F IFTH YEAR OF 'PRE EIVII.RPRIAP WV LIST lb4o. O GIFTS, NUM F CATALOGUES FREE TO ALL. OK ON 311117,411.2*1111, ' AT 1118 ftn - MAL GIFT BOOK STQRL, . ONO Okuissit Stroder, flodedeiplekty Coannondo lbs tleir Year, Ist* aarrolsood Oodles e.. a grrestervaristrefdliftettodensol betitaire ter bay fay Owide awl 6410111illils,•sed Word prepared to oder =Kt"Maid Hook tboomer beferm— ber=o 1810141 fie poordasertr— EVONals ddevoldratto swam its estoblbrimardrt is .oadwoodMaiotiesga i.t Loam Slisealambleapar. U.S tram! them asr others !last og Heed Ceara arena' AG oppositioth led 4112201 the ksilUseasy of his plan oi operation asksterdialdral Dom Maori* Caufernia,le cam &lord tr i kOdmalsire, sad JlMoonion. OP 0 • 1 Patent Atasildi Gold Watches, $lOO 00 Palest ARCM. elditilitairles, be 00 Lather lik. Game layer Writable, 54 00 Ladles' ilk. Gm UMW Watch., OPUI dial. 1 0 00 Gents' allver Lome. Mama, 25 04 Gents' Silver Lem W .16 00 Greta' Mises Livia* W 12 Off Perier Thee Mess, saw. " 10 00 Ladles' flopart SIN* 8 DrsJ Panterak II Orr Ladies' do Plaid do de - -' it 00 Ladles' Canso UP, " sad Dram) airs deo, lb 00 Ladles' do do do 10-04 Ladies' Gold Draddets, them Ilsteings„ 10 Od Latter? Gold Brook* plain to :.tersonsit Band, 1 00 Grate Solld Gelid Yost , tal. imr ... ritttorn, 16 00 Geste lisot Ilegitidt_plated Vert 6 00 Lodi*? 0 or •isites Cl:atorotos, 16 00 Lary Gold d Lod" sitar doable came, 10 00 =obi asap do do 3 6 00 dig Sio.l, Loin% do do se Beim Gehl heed Camas, with Geld Pink 7 60 = Gold link with Bolden and Boa, 1 00 Gold 2 01 Giants' liesey l =lMilt, 3 Gold Pew Si Either Biteludoe Patel., 9 00 Ladle? Gold P.m. la Boxes with Ivory Holders, 160 Ladies' Maim Gold 1t... Bets, 19 00 Ladies' nOIeSUDII lids, Fin and Drops, 10 00 Ladles* Jet Beta, do do 7 60 Ladies' Lava, do do 10 00 Ladles' Cameo Ptera be lr a 4se, 1 00 Ladies' do do 3 60 Laths& de do soak 264 Ladies' Gold lions Pins, mall, 2 05,1 Ladles' lox and Oboe Kintntwro or Hair Ms, 2 00 WNW Plain Gold Pins, new pattern, 2 50 I,adies' do ler Grope, 200 Hewes' do Gold Plea, 150 Gents' Muter Plat 2 . !1 . metro 2 60 Gods' lila& Stove 1 0 / Gents' C• 111•0 Sr 111;1&740110M 87114 4 54 %eats' Betrayed Gold do do 2 60 Goat? pill& do do do ' 200 Guitar Stem Buttons, 2 00 Ladies" do do 200 Ladies' Pearl Card Coss, 500 Ladies' Kodak. or Gold Moue Itibbo us Pisa 1 61 Gents" Mew i7ncrra. 70 Geste' Pearl Pocket Knives, 3 blade., beet quality, 100 Gists' Dal' or Ivory do do de 76 Mame Lora Y‘ 5O Gerrie Gold Wit Keys and Prat di tle combined, 904 Gent? Gold TOOGRid with la!iity ' Gents' Gold fans, with oltor 8050 ii Dam oo n& 2 59 Ladle.' do do do 150 Set 81har-Plated Tea_ Spoons, 2 00 Myer-Plated Batter Knives, 1 00 Ladies' ar Geste Porte-eosenalse, Gents' Gold Watch Keys or Vest Hooks, Ladies' Florentlne Breast has, • Ladies' Jet eo do ladies' I cede do do Ladlee Gesso Her Drops, Lamer do do Hirst Ma Drops, with nee. Boating, Slime Gold fkandet, Hall Round Hand, Ladled do do do Grade &of Pin, Gents' Jet Made, Gents' Jet Stowe Bottom, Miss es' Gold Crams, Mere theteoes Gifts, aotoustoorated in the above List, varying Is value from 26 cents to fIV 00 or BM Worth of the gismo Gifts will be Impartially aistiouted Puretokeeni with every 810110 worth of Books PIM. Alt hosts sold at PabLieber,' lowest prices. All Books that Biome does not PIM* hinalen an bought direst from the Publishers, sod la large viand. this Books to snit every mate iue to be found on his Catalogue, at petals wide! would be on ladneement .-ren w Rhein the Gift eystene, shish *thee se many additlosei Wort Wort s by tba meet persise mothers, Wrier( sod desJ, la all styled, from the most castly to the plain and afar manila, at eskostabler low prima. CATAOGUES SENT FUEL TO ANY ADORES& Bawd ?byloit Tvimis. Meets of Dean Swift, Worts of Niss armor, , - Judge ftsffirorteu, " Bitterer, , - Dr. Lteleirtene " IM P.., i " Lawroste deers:, - Addison, Waverly No - Ttooloasy, Warts Of Deni.- TlJ )Pninklin, " Dr. Joharos, " floe. Jellereon, -" J. I. ' " Cherie, Dkkene .1-?-P. Heeey , - Mrs. Bootheroeth, - 'hook thereau;se, " Des. Heats, " Mack 111111.4 " Wm " MIA liripse Iteld. " Vliy=smeg - Clarlotte Brenta, " B. N. rtuasker, " Wastiaglos Lida& " T. S. Arthur, 0 Gnats " A. S. Rey Rev. C Al .r l i argeon, "D. P. Thompso _ Capt. rp Wasegatto " eon Mkt, n, I Mar ftriog, . has Almada, '" Bra Mood* 0 Butes asriead, - aspens% " Mary Rearm rdi lialding, " Olioriee Lomb, 0 Edward Everett, e, " Loser* Dow, . Burton, .., Lard Buotes. =STOW AND BIOGIRAITT 07 TUN NOB? cras- BRAT= 410T801S. - Allies% Briaaro re,,,.7 . : . Ihrseasti, 4 ! • Oalbrisk, Rob/croon, NosiDay, AMaims* ur otyrittoo aulossou to toeutiou. • 'THU AB OIRIIT AIIOIIOI3ENN ?tort& T- 1 111 °I Km J M i.. • MS, , lleentie. Dirks. Longfellow, Nee. Tessigeon. &ono, itre. ILelgiZol, ao Mrr. BWfill L IF tl . 4 Lllanorth, Hood. , 11. Zak irklis. Te w zm u4„ Nsoffeeon. "al mm a.. 4111 llontmeneu7, WoeA. Ile boa am above Wall m i le . at Maging. from Ago cloth to Mat Nom east and litr. to soil ill aloof as any other hawse , adetb• stow .4.14 4 . a • GM Id* GaeliVolk NM. ALgcsa TOM rag LAMM MOW , ii eilliaanten maylee of binding. to sun an Swollol7 U/llllt~tn innialnosat Mod Ea- PUTZR BOOZE AnTI BY/IN DOM. Ilisabud=gtaTion Booty p pl.ooaal Pt " . 8°144 NOR Larldminlil ll = lll4 a I reasbyterlau Hymn woos., Of an .In and Al ad stdea, Arabesque, Turkey mom° , Asko% Yds to, with and without daapa. Y =LEL. • bilge anseithosid of family Bibb* of all deatiptatis aad all Oda*, from $1 to $5O, illuatzalad with Am ea ravings, plated with lira type, on good paper aad to radon* styles of bindiug, I.on the simplest to Ow mast arasaunatal. ♦lso t MU*, ia various styles, at tow prlas. Ifir A eauspiets asasiled Catelogse of Books, fa every eV=t of b oo g • complete List of lastrtu to Agents and persons lona- In bibs, will be mat bye to any part of Om 17aloc.— Perseas within to them Libthrith, should have it as • book of rentraant Were making oat tb* lists. Send for it, sutdyou wift be convinced of th e ebeayness and variety of the Books. bob* being pleased with thellbereitty system the Mere froth the country promptly and satisfactorily =rtlid goods mat by wall or express to any part of the . Any beck published In the United Watch the relctl prise of whisk Is 03, or upwards, will be proleptly •1111 e by mil cm -.remdo of path/heed price, with postage as per estalowes. Mersa otheadadon allowed to persons toradny Oath Perth= acting as Agents tor us the roar all the advantages of th e Gift system without any coat to thetatelves„ thus getting a Llthery _of good books is. a very sleet time; beat wMcb, the Gift received with the commdmies books, .it sell for look* than enough to amply thew for their trouble. to wanted In every town fa the rigors Permuu to bet watch, sad all thoie desires. of a Wa lnut, will wafer a hives by sending their addreas to G. G. MANS, Gift Book-Ston end Publishing Goo" ASTI' Si sll—.4f. the Cat Street, PbWa, A GOOD ASSORTMENT of all Mat et Envelope% Cep. leSart me Sett Paper. Peat AUUCKI4.4 SILTAriI .16 Oleo Soes Dopot. 6 OLD ' FOITNDILY" STILL All KA DI! SAMS dt JOUJIWPON ars= ad te lands at Wholesale sod Ulan, Plows of sod most oratansa sod haft* tho ettsallon of Patinas dime to that, Steak WWI easalattag 111.11W011111, J. LIMO, WOLMINII, WUXI), Durenn, Ptrantripe, MOUNTAIN KING, 1:321 logollor with Coltirratots.Coes Motors sod Inbar &Moho to to sees to to property_ Dorn Old rosserv , 11. 4 rr,rs. aute um inowoothr Melo Ito. Aril 3. MO. I§ARII k' .1011/tllolf. SUGARS t SUGARS • yra are boa wedelns • lams tarok* a X. 0, P. 8.. sad reliatd SUGARS, wallah ye 1111 rat chew Ilan ai/arattan at No. 2 Wright's Block. Cal awl ow Aptil 2sl BECIDIAN. YANDIG k 00 VINEGAR! VINEGAR! VINEGAR! 611 4.16611. rim Cld ll r =, ILICIDIG 11:4C0., , MCW,, MISIC. cc igt Wm TREE emu, ;" , WOWS 111' Km • .It. jr=tillaVA bet palitlasti la 714 liletAse • Oa ot the West Vl l itZrainer Di• ;'' ''l"lie Ayes 'NS /4 r" ' 'lll4llw_ Ana 10 Norantaiw Memo of II sail l'Olietie Liberty." Mee 211 ante reek mail ea bes. hat Weed by Haws Wain", Apeerl pm Am nabt INSISIMISTAL V USlC..—'s rhe Pima pedal Polka," with besatital vicestM &Mt Rem. Wild 1 prim Stemets. o Pialac• Garda., or Iliagtoi Bind Polka.'" with Miqt e peratiOrmats. Beth by ?bow Sabot, e Sellottimbe.'• with ehmette ; pima ermew.; sad " Vota i tost Varamfaum,‘ rice 11l dlIC A tUar w AYMIMP Bomiltal ot 1111 sw Mate ' Aril S. ISIL-4111dOw. r CARPMMES' tt JOIN.ERW TiX44. • . 4 . 1 • a twos Tossall Imps sieliake bi Agassetuiele, making Mae* empleis la 111% sit,. Mina N. i. L ot' TEL Al BUFFALO. Corner Senec.i & Main Strom' I CITY, "Cooper lit UAW e v " . 4.btor.Ylace I'HILADELPHIA., Corner itb k tbesitAtit ALBANY. No. 448 Broadway. CLkIESLAND4 Co!. Seneca & Superior Streetk • DETROIT. tin 70 Woodward Avenue.' CHICAGO, cox Clark and Washington Streets; • •• t afpohots enteritis ao. env of thee. College*: by tie o payment of $4O. become . entitled -ds‘ in, ti paliss it t y o 1 pr aw vil l e m th es o r of ntehe eyt v o e, a omp w and papa ff Bird se. Sebnla to mtnid. For Catamses and Circulars) ealikat tit} College Rooms, or sihlrem ai snore. BRYANT & sTRATToys kkt AKERXCAN MERCHANT. A MONTEELY MAGAZINE. Devoted to Cotrimmos, Booking, Kannfactures. Ai* Afechanicisi tteieoo”, Commercial Law, Political Economy, Literature, Art au¢ gtathtioal Published monthly st Cooper Ipstituto, N. Y. emus per annum, with, the usual redudion to Clubs. The wort is designed to be a mond euponeot of the Commercial and Industrial Memos et Atomics. !larch, Ni, 188/.--IyAt AC A R D. T R. BLAKE, Takes plaisare la nmarn lag his thank , to the ladra and the rubile, rot the eery liberal pat:rota...v., they bare eo kindly be.towed on him the pant ire i ram And of introdueeme. to them Mira A I COLS, tram Chien., as his sneartaor. that the acme mitronage and hind feelings which has been beotoned on him, may be tendered to het M 1:-Lti A. E. ('t )1, E, Watild 1117 neepectfullr Inform the public that the hail hough( out the entire Itteek Blake** 130 newt Rayne*, sad +agenda carry, 011 the Wilmer, and Fanny Goode bnalners, to all Ito Deaneher. Having Jug returned from Nen York, with a very rhotot saltation pl. 1a 100 a6O a6O 6 60 4 64 s6O SW She earnestly solicits a liberal share of patronage.— Milliners supplied as usual at Wholesale prices. Aloe Bleaching anti Pressing ili.ne in a superior manner at rin eta, (IRANI) OPENING, en Saturday Barth 26th., 11169 BLUR A. E. COLE, Protigletrir 4 00 6 00 3 00 300 3 50 =MNIMEN SEI.LEIC'S KM; FLUID, THE GREAT LINIMENT! FOR MAN AND BEAST S 1 ELDI:N'iAiiD: FLUID, THE G IEAT i • LINIMENT! FOR NIAN AND BEAST ELLEN'd ALAiiIC FLUID, 17 THE OZEAT LINIMENT! FOR MAN AND BEAST SELDEN'S MA<-lIC FLUID, - THE GREAT LINIMENT! FOB, MAN AND BEAST. Wwll you-4=6 pm doubt its merit 1 11 po, give this article s fair trill, II s TIM TRIAL will convince the most ekepthesl. k r " le Ag,isti thg r i l: t o Starch. 26, 1146e.—iy42. 333,111LOADWAI, N. 1 , ' PUBLISIIER oF MU OIL AND lictusjc booK, Deal, IN PLuaas, Melodeons, Alexandre thrum, Orgy derandeobs, Martin's celebrated and other Oaltars, VlOllllll. Tenor VlOll {COMICOUDIN Mandlabas, rhotaaa. flute; Clarioaetta, Triang. ta,, Tuat.pg hocks, Vipatoad Hammers, VIOL% 'ftwa, IWW Striroga, Bran lustroweats, for beads, hoc z.touls and Covers, tad all ktads 4:4111%10ml Instruments =O4 M.lll. Cams. . Xis. li OEIOO. SLAKE, 311.*1C, trope all the potettahora in the C. 8.; Bertfnl'y Btu:Mu'. and Illentearn reciamd, and all kinds of Inatruction books l.•r qte above instruments ; Church li eu la nooks ; tae aelegt.l7 lannd; Annie Pap r and all kinds of Runic ltr.fbanalleas, AT THY LOWNST PRI I LS. NEW PIANOS, at SIM 2 213 ), $ 226 , rbek and up to MOO kl AA 0 PIANOS tram pa up to 1100; New Slelodemw, 1146, tow, 16, sad op loin* ; SECOND HAND lir-LUDItONS, horn $3O •• ; Owwww* sit!, Are atom sldu, nine atopa, stab had MS, thirteen stops, IWO, 1276 and 13W, fifteen stops $320 and 137 P; Allenandre fOrgan Aneeellesen—a new Instrument just linijorted—pnce $3l/ and PS. A liberal discount to Chng3 men, Chaaabas,laallarth Schools, Senuuartea and Teachers. Thu Trade au plied al thausa trade din:ousts. PIN bow and AldNNia forays( ' and rent a110w•433 parek4•o3 to • 12..eited time.— Monthly ply went' teerived towards the purchase cerium* 11Wedeow and Organs. SABBATH oCile , t)L Bratib:B PUBLISULILL B 7 1 HL9 THE Anniversary and tiotriay-dehool link Beek, No. /, eontaina &linden anp hymns. Price 8 emote each, $2 per hundred. E Anniverapo and Sunday-School )hate Rom, No. 2, contain*. 36 /unto and hymns. hue 8 cents tech, per hundred TkLE. Aneuversery and Sunday School New Book No. 3, cantata' 50 tunes and by nins. Piles cents each, $3 per liuudnrd. THE Anaiwrreary and sunday-School Waste Book, combinjng Nos. 1 and 2, with several' adtational pieces, contains 'l5 tones and hymns. Price 8 cents each, $3 per hundred. THE Norma Penny Yuma Boob., Boa. I and 2. N,. 1 contatnifillVain and hymns. Prim one tent. Nis. 2 coatalas and hymns. Prior 3 cent. era* I 2 per geserpt. Now one omit each. rarsahhisphool Hell enntainsl:•l tunes and hymns. Prim 12 mute each, Pi per hundred, postage S tent. mien; 11 11MLntir bonled. l6 . l reeds each, $46 per hundred. THE Weetirteeter tkateetion or nebbeta nehool Hymn. and Tunes, few tie Sabbath Schools of the Westminider Prethyterian Clrarth, Brooklyn, N. Y., contains upward. of 160 tuner; sod hymn* it is beautifully bound. Pelee 70 amts rack, $l6 per hundred ; in paper coven, 12 coots each, p - per hued:ed. Where MA copies are metered the muse of the School or church rill be put on, If desired. COI46IIEOATIUS Al. SINGLING--tiatmile °Outcome of it—from intereepted. Lettere. An eight page T t eet:.:— rriee 25e, per dos- $1 60 per handled. TESTIIIIIONIALS dr THE HORACE WATERS PIANOS & MELODEONS "The Moo cone to hood. and In Brat rate order. /1 11 • beintillia PaAtrunbent and Z. 1316 WM." LAM k W ALUM, John Hewitt, of Carthage, New York, who barn had cam of the Horace Water, Pianos, writes an tolivem. "A friend of mine wishes me to purchase a piano for her. she likes the one you mold me In becember 18416. Yy piano Is becopiiag popular in this ulnas, bad I think canintroduce OD! ur two mote , they will be more popu lar Inueusby other " hiss two of eters' Pianos in use In °weedkiller,, ore of which has been sevrrely tested for three yer4erni we pa testify to their good quality and dumb ;IL WOOD St GnisooaY, Yount Cation, 111. "R. tarzas, 144.—Diar Sir . —Ravine nadons of . your Plano• Fortes fur two jeers put, I hare found it a very imperior seittement. Mane attar s Ptionyal RrosklysHeirikis Sessenisi." RIM Hiram Haayynes,writes as follow*: " rlaaeua 11414L0W, K. It.. July :mows. ILL w,,,,,,,,,,m. her; I received thettirlodewe wrie and JO good ordre : am well pleated with . the external appearance, and the tone AWL Hopei atm hare mum pion to Order one or two more the preamitywalon." "Titioa, IL Y., ,Lass g 1/5L Humana W Arun, Eq.-5h : The glalodeon yon sent me was duly reserv ed In good order. lam low hilly pre pared to say timbal., ieutrument to ay% eatifoutery ' and I beg rag Ida Leeept dig !larks for very liberal terms oil which you furnished it, and for the wary hEi able maimer iti which you hare 'Wined. mid ewe ralbllad. all that you promised. Vary Y ' your!. kr.. J. LIM." "Ti. Piano I received from you continues to give astir faction. I regard it as one of the beet instrument. In the pleas."—Jaairor L. Clasen, Charleston' Vs. "The Metalline bee wady. 'ld. I feel abased to your lee your liberal dhow &Han nantoryou In thews parts."-Raw. 3. U. ItoCoanica, Yaramwrille, A. II The Plano war duly reartred. It came la to= eoadtdon, and id veil much admired b my nu family. A00:4:4 1. 1 ii. th4Ou for romp "—Noway Comma, W Wintfted Co., Pa. .Ywar Plass Amman as well. It is the beet one In war Colnalyt"—Tamwas Al Lamas, Cwepbelitea, Gs. " We are very Loeb obliged to yen tor haAng sent ' a Ger inatrantent for 4250, sad we WWI aegte re e d it.".-4ht•My Huts k Ce., Bab& It aI ROTILOP !Mm's Pianos are keeirdaa the eery brat. tie are ratable"' to sPesh of .oi_etewtweete with feolldeees, temp perensie ter their es oveleeet Mae sopa iheedble qadity.. l -1 1 4 F. eageried. 1. - We an spook of the martr• of omen Waters Piano. from petticoat knowledge,: ari,l44 of the ow beet quality ."—Christimis halsititi= 1 . Nothing• at the nate Paled in any drpartment than Horace - arc s Pisan -. . - • • 0 5 P.._ _ ... -'''' ir 1: ' ......_ is es den* t Uwe ed Id ~and. ~... emnparuma eeordiCll*--1/•wie 4 -- I (tor T r Tit/ • Very fspeetfully, =::: LOVIRS, HEAP ~ nd man - , styles of Fancy Goods, TOO NI'MEROCS TO MENTION. 61akr'• Bonnet Rooms ti Pin, Mareb IN, 114:44 —4l op poolitp lb. Park TEE GREAT LINIILEIT FOR *IAN AM) BEAST HORACE WATERS, Ag't. IiDUSI I Pfie;- LOSS IFS RAID DURING YEA R 1858, $773,601,1L IN DUN ITY AGAINST LOSS 43Y FIRE, 1 , Portia of'• s lriland Navigation. J' F. DOWNING. A at for county of trio and virimlty C4pt. r_.;0088., •• •• • Varies 4.4jaater &ad Plapant slag Labs Amt. - - Nara% 12, 1/49.--40. BALOWINIV i CATIi A RTIC PILLS. OALuan CATRLRTIC PILLS, BALDWIN' CA.,,,C PILLS. BALDWIN' CAM!MC PILLS, mut ' lINTIRR Y VtGETABLE, • ENTIRE T reorramuc, 1 ENTIRE ' VRGETABLF-. TB! [FIRST CATIIA TIC NOW IN USE. :RENT CATHA C NOW IN Cell 4LEST WITHAL TIC NOW IN USE. Sold at eents pet boxist BALDWIN'S Drug Store. Erie, BArch 12, 1859-4n'; Nu. 4 Reed House BOOC BINDERY RElettPrEti: E. M. COLE, has Mirrored Ms Book Hindi u ► karstaiskimmSto fie moult NWT of - 8411 " 1- noel t's Block, eon* at WU add Mats Sty tiler* be will be found ready to waft on all his old easterners r• • Ap orders promptly &Mended lo krie, /911119. T. A. BLAKE ABt4"LE' ' SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Tint following valuable Real Estate, situate In the let lyric, is offered for sale, to close the sastglinscat of K.J.K. Kelao, for the benoilt of creditors. r 4: In Lot Nos. MS, 311211,, =OD, Sall and 1001 . situate between tate, Peach. Second and Front Streets, fronting on each f paid Streets. This ground will be mobilo wadi parcels ila may best .nit, dm partbasera. limo of the lot. bale honors, le., on them. BONNETS, RI BBIONM. The abdivi.l.4 half of In I,ni 1939, fronting an Peach, Second and Front Streets, with s frame dwelling house add other buildings thereon. . W ater. Lot No. 74, haring 33 feet front on Front Street and the ;woe on the outer Canal Bean Tier, entendirig from Street to Pier, with a Grocery building thereon erected. A Leffe M uutfuff on tie nor th lido of the rebate and on b Street,being "Al feet T% loches*riderd n feet long. subject to aground lease haricgsome Ave years to run, itt a rent of $lOO per sauna. The . r e property is all hi the mostimproving section 01 the , and offers lin opportutoty for securing :avow able • std lialdsig pradlUbinfinseirtaluatil, such so will p ly not °erne again in this City. The sale is peremp ry and must be node to fulfill the requirmenb' ot saJO tent. The property will be offered at private aide until the 10th day of May nett, when, if not sold, it isW be sold at Anatiod to th• highest ladder, at the Market Mole, it itb i . t a. oot re mato- TM B.—Onietottrrh fa hand, Wanes In oh, twelve and ei bteen months , secured by judgment bond and '" Elfe, areh itm M i —n. • L. BARIOTT, Allien**. , t S. ii his Pll rruii,E! rn . u. ....,.. ~,,. Ja. ItIBLET 'HA.: R ...l'' - 'll ' N . it splendid Stott of Furniture down to his New emildi g, on State street, one door South of Perry Block, Wit • pnaisly for that parpoes, where nmy bI Chad a large end Trail *sleeted assortment of i FURNITURBS Embracing all kinds of Cabinet Ware tumidly kept is oath in celahliehmont. On Use Orst boor, my be found Serrates Tables, Felsasins Wks, recterN Want Heals. Common PIMA Steads, Geed Stouts, Femora * c • sadCremisse Reefeteeels„ Gila, *s, Ose ilaotonctured by himself, together with a large stock et ti ll ' 0 IT .A.. _I Pt s 7 11 11111tig. Of rrery grade andprice to suit enitosee're. The. second Root is fall of KASTERDI tumults& inch a Oaf's, Tete-e- Tales, Large Rockers, Gentlionesh Easy Chitin, and all kinds of Coal:ironed Maim, Marble Toprtra and Card Tables, What Nan mid Quartet. Ste n s The third Omit Contains materiels arid a large numbwr of w oj et tuna, mametent to sainufactute any ele In the cabin line in the best stole and shortest notice. Th pu Min. pnrtiestiariy the ladies, are respectfully lap sitedsited t o call end em mine furniture and prices, as I am not be nantwead by any establishment in the City or ohms re. AU kinds of lumber and produce taken Lau , for furniture. J. R. WM" Ratak 111, 1669.-41 801 l Proprietor. X. .--J received a Imtek of Illfertun, endow ing ! Wee. f iatW and "ARIS FAN's" - s •""" PARIS FAICS - ANID rariArr tANcy II Ankles. Tb• Ladies will fliod f6w more of time wenllld Paw and Combo len, at the Araggoa Ilatch 12, T. X. AtIST/N. GILT PORTRAIT FRAME. . Gilt Mouldings, I.,ookiair Glasses, Floe French Li f t ~i n to harass, or out. slain (boo+ et th. Pamir= o& T. M. Are m. tibt, 1., Spade*, Masan ;weirs. Ray Fort., Hon riga; flat .eka, Crowbars, Bales, &t., for sale by /2, WA J. C.ll4lLDgii i t „ 1 1 010 i t il ASTP.R. x I 80 Tow, prase around Mates, is Barrels Ik, for sale b y J. KELLOOO k CO. a, !lab 12, 1814.-6w.40 lig Curial* PAPAW lhoolPOW 4A4leaa, Cord' siK_ Tuve; W Indoor Irtxturto, for mite &pip try J/C. MLDEN. BABBITT METAL- ♦ ipperior artlehr at STEAM PLANING MILL diA - NO, DOOR AND MILiND MANVPACTORY. IMPORTANT TO RV/LDS/ER' i Charter elb Titreillerv. HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF THOROUGHLY SEAS- OhEL Ash and Peals, dos 4a na6114108, dootobid dna fad planed MA. Windows, Doors, Blinds, Moulding; ismidit ShiagOsa Window Frames, Door Aimee, he., ke.i. wh they will sell diem for Cash. Having two of W worth's Improved Flaming Madame and eaapetant kw Id avast* iltain, vs 'advocate( td do sadebni r Ding, Matching and ittpptng at all those and In 1 sat• story manner. All orient w ((treats* prompt attention. grit, Sept. 26, 18611. ^ Va. ANI) SILVER GOO . Vile DiIIMOII4IIII6III an klndeofJewelry amide and by tbe very beat workmen. Silra, Speen. GOIN• tly on band and madaian order. Cloaks and Wlltabet fully repaired *I low Wins, and an work warranted. -of, IL AUSTIN, • Pineocon Bnildintr LOOK AT .1 = LIST OF NEW Boo Ks. UST RECETWRD BY ARBUCKLE AT tOSTOVNICIi NM% DEPOT. Lady of IarIAMB 1111 Sot 11611Arriortk" ' Culprit Fah - r4.lPomm,Wlrraks. Spread Eagidido," g.V. Train. Sixty years Meanings" by Brown. ?saint Hoax." Home Memories" by Barry Brook. Letters from Spain' by 11; C. Bryant. Diary of Lady Bargain." t i •Ttio old Plantatiow and what gathered tballm, - A norford. Losing and Taking of kfaZiiool" "?laurel, of Country Ws." 1,4 FAPIKWILI" by Dr. Wm. W. Wood. "My thirty yeareraut of the Semite.- Two Waist • " The Bothogok," by Trateber. " Lein Riven." ." Add= &de," by G. Zahn “ Cora and the Doctor." CALL IN AND WM: Erie, April 2, 21121....att. THEO A. ALA T IL-SCHOOL SELL--A solleettou of dotalut tansy °HOW and standard, esrstally and yarn et as talat, *lab, tsars, sa4kellomis asdployaspak and Jar °VS, 'dandies, or pisubo - book camas am* 240 bylaw sod tunes, sod ts one of the best tollettlow ar iisbtostb-sehools suss turesst. ?ties 12 oasts, $2 per /ssusdretl. pasture 1 anat. llasoutly bolus& 20 sus, Iltb travatlL=e&arma..r.. Newer 8 .. Votes Homo," and a 0044 a nom" Thaw rars oi tzts am ==u n id saa teachers at Ow r and 0 Skates Trarlori Com(roadloa ad Jaya/,Han, PhUacio -by 114 Maws Liars 101.0410 i Sleaselar of Broo IL Y. mad rare MO, syssombilipt N am , t ab espies bar. bees *old walk' dxty daye. ft, ban lutrodueed Into nag* of thalarpot saloolo la Now 4 4 i awl the washer al. Dr. Tyuirs, Dt. ettl d Os. lielass's. Just publlstsui 11, . • 1100ACIC WATERS, Arent, Jcisit 2. laide-42.1a0• IDEM ALE PIurtICIAN.• Atitiii i ms. ~...... *BB IL J. °ma sasamkneuss, littliktifraMtallA. Attends UAW doting COolloc=od 1: „ ie :li mm os i oaor to itriefet /Ai all of Um 'Blast 1/OntriCaasitialat, -11 dommaiim. , Aimaimisollartoota illorelma. betiportioripremorard Areeovie: - , i Creveniest Soo!' provided bp pilloola twig &lb a dislitioti. .' j ', ' r .- Wm A. alit la all us of canasta Opiaair itfiro al bawd op as oion to lbw pof otability a orai, AM irtly atteaded Ir. p p ivots abate to labial Ina. . . , i , .ae11111,111611.4.-AIAL 1 *Foi d vs lb" Sound In and inadond blow ink!' NOW VW JO • " WERT tAinr. itaN tall Garb'. " aIettIVIZID to y a MT ea b. riled!' pretested tim odd wedeln I" ilikieho to la W Et llow Deo. Stro et April 9, nu. • CUM •,pp. r.i thw4ti4) iufif'ouna 4 . ,8 7, 9 .10,0 8. ". • AND lalli EEO OES, SHOVELS AND SPADES ILT 811. DEB. GILT SI3ADI•S • Wild let of GM Shock* if Tory ley prieea may Vs at J. C. BILLDICN'S. IN DOW CURN ICES pi" za: : :a a :E. 'V'. 1 4 __l2 . 1- ILLit . s liana em 14.4 4. t IU. 1 : murk - , ;iiiiiseAlKll itiliSigiemt oi EVERT i ''.'. -a lPanilinlifirk".l -- ', /44diegAhltdealeas 1;1 id aldblna• E \ A T 0 ) 1 14 00 MAW- Sisie et Nitwits SI mulf 9th streets - b 3 t' USX P 41.1846 !BUR likta 4 TO In to tills trio and tberublie raw "9 \4. • It be just opeoki a very sot mud's,' sae ~ • ---.- .. -- - 4 •'• 4 "l iiViOsiie r awf • • • - ''' -,i. • .4is` as elifflopgit an ;., and aim:nine (plant aiid Le; EA.. Feb 2d. 1111 . 4 _ .; '4. JOAN 41ABLE ' lILTIVATOR H. C. MOEN Al Cli ; 4 ",„.4 ' J. CITY AND COUNTIri BONDS AT PAR. kik_ a l 1 14 110 1 1: za k ta a u rozz2 r sad take Bone Par: OM Finn SO MOM lIM . allkee trove Erie. PSO , $/01) per i seee. Out tans , 11~4.1144., 65Itaretted taFs- Y .1„..,- , • .• .4 1 leares t Leta, es Rides Stood, from of Norotoll Poo Five am ir Outneatitaket Orertod. WO prr lot Three Bowes surd or C ' Lore, Oro " " West Lots or Bomb Lapii„ , . $l6O " " Ezie, Feb. 19, 1364-111.1ro. A a l lik at0;1 a p , wax jest recriviod from ihillimiellpla very lug. Stoat of frrAri.s. Mar 130011104 Inikh they will eall At tba Lowest Rate* for CASE, ?Moods 115 pat ?Po at= b i lltafet Ag earrato. " Th9l tilly• ONO mait_ Pais istitrip, Draw•Te , naingwase alocen miessirag mow Groceries as does. as the ehdaaped. for cash. trio, !Web 5, MO. • • Magazines, Paps, Stationery, ..,WAX6 I 9 I /ARER, gay AT PARiir, SOW if 00H STOZI. D. P. PlinglGN, PrePrietor• Ene, Feb. 21% 11149. Cl Loom iB, IS TlTtil PAY OPY.NING • eplrodW w orth :w ig of r ich Wit Chips rues, Motto Cops •nd Saucers, Mugs, CaodblilldrAllotl it great varttty of ustrui. AND ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES, arilladidi bathe Rllialiaila,Taa ?Rehm, tiller poop , tones, Nalkh , Rings, (beautUullnks of rich Jewelry. Wat ches, and Fancy and see. Erie. Dec 24, ME GRAPE VINES. • Itl An now prepared to offer for solo. sod ealie - It orders for the following hat of TRIM AND PLANTS, bleb°lee varieties, Crown aP" on oar Lake Shoes sot. Fruit Trees and Evergreens. 5 to 6 Peach Apple Tray * , 111 40 sarinticw o 6 to 9 feet high. " - Pear " WO " sto 6 •' " Dyad—beim** • . Cherry " 'A varietiew " . ' Isabella and Catawba ()rape Vine*, bearing Coneord and Discs do early varieties Lawton flack Berry. Ohio Hasp Berry, free bearers rf= ll ' Cl=nt, lio u n i nt i a de Ash, Victoria Pie Plant, Cherry, Currants, ice. Orders for any of the abete may Waist the Hardware Stare of J. C. rhino. Krim, or gent to the subscriber at Swan's Station, Erie Conoty, Ps. S!!P, igiPerVilln , ! SifitlJEli SIIIIMIN. N EW ARRANGE/LENTS. J. Mwe.t.HTSB., haring purchased the entire inter rititpa.:44ratitaggeOl :it of & MeOlur ru i he be continued by Wm at the old stand where he will be ready and ertildiaw to welt on all the old Cuotornen to the late Inn and Wllll4 pleased to ere is many new ones es will favor Lim with a call. lerfa,./.110 1111 r. F IRE! Fug! , FIRE lie 416 A. MIINNRATTNS [m ammal oMoe, corner of SUM and Fifth street, Wright's as 1 4 , atot lb tot MIMS* Comp r an p o d. Me rw• presents ies. MERCHANTS' FERE & MARINE INSURANCE COM PANY of Model l:o E 3 i; uthorised Capital $410,011. Sward Invaded adMI. VRAPCIC COMPANY, Atlas; Bradford 01. 4 41 .d Capital 1101110 1 410041. AU paid up and seconly Motes as he irenrity to lb* hoard will permit. Ibis, De.. ir UAL G. A. BENERVE Alt. /C - 1 . 1713 T IC E IN THE FIELD gel ;Wa IBM a l libri e tailteasiiid public in neral Titans... and Etemay Mad. IClmildeta in all Its various brunches, I. the Store lately Cliar s it between Brown's Hotel aolthe • Atlftrltegleodloror to bow at all times a choke selection of CLOTHS, CIIMISIMUKILM/S,, AND YEISTINCints which I will make ap b order upon abort *once. sad warrant to rive siatiataction or oo sale. Perrone in want eiaboi . vii . nay line ean n fabijrainat 112 :. fie r re w it sortment of READY JUDE CLOTHING, eb=which for Cash of . Home make and warranted to he as re" Flaunted or refunded. Pergola ktir emu' we batted to call and .:amine my ado& 164 Mesa, as I sim determined to .all CUTTING done on abort notice and warranted. tre, Oct.l, IBA JOHN 11. JUSTICE. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL INSUR ANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Auk now doing busbies' on the Mutual plea, giving the in fared a participation in tho profits of the Comp*r nyorilbout finality beyond the premium paid- Risks epos the Lakes and Comb WINITINd ea the mot favorable terms. Loom sill be liberally and promptly slimerisks cni IntWelliattlie, bdefihntlakid other property in town or tenantry, for a limited term permanently : i . ._: DIRECTORS. Joeepli R.,_,. Wt. * James C, Hand, neophilna Paulding, John C. Davila, Robert Burton. Johnti= 6 Hugh Craig, Barone ai Henry David B. Stacey, liaise Darts, WilliinsaM, William ft. Hay, Dr. B. Thom, Dr. R. M. Roston, /olio Tulat, Ji. Spencer McCraw, George Sorrell, John J. Newlin.. - Bdward Darlintoo„ John B. Penrose, J. G. Johnsen , I 41. Jones Brooke, Edmond A louder, Maw" B:itirsoeuk ft,g,. Yarn. Preet, ApplicatAnn can be made to rie, April 4, la h 7. J. NZLLOGG, Agrnt, Erie. ----...-_____ ___ All! FARMER'S!! - W :sew* ii 4 lbw BHDRIMI ROTATING MARROW. Manufactured and sold by Aug. VI. I.IDDRLI., HERSHEY k CO., I. C. SELDENII KEW GOODS! SPRINg AND , BITALWER MIILINNRI' M Rs. M. (THUS, II now reerir in a Large awl Full As sortment al N MUMMY and FANCY GOOLni,' consiet log of a great rallsgp of Wiladifeog • COLORED STRAW ttONNTES, BLOOMERS, AsdObehmirsEa w seenar .114 i, Shaker Hoods, Noy's Hata be., he . , row" Ruches, Caps, Head Dresses, Alen Hid Gloves, Modern Lace Vella, French Corse tis sad Meta ifederiati of all kinds for gap hroidery, Valenciennes, Lace, Applique and French Work, t a., les, ugh Good/ wholikbelgr ; Firitat=ba Bluets. Bloaehlog and Pressing done la the pest manner; sbau,Stran Ronuote eoiored Drah,,Nroun and Blank. April 9, 1859. WB9. If. cortra. CROCKERX otlip CCLA,Si 3 WAIIE STORM, No. 12. Empire Block, by ROGERB & BENNETT April 9, 1869. HARDWARE. n , TIOGERS ANO BENNETT, . ~, Have the Largest and Best Selected Stock of n a2 . it • ^, : SPRINGS, i arnt B i, I, • 4ititi, 1.3 A • AMES, SHOVELS AND SPADES, NA PIPE BOXES, VANIEW:NY SAWS, HOES, 11018 8 E SHOES. IE3÷X;) * • f i t7F.A.l l ' HARNESS TRIMMINGS, &c., _ CUTLERY, • PIAXRD WARE 4 La feet almost every thing Remember the Old Etna, ' , 11menur J CY, No. II and 12:,/ /ire fl, 7/100 •i•• •• -10GW k ■exams. NAILS, STEEL, SPIKE, AXLES, BELLOWS, Cleve~ttd - tikd Reis Railroad. OX AND AFTER Monday, April th, I%liistl! bather antis Pitivonopr ?mins will rna 6. AVE CLEVELAND io 10 A. S. Mag T ataltopin at all Way Mations tse•g : Wito.lfils, Perry, Unionville Saybrook, Striluntll and arrive, at Cris 1 42 P. 11, Dunkirk 3 47 P. m., Mask • 30 P. M. ✓ 9 46 P. M. N isht Itsprtes Train stop RA Painarellt, Ashtabula and Ginu-d, only, and am... 61 641... 1 16 A. 61.,• klaltabmca 46 A. M- S 29k X. X Giarobastl Signer, epos at Paluont tile, *Ai , SO% Ashta 43, P. bula .ll.b Ci adbiu JO 20 P. onwent, awl Gitand, arrites - al lite• , • LEA.YIT. MX IL : to 011 blighelbswreentsaimokopoinOtriod,Oolosoant, Aahlabula, sad Pataurrilla Andy,, sad arrive at Clementod 3 40, A. M. 7 13 A. M. Kill Train stops at All Tay Waltman mml Vaia4s(er, Mesta amallf i t r k revaa fit 10. allk i a.lll. lIIP. . Tapas. Trials A Conneant4i awl Pal atty. and 'ras at COI SO, Day haligka traiaajiast sad Wapt, gni hare Paassapr Car atirabeik /ad "'wlllotor at all Stations. AD ibb throligh trains connort at Clifteland with Unica tor lAN CIS' rirataft• Am Sax all tail thiapßA Using " DOS' hfth with Wan of d IL'T. in, at Swilitio with their. T. magl Bald* sedge • City worentagAlk, • SjialadlomS, April 4, NEW YORK 1111. ERIE R. R.. CHANGE OF HMIS, COMNECCING 11O$DAY, APRIL 4, VAL T mina - will Imre Ds IA sheet llt• Moving hours, Ifasti NOM York exprnuress.d Bound—Depart ...... .45 or a 00 a. a Mad:matt Exprem 0 15 r. N Night Erpress-- - ...... . 415 e. Stork Mak.rera S3O ♦ N Fralilt4 Fe. IL 1IA) r r Prel;Th4 . Ne. 4 - 5 4U A. Al Passenger; by Night Express Train rut nn Sian wisp. will female over night at iUmita, and proe..l ant in• rianati Y.:press Banday morning. CRAMPS NORA N. emit. Piankirit. Math 19, 111ML-11 tf. BUFFALO & ERIE R.' B. • ,• • - NEW ARILANGE.WrinT IIN sod after Mow*, April 4, and until further no tiee, Paaireager Trains will run a• renew, Liters ERIE. 190 A. IL, Night Eirpresa„ stops .t Wrath. Dutdurk, tied Bilrn Creek, arrires at fluillato at 4 4.f. A. M. 2 02 P. ri., Wail stops at North East, that. Line, truinry, Westfield, Salem, Duakirk, Siivrrrrerk and Iniu arrives at Buffalo at 6 20 t' 7 00 P. Y. Cincinnati lExprras, trope at Wrstfirld, Dun kirk and Sillrercrerk, affirm at Buffalo 10 20, A. X This ittioveltaina ecinnert at Dunktrt and Ballwin with Rwproaw. Sinaloa on N. Y. k g., aqd NOV Y.* Cf.nowl Rand. LEAVE BUFFALO 10 01 A. L MAU. stops M. Xmas Centre, lrriap Silver ('retok Dornlark Sans, West& I.i , Quineey, State Lino, North Eastirod 1 arbonerwrik, arrives In }Ai/. 34 1 40 Y. 11. 00. Y. M. Night Eaprran dupe at Sliver Creek, Durant sod Westfield, strirro st. brie at 1:1 30, A. IC 4 00, A. Y., Batton gloms, !tops et rltitererrek. Dun kirk, Vidortkold sod North ka+t, arrn Erte 121, A. M. A pig 4, 1860. IL N. 1111APA Supt Cleveland and Pittsburg R. R. TIME TABLE.-TO TAKE EFFECT INVINDAY, APRIL litho &W. Tr 54 5. 14,8 " 4 - 3 e" land daßp•-.Bandat • excepted 10.00 A. Y. RAW f or Pin•baran and Wheetiok. 4.55 P. N. for Rat earn. 11101 i Rill. tot. y 9.5 6 P. M. Ispreas. for PAttnbarth and tt he pita, The 10.00 A. V. sad 9,25 P. make du, ct ,asnalt sicallilos wink ?Feria. g. for Raititmore, 11,11•delpi.b., Saw rink and Rasta* A 1... with lia/titnare A Ohio R. fat Rantmare and W•abingtaa ray 10.00 A. R. tzsappalaa ctsinects •t Had.. for Akron and Mthersburp. 4. • GIL Su pt IL F. MYERS. ilia. ItaHtii A VD , • 43 KNO / 1 / 4 14., PERSONS Tl , l.92;Tilftit oN SALE r AT ALANsows M w reAdgEs. Cherries, Currants. ;ad a mar New Yro it, pm- IMMO' ,imprkil Akir Cllll ( maw., 11 Met rashon. *via lines of w one k 446. Y OUP, 1 tor Dried Yesat,) Anew by 421 Eoglidh Ladi ay rat mut", toe be.t RN 1 8,,:61, ATV.", t r. am or Tamar. Car- INLIIMT 'bona nod Sal Soda, Imrkey'• and Ws Baking hwer. GROCERY td, lie/n[l4lla, FAIMIA, la •eoleo Clocolave and Emma, Oatmeal, Salad 011 In tars* A T RANSON'S 1 . an and mall bottlea, Pickle*, Paper Ilgaum, Catsup, Worcestershire Haase laud Flavoring Ettrarta liftiLLUN t.t)Fil:F.., Learner l or Code% pure ground Java Coffee to T 11"31711 pinged Caw or by the Tingle sand, A JiMbilliblibil• NO Asti atbs.r Slag Roasted Codes; Imperial Gm Powder, Young Eynon, OW Hy eon. I kw*, Palo, Oelose and other Black AT 114 X 3011.8 1Teefe. 01 superior qualify, by the , or on retail. SeGAßS—Crushed, Grano lated. Powdered White and Yellow . Collar, AT ELOISCIPPS Plew Orleans and Porte moo sugars. SYRCra * ROLASSF.S.—New or- kraut and Porto Hie° Molasses and Su gar House Arrup. AT RANSON'S, TOBACCO.—Superlur Fine Cot /Chewing and Smoking Cavandisb and Natural Leaf, Ashrams's Solaoe, but we must stop—the Printer can't atheee au mete apace sow—bat CDs bandit ti part h.e not besa tuition. Perhaps we may resume the subject next week, but don't wait kr that tut come and see, sod with the Queen of the Muth yen will Le led to etelcm, "The half baa not been toldyou " DOM? 1111kttiliT TII 14 PLACE. Er* Jae. atl, 3.8501. WRISKEN DOR SLR RECTIFI ER, WA It RA NTEDPU RE. AT S. R. CHUCH,LE: .9 REED HOUSE ON FRENCH STREET. CHERRY BRANDY, it =tor medical use, at CHURCHILL' S. of all leintia, at CHURCHILL' S. Wines of all kbads, at CHURCHILL'S Cita of all Rod; at CHURCHILL' S. Root, a to arils, at CHURCHILL' S. Pura Spirit* the for-twedelnAl sps rpoie.gt, at CHURCHILL'S, 11, , n0w an Frew. b NEW FIRM. grloß, Eel 19, .1859 brie alty Iwo= 'VIITC:)x•IS..is. ON the3lat of Oct.. 185 a, we, the en.enerlbers 1.01304 tie STOCK 1141 d TUULS of the above Woraa jingo 1,1. dOn. Kepler k Co , and aaaodata.d ourwalars In inuontla nindor tho name of LIDDELL H ar Co., and are tnow - srupplying the want& of a fir, and are nano♦ and all I,War to do swab snow in our /Um •• Clakertirugss, '• Are Dow olds b 7 aof s onsperl or qualfty for " IWlCiacilla.tameNr - 3r; Plows, Sleigh Shoes, Plow Poi ,;Its, &c. As it la ilnnroirilie lei male reed ChMlllf ref Mi amian dad Shwa at the mune time, we have therefore Malt • neer Copal° and Foundry, and melt iron exclusive ly for itaehiaer7. We are ready to asy timt we amnia ha bait in that lima Thorefinor come no ail yr that *amt good Steam Engines, Boilers. Rill (leering, Agricultural laspletacats,_;&e, AT A LOW PRICE NOB BEAD? -.PAT. Lumber, Lath, ebbeler, oll t kleele of Pradesh Old lion. ld Copper, Bran, Leadcork to *O ti , ae.;tdeie ezebamge, led wet le -freer Igor e w* • WALtIla J. V. LIME, etNJAIIM lIMAARAY. Aria, JAn. SD , Mg. JORI( TAtilLllllll. S.N. PIKE'S Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy I Tins azAxp V" boa None_ paaaarseteered fur aor lace tress the PONS iCICE of time CATAW BA G thus atierellog additional evidence of lb. pro m& AIIMPONIII tilitsapeine ILO ends try, and of our 441ity tioprolate &Moles at bone* iflual be those litod.f by any other sada. OHIO CATAWBA MU T' not only equals bat *Mail the best ( snorted Brood (Arita awl Savor. It li e ill hot, WIC BOIT BRAN KNOWN. Thb obraneant to fatly eorroboistod by the certificates o f oar sloediotArthsel analyiloal Chuang& Thu wart of BRANDY long been felt In this eonnhy, and the introduction of as atlas of inch qual ity se to supersede the sale and an of those vile cola pounds hitherto sold um*, the aura of Broady pn only bar resorbed as a pest tad& good. The CATAW BA BRANDY all thorned goalitiro ahebeed for the host Liquors, and toot perfect yvaityandoo parber issoroted a seep , ief , • sad oar* resory for DyspeptiC, Blateecey, Creep, Cbotio, Languor, Law SiOrifts. WitotErwl Debility, Motors Morbas, he. SO WAXILY SHOULD HS WITHOUT IT. .1•EIRETZIV=111 0 0= OUT C TLS h . k, (lass. teats Assayer. Om oi*. Bodon, October 23, lin. flitanteliaLtrwel lannoo. IN Bosom= Sr. •• i nearby arliff)- that I bay ibis day ands a etent anal_ysis of octopi' of Catawba Bawdy, Willett% as by 5 int Sad Old I balm too arW Adettlitretio Ingendisata or anbatannea Loh, his blare brandy writ) tonal agates "dr inotlyrine matters belonging to brandy. I would nefolmosifill for madlattsoll aim cIUL JACILSOII, tltoto Assayer. Po rottotesitoest‘toillber tbto Irtita• will bepetit, with it moil boat* tit, atom ttpplteatkin to tho= DMA) . L L RAIOWLIt, gob /wet, Its* Ps. FABEIIE PENCILS at all Color. Int a ' a ow Itool,treatMy he oats, auk tei tiee " ' 6 6 BAIW-1:77" REYMIO3! When MO sot&-Z wid esesseimr the other day, , tr.: Lai hems oMay r To 11.1 8 / 1 I.D•ftlefl. nsh Tsaf fa vented, fresh tad ram we. to aelest with CUM, Wlll * Nmays mre to ADA them *Wee A 9 BALowies. Whir has lota of efrotom Buttes gosfQ, AM West kinds of wholmome food Amides some others understood Who roes pm IsithMeektimg men, • AIA showy you all that's to be aeon, Goaap arieuttay, uiew 604 elerat • of MAP WIN Who keep the °ritual "B•Ile-5? Pre— The beat that's omor beneath the sky, For which an mug long and sight [ HoLtaa. Who's at his poet loth early and late, To watt oa hig„ satanad anat. At the Mots Duran le Kb lad disco Sete, llareh FOR THE FARMERS. IUOO lbs. of X and hi 'Drag Tyrth, for Nolo tr, 111oreb11„ 1649. J. C ALWAYS READY. • Gars n 4 other manefottuto of ?Wolk for Ws vu} um, at Woreh 12, PanPM &adios. PERUVIAN SYRUP. Protected Solution of Preto:tide of Iron. MR THE CURE OF DY&PEPSIA, A Weems of sho Moor. ihropoy, Nostralea. firoochith, Coooo.odoo Ter/codes, 11400riireorn Maio of Ow 8 1 0111. Hook seam, Moo t amp poostra= inn otTifia opt Load orperearr. General ALL terSEASES WHICH lintlffig TONIC AND ALTERATIVE IibICINE, By Re-organittny the Diaoryamiaed Mood, awl Re stormy to flit Vim's/idiom tAd indlidpetteatitt erem soy of iron, tribiout which Health tallow Ur dial* tamed. • jp.i. .1=1::otat its C a w an so 1 0 0 .t e. aad of .orb peculiar character, that 7 sufferers moot resaoaably Narita t. receive the creamed aid. ' > The Peruvisa Sy nip doesastpro ""' r • r... to be a rare all, bat Nits oar \- sr le enricusire,..beesume wally Steer are apparent ly Inlidla s are intlitii -1354 tad; related, and pacesetting *on ~o e cause, may be cured t oar rt medy The clam of disemere (or vk turfs the Syrup provides a cure, Is preciaely that a hich has an often Willed the highest order of medical skill. The acts are tangible. the alcomeees aceesoubla, and the safety sod efileacti of the Syrup incontrovertible. Those who may wish for an opinion from disinterested portons reelecting the character oft he Syrup, candlot fail to be Fattened with the Jo/lowing, among nrinierona tea timonuile, in the hoods of the Agents. The signatures sew those or b.:robe's** well known it Use encrunonfty, and of the highiet reapectabilify. IQ AL MIL 221 The undersigned, baring ex , pen aridriirtles beeches' of recto of the eruriao is'yrup, 'do not 'militate to recent mead to the atteutino of the pabfte rroto our experience as well as from the testimony (gather., whose intelligence and Integrity are &north,' unquestionable, we hare no doubt of its .most In Mar of incipient litemars of tbe Lungs and Bronchial f Dyspepsia, I.ower Complaint, [hope', Neuralcia,ire. " M In deed its ofteets wou4d t.e inetralitele, but from lb. high chwiwotor of those who haw*, witnessedDlM), and have voluoteereil their testimony, DA tse do owe, to its restore tire power Re.. JOAN Pi ERPONT, THOMAS C. AMORY, TiO/MAS A. LEXTEIt„ INTER HARVEY, s. H. KKNO 1)., JAIIEIL C. DUNK, SAHI i 1, SA V, Its.. THOS. wirrrINORK. It ix well known that the medical elect of Protaithie of Iron 9.4 tort by r,en a tery brier expnenre to air, and that to rrtairitzitri a Notntion Proi,,hte of tr0n,,,,,th, 0 ,,,, further oxidation, I,"p 'wen , teemed impotadbhi. In the Vero. Inn roll, thin demrable point la attained nb.poits t xxitovr:v : luo,l ittle tu.ty ivpLad. all ti.o cart.oll•4,ll dttftea, sad tartran. t 11.• liat.rm I. CLARK a co.. Proprietors, NO 5 Water Stre.t, Boston. jam' In F t nr tAisF It A BRO., wall Uruggiata gaper Lit Nay. 21, 10S---'..3.6ak. At tha old Stand. M MURPHY, 11. Betweeen Brown's Hotel & Reed Ronne, 11A 9 US !'ASP A I..kR(iE ASS( IiZTIEN'r ()F Li( ( ijk•. ‘ ST( Iv ,t,. Alt., • large and.tr-n.i ass,etrnent i.f AM. Oitte.l I t..n ware. Al.a, a la aF•. dlicom .1 entlery and I'naa rt Knives., Ac., lititants fable CildfirS 1121 d tre ... pots, atst,. Tea and Tablaripoolsa, U." Copper, P o r re lain and Grottodliet tles, also, a large sasortment of sleipau Ware of all kinds, and the beetassort . . •••• moot of Tee, Trays,tto Sr* of all shapam and ow*, also, LanOsrus, Collet Yips, Corn Poppers, Setf ,- *, Chof.pinit Knife*, Flat Irons, :botch and foogs, Pokers, C o al lb,* Washboards, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Potato Hooka, high Hooks., /sc., Foot Tuba, Hip Baths and Bathing Tuba, Refrigerator', Mauves Patent Cream Frreser, also, Pups of all descriptions. load Pipe, Blurt Lead, Pump Citllnp, lad nibiDg 610111 Pipe and Mora. Canal Pumps, and Lamps, Water Coolers, and filters, Fluid Lamps of all Hadar, Soaks and Malys:di, Ztals and Phut Iron, Wire, Dish Covers, Candlestick' and Lamps. Table Hate Fisko, Hammers eboirel and Soares Stand. and Milk Pan. and Palle, Toy let Ware, Tea liells, Tumbler Drainers Saullired Trap, Kowariad Rat Traps, Italls, Beres., Tacks and Oi l Fenders, Feather Ihisiont, Bread - toasters, Deed hoses, Deg Colder., French Code Pots, Stele YYaayy,, Grind Stoats soil Hangings, with Screens All of whirl, will be sold cheap for Cask only. Jobbing done on the shortest notice. Copper, Urgak, Pewter and taken in exchange for good` Pt. xxe. co It and exaartne my stock, and sated; • ourwsl Tea Brie. Hay 16, 1866. 1" oars N. .M . l; KPH Y G ,NJL !'I RN ITC RE AT LOW PRICES. Taunt & Bristol, i• F("R•\7 T( E A Al) LOORIN GGLANS wit RE ROO AIS R. 233 Jlairi street (formerly Meier E' De/vivo', ItUFFALO. 6VOTI NO OU B ATTENTION TO THE MAW. facture of our work, and relenting and making our stock with express reference to the retail custom trade, we are enabled to niter to those seeking an excellent article of - Furniture superior advantages ibr obtaining the best of quality, etyie and fl nieh, "Merl we of at low prices. We mini to keep the best quality, highest finish, latest and neatest patterns, and largest suieortnrent of FL UNIT VRE AND 111.1111110111 a, to be I nand In Sankt. We manufacture and keep eonatantry on band a large aaaortment of MAHOfiANN, WALRL'T OAK and RUSK WOOD, MARBLE and WOOD TOP BUREACct, TABLES, WA AT-NOTS STANDS and SIDE BOARDS. Also, MZZMI IMII SitCRETARISS, WARIILOBt` 4 , F.XTENSION TAftl..M, E %NEI' CORN RR 6TANDS, RECEPTION UWE.% ROSE WOOD tMT S, ENAMELED CHAMBER SOTS, PATENT ItECLINING sari SICK IMAMS, and all article., of Partar, ehamber, Dining Roma and Kitchen FURNITI'RE. We inanufartur , anti ha*, band era-grauca, husk, palm lea and hair Mattresses and Spring Beds. Mao, variety of Mahngany, More Winn' any Gilt IIiRRIMS, of evrry 1.110 and atylp. liutfain, Jun. " —7.lr T NT k 1:1. , 1411 - - _ N 1-: W T 1: T m N T PHI VATF WI CIPATIMEATIAI. MEDIC U. ADVICE. AT THE KU Sr le %LA PRIVATE IJOMPITAII.. i'Atril.lfthod for for rum of Syptkilin, gouda.' W.A.... wml thr werrt Infirmithv of Youth wet tihturity, by Dr. Abliltt A ` , 4)N, lineal°, N. 1' (Mee COll2tT of Main and Qua) otrretst, rup,ataira,l AL MOST seiRNTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument for the tore of Genital Debility, or Nocturnal F.nsismons, more properly known as Seminal Weakness, ke. Can be rermanetly cured in from fifteen days to two months ny Um use of this Instrument, when imed conjointly with me,licines. YOUNG MEN TA Itai PARTICULARNOTIt'E. Pr. AMOS k SO :4 tale [Jesuitry to annoonerog that they bare invetiteil • most important imitrationtit for the cure et the above. dt..rsers It has boss, matdeolui to the most emtnerit phyeletatta In London. Pat* l'hlladelphla are Sew Tort; lt haa bean declared the only useful Instrument ever Invented for the eon of Seminal Weakness, or any dlaeas of thegenital omen awned by the menet halals of youth . fries slo,,by mail °respires NEw REDEDUEN AND QUICK UMW& Dr. Amos it Soo may be consulted from 8 o'clock to the meriting wall 9 at sight, la every stage and symptom of dinesps, Seaindary symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Ink pnts•nots and Sulleturve of the Urethia, and all them dreadful affielkoos arlsing from the secret habits of youth, which, produces conautsuonal debility, render* manias* Impossible, and in the sod drtroys both body and mind. The issarsoant they adopt le the reaultof wants et thirty yew* extemove and suooleafal prat. ties in gurspe and Mliestall. Dr. A 1606 &SON thee devoted their utteettoo euelo. sir* to this pesuller clamor maladies, end the rellettbey have consequently been enabled to render to their &new creatures is Tall testified and gratefbilyo acknowledged by coneakeeent patients Nod Ahem daily arriving in town from all parts of the ceuetsy, for theern purport only of coemitation, while their exertions re been frowned with the aunt signal advantages: /*Chum what they have experienced In inquiring Into The *use of the take data comphant, ((from their most4s condition to that nab* meet *Leprous sad ) they have al ways-entertained the poaability of' the r yorreottan and rit:=and likewise is Sound lbe most hots 1 malignant roans o d almost al ways be tweed to noe of the following lsmw: Ignorance, neglect. or the 111 effects of sunk Mel treatment; there fore*, Dr. AMOS as SON have succeeded dleoftverhig, In the selestakm of theirteasi== e nd cau tious Mate; *AMIDE Ill dos r which bear an equivocal ehareeter as will up th ose IA eaten sad hilsdieleala appiteetioaaMight * prOig , r et had eoneemeenaws In An basis of Otani litidisskle; Inubart, bused& end al their masedies in tie bleada- ZA • rest masa sf Smut ming RIF sibriatios, and pcsuanalso Otiose, allhatiess that an in reality the seem toe of ilk aad trhbb, wkiLetirey so esteusiveh summed ea. call aloud for our skill and interference ger thesis adensisation. column . mr7ALOs. - forun x sia rmoba in airy at ga• work% sag be aaceefrailly talatioa by a amtpat l their cam s with a iraditiala iar Mal ora, ha Alidrata Dr . a SON. °armor !of Data aad Quil straat ) • • Y. Tibill4 / 0 — 'at . SPICES ot all' ' KINDS • at itto. 2, ita'&* April 9, MO. WPM k Co. Aril AM.:4Zir"; 2, 12211. CERTIFICATE oF DR VASES AA. HAY RA, n, er to the :stab* of idesseebtulette MIZE CCA ' h OAR . .R. BOOK CASie, ILOUNGRA, OFFICE A CCZ wARIIANIII&D. PROF. COLIMA. CHAMP .A. OT'Yp E I PICTURE GALLZRY, LIAS BEEN REMOVEb NEI To Us* Sky light pkoosis h IterstsOntsiel Nov mbar, br la pireposell Iler•xecuto Pletittras of an no —% Es* Veto 111, I:=1 HOWARD ABSOOLVITON, i 4 - - 7, -- t t L. - - - A BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION of on ( Awaaasemmt 4 ipsi;lal Cadmium% Om th• !WWI Sick sod Eltitn owed. ansted with VISOLgtOT SPIOSAIWC DifibiANKs. I'm I:IOW/ULU VittiOCLATION, yin of toe " ir k sloomuitios .t brow at. ware by humid 01500mmi,..4 tto docepuom• praoslood sows lbw übborsoasse mums such dorm. by 48basks, 1111711_011 /11.11, ag . 4 0 . 4 . 4 u mn a tui beriebsi, as •• CaIIbUTABLIC ACT • etb, Uwe, arm. Worm, albowssomy %CCM taiaboust sr tLv Via etaisol dimmer. 1.0 WI ;bar lcuszik, leb4 to sin YlUntad. ADVICZ CERAM to all obo apply by Wt r, obit • 41•• oriptios of Unit oriolitloo, lap , socopeties, Lamy, ilk, am,/ said is °Pi ut saUvaast poorny i •• i libAbbs 10./111.314 ICS YRZE UV CRAM . It le osipiloss that U. Aseoubi&kke eobunduide la• tniglint2l. up, an 4 stll hardsh the soot imptowtd Naha SELDRN The Lueders of the immedistitis, $ tides ..asst Bow apes the tiettioest of 811111111 ablllllolo, ewers, lee highest withdhatioil with thms seam width leas swim., the lobos* of their siadecer id the ewe se Specom,,,, awe, beteited itshases, awasolissay wed" gpad 4 tee rise el unsaid et Estif-Abose lesesete of B ite tia ssyirsoil airlitkrz, ll la.. sad order sootisusass st pissi tor the The Directors otie a Vrof7the Fast, *el wo a d th, their When Is this sphere el teservoleut *xis Ws et pest besartit to the edlietee, evicted, le the yeti% t b" mare resolved to devote tleellOsiese, gl um,/ 1. 1 4 to this very inaportaat sad stitch despitsi MUM. Aa adadnil• Report Da Spirtuatorribmii, fie Seagaig W „Ap r a,. um The Oneetem, iflistartaldost, or Soh Awn, and other elaesees of the handl Wisp; bp the esvtvai ppru ps,) ?Diabir tler cl ipeos, siIIiA RGX, be rest by de% 0. ef ?Wu**ehlhe ede reads STAYI2I los postarm Other Deports a. 41 Trade as the nature and treetruent of Nasal dlarams, cosstaatly befog poblubed for gratettoue sad will be lest to the eltdeted. donee of the Dire dew dies sad esetbode of tresordat dtacoeenet daring the pest year, ere of glad redo.. hildreau for Report or treatment, Dr. J. BMW( HOUGHTON, Actin Surgeon, Howard hileadattoa, he 1 South Muth Phdadespide, Is. -by errata et the Dereetors. b misted -I% UIUb. kiXARTWILL, ly 41. Seenetary. ?reddest - p LAT KU W ARE Calla Bute* Forks, Spans, Cam sod a per variety of Rich Plated Goods, tor solo by T. IL AUSTIN, Binges Ilhandiag, March 12, Mar Reek tk. .HOUSE. PAINtING AND T liE SUBSCRIBER Would niepoothilly Wpm thooiusof of htte and vicinity, that he is prepared to do General Paper ganging, With Neatness and Dispatch. Shop oo Ftench wheel, Dear Fourth, eppoothe J. Crook k Co'n Carpestat Shop. CALM C. JVNL Brie, Nara IM .--42m3 1.--42m3 A\TIJELMINTIC WAFERS FOR W OILDM WHY eito your r hihiren naIISOOMI sad sawbehmoms Worm likallelsws, vihrn you bars this of Sugar? They eontstu no Calomel, or Ml)balusi ous Ingredients. but are purely iresetabas, Mid sever WI to expel warms where , they exist, sad lomprostbs Leith le all caeca. Beware of imitations. and purchase ally the celebrated ' An Widen led W Orelle Wald are the only original and only sae sad rellible Irons confection now in or. gold is Weis. lirs.d . = Boar by Harsh 19, 1869:-41 YOUTH AND MANHOOD. JCNT Prim:num tb. ?ISt! Moused, sett QQtoatird io a oraled lope, to say ockfro., pool rod, oti ftootpt N threirstimpi. Medical may au U. p4ssesi ezimmudadra mad &ail 4 tko - froata, Clogged by Jelf-inuot," irjedient, aid tie tojorsoos onspeorosor iikomr. by. R. J. alba" wen, M. 14 ineuterr of Ms Royal Caller. qf Sortoot, tpr lzpersoatertlxesta Vet:pima. if.aohlevona,getatal aad ervOin Debility, Impotency, Loam of Energy, Depremae of Spirit', Timidity, Itiersoe of the retool Onto" sod Impediment* to Marriage, an reocoptly mot edectuhinr moved ,y the &other a gm.% 44 and Most lUOrtalaUl Mode a Lreotiorot,, most,. of ts hit li the invalid tllO nut pristine health without hartog treourae to QM:kosoga atld expeneive medicabea. (From the London 1 .vat The beat tteaUee ewer tent ten en a asittect rd tot. .0. patience to ale, well worth; tier settler a etitAea n.puta th.a. a,bleeits, the Publishers J. r. KLINK k ,In •.wa., cor. lath street : Peen bus abut. btevr I ort Lay M 1 arch, 26, 18611.—t2 am. ji ER 1 E NTY MUTUAL INSUR ASCE CuIitPANY. Incorpor wed in 1839—Charger Perpetual.'' Property Issered Agalast Lose by Meter Sr Tear Not emu:x.4lft lye Tears. Follette Issued upon the &ippon of Plenum Notes, or upon the payment of the usual Stock Hates lu Mooey out, out the liability of a Presidium Nitta. Loom paid with out Ilttgatuia. Out suit only haa eta been brought up inst. this Company. ThiCYnjoy w saterelyfrei from &it, caul to 4 refs hew roiNeheipa. DIRECTORS. Junes C. Marshs.ll, C. Y. Ttikbals, Wm. T . Rtademotht 8. Smith, J. Ztomserip, Jos. il.Sternitt, S. P. Eapler, Thos. Moorhead , Jaeob Ramo, George A. Elliot, E. Babbitt, Wm. B. Bays, J. W. Joatial. OFFICERS. L. Baum, Praia. JONAS Gramm, &a CEAluxe Y. TI111.11" Treas. °eine, In Messrs gem: aeon McCreary's law oft Cliespeldo Erie, Pa. Me, April 23, lASI. PALDWIN'S CATHARTIC P -ALP_ laixt:Lralsr liTeigeta,l34le I Arai- Milieus, Tow" said Auti-Dpepersa ; for i. Coahwacas, ticartiourr, DAIWA lausobiro, Sickness of tha Skew* Aftetwas tka lower, sied der agastesi .f M. Stitsoas Spiskew enserdby. PIUCE * CENTS PEE BOX. Sold la Erie by BALDWIN, N 0.5 Reed Howe March 12.1869.—i0. MIMU=I 1 - i, 'COUNTR Y BIRRURA NTM 114 D OVUM —.We have • quantity; which we will funish at io• rates March 6, IMO p A l' I. ; :tt. HANOI:It-1M! , - I am now making large additions to my stock of PAtTIOIANG !NW f r the Spring Trak., which for beauty of style and thaapneas -• WWI cannot be aulpeumeed Kne, March 12,18/41. .1. C. U. I Ihk VE RECEIVED A Ow lot of steel 'Petesot pod. muesli • iamb I will era by the gross at ono half tholoroser Fno U." W. ARBOCKLA, root Oaks Mow Lova. Env, April 2 3859. CORN rLA N T ERS. livery Foram should ham one of on , rhANTEnti sad the very low prim for winds •• sell them , tedclett it 'alibis the power o f Rep Farrar + burro one of them at a permanent " lanitotioa" e els premises. This PLANTS.R L oo Rumba& nary one coo we tk" °negation of it len canna at oar Mon: it ls w g m e tIMt any oast of erdiatry loaned ma mow it, as do" is ao oompneatend machloory to pt out ot order, It mate the bolos, drop the eon, eonr and smooth o rw two row, at a time, a. ton as a boris ean walk, and do's complete, and will pant as mock load in a day as es WA. COJII walk over. Call at oar Atom, Moan West ouno ruts aad Ithorenth straits. 01Xe 8 1 111UNDRY„" Mtn Pa., where we also keep for sale arid sehrsky• on lag s variety of Plows, Cultivators, Plow Pon:tamed Cliattne all kends, at Wholesale and Retail. April 2, 1869. BARR & JO2llllBOB DANDELINE COFFEE. Th. sad seekdaa 2'l= se celebrated both atm t Menai omer atal atone" Sir and which very many meow and WOW amid do v.. to use In Aosta! Rfo, Java of lord* to be bad it OM New Drag Store of April 9,109. don k 990 pAI ! PAINTS! PAINTS! mina end is Oil, •• 14 ' w brands and qualities; abo, mute of French vo Americas ataantaetare, RAW AND BOIL= LINSEED OIL, VINMON RSA Front% and American Tallow Otis, Greens of rano. Shaine for Minns; end In short everything to Ike Neese, Bbfp, Carskeige, Riga or OinaameataPatattagtc o be had at the kraut rated at the Store et April 9, WA CAMS t IMO_ Mob, Watches, Jewol7 and Fancy GoOds. IT M. AUSTIN, in Paragon BuildinF • sear Peach Street, fa still la tows aad would l for the hatermattaa of the rehab% thatt a toe amortise' of Melia. Watches, Jewelry. rang sad ether Geods sr , ea baud sad for cafe at sanhial low Flees. Is 'kw ° clamp are they Jeering the dere that ae eta cari to compote In price, short rdi n their Gene.. which he Int..nde to do It rerecesam to adeatamod pleads and the deratity of the money market. however proposed hiss meekly web additive to the it ' is trade from the teeters cities. Waite!l lads.*pox!' awe at very km prim. of all eleeltable Goods in 11. hp*. • Hoping for more auspictoas timer to Irak lar lM 1.4 big "ha k ewe were eahrisd at the hinagoa. Ex* Masai 19. SEWING ISSISSIMIES. G REAT BARGAINa. The Subearibir boa ?TVS of Wares Ctelh. Na. arirtme Mash ism, ozpoosoftriod ared f 64 takes IMP. wide 1* will len ea thee, good soe•r it, ' 1:=I *OW —MIL SCALES. puirroam cotiVria seals , vansaiimi tie Wel Nineliketku b aPra 9.151 k. Roe k 610EITT House Painting and CARTER & BRO_