The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 02, 1859, Image 2

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    edds and gab.
tor Gas. Osoaat P. Monts, one of the
editors of the New York Home Journ4 )4tui
been appointed U. S. Consul to Havre.
11411. A girl named Ellen Vaughn, re
cently died in Troy, N. Y., in consequence
of inflammation caused by perforating her
ears for ear-rings.
11116. The Louisville Journal says of a paper
lately started in Providence to advocate
the claims of Douglas to the Presidency,
that it "does not believe that Providence
will smile on it."
Sir S. M. Pettengill, & Co., the enter
prising and reliable newspaper agents at
New York, have made a very handsome
donation—five hundred dollars—to the
Mount Vernon fund
sir The General Assembly (U. S.) of
the Presbyterian Church of the Unitell
States convenes at Indianapolison the 19th
of May next. A very large attendance is
oft. The queen of Spain ha., created
Prof. Morse a Knight Commander of the
Order of Isabella the ('athdlic, and the
Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences has
elected him a member.
am. A man arrived at Pittsford, Mich.,
a few days since from Kiwood, Kansas, his
sole erraMd being to thrash his brother-in
law, who had maltreated his wife. Having
finished the business to the satisfaction of
all concerned, be returned home.
16,: The sprightly and—:we must say st
—pretty widow editress of the Ashland
Ktiquckian, in reply toa correspondent who
asks her if she wears hoop., exclaims:—
•• Hoops, indeed! why, iv. ,bm't we'll any
thing (IST !" The 1 VII—ICri ale ler 01% II W
--uppose slit' tells the naktsl truth.
kir The Rev. William Watson, p a i
of tla Methoaist ehureli in tHenwoks I, I 'WA.
%vas arrea.ted last week for pas.-ing counkl
Ile mile a clean brea,t ot II
felt money
matter, and said that he had Jolliet! the
counterfeiters to get money to do good
with. In ,default of heavy bail he wa• rout-
sea. A gentleman in Mas..kaellusetts, offer
through the Treaaurer ol the Ilia,baeliu•ANtt
Sabbath School &)Cietv
one each to be given to that person, old of
young, who, during the year front April I.
1659, - to April 1, l$( shall commit to
memory and faithfully repeat to his or her
teacher, superintendent or pastor, the
largest portion of the Scriptures.
mg.. Gold has been discovered upon a
farm in Bucks county. Pa.. which has Ig...utt
sent to the mint at Philadelphia to be a.--
sayed. Considrable excitement prevaikin
that vicinity, and it is said the o‘‘ net of the
place has been offered a large price for lits
farm, but refused to accept it, until he learns
the character of the discovery.
SM. An affray occurred at Duticannon.
Perry ,county, l'a., on Saturday night last,
which resulted in one man being killed and
in another having his nose cut of The
murderer is named George Murray, and is
described as a, most desperate character.—
Last fall he was arrested in Johnstown for
attempting to kill a man, but succeeded in
making his escape. Ile has not been ar
MI. The Bombay SYandard of I tuber
24, relates what our newspapers generally
would now call a "Sickles tragedy." A
Mr. Besse, a newspaper publisher, of Kur
rachee, in the province of Scincl,, discover
ing his faithless wife walking with her par
amour in the street, repaired to his house,
procured a double-barrelled gun, and de
liberately shot both the delinquents. Thi.
was making short work of it.
1186. At Madison, Ind., on the 17th,
Stephen Lanciscas shot a young man named
Hollis dead with a pistol, for dancing with
a young lady to a horn he had been paying
attention. The young lady had refused to
dance with Lanciscas, on account of im
proprieties in his conduct, whereupon he
declared that no one else should dance
with her
NIL. The New Orleans True Delta protests
against cruel, arbitrary, or unjust legislation
against free negroes in Louisiana, of whom
there is a "large native resident population.
correct in their general 'deportment, hon
orable in their intercourse with society, and
free from reproach, so far as the laws are
concerned; not surpassed in the inoffen
siveness of their lives by an equal number
of persons in any place, North or South."
if ir On Monday evening last a collision
occurred on the Ohio River below Cincin
cinnatti, between the Steamers, Nathaniel
Holmes and David Gibson. The former
sunk almost immediately/ in -tti feet of
water, and the latter sunitin a short time.
in 25 feet of water. The cabins of both
boats parted from the vessels and floated
down the stream, and thus most of the
passengers were saved from a watery grave.
Over forty lives were lost. It was one of
the most terrible disasters that Ras hap
pened on the Ohio, for some time.
Mir A:white man named Alphonse, Peal
s-all has been arrested in Detroit for ab
ducting a little negro girl named Jordan,
sixteen years old. Ile vows lie is in love
with her, and wishes to marry her: and 411 e
reciprocates his affection and seconds his
naatriraronial desires. But her father be
lieves it is a scheme to take her to the
South and sell her, and will not le-ten to
it. Alphonse , swears that if they keep him
in jail two years lie will as soon-as he re
leased, fly to the arms of his 'Jordan. Ili- ,
course of true love refuses to run smooth.
His Jordan is a hard road to travel.
'They tell a good story of a wortLy
divine in lilassachusetts, who deemed the vir
tue of frugality an appropriate part of hi.
Christian life and practice. Going into the hat
store of a friend in Boston, the considerate
merchant selected a tendullar beaver, and
offered to make hint a present of it The
clergyman hesitated! It was too good an article
for him to wear. Askingthe value of a diff e r e nt
article, and learning that it bore the noaterate
price of three dollars, he suggested that he
would prefer the three dollar hat, any' the
difference between that and the ten dollar
article in money !
'-Snobbery" has been aptly described
by an exchange when it says it -is an into kat ton
that "don' t pay " in this country. Those ahu
affect to turn up their noses at others, simply
because they follow an honest calling, or (1,,
not happen to wear "store clothes" of the XX
order, are really themselves objects of contempt.
Besides, change is written on all terrestrial
arrangements, abd those who are uppermost
to-day be loin to-morrow. Mrs. Sophtpaight
(Softpate) who fifteen years ago would not al
low her children to play with those of mechanics
is now in the retail washerwom&n busineas,
while her "dear Arabella" is now chamber
maid on a tint-boat, and Clarence Augustus
occupies the responsible post of- sergeant-at
arms to a manure wagon."
fl? Hon. Arnold Plumer, of Franklin,
Venango county, arrived at the depot of
the Pennsylvania Railroad on Tuesday
morning on the 1:50 train from the East.
He took an omnibus for the St. Charles
Hotel, directing the driver to take charge
of the hand trunk which he pointed to
him on the platform. ou arriving at th e
hotel the trunk was missing. The driver
was interrogated, and stated that he had
looked for the trunk. found it gone, and
supposing that Mr. Plumer had takes' it
aside, had driven off without it. Liew.
Logan, of the night police, was immediate
ly informed of the loss, and he issged di
rections for the arrest of any one ‹.en in
possession of such a trunk. The watchmen
were thus on their guard, and half an hour
after, officersiolueston and Richardson ob
served a man named Michael Flannigan
entering his house in the Fifth Weird, with
a trunk in his hand. The alarm was sound
ed, a posse of police surrounded the house.
Flannigan was arrested, and a trunk found
in the yard attached to the house, which
on examination at the Mayor's office, was
identified by Mr. Plumer. • It contained
some $50,000 worth of property and papers,
and clothing to the value of $4O, none of
which had been disturbed. Flannigan was
locked up in the watch house, and after an
examination by the morning, committed
t 9 jail to answer the charge.—Pitis. Post.
State Democratic Ticket
The Erprrqx defined its position.—
Chem nt, nni , taking where it 4tatitt..—
et-carter we neither hat e t.. drive it
out cover, like! the huntei doe, the run-
ling fox, nor I,d fit 10., a- to Ilat• of
t. 4 itavo !won utteoverett
tOth flt•linoL S i n far az. , the !mix.). coneern
ed. rtisttoud tot being demoeratie, as prom
ise,l ilt the outs -t, it is 11.,1‘ rray,,/ agamst
die 1 m , 4 -, .ltir pa!! ( 1 ., Na/r, r(peatatih ; / it%
c+ „ 1:, 1 , 6 apui .wrohdaft's Thl , 4 1•41-
,jl.lOO (11,X1+dina 1 t iS the po
sition «c presumed It would take, sooner
of when it 'Caine into this breathing
world ' time neck- -ince. The putt
:pact( ills 1,1 it Ekliwr all iwnlitetl to
ritC Ic..1.111“ 4111111.4 l'llang.4' 11- 1.4:-.
un th , iloputti hi- -kill—nore:til cx
•vcte.ltititt Editiq I‘ll,, 13th u , tl nlwnt
lit I , t/i , iit ittL ;It ilium-Luig
^ ili•
e•k mei then de-ertetl the pail) that
feAl liun in the limirol , 4‘4411(110ng
tvulant faithful rn lug ;1114:glance to an
party 1p• ullt ht cho,•••• to hurter %%1111 111 ,
bat tcri...4l 1.4)111wal- l u rtunc. . Rut t.
101' pill lI...ULU'.
two tqo ltihk
I out tea , lct•- \I ill }war U. out that, tit ow
rt lat,t •.•k, %%cll a, in tau- au
ottlicentent tht• a , ltcut of thy blit,n. of
t. Il.111(.11g %Vel e ,Cllll.Ult?ti,
courtuutt,—lb.u. neither by ord ni . 1 . in
sinuatiun, kin I gi% 4.11 that 111(111,1tIllit
the : , littlitet c:Lti-e of offence. It I. true
in 4.ur article 1.1• t w c. k, we conviseh define..
our "m% ;on 111 IPLarl to the
pru-entol l the :` , L.tte ( WWII tor tI
16th, and called upon iota to define lin,—
(_vrtzuni) therc 15a, notinin!. .11,eourtoour.
thi,. Curt.attil to,thing 1 ...1 -"nal : and
being neitliel won- Ilr r 1 per.onal
certainly nothing that hat e heel
~ e ito I upon ie. a pretext for the p, at
tack, ot the Exprt:„s this tteck.
In taking thi- course the iiknt
ly mistake , the quo-ti ii at 1.4,Uu. '!'ha
I, not %I tilvr Ila‘ "ionlvit tt
%el' OW Delt.wracy of Erie county fur--otne
une," oi nut. It i, not 1% hether run
p ot hulk. and Bra%% ley in
N%e4.1- earlivi or later—nor 3e
the tact that 1) e hold an (awe untie' ap
pointment In Mr. litichanan—nor ant
other mere i.vme t. itlt I‘hich the
public ha, to* , hing to do. The issue is.
has riot. nut the jttst eXrect at ioni
Qt the part) Oita olevated him to piwer, or
has he not. !la- he gi% on the orgammtion
of that party Ale i t nefit of
awl enileatoletl to , t iligthcti it aniong tht
people II he then the action ut tl/t
late State Conventron, in refusing to en
durse him, IN as wzong. If he has not, i
he 'has countenanced di4organization—i
he hag pla)411 luta the hanzlg of the cue
myt. theichy‘lng Liar It ungrateful tk
1- trient6, tiitti the lietionul that rt)nrel
km Iva:, right. It wtt. justifiol iu rei,Ml
tuns hum. Expediency may have cow
t ri2 , 111 . but r. :J 4! point.t.
with unerring tinge' to the course tulopt4.ll.
And here let u. 1,01; the political charge 4
l‘vik• intoly. mot not Ik•itie•4l in the
COnlclitloll, (n)V. PAL AAR rim,
it Nva, chargeil, awl the fact cannot fie de
nied. that .luilge KNiix. hs, Attorn i • (kn.
eral, and chid In, inlier of lu> eaktiet, took
the -tutu]. us Cheter county, at the lat.t
elect ion, .igion.,t the regulai nominee of
the —that In , in that
trict were pruitegl I thou , anil-. awl peat
tett-it hlruslctt t sll u 1 t 9 Cu, Asir , .41c1
particularly in the I lariula dlstilet—that
bee ala•A! of Iss, 01.'1'1- in Elm:- latter
wa- fl at( . .l and a ItepUbli•
Can Vie( (Cd. lu I N.•i, ni.P.tanding
till, LI e. 1 ,011 u. di,' (iOV. 11.1.( krit re-
11 . 111‘ .111 1 1ge 11N , .X eabnict,
en , bir-ins trea-ori It w.p , chrageil,
au l tlic charge 1- true, that in Rct L, einnity
tit. friend, the rceipient
tit the IK-t girt, the tititorii.w.
tiE". Ikt. Lkl MAN, %% tthiitily
in di , organuing and dt•luating 11, I >t•ni..c
racy 01 tlint 11,11•t.fure iniprcgtiiii.l, caw 11.
./ thi • part) In.i tit tlik
x• ioN 1•1114 1t.., %%Ili kill' nt
vIllItt•11:11104. , 1:111 , 1:110‘ (tea. t INa- 11.trgi,
til.• I- .11-0 true, that hi' rUCI'I
CAI I In. i/1111•4. IIIIt•II
Cli I ,ii Puhil, 1.1,1011 4 % I). ItARRLTT,
I I I I UP Oera t u1•'Ici I':tll,•n•.I,
loe.t. It% I the lohlcv 111.1)11 n 111.111 Wii" has I
not 1....•11411T,,i46•111 of the State .11x 11141111.11 q,
and I% ho to the camas. , last Fall, exerted
all hi, talent , and all his influence against
the eandid.ites of the Demoeratie laity in
:New .1 ono.) , w here lie t lien resided. These
are a part of the political •ins for which
the Convention refused to endorse `.l'N.
rA, KER. That tile) are enough to justify
it s it oi o n no eauali.l man can deny—that
the contention itself was regular and le
gitimate—that the party is bound by its
action, is equally clear ; and hence, when
the E , pr•av attempts to tepinhate that con
ven-tion, its cantliilates and re , ohitiotel, its
acts or results, it becoincs what we were
vermin it would become when established
a do . f - ahialZet . mu! a to! Sr. There we are con
tent. to leave it. Its cloven Mot has been
exhibited a little sooner than he expected
—hut for the welfare of the Democratic
party of the county it has not been exhib
ited too soon. The membeN of that party
know now just where itis—they know that
its Edi tor was a candidate before the Re
publican convention of Warren county last
qummer for a nomination for the assembly
--that he has beetf but nim weeks a pro
fessed Democrat. uind now at the end of
that ',air weeks, he repudiates
as State thnrenttint, /4/is its candidates, as plat
077 ,,,,; :at0 „ And knowing this
no amount of pertional abuse of us wil
drive the fact from 'their minds.
89— We would like to know by whatau
thority Murray Whallon sioTepresented
Erie County in the late Harrisburg Conven
tion ?—E4pro-.v.t.
Gen. Wu . LLOS represented this District
as a substitute for Mr. ROBIRT PsrvitasoN,
of Meadville, the Senatorial Delegate.—
Any more questions to cusk
Is. F. Edit.
A Slander on the Democracy.
We dislike e x eeed in gly to devote AO much
room to the Erpress, but the Democratic
party has a claim upon us to defend it
whether assailed by profesied friends or
open foes. The Eepreas, as some of our
readers are doubtless aware, is a new paper
here. Its reputed Editor is a Democrat,
if a Democrat at all, of nine week's standing
—his citizenship in Erie county dates from
the same auspicious moment as his Democ
racy. Less months ago than we have been
years in the service of the Democracy of
Erie, this Editor was a candidate before the
Republican Convention of Warren county
for its nomination for the As.sembly. Had
he received that nomination lie would be
now, at this moment, preaching Republican
doctrine and casting &put/jean votes among
the Republicans of the present legislature.
Such ere the political antecedents of the
Editor of the Erpress--and yet this FAitor,
with antecedents like this, fresh from the
ranks of the Repshhean party, with his skirts
yet draggled, and his hair yet crisp and
kinky with its pollution, has the unblush
ing effrontery to accuse the I)emocrats of
Erie county •tivith having been for over
for some time by the Observer :" Here is
the exact language : - Th( (tenser hadbrrl
ed it oval' the benineracy nl Nix cinin•gi4r 3,1.1
time, and nib( them what they must did ulna they
n , 104 not Say am/ 710 'Odd 7/ i 7,41 tero777e 80 inflated
7C(!/4 (Ix nrer, twoq,l y . hold wt., 14$1 t
mrpfd, th.t! ! Own , ' L, bilet
o••1$.lo, litokonrti,• oil, 18 1 1, 1. 1 1 l
1-al, elf., In L.. te-,/1 17..1 a',.,
N., this , eliarge
o t It 1) 11.% I 4ilib
Lit .iuil
•fluttern , Its we (111, 111)1111111ZMna I t—l iii'
rehtl. ,, (u tile Dewitt:lml I.f Erie
county. we pronounce in inl'erenee,
/; , /,r in fact, ;11 0 1 rid.,, in detail. Thtge
not a word of truth to it--it is a slander
not so inueli upon as upon the I weal°.
mita: leurty. The memlser , of that part)
have tie% et% and we presume never a ill,
allow any new.paper, or new-palter- Editor,
to Hord it over" them. They arc nee,
independent, honorable men ; conteutling
year after year without h 014.• of official e•-
ward for the principle:, they cherish.- -
They are neither the sillVe•e of this 1111111 nor
that man , , are their own master., their
own - hunk - and do their own thinking,
reteling and • ••tmy And alien the Erpo.s.s
11., in the extract we have quoted,
that such has not been the case heretofore,
and that, by a little well directe.l personal
abuse of the Editor of !ilia paper, it. a ill be
able to usurp the pfs , ,ition it fancie% use
hold, and become itself the "lord" of the
krie county Democracy, it put. forth an
ii—uniption it Vllll find 1, much more read
ily put in type than in practice. No, Mr
the I kquoerney of this county have
not been "lorded over" Ly thi- paper, or
Editor, either "tor borne time," or for any
time—and the charge that they hate,
comes with an ill grace from one who ha.
boxed all points of the political conii,a , m.
the last one of which was in the
convention of Warren county.
BIRD , A FEATIIER."—In speaking of
of the call for Forioy's Conven
tion, {N hit h i- to •aseemble in llarrishurg on
the 1:;t1i, the Neading
" Among the uanu are those of ahout
twenty re , idents of Iterks county. Ilow
many of them really signed the call, we du
not know ; but we do know that they are
all men who either went away from the
Democratic party years tre, as Know-
Nothing', or were engaged in the disorgan
ization of the last campaign. If the action
of this Forncy Cohveat ion should result in
the permanent separation of these factious
from the Democratic party, it will
he doing a good thing: for they have not
been i the },arty for a loag time, and have
made a pretence of remaining in tt only to
disturb , and divide it. 4.)pen ho-itility is al
ways to he feared less than r.ecret treachery."
ifer• The Editor of the Expresa says tarn.
\Vu U.LoN misrepresented the Democracy of
Erie county in the lute Democratic State
Convention. As this knowing gentleman,
who thus tissum& to speak so autherative
1, 11. E becti in Eric county about two
mouths—has hey!' e.ta of the li', / ..,/,hca
party just that length of tune, and no long
er : and as he was a candidate for the leg
islature More the Republican convention
of Warren county last fall. and /bleak/--
of course, with such antecedents, hr, of all
men in the county, is qualitieil to state
whether (ien. Whallon did, or did not,
misrepresent his constituents in that oat
vention. The one has been a working, ra
never faltering Democrat 01 er
twenty ears—the other, has been
the Republican party ju-t ne, wc:ek
',.mment on such unpuilence, and such
a-sumption. from suelia , s4turee, isyuit, 1111-
Wk.. BON., ~ .1141 Mr. WILLnon hack to
. .thr,,ltila vt.ntrolitig the con
\ PtitiOn
Pur tier 1,1.111 I. i.
the Ed1(01" hael: I. Warr(
c.amty .t Ittanittatitat again :it tilt:
panel• of a count convention.
11 t- t.tiluro in that en terpt ise e•sile•el him to
Erie, to hew! otu• IsAters and disorganiier
-and a most appropriate leader he will
make, too. First a Demoviai —then a fol
lower of Wilmot until l t. hotiliy became
unpopular—then an office hob ler at II ar
ri,•burg when BP.I.ER was Governor—no
sooner out of office than out of the party—
voted again-t IturnAN As—voted against
PACKER—wanted to go to Harrisburg as a
/4.psUican member of the I,egislature ;
did'ut go because he could'nt get the nom
ination—emigrated to Eric ?title weeks
- ago•
and in that nine weeks has run the polit
ical gamut down from the highest notes of
National Democracy to the kiwest key of
Funiey's tin-whistle. Capital leader, is'nt
he for bolters ; beautiful teacher to teach
)emocruts their duty, and order such party
men as Witt ttos to emigrate!
kir it is quite unnecessary for us to re
ply to the tirade of personal abuse which
the Erpressdeems it necessary to heap upon
us because we exposed the sham by which
three of its peculiar friends got their names
announced as delegates to the Democratic
State Convention from this County. The
Democracy of twenty : four townships and
boroughs in this County, who know there
were no delegates from those townships
M that pretended Convention, will bear us
out in calling it a "a/lan:lir That the Con
vention was legally called we do ; not deny,
but that the call was not 'responded to by
t6VOtty/OV7 out of the twenty-nine districts
entitled to delegates; is as fact that cannot
be controverted. If it can, the way to do
it is to publish the names of the delegates
in attendance. Let us have them.
—The water will be let In the Casa on the
16 last.
gocal and gtttraty.
pi'. Goy. Pucker las
eorporide the Union
burg in the Countz, of
J. Well, the old attune has proved true—
March came in bright and Joyous, and has
gone out cold and disagreeable. Thursday
was decidedly raw and disagreeable.
'lir There was slumping match at Fort
Erie, C. W., on Saturday between a Buffaloni
an and a man from this city, in which oar man
canto out ahead just two inches. Hurrah for
Erie ! •
Ilak. Among the business changes in the
city this week, is that of Wit. F. RiNuausacur,
who has removed to Wright's Block, and formed
a partnership under the name of BECKMAN,
der JouNsvos Bac. are moving into Bin
derucelte,, Block. They will be heard from
next week. They have an immense stock of
groceries, to which they invite public siten
be' Our lady readers—and all ladies read
the Obserr , r—will he pleased to learn that
Mrs et RTIS is filling up her store with the
finest assortment of Millinery floods eier
brought to Erie Advertisement and particu
lars nest week
aft, our thanks are specially due to I) W
HoWARD, Esq., of Wayne low`hsliip for
t of new etthecribere One -,uch nctive
tool ill cult toirto4l . llp in the c iiiii ity would
run wit - 11,1 up In 2,000 in It . limn t
Dar We learn from the (Ural , ' R.l.ohitrdit of
last week thm Mr..% Burr, of Springfield, was
killed it few day. since Ity a colt. Ile had
haltered the colt in •itch a manner thnt when
leading it the animal started and his hand he
came so entangled that be could not extricate
it. and Mr it wa, dragged over a mile. awl
died shortly afterwards
St, ictDs.—On Sunday lnttan old man namea
JOSEPH ALDRICH, aged it; years, living near
Wayne b, in this county, committed suicide
by shooting himself through the head with a
pistol. Ile expired immediately. Trouble is
assigned as the reason fur the act
INS_ Our friend J. G. I.;Ana is gone East for
new Stock. In the article of flows and Shoes
he calculates to he ahead of all competition in
the quality of work and scale 01 prices. Ills
foreman, Mr. rieTTY.R, is a superior workman
and can't be beat by any cordwainer in 'with
er% Pa., in getting up a fine boot.
se a , The April No. of that unrivalled far
mer a monthly. the "bat-rm./a ...Iyro-u/frrvi,
on our table It i. well filled with the choicest
articles of valuable information for the farmer
and gardener e do not -ee how any farmer
can be without it. 'The price k only one dol
lar a year. orange Judd, publisher. 189
Water , New York. We will furnish the
I Ms, Ever and .I.yrindittru7, to new RubNeribers
hush one year fur $2.25 cash in advance.
Send along your munee and money.
lap, The Conneautville C'uuritr of last week
says : On Wednesday last Mr. Stephen Becket
of Beaver t p , met with an accident and narrow
escape from instant death. II bile adjusting a
heavy pole on which his Fugar kettles were
hung, it fell knocking him over a log. and
crushing his right leg, from the knee to the
tout On Friday his leg was amputated, and
uuw we understand Le is in a fair way of re
IMS.. Our friend T It lILAKc. Ent . having
Rohl out his extensive lillinery Establishment,
19 about to remove from our city to the neigh
borhood of \ll ,, iny, where he has a heavy con
tract on the All.any and Su na Railroad.
We, in comnion with till who know anti esteem
him, repel to lose so enterprising :ma worthy
citizen from ourcutuwunii s In all our inter
course with him he has been courteous, upright ,
and gentlemanly titian hereverhis lot ma) be cast
he a ill bear with him our heartiest wishes for
his prosperity :aid happiness.
as, Rev. Join R. llAnwroN preached La
Park Church last Sabbath evening Ile is a
young man of fine talents and vie- promise of
ne , efulne-. in his sacred calling We under
stand that he is about to take charge of the
Pretbyterian Congregation at Fairview Re
congratulate the people of thatvicinity in their
good fortune in securing a gentleman of ru
much ability and worth
We are under renewtsl obligations io
many of our frieuds for their actiNe el:forte. to
extending the circulation of the (I6a rr.r
Our list is increasing steadily and rapidly.—
Bear in mind that club, of tits or more sub
scribers to one address can procure the riper
for $l.OO a )emir in advance
pQ,The Crawford .1. ',um/ ,a%- cht
Tnes.lay night last the ilot-cum or A F. Kull
moan. Esq., un the Fait t.rottiol, was , laoken.
open awl the bogus coin which was kept as a
curiosity un etchtt 7 ition, together with tuuuld
Stolen It aunnuttr l t.. abut . .71‘.." It was
the money taken Iron! Powell nn , lantalter tuan,
who were convietetland •tetit to the Penitent iary
a year ur two ,tnce Mr.rot.timtthi, Ni ce . it - At
tar etch infortuati..ti anti eiklence at will lead
to the detect ton surd conviettuu of the thieves,
In the mean time IN all keep their eyes °pet
The pewter' . was well finished and calculi
ed to deceive.
sia, The 1,,ss has announce.) the or
gaaization of a new party, and proclainisii.el
the organ thereof. It calls it the "anti-Sloan'
party. The Exprrss Da: a circulation correr ,
pomling to (be strength of it. party
we assumed the cat ireaiwuership of the Obact
office we have added to our list near 200 new
subscribers, R larger number than the entire
list of the Arprrss,—anti our advertising has
increased near threehundreil dollars; which is
more than the entire advertising patronage of
the Erprtss; and our Job work is steadily in
creasing. With this to encourage us, we say
go ahead with your "Anti-Sloan party."
1110).„ The fishing business promises to be
quite active find lucrative dining the season.
Those engaged in catching and packing white
fish and lake trout have already commenced
operations. and their labors thus far have been
rewarded by profitable loads of the.finny beau
ties. The business has steadily increased front
year to year and if it continues to advance
proportionately in the future will Dome one
of the most iniportant branches of our local
trade. From all that we can learn ten times
as many boats and men might engage in the
business with prod*. The hOme demand is sti
most as great al the supply, and immense
quantities can be shipped to Advantage to dis
tant points. The fish are taken with gill-nets
in very deep water, from three to six miles off
this port, and the quantity appears to be in
exhaustible. As a delicacy they are not ex
celled by any other tieb In the world, and as
an article of food are very cheap and whole-
At present the market is well supplied with
fish taken from the harbor and neighboring
ponds. Fine pike, bass, muscular, Ike., are
Ten? abundant.
por The coming session promises to be one
of unusual activity in real estate and in 'writ
improvensentri.- Already we belfirre it larger
amount real estate has changed hands sinee
the firat of January than during any previous
year siritce 1857 : The brightening prospectanf
our city, ;the certain and speedy completion of
the Sunbiry & Erie & Erie & Pittsburg Railrowls
our unrivalled commercial advantages by lake
and 4(11(4 all indicate clearly to the shrewd cap
italist that this is a' desirable point to make in
vestment a.
On the eve, therefore, of a new era in the
history of our beautifni city, it' is important
that we tin not,,by our own want of foresight,
and a too great desire to realize fabulous prices,
divert est+ital from our vicinityand send it to
seek-more profitable investments elsewhere.
We must' ot be too penny-wise nor pound-ava
ricious, 'We must consider ultimate as well as
present advantages, and have a vigilant eye to
she growth, advancement and permanent pros
perity or Ile place. If strangers eomingamong
us see arounkthem all the evidences of an en
terprising and thriving . cranninnity, if they see
that we manifest a disposition to lie up With
the times it' city improvement, and a determin - -
at ion not to be behind either the large or small
Gilles in the introduction of every facility for
tile benefit of commerce and society, they will
have au alumni it-resistible incentive to purchase
and locate among us.. If, on the ot.ier
they find us plodding and careless, miserly in
securing ample facilities for the safe and profit
able eouduct of business, arid indifferent about
lendink a helping hand to every enterprow al
ciliated to wake a wealthy and p441411144ii- .
they will pats by and take their mom.) iti 14 ti
terprite to loctilitieg where it well I. heilerap
preeiah.44l, m14131(141 a wort Lei t iii io fit .awl,
hill her, it they fuel property holder* gra•ping
and tilariciuus, eager to secure the List dollar
of the purchaser ot real estate, leaving him
nothing ito make improvement.: go‘yrii,,l ut
prices b 3 ezaggernied isions of future , lemaiid•
or the seeruirig necessity or anxiety of the -
er, they will_ very soot' hid u• lean
unimproved property On our hand- 1 lie lino
for hoodwinking or 4.kitining men in real Li
is gone by. The experiences 01 the pm-t hat e
taught men revere lesson-, and there are very
lew wilt) ran lie iiiduetd to ply II‘„
or three times what propvit) is ttutlh. to(iLly
because the seller hold , up a glut 41i; iii l of er
wrought_ picture of thefuture ylcu s e
had the shrewd:it-4-4 to accumulate cs.pit al and
hold it securely Ihriaigh the eiminiercial
of the last tire years-hat ti al-oth, -14 re volur-
"As act to in
directors in Watts-
to estimate pretty Correct the
every investment they Um)
Those, therefore. who hold unit,' ove.l real
ertattf Phich they desire to sell. :11..111,11u th, .1
priced accurding to the att w'orth of pi op
ert, th.w, and not aee..e.ling It) ell 111.1g:tut Cs
tiu m ies of the pi olaible %alio. 44 f -awe pi or
erty three, hve, ..r ten yeah s bent ,
Once ElSeil a pr,•per ,slue 111..41 the lend OH
should sell to tht tir.t g 0...! plat ha it a1...44111
accept their terms, and let lain, .utu the
work of improlemeut :It mice
In this connection very properly we hot) Le
permitted to syeak of a muchdestrisl titipr , ‘A t—
alent whicth we trust will riot lotiget h e •lela
hat LA the lrghting ti ' the I•nuctpii hitsitte—
This is impermit detteitolt.l
must admit who have the Interests of lIIP cud
at hear. 4 )ur Cquheil , act promptly
st reel t 1
thin lustier. It i a atgai t ul , a i '
~ • l-1
and liberality of the city it people •ht•ui.l
itto e (0 grope their VI 1 . .1 km..., ill the
inenti part of a city with a poi.ohtt: , m ‘.1 ,, p1. 1
thousand inhabitant.
As the sea-on for reprtiiiP,z the -t reel-
most afiland, we trto.t tile rollllc II- Will take
such action Isr may Lr liettN-ary
thorough and peruntnent tint ot it
and the adjacent -trees , to vtlii , •ll our he%
businsit-s is dune Ihi- a ill hale to 1 e o. he
sooner or later. turd thesoont r ti hetter,
every dollar spent Dow Wevor , ling. •t reel
.f th e pat is "Illy:ouch!mop y
hruwn away This CHI to Nt
uan Of e.nou..n e"ny er- 1N II III(
fair .i. Let us comaietKe,i•-
Ling of ;State -treo 1101 ttot
the work us vi zorotoly
ime forwarl
By pursuing II i•a, L . lll' Ili 11
cutcl, ac think it rt , iitir, - i• • 0.:1 , 0 I 1••plik ••••
Vi51 ,, 11 lu di-cer, that w,
eneunragenient in every L Int I I:I 1-e May i . l
1,*21 4 NIT NI( I PAL I ;he
gttbjecl of jtoliciii tw i titiy
done %wit that deadly trap '4,11 o‘cr
the rata ..n 513,11 . 1 t-
pal thoroughfare- la Up. al
It- buiine.s. , ecuire 111 -10.0 '4 ititi,ll .4 the
11111 , 114: 111141 I , riNlilv 111 - 1 I, lln l 1111:11 1:111: in e 01
the city Ilie thing i. t I 14 , 1 iiel ',A ii.o3 a a
11 u:-i fur Ittiiiiitu Ht. 1, 1-
ind Lai public rarricn-
the pit u••• if the plighte-1 It
.n want tif I . I 1.,,cn
Ihem the)
pur.c Ibati ilwl ~ l ie 1111110111 ..1114 In
1111111iblietl. .1.11 , 1101 • cc T till,
ream caution 1 ht.- -It it, t,t.
an conclu~ru eltlidt•Ili11111g 10-L111,11.1r
whoever is te-pen-tole for tt 1111,.11 a I,v•
fre-li owl new ttith , trott . .! pithlh• e
,itttre.l tlrit tr. -vie., I.v ote. ;,.t
rutlittp. tine 11g
ter bunging tn. tro 'et ill.: ..‘et
beads of tlio, , e pat—itig hrto.“111 u, Matto_ oast
an ungtotrtle.l open tall to the Llut,to helot'
k part of ha- now Hittibloi ui r
tentieSs. chile the reinaitokr Italie- .1 .1 itteer
ous deception 10 any baud ii hit it Lit.) 1,. I tip
on it lti seentS 111 be 3111111: I ed 'hit it I i-c
leQs to guard again.' the danger- of lift
while thoke of the mid paq,..apfe nte glut mg
Crumbling Abutments. open trap- , in the
sidewalk, worn and broken planks in the mid
dle, warped_ -ind rotten I.ennol heneallt make
up the persistent and
against the lives of w4yr.,,V1 . 4 for which the
cityrja responsible.
It is one of the greAtet•A and !tool dryer to
gambling places , in the onouttnity, for cveti
one who drives it lean, acro.i , i t . Iw o," a her
of his life again , t the city trea , ury, and lew
of them can afford to lose ilui SOUR` 1111 k,
the venture who cannot calculate the wager
A short time since two ehilareth strangers to
the vicinity, were rescued by some c hali c e ob
servers front the dangerous brink upon which
they were heedlessly pia) ing and over which
they seemed momentarily about to tumble
Erie seems in some respects like that cla-s
of worthies so rich in good (outline-. they take
every p pains to hide them; "aid by those whit
know them, to be the best fellows iii the a nil
but tibeir own worst enemies, sutl therefore
judged harshly by superficial observers. A
friendly-acquaintance sometime since cut husi -
cally commenting -upon the attractions
-of the
place to a group of New To'rk gentlemen nosu
tioned the "blessing of gas. A malignant
mong: his auditors under the influence of prev
alent slanders, exclaimed 4.llaye you gal;
there? I'm-glad to hear it No place neetl•
light of some kind more." Our city scam ear
nestly vindicated against quel l revamp, b u t
the confession had to be made, that though we
were a coal mart, had good gas, cheap gni
piper; poets, an accommodating gas Company',
cows atitylig aloi gi%c -11 1 -1 4111
datu.igu- n1..4 u,:
a‘ll% iu
nitil ill that, yet, when the of night
fell upon ifs, our streets were left in the muil
Aril darkness of a logeahiu settlement on a (slay
prairie. 'Why? . le asked. -I.'m not note,
.bat I believe it in botanise those who live on
by and remote 'treats will not consent to light
thole where 'men ttwet do congregate "
“Then you all stay at home oiler dark? Y(11.1
bare no linsiness'on your principal streete r af
ter night. No public meetings. assemblies,
liw which gather your po p ulation t opt h
er. no travelers and strangers finding theiObe
nighted way to your homes Leo
plc never come from your bye and border
streets from ordinary human necessities -7-no
midnight calls for physicians, friends and med
icines It the hurried messenger whose lan
tern, 'doers out of a dark, windy night breaks
ht l e g or head in your city darkness while
wife of child are waiting for relief it may lie
another case of loss of horse and rideru
vrant.of a horse shoe nail ”
tur friend fell back upon the usual defence
of —the hest fellows in the world," clainiing
that Erie. was so excellent, exceptional and
original .1 place, she could afford to dispense
with the mere routine wisdom which is neces
,str) for commonplace and ordinary localiTier
lloweier con. nom thinking people must he e a _
they cannot see iu hunting out per
'LTA in hidden places which the hand of
audio! ity 17:111 :Odom* reach, however worthy
and eittnniendalile ihe impulse, any compensa
tion for tangible and practical improl, einent,
lily iii-titication for corporate climes against
lie rithili aelftite. sny mason for giving the
fret d .011 t 11/C City over to dal kner , B 7111 , 1 bur
g! it stet ....tin • the mending of streets
lel tot 014 "tic of the nio•I
cffit .111111. le I.f official irti•l hilt an olliga
'ton ~1 lionitinitT and iiioralit‘
liu‘Nl. I , II O IZ.ovi‘IFNT —I him hern our
pie ~..ore to Impolite,. ninny I , canitful
inti.t our goodly city. and
II i•• with uslore than ordinapy •att-taitiou that
we I ,y 1.. tore our re.eler• a de-erti.tlon of the
hand-• dry goo.l• e....t.,1.11-11went in North
ern l'enn.)l , ..lllia
It, ow gist ti the ulattliti
cent new more Room. tit unr enlerpri-ing
top a-t.lau 11 tt 1. it 1•11111.1., E• 11
4,1.11, .1 ~ t 1 fur the Tecela
Promptly to the hour the opening took
•,.l the toted, ot t.,ir en.tonter4 WaS truly
a gr. eight
The Innltling three -torte. to !tight. with
tun unit, nun tutul to fruit It Is 1I feet deep
Lt •.;.•• in wt.lth flit .fret et was M.
I,s nt : .1 I' t'uo, , k 11 . 4, r Painter,
t' I.\ u. t twner Jon.. Mnunt he edttice
tetleet , great,t upon the Vflit•llrl - 1 4 1 , .it I iikv
311.1 the ~ 1 011 mei w..i1,111311.11i1, of
~.neet Itt It- el
Ihe fit -I tlo-t the Het , I 11 whnli
1,11 a.I al I.- Le! to the repilat
Lht 4..0.1- .lepat 1.. 1.. The large glans
and v..1..1. - 1.. tt • tie :toe, tor with
tine t•IIA thi, 1- I.y the r, end I:
w:th 1 '1,,,
costly tlhandt It light% ~.,elt, light
tki, the loon, :0 Ihe 410 :104 the en
tire t-ta1.1,-ivthent. I oh. r I.y .d night,
that en-tonter- c,tt ex.ttutfie the
tine- , w 1 , I. : te idltto-t it 11..11 1
01 I WI- Hit 1.11111. 1. I
:111 4 1 I- Nl' II .;
ktis • it , I
CC.t - r•-•a.t- I y .a II g
fli rn
t :11•• 11! lin.lw ty a lir , t
et , lllllllig I- , 111.11:1 new
- t ~ t tven.t.tit e..t1i.1 %It'l%
ttt lat, of the rtt.titi that n
1.11.11,1 thrt.ugh the Irma,
ttit• i.hit r tit the awl the -tett! jut
t,..:uttr the I , u Atty.., -• ielt•t:t that it
mit t . , t,•l tw•t tits. it. "etur wttlittut bet
!I' le 111 :11 111.1 ret.ttft, them
the Slither ell I the is th e
,tati A.ty 1, , the t. ntl, '4l -ee,,it4l
, .1, - . Li -t au I .•
In , l c r .% t I-. t,t1,1
‘;ri.ti- Lill No\ k ‘,l
1 ht.
!.- ,1 • plvil•li , l .xpet:s a
I:u¢- :It 11.1- w.rtli a Vimlt to The
e-:.(1 , 11-inuvw
111• 111111 'l ,, •••••; l vt fi , rthe .I.l,hing
1 , 1,111‘ 1,4.11 ali ad heo , u,ing ,it{ite in
:wl , at;uu h trole in our cit .)
he estahlishment throughout is perfectly
arrangol for carryiug ti the large hu•lne , s
11,the toni,•-t ;!-patch mot salet) ltrtrtir
111 11111:11 .111 , 1 RM/11gCLIIVIII Oil
equbli..slititelili .111 , 1
tint quality llld
1n ivy t~ .11/ 111.11 •I•
1,•• prlnei
ealsitig ~ 1 I hi- L.,ninicti.lalle 1
Neiti,lit %. hagel t , ,
prapw the w. .tally lita‘.l of thk.
nit to. Mr II,: I. a model I w.itiv•-•-•
I . i t I ilt .
.1t..1,:t •uHI
nutu / tit l trl tille'tnu , l 63
tuittlni v /,101 grltt.tlul ii/ le - y. 11.1 v.Oll the‘..oii. *llO.lO .k mole
nt : dealt r mitt t6..r•ntgl. vuticw to Lannot he
i , u-tne..,.r in ... t 1:11 Itle he IN alike
111 Mut :I to ll
-il Leer% arel.l
‘,l lILL 7.-lletT , l Which
ha- c rt.o atia l'llergy i . 411,
Int u% i• C:11,14:11)
In %, I Iniu- *lnd IL,. cre-L cowmen. 'al
\ll, 11,11.-ell IT. 1111.1111111
I 1 1-ui -11,J) it jii-11,e t•
....licit Well 111 lurid- al.prk9NLll Lakl , l,Ll , lc ell
- I n -t• :tint ac -el :Ode wt I,
i, , n in tte-e (la) e iciwn Chute -“11111C11 IK ,
1.1t1,11. ‘1.11,1i And inny al— ,
it Ua- of 11111 r tI , .1
11.1( . 1111\ t. S.IIC-1. --I ° loll Ulllllllll.O - are
1,1 It ii
tver rvady plump r.lteiory
Iruiiutt t.. %%Ant.,
t 'RI( 1
ye- A ,„ Ai th e inane eof our ptthlw -ptriteul
town-man. I T t he .gas-1:111ips :11'1.1111{.1
1111` k were ill 111.1.1 , 1 \tomb%) utght in honor
iho election i,t the HOP l'ituntilnien alto:lre
tar.truhle to lighting the .111 - Cet. In :1 s
11111 e we hove to chronicle the favorable it et ion
&it the I outicils in liti titte-lion th e tinder-
,tBll.l that to the proN i,loto , of a
.liplentelitney net or Ii has rot,tetl the Legis-
Litilre that Ow Cottneils are Mit lioriZetl to levy
3 t3S fur lighting in t.t reel where the ntnjority
of the taxable petition in favor of light We
I, "Pe relltion. , will he cirenlategl at once in the
portion.' of our City where light a re most
y' 11l the cane of .101 mom sa Cochran,
Kennedy, Braley, aml "ther... for ,lamages for
Ie met ion 'of the ',,,a3ooeten in April 11336.
the jot y rendered a verdict agniitt.t C
1.,i• and found fur the defendant,,
at t.. t'QC)lnin, Kennedy and others:
( • 11 1'44 or TIM r..--On and after Mon4ny next
!rains going East will leave Erient 1.30 A. M.:
P M.: 7.4 K) P. M. Trains going West de
part nt 1 411 I'. M.: 7.'21 P M.: 1:!.30 A. M.
Pam: Ilasttisit.—Our friends who hare
Paper Hanging to do cannot entrust the busi
ness to a more competent hand than Mr. CALE.°
C. Jt NE. Ile is a master workman in his line
mutt will give the fulleQt satolaction to those
who favor him with their orders.
A 11... Pki
II: C I I. phi.
~, ~ i:~,_
Ft 1:7 AT X 043. IVO. 111
By Wynkyn de Wordo
Ora Arric! We plumed from our crib to th.
attic couch. and began to be a youth. Wevew t
up the stairway where the steps and the dark
ness were boxed up together, and dreamed of
heroes. Up there we shaved for tip first to k
and begat► to be a man. It was our bed-row
wardrobe, museum, armory, study, laborston
observatory, and machine-shop. The antler.
of the first deer we shot supported our plow
ing suit. Over the little book-case brooded'
stuffed owl. Opposite, over the gable window,
were the wings of an eagle, shot on the It;
that Polk was elected President] A fourth -of
July newspaper served as a body in which the
bones were fastened. In one corner stood the
banners used on independence-day along with
the fishing-tackle. The double-reined belle,
and the martingale with ivory rbigs, were ewe
pended from the locks of the double-barreled
gun, along with the shot-pouch and game-ba g
Some congress man sent us a patent-office re
port,—his eye had been on our growth—sad
it was, the biggest book on our shelves. Beside
it stood the -Tat tiers and Guardians." These
were kept quiet by the "Vicar of Wakefield.
"The Pilgrim's Progress" stood next, and after
reading Nat. Hawthorne's "Railroad to the
Celestial City" in his "Mosses front an old
Manse," we wrote on the blank leaf of the
Progress I be following initedash :
The modern pilgrim, says the rumoredstory
Prefers to travel in a different mode;
He goes by Railroad—it sometimes is gory !
A t lightning speed, where Pilgrim slowly trod.
The very journey has a touch of glory,
There are no "Sloughs," no "Giant." and
nu load :
And of A pollyon not a moment's fear,
He'll keep the track for he is engineer.
le.knowe the gnttte, awl marks the rate we re
Itl we may chatter, chide, or silence keep
John Bunyan's footpath is not worth the know
.1 way of groans this darkness and this deep
Jeath's vale and river scarce are worth the
They re bridged, and let us pass tbeu inour
htraveler see! alas this patent route!
The bridge is crashing' 'twas hung on a doubt!—
. In that attic, on Sundays, we studied the
catech ism, read that "best of Books," and sung
through the "Carinina Sacra." ,thawinter eve
tulip we developed Bdurdon and Legendre, and
puzzled our brains over the Latin notes in Gib-
Lou and D'Aubigne. On rainy days we left
th e plow to rust in the track, and either went
a ti.ling, or looked from the attic window on
the blue-jays catering about the corn-crib, or
the kiug-Inr.l dashing from the poplar and
rntilinv the fe:it hers of the hawk and the crow,
ot the -beep in the meadow, and frequent-
ly the tow , in the corn tin Summer evenings
we looked out on the lawn. •tarry with lire-ties,
and to the Katydid in the trellis along, sly.
green fellow, hid intim honeysuckle leave..
at our enr yelled out "Katy dideast!" We shut
closely the windows anti door, barring out all
the brown pinchers. and the winged troops ~ 1
cry tribe and -he, long and short, brown
Kt iy :mil green, littitle and big, lank and full
ot'••••1, "harp-toed and needle-toothed—which
buzzed and It...tined around the solar-lamp Ism
lityht When all their mustered force., from
a gnat up to a hat, with all their wing. , and
-t mg , . are fairly thumping, and bumping, anl
whizzing, and taming, and roaring, and bung
ing. and battling against the glass, and a•
t tut et.r fingers through our locks and puff. ail
i-h it wit cooler. our roguish ItrotlorcOW.,
ill 'Ol t• It a , traw hat• filled with all the kinth.l,
cot h in kitchen anti t•erenofruthlmd
ali.l set,- the hat on our lamp-stand He tail
about game tool glory. The game begin 1..115t
They buzz with glory lie deer n.. 1 smile
.1.. we lie the little pin
t. , toet , wI,.rIILF about dor lamp, lie thuiln
we 11 i% e a flue orrery - lie takes up our Pop..
%dn.!, Ne were ren.ling, ant begins,
A mighty maze. hut not without a plan
\I -.sic .i
c upeu the window and study the star*
our attic would have done for the Ante
era! to he awake in daring the evenings after
April -hoover , Three hundred yards dttlatit
lie, a little lake, and about every twenty rvtl
~ n the circuit of three miles around it, i estat.-
lt-he•! an ~ r ehe,stra. each claiming an antiquity.
bad. t , which the • • I/WU/0U of man runneth
h4•l to the contrary Drury-Lute and Covent.
tia rdcu. in the days of Garrick, Irvin and
F04 , 1e, %ere nut scenes of more viraciout
jil 1%)
t..t.liner ought to have written his "Music
of in that attic, when the night-birds
shuffled under the gables, and the frogs blend
ed their rivalries into harduonies which organ
:libler- liaNe never imitated. A new organ.
-t ,•p ceured be invented there in a night. Lis.
len : tine. shrill voice on our left eeps and
petp-, until he is lost in a "transcendental
cpopee . IL'iother puts in his ex, ibex, brek
km and ka-ploong. is heard the sub-base of a
huge well-throat as if the rock where a perch
—liitabering. had exploded. In the winking
..t the choristers eye, five hundred more voices
are started up, than sung at the first celebra
tion of Handel a master-orators in Westmins
ter .11.1,). Genii) soothe these voices into ch
it nce x in C anti die away, as the night-owl skids
in :it .Ar window and snugs himself on the an
il, t gazing at Dead Owl the Great. Then, at
our tight. the cep-keep-cheap, is heard, rising
tient the nook where the water-creases of yes
terday s dinner were gathered anda ka-ploong-s
loon g- mat ooh-oon, as if the base string of a hall
huger than ever hung in Tara's Halls, had bet ti
le aped from, by a Chinese frog, w ith a kick that
lett all resounding. Every vowel, from A to C.
iy -ounileti, with more variations than
will allow, even if analizeti by a phonographist at
a Teachers' Institute. All that softens down,
until it is us gentle as the tones produced ly
the play of flies ua the strings of a tuned
guitar. From a choir across the lake, where
the bloom of June-berries have whitened the
waters, comes the mingling of melodies, which
almost put the nerves to sleep. The sound ot
etiorlit,e, is complete. These, however, are
but rehearsals for one grand concert. And
when all hate practiced the tune, the hour
comes. and then such a tremendous vocality
and untheiniug. Such solos, such anglaise,—
%meta quartettes, such choruses, sonoMpenied
by all that sweet or rapturous, soothing or thrd
ling, iu harp, and lyre, violin and piano, flute
and trumpet, and varied by dulcimer and dia
pason. bell and bassoon, Clarabella and VI. 1
D'Artiour. and uttered forth frol every string
that trembles, every seed that quivers, eAer.
pipe that peals and roars, and every chest !Inc
swells, were never heard away from rush,.
It will be recalled only when vocal obedience
is rendered to the sublime entreaty—
" Praise the Loan from the earth, ye dragon ,
and all deeps:
Fire. and hail: snow, and vapour: steel. .'
wind fulfilling his word:
Moutitsin4, and all hills; fruitful trees, sill
all cedars :
• .
Beasts, and all cattle: creeping things. Ns
dying fowl;
Kings of the earth. and all people ; prince
and all judges of the earth:
Both young men. and maidens: old men. in t
Let them praise the name of the 1,4)10 • for
his name nlone is excellent ; hie glory is abtoe
the earth and heaven.