The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 02, 1859, Image 1

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_TrueNarrativesed Strange Adventures
la ilieW York and Startling Pacts in City
Life. By a Reporter of the New York Press.
New York : Thatcher & Hutchinson. No. 52.11
Broadway (St. Nicholas Hotel.) 1859.
tmong the multitude of publications that
are constantly emanating from the press, there
are few that posses& more absorbing interest
and practical every-day informitiewthan this.
It is a complete wrpowe of one of the most
dangerous traps of the metropolis. Mr. HILLS,
the city editor of the N. T. &ening pow, is
the author, and has carefully collated the facts,
withholding in most cases the real names of
she parties that figure in the various chapters.
Two or three weeks ago we took occasion to•
publish a chapter from the forthcoming work,.
and understand that it was resd with great in
terest by many of our patrons. The work is
well written and gotten up in a highly credit: -
able manner. -
Asousnitairr or Gassy Jvatxs.—The State
of Michigan has taken a step in the right di
rection. It ham abolished the useless and er-
pensive system of Gruald Juries. There im
wisdom in this as well as public economy. Of
'-dihat really practical use is a Grand Jury?—
If ter a man has beencommitted by a magis
trate or held to ban for his appearance, why
cot at once bring him before the courts for
trial' Why eipentitime and money to have
taut indicted before a grand jury, when the
e Nitimice already elicited before it magistrate
has been deemed •uffcient to hold him for
trial• If the evidence ii Sufficient to comma
him. it certainly is presumptive of the
'IA necessity of a trial.
The tirand Jury system is not only '-expeit
.ove and useless. but often productive or evil
corrupt District Attorne, or two or litot
estling, influential anti shrew.' juror., lo
prevent the indictment of crunival, It) trio
%Lug to call important witnesses or"vi.itltng chi
, trawing out of materiiil evidence '-
often done, as all are aware who are rotiver
sant with the modes veranda of vont' tici o
We lielieve it to he sound and healthy pot.
lie policy and economy to diverse with tod
Junes The lousiness of the court. , null
conducted with greater dispatch. and the
of justice would be maintained fully a- Nt ell t.
not better, than by the pre.ent ttyvM•ut Tit
legislators 'who will introduce a reform in th
respect in our own State,-will perform an at
of tuber wisdom, and he entitled ti t a l ,. 0, 21 1,
of the people for all coming time The
14 worthy the careful coniiderati n of rters
citizen of the Commonwealth, and the req,./1-
fur dispensing with the needle..t 1uu,1..•,'
graml juries must he apparent to cut
cjning mind.
sir Ina recent lecture to P 1613.6.4.1,1.1
livered try F. C. BeeWPTLIt. Es q..
dean other thing) of the evils of °till
iag,,and gave some good advice to wing 110 H.
whisk therwotdd do well to ley 10 heal I 11,
'metier evil. due, perhaps,ko our p. rnli•tr
inalltutiona, in the lo'-of political honors ti
matters not how email the office, how
Rile the potiftien, the great masses of nor
young men are longing, striving after it. do
far as this feeling his any true love of minus) ,
in it, it is commendable enough. But thnpro -
portion of the moor paint, is very lioniceptti hie.
What human arithmetic will eolupute Ilbr its
the lostillnatheially of whet` is calleil a political
campaign. Beyond all this waste of dollars,
is there not. semeti}ing more important
worse of time, of health, of talents reisapplit%l.
Who dulldiglopHy this n, and tell us the stun
totat.of this tab oftointly re-enttertal in our
sternly resolve to turn a deaf ear to the tour
of the charmer; charm he ne. er so wisely I,el
those who gt. e y o u different coun'.el. poi nt o ut
the young man who has been mivaneml by the
pursuit orimlitics. One step on the
to honest fume; and for one such—if proiliim
—you wilt be able to array a score
lost all their stake, and with it. perch :nee, it
which in beyond price—their lair name The
experience of one is the experience of all --
whoever shall write the history
will tell of one who early in life levied
self, his hard-earned means, his untiring Teal.
his varied talents, to the advancement of his
idol. The very core of existence spent upon
this pursuit----time, life, genius, all Illsl man
can give his fellow—all lavishetl, to find him
self supplanted in the hour of triumph
ecutive Committee. composed of .all th.•
Vice Presidents of the Perinsylvatila 'tat.'
Agricultural Society, met in II at ri•hut nn
the llith. Every section of the Stat.• w
well represented. The ap.
„pointed at the last meeting, of whi•lt Pres
ident TAGGART 6 Chairman, to reeet% pr.,
pose's and deli& upon the liar, of hold-
Ing the next Annual Exhibition, w t. , von
ttnued, and the Secretary and
added to the C'ommittee. An •-l•-• trna for
officers to serve for the ensuing was
held. Gunn,. Li. IIckIIER, of Caulk.. 11,111,1
motuaty, was elected Treasurer, ate' A.. 1).
Unarm of Dauphin county, lieco:iling
Or They have just had a dorn,".tie
tragedy—almost—in Chicago.
Lett, formerly a colored prof,--.,r of t
art tonsorial, and preacher by 11,11114. 4'11114`
near being the unfortunate hero Th••
long and short of the ,ton, th it 1,m•• 01
his colored parishioner , . r.irev hi n:uu.•.
had a touch of the gr.•.•n-.•v.••1 -
lie hid in his parlor : -..w 1,h.• Eli , 111.1'
to pay a visit to his will'. -,w, of th. , n.1111
lie saw, too great N11611:11113 1., ta , ti p •
two, and rushed out upon tho . 1-1. , .111-11.41
Elder pistol in hand. Tao, a, r..
fired, but in the excitement of I,h , ni..ment
neither perforated the Elder. The is,liee
interfered about this time, an,l all part a
were locked up to await exammat fon.
Ski` We find in Ow VoininD , .`;/•,
tht following :
lien. E. C. about remo‘
Erie, where he ihtentb lrra. ti,itig
fessinn. the law. He is a pitssi lawyer, illy
we shall be pleasexl to hear o f hi.. suer,.
m kus new home. Two Of the Loy) or.
formerly of this place, a re 11,,w on t h.•
udges Thomp.on awl
si r Slavery existA in ritint inn mit igate,l
feirtn. ulrive can buy'an
divided portion of him.elf," whenever lie
4 - emends it. makine a tetcler ,, r the inone .
If he ilequire . s a frartional ito11.011(1..tios.
hN 1-4 - .ooraP. entitlo4l to a provorteoliate
.hare of hi. , tono and earning ,, . If . if.•
maltreated he i-. allowed a rt•ruliti Ulan i•r
of days in each year to find a new purcha
ser. He can have his children legally (io
dated free by paying twenty-li%c 'Lollar+ in
court, at the birth nl e,e It. '
1101).. The Salem irie : pe,T t h at i n a
town near the city witche. Own , liv,-,
a very mean man. mune unfortinrat.dt not
given. A doun-stic in his family resiently_
Inst her father by deatli, and was n1,111.65i
to defray the expenses of his burial. lb`r
employer, the mean nian ati,resaid, who is
of course wealthy, advaneed her fifteen
dollars Coe this pious purpo-.o ; her wagps
ware one dollar lbwr vr..elc. and. tt the end
of fifteen weeks, her etnployer settled with
her and charged her itttere..t (al the slim
advanced. It is to he hoped that this is
not true.
. .
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B. F. SL4)AN,
Angels Guard the Sainted Dead.
cuAliza.B trILLIku tirmet
Angels guard the sainted dead:
Let them rest from toil and care:
With thehlue aky overhead,
-And the breath of God's free air,
Let them rest where light and shade
And earth's changes come and go:
They have seen its viaiou's fade,
They bsvo left its pomp and show
Angela guard the sainted dead'
Not alone•from heavenly al: it,.
But the souls they comforted
In this world of sacrifice
Grateful hands plant willows there:
Blias that spring-time gave.,
And the sunnier noontide fair.
Glorifies their peaceful tw),
Ingels plant the
Meintmy toVI , 111 view the .pot
Where their tiring preqenee 4 nn onr cartl,l) lot
Then r 1t , .. , ..:1":1VeN Wherein they
Shall no more the .pith ten
Pri.tit the watt th.•
Glo•kwllhe r :Ln.l ti m•
\ tfizel. , litite,l
11131 40.111 . 01- 1 . ; , r
1% .mr ure
l e r Wit 111 , l " Ile.' 11.1iy
I‘ith Bute nor change .1,1.1!...
1111e ,, P.1 the .13 ing with the hornl!
Ti'n they who lonvo ..n hevn
w., e 1
gittira tho tt.tinte‘l (Iwo' '
Then the deep 01111111.n:in 141.1" i n,
'atm.,' fill ottr e"111% with dread.
ire t-,,und lik•
And they Ite, ktttt It- to 1 . ..1.1e.
h , ll hi• n u n I
Mr hell .r• ..iir tottrti,y
Thcy will irtiar.l QlVet I
(r. hoicc 4:,itcraturc.
~ I •TERIl
()lir "pill- doling tie , Reign oft
Terror. A 0 011 g girl. whian it was Posy ti
reeo l liti7e 11. otlo‘oot girl o
I h 4. Loo orititinily, was. walking nab 14
eertaitt Ite-itaiiiin through ono of ilia most
lan ourgs or the enpMii.
dent,l) mikeh entharrassed sitti;
walked slowly, and kinked at every winilordi
. with the hope et' seeing some ont ,
whrain she sought; occasionally site stopygdi
drew from her bo.-om a staid! taper, co
suited it, aqui Ukcitr resumed lief course.
tints die we to the end of the fiat
Bourg. T.'seltir to proceed further, for.he .
address designatetla place within its lanits.i
Wearied atsitv , t, site stalk upon - li stone sonii
and murmured
-"it ma I r*: anseamailr -se ti-nai.-Laataligal
tLu , 011;ZI/tut.! "
jllllZrilt4l in 11.'1 Init . (
11. kt -IP. 111.1 11 , 4 flollee tilt: Clit'l.lll
- And cal•...
111.1 tir. iu..r than
NO “i UnPr , :1111....1%.10
-ksatc , l Ivo- :it th.• oth.
•11.1 4 Ow •tont..
" it for tlll4 t•vetung mu.
" an•weriii thvother. IN 1111.1 ...111-t• I
" watt I,)r Inc hui.,r,• th, li,wn with
lit men: kuk•w—ln tit nllllOlll g
:7? An• von not ini-titkt•ti
" No." ,aitl the .11ms itig J. 4111) IA:
paper " order hort
Mt. etttcru 1%1.06111k. Ntl-1 , 11 , 4,q..
.1t th.••••• glt 11% into It
runt wl. 'l'h.• t%%() ivom dta not ronart, haq
,•lll,, and., 4 0M1 lor
carharvt. A• 11 tor the yimiug girt, her t'S -
tiparkka witfi a It tumid! “1 . 1(,
her hip.. and -he iii i. %%;111 It.
dotin4 I w
" T1111111s.:111) * of N I 1t thr• very in. , l)e , tit
xvlleil I 1,1`.'t.T...1 t" 1111..46 11111 nth
pat 1 . 111.11 b• 111.• m Ott
VI •ot till hle ttto
walk.,l N. , . :7. cn
creel the lion-c, luounted to thotilt%
old knocked itt-3 door.
In that room sat a young girl.
tearful. By the 111141H - ratit:
prem-rved. uinler her , auplo tOletu...and
tlw profound grief On her faei..
.cen to he 71 IKA , /r
. 1 cuing b"-e.
%%a• her only crime, ;lie wits the
daughter of the Count the
head hail milk-40n the seattikldislx month.
Emmeline. ui oriler to 111'.•.
Ol.11:1 ,, I 1. , work, n title WaltillA for
to( he frontier. Th ; .11 W.
1.%%;; per-,11,. The tir,l her li,-
trothed. the Vi-eouni ErneL , t Brevotiit.
To hi. ) ow wall 6,,,tr.tiwit ut infinw,, and
kin childhood they plaNed Pao
alien iiii-lortimeB came the 01
li,• icr, court, the fiLther to
in 111 and -hie, (he n th,.,
had not -een each other. Pau thee thee hail
continue.' io write. tuni , ineh wa.- the Iri.•n•l
- the tau families that in each letotr
Leo', it liah. were renewei I, 7. , tei
Just iLelore goin3f to i•xeention, ihe lathe,
of Emmeline kid riiten 14/ Hl.'
: leave you MN .Laughter. -.he :it fare. (lint till n the V, inlee
where .u' no loti;zer ; tithe row
hire, a nd depart with her to (learn:my...-
Adieu, air -nn ; at the nvinient of ae a Ll i
rltlbrit. - t• inn ehilartl. "
- 141 the next flay the letter init,..ent. but
no reply had ) et I leen re, eiN ed, and Emme
line thought her.ell'aloiniono , l by I:rne-1.
The .eivoiel hope re-tell upon it eertaiii
Ntorietn- (;.•n•:11.. niece (If ohl firmer
of the t ',mitt de Itoi-roger . O. She na.. rill
foi.ter 1.1-ter of I:miueline, the ‘ , 401.:( 1 11. 1 11
and friend of her youth. -
Not hearing of karneet, Enu tt eis..• h a ,,t
written to Nittriette tho wook 114.t0r5.. Mirt
4peaking of her Mad ait inn., Kilt! fOlirliell
" I fear, Mariette, (hitt I must
lutrt. Ask tuoney from wour uncle; find
mean{ to send it to OW. 1 pinall myhope;
in on, my dear Nlariette hut 1 Leg ~f :snt
not to delay your answer, for I shall die'
short it, if .1 am compelled to Jiro ns I h ;t io
The letter wilt. n I i
I 1 co
h nu
tri t i ;i nn
rutower should strri re. deter.
tid e!) t, would t Ononey.
and would send it. But IldfiN NlT'rnatttrr.
It tcould come. Emmeline Iv:is Nun fir it
—the moment is t (time.
The room heal come—the 4tOor
fut 4 tlfitwo sistens fell into cat•ti
---"" It is you. my dent mid gond 1i1 64 1 1- -i: -
'ai d Marlette. •• Wit° »Quid rec.igti ize
in "this poor workwouMn's ((res. ? Alp I
pith: )oil sic' flow -you must, have
" the your sister, nothing hut your
sister," an•ovvre4l sire
eq ualled by the law to-day, but we lava
always lawn by the heart, my salter."
" liet other,' turg'L the intst —I will no
You !into renderel tae go tunny serviette
have been so good to we
“ fled we not tha same nurse ?”
'' Yes, but thal was no reason for your
giving me the fain when you were o f age
to do it. When the house was burned,
who rebuilt it ? When my poor mother
;was a widow, w 6 came sonstantly to her
',aid ? Who everything with me like
a true sister, and ve me,-the peasant girl,
an education ,eq to that of my mistress?
So that your lett r was not a request to me
—it was an er. You asked me for
money. but I krtew that you needed con
solation, devotion, and I am here."
" Alone ?"
"Yes. lam •inily a peasant., and am not
" I►id Gervais ocinsent I
" I did not ash his permission."
" How ?"
" Doubtless lye would not haurnAniett
nut But my Door uncle is so tindoriXtk
tloo, though hetwould hare consented. he
w. Add not have slept for a week. So I told
him that I was. going to paw a few day,
with my cousins:tit Rouen. I ;yenta night
tor{ certain box lie knew not f wat'i aware
of,i and took all the g 1 4d I found." '
But -boob' ticrvais disooyer--"
11,11 think iestolent and he angry. If
14 knew the truth. he'd dio of foto%
!‘ hot I know not if I ought tO aeoept,
'• it A ll ca m,' froth you, and it it. yours.
Ily ',Awl, in not it tiro, mid vi heti I tell
Ilihi all, he kill hie., the for what I have
.Litt e it - it/tont giving hitt" cause to fear."
• Door Marlette!"
not all --I will follow you to
ierinany, it you insi24.4u going there, and
1,1, will 1,,1 0 . you to!NorinnUdy, til otr
•• 1 i you rlrget thcim u•ho kiliPti my
- Thoy will not an iiinoornt girl
Ike you."
•• L.nrn th. trti t lie failierwati
It etl,ti‘ii), I nit, to his
Ini.E , ltitme. It has been
and %tin I bin in ittich !mate to
Iv 1, 10k.41.4. :t. terrible 414VIISAL1011 monitor.
remenilwre.l thi. two
II I— hind g1.4'11. tind Mated
I).• wil,tat)ro. 14) Enwuelint., who-ex-
v will eotrie teHlight, and I am
rl/ 111 .Itcitlt Yi'U V " ,aakral
(.11 +1o ?"
Emmeline. I came fornoth
,ig .•1,..• 1.,•t nn fly '"
.. hark...
Tiler.• was a tremendous knookingat the
A ,•uv Men inspiration was manifest
li.Mortet te's eyes. She opened {tie dear.
The 'itoyenne Emmeline Boierneer
I inn stke . l" answered Marietta.,
* * a -* * •. t I
A rrowd of prisconerk.of alt Agoei itntea
and oonditions, olled tin rptiuula, of 4.pri-'
*on c t t that, day, and t red hero 14411101 n
group Where anger, baserneaf c gatcl , se&
or ri rayrf - 1 each r terrible Alftwair—:
tto Hnneigiestpd alAnn, ten Ot bengired
ides-4-toillikibr hes wino hadbooa )101tudikr ,
and Mr priateetreas.
:It**st ti to to ulna a inan entaro itiOi
001 1 e4 ,thafe: whose tn,hia bad, tainis to op
liesr Wert -the tribudar At- the Adak
76100 one 4 : - , 4
e•ltatoyenne Esnrasliner :BibliroiNr4" l .
►‘ Ara ready." cried gazioa rising. , !
4. oung man ped ! . .vxmiii!liiieS Ands
. : 1
a l . tssitriennibimribioabiiiiai
he .Ighed with anxiety, "Did you reply
to the name of Emmeline de Boisrogerl"
N an-‘ , ,ere4l Marlette, oiler a
q't OM. What
I 11111 thy Vl-count Ertleftt d
I " nn •~~.
Ptfilii,t IP rnAV UM il•I'ACNni
" I hail oiwyed the la ,t isiit* ut p,ur
I, m. lath , rtaaalticti man
I all I% at Puri" tin
I n'n , arro-1441 aim
I. ryowd. But ono day 41 - 111 It 4 t.,
unf I tli.wk tioil for it -.wee it :Mom. too
iiiv to )oli."
1„•rh:11,. .ilwatt to ex:pl iin
h. 1• 11...1111.• F.111111..1111.•
M .14 1,.r I rii• St.e./kl , l Wilt.
' Pal.. Mind
\ •• awl
11111 ;Ill' 11:11IL I(. (It•lt.u,t you.-
NI:owl'. could not slH•ak now, and tul-
I,•w , •i Pa... Joint in ..ilence. Sou l e
moments efrrt•ttartl. , they appeared, togoth
i•r Gtr.• Ilt.• re% oltition trihnnitl. There
Marietse ti.•n • ai- HS asked if she vr:t..
Emmeline 1 , ...1,44.ger. Then., more than
ex or, w:u. -11.• u.•n.trainwl to tut.,wt•r
lOW I Vet!. .
To all the other interrogat•ion•e of, the
the was the same• anti i n
Lau live minutes she wits senteneed in
ii•nth. In vain did Ernest eniiikavor
end h,r ii. thmight his Is•trotheil.
l'hi• Magi.. NI-01114mA hear him. Itanil in
tail• they returned to the pit-on
1 , 44. they.
I Imv,v,•i• intrepid thelleart 1 1 1 3 3 1.• •
evet te , ..Red Tgi.33 b( tii.,ll , I,sat It, it I:.
hoar t torrii,lo
.it (hr n ! D• ,evilit..ot).l‘ititotit
r. 11111•.
Slient awl a:ilking an if in a 41rottin.
Mal nett*. I.l;wed lit Nelf on the seal -lit; bad
t.” The Vieount played
“E111111 , 1111e... ',11.' he I‘lll 111 , 101 . 11e 4 0,
'l . llllll. Goo 11:1V.• 4 .01 111'112'e! 111 r, Cl'lol4,l\ll
ta,iii. ;Orme, tout to. lu•with one WIIO 10% err•
von i 4 alm.wt a cole•olation. For in) part,
I leel it already. Ittit mot I n a ., 4.1.1 an a
I almost feared. .Sitar I have
tau. now that the
•1.•-t e. common to it..., now dint I
113‘, to ..i t et•urtge von. to Ausulin y o u.
111N. , 1f calm (1111 . 0 1111111.: I am twain
411,01 g. You will die IN ith me
I I.,•1 In} toll aluivrA happy to .1i,..”
Atiil lii• her hand with atTection.
She lookcil at him •teadily. fly %cam a
batal-onic F‘ittin2: man. , intnewhat over
tit ciity oar of Ago. His dark eve,: had
r a ther a melancholy expres4on, his smile
it something attruetive.
*tut in him fare one void,' i11...Hy that,
10 ‘ .... extreme youth. he t u tu already
t•uttercd 11111. It. lle was already prepared
for the st-ittllil4l, and the herniarn_iac evin
ced wit,. well etticulatod toexeite the ad
n iratigtn of it young girl.
nil and continued:
„,..4417;iswer me, Emmeline?
4 Wreaked? Are you not
True, many years hare passed
~ ,....--we last saw each other ; our theca may
are changed, but not our hearts. Emme
line. you lIIIVO always dwelt in my heart,
you have grows there. I still lo v ed yon—
to prove it, I lowteued immediately at the
call of your father. If you knew what
INdutiful dreams went with me.on my way
—What it future! You shudder at my
alet.4, Emmeline—you fear. Well, let us
tasce refuge together in the past—let us
again lkeonto children. Ah! why have
wi . not.always remained so? Do you re
m mber, Emmeline, that valley which lay
Itween your father's chateau and mine?
I you not still hoar the joyous songs of
tl birds? Do you not see the lake by
~ c
w • h we sat, the meadows over which
w roamed, the flowers we plucked, the
st rwhich looked down on us at night.?
F timeline, Emmeline, do you remember
a 1 theme?"
Marictto could not answer no. for ail
1 these were her own souvenirs.
Ile still held her,
••Why Flo YOU
Art. you U4'
my vt-ifi,-;"
I asy
I (sum
re.. • '
ig • ul
e a jOy.
• d °ion,
d be
oat: lov
life de
will be Our
multi be th niekt,
v it
7 811 4 1 Z MeV
die happy!"
JP.graeat r
Albd abiXl
deoeive Wig
leave him
to share
1 do-not
6 7° 11 - d
place of _
lette was on
but she thought
to let, him die Ink)*
1.)0 I nor Pair - for urr
blood r - -
&Mealy a.
A crowd seized
away-from the
voices cried out
ts "Embattle!'
A- moment,
were free.
0110 I tali Marlette broached the mulieet.
le V iromte." •tllut she. "you have an
en ga gemen t with Mlle. de Boisroger. Let
us both have the courage to fulfil our
Thou she took Emmeline aside in her
cum . ..! Emmeline mid to the
V i..)inte-
ti~.a•r , t-ter has transmitted to tue
your request, Ernest ; )ou wish me to b
our wite tin Sunday next. . - ‘4,) be it.
What could Etti4st. nri.wer?
But duritt:z the week he was very attd,
and it l‘ ea.-y pererive that the smile
MlLriette prit on was tune I. They avoided
each other, hut look,. And teals betrayed
them. Emmeline appeared to hatvet un
su-lei , inn: ,he -deo t and aael, huvrever,
and ufteu tte pt.
The eve of marriage c.etoo. ErneA hail
been abwitt 'jibe the morning. Marlette
extmmely !nth., but had the eourage
I '.4t'. to 1:1111111elifie :
- I\l:l , l3tlie Ia Vienmtesse lireveurt, it is
time. I think. to try o n your wedding
Su la. It, - , al.l Emmeline, after a tattoo,
They entered her n)otii, but the dre..6
w.k.4 not t heard a laugh behind
them, and turning round, saw Farmer tier
• • 1 - MAP. 1011.1 M a riet te, "are you going to
exti.titi to t, titiA mystery ?"
-V,.ry -imply. I should haveheen Tou.l
if 31.a.1etn0i....11e made ber toilettt• at
the farm, but each one to their place. and
I has.. ordered the dress to he taken to the
elt.iteati. where the (laughter of out• master
Anal find it."
'lite chateau ? You know it has been
• And bought - 1}) - Tu.'. I nice everything
t. 4) father. Mailoinni..elle Emmeline.
anil Non render Gervais very happy
it ) , t wnithl iteropt frnm him this little
w r,l,ti sl a 1 .1.44.4411."
-Good. wale. gess'!"
Nt . PI t h e• peasant.
eyt, , ,, "une• may I.e• n pot
tr , ..n in tines terror, and nine may hi4l.•
hi , utnne•y Ilex, hut nne• may hide his hoart
Emmeline shook hi- haw' g.rat ern ly. 111141
turning to ?Annette, said
•• Let tis go to the ciocioutt.•'
They went, and t• th e yoran E rn .
m eh he h a , I occupied in tbk lime of tier
father'.prosiwrity." Eyeithing was a s
-he I.•rt it. he crept,--- -
" Ern nr," saitrlfarietto, "a Norman
proverb mays lildt a is ito dress fills a young
girl's 11.41,0.4 till joy. Here is your wed
yes. Marlette, we are of tlili. same
ti. Try on this dress ; that I may SPP
how it looks."
"Emmeline !"
"I ho•g of you—l wish it."
When the etre*, was adjusted, Emmeline
placed the white veil upon itariette's head.
the ►swath of orange flowers aver it, and
tb ii l ue•t in her girt*.
"You are charming now," she said, kilts
ing her.
"Emmeline!" glarrimereal Mariette,mtkre
and more aAtonishekl.
•'Diarietw„ I allowed you to take my place
at the moment of death. I would have
let yo die—do not interrupt 'me. I was
1 ALSO —very base. I will not ix+ so to-ibty.
The heart of Ernest belongs to you ; you
lowa him ; take my plat* for asecond time.
It is now without ronsprse; it., is with hal* ,
piness that I ask you to do so."
"Emmeline !"
"Dare then VI deny your love before
The Viscount was standing upon the
threshold of tho door.
gariette uttered a cry. But far from
being disarmed by the unexpected presence
of him she loved, she felt herself fitted for
the sacrifice, and found courage to refuse
him. al.wo wished to follow this
heroic example.
"li.ook at her," said kkinneline, "how
beautiful she ii."
APRIL 2, 1859.
'a what
'4l one
4 4201'etirert" exclaimed Xariette.snatehinit
the wreath from her head. "lie does not
lope me—l do not love him. You deceive ,
yourself, my sister ; be will be your
hand ko-morrow."
, often
was for
"To-morrow," added the young man,
"to-morrow, Mlle. de Broisroger, you shill
be tho Visoountess de Brecourt."
"Be, it so," said Emmeline. -To-mor
row I"
o `y to you,
we that it
Tou, that I
4, - smile—
; in my
'ne, I
TIM hells tolled merrily on the morrow's:
morn.' But itt vain wan the bride sought
for everywhere. She could not be found.
Ernest and Marlette exchanged a look ;
they understood all.
For a year they waited, and then came
two letters. The first was to Gervais, en
closing the deed of the chateau, with these
words, without signature : "That was to }Ht
the dowry of the Viscountess; let it he that
of Marlette."
More her.—
n 1 sit down,
. No one
She said to
me-I am
believe you to
let me think
me---that you
- Itiinents of
of it, Ern
, scaffold
ight, this
gives to our
re hot gay—
not tmuhle
ts, the holy
if it ho nee
.hese hopes,
ine, let ITIe
, The second letter was to Marlette, awl
read thus :
"Duar Si.ter—l can now never be th 4
wife of Etnest. Hesitate no longer ton eat
the white drrtis which sto hover:nes you.
"Essit.lNs us Lioinsouts,
In the church. Sister Anglis.")
The following week the wedding, Mils
rang anew.
And this is knw th gorwl man I iervai,
Lad, for grand nephews and grandlicieis,
viscount« and viscounitsss.
Jam) ) ern .pt Sal in hi , tittle hop opon
hl?4 low liench, and lie pegged and tapped
away merrily upon hi 4 well with kuee*.—
lie na a jolly fellow, thi, .larel.
'tin true. but jted INor enough to he fr, or
care. Ile owned the roofed box in which
he IN , l wsheown,d the• littlethatele
ed cot joining it, an the cot he lived with
his wife and s'i'ren children, and in the
elllnp he ‘St)rkt4l ulwerfull) all the It mg.
Hr wie. not afraid of for he had
nothing worth carrying on': and he feartl
no man, never ilia man a tt r,
''Why. un
/iv. guilty to
I ht.. 410 tor eel
Ate let her
of happinella
'lS'lh4 at (h.•
11, time Mar-
littve a right
•lie inAoreti.
*-4ri with my
A merry fellow was .larel. t rupp . ' lie
sang as+ he pegged. and 111, I.lp qt. 11.
lackl'll only musical sound to make them
attractive. 11. was biliit Arlo!. the•same pat•
tern as were his eot a t el.lint.. Ile was short
and dumpy. with a round, -11[11) na
lured face, and with a 1..[1.1 p a t e , lit tit ph
he was five and fotry velr-[[1.1.•
" Tisrll-41e-roll [lO 10 . 1-lar[lo!" sane
" Frl-410-rnbrie-riddle-.le-r.4.-rinet um
Pounded a voice trout the inner [l[sw.
.lareh Isx - dted up and .aw his a ire.
Just a match for .Ims-it, ft,r:,ll the w,,e1.1.
Short, rat, (-lean. good-natur,..l a nd luipp‘
as a queen. She was dr, ese I neatly 14.1-1111
her poverty. and the flush of health
upon her plump cheeks.
" Puck," s:1111 .larch, "the l i ke,
never hapismest a f„ l ,•."
" What is it• my own _sumo. plump: -
Ileps4•lH►tli was her name,
had't heard it proie.u.., ,s 1 al full f..r ).•:
D'ye 'PP (hi. , hoe .1. light, -
" YPS, my invo."
••-ri. the last work ett the castle. Not
another plaet• to put It 1.4. e Ipt% e I
nte. We'll shut the gates; to t ter
bridge, put the warder
up our vouch, eh?"
" 'Ye mean. %%o'll yo and arflk,
in the flit,
giraggNl it
fifty t Itoustmd
idt of i.irm I!'
and Mariette
do,- my tventairo."
quill I put an my *ilk, or Saliva or toy
• •
" Put on all of them, my dear. "%tit
make nn appearance. II de-rl
- (tap) that's t he peg. 1114 of l
Smith's shoes are d oi “.,
didn't yon 49. or (eel thankl ) our 11:11/111•
warn't smith. liciopy.
Smith put in Jail oial) last we,k,fur
somebody. But yo never hemil tell of a
Iropp'a I win' put in jail. never: Now, my
sugar. we'4 Ikang up Ow
little tiroppses." . .
Hardly ha,l-lleppy ,lipurteNl when ti man
made his appearant.vot the Nit%) dour. lie
wax an olti man, very wt•ll ilea. ed iu hiack
throughout, (tuning a gt+hl•ht•tuletl cam.,
anti wearing a watch chamt‘t the ,war pro
eious material,"
".‘re von a rohhler.'" lan• 01 .
" I was . , two minute+ ago, but
an old feudal boron il opi,
in going to ride putt. anul Um to att. nul
`• Kh—are ynn Ow main dint (Ic3•- nivnel
ing? mending of ttAted
the visitor. moving hack a pace, a- though
he fearea the strange fell, .0 Iw t rc h iht t‘
`:Ve-4, am-were.l • - I'm the
man. But ye see. in wile't walked
out for triore'n a Intolith. I
. 111-t 1.;7,41 .1 MY
the lust of work I lista in th. Juq . l'illotr
rietl it amazingly. anti wtel',iti-t :Irvin' to
take a run (towni,' the river 'tN ttlt her and
the little ones.-
rose." e 4114 the Cad gellti ,
smiling. - Now pin just run mut ti•li
Indy In %%'M tut VIII hail tin 11.,tir. :-.11,1 I ll
..ittitsfy her fesr it. I inn in n Thi•
+t/we Ii Ut i v iii WI 114111 r. 8111.1 111 hi?it kis
given nut. (illlll, \ 4 , 11 %V4lit'l vohl-t ,
Kist me under -licit 1'ire11111,1.1i11,....°..
•• 11 klum-4 -14 )1 ! ‘l' • 11. 1'
must stick to toy hositte:-...!•'
hu. -1.-akin!! .lamb lon the EPTIK:I-7/ 7 /
alien horotuniwl he put on 11 it , :1144 .I;..yaitt
sAtli4l into his lntc sent. TTio raid to ut
took oft' his cloak 311111 tl, Ilita the
(Nibbler pull , • 1 1 ott the ist•itit . ...l lout. ft
was ritivol -tput
WHX.4I-4•1111, •itigj.lll!un 1111) 111.• %% hil.•
when 'twro , rf-Ativ ho took tip tlt.. 11.6.1 t,
" YOU to hp 11 happy fi.11.m."
noarkt4lhe :111.1 - li.ot .itcli , 4l
.lit I ' 7) gt 'O 4 I jiat /111 II f it%
' Why shouldn ' t ' I OW.' nn
anything — bare no :tint Io
An my work. Tol - 411 4 .n . 4 - lot - .lc - lartk , . -
" ' You ' ve laid I , y ..oluetliing, I aU1p. ,4 1 . ,
for a rainy (Jay? " plin.nok
* Ay. thou 4 an , l , 111.011 tri,tll,atif it, or .101-
intS. sir!" irried Awl
s fu
rious punch.
" What ! much.a.4 ths4
"Ha! like to hm ',in to -
they' might ha‘e ,lirty fame, ~r.,,„,
sir! K. - yen or tio• hr'-t poor.' ehildrett
yott ever totii. sir. 1111t1 MAIO and rtagve.l .
11 1 e .A.4; I I meant to a.-1 )(.11 bad
not managed to la) by a little money, my
good man. You seem steady and inquo
" Money I" repeated .lareb;'wilit a ethn
ical leer. Does a man lay 1.3 motley, ti Iten
he's building himself houses and i,ttrilens't
No, air. Nor does a ufan ,lay lai money
when he makes half it crown a 'day, and.
rears seven children. Thep leet Neu*. will
take esti* of me when I nib old, ttevek fear,
No, Nom
ee Mone*or gild, in hoarded st ort—
I hue none of it—l have none;
I leave and heehaw and do no mhre--
To-day Int a curse. tomorrow a borne.
Pol de rot 10l de lido, 3
Aid I'm the happiest man alive—
lel de rot lot de lido." -;
" Then you live contented on your scanty
store?" said the old man, regarding the cob
bler rather enviously.
"Just as contented as the day is long,
sir. Andmlty'shouldn't IT I Won't starve
while there's a crust of bread ii house,
or a ripped shoe in the village.; I should
like money if I could have ; but I
wouldn't 4onge oho 4lay or night( of discon
tent for all the money in the wiorld."
" And if you had money whit would you
do with it? -
For the first thus *lamb looked sober.—
Iris awl MIA stopped in the puticlure it had
made, and his eye rested vacantly on the
floor, When he spoke all his lightness of
manner was gone, and his voice was tremu
Well, I'll tell ye," he said, while the
twitching of his nether lip told that he felt
deeply, " l_can't help thinkin' that my
little ones are'nt comin' up as some folks'
little ones are, They artgood, and honest,
and happy ; but if they could have a chance
to get a leet got, le more larin' than their poor
old father's shouldn't mind. I can't
help thinkin' as how't there might be a
bright mind or two amongst them, that
might make a doctor, or a Lawyer, or may
h e , at minister. But never mind—they're
in Owl's hands. I don't complain !" repeat
ed .lareb, thrusting his awl through, and
then pulling it out; "why should I? How
many a rich father would give all he's worth
if his children could only he different from
iviitit they arc? Sickly and weakly. may
b t , or perhaps had and wicked. Hi !
-There's . no such thing as complain.
Fur by it ice nothingean gain,
Sam; trouble and all menial pain.
With a fal-.lp-rol-de-f1i•41 , , , ."
" No, sir. l're go! enemgli, angl t
iuor'u everyipod) . .- got."
1a.)04 rra--. 6la-Iml, 11 11.1 1114. 4 ,1,1 man
took out a gol4len guinea.
•• f ve no elinagi• for such a piope,
-aid day.,
( don't want any eltanue. Take it :111.
,k.halltngpa) 111.•/1.111.1g nay
/.0,1 ; and the rv-t 1. for t oor (lid
,lreti to pa) thrill I.n tliv tlwir walk.
Como, ,li..appoint 1)1 , 2'
.11‘coh took the coin. and thntts!h ht'
Ih otkfulite-i , ,leep. it, 4.xprk-Lgtott w.ta
Qitopli. att.( i,olitt• 4
The 01./ wan poi a hi- 1,. t a nd w , git
away. The wif• entw• in and .lamb :-.howe<l
Iti- , treasure. Tii..v were x rich aA molt
.llVlla, .1:1111 .1114 :111 , 1
t 11 , 1' .1 t“4.1.
oft. .t thi• tlt,•t- cc,•ttt mid t..f,k
their walk ,-th'•c 1111 4 1 i i•ltildrrm The
e+l , lo- 1 .1 )1k 111 elre t ears obi . Awl
1%. 1 .• twin- Th. •'••r••.1
. 14 1 111 1 4 1 , 4611'A
Wll,ll rottirnod ttt pl
filOt that
pui'.. v it•k...t IL lip au t tutin,l
gold. Quirk an 11,,tigt,t
lit- hot !ti! , l 1 . 1*(1111 tit , 1114 , 1.. 11I•
t , ';U:11. 4 1 111.• 11 , .t• I. t nt tho haul vow.,
aw l O w nl,l ! !otith.111:1111 had pm, in
thr rohhler t,, ht. e, t an d t h,..„.
.I.,‘‘,l‘‘itll the iittr-, in hi- liana
I\'lt•it %%ill' ;tr . 1.,.
Th e w il e 1 ,„,11.1.9....11e1ip.F.ti)iiit• and final
lv rentlrd.-
•• t.:11“.• .111 , 1 111.10 It:-
`rion 1,13-1 ~r it,
1,1-4. It . V. 11.11 %%,• 4,d
It.ivv` it for him
it.•% , ,inn,
Tiwn ter \N in It at • i.lll th : l 11 , 11
Niel tlt , t HMI il-os iI "
" 11,7 V 111 \ 411•1101 i. inn :ie right.
N% 1.1 ,i,k‘%ll lilt.) 11.11101 k 4:vl -
'41%411a ILL% .llg .1,01 ar.iiiitit ;'nay
'tit the
'prtr.e hr-t rt+ l ,ll4l it up in lii.111)
thiekttr64e+ thou put
the Atone back it
ou the fol lowl tig ei t i)l,ler w.ttelii..l
for the Atage...n.l +Awn it ...awe Ile moot to
'Z(4' if the obi gentlenunt h.i. I rattle 1 ark .
TiOirhti did ever, t 4'4% for two tuoutb3, but
no old
At Out t nit of tlutt timo,.l.lreb
•:, %c.o. ‘cl,%. ‘.1 . % , iek, and for a
time the doctor le-pairvil of Lim hole.
.liirrh tcn< ..ry poor, too. 31. my :t
night the eh/Wren went i•upperlem, to 1.4.
-.Jareb." ‘viii-pered lieppy, with fright
t•niAl luok, "thin•pdti in the r, /hie'
"Don't! dun' 1; I nev.2rspeak of it
rumin 14' .I:trek in 4g4mv. "
thought of it: Ay—there's gold there;
but vtiNn't our-. *'t our.. !"
-1 ,h4h - Ct tak, it. Jatrel, ;
didn't lan NN tak.• !“ erit.l thowif,.
old) th•at;:ht ton 11111.011 1114• • "
I shan't (hi% P• 011 1 . :, 41elight. I:ut
, hould 'he tl tee 104. "l'e•u't our-,
rte I ;I . tillli W:l4 nl,lO
Ig) %,-;Lik •M t. t /n.• pleasant nutumn
3.4 he ht)l#l,lwl along (al a crutch and a guilt,
haVI tb. stage u.N.1,•11 lOW 11 t
h ,ino ILA. -.lts that flitt•
111(1 man upon the box with tit driser. The
1,001•eohl.lor hurried on nnll w hen he rent-Ik
ea the ta.VOlrli. hi . 1i)1111i1 t111...111 Ulall 431101
jug in the hall.
•• : tins I. the no t r%
the -ttan;:aq.
In II!
•• in•-e I pc 0.• l 111,' ~ 4 1 111+11. ••lartili.;
N• %, .ir
" it t•it'•-/
1 1.,.•11
1"..., -;r
W , tli tilt
•' I kll. W I‘ll , mu. I 11 , 1111.1
It: 304 11 VI In II ll .I. , ‘‘ It in,..
it. ti •
Thl• tln• (nt
ni.nntilt n, -tlon, awl fin 11h -aid
ff”, K„ tilt• wa) to hi ,
•• th.. c“1.1.1..r. ad
%%lie. "1.1 11.0 ‘• C. 111.11.•
....; , f1t1 , 111:111 113 , - ,••'! l.• hi. 011,-,.
_••K n e.itail.•. hut I
14.1114.1.11111,4 timl %% In :tll-t%
rtti ept•Am.g. 11,1 v. s‘otit
‘i heti' 411. -11.• Ivith h..r
pine I.v the tine.
tot.k till-. tiitneil the
itull the ,trallWor hint.
" I eau get it,
6ti •
The entailer -aid no more. but bobbled
down the narrow -tor4, and %Own lot C 2.1110
to that pert of the will where the 'purse
had beeu coneealed he asked hit compan
ion to hold the torch. "Cite latter, did so.
itird then J.ircli removed the stone a nd
d re w forth a paiP.r parcel all damp amt. Ind
dewed. The) the upper room.
where .htreb unfolded the stout p.iper and'
produced the purse,ithinjuited.
.• llere, sir : here is. your purr. }net a t
found it."
The old man emptied out the broad gold
pieces and °minted them—just fifty of them.
110 returned them to their pur:4e, and look
into Jareh's fan'. sc
Hart you stitVerod for want of money
during your sickne.-4.?" he asked.
Much, much." was the answer.
" And you had this gold by you all the
"It wasn't ours t sir,' oh, I may have
suffered, but not ris I would have suffered
had I taken that. It wasn't mine, it was
yours. Take it, sir: and when you reAleth
ber poor old Slaeoh tiropp rind his sevvl
children. and his own wife, you will say
they weren't very lamed, but you'll say
they were hon,u."
•• • tiroppl—Grvi?"--Claorr?" repeated the
old ruab,-,llxing his gaze, not upon Jareb,
“1.1 , 11111."1 , wit'
but upon his wife. "You are not from
ars roar tariffifigra~lbv
FTOUI wiet pardo 1 11 ; k sll l
" From Daventer, SaisOli; the bills! of
" And what was icor name boibra - *
was married?" the old aim asked co
- • •-, •
good wife.
" * maiden nameiraillepiebsib
son, "
" Were Vol from
"No, sir. I was fro a =l4l4 in Lei
cester. I we,t, to Diventry Oro *bin I
was sixteen!
" You never had a bootherr
"Yew, sir. I had one—Oeterest
off to India, and there he diedt, -.Rear
George ! He was a good boy--he wasp/try
good to me. He was a somst yeasts Mast
when he went away."
" How do you know be is dear
" ileums° we never heard from him,
" lie bath!" cried the old man, start
ing to his feet, "Look at me, I say I ; I re
member now of hearing that you bad mar
ried a man:named Gropp ; but I eedd not
find where you had moved. I wee; negli
gent—very. But say, do you knee', me?'
" I t ain't George Munson."' gasped Hep
py, starting from her chi*, and tpeintang
like an aspen.
" Look at that. purse! Didn't you . see
that name?" And me the old mane=
showed her a nameworked in gold
but which she had not detected- But she
read it now—George Munson.
Then she looked into the time-wen fees
Fnulually the features of one she hadkoved
in years long agorae were revealed=
It was her brother.—her own dear
Presently .lareb tlropp saw his ivtife in
the 4,1,l man's arms, and with one bound
he reuehedl the middle of the floor,
There." he cried, "now see ! Supposin'
I'd taken that gold? If I had, we'd never
lutve known tieorep Munson. I tell ye,
there's always a sunbeam a ura to fall o i, on
a good action. It'll come sometime, ye
may depend. George, how (rye do? Aint
I glad l now that we didn't touch your gild.
II ow could 1 ever have looked my deligbt'a
brother in the face after it. How d'yt do
--how d'ye ( I?"
The la,t half of this speech had Keen
made with the old man's hand in hi3giuip;
for even then the thought had not worked
it-elf into Jareh's honest mind that any
peruni, t ry gOO4l WAS to grow out of WS.
Rut it e 4 , 141 Ileppy's own brother,
and •me of the elder ohjects he hattin View
%%heti he fir-t out on his travels was to
find hi , -i,let if po-qthle. fie had forgot
t. n her littshalltra name, hating h eardit
i Ilirta, and then only casually
enliN.TMatinfl with a man who had just
t•noo• nut. The old man was rich: and now
that he had totaii.l the only living relative
he had nn e,uih, he resolvedtosettle down
with leer
bon .e on n beautiful eminence,
the wc.,ltliy owner of which had died was
for Cm.lo George bottght it !Intl
thither he took lti.s -.i;ter'sfatniTy. And in
there were come groat doings
to that great hou-r The little Groppot had
A 0.1111P•itilt tenelier. and they
of learning. .larch was utterly
a-tont:shed at the wondrous intellect they
, It-. play el 1.
nut the balance was kept up. As the
lit: 1,. o n e, 6. , Cllifile more awl more advan
ced, and threw off children's things, Jareb
1111(1 l ' hele George put them on end become '
Ohailren themselves. t hie day the two old
men were eaught in the act of jumping
leapfrog, over each other's shouldens ; and
hail not Hoppy oome not and stopped them,
t here i. no knowing how many necks Might
have been broken. It was fortunate for
theta that the good dame retained all her
-trong n-e, for there were many seasons
when. in the height of their childish joy,
they might hoot• done much raischier, had
she not been ever near to watch over and
protect theta; and once (I have it t from
g , ssi authority,) when the caught theta
wrestling ••bitine, long," alio took them by
the ears and led them into the house.'
- • • -
But tliey had toii4ulfo in. ro lipor&.
for set 'envie leer
thawed oat frau tile ice of misanthropy
and liaa, hi-tie-s, nail as Jareb had full a.'
Leon lifted up from the dark
(I..pth, of poverty and want, they found
them,elre, moved by a spirit of joy and
gratitude that wouldn't be cured. So Rep
py had to watch them until some of the
children became old enough to reason with
them: and then she played with the girls
in the house, and let the boys take care of
the boy, (snit or doors.
CONES TTIE SITE ROOM: It 1a eittraor
dinary how many persons, unused to the
, iek room. mistake certain noises for quiet-.
When such people have to walk across the
mom they do leo with a balancing sort-of
movement that makes every plank creak
uneasily. Their very t rattles in a way
that would make t, • fortune of a rattle
snake. If anvth' g has to be said, it is
-poken in a I - whirring whisper, that.
eoneeab, t words but. makes the most
irritatin • f noise 4. Now the silence of a
-irk • tin nin.t not It' labored. it must be
uu ral. Shoes that do not creak must he
urn, and in walking the foot must be put
down carefully, of course, but with a firm
step. that eomesently, yet steadily, on the
floor. This Hil lnot make the creaking
s ound ea u,etl by the toe-pointed, gingerly
mutt.. “r 111, 1 v 11 1, 41 11 so much adopted by
those ,a l`N.l. , ‘Tll•nee of sick rooms is
small. The 4114 -.2. must be made of some
inatetial, wool or cotton silk
nni-t Is , l, for it -tweaks with every
utuO 4 - 111, ii'. the pitch of the
. • MINI I•,• -lightly taiNed,andthewords,
~t :tig as in whispering,
-bout , ' -hort, and cut distinctly.
By till, lo,anw the perron spoken to will
heal %• 11:o N abide the least possible
-.Wit , I a. 4•1 , IITIJ.:1111(N die word.—BarwelPg
NE VI BILL OF Uliarrs.--.t wag has matte
up 3 .itt»ntary 0r ghat Ito calls the "Ins
hi•nAhle H 1421114 of Ateencans." and which
enutni.tate.l in the Declaration of
111.1i.p,tel. a 'vein of pen;
s.:l' ,l N-111 runiong through it:
N* :illy t rti.lo Ili . business Witliont
mi,pr,•l4twt , litp or 4 - . xi.orienee.
Inlirr ‘N lihnt e.,01.41 to fort uno,
‘,l Itealt It, or opinion of p a t-, 1 1t...1.
ro Lat, ee tfr at, children dependent On
11).. 4.4.nting4.n4 ie. ki tti,1110,... and. in e:V.,
of 411./ , 1111 .10:%111. I..ltVe tfisni w 11(41)
'fol•tit off nlrm hirt•ling strangers 91.•
I nf,rnl anfi rvligtokits 111e/1410U 11
T 4, tv:ipli no grand trsnlo, hoping
will brat, . when grown rap, witanunigli
fill Ow intlti.nry of other people.
To cnjov gotoral sympathy arlicli
kotknipt by rpekless gpeculation,
cheat the government, if peltaible.
'ro 1i.,141 ottice without bolus competent
411 , riutrgo its duties.
'Co buil‘t li.thz.rith nine and six fruit
INalls, aryl nto the Innen& of teruints.
Firemen, rind others, killed by their fall,
weeping over the'myfteriousdisperusati , 4l ,
or Providence. . .
To build up citte,4 and tosints Without
parks.squares, broad streeta, or ven
tilated - blocks, and call pestilence a vi,ita
t ion of Ood.
Ksow-Neruiscint.—The editor of %Georgia
paper overheard the following conversation on'
the reopening ; of the elave-tradtr.
lee 101 l you, if day gwine to 'deavor.4
to fetch dem 'ported niggere ober ills way
which I bear hey bey dare'll be a fuss in de
family, cure.! 'Spec* , day want as to 'societe
wid dem niggers on!lnality. Neber dolt, sure."
" Sam, due you rely think dy'll rota dent
niggers here?'"
" For tartin, Cletrh I board massa ca dare
WAR five thousand 'ported souf NS and
half of dem now ready in ilia Bilis. I tell you,
Clem, if one Of dem form, mat' elised niggers
ealealate to 'soeisto wid die chile, he is a hoin
de wrong paich. &malign' will bit him like
mule kicked hint fer- - sarten, and it won't be
dot animule tier!"