=;.; ioullatuouo. BS COSTSBT. Mistaken mortal, MC fretting, Grasping, grindhig,, groaning, getting Be content If thou hoot enough. be thankful, Just as if thou host a bsnkfnl— Be content : If fortune cast thy lot but humble, Barn thy bread and do not grnmble-- Be Content' Have the rich, thinkest thou, no trouble? Twice thy wealth; their sorrow double— Be Content; List the lore of learned sages. Those wise men of the Grecian agesi, Be content: Their reck'ning up of all earth's riches, Was compassed in one short phrase, which IZZI Be cuutent The rich man gels with all his heaping But dress, and drink, and food and sleep ing— Be content! Though in the sleep the ricli men gain not. Poor men sleep when rich men rutty noi— Be content ' When winds about thy .11a.tt hnll scatter. Where goes thy gold—tt, theeWillti matter' lie content' Remember, thou for weulth who ruke-t "Nought thou broughte4t, nought thou takest," Be couteht Chrutwrs Adroeal. A Bank President's Sharp Practice. During the year 1x,57, the president 01 a certain bank, situate not more than uue hundred miles from a great city, I,ecame convinced that his institution was rather short of specie, and, in consequence, he found it rather difficult to make up his re turns under oath, each week. After devis ing one means after another for months. he finally hit upon a new process, which succeeded admirably. ilaving an acquain tance of long standing with a gentleman who occupied an important position in the Post Office, he accosted, him one morning as he was passing his bank, by saying, "My good fellow, 1 want you tom:comm.- date me a Vtle, without discommoding yourself in the least." The official " I have no objections to doing so upon such favorable terms, but tell nu- how it can be done ?" The president, putting his lips close to the ear of his friend, % ery blandly said . In your official capacity in the Post Office you retain in your bosses ion large sum, of money from a eel( to week. Now what I want yGn to (10 is ; to let me have $10,001.) in gold, 11 hick 1 can use to sa ear on in making up my returns, and whenever you want it, I'll return it." " But 1 cannot du that, my dear sir. the thing is impossible. I have to make out my returns as well as you. Besalcs µ Ilich you might 1)y mistake use some of thi coin, and thus ruin me." " Not at all, my friend. You Cain put in a bag and seal it up, anal I can return a on the days you may want it, anal thu makp it 15erve for us kith in making up ou accounts." The official could not he induct4l to agret• to the arrangement then, hut did tinall ) consent to retain the propo.ition for a ten days, and then give the president an an swer. In the course of a week, the president called upon his friend, and asked hail ter the result of his delay. Be answered: " if 1, rlo this thing, you must understand that an exposition would ruin me forever, whilst my doing rt is certainly toy our ad) untage ; I w ill, tilt re fore, consider you under the greatest obh gatiorui to fulfil your promise of never• ol.cii ing the bag." " Of course, sir," the president replied "I will here swear to you. upon the honor of a gentleman, that the lag ',ball ~r be opened whilst in the bunk's custody. ter its officers, and that it shall In:returned to you, whenever required." " Very well ; you recollect that I hall want it returned every Saturday morning, and you may send for it every Wednesday morning," said the Ali ial, at the tame time handing the president a very heavy bag of coins superbly sealed up. 'I he par ties shook hands and parted, well pleased with each other, and the rest of mankind The President kept-his oath to hit friend most regularly every week: he sent for t h.- bag on Wednesday morning, and returned it on Saturday morning, with the seals un broken. This continued during the sum mer and fall of 16:17, ..nearly up to the tune of the general suspension of the banks.— On the Friday of the week before the gen eral suspension, the bank .11 tfucstlon t•X 1 ~ rienced quite a run from its note holder, and depositors, which continued during the morning-on to about two o'clock, >s hen the spmie of the bank became short. The ]?resident was walktng 'backward and for ward in the back Office when the teller came in and informed him that the specie was gone, and some more must be obtained. or close the doors. In great trepidation the worthy President went to the safe, and dragging out the Post Office hag, he hastik broke the seal and commenced pouring out the coin, when, with eyes wide open and facequite red, he exclaimed, "Why, the-e are all cents!" Putting on hi. hat.. he ru,h ed over to the Post ()thee, and confronting his official friend, who sat. in his chair were calmly examining some papers, said in savage tone of voice. "Sir, you have ruin. ed me! You have led me to perjure in) - self ! I shall hold you accountahle for till-, abominable piece of work - !" The official, turning in his chair. and smilinglyy looking his excited friend lu the face, mid. ••W hat's the matter, Mr. ---? You seem excit - M. Pray sit down anti cool yourself WV "No, sir, not sit dolt 11 in your province ! You're a scoundrel. and shall be .made to regret your conduct. - " What have I done, Mr.—, that you shoUld talk to me in this manner ?" •• l sale! havn't you made the swear fur weeks past to cents being gold ? Is not that enough to make me excited?" " Well, sir, suppos ing I have, bow did you know that they were cents and not gold?" - 1 opened the bag, sir, and deiected the swindle." " You did, eh ? Did you not swear to Inc that )oti would not do it? I think I ant the one who should use hard names, and not you. If I had given you gold, you would have ruined me by using that which did not belong to me, and that which I had no business to let you have, and then you come here and abuse me. You swore that you believed you had so much gold; and no doubt you did believe it. If lideceived you, I did not do it with the intention of irtjuring you, but to wive mself ; for if it had ever been found out. that I s let you have $10,1X(0 of the public money, even if you had nevar touched it, I should have been mines!: hut as it was, 'I let you.have my own. As it has turned out, I feel very much pleased with my pre caution." The President looked wild for a while, and then putting on his hat, left the office, and his bank failed, $5 in cents in the safe. stir "El sy, Samba; oes you to do prosperity of de Souf ?" "Key to de prosperity of de Sour? big words, guess you must bob been eating mama's dieksitunary. Golly, I an't learned puff to an swer dat." sift'', chile, 'tie de &whey." 20‘,,,"D0es the resor take hold well?" in. quired a darkey, who was sharing &gentleman from the 'gantry. "Yee" replied theoustonser, with tears In his eyes; "it takes hold first-rate, but it don't let go worth a cent." s 4 C ,Wonders. The ve,yage. 4 Dr. Kane luive served to famillurrze thdpopular mind with the wow dens of the A4tie lea. The daszling,polar day •, the niterininable whiteness ; tis•his of ice floating, in Inge masises, in the mysteri ous currents„ that pulse warmly out of the impenetrable regions of , forest ; the walrus sliding with a dull splabh into the water, at ttie approach of the 4pearw - uied sailor; the whop bear, grim And sullen Inn his native tc6,--awaitiug too %stunk of lti. pur suers ; the mighty iceborgs washing down, with their broad poises sleep ploughing the ocean, and their tremendous peaks and pinhaeles glittering alogt—looking like the tit/me:Nue Vies of solve itlitiqUe city) of sea T kings ; the sun whieling in vast diurn al circles about the pole, but never setting; the gradual change trout the elidietib da . ) to the terrible Arctic mglit—the sun nos% touching the horizon, and nut, cwt dipping below it, in his dad) cour-s• : the curious libtucducLur/ thatitt and it niter, until the great luminary b4stuids up into sight, like a bail; disappearing again as suddenly, unco nc the twent . ) -lout la.atri, and at last is sen nu more at ill,—the wonderhil hues of midday, and the long ermi-on sunset, alien for weeks the earth war, a gorgeous andantes:, vi tinted snots. and the slo a %%moo ut hie, now get nig - pitioe 16 the mviningly clet f anlight : the peril- of hunger uucl Loll, of bving ul e.lr Itoicit in the elo:qing tee-ttehl-, ur cruKhed net‘.een (-wig tino..es, It I iir -flip 1t oula be He 111.„11 ;, nut 1.111..ivt the 11, cI ol 0,1111 th,• ,•.N, I.lm In& the iedging. the -tt‘‘ ing-out, the ior 114 r, until the vlele.nu• e t uerp ti g uu ott o• 111.141 111.111‘.' the ,41/ 11,c,.,1i, itiliilliat t. , uul 111t4gulation. I:nt it N‘e tlu-I •pe, .t 1 leCla ~! IJ 0. lI \ del , nut 1..1 I, I VeAld, 0.1110 tt,ltul felt II:- tilt II I Ili 1.•••• 1. Ile.: 1,11 , 1.• 1- tie Le I Utt. d di , ,1441 ut Alit. r .t.IN ,tIR. awl -ea-gtill , 111 vat 14)S 11 , 1, thv_pol. l'ht• t.utlit I it..t 111 tale , 1.11 get :Mil 1110 . % inirt tl•(• ttf Ittattiht..l ut tho rh, ,0 lln ••:•11, ui u•.iiii lel,•u ul 11“11 111*14 , 1 )I , l'o I Ilk' A. LIM all , E‘i! ‘ , l the r.u•r tri Ml,l ut , t to h t'‘,llll,l a 111.1 , 1 4.111 , i .01 ,r1•,•1 sill. I„ Men ot -4 it e tln le t X ltti li Ltd/ er eivali) t v t• 1. t lit Mali r.l litt!ti -pet ulallou litPl Dr. If lellt oVt-Nttagt•r ut 111 ,11.1111 v, propose- Itt t me; tut an eXitelt I k t. 'g., -e,a‘ h ot:t ptt--.114.! Into Wit. itit IC I ( - a I Lit. 11v-1.4 t wig tit. i prt..•l li, . 11.,“ 1,1g11 , -t mithot 113 ‘‘, it thy htihm mg. lituguagy -- 1 .- , 11-14 , It lib 111 1 ;111) lull lit iu a •••,. It lit:it Ayi% l,tit 1/I.trt I , d tit, i% 11-1,1,n,—. tio (alp: Itiltahrt,,l,t, ~,,„ , t„ lttr to TUrninit Ilit• li/upg lot , Jul that the! , I- au 01.4.11 It 111 tilf• .114 t,t -. L tit. ‘‘ • . Uf Vilf111111:: 4i11111.11. th, tu hr, AI.. 1 1,. t .11.116 t NNllii. , ta it N.,%% it 1- oi II tbal aniter Ow) ar. 11 it - • ..t tio -1•.1-. I 1.• \ 1. L.., ii 4 \\ :,1•1 1141:i111: `, .1- t 11.• %1 ,:\1•.,1•-\ ' ti Il • '4l rk.l Itltll i , a, tn.!, “,, (1 .1 1,4 I'l , ll ,Inl:Nt the I 1.1 11 1,1 1 ..\\ :J.. :1:. , - , 1 xl , ll-1‘ oi 11 ,, 1,..111,..ri ino-t -1 I I. 111.:11 ~t .111 , 1 (11.••\, ,l 1,t.-Mgc jilt. , \\.11.1.1111: , Aillira t - 11•11 - r \\ 1112 \1 .'1.11 , 1 I.‘ 1.114 1.1 1111 14.1 tI 11111.1, \ 1114 lit 1t };lal\' rot oil eNplui or( thist (Ten 1.1.1 tilt \ ~..1 ,;, a 1.21111 2- $122 , 221 . 1 21111, 1 ,, ///1.-I 11.4 1 / I , IS. t• 11 , .1.0 I ) 1. dl in. thrown% t.011.1e addittonid light upoii the t.ubject. NOT A MAN 1,1 , Walton, %% tt Of a curpentut in 140u:5,e0nte.,,....1, ii o ling, to het Itte-10an.4, that :lie had h.. tintuwitil iiiterepuri-ei with A. B. iloh ,, ti.l hin partner ho bottl tied I the ,auto housel injured 111.411 , •111..%% the dovitini tit. 4, tht a it. t t„ di. 1., ift who,„ a.04,.u,,„:„ kJ, , am, ,t (4 the gti it - tie .i--etting at the - Uun 111.1/.11.1,1.1•- i1.1 , 1; : h• 4 1. -11 (A‘to t 1 tt. 11 \\ • I 1.1<•%, r 1..1. lit: I Ili. -1.1 , k. ,•I (111, of .11 t , Hai- No I :led ‘11 . 11 . % -41\ III:: tll.lt It %%.1.- t,,“1 that K. pt hint 11 , .111 11,1, 41 , .. I ill .0 LILA , 1,11-- :Ml 4 wal I.A" III•* 5' I. (hal he 55 11,111 . k• 5,11 ii.•\ I lI,Is \V ' tit"ll I . 1 ' 3' 0 , " " 1 " s " (4114-1. ti t 1%,,,,1 sit 4 ,1,1 41, 411• .41.(.111tillig of niN l ll , l 111 , I Ili !UMW •' IL' ‘I di, 101 .111 ., 1 Wll.lOlOlll ‘v.ltt with iii..rk, otpl ..li. duct ~t clip 11.. mi II ee•mttir) 'lt "Ruts .1.7 - attl. I bota 1111 I 1 ,11, 11111 , 1 . 1.1 .m .be Ea,-1 :41.1Lehre.1 Ll.l 1 1, I- .4 .41 h :stay HI. .t I•i' fr.. 11.611 111.111111.1 tr4nil I lima. In the .11;11 , t•..f .1111.111 1 .11 . 4- 111 It NH. tJle 11r . LL 111 ELIO:111.1. 111.1 1.1L.1.- ably 11l 1111.1 armt-ett -twit tuft,: 1..tt1. , a that he a a5t.....,11 -I,t ~nhoted I).t tw.it, Rh pelte.l hitt. ll is 11.11.11.kr.L11 L II hit. head mid per...n 11'0(1111W Valli FURNITURE! FURNITURE! H i i la I 11A, 1:01) \ 1,1) Hl}... 1.11/11.1.11.• 1.10% .N.Y !1tat,.1r...1., •r. .1..1 :•uuth of I.rt b#llll .Ipr.l.Ply L r tlait pittpoew. • bete i..IN 1.4 t, ift, t , nevi I. r•tA 111.0ricoq t • FURNITURE, .01 ki n.l. pt oor b at. emabjuihmera On the tirpt tlaor hies. ?r• 12Yrears rants, lErt.c.nou Tables. Ealliw4l II nr4 stasthe. magas. If a.. 11 %lowa*, I.lg hi ' t mark, (titaer aidhtedplen,,, Ir .4wp, rahek, A a , Ar , Mastafsctist,Nl t. g• U.-r s Ist, .:••• 1. of I - 1 , LA. I .S .-'•ry zrn.l , 4,1 pr. , -t• .111 r,tot.srn.r• TL ...wood floor 4. full of E. 0.14:F04 F I HAITI Furl, 3.4 1'' , .1441. Toot. ra 41:1,itlettwts' ravy Chi a, .11.1,11 kmd. o(. oshoolo.l Marl 4. Top Cootro &WI 4 a. 41 I stiltot, It not Not* .a.i tpoirtott. eland!, rb- %bin, SOIJ, N•tlinl ,nal• nab. so.] a la,pP ntamher of trorlm.-n,r. , mp.•lret I.,u•lbulartuat.aut sallvil inlbi• nabizioi line in 1.1,r twat •Iylt •.a.l nh•.{t.al The pat.hr, partot a lady thr 1,11. -, 1..11.4 tfull,‘ ,ittal 1 , 1611 and, IN , in rnitnr. stud N ip 4 , aa I am not 1.44 analer4. , l4 entabluhuw•nt in 111, 4 Ity Pr elnewrber.. Al; Irn.l. of 114mto•rnwt proden• taken in e, r haulm for 61 rnt li rr. 4 . J II RII:I.e.T. 1 Fria, M.reb 19, ..M.i . JA , 4. I, l't .prieldir. N . R . _,,l ui t r ~,.,j . f.. rd e 41,.r1t 14 thrr..r., fizahrse init all Mel., 11111111 11.1. Itli.it prl,s. Et 16 F.\ NS ,4I) F.l. FA.i .1 N'l' F.k I\ i 'Y P..A rt Kies. Th.. 1... , 1t00 xtil hn.l s rex more of thew nplon4l,l Flit,* and Combs lett, at the l'arneon floaidln.: blaerb 12. T. M AI . `CTI N . GI 1 4.;1 1 ; t 41 1 :I 11 lit nrirl..! I ' i r ing- 1.. ( 1 11 A Froorii I.lth °irrupts In Frxtru.., or oat, Mr ding rheal. nt th. /latch 12 11 I F: , - • 11 " V ELS .1N I) SPA 1 )}.:;:, Shorpla, gpadi.%. %lawn. "N.H.+, flay Forks, lbws Vicki., Mattocks, C towbars, Make-% k., for r.).... I.y li.b ^ /1 IC 1.4M1 J r 51.:1.1.F.q. . . I..kSTEIt. , _ _ p SO Ten*, prinw around l'buter, in liorril. or fhtlk„forltale br ' • J. KELIAIrtit; At 4 .41 Frit., Numb 12, imi9.—Nr.4o G ILT SIIADEN. (II,T sli.‘l)Es A beauttfal lot of Gilt quell.* et eery I. itpre,. ulna be foam' at J. r WIN Dollr (I)ltNicEs. Cuttikin Banda: Window i'oruireß, C..re3 and Tarseqx Whig Sow Ellturgn, for side cbrop by JJC. SFIJ)101. ME C A RPENTE (4. .14 )1 N E T‘ NILS tocentiy made large athhtiode to my torsrmr atm& ti?Ctix pectkrie and Jointi'm' making it the maid complete It the city. %web 12. %U. BABBITT M ET A A superior article at _ J. r. sti.nr.vs 0(4 Wr 0"1,T NIE have a large attA , ( ll ChipptA Lnga n.,d nu hhuit• whhth we offer at eery lea} rater by the barrel • Mirth 3. CARTER it BRO. Zht 6rit Oborntr. k ICA I ANI) POLITICAL JoURN A L gar- Taira ealiseribera, If paid in adranor, $1 00,—hre Copies will be eeut to uue Warns far s 6 , llllol at Use sgatur rate for Larger dui,. e • Any entomb*, failing to IA) withLa the year, the paper wtil be ineconLinued and the aereuut muds out at the rate of 10: per yea 4, and left • ith • proper °Seer tor ctili,rt ntrats OF ADVERTIM:iIi : j o r Villero lion or Ira. rusk. a NI awra."o99 0,4 e rartuaro, oue work, $ 76 Owe square 3 mouths $3 00 Owe ° two ° 100 Owe ° 0 " 600 00e ° throe ° 126 One ° 9 0 076 gar - one . q uare a yowl., changeable at plrasurr, $lO. la 0 wioarot-3 months, $0; tl mouths, 18; 9 10.466160, 911 60; 1 prar,s.l.s One column, or 10 aqua —our year, /160, 6 months, 133 n, 3 months, sla. a e • Cards inserted ru thr Iluainesa,Directory at I. par sawn. ros Irner allowed for a lard, urrr aLx, and undar eight, S.S. ,pecial and Lthtorial notlcra, It) Deals a lino ; but tro advertve oral wtil be torerted among the Special Notice* for Iran than one dollar. kerettantn will other* 1 . ... 0i1ing frequent a image, in weir timltir t• w ill be allowed two .1/141,8, paper, and card, for t or additional space, the charges will be to proportion, and the elerliAClDelita meet be etrielly confined to the legitimate 1.0. M... the advertiser Pay - went for transient advertisement. reviifireid advauvr.- 13.11. for 'early sift • rtiatog all he promoted half-. early vig:;ll . ui,,iwa:..aullAAs • . N k TONI PICTTI Pt, Ue Arrokim 4,7 L.l w.--Ottice on lo.p.tout zUvet, Ileadville, /MO —ll 2i5. m. PVTLN. iih.A1.11.14 in 1. lacks, Watehea, non Jew • rity, Silver Sp.oriu, Plated 11' etre, lA./Atilq libuiorn, thlt lioaldiugy, I utirry uW 1.3•31 c) I b, I'lra?,,it tsortli .1.14. NYrot rarer P.rh 11 . .1 E.?. ./ 1).1 & TAIL 1 , 1.4111. Y 11 .111 &WI SlAjoill- 114, I;tn.lo, l eI.r.LP, I tit I No I !trot Li! BlocL, hrlr, 1 I. t. OA V ENPOUT. 111,1,11 VT I.sw .- "110.. Ik. •pith .•nrr h ha 1.. ., • 4 i•.thing St, Int a .41 :stilt, SU" NV 1, ATruk.a..T •• Las- (oille. .. xtr. va al ; 1+1. , .1•IIM the CoUl I ,r to 'IiI• +. -.INC/. 11 it, . i `414-‘,.. , ,r to , !sort i t toNf la 12.../.•• M I 1.1.E1t I i. Al $l.• Poa,. ter , Park kr.a , 11,4 1.a., a ot rlght F.,4•llnug. I 1 ku, , Y rir, lv 11.1.1 1 ,31 AVM n 1 NIL/ L.Ol AT i,ll. "tilt r• .. 11 4 . , k, • thr 111 TVlll,•Ort. , • . 4 111 A 1 r I. L. —lltbn.. 1 .4 .4 f“ too ti f 11. tI , vikttnilro I. 16 0 ark, F.na, fa. J w 111.11f11.101. 1 , . M 11111:711411....•. vvr t: Lt.. Y • I •Tisiptedice ku l ei aaaaa •,• i; • I . :11k, E. a J. 1LEM1111:MAII dratrur tit Lua.dl 4,er.wral aw) !kW) liar,, A re ,f r.a., ..C.c till 1 Uriu, . ttritii , w 111 , 11'a, king nlO is t.• , 1.,n , ittub:Elt. HENN/11'T, moLA44L. I. RETAIL 1.441414.11) }-441..1 vbl 1 . .% 2.6,1 ir), 1 m o , it r. 1111.1 1, (.1 Filth And -Ant.. lametft, Ent., ht. 1. kfKlrltll, IC A PEX•FT r. Iqlco,4hhli P•ll4h,toS. .1 Ye, r fir ifonley de 41 ( 01.1•11/ .. OKr ill bugh.h, t...rmaLa mot Atneriran 11‘,..irrlare mud I.IA, 'lure.. • a .I ron and I , I J 1 •11 1•••• 1.1 T 1.11... I A .IN. I n .. Wei ri.r•ut !I. I Jam-. a• • 14w ‘ l Ol., It, °to r it,. 'tort .r 1 It. 1.1 k.. Itir Nurl nr. wu r. 11..0 I !...t Nl , Ol/.1) 3. (U., • I \ t 1:1.• cl.tiro31111) 1. • "al. 111 h.. \••• :. • =ME =NEI ,11 L% 14(04/1% A t 0.. ill .1, P. 1,11 Sil, Sisuntscturers of Sin , .L,11! IS I :I,r ahoy N ..r. . t - rli lIEUJION tliT. • l• I nu..at 11‘11 !NMI. A. lit \ UM. lot ‘i it• Ib Irh rl, 111.11 i,, I wk.., r , r ~t-, M. I...rtun t atat lII,.n; v. N. 4 • LS OM pulp S a .4.1, .4 11, 1 .t l I ;h, Er t t. 1.4 LtC l A. It %THIS' :4, iterC 00000 hi...OK, II tit 1 . 41.111 r. , 1111,.) o cc u r ". u) N 1,4011 arr.. .1. J t 14.1.11 1%1 Int4/T II I.v, he!. 11 , c1,•, • /Irlt AN.: A I.„ r k,t, ;Jaw. ut.4 1., • Alio* I K, ltt. • . ri-grt t.n , PA. tt, I Pk , tn it G . I ty F me, 1 w fi iftll• j ou,. 1/M.AIO. ..or s•. 4:1 ....Air, 10 t t.t/t, krt. , / /.h. Alt./ 111 1 / 4 {..4/ Itti n t../11) illat ttt pprr la ru. t., tr, 10%4.1'11 LI( 111. NE %I it Jr.. el ••• • 71 . 1,/ Aof lio•LII/L Ina s. AU.. 1 1.111 111 I in• a n d 'legwork - 1.....:1,. F . r. I. LI All.l L Merl' (..L.' F . gt 11::t 1.. 1.1 WI wee, Kilo. I IA .4410 LW' oge:s..-, r 1.... t• \al4, s. IL,Skol,e , str,l 4 k • • 1-.41 HELte•H El. •%. TI r • 1,10, ,t• .111 .41111,1 i ~,, • To. w.W .1 , 01114 Tara, rte, l'a: )11""4 A ir 4I : • • A 11. II • , •41 , Z • 1•• ••A lo P ~ . •••••Ar) .•..1 1 411.1, log . I ,rni, d E011111•E if. (1 TI.Elt, k T , ..k Al AT I. Ctrat.l, Lr., Cnt.ll9, 3 t ~ 1 4. 1..4x a. oliwr tsnifit f.• tif tend Pol t.. .'qt 1 - 111 IN ,%% F.EN . , A 0 . Tllr PI". K. Oa", Ilu 1 4 1114, 0 •rairs. 4:11E% kt (1-11th. A 1 ,0 , 1 • 11:n. 1.‘11.1..rg Iu /Intl Itnp..rtr.l N, n#4.nkt I i‘ri,.rp, :••••,,ctr., F , utt, t•l.. t,.1,11/ tt •• • r Lie N. ; I, kV...IL. k lv, i W (16 1,11.1, • J ANN. , JOIIS t ILES. 1•11 r ACTI. Kt et, It a. 11.1 I:rtaul lh ajr kth.l. .4 :tr.. ), Pruvk ho• kiuy 01b..• KKA I“..tug r Lsel.r., S.. 1 hi y F l`x VIOURCHIII.I,4 k %141, 411 . 1 1441. AIL 114, k•••bl. ge , :t 1..11 AVlla•k•%. th• F1...• 6 .t T 14. Ili lift. .7 . 131 in lit els •1,1 : 4 1 e ti ea:e at Retail, at 711 lirwar.'a ' , t M.• -Ir.-ete )i o , ( )1. tr. , tt 1.0 I r and Itotili II t. 0.: lA , . rri pitireri.r quoally,rl2. li•ovrArt 41,4 14 , , .T 1 1.,. ou Ntr,rl Ollif o l:Pwa..//, Fret, I'a Ayar.4ll , l rarrl tea,r rra , • f.trui or M«. horn. purr,r , ..• fir rralt• rhesp D". 1„ "rtICO and DVAlllig In noutb Park C,•.r tirxt block wart P.Ank bulithiq. rb. , . July IO INolPt. G EOICIiE J. 211011.T(IN. V 4.1111 1 . A .4/.1%41 C. , mmaredon Unrrltmat, .61, 11+h, Flour ►ml Plaster. j (It4F.PIII 111 Ire tIL T • W 1 , 1 KMICLIK Retaul dealer tunas, Shlp Chandlery, W 1.04 and INIIkm %are ka-, R. , `tat, rotui 1 1 1111'111113 P4T(II.IIH.S. • 4 4 Wig ,1 1: it tsWout, Jobto.r, and Retail healer In 0' pry inekripUon of Foreign Ind Nunvstie DI7 atiofia, Carpeting", Oil Clothe, &e. No. 13, riote aren't, ei.rrier of 111'11/, F.ria. Ye. . 11 1.7EFALO C 1.0 1 .1111 1 446 STORK. rs, A. YALCK. 1 1, 11.1er aff4 l/AnttfAvttirer 4. firxt hdy M. 1.• Clothin: and Gr. th•wein fqrblsahitig 4.....1w hu. 7, Brim u's Hlork, htate 4,1,4 l'a. Parsk,n T. 14 Al :.Tl7's W I LLIT 6 I TItIPI llt o ILINILIIT , hcAt IL IN l la, Ag rK went Bonds And Mortgages, Lea*en, kc., amunttel) turd carefully drawn. °Mee oo krestrh, etrett, over Jae. ..teMwtt, tirnoery St.,* En, T F. THIWNIIIVIA. el . Ar....a.vre AT LAW Atli JI ..tylry or 1' PKAMi N ' tli prletiC.l. In Ibr *ever* rourta of Fele Con and Kl‘• protapt sad faithful atiention NI all looulaerreu trurtrA to hto hand. , either AM an Attortry ~ 1 1.-tristrat, Velem in Empire Mork, turner ort Sint/. and Fifth , Erie, Pa. VV. 11. 222141231022 Wt t 4 Clara* ./okasea, ar C.., maim k Jot.bera of rorelire and Donustle Dry 00111114, Nos. 27 Murray and 31 Warren Streeta, New Yrnir. WILLIAM I. CRE'Re7III4, Kerr. ■. JORMION. W. 1,001.11.A55, . ATIOI,TRT 0' I Air - -( Mee motorett In w building weal of State Street, on the north role of the Park, Erie Pa. .A . I.LEN A. CRAW. JUIFFICS or VMS PSACS—Offint. In New Block corner of Peach Arcot and the Public Square, RH.. P., /II R. BLAKE, • ll•xcrs.cirritics aeQ Wbokarilo and Rs t2elkitirr in Porrign and Domseließbssr Goods, Artifi cial Floorrs, Ribbons, Silks, I.sors,and Fashionable Milli nery, Paragon ittifiding, fronting Chi Inirtjkle. I's. Pit- Menhir etteaties pMd to Orders. BY B. F. SLOAN TEM euARLRR A. PITIIPIMITI, CARTIR A. .AMW GABLE'S NEW SHOE STORE. 11:1=113 VP 11 B.ll=lo OPP 1! Hems, SBOBB AND lIIDBOKB3I OF STOUT' ussoutersost FOB Win, GeIIIthISIMI, Youths anitehildren. AT GABLE'S NEW agoz STORE. Oa State, if., battiest Sta egad 91.4 streets. Mangy 4 griIIetURFIRER OROS TO int - form • his friend; and the Public gene ally, th at be has just Nened a very SO. Maier stock of the abort articles, and Mans re t•nr*rr any &las la Ms line ou abort Dotlpe, which he will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Call and exlllllllillP timbre and prices. Etle, Feb 41i, 1859.--16.8 m. SKIN GABLE CU LTIV ATOR TEETH All st«pl Cultivator Teeth •t CITY ANTI( i N'l P.l IN DS AT 1.).k1t. Aulme.ribtr, twolltng A Ci•y and County f...wd10, will sell tL. bdlowlnie flowl• at ' ' l'ar Vele Fans GO acres '2 nisi, a Iron I..rie. ince $lOO per Om. k aim 75 aesea, 8 milers from Xrie, on Witeetnni tunt tl., ftaro per &Cie. 14 , , scree Out Lots, nu IriderVUlla, south Of Ceturtrrs 52.10 per acre, Fk. sere Out 1.. Gt., whotnine Fair Ground, $4OO rr lot 'I hree Boum,* 61114 i Lot ota lurch bar..., VAN) " Eight Loin on 814,1, lane $1:41 .4 " eb 19, 1" W :17 int - - - - - - BARR A 111;4 1 T:11ER. • Li.tVE rr.. 1,1,1 inou PloAulalphus r I,y large Stork 4.1 ST.% PI. E (HIV (:001)24. Which they will eeil at the lA..A /ha , . (*mint?, Proac, Cr-rerlit trrepOril r.r Ell.. • 4,rit% or Cat' ItM‘rbr at In Pr . r. 0 111 nl., t, (OP 11400,4 il.k rat... haws also a ta.d •teark at Pinata an 4 ' , Wit*. fit - m. 1.1., l 1011110:, , , for Anlo 011 term r,rtor.l4.•ll.-14tiechr.,41. r• •t r 6n.., Mani. • 1,, ( - ; 1 I: \ P I; IS I lIE A 1 , E s N% 01 1.1) P.,11 1:•••111.*: • •P P • Arum. li+twora. • • 3rt • • I. •• • • ri••••P1. ' •• I,la.ar• • • I turtf , ...l 1.. kulur, . I Mr/ I/ • lit.tbAnUlSt. I'o,l. %Ind., Irriou uult. • ..1.11 r r March 1%?.••• •••ori • t B - Magazines, Paper, Stationery, WALkPAPER, &c., PARK ROW BOOK STORE . I s:•• 1 , , A N o: ID. !,.••.\, \ I P! 111 1, j 1 • 'll .1' 1 i'atto Ill:7'.1/,/(' .\l/(//,'S, (21 1 1 1. 1. 1 '\ ! ;.! THE •ut..111.,T .• 1 , 111. i•e.. ti MI,. 4, 1 I. wr "ti Inn,tat ,a , 1%.1 • ' C Ji - T• l• 1111 , 1)11' •••;en 11 1 L. 1, Au a I kf I I'!' I'i/ 7 11 11. • 'I II , . • • , Itl il• •, I. I= r t• 1. I I. 1 72,000 t• • mi..' ,it ..•••• • I I , •I, Ci” L: • 1 " },/, G I, 1.1. 1 \ I:\ i A •t •t- I .r i I. •1 , ,; o• I .k. 'NI • • t, Fruit Trees and Lvergreens A Trv,. 311 4 i • i.....1X441 t star 4al • •• i• I • 004 4 .n 4 •.0 ear • vka Cl. I 1 , . . 0 1 I wk It. r, r• I • I “. • 1,40 t • l• ••1 0 4%• • 1‘ . 1 t •Irebtx, trh yOl NI; IN. s J. tILTLIZ. , • •• ' 4k1:1•141, tr.... 't ..••• lit lilt I '‘• • " Itervai , rSw , • 1.44 .1411 1111.1 f r st. 11 nt..! %% I•' I its .1 , fa, 1111 U • I,llr I 1' • E ACHESON & HENRY v% ()I LI) .„ • • . . h+ , acted slid pit w I.lapt ..111L•• 11,1 , ..td. 1..' s‘' • "1 tna.lr u. tbfor Iwo of .4-rl)vr:-. A I' 1. 0 ‘V • I 11,.• I-, •• :• - A. kr fusi.di 1.•• T (I V I s, 2•11.1‘111.. Mla r e .Ij, •. • K. , •101 i. j •I 1 Twit*, tlea‘rerrt 1.1.1, 1%. N.S.r M i• -•• t ...t., • /,,r t ..n, 4, . ' t.t../. •.,. •.. • r f..i LA:1 1 1i, • • 1.11. If di t 11 to. 11.. tr t., MR. JUNIi CO A 11•.. lug *tar tt-4 It , I tt.• II:. f.. 1 trt t.'• .t. \‘ \IA I l• ..ti:n 6/t. I 111$ 1 ~•}' PH.18.14.11. IKM. " 4:41 To t. ticNNE,T•I•••• In ttr‘ttt , .urn.r t•I n rt , kt lilt, It, tip %Lain, AII•1 pit inur f.r....ert t i. •h•t. - h•ilowithc r• Irthk t • • YLRCHANTS . 1 , 11:1•:. h. id ...RUN), - , 111 PAN: ,•1 A tit littri7.-1 i , rtart,: it. 1410,01011 .or. It 11,...1..1 Ne.:410,04)0 ItilF.l.Lts I Sl.lll \SE - FtAFII , f'l. I`sl .k.l[2‘. ..I'l al.....ecturel) Int •-tttcttl• 11 1- Lem Rater. SA for 1115 SA•Cllrity )!) 2 `,..kiVN I. tx, 1 NI . . .1 I I is IN •rif E AGAIN. I V.Ol LI) eiA V Lft my jrteuda am! Ow i zenentl that I have .ottanetietil the Tailoring nod it en y Nn de 'lot Sing I furl novo, is all ita vs rit,s, Iwo, in t .• ',l*. it Led. In Mr VI O I , to r n itrlt3 n • ; and the it•3•l %In rt. I I, 1 t•nt.. 3 ..t t • L.,. .• nt 311 in. , * n rhos APlertittn of (I.IIT lIS, ('. 1 1, 1 4.41 KRIIO I . A NI) V F:STI .11.'11 1 .tll make np r np.. .hart . and nnri-nttl • uttintactP,P ..r , •0 • WWI t. .4 . .10 11,1111 ut nt Itn. ran , 14 1.41 'll al.ll nln lermitip.; tint .1 p,n, •Ip 1 , I1• •Orh Ik• Will Eh r Itatild4Ctllm. I •411 11111•1•.! • g 1 , 0 ,1 sp• sorttnent nt BEADY MADE CLOTHING, .I.uch qf /lour wake and a arrmard to ba• as t•- prorated or looney relundeti. r.ous purrhaame for (' tnll ar , intitol to lall and etftbkine nla•i 1 - 1, I It, •Ittorhoor•I to lord! rbrar for ea•lts. cirrriN(: .1‘.., 4ro and tx area ',yeti. nr, JoIIN _ . 1 1 1.:1..\ 11 IT I LIIIII'ANY I "I" A lilt now defogropiness on the s. , t i•an, u,the (truetottton in I. ft flo• t • trit‘- ny, without 11•1$11t3 the I renown 'Lists upo n the Lake* ...mt Inoute.i on (tin ple.t !aronable rms. "11l or 1 , 6•111.1'.) an 1 I.tornplly a tasited. F ire rn.l. 0 , 1 morrhaodire,lnithlinvr an , ! 0t1,..r I.roewrty in town or roil airs, firs limitr.l Iran 1 orntan. n tl . DiARCTORS.. Jeilloph A. clold, James O. Hand. Thenplrlior f'zsuiding, John C Oyu, Robert lin , •oll,„ John harrrti, Iluch CrArg„ SALMI el kil ware', I lei", Las I. ner, Isar 14 U. Starry, Charles liehey, hurl R. Nth., William Folwell. , William May, Pr. R TIIOIIIIIR, Pr. R. M. thiton, John Trner, Jr Sponrwr !fells an... I:oor t re Swrrt.ll. John J Nevehn, Mgr:oA ttaxlinton, John It. Prnrore. J. U. JP/snoop, 11. Jones lira - A., R.lnsart Alowlrr, en — " - Application num ho outdo In rie, April 4, 185. J. KE1.1.04:44, Agcont, Rrio. -- -- (.1 ! F AUM Elt 'S 1 . '. 0 sure to et the HUCK IVirK 1147.ATING HARROW Ilasubetgod and sold b Aug. 76 HMI= a c 4, J. C. RELTIEN ' , .1:11 I • hr. D. I. 1.N.141.;‘, Propel• 1.. r. 1 , r ME I sar IP k t., i it 1, _ • JAM lII.\ WX. •illr IN, hres' t BUFF LO &ERIE Ming Ana&NGIMUI.Wr. N sae atkerliloattay, Noe. 111. sad wail farther WY O US% Pideletellt Traistawill ran as follows: LBAVIi UHL 1 oo A. 14.,Altt o tz= stop* at Westtleid . Dunkirk, and VIM at DOWD at 460 A. IS. 4 60 P. N., Nail stapritt all Statknri elavt Wrsleyrille„ Klpk7 and Saw MIN, arrlM at Baguio at 0 22 P. M. 6 00. A. N., Aeossunoeition, stop ping at all stations, arrives at Buffalo 12 41 P. N. The above trains connect at Dunkirk and Buffalo with Ewe's trains•na N. Y. Jr E., and New York Central Kati hos& LEAVE BUFFALO 11 40 A. U. blab, stopplor at all Statham eneept Ripley, Reerebewis and Welkin Tine, ILITIVeII at Erie at b s 9 ,P. 2 02, A. U. Ni g ht 'tapes's steps at Silver Creek, Dunkirk and WT r aatetree at lirfepl 6 60 A. 11. 4 P. U., Am flan, el:uppity' IA all illations, arrives at Erie P.M. Noe. 20,188*. . R. N. BROWN, Supt. Cleveland and Erie Railroad. MILIM-4.111511M1N O N issl, N an i ii l u A ntn E rtte M r nouns Pswujer ' D r i na os will rno IkA follow', vbs.-- LEAVE CLEVELAND. I'2 30 P. IL 1411 Train *tops at 6U Way Stations except Wteklitle, Perry, rninnville and Saytirtiok., and ar -141,611 it Sne43o P. IL, Dunkirk 7 30 P. M., Buffalo 9 'At P. 11. 9 00 V. Sight Enver.. Train steps at Pain... We, Kinoville, Conneaut, and Girard., only, and AITIVeII at Igrio 12 44 A. II,: Ituffalo, 450 A. It TO P. U. Accommodation Train stops at all idutidos, arrives tit Erie 10 .30,P. Y. LEAVh ERIE. 7 r. W. Night K.:press Train slops at Ginn'', nano:tot, Aahliabnin. anal l'slonsvUle only, and smite nt elocolsod 4 4(A, :1 :10 l' M. Mall Trals stops at 411 , Wa7 ` s Antions rxa pt llttoovi lry Perry, Mentor and Wichttflo, awl arihns at Cleveland a{ 7 30, P M. U t A M Express Trsin stops itt Girard, Conn. ant, Anh tsbuls sad Pslnesrillo ou ly, and arrive% at t laud I I tai, A. it. All tlin through tratus goinir Weal ward, rout.~. t Cievelanti with tral gip for Toletto„Chim i co, Columba", tlu cllit.nt Ice. Ike. AI: WO through tram.. goal* c* at I oUll ho It .wtth the train, of the N. k tie Ilai!ron.1: IL.; al buitaio with the N. a 0 Itolialo \ Y cit, NOTTII4II I If, !,n.', I NEW YORK & ERIE R. R. Ql5l/411PEMP5SMSN IH A Nii 1, I IF 1 14 11 IN , )MM \ I , s()N ism r ..uft Dui tak at at. .0. tin 1.'14.. ;Eastward liptuid Depart. . . . ..4 ia, J. 11n,1 k . Night 4.h1J.-.J. s 1. ,d toct If xi r..s . - . -1 ,, IJ A. F rrt. IA N, 4 - l'ar , •etrre 61, 1 4 *.g1 ,1 ks tn... I rallo silk remain over !.tizikt at I Init.., 11,; pn reed i•it I I 1111.40.,0 I lOW ‘r , n - 11 Is.. I e KNOW ALL PERSONS T HAI' THEM. 1- 4 ioN tl.t ‘l' A T It tYSIJVZ- IT cc cc I , . • • . I.•traLtrr. riot• .IP \ tr. tatit• ( C , • r 1,10 0 1 6, 0 ... IN 0 01,', A T H %NSW. , " .4 11 • ••t '1 • I/1 1 1 .0 0 rrrtro...l %aid :••••: 4+1+101• }0 1'0r.11.44 I. .I.OCF.HV ll . A T l• kIfILN A • t' s. 1 • k • \ • • 1t - • A., -1 Ls Iw =MEM ,X 4 F t A" t.ALtzz r ,rnmo A „at. t tl. • , A \I , I I - i~T J i~.,~'. r 11A „i, 4.. i t we 111104 Pt MP mo , 041 1,0 A ME s•• k, %.1.41 't4 ti,,' • 1/1111111 Ili Itl ll : 11 .11 . 11 11 'a 1 1 1 1 1..1 . 1 haw ilot 1110Nvi i V 1 J IL I ' K I/01 61. E ILL( TI) I 1.11, %( hilt I\TI 11 Y I It K. Al• f.fl 1114 •I I gt Nt ll / 111•111 LY \\l/1.•1 t 111 ht.iiii./ • 111 At 1111.1,• 5.1 nl4 Liaola. a /II • Wtr•• 14 all kl ot.. nl I lit Ht Mid. • , El 111.1.1, • I an!". at , ,,Je It lit RI HILL • Para . ...pelt. "Ow. i t me, I. mt. 1111 1 - 11 V \\, I 1 -Oil • . • 1 ' N I N s'• • •• . : • u i _ _ . pg." ..... ~ - . .. W " 1•=1 " . [ ----- —— ---- r — * -7 " ZO.M.: ••••••••• :- c i brio Ciit-y Xl' Xl. .40170 x - Is.. is. 41\ in. U.N.r tq v.•. r gege' e.r.r.he r. , •see.e).l • -PK .e 1... NS !s i 0 1.1.1 • '. Kepl.r A c., anti tat. rt.. 111 Sr?!.. 5555 ..f I lithe I I Uri ere. • .• the e. 't .1 . , 110 .r. n 55.51 .11 r• made by as "I" .13i4 .4 , 1 yna al4dlr " pa" 011122. r Plows, Sleigh Shoes, Plow Points, itic. MEE k It to rrrrpawrblr to tn./r I,,nrr” and Stint. t t 1•• w• lln•• , I, attt h i 14.14 ap,s L• 511, IA r 55'.• Ir.. ~; 7, *ll,, 1 1 Steam Engines, Boilers. Mill (leering, Agricultural Implements, &c.. r A Low Hui 111 , ..\111* l'tl. r. I at1•,..)km.f..•. /.ilird• .1 I'r,OTloe, oh! t r . , • t L.•:r L.A. I • nth... F. :kr erlew the roll ,r• drArered. Wllll ,l l .1 1 , 1 ii‘••l 111,5,1 111 s; 111 1.1.-.1.1. .1.1111, k ‘l);likii;\ l!OSM=111 \ • Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy! "THIS 811A1141 look I n othitotl..l,l I ti. , r Ow P 1 hi. .)1 F • t rt• tt ?t r6lto.l.ht. n.t.i l , •• •n. t•y r. 411, 01 AD/oric , o Kot. rpru. o.l'it le to rer...ivto... •Irtt.44 I e,11.• flni I.,•1 01110 ( . %TiWII 11111i,41/1 . n-t exert* tb, flralnti , • unl, •nl.l earn it ni f.. • 041. Y 6 \ \ /O. 14 I. lIHI nrno.ral• tin our t0,..1,,i• Tb, %%II" ouhtr •L n klltl‘..nellon lA. tb•• ' hf•lot•rtt , 11.1141 -not r . cg.ky L. .0 I II ISA-1 \ 1.1 I n OW 1....1 imvor I, ty,oorft, astoi k orp, rd , r purtl, mud ftrr ..t.r . 14.r NI% and •or.• •0 Lipp(' (An, Flotorbey, ( o r, loirt , liruerol I• I 4,. ra M • A, "SO FAMIL' SIIM Li) riwt I tr 11.11:T.1 11, MICE l'Elt BOTTLE 150" 11..5.1 r , rtiu. at. tr"n3 t. }lnn. .Tyr . r I,:i•nt..a. 11. ;lA., '2.Z, 1,44 ST .T 4 A 4.,t11.1. ta I 4,1 V.. 12. 4oNII(I,FT I hereby certtf) that I L+4l.• ina.l.. ,b,,D11,14C, ADO, ata Of • ay4tOple of Th-mob , tit to no n 1 1. flimmunds, rIN, and that I hate 101 wttillerat4l.g Ingred}ents tor itnkroi er oulotazw,.. In IL It brandy .pmt, rllh the lontkal col.• nng otareltaritte belottaing iwati.l,. I rer , Pativild It 1%, m.,lleitutliutrs. ClIA` T. .1.%1 if 11, - 1 4te r Prnasna .tin : tb,• ar• 1.•• • 1 1 ..5,1 • ith a P 111.311 I. tUe gtAtili. %.•iii 14., 4, Ann...o. 1. 1 IS Erie, Pa. Sr K .\ l' I. A \ I N i; `4 , 1 I I, I Pi.iMll, 11098 AND . I3I,IND 31ANTIP‘UTOItli I,III'OIITR N 7"TO BUI1.111.:Ths • C1"1 - t0I" c 11AV IC A LA RM.: STOCK. OF TitOtIDUGHLY z A•t.. 0,, la Ahl and Voris? .00141116 /Cod 81dise,matebe.1 and foot pluton! W Moo* Doors, Blind; Itowidino. Lu.th, Shingle* Window Primes, Door Prows Am., which they will sell them (or Coati. listring .tvio Woodworllii [unproved Pluallig Madlltou aoa e°4 rnerhaziele tw operate thews, will ale prepare( to do inistotn Planing, Matching and DipTAogalt all tiAtid in a wit lataetery manner. All on willreestro Itptstron !inn. Erie, Sept. 214 . _ G"L" k N 1) SUN EH (its )1 Fine Diamonds and att land , of Jewrlrr ineldr and repaired by the eery beat work mon. Sihrr Amnia' con stantly on hand and made In ordrr. Clocks and Watches tandally repaired at low rates, and kiatWOrt T, fI. AUSTIN, l'ameron New Pooch Street. Yamll 12. I r. =BE =I OE CIME } . , br . t t,•, & =1 IMEE th, It f , I= =MEI =EI ...I I 0.1... pi .1 r.• 1! th.% .0.1: k r k %k t oh re r I "BANG-UP" RHYMES! When wife mid "Groeeriee," the other day, • Where did I go without delay, And bring a load bonus ssa a dray To 11. BALowle's. When Tea Is wanted, freehand rare, And Suer is select with care, Tout, always SUM to end them whore • At BALDWora. Who bee lots of choices Butter tellsod. And other kind, of whiskiseine goad, Besides some others andaistood ? Who greets you with a wiling taises. And shows you all Sari to bo loss, Got up so tastily, Mike allitelean Who keeps dm. origami 'Burro-Cr The best there wait beneath the sky, For which so many long and sigh' Who's at his post both maiy and late, To wait on all— big, small and peat, Al the streets come of tlth and Stat. • U BALDWIN Erie, Marrh 12, 1i49.-40, F t 11? THE FARMERN. 1000 of 3 , awl Drat Teoth, for J. ,y March It, 043..1 ALw . `" l'o!t a Mid other rrinoluNetitre l'istola, for tale eery low, wt A t•STIN'r , , Haul, 1., Paragon Building., rviAN SY It Protected Solution of Protoxide of Iron. Fort THE C it Es OF DYSPEPSIA, Heedless' K the Liver, Droperi, Neuralgia. Drooebitl- Cooosolool ir e Tendencies, Disordered e . tate of the' Bleed, Pteury y, ?Iles, the ploodrottleg Wert* el Lead or 31eresiri,,Geoeroll DebakT, ALI. Ma KASE" WHICH REPOTRit ANI ) ALTERATIVE MEDICINE, By R.. 1 po . _.wi !AP Likisoryallised B ood, avid Re. .t ,, .'.' 1., the einr..b.eima tAe Adiapensabie Quasi. toy of b n.. orith.tea t Manta b. main The G of its Olivier-are no nuniiirliva, WI M. II authenticated, and of such peculiar character, that aulferen cannot reaconably beetts tr • the protien KO. 1 hi. rUriArt t. rap .1.4.14 not pm ties lo 1.. • aura all, tint its range it *AirlAsol.r, tacauar many dint ..., apparently unlike, are inmos- t -1y relateo, and proceritini frum may ir.• LIR.I I .ine 4 !•;• ..,:. >. ~ 2. 4 4?, x , i gi- •A: •• • .....ii,„„.• ~: ~_ • , /854 U' , !..t • bleb the r. , ,rup provides a ore, t • Itt t htt , .ooh far •u t.64(041 the I.lght.t ord... of methclid .ktit The acts •ro tangtble, the aro/ tiae faiely and elbcatty car the - top In• ontrovt rttl Ti,'-.. a 1... 1n• a ~b for an opu. , •ri feran tik•lntetelPte4l r...i...11.11‘, the character of the `i• nip, cannot fail t , • .atuddol sigth the following, among nun:m.l . o4a tre• I montalt; to the f tin A,runt.. Titt. slgllatnNa ••f g*.nllettwo au'l ',moan kr the community, and • tzllF •t ert"'rabrLtr. dARD. The undersigned, having eirrvendtti the beriescuil of frets of the •• Penrytan Syrup, do not hestitate to recom mend to tho attohttou Cr, m , tilt . • n exporienr• so from the teatitnony of other., a hone totellicenee and integrity are •it.obrttlet n•l•:• , • • lint , no doubt of its efficacy In Clam Pi...NA. of the Long•and bronchial l'agsagea, It, 1 op-us, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Neiaratgta, In- I it...fhel.• a. , nl • t.e incrwlible., but trom the high , Ittractor or tut... who halt. attue.aed them, and hits, t , hint. , ti-i thotr lostin.• n:, at so dooms, to !mama..., AM(IRY, t‘i 1. hP.ITI R, TER HAW) FY, li. KI•Nlokl 1., M U. C LaNS, - M , ItrH r WitITTF.MuItE rEitl inCATE 4' DR HAY o •• fl ko• a.• ti.. tot .'t. al rtb. t • e I 1r.,. IN hot •• tt a tors t,tot ralrwurr to air, sod 'hat is [114110.1111/ A ../ Ir. to% ...r z irru, Without fur• hot o•olattott.4 1.,. 111 11,./ ..•tatt thln pootat to attained 1.• tow 1.: , 7 101•1 .• A N A, 114 ts•Nottra . and thla lons .ol tar a i ter rAthollatta citrates, tar•ato• 'to Al..torta, A A tt tl ES., I D, lt•t r to t..• 'Lute of Mariaachttartia 4 , Priv trt , \ .t.r o Ais F. It A., Her Mid a ruzzlpt goner ' 1. s kis MIN At th© old Stand RI Betweeen Brown's Hotel & Reed House, k I. \ Io• I M I.N I 1 lit 11 . -.1 It I•, n. I.rtt k-tort. so.l 11. 01, 19:4 UPI i 31.11 r , ela N,..attlN J,pau NM m. l n~••' T. , • It. M n,,,fade' lot ..rp •171 • I .*/.I I• , 1.: k• • , t• 1 •, •I • • • &U.t I .1% I Alnaatilwarin, •-111 • I/I,, Ft It•w” n a , Law it. ,•'l,•, i. . tWot hil• ft., t 311 , 1 l• •'I••• , : Ketriaren. , ••••, \lave. n hate nt t twin t , Pump.. of nil tlet,/ igotP+l... leap I liwq• I 1 ‘31,.., au.l To 1•11, Z.t.•••• l'ij. I *, • .1 n• 1 WAter and n 11 , r0, ~ .1 1....., 1 • v I 1.1, •. ••••• .1•• P and -I‘l,l, ittak an t V. • re, I•;•• • •• a, an. I. •ttc kx said Lat 1.14,, ‘l.' • .11 I. 11,itiant I alt -•t aa i,•l„ 00,11.1 It Pala. MI let A Sr.. let list., Tutnl4, I frault.m, Oh n and I ant a, Mount an.! rt.‘t Traps, N...., 4 .•••••"1,, 1 arks IA 1 , 11 k. thintnrn, Ilran•l• I•• -tar- I • -, I • Ennis, trench I ode Pock -1, n I t.•lt/.1 -1•,• • n 1,41 ilaDonhr.. with 1 ". 71,4. .. I. 1! w .1 Is , •,. ,t I. 01 r. ••• tn • 11.rr, finis", Pewter Rll,l 111•1 11., 1 . .. r 400 In •"•"‘,.. I.• • I." k, .4111141 r rwin I k.rve, Na, a 1N.... Yours N. 11l 14.1'111 . .1. , I'i' \ ITU 1;1' \ INV Taunt & Bristol, f If VI 1 1 11. .1 V 1 I.OOKIN t;ql„4.s's tr.t r;F:Re)e).II.N' 2".1 .If., or,,t Cutler bel,•reit'a O'FIALO El•OTI\l; ()lit ATTENTION Ttl THE MA til'• Inet UM" of ur work, and Ft I.•etingMA mak ma our at..ek with • a preNa rrtrn•nn. t.. tr..• mad ruwtont t nal«. w, nr.t el:mixt...l to viler to welting ►u e:rrllrat artiele rtuttiture Putwri..fr adrantairm for obtaining the t•et ~f quality, w.l t le nn.ttinteh, whteh •r offer at low rt.,. W,. aim tb.• Ar.t quAntr, bitibfet fintph, .at , at and neat.•rt veneer., en.' larct•et a.wnrtment nl VI ItNITI'KE .%Nt) minimum:4, to L. found 111 tsuna:.. W.• nianufaetur.• and ke..l, ennatantly nn hao4l a. :are a.a,rtrueot of VAIIOt;AN V. WALNUT, 0A K and li , n 4 F. Wool', MARIII.I% and WI (4 ID TOP HURKAUS, TAB( V , . lliti A T-NoTS ST eNib. , and SII(F: BOARI(S A(.... - .11:(TV 1111, SOFAS, TETE., ( - HAIRS. HO( •IC ER9. V!' A RTETTS 'FfWV.TAWIF.', Itin(li, l AZ•ES, VrAKORIOOS, i 0 U N(-; E-q., FX7F,NQIIIN TA IiLKS, 01 , 111 it lIESK-q. F ( OBS FR t•TANP', ittieF.l7l()li CHAIRS Ro4F, rrs, ANIKLED I 11AMIIKII I' %TENT htEeI.INING and e and all artrrl.• Parlor. r L. mbor, 1 1 111,n¢ flootn au, liitelo r i Ft H \ 111.121. =lll tvlantifact • • La and luck Mattresses and Spring Beds. AWL, a alt;ei, P, ov• 14'001 anti Gilt Iltßiti.gS, ~.ti 11z, 1101 VIV ti u+Tehy I iir %. 1 711 IAI NT A f11ti.401.. N •r r m \ 1 1'1;11 I'l .1 • r NI- 101\171! ifyljp, Inl ICt I.T TII I. 111 NM MO PRIV ITE 110.4'1T% I,3t.attitAilt•tl Ittv cur). 11,4k 0 ) anA 11. Aty•ft It 01 Youth and Nlaturkt), by I) A I!) .7 , 1/N. 11066/, :1 1 . I.f MAltttl ),/0i) %tr. , up,.• 11(1sT 1 4 :NTI Fl ( TENTION t for lo• ruro of oviqiit). \ .ort, LI I. tok••o moro Norerty tools" eu. oakrooo., 1 1 / 4 t.. kr yrrtrulawliv r or. d r. (root of dau fu 11. 0 ID tile O. of 1111. /DAN - 111) 1.1,rd eiSltitillltly 011tk VOUNO tK f: P.\ItTUC L It NOTICE Dr ,k t.tLi. 11. aka, w •1111 , .UUCIIIir that they hair tit. .1 1n3;.. 01111 , rutrlitllclil re , t til• CUT! 01 tit. bk., 4111.vaa. r It lota Iweta aubjected lot tert by tho tu inetit 110 tit tans I a LOUlital rarly, 1 . 111.1/Oreli Ilia an.: New York. It has toott dechrod kbe only rum. nt es. r Itt S,111.•1 for the curs of fvortirtal 1%•41.1ke.5. ally 1,••1. of OW g.. 1111241 Or,rlLD ' caused 11 hallhotenth £10,1., matt or iki.riqta "Kw RENIKDIE". 1NI) cruE% 6011 litn) 10.1. rtinsultott $ u utowk iti the matt; 9 It nitht• in overt -'.S. • sod .Tn.ptom "( as., sea.n.L • rf .3 a.l•turu.. amt M it.Mint•ss. Itn• nr.• and irturms t tie Pere,,., and *ll lhuw dreadful .It. etturnt an.ln.• from th• rot ttobtts of r•.ulh, Whitt. pra•durti. ~11•11101....1 iirbt/lt, 141141,1 uutn1111•• impp••aotbie , and 111 lb. 1 hit iitnitrayo bilth birniy ?1.,• In ntuirn tIF t h e result of up of thtrtr tear-' ext.- um ...env...fen rat i.' at..: i tr. rt. a. A CURE W ‘RILANTED I) . ANIO4. t •ttl:s ,oted their attention exclu so to .i• I , erub.o .1,..rf male. ;lea, and the miler the. ha, c.01i10,111e111.15 bovlt .naked to render to their fellow reatii re. i. 1,11) te•tilit•l Lit g- .1. folly acknowledged by 04, 1 31aLen.. ot be, tat', arririog 'ln town trout all I arts the t ouiv.l, b.r Itoe et prues portree only roo•ult•ition, while tLetr h Ise been froward with the most signal .art. sntaf,s, yet from what they teach eaperieticed iu %mit.tnna i:ito the cans. of the thole eomplaint, (from their meet simple condition to tliti •o( the se .1 Inieterate.) they hate al• waye entertaito , l toe losinfolity of their precaution an.; trio, ~.1, and Ultra nw art, ariahly found that the most lior r.ble atid malignant forma n/disease could almost aI aAN P le traced to one of the tollowing causes: ignorance, neglect; or the ill effeeta of unskillful treatment: there tun, Dr. AMOBI k stiN have emcee...ht in discovering, in the selection of their retnallet, a sate, effectual and cau tious manse: omitting all corwhinsiion of r eme die s whi c h bear an equivocal character, as a oil as 1111)116 whoa. pre mature and injudicious applimit ions might Mproductiv of 1.4 eaneequencee in llo• band. of ort•ate indlvidua /u abort, the laudable rad f their refilCall.o is the leseseu log of a 1(111,11“ now of human misery by the elle, tattoo, relief lint prevention of those allfictloua that are in reailly Ile wecret foe of life, and wboli, while thee is, eaunilrely surround us, Pall 1110114 for our %Lilt and int, rtere•ice for their extermination. COUNTRY INY tl.lM+ It any put of tho tr °rid uvty Iw inecieofully treated by forwanhult a torrevt d..tail of their caa«, wtt L a• roubitiaate Inr illerlteit,o, ate A.liiresa Dr. ANDS k SON, reran of Maio awl quay utrevt,, Buffalo, N. T. 1111 N fiA, ]NS.--lyre PROF. COLBY'S. CIIIIAP .A. DIL 3g 'EL 0 TY 'E) p, I PICTURE GALLZRY, HAS BEEN REMOVED TO the ftby 1.I& Roosts la itssesordirs Nos No* when be La prepared to execute ?Wane at all stylts. Lila. re* MI. IWO. IZIECEI DEAFAND BLIND. 0 13k.GRISWOLD OCULIST AND AUBIST, Jo. 230 Nab Street, H flALowis lllliAr I BUFFALO, N. F. Comfiest him attention ezedoetiely to the tteatmeeet et dbeeesee of the K. sad Is,. Feb. 19, 11180.-37.1 y. SEI.DEN HOWARD ABBOCLLTWW. PHIL. A BENEVOLENT EIEBTIitTION iwt.bustod by vodka grodowsest IR Ow said of VW Eliek and blatranoad allisted with VIRULENT & EPIDIIIOO Old. The HOWARD ARSOCIATIOR, view of Ow awful destrectios of buxom LIM growl b iteissi destnees,essi the deceptions pissiined epos the eisAtelthele i4etboo of such Moose' by Quoits. oorrotlroont yr dbomotod *bob Consulting Mimeos' em a CHAIUTABLC ACT worthy of their woo, to epos f a reloselin be tio twotoosot of kb Agee of dompaoto, is their - lbosio, fooINXDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to sU who apply Ivy 1~, with a des cription of their aonditioo, (ape, outoopotionhaiite w A...) and in come of esteems peen% to FURRIBB lIEDICINIS FRP or CHARM It to modloos to mu that the Assoc on coniameads the 11pMd Woad skit of the age, and will furnish the swot taprNel Emden treatment. The Directors of the asisoelistion, in their sans! Report pop the treatment of means! Moos, 11110/111110011 tit* highest satisfaction with the menses with* has atOseibot the labors of their surgeons In the ears of Brigiossior dives, ..Setinel Weakness, Goaorrhera, Glob, Syphilis, th e vice of Omani= or Red./Amok Diesame al Si Kid neys and Bladder, lc, and order p continuums, of the Pa we plea for the costar year. The birectoro on a review of the past, feel asented that th dr labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have be.. of great benefit to the attllcted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote thessobrest, with st oeeed seal, to this very important and Saadi deillPia.ki rarer A. admirable Report me Rpsrmatorrhies,. or Seminal W eaktiese, the vice of Onantaso, Masturbation, or Self A hose and other diseases of the Sexual Chyme, by the "ass :long Surgeon, will be sent by mall, , (Is sealed envelope,) FRU Or comma, on reesopt of TWO ST A VI'S for postage. Other Report. acd Toads on tb e nature and treatment of Reaoal diessuies, diet, he.., o r . constantly being published for imtottess dirtirtbation, and sill be sent to the afflicted. Moe of the sew rem" dies and methods of treatment discovered daring the past 'ear, are of great raise. Address for Report or treatatoot, Dr. J. SIMLIN 11 01 GIITD N, Acting Surgeon Reward Aseweirithis, No South Ninth Street, l'hiladelphia, Pa. ay order Of the Di rect or.. _ _ 1;1W F•i RUUD. 1y 41. Secret/kr,. PLATED ARE. Forts, gpoon*, Cu • Mid a grist vor...ty of Rich in.tA Goods, for male by \ T. IL AUSTIN. Nardi 12, The only real Hair Restorative N Alit RESTORATIVE AND INVI6- OKATOH... wale to want of a }lair Restorative or dresaingfor to)• mild buy none but licOmbreee e aa this asaaot by any pomade contingency injure the hair or scalp. Oath. centre ry It n. warranted - to grow new hair do bald host* and stop its falling out—to eradicate daadfnlf and all tin...padres of the *Loup. It will also prevent the hair front tu mire gray and impart a natural rigor sad Minty that no other preparation an do. I. or general toilet tray it has no o 10.1, and being entirely free from all adnernala in it. composition may be ealely used without stint stall tun.. I , r XV 1 I 11r.ear of the ltn«nnate Acadoniy of I(adl ctn. pi a roultuutication, to PVII that ''lead oneders, rt•to• &beetled in the systern--thai a I, had na,l Mr. Allen'e Toter"' and other hair I. •r. brats wh,. hhe Laid was so l vief load and nt ra t•• •Crer) for orreral year_s t had got ••,.•,• tor: u the fame and th e 'blue bee,' ea results :r • rn and nitrate of silver." •Pa ses's itestorattre has woo of this °ideational instter to 1U eumpuattico—tvery article being vegetahh• -.tot iwrG•ctly hartneleas when applied externally or inter oath. It la the twat hair preparation In the aortal. 1,••• • etrcular and read what it to doing, then hay a bottle Ir I,ler haft failed. Ynee SU eta, and $1 • bottle. J.-1J I—W.. ha. th.• 11.11..rw Ina mordablown to the glaw, • M • • li...torative sod lavitmator. Butlao., N..% _I, 1N.,- xn..1.t,t0,t1 and hnleaaleasitl rytall W. V MAYN Altn. :d4 WsAbington at. Buffalo, N. N rer T , ..lv•ist all I"4terrl litt.t . 1.. MtCtres.kreal ord, t rr.rt , r. t ART} . 1 / 4 . RIlirtHEK, Kitt, F. 11,1 r r•t • fr rrt.Per' . March 19,1,....4.—.11 \ 1.. 1. (11' Z TYPE FOUNDRY Asti) Printers' Furnishing Warehouse, ,011 MP of preparation a new NAVISO., , uta.nn.g a complete dierieff of Book awl hew.. per I. arra, f, to Pearl to Plea lot the latest cot. , V. ll . ICII Al,: ILO 1.11. D. 111.240 a la.ge variety of J01..13p.. Cate, 1i0r. , , is, lira.* Rules. Iftehea, ke., ke. la a , th our 1,1.11..11 . 1. we hat e Made aiTangelnents to z.O pi I) A sod 1l Iw, riinteso' lake, and Card Hoards, is fact it 14. - ermary for a Printing Olken, u inn op , ran be purchalie , et the Manufacturers. From evert stile.... I our own make we offer an inducement of :It v., r. t t tar rash, from Specimen Priam rpecimen Boole relit to Publishers, on appecatfen I Al 111131,11 if ne • t.mee. carefully made out: liberal erre. , :lien 1. , n vne,tal arrangement, but all order, from jar tier not vlvecifying the terms desired, will be conaideici as for rash, and drawn accordingly. We allow ten tents per lb. for old Type, and fkftreo cent • per. lb. for old Brame Rule—tn exchange for urn inat.rtal at :Specimen Pricer—to be delivered to miner al charge, within sixty days after purchase. Publieheri. mottling the above advertisement Is theft Paper and sending us one ropy, will be entitled to their pay by buying three times the amount of their Bit: in our own Manufactured March, 19111:9.-4l. N T H ELM IN 1' I C WAFERS FOR 0 R.3IS. 1* ill' l ore your children t muumuus and unwholesome Worn, Ilectetnee, when you hare this preparation cf Sugar They contain no talcum!, or any other ineun n pg,d, ...ilk but ate pntely vrgetable, and never ho. to ea 'pet won.. It here. they exist, and inginere tie hrs'llb in ail ,noes. ite•are of imitations. and_purebase =l7 t t“. e.• ! e h. t Authnnaintle for Tenor which ar. the on; original and only We and eollablo nom o..utectiou now in use. e.old in Erni, No. Mend Mouse Lv March 19, 19L9'-41 bALDWIN. )rti E It you lore lour children, be on the alert for even .4 Worms, for worms COMPe the death of inure ehlLlr , n than any other disease. In all cams of pal• • t roan ee, livid efrelo around the area, and foul breath, ,:,VP WihrS... Tiny are a pleasant pm I &ration of sugar, and easy to .aminister. If worms are preaeo they will Welt and effectually rectuor• them, and restore health In all taxes. Sold by BALDWIN, No 5 Reed Bouts, Erie, Pa Eno, Starch 10, 1859 —4l. y. lIA ND MANHOOD. • dna/ J mailedr y in L a e a , d e t a ttih , T i l:o e lmtz , 4 1 - 1 pied, on receipt of t I hand krus, husk ersay ow the phyonsi eclidratatios sad de .t a the Jr..,m etwed 4,1/ 6 , Sap Mors," rolectben, end ;1g fnII.IeVICMCGO MelntrY. 1. R. J. Cali er , V. L . riolubcr of tett Refr.l C.Udgs d Strrito. o o r .4perwatorthcca or Seminal Eadanions,Geerital an N.er. ,, no Debtlily, Impotency, Loos of Leers/ Deptvon... •,f •parits Timidity. Vieesee of t h e sesnal 6tr i a. an hopettin,nta to Marriage. are protoptly and e , roo. ed by the author novel and moat awomanful so 4. treatment, by meads of which the Invalid can tei,s,r priAtoe health withoet having recoatnre to damn'"' and petoOve (From the London Lancet.) The best treatise ever written on a subject of rd.: vortance to - AA well worthy the author's exalted ',put. tort. Ati.itrOok, tbo Publishers 3. C. KI JSZ & Co , lat loth .ti4et Post Boa 4986. New York City R 1 1- Cot' NTY MUTUAL INSVI: E Ast . F. COMPANY bacorpos cued in 1!339-- Charter Peeptquai Property leered A aslant Lew lry litre fee we Term net exceeding Ihre years. Poln., homed upon the deposit of Promione Nott.. o ram the pay ment of the usual Mock WAN la Mosey w;tl, out the nabtlity of. Premium Nets. Loma paid • .th out litigation. One suit only ban wrier beam brought act tort Otte Company. TaseCemporsp is entiroly fro' f•'a drbi, Gad no • weft hooka sasinteinion. DIRECTORS. Jame* C. Sfaratuall, C. M. Tibbala, Win. F Ritultruer S. Smith, J. Elmmerly, Jos. M. Sterrett. S. P. Kepler, Thom. MO"thred. Jacob ilana.n. Ceorgo A. Elliot, E. Babbitt, Win. R. Heys. J. Y. Justice. OFFICERS. B PlirtT, Preet. J 0.112 Onixtrox, :'. CuAaLis M. TIZZALIN Tress. uitle•, in Messrs Guncipon k 1.•• Clw•apude Erie, Pa. brie, April 25. 1664 L BATA;". N -. .r(_ ; ATI AHT YELL- Amts• Blllsusui, Tame, and Ast.-Dripupoilli Jur l•a4 hum, Gamow*, Ileariburii, Headache, Drr Jaundice, ..,te.kroese of Oa Stomata. /paw. Me Lacer, end dtrandeisitut of Ike Billow Syshese re aerial. 5i.1.1 in Frit by BALDWIN. No. S Patti Hew , March 12, 1.45.9 —4O. \ )161 I A1)i) 'lll COUNTRY MICKCHIANTN ANV DI LS' —'Ne hero a quoullty, wbith we will furrerb rates Nertli 5, IRO% _ p .‘PER HA G G N. -..- I ani now 'making leer leldltion* to my at.e.k of PAPER RANG•. ZIP . INOS fee the Ispring Into, whiff& .. . • . - " for beauty of idyle and eheapnes•• •• - tiall . Wow *moot 19 aurpialed . Lit. lion& 12,19. Ma;3 311.caMBE RS 17 Dl .T., C.r. VULTOPII, .1%7' Z 11717 -ironic. F 0. Galiv,.. jEClxatirol.y 1 17eigertab'kalo t PRICK' 23 CHNTS PIM BOA MI=M CAR TF:R < Bit° J. C. SLLDiN