The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 26, 1859, Image 3
[A lIVEIZTIm/..MENT.] we The undersigned Democrats would their Democrat te fellow citizens ot t he Coy ,„,1 co unt) who arc unwilling to sanction the a ction of the late so-called Democratic State convention. in refusing to pass a resolution of c ommendation of the present distinguished Deno , rat ie Governor ~t the State, William 'F. Ps, icr. and but popular administration, and I lit rwise riot:Ong the time honored! of the Party, to meet together on Ratur j•tt, the 2,1 day of April next, at.': o'clock. I'. ti at the room of the Select Council in the (ot ot Erie, to appoint 2 delegates to repre .ent tilts Clint)o in a cuttx wit ion, recommended t; many Democrats in all parts of the State, R , be held at Harrisburg, on the 12111 of April next 1) 11 lintehingon. Unniel Young, E A. Gerrish, G. A. Bennett, t' F. Rockwell, .1 no. W. Jteynolils Henry Ball, Srnytit, Irvin Camp, James Lytle,. J S. M 11,Iff, R. M. Laird, M. Warfel.. Jr., . Thomas W. Stewart H ZiMmerman, (1 %%Mos. JD° Clemen.. J S it sotaell. Oco II Cutler. John Killpatrick. L. bobbin,.. A NI. Tarbell, II Pelton, 1;e0. F. Webb, .1 IV Ryan, Geo. Hill, I 11 I ' , ,oper. John Bunt ,Iltne. Xillpatriek. I' S Clarke, 1 I Tanner, C Kolb. I Kincaid. John Canty, I It Pet kinm, C. G. Howell, Imo!, John Dunlap, .• 11 nlnrt, Thomism Crow Iry \ \I gill, - W. B. Shbe:tin. 1.'% Culver. P.. A Benneir Shen, J W. Ougnii,- Itritrg.. K. (.otigte. Itn•!c%. I'. Faulkner. F • .1 W 1 Nn, t N :t rren. t.r1,.. 1.! I. 1E159. TIDY WIFE 1.410 K AT TEI 10. For bruiting ant the brilliancy of tarn t.L, ....Loring; old Fltrettttaryitt ita original Iwitro, Reprorine qtaena And In - nines. tram all Varnished surfaers, ther. nottmic CHAVAI:() Ft Itit:1111:E 1 , t1.111 It t. nloal .11nalde and 1,410 ..... Al reparn• unit. 'old -harp Bottles 141 rte mall •^ \Lard] 116, I ter. /WHAM DV nrv—liA Ilt I'l R.-- WI. A RATCHELOIrs HAIR pyp. Inv nal and Brat in the World' All uther,i aro ao/tationa, and should be m0..16t1 if you anal to GRAY, RF,II, OR RI STY HAIR DYED inotantly to R beautiful and• Natural Brown or Rhol, without ffi.• infury to pair or Skin f.trrEks NRDA 1,4 Asti DIPLOSI A S hare been aw•trd ed to Win A. Bachelor ',hire IfIL9, anti Over `4o,lalliavidi Cations hare been made to the Halt of tile patron■ ol buttons r/3 WM. A. 11ACIIELOIt'S HAIR DYE produces a mior not to be chatinguiabed front nature, and la Wancax-rah not to tnittre in the IVIDaa, hi wee., Ion,: it ittai be roittito,d, %bat the ill effects of bad Dyes rrinellitd. II" Hatt In% onited fur life by this.tkplenillil Il se Wade., sold or applied (In P t.rli ate r,,,,,, at th. Factory, tri Itrinuditra3, N. 1' :told iu all th ties and low no of tlw 1 ult.d Mate., 1.. Dryuttts and ' ey dealer,. vw-The uine has the name And 1.0r1,11. 111.4. 14 -tee! plate at env toe on lame auslee of each tu,,, of W 11.1,1 kV! A. HATI.III. I Mt, 1 er.l. 2:t": Mprb 1 71POIRTA NT TO F E.M KICSEM Arcs PILL V , Pn pare,' h) Corn. I$ Lie I. t2l)eeniernatl, M. I) . Sew York . The ennibt nal i..n ingre.henta to thee.• ihlb are the re..ult a I..nt and eatr n.ll e ',rattier They ate mild in their iffiperal t....ttaln nI rttrreeting all IrtrculAritleo, riflatt I U. etnlr., %mg all übat nlrtluua , ohelm 4 Iron, nth em ISt. I.aadNIIP, i.rtin In the Inch., 1.1•411I.a1 I t.r hr int, whit.••• all nerVIIIIII, a, pain In the 'melt and ian)101, he., .het cruel h interrlption of aaturr TI) VI % Itttl ISO 1. t 1)1 Es, 11, I'hi...lw maw'. Milo 11.111113/.li. .ma th , . will 1.1,0 z y Irm' with nqulant. 1...4/1,14 wnn 1,,,e hi u. • ol nth , r One.. ~ .14,t0, • 11 tint rrilreoPta In do Ti.,,, one “f f.III41I• trw ,n w lit II hit.' 1'111.1,111114 hw tali, a it tttnwt, lug a PEI 1,1.1 tlt nE.I I.T Th. 7.1. 11..1 0. i. PKE.NANCY ...wiz It, MI:WARR! it. Etiw irrysiataldr i‘f Ow 111, oil ITO to 1,140, OW `at NIIII filnetiOlll , l.olll6 , llll] 1 • 01 . .:11.1 , 11. that vi rrpp..!-,. lit. 1..% of Ilnturr eNniwt r. •I.t It " 4 rriL"'" l ant In mils thine m. $:•1•114.1( .Itr, which .Itortill 1.. rl,l, o..r•Ans vac), 1..1 VI. , $l. Swot by nail .•ii rite •,, ,wrl) seerrt ..tie Dru,,t.t t au 111 the I i ut.•):" . 1111., H H 111 rrnn. a, tp r.. 1 .tit thr 1 nite.1? , 130..p, V41'113 , V..rt. T tilt Wh , .lr•al, r• •11111.; Ir. T 1.,. I r.. J. f; 1.1:i 4 , t'l 4 , Pout!,.. BE TI1011r"I1N'‘ r or , Irce, lo nt ‘11”.1.%a1f• and Re nil At lI 11,1 , I N'n Pro,. ,1••,, No 6 12,..t II LIM 11 , 'Nk"kC ITHAKTIC PILLS are T 00011111,110,1/ ir, all the respeelable em.. 111 Ili , .P:I ry. IPr all purpower sa hat. 11), tr, TR, Tlll,l' war. ft 1.1)W1 .1 gr. at brzkvtil it) per..E• 4.1 b•Ua...ars h,lntx, tr orrs.l4.nal um. te /MIMI ilrooo , aft, ratiOg dreal.r 1. . , t 1 hr.. Pi IMO lat. the Flomn..l, ‘l,O ttlti I.+ )/0111 . 1 1:11 lo hit I I ttm tlt•lrtil) 111 e, .1,,... .1 • st,.. to •0 Ir • to to.. hrt.r iIOgr"WRY Attu dippombona of they in .. ec Attu ..t.rttar.ll, t•te r.•C r • •iit ti n.rtt.tent to tht.tre.telr.••, arr. rt •tf . ..krat.,,taent, which if 111..grel I on'h n.. '4lll general dtaease 41 the sr hole 1.) stem tt i• b oi ',text() so lona /1 1 .111.• action to, through an, , Lm tiered, that moment ettlntlottnefot ► iteratio 1111 llt. not speed AL remedied by 11 removal of the moat% w ill si 1..1 through tiglistrit lesser ells and aches to 1 r rhor'Plagt Prrrnatilre 111 4 aim and lieri•ti The stomach is the grand reservoir from whence to, 13.111nsbrownt, and life and ague sre initatrteit be en. tire f9i.tern t it is all important, then. that the , tuatuch he kept health), and Uri, from esory thing rah to e trite a itlite:wel settnn, and hinder I . f InrlTnner if .t• ie g ltimate• functions and is hen thnoi.,, seeident 44 other eirciimstarrx e, the en. co • f are proatrattel, and the od,nuteli Ind ',the,• the as 1051. ,„env are 1.11.1g.:10, a 1 .,. is. in 11, •rniance of their thotti s, xi hen tlo , t 1.% nra ,, 11.11 a (.cone. Lot, tout,' , whom• alli•fa.111•1 ant t ono . ;LI t ni rt %fon. irt ion ati•l 11.1/S.oly • • 1 gentle ape - riettl soil laxative, writ it.. 11114.10. . 'I. to of other accomplish this end—alit it nn, it, , ~,ye t i . r , .1 a Pail I, zootl, sod ..I . llrito, I ; • %/Pi f velars!, that 11,11,1i14 slti HA I'li 10 a ..ler tic pudic. IA top entirel3 reffetabir 111 the ire„M to aruou, tto mar le. 1411.11111111.:1 red sleh to oil, .1 , ie., , ir• and wt. aw n, it 1. , llo• and 0. f, the s,rtfr4fu. coati. l tor ( ostirt stem, liawfsittnr, ikarlborra, liendarkr, lrge t Arriota, ./.10‘.1 d.,re, NI. Lars" •At iAr Sleatowk, Ajterbs.. cad krdorememis of lA. 1N11111.1.11 •S "olefin eraer..l4 t /.. . ( . .1.1001 tw.Urj.k. , ed Tia. 44 4 .1111 ., , - ,•alren , ., 14 t•• 14• 4.11. 1‘..• 1.01 , t and 111....1 rem. at (lie mc4tt perft - rt rompoiskoi wilt. I. 1., ts. r 1,1 n the ....fiery of &nett.. They ezurravit fu 4.,rr wahspiett..., ur lirfr ;wire els pt r Ma, v./1 be .. Erie ...nit, ,t it 41.0%11.4'• 0f - ft< It C irjr. W 11:.• 111/:r-- H 1.4)1r .SI If; ,S .4 .VD )1' Pt{ • • 1, 1 .11 .1 h.! •rr 14•C‘..t. hal I ..1110, and .I,lml I. I lino,- 1.. a I.h:trio - turning , op I. hr. I n.•.. 10 oag off tL. 1.ra.1 , the nn i, 01420414th. nt tho an - 11,101. T . ,•.•,! 31,11 1,1•11 , Ifarelk. )9, tkot It I r Hroado • it / far 11?I'lliall'*!" 1 ('fit) I.! V Plt (ill. J 4:1.1.V. I,v 1.1• In t 111..6 r rrttiny! f Jun.. r.,. Isle , h r vvr I 1 . 11 re. etoal Litet 141. Tl3ll , , •111.ers.. 414 X 111. n.c, V of 01l II rrtailli , 1 tio• taw% (1 Ihy 1.1t,{1 Liver it. IL pri fort' pwlatal.le lot 1., 31..1 0.1.1 r1.11.11 - ro wIII wat 11 w about ueLhooNy l'onfo.l. Clay k Co , A,. OA, No I Vletrioq wt , Nrw York Siorlkir mod (.114, P. RA. ‘0,10,1 , r0. it mar 1.., MARRIAGES. 444 'fir 17Ih in•t 1.3 Ihe H. 1444.-4• Dunn. EUtiEstiF. SMITH. of Fo.r‘i,w I.lli I ht . ... WM' 11my, anti by Ow .1 %NIES It. KELLEY to mi 4. %W.I.:USE II 1-:%IERICK, foot. of (;ir.rd. I 0 1A he 'ih lll , t ht the George \lr SMITII S\\I\NTIII FFI 11{11, all of ate, In Nitterforil, on the the Rev. r T Mr, TIIoNI Al IltVISt. Nit,4 %RINE NI %HT! \ .•f ~111111111 1.,W11.111r. DEATHS Ar Millcreek. on Ston.lay morfung. 11. EX INI/F:(1 aged youm In Chi• City, .at the !Mil , Alru. S.tLLI ,N 1 %RI 1, wile P F F-irrnr, raged venr.t, In lsth WILLI AM \S KELSII nn if Nielvin and Ninrihn Ke1%.,, 4 i: ea I ) 0:11-4 II 1,11,1111 4 Tiro l 11 (lityg• 11" I'll )N. I..ft iltharri.ker, art ttk.t s an it , ^"nife• 6. the lied' tnu.finc a 4 rhea, natiw.t THOM AS ( UXMINS All rryrius x, ha.riror or trait the egad "pp rat tler., I *hill 1...141 all .o oiTraltog re.ponsiblo for his renew 24,-42.1w. E. M. COIL. HOUSE PAINTING MO PAPER HANGING.. ,t-itseit I B Eli Would rrxinvtfully Inl..rm the PliiT4l3ll 01 1..,1• awl ricmity, tl, I b.. 1. prerarrd General Rouse Paper Hanging, With Neatness and Dispatch. Shop oo "reach street, mat Foortl , a .: , A mst tc ts . igir r o t t:h k i tio r ;: , t i trpe' Fre:L.42w IMPORTANT TO ALIA THE SUBSCRIBER has eatabliAxeci a general News Depot hi th e Pout Moe: Lakin( w here lie will keep all the publiestlime of thellep, tea as Newspapers, llageahree, Periodicals, Every New Book. received as sopa as published and any 'Book, back numbers of say magazine cul o tpair or any man andel, obtained for the con m esen prim Buhemtptlons taken for New York, AhUWd l p } ~~b, Boer fain and Clevelaad &Him By swat atteatio to the wth• s of the public he hopes to smelt • dime _Ruben a1e.42 G. W. ABB 'MIX LAKE ERIE FEMALE SEMINARY and term of Lake Erie Female Smainacp, toasted at t atnesriile , Ohio, will 00U3111n109 to September of the present year. dA. pesperskiry schooi, under the direction of a podiums l ht. Holyoke Female Seminary, ail' be *ponied in Nips, Thureday„ April 21, in the Hall of the New E. 0.4 House. This building has been waled tot the use of the school, lad suitable arrangements will be made for the accommodation of pupils frost abroad. 'Charge for BOW and Tuition, $3O, for the term of twelve weeks. The object of this school will be to give these hoping to enter the Lake Iris Seminary In the autarnshao •,14 1,11 ` tabity to prepare themselves for an easminalion in the studies which will be requited for adniledon ps that In stitution. It is desirable that shoes wishicup to become airmixes of the Lake trio Seminary at Its opeolof term should avail themselves of the advantages of this pro water) school. None will be received lin* 16 yeah of age. A pplieationa for adoihnsion should be made trnmed(ately and ma be addressed to Hon. Aaron Wilma, Secretary o f the of Trustees, or Miss Mar/ W. cbspia. Prla' cipal of Wt. If 01),,5e Seminary, wbo le spending a few weeks In Planes% Me to aid le completing arraogemoots for the opening of the Lake Frio Seminary. REUlft.h UIICHCIN:t, tzseuUre AARON . WILCOX, citiptuo A. AT ER}, 5 Committee. bfaftli 26, 16641.-12.2 w. ekyr, /7titelf? 8.07 I4W.\ T El) 'AT 14 BUFFAIA ('m-ner Set I'. CITY, —Cooper NHL 1I)ELPII lA. Co, ALB %NI. No. 41" Br. CLEVELAND, Rir. Se , DETROIT. So. 711 _ ('Ill(' 14:0, 'or ('lark And %'nel:ingnvi Street-, tudenle entering 111.11) one of [helm 'Colleges, by-the payment of $O, 14,,n0• entillmt to the prn , or the entire "chalo," e. ropriornr Pe rill of the moat thoroigh, complete mini popular flumbeaa : 4 choola lr the world. For Cataloeuve and etreu lure, cal) at the College Room-, or mldreas ea above. AMERICAN•MERCHANT.' A MONTHLY — MAGAZIN E. Ilvvolod to Cownwuw, Banking. Manufnnturee, A ri r‘iltttnr, Mechanical Sirienee, rocumerriai Law, Political Economy, Literature, Art and litatietieal Information.— Ptibliriot month!, at Cooper 'natant*, N. Y. T..rmr $3 per annum, with the naual reduction to ('lots The work it deeigned to tea gonad exponent of the Commermal and Iminatrial Iniereste of America 28, laroi —1y.42. M %Mt' Ql:l.l)EN';‘ MAW(' F*lii 11.1 N'S NI.161c_V1.1"11) x_7 SE1.1)1:v-z 11.1 - 11), THE GREAT LINIMENT! L' , l 1.111:V• N1.1(;11• FLUID, • THE GRF.ATTI,N-LKENT F4)B kN 11E.AST W,ll ton—eau you ! .1f mi. thiii (sir trIA!, Nat Ilk If4al. wilt ciiiin% int. the [Woof ing ly all Dirolers thrriugbiiiiter. A liTt.ll. k lIKA , smile Agents f.r I•larrh, 2n, PQ.I —I) 42. yit - Tii \NI) m.kminol.,. - - .it T, th.. 2/001 Thoolutugt, atrl I I tnail..4 in a /teal...teat •L, r .. , t.... 1 8 0 1,1”....4, iiitior 1... a ;Ilia, .11 rec. , lpt of thr.. ttastvo. Medsral essay an Ihr physical r 14d:wawa and decay of the frame. 1 as,,ed by " Yofeettow ova thli 'Y./sinews rorystyrtyces f /IPrciery. By R. J. 011/041.- 11.01, -IL I), ntralleer tar kora (*allege II l•rekevers, Ire. q.. I -0 - - pa. t %111 t. ,rb0.t...... trik,4l Frviiro•ll..4; 1.11.1 and ‘, , r,•.c.t0 I , ~ t,/:y. IMpo! , n,y, I.'.a of ho. • - •;1, 1 falrewiron Ilf • r 1,1:P, Tlint.ll'l, I t.t.ftai .q . thew r ktqll ur .ow, , 1311 I,np,litilerltir to MarriA4..., ay. pr.b.‘ll,l. 1.., •.I , til,l re n..,.•,1 IA 11g. 1111}14, • 11.• I rl unit Ti. .• ~,,..., ..,,,,ii in . I. of 1f...013,W . L. 1 ....alp of whirl, the lip, ..: ~ ran reeln prirlllo. 111 nib without harm; 1 , ... , 11r., t.. 0.0. g.., ow. •u.l vtiwnkirs medicinft i Prow the LOn•Ion I &nee.? , Tht , bent 1r.,11....ver written on a sat.ret . r .Itl/ IM. N.rta,cm to ,I, writ worthy the authors. 51i..r.1 reputa tion. 0 I= A.S.lroso, the Puhilph..ra J. RI.INP k cr., I r iverkte, enr. lint Ntr , .t ri.nt I 1 4::Se, New 1 ' .i114 ov-el,, *-45. I, ,Q —:f23rn Al; (.R.ll • • \X. lo 1. ',Am f•..) ANNit4tAli II\K S A. ~"-r , 1 I;11X'UNI4, 1... 411, a, S'a I,t •or tt'ion .I.r•L: 4t. • •Ir • ••tol,.•.11 P 1..., in ..n.l for !I 's r 14y4n4 (ltt h•r t VA, It fier, in ! zik he .11, ~•1 fror 1.1 I!. \1l , 11•111 h. rk ziso, to 11,0 x..,1 k!••••1.•11. ! • .4! fr., ••.44 . J.. Pr,. 441 ,tirt 0n14.1.r; h.q., the, vo i r.•. •44- 144,14:• r f•• 4.1 Pyre., 1 , 11 Ito. Jr,(l V 4...1, lit Nal 4•4!, 14. 111411V1-f tit 1 144•1114;”4 44r4,1 4‘ •• _• • I' tho r..nrt w ti,, J.•o\ ti' 11..1. ‘11:, ...144fiff -h. nip. I 1i11,1% /I I re', 241, A J 4 t0r1.• for the wee In 4'onlenne, li.n. re I,e te 01 the l'it rrr n• hank of So 1:0, \I 1y t. an i 4 l'tttnlsr.A Nn 21 0 Soo tern' 1 4 43 R oa Ihreh 14. 1+:44. It It, lie. Joe 7.. Conk and I`,..otry. 4 utlefg.r to John P Ines nt On4ke .lietnhnt ton 441 remi- Jinni's! runt among the hew en.4l3tnr, 1/1 nir l'er l errata . Pool int.•r.rrted in the nhavn.nre herehy nrOiheal that the An dttor will snood to the .10 lee of hie app.liatipmt ht• office in Fri.., nn To...Aar the IPth cloY ..r A l . " 1 next .t In o'clock A 11. maid day. Eno, March:nor:l I) It. Ano - Irk IR "I N i.•. " 11 121 (• \ 11 . 1. 1 F !1. 1 : a 111 ". I bin 1140 k Itandinz 1 ..t.ottol.-lotoont to Itko anentill ntorl Itinanr tn din k, corn., of Filth kud nitotn 41,4' nhenn Ln at I In totind ready to wait on all hlp, old ruAtonwra. ri r Aliorders promptly titteroloit to Etto, .INt 'I Ti . Lb trted, t.. this city vi itliin thirty.,,,,,, are irelel•te.l to him to mil stet pat' the game., as hat pt., be Inttlsds arcouni, alth a pr ow l dficor for rolirci/con. T, R ISLARg. Ert,l4arrli 19, 1k59 — i 4 hereby given that John • tk,..),J.n g ' To/or, lob made sib amaxtm•nt of all hie pmprrty to 8. A. 11.1areopOrt, for the 14/411.41it 411 In% rroditorm, Pikrl4ony haling claims ,pint Mr. 4: 0 4.1 4 0r Arr re4pekteel 1.. pne444.40t them to Ib. Up' .torprirtled, and theme who tt.rt• 11010404 to tittll Win p 1011.60 and tely S. A. iAt' K... 101 Ott, Krle., March 1., IF 5.9.-31.40. AufFithee 4 4• .k It I) T. R. 81.AKK, Take. plettoure m return. ng hi. thank• to the Lady. anti the Public, flir 016 fiery iberal lat ennige. they hare xn kindly he. owed on him he moo nye I elf% And of introiloceing to them Mina A. V Cicim, from Chinon as his 11111,..110104`. ng that the imme tiatronag. ate! kind feeling. which has Men be... red on him, may be t ndere4M her M1:...z8 A. E. ( N )1. E, Would very respnetfutly Infanta the public, that .he has bought out the entire Atonic of Itlak.'. Bonnet ftoonia, and intend■ carrying on the Millinery and Fancy Good. bovine..., in all ito blanche*. Having j u.t teturneol from New York, with a very choice *election of till@ earnestly *elicits a Überal atiare of patio:ay.— /llMizzen. supplied Al usual at Wholesale price*. Also Bleaching sod Pleasing done in • superior planner at 37% eta, GRAND orzNnia, on Batuntay March Bith., ftAg MISS A. COLE, Proprietor. of haw', Bonnet Rooms. Yale, illarcb 19, 1659.-4 l ri a li alOVERIC m o A rt N n t A i irE OF f loc 29 Trains will teat* Dankirlt at Painting and Fret-ht NU. 4 hurPeogrflo Might sr< pr .111 ',MILD over night at Ehu eiocual pT•so Sunday moral CHA • Dunkirk Marcb 19, 1868.-4 itliYA STRATTON•s THE GREAT LINIMEN't! FAIL MAN .IND 1;k: kSI THE GREAT LINIUNT! FUR tN D ►RE IST THE,GREArLIBIMP3I: ' Fo VLAN AND BE IST FIR MAN AND ISEI:trT %..7 Ji,sr.etisslly Fancy Goode, TOO NUMEROCS TO lIRN:nox. NEW YORK & 1, at the fiAlowton bolus, I. _D e p ar t. 4 0 0 A- M. 11 0 bl /l1 10 14 1. 1 Wt.. o. b Train Kant on gatordays and peered oe Cie )401414, Proiri .U. Eastward Bo York Express. Nielt Eipress :Atm* Eitrome Fre No, 2.. ...... GRISWOLD'S COMM. 4 SITS a t REvoiarnom OP PlUOliEl I 1 The Consumer GREAT REDUCTION!!! • The Lamest DRY GOODS ESTABLISHIIiENT Streetm A•tttr Place lit.t.tittit rior SI reel+ North Western Pennsylvanian UNITED STATER II WM A ORISWOLD I=l lIIS LARGE AND DRY GOODS, biondal* Tuesday, 98 &. 29th, Large and Magnificent Store OPPOSITE SIDE OF TKO WITEET, JOHN MOORE. Es4l. EXPRESSLY FOR HIM liPilpf GRAND MIT Wednesday larch 30, tiiii The Siw;)ond The Looms of iv71•An0v:92).1 . 1V1C1).,04 His recent Arrangements With f •l MANUFACTURING ENABLES Tins HOUSE 2.4 OTTER Inducements T. R 0144qqqqciggillig 13ONNETs, L•I•Ig F-11 RI issomt, BAD. DRUSI 3) Ant many 'Was of trEILLERS ARE PARTICULARLY opp.wiu lb. Part max. InTriTikM T) :74.57-71.1n M": 711 , C M ENO NO Erie, March 25, 1859. i STRAY (X)W. iltasiod beat the'webeedbee • is liels o a dark Red or Brows Ower, with wows white ea the Ihead—• Any parkas takinrodae the YY elm te eethetelhea, tritl wittebily _rework& WIC woo& lir* Magi 11110.-4131. PIA f 4 4 E 0 Viii L 4.4111 P P IkvEl 4 : :-,b) :4 II:i ,s} 4 142TRAMONg iNEW ERII IN TUN DRY. GOOODO TRADE ZILTILair Will refotoe at the The finest Sales soo2kl IN THE WILL REMOVE ELEGANT NOOK OF MD CARPETING TO THE ON THE JUST FINISHED BY THE DOORS OF VIM WILL BE OPENED ON 2 - O'Clook,T. M. Spring Stook of Fabrion from Nearly Every Nation in the i r p l , :1 A TION I 1 ! fl AND I :If); q.l : Superior to Any Other DEALEtt. AND , rm•7l - Trm INVITED TO I WY. A. GRISWOLD O WE 1"318 AsP 4, OP4f no! • 01 1 72118 TOB SALS . I • wand Wok of CHOWS DRY GOODS, 7171107148ZD rort aim . 'Rom dAsEr D____ it AT ♦ 0111110 OP II PO IA I MST ' Over Credit Pz 4ars. TSB 117119111111 1 OTTLIINI OF ESSE GOODS, FINN 1/111P111TING8, ensTriNea, clams, &c., 1 AT WRIMISALE ANTE RETAIL No. 5, atollspee Boil', MeM 19-41 FIUALE PHYSIOItN. 888. it. J. AItiREWS. owes No. a. aus) noun, WIPSIC.PIXISTLVANU. Atimde WIN davits Ceulloeumput, sod trio& an Oman pe•allar laoa; also Beastalega therm. and a" emplaeue at fie Weed. river CoeselebtNervous desidellaatles Nadasseatasaa Acute and Claes% ladlirsakra. - Arvoir and Agee, et& • distasa• tleovosiest Bea provided for Wiest& Goa*/ from lbs. A. ,m le an ram of climate Crow givs AA es teemed opiates ea to Übe prob•Allny of a aria. A to ten rptty atioadoe to. Private revile to Wire tone. Monk 19, The only real Hair lieetorstive XoOXBERI TIAIR RESTORATIVE AND INVIG -01/41011. ma la want of & Balt llaideastloo et drawbar for toi le. doald low sou. bat Ikember'e t as tits Gannet by any pontate teatbspaey Injure the Walt or scalp. Om the oestraty h i wartanted to grow. Dow bar on bald wad Mx" Its &Mai eat—to eradicate daladrolf &s lu e dimmest of leo .&p it will also Feted tie halt turning pay Nod Impart • enteral Ara and besetyltbat no ether peparatkru can do. rot gement toilet Oe• tt has no equal, *ad being entivety free from an adaaaala In ti eosopoottton may he safety aimed without Plat at all limos. Dr. W. IL Wino= of the Clnetaaah haademy of Nadi else la a 'Gault etnuataitteatl 'heirs that "toad sent ex ternally le eemettmee alwrbd Into the eretwo—that a man who bad teed Mrs. Al lea's Twin? sad other hair dyes, (the Maio of which he eatd woe nac tr i t f 116 d and nitrate of Weer) far seem] loam Ind get the Ida@ heel on the "fatas and ill* . bill 411411; motile from bead aid ultras* of Wear.* 1100nalre's Iterteastive has nese at this obieetteaal 'natter to Ha emormitlea—errory arilide ". =6o"ll and padtaily hdrieeleme Own spelled or liter- WI,. ft la the beet hair prestlon to time wettd. Get a eireedar and teed what It Is thea bay a bete'. ft never her haled. Prim to eta, SI a bottle. Mach bottle Pus the lollentog wardebleme I. thi s j i t, Meombsee Hatt ileeterattve sad levitgetates‘ s N. Y.* Illarsokokusd asdbold, blookoolo and notail b_y W. V. WAYNARD t Wodbkictoo at ßollolo, N. W. Ce To whom all lettere !day _ho addesobed sad ordins mt. Sold by CARUS k ISOTISR, lfM, rb. sad by Draggled pokoolly. Sarah Is, Take Particular Notice A p : (sj INIUsIC WILLING'S MUSIC STOUP. LARK HALL. lillialß2EMEiiiE I V 00A L AN D NBTR 17MEN7'AL SHEET MUSIC, ere avisli *NI ••• from Ito minis Pub. lishilas be& eall Vint olosiikdati st Lei Dual; !ties, Quorassis as Monism. %%Uses, Palms, Gallops, Momsluts, Marches mad navy Dimon Bare eunamereoll atetferw 11Wter• ma other be ask easy sad No new at arm% aa wee a* pabliehed, sad at yeClielela Vie" whereby the ;archaise wee the ex of troosportalisa 7 YaU or Storer Osti sod me Catalogue. Instruction Books for WI MUSicillnstrtusents. lAN alga aPa HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHIL. A BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION by synaial twiimweirot sr tbio ibilk4 of tai. Sidi bad Distnowett, allhistbil with 1/111WW11?4, tic ZPIDEIIIO DISICASIAN. The HOWARD ASSOCIATIOK, la view of ths awful deatroctieet of hemas Ufa seemed hT eierwal dream, and the deception' practiced upon the aefortuaste victims of mob dames. by Qualm annul years ace directed their liosealtlag nargeon, as au iJUTAB LI ACT worthy of their mama, hi owe • Di/worry for the treatment of th le elate of diments, is all their farms, sad to set v. LI ED It: 41. ADVICS OttATl:4 to all who apply by hitt..r, with a a.. triptiea of their sesiditios, (am oecupatton, habit. ~1 Ilia bc..) and in ease of extreme pa.eety. t.. 1/U RN fillatiCINICS /BM OY CHARGE It le Dealaga to add tbat the Associ•Uou oommoode the highest Medical skill of the sod will fersith tits moat Imprensa mod. rn try pie of the esesetstica, to their sonnet Derr, spies the treatment of usual tlaeaeee expriewee the inetiest seththstion with the 'ewers teltieb km• atteoded the Woon of their merneone in the enre of lipermstor rine* Seminal Westmont, flooorrices, Girt, chit rice of Osage= or Self-Abuse, iuseases of the aul 4iiiand Blander, he, sad order s son tines:tee of the plea for the inenbut year. halftime/argot • review of the past, feel assured that try When la this sphere al heneveleut peon, bare been o rase bees& to the edileted, especially to the'emir , sad they bath seatived to devote thaenuelvos, with re- , mewed mai, le this very important sad mach deopteecl done. edmieshis BROM% on Spemostarrham, or Seminal flieslumee. the vies If fleeedem, Mestortation„ or Self /those, sad other SWIM of the fleshed Organs, by the ewteraittaf Laffiros,_ VW be mat by awn, (in a restedol 7 4.l razz or Gina on receipt of Ter 0 STAMPSfor peetems. Other floporto lied Tracts on the nature sad Oteskeent of Sexual atheism. dist. ke . an publishedbatitratutbeas distrihotiou, =Me =No the .lusted. Same of the new reme dies sad methods of tmellimmt dissomved derlag the peed year. ewe et grad mhos. Adlat i art leefitteent, Dr. J. !MILLIS 11 OfJO2lllOlll, Howard Association, No !South Ninth tike, Ps By arbor 01 the Directors. TAIM0111111). Iy4l. doessisri. Presidrot. 44WE TAKE NO NOTE OF TIME BUT BY ITS 1,0038. - PROYIUITOIX noire to give notice to their friends and Um labile, that they have removed their lean Establialnneut from No. 6 )teed Honer, (where for tb. pat talneteen yeses It has been bested.)te thiir Nen iltnien ett thv.North able of no West Park, art isan*, thee hoemoweig Sleek. In usufiking this change they think It net inappropriate to call amnion to the lad that their prevent bandit', hes been erected by them supressly for the DM% AND MEDICINE BUSINEEK, sed the letetnal amnio:tnas thereof designed mod adapted to the classification of the Iledtaises, sad the srperatien of their Steck lota ditrervat Department', as arrangement which protnotea order, neatness and vvfinomll *Waal them to protect their Eledicines from dust or admixture; preserves their purity and strength. and at the mane time gives greater security against 'AWOL's,' and arrebleuts, to oMeh Ude banner ha peculiarly emporia, imusidarations ef moment with the mottoes and reheating. Aware of the ~sailors they sustain to the public, and the crepsesilinity of the position they occupy, they in tend bus avail themseberea dOn iliefllllolll within their reach be enable them to discharge with fidelity the dunes thereto portalulaga And hers they would lab esermatea to retool their seam of the vieligatione the) are anger to thole sumer ens httadir. bellt in the env and eseetry, who fee ssi many I pairs poet have given their house the predawn le their dealings to this 7Hie, and mem* tathaessing ethic" te de the mom. Per these teethe of Undone and grass they trust they are eiseerelitatetai. With the advent goo peonweed In their new location,' well wriaelati Meek rots` almost every thing with i ro il n of Nedlisine, aid an esperienos of twisty. llz n k , tats bastesse; they hops stilt to retain the Isabile end the partiality of friend". Irie, Yeah tk cuomm BYO. ABBlo=ll3 BALE OF REAL ESTATE. we trampus vow& Art Ada" Arra is tb• dity d drie, it oared he ski le oboe Um, bergrateet .e R. J. DA% Ibe %elope Si red fibre, Olt la Lett IN A a ir" lele . MI mad 1301, situate lir rem tAttlak breed lid brat Steers, treeing o• orb et all Ilde prod rill be edits mush us say bre mai Or prebarea. Arm 4 et tbe = l. l ll eart es Asa The tatm~ bar Si Ile ire de. br= l : Perb. Ilasome eedberst Nee*, trlib •it bases sad ear beA9bee Amor Weber treigt,l4l.berteg M Arboed as /seat Street sad lir roe 'Albs ram Oriel Ark eremedieg fear Strad lb Pim Oil seers, Wien tbsers rested. A UR triaged re Or barb Nit et Ole Pibbe add es Mb 111104bilis II Mt I WAN wide= Sod keg, 'dis walker dr pin te ree,, se a et rbilEollimPottd la r Albeeitrittled rides a the mit es wyreiNdt aism l ta ileidgelded boist ebb estu 'Am rikrebrlditelloe tent reldAy sr eras *de lelie es libt COW. este lie ips= be vile WOMB Ile eresburele et ire yeereify re be lend ee perde aft smell Ur SOO dby" el lbly se" Aft 111 beta* SIM be velar Mirka le 6. torisMik O. liiihissreporair . ereereibli. 112115 , —.0 11 • 4 • 00 book bane IB fils. Waft ' old MOM weak eirre red IVCSOMILIOPIr MARV • H. RIBLET HAS REMOVED HIS r a utltstl eee t Stout of Parsitcro dour e s t to ido Nes. ala ß .2l.ll = he that PatiPor r "." o • 4 7 in foods WWI slid aal•ltad aaicalorat a/ tUZZITUEL Sagaslag all k 134. .c *Mad Irmo siasily MO la establimplOisst. Ostimo tfat Sear ,mid i e mi= st7reiss - i — ?rah Sifts* Clairass Fed 111 ea" alb. 4+4 Alf, lamifeborst by , vata Of midi sad pekoe to 6.11,m6m0r5.. Irti• sol• Gar b et WS FURNMJIM. sada so Oohs, Ilt•-•=hdies, taw Clestassaines Soy CU L; and 6U kWh of Cutrieved C Nad a. to,Centre sad C.,4 VIM Kota and Moab Thethied liar eoaloato made's 1111014 blio amber ireelaasa, easkyitoot to oloodbototo say to go anatmot Sao la the bait Mem and shortoot yolks The paha* partlea the hetke. lee teepeethiliy ellteel to ailt and eloont loreely toraltero sod prim% as I lon not to bo esoiscoole by any estoolloknoot L th• Clty or olonraore. All kinds or lumber and redoes taken In es fir harsher& J. H. RIBUCT, Meath is, isso.-41 hole Proprietor. dli n-400t reeetted slam Amok et name pabtso• toe all shae, goalltion oat stow WALKER & PELOUZI, TYPE FOUNDRY AND Printers' Furnishing Wsrehoutili. 17 DUTCH M t 060, rumineli 2411117117 MCCIoNt.IIIIC. DELL, .TIL We have sow in mune of poppadom a now Book, wieraining a conspbrie eeriest of Book asr:l - Fectea, haw Pearl is Plea (of the latest sal,) both Ilooteb Amotitro• also a lege whey of Job Typo. Cats, ildillipa„ Brno Bales, Amager, he., he. Is eon seaUon Intl ear boainees re have made A to guest trees TypoPristine' lake, and Card in fact every *Aldo neeemary ter a Printhig Ogee, as I. so out to perelsamed of the lhanalleterers. Prow every article of era ton wake we oiler an ladariwnent of 20 per seat. for Cash, frees:lol Priam. Books seat to Pabilabere, ea application; eciof new Ober earefally node oat; liberal credit (leenperi . i=l anaegessent, bat an ordeal don par- Use sot g the tares desired , will be eoestdered as der sad drawn seesediser. We allow ton cents par lb. for old Type, sad Often mote per. lb. for old Braes Bale—in exchange for new material at Bpoldnion Priem—to be delivered to as brae of within silty days after parchate. inserting the above advertisement in their Paper and sending as one copy, will be entitled to their Pal by belief three Ames the woos* of their Bill is oar ewer Illasithotund IllateriaL Nook 19 ISMI.-41. ANTHELMINTIC WAFERS FOR Wenn& HY give year children nauseam sad unwholesome Worm hiedtelass, when you have thie preparation of Bagar t They a:fistula ue Calomel, Of any other injuri ous lagredleata, bet are purely vegetable, and borer WI to en* woe= where they exist, and Improve the health In all versa Beware of imitations, and purchase only the ealebratod ' datheimintio Wafers for Worms" which Sr. the only original and only safe lad• tellable world eonisetien new to sae. Sold In Cris, Np. 6 Reed Boom by March lh, lifih-41 BALDWIN, - • MOTHERS-- ...L apse lore your children, ba on the alert for erery symptom of Worms, for worse 61141110 the death of more eltUdride than any other disease. In all woe, of pals moustesuiee, llrid eirel• around the eye% and foul breath, era "Authelmietie Wave." They area plement pro paratloa et sugar and easy to administer. If worms are premat they will ;ably and effectually remove them, and restore health to al wee. Bold by BALDWIN, No. 5 Reed Hoar, Erie, Ps. trio, Mara. le, 1/160.-41. PROF. COLBY'S. CHEAP MA 33 R. 0 ri" 1 PICTURE GALLERY, HAS BEEN' REMOVED Two tho hen he lt Lig Prep t a toms .2 In t. ftrazi nriarea t'r N ow aU &lock, trio, Yob. 19, 1889. D EAF AND BLIND. 2)8.. GRIS - CITOLB OCULIST AND AURIST, No. 230 rain Street, BUITALn, A'. CODaMli hio attention excluoitrely to Ow trestmoot of ltaeawr 10:1811. 17 3; r d y gar" NO. 3, REED HOUSE. - M'CONKEY & SHANNON Have on hand a large stock of IRON, Cat and Wrought Spike, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, SHOVELS and SP A.DES FLINT. MULEV. MILL Springs, Axles, ANVILS, VICES. AND BELLOWS Wrought Nuts arid Washers, . • .~ PLATED AS"PrIONS AND FORKS, BORING MACH! NER EI4EYS' WA DP AN D WATER PROOF CAPS SHOT BELTS, and POWDER FLASKS, No. 3, Reed House, Erie, Erie, Mireb 12, 1539 JJOES. SHOVELS AND SPADES. Shovels, gpsoles, Vapor* Forts, Hay Forks, Hoes lick., Mattocks, Crowbars, Fakes, key for sale by Karol 12009. J. C. SZLDICH. • pRLASTE 10 . Taos, prime Oroun.l Mabry fa ilarrala or Balk, for We by J. £EI. LOOO k CO. Erkr, March 12, 1819.-4m.40 • Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Pamir Goods. M. AUSTIN, in Paragon Building, T • Mar Pooch Street, Is otal la to.. and .0.14 state for the Istaccotatloo of Ito poblia, that a hot itsoortlitent pada, Watches, Jewelry. nay and ether Goods an Do Mad and for tole of .weal low prim, In short no elm* ere the, haring the eters that no ono eon expert to compete to price, short of awoo - their Goode, Shish La Intends to do if seceerary, toaosonunedate hia Mende mad the depravity of the money .o het. It is howevor propoood to man Midi 24dItiocs to pi stock ts era& boa tbajteetern titles se 'ball Wm* one at wrylateee. of on atatisblo Gouda In hie Moen tier none eneptetees tines In Itrle, Is, the no. tereRAN , theTtes is own sere treated at theism/go& lush thintalt—dk pi Old AND: WA rots: • it.• Mama& mad In khdaatl wade as/ noshed war vox bast warkammi. son• =tres Mai liadlajoia la ea". s Cloaks sad Waking slaind a/ leo arlaiamill ap work wombed. T. 11, ARITA harm Sailoalaft Neal Pia* /treat Masi IL vtairi PANS AND IMEGANY 4 FA • CY Leda" Ito UAW will Sad a Iry mom of datatk Od Alm and Oasis kiii• ad do row. Batlatop a 2116 11. rim PORTRAIT FRAME. Gth maddiair,Loakcealial, ate Mira 4011 1 01 1 ta Aug* 0 1 014 , 10 . 11 0 • .7rlral, NAILS, UM CARPENTERS' Ti )01,4 A M. 1 , ,'..5' ' CIRCULAR CRl)tizi-i'Ll AND HAND RAW; AND PIPE BOXES. TABLE AND POCKEIT CUTLERY, winrs, itc., &c., IrCIINKEY GEUT j3t-TtGAW.! frriff If I Itit ORMSBY k BOOTH, ObocisiMrs do Amnon tf.• Ryas*, ) 0 : I sDo i A :Is zl Woodett & Wthow Were; FLOUR ;UM PEED, Pork, Ptah, Batt, &e. &ot FOR THU MILLION; AND WILL BE BOLD TITAN EVER BEFORE,OPPERED IN CABE OR READY PAY. EVERY ROPY WILL SAVE EXAMINING OUR SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, A NI) EVERI7TA !NG ELSE IN THE GROCERY AND PRO VISION PURCHASING ELSE WHERE'I XX, Extra Superfine &Graham Cora meal, Cracked Wheat, GRAIN AND PEEP, )f all kinds kopt oonstantly cn band and for salo at prices that cannot but satisfy all. /be All goods Warranted to beast what rocomnierldeti. and de livered to all parts of the cilyirtic of charge. Stir Remember tho old stand of Shannon & Ryan, No. 5 Chear.ide, Eno, Pa. OLILSBY"& Boom. Eric, March 12, Is .50. Gta4o BABBITT METAL— A superior srUd► 4 APER 11ANGIN0iiT lam Row making large additions - - to my 'toe* of PAP'ER HAND- A: AT --- - 'Nag for the Spring Trata, which .s: — . ....:, for beauty of style and cheapness a. , • *it - ' • ... cannot be surpassed ea.— kris, )(kith 11,1869 STEEL, GILT SHADES. 4ILT SHADES. Abeautiful tot of GUI nada" at vvirY kr' Erieh b° found at J. O. SELD6.N"4. WINDOW (X)ILNICIN. Raodit. Witplnw Cornier% Cords and Tunis, Window Fixtarve, tot sal* cheap by J4O. BELDEN. CARPENTERS' & JOINERS' TOOLS I hare reeentl7 made large Wattle= AO tit loans, skink or Carpeoteree and Joiners' Tools, making It the most complete in the city. March 12. '69. J. 0. TILDEN. Fire, Lake Marine and Canal INSURANCE. CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, (3,orrAay L ig6lll 81,867,1120,08. p;;SES PA In D aR.Lva YEAR I , srrs,ol,u. NDEMN ITT AnAINST LOSS BY FAR, Perils of Inlaid Navigation. J. r. DOWNING, A g emt foif smutty of Wait. sad vicitsftr. C.O. F.. P. IY)ItR, Adjuster and Rapprrl- Av i c Usk.. A r eal March 12, 1260.--40. BALDWIN'S CATHARTIC PILLS BALDWIN'S CATHARTIC PHA" BALDWIN'S CATHARTIC PILLS, BAI.DWIN'S CATHARTIC PILLS, AYR ENTIRELY VEGETABLE, ENTIBELY VEGETABLE, ENTIRRLY VIGETAIEILK. MID TIM orsr CATHARTIC NOW IN es& BEST CATHARTIC NOW IN CSC. BHST CBTHART/C NoW LV CSB. Sold at 55 cents per box at BALDWIN'S Drag Store, Erie, March 12,15545-40 No. 5 Read Harm& PENN LIFE INSURANCE 00XPANY nice N. E. corner Third and Dock Streets, Pit i lelabli. Nair smelts en Jim 1,, ISA $ 4 Rd. Onariatled Capiti1........ . $ v ONO* JOHN W HORROR, DANIEL L. MILLER, Siceitiry. Prandial. -R. LYI. WTI rre, *AWL B. MB Aral fur Erie, Pi. Vice ll Erer t. Har' 12.-40tt. BOOTS AND SHOES!! BOOTS AND SHOES! BOOTS AND SHOES! BOOTS AND SHOES! VER YLOWFOR CASH!! VE.R f L'o TV FOR CASH!! vEar Low roit CASH!! AT - J.G. BARR'S, 10, BROWN'S BLOCK , Ku& P.. much 12„ 11146. 40 ICWINS "117eogotabbole 404-Balirs" li•ti•DlZ e f/ a P rlft =r J•modiks, reakme• e gam fit the Liar, rod dereageasent of tits Spam grearseßy. PRICE 90 CENTS PER 001. Sold hi bt. t PRALDWUN. No. $ Haat Baur. 111,1111416.411. 10NDIGO AND MADDER. OODWDZY INANCHANTA AND DYERS. -41•Ano a frowattr. whiled' es will &Mgt at tow Mao. Numb 11, DIA GIV 0 0 D., '*g have a Jana stalk id Obilppol geese on War whisk we aim 1$ Till low satieby %stating' libtak 4 oacrrs. 4 BRO. r7T Tll BOUGHT FOR CASH, t.):O'f- 11 4z)1 THIS CITY FOR MONEY BY CALLING AND SPLENDID STOCK OF LINF, BEFORE PM.OT3 - IZ, J. C. BZLDItWR. .1. 0. SEWS'S ,Nb imr, HARTIC PIL : I Pr*lk -71,71 GAOVER & BAKER'S Yu. • -. EIE 1111 NEW STY LW—Prices frcim $6O to $l, Bain Charge $l5 ter Hemmen. 495. BROADWAY, NEW YORK 1541 SUPERIOR St. : : : CLEVELAND Thee thelibeee rev tree two spailia, aa piurehreied nom the atom niquirtep en protean( at timed ; day agsk erther, ea 4 Caleb Is s seperlar Ay* Wa ft earl uman by their ewe egeestlea, without mover to the himl.needin as is required by ether inadhlase They wIIi de better and thaw orate( them • seserriteas is., ores Sabo irons for sae rear ea ham red ask aa gaseliesably, the tea Yacht as in the market hr fondly sewing. on seeoust albeit simplicity, qty, aeas of marinpone*S. and adaptation to all militia of trmlly soiriap--exoedinialthar hemp er lee week with equal Areal% mat erttbeat email st)aatmat. As Wastes of the unipiastioned maperierity or their libiehieee. the Quanta I Bann ihnrhin Vaczeirs Coo - ream beg leave to seamettelly toltr to tbe followtog TESTIMONIALS. "liartag had one of Graver k Biker's ilachhtea to my fatally for nearly • year sad s.hatt, I tabs element to oorameralin It •• weary way rellable ler tiro for whi c h i• la kadirned—Family Iderrieg."-- Joshua Leavitt, irtfo,a/ Are. Dr. Lewin, Misr IM: Y. s4e. Posidnif" " i t conker iwymif delighted with your &wing Machias, which has been In my fluidly fru sway month& It baa &were bees ready (or dray, regabiag so adjutant, and la welly adapted to every eartirty 62314 sewing. by gimp! changing the spools of thetad."—Nrs. =kaki] raffo of Ms. Dr. iftriokimed. /Mar If M. Christian 4tae•esee• "After trying sermal different good Matidass, .1 pre ferred yours, on sornest Of its sintplkity, and the per Betimes with which it is reasisirki, as sail as the llti sod durability of the seem. After bag estparksaiVl competent to speak In this manner, and to conakatly reeopintend it ihr every ukiety of ihmily asising."--hke. Z. B. Sp/weer, wife egf the Rater ef Bremsktre Mew. fri tiara used a Osborne & RAM NUMMI for tws yeses, and hare !band it adapted to ail nue - fly sewing, from Cambric to Broadcloth. tisroeate har e been worn oat without the giving way of a stitch. The Maelthie to easily kept Is order, and easily ard."—lhi. I. It. Whafie, *le it Bee. fine frkincle, Moo TO*. "Your Bowing ilsobiew haw lessa t use to surfassily the past two yaws, and tles Wise nequast wee to Ore you Moir taatlutouials to its puttied &Uptakes/Iti u well sa laborowetop qualities to the purionwines of fussily sad household sowing. - —Roeurt Neewasow, Now Zee*. dieter wrong formai We have mid Omer baker's Sewing Machtere, and have opine to the eenelneion that every lady who deeiree her nteriag tweertibalk serf partly done, would be moot fortunate he reeedeing ow et' thaw reliable and bebstatlistele 'bee needie.waiwhose combined qualified of feedefe.= dui eve inealnable."—J. Merv* of pee, , t 7«. P• Mere* Re for ef the Hew Jaarsai. Kitimat of I letter from Tam R. Laerrrr, per., as Ameekan gentleman, now resident to 8,411111, SIM South w a l es , dated January 12, IiSSB ; "I had s tent made In Melbourne, In 111611, In erbieb thou* tr.eft over three thousand rants of mewing done with one 41 , Grovor k Raker'. thaehhanr, and a slag* seam of that has on tatood all the eleshile Nam mired b sailors with a needle sad twine." . "U ROOM' could beeped up from his murky bade; he would mint the advent of ,Grover k Baker am a mare be nignaat miracle of art than was erar Valean's eadthi.— Rs would denounce midnight shirt-making 'meths direful spring at wom unnumbered,"—Pre. Neva "1 take pleasure it raying, that the Grayer 11, Baker Sowing Machines bays mem than sontainet m 7 e:peafa• tioa attor trying and returning °them I ism thrOlb of Moro to operation in my dillevat plasm all4r 1411. (pet years' trial, hays no Walt to end:".--,/, Para-5/ PeriMmr of Send Orrokom III) nib bas bed one at Orem & Ba/Wo holly Sew bag >Vehinr for ammo time, mid lum eibied It Moue of the beet labor-owing machines Wit ham been tweeted.— I take much pleasure in recommending it to the public." O. Marra, Gueeraffr of nuraissar. ..It ts • beautiful thing. and is everybody into an ex citement of good humor. Were I • Catholic, i should insist upon Sainte Grover and Baker having an mend holiday In commemoration Of their good deeds for be ananity."—Ccurese M. CUT. "I think It by far the best patent In nee. This Msebine eon be saapbed horn the finest caadsrie to the heaviest coastwise. It sews granger, foster, and move banal than ono can imagism. If mime weld not be money could not bay It."—Mrs. J. Cl. Jr.,w ..Tt. rpoedy, very neat, and durable In Its tat ;Is audly iandrrstood and kept In "pair. t MCYwtL mos mend this Machine to all say acquintannes and tittnma" —Mks. IL •. Forrest, Xkinspiski Mena. w*e and tido *Wino to work to our asitalactikm, and with Osumi* recommend it to the pc yow balers the (borer it Batter to be the beet Sewing in we:* —.Dorm Bretimwo Album* Than. wlr need exclusively for fatally with ordinary woo, f will wager they will last oo• memo yews sod t.n. and never get out of tlx."—Jeho Erskine, Nathrilk, Ts au. "I have had your Ilathine for several weeks, and am perasetly satisfied that the work a doe, is the best and most beautiful that ever was made."--111aerse /noses, /Ushuaia, Ton. "1 tee my Machine upon coats, dressnutking and tine linen stitehing, and the work le admirable-4r better than the best hand-eewing, or illy other machine 1 hare ever neen."—Lecy 11. 771earmms, Neknam, 71nr. .1 find the wort the strongest and most beantil4l I bun seer Setl, sus& either by hand Of within., and re gard the Gruver Q flakes Machine u one of the grwiteet l,le•sings to oar Per - -Mrs. Teriger, Nuhrille, Tram. .1 hart• ot.e f ftruverk lisker's Sew log Machines in use in my family, and find it ineatuable low confidently menu:mend it to all persona in want of a machine - -Li. T. Thompson, Award/4 Dsae. "I take pleasure In certifying to the utility of the Gros er h Raker 'teeing Ifachince. I have uaed one on aimoot 'every dmicription of work for menthe, and Mid ft much otroicer and ratter In every respect than work gone by hand."— Mrs. 1.1 M. Liceler, itakersaa, Them "1 would bc. ono:lima to chapooa. of uy Grover & Liakt.r lotachine for a Lance amount, could I not replace It *gam at pleasure."—Nrs. N. Li. 3rocsl, Ihnhoille, Thirst. "Oar two Machinn purchased from you, do the •ark atwenty young ladle* We with pleasure recommend the Omelet At Baker Sewing Machine to be the beet is nee."— Y. tr Co, Messpeha 'Nan. “The Q meet k Raker Seseiag Machine works admirably I think the stitch and work far superior to that of coy Sewing Machine 1 "'Tersely. On doe Work, 1 think the Machine would be hard to heat.'—/Y. J. Davie, Allestpkte, Traa. "1 find the Si(*thine /easily managed, very durable, and take pleasure in mconunetflui It to all who wish conve nience, eenrimny. and ptersure."—Mer. heirs, Yes plus, Trim. "Me Groter k Raker:4,lolNiYaehtoea have given such aatiatactlon that we cheerfully recommend them to all who wish a good and subetan ttal clewing Mach/Axe. It executes work with much tore and spee.l, and snore/1644y th an noy other machaue bare aseu."—Afra k. B. MoleLl, Me.. "I am happy to give my testimony La favor of Grover Baker's *swing Vlachfoe, and of the perfect eatisfactloott gives in PVITIFIee. anew* neatly, and is by DO 'OHIO! eomplieated, eomplleated, and prefer it to all Cation I have aeeu " -- Afrs. Beyer., rtfe al Rey AL &yea, Afempbss, Th. "It affords me much pleasure to say, that the Machine works well ; and I do not hesitate to recommend it as povessing all the advantages you claim for It. Ily u ire is very mach pleased with and we take *wore in cer tify jog to this effect."—R. C. inealey, IfeiplU, Tee. "It irires nee pleasure to And theUrover k Baker Sas sng Machine giving so much satiataetion. I bare it in rou stant use, and find It all that could be desired. It a the most simple and durable machine in use, and I heartily reoommeod Whit% Sksapans Mom "Having seem, examined, and used wacky ether kinds of Savrina" Machines, I feel free to say that the drover t Ba ker Machines are far superior to all others In tnia."— Friuseers Setts, if • it, Thin. "I consider my Sewing Machine invaluable, aml would of take five times its mist If I eouhl not supply its pis e. With it I am doall my family sewing in about otiegourth the time I could with my hands."—M J Seed, theekertlie, 71nra. per SEND FOR A CIRCULAR.' A LOOAL AOENT WANTED. March 12, 11120.-IyAo. "BANG-UP" iIIYMES"! When wife said "Groceries," the other day, Where did Igo without delay. And bring 4 load tome on a dray' To R. BALDIII4 . II When Tie is wanted, trash arid rue, And Stigne to alert with rare Tou'r alwsysi sum to end them where' At Be tvw wes Who has lots of 4i10i044 Butter good. And other kinds of wholeoCont deed, Besides eons' other* understood I Be Linn. Who greats you with • slutlian miss, And shows you all IMF 's to be aro, Got up so taster, dee and clean . Who keeps the original "Benn-o' The best that's made beneath the aky For which so many lone and sigh t WhoW at his post both early and late, To wait on an—bid, small and Fnitid. At the streets tensor DT Mk *ad Mete t a BALDWIN AAA Burch 12,11111*-40, OR THE FARMERS. , woo ml. of 'X sad % Des 4 T,utb, for Ws II Hama 12, 1610. J. C. nix= ALMAYS READY. Ocat's and War losnothostari at rift r kw sal* "Lh' A 1 Butldlag. PLATED WARE. ' au auks* rod% lbsom, Cupi. awl 6, great mitt? al RIO Plated lhairitint Mateh 12, lin. 11. BALDWIN I 801405