UAW do So jai 0 Wise Gold . 1111150100,, - . 10 so Wks* eile ' - C o r ni tossmid 004 I 0 Quote NIA Goid V lh 00 GeoW loft IWO& 05 ,;, OSP LaMar essais. II oo Loop 004 6001/4040 arr. • 0410 S 0 =ig h all At" - ' IOS 11•070461 ' 101.5 :""" ,1 SI 00,11000011 Diad ' - I 0 eon Male; -' ?1+ ...11 41 Paid* ''l it OS S061,001011•0•00/vosli NW" i 4 - 81 1161 " 44 . 11t5i, 1‘00 :1 W 11. • 1 04' ' '• ' A 0 "' t5O laalos'Amis - . 0 - do . 60 - SO so Lod& Clone Plisp o Ws. 6M 1.08 o• air I JO Wise 44 . 0 0104 . . Loan' a* 4 112=0 . I ii,i ionsif Dos 04 orllok TUN. 2 0 lAdior roko 04441/0 peters. 5 50 Lake So it . , „Joriper , . ~ i 4 3OD Rime 414 Gold Woo " ': 6 6o €6504 llooio•gli 144061 t .1 , - ilt oo , 111 J , gootot WIZ :• AI 4 13 60 Smile 410' '0 ' "lb • • - 4 0 "-vie iilaied 1.....-. - ii dida+ — -rnis - 200 Gestsf Mawr* Dattoada . 2 - E 4 Lade do .a es Lae& I•sit .-_ •_.... ' - 4416 Lead• 1... • os Goktetios ii/bitos ili 4. a; 14. Gaits* wr ite .. w' VW" 446400 1 41, 4 00 Mime Laud - Geste Geld V Kays asd soadbised, 1710 . r Wait 4oid 001.61.11, sit& *Mu Ihmtd . fisid Mop. adta litas=Pasells ao 1 so sot"=vorkstOttiVesei. s so nes i so 1 so oV all?id ieg i rss os I p h s .l kswio, - 11,00 ladies' Besist riesa. . li 40 LAO 1 444 4 + , ^ eo dio s ladlaa'Assits •di do a e g o Ladkof disoss Mar Dairy '4lO Mame do do 60 Ullissa• Idorßaws, isit666lasp lam Mist, . lop m an gliaaa 14 t.l* Ball ilaward kistmla 4 00 Ladles, a k k • di uo Sesta' 5/1 • - Gest? 13 , * 2GO a GO Gems' 10.4 , aGO Miss' Gobi - .. . 0 40 lbsasUassaill=ol.oddlooslo4lo as allow* Ll* 100,604411 miss ism , al ammo to SU 00 wislllll4/111111140 tbeaboort ifs will be ***Wok alloribatot worn ltionbaoiris 1411tvoory pm Took o r tools sold. AtlN* 4ll B *NM Pabilaboro" boo* prima. Mt lOW* OM gam Doss art rail* blassolr are botaibbartot tom tbstiolllllllMl* *ad to kw 1111511111' tie& Darla to vitt 'my loaramo to to Mad ea la =. ag prima rrbta troika to ao Lammas* o mi.., idtift 9.111 so may ablator* on ornatibro. Worlo by tto most porataftadboroi Ilvtog tied dood. ta o allakyloo, lois tbe mot Wily to Ur plata oat ar otostkal, via korplarr. •:. C.EWAXIIIES Mkt AVE TO ANY . ADMEN& , BarigAMAta Tay*, wadit 1. a Dow MON Works Or MN DMISON4 "‘ 1 / 4 1 .11111 "" 011 . 1 ° Dr. Lirtagattoo. / • Dame . m • lowroboo ittooro, / •AMON lirdWor*Pwas.„ 4B6 ( ain, • Tldurro. Worba or Dial. : Nl= • . Gbasbr i • Dro.Saalb • ~ sam ; iirgias j er ,. • 46. Jim kloor* o ibooa Dillor, _ •0* Mayas Itoba. 1 t iza tapta ild =aati, • Cbariotio Dion_ ts _ " B. U. tkoadorr. .. ly .. eist=l"l.6 • VD. JAW. " 41.1t00, --.lB.spl:Trimi. "D. T. Tholapos. .. Danys* .. • Parbry, 4 Arrel li Za, o Moot* • Marko iharitad. ..Lamb " tiatoDdi _ • Nag Hoirist. • MOO* Md o u t4 . • Aiwa* Zook • Lenora Door s • load Mama. ST OP YDS MOST MLi tt= . . Geoid* aororD, " luta% IMITONI AND NOG *Mies, Nn=sy, Prescott, Glibbos. Robataimh 46 = /L 8 ad • of othimpktime • AN DOW lbw Miami" • Byres. 4 1* LW&Bush Ms. illigemsey. I=or I. W.l I Hood" HAD& kW*. IN G := 4 offk. _ Till Uiressi, . AMNON/V. Woolworth. Mato. =tom ' ZAhor A. Poo. Avant Bo jot V' l b :7 4 & es tidalkog. hos Salt olr th t ...,.,.. i21t• - ash to Ali 4 Waal le mg other twi tIC milh7_ . Ow Orraalgoo WA GM trtlk mho& Pooh ALillll2lll.llll 'I 131 L Ahem ri im ot , OM ' tams% pothook* , Ittoolatod z o to •110 Mot •itt im gn ants port won AND WI PANOOIIa ; esolo, vi t e re w r astitil . laPtil l. lrealrterim - Mhio Mow ut an Or, sal ... Ihr oVew. AraAalf,Y*Ebiz aworpo j A/4igm* oy/A itrlt a tsod mamas Moo, TAIM.Y A Do1011.171ho0 447 " . pt . snisiodpkoi &ad oh rung - Thwirto M •00d with lao so: gratimpi Omni ill Moo trp000l v :•41 ow ow/ Is rootooorlyboot _MOM& treattlA imp sr ar wad woomMal. al" MISIMMo t ti Ma l attlirl Owe. • • . cr , i CloiiZrailmJ•res el Book" lo *yeti ittisui rsaslisialg a ostopieta: LIN ot tZta titim So Isom ma postooo fano. tag most boo to say part at Ulf Ilakut.-, to toro j a, oltookl bow* tt ma /took of rokixotor oft tiotrilota. Mood tor and pea_ , olli to li Z=Zo oltogromoot ctet,4 the iiildir WM 10•OOlosaty of groin'. Ordmiltillit Ilio lOOtter - ptiligey old addcted)" Mod s oat 5 i...1 \pole we swam il W =the otiosity. hook }WOOD'S bt tie Volta Oho retail "fob tit a l ilk,=it wfallor4 pby ma Ow of • pet" ow motor*. rookalooloo allowed to Molt Chits. Ploont roam asassiastse so me soap gl is t=ollm at tar Oilkopinom vtlitoot sip soot so thooraim 'Ww of loodboolo too very short Vass Asitilitio. tto aft imbed Mak OM otol loolio=troomoo tbmostottit Nampa" WO as i.l 4s ria " ri a r V lb. Ni Mime. lOU wawa boor bp maxi Mir Mares to O. O. IVA" lilt itstAtOttoo ant lholibitiop Boom, Apott t, ISIL-41.. IA Oboomet Otnot, nob, Pa. /GOOD Assawridorr - grautirsew Inglanakstaffs as 4 PM. 11 _ 1 /sr• Us. Alm 11. nalt Poet CNies Nevi Sort 6 6 OLD FOIMDRY" STILL AHEAD!! it APlEMlONaregica sk to Gosilifist 1111b11Weiii da y Mews et =i leValo 9 l 4 =GL II d i e a ta bZio= 0 =EOM G. LONG, - irDialants. wialliTh . . DincUs. MIDEDEe. DOMAN EDEN taperer wklCuitAlgetipsitalie"iumiWitralelel"-...... 11.4 1014 Irosadgy," w..w. Osoww 111mip..... Arm* Ms l . yell S. • ' ' BAIR k .1001 KM §1:10AR81 Meilel 9. is t a =raw ressiviv idi laritir a ra *bow denbas Alta !ights ;pet. 00 sad ar. Ara mom a 00. VINEGARVVEMAItt VINESAR I Lamm riwonazatriAlroo, 111111MICOSKL tremprinem.. a..av=lllll ar o 161-Pliikes re, ead V as = •Tie4o44 4 ;'4141 0040•Moiffe /Me li ng s s pili. low el 644. Jr apo s fierni IF .4 tess, 4 4e sit, 111 701 i E i g enUilWAL WM-a '- baba Idiewfdielh i 1 W a sothe et Wll Mos- Nsbi ;pe "Melo takkk. 'Shaw iN4I r isbur am . inek iebn eurai " vift wo4er pperrissarr lii NMI oath: A prUMIIIISAIRSIA " • ;. r • • t ROAD -SC AP sf a 4 ", v •va nom= +hue ; 4010114mga s. Alt. 1/ : Corset al Elite Afea,llllllo. , 11A1111 001111101E4 EMI t/ LOCATE AT B(ITALCI, Co Seneca & Main Stream N. )r. CITY, " ooperAwArhe," Astor Place PRILADELPHIik, Corner ith & Chostaut St. ALRANY, No. 448 Broadway. ~ kl CriILAND, Pon BertockiAlinitteio D IT, No. t.'o Woodward Amu,. CHIC GO, on: b..„..t and W.. . Streets. L Atzialiil WO •Mt'ir ' -'-- 1 Steiteets es . se, orro of thew QAT% b y the Irma of $46. waled to Oa the •" 1 " "eiss"l" .. ... ~- 1*- 1.1.. • .:•• •• s.: =l.%i cmAki o n ~ 0 Cb.h., cal at the Colgo Rosa" or whirrs, as above. . .1.410.. ).- ...... .„;,,AiT Luz ,. t asstios D MODICILN Poll& 11thou, -I=l4 ow., Tempest, Cowpe i r, -.l"Aiiiimartts THY Jincont i rorlry Mode Bo oks, lice. 1 and IL xa 1 anntalweill illafts and krona. Prier one amt. Nal nata 1,. as tine and forum Price 3 ono each, $8 per hundred. Potty OM omit week. Tat riabeathol liNessitaisadhl tunreand hymns. Prior 11 worn end+, $e per hundred, pPliftll 1 onto en* elenentry boort, SIU outs each, $l3 p "ll ar hundred. 11111 W . l :6B4 l4ettre= owl Taney Moe* the rooky terhur loch. klrocalpu, N. Y., owataine upwards elf Do woe. 04 hymen ; it 18 beautlfally boss& Pries OS oats at* poolsodred to mot aoremklS oats fedi, SO rir Oul eh l u lO" " 06. arlhes. " Joss al no maSool will beret on, V deidred. CAMOUSSaTIO AL SlMlLlW—litotaskia "opinions of 11,— TO from hattrorposel Uttar*. Au eight page ?not P. 23.11.perldris. pst Mildred. Oujrnissoicums OF vas .0144 IE iRt. r., 'T a erse~rof~e : • • am -•., A mairnimr - JEA • • • Devoted to Voreitetse, Dooldag. thaollutonm AO! altars. Illeelesedijoi Wow, Cenerrefell Lem, Pelitieet =... lallostiitY `AA esoll Stattiekel letemedies..— eo moitidy at Cooper lain tote, X. T. 'home $1 L er lausllNVahe mot vedsettoa I V. ?Ye west .I=thia wt.:. =- • • A C A R D te /KAM. it'll his tbao l to rtntleaor ta• ray liberal 1+ they bare so Madly bodoood oe Ma the Aro • Lad of latrodaosiog to them Rho A. Oessi Chime ml Ida istm r . Nopteer that the Ma* p(Momago sad Had which has bees Matmeed om Mat, ass betoadmod i Tory M: R IMA R. • MISS: A. R. COLE, DeCila the vit' .4 - 444' 44° of Blake's umlaut Room 's, j Woods carry 17= - kUllinety and Teem Goods la aU Its Ravi tton of ng just rotansed fr om Now 1r with "gni:holm Woo • BONNETS. 1t1.110,10, Panay Goods, or p i I i t yWLEROVB TO MENTION. glia Hells a abarcAf. iffintiaati an aa anal Et Weak' PtMre Biesebtag and ,Pr.apang dote to a superior manor at NIM eta, GRAND OPE/HECI ' au &Mud& itateh EMI., We. , MISS!,.. ILCOLS, C Etaka's Emmet. Ream. . _ trio, March 111, MI L-41 SELDEN'S MAGIC FLUID, TEF GREAT riEIItKEIT I Iva max Alai BEAST. SEL DEW') MAGIC FLUID, THE GREAT LEIWIENT! DOR MAR AND Stiff. SELDEN'S MAGIC FLUID, TEE QUAY unworn 44)1t .1421 AND 81aga,.., SELDEN'S MAGIC FLUID, T 8 1 GREAT LICIMIZET FGR MAN AND BEAST. ELDEN i•S MAGIC FLUID, THE GREAT LIEXIBIT PON MAN AND pr. inn r ear ik-4= a d:abt lie . mal t 1 thb owt Me by an Dealers throagboat Usable CA It?ER sok Arab Ibr March. Mk Iso,-47-1& HORACE WATERS, Ag't. • 888 BROADWAY, .1 , 1.< Y:, PUBLISHER OF MUSIC AND MUSIC jv •-r• - • --- Leake fa pip. % 14ioe oa coaa, Illssnumbo Owns. Organ kooortiounii, 'a teinistod awl Ober Galion, Violins, Velar •loss, mans., Mimi Trion. 1.., Wotan Nat% Ii m onithaunnots. Violin Bove. bat 'Willa Sinaloa loos lastnniassio, for bomb, rime Stools soil Cor sam, , arid ail kinds sillinsiosi inntsuanossis. MEW? .1110111AL4 boss i =tisors tbri ; Bettie; linatin'a and = sad all lands of Inionni o Books too Sir above isotrusueslo Chun& Music issmko;= rep s gl , Xid a .,da g 6116 tine sfr w PAWN& Mg* Plialleigs WPM _alati; l6 , SM. and 11 1 to ; ISSCWip ISAMU FLAMM teas VS up to $lllO ; Now B=o/1 114 1 4 o l g i lte ' Smile OMNI", wtsis Moms fO/111,aino rnsrpo, $lll6 Sallk WA , " stoPfs $2146 ate filfd wetly Moe slops Itzto.amoi Aleasadre Masa •oomeseDuse—• sew &osAnsoorit just impooird—pirs mut Salt • • gim se Ouriposon,Cilmilsoooloibetkasistaks. Ileasiasero=Tosehars. Tie binds noppliosiat *kw nor al traderifoorlasiss. rboomsotaeolafarlionot, sad nut iUawil if pardons& &Vila & sposibil Mcothly porionotnrooldiesitssiargotlisipassissio ood,Oro. - 11ABBATII SCIIO4.IL BOONS mum= BY 111118 6/60J8Z : THZ hisii/Versary and Bandarlehool Itosk No 2, 'Dawes aktito pies S welts sick $2 par Via han Andrani di versary and itanday4/ebord Made Beak No. contains 36 tame sad hymn& Prior 3 cants OWN *1 per hundred. • Mit Annivantary and Sundardeisool Mamie Boob; No. wands, 46/ times sad hyena. hies 6 mai each. $4. per hundred, TIM Anniversary and Sandarliehael Music Bech; assabibinp / aae with mama/ odd/Lions/ 11101114111011 16 inane and hymns. Price itesala saah, l ra handled. HORACE 'WATERS PIANOS & MELODEONS. " The Mae came is Mad, and he lire( likte order. It is mammal lueutuntent sad zionaltake."—Cim it trauma, ritils. John limaitost Carthage, New Tea, who has had ewe at the Homo Waters Pianos, writes as follows, "'A Irked kit Mine wishes me to wallas, a piano br I bat. atm 1* the ate you'eold see la Docesaliar, 1565. 7 - IV piano is Maeda( popular in IbM place, and I Walk I nen intiodune one or two soon ; they will be moos paya ble than aerate% mete." - " IF • Marta" of Waters' MIMI la tap la air tksabsui. one •1 which boa lose seemely tested toe these year; sad a. OM Nit* to the* good quality sad databtlity."— Wear 4 01= 1 1: Noma Casesit, La. L •• IL Ir. iherbeer der :--Haviag used owe of year liswo•Iro r two you, peat, I have found It • eery esminkir issrwarrat. Aware Gan . Preadyel lirmaiips Nirkehis lassame." 80. Mani Map as, ratio es haloes : " Possros Housert. N. I r .. July 11, litil. N.. Waraaiti—/leer der : I reesimil the Msledems rho sad In good ogler ; am well pleseal with the watimeel mid the toes ahm. Hope I shall basemen =llll"4lN to older dew or two Mete the present ~lase." Tway N. Y., Amp I WA. Ilicateeti Weet, lisq.—Air , i The Melodeon you met ' am was day - veil la roil whir. 1 as saw RAT at* pared (c o sy the latftmait la hly.adif egg= and I be you Will amid my thanks lbw the eery teas e• Whig OA_Joigla gana ilad kit the Nag lii= We harams la smsn iii= t all that So promisad. T ---- Very g=y Form a Wad Plow I rsorivedhursrpha esalbarsts pa salls- J nom) It seem el the boss lastruaraals to the V w —Jaaris I. Csiaaha.Charbisaaa' Ifs. . lielohobotrissibly 'Mast liestahl;ol topa Met ear o llbanildiseentat—rreliko all I ass kw yea ta awl . "—Ras. I. N. bloCoaarics, Tawasesalha o 11. O.' flis Am ea *II esselvad. it arm la sassilsat lasy mad alladrad by my miaow tnumb Ostrow preasphamm."--howis Taw W i l lirraiis as vill.ll Is the bag me* OW • .—TiPirss A. Lam Mat, cimmbeuk Go . t • are *I , alma obliged to ag meat imi* a Sas lastesmat try in% . nib ishl=l.• easearead lt.''+-taalas. a CD ., JO& r. ma emu waters , ass hewn, se weasem the sZ beat. Ws ars ambial at Vissaleahrhassas Nihall=t i latable ."-g iblit 1 iiihb *lb ea litho dile &sea Walllhri thr=oransr . al . _ Artica l slis Wag et the lard %Yll 44( CABE C LOGREB PAID DURING PEAR 1858, erftegigi INDZIENM( AGAINST LOBS BY FIBS, &XV !Mt Pedbing J. V. nowre alk z ra q, era-+L BALDWIN'S CATHARTIC PILLS. ;t awn aatwitup V li-S { 11ALDWZIPS 211111211210 FILM SITIZZL al annalgi 3 3nr 221 Y 11212 LT VIONTABLIt, 221911V 4 1M122111.2. • :$ lllO 6l A { o mow is VU. figgitefflgeil 2•11 eta mats ..=.t HALDIMPII Drag firm Ed% Kara 112, No. I Root Bow., ncaMinian JH. RIBLET - HASREMOVED 1118 • epleedWl Meek a Ituallig, on State street, szvoutarwiralv ball expressly for porpois. vim may le head • 611,e; 1 . 41,1. fir /PIM grabmina l s at Mad/ et Cabled Wan wally bap be rad& ea eetablielaseat. Or Be erg Isar be lied Serer Teb4B4 Zill a Oath 2"1 3 * 111. 4. 1111 = 1 " 44, limmehmoband by Wawa< segegaar , wilt a l ike CI I-I .A. Ili, S ... .T • 4 v ' ... 4 'ft . /11111 LOWERS, BAD:DRIBdIBA And main, argyles fX may grads sad swim to suit sostanses. The snood Isar is fall d MOMS rustarvier., sack a• Reba, Tot•-•-T•tel, tam& Ondissomes lasi Malys, sod &Ukiah of Cushioned Masi& Top Castes ma Ard 111115114 WM Vol, WI - Staab ne third Soo? eostains materiale Med s Miv ameba of workmen, competent temsondbakere any ele tads embhett the in the best style asd ekortest Beaks. Mae yobbo, parties/mil tie Wire, ere Merl to eat sat --- Serateme am/7 1 6,sei l km set to be andenold by mu eatabligumat is tbe einewbere. all Maas et hunker sad prodsookekes is at- Vi/sr fanittanh. Lim J Limb 11, 1860.-41 Sole Propeletm, e—Jest received a tarp et libreon, mitt hag all lima, qualities asst Qppoeite the Rat. DAB'S FANS AND ET 'RUNT FANCY Arden. no Litho will lad •Mr mon of Uwe, opiesulld Combo 1•111, at the Pimps &ANL& Mardi 12. .1111011. GLLT PORTRAIT FRAMES. Gilt Mauldin., Glares, Tine Trench Lith ographs la Fraser* or out, i drag at the Bundle& anti Pua rld. /WIN. HOE 6, SHOVELS AJD SPADES. abate* backs, Realm 7044 RV Swig Him ' Mal Crorbeas.ltabaAA.Minasie • leb.. .1. C. !UM. PLASTER. 10 Tow. prim fihrooad Plods, to Bloods or Bolk,kw role by•* r41.1.004i &pc!. Nift,udi ' - • - • GII.T SHADES. GILT SHADES, A — besot/hi lot of Gilt auto at very low foan4ist J. C. I, INDOW CORNICES. cattalo BIAO4/4 Vladimir Awakes, Nide sad Tom& Wisdoir Tiztares, for ale dm. try J. C. ULM. B ABBITT METAL ♦ supidor wilds at STEAM PLANING MILL. DOOX A BLIND IMAPIVFACIIeaIr. IhrPOITAPT TO MIMS! I Cairters , ems! 0.1.114mr3r. O molt • LIME MOE 0 THOZOUGHLY WS dolt sad Poplier I bex Awed Plow li apit il Lom il lgao, • =t a t d 14t abloidok Madcap MN" Door Frisson. trltMi 'Um - will NU dem Ow Omit. Harlots two Woodiorties boorvord Plosdas lgorktooo 'hod rootritist mostoutkr to o Ire an propmet to do MOM salt liimirgaANU Ir e = rilietilrair. Alt orders - irfilteeitiO lb* t. 214 11161 t. GOLD AND SILVER GOODS. Mao ..a. ..¢ all Weeds • Jaws nob amt . etas • • %VT . ' , • 1.• ;• d e -Ca LOOK AT THIS LIST OF NEW BOOKS. - jUST RECEIVED BY'LRBITCHLE AT THE POST 01/110111 NEWS Mtn. : Lady et the lsle by the llostinreatb" lay," Aram by DM*. 6 . 1 W Zesilelets," by 11. /Aegis. ..' • tasaa raltinkiv" by 1,0 " HOMO IlleatieCtim break. *Letters boo by . W. O. Dryad. " Diary al Lily ... , ; 'oe elit, Ilastatio• sad wird I pthebil iseee,l7 . a =ad Talus 44:MediaL" - 01 Platens of Costae, " YANK WIMP' by Dr. Ws). M. Weed. " .. /14 . 1yee me sot et Ur Sesate." se Wediells." 0 the 111 " by Ifieleber. "1111110 % itiVIIIII." z Addle Des "Oets mid the s." C. l l NM aroaf Zs* Apill % THE 8 A. e BBAT/1-BCHOOL BELL—A Still' tkdhictlea of choirs ..d ames, carkinal and standmad, earshilly sad arrang d solos, duets, We* ratil choruses, sod for orpa, ardedsea, piaa• . MOM* eastelas ass* SOO hymns aad tans* sad le erre el the beet eollectless for lishbothiehoole 0v 2 211,102 , PIN IN* losadrsd. pastor I emit. isappasy boandm eta., pis per hundred, postage,* eta. Ames tlarlsope masher of now and popular low b. Lai Wets can Norte " The taupe Yoke heal _" and flied le There." Memo wet wag to mom tee thenssadehtldrsa saa Saitrallm•cobant State alonil tbst Chdrestlisi Jy. e'e 4 11 by the Wises Luna sad Nettle Tressalne ad y N. T., sad went 1 0 0 1 / IFlcr Nook is. copies bays bees larld irluaa sixty thkva. raw have bola introduced tato sagas tha turps. edisoht ia Now Tech sad Dreet2r* Mesh( 1011112/1/14/ pp, Batten's, Dr, MAW@ laid Dr. 1/eLatre's. Stud bydHOU= lIATUIS, Agent, pell 2, isise.—cue,. EVERY LADY. _ - inia r am Ur iludosi lishnt amilim orot 11 '..--: 141141111 =4 A room. VIIIAANCIIIITWA I MBIL Gang by wbl* be km* 0111 bo }wholly probortoi from ht. pan Wa noose", soft, o awl to bits Arilowtri. bo al Now Drug sod Moro of April 9. 1910. CAET,II 6 PRO. ......... • T ... tie gi t i rrab i r ed ta"b ra isibm =re e la la aaw to flosiva kerbs. al tbs tot argosable mtgs. _ Wl* G*As_aily4l-Ibessra ea bean Oran will ma RIO $ no pews Ss atm, vim, 4%7 dims will bad A Ow sasivesloss it a haw s _bit . be basssajmai Pow Outs. thairaWilii Warm as Male M. Mamma CM Mak et I.abs * Warne sot Madre ii Gabbs alma G. jr. W! ITFACTUJUDI OF %spool Mall" Caner et Bonsai abeds,l66.lfts. T=e 4beillpi a lesiessissing ti M:5 4. 6 ... "- re tbs onwrstambeeezzivaiesam alOre vanai l sriem it a. Orem; Of* men of -111-121 C ASV. 1111 141 4 r I l a I I = by j r a kg ?3a *Tows, MUM= 1, iS'.) $ 1 AtillitAt Rev II 8- .1. C. BELDZN'B. 'l', IL AUBTUI, l'angas liutidlft, MIPPIIIINP 4 ittatjoan7 r k. i 'nfaVALErP L 0. ,,. e):1 ( ;LT : ,,, t ( . ' O O i 4 14 4 i i 1 :31114 /'- •ss sow spot lO** FiMffMi alloo l s4* ' ' 1 •‘)°. I_l • 18 Dia 011DMIG a igoiesdit sooottoort ot Ash GM gilit•ln4 assess. Xlago ► tooillsoiloil* ionsq, or VSZIMIL alltD OAtN AL ARTICLIL s . sellable ttrii 1111 112oig i ttlal lo am ot 4.1141 = 4 : 6111 C 11181 ' tad, . , - Writ A G #RANENIENTS. A.41 7a 16 P 111 0" 1 et Umfilat at sOkmov-C116.0! IMAM OWN% sod Prooldos 'Oa to the ids Orioood he 04401* or Do moss is wiii iioceldorirtflll46o.' Rtfoh o litoo ID, 11/61. Ea ri• 174 : pr t ~,, 1141. • 1.,.. ..... ir ......, Irinb Meet, Irrilha'n 4 0 10. q. .a" 014 I , . honed. B. ae.- primetit • , • lIIISCRANTIr ' & 1 e - 1 COM PANY dirrldbl‘Wa. ,L, . t., • Clip&al 10414/011111. r ilislu altlr id 1 I I COMPANY, Mims", illiadhint Cl= all pakt op Patts.o.7l;coArifr ill if li t i r" . issaß l r e L t• Its* Dos. JJIL, PUS ICE IN' • TEE FIELD CP soworal • that I ea. tatteiho IN Sar peons la Vallowiwg and Reath Sado Cledgme Mita.. ow wadi the Mood H sailasver to boos at •U ems • dries CLOTHS, •1 •- lllllf 1111:111111168. =will who • you short oath. sad otwildig Is foo •or so laareic PillsPillsla wart Ng • ed Pills Alai dash with. as lon • . sat ~ to maw op say goods bat sea as : odilig • pet sr ' Wi lla& -.11 width will imp at awi l M ilan atool to tto so T- F = 6l '° I Mil Me talitei 1a a i f Sad 111011610 aa sh Orit Mow. as dlionoiwat to ioll 4 11 1,41111M mi r abort jr adikOted inibsiet•L oiis MUM ELL " : 4 . itIITUAL 1178IIR , AIMS COMP or PHILADICLIIIOA. AIM arm Sha DORS Or Or mil a • . Ur Omits theyatuip ay elthist ' • peadok saises w it tn er e lasuorad tbsnfl s : tie a peom plls; a lr i. 1 1 " 1418 IMPlONdiseAullem 2•4 ia lows or Nat% Ma no dte4 tam sonnear di . Jelleili.:4;,. De".ii IDA ThIP•11 1 " . lielosit Jobs, - Ganeet. as:6l Ikeeuel idrarde. Ilird• D. elsow William AMA, Dame IL Davia, Milian Hay. INS. John a litil Dr. It. 11. Ihmetaa, Delloaae. ii=e 4 lloo 6. otro ll .l. Newho, toba D. Peareee, ' 3. ""Ira ILmeal Brodie. Veneer Do. ItArnat, Priet. t. lietraona, Dory ; . Ile= i asa be lea& to *peg 4. J. BILLOW. I- _ ‘1(13 4, Nli GOODS! SPRING AXE BUMMER MILLINERY. UtB. Y. CERTK • JABL Wen Ai sertassat al laarnf r a i rrA . 14 1 70 amidst' by of a groat Of Whits and COLORED 13T W i WIVES; BLOOMERS, AaClalldriTZ m rei i grlo, Rimier floods, Mort Radom Liao VON Pram& ConoCio sod =olo of oilkfoolo_fot booNsy 1 / 8 /44111**sad Brom Wu% Gook at orloolmooki Elosidag sad _ duo la do bid MOW: Ratartaimpi hardsg lmilk Brews 48 2p2TIMP. IMM: M. cam. - D OLVES WARE fIirOXLE, No. 12. Empire Mock, by EOGERB a azzorzir. Asti% INIL IMM HARDWARZ. Room am BENZ EM BIM the Lives& sad Bert Selected Stook IRON, /ALR SPRINGS. ri ANVILS, BROVELO !UM SPADES, NALLA keg DOW SAWS, EOM 1311028# 84 1 4.193DiairEVIr s H&ENBSOTRIMMINGE. to., to., CUTLERY, PLATED WARE. In that shoot every thing. se netabor die Old Maas, =prim nom, t o n sad i 2, Ap.4l " i '! , 7" l 4 I *ow thiamin. 403) 3=3 NAILS, STEEL, SPINA VICES. BELWWS, RAfilfgßEl, HOBS, 141 4=W _ • I WM% IWO and Wigll., will Iwo Plesseger 01•111604•110•Wor eta 'wow 1:11,414.11:14,0=.16=1 at en hip _ha , 41.1 40 O. Was roam Ili~Aiesisit at Du , m 161,:millt lies Who etas /11. T sod .6 Ilei• Railroad: st Lab Oh Soli. T. °outlet NO ilsibie asi It. T. City it OW& a. NOMINIBM4 ilhipsdatimaiket. caa . !oa•lGNpra ••• ZalltWalil anid — D•Pert. Kw T4411A1154849 • - ads A. u. .14s a l iiii .:4--....... ~ .01 91/ A. ff. looffus. ...... .... 4 , .9 if P. it. •411=lupseefroo - 4 16 P. W. rsitibilliCit.--- '• • A. ff. 1 is r. if. 1901014 14.4.,..41...: . $ 40 A. u. =br X 404 Itspefeollako gent of rotordiro Nee *Mel !helm and proofed esti,- eianott ripen Beads, =f ii i KORAN, Pres% • • lista 19.1044.--41.41. ERIE a it• - • ON and AstrUstaiw. Alp& 4, and until liaiilee M -6114 E l / 1 1/M4PI tralasvalfflut ambligrum LEAVA IBM .'.'";jlA at kl111"tie 11. 2a . laiTgrat j a s .p i leset, altellattiney, W Id, &away Silretworek and lrrin. -*Mews at nodal. at I . 7 es P MAC.Miehinsti Impesek' sworn et Westlieki, Dun i* 4.21 inoriara Bultalo 10 WI, A. M. 1=142 0 0 11 .411 000 00% at Dunkirk and Bat to with 01001. Y. kg.. sad New York Cwonal Rail Road. LEAtir NW/AL& 10 00 .A WaW, St ivanasewileo, bolo& Silver Volk, Wastiold, artlneel, Mato Lbw, Worth 'sad Netag, arrive* at Elie ei 1 40 P. Y. 00, P. M. MUMIGOppa sto at tiß.at Creek, Dan hitt and Weataeld, arrives at at 12 801. IL Sonano Ezpano, • pa at Inhaveraan. Dan. lurk. Weatdrid and North Nast, arrives at Krim 7 21, A. 24 4 4111 d. 10f0. El= Cleveland -and Pittsburg R. R. T i ttli E DL A, A ßLE.— firue. . l l ; A ?s .E ]care Cl-ce thaddelly—Buoday seseepted WOO - A. IL' Malt for Plttabarphr i )Wheellog. 446 Amourneedation for rasa and Millermig glib P. X. I:now for fittalwargh and Wheeling. The MO Y. sad 1,25 P. R. trains Ws direct toursou• alsotleas with Poore. R.R. ter Baltimore, Philadelphks, New York awl Boston. Also with Baltimore t Ohio IL Batitosine and Wastdrigton Cl 10.410 A. train alas etinswers at Audios for Akron ladJ. ht. WCULLOCCIII, Supt. _ll.l. Des Tkheßagrett. 13 KNOW ALL PERSONS T HAT THERE. IS ON SALE CHEAP A T RANSON'S MACAU, Cherries, Currauts mid 4 Tamatoesos tree* as New [Trait, pre- MROCZNT Timed tu Ahr as FRJRIN RAISLNS, Commis, an num Jon, tip, Lenkolll4 and Nuts of ra jdons Ithale. TRAM emus,!witty for Engl Dri edish Yeast,) at Gls by sa Lody warranted the best Yeast in nail. BALICRATITS, Crown otTartar, Car bonated and Sal. Soda. Durkey's and Babbitt's Raking Paper. Macearoni, Yermicilh,, Ferlditt, Ca m. Baker's Chocolate and Brow" Sege arid Oatmeal, Baled Oil 1 large nadsmall bottles, Pickle% Pew Swum, Catsup, Wormalerakire Baas* sad Prewring Utz:seta DA]fD)7iJ 1l CORM; /imam ot Code% pm* pima Java Cadges in pound C,sas or by the single pound, Joy% Minh; Rio and other_ thiee; alas, Roasted Cotes; Imperial Gem Powder, Yortag Hymn, Old Hymn, Byson, Mkt, Oolong and other Black Teas, of superior quality, by the box or on BUGARB—Crushod, Granulated. [Powdered White and Yellow Codes, New Orleans sad Porto Men Sugars. [ SYRUPS A ROLASSES.—dtew Or halos arid l'Ofytbrup. Rico Mobusesand Bo iar Boum B TOSACCD.—Boperlor Pine Cut Chewing mad 111160kift, Cavendish and Ithtural Lid, Anderson's Bathos, as., bat we must stop—the Printer can't 'ford Its mon —hot lbs haindreth part h..a not hem bald you. we may resume the subject next bride:o watt that but oome sod sea, sad with the of ths Booth you will be led to intai. "The halt has not bees toldoil " POPP? lreghllST THI PLACE. Ana.* nos. WHISKEY. - _ ATI RAMPS FAMILY GItOCRItY A Ti 11.1N801141 .AIL AT; wigwam At. HAWISONIS AT: ILLNIIONIII AT ) E4X11011P11 DOWILA inCTINIXD, WAJIMANIIIO nu. rIT & R. CIITICIULL• S WED MOMS ON 17IENCM rraker. CHEILIST MUNDT. at CEITIRCHILV S. =lor dill it at mo s at CittriCH/LV& kii& CHURCHILL' I. WWI@ at an at at a CY fla tt llt CH Ch ILL' riLL*& Ma at all mad. at & Itamot pm id , a. at CiatitaltaLL* 8. Pip Wte an fat andiegsuil purpsimeaoit___ CHUMMLUS, Itria, - /Pati. ,9 In& Reed R0d.. .. /NSW/ St. S.F. PIKE'S Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy 1 THIS BRANDY bar been mane avid for sm ell .anal hornthe Mg MICR of the CATAWBA thee lterding additional mideore of the pro- Ihrietris• and Industry, and of oar AWt to rubies netidle• at !ease meal to those made °LW Endo& • OHJIO aIIiWAWKIA 111111 ANDY not coil equals bat mob Os bust boreal Brandin in purity_ and Savor. It in Stet.= SSW BRANDY KNOWN. This etatemillet la tally corroborated by the eartilhiatee feLr meet distbeedebed anitlytical Chweirta. The want of PURE BRANDT has bay bees felt in this , and the iutrodaction of an article of inch vial igy GI is engem& the web and me of those vile cow -1 rends hitherto sold under tbri manse Li , WWI" tegairied ee • amiatpublie good. PieltrTAW 111.111RAND=eateee good guallthe claimed for ego bed jen Litman. aadie of perked purldy and ea parlor isear t ard • asset and mire roam? for ' Drignipaim, iliebeWq, Cramp Cholla. Leaguer, Low Illphia,thaignil Debility, Obelus Karbala, Ike. AMUJ BHOULD bE WrMIT IT. AIL VRICIIIR 1111 PLR lar Riad the foilowtag mittliteam from Charier T. Nam litO• dower. Bala% °stoic! 21,1: 23 . Sum AnsavalM 07)1014 a! Sommorr Se. I bawl, certify that I here this day made a _aleai,~d sample of Catawba Bawdy, brought to me by a e mg...44.0‘., and that I have found no adatteratles lageedlaata or Improper adatasese In lt. It Is" a pare bawdy ipteß with the usual coloring and secedauiae mittiere !Whinging to brwedy._ I wield noonimend It for Mitlielna MAL T. JACKSON, N. D., - 4 llbewime _ State Awayer. Mitres. of thlawill be rtgitla a mall beta, pat* teettag upon Iµipliatlkik to the t. 4084. 4, MISS,-. . L. I. BALDWIN. Bob Assaf, F ABEES PENCILS at all Colarriad Crider. at_p_rtopi from ins, Is tweak, !vs eats, 1. bowl at AIIBMKLIW at A* Pat 0 00 1 1. April-41M. R. N. BROWN, &apt, loam = e Wittig - Nem a aid ilebrabod ae I .=4te ow the i aim Omn 109_ il_ topietillis say greatt PAW PM& 1 111= 6 14•3111. dal N . s iom • E mi l y ' ittrasmxnvit v. ,saint=A7C perlo.loll.- ►INEIS *AA. t.o r ibmplawi '7'9ARaft* *milk - /1111111141113 t. ' ! MatIOW/ 1100100411:111111441k4.f2,I.I! 'ADO s: l ****- . , .g, q),ft. • . ERUo~~= ;~•~4+!~ k it t i sa. t. Tir 6 , andertia .n. •' sullapres moot .„_„*" la* larmidis Orr lii•Perintisa fiNisPlit• ' lb Wirs4Ph MOW as, a=417.111V1% Orb one IMO% NV reemciy. The Wes at diaserie far which the id ttp 'iinirrilme • emos, peeelosly that wiselt /ftitcth Maid this =auks of miscast* en Thilleth ore weeeetbie, stet'the wellitritha tel=fte ea opia Byrom hisosthrweerthith. j immila t Those who they midi he tes IWO poisons ne oath mg the eismatilier thetapitp, WON 161 to be estieloci with the *allowing. mons ensserwis ter Mamba; 111 the heads of the The Wieneses are Unmoral Nent=a• OM in the eowisounthy. end of the highest 416 wr iar The sectiesigesS, having tile Itithellefitit forte of the - oriwrime !n )p motlitershi te nee* well to the &dialling dais phi..' Paw ow own esperiseet sewn so tems the lostitheony of oaten whose intelthreest and in ass alteibUta wousettotahle, we ha* &Wet awe of theipiemMetelese =Jai sada weld hi ant = iiie the eirreeter et these the ha* eitessatth sae volunteered their ltthimeing, se vethles*, emetethe the pewee. Rev. JOIEN notroln, liziox a. mom ?BORAS A. MEM, igloo 8. H. KENDALL, N. D., JAILER . 18011111, SAMUEL MAY, Rey. TB . IrlElllllololthi. CERMICATII OF LIR . It le weft known that the miodhal east of of Iron is kW by ewe • ThyNe i air, that to miaistsin a eolethee of Oboe, without farther ethiehoe, has Mee deeded thspessthile. In the Perovkan Bytnp this dishelle pots* I. *tuna by coillifileTiOl IX • WAY 1111301.14111.011111; lad this solution nay replace all the protorrbeeenteo eltsotee i and tartrate, of the mow*, Keen. A. A. AE168,11. D., • kmayer to the fitectsiothissesthwant ' N. I- CLARK it 00,- resPasiothe No. 6 Wet* Street, Boston. Cr le Kris by. CARTER k BRO., sidDranci. ally. Nett. • At the old Stand. ~. N, MURPHY, . Betwesea Brown's Hotel A led Rous t HAS ON GAIIII A LARGE Az•illicifflCElft OF HOUSE MOLD 000E1303TOVIES, ie. .. Alan, a large and oesuplate untortampet of capper, and klbeet bostrara. Ow*, a Lip smart .ki to of Cutlese k• t !hair,'.. — le., Britoil& Castors lead Ti.- - ,4 pota, also, Tat and Spoons, era^ eapprt, P is rea lat la OUR liNtuldH* tier, also. a large Swarthowst of Japan - Ware of o 1 1.1. 11:: Die beetaseort • soon* orbs Die„ atoll Shapes -delve itlet,, • Coffee Cr . s, C p* Knives, *mar; b hoods ead pokers, Dade, Washboasds, Shave* Potato, s oda, Hooks, Be+ *trg= = 8 dad Ballidog Punspit i n len"r4 Load 1"1=ort S uer nsio. p Chains, and Tubing Me oull Pampa, and Lawry Watts" Cesare; aad Wan% Mid Lamp 410/41taisda, Seale" to 4 fittlyarde, Zink Ind Sheet iron, Wlne, Mah Corers, Caidledieks sad Imp, labia Mate in Tialulaters Shows* and Visages Stand, and Milk Lana and Topirt W . 1 ., Tea Bay lhoreNor Snit:am Sanger' and a, Mama RA Trope, Nails, Screws, Ticks sad Oil Fenders, I Dadirea, Bread toasters, Deed Bores, Dog Callers,. health De" Peat, Stew Pam, Grind Stones awith fareene. All of witch will be sold sal). J ob bing doneen Use 'barter* notice. H o n am, Pewter and Naga taken in ezehazsge far ro& "lease call and exudes say stoelyNkmatinty_t_ _Ollll Erin. Map it, 1814. , Yount , N. SCSYST. G"-' n FURNITMLE kT LOW PRICES. 1 , li t Taunt & Briatol, t , i. t FUR-VIVRE AND LO*IN GGLOS WAREROOMS No. 223 Nokia street (forotorly th:oisr • Direnosee) B UPPILO. RYOTINO OM AWIIINWIONIWO WSWBUMILF. Saari of oor work and sakethig MA fraklog ti our elodt oak relbreoco to th• robe auto= e ale ens sd to ofbr to %on oreklor eousikut ti:k of Furniture monk" odometer." eateisloot Ilbeleest of qill% style and Ilidokariolok;alc=r ei We oho to •luz n aG opiollty s . sad oeseme r g im dras to be tonal** Balibla. We MAlMfilletill• sod keep eisa#2 1 ale haad & a l; antattesent of MAHOGANY, W Odgc . fl WOOD, MARBLE and WOOD TO TABLAS, WHAT-NOlB STANDS and HUARD& SUNMAN*, T Tr c a rits, 8 INH A TMOI 5, WABL2CIUiIriaIkROD 1 LORIN UMW TABUS, OPTICS RHOLINING FANCY COHN= STAND* iticzrnoNft 'RIMS WOOD I. LfITM. mom.= :CHAMBER MIS, arid IGOR CHAIM and aiIPATIENT articles of Parka. es MON/ Room and lltehen PURNITURIL We ouutufootore and here on bald us-pis, husk. pals. let and hair Illattresses aad xs tiag :Soda Also, e leottld reflety of . 110•1 Wood sad GIN MIRRORS, of even Moe and fladhle, Jana Si. IM-4.4. TAM di BRISTOL. NEW TREATMENT! PRIVATE AND CONPIDENOI AL SIEDICA L ADVICE AT THE UV MILO PIIIIIrATS HOSPITAL. Fotati for the care of litypidlicAeudael Wilkomma, &smith. secret lafiradties of YOlith sal Utility, by Dr. AMOS it SON, tufts* N.y. °Sae toner et Itaa end easy strop* (up,stabs.) A lION? SICEICNTISId I.IiYUNTININ. An lastruncest, for the ear' of pa I I Debility, or Nocturnal Nnsboloas, ran prope rty an Deuttnel Weekneet, As. Caa be la Inas Mon days to two mouths by = l : l 2 ' lattreamst, when ••84 cootoinffy whit moSetoon. ! T 017140 HEN ?AILS PAILISCVLAH NOTICE. Dr. AMOS &MON takethat they bare Inventod a mood =ant i teek la =r the sure of the abort, attmemn. It War smloB4Bll Im a Mott the moats mistret is Lades, HS% lid and New York; it &awn= mesh! Inetnantewt wrur boreated br masa Irmitiless, or any dimes o f the kg mew mmumill by the tone( babe of youth. Met by inedi ewerpoes. Nilo, aliallDK2o Ala gala. came.. Dr. Mum fitisA may Messi its S VISA Is the amsrightv e s=sigh beteg rod wasters m trembler. Ur =el Ai % sod StriSbares the ell Viose I DOWN* ariathi w e haft af youth, which preemie debility, eiridere mhise•hnprsdbie, aid is the sad Idestmrre Whim* end air* The treatment they adopt is the malt Whir wards or thirty seers' elitism* mit seepoillit per tire le Zerupe end Sateries. ei — m.iiusui war 4101 WA bars tiam Wit . *Vim rhrl TAP li , mese, kegs Dr Dre waif Om bear - _ - la root dr awl at ea r Qs bara tioiriVilit a gif r these ' u.laa al NI4 wadi., r ti, su ars Mr sat raritinaraka Parr la war 'IF lime bared by a arriet 100: 1 4 1.1 2. a apoirtaaa er Da MOS iv nook sod Ow X. T. • " 61 11117.1101151D1F4111.... , - i - , ,V 9122 _..,....., 3214 -- A . Tispr „ 41441 1114111TITON aiii memit a x im = Raw of u s Alt 1110,111111111110 RI n& Mat , simigew,Agessa=lo vim of las a s k ...- - 4 7 - • - • "sseradessonsoas Z ar . All• .fassaflostoatliSaissv _ay aissalsd tisw taisootaiimi it _as A 177 troy* ~ aim is isamisomouses dims fl tio s elimi atrettolth s ' A ilat OW* • edoltalkla. istalls it prforlps la /WWI% I t , Y, ir,r - a4„,,,- an& Is aststiess is,* ONO, .;, . • t h e j rprintrad 441 ariat . , asos s ~1.,.1 . , ...• n t -Atilt- - , t ' '• " • ' • szfroins a s 4 -,,, MS illifami mama boo stark , . ,is , Ilio ow of arm s , , ofistalli ' 111 1 1 1 i ot Its rtitMOO Plata."44- 4 0 1saiass4 list Art has. as s trossl=list2= I,.. llllposaii,f . to not 1 loft 10111111.011% Vith ' *MOW NEI ellMirait4 eeiL I " • 110 8.T777-7," .4 Al el, +ri v : t 411 iie 11, litt4l. 4 7.0 viek Eiii 888 •.a . sew res.: thrift u e ArsWail" h.. rr Saw i'maiima. IMAErWaLL, _r "r 11411 7' hosideat I DLATW WARP& 0 1 / 1 1 11 4 1 1 6 %, %WOW MIK aad a peat entslap Wadi listed (WO, for Ws bp : T. i/L. AMU, Paragon Whit% ; Mita rit ) • - • Nair Plea St I= .110311111 e PAINTING PAPER HANGING. THE, SUBSORIBBR • old bdo lli r=d bi tre . mum " General - ttinwe - Patnting and With Neatness and Dispatch a ir s = stmt. atm Togg'stmri i, f 4 r i re Rd% North 1111,11=-41:hall A I.NTOII.IIIHEL4INTIC WAFERSFutt XILIa. low mursbalmi asseinnn sad eerebothoso Weis view yen bore ibis vestalithus el Sugar? limey meant no Calomel. er •tba JANA ems lagredleatabit are palely vegetable; sad arm to repel noose lone they - earkit, sal engpreretbe bean in mama Beware or lialtatkiwa snare. 011 1 tbeeelebested • Astiedinintle bralerelar our where are tire oaly *fleasl and only gale and reliable own comet.. new In eta did* la Ma Diehl Jailed Row 17 11=4 /9,11161k-41 1/4/11AILli, YOUTH AND MANHOOD. Pcsadurtam, The 2(41: Stiose=t waned to • ausied euirido to say post per, on rseeipt of ftiseatiias. Andienl powq a As Arica. aciiiimtais r limy if Lae frosts, Unwed 11 - .• ion th. otemimp amiownem . &fp. aday- II mil. 011111* if tke &S W+ _ I iargems, Glottal am Illorsous=o=ll l S 4 of flparitsa, rionnty, Moen* of tbei 15=111)."."i Impoilemats llaistiago, am peansilly ask minsaley tMe satbiere amoininammesemosnal treatment._ by tombs ot which do Sasaki Mn Iva" pieta* beelth frithost baying reesszeo to norms fad ospeosive modiste... Mom Um Leaden Lasest.) the pool bestirs me nettle, on a onlienet d vital in psLow to an, well worthy the aottarr's ezaltsd ert tat Litram the Pablieness J. C. WARE k Co, let A mo. 19th street : Post boa 16111, Yam York City. Marsh, 1111, 116 Y.---4 .. AA E COUNTY MUTUAL IN/all:- *NM COMPANY. hampot act' is 1839 Glade? rinspero leaered Agaskost Lao by ilre ler NU Tormaissa asesedllog lira years. Talkies Lensed apm the &Taft of Premien Notro, or epee the taitbeleallit mina Mans tn Um" Mtn ' eat the lfalilitj edit Premium* Note. Lemmas pat whit. et" iiNtatioll- Otte milt may has ever boost brought no lest tn Company. ThasCompory u wisely frm frm itlf. and is a oefe Lust Metitatme. Amen C. Maryhall, C. W TlM** Wm. Y. Itind.qurld S. Smith, J. Zimmerly, Joe. K.Sterrett. 8. P. Kepler, nos. Mossierd, Jacob Duna" gieorge A. XJnot, E.Babbitt. Wm., B. Bap, 01. Justice. OFFACYRS, Jim. C. *awnAu., Prow. Joa Gmunsom. Sec Gro. 4. lituorr, Troia Odes, la Ileamis Gumbos'Crearre Law Ace Cli=grits Pa. pril ZS, Int BALDWIN'S CATHARTIC PILLS! Mialtively 1117cosetiallale Alta-etaima, That, sad Atish-Appiras f 1 0 4" Coitiessess, beartioni. Jatautice, Sickaue ef tie itemise*. if • tils Later, sad dimayreseag of lit e resarailip. PRICE 26 CUNT% PER BOX. Bald in Er% by BALDilit 11. lio. bibbed Bowe March 12,18A9.--dO. TNDIGO AND MADDER. COUNTItIf MILACHANTS AND Pli Itlts. —Ma hay. a quantatj, which vs sr ill furnish at low atm March 4 WA CARTEL k BAO PAPER HANOI,NGSI Ino. Mkt.; larie additions tow slack or PAP= RANG- . t---- nied tor the Speen Tints, width be beset, stykr sod - ssanot surpsand /Cris. March 22, 102. J. C. firrLDLX. rdIIORN PLANTER& limn Farmer alma haco OW/ of U.S CORN PLANTERS sad the nary by prim lbr which S. soS tiemocodan ri mars the po er 6[ raribor to ban or of Mita as • persoassest " Ids pramlasa. ?Ida PLANTER Is so lituabos, ecti7 or ma see the oporatbas of It by calting at oar Moro ; rib so simple *Maley cm ofardlsm7 *Wad ms mow it, ae ao complicated machlaray * gat cat of order. It 101 l maim the boles, deep Ore eoru, anew sad smooth oreow tarp moo at el Mae. as tut as a boles ma walk, mad do it emapiete, and will pleat Y asocli kW is a dor a• • berm an walk over. Call at oar Ittork Daft Wm* form , state and Kloresth streets. " OLD 11X711DIT," Fa». Pa., whets Me also keep for sals mad shows es bane variety of Phors, CulttoMmet, Pico Paiute sad Csetlagy all Mad; at Witalesels mod itotaiL April 1.111. DADA 6.JORNisoN. D ANDELIN Th E COFFEE. edema Mid pasha sittolobtated tooth or& totootorosod vtioody lie= aN wilike nay sway paw sad Ilumahoo would to us is Awl of MN Jam or Iftsios. too holi at tti Hti D,. Eton of , Ape IP, 1660. Carri• • MI PAINTS I ' .* NTS !,f,PAINTB whit Dvwd_ la 00, union brands and qualtan; ano. a baba sma Ansa.* *swasstam Raw AND son= mama oft; =mos !um head sad /madam Tailor Wm. Onion war !Mad= for ISiad hi shod nratithidalidb• Ifin amok WA ar Oninalpenting. Ye had at On arras at WAIN* et • 0. ISM Gangs a Rao Cloaks, Watches, .Tewshy and • MUM! CkM: ht. _AUSTIN, Su gatagm • oitorl'uoett Stomp% katill is lows sad weaid otos ba libe sUes of t *Ay Sas Ise mairtsms .e OlooK Irotoboot *ow owl yaw Good. am as *WI sod lot ado it nom* kw poke* la lb"' drop sot Um, hoot= Moto that as coo cia *mod to ormosto_ to prim. St Obi aver their Goo** whisk be Mena te tromoszy, to soosstamisso lbo Volk of las mow viseksi. it • et a ir sropossdi_ ,tesersi mei shilltiors th. it I is tads b. Us ilississiStitisk as 'shall iodise pen 4 ' loom el vol 7 tow Prim% st all 41•212sbis *sob fa bi Uslo RoleSsolO w *ltoos to Itrik e toz wi tto t 00 0• is Imo iodated at Om • ERIE CITY MILLS! Mar B. nAvgi*ricK. Proprietor. JUL. killikfaseepliza AND WIIIQUISALB *Malt DIRALss is MOW _Ccwrijleal, *ill Feed', "SHORTS. . 0A111..002X. 'PLO= UD FAD STORE, Ai oir ONLIMaII t _ameiges Mach. sibs door milb ortb . . 811 Mrs aloSe wise Plll4lPriselk stmt. aim Lbw emala ni V a a i ttti War di l ls rß ia rar t z 611,1 NM b• sold Si OM WIMPS muter nalmh /rent pidi, WI oatmeal enp• of elar R. B. HAVinsTICK. I VAPI4S I IIII I I9-1. ±,PINOMj INLIMEI2OO. GwT BARGAINS. 4 ?be Ilidostiber bar TM 11 gbirg.; ll • Ora. aa enitag lir Um mum*? millaiWoi gun " i 4101,111 vbiehle • * Imellira time. vitbSCOTT ched W en ri , I Ws , of all Mlt.ViDs,' 4/1110111111 Ir lVll= L ualDie SG. ..~ r T u N~ DIRECTOUS ~ i u fir Sitis. oli smaid 4lll • 111 SS Uki ad:4LS::