The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 07, 1859, Image 1

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    he t•rir (obOtatt.
A Li W Al. ANI) Pol.ITICAI„)(IURN ki,
ur TWINS . nine. suhavribera, if paid in ..!vane.,
an,—Ore Copra will Lc Pe4l t.. "...Mare" .ad
•t the BR u- WO for tarter Hob,.
••• airy eulawnber filling to pay within the 'roe., the
Farr all." 012 tinned and the arroarat made .rat at
the rata of per year, sad left with a proper oar for
Trims OF Aorritirignia :
rip- Feteen hoer or Iwo mho a square. -la
tkw .I.itllety WIC WOOIL, $ 7- , ovw s q .,. 3 ~..t h i s a Im ,
nue *. two . 100 4)tte " 6 " 600
Owe " threw " IIL Um " 6 " 676
One square &year, uhaopsable at pleasure, $lO.
Tao squares--J months, $6. 6 months., $8; 9 mouth%
$ll 50, 1 year, $l5.
One column, or 10 squares—out year, $6O; 6 mouths .
$36; II months, slb.
....Canis inserted in the Baroness Directory at $3 per
annum. sl c lines allowed fors Card, °email., and under
ac t. $ 6 .
Spial and Rdltortal notice*, 10 cents a Ilise ,• but no
rialeertlee neat will be inserted among the Sproul Notices
fur NON than one dollar.
lierchaot• and other rot:airing bequest change*
their bra rimiest", will be adored two squares, paper,
sod card, for $l6. For additional space, the charges will
to in proportion, and th. dvintlawnecits inset be strictly
...oboe.] to the legitimate Mullane the advertiser. Pay -
ment for transient advertimenenti squired w adrouce.
for ysariy advertising will be premeiteti half-roarly
B K(11:111AN, 11LXIMIG dr ~
W MOLINA/A AXI Itzr AIL 61 'cyclists, sod
slesser. su Flour, Pork, Fish, Solt, Seeds, 11/004 sod
Wslios Wars, Nails sad st No 2 Wrtischt's Block,
Kris. Ps.
ATIVIIIIIT at Law, Sf. L.,u, No.
W ill Kife prulupt atlas:Ulna to the local/fag of Land
Warrants and the payment of Taxes in tins States of Mis
souri and lowa. util also Ell all orders for the nor...base
of Missouri Swamp Land, Me.
1V41M4 A. IC CILK,
(Bississiew to T. R. Metro
rsanu - rcaaa and Wholesale and Metall lieslad in
Foreign and Domestic Straw Goods, Arttdelal Flowers,
Ribbons, Silks, lase*, sad Fashionable, Millinery, Paragon
Budding, fronting the Pack.,Krie, Pa Pomolar •ttenu.,a
paid to thdems.
Arrow'ter •T ua liwaluut
:itnet, Meadville, N.
Meb. 26,
rii •
Dif,•LICIL in (lock. , Watrhea, Vine J...
Spt..aa, elatird N .noklug Inamsea, i; tit
lioultitnea, Cutlery and Fancy Parrag..”
north aule Meat Park 'war 14Nri,
A l'ittis illa ). .lo“DA/V,
W1101..404& Rk1,.111. 1 / 1 ,41./1,01 in
.nil Vtapl.. Ilry Waiting., I 1 1014,0, ,
No. 1 Brown'. Kn.,
11'1 , 010.1AV it LAW - 4 1filet 111 CI 48 It
111"rk, over N.attergrr A I talnt•et , (lot le Shirr
rao .4.4 e 011 State SASIBWA
ATTOkAkI AT LAr •thile, on tali AtrA.L,
nearly opposite the Court 1101.11*. hree,
q v. Pil NC LA I It,
uSouxesear to Stewart i t tarries, )
•OLKS•1.11 A.IEI KrrAlt. blti 4.(,.147,1 onwr 111 State
7th mt.,. D•elar in 1114 ts, thl•,111) 4:14••, I 'ftu,phrg,
Ituralog Flua.l, brushes, hc.
WILL/A3ll M. 1..4:V8.
ATTOIOIIIIrY ANT, Co( V.1:11.111( AT - LAM -
Oak* removed to corner
r,twr State Street mod the Public .luare,,
13i111:411k:11 ofk fill'Tl'llliNt.o3i
A TToIINICT e. AT I, yr I lek. u. R....,
ircelea Block, opimoite Itnuor 0 . • llotei, *mit-Amer .1n 11,
Ylrrk, k:nr, 1...
1 W 11111U1.101,
I,lkr K. 31 f 11411.11, - 11. — —7—,
~, ••••.....,
T V • I.IOfTII.T, I Itlif. , 1041.,•1,13- • ••••N•
•Irunto. Lilo, k, north mute 01 the l'AtrlA., F 11.:.14. ....
VW 1101 IOU! r %natl. al., .a al. in 1.1.1
or litoglish, lienuan wU .11tberteau
Mon, Nails, ritrel, Am. S.ldler) land I arn.a. Tn 111111 l
IlacLaus H. ti .g auJPaelmlK t, U..
Houm., Eno, Pa.
11, ion.mis S.Vh RST• I L I/riders 14,1
rare, Crockery, Glasumaze and • kaddlery. hoa 11 sod 1:2
r.upire block, corn., of YUI It sod ' , tall strt..-Is., Eris. I's
PosOlOtA, I I I NISMSI . I .
Me(WNK KY dk Pink
( :foe...wows Is Harare O MI ealra
via Leas iu English, Dorman and Anwriean Horde lu^e and
'utter, Alan, Nails. ASrill, Vll,ss, Iron ShOl Sho.l, No
3 !teed Boom. KS., t's.
a, to thr room ref... Lad, ore wit 17
Law iliac*, and orrf of ?1..
e Krrd {loupe and llro• .del
DNA LESUI IX 1301. X, Ban tea,
iii&cates of Deposit, ke. sight exchange on the n.
Meek cans oonstakiti her 0115.tii, Bawl
1.11140 ... .!" ). #.11•1: •
j A (31001 L do
Bynames and blanufacturera of
I ' , oro awl Blinds, Peach at ,1a the shot, formeri) oecup
t. Hugh Junes.
on.i.nns In Urasonl l'rot Issoos, PSI.-
dues, Pork, nab, Salt, 'Grain, Flour, Fenno, . tits. Glom,
Nails, Brooms, Hallo, Wooden, Willow and 'tom . Warr,
ke. Serous Cash. Prices N. 4N ris bra 111.4 . 1 t,
!gala Stroat, 4 doors above the }Null I toter , F:ne,
di/ 17-
L UCE dr. RATHBUN, ra..."'"—
DICRTIMITV4 °the.. 0 , IS...ft •••aaa
Block, north aide of Public Square, loriOrri, occupt by
Co. All work warranted
Tutor, thr Moan ren,all, Orel
James Sill, Lag. as • Law ilia*, so i l wirer ttw Stl
Murphy iwtweeu the R.wd Row. Ahd 8r01.111..
G litAY do VA MILAN,
b MO LIMA I.• Gsuraitii, and dealers in
VI, eat India Goods, Powder, Sliot, 1 sys, :talety
Tobaara, Cigar*, nab, nal, kr., A.• , Pannell Mock,
State street., Erie, Pa.
• N DRAT. V V Pt
J OHN UNAR.III .111 e, CO.,
FORWARDING 11041 C01:13111ilsioa llrrrisautri,
dealers to Coal, Flour, Ptah, and agent for • aritly lan. o.J
Upper lAA. litotrusirs, Public hock. Erie. l'•
j i UDR LL, HKRtIHKY, lk Co..
Y~aorMarrtaxa of Strew F.Oginee,B.lllera,
Pill Gearing, Agricultural Impleowola, kailrna I Cara,
krie. Pa.
Fnestrogr•ste Nunn \, and Agent
for e heeler k WlWon't Sewing Mahlon I.ootor over
•tistio's Jewels) Store, W. 4 hut, kn.., Ya. frir -.Web
lug done to Order.
ATTOILNYT AT Law, tared, 4 of i'ousatv,
Va.llectious and oda.r business att.odwi tto o td
promptness and dispatch
JOHN hiWalliNY•
Jcwrics OP Tilt PIL•1•, I tt
handing, arstairs, Iris, Pa.
Waounteut °anew, and !halm to
beneestie and haporami Wines and Liquors, also Recant,
Tntiento, Fruit, not, OU, and *gents tut !Innate Snail.,
Nn. T Reuben Mock, State street En.. Pa
W. Jr. OiVQIZT, ,J 01,111
111 Aurrrmirc W .ml Netad
Dealer in all kinds of Taney, Ihnoinot Roam, Rockuog
°sap aad DUANE Chairs, No. 4 Ye; moo. block. Frio, Pa
fit&wracTrua & Dozier in Finutito Roct
beer Iniskey, to the R.. 4 Hoare on Frond) .t
DIAL= in boots and a t WI3 O I.-
NO: and Beall, n 1 No. 10 Brown's Block state striped,
aria, Ps.., _ .
)Los If LOW. . _
ilasnymnruoira k Wholesale sad Retail
itselers la Well ead Cistern Pumps of superior q malty. the
cheapest ead beet Dow le uee :chop oo Twelfth street
owar Perak Ibis, Pe.
u> leaf
for carrying water (or fecusly, form
leaf pespaere for sale cheep
1.. W °Loa
M 1 Lo•,
Ir. O. 1.. KI.LIMPTT.
Ramble'? nlOlll
AV* sod Ihr•Illeg to 'oath Part K.
151 1,40ek oust of Div Met lutil.bugu.
KAN July Iq 1116/1 _
ICOK/411 J. mornitc
rI.V.WAKINNU and ttttt laloratant,
Public lima, Krt.. &Mei in 12441, e‘all., rioh, Floor awl
3 arena Mie4.3
WOOLOSIEJI and 11,tail :rorPrir"
i'rtiviitinno, Ship Cb..dkri, W.“ l W , /..•
Am., State Krim, Pomo.
ESi el M EM.
Wi. A. (licitly/mt.'', Jobber, and Retail
Dealer in every descriptios of !foreign awl flintneetk Un
Goode, CerpeUnno, Oil Cloths, Re. No. Is. Slate street.
cower of Yiltd, trio'. Pa.
Iv 11.1.1A31 TIIOII.NTON,
inert°, or yrs PIACI. Ikeda, Agree
ment Ronda and Modpitra, lower, be., accurately and
carefully draws. Mee on Irrsmell, .tenet, weer Jas. A.
Sterrett, Groom , Store fir's, Pa.
1 11. DOWNI
sty • AMMINIM ♦T LAW •XD .111.1.? KM OP TIIII
Will praetles 11 th.. raransi ens atm of Kai* County.
soil :ivy prompt and Stithful sit...stn.n to all batainons ',a
lmond to bin halide, Pinter as an Attorney at linuistrate,
fIP Oller is Y.trpin• Mack, eornar of Ob i t, std ytht.
at. Rats, Pa.
. •7 I.•V —ollloe nro.rowl to
atm ballJimag wed of State Street, ow the bottlt matle of the
Park, Kiie Pa.
A LLEN A. UK 414.1. -
'ration Or TBS Pitare—Mßee to Now
Moen earner at ranch Street and the Public :Nun., Ina
I.) K A 111
11 1 1 1 11.11 : 1 111 111 14,011% (kil NO 4
A dot, No MO Wi• Street, Buffalo. N. Y .
Ma:AD. his etiolation ekeipeit plc ta Ihi treitusest of
Jimeekee at" the Rt• ■od Kar
1 , 04. ii., 1169.--37.1 y
INK, manfaefared at New Maven, Cain. Hsrieg used
Oda iak for oearly a year past, WO COW easdkdo ally re
cosimaiid it the irsdo ll u lee be* to stertioul.
Yria April 9,I9W—M. B. F. BLOA.PI.
Sun sad otity giOurito.
Mail Train Wensi.
We are returning to Erie, Mr. Editor. I with
Paul, the Conductor. First eoach. Young
man, lisle thread gloves. breath very strong
of wintergreen. Says, ••Whaes the damage!"
Where are you going' - "Why, to Poriland, of
course." Well, that was a blunder of Paul's.
He ought to have known that Joshua ry as going
to P— - Did you ever see a two Jeer old
steer jump a fence about four rails high ! That
ws. Joshua's style as he lit on the plakform at
P Man, wife and Ave children—a eight of
stairs row. oldest not more than sixt ears; all
on two tickets Young one—very yonng, just
taking it's dinner. The agent at VirbiOhall was
an acquaintance of this man ittf tardily, "and
ben' as how he was poor, reckoned he could
go through on two t iCk et S. " He it till bound
for Kansas, and we concluded he wor4labe Luny
in assisting to make up that ninety-lthree and
odd thousand that is requisite before A be can
come in, and we passed on, and next encounter
ed a crowd of drover.' with return passes.--
They hail littered the fluor with peanut shells
find hauler. quids There was a strong odor of
-hog ruing from the group as , they 4sl oa
either .I,le or the hot store Glue big fellow
gnus led out, "I don't want your paste-board, -
:L... 11 I. offered him a check fur hits pass. Paul
remarked that he might not recollect him on
cooling round again, and received she polite
reply : ••%1 ell, hold still 'till I knock; you down
ty.or -it may jog your memory Bt the way.
'l'd you ever hear of George S's adventure with
the drover". George is Conductor on the Ni V
Central. A stove had just been put up in the car,
with nicely polished piece of tine underneath
it. Sumedirty fellow had dropped • dig mouth
ful of tobacco saliva on the zinc. George saw
it in passing hrough. and was angry. He stood,
much excited, pointing t o the stain, his eyes glen -
dug rapidly front one face to another, and said.
-I want to know whudune that "- !io answer
Again. noire excited than before, be repeated
the question A big drover, weight shout two
littudrod and a quarter, slowly raised up sod
said, ••I believe I dune it—now what you goin'
to do about it ' ••Viby. said George, ••you
are just the man I in hunting for —give us a
chnw tobacco: Look at this family just ahead.
Herr is a dirty job A provision hoi covered
with leather, with a spread-eagle curiously
traced with the heads of brass tacks on the top
of it, is produced from under the seat. and the
family have Pat commenced lofted. There is
a horrid conglomeration of butter, grease, cold
meat. cheese, onions, eta., etc., that mile
announce; themselves to .the egtMes of
sight and smell. Whaf do you want! says
palcrfonuliats, as we' him on the shoulder.
upon the cushion of the seat, bract_
diving his hand to the bottom of his pocked,
produces his tickets. Paul simply -ptine.hiss
his tickets. and passes them back—he don't
want his checks to go inso that pair of paws.
If dirt was trumps (asCharlesLanili - saidl what
altnight:t that fowl') would hold!
Here is a very penurious old woman, just
got aboard at a way station. We are at her
sole in a munieut, and strange to say, the old
ladfluts all the symptoms of a deep sleep upon
her We jog her gently: she does not waken:
we shake her again, a little harder, and she
opeas her eyes in rather poorly effected ti4tint
i,htlient, and wishes to know what we want. -
Reminding her that the fare is so touch to
Erie, and expressing a desire to receive said
fare, she forks over -theyoung lady behind her
wickedly remarking that the excessive heat
of the day tends greatly to drowsiness Ther
'tunneler at freezing point.
gent ucky droreriutk 4, ' • W here shall we feetr•
Conductor replies: Vie wait twenty fire usinut es
at Erie Fellow from "Indianer - (we could
smell it on his breath) said he'd see 'em d--d
before he'd eat a mouthful, or spend a cent in
Erie—although they did charge fifty cents for
dinner, it was'nt the money, it was the prin
ciple of the ping. IMem., on our arrival at
Erie. saw this Hoosier on the blind aide of the
train bargaining sharply with a peanut boy,
for a five cent pie.] Voting man with a copy of
Toddy' Student's Manual under his arm—a
gray shawl on hi• shoulders, a pair of spec
tacle% astride his nose, (how many literary peo
ple are addicted to spectacles) tight neck hand,-
kerchief, silk hat brushed very smooth, ekcepti
ing a space of about three inches on the body,
nest the riot, the nap of which is brushed the
wrong way Hi+ hair you discover kas he takes
off aforesaid hat to wipe the perspiration from
'his brow, ) is parted on both sides, and turned
up in the middle like a rooster s comb. How
easy to tell a pedagogue.
There! do you see those three girls ahead 7 Von *
can hear them, fur their tongues run like Mill
clicks. °nista' theta is reading a letter. and
getting up a blush under her "eat,' between
her "spit curls. - The others have their
heads together, looking intently st a ,slaguer
reoiype one of the small fifty cent kind. They
city -it is Willy's pitcher"—one kisses the
-pitcher," and tlie other forthwith snatches it
from her. A tussle ensues. The autocrat
say+, "When a young female wears a flabeir
cular side-curl gummed on each temple ; when
she walks with a stale, not arm in arm, but his
arm against thelnick of hers—sod when she
says 'Yee' with the note of interrogation, you
are generally safe in asking her what wage*
she gets, and who the 'feller' was you sail 'her
with." Oh, Mr. Autocrat, you never WaSIOUt
in "old Chautauque." Why, they an daugh
ters of a farmer "well to do." He nestle his
pile on cheese, the year cheese was so high.
Here we have a keen eyed, sharp featUred,
New EnglLid divine, who produces a half 'fare
pass on the Boston and Railroad. Paul
informs him that we cannot recognise ttpass
here. Ileenquiree, "Why not?" andafter rex
planstion.during wbieh wriggles and sqt e us
amazingly, he to draw his "w 1-
shin." He represents some shaky nytifens of
New England theology, whose faith, (14trine,
belief, or what not, is held by pars+ him
self, glorionelriodepentierat of any such :body
as a Presbytery. Conference, or Synod. Be! is
very like the Irishman's description ti L:::*
frog. a "crater tether phibiona nor anaphi p.
which dives nether on the leather, nor Yet 4n
the land, but yet inhabits both places."': Pin
him down close on a question as to w t de
nomination he stays...with, and if you for
tunate enough to get an answer,ie wil prob
ably tell you that he is—a—well , Reiss , sod
diseever s sprinkling otTree
r Cure. and Spiritualism. He hopes. that
when the last train of mortals shall have passed
ova the road of life, and been Rarely landed in
the great depot above, he and Idsdiseiples, who
are this thing and that thing, Trinitarian or
Unitarian,. according to locality' sad circum
stance, will somehow "pass" on the plea of the
broadest and fullest exercise of 'IBM ground
work of their faith, which accords to every man
the right to think, say, do, and believe, that
which seems to him best. This is the charity,
(oh much abused words) which is to cover •
multitude of their sins. He goes west to lec
ture; or, as L— used to say, "to preach
ignorance to the heathen," and leaveihis dock,
(Lou/ Dro) to feed on husks, or to hunt their
spiritual living during his absence.
"The New York Slasher" is out, and this is
"dasher day" on the cars. Look at the anxious
groups at the stations as we arrive. Eager,
hungry amis, are waiting for the Stashes. At
some small stations, where the delay of the
train is but for a moment, the procuring of this
paper has been quite reduced to a system. The
colored boy who vends the SlasAer, is attend
ing to his duties in the train, and cannot always
be on hand to supply his customers. A party
of "boarders" take the- train in centre, mar,
and front, and rush through with the under
standing that he who first reaches the newa
vender. procures copies for theehole expect-'
ant crowd. Ho Paul! spread open a copy, and
let tts see what kind of food in dealt out to these
ravenous creatures. Here we find on the nau.t
conspicuous page "The Bine Pig with the saf
fron colored tail," by Korn Cobh " "The desert
ed, and forlorn Maiden," by Kmma X. R. M.
Northworth "The Veiled Lady," by SylV‘iit
Butterfly. "The Tin-Pan Maker of Berlin,"
Pte., with a morsel of Washingtonian*, as a
chlorid-of-lime to the mess. And with such
mental aliment, the boy with the long curly
hair and sore eyes. and the girl with the spit
curls and flounces, hurries home to their--
haniluet —to their "feast of fit timings," who
shall say with what results. Oh fathers of
Frederick Adolphus and Josephine Isadore,
subscribe and pay for your own staunch, county
paper. and if you must have city food give your
children The Century, - Thr °resell
ILteperg . Weehlu, that they may at least have
tin' rhoier of good and evil
Next we fool an entire coach load of Pawnee
Ihdians, who hare been to Washington in
charge of . Col. , to see their grey heed
ed father. Presidt.rit But:NA:LAN- They are the
fiercest looking lot
,of savages imaginable,—
They were all men of hole in their nation.
many of them years, and wearing
medals from official personages, and carryMg
the sears of many a battle in their faces. •It
would be useless to attempt a description• of
the gew-gaws with which they were adorned.
-end which had been presented to them in
Washington. Pours gilt badge. and a Mason-.
Ic ' of mine. surreuod their paiticniar
. They were beaky elk -
Soso of thign Iwo NW7
" nt informed us that on their journey. to
W hington they first saw a Locomotive .at
1 i arson city. The Conductor informed the
nt, after they were seated in the ears, that
14 waa going to give them a pretty fast ride
a few miles. The whistle screamed and
this train started. Terror seized the whole
Ottriy of chiefs. They jumped to their feet
Itid rushed in a body to the doors, which dhe
l ent had wisely taken the precaution to have
ked. It required all of his eloquence to
sure the Indians that no harm would bcfall
ilpeto They had Jaen told of the strong iron
iiirso, and had formed some ides of it, but they
itiere nut prepared for the reality. Their idea
Rss that the train had become unmanagenbie,
ititl was bearing them to certain destruction.
!Pat next Coach we met big boy, hands in peck
-4t pt. mucilaginous sutettsuice pendent from nos
ii/rila. who accosts us with, "Say, Capt'n, can't
on get a seat fir me and pap in there among
he injuns, want to see 'em, The whistle
i ounda for a station, and we stop to wood and
faster. Two Irishwomen with red-noses and
hratery eyes, are - Visaing and shaking hands
with some frienda, who have come to the ears
to see them of and as they part, all parties
tburet into tears. Almost any passenger wit
inessing this scene from the coach window,
jwould imagine that these two damsels were
!bound for Ireland, at least. Let me tell you
the truth, and say to you that I have witnessed
f such scenes among these people almost daily
for eight years. .• They are going to Dunkirk and
will return home 10-nwrrate wk." But, Mr.
Editor, I have already exceeded my limits with
-The Mail Train West." We have passed
twice over the road in company. and If you will
keep awake, we will take "The Night Express
East" nest week.
Mg. A certain clergyman in this city
some throe months ago, married a highly
respectable-looking couple of arangers.—
He was somewhat Surprised when they
bade him "good afternoon," the bridegroom
making no offer of the fee in such, cases
always expected. A day or two since the
clergyman met the delinquent husband.—
The latter grasped the former by the band,
and shook it with greatcordiality, anxious
ly inquiring alter his health, his family,
etc., and wound up by presenting him with
a sealed envelope and disappearing. On
,opening it a fifty dollar bill presented it
iself to the eyes of the astonished clergy
{ man, and A few lines saying that the hus
!band was unwilling to "pay the minister"
until he had tried his wife and found her
"not wanting." The experiment had re
sulted to his entire satisfaction, and "en
closed he would please find $5O, a fee for
his performance of the marriage services."
—(9ovehnid Review.
- -
" Dan," said a little four years old,
"give me ten cents to buy a monkey."
•• We've got one monkey in the house
now." said the old brother.
• Who is it Dan 1" said the little fellow.
" You." was the reply. •
" Then give me ten cents to buy the
monkey some candy."
His brother "shelled over" immediately
• -
sir An exchange paper, announcing
the death of a gentleman out west, says
that, "the deoeseed• though a bank direct
or, it is generally believed. died a Christian,
and universally respected."
ser Booth. the tragedian, had his nose
broken some years sinoe. A lady once
said to him, "I like your acting, but I Mi
not get over your nose."' "No wonder,"
said he, "the bridge is gone."
Tim Ran t.v.—The man who did not think
it respectable to bring up his children to do
work. has just heard from his three eons.
One of them was a driver on a canal : an
other had been taken up as a vagrant and
the other bad gone to a public Institution
1 to learn the shoemaking business under a
Par o'er the
Folded in .
She slumbers.,
Amidst the
Over her week
Closed o'er the
That held the *OW
When the gray
No wskefhl,
Heralds its qi
Nor, stirs her lips,
The white irbti'd
Lift net b,
Prom that
AN o'er her
And when the two
And the stilt
Shine through
:The heeded not their
The drowsy rustle
As o'er the dreary
It eoroes,in
Brrnkft not ittr A
The creeping *Judi
Moving with
Van never art
i►r call the throhhit
listless beauty
Heavy, •a if they
oppressed, with,
er the mime when
id she lien, an 4
Hushing she
To twee ranee s t ,
.Ist the whitettit4
Reno. "I.
One cool afternoon
Chester F. Leßoy, a
the platform of the .
ing the peoeesistiw
ed in the Vachon
oi cr l ie.on their
train, by
patiently as -'
of remol
that k
dant of a ale►.
him. Do I %peak, ►e said, bowing res
pectfully, and glancing at the portmanteau
I carried, on which my surname was quite
legible, " do I addreaa, air. Mr. Le Roy ?"
•• That it my game—at your aert tee—
what can I do for you?"
The young lady, Mias Florence Dun
lard, who was to join you at Albany, at six
o'elock, this evening—l have charge of
her." lie turned to the young lady behind
- This is Mr. Le Roy, Miss."
The young Indy. whose dark blue eyes
had been scanning me, as I could perceive
through her blue silk veil, how lifted it
with an exquisitively gloved little band,
and extended the other tome, with *charm
ing mixture of frankness and timidity.
" I am very glad to meet, you, Mr, Le Roy,"
said she. - I thought I should know you
in a moment. Jenny described you so ac
curately. How kind it was for you to offer
to take charge of me. I hope I shan't
trouble you."
In the midst of my bewilderment, at
thus being addrssed by the sweetest voice
in the world, I managed to see that I must
make a pLoper reply, and proceeded to
stammer out what I thought an appropriate
speech, when the servant who had left ns
for a moment, returned, and I abandoned
it unfinished.
" Did you see illy baggage, Edward ?"
asked his mistress.
" Yes, Miss; it is all on."
" Then you had better hurry to reach
the 7 o'clock boat. (food-bye, and tell
them you saw me safely off." -
I stood like one in a dream, while the
man handed me two checks for the trunks,
and endowed rue with the light baggage he
had carried ; but I was aroused by the young
lady's asking me if we had not better secure
our seats in the oats. and answered by offer
ing her my arm. In ten minutes we were
seated side by side, and trundling out of
Albany at' a rate that grew faster and
I had now time to reflect, with the !welly
face opposite me, but where was the use.—
Some strange mistake had undoubtly hap
peneAl, and I had evidently been taken for
another person of the same name; but how
to remedy this now, without alarming the
innocent young lady in my charge—bow to
find the right man, with the right name,
among several hundred people, and how to
transfer hes, without an unpleasant scene
and explanation, to the care of some one
whose per4on was no leas strange to her
than mine ! While these thoughts whirled
through my head, I happened to encounter
those smiling eyes fixed upon ine, and their
open, unsuspicious gate decided me. " I
will not trouble or distress her, by any
knowledge of her position," I concluded,
" but will just do my beet to fill the place
of the individual she took me for, and con
duct her wherever she wishes to go, if I
can only find where it is I" I turned to her
with an affectation of ease, which 1 wag
very far from feeling, and said. "Itis a
long journey."
"Do you think so? But it is very plesci
sant, isn't itf Cousin Jenny ejoyed it so
" Ali, indeed I"
" Why, what a queer man I" she said,
with a little laugh. " Doesn't she never
tell you, as she deem me in all her letters:,
how happy she is, and that fift. Louis is the
sweetest plsoe in- the world to live in;
Dear me I - that I Shituld have to tell het
own husband first. Bow we shall laugh
about it when we get there."
So it was St. Louis we were going to, mei
I was her cousin's husband. 1 never was
so thankful for two pleas of inform:4h*
in my life.
" And how does dear Jenny look ? and
what is she doing? and how is my de*
Aunt Beman I do tell me the news !"
" J e nny," Raid I, mustering course and
words, ," is the dearest little wife in t*
world, you mustlnow, only
too fond of
her scamp of a husband—as to her kaki.,
, yon can't expect me to say anything, fOr
she always looks lovely to me."
!O said the pretty girl, with a
audio q "but about my dear
said my fair questioner, regard
auprise, " I thought she had
. for a number of years !"
well for her," said I, in some
" the air of St. Louis (which
learned is of the misty ucoisty
lone her a world of good. She
4fferent woman."
m-y glad," said her nwce.
mined silent for a few moments,
i a gleam of amusement began to
her bright eyes."
rink," said she, suddenly turning
dr a musical laugh, " that in all
, you have not once mentioned
I gave a violent Mart, and I Mink
pale. Atter I had run the gaunt
these questions tritunphanly, as
it, this new danger stared me in
How was I ever to describe a
had never noticed one ? My
sank below zero, but in the same
on the blood rose to my face, and
my teeth fairly chattered in my
" .1 be amid that I shall not sympa
thize in your ruptures,' continued my tor
mentor, as I almost considered her. " I
am quite prepared to believe anything after.
'Jenny's letter—you should see how she
cares for him."
" Him!" Blessed goodness, then it must
be a boy !
"Of course," said I blushing and stam
mering, but feeling it imperative to say
something, "we consider him the finest fel
low in the world ; but you might not agree
with us, and in order to Leave your judg
ment unbiased, I shall not disieribe him to
"Ah ! but I know just how he looks, for
Jenny had no such sernples--so you may
spare yourself the trouble or happiness,
which ever it, is—but tell ti,te what you
mean to call him r'
`•We hart. not derided upon a name," I
"Indeed I I thought 'Me intended to give
him yours;
The deuce she (lid !" thought I. "No,
one of a name is enough in a family," I
The demon of inquisitivenesit, that, to
my thinking, had inst Mated my compan
ion heretofore, now ceased to faeces her,
for we talked of various indifferent things,
and I had the relief of not beingeompolled
to draw on my imagination at the expense
of my conscience, when I - gave the pertie
ulani of my recent journey from Boston.=
Yes, I was Tar from feeling at ease. for every
sound of her voice startled me with a dread
of fresh questants, necessary, but impossi
ble to be answered, and I felt &guilty flush
dealing up my temples, every tune 1 met
thelook of those beautiful bloe eves.
It Was late when We stopped for supper,
and soonafter I saw the dark fringes of tiny
fair companion's eyes, droop kingand often,
and began to realise that she sought to. he
Weep. I knew perfectly- well that it +as'
'lvry duty to ollreeUr a rotting place on pr ,
%odder, but I hardly had courage to
to La on my arm, wf
der, and looking up . my eyes
smile, said, "As you are my cousin." rn
after her eyes closed and she slept sweetly
and calmly, as if reefing in security and
peace. I looked down at the beautiful face.
slightly paled with fatigue, -that' rested
against me, and felt like a villain. 1 dared
not touch her with my arm although the
boundingof the ears jostled her very much.
I sat remorseless until the sleeper settled
the matter by slipping forward and awaken
ing. She opened her eyes instantly, and
smiled. "It is no use for me to try tO sleep
with my bonnet ono' she said; "for it is
very much in the way for me, I am suie it
troubles you." So she removed it, giving me
the pretty little toy, with its graceild
bons and flowers, to put on the rack above
us. I preferred to hold it, telling her it
would be safer with me, and after a few ob
jections, she resigned it, being in troth too
sleepy t o contest the point ; then trying
the blue silk veil over her glossy hair she
leanedagainst my shoulder and slept
This time when the motion began to shake
and annoy her, I stifled the reproaches of
my conscience, and passing my arm slightly
round her slender want, drew her head
upon my breast, where it lay all night.—
She slept the sleep of innocence,' serene
and peaceful, but it is needless to say that
1 could not close my eyes or ease my con
science. I could only gage down on the
beautiful, still face, and imagine how it
would confront me, if she know what I
was, and how I had deceived her, or dream
ing more wildly still, reproduce it in a hun
dred scenes which I had never before
to imagine as the face of my l wife.—
4 11 , 1 3(l iiever loved, unless the butterfly loves
of Saratoga and Newport might be so dig
nified, and still less had I ever dreamed or
thought of marrying, even as a possibility
and far off contingency. Never before, 1
solemnly aver, had I seen the woman whom
I wished to make my wife—never before
had I so longed to call anything my own,
as I did. that lovely Sae lying on my heart.
No, it was imp..ble for me to sleep.
In the morning we reached Buffalo, and
spent the day at Niagara. If I had thought
her lovely, while sleeping, what wan she
when the light of feeling and expression
played over her nice, as she eloquently ad
mired the scene before us, or was even
more eloquent still. I don't think that I
'looked at the Cataract as much as I looked
at her, or, thought the one creation more
beautiful than the other.
' She was now quite familiar with me, in
:her innocent way, calling me "cousin
:Frank," and seeming to take a certain
piessure in my society and protection. It
was delightful to he greet"d se gladly by
her, when 1 entered the hotel parlor) to
have her come forward from the lonely
seat where she had been waiting, not unob
served or unnoticed, to receive me—to have
her hang on my arm—look up into my
face—tell me all her little adventures alone,
and chide me for leaving her so long, (how
long it seemed to me) while every word,
look, and smile, seemed doubly dear to me,
because I knew the precarious tenure by
which I held my right to them.' She busied
herself, too, while I was gone out, with our
baggage, and rummaging all over her
trunks to Ind a book which I bad express
ed a desire to see—she mended my gloves,
sewed the band on my traveling cap, and
found my cigar case whenever I had lost
it, which was about twenty times a day,
while she scolded me for the carelessness,
which she declared almost equaled berown.
bens ago she had given over into my pos
=lher elegant little porte-monnsue,
ilt her Monefin it. which she was
sue she would lose, as she maid never
keep anything," and as she had ordered
me to take out what was wanted for 'her
traveling expenses, I opened it with trem
bling hands when I was alone. and ezem
lead the contents. There were, besides all
the bank bills with which she had probably
been furnished for her journeyy, and which.
with pious care, she had paw-lied into the
smallest possible compass, as miseh gold as
her pretty toy could carry, a tiny pearl ring
of course, Mrs. Bemac,
too small to fit any fingers but hers—which
I am afraid 1 kissed--a card with her name
on it, and a meniorandum in a pretty hand
"No. Olive SL, St. Louis," which, as I
rightly conjectuied, was the residence of
her cousin Jenny - whose husband I was ;
very fortunate dlsoovery for me. Indeed,
thus far, I had not yet found the way of
the transgressor hard, in external circum
stances at least, Ind when with her I for
got everything Out her grace and beauty,
and my firm retolution to be no more to
her than her cousin should be; but out of
that charmed presence my conscience made
me miserable.
am afraid I must-sometimes have be
trayed the of:inflicts of feeling I bad, by my
manner, but when I was reserved, and cer
emonious with her, she always resented it,
and begged meso bewitchingly not to treat
her so, and to call her by her sweet name
"Florence," that had I dreamed as much as
1 longed to do, I could not have refused
her. But the (tenaciousness that was not
what she thought me, but an impostor, of
whom, after our connection had ceased, and
she had discovered the deception practiced
upon her, she 'could think or remember
nothing that would not. cause unmerited
self-reproach and mortification, all innocent
and trusting as she was, this reflection,
more than any other, I confess, and the
knowledge of the estimation in which she
would forever hold me, after my imposition
was discovered, agonized, and I would have
given all I projgossed to own it to her and
leave her sign at once, though the thought
of never seeing her more was dreadful.—
But that could not be.
At last we reached St. Louis. Do I say
"at last?" When the sight of those spires
and gables warned me that my brief dream
of happiness was over, and that the remorse
ful reflections I had been staving off so long
were now to commence in earnest, the tho't
of the tanning banishment from Florence
was dreadful to me, r id the time seemed
to fly on lightning wings as it drew near.
She was all gayety and es astonished at my
sadness and absence of mind when so hear
home and Jennie, and when we entered
the carriage that was to 'convey us to our
destination, I had half a mind to take a
cowardly Hight, rut her than encounter the
scorn, mitl disappointment of those blue
eyes; hUt I mustered courage and followed
her in, giving the address found in the
ports-numnaie. which fortunately was the
right one, to the driver.
/Almost home said she, turning her
brig lit face toward me—we were rustling
up the street anti in) time V. short
tun you be , ssri cold and quiet ?"
" . Recauae, Misv Florence," I antivrered.
-the time has etnne in which I must con
fess to you that I have no more right in the
home to which- a e are hastening than to
the name by which you address me, and
that my only claim to either, I. that of an
imisaater and deceiver."
She turned- her lovely face. wondering
and lauzled, toward me.
Thank Heaven I did not read tear and
aversion in it.
No right ! no claim !" rho repeated ;
whaLam you mean? -
! told her frankly, and fully, the whole
truth, nearly as I have set It down here, de
nying nothing. and mneealing nothing, not
even Om useless street of my.loraler her:
When the brief recital was.ended, we both
remained silent, but although she had hid
den her face, ;could see (hat itb4 trOinbtoL
Violently with shame and repulsion. The
self," I said, "for the ilistress 'ye
willingly caused you. Heaven knows that
if I accepted the charge of so much inno
cence and beatny too lightly, 1 have heav
ily »toned since, in having occiimioned this
suffering to you. and my own punishment
is greater than I can bear."
The coach stopped as I spoke; she turn
ed towards me eagerly, her face bearing
traces of tears, and said, in a low voice—
" Do not misunderstand me if I was so
The coachmen threw open the door, and
stood waiting. I was obliged to descend
and assist her out. I hardly dared touch
that little hand, though it was for the last
time, but I watched her graceful figure
with sad distress. She was already recog
-nized, for the door - Of the handsome house
before which we stopped was thrown open,
and a pretty woman followed by a fine-look
ing black whiskered gentleman, whom I
supposed to be my namesake, rushed down
the steps. There were loud exclamations
of astonishment and pleasure, a cordial
welcome. and some rapid questions to
which Florence returned very low and
quiet answers, and quickly extricating her
self from the confusion, presented me as
"Mr. Le Loy, your husband's namesake,
and the gentleman who kindly took charge
of me." I glanced at, her face to see if she
were mocking me, but it was pale and grave.
Mrs. Le Roy op'eniAl her pretty eyes wide
ly, but was too well bred to express sur
prise, and after introducing me to her hus
band in the same terms, invited me Into
the house. Hardly conscious of what I
did, or anything, except that I wax still in
the presence pf Florence, from which I
C 0131.1 not endure to banish myself I follow
ed them into a handsome parlor, where sat
an old lady. who my conscience told use
was the rheumatic aunt I had so cruelly
belied. Florence herself presented me to
this lady, who was a fixture, and unable to
raise from her chair, and before I could
stammer an apology and retire, related in
her own way (how different from mine,) the
mistake by which she had been placed in
my care, and the history of our journey,
in whiCii it appeared our host, Mr. Le Roy,
had been a fellow passenger. When she
had ended, they all crowded about me,
warmly expressing their thanks for "my
kindness and consideration," to my utter
bewilderment and surprise, and cordially
inviting me to remain with them, and make
the acquaintance of my namesake and fam
ily. I detached myself from all this uneu
prated kindness as soon as I could, for ' I
fancied I read aversion in the flushing and
paling face, and drooping eyes of Florence,
and srith one last look at her left the room.
A moment after. I felt the touch of a light
hand on my arm, and turning, saw, with
mute, surprise, that she had followed me
into the vestibule.
"Mr. Le Roy," she said hurriedly, "I
cannot let you go away misunderstanding
tue as I see you do. If I was silent while
you so humbly apologised for the noble,
generous, and honorable delicatly of your
conduct, it was not from anger, believe MP,
but bemuse I was first too much astonished.
afterwards too much-moved and grateful to
speak. I owe you more than 1 can say, and
should be miserable, indeed, if tv false
shame, which you see has not prevented my
telling you this, should prevent you from
continuing an acquaintance so strangely
begun. Trust me, sir, I speak the truth."
I don't know what answer I made, for
fhb revulsion of feeling was almost too
great for words, and the rapture of know
mg, as I looked down into that lovely face
Unit it was not for the last time, quite took.
away the little sense I had remaining. If
you want to know how felt, ask a man
Who is going to be hung, how he would feel
, to be reprieved.
Well, how time flied It - certainly does
not seem fire years since all.this happened,
yet cousin Jenny (my cousin Jenny,) so bit
terly:reproaches us in her last letter, for
not. visiting her in all that time that we
have' again undertaken the journey, but
tinder different auspices, since Florence is
Florence no more, anti upon my arut
in the eon no more - 1 but with
the confidence of a wife of near five years
sl,:llditil, and i register our names in the
hotel book as "Mr. arid ](is, Roy," and
bless my lucky danN as lover.
t itu
Even while I - write, Flarence,liivelie' r I
ever, as I think, make a grand prate al
of arranging oVieboggisiattilehntel w re
we stop, (and willablartrasfinded me by
past transactions, toinitotiloarrethis s ry)
or comes leaning over me to eel me " ear
Chester," instead of adearcomin Flank,"
as five years before, and to scold me for
bang/0 stupid as to sit and w rite, instead
of Wiring with bor. Stupid, indeed, to
prefer a black pen to those rosy llin. Was
ever a man so happy in a "Slight Menthe."
A few weeks since, while in one of the
beautiful inland cities et Wimonaht, an in
cident occurred which awakened in my
mind a train of reflections which possibly
may be written and read with advantage.
1 was hurrying along the street when my
attention was arrested by the appearance
of a little boy oil the side of the pavement,
selling candy. He was not rainy beauti
ful, nor was he decidedly the reverse.—
His age was about nineyears ; his clothes
were old and faded, but well patched.—
His candy was spread upon a coarse, white
cotton cloth, neatly stretched over what
had been a japanned server. He was sur
rounded by aof small boys, evident
ly=id belonging to es of society.
As I came nearly him, the oft
repeated interlude, ' ,sirr fell upon
my ears, and, although opposed to the ex
cessive use of candy, 1 stepped aside tc!Pat
ronize the light-haired,
.pale, freckled,
homespun little representative of trade.—
I purchased of him, partly for hiirencour
&gement, but with particular reference to
the friendship of the little folks of the fam
ily with which I was the temporary guest.
The candy was as white as the cloth be
neath it, being free from the poisonous
coloring ingredients so extensively used in
the confectionary art. I tasted it, and
found it delicately flavored awl very nice.
"My NI," said 1, "yoOr candy is very
good. Let me have a little more." I im
mediately saw that my remark had awak
ened in his youug heart- emotions which,
in themselves, were quite abstract from the
candy trade. His oountemlnce beamed
with joy, as he raised hisilarge eyes, spark
ling with delight, and obeierved, in reply:—
"It is good isn't it ? Afotter made it."
In these few words wail embodied an un
conscious exhibition of qbareater. Here
was a spontaneous outbutet of filial affec
Now this incident, in itself, was trifling:
but the spirit of the language carried my
mind hack through life more than thirty
years, and at irregular intervals bade me
pause and apply the \ sointiment to ome
item connected withrity,Own history.
Before making the aAcilication. however,
I wish to disalmse invielf of the charge
which such application May incur, of ap
propriating to myself the nobility of char
acter which I have above attributed to tile
candy hoy. Holding myLself exempt front
this arrogance, I would i dinply•say, I am
not ashamed of the profession of my affec
tion for my parents, and I hope I may not
outlive that profession.
When I was a little bey, at school, and
carried my dinner in a satchel made of cal -
ioo, some of my school-ntates carried theirs
in fashionable willow beasts, and some
times teased me Imicausei I carried mine in
a "poke." 1 felt vexed. but reconciled
myself with the recollection, that, if I did
carry a calico poke, "weeder istods it." In
leafs than twenty-five y alter that time,
one of these same echoobnatea was happy
to avail himself of the privilege of sending
his Children to my school to receive gra
tuitous instruction, proffered in view of his
extreme poverty. Ma! children came to
school without. any dinner. They had no
nice willow basket ; they needed no, calico
" po k e. ~
William Foster ruled his book with
ter than mine
hammered out of a piece of lead. ' Mother
made it, and I was satisfied with it. After
we grew up to be men, William Foster came
to me to get me to calculate interest on a
small note, at six per cent. per annum ; he
carried a pencil worth four cents. I had
no gum-elastic he'll; but I had one made of
woolen rarelings and covered with leather.
•Mother made it."
When in my twenty-second year, I left
home to attend school in L. There were
in the school some fast young men, the
sons of wealthy parents. There were oth
ers whose good sense was not annihilated
by pecuniary advantages. Of the former
class was one John Stokes, who wore very
fine broadcloth. My best coat was not s
fine ; the cloth cost two dollars and fifty
cents a yard ; my mother had traded tow
check of her own manufacture for it, while
I was working to assist myfather in raising
his family ; she paid fifty cents for getting
the garment cut, and made it herself.---
John Stokes came one day to my desk.
held out his arm, compared his coat sleeve
with mine, and inquired, ironically, where
I got such a fine coat. I proudly told him,
"Mother mad. it!" He feigned great sur
prise, and sarea.stically observed he had
mistaken it fOr imported; he wished
he could get such fine crores, and won
dered if mother would not get hint up a
fine coat.
A short time afterward, while in a tailor
shop one morning with a fellow student,
John Stokes' tine cost was brought in by 21
lad, with instructions to scour and press
it. He was not in his class that day ;he
had been seen the previous night on Wat
er Street, rolling in the mud, drunk as
Bacchus. He left the school in disgrace.
He now lies in a drunkard's grave.
I boarded myself while attending school
here. I walked nine miles home at the
close of each week, and returned on Mon
day morning with my Wolof bread under
my arm. It would become stale before
Friday evening, but I always relished it
when I recollected that "ether made it."
I am now so far advanced in life that
my Friends begin to call me old. But
have not lived long enough to learn why I
should not still respect my mother and re
gard her affeetionately. She is quite ad
mused in years, and has nearly lost her
sight. Shli sits within a few feet of me,
sewing up a rent in m 7 linen cost while I
write this. She has been a widow eight
years, and is still toiling for the welfare of
her children. -She has never studies'
grammar, nor philosophy, nor music.- -
1 heee things were seldom taught in her
younger days. But she knows theirralue,
and has toiled bard many a day top:trellis-se
books for her children, and support them
at school. And shall I now curl the lip
of scorn, or blush in company, to hear her
substitute a verb of unity for one of plu
rality, or pronounce a word twenty years
behind the Welaterian era? Never—no
never! The old dilapidated grammar in
my library might testify against her style ;
but its testimony would be infinitely more
terrible against my ingratitude. I recol
lect well when she rode seven miles, one
cold winter's day, to sell produce and pur
chase that book for me, when I was a little
boy. It required a aserifiee, but "110r1111.k
ler At &mach near Sacramento a young
woman went to buy sane traps for her
wedding, which was to take place the next
day. While there she met an 01 bras,
married him and took him: The disap
pointed groom was so generous that he
Joined in the merry-making. and volunteer
ed to do the fiddling.
as .. Mina Limg, a girl of quick and teat
ime wit, eakedMoess if he knew a certain
young man. "Know him? 0, yes I I ought
to know him. I raised him fmni a pup."
".&h, I" said Miss Long, "I didn't know
you were so old a CWT." Moses wilted.