The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 16, 1859, Image 1

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    fht Arietthsenttr:
.4 , A I. AND pdacticAL .14 pi•RN A 1,
BY 8.. r. BLOA•lt
t y. .aboaibwrn, If paid in advaneo,
ou,--4664,11 abut to sow iiiiftwn a*, nod
.1 the rim attwip 6•• lazier 66
tut OfralleMer &Ming to 1.413 within no. r, the
ow ne eJI w itimeobilunioni sad 466 sovitittonwdo out at
m t. of 62 per year, am/ left rah n phipet Aker gar
..rart NMI
TkaldS 4 111 ADVAIMUNG
Lit Nimes lintwo or %ma make a winos.. 'NA
,„ 4 0 Avows. WS wink * rap Pulsars I *oaths 00
, " two " 160 Ow 6 b U4l
thfrki. I*6 fs6l. * n
Eir um ignore I yaw, ehwins44o 0116111116.
Iwo oquares—.l month'. $6, 6 toontha, 1n,6 root . Mu.,
*II 50:1 year. 8 16 .
sukrion, of 10 aitotrob--oor 7oac.soo; 6 months
1.36; 3 mouths, ;It.
%beard.' bbrortnotts taw Butner Ilbsebary itt $ pot
a•uunt, Nix Linea shored lot a 1.:04 , 4 wrornix. sad ape'?
^lght. $ 5 .
Speeini.oo4Adilortal auttoeo, 30 omit, a las; Dext as
.issortieegeant .Itl be inserted 'along the Anon:tailgate*"
tor Imallbsek Gas nears&
VW Merchants and others regairint frequent cheap.
in - their deentleinents will be allowed tiro mum, pow,
eiagsaad„ figf $l4. Vor additional '.pars, the
tor In fidrtimi, and the deertisetnents most etll
wagrg SO Ur Impassisto b.MO ePthkeadmallar. Pay
u mm itiarkaasulemirwommmtemplimimm , ww.—
forlvoirt,~tbdnerrelt be presorted hrsll4-renrty.
lAt KitN
13 C ”Iwipisimogstumvitsor . Et Gums ud
lo host York. Ask, Nat, k Nowdo, Noogg iu'. Lot
willow WorVNllls-wat No 2 Ntiehrs Block,
iris. Pa. ,
r SiIDIMMAIT 1111.111tY
Will girl, attratkra to the leashes of Laud
trump the paitaest of Taxes to the Buttes of lite
o no Iswi; irM else ell. all prdlrtrifor the purchase
Itcaeouri Scamp Laact,
mlBl A. 011111.14
(Sawasearer to T. R. SW4O
14.110PACIVILIIL &ad 1114wheseik• sad! eeider
Fere nod L)uaindle Stratil Flowers,
ftlWeM, elllka, Leawood ni, Peer
auudig,,, fracas( the ftwA,Arle, Ps..lParesdar. &tins a
;AMA , Orders.
ATTOSIMY AT 141r.-41dle• oo Clteetast
a Lavin, Yeadv u1.,11i.
!Ott 26, 1860 —VOL
lir M. A;Vt9.111116
A. • Mute* is W.tcbe., ilne low
, Silver Spliona, Plated Wart., Looking Manses, Gill
Mouldier', Cutlery and bane) niooda, Peragoe Bruhn/at,
aunt 'silo Rest Park near Peach it
sadA.A iildrolk JOKUAN,
. • Ili rootto.a.Lith Rt./ Ait. Diatoms to Fonni
Dry Good", Carpels. natttoga,,lni Clotho% sc., v
No. 1 troll Dinek,ll.l* 11t. '
trios/in no . Low.—Oitter , to Central
Illt4,ovor hi•aborgot a Unisex Clothing Storo. ha
tosrlio ear SW* arid.
arruasin v Lem--011ies 90 Giki street,
Lowly opposite th• Cosa Lianas, trit I a
pl.. ,1111112 Lallt ►
ithirt. Stewart t,)
.I..uatiLita Ant DIDOWST, Censor at 21.11:0 aqd
7th in, Wel*, tu Pala 0112,Dye-Stuffs,Ghaa, Cainphen..,
kturatiwiluid, arvabr,
MILLInk 4111 11111041tY;
lkaiiticks 4.1 Boom •ve SUM," !non.
t indinkli, to ; Pet Vow, lint doer wrid of Wiight k c WI
Eschaage 011kmb Ins, Pe. :
A TT( $T 41D CoCSISZLLO It • T 1.• , * -
( pia removed to center rooms Of itosetiorehes Mock,
euruar MAU Stavetaad the Public Nuarr, Erup, Pa.
A rluata ion •t • .—Othce ku Hoorn
trigoo Meek, fippimito kirowu ■ Hotel, grotr..oc, ..t tM
Vat.., lino., hi.
1 gr •111.01.101, D • EIVITRUSIMS,.
K. allA 4611 LL,
MUTTS; (die* fn finnen..lB/10a.•
•• 6.1 a Bloch, north made of the Park, Pa. su.
V •N auLaaal.a and Retail ,Imie4 in all limb.
knilish,(:•rtosa add Alolermaa liana ware, nrlle,%terra,
1,1•444 stool, h.c. Saddles) and Larriarse f roasnatui.,
Nub in* Ilejthair and rac4a4 t french rtmvt, oppoait‘
Regal kiwi" Rim. Pa.
OCIBMA ar, 111011111t1T,
W 1.064J1.4 •IloußZT.4ll.Dralelsiis 110141-
r. ale, (*rackety, Cllssaaran. and Saddlrry, N.,.• 11 .ad
Etntare Wolk earner of FULL and ,tabe atnvla, tria., Pa.
anyant4. Y a Iti.XX Jai
(Slarcensart i• Baru, 4 APCdakiry
in Kniiiish, Unman and Anamcan hardware and
uN. ry Ala,y Nu La, Aura., C iera, Ir,,n anA !.. , ty. I, No
t(...0 Room, Kris, Pa
1,311104 1. IPLIis.
AJLOII, in the roam raceotit occupied try
Jatoes Sill, Rag. as • Lao 001 c., an.l over tLe :444e g•I N.
Murphy beheiren the Heed !tram and brovrts e flow.
~ANVOILD di. co.,
i.k.ALLICkti 1.1.3LD, :41 rt. Aoltra,
or Di T, Re. Might «lensing,. oil the prin
cipal esiars constantly tor side. 06k.4. ahae4 Holy
?oldie Nuara, Jam.
!Mkt+ CROOK Az CO,
Kr mucus awl Manufacturer. or Said, auu hliada, Peach it iss the shop toemort) occalerd
1,. Hue h Joe..
brall.lnut fa Ornorrito, I 1 no.. LIN Pro
',llCa, Yoh, !Smart, }lour, }tuns, Jute, n
Ble0011:114 ts, Wooden, WI 110111 1.14•1 I • . u. N are,
ac. T. (Ahab. PM** low. No. 40 Nibs • block,
..tats dtreet, 4 doors above the Yost nine, 1.n.,
LUC& dt KATLIAL Pk, •••-
I.4.NTiters, Odr• kt, 1.1.-at) . • ' 4 @@@@@ •
mock, nerds .sid• of Public Scowls, Anntwily oot.upw.
k Cu. LU wort wartauted
Wi00trn...1.2 GROCtxI, .01
%eat Laths Goods, l'ow *if, Sleet, taps, callety Yuba,
tobacco, Choir", Fish, ,41, Scs., ,N. „
'Fiats attest, krhp, h.
I our.
_. . -
lOUN alliAlol
?OIL I/ A ILDIJIO and (...nam.aawn )I;i . ..chant*,
Hauer* in Cant: ilitcost, Yid, and avid 4.r a LiailiT floe ol
?per Lake Oicanaars, Public 110t1k ,
' /centime ot Stooou En , tlo.i,Bi,llrn,
iaLLI F P M, Agriesal tars I no ol.aßeo e-, has tr-od Cara,
to, trio. Pa.
lur P brim k Wilson's Sewing Machiront. Kowtow ovor
Jorrotry Store, Weer Park, no, rr-tit,b.
,o ir E door to undo, ,
ATTOWI A? LAW, Gm,/ 4, kale. tottoty,
t'a Collections and otbor brutturso •ttrrotrtt to with
prompt bar sod 4trpatek.
.1 rar Ica 01 ram ?sacs, i itr.r.• la 14. atty 'a
Boildiag, bp-stairs, Ed', Pa
versoa.iisata tiuoOtaa, and laalets is
lhaccatia Sad lat_peracC Wince sad Liquura, al an a•gara,
Tobacco, Vrult , Ma, lical Agents to Moffat.
Ale. No. T Boswell Block, dtate %bast
wN. oarsmoT,
IPP V AirrrAcrt asa, and
Dealer in all lilodeut YaJoey. Drawing Rani,, Realm,
Oats sod Adis Chaim No. 4 goy moo* Block, Eris, Po
S. C911111 • R 2 11 27 1". & Dealer la Ilnabte Revell
ned Whiskity, th the Reed Haw on heads st•
thaa um la Boats sad Slaws at Waal"-
aal: and Ilatall, at No. 10 Brawn's Block Mats atmet,
trta, Pa.,
( ) 16" 41 •
Nl:F.4(l.oam h W e mid Retail
Meilen Cu W.ll Awl Cisteml Pumps or ouperior quahty the
eberrot owl heat aro IC are. Shop ou Twelfth etreet
was Puigh,Wfie, Pa
Mlillaodll.4 gm carrying grater k.r bunny, tarn or
rolplitre for rale chimp.
D u. 0. L. ItI.LIOTP,
Kumar Warn.? -
"in. Rod Ihrelltair la wrath Park Roof,
brit Murk oast of trio Baokkosilioos.
Kr* ISO&
roftwasartso sad Comoonnsios Marebdist,
l'oblis Dock, Cr* &slot in Coal, Salt, Fisk, Yluur sod
j MOWN MlKAnet/M.
♦ w oo Lamas and RM.O &also la Groe•rNti
Provisions, Skip Unwo4llor7, Wood ..d Willow wars ko,
kv., State elliest, Yoh, Pwin.
..., ________
1 ImrtliLit 107.0 - 3& - 7 . --
1. 1 ..4 ir s. A. asfiwoLs Jobbof, and Retail
I ksler ID veer, 4ssesistios of Ilransairs sod fhossolls -Mr
(4.ods Caris illtk eloss Ott Cdotlis to. Ns, Ruts Massa,
comer , trio. Pm.
'W I L LLAM TUoitgToPi.
erring or Tux Puce. need., Ace.
ine" an " . " 4 Nortiorre, levet, se.. drestateily sled
earolelly drama. Ogler Imo Errebob, xbdot. over Jaa.
starrott, Grocery Store Yrie, Pt. •
Arrow:yr AT LAW A*ll .11'.71e1l or rini Will pesetier I. the revers] Couilt. or Erie Coauty,
•nel ere pmenpt faftbrul attreittne to rirhoulorr. as
rated to Mr hued., wittor as an /Atom." ..r lireurtrail‘
0 1 "101111o.1e ttopi re Moe!, c..taer .1 State aud
, Erie, Pa.
V • With Clherekill, Ahtuttwi.
'hronTichh k of Inrvire and twous.euelh7 Goods,
v,b• V; Murray and Warne !ktreott, Kew Ye JL CHC Clll.i . MULL/0 A. saarnaa,
W. D 4 / 1 74/LA OP,
tfi • orroura7 Air LA..-O.Q tostoted t.
w. betiding enact of 3ia4.11. Wool, oxi the aoratioitt• of tho
Par}, EA* Ps.
A Lt.titl A. (MA 144 .
-Jortnes or ?as Posoo--Offko-1s Atm
Ittock comer of Pooch Street sod the PablLte Name, Dio
largo sad %ball Riga Road !bower* of
or owe onsaufaelat., randhatly mi 'bawl at the Old
rimadry ealabilli k iwes N. -V. Carnet of Pints sad
Llevesth Stain* DU Pa.
Apt' 2, 18121. usdagnasum
B. ri*Atx, Eprnlß a- PROPRI MIR
- - -
do many untold years have passed,
As birds With bright wings flee,
Sineesie beside that river's edge
Sat down la childish glee.
The day was beautinal sad calm.
We happy PM i lie day.
The very waters seemed to laugh
Lute ehildren in their play
You titst end toll me fairy tales,
And both belieied thew true,
You from yOur faith in all things hei g h t
I froth my trust in you.
You told me that in atter years
We'd , tlwell beside that stream,'
And all the while the waters laughed.
So pleasant was the dream ,
1 asked you if an' elfin queen
flat) made your eyes so blue—
And then the waters louder laughed.
As if they thought it true.
The sunlight played amid' your 'Wr—
it lowed you as its ehild—
And if I had a childish pain,
I lost it when you smiled
We launched our harks upon waves,
.And marked them d a nce anti shine:
Yours safely gained the other shore— 1
The waters buried mine!
Your face was like an angel's then,
Its look has scarcely changed,
You dwell beside that river yet
While I afar have ranged.
You might believe in faries still.
Your life has been so fair—
Somereitial nun serenely calm
Might hare the look you wear.
The hopes which 'blossom o'er your heart
Are like the flowers of yore—
You still fling roses on the tide
And still they gain the shore!
The laughing glee of that bright Ifty
Departed from me long,
Perchance those dreaming waters keep
The echo of its sogg
Alt no! the throbbing of my heart
Would hush Its pleasant tone,.
To hear the summer music therd
Is left for you alone
thnict gittraturr.
You will. perhaps, smile at an old wo-
man's vanity, when I tall you that this face,
now so wrinkled, was once fair ; this wh4te
hair once gOldon ; these sunken eyes or**
brilliant : that I was the beauty and the
pride of the village through which you
just now passed. In that village my father
wow aWealthy farmer. and / was his only
child. Ilia gold r and my fair face, brought,
Me manly Ainputss. 'chose one
a woman penet tion in love. I knew
wooed me for myself; but unfortunately,
my lover was the one Of all others that Stly
father disapproved. lather was proud
of his wealth ; prouder still of the antignity
of his family. He loved to. boast that ;The
'Flowers' had for three generations hehifthe
farm on which he was born, andit was With
-rage ancfpnortification he learned thatfink
Stopfor(, the son of the gamekeeper at the
hall, was the chosen lover of his daughier,
The ....Liu) of our love brief- 'tic tut
the history of a day. 1, with many of nay
village friends, had started in the morning
to visit a spot dear to every English heart.
the birth-place of Shakspyai 0. We wan-.
dered through the time-worn rooms, and
spelt out many a name upon the walls—
some lowly and unknown. others noble'and
kingly Ar length it was proposed that
we should separate and seek amusement
for ourselves. Frank Stopford begged per
mission to show me the churchyard and
the tomb of the great poet. We soon reach
ed the row of noble trees that overhang
the Avon ; under their Atacie we walked,
elide Frank, with eloquent nords, pictur
-1 to nit. the life of England's noblest son,
his wild youth, his love, his genius, his life
in London. his end so sad and so inglori
ous. Then he proceeded to speak of him-'
self, and to tell me that the solicitor in
Warwick. to whom he had articled through
the influence of the squire, had spoken
favorably of his abilities; and that in two
more days he vrotild leave for London, to
try his fortune in the great city, where mo
many hopes are blighted, so many hearts
My quivering lips and starting tears em
boldened him. "Jessy," he said, •• I go
without fear, if I go armed with Your love:
it will be a beacon to gude me in time of
trial, to cheer me in moments of despon
dency. Tell me. dearest, is it mine' I
feel that I shall some day win a name
worthy for you to share; we are both young;
tell me,. Jessy, can you love and watt ?
With a wildly throbbing heart, but clear,
firm voice. I replied ; " For you dear
Frank, I will love and wait, and hope."—
Taking my hand in his with a look from
his .blue eyes that sank into my heart, he
spoke to me in faltering tones of his deep,
abounded love, I could not reply, for my
heart was too MI. There are moments in
to which the feelings of a life seem com
pressed, and this was such to p e. I would
have giv'en worlds to have t Id hini how
long, how passionately I h adloved him ;
but the words died upon my lips, and in
silence we left the spot and rejoined our
During the homeward ride, we conjured
up bright visions of our future life ,• I spoke
with hopeful confidence of his talent* and
success. He, with a lover's enthusiasm,
deekred that possessing me, hewas already.
rich. At parting he prettied upon my lips
One long, close kiss; and full of hope,
sprung across the fkdds to meet my father,
and acquaint him with our mutual love.—
That night, as I laidmy - bead upon the
pillow, the world seemed to me to overflow
with joy, my path through life to be strewn
with roses.
W 1.. Inv,
The following morning, when , my hither
and. I were seated at breakfast-i-4 should
have told you that my dear mother died
*hen I was quite relng—l noticed that a
cloud rested on his broil'. Presently be
maid: ' Those litopihrels Inv imbearably
prestmiptuons: • Yesterday evening that
youilt upstart lawywhs clerk asked me for
you, Jassy, and when I hay reused to
hear him, he dared to hhit that ykou
him. I told him that my &NOW, - A
Flower, was far too handsome and ••. -
a girl to marry a fellow lihe him, an that
if you had given him any en • ... tint,
it was, because you were 1p orant o cir
cumatanoes, which I would take yoti
should be acquainted with soon e ; so,
Jassy, in future you take no more • otioe
of .the fellow."
Father," I cried, " what haveßione,
driven him away, and insulted MoT
Ala with his fienssithre inind d Mae
IstitaL , 1
IT ill *NZ Lit 11110111IDIPT
1.1 1
" Pre/kb •it bout 'this beble - iteatt," broke
out my tuber, in a-towering rase; ." is is
possible you are such aleol aimo taro any
thankteut him?"
tor him." I answered, throiegh
passlZte teaiss; "I love lIIM dearly. bet
ter *En any cue, name Shan lifieu .'
In a cold, eahn voice, as he left the
too* my father said, " Kind.. girl, if you
have anything -to say to Friankfiltopford,
you may die in a ditch before * RhlLGug el
my money taut' save you."
• All that day hungbeavilyupen my hande.
I longed to see Prink, and wondered if he
world write or send- me some-token of ne
menabranoe; but I was dnomeni to Paisthe
week without a word of acknowledgment.
At length; as time wore on, I concluded,
that pride with him had conquered have,
and ;that I was forgotten • but 't•wrouged
him - by these thoughts; forgotten;
the morning
after may father's harsh refusal, he sent me
a letter, which was delivered into my father's
hands, who quietly' locked it in his desk,
where it lay undisturbed for OM's, until at
length I discovered it.
The Jousl ran thus: "My Jemmy, I have
spoken to your father, and can hardly
wonder that, proud of you, as he justly Is,
he should have scorned toy httmpreSuit.
Assured of your love, I eith trust td time
to overcome his objecticms; but, dearest, 1
he told me that which, if true, will-grieve
me to the heart. Ile said that kit' daugh- '
ter, too, would scorn me did she. know that
tierlover, unfriended and poor, trusted only
to his, own ability and enermr, Jessy, is if
so? Rave you already lost faith in me ?
if not, send me word before I go, that you
will &Jame to your promise to love, and
wait, and hope. I ask no.anore. It shall
not be long before I come to claim my
bride, and then, even your fathet shall not
scorn for his your fond, devoted
lover, Frank sitoprord." This letter I never
received, and Frank left our village, with
ea 4 and bitter thoughts in his heart, of the
pruil village beauty, who could so soon
plight and break her troth.
The weeks I counted from our parting
grew into Months, the months. into years,
and I heard nothing from Frank. Two
years after be left us, his aged hither died,
and his mother went to London to join her
son ; so all! communication between him
and our village ceased. Once a London
newspaper fell into my hands, and I read
of a trial in which the prisoner was elo
quent ly defended by Mr. F, Stopford. Once,
too, I saw a notice of a book, of which he
was named the author, and the high terms
in which 'he critic spoke both of the work
and oft* Writer, made me feel how far
above me my former lover was placed, and
hoe soon one So humble as myself must
have been+him forgotten.
. pe on in our old farmhouse
with quiet s rides. My father, wrapped up
in his crops,'noticed not the shadow his too
proud fondness had cast over his daughter's
life. It was one sultry evening in autumn
that my father and I rod€'ovw- to the mar
ket town, to place in the hank there a sum
of money which he had received for his
Born. As we entered the town, we noticed
that a strange excitement seemed to per
vade it; well-dressed men were running to
and fro with faces expressive of anger and
anxiety ; and as we approached the bank
we perceived a large crowd collected before
it, noisy surging, and' clamorous for the
doors to be opened. As my father drove
up the throng made way, and, amid a si
lence thatstrucat ominously upon my heart,
we alighted. One brawny fellow pressed
foryav4. AM ritA i t 1 904 of spoulity it
§ - Miami,' "Mist niuc in, meisler no -
er said, "Farmer Flower, the bank's broke!
they're all gone off to 'Meriky! " while
others crowded round with tales of their
own loam* and consolation for ours. Con
solation my father would none of; without
Lnesword he reentered the car, and it was net
til he was In his accustomed seat by the
•ide, that he seemed to realise the ex
tent of our calamity. Then, with tears
streaming down his furrowed cheeks, he
burst forth : "oh, Jtesy ! Jesay ! the money.
I've been so long saving for thee, and th
grandfather's Sat tan -all gone' and I
thought it so safe. too' Fool that I was to
trust them'" ,
At _was in vain to seek to comfort him ;
froth that day the old man drooped ; his
beloved gold he could not forget. By de
grees he took less interest in the farm, and
suffered many things to be neglected. The
consequence was, that the land, badly cut
titat eql, i god aced poor crops; this, of 00Unie,
reduced the profits, so that, on the second
half •ear after our logs, my father found
hints It unable rte usual, to go to the hall
with tia bent in his hand. ' The new squire
a tfiirsh, unfeeling num—vexed to see his
best I farm going to riain for want of eare,
was Only too glad to tell my father that a
new 'tenant had offered a higher rent for
it, and would take possesellon as soon as we
could leave. This news upon my poor
father likes thuuder-stroke; end bestrode
from the hall. veering vengeanee on the
squire and all that was his.
When it became known in the village
that farmer Flower had received no s tiee to
his farm, indignation ran high s*nrl
Squire Maxwell lost much of the popular
ity ho had gained through erecting a hew
I/clout-he/um and reading-room, by thisi ex
ercise of Arbitrary power. It was thus, sir,
we came !to this cottage, which had been
nay mother's early home. The change did
my dear father good, hut his spirit was bro
ken, and: he went about a moodY and dis
appointed man; he never could forgive
the injustice to which he had been sub
One dark night I Slur sitting alone, mu
sing on our altered fortunes, when my at
tention was caught by a bright lurid light
in the direction of the hall. More and
more intensely vividit grew, amine )watch
ed 100 flakes of fire shot up into the air.
A fear suspicion crossed my mind : the
hall ust be In flames, and my father—
where a he? I searched every corner,
I called, he answered not—he came not at
my cries. An hour of terrible Suspense en
sued. The flames had died away, and look
ing out into the still, dark night, I doubt
ed whether all was not the delusion of a
heated imagination. A step upon the grav
el path made me fly to the door. " Father,"
I cried, but. alas! my gaze rested not upon
his face, but on that of a stranger, whom
by his dress, I recognized as a constable;
and behind whont stood the steward and
two farm servants from the hall.
I want John flower," raid the consta
-He is nothe.t.e 1" J gimped out. "I
know not where he is."
" Very flne," answered the man brutally,
"but, by your leave, I must search."
The steward. seeing my pale, affrighted
look, said kindly : "#on't be alarmed, bliss
Flower ; if he can prove an a&J'i he is safe,
and no one wishes him well out of it more
than I do."
" )Tr. Jepson," I cried, "0 pray explain
to me what has my father done—why does
this than seek him?'
"Why, It is s sad ape, bat the SqUire's
three largest ricks ars burntdown, and as
farmer Flower has betn threatening to be
revenged, we suspect holm*" more of the
affair than any one else."
As the steward uttered these words, my
father stood upon the threshold; aiad with
a ory of Joy rolloped him bray onm.—
Foolish Ot that I wart I fancied that there
he Wu site; btit'i wag boon undeoeived.—
gwoMg up, the bondable . Ati9,ll,
his it md upon till, *milder, "
" John
Flew* you are ittylirinitier.
" I know whatiou_ gled me tif,"_mid
my father, 'lnd doolirraicitow*
= 1 144 4 O r
tad k
'• If
" Th,
sigh, "
get off, Aar
we of you .
" That I sei
eteireed; ifshe
that I eau set
Gently nz,
round Win.
rtes waftir
feat on
the th
the Ira
to seek out
word hung..
hi let nothing
The sun was
hot, footsore,
the archway
heart beat h,
seemed to
that the*.
From inn to
he had come
out village.
one had,been
during that
to whom I
pan thimi:
down and
ily hank to am
the neighbors
hours: but the
while the -
of my
was but too
lonely night
hours, did
a longing
could say
The tot
bag ueek
time of
kind fr .
ly on(
it WaS
in whin)
on every
b il * el
squire Mends,
looking resolute .. _ Int, A Waif
sli.ppreased hiss greet.. —him, which health er
did not hear, or else he scorned, for he took
the seat alintted to him with the air of an
injured but benevolent individual. At
length the judge appeared, and, last oft'',
My denr.tatlior. with a firm step, stood be
fore the bar.
The, usual forms were gone thnnigh; sev
eral viritn•ses were called, to prove the
threat uttered by my father, and that he
was seen on the evening of the fire hurry
ing away from the direction of the burning'
ricks. The steward and constable related
the fail:. of his absence from home, and of
his return and capture. The case was thus
4trong against the prisoner, when the judge
(sailed upon him for his defence.
At this moment a barrister, wheelie pres
ence I had not before observed, ru:se and
intimated that he appeared for the prisoner
at the bar. Every eye was turned u him, for it was well known that no advo
cate tied been employed on my father's be
half. Youthful, slight, and e, at a first
glance he appeared but a feeble champion,
but when his face was turned towards me,
and I marked the eyes so quick and pier
cing, the. firm, indomitable energy of that
noble Countenance, joy, hope an - d, wonder
took possession of me. Was it, could it
be?—so chenged, and yet so like! The first
syllable of . his voice assured me it aw
Frank Stn ford—my Frank—who pleaded
for my father; and such pleading! At the
glori4s, eloquent words that flowed so
easily from his lips! the very breath of his
heard ils seemed suspended. All my years
of patient waiting—of earnest, faithful
love, were richly repaid me in the happi
ness of that. hour! rhe words he uttered
have poised from my memory, absorbed in
die feelings they ea lled.into fresh life, all
but hie last words, e hieh were these: en
tlemen,-I was the horseman whom farmer
Flowed guided on his road, an act of kind
ness wh ic h had nearly eost him so dear;---
My servant, who was with me, will corrob
orate my testimony ; and I trust you will
need no farther evidence to satisfy you of
the prisoner's complete innocence of the
charge laid against .
Without leaving the court, the twelve
jurytrien, amid the 'tears of some, and the
hearty eheers of others, declared John
Flower "Not Guilty."
Five minutes afterwards, in irsmall back
room, I was waiting for my father with a
heart overflowing with joy and gratitude,
when the door opened, and Frank Stopford
entered. Forgetting the yearsiee had been
parted. forgetting alt but that he was the
deliverer of my fatheir, the one Idollaid
thought of my life, 1 flew to him, 1 cover
ed his hands with kisses and with tears.—
"Frank, beloved I restored to me at last I",
I sai l tZnever let us part again I"
" lie replied, in an agitated,
voice; 'l was not prepare d for such amine
as this. I did not look for this menet of
"Q, Frank !" I cried, with bitter tears,
"you no longer love me—you are cold and
changed !"
Jessy," he answered, trembling from
head to foot, "what means this? Had you
loved me, you would have answered thelet
ter 1 lomat, you the day after our parting."
"The letter ,you sent. to me--srhattletter
I rewired none."
" And have you . for these seven years
kept the promise you made to me under
the elms at Stratford—to }ore, and hope,
and wait?"
,• Yes, Frank, I here Miter -forgotten it,
or ceased to love you." '
With a look of unutterable anguish he
ezoloimed, 1 4 Alas I alas 1 to think that 41
g l ower too late I My poor Jew. this heart,
which should
.have been all yours, is now
another's, and past recall. lam married."
' •
When I recovered front the long . death
like swoon into which 71 sunk, She fires
worths Ilesed Were these of Mr. Jepson.
el. Xr. Flower, Wien who
trfinded:yon rras the ' If.r. Stop
. the ;NO of our old par. It's
ireededid how he bit 1 *et *yr bh
AfitiL I to, 185er
9/41 Wfli,
mat, whoa
sod tor VW-,
the village, to
the ocwittable, ,
• Asid &Ura l
you ac
Hi, You. sine
fOr wil l i h naiih "4".r er
name, War aiTehiali
Was roV:
"Jessy l
I shel
47.1.p1ai0n will take
the kind-hearted
saint ter snything
aqua /, still held
entered the cart that
T e te ns =wald took a
e occupied
oft; leaving me with
my fipit solitary
over' at last-, and
morning saw me on
My one desire wee
I stranger on *Kee
help. I molved
until I found him.
the bearers, when
'v., I passed under
Xt. town ; but my
and my sorrows
upon me, now
nature was aroused.
At oak/ one had
trevious night, and
etion contrary to'
diligently if any
intos privatehouse
'tout success. None
seen the strangers
'n, even. Broken
tiriti I walked wear
, home. Many of
during the evening
bons pity annoyed we,
ith whith they spoke
guilt enraged me. I
be left to pass another
often, during the long
:urn to Frank, with
wiw now ate. I
iew our peril, that he
learned that my
before the magis•
for trial at the
I the follow
days until the
. Some few
my condition,
strange gen
wer, scarce
1. Whether
them hike:-
efforts were
tear the trial.
took a
ias much
an act of
4 in court;
of the wit- ,
. •...0). ;
bap* =heAtnr.;ti•v
ight•porciomesiar err
040 Romloo ; either older than him ; Igo
Fit 4 l4 l = reit toT il hilt I }4 74 e y
here when you met him that night." !'
Ah, jesey," said my ether, 0 1 judged
iwreng once 3 it was a bad *lt for thee, my
child, when I used Frank.Stop
was thehiettime the name ever Aused
lips; and I grew, hnte course of year*,
*lavish/am_ paint/ theme to whelk
the. best askel brightest year* of. mY bog
bec_ 4 1 '90*
we were escorted twine . by a bandsdre.
juicing Minds t' in the eviuksthei squire
redesdown to the cottage, and heiMag om
pus heed. said, "Conie,illr. Fkower„lat
Owe be bygones •
,we have beau miatekem,
,n each other, b ut shall understand (Me
another bettor In future," and so they * - 4e
reconoited, enettny father lived , tmOted
respelled for =any yensia t jn and a when we
buttied kim .tita mitysed, the
uire stood at the head of the - grave, and
Said, "Here Iles ti good hither, a pod
Mend, and softened mati.'t
Onee—:a laag while aftaa.--in t. nom
paper 4 . ow ate 4th of the helowad
daughter of Frank Stopford, Foo t . Poor
little thing! her name was .leagy.
lianasca.... r -Our readers will . remember
("aye the 1 Troy . WAig.) shqs in 4 mop, 101.
Mr. Francis Bourasso, of the Arm. of Bon
raits6 & fitytt, left MN city en a voyage to
Europe: $ A few months afterwards nests
came tehisfamily that he had been drowned
neat, the .of..4ance, . while out in in
open boa ~ endesvoring -to catch the Bor
deaux lit *tier. At he had a considerable
amount money with him at the time, it
was feared that he had been mustered*
and as years passed and nothing was heard
of him, his friends settled down to the con
t'iction that such had been his Tate. With
in a few months a suit was commenced by
his representatives against an insurance
company which had issued a policy upon
his life, and the case was to have been tried
at the next circuit court. A few weeks
since Dr. Richard Bloat, of Troy, received
a letter from New Orleans from a stranger
inquiring after a fkmily by the name of
Bourasso. Dr. 11. answered the letter,
giving the writer the information he desired;
and he soon received 'another communica
tion from Mr. Bowsaw himself, giving aia.
stsoe of his safety. Dr. Bless started
With this letter in his pocket to the resi
dence of Mrs. Bourasso, but on his way
was thrown out of his carriage, the letter
was lost, and Dr. B. remained in •a state of
insensibility for sometime, and unable to
communicate the &lad tidings to the person
most interested. He was at last enabled
toinake known these facts to Mrs. Bour
ses% and a correspondence followed, in
which mutual explanations were made be
tween the long separated husband and wife.
It seems that Mr. Bottom became con
cerned in some government difficulties, and
Wan imprieoned in France. On hi, escape
he heard that his wife had married Noun,
and was never disabused of his erroneous
improsiden until recently. Mr. &rumor ,
sriU be in his former home again in a few
As Liszt/ecru, Foarcsi.—Several years
since. Jose Martinez, "the son of poor, but
honest parents." left his native city—Bue
nos Ayres—and came to Boston to seek his
fortune. Not finding the article soughtfnr,
-Lieuntktiintosetf an apprentice Ns-learn
the art of sailmak ing, and soon became a
good workman, making friends at the same
time, of all with whom he had acquaint
ances. Thus he worked along cheerfully
several years, earning a good living A few
Weeks since he received a letter from Bue
nos Ayres, informing him that a rich rela
tive had bequeathed to him money and es
totes worth Moor three hundred thousand
dollars, and urging his immediate return,
Prompt to the call of duty—what an agree ,
able duty !—he sails this day, in the barque
Emily Wilder, Capt. Swift, for Buenos
Ayres.—Bono% Traveller.
Look l.7r.—A young man once picked up
a sovereign lying in the road. War after
wards as he walked along, he kept his eye
steadfastly fixed on the ground in hopes of
finding another. and in the course of
long life he did pick up at different times
a good amount of gold and silver. But all
theee days as he was looking for them he
saw not that heaven was bright above - bins,
and nature beautiful around him. He
sever once allowed his eyes to look up
from the mud and filth in which he sought
the treasure ; and when he died. a rich old
man. he only knew this fair earth of oma
as a dirty road to pick up money as yini
talk along.
sir avivALo RexAwcz.-BePren year' ago,
Nip the Milwaukee Sesuiltel, "a young man
married a girl of seventeen years, in Buffalo,
$. T. The parties lived together Awn sin
months, end separated—tbe husband coining
to Chicago. After he had been there a year,
kis love returned; he wrote to Lis wife repeatedly
and could get no answer. About slut months
since, he removed to this city, still unable to
Obtain tidings of his wife, till. on. day last
week, be foiled her teahouse of ill-fame in this
city. Upon seeing him , she fainted. They
had a private interview, each agreed to forget
and forgive peat offences. They left the house
together, and on Wadsmahky Let they were
reunited in the bends of matrimony by a clergy-
Mtn of this etty, frein whom we learn these
particulars. M a truth, the human heart is a
sir Tue "Foul Bass antics" is the title
if a well wrought story In the New York Iferotti;
giving an accounk4f &or young men employed
in Anancial eatab4ishments la New-York city,
who first met in the winters of '154 anti's6 for
soeiable games of euchre without 'lance ;" they
took to turkey rattan took to throwing dim for
quarters, and subsequently to hoary
li t
in a club room in Brookkya, N. Y., wiit
to 'frauds to supply losses and finally firght
and imprisonment. Oete of the *or clerks is
now " traveling In Burope," a mooed is as
inmate of Bing Sing. kthird isPecar Field, the
defaulting cashier' of the Atlantic Bank, who
lb wrotiling the pollee la this country or on his
iroy to safe soncesdnient is Europe. and the
fourt,h,,ie the food young man who is aids to
write - about Ins companions and shudder at
"timely:es into whbh he bad almost plunged
kimselt"—BoMen Pest.
1 , lIN ox THN QVAOKIE—The Le Argh Riviskr
in . . , on the quack doctors who are now
penult . .
thso State humbugging the poo
p* and, agt the printers out of their Ws.
We repeat a4leiee lemon a former occasion,
to put no fit is the highfittutin statements of
these tratelthig . itapositers. lirshavrismularily
estai r ;
*dimmed Ogee at bass% Lee u wheewrepa
b4ona are ed, end in whose skill we
sattplaairtniptiett 6nett. Always ;solvent's
these to preferebee the uniutows prekftders
who go *bout asekiftirbout they may vietinsin
and murder. \
or bet Seheep ,'" • old Amos to his
aL'her half, "that oar • • •Is , crazy.
is pirefkagletylow r • • triaalai at
blitTallite=9ll. lroidoenlletma
?R. got a 'Dire bitter this , :'t
gr 4.41 \h,
A Indira sage asp he i Wit
sib ate lifalgor ,CarldhAl that *MP, Ares
ered wa ( 9 1 01 law, Aoti the
Ituldeit iittlidicidi tbr m 4
iry awls* fik to
beesomt 'at hir lonerspia denim Nihet," h
idks,N4w9ls 4740 Sts_ O*V . iimil et them
a p t pt r ttthtwlri:lsaoiilevla.
• r r
f ;
_ .
Drawing pictures on the slits.
Makiqg hasp out of cards,
Solving TAW* ill elite,
Peeping iv the meigkPoni yards;
tilstob is part of childhood's gams,
Innocent of wealth or tune.
VIZI pencil dust away,
perchance may meet the eyP
tooldng out for market day,
When eomes home an extra pie :
Bach N part of childhood's hut
Ere thelrowing time le done.
Vu ati fours about the r O Ol2.
Personating MUD aid mice ;
Saying of the weaver's looms,
Don't it match the carpet *ice:
Fairy weavers, still themselves,
Dancing like the ancient shim
Nodding when the prayer is long,
And the eyes are rubbed in rain:
In the morning tip with song,
Holding hands to catch the rain :
Testi come in ! yon rogniah Will'
(lo to school ! and there he still '
Life a holiday of streets,
Care a Blue beard not yet known:
Every day its joy repeats,
Rapture in one even tone.
Who that morn would wish to Moult'
Who that fairy land would 'throw!!
Hard their destiny who creep
Through a childhood Ml of gloom
Sad awake and sad asleep. a living tomb,
Oh! before their spring is shed.
they at heart ere more has fled.
ram the Eieehet Deehoeret
" All stuff!" said my friend Culver, "I,
I for one, think that it is perfectly preposter
ous—this idea of ghosts—and I am asham
ed the one of your education, Clare, should
' Here my friend
. We were both seated in his office
y the comfortable &sp
have •h in such trash.leen, while with
out., the mingled snow and hail, and the
fierce winds, made the night dark and
dreary. My friend was seated in his easy
chair, smoking his huge Meerchaum, the
very picture of indolent enjoyment, while
his lips were curled with a Writ sneer.—
We had been talking of gliosts, and a re•
mark of mine, made It:kingly, but is4n
by him in earnest, brought forth the isjan
!idiot' heading my story, Perceiving that
he had misunderstood me, I thought I
would keep up the delusion, and therefore
began to d,efend myself.
"Tom," said I, " I will relate an adven-
Vim, that I met with some ten years ago,
which made quite an inspresson on me, at
the time, and will perhaps convince you of
the truth of my theory.
"At the tirne of which I speak, I was a
practicing physician in the pleasant village
of Tapley, in North Carolina. A large
number of the inhabitants were tar-bur
ners, who pursued their occupations with
great advantage among the immen-e pine
foresta, with which that State abouncht.- -
Baring a practice of a circuit of some
twenty miles--mostly upon plantations,
*here I was as well known as their masters
themselves—you may be sure my time was
fully occupied. _ ,
"One evening, lit December, the coldest
Month in the sunny Sell* I was called to
attend an old friend of mine, who was the
master of a neighboring plantation. I
made hurried preparations to follow his
faithful slave, &limbo and, mounting my
favorite nag. we started, Samba" taking the
lead on his old white ' mar.' We rode on
through the pines, for some time in silence.
The wind was howling mournflilly through
the tall tree-tops, and the distant lights of
tie tat-burners Hashing up through the
s formed, altogether, quite a dismal
scene. It may have been the effect of this
scene upon my mind, or the sudden sick
ness of my old friend, (who was usually in
excellent health) or it may have been these
combined—but whatever cause it was, cer
tain it is, that a dim presentiment of some
dog evil about to happen. came over me.
I am not usually superstitiou., nor do I
place much reliance us preeenuments, but
had you been in my place, you would have,
felt the same. To break the silence, r
turned to Sambo, and enquired what was
the matter with his master"
•' ' Dunno, Massa," said the old follow,
with au ominous shake of his head. • but
him am berry sick.'
" I found I could get nothing from him,
and we rode on as fast as possible, and soctn
after arrived at the mansion of Ittskjor Tap•
ley--after whom, being one of the oldest
and most influential settlers, the village
was named.
" The Major, who was a hale, portly old
gentleman, bad applied himself too close
ly to business for some time past, and the
sudden change of the weather had brought
on a itt of Apoplexy. The frightened ne
groom had immediately aent•for me, n. 9 the
only thing they could do. Ide wes still in
sensible when I arrived, and, dismissing
the host of servants, I assured them that I
thought thtir master would soon recover,
and turned to the bedside of my friend.—
Assisted by an aged nurse, I administered
all the remedies in my power. and soon had
the satisfaction of seeing him restated td
conseiousuess, and Soon after he fell into
au easy slumber.
"My long ride had wearied me very
much ; and as there was no need of my
watching the Major, the old nurse, after
Haying she would sit by her master, and
gull me if necessary. offered to show me
my mom—on offer which I gladly accept
ed. On entering my room, I found it to
be a spacious, hut gloomy apartment, whore
till-posted bed steed and narrow windows
were draped with dark purple hangings,
which gave it a very sombre appearance.—
On one side of the room, was a small fire
place, In which a newly-made fire was burn-
Mg. Between the two windows was a small
ales,, table, draped in white, upon which
were burning two wax. °addles, in large,
old-faahioned silver candelabras. The
furniture was of the Clizabethian style, and,
altogether, It was about sa gloomy an apart
ment .as one would wish to be in. The
presentiments which -I had in the early
part o the even in g, were deepened, but I
tried shake off my fears, and proceeded
to re ,and being, is I said, very weary,
I was loon fist Weep.
" It was near morning, as well as I could
judge, that I found myself gradmiLly wak
ing up, or, rather, in that half unconscious
state, between Sleeping and waking, when
the body is still under the inituenoe of the
sleepy god, and tbe land seems fully awake.
On one aide of my apartment, there seem
ed to bean opening through which I could
perceive the ulterior ofacoutul lady's bou
doir. It was brillimu il
ly • teclAnd I cool*
see the form of a young y, seated in
large, easy chair, attired in, a robs de choi.
bre. Her head had Men corer to one
end her long, golden curia were
With blood, which was Bowing fiCISIM WOW*
in her side, evidently the work of 6 mud
.. gnard which was lying on the fogy. I
ced at her features and was Maled to
recognise the sweet boil of the young Isar
belle C., tit to; of ri:-iiiikliboring
planter. I was • at the sight, and
raised mr eyert bellbld, if possible, am.
iih i
KT! t rififr • Itit• ititamotft deed.. Awl 1
slid ma him; ~" •'. thrnaigh* a doer 'at the
otheernurttf :l77 . ~- M. 1' caught but s
reauitar eiheelit his feisittreft, ut from
that mow*,,Ot ' =Alm MY
twangy ; side ''''l , • , , /hive suet
hiot tokrailtsl _ - . ' oscogilize
him, - ,kis gYI3 ii f gpme,sparitis a sallow
e" 1 0 61 44 1 16' aiad, lik , ot. clueing
hair, wi rather , t mustache.—
He was -••- - • .. -"' -, ',. 'bait
the sithile as ; • , •--, a . • • his
spottuttoancis ''' a . .... '. 7 .. /.:, ,• , I
lot) ~ • . • • -. 1 ; - 7 grey
tight 'of moraui S ti tt • • 1, . ~ at thy
windowiL 1 triad to
.0 , 14 . .. - 'lliad,
which was highly '
_Mtdta' SSW actin titer
arese•and perfarreedthy Where. Diu stu
prised at m hegptd lase* sod i isktjtast
as worry' as thee& 1 hadissotairopt sae&
• - 14 I dortatratierk so. shalom of - MOrlap•
ley, sod found him shut& berroal. L gave
directional* the aid uomlimilim dotty, mud
pro usised to Mil in Soda& iiThey
.orged me to remain to and as it
OM pll reedy. I conamted. 4 wow -
odl i Ortploothl4, _
of .C. ogle gio Iti Susi en
1 for
eturia„ , kupi
seen ,moment carothegl,h.rwr the
vision or the . b0(074 vivid
tela tY i
, p4,04.* t Jigsaw' alai he
of me, Sol before lu? . inc l . We
*tatted forVaredstlerice: On
arriving there they led me to the 'eland:es
of Isabel* ,I stood at the door, se one
petrified. , Before MB Vali 114 . 41 Or ticoviger
part of ay sinew rj the , !Oak. As
roots as 4fitgoitiod NW L Pro
°sated tot.tustsaurms..: itetiork bow the
iovely Amu bliferame etas ea map* tee. -
$llOl4l/A4 bud led.- • ... •
" of the old geediemos for his
poly Z ; .. ,arsci of the wisaleipwaseboid of
servants. for their yokiag aibiltri. saarwt
be described- She wee- boded the resat
day beneath the orange trees of her child
hood's home. - A thorough' hresstigetrmi
was made all over the maggot for the tour
darer, but it was a vattkettiol4--the whole
thing was shrotinded inmyrtett. Waterer,
• suspicion con e be laid hi - anions. One'
eircumatance r forgot 'to int. on : stfter
examining thei body, I picked tip the dag
ger, which war stained *lts i. blood. • 1 ask
ed permiadon of Kr. e. to iteepit. and be
gave me leave to do so.:' '
* • *
Some „three or four years after thi,
strange event, I was teavelang .northward.
Entering a air one afternoon..l seated my
self beside a :radioman whohad been sit
ting alone. We soon enaered•into conver
sation. and I found hint to be A verregree
able nestling companion. -iinhadAravel
ed much. and had goodooneersatioasi pow
ers. As he was &peeking, I tumid. myself
gazing at him very intently. it seemed as
though I had seen him before, and yet, I
bald not thick of PM place where we had
met. Suddenly it flashed over fns that be
was the very man I had seen in
murderer of Miss C. I didnit4 bettly my
thoughts. however, but talked on tut before
Gradually I turned the conversation to
speaking of stipernaturid visitahts, mid
told him what I hid once seen, all the while
eyeing him closely. As I ',weeded, Pob
the color gradually recede from hi,
face,' leaving it deadly pale. When I had
finished speaking I put my band in my
pocket, and drew forth the polgoard. and
holding it before his ,eyes. asked:him if he
had ever seen It before. . gnatereed back,
eta his face worked nnivuhavely. . But he
could not speak. I tenanted the poignarcl
to my pocket, and bentrms over him, ',his
pored in his ear—.
" Thou art the man.. Sir; yon me my
prisoner.' ,
" The man was so much surprised that
he could not defend hinuielf, and he was
completely in my power,
• Do not betray me,' lie hoarsely wilv..-
pered, and I will octave all to you.'
" I would give Min =promises of secrec3
.but told him to relate the circanistince,
and I xemild determine what to do - after I
heard them. He simply statti that he sra
a Sipaniarcl by birth, and that jeatodsy at,-i
impultiveness were the p redominant trait,
of his character, and that he had zunrdet
ad Misr C. through jealousy'and wounded
pride He had addressed her, and she had
rejected him; he had left her fisftverstrplanta
tion some three weeks previous' to he,
death, but had returned secretly and mur
dered her.
" I could net find it in my heart .to let
such a cold-blooded murderer go an -
ed, and therefore, having inf those
about me of hi• crime, I delivered him up
to justice at the next railway station. There
was sufficient evidence to establish his guilt
and he was condemned.
" And now, Tom,. I have finished my
story. What do you think of , it?"
certainly was a COZIOUII co , incidence, '
he responded, "and. I ant baffled in attempt -
lug to determine the came, bus any &kept,
mem in ghosts still remains unaltered!'
lee. The New York Tow says that Gen
George P. Morris derlineer the Conaulship
at Havre, - which was tendered to him by
the President Thr)inadeqtisoy of the sal
ary, and the arduoivi and ronfiningilatute
of the duties of the brace. which are not at
all congenial to the habits and tastes of
literary gentleman, have decided - him to
this course.
MS. A lose-tick swain, desirous to indi
cate the extent and character of his love
for the empress of h i s heart, exclaimed •
"Att. Wm, Brown, my affection for yen is all
stmng s#-04--•-•ItS--Mi the butter they
gays us fOr dinner! " She *as satisfied, a
she boarded at the same housti."The bar
gain was struck, and they were . married.
IMF Tlio late Colonel —, when (met*
ituportuned by a dimintiere tailor for jow
l:pent of a bill, contemptuously exclaimed.
"If you were not oath a • little reptile I
*add kick you down stairs." "Little rep
tile 1" remonstrated the dun : "and what
if / am? Recollect, colonel, that we rain' t
all be great brutes ! "
Jir A darkey, hsvtng been to Caddie--
dm, thus spealu of his introtinaion to Nan
Francisco : :
"As ' , loon as dey landed in e ribber, ;Ira
motifs began to water , to be a de land, an.l
as soon as dey waded to abore, de)
didn't see any goold, but t dey found such n
large supply of nuthn to eat, &bit dar gem.
cracked like baked clay in a brick yard.•.
air You would bar", petty indee4i,
said a 4entlesnan pstrotusingly to a young .
lady, youreyes wereonly sl little larger.'
"My eyes may be eery email, sir, but mei,
people as you don't El tbem."
la. A conscientious*Wines that
he once in hie life behe ld minding
their own businem This remarkable -ee
eurrenee happened,. &tile% the paasenpr . ft
being too :tick to attend to each other' .
Va. The shook of an earthquake way
sensibly felt in portions of Kentucky on
the Mississippi river on the 30th ultimo.—
The inhabitants of .Alts and Derby were
terribly frightened, and women and chit•
dren rushed forth from their houses in the
utmost omultenlitlion. It was cloudy, with
a close atmosphere at, the time, and the
shook was very Wall ihr a distance of over
ninety miles, with a sort CS reverberation
in the air, which wormy singahn and un
111%. The Voasika, seaman papiw gave
as a reason whyy the Germans iadd vote
fbr the 4' ' eiskikkite for Wit* of
aneinnati, 11161 bar that lades they did
so, the "Ainitaloans" might, in rota* some
day break their heads. SW* t "reign of
terror" attends 'the pregreas 'of Know-
Fothingins. •
NS. "Moak remains unsung," remark/A
a tomcat, as a brickbat cut •hurt hi.. serenade