie* Buffalo, Jur • 11114. --fay. Ulna k 112ISTOL N EW TREATMENT! PM VA= AND CONMORMAL MICD/CAL Abner • AT THE INC/PALO IPIALVATII Ifotelikhod for Ur ewe of- ilyplatio.liondool W sod timi most lodnoitioo of Tooth sad AIM SON, MIK 711/. Ir. Oa* lA=lllAgi Quity Owstalls.) A Mit SCLIENTIMIC 1111•11111 MON. An beetnsuest irr the use et 410sItel DOWN sr Plattnnal Mialmio mime use taws ea Weaker* be. Cha bin enrol la true Mum mod due t o twooin swabs by use Ude InotessmA, wkn jtly with seedidar. MIND mat 'ECILI rimicoutzt oto: ewe.. Dr. AMOS t SON take pteesUu sess ttiob' tterr base lausted • mut repermien imitesseistar MIS owe e(-tbe- above dialeors It bee been yd 1m • testts tie Elea emboss nttebser%=S. Adty PbUsdelptua and New York; It been anent Instrument au Insetted As Sit Nis et Itiskses. ear am 4Msess i nf tied semis 'spied by the sterettetlOU strum /Via bifaaQeasplleu lillw RIIMIDDIAD MID tuncta ctriuks. Dr. Juana & Sou amey be assaulted tram I to • alest is the stusdatuultidt los= alle. =.l=m, ik. ' va t:MlN.''' . drodial aaretlese esiliAss frame VW Ati,az i l , yeetb, "Mob proems, readttstbreed marriage hoesselide. sad la tbe SS Sialrupt tirlik6wir awatoiad. Tbelirewemeat Urn slept Is So emit slip way& et Odd" punt asturtsw alit ellsoill 'ptW tire la Isrype said Antrim. . , A MIR WMUIADMIII a Dr. ADM 6 DON Dwe . dsvoted thrir stiwohise ezdw alvskr toil& pormaerehisstambillmasllDerrihtlhir hair etwoqeswily bow sealiel it • . . b rup p odo ftwWwl sea amrrakewesl wedsilma 6ft wertrin = tirmali eflb• ~dm bribe e s D wer pro a essrritratiorhitheirowelire,ews bow with the moil , bent erpri hi tart=g i Ardalt Vow ostploist. that.st ll* stoat =Wei ' / argasadstsimmt Ow of Was wirweveliww‘likedw, thepiskimer• siDie ari wwitrDs 'i4 most g ive be !mewl et dee =or lbw elbob et =s"=Ar. 'ilig ~Aaw. I 6011,6mwe wismwisilikiliestwilw int tbesdrearif et Utah retruifi, =Ma tises a7eadteng an ftssouret him an root dutf liiiii i i i i w wah:M ih M: wiDero_ 644116 tut KIM lirD Di, el 446. biliii%tbeiall milm lOU blow lwai rm Oro At Wait ~Malik Um um* fia teV bXl* ghi =es tm audimall us, 41 4•wwwwidlll6ll be Unit itaDowisiths. COOKY U41(.11141111. hiPPI; I bb lei Of UM weeid ieS be billed*/ weed *len fieebt= l 4l viwilamme On * , •_*/*iss loin , moat of liiiiiii Qiiii 116 4 671 171048 ' . RXTRACTS e l fte 11171 / 1 1 11" t;IM I la Os. Jmwwwl4a , Ammwm , r , :o«* ,,, wat. , 111. • . ii 11111014611034 PIM B , NBV01•BYT niSTITUTION tintfigoislislosid Ni Go Mot w Uo •u .14. tif se/s/Camics. mNO la e disr et Y. awki iest= Miami dismo••• tie sioill rietiao of Ma tif dlssmAil their WS be f i rby ot olbolemoir m 451=sqlretho of uo. 44N• of SO all holy sad le WiIIICAL ADV.CIS So ad who apjsky by sit& • dos mdpisse et thoir spraildiss. (•.% •onisibse. bahloaos =iod le mop al soWifte room% so 711101Siski Se rU or CHAIM is Is somilsio t. .w Mei tb• i t wai : lii lal eV elleap• Onilleadii of sad will Amok tb• lii== 71• lkiNbes fit as wOOOdeGIGII Stott orwalio lososomot d nod w oisolooss Uri oghisolon wido Gooolowoo obi* Wowompi.o tlOZois Mow of Iliolo u wooeiaS 4 - w- DoloollwoThoo Dismoo of fft - km MI ~, o opoolDumwo at the Dot Is Illio alail a= twowillis aisi onort awned iavo ttt r e t% =INK elidalir le lie palm 10 *PPM Via Is hi lir swirly isporat as sim = dowisso Am oiIiGGIG Goo* owAlpo= Beotoai II Ilw Wrest Omoiloo, or bed- AINd wiorolowoosatibo Goausl Orgasm. by Sao Co j ams." bosom. W mil. os a ...4.4 M : songst Or Tau l . Ogles sal bode o. uo mos_ oli a lmuma i f iiw he dimeamp o V iri t u r ipsh : sii7llll misris thealiblL at the avw vuo. diss .ad =theft se az taustos c ss disserand d.rla g th. Pi ftrE or Mama% Dr. J. BILILLIN I I z i tut Assol•U•s• Di.. ityesdar 45 lb. Moslem Wmalus44 VOX& RDLISW/J-1, lhowlwy. • Plosions MATED WAR& JLsm. " sal a met miller aria Cil Med gst gaknir T. MAIM, Pampa Ihdldiag, Was hash St. Uri U. ROUSE. PAINTING AliD PAPER RANGING. rIE SUBSCRIBER ds ita videZtlisi :Tv ww = 14, the Ckmersi Roma Painting and Paper Haag:ft With Nestnan and Dispatch. as r e. :47 atlesl7l.sittMer ALNTHELMINTIC WAFERS FOR mush ItY yandonbrea nanstaaal mahatmas Wan, vim yam ban UniSratioa of ea*/ They *aloft as Calosni. or say lanti an taandinta, bat in panip _monies, arm adi Ow itspill Vann inns Oa aint,aaa Manna, Malta is 111 min. Inman of inttatbroa mall i cannor= tionaloantall k Anbohnotio Wakanor Ur nay aoialaal sad ouly Nab sad ri= • woo. aim Is no. Bon la ley Its. 6 nano ; Noon 31, lilk-41 . , . MTH AND MANHOOD. Jun the SIM Iles*=.l malted lo • le eaMi hod peek goose** eihsem• ems theplgelest eshuss mad aces y Man. °mod " ist i ts4" .1100%N, awl a=llloo/00 1 / 1 1% • apAll. 6f. Carer -1).. NNW tif It awn akikirs qf , SurryN, tir oelleothol Itedestom e geoltsiN4 11013plopoksay, Lon f _ ~u el 'germ Dllll.lllllll Um" and Ull/111.111411 111%60, as palspqr NA re opted by the author's and sad and nose sr tmetmemt, by W.W. o 1 Make the hreolid Na fessis pieties bosh keet btu moms to diearros. sod oxpeeste• mod wft elmot Mom tile Lesko tamest) The boot Moshile ever Mitt.... • sal.sat of vitsi =some to lA, veil weft the mitheeeezeltod repu to Mldialiam, the Plabikalleira J. C. RUNIC &Co., /lot Av...., ase.llllo istoss4 PIN Dna 41111%. MN Tort City. Asne,lls,ll/1.-41Lbm ERIECOUNTY MUTUAL INSUR MKS 0011rANY. heorpen wed in 1839—.0/larger Per2ettm moonyinsurodi Awoken Leas by Mrs is say Tern ave exeseerig e•IP yours. Panel= Iseed epee the diet, et Iglu Nees, 0. epee the permed eftbe tonal Medi Maar la Wm" eith wtSe liebilfly eta Pry rota Lewes pad with eat nibea. One eat ealy b. ern bets beosgbt ape last Oempeay. Thiedietrits, is satilrely fru fn..• iY.e is it sofa Mae irtaiiMin. DIRSCTOINS. Imo o.lsnird% OEM, .1. C. N. Tillelt, Jos. X Starrett, Itladerspeto Ilmasel,Z, S. P. Espier. Timm IllseaSsad. Jamb Haasom, Geier A. IMO, Z. J. Artisb. lhaidtt i Wa. B. Es" IL OITIORSS. JAL Q lisimi.s, Petal. Jima Omonsoi, 211 bum 0111•60, Moms Guaimi l s l6ll% Noestwa:yo Law oak. CliamitwillNNSlL VaDWINIS CATHARTIC PLUS! timely. 4isapertailale t Bi a 411061.1.111•4 160. cimummu‘ Tmde= hanit4 AstfiWt hir isourliss. skr qf ad of lai User, mod iiiernmesalit ff Or ape= gpripml4. r ,„ To 4 • _ll Sobll2. is MAI by RALDWUI. No. I Rued Beim Ilbasb IWA-44. . 100 AND MADDER. AMP DYSltti. --Waimea 1. quattiv ultielt ye will Oaranat at 10. aim March 6, use. PAPER HANGINGS! tars rr i 8 711 . , - zaroriddi . .P. i i =i r ••' IF: 10 Nib, Masa 31. nia CORR PLANTERS. gamy lima. iihasidl 1p.... ei out Ots11:0 MUM= Bad Ur vary lain Ow Orr Wile\ we WI 1111lin, imam it muds Oka power at nowr t. bat SY Illi tam m ihipel ea hi, pasoins. .ThisPty la as liaansa, vasty am aan are the =eit it b anal( Id ear Men ; lib se obripie NM 411 as= gr bdasal an anaart IS, ea *ten Va. 14. sot out id nem It win imiale: 3 =3 . 4les. UN sew and mole over ......I . 6 „kr• 001 0 1 at II Oa hot r\bOAs mama, ski do ii aisit _ *at as simai land to a asz as ethane a - m - TW rm. i tilt as an 1110Wrikent Wan *raw Mate inn rirseaUt steestah " OLD SIMIIINIT," Di., sky vaunts hasp lir &nand Orals as baud • vsny of laillaltlniars, Pion Pasta sad Chinatre of alliVe OIL WS k JOHNkow. IIet)!D_ELINE COFFEE. TM oftimismi owskos =kith ms Mmmipanol s rommetr Ist,: mgt meg sommo and indling mold Mil Is um Ils Mod a IM,lms or AM DM. lIMS if Arils, 1010. WWI 4 UM P4INTS PALl2l; c lictl:B 1 ----• WM. sad la 013, varies. ' Is& me imillillid aim af Monk sad a r 111111136111111) on, memos inn, - - - Yaffe Oakes, Gnaw al Mies' la disei 4 == b a US a: b il aTital 13111121.1 a l tlial Stara el 61.11. rili t iii APAP. cam a Bin. Mami e Jewelry an Mum , Goods. Lk. AURECIII. fila Paragon Bitilding. Tir==tatt a itallSlLla l taazt=L; g t Ilta;,Japairt. "DM Ilafigtei Goods az• traitkeratt at saaild liat Oak. to siert mo 11117.1sagfas lbattatallia Ea ma aut awe Id k dart st•dttag *my IMO Goo* tads Itsam~ - 1. abs l Ms W e eitiVrtha g ia tb s: =am th.. 14 1 : tisaf rieo le lilkielltlik kik lag taw rim. at as &skid& . Itak!' • • , \ • arse assikieut Oak Is latt az to the r-• 11, k taka l !_ t 4 h I I i i mt aatintid at tbs ,:11111, BILIR OZTIVAICILL B B. B. HAVERSTICK, Proprietor, - imillmori AIM .111011111Wil AJIR I MIL DaLcut Mout; Corn NMI, IPeod,1 P eod , , mown. Max. tian, 001124 10 2CID K a nOZZ, zs g m, ~ 7tf %Arm las Mar math 0 th. : at 11" ibMili gIIMMi• I bay IP Vair• i 1111ini vill lowold al laatorwili* maw i hr art .• abilkaral trag i amia Stio P . • • IL IL Li 401164.81•:ro. Too:s 9, t • it.. • Tbligl~o_ it t bre Mit el tamer. it umisslastand fbr "64 % willasellemilma. iriftieselmourozr. Al a 0,11/ * W. - L. SCOTT, 1441$ Wien; of an imaxi: at XL 3, M iu 111lk. Apdleb ma. UMW is a. C&1112 & SRO J. C. ULDIN