The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 23, 1859, Image 1

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    The uric Obstruct
tr Taana . Single plib.crihers, U rid la ailrance,
Copie• will be aunt oat addzee• fur $4, and
.satue rate b,r larrer el u m,
.• us autiperiber fatitnic why within the year, the
r .ille diaeontinue , sad the acrouot matte uut at
s". of $2 per year, and left o ith a proper ollorr for
g r hoe,. or Iwo 1661 Le a aglia , n , 1101 1
r one wrek, $ I Doe Pq(WV 3 mouth. $3 161
•• two 100 One " 600
• " Dave " 126 O. " " 6 76.
F r- tine square n year, changeable at pkataure, $lO.
squares--3 months, Id, ti month., V months,
ill Ai, 1 6 .
, ne rniumn, or 10 114410.1M0 -
;34. 3 month, jive
Cards laserted in the Business Directory at $3 per
ain lines allowed for a Card, over Ms, and under
eight, $5.
special and Editorial notices, 10 emits a line but no
advertise vent will fie inserted among the Special Notices
for less than one dollar.
g — ir" Merchants and others ri'm'ing frequent changes
In their dye, tismonts will he allowed ten equal,., paper,
rod c ard, the 516. For additional spree, the charges will
to in proportion, and the dvertiennents must be strictly
ot/bort" to the legitimate. amine.. of the advertiser. Pay -
in , art for transient advertisements required in advance.—
is for yearly advertiaiag will be pnosentod bal(•learly,
Mr!MMIT7 '.P =M
W HoursALß a►o Kit tt. Gwc►tu, Lod
Jrairrs In flour, Port, Ptah, flit , Seeds, Wood sad
„low tt sre, Nails and Glass. at Nu 3 W right's !flock,
ottlY W. WALKER,
ArtOitart •'r Law, St L..u. No
give prompt attention to the locating of Land
A Array ut Lott the payment of Taxes to the titates of NIF
.., k ,rt lowa. will elan 811 all orders (or the purchaeo
a Id outrun swamp Land, Ste.
(Succcessor to T. R. &aka j
usstssi - rtairs and Wholesale and Retail Dealer
Foreign and Domestic Straw Goods, artificial Fitment,
Hi Rouua, Silks, Laora,and Fashionable Millinery, Paragon
lioliding, fronting the N.Parcular attention
paid I. Orders.
k, • A TTOLNICT • T LAW.—Oftlee nu Chtqltiout
street, Mead•ille, Pa.
Lett. VI, 11g151.-IyBll.
'lt .
Den Lex in Cloche, Watehee, Fine Jr. •
... y , Stlrer Spoeoh, Platell ‘ Wate, Looking - tau..., hilt
Woulthags, Cutlery end Fanny Goode, Paragon Building,
north aide West Park near reach at
H AY= & J
W itutriakue k. 1141•411. DILAJ.MteI irk
and Staple Dry Goode, Larpeta, Nat %Inge, ill I, lottitv,
No 1 itrewn's Block, Erie, Pa.
TTWOCY T A T LA W C.,titral
Block, OTet Neuberger it Baker'. Clothing tztoro
tr oil State Stmt
ATTOIANKT AT Lsw --Mare On ti h mtre• t,
nearly opposite the Court House, Eris, i'n.
1 • Oseccalowe to Stewart 4 Aoloodair,,
HoUtILAIJI £%D kwrAlL IDAVOUIST, Corot, hf :•Lekt«
7th at a, NW/aria Paint" Oils,llye -Sto Bs, W 5..., Casophria-,
Burning lokl, Brushes, Ax.e.
°Moo removed to ooroor rooms of Itorew.rok • tti.wk,
corner State Street sad the Public Aquar*, Fele,
•rtuttlts) •7 LAW.—totBnt iu Ito•t,
stratirs Block, oppootto lirowth'• ..0 Ike
Ur E. IMA GILL, ar-
T • LIVXTIST, Whet. in Itoz«u•" 8 .11••••
ink leg'. Block, north side of the Park. F r.. l'e.
Wituhlai•hz and Htgai!dtadel in all kinds
01 tllgnah, 0•113111.11 and A rutrirau II a rdarar.., ni icrs,
&an, Nat* Stoat, Saddl"ry and Carnal& Trntaninv,
U61:14113)/ lAeltang and rsekin: I. nm h 1111, 1 , •.1.14,111, t
trawl House, Lne, I's.
L)R OGEES A: HENN 1b.T1 4 ,
•?.1. it 1k ...rp
ILI 0, CrovArry. Glammare and ruddier,. Ni.e. 11 .n.l 12
LlTlore Block , cornet v! Y alb and •L s- ta. ,kne /
• t
Sisacsarrs to Barney 4 3/'
Lana La Englkah, German and A tn., it an IlnrdwAo
atlrry Also, Salln, A 11•11 1 ,, wen, iron anti • Zt• • n
J Weel House., Prin. Pa
1• I lite r.r ;.(1) *
LII S I aw t .. tei ~1
it I r l I. L.( • r*.it (fie I'••••.• I, • 11. a.:
.1.."61.011t1) de. 0.,
14, ~01:., *.
..111C111te. of 11.10... it. et., I, t est 1.1111 e•
cittes sale I
. 44 Yale, Kt ir
Mb.S CUDOk S (V..
el tst .J.l Mmanket ,4
intnt Hllnd., }'pact rt , in 51,01.4.1 (to • %qt.,:
M INN 11: a-. BANY Alt D.
ImAuck. l•ro•
duce, Pork, rukh, Halt, Oral., Flour, r rutty., \uu,
niun. Browns, Putt., %V ...den, Nil:cow Awl Vt A ,
Terns Club Pnees w. NI. 0% • 1:oot
+tat. StrArt, 4 •114,•• tt. P.,•t .0,-« 111« I.)t
Prirlsihs, I 4tice in 8. a
~,,,,,k, north id& 01 Public 'qu►r., fount r I °CCU ,11 If 11
"C i l Ik Cu All work warrant...l
HULinALII an , f tlealrr. In
%Spot India Gonda V•n•rder, blurt , 1 •ps, -.Ott) Fu.r,
Tot+*cm, Cigars, I , tah,uil,
State etreet, Eno, ha.
H at.T. V, ► FARRAR,
11/11.1 C011111.1t.M.1 retiants,
sys.lees is Coal, Flour, Fifth, and agent for 111.1•111 , 114.1•1
ppar Lake Simmers. l'ilbhe }_n.. I
v vac? t fun's of Steam Kngistes,Builrra,
I:aariag, Agricultural 11,11,4u..nt0, kart
Age- kr* hk.
NirsPi K. RHODE, I R LAS \ 116. K. RI /d A p•Lt
tut' A two k Wilson's tw's iha Yerl,u • • ',tun 0,1,
Attalla's Jewelry Mons, Weat /I.rk, r - r - ti
ing don. to Order
G KOttkiE H. Cl TLICH.
A TTOICNIT AT LAW, 1.LT21.1, to IL °noir,
Colisettorui and taller bustuess 5t1rt,.....1 to with
promptness and dispateh
TORN 5W1[43241%
Jrifirlri OP tux , qtr , Beollt
Building, ap-aLurs,
circalitcy 4 4 . 11. 1 1}1.K.
troot.ala*i 1.1101 11•1: I.alery I
llomeatac azol Ituportral Wine. And i.lopor•r•,
Tobacco, t7ui i tall, I , 11, nod Apc«ub, •oi 11,4111* klutlxio
Ale NO 7 it B:ock, 1141, •trcvl I 4
T 011. N W.: A V
el M. VI I , ACTIIALAR, Wh , Mol triad
14.aler in all- kinds i.f ranr. I.r”in i f K. in.
1411c* and Dinong l hum, No 1 R. 9 ••• k, r rit, Pa
u•rrAr-rnooi 111 bk Reel{
tied Whiskey, la the Reed French .t
In...mei In lionti, and
aale and Retail, •t In r. • 10. , a atatr •tr... 4, r,,
A•rr•c-rr locks k and ittintl
41krier* in WOll WWI clatOttl l'utni4 of so per., insult. ti.
ellespeet and beet nos to n.. :• 4 1“.1, ou 1 n fifth ro• t
Dear limed, Erie, Pa.
..T.,Aquedert for earn ins wets for familv, hno or
Ind piurpowee for mak ebeep
L. W. Ouie,
D lt. U. L. EI.LI OTT,
R..lba. , T DrYT/ST
office and Dwelling In eolith Part Row, ',a cme
aria block real of Erie Hank linil.buirs
Ene, July 10, 1666
GRO KG J . 311011. TON•
rOItIr•OLPISCi and Cpuicutcai..n Slcrehant,
Public Dock, Km., dealer in C0.,l Ault, Flab, Fli.ur and
Tosirrit MecA }ITER.
t W oloLimaiLß and ßotal I dealer In 17 011, P
ProQ/10,1111, Ship Chandlery, Wood and WOlOl, wan Jr:,
A. , as Stre.d4h-in, Penn.
L 1 HE elero RICA.
WA. A. Gahm ot.n, Johiper, and 14441
er to every description of Vor,vn scot flonwstic tiry
Goods, Carpotthr& Oil Clotho, 13, Stat. Art.t.,
vorDer Fifth. Erie, Ps.
Jerf lON OP Tic Pit•ez. Dorgia, Agree.
went BOWL 114111 toes/ ea, Eertmee, ke, accurately sod
ccrefully Alma. Mlles 00 Preach. street, °ref Jut. S.
Stamen, Greccmr Store Eric, Pa.
F . 141011. Will pmetiro in the tonters/ Courts of Berle County,
and fire prompt and fatOiful Itttrotion to on O 0010.0011• 0-
14411•0 to ht Lauda, oath, ILP au A 11 0 ,01.1 nr litictxtman
°Om in kruplro Mock, ntkrzurr of , toto nod 111 DI
Pt ! : rse, Pa
J. W. I)ol:6l.Amei, . 4 .,
- -
Arrosorry ~t 1 • w —l. ,fis.. ,m0..1 to
Dew bel Idler lust of Stmt. Atroet, on the north blebw of th.
Park. Erie Pa
irIMIVI /IP Tin PlACM—Oniel. lb New
Moat cornor of Yo.oril ' , freq.' end the. rublie kOltioro. Art*
nolimoto, oeuhet ood
No MO Ham Street, Bodolo, Y
Coadoes hill attontioo rteluol rely to the treotooetrt of
Canner nt the Eye hod Rat
rob. 19,1669.-37.17. '
manhotored at NM' Raven, Coati. Having and
tbb ink for nearly a year past, to can coot* say re
commend It to tbe trade it ae tle keel be soar sae&
lb* April 0, Ilhe.-44. B. P. SLOAN.
our )tar, $6O, 6 mouths.,
'tali,. Robert Fuller, who was convicted of
the murder of Mr. S M. Holden at Ann Arbor 4
(Mieh.,) and who obtained a new trial, and ea:
caped from jail the night before his trial waS
to take place, was arrested last week near El,
Cattaraugus Co., N V., after a des,
perste encounter. Ile has been committing
numerous depredations in that section. It
will be remembered that Mrs. Holden sued sev.
oral Insurance Companies to recover a heavy
amount of insurance on the life of her bus.
hand. The defence was that Mr. Holden had
killed himself to secure the money to his fam.
ily. The matter was compromised without a
NoVkl.s.—We have received Ron Ror, by Sir
Walter Scott, being the third' volume of T. B
Peterson & Brothers' new and cheap weekly
issues of the Waverly Novels, by Sir Walter
Scott. Giving truthful delineations of people,
character and manners—ever upholding the
cause of religion, morality sail virtue, they
should be welcome at every fireside where these
precepts are taught. The great barrier, here
tofore, to the introduction of these works, has
been the high price at which they have been
held, but this objection is being now overcome,
by the publication of these works of Scott in
such a form and at such a low price as to bring
them within the means of all persona lahvever
T. Messrs. T B PLTIRSON & BROfllltßs, of
Philadelphia, more than all other publishers are
we indebted for ibis new feature in American lit
erature. The works of Cuss. DicititNs, rius
Lsvicti, Mrs, SuCTILIWORTII, and many other
popular writers, have been issued front their
press in a cheap form, and their last enterprise
is iu giviug to the public, the works of Sir
WALTER Seim., complete and unabridged, at
the very low price of 25 cents fur each work.
or the whole series for Five Dollars The edi
tion embraces the whole of the author's works,
and will be contained in volumes, Otte 4
which will be issued on each succeeding Satur
day, until complete k full sett will he forvianl
ded. NEr o' Mail, to any part of the
Culled States, to any one, bi\ s tbe publishers,
on sending a remittance of five 'dollars to them.
fur the twenty-six volumes. At £h4s low pried,
a ll persons should possess themselvOis of a sett
and we would take this occasion to alvise all
ut our readers 4 to make a remittance ukyive
Dollars at once, per first mail, to T B. Peter
Bruther•, Philadelphia, fur the elittiX \
si•ti why. v U •ouol them complete Id an. one.
re , ,•' ty•. on receipt of that sum
The following is from the Cecil Witty, one of
the mo-t respectable Journals in the country •
TIII ti ter Route TEA LC —The Ptromple4 ion
ua, 6 G G Bruns, (I,e Founche of Ai - Buttes:,
,1 —.h general denunciation on the part
persons and presses throughout the
nniry, of that branch of the publishing bus
dellointliated Ilie " I;IFT Buoy(
has 'minced us to devote a few remarks to tile
.ohje, and to speak particularly or the Itu-i
-tie-s its conducted by Mr. U li Eveixs, 430
Chestnut Street, Piriincielphis, aritit Is pent
elides and practice in the Tiede, ae have toads
ouiselvcs itequainted.
lie-cause -windless or ignoramuses. In oily
trade, puhjacts us to loss, we are not therefore
io censure men engaged in legitimate trade,
because • Peter Funk truders in watches de
ceive and cheat the public, honest warchniiikeis
are neat in be denounced and avnidol übd
beeflit , e a ntillitier of -Peter Funk" COlCern ,
in the Gilt Bunk Business, cricoursged by the
great success of Evans ent Ise, sprung up
eariun , eities, and for a tune thore
who were deluded into dealing with them there
is no reason that a fair. liberal and energetic
puLlisher slionld be condemned along with
thew. No injustice could be greater. People,
must drat with trade , meit. they must have
wairhes -the) must bait , hooks--tool let them
Jake io seek the. place cheia they can
procure the articles the, want. without ep
tion. nod the niost adValitageuini terms.
Mr Linn , treiginated the Gin P.ook
tii I "`:11 iii hi. pent .111 e, !•• iult I, the
of the energy, the tntegtttt. and
hru have I . ltittlererlied his course trout rhvt
day to the ',renew. the sham Conc e rn. tha,,
have from tune to time arisen, to
his establishment. have now mostly ten -hl d.
while he piimes the even tetiO? (if his way,
'tieing satisfaction to all who deal with him
The fairness and honesty of foe business Is
not to be doubted, and are easily understood
Ile is an enterprtaing man, ant k setting out to
do a large business, he purchased his hooks in
large quantities: in order to increase his sales,
lie determined to give part of his profits to pur
chasers. in premiums The principle eel Pre
miums or Gifts has been adopttd in litany
branches of business, and, perhaps, every
newspaper that has spoken epaulet the Girt
!took Business has recognized the prinmple,
either in deductions to clubs, extra copies. or
gift, of engraving!, 4:.c Evans purchases
whole editions of books at the loareld figure,:
sells them at the regular retail prices, and gives
a premium with each book : in every slo,otai
worth of hooks he appropriates' worth
of jewelry, watches, itc , which are given away
with thelorokl, purchasers often receiving gold
watches. costly cameos. Sec. in every case of
sale. Evans gives what he pleases— and surety
the twist fastidious muralist can find nu fault
p,tferrtd 4rtitits.
On the same principle, if a man buy a Chest
ur tea. is the grocer to be blamed or condemn
ed. it he gives hie customer a few pounds of
cot Tee into the bargain• The question needs
no reply. His encouragement to American
authors, publishers, and mancfamurers, is very
great ; in a single year he purchased from one
manufacturer alone, $:..18,000 worth of jewelry,
and thousands of persons engaged in printing,
book-binding. watch-making. ,ka., receive em
ployment through his agency.
His assortment of books embraces the stand
ard works of the languages, and every depart
ment of American literature, and through his
agency, vast numbers or useful books have
been spread through every part of the eountry,
to the great advantage of the rising generation,
and in this respect lie may very properly he
held to be a public benefactor
In short, in Mr Evans we find an enterpri
sing man—the originator of a business which
he has followed with the greatest energy and
strictest integrity, until it having a vast extent
and importance, a host of imitators (some of
them honest. perhaps, bat ignorant of the busi
ness) arise and disappoint and cheat the pub
lic, bringing down condismnati b t not only on
themselves, but on the man w e trade they
were counterfeiting. To rescue Mr. E. from
this unmerited censure, and to state what we
understand to be the nature of the Gift Book
Business, as established and conducted by him,
has led to this article. No one who deals with
him can be wronged or disappointed; not only
will the purchaser receive the full value of his
money in books, but with each book 'premium.
or gift. and that often very haddsonse and val
Within a very few miles of Boston,
says the Boston CloinmerrialAtilaths, is manu
factured nearly one-half of the cotton used
in the United States, or over 400,000 bales;
yet not over three-fourths of this is import
ed into Boston, and probably not over one
eighth part of it is shipped here for sale.
With a consumption of one-fourth as much
as is required by the mill& hear Liverpool,
the bales in Boston for aiwhole year were
not equal to the transactiOns of many a
week in that city; and the stock in Boston
is seldom over one-twentieth of the average
stock of Liverpool, and probably not over
one-fifth that of New York.
• INFr ilr
• -
She comet with (dry footsteps
Softly their ealioes
And her shadow plays like a summer shade
l oons the gartlen wall.
Tla golden light is dancing bright,
lid the mattes of her hair,
And her fairy young hicks are waving free
To the wooing of the air
Like a sportful fawn she bout deth
So gleefully along,
.As a wild young bird she caroleth
The burden of a song.
The summer flowers are clustering thick
Around her dancing feet,
An ik on her cheek the summer breeze
rti breathing soft and sweet,
Thevvery sunbeam seems to linger
.move that holy bead,
And, the wild flowers at her coming
Ttieir richest trtgrance shed.
Asj oh : how lovely light and fragrance
Niiugle in the life within I
Ilh how fondly do they nestle
hound the soul that knows no sin
She conies, the spirit of our childhood
-4 thing of mortal birth,
let{ bearing still the breath of heaven,
To redeem her from the earth.
silo comes in bright-robed innocence
unsoiled by blot or blight,
lud passeth by our wayward path
A gleam of angel tight.
uh : Messed things are children :
The gift of heavenly love ;
They stand betwixt our world-hearts
And better things above.
They link us with the spirit-world
By purity and truth,
And keep our hearts still fresh and young
Willi the presence of their youth.
' ttlackwowts ilayazene
t kola Xittniture.
lie is no Somensetshire man—l had at- I ,
rnost said no Briton—who has not heard of
Nestor Hall and the Mountestlils. It is my
httlit.r, and the belief of all Nestorton
That very soon lifter the subsidence of
th k • waters of the Deluge, and the abandon
triel. of the Ark, the Hall begun to be
builfsb) one of that ancient race. There
were litkul,tle— , many generations of the
frunily lic,nntediluyian times, but we will
Auppo-e, iUsorder to preclude uncheerful
getieslogical irguinent. that after the flood
it was again. kid that .laphet Mountemill
was practically 1-he founder of the family.
Hut iveatli t , r-oe open, doubtless.
”It.l I 'recent experit>vices, he laid the found
ation of his ni.tusiouUpon a very lofty hill.
with go at quantities ot\oak-wood about it.
serviceable for its. ,
lily Mounte-dils were-, en within aiii•
own memory, a race but little-ahort of kings
in power and station. The okhnuin. Geof
frey Nfountesdil, 'rasa king, in I see
him now erect, odd-lacking, fier a 9 am'
lie anticipated s o me cro'at or op sition,
when. goodness knows, he had a 1 t 'rigs
his ow ii way enough, stalking into • Lu
at , Ilinugh be complimented the phtee
Ins piesete i oi puking the fire in hi
grand old Einoly pew, just berme the sl-r
-mon, and ',reparatory to going off to sleep,
like it tine old gent leinun of tbe olden tune.
as he was, and attt-r the comfortable
tom ul his endless lino of ion estors. Had
too cli.inced to call him Mi. lfountesdil.
he %could very likely have knocked you
down the way to pronounce that timt
halloll t it BUMP was MI end woe was
to that wielt who took,it into his mouth
limn the mere Um!.
lii 1111111' to .N.•• tiltton. an d no _
-uilesi the humble position of tarot!' clerk
and ton, the old gentleman had been a
widower some ears ; but his two sons, Er
tie-4. and Beauchamp, and his only daugh
ter, Eleanor dwelt with him at the Hall.
I kuiie not uch was the proudest of the
four. hut in t iose days I used to think that
it was Miss Eleanor. Had she been lea:}
than she was—other than the haughty
born beauty which she wag acknowledged
to km—she would have been counted down
right uncanny and eery:she had such ter
rible blighting looks at times, and s o d,
tieaueful evil eyes.. She was open-handed.
indeed, like the rest of her race: but there
WWS as little kindness in the manner of her
gifts as gifts could have. Ernest was the
masculine double of bier, unforgiving, cruel
upon the bench of justices, and exacting,
in return for a generosity, submission and
slavishness enough. Beauchtunp was the
least rigid, although the most passionate of
the four. rind was w ith ie., perhaps, th e
least unpopular.
In spite of what I have said against the
Mountemlils, they did no littltegood among
us, hi their unpleasant way. Poor men—
not such as we, but those who may be in
reality poorer, since they are something
like - gentle folk themselves—authors, mu
sicians. and, in particular, painter-artists,
often had a helping hand stretched out to
them by old Geoffrey audhissnns. I have
known as many a half-dozen of thin sort of
folk staying at the Hall together at one
time; eating and drinking at the best, and
driving and riding the squire's horses for
all the world as though they were their
own. The painters came in my wig more
than •the others, because of my office, for
the church was old and ram-shackly, with
ivy and rubbish about the big gray tower,
and, altogether such a building as delight
yoqr artists, who seem to care most for
places that are tiecoming ruinous and dan
gerous to other people. "Gabriel Grubb,
Gabriel Grubb," They would sing out at my
cottage door—"give us thy keys, sweet
grimbler." They were a mad let, and
therefore I did not take much count of
them, although I must say that they paid
their footing handsomely enough, and so
deserved, poor devils, to be richer. One
Mr. Miles Daynton, in particular, used to
pay me like a prince, It was the inside of
the church which he was engaged on, the
sculptures, and the carvings, and suchlike;
and very beautifully, indeed he painted
them, but, as it seemed, even to me, ex
ceedingly slowly. "Let me be left alone,"
he used to say ; "Let no one disturb me at
my work, and here's a crown for you."
About a score of years ago—in the June
of 1838, or so, or it may beayear Liter—he
had come for the keys one day, as he had
done many days before, and 'wra inside the
building, when I had otPlon to fetch
from the vestry the surplicehf a neighbor
ing clergyman, who, having preached at
Nestorton the preceding Sunday, had left
it there, and sent his servant over for it
that morning. The great door was locked
on the inside, as I had expected ; so, not
wishing to disturb Mr. Daynton, I dropped
into the ante-chapel through a little win
dow that chanced to be open, and thence
intended to get what I came for from its
vlace, without being noticed. On my way
under the north gallery to the vestry, how
ever, I was surprised to ,• . . • In t o * .
versstion, and when. ens Tait: I be
came a witness as well as a meter, .my as
tonishment became abets terror.
Miss Eleanor, the
:.keteUtY , the
contemptuous queen, was . Wilk e%
companion, and, as I 1 her own
lips, the painter's betrottullittride. That
they had met there alone, and secret: l:
many times before, was • ..spetain' enou gh,
but it was reserved for me lisolutiar that day,
with my hair on end, theiripen coafeedon
of love. I shall not forylit, so loos ail I
live, either the scene or tie words. 'le
WAS drawing from me thegpeat Ifountesail
window over the southern have, or he had
at least his easel and painting utensils op- 1
pesite to it. His Windom* face and soft'
womanly eyes were in shadowbut upon
Miss Eleanor's brow and eheitit the mid
day sun streamed full, and bathed them
with the Islowing colors from the armorial
panes. Even in that ',dry vot, within
reach of her great-grand father's--fiir liton
tacute's marble hand, if he_had but stretch
ed it forth from his monument (and I al
most wonder that-he did not) il3 warning
to the degenerate girl—with the very life
blood of her line, as it seemed, mantling
upon her cheek#—she plighted high with
with the young painter. His art and his
love combined together, as he looked upon
her transcendant beauty, to make him
swear that with that crown of splendor
upon her forehead, she was a very queen,
and he her loyalest subject ; that, with that
halo of glory round her, she was a saint,
and he her devotee forever. And she,-In
stead of withering him with her ancestral
eyes, or crying for her grooms to whip the
madman from her impepal presence, fell
fairly into his arms at onee, just as my own
poor Molly did, five-and-forty years ago!
I waited to see no more, and was sorry
enough, for my own sake, that, I had seen
what I had. Should it ever tome to be
known that I had been privy to this with
out revealing it, the Mookitesdils were not
the men, as I believed,n to stick at the
murdering of me. It w robable, on the ,
other hand, that I shoul not be suffered
to survive the telling of it: insomuch as .
the first whisper of such a disgrace having
occurred to one of their' family, would be
.u,re to rouse in any onethem a perfect
whirlwind of fury. An then to betray
yrothe generous fellow Da n—seeing that
I would as soon rob a ! of her feline
admirer as cross Miss or in such it.
matter—why. that was to be thought
of either. So I kept counsel, and
waited to see what wo come of such a
love affair with curiosity ugh. One week
afterwards, upon a beau summer night,
Mr. Day mon and Miss or eloped from
Nestor Hall, without a lin it being any
the wiser until the next ing. She left
a letter behind her for father, not en
treating hi. forgiven ishe knew him too
well for that.) not askg anything of hi.
love and tezeleaness, nor appealing to her
brothers for their good Offices, but simply
stating that she was dcfermined to marry
the young painter, anticipating oppo
sition, that , be had t kma done so clan
Oh. proud as the me ere, the woman
to my thinking,in
herself tar proudei
.-he might, thong!
.4trttigitt - way
anre• not 4 h(• deFI
not pletur(
ed. She tiedOr Nestor - Mtn 0
but. the iltilioA ,Il
all the woild.
fur he had known the world: but
if lie thought of what , till'ering must needs
is hef.,re her, it was the sole reflection
which gave him any consolation now. Ile
absolutely hated his daughter. His fury
t %%h en he heard of her flight, that
it brought on • trukv. and he luy for how-,
•.), k eechies , . and striving in rain with hi.
laL dy Led tongue to utter cures upon her
He 1 .1 his sons. they -ay. took a solemn
oath t -ether. that they never would hold
comma, ,ation with her• or hem. R 4 long
as they It ed. Mi. Ernest came up that
cart ttN s ily cottage, and bedtime bring
lota thi• reg %%hid' I did not dare re
fute oi 'I. 1 1 14 own hand he
eraz•ed, from the register,
a- ht , ",,u,
has ni.‘
was well ers , ugh. a ere 410.1 ID the country
everywhere in public aI“.N their wont, as
though they st rove to brave the matter out.
and prove that they were hoitirj-whole and
above disgrine.
We did not hear anything of\Mr. and
Mrs. Iheynton for nearly a year, wlknsotne
of us reiul in the papers that she Idfd\korne
a son ; and very soon afterwards the )st
man said that he had taken a letter in , r
handwriting to the Hall, addressed to th
old squire. Had the girl, then, forgotttu
what sort of man her father was in that
little time? ur had poverty bowed her
lofty spirit so low, and so changed her lofty
nature already, that she thus courted in
sult and invited contempt? She forgot
not, neither was she changed ; but the ,
mother had stooped to implore that for her
child, which .the would have died, rather
than demand for herself or her husband.
My son is one of the Mountesdil blood, she
argued ; his grandfather and uncles will
not suffer him, at least, to be nipped by
this cold poverty in his youth. Would
they not ? If she could but have seen the
old man's smile when he took that letter.
and—knowing what it was about as well as
though be had read it—placed it unopened
in an envelope, bidding his steward direct
it back to her, she would have felt that he
would indeed, though, and that gladly.—
The Dayntons were very, very poor. Miss
Eleanor, that was, had not a shilling in her
own right, laid her husband's trade was
not a thriving one. Present ly a lit tle daugh
ter came to them, delicate, fragile as a flow
er, and another letter arrived at Nestor
Hall—to be returned. The third and last
came soon afterwards, black-edged, and
addressed in a somewhat trembling hand,
to tell that she was a widow, and the cause
of offense—she went to the length of wri
ting Mat—was now removed; but when this
letter came back to her like the rest, she
folded her sick child in her arms; and, with
her almost baby-boy beside her, set forth
upon her bitter life-journey, unaided,
friendless, and with the memory of pros
perous days to mock her.
About this time the Mounteedils of Nee
tor Hall been to thin. The old man died
without repenting him of his wrath, tailor:
giving and not so much as mentioning his
banished daughter, or her offspring, in his
will. Soon afterwards Ernest died also of
a strange complaint, the name and nature
of' which I am unacquainted with; only,
because so many of the race have died of
it, it is called among us the' Mountesdil
fever. Il is said that on his death-bed he
adjured his brother Beauchamp team that
the old ball and great estate should not
pass after him, by any means, into Dayn
ton's hands; and Beauchamp, as though
dreading to die, like Behest, early and with.
out an heir, married almost at once. His
bride, though fitting enough in respect to
birth and station, was one of sixteen chil
dren, and by no means wealthy. She had
been the pet of the family, and when the.
young proprietor of Nestor Hall had come
a wooing, was permitted to draw that ex
oellent prise out of the matrimonial lottery
without any domestic rivalry. Despite her
seeming success, the young Mrs. Mountes
dii found herself, dm say, very far from
happily matched. Her lord and master
‘`l P
de. it
- -
was imperious at all times, and tender only
by fits. "His disappointment at neither
heir nor heiress making their appearance,
so soon as had been sanguinely calculated
upon, would hare been ludicrous in a mean;
er person. The thought that his young
nephew, Theodore Daynton, was already
',sated upon as heir umptive to the en
tail, drove him half wild with fury, and
made very many persons,• who were certain
ly in no way to be blamed in the matter,
exceedingly uncomfortable.
What would have been mere vulgar ill
temper in a person of the middle class, was
of course but a strong proof of "force of
character" and "impatient of circuourtan
ces" in a Mountesdil; but we at Nestorton
were certainly not displeased when 'Mr.
Beauchamp took himself off, along will)
his unfortunate lady, to his estate in Ire-' 1
land. In a little time afterwards we had
news of her having even birth to a daughter;
but the family did not visit us spun till
the summer before last. Kin Gertrude, 1
then a girl upon the brink of womanhood,
was supr em ely fair; fairer than her mother,
whose beauty, indeed, was failing lament
ably; fairer than her aunt Eleanor—whom
nobody had heard of for about fifteen
years--and yet not half as fair as she was
good. If 1 seem to boast of Miss Gertrude
overmuch, it was at least a weakness in
which all Nestorton indulged likewise.—
She was higher-hearted, Owed more above
all meanness, I do believe, than ever woman
was, and yet she was not proud. Shecame
-among the haunts of poverty and disease
as naturally and unconcernedly as a sun
beam. Her nobleness was discovered main
ly in the grace that attended everything
which her hands were set to do, whether
they were pouring out the rich red wine
from the cellars of Nestor Hall, for the
comfort of the sick, or arranging in a bro
,jug, upon a window-sill, a score of
simple wild flowers. Those folk* who call
the poor ungrateful, and who have yet been
really good to the poor, must have erred
strangely in their manner of giving. The
kind word, even though the kind deed 'is
lacking, is not lightly held, believe me; btit
the kind deed without the kind ward gets
indeed small heart-thanks. Few of us have
Our humanperceptions so dulled by pov
erty but that we know our friends from
our mere benefactors; and even the beg.
gars by the road-side don't like to have
half-pence thrown at their heads.
Thus, Gertrude Mountesdil was the first
of her lordly race who ever reigned in the
hearts of those about her. When my poor
Maly was leaving me for Heaven twelve
rnontiks ago, the dear young lady spent an
hour a \day or more in our little cottage;
arid so I learned to know how good she was.
Master Wilmot, the young painter, since
Nestor Hall no longer patronised the arts,
was living at the Pig and Whistle in our
village, instead of the Mountesdil Arms,
(which did not may much for his taste,) and
met Miss Gertrude under my roof for the
first time. I saw how it was with him ate
glance, having had some experience of
artist-love at first sight already ; and when
he said that he must call the next day for
my keys again, because the altar-piece was
so very wellworth studying, I . walked a
is another sort of young lady, and by, by
yuur leave, shall never marry a —"
" A what '.' cried be, flushed to his tem
ples, and looking for a moment just like
poor gr. Daynton, of old time., only with
a greater passion than he woulil have shown.
Marry a what?''
Matz.). beneath her," yaid I cooly
,•nough. " SheNl a Muuntostill. I know
the whole lot of them, and they ain't good
for painters to marry. Not, sir." added I
—tor I would not haveslandered her to any
man for arty earthly purpose- - not but
that alias Uertrude is an angel, and would
bring a blessing with her upon whomsoever
she elided."
At which he seemed to be a good deal
niolitied. and neat his way. Still, as ho
hung about the village weeks enough for
the altar-piece to have been copied a dozen
times, and as I .had seen him speak tb our
young mistress without rebuff, 1 made bold
to tell her, out of my love and duty, and
a.- an old man who was under a greater
obligatons to her than he could ever repay,
in bow Feat a danger she might be lying.
Her rising color and dewy eyes told me
one tale, and her quiet, self-possessed reply
another; but I believed the second one,
because I knew Miss Gertrude to be truth
itself. She said that if she had loved Mr.
Wilmot ever so mneh , sh e shou Id not dream
Wilmot ever
him without the consent of
he father ; and that, knowing beforehand
who his answer would be, she had given it
to the .oting man as her own, and so dis
missed 'tia. For all this, !Think love con
cealed, " ire the worm in the bud," as is
written Upol.l, one of our tombstone. " prey
ed upond
her ask cheek." and from that
hour stole away her spirits. There was no
breast at home . Ntherein she could repose
her sorrow. Her mother was unaffectionate,
or. at least, quite undemonstrative of her
affection, and a victim to nervous disorders.
Her father had become,, in these latter
years, moody, suspicious and uncompan ion
able, from mental causes as well as from
The Itotuitesdils had been famous for
their iron constitutions and their determin
ed' wills; but Beauchatnp had been grow
ing weaker in body, and more wavering in
mind, for a long period. The broken man,
the hypochondriac women, in that un
peopled hall, must have indeed been cheer
less company for that young lady, She
did her duty, nevertheless, which was al
ways a labor for her; and when her father's
afflictions drew near their close in death,
she seemed, with her quiet usefulness and
undespairing ways, as though she kept the
awful shadow away. It was, they say, an
evil death-bed. The healing spirit who was
the sick man's nurse, was herself some
times the object of his fear. He would bid
her go, leave him and quit the house, as
the cause of all Ids misery and disease.—
His love for his dabghter was only mani
fest while he muttered curses against her
whose claim to the Motuatesdil property
Gertrude's birth had barred. His wife, ner
vous and terrorsst . ricken, went about the
house wringing her hands, and complain
ing that she was being left without a pro
tector, and exposed to the persecutions of
the bitter Eleanor., It was strange how even
Mrs. Beaucham p, comparatively a new
comer into the famil , yet dreaded this ex
iled woman. Her character, her appeals,
. her rebuffs, were well known to her; the
Very lack of all communication with Mrs.
Denton of late years, seemed to her but
as the pause during which the tempest
gathers itself up for some terrible burst.—
The event proved her fears to have been
indeed well grounded. -
Upon the morning of the burial day of
champ 111.causteedfl, when half the lords
of the acres in the county were shambled
in the great dining-room, and the tesnan
in the 'steward's *lumbers, with their sc arf's
and _weeper', as! though they grieved so
bad a man was dead, and. so excellent a
young lady his hidress ; when hundreds of
poor folks, coma to see the show, were
thronging the pork,. and the mourning
coacher stood before. the great hail door,
and the hearse, with its black sea of plumes,
- was - awaiting its unconscious burden—Elea
nor Daynton came.
Her coach was not a mourning. one, nor
fts pace such as befitted aluneral. She sat
in a dirty, travel-stained post-chaise, whirl
ed by four horses, which scattered the
crowd to left and right, and routed the
army of mutes with little ceremony. The
post boys would have drawn up before they
reached the door, but the imperious woman
would not permit them, and caused the
nodding hearse to be backed out of the
way for her. She was in gay colors, con
trasting strangely with the scene, and still
more strangely with her own stern coun
tenance and malicious looks. Another
carriage followed, with two persons in it,
whom she beckoned to come after her into
the house. She swept through the entrance
passages into the great hall, where the cof
gli was still lying in state, and With a cruel
smile upon her face bade one of the domes
tics, whom she knew,' to " fetch the woman
and the girl down," who were, of course,
above, in a private chamber.
" My lady and Miss Gertrude ?" said the
man, in doubt as to whom she meant.
" Yes," thundered she ; " the lying wo
man and the cheating girl—those two! If
they come not, say -you from from me, it
will be the worse for them !"
There, by her dead brother's corpse, she
waited some minutes, no more heeding the
gaping crowd of servants than if they had
been stones, tar presently Miss Gertrude,
pale, but quite collected, came down done
to her.
" Mrs. Daynton," said she, firmly, "this
is cruel indeed. Ely mother"
Liar !" broke in the other, " come
hither in with me !"
She took the girl by the wrist, and led
her into the dining room, among all the
guests. Her two companions followed, and
closed the door behind them.
" Do) , ou remember me," she demanded,
• any of you here ? You. my Lord Trevor,
.d you, Sir Richard, and you." turning
o a third person. '• I, at least, on my side,
:member you. Poverty, want, disgrace.
•owever, alter women strangely. I inn
eanor Mountesdil, gentlemen, she that
arried the painter. I was the girl whom
ther, and brother, and friends—oh, ex
client friends '. turned their backs upon,
id refused so much as to speak with ; she
ho was left in the slough of poverty, with
out so much as one ha outstretched, for
•ity's sake to save her. , he woman
whose little angel (taught died of want,
iurdered by that man, for one, whose
• y lies in the coffin yonder, but whose
eul is in hell-fire. lam the widow whom
.e strove to wrong : from whom, and from
per son, I say, that man would have kept
ack this inheritance by fraud. This girl,
whom I have by the wrist here, and who is
so bold and so impudent that she blushes
not even now, is an Irish peasant's brat,
whom Beauchamp and his wife have rear•
ed thus long, and passed off as their own.
For sixteen years and more they have act
ed-this deceit to the life, before you all. but
ever for one moment did they deceive me.
I tracked them and their wicked doings
ike a slough-hound from the very first, and
now I behold my quarry. I have held the
proofs of this thing in my possession for
years, and these men—lawyers both—whom
I have brought with me, well know it, and
that I hold them now. I have orated--not
aitiently, heaven know's, but at least with
out sign—month after month, year after
'ear, for the da of retribution to arrive ;
eel, penniless. disgraced by the masters of
this house wherein we stand ; two years
later, they refined me the least pittance
for" die support of my ailing child. She
died. They wronged rue, one and all, even
on their death-beds; the last, that felon
corpse yonder, the worst. The law cannot
nnw reach him ; but as for the woman, his
widow, whom you have used so fairly. and
teasted wall, and flattered to the height,
she shall taste prison fare, wear prison garb,
breathe prison air. and reap, in all 11..cpects,
the harvest of her deeds!
The whole company were PO astound,'
by these revelations. iitel by the imperion,
behavior of her uho made them, that no
one interrupted her or interfered with her
in the least. The two persons who acemn
pan ied her eorrohoratedtlStller statements.
and it, moreover, wits reported very soon,
that Mrs. N.auchamp, upon hearing that
Eleanor Day n ton was below. and the nature
of her errand, had, in a paroxysm of terror,
confesiseci everything that had been alleged
against her. The furious accuser recom
menced her denunciations unopposed.—
"Girl—bastard—cheat !" cried she, whiress
htg the unfortunateGertrude,who. ad though
deadly white, never once quailed before
her accuser, or trembled in a you
act well to the last, but your farce is well
nigh over. Innocent or guilty—
•' Innocent, madam, innocent ; I will
!stake my life on't," cried an impetuous
voice. A young man who bad just enter
ed the room elove the interposing crowd,
as a wedge iiriaves driest wood, and releas
ing MUV Gertrude from the hand that held
her as in a vicie, encircled her protectingly
with his own. It was the young painter,
Wilmot. who thus fronted the revengeful
wornr.n, retleetingin his masculine features
the same fiery determination which glowed
so unnaturally in those of Mrs. Daynton.
" Theodore, Theodore," exclaimed she
passionately,'hut with a perceptible vaccib.
lation in her tone, "cross me not in this
matter at least. Heaven is my witness, I
have nothing but your good at heart."
" I belies.; it, mother." cried Young
Daynton—for he it was—" I believe it, and
this is why I appeal to you with confidence.
Mrs. Mounteadil is toy aunt by marriage,
and must be respected. This yogung lady
—who is as an conversant with fraud as an
angel, and who is of a nobler sort, spring •he
from whatsoever source she may, than any
who have yet ruled in Nestor hall—is my
affianced bride, mother, and therefore, your
own daughter."
Eleanor Diynton trembled from head to
foot ; but she knew what sort of spirit her
son had inherited. and from whose side it
came, and Was silent.
" My lords and gentlemen of the county,"
continued he, " if, perchance, in future,
you may visit us, I take this opportunity,
although, indeed, the time may seem scarce
ly fitting, to introduce you to the future
mistress of this house."
The young man had lifted his hat, and
had led Miss Gertude to the stair-foot, on
her way to join Mrs. Mounesdil, when Elea
nor beckoned him towards her.
" I will go with her myself," whispered
she, in a dry, hoarse tone.
Theodore raised his mother's hand to his
lips, and kissed it respectfully.
The two woman then retired, and Mr.
Denton, taking his place in the funeral
procession as chief mourner, fulfilled his
duties, in the - unavoidableabeenceof much
feeling, I must say, with admirable credit.
The rate visit of this young man to Nee
torton, under the feigned name which he
and his mother then bore, bad been paid
contrary to her wishes, but not without her
knowledge. She had dreaded lest his sym
pathies should be in any degree excited in
favor of the young usurper and her heart
was cruelly wrung upon fin, on his re
turn—although he confessed It not—that
her boy had indeed fallen in love with his
worst foe. Dotingly fond of him as she
was, she could not br ing herself to contem
plate such a union with calmness; and be
hsg aware by experiment, of the extreme
determination of his character, she had
come down to the Hall to compass her long
cherished scheme of retautkin during his
absence, wed witliontiottemi* him of her
intention. ghe had hoped that the wound
whir), she should then Whet upon the girl
would be too wide for the possibility of
after-healings ; and, to do her justioe, she
had struck vigorously enough. Aniondent
however, had informed Theodore of what
was going on ; and his mother, conscious
of the clandestine wrong she had intend
ed to do him, and not venturing to provoke
him farther, had virtually givenover opPosi-
Lion, as has bees told-
Nay, such miracles can &heavenly nature
still effect—such power to turn awa wrath
has gentle virtue—abet t ieoa carted
Eleanor was melted, to coarse of time, to
wards her son's Gertrude. Her brother
. Beauchtunp's widow was treated in no Way
harshly, it being, indeed, abundantly mani
fest that she had been but the tool of her
husband. She voluntarily preferred, how
ever, to retire with her jointure to her
family, rather than to remain mistress of
Nestor Hall. There, then, the stately
Eleanor now bears rule, her government
greatly tempered, however, by the mild in
fluence of her beloved . daughter-in-law ;
and there the young painter tices his
art without much eye to a purchaser. The
old church, scene of his mother's betrothal,
and my little cottage, wherein he first be
held his bride, are, I think, his two favorite
subjects. His wife has taught him to look
upon the dwellings of the poor from other
than the mere picturesque pant of view.
It appears that in the eastern portion of
that good old State whose staple producible
are " pitch, tar, turpentine and lumber,"
some remarkable fossil discoveries have
been recently made, among which, is what
appeared to be a portion of a vessel's thick,
some forty feet in length and ' a
dose resemblance to lignite. The time
been when the discovery of such a remise r
able fossiliferous specimen would have set
all the geologists and sirclueologists of the
col= by on their heads; but at this enlighten
ed period of the world's history, when the
duty of not only managing, but explaining
all things terrestrial, has devolved upon a
class of men known as editors, it excites
no surprise ; for the simple reason that,
whatever occurs on the earth, or whatever
is discovered above or beneath, or in the
waters around it; is certain of a speedy and
satisfactory solution. See how easily the
editor of the Wilmington Reeedd settles
this fossil matter :
How this vestige of human labor and
art came there,,is a question easy of solu
tion. We understand that some erudite
geologists say that somewhere in Baden
county is found the oldest known geologi
cal formation in: the world. If this be so,
if this is the oiliest part of the world, it
must, of course; have been the first ready
for the residence of man, and the first
occupied by him ; ergo. the Garden of Eden
was somewhere in the Cape Fear region,
which was then a better fruit growing
country than it is now. We think Adam
must have settled somewhere around this
way. for all the people claim to be descend
ed from him. If Adam and Eve started
life in eastern North Carolina, it is not
probable that Noah wandered far from the
old homestead. This supposition gains
strength when we consider kicrw Noah pitch
ed his ark. Where else could he have got
so much or so h pitch or other navel
stores to pitch within and without
Following up the train of reasoning, why
should not these fossil remains have come
down from Noali—be, in fact, portions of
his ark ? To be sure, the absence of Mount
Ararat is a little in our way, but when we
*et to be philosophically regardless of all
acts that stand in the way of our hypotheses,
we won't mind little trifles like this."
Tus SUAllralt Curse.—Copt. Joe Parks
died at Westport, Mo.. on the4th of
A correspondent of the St. Louis ..ReAWicas
writes of him : " The celebrated Shawnee
Chief, Capt. Joe Parks, died this morning,
and will be.buried, to-morrow in all the
'pomp and circultmitanee' at Indian custom.
Cat 4. Parks for:twenty yeem km been the
ndingspirit NOM die Shawnees on our
their ea nial, a%. .1 •
fact, their master and ruler. They hav
been accustomed to do nOthing in a publi
way without his all powerful advice. H
loss will be severely felt all over the nation
and its eLlects will be apparent upon th
civilization of the red man of his tribe.—
For a great many years Capt. P. has resided
about two miles west of this place, in Ka
has Territory, and he leaves behind hixn
large tract of land, which will probably g
to two interesting grandchildren, half-lave(
girl. lie was nearly white himself, and
:grangers would never take him for an In
dian. Although illiterate, he was ama
of ,unconimunly good sense, and had a larg
circle of intimate atsivaintanoes among ou
people. lie wts a Mason, which fraternit_
will assist in the fun Oral services."
Tux Put witorur or Porsarv.--...Soim ,
writer says, " A happy Man, Furroun dwl
by the blessings of poverty, thus sums up
the uses of adversity : You wear out, your
old clothes. You are not troubled with
many: visitors. You are excused from
making calls. Bores do not bore you.—
Spungers cannot haunt your table. Itin
erant bands do not play opposite your win
dows. You avoid the nuisance of serving
on Juries. Na one thinks of presenting
you with a 'testimonial. No tradestnan
irritates you by asking, ' Is there any other
little article to-day, sir?' Begging letter
writers leave you alone. Imposters know
it is useless to bleed you. You practice
tem}s.ranee. You swallow infinitely lens than others. You are saved many
a deception, many a headache. And last
ly, if you have a true friend in the world,
you are pure. in a very short space of tun«.
to learn it."
—The editor of Omaha Nedraskiesi haying
published something deemed offensive to a
person in that place, the wife of the latter
undertook to rawhide bile, assisted by het
husband and mime relations, but the scrimmage
was soon stopped. The editor coninseats upon
the affair in his next number, and adds the
following by way of postscript:
We would here remark that fighting is not
our vocation. The sedentary pursuits in which
we have been So long engaged are untkvorable
to muscular .development. We only weigh
about one hundred and twenty-five pounds, mid
have never before seriously contemplated the
necessity of a
,resort to fisticuffs. But we
intend to go Into a coarse of training for the
spring fights. We expect in a short time
take lessons of &celebrated pugilist in the noble
art of self-defence, alter which we shall be harp)
to oblige any ex-bankers, ex-elergroan, ur
their brother+in-law who may feel titemselve4
agrieved at anything which may appear in the
Nebraskian. And until that time we shalt
Perhaps employ a body-guard of ladies to pro
test us from 'personal assaults which might
deprive the public of our valuable serviette.
DIED TO SANE ate I)oo.—About eight o'clock
yesterday mornings most unfortunate luaus lt)
took place on;the Wolof the Oalsnaand Chicago
Union Railroad, at Oak Ridge station. about
nine miles tram this city, resulting in the instan t
death of a mai named Alexanderehaw. Deceased
from what could be ascertained by Coroner
James, was. an itinerant knife-grinder, an
linglishinan,About sixty years of age, He was
coming eityltard along the track, accompanied
by his dog. The Aurora accommodation train
was approaching, and Mum stepped from the
track, but his canine favorite did net follow
him until the train was dose at hand, and then
crouched dolrn in terror. Shaw, miscalcula
ting the diatanost of the ears front himself,
dashed forward to save the dog, and was struck
Itzethe ooer-qatober and thrown to one side of
track, sad instantly killed, a fate shared
by the =lath' whom peril had involved poo.
tihaw's.--04icage /Wow.
A than named Bobbins, indicted
for bigamy, and who removed his trial from
Nash to thileiigh county, N. C., was tried
there on Nriday last and convicted. He
had tniuvilod a woman in Wayne county,
and after Wards married another in Nash.
Ob fiaturd‘y he was branded with the let
ter B, on the right cheek, in open court—
the brand leaving a mark that he will carry
to his gm,.
Disoovery of Nook's Ask.