THE OBSERVER. B. F. 84.0A.N, Editor. I• 4 ••S4 r% rt SATURDAY MORIVG, MAY 2R, 1559 TOII sacinatansoir L. Wituniir. too strins74iiii SOMi BOWS. WNO IN The Gazette does not like our strictures last week upon the Republican party for its participation in the Massachusetts amendment, disfranchising the adopted citisens of that, State, while a greasy negro from Virginia is at once admitted to all the rights and immunities of citisensitiii. To tell the truth we did not expect it would, but we scarcely looked for Judie disinge 'nous attempt from that , source to shift the responsibility from the shoulders of that party. The audacity of the thing chal lenges our admiration. If the republican party.of Massachusetts had not originated the amendment—if Gov. Banks, the repub lican Governor of Massachusetts, had not, recommended it to the Legislature of 1858, and again to the Legislature of 1859—if the Legislatures of 1858 and 1859, both over whelmingly republican, had not passed it by a two-thirds vote and this against the protest of every democratic member—if in the State the republicans had not an over majority of the popular vote— if any one of these propositions was not true, some little part of the responsibility of the proseriptrAS amendment might pos sibly be cast upon some other shoulders than those of the republicans. But every one of these . propositions is strictly and undeniably true. And in addition thereto, the reader should remember that the Legislature of 1858 contained a large republican majority. This majority. .6 party caucus, agreed upon the amendment us a party measure and passed4t through the. Legislatureas sue, 4. Again, the Legislature of 1859 contained a large republican ma jority. That majority, ix-party ecn4m4s, agreed upon the amendment as a party measure and passed it through the Legislature as swch. , It was the adherence to this amend ment by the republicans that induced the know-nothings to disband. ' There is now no distinctive know-nothing organization in Massachusetts; it has thelted into re publicanism. The attempt, therefore, to east the responsibility of this measure upon other shoulders is a piece of political im pudence and effrontery that has no parallel within our observation. Cfor. Banks, a Repub/iecni, recommended the amendment to the Legislature of 1858 in the following words. We quote from his annual mes sage: " The constitution of the United States confers upon Congress the power to invest persons with the attributes of citizenship. but it leaves to each State the right to de termine what persons shall become voters. Recent constitutional amendments aft , leg islative opinions re i peatedly expressed which have not yet ripened into statutory or constitutional enactments, indicate that the qualifications of voters is a subject of deep and general interest. Them {..1411 no object of-higher importanee than that of determining upon - what conditions • •• ."141111C1 anu what legislative safeguards are necessary to maintain the purity of elections and to pro tect the rights of American citizens. 1 shall cheerfully concur with you in such meas ures as you may judge expedient for this purpose. Gov. Banks, still. a liepublican, recxa mended the amendment to the Legislature of 1859 in the following words. We quote from his message of that year : The Legislature of 18514 gave its-appro val, according to the requisitions of the constitution, to an amendment of that in strument, declaring that 110 person of for eign bi shall be entitled to vote, or shall be eligiine to office, unless be shall have resided within the jurisdiction of the Uni ted States for two years subsequent to his naturalization, and shalt be otherwise qual ified according to the constitution and laws of this commonwealth: provided, that this amendment shall not affect the rights which any person of fereiipt birth ed at the time of the adoption t= and, provided A:ether, that it shall not affect the rights of any child of an American citizen born during the-temporary absence of the parents abroad.' Irespeeywlty kit earnestly recommend a ecnevrretet hi thisameetel ment, in order that it may be submitted • to the people for their approval or rejec tion.' Gov. Banks threw all his ttl3lcial and per sonal influence in favor of the adoption of the amendment by the people ; and Ab bott Lawrence, 'perhaps the most influen tial republican in the State, actually appear id at tie polls as a wok distrilndorlar flu amend ment. Every prominent republican leader in the State, with the exception of Henry Wilson, was for the amendment. l i 4 Msen came out against it at the eleventh hour, being impelled by the tear thatiflt signki be adopted it might injure the republic* party elsewhere. The truth is, there ia not a valid circumstance which for a tho ment relieves the republican party of the whole, entire responsibility of the adop tion of the amendment. The paternity pf the proscriptive measure is indelibly fixed. The %wingAddlifooan, one of the ablest republican sheets of Mansachueetts, tells us that, "the real basis ets4.yulifig of tAc vote for doe hoe years aftnewinbelit a kite tetwans tAe Irish." The republicans of dlicasisehu setts, then, that they might gratify their hatred toward(' the Irish, have derided all other classes of ,foreign-born PeoPlec- - - We can imsiglistrthet their hatred towards the Irish is Whine, but it is scarcely less in tense towardiall other nationalities. ,Let it be remembered thatil ianot five yews sinew nearlyrrety present influential republican leader froi Saineto lowa wails know-noth ing. Look at theta in this State for example. Every matelar .4311 she ]ate Siate adminis tration. was a know-seething. Gov. Pol lock, whom ther'Giudic; helped to elevate s was a know-nothing; so 812one:reali tere" publican members. et Congress, together with Gen. Chnieren, Awe math:Dean candidittO or the State, ?dr Prosident in 1f460. nitaL hated Optimum as heart* as, they did the LIS. But we need not metal this saltiest-' No intelligent person Aisite tkieeirtd,hy the attempt of the republican press Swahili, the odium of the Manseintst=rweet. The odium sits isinmthe, tie, republican party, sari it can no sabre be shaken off than could the Victim of the old man of the mountain shake off his ter- 7 rible load. liar The Warren ',Niger does notilike out atautiettth iikemulatioatil.witai4r pounded a couple of weeks since to the Pennayiron;an. and one fir two other papers. We did not expect it would; it is the province of bolters and thssioixtipted political aspirants to grutihketmd amid at. and cavil and misrepreeetrt She pcispons and views of the lu;nloortill . press and far this reason wp did notiexiteetlo (*ape the shafts of theil Ledger. But, this aside, letua see whether we are wandering from the fold in our views on the question of slavery tha territories, or our irate friend of the, Ledger, If he or they (for we really can't tell whether it is the father or one of the two sorts, "scarcely twenty-one," that we are discussing this question with) will turn to Mr.'s inaugural address, As or they will find he advanced the same idea as that contained in the article Which has given so much offense to the Ledo& Speaking of the question of the admission of pew states, the President said that Congress hail prescribed that when, a "territory "Omit be admitted as a state, it Vail, be received into the Union with or "without slavery qs the constitution may "prett4tribe at the time of admission. A dif “lhrer of opinion has arisen in regard to "the me when the people of a territory shall "desici4 this question for themselves. This is, "hapiiily, a matter of but little practical im "portence, and besides, it is &judicial ques- am "tion which legitimately belongs to the Su "prase Court of the United States." And again—"it heehaw my individual opinion "that under the Kansas act the appropriate "time will besvhen the *Maier of aetuid !es "idents in the territory shall justify the "formation of a state constitution with a "view of its admissiOn into the Union."— Now, will either of the Ledger men tell us the difference between this doctrine, as promulgated•by the President in hislinau gural address, and that contained in our editorial which the Ledger now denounces. That was not "new-tangled Democracy" then with these political medicants. It was not "Lecotnpton tonic „ —it was the pure and undefiled emanation of the "patriot," "sage" and "statesman" who now occupies the White'Bouse, and is weakly abused in the Ledger.. And yet, at Mat time there was not a James in the state, from the old one dhwn to the youngest of the litter, that did not throw up his hat and hurrah over that inaugural as the very oil of political wisdom and unadulterated Democracy.— Both pse Ledger and that paper down in Patteewere delighted. Why this change? The reason is plain. The Jaws family was then holding their hats, like a parcel of medicants before a church door, beseeching the President to throw in a handful of of ficial coin, in the shape of the office of Sur veyor of the Port of Philadelphia, or any thing else that was handy and would pay. It was only after repeated neglects to pro vide pap and provender for the "family" that the "family" discrwered the iniquity of the President's views on ,territorial af fairs. It was only when the President re fusql to mend the rent in "Joseph's" coat which his encounter with SCUTUM) had left openio the wind, that the Ledger became all pit once impressed with the sublime beauties of the profession of a "Kansas shrieker." A pretty trio this "family" truly to talk about our "retaining office at th e esoow of exerutiatingmental_ toc ture and terribfe wretceing of csmscience, ' why, there is not a "family" in the state that has been so ready to eafany quantity of l'political dirt" to obtain and retain office as that to whit* the Editor of the Le4fer belongs. They have long been no torious, father and sons, for their constant cry of "give, give." They have beseaged alike the Governor's door, and the Presi dent's reception room—the Legislature of the state and the Departments at Wash ington—awl always with a platter in one hand and a basket in the other, likes par cel of beggars at a rich man's back door, ready to accept either (4;11 meat or old clothes, whichever might first fall from I the servants. ger A double execution took place at Pittsburgh on Friday of last week. (Aria tian Jacobi and David S. Evans, both con victed of the murder of their wives, were hanged. Evans protested his innocence to the last. Jacobi made no remarks on the occasion. The giurders were of the Most atrocious character, Jacobi shoot ing his Wife with a pistol, and Evans cutting his wife's throat with a razor. .Jacobi eon feesnd his guilt the night before his execu tion, lie was a German and murdered his siife to get her out of the way in his infahmtion for a servant girl with whom he had tnaintairted criminal intercourse before and after his arrival in America.— In the case of Evans a powerful effort was made to induce Gov. Packer to grant a re spite, but.he refused to interfere unless by the recommendation of Judge lifeetraz. before whom the trial took place. 11111. A iquestion of considerable impor tance hal recently been decided by the Supreme Court of this state. The State SuperinteLdent of Common Schools had removed ; Abe county Superintendent of .Schuylkill county without giving him notice mil specifying the charges made against hin. This was Considered an ar ibitrary and absolute exeicbse of power, and after tbel came was tried in the county &Hirt, wad carried up to the Supreme court :and argued. Judge Rs,sio deliveied the eopinion of the court, .and entered into an elaborate review of the OW, deciding Against the absolute power, of the State duperinieiodeat., until specifications are :filed and ss. fair hearing Ahas been granted , the acetused, arid makes en order re.fusta :ting 'the toupermtenclens. Chief Justice Lowing dissented, holding that the Legia dative intended the porter of removal to the a lute, and without review in the cou . The decisicm of the Supreme will goyern pU simelar cases and pre fvesst difficulty in future. 111§1: 4 The Pike's Peak humbug has col andhund reds of the miserable, de audited and. disappointed emjgrants are re. ! tti:rning Bader and wiser Men. They otme ;back itnpoverished and Starving. burning with indignation , "figainste the heartless de ception practiced 'upon peat. and. ready to !twat to the mast. dospenste and braless means to alleviate thehiti. The re , cent attack upon II goveintaent train and the murder of its conductor sod a Post -rnaster-onlbsway oat to an embryo city, -is probably only one of many instances of *faience and crime which we are destined ‘tO ilea/ from ' the ill]fated parties epti the plains. - t ---- sir The Express is veil , anxious to know herlisee Mr, SEIIIIIW--46111 , Hon. -Edmund Burke. of N. H.. that "popular sovereign ty" 'is a political heiisy to be repudiated 43 by the Democratic party, and its ad, wilA eitherbavo to abandon it,_ or ' ttvtilte cimeirlitiin."'* Atter,tfilit Cello, wenier thiai wx4vit't lArke. :;' pbeitifa oil this! a petits taus. be a gibardeal Ake by the Editor of the Express from 4856 to 1859; namely, that "Congress has Bolter , eign power over the territories for their government, and that in the exercise of this poser. ikishoth its eight-aad duty to prohibit slavery then." We believe now, as we did when the Editor of the Expriss was voting for Fazoosr and Wiuurr, that the trUe policy is "to leave the people of a territory perfectly free to form and regu late their domestic institutions in their own way, subject only to the anutittition qf the United &see." If it can 1:* shown that, under the Constitution (*judicially inter preted, the people of a TerrrOory have pow er to exclude slavery previotts to thellbr mation of a Constitution, then unquestion ably they can use that right ; but if they cannot exclude slavery before they come to adopt a Constitution, then any attetnpt to exercise that power, directly or Indirect ly, is a violation of its letter and spirit.— Our party stands on the principle of con gressional non-intervention ; giving to the people all the power that can be lawfully exercised. Thnitent of that power, if it is a matter of controversy, does not affect he principle, and is entirely a subject fix. 'udkitil construction, not for party action. It will thus be seen that as we did not agree with the Editor of the Expreu when he attached himself to the Republican party, arid sought its nominations, so we do not agree with Burke now. Is he an swered ? • M. The Utica Observer announces the approaching marriage of Mr. John Hee nart, the "Benicia Boy," to a beautiful young lady of high position, socially and aristo cratically, who has been regarded by the artists of Cincinnati with much admiration; who has great talents, and writes a great deal for various periodicals. She was.born in a soldier's barracks, and educated as a 'Soldier's Daughter.' This was a case, on both sides, of love at first. sight. Some bloodthirsty brothers, however, have sworn to bar the marriage, and the young lady is closely watched ; but there is no doubt of the Benecia Boy" and the "Military Star" being married, in spite of all these pugilis tic displays by her Porkopolis admirers. —_ The Expressman has acknowledged the corn at last. After hankering bin for two or three weeks, he has come down like fit. Scott's coon, and says he is the iden tical chap that wanted the kept/Mean nom inaaioVor the Legislature in Warren county last fay Hear him— "The editor of the Olocrver has asked us a 'question, which we will answer. We have asked him two, which as yet ho has reftised to answer. He wants to know if we are the same individual that figured in the opposition Convention of Warren (panty last fall. WE ANSWER YES." 'That's a good boy ; and now answer us another, and you shall have a stick candy. Lid yoti vote for Jonw C. Fagaosr in Miti, and Davin Witisor in 15571 Hold up your head—speak loud and plain—so all cue gentiernen Call near you l How will the "Opposition" of the North - relish the doctrine of the "opposi tion" of the South. Mr. Bell, the Ameri can candidate for (lovernor in Kentucky, declares that if he had been in Congress, ho should have voted for the admission of Kansak under the Lecompton Constitution. This is'a decided slap in the face of Hum phrey •'Marshall. Senator Crittenden, and the Lduisville Journal, who all opposed that measufe as a "political swindle." What will they do now that their candidate has endorsed the "swindle?" IS. The Manufacturers' and Trader'm Bank of Buffalo received five one hund red dollar bills on a New York Bank, Mon day afternoon, which had forged signaturem. Two men, it is understood, perpetrated the mwindle, and the police are after them. Sifir The Editor of the Express wants to know whether the Editor of this paper "ever voted an entire Democratic ticket in Erie County." The Editor of this paper assures the Editor of the Express that he fully appreciates his evident desire for in formation, and for that reason is happy to inforni him that he has voted 'for every regularly nominated candidate,of the Dem ocratic party, national, state, county, city and ward, since his connection with this paperi—now sixteen years! i=== bar‘ Col. Sam BLACK. who was recently appointed Governor of Nebraska, by Pres ident Burnamsit, his reached Omaha, the capitol of the Territory, and entered npori the discharge of his official duties. sir The,N. Y. Central R. R. reoeipts for April show a falling off of $lBl,OOO so- oordirtgto one statement and teltt,' • 000 se cording to another. The Erie Real! shows a decrease of $177,000 from the same month last yens. girl A fight took place last week be tween two candidates for Congress in the sixth district of Kentucky, in which one of the combatants was dangerously hurt and a bystander killed. J&. We are requested to state that the Sumner Fruit Committee of the , Brie Cou*iy Agriculturalist Society will hold its arm an nual meeting for 1869 at the Soidetise 8001211 in the pourf. Rouse, on Otani!lab' &hot June, at 2P. Pd. The Conunktee are iftt.son Ks a, Dr. S. Dicnnisos and LLoses!. 303,4 The itibe of a schooner . was re cently wedded at New Orleans upon a charge which, if - true, shows him to be a most atrocious Bend. Having misled a small mum of money, he accused one of his sailors a young man of the theft; this seen sationi was denied. It is said that the cap tain: tied the sailor to a rope, dipped him repeatedly in the water until lo t _lost all con sciousness, and afterwards roas tedthe soles of his 'feet before a hot tire: The win of money was sops Sound in the very place where it had been put by the eapbusi luqi eslf. ,181, A German wotnanineaginaw, ion, !sat week invited a piny of friends t 4 diner, and, basing antortanowl Ahem a little time in the jarlor, asked to be ex cused Ifor a moment. She Went dirietly to her mini, took arsenic, laid herm4f down, and died. lar A movement is on foot to locate the next IL. & Fair at Chicago. Thai steceesary have been . made, and MAIO ea for fitting pp the grounds, Le. Anagent has gone to Washington to meet the *nivel of the Steamship As ia, with --r--Inesee-Daps-Seterarevet Nsw YORK, May 24 ;-' The Royal Mail steamshi . Asia, from Liverpool 14111 4. , sniv coq. Na • deon's . was - ect ovation. • at Ge -; where he I • Was most •?. . . He • e , . • - „ his only rears were 7 , '" 11- -41114w - iefti much enthusiasm. The Xing of Sardinia viattedlhe Emperor at Genoa. Official Sardinian btilletins continue to rt retrogade movement} bY, WIT" whose headqUertiois were a o. ,TheSerdisiiiins had—rataken_their former position. The British government fointally pro claims strict neutrality and warns its sub jects against violations. The War Depart ment has issued an important notice m i thorising the formation of volunteer throw England. The activity in e En dock yards is equalled to the height oft e Crimean war. ATTIMPTID OHLOICIPOIII RONSIZT IN TIM CARS.—A desperate attempt was made to rob the United States Express Company, going west, on the Erie train,' near Port , Jams, on Wednesday evening last. The robber, who is supposed to have gone •on board the train at Jersey City, *oersted himself in the Express Company's crate, and coming cautiously from his hiding place, saw a man whom he evidently sup posed to be Mr. Covert, the Mes senger, but, who was, in fact, Irr. Keck, of Cincinnati, the United States *ail ..Agent. apparently asleep. The' robber applied chloroform to the nose of the agent so bunglingly as to triyakenshim, when' he de manded the robber's business. The latter drew a revolver end threatened to shoot the agent, who wrenched the pistol from the hand of the ruffian, and gave him such a beating that he begged for his life. All this time the train was in rapid mo tion, and Mr. Keck fearing the scoundrel might have accomplices, pulled the bell rope in the hope that some one might come to his assistance. The .engineer slacked the train, when the desperado, in spite of all Beck's efforts, opened the sliding door of the car, jumped out and butde his es cape, with a bare and veryseverely brnised head. After he had gone, there was found on the floor which had been the scene of the scuffle, his cap, a slungehot, a •broken chloroform bottle, and a sponge well wet with chloroform. The supposed culprit was arrested in Jersey City. .His name is Jackson. Iloitittlll2 MURDER—A murder was com mitted in the town of Charlotte, faututau que county, N. Y., .on Sunday last. The victim was a young man named Cornelius Lynch, non of Mr. John Lynch, formerly of Sheridan. The murderer is also a young man, named Martin Battles, son of James Battles. The parties resided about 3Miles from Sinclearville, near the Kent road.— The circumstances of the murder, es we learn them, are as follows: The. young men resided in the same house, hyvich being employed by Bottles' father' as a laborer. A hired girl also lived in the fam ily, to whom both the young men wepar tial. On Saturday evening, the ties the r proposed to visit Sinelearville, and e girl signified her prefeeruce for theny of Lynch, which seems to have the jealousy of Battles. A dispute arose be tween the two young men upon the sub ject, which became so obstinate that the eider Battles, to end the controvey. ' or dered them both to put the horse ir:hiell had been harnessed, back in the barn, and remain at home. They went to the; barn together apparently for this purpose, and as they did not return, it was supposed they had put. out the horse and retired fo rest, as they slept in a building separate from the family mansion. In the morning,, however, young Lynch was discovered an the barn sensele*ls, his t i ref i wdPSk in sigi u dr u l l iiiiii a tOftfrTh • WI the skull. Battles, on being interrogitted, said that Lynch had received the izuniiee by accidentally falling from the scaffold. Whether the victim- had received his in ,juries on Saturday night, or in the morn ing is not known. Battles started across the lots for a physician who lived on an other road. Su bs equently a pitchfork was found near his track, the fork and ferule of which had been newly broken from the handle ; a stone was also found near by, covered with blood and hair. Young tyncli expired on Sunday evening at 11 o'clock, remaining unconscious till his derith.— Frainue Cotter. =MI SUL We advise all young men am( some old ones we know of—to keep away :from Amity township, Berke Co. There 5s no real " amity" about it. A young mai, who has an appreciation of good things, kissed a beautiful girl in that township thepther day, and the young creature told her cross old pa, who prosected the young man and had him fined $5. It is true,the rrl said she didn't want him to. but wno Where's ;that She didn't think her father would be so cruel. But let Ake young men keep away from Amity hereafter,and the girls trill be willing to pay five dolltrs for a kiss. Just try it. NM. .1. R. Stevens, a Virginia Demeicratic politician, has consented to run for loflice on the following conditions: "I wish it distinctly understood, however, that t must be elected by spontaneous combristi4n, as I cannot condescend to electioneer. If any of the sovereigns wish to- shake my ;hand they can do so by calling at Conrad'sntore; and their children will ,be kissed *hen presenred to me with clean faces." I .1„. A German writer, who has published an account of men and thingi in till United States, says that "the condition Of the negroes in New York was at one time very bad, but owing to some reforms introilyeed by General Jackson, it is now coiasidtrably alleviated." An intelligent traveller is that man. FLovi—Heavy and is 60100 lower. 4,000 bbls at $6 801)6 60 for superfine tats ; $8 9007 .20 for extra state; $8 801g7 b 0 for common to good extra western; $7 047 80 for do round hoop Ohio. Canadian B°o nom inal at $7 2betkB 50 &resin's. Rye floUrilull and nominal. Own—Wheat dull and prices tending down ward. Bales 8,000 ba at 11 75 for ehoice winter red western. Barley quiet. Bales 2000 bu state at 70e. Rye dull at 98e. Corn drooping. Bales 12,000 bu at Ole lbr mixed western, and 90®94c for yellow of all - kinds. Oats lower and dull at bBigs9i for state,Nreirt ern amid Omaidian. Psovmows , —Perlrihessy. Wes 1,200 bbbr st. $l7 60 for sew mess ; $l5 /10@l3 42 'nor prime. Lard quiet. Bales 100 bbs at lit@ 11Ie. Butter setts* strl6ol9e for Ohio and 180200 for state. Meson steady at 6(410c for new as in quality. norm—WWl n fair bald and Opeetdativn def mated be market u steady. Sales 1,300 'bbls at $6 0000 50 for Mate from spring ittd ictub wheat; $6 75091 00 taw good imperils. Meld ./on, Indiana tad Ohio; $7 121€47 60 tbir range of extra do, sad $07608 00 for double extras. Market, dosing lieutaa—in maderats,milibig retinae! end marlkeit firmer at the elate. Transaction) are confined to mail loteand inhale 660 bn red Ohio evening , at sl'lo, and 700 be do this morn.!, togetbor with 800‘ he flair 4hite Asouselcy at 161'90. goes-11alitet opiate' its meteriet deellso but closed Grow, liaise early it de day 12006 toe mead arum* is two aqua panels, st AOa • 11‘.. The - Washington States advisesi 1112.-14sehasairto-soimmeepreis pethal third Monday in September--the subetan-. dal reason for an extra session being fur-i ninhed by our peculiar relations with Me: - ice. The States adds that,viis ilia:ias "con cerns To o d • eta to pod neaghbolkood and comene 1,14) g 44 the Asiglles' is a mere • rechails at t, while. litesioS a load, optagmken, ble re ality. ~ ' i: 74 4 . ' In Albion. Erie county, atter a few days ill ness, Dr. 8. POWELL, aged 48 years. In Pittsburg. on Friday, Roth inst., LOUISA XILLIIETTE. second daughter of Wm. A. and Um* lierrea.....agted tare years aad six months. scant a; RANKIN.. DiAtillS la all kis& of Coal, salt, Plastid., Floor, Sta., ka. Public Dock, Ws, Pa. al. A., BOOM 1. I. 1141.111111. DRIED APPLES AND PEACHES.- A choke. lot to be bad at 8. H. FaLL'S. Ma !t, 1851,4L61, Porta at., above the Depot. CASIi FOR WOOL ! I Ws wain been stqwrialod Areet for leer its. timbre Ilispoinaftrat, and sat enabled to offer U. Min ot Otos far an kinds of WOOL, and will pay CASH for Ow hundred Thovatad panda. & MTH 3 . Shia, Kan a. IWA. ___---t-- !DRESSMAKING, kic:RUC IA ROMES desires to ia t o ja to i t i ir• that she at le he en=d fo an Pesch '.., Snit ' beam L ae mut& *lst slde7- 11be is in donatant receipt of the latest Pablves and oat Jahrzed patterns. A sUre of public patronase oollfited. 1160 sa, 11169.--At. 51. Nsw Yon:, May 26 Btrvrato, May 16 DEATHS. O '7F, TO B U I L DE H 8. addressed to the oodersigoed„ Ctl the ....M7! " 1. 14 . Chaseb, Sm, for the erasetnie- We of this new church edifice of said Church and Con =ln this sky, will be received until Ilechweday, s a4June Wig, at 12 o'clock, Doom Bids may be Mired for the whole emistrasiion, including furnishing materialiti Drier any part or pinion of either. Plans aid specilleations may be men after the Ist of Judie by Malec at sty Stomas the emit side of the Park. • Hy order of the Trustees K. S. Church, Kria Kris, iihiy 111,16215ti1. J. HANSON, Seesetary.. Auditor's Notice. John W. Walsall In the Common Pleas of Erie County. Thomas Tr . matrong. Vera. he. No. 111. hay Term, 1869. The turdentigned, having beet. appointed Auditor to distribute the monies made on the above slated writ, .111 attend to t he dudes of his appointment at has oftka, in the .City Erie, on Nonalay the Illth day of June nett, at 19 o'clock A. M., Parties interlined are notified to at teal. J. W, DOUGLASS, Elie, Why 25, 1869.-2t61. Auditor _ WO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Ampeeleeeneest of the Preperieter ter the Senses ef THE OHIO WRITE SULPHUR *PRIMING an altantad is Dada rare Cooney, 14 mitts noir% from enlomboa, (the candid or Ohio) on the &data, filar, 10 miles from helaware, 5 miles from the Wittite BslpburStatham, oa lbw tipringtield, Mt. Versos ♦ Pittaba rig IL IL and lo wile. rm. liea.ant Valley or Springs Station, on the Colonslons, Piqua at Indiana Flail. toad Time Springs will open for the Mception of r t s t. tOtR On' the Ist Day of June. Tb=rot t ioroto Mb have teen Wire, easblin dm , tor to arr•ocutrissiate tram 11r. to six lows /11411111. Among these improvements may be inentkines LUsi OA elegant betel. new euttage rows, additions ngli for arnuarsnent and rerresUos,, extensive bath bogies*, steam laundry ,A. , at. Upon the ...tale Invin as. eve Springs, all • thilt W. rir d cd . whirh. len. WI SW rift Id, th e lu•- LildlA 1111411111111 A the S and the tot•LI3111 enALTIRICA7II Ink 410 . 4 IY an.diehml. whi/et_ U.! firth la remarkshie for the par,y Its water. TII E WHITE SIT' I.PIII-TI is a beats I Artesian Montano, situated near the rocky boat Of Scioto rarer. At the depth of len feet below the leenri of the Scioto, flows the remarkable stream of salpaur limber which supplies this Spring. This stream was dlafirverml Boom 311 years ago, b • gouUomaa who was boring for nit. The water, when mulled, at once arose telthe maim % at 4 ham nor aflame motioned to flow, JOU( 411 seasons, ilthoGi Change , arabatement, either Ing•alify or volume. EDWIN Air riff IPERTI Es - roe yisus these kipungs Lava beau lustily esteemed fur their mOdieinal pro!yerties. During the past season their reputatiOn in tbia.respect ban beimrsinualarly numerated nay maim admintatereel by a physician, judiciously as to queatitt, time of thinitlng, rontjaniun,, an d ttibi systematic plan the' cute a were uunt..rvue mud frat. Ifylog. E W ITF: S1'1.1'111'1; W.kTER peteutarly sem icesible In thmt tit .nrdrts of the I,lr, r and Stobsach • hit h o Mien &Abet itetitlemes wit. , bare bow to4o cinerly g. onfinfqf t,. DuAlneaw, any of sed entary lialuts. ~llE t 'H A I. VBEATF: sl'iil.Nt,is are perituutent tome.. Tbear eneel. upon broken-dojo and de/Waisted noitetitutionli bay., been not transient bet Want, giving to the blood a near v and to the room new life and %Igor. spermir IS eon 11 . E.... 1414 4N FS lAN WATER. Neal may rely upon every facility being furnished them w kb m eontrrbeta to health and comfort, ill. • &dui resort daring the rummer months, the 0410, it. Sulphur springs bare no dial in the West, and WI few to the I sited Utah's. The lorailen is pecu liarly healthy the Scrota here iii • rapid, rocky stream ; the 'Mitt I.itOestrobe." a formation hundreds of feet in iblekswiis, throes It which the peer carte its sra3, is era" where Silber at or near the surface ; the grounds of the ssUtd use beautifully suduhited, and tritempereed with nalasst ravines ebich carry off 031 the supertluous water, us modeling the Poll dry and the atmosphere free froin tbat buinidity so prejudicial to health ; Ouse 4-em*tances, taken in connection with the altitude of the , abort( 1,000 feet above the level of the ocean, make e locality as fore from malariorui hartuesions ea • ftountsiln region. the le prink property consists of 3h) acres of land, one hit ni of • hie!' is covered by one of the most beautiful grovel n Ohio This woodland Is handsomely laid off into and drives, one of the latter being two miles in ezient. ,• , BATHS. m ir i t , , , igni here by the Ilan adoptet!. a brought into fur Uou with that at naturally Warm and Hot Springy. Tbe triter le heated in the bath tub by Meant pipes ; bap edelglag raised bilit death toproeipitate Ib matey it le by !Ude iyateen applied to the 'airfare of the bather' without the loss of It outline ingredients. r TELEGRAPH tiFFICE. A T4leivzh °See communicating with all parts oflhe cone beim eniablinhed at the Speines. To be time in eentiection with distant points. ' , lit be, • great conve nience la gatitleanen who ran hear from and direct their bad neett ads re daily. AU WM led:movies rweeleir) to healthy pleseure and anemseelest. visited may expect to Sod at the Ohio White Sulphur Springs, as the proprietor is determined to make It, in eapery partieular, arm thou watering playa. Chat- Mal will the liberal patronage ettereeked Mat year, am *lnd *ln be eparert to merit It. continuance. A iivipsy, well stocked with horses sod earrisres, is at taebod the Springs. Per 'briber Isforrmktion, arrangements for roams, he., sAhre4 ANDREW 1k ILnON, Jrx., Whit.• Sulphur 1' 0, l'n , 0. Way 0 1 / 2 1716111.—S• Id TO- FARMERS. - IF TE WANT THE BEST cr )if I; IAED Q ECK. The *eight id the driver ouusterbalaneleg the weight Oldie that of thel. tree*, and throwing the whoa upon thikdri . Vea I *STING FINGER BAR. in • Is mail, unequalled by any marline yet flivilligetrdae aWa ap and down la4e -let *Orbit's-wheel, establingo to go through lad Bohai , atoorkg donee and bogs, . r hat. rr ru :rt7l • Zllo eotiaenyielght hem two machine ca ladhee, and the ohmage tan be made la as oort, • • adapting it toall kinds et work, whethera>he. bleats s or green or eaver seed. .A. r ' ' 1164 " & 4 1281NED MACIIIILzi r, . A. - . orlan7- will-whether mowing or reaping sad the bed Allople mew, and the beet single a 11 reaper A . 41 : nartlON EASIEST POSSIBLE. Is lade It eirperes di warm the raker, position him to 416 sis, es glavet ea -the tu tte d with but one 1 arta slatel h lrek a as Ra grouldattd skin an d .ry I ts mi. " s' reMZED AND 9PERAI C ED. sy ' of I lever the driver loin at pleasure that, the mat awl le phi 41 shetborhaer he sea vibe el or kith soda Wibe anger bet to pas over ob er ielehertriantileid to - 14k1; the change demo mower rpresikittend . thy eineosee, balm, nute tike It LN OR POINTS. il b. giongott; snot es ; ist eat up pho tif aid not Table pet eat et repair: is made the beatualkenhela. had and Is. i fi a ti p ta v toany other aseetelue a the aruntry. PRICED MACK '. IN MARKET. etthiehistune hike ..., 4 sl 0 a.. and the seabi orattrerlAnCli; Mono suer $9O; Cha Huai tsa r detaiwebyoBB.thyrode 44,1rrfklakerta droehisre 1114 Works, Thirolo, N. Y. LIDDIELL.III3IIIIIOo. Agettio. Erie. • - • g ..... Cr11ES AND SWATHS. 00 --- Diota Clow -ileytboo, 10 do Groin do 4do Brash do 26 , do Maley sad Moot 2astba,, 6.40 Maley aogeoso 1420 CroAnos, , IMh do Eska, i• i . 3 461,460T.2, 2 and 4 - Hay sod Mao, Foito. 2114:1=021 mod Wilk Pood Berths , 2 - zl2' Nibs by or isse..: lllllll -6 - ,-•:, J. BI s .D h V. digi t "r i bY A Moo, PA. Robo t Cp. I, Ascot, Cidisol,l4aff Hoodkao, as 61 J. C. MILDEWS. ANA.'INES t to Tim Berms Mind Moan sod =oft be by 'OM. J. C. _ ADJOUItbIiD Pala. Of VALUABLE ABILL , IN I ZAThe Una &flowing destribie - eltir I, ion be Mild at the *arid noisail, oi f=ll - Mito data Ai* inet . at 10 WA** LW, Oh I. A. very minable laminees Lot beidin *Atha Idoefar side of the i!eltithiglion eut ioltr M. MI " Km " " 4 armee How, * $ MB the Public Square, aTeiThie frost on rtna mem, and Oi• Mending 116 hot fres fed elpioro to fl 0 I Wok ma widch la erected a large thrne T A , lO good order, and talordiag s se ' 4- • •,...t gold' ar ether /tors, sad for _ ilidli_ ~ tr e . ici tswee=•=s 1 4 1 6 . l a ma eMw2 1" . 47,4 4 exiselo, or y r = WI bil *211• 1 7 bimmmult hoot on Meet. 2. %war Lot No. 74, having Win* al lII*OI and thO use no the War Coast Ala Mr, ildoill*A. Ing from Street to Pier; bavias arilloomy loalloghog porno. ea towitool. 11. T. usdivibod half otla-Lot No. MI, Ormiffig ea Pooeb„ Front and Second Mem% dila a Lug,' *me dwelling boon sod *Ow OulidiskriLalosoos. 4. lerLots Noe. WS, SEA MI, MI h; WA Mode tr . twos. eta*, Pooch. nest and doomed *4 mai in part on onsitief mdd streets. Ms woos' Till= by tine toot Is snub pare* ea say mat tbe 10 4 :41 The abovapreperty la all ts Um mare pr. 1 bold of the City, sad olitre ea opportoallyllbr far arable *sestinas: mid aselituir pee Stable soeh as will probably set mom again in Me saw thereof must poseltivelybe maw* es said Sin is ion ilia requirements of an sasigoneest of sot proi#4, fkil tiis benefit of driedifort Tents,—One-fourth in hand, the Wanes /a Ono twelve and eighteen months, seemed gra the by dig merit bond er'neoelgege, at the °pawthe sollir• In the Intrina say of the foregetag property orty 10 noseband st a eery low rate at private sibi.lbr u lee n deb. ably than it will sill at anetiee. - I. II a May 21,111611. tan Assignee of L J. idea. Groceries and Provisions. NEW STORE!! Tilt subscriber has just ope ned _ a RE ' TAIL GROCERY ANN PROViNNON MOM is J.:pears Block, Winton Eighth mad Ninth, no bib street, He is liberally mannikin with lbw 41dierast • varkm ties of COMM, +EVAN" TRAP', FKILTITS. CANDlffi rt e., Butter, Eggs, and Provisions Ossomony. Special attesting' lie piddle the latter &ladies& lie Stock has bees earebally.amnabad. mid be can theiedbee confidently recommend It to kis bipeds In the City sad Conntry. Intending todevide his whoie ellillo the bee nee, be hopes lu receive a Meal ears jidielere-••• llr myeetiully solicits. all trout LAW and gairtleare needing any &ardytton tbeeariea or Provisions. oos dent of Ida ability to meet and satisfy them. COU 0 try Predate taken in exchange for tik.oda. Aeon inter for stand— on Male Street, a ins damn ber• low the corner Ninth, west side Vrie, April :10, !LSO REMOVAL. 1/E.4 P RENT AND LOW PRICFIi•I %T I' CAN 4:E'l' Pi kiT Eli On I ow Prkes at eIiNITILIMo, Na. 3, PP.Rlik 1? LI glr, State Street, trio, ha It von *nut • Fashionable i . 4 .4 S Boot, go to S 0101 . 1, in • 2 8 8 thYt-try !Mock al- so ea If you want Clatters br roots and upwards, x,: 4 - 3 04 • [4.• Smiths tits Perryi • Ir no %ant • KwKl Brogang 1,.r $lllO to to Amish. in 5 $ . Hr F'errx Blort. . - If ou j sasat a Congress 2 f t Walking nitro or • Wld 3 Slipper for UV um., se to 7.1' Smiths. t 3 tt %au . ant 1 silt Boots. for . ! . .t 44' 44; $3 co to SmtlhA, PPrrY ; Elttlg RI al • lf you woat Bore Calf Boob "•• - 0 ca $2 s v ikaliblk xi 03 CO Pprry t ou wint Cbilthea's . ; •11,141)1ro fur mats *Ad 4. 41 opomii•, go to Fatitb • it in -- .a ter I) 111...ek or, yon Irani seythklaitl the LltteVeper 2l- 11.0 I .4 3 a =7l , UN City. lON State Street. A. Hilo:tiring done neatly and cheap at Staith‘a. Erir, Way 14, 11159.-2m419 pei NTS ! PAINTS?!PM NTS ! ! bite Lena. dry and in oil, Asnerkso and Fre/A Das and Dolled Linseed 011, Venetian Red, Irre,,h Ochre, Chrome and lrevech Omen, media siert se e -ry thine in the hoe of rAlltiTht, for West the nose of May 21. T. S. SINCLAIR. 2.1 PER CENT. CASH SAVED! Thee special attention Z . :factures; Coalition • rut. Physicians and Country Ile ts, ineitsd to' my law Stork of GOODS, se with vest eara, and purchased with Culh, eflaialif lie to OMIT indsoosents worthy of attention. My Idea el:insists of DRUGS and MEDICINES, Chem Menlo, Palms, Ono, Varufebes, Dye lileelffe, Perfumery ■ail Hair Wil e dater'. Materiels, Window Clam and Petty, Fig* Toilet Soap, lisir snit Tooth Brushes, he. Ste., PrILE WINES LID BRANDIES, for rledteinal use, and all the Patent or Propriety Sedi eine. € the day. Orders promptly tilled and satlefaction guaraateed with regard to prim and quality, No. 6. Reed House, 1., 1 BALDWUI. )$., Nay 21, 1869 AO. NEW: MR•. S. H. HALL, Peach Bt., aboe• the Depot DK Ma. Has just opeeed a ern nod splendid Steak of kt, A 4 Moo, BONNETS, !OWN= AND TAM. =whim* amid hand-aladv, lonnet hum and mum, DRESS RONNETT, DRESS CAPS, & HEAD rIZIL.IBIIIIIIIIMINUIS • of Ow lAteet Ai let. Parthadar attestioa paid to coloring, bleaching andlhiendug. Bloomers and Riding Rats dressed in the tuostlaithionable style. or Also, "superior Nit of Liulko liesioly. tortier with a general assortment of Lady's Goods. April •=, 1859.-46. Am. : IT 1 D 1101783C11; FRONTING THE PUBLIC SQARE, ERIE, PA. P. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. T HIS LARGE AND ELEGANT HOTEL 11 Flax been thoroughly replied wad reileraielt ed, sad is bow open for the reeeptlonot guests. SS, Board by the Day, Week or -Walk os rea sonable terms, the Proprietor pledging himself that no effort shall he wanting to rye entire eanafeation. rir Primate Parties , Dinner Parte% or Nampa et Puhlie Balls will tied the aeacennedetkies at AU Beam superior to any ether% the dty sad the amps at tee sonuble. -fir-qood giebthee climbed whin iamb hen country will away' and attentive battlers to take sharp of their teams. xsy vssime y-nlas pounds, AFT. machine. ler, and INE. and the ,net of op Me caught t great IF YOU WISH to sae th • Intent styles and airport Spri=ln. iro to FLAY= t I F YOU WANT • the ,chati4l, Dural. Elvin Cloth. 08 1 / 1 76 1 1 0 .4 aoor in stonntlag , traveling. or Tam Dania to rho • BIM U. T . %0 YOU WlBll A.; • ) lasebeater lofty toll Gialtbata Visa M i r worth, go to the OR IF YOU DESIRE •retty Foulard* of Humane Sian at la wall oats, or a beaattful Unarm Stilts at In, M or lis, to! RA 7ORDAIVIL T F HOLY WANT POllltell Goods at irbolooolo, fro to tbo 8112 lIITIL Tr YOU WANT Coaitorpooteo, tbo ban. tbo am Comb, Disoite sodUm Lester, at the Mt BIM THEY KEEP the besterase at Reglblik, Gowen sal Hosbory o st the , 8114 C • sitc:YlN .1 JORDAN llooop tho gosoloo Ito** Kid arm, oleo Rik Lido u Ole. Tr AYES & JORDAN •LL keg" a luso of Etwoootolo g Domakit, sad Morbees tor Upbobborrs. HATES 4 .1 1911pAN, • keep* , dm. Stock of Whisk, Drapery. GO TO THE Jar bblibrlk~ohbbilimo WWI* avow RUgA.CRASHER ThiebEmedis bble Urania, N. pk las be., TinSUPERIOR, e goa l /BM br Pets_ Spin Skirt kor $ 141 b 8 he 126 dui be ariet irdi =I CEO J. J. FINDLEY Y GOODS. MILLINERY ♦ND STRAW dOOM 818 BONS, PLO - WI:3IK : o ; 4 "Oirsirite k , 4 .2) 'to 410 El BEE ,lii-VE!! HAYS & JORDON, Win open this (SATURDAY * 21st intt.,) • Az Assonsost of iliff IMS ME 1111! nun nom= ROM, 1 mums ZOZZA. Al" OBBWRINI, Ziirriarak. IN NNW AND 1111,41111711 L COLORS. Prete& lion• Montilla., French LOCO Pointe, Ilizet b Silk Reutilize, different styles,' 6-4 Berage for making linasil&AßTX.43, (in Plain White and Plain Slack.) A lIIVT AZD simrnin MAT, ' 20 SPRINGS, for 20a. BUM= OIUMUMMES, LINENS, TOR Qontlemen and Boys Wear ! NIP Call and examine prices at which we are selling our superior Stock. 'Tim your Interest `°%,"l".ism—u. BEE HIVE. ATTENTION MILITARY ! ALL the uniformed companies, 2d Brig. ass 20th DMA'S P. IL, ore b*st requadvd to wet is So P.b& &9.. n Nlfooder Jose,lloA nee, at II °Wolk A. If do ordeoped fee goosed Parr& sad By order of 11. scauumscallik Seig, fd 'sig. Nth Diviet i f arnz 'AL VILMA 11:41. nu. 14. WA*ri Adi de campp. AXISBOTYPEBI! PUT UP' A m y 0 R IN ' 90 CARES 131INTS CIOLBY will put up in cases 'the $1 --4 I,j *tan ka. 110 amts. no , 'a COLBY will put up in eases the $2 plc- I s n.. tare for $l. X , ?"! COLBY will give you a beautiful - new .4 style likeness to Bend by letter for 26 eta. .4 COLBY will give particular attention to i taking ohildrens likenesses. .4 COLBY will do all other work in his _, profession in like proportion. s. ~;- z- COLBY can, with kin sesanaoth ski -r, 1 i light, throw - ntore light on TUB sullied in = ea dark day than is really necessary to mutts an hopmasion. ri 0 COLBY will be found during business l at hours in the Rosenzweig Block. ,7 Erie, May 14, 1869. 49 11 111104i4402QUEV jiledi3o.lqlUV - COE HMI 111 Ell = l 111,000 Bold in the last Pour Years. gio single establishment in the worl.l ' can truthfully claim to have manislecturoJ Ul4 anything the is large • monitor of Reaping siJ wing lisrim during the mine thme, while my ileum dates back to the might of My gachioe, lu DCA— haulm hen actively and emtlasively engaged in if..., managerial:so for the last liftmen yams. las sow stole lamely sawed in the insantscturs of these Mocha., than ever before, and with my improvements Our lb.iei, 40 sot besitate to warrant my Machine an • Reaper, lluwer, and Amp s ea Maser, superior to any other for Ns. pliarj, dumbillty, and perfect working ; and further tii is,, tat Farmers, who may d.• Ni it, am at liberty to work try Mashie' through the kerma with any ether, and begiend pay ibr the one prelerred. The position of tho Wise to wry Mathis* (as patented) epos the Mal fres" viers them is great strength, and where the weight adds to the power of the Machine-, to the oely right one Mbar nibblers he,, to haul their Raher on the flatbat, where hen nest salmon to hunted'. dust thrown in his z . dli the eperation of the reel, and to Ming jolted over by the little platform wineltiiver which ho rides —esposesarily nicking their soachme to Seem. This se men* in part, kir tho yrrist rtereishm of my Machines so competed with others. Grad temada Atrial eserded my Mathias of Lawler Grensi Geld Mae( if liorarr of Peru, to MU, [11547N Myraind Prete mats fl-eirA lArbrereq krialriliere, .. 1.... i. \ Mewl Prue eff Ilepa -Iru-rulturia Society 4 Eolisni, `, Pa lUi. Hifilse Prtze of SLe U. S. Igricaterei Society, io ODfZilkililati* s ll Pahllmams midi by the manefactumrs of the Manny shim highest honor', sta., at the Preach Usiversal tion, in 11164, LICOWN ST THEM TO 11 PALM weer of my Machine, as Indicated by the *peas ahem, is its highest prates, while the mania of pretahune„ an Verdi] of go conedenor, sitheagh Reaper mass, maker a beasme of laboring and se lonsfai to moue the tittle animal sae-bons premium of rtes salutary— Although It may sot be gemmits us MOTEMOO4 it le METIEUNIIIMMI true, that thaw Rubino. hart ralwayebeee sold at assepa low pries., and but for the beldame with which I inteadueed void sold them Le thausaatiar kar the tae yams past, ether mallet mane*,. Wen vela destitlese ham put the pries Oath higher I amid hush& thousands of ta*Mmehhe from Pam en, sad others, of the truthfulness of every statement 1 hare mad., and mash more. I may (althea roars that sIl of tea Machines of any zaehmrs In the Must/ an mersemsaid of tom basis; seeemmily limited experience in eimpaelamse with my own. A Ante panel 81117:11ZEINRVICIL will nth* the Far err, *lt in peel of DURABILITY, tap aketsim is ter, far aspertor to all Mhos ; budded soma! meet import ant adh au , refirred to is nj Alumna Clacu• lar is pese lonia whirl will be those who Mei* rink:remittals, by eddassaln me, *sant will ME BIT NOM& CYJIUM IdoCOSALICK. Sold Warm is wartaabed to cat .as Dar °Murat or ether Lail Lola For hour ; to saes at lead throwburtke of all 1/111h1 scattered by sudhuu7 cradling ; to b. well sods, sad durable with proper es», sad LA ths mead ale be wail doss by a sat Abair sputa. I Will Libor may to all treatag to Jarchow LILL, ot r i . gra fartas% that_yra sat al eaguer, or oa soy aosa 0 P- of spy better LWI term Mao this. rapecisisse dor as hot taw yeses warraats la auras that thess-herths of the Naiades, cow to as la all Aber Wotan Las ass wasallatarsd by C. FL IfeCOMIWIL I lope boss trav eling aboostcomas tly doubly that Lek sad La truth telly fag that as Methiala la ths OWL' Stehle ham tbe orpatatisw he ol_r• that Cob Madthwo ban wed flaw the tiro Rom aaehta. boa Use latradamod, with im - niwei!orta CM I eaa warrant It to lo as good a Molds, at las b• feud la Ile. 7Q imenotiod la Walsht the oseetwal 410 well and strolddy ( trek Ina of Name !Oath Ir Bile N o w ilitlON he age Agesto o to oapply thou Famon la gas This is owe of Cloaking sad wow Women Ilardware sad Croolowy wilsbillo la this glib sad thou will be happy to wit all who say *On to avail thosoadvos of the of this Ifs radad N. Ailiode dolt C. K. 310Coainea's Roars ass lienrsa Ilets, May 34,111111—d00. Illaashotarod at Rime 111 T A G G Nro 0 D . haw • hew Moak of Pipped Leeward so Uwe algal wo oar at rori c tlyr Mos by Ow loweat. Ms* 6. _____ di IMO NOTICE. ERIE, COUNTY, sit MI llelleallaak lbe lba in seawall= el en MI SLOW Ch. and Cear a's Os% et NOS last, !a See= le loseby gives alit at a Coot it Cenuesa Mannitnald Overty, head at Itrie th. 4i is it Nag, A 0., VON; ma applbandea = Inaba =a =de ls petlllou, odd Casette 1 1 : e nthe lead Olisai aad ono saw= of Or Claw* @Wank i In In•ka : el s t i a l is esiii pallinem, set - Cat . sand =OW and alanine ih n i rd m l to iv . a=s Caul and . a= srldshaditla la es=rannina on Me n 'ties elks at On Pret==== ed.= MILY /0. INIS.-0= .1 Ullam. =lt& p PURE NATIVE WINE, CATAWBA, WIWI sod BRANDY, gat op it Careleasti, ma be Ind ea • ' dn. CIARIT.II di M. ' G REASE T GREASE I ! GREASE ! ! sew essikammar wag Onion's Aleut A ale erase, be Masibbera, area% mid 11u/ti which 6. Mad as bo Las . ta 80y etbar parrethap, as it rembiab sO Op ftkeis et OU with thi• bas Moe aoteu~ of 180/00e1 Y ieatit Op Ashes lbws 000 l sad ok•u.. paid -abooder MOM Ole Ibis at say other grew.. WM , . • Idellobial Ida asaviaos sap see ad 08 mine sad abalones. bid he t Ilexes b Zris. pef lah, BR' OHIO FIRE PROOF MINERAL PM N T lierreik hit Weer artiste •he Devoe. lem}ere and car Oat LI~ to the Memel Or phew, he' kV ' ALMI; ; ifs. Med f a pee