The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 23, 1859, Image 3
4' A ?MITCH IN TINR SAY EM ,121 4 12.” And the bowl., use of the "Compound Exhort emart Weed" often moves trout long &DJ serious oleic nem , , as it is a nue means of opening the pores of the *son, and thus enables the system to ret rod oof the waste sod Impure mailer wbielh when kept is, as ft ts a Moo the p• ,res bneome cloned by cold, pendend the dutds, and g i ves rise to Fevers, Confr i tta, Rbuemat non, etc , and often of protractedillnegot has is one of naturra own rtmedien, rel oertain and aolown‘• safe. F.rle, April '23,1109. CARTER A BRA) frarUII:'TCRINGS' LI FE EXHILAILA NT Youth to the Aged' Strength to the 'Feat Thu morel preparation has met with the approval of the faculty in every part of the woad, and the dieeteweeer and proprietor feralegaly preelaiiina It I. be UNIMU ALLKD Al 4 rCiarll64(o/ rersiorer of groustogl or inert functions. Hatebtorie Life 6abliarsat obould be used by all nen rwreous, as it stimulates the sortie to their natured work, sod will not produce a reaction no twitter how 'widen', dropped. e 1 • It is also ► (MA !CP TONIC, and will ere relief In u► w itb the tlret,domi. A brief perststence in its use will renovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and banish dyspepsia forever The egad should be certain to make ilutchingt...-Life Raba...mot a boueehold article inasmuch as it will as nde them you th fu I In feeling and In strength, and enable them to lire °ref again the days of their pristine Joy It not only exhilarates hat stninghtens, and U really an ioralu• able blearing, especially to throe who have hero reduced to a condition of servility by misfortune, or ordinary sick • aims. No matter what the canoe of the Impotency of any human organ, this superb Exhilaraat will reroore the Meet at once and forterer. If etchings' Life £►biiaraot should be areal by all per war who have disordered mines, ionmach, mueeu :Ar ....tom, torpid intellect, or LORDOII, of spirit*. It is motipounded from harmless, yet powerful simples, and contains not a grain or atom of mtaeral substance. Females afflicted with b 6170513111111, wilt dieeorsr in hatchings' Life Etddiarant the realization of their hopes of maternity, Thu remarkable and unapproachable preparation tr fur rale by the Proprlebur, R. B• llrreninua, at 155 Chambers kr, t, \,•v 1.. k All orden should be addrenand to him, Sent lo Expreae everywhere. One large bottle II bottle , . her Sold by T. S. SINCLAIR, and CARTER & SltorliElt, Erie, Pa. -45.1 y tir The aced can hare health renewed by Hutchings Life Kahllama, which is infallible as a rejurenant, and 1,111 restont wasted strength, with magical pruniotneaa and wonderful permanence. For old and feeble masons it has not its equal Sold by CARTER k BROTHER Ya 46.1 y rir The Victim or Liver Complaint alit diarover to liatabingi Idle Katmai:ant a grand panacea, unrqualle , i fur imis diatr and perniani nt e.n , Ct in OAP dixtl , llxlDiz notnplaa nt, It Iticrylisv roods, tA. Imnd calm and cheer , et njueeminte4. and re,,tor, •11-..t.gth quarkneax. I S SIN( 1,•111, i•-n.•, 4:o II rir The herroUs Hutchings' Lift Exht &rant a sure nunedy for all their suffering: and I.rmonin it h., from the injudicious use of liquors., hair on k. and their nes-rons cisterns shattered, and constkild roken down Hold by T SINCLAIR, Kris Pa 44r. f ar The weak will reeelve new parrnelh fenn, n m, n i e rate use of that excellent tut igurnnt, !latching. Life I.l.l.llnrant. It 3/I tI, o,peratwoa. is s.. inrtgorant ft has no equal—rejurrnating the aced %L,.1 weakly with wonderful erlenty and penman. of rllor . - Sold by CARTXR 3 BRO Erie, Pa. .i IT The Drqueptie ran have all hip woe* bonuhe.t if he v but Uwe ilurehlne' Life Etlidarsi.t Week st , marb, &whir iliwepthuti,duttreapallxr eatiug,etiatise low opirite, will and 'a mutter in the above «hi and 4 n/d CARTER k BRO., and T 4 :..INe/.1111, Pa ly rip- Hatching,' !Mr Fllidarant iP a r.ju‘• mine ut mpptoachal,ln 446.1 inuottabl• rtn rwIILV }.pr ml r (pus disease., no matter bow pr.,. noel, b. ...I. • , tierri au infal/lbJeab•clac. It t. al.r. t „ matanag in the lirrr, stomach or braze, ‘11L.,1 , 11 to brotdow strtlngth, rttahtr,nutl I.ll\ SI. RI 11,1111 by CARTY.N. k bit°. Etle, l'a IV' Hutchings' I.lfir Eshlta:arit t the tMsag.resabie *tut dietrep.m., .. r I ~• leuhe,hh..l lhr mon)eot •• int ettoctA, the. dultrenst by load and nil pa Se. -' l//1... by T d atSCL LIR, !JP.. I', 1 1$ Ilutrhinv , Life Fahnt-sr,,t 1,1,••• ..etr. tilt ill) Cousaitutioluk, Lai,. tn. I 61[61.1/11111. It Win wain t 1.1 ..... o .trll t,t, rt•,toto• la. ^Art.W.tril t fl.•~l's ritac, 11,,,Kr . 116- r 10.41 t . N. rz Ai int.! t h... •14.1 Pt mu L ~n . Cl rvegripe .ir•.‘pinz t itltti•••: • Thel•4 . /W. .•VI , 1111' Akl ‘VtS rick dolp.altlona as 00 a art , ca.:1..1. it• . sour notch, 11Patia.rho, Ibnu i rt n.all..rn in libel:D.lPM, liary, nra.oll:. IV., deranenxant, which If allo• rd to row) , ur, a •0 in gvnend diarane of the al l ot.. tyPtvm N 111. m il 1. pitllty au hug is tin. action It, throng), an. , derad, that tnowant erotnnwrieva • drirani. , ir If net apradllr narnadied hr a r,-m,,,.' of the cnya..., , through a )ong 12.2 of loss., ill. an.: arl ~.. br. r •• 01 , plalta, 11) ayrpata, pr. , l.liirt• 1,11 a... a nil ..tinritairb is the grand rraerroir It.kin a fseb... u•oinshment, sod life ond tinpa , `. . 1 •• - nro .)otr•rn ,It to all oni.nriont, tnn n. t• at 71, • tart. he kept health?, and Lev trim et t •-• 7.• t , . eui t•• a tllsraaril aettoll, ohild • 1 , .t Ito /Nritioato function/.; and irbeo [lir.. :1, t0...r0 11. in, acclqeut or other rirrom•turer., 1., • • are prhatrated, and theh •• :•••• the animal•; , ‘,l):lMtl •1 .1 Itl IL. I. perfhritiatiee of their Ju 4rn, ..r w lieu there Ili hteractiiiti, then tt bechtilei 1111.411e100, lehOW<erlative !Jartittie, reotore • vL i varteuri action am., •in aatlay t,..• A ~, .1 11A. aperient and laxative, a ill ra•rhal,•. ta.,r• i• •r. • e 110 , 411:10.4 5eer1, tb,• rut—aria al 3. tit tdy t Alf t• •.f a mild, glttle,aud allteteut *reliant, IaS•IL, • Im. • , vetallt, that iIA4I.IIVIN' 4 t ATII alt.Tll I'll I ••• ref eal to the pat•he Being ent,cls reerfohle .r are pealalLtaaa., Ile, may he 1.11111tilalet! .1 • •at'e'Y !! • 1.., age and !!!tae, a roll to tla• • 1 'n at. rain t, to the ‘1,..e.m0 nun. Fur the •r e. • . r ••asiare herivese•eita Ilearliarrre, HeadarAt, Ace, SleklerlS nt the Stow.rk. Alleetwit , of ft, Ito re, and Lteroagotseatb if thr fiillanus , ratan fro.tral'q cannot be •oriator...l ilarer •r• liras •.• t • rr k n „., the laelit ! ' at •-• !th II a. Ilse treat; a f .I•ll4l.araatt Ira a. a, !well l!ar till Istfla , o et f / 4 , , r at aeranfed I, gar, statiforlP , a, ere Ikelr Frt., 0 1• Pf , artZ , be re/waded :' ,41 1 , 1 1. , 1! ! , 11 , . ! • ''! , l `!“r''. Co 1 , , R. , : Ilouw -- ....r11. 1 111t I/1 E—HAII: I , lk WM A MATeI/10.1.M , 11A11. 1,, Irrrg u nd .n.I in W.. ' ;I . •.• 11.11‘.1 PI/10111.1 1..0,1 I r ,t, ridicut. VRA 1, 14:D, 1:I QTY n AIR .• I,wutaful and Natilnl 14.••••• n Ittal w, 11101, • • 11 °fury pl. pat, or ',kJ,. liiTEES MEDAL. , AND DIN MI t ~.t, • 1. • 1.1:1 t Wra A itathnlnr nil. , , In ; k. t >Me@ hroti ma,le• to the lint: .kf L I ,tr. i • la 44444 Dr.. WIl i 11ttelli3.01t'S11,41111 , vr lot not to be thettuvuialeed from nal ore, *to: I• t, p, •"11. I , le.i • Injure in tio• foant, h. •••••••r 1, r it /LID! e AJI hit" Alel the ill nth etn re.111.1h..1, t. 11. t lii i_ orittotl for lib toy thin ni h tot,: • •• V %44.. hold iri.i Ir.: I •• ii thry, 2i firiNuil..), , Oaf in an the rrl.. Al.l i.. 14 I, of Ito r 0 rtrtrittet. anti Fancy (;.041• tosfiThe r•onin. li. 11:101,^4141 clat• n/ efig.,ll, 011 four ~ 1 ..,.( ent.ll t•••% WILLI k).l A ItATI 1 1, , ttri. 1)51 • ft•-vllk,s , S CHEE 4 ir ,10•0111T.11.141T Tf) 11Kfto tl, p.:4 Di( . 1.:111)11'.4 II II .t, Pri lan t! i C.r. F t .. u . eeppman, N. I), New York City Ito. r. voLinution 14 ingr,:inots in three l'llly are the re-n It r.l 11. r on , : el teneire practice , The, are roil 4 in their o;.. rlt . i..n, Aro] certain in enrroctine nll irrezularttars, Pa total V../3Pttlii 1, , 0n, r. !no. In; all °hate...tom& whrther from col./ or . thermion, hem:ache, pain i n the aid.', tellrtt It ion . f II r larart, wtittea all nervous aflection.. t , 5••0,,, .. fang 1,, 'Ain In the baark and limb,, kr., dleturlw.! ......r, a hob avow from interruption of eat ore ea TO O%ittillED LAIIIV , . leech.', A. roan's Pills are trivaloablr,-.• th. , a,.l i•ring . , tier monthly pea oil with I. guldstlr 1,..;,,.... v 1,,, ~,,, 144.0 dapappotnted an the utre• of °titer l'tlas ran pi. n• 'he utwoet cuntidencw le Dr. (bees. man A i'i:i. doinrt tel that th. • tie do. %DTI ('E. Three to one r...ndt• iirn of • 1.. f.sta./.1. , ay. tc.r. en .bleb the Pall. clUill.,l tw taken n 1 t lOW t i• rat ne n.e a eLet:l,lAl2 1tE. , 1 I.T. The condrto , t, r. f• Ir.oto I. I'h.F.I.NANCV—the result, lIISCARAI.titi7 :0,1.. the L-c...ta1.1e tendency of the nx.diclne to mat., the coe x Intl AMC/Antal ton tta.ttutel condition, that even the rei,rodue• 1,... power of nature cannot re. Lot it II .arrante,l purely ervetah/e, and ! , r trofil any tl.. kit; In • ,urt..ll/ , Ksplint .11r.. (lona, Mt hie h klihul.l tw read, se• company earl Wt. Pryer $l, sent by mall °n 4-1 . ..4 ii. , awneral agent So.: be 010. Diu4gl•l 10 every town an the United Stat... il 'H iirrriiisi.i6 General Akc.rnt brs the I nited ntat..a, 16.5 Chambers Si., New York To whom all Wholesal. , -.fen eht•ul.l he •.I,lnraped T Ar•ut, fait J F FRANCIS, HORRIBLE MURDER. A ff..R.RIBLE M VF{I)ER \VA• (IfNl voltto.l ot.i.••lte Wright• Nt.wk, Matr Sit , between 4th and I,th -t. , ui J. I T.\ \\£H S TIN Thr►.. bests of Tin Plato w..r. r .,1 . p no , Jae Ile is now fithwt up an good e l .h and rennid Itiie to ali of l.ta fillitada over mere and as m.ns of h. rp a. may eice prop.. to patronise him Ile lo mat ne one more &anent...fort to get on hi. feet and %skit the twttowalte of the public, prowl/nog to fair with all who may call kinds orAPr.xture tarn ,trhxrpre ft, Tin Warr and Jobtotog tist, .a a .rt ovtire• C. 0.« .on, Me, April 23, Ittreo —4B Ste. BANK ( IF ri )NIMERC E. KIM, April Itirtalnietil of 10 per nen? .or 1%1 r Dot I • Ito i•er Altar", awl the New Stork of thl• Rank. w iII he due nod payable n u the 24 of Way next, at the ltmnktng Home Hy order of If.. lloard brie, April 2t, I.A. 17 J BALL Ctuthier )Din :rl - N lIA Y .SCHOOL UNION. the Books publish...ll, tins rt. i. l ttiort, caat b. ebtained At the Perk Re* thAtk.tere of D. P. Esthogn. hear the 140.4 kopek at the awe rate. that tbs.? .au b.. b.. 1. al WIPW 'fort Buff.lo the ..tienen6l( et.h.ftoo." Nth/1.1.4 sod on male by Carltbn at Porter Ortr they E. .Iturch. east Alpo be procared et the toot place mut on the .Ame terms, as the *bete. Erie, Apra 23 , 16:fi WILLI/JI MI MS CAVG HY BROTHERS. novo oposo4 a Groom sod ?Paolo= !gore to Dostty's Bloek, North 81do of the WO 4 Put, whore a food .00 ply of F R i'..• 11 FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROTIBIANtiI OF ALL Mir.? QV ALM?, XIV NB WOUND. —ALSO— WOODEN 4 WILLOW W 4.11,1 31 Caab and tile biebecit nierbot pries pslid, far kinab of Country Produce. a C. CA roily. R. C. CA f.fraingr• En., April 23, lUD. EL ECTI ON NOTICE. An Election for Directors of the EtieMaa Cola baby twill be held et their Oleo, I. the CU, of Erie, ea the let Monday of May nest. from 210 4, P. Y. Erie, April 28,1859. P. ARBUCILLE, NEW: 'MILLINERY GOODS. H. HALL, Patch st, allow* tb. Depot trio Pt tla•just 00,0,4 a 12101 4124 splandidStodt of IPLOIVE33.B, ke., ke Also, BONNETS, EVSCHIGS AND TABBS, tuaeb•ue and band-mad* bonnet rretnee and , erownr s DRESS BoNNETT, PRESS CAPS, it HEAD of 3=oppicusiasasums the tateirt at, t.a. tar Pv:lcons at:notion paid to ooloring, Mooching and Preining. ftloptsars and Riding fiats divined to tbo wont 'ostinoohicrotile. E r Also, I tropertor - kitof Lod:es Hoe Lori tagetntr genet* otoortmoat of Lades Goods. April 'A 1859.-46.3 m. _ DENTAL NOTICE. D R. W. 11. I.I"CR. Would inform Ma patronsand the pen/le generally that he has just returned from New York WITH A LARGE AND VALUABLE STOCK. 411 the VARIETIES or TEETH NOW IN USE, with *bleb he to rrstly to tin wok In approved sty ie.— Rs ezpoeially to call ottetrtioe to the Is ht. bhr IA prefoltro.l to •Nocilto prOtopt.l) and moth. It avnt • ad,antatireft allow rig no ic.oitos,nr 'ipso." for the , sa . .molatiora of food, and olloir to tho MOLTII A PERFECTLY NATURAL EX while ministering to the ntrerittkof the row and cnner ill - roinlYirt of the sabot-S. Operations for the regulattoo, pr, wrration, remove/ and replacing of teeth, perforuset ,to the entire Anttscartion of all who desire Lin pmfentonn al iiorrirew Ern., Alail 2:4 1940.-4 m. 441 Baker's Premium Chocolate. ' K ;ru t is 4 rits " n S. aFrotich tionorpath lc, sod Vtinn Iln Premium love.nlato, Prepared ft e ,, s ,a Coen* x, Aolohle, fionsepatble and Dietetic Wracked t'oeos, and Coen,. Shell., celehntied aI nutritive, ..alutory and delicious i.everagea, for more than throe-h.nrthe of a century, are tnannfaetured f.orn Cocoa of the ffneat ynalltr, and warrsnted Pope, nor To an) other Cocoa Prenarstinr mingle In the United states. A nonriahnnent for children and pernona In health, and Au hatitutea for Tea and Coe!** I tt Sof-roam and D. apeptie rnm•, they are Inca 'maid*, and are recommeadv4 by the meet eminent Yhrairiana. Fur 1.4.'e by their Agents., D C atußgAy. Sew York ; g. 17RA VT. Philadelphia, T Balti more PS.` , NETT, ig.7111.F.Y In .1 1, O rncerix ,renereAly WA LTER, RAKER .k CO, April 23 1a;,9 4', 3An ilorekoeter, Nees MI GREAT SHOW !! MEE! t.. k 1 : : I 7 do, IC A F.!. F.R, Treasurer It .I,r• nt z...doetcal Director 1111 E suns co•ltenue and torntortion organisation, performed with such. unusual 'were.* St (iard...n. N".. and Welch', NA- clonal. WILL EXHIBIT AT t:I It Rll, MONDAY 31AT 24. EU' E, Ti INSDA I" 1,1 I Y 3d. NOMTII kIAT, W ISDN WAD% Y NIA V Wiz WEnTri LM, THirVADA HAY San. • •.• Iloi r 'hie PlIp.1,1•igoll of D.A.INT RICE— Spectre/ Cord from the 31immar Ir. of P•billeat WM. 1 , the great .h,trr being Ail r the. tt.terr• s t ent.e Lou mr..l in the (a, h&Y F:lt r mid ht the mule• time riegoimut of the fart that the, orsht but Icchr that i ri• f I be . n. 4 DAN WILL APPEAR In• a. riumploil r 7• ! r lotn t. . aTs.l them. i.e. Joi the moll fi.r impart'', to, lien., and Ali noon', Pri;Lii • Li TVO6t eo the de.e.oeove itteet,nue3 1..• %anti 6e i1:1 11111 IH)1)F1) HI 1t51.7:4 AND EfoUcATED NIMAI.'t AND A ouldr.o.l ARTI-Tit.'. oi Rupert ir merit and well earnell repolation. The Arent • slr the name time, that in this locality finite on m.,er of hrsition• ,•1 earia a • rade. and chats•La rr ow ti. and that fertile fano«. hat. given birth to %tar \ az•knt trnmiwa, whilst a apint of cool In tion has itenervatera a conftlelPrahle Amnont of rotation:lde E coNvKivr ‘710:4.41.1KT AM) 1111',10K.P4T Wr ila, riann to tre a romploto fo r matovu, nit A Tltut*PE DI VI 1)1 , 11 INTO FliArtl4 st uNE Sl.;l* le PERFORNIEItS WIT!! TW) SETS uF But n nrn o n of , • Iv l% 4 lo NOVILLTV,OILIGINI.t I.II I V a: ArTTRACTION The ‘.., , tri.irt.4l viernentv of wittefi rort4titple. THE GREAT ,SLIOW L. N tit. l',Trarm , .1/1 it Ad,. r'me.s. • We a)." feel warranted in asserting theft the Flr EsT 31.4 NA Ito HORttlitt im the Witttl,D. The inoieuse caravan. consisting of .• n t ~, ~ , r EIGIITY PHI/PLR IN D tnake elpoPltlnfl parade On the merntag of the r‘eattrltioll tlAy, when the 'JO HORSE KIND AND eAllitl'AVlß ont ninv ANHANS BRAM AND S,TRIND RAND sill be dm en by the hat retrurman in America Doors open at I sod 7 o'clock Porformsnoos*ol com moner St 2 and 7 A t o . el.Wk. rr ADMISSION V. twit,. bad price. 2.8 C. H. CASTI.r., Sent- NEW NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! FRENVII AND A 11TRICAS MILLINER MR. M. A. MoRUAN, bror port roturne4 from New yort with Ihe larm.St and most complete assortment of latest styles of Straw Goods, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, &c., to short, every thing in the Millinery line, which will he a o i,l wholesale or retail at prices that defy competition. Country Milliners supplied with Goods at N4l York adding a small Conunimion. As she ha mada ar rangements to receive Goode OWely two Wroko, obe offoni peculiar inducements to those buying to sell spin to make their purchases at her establishment Mrs. lit desires to Inform the public that 'be L. prepar ed. by a Dew and besot-Cul proem, to renovate and Color Straw, Mopolitan, Chip, and Legfiorn, in a moat superior style. tr. Order* aollcited, and satisfaction warranted. Store Corner of State and Eighth Streets, Erie Pa. A pril 16, 1959.-45tf. , 311111 ST RA Y ( rW. My old Culp left my yard first of April. She I. light brindle, droned horns, awl aliert tail, was giving about thmr. quarts milk tally. Wborver wiU niturn her, or give Intorauttioa whore ;las allay . be /naiad. AIM be onitably rewarded B. VINUENT, Corner roach sad Ninth titteir•ta. Kite, April 16. 1ab9..--31 American Hotel Boarding House.- T HE Sl' WAIT 1 ItER having fitted up awl Atraidhed the abort) }metope in the boot style would announce to The public that hr 1,11 HOW prepared to erosive boarder; on tba moot favorable rates, either It the week or day. Persona at. tending Court will find tilt. a &loanable place to stop, where Changers and others .111 And all the roar/aim' o a hotel. locluldfrot Stabling tor bone. and fauna anent their *thy In Toon. Itutranee on State St., beh m en tb s teak of Neater & Ranee and W iltator Gsbles SrM,Aril 10,1860.--AbAku A. caosuagsitagß. k DC'Se f ,x'4l MO MILLINERY AND TAW (i(k )DS, CoNTINI OVS GUM WORK, I ry ER ALL i rrii ER MODES PRESSION DAN RICE'S !..1'1.1:011/1 I) RETINUE. (II IZICE -Tlll{- CLOT WO AND CLOTHING 3E TE- WATT WWPAilra . Itaretta of Paariideaa eat = !CEP/ Min PROPOS...LS, sealed sad endow! " Pro- Peetele for Sari Milan aad CU*lac listedd all be ilt a red at We .0a math 11 o' a. an, eak:tlos Mb day of rout, hr derniabtair *ad Oa dare settee) at each or either of the wittry il l, Ciferfeetcnre, liamsehesette Brooklps, Now ; or %Om* Vill(4 1111 . the othootithe Wore senthrsod of soy or $ll of thePhiStlaillia of &ridden of aim end clothing ma had emelt farther quaatlttee Otis mai M stay be ♦ lby the sidel .I th banal, or by tba roanaseihiata of the meld rerry-yarde, siopeetirelp Mario( the drool year ottamoselas ea the Lt day of July snit. .ad moths( oa the Seth day of Jaw, 1600, vY. - cup I,—Ched ardAdady. Moe cloth pee jesiteht. 1,000 Bite cloth frowsiest,. • SAO Sloe otthoOl trovaeri... 1,000 Clots 2.-*Seeadese aetainc. l"ft 'AND Isle• hit pea Jackets 114. Solt cape CtAsa L—Flimaet aiding • Mile flow& pampirc Ilse etaael cworahtrts 1114.11anail uoderildrig 810 dawned drawers... ............ CLASS 4—Ltisses astaing Goer desk trawlers 3 .0 80 Batasgory aborting Oros** 3.000 CLAM A.—lthis Blsesitio•t rivoa, 10,000 CLan• &.-80.r J 1... 4. - Blue Oanool Ylw o o, 00 , 000 Cuss 7. Shostsag, Duck mid 1 4 01100. Samar/ 01100thig —,-11 0 r 4 k, 10 , 0 0 0 amnia dock A. 10,000 Illo• nankin de 10,000 CLAU L^ SA*a. Calfskin loped shoos— Kitogin shoes.... .. Woolen om.ks. Mattresses, ( with 2 corers for e= 2,000 Cubit 11.— Blanket. . 2,000 Cuss Headhercheefi. Bleek• bandlurreb WO. 1,000 Offers nosy be stale kir err er more the option of the bidder; bet all the articles emetorammet la • clam moat be bid for. Each class will be ensidderod by limit, and the contract for that elms will be awarded to the bidder wham propped' for the articles comprised In the Maas an Mame in the %%nto. el nth for the pm Jackets eha/1 be teriHegl pilot cloth, parebluoolityeed. It shell ha 64 lather wide, tad =e, er 16 ounces pet yard. It Shall been a Ilst on each edge composed of 24 white threads, of all moth All piece* weighing less than 26 ounces per yard will he re jected; and oath baled! about 800 yenta must smears 26 °emcee per yard. The eaunielesa clothing shall he of felt-cloth, dyed pure indigo blue, made of good wool only and stall conform In the rises, color, grid* of wool, and In all other respects to the samples deposited at the navy-yards. The cloth for bine cloth trouser, shall he tnikd, all wool, and pure Indigo blue, wool-dyed. It than have a list on each edge compered of 24 white thready, of all wool Alt pieces under 1746 ounces per yard will be re jected and each tale of about 300 yards must average 14 ounces per yard. The satinet most be 27 Metes wide Inside of list, which list most consist of not lad than 12 white woolen threads on each edge of the cloth, worm in the whole length of the piece ; roast weigh not leer than Oh, ounces per yard, to contain In each piece &boat 94 yards • the warp must be cotton. pure Indigo blue, wool-dyed. E a ch bale or 400 yards shall arerage nine and a half ounces to the yard, and no Mem shall be below 9is ounces to the yud. The adopt troweers most be made of material like the shore. The pilot-cloth, broadcloth, Lod satimet of which garments are made, shall be well sponged beton made up. The Handel meet be all wool, wool-dyed pure indigo blur, and twilled ; must be in peon of about 60 yards in length, •..1 tastes wide, weighing 5 ounces per yard, with a list on eidb alga of 4 white woolen threads waren in the whole 1eng,114.1 the piece. To be peeked in bales of 10 pieces, the plates to be roiled tepttatei y vpithopas elath boards : each 64 to contain 600 yards and 11,6 Y., pounds dune' No piece to hare a less mecum weight than 4 A-10 ounce s per yard The orershirts, undershirts, drawers, and jumpers mutt be made of Minuet Wro the above. The Barnsley sheeting lanai be hee from cotton, 80 Backus, to • 1,111. Insight, twelve mules 11-100 per yard texture 4 by 4 to 1-18 Welk Die canvas duck want be free Oros cotton, TT Isis* inor tb . and about 34 yards la the pass, double thread w • and 11 iling ; weight, eight enamel 93 . 10) per yard : teat Ire, to to 4 inch. The shoe must be plainly stamped with the contractor's name, number of the shoe, and year when made. The sixes to le in the following proportion. for (*eh 100 pairs, unless otherisioo ordered, vii ti of No. 6,17 Of No. 6, 25 of No 7, lat, of No 8, 16 of N. 0, 7 of hio. 10, sod 2 of N,. II Thee must conform in all reepects to the samples at the wards, sail n• delivered In good, strong boxes, for tops of which securely fastened with screws. and each box to eontain 26 pairs, In these proportions, els: pairs of Y., 6, dith 17 of No 6, 13 of No. 7, with 12 of, a, or rico versa, 16 of No 9, with 7 of No. 10, and 2 of No. 11 The calf-. sin and kip-skin shoes to be pscksd In *emirate boor w0..4.1. , ..c.k. most t.s woven or knit, indica rolled, oil wool, anall tr well moored, and in color and quality rullr eqUai to .ample Ti.,l rnattrrapra mufti weigh ten poandsonoluding tic* t. 1... h u to lK rot r. foot In Irnietli and 31 Inches In • 141.11 Iho ro•t•r• moot a:west.. 71 Indies In length nod S. inch.. in m ath Elie lour, licking, and rare h must ti. otamples I Le nankin must be equal to the trot American nankin, inehes wide, t.-rturr 5 threads be 4 thread. to the 16th nt an inch, ihe‘.l rite Fare iltadral Mega lo blankets must weigh ids poundapsr pair, and insas ,,, by 7Y ineties each. A hale of 60 pair■ must welsh .1110 pound., and no pair shall weigh Pas th.d 5 pounds 13 ounce* They must lit mails of clean wool, anti each 1.11.11 t t.• marked 'e Nat y," as iu the sample The I.l.tek silk bnlulketchlen must Mild by 31 , 5 inches, an I stenth ..u.>e and 12 grains, Troy texture 1t by .1..1 to one-enzhtli of an inch. ittdd•rs ft.r the abov• wilt avower whether the artier, Ibex pri In it to lurniab are to be nt the rrowth, prudue• lien, and nianufacturs of the tnitsd Btatea, as a predrr •are will I.• si. eu to such. A schedule of the three aio' each 100 pieces ref ride-up .•lothing will tie ',Milli with the sample- At Om rt , 'Pe ,, i'" AM, the Above articling, Inn) tnii nit thn Etorana.vr buttnna, rings, are to lin little equal in the quality, tnature, color, weight, an.l llmsb of and rttnlottln to p l i attorti, intro, and Wi . rinianiihip Is nail tatutilha. The number or quantity which will he reNu tied ni each of the fo , regning article. cannot he preeo.ely atate,l It •I I not he lee*. ha..sot% than they flaunt . . apeeined In the foregoing hat. The contract* will, tiles...lnn., be Made (or the quantitt of each arthile so npcitled, •n•I for 'inch farther Quasi lit ae the bureau mat requter Ti. price mew: be mei/ere. at all the gagnan, All The article. mnot be rubject to such in.pee tom at the place of lielitery a. 01. C./41A of this Marren f ront 4,1.0 an.l Iv. article 0,1/ he receired that Is not , foliv 0,0.1 to the, in every ne•oect. and which to the •ilpula , tor,,, end provision. 01 the contract to M mole T,,, cruet .lelirr, ot the ".• end ropeope of the corarnrfor Fs, h bON It lo ho man ed with the rootra , tor • o rum. The inPpectleg odlcur• to he •p ponied the Sari , lippartment I t.. off. re moot .I.•ftragu si the prices for each article no. Nr e el. PA ant Mort hp calculated to corer story poppnac •IlentlopZ the folfllntent of the Contract, Indlint Lb. locos... Paco button. In rime of fait., on the part of the contractors to do lot cr the Pcsersl ort Icier • 'deb tnay be ordered trots them II proper her ..d epr,per irpoday, the chief of the Burson ot I'lollE o os and I inttling .toll tae anthorts•d to par ch.... or .t reed pu rehttor. lo tr tnarif. of 'bat Loaf iv to Quire.' to •npuly the dcheie nrc, ander lbw penalty to he cvp. rn the emote s . I the e .. e ..e.1 ..f a Itil , llratr e tc thereof. at the Homo. of Pro•unoo. and l'lothine, or at ..ither of the miry-porde afore...aid, shall Is erolenes that such reoulootion bas tern toads sod re valved Two or mnrr approri•J sureties in a jam eqnsi to the retirnatid amount M the ",a n „,t, w ill a. quip...l, and twenty per nentlith will M withheld IMO. the amount of all payments on amount thereof aa unilateral seen rite, and not In am event lob. paid until It is in all couiplied with ; and oilfbty p.r oontdm of th. boloaut of all deliveries ad. will to paid by the nary kern within thirty data after triplicate bO?a duly au thentirated, shall bare L treen presented to him Bidders ',hose pr0p...641bn br steepled land non. tither.) will bo for tenth notified. and sui early se prat. iiraid, a rootrart will be tn....mitt...1 to thrum for •fleraa. Iwo, which 00Otrart mast be returned to lb. barran 'within fire data, etrlusivii of the tittle required for the zeivslar trsersounlon of the maul. i record or duplteate of the letter informing a budde r w.l the enceptanne of hie preowned will be deemed a Doti- Yiration thereof within the meaning of the act of 1146, and his bid will be made and accepted in conformity with iinderstauldtog. Every oiler roadie moat he aecompanied (am directed In the art of Con/frees making appropriations fur the naval .weri-icc for 1044—'47, approved 10th august, Mk) by • ;written iroarantete, Aimed by one or more nwponalble per to the effect that he or they undertake that the Wilder or bilideriewill, it his or their hid de notiepted, a m en ter, 't, en ebligate within err darn, with rood end 'OM curettes, to Wraith the *implies proposed. The :bureau will not be obligated to consider any proposals 'unleas accompanied by the guarantee required by law -'the competency of the guarantee !o be certified by the ageitt, dlitriet attorney, or the oolloetor of the cos. ; Maga fora§ e propose/ sum be obtained too eqopiteatiso tAg merry agents 41 Poofolooo4A, Mew kite ; Haliw Bar , ten, Neu rook; Pialoofoipkis, Battrwe , W.wiortooz, Nor ':fah, Peartuvria, ssid at thas bones. The ateentwas of kidders to , called to tee ompies sool :orropluon of wisdom rotated, as, a too Inoramoni before ,reeeptson, • just bat Hired roopkonoos NW tot mode be !,4soles the orticiesoforeol wad lA. eaeoptee sad awarded, co :coven., moos dug /all Woo tun ; mud &liar attrition u oho porureolarly duetted to Ike fuel rtoofidion of Mack =27, 11154, is fulobAsos to the act if tb 10t1 Avast, 1846. Aprii 1-111-',N,CII IND _ Administrators Notice. N oncE IS HEREBY gives that Letters or Adrotnietration hare been :ranted to the subeuiher on the estate et A RIMN HEATH, late nt North East, deceased All per• sons Mehl claims spinet said estate will present them to the undersigned for settlement; sad those owing the estate will settle the am* without delay ICLIJAH C. MCAT% April 9, IMO —44.6 w. Athoisistrator. TusERl - Lrouft hi to thus nettolinK t 134. J. I. TANNER, /wt., TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORKER, • L A.ND =TAIL DULLER IN STOVES, ' HOUSEKEEPING UTENSILS, Bathlnglapptuntaa, Pala, Japanned, Tla and Britaaata Wary he, Reed's Bloek, Wasiak,. of State 134, between 4th Kb., itne Pa. - [M tAnode% sad an ether** work dose on abort and reasonable terns Old Copper and Pewter atiht. All kinds of Re g doe*. Terms moderate. OM lA, 11160.--44. ANT'FAC'TURER OF, Soap ad Candle*, Corer nof Holland ao 3 Antth Strata, Erie, Pa. Pheakfal ior the ray liberal perm:mar racelad hereto fore, I woad respectfully invite all lima who want to boy the above &dick*, of a superior quality, to elm Me ad before parchuirm eleewbetir. Qedare from abroad, accompanied Math the sub or prop or rwerreners, will be promptly *tainted to, and ail goods per-_based delivered le die mum er ware-boseee, free of s lomp modestly on hand • lane sacrament of NZ CASTLE NAILS, which will be mold cheap tor arch by the keg or tarn. queartithes April 1d 1139.-46.30. Cuss 9.-8•41. Cut. 10.—M4ttresors kva:i :i :*•Lj . OJ • GRISWOLD'S COLUMN. 4 II f 4 4 arREMOVAL.4IIO f 0:7:141 1.4'r.! ~! lif 1 E 3 2.000 .... _Lao aJXO DRY GOOODS TRADE REVOLUTION Or PRIO3BII -Mir; 3 . 000 ..da 6.000 The Consumer Pairs. gAeD Will rejoice at the GREAT REDUCTION!!! The Largest DRY GOODS 0 ESTABLISHMENT North Western Pen.nalvanian The finest Bele2 Room UNITED STATES!! WM. A. GRISWOLD 1118 LARGE AND DRY CKK)DB, AND Monday & Tuesday, 28 & 29th, Large and IMNpdficmat Store OPPOSITE SIDE OF TER STREET, JOHN MOORE, ESQ. EXPRESSLY FOR HIM 4f f f 0 THE DOORS GRAND EST WILL BP. OPENED ON Wednesday March 38, 2 O'Clock, P. N. iiii i The Second Spring Stook of The Loom' of IVAlAWy:B4;lll:isio_YAl*4:se:)4 ma recent Arrangement. With Loading Importing Houses o,', El .10 gAsil litiri lay THIS HOUSE TO OFFER Inducements 4‘l4qUilicqqqiiqii III•Ili_ai v *A :, • 1)£/..LERS ARE. PARTICULARLY 4v-v" , 1/ I t:lzio kLeie) 4 ic;lrii,ip Erie, March 25, 1859 WANTED. la Esaloakap tor CASS. all lamb of COUNTRY PRODUCE. f whisk an etNplt atarartpram at oar Stem K. I, Wllifa Ma*. 1121ENDRI 8 Co. P 4 11 NEW ERA IN ?Kg F7'7s . 'r; 7 rllr7 IN THE WTLL REMOVE ELEGANT SOCK OF CARPETING TO THE ON THE JUST FINISHED BY OF THIf4 Fabrics from Nearly Every Nation in the livis):lb ft • TION! IA MCI IMM ENABLES Superior to Any Other DEALER. AND GENERALLY INVITED TO WM. A. GRISWOLD NO. 8, BEER NOM. • .14FL cis Load slow stook of EXON s , - St7lllr4 tit AILS - 4, WILDER" HARDWARE, SOP . ENTEIIS' TOOLS, !AMES% SHOVELS sad SPADES, rialikiTo MULET, MILL, CIRCULAR caoss-crr EilrliMi, ;Axles, A N D ANVILS, ;TIM AND BELLOWS, ' Wmight Juts and. Washers, MEAthW3LE IRON, TABLE AND Poorßr PLATED, SPOONS AND FORKS, BORING MACHINES, ELEYS' WADS AND WATER - PROOF CAPS. 81102 BELTS, aad POWDER FLAME. WHIPS, 10., kC., No. 8, Reed House, Erie, ki'CO.NKEY k SEIANNO:4.I trio, Nandi 19, , IMP. Take Particular Notice. AT HALF PRICE. AIN& MUSIC WILLING'S MUSIC STORE! PARK HALL. Ho ! every one in want of the Wait and moat popular' I'OC'AL AND INSTRL'MENTAL SHEET MUSIC, Selected b 7 mywelf with great we from the ►vieus Pub Whin Booms, both last and West , consisting of Bonp, • Mugu, 'Grids, Puartetts and Cboruses, , Waltzes, Pudkas, Muzurkan, • Marches and Fancy Dances; Aare arranged natttsrs so that.* ern ofiar for tale an .j: and ereryry Now Piece of merit, as soon aa. published, sad at pnWiahaY• prises, whereby the parchaarr saves the ex pense of transportation by Wail or Express. Call and or* Catalogs*. Instruction Books for all Musical Instruments. Bra, March 12, 1569.-40 CASA BASIS OW! 4f11P4 THE LIiDERSIONED OFFERS FOR SALE I general stook of CHOICE DRY GOODS, PURCHASED FOR CASH FRQM CASH DEALARSI AT A SAVING OF 10 TO 15 PER CENT Over Credit Prices. THE NEWEST STYLES )F DRESS QOODS, FINE cARPETINGB, MEETINGS, CLOTHS, &C., AT WHOLESALE AND ItETAII, No. 5, Nzehango Row, March 19-41. WM. BELL JR Spring Goods!! Spring Goodall! . 1? % - OILEAPV 0 4 SP* AT TOE AI 6...7", , or . -.. ...4. , ... r, . VP . Ar NV - ',.. 41.:• , , ... - 0 „. ‘ , !,.. -...1 - BEE HIVE!! it THE ATTENTION 8 OF TILE BEST JUDGES •- AND to ef 5 Closest Cash Buyers rd a e is Called to °art Oa m COIPLZT/I ASSORTIENTI. OF •4 C SEASONABLE GOODS, 1/ OIN ALL THE MODERN . e STYLES OF SILKS, 0 ORAZONE, CHALLAIS 1 11 ERNANNI SILKS, 0 FOULARDE AND •-• ELVIBA CLOTHS, N PARK US DE &c. E l* DOXESTICS, LINNENB. SHEETINGB, TOWELING, 410. April 2, 125 i HA I LS . it JORDAN, April ROAD SCRAPERS!! ! , Lu g o "ad &Nal ape Reed domose• out ow' assaidoctus. eastaagy on Land Atie 014 44444114644.44 X. W. Comm of fts6. sad 11044* &to Pa. *Spoil 4. 01114, HAM r JOHNSON. T, 0 G W 0 O . D , I I hams • hol• •SlNtk 01 011 1 1 1 Pma 140elreed oa hs while we Mar at very lent Moo by tit* barna. Nara L cans RRO. LLulit3 : FUR ! FISH I . klabh LSD wArts..l;a, mond this asby • a. I 11011 W: fte 1146, Apr 4 lA, Dler.-4&2ft. GREAT BARGAINS ! 0 RMSBY it BOOT li, c) :r_o:6) A :1 .:»:1 FLOUR AND FEED, FOR THE MILLION; AND NAND SAWS; AND WILL BE BOLD PIPE BOXES; THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN EVERY BODY WILL SAVE 484k0t 4*4 EXAMININU OUR AND EVERYTHING EL.S'E IN THE GROCER XX, Extra Superfine Btaraham Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat, Of all kinds kept constantly on hand and for vide at prices that cannot but satisfy all. ler A 1 1 goods Warranted to be ju - st what recommended, ort,l de- livered to all parts I±l the ottyt . ret ct* charge . afar Remember the old bland of Shannon & Ryan, No. 5 Cheapside, Erie. Pa. - vRMsBY & BOOTH. Erie, March 12, 1659. 6t11411 SELLING CHEAP F(R READY PAY! BECKMAN, KENDIG & CO., No. '2, Wright's Block, Erie, Ps , 01711 AT wiiPoLVIALSOIO.I742I. SUOARS of all DESCRIPTIONS, itT LOW PfticES GREEN, BLACK AND IMPERIAL TEAS • OF DIFFUENT GRADES; ROASTEL, GROUND, AND Rh) COFFEE SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, OF ALL QRADM 4 ; RICE, SOAP, STARCH. CANDLES, RAISINS BAKING POWDERS. PRI'NER, FRUIT, NUTS, Ac., wuir mu, COD SIKH LAID, maws, DMIKD APDLEtt, WOOD aril WILLOW WADS, NAILS AND GLAISID, Together with • Large assortment of all kinds of GOODA Mot in • &roomy Store, which we offer to sell at the lowest market price. CALI. AND SEE C$ ! REIPKIIA N. KENDIG A CO, Ape 24, 209. No. 1 , Wright'. Wart _ . WHO WANTS A SAFE. I'b. soloeriber Ku ono large vita HEARING'S SITE. s bleb he will dowse of cheap (or Cssh or spprooot paper W . 1.. SCOTT Erie, April 9, 1969.-44 tf FLOUR k FEED STORE REMOVED. Late of the firm of Coacher+ k Slocum, who were Inca-rpm Ln Beatty's Block, takes this method - ---- - announce to the public, that he has moos bin 'tore to Stsits 3* Set. one door north of G. W. Goodrich's Variety where he will be happy kr mew all his old enstronere and all who are in want or artirlra In has line. Re keeps the .1111ereut brand,., of Erie County among shied are those of John Rolbinfam mot J. W. McLane, oniretioall, acknowledged to be the BEST tna.le. Those In want of *choice article of Flour till And these brands to to. all they can dealer All kinds of grain and feed kept enuatantl) 'n hand kn., April 2, /iko'2.-43 If HIRAM SLOCI . m. FARM4r 7 .It) SALE. E Sl' BSCRI REit Oder, leer farm for 14 sho, no reseonahls It is oituorml one-hatf nitle from Spring:44d X Roaoa, FA, County, , and i...ntatne VA'S:TY-THICK acres of land, lb irt• Rive of which are under a good state of intneoemment here are two large battle on the pre mises. one Iro br ao and the other 30 by 40, the oho!. merit watered by never failing Springs. For trnits apply to tho anhaeriber in Sprinir6.ld April 9, la4a.-44.e.0. LA VISA CRAW FORD BRASS & BELL FOUNDRY. REM OV A L. The oulmerlber ham removed his BRAM AND BELL IetWNIIRY to Ameriean Block, one door West of Neller and Warmest, when. be will be happy to au all his old Casio:Dere and ai sway new °nee u mar want any thioe in-his line Eel., April 2, 1149.--61. 61D FRED. JAItECK C ".P. RTNERSH I P—N ENV FIRM. sach.mAN, KaNniu a co., I RAVE associated. with me In the Morin . and Prim. skin Boaineas BECKMAN and ELI Eit,. DIG, end twatikaa will hereafter be wanducted to the name and style of BECKMAN, XENDIG k CO. Erie, April 2, 1269. WM: Y. RiIiDERNECEIT HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. T HE SUBSCRIBER Weald resiiheilally inform the *Moms of Erie and vicinity, that he la prepared to do General House Painting and Paper Hanging, With Neatness and Dispatch. Rh., on Trench .treat, mar taartlt. eppeolto J. Crook & Co, Ceepimatear CALEB C. JUN& Arlo, Sarah St, 11148.-4111113 SCALES. PLATFORM and COUNTER SCALIA earrented the WA anandnotst e lbe eale /WU 9, BMA OM IMMETT. TO THE PUBLIC. A LL THOSE Bligas Babson Ilasaa, on, airyy invited to WI sod Pottle tit muse with A. A.= l : l l.fig., spathe di day.; to ai that tins atl soomasto that ow awttlad trUI Oa paoltai oafltl PAC April 10,1068.--46. , 11. EL AM SE 111, ING at AM:WM GREAT BARGAINS, The 59.99esibir has Mr 4 " l as i= & No. Beivise for Talon oal% 1• will all: = l7 with W.1.7801k i1. 11111 1trM 9,111611.-44.9 r. NEN F I R:X ! (Bnsomors to Shannon & 4%1,4) DEALKRB IN Wooden & Willow Ware, Pork, Fish, Salt, &o. Soo. BOUGHT FOR CASH, ONEJLPEIt THIS CITY FOR OMR OR READY PAY. MONEY BY CALLING AND SPLENDID STOCK OF SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, LINE, BEFORE PIRCH A SING El S'E WIJEIW '.' FLOUR, GRAIN AND FEED GROCERIES, &I, ME BACON. BUTTER, GROVER & BAKER'S NEW ST YLES--Priceo from ISO to 11 2.5 Matra Charge *5 fbr Roomier& 495 BROADWAY, • : 154 f SUPERIOR St. new. Womb Low ar* fical two 41+0 , 14 a. purchased from tb* store; requiring ao re.wtodiag of karesd ; they Yolk diatiar, bad BOA to ► verporkw style, limaL - log each seam by the# own oparation, without TOCOUM to the hand-osedle, se is required by *lbw mathinee They will do better and damper seeing thus s ammorirros eon, erns if she works ter me aid e. kw, and on, un - slitootionahly, the hod Woodier' is tbe twist for f miiy aria& 011 001101{111, d lb& shoplietty, darbility, MOP er management, sad adaptation to all rorialre of gladly .seine--eseortog either brae, or ars work with wins) beillthaad without epeeist adjustors*. As evidence of ON soquastrort sapertarity of their Kachilleari tb. GRovlla 6 Iwo Swum *soros COM PANT bile leers to IllepeCibily MIT to lb. 1011107bsi "Hawing had oar of °rotor Bakar's llachloos la ins lhatily for Dewey a !ear sad st•balf. 1 Pala plessarc .n aawareadiag rEr war rottaago for Oro purpoas 10 which it is P oraiiirs. Jailers Ls aota4 weft ft ill Dr. LAssit; rdMarr if N. T. bode panatela t o ssmi myeellf 4elliyhted with your 11.11/4311 %Ise. int., wbleb bas been In my family for many mouth.. It b.. eionym been ready fur duty, moths% no 044ustment, and Is Maly adapted to every itarlirty ofleeM_ y we're . hr Wisp' climaging the !spools tbrerd."—Mrs. anahei Sb+wife et Rev. Dr., SOrinkidoit, Stigkr Cardreio AdimPoste• "Amer trying several different rood inoehlora, 1 we &mod ions*, on amosiat of its si plletty, and the per feet ease with which a /o marregped, as well as the sirens, h and durability of thew. MLitt Io exportimom I Irv! oompemat to moth in this nisamer, mid to enaddroti, recommend It tar meg rant y ofh oof o arrinir —Airs Spoinerr, wolf of tie &Mee inmeOrta kor. "I here used • Gitoirati HAKIM Seem Olhithitte Iwo years, and have found It adapted to &I kinds of tars fl sewing, from Catabrte to Broadcloth. Garments tour been worn out without the giving way of • .Utah Th. Machine in eerily kept In order, end amity need.'—Mrs A. B. Whipple, cote of Res. Gee. Plink Ns rock "Your .tesing lisebine has ►es. o use so my &toil. the put two years, nod tine tidies neetteet ate to give you their tutimontale to Ita perfect utaphednesa, welt Its labor...erre, coseities to the performance of Wally en.l heueete , l4 treing...—Rfriert Boormaa Mew York. "For seversl months we herw,used Caterer & Baker . Mecinor, sod hove cow to the conctuelon that e. ary Indy who desires her owing beweitifoily end refer', none, would be moat fortunote In poeoresing one of tlowe reinaide awl miletatigsble needle-womeo,' combined loan tire of bend', airtareA, sal riimpiirsiy, 4". invaluatac"—J. W. Mot?* dash, of Gest. (lea klercisi Editor of thz Mama Jewwweil. Eatr•rt of a letter from rllOO. R. LIAVITT, tin , au A merican Reath...mut, now niabiept la Sydne7, N*l , / fl out ) dated January 12, 1ri88; .1 had a tent made to Melbourne, in 11153, in which there were over three Maoismd yank of sewing done with one ctilrover k Itakers Machines, and • gimes seam of that outatood all the doable mama sewed by amier. with a needle and twine." "If Homer could be milled up Imo his murky tuulft. be would utng the advent of Grover it Baker as a more 1,- lugnault miracle of art than was ever Vedeenheemith v.— Re ',mild denounce midnight atiirt-mikisig as 'the direful spring of woes unnumbered. - - Prof. feeelia "I take pleasure in saying, that the Grover di Baker Sewing ilachises have more than eustataed my expecta tion. After trying and returning otiters, 1 hare three of them in operation is my different plasm, sad, after four years' trial, hare no hanit to tied."—J. IL Ileatiwad Snags,. of South aerobium. Y y wits has had one of Grover Baker's Family See log Illichines forum, time, and I ant antlafkd it Is one 0 , the beet laborsaying machines that has been invented.— I much pleasure in reeomtnending Peto the public. ' —J l. Herres, Gescruer of Thantesot. ••It is a beautiful thing, and prim ersirytiody tato an cv citkmeakt of _Food humor. Wer• I • Catholic, I should Insist ,pon mints Grocer and Baker haslet an eternal ho:ida in commemoration of thetr good deeds for ho ruaniti."—Caseiss M. My. "I think It by far the best patent in um. Yiki■ Machine can be. adapted bum the finest esonbrie to the beari.i.t esasimere. It sear stronger, faster, and more bel Iltllll I I than one can unaigitre. If mine eenld not be replee.l, Looney could pot buy It."—Mrs. J. G. Braes, .Ssuskete/r Teas, "hie apeady. .en neat, and durable ko fta work ; ts. male understood sod kept In repair. I earotetly meow nwnA thua Machine to all my sequaintanoes and others. - -Mrs, M. 4. Frrrest, Mr pkw Trim "We 60.1 th la Yochum to work to our satisfaction, and with pleasure recommewd it to the wall; so we believe the Grimier it Baker to be the beet Sewing Machine In nor. - -Derry Brothers, Alluvium, rms. "if 'toed •zeHtively for Emily purwoitea, with ordinary rare, I will wager they will last one 'three aeore years and ten,' and weer get oit t of fix."—JeAa Erskine, Nasketile, Ten*. '•I have had your Marline for aerarral wo k ' , a n d am perfectly gattatied that the work it doer la tie brat and mnat beautifut that ever war itaitila.'—M.eirts Naskraile, Tres. I me my Machine upon oats, dreikenoking. and fine linen hitching, had the work IP admizahke—fariletter than _ aad MACKBRIO. POEM, ELAMti, "I raid the WO* the strormert and rime braut it, 1 I bare rfrer peen, node either by band or machine, and r , gard the Grover 4 Raker Mactiine u ode of tbe great., t blew/Mir to otir aev. - -Afes. Tierlffr, .TeskriMe, Vow "1 hntwor one of Grorer k Bake r•e Sewing Machine. In in my tasaily, and and It invaknahic. I cam com Mora tI. rotortintetnt It to all pervons in want of • machine " T TlwVeea, /Washasat, Mean. "I like pleasure In certifying to the utaliii of the Grow er p %Liter Seeing Machines. I have need one MI 11.11. , ..1 rear) ifeeription of work for mouth; and , Ittod at mot stronger one better In even reapatt than work gone I. hand.r—Mrs. D. W. Inetler, AleaArnlle, Thar. 4 I lOW be unwilling to dispnee of my Gmter k Bnk, I Yacht* for a Inre %mount, ennid F not mplar. it &gni n plesmgrir.."—Alno H. ld Sinerel, .Irasevale, Tryon "04 two ktarbinet purchased from you. do the work of twettty young ladies. W. with pylsaaun rr•eommo od the Glirover ic itabor Sowing fdarb no to he the te,t iu Stithugua ir t a., Aileatplits, Tram '•Thr Grotor Raker tiewinw N/Isehloe works glut:ninthly I thlr.k the +nn•b sod work Lie superior to that of and Sewitift Use-lour I rterssW. On tine work, I think 11.. lillsctowe would ba• bard to J. flavor, liesrpl , or Teas.. t 9 flnl tb. Its..bitto trull)y ntlinttcoti, rerr chrahie, stn.( take ploonto, In rt-comenontii w¢ ft to all who wish conte niPne., ronnotoY, and plow:tr. " Mrs. F. 7Ntu Melo On, 71iitn. -Tu. 14 . 4,5er k Fla/fee:hoeing Machine. hare given 80. I. isatiefdetlon that we cheerfully recotanarmi them to all .1... vimbi a good and suleumtial nes tog Machine. It essent... wort sr tat ono it care and great, sod mere only then en, otheranach..... I Imre ream. - Alm R. B. Jlialeiell., Aloe. pits. -Thin • l .1n happy 1.-i Ore my testimony in farar-of G en re. a Bakes'. Sr . 1 lig Machine, and of the perfect satislacitoi4,t give. n ever) reflect. It mews neatly, and is by no meal.. mimplioated, and 1 prekr it to all others f hare peen ' Nr. Iffews., wife of Rey At. At. Bream, IllesorpAN, Tr.. .• It unonlp me much pleasure to may. that the Maelio,e works well : cad I do not Modal. to recommend it a. pos.e.sing all the advantages you claim fur it. My . ile Is vert much planted with it, and woo Wm pleasure in err Wyk., • to this eilect. '-k C. Broulity, Mr•frpi.s, Ti'. • "It 'Yea me pleaaure to dud the Graver k Baker See in, Machno giving au much mtiahmtion. I have it in m iiiii. .no aunt a l , mo, and fi nd it ail that could be deored. It in the mnat mid.; aud durable montane in use, and I heartily moo mend it."-r N Whi l e, Nest/Au, Ana. • "II ving,iiven, ...emitted, and used many tither kind. of :teeing Machine.. I feel free to my that the Gnawer k lih.• key ii&chine. awe tar imparter to all others in vise " - Al Promos ash:, 71 1 .1...kri1k, l'amt. "110 adder my Sewing Machine. laralushi•, and w.uid sot kt t ir e Maw emit, if I could amt purply it. plu, • Wlth t i coo do all my &witty sowing to about one -four tl, the tiim• I •ould with my hands."-11f J Seat, Nashrollf. Term SEND FOlt A CI WCLAH. A LOCAL ACIENT WANTED. Itarab 12, TMO.-1y.40. REMOVAL SPRI STOCK OF GROCERIF.s. JJOHNSONBRO., & • Raw* removed to littoderowebt's Lotwor of Stabs and Filth Stiewta, and sae Mae up with the horst sad moat extensive Stock of WET AND DRY WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, ever °Semi to We market ; and whirl will bat sold as teat/kingly dump for dak Sr Oolustry Produce. Call and examine there Stock of SUGARS, IWATUAL TEAS, JAVA AND RIO COFFER, MOLASSES, STANCH, CANDLES, WRITE FL9II. MACKEREL, HAM, BUTTER, TOGS, &c.. Sc., *c Together with every thing else good to eat Drink, Bout, Chew or littnoke. Erie, April 9, 1859.-44 CELEItRATKO : NEW YORK CLEVELAS D TEST/MON 1 A L 8 OROCEIU&, PROI•IBWNs OBES'S, BLACK AN b ROASTED, OR 0 1. 7 ND, FRUITS, NUTS 81RUPS RICE, SOAP CODFIB H PORK