ArwtttrAtt.* gowtit. Eil, exeritsceexce upon it. To the in faiiitter.lutture unfolds .her beauties as wel as her bounties. His is the honest heart, the liberal soul, the ardent mind, the fresh imagination. He makes the best of parents and citizens, the most disinterested ofpat rons. Between the well syeteanktlted ls lxnus of his life are intervals of leisure for general reading and improvement, enough to give hits 11l the information itecessary for individual caltunsand social enjtvment. Though every farmer should look first to the general fertility of his farm, _as the Ibundation on which all improvements are t 9 be laid, hearould be utterly wanting in the true spirit of his profession, if he did not design, in due time, to crown his whole work, by every domestic comfort and ap riate rural ornament. The business of ) culture is not one merely of practical utility. The farmer is not necessarily, a dull swain. His pursuits are consistent with the keenest admiration of the beau tiful in nature and art, with the most re. fined taste, and with all the graces of cul tivated life. He owes it to himself as a rational being, gifted with ail the capabili ties of his race, to the obligations of do mestic duty, and above all, to the devotion which we will acknowledge to that gentle sex, whose smiles are the crowning bliss of life to provide for his own and his family's enjoyment, all the comforts and embellish ments which belong to a mature civiliza tion. Among other high duties, is that of properly educating his children. And to such of them as are destined to pursue his own profession, he should give much more than that testehing, which stops at a mere knowledge of the routine of farm prac tice. A sood agricultural edu ion is both drawn scientific and practical. e knowledge which is necessary to mak a thoroughly • intelligent farmer is to drawn from a variety of sources. It is gratifying to see the attention be ginning to be paid to this kind of education in our countryto know that agricultural chemistry is becoming one of the branched of collegiate instruction, and that institu i tions are projected, and Indeed in existence among us, where the best methods of rural art and every branch of farming work will be taught experimentally, practically and scientifically, In such institutions, the labours of the field, the barn, and the work shop, will be followed by the lessons of the school room. Thus practice and science will be combined, and the agricultural pupil will become, the finished farmer.— Let me commend such institutions to your favour, gentlemen, for the benefit of your sons. The first thing for every farmer is to im prove himself, and to see that his children are growing up to adorn his own profession or any other they May choose to engage in. More than half the future presidents, cabi net officers, men in all responsible statiouf-, are to be grown on the farms of our country. Now, farmers arid planters., you must grow large crops ; it is a great loss to only hitit cultivate the land. You must grow fine cattle; it would be a shame to perpetuate scrubs. You must drive a horse to admire and not to be ashamed of since in the long it will coecno more; but above all things you must grow good boys and girls, for the coUbtry wants them—it must have them, and nobody in the world is well situated for raising them iirot right, healthy, vigor ous, intelligent, incorrupt, as the farmer. Let no day go by, r.nt even in the harvest, without getting a new idea, and see to it, that children are getting new ideas and right ones. Baowm BITTT.—Take two dozen tine large apples, and cut them into thin slices, pare them if preferred, but it is not necess ary. Crumb up a loaf stale bred. Take a deep pudding dish, put in a layer of bread crumbs, then one of apple, sprinkle over them some brown sugar, put in piece of butter, and any spice that may be prefer red, then sprinkle in a very little cold water. Put on another layer of crumbs, and then the apple, sugar, butter, spice and water again. Go on until the dish is full, making the top layer of apple. Bake in a quick oven. Eat hot. with sugar and butter, or wine sauce. Tenure° GRAFI ixr.s.—For many years we have raised grapes by the bushel from 'a single vine, and our trimming is done in the following manner. The first week in July we commence and cut back to the second leaf or bud of the present season's growth. Have a sharp knife and trim a portion every day (a little at a time) until the whole vine has been gone over. Au tumn, winter and springpruning are avoid ed; but we have large, nice, smooth grapes in abundance.—C. G L., North likwattifee/d, N.Y. %sax PIA Sour.—Shell a peck of pe►9 and boil them until quite tender in two quarts of water. With a little cold milk, stir two half spoonful of flour, very vnooth i add a little salt, black pepper and a dust of cayenne pepper, and stir that into the boiling peas, until the whole boils again; and you will have a cheap and wholesome summer dish. • Green pea soup may else be made by using broth, instead of the milk and water. Bonn BREAD PUDDING.—AD economical: dessert and a very good one, also. Take about one pound of the scraps of dry bread you have saved, and baeak into small pieces; pour on enough hot water to soak it thoroughly. Let it cool, and then mix with it one quart of milk, three eggs, and a little salt. A few raisins will not injure it. Put in a pudding bag and boil it an hour. Serve it up with molasses, or sauce according to your taste. To Cuss: liniaoss.—The greatest care should' be taken in cleaning a Mirror, to use only the softest articles, lest she glass should be scratched. It should first be dusted with a feather brush, then washed over with a sponge, dipped in spirits of wine, to remove the fly spots. After this, it should be dustAd with powder blue in a thin muslin bag, and finally polished with an old silk handkerchief. Lswm.—The best greases for Lawns are Bluergrass, (Pba Co' nepresa, ) mea dows or green- (Poa Pratensis,) and White Clover, (isoAera repens,) which w over moat parts of the C ited States. They make a soft, thick t into wool, and require only to be often Oat to maintain a constant verdure through* die growing season. 0 tsomutuan.--I:hte and a half pounds of treacle, one and a half pounds of ilo a ir, half pound of butter, well beaten, h f pound of coarse sugar, quarter pound of candied lemon, half an ounce of ginger, six eggs, the yolks and whites beaten se parately, one., tea spoon of soda. Rake two hours in a ow oven. Psocutrasivs A atcrtrrits.—,Ertitier its influence spring up tasty and convenient dwidlings, adorned with shrubs and flow ers, and beantiffil with' with the smile* of happy wives, tidy . ' nin the lap of ilionestf r ul age—broad hen hs, and arts as well as words of welcome. M. The Ohio C 1 or says, - large fume bait tilled, have been the curse of the west.r Thesame remark would apply with equal force to other sections of the country. Cuesaasar Puma:No.-4k t of eras berries timed Into quart of batter, made like a batter pudding. botydry litde stifko, ii ray nice mites with sweet sauce. tin" ,his tt be. Ars st and ~sted wiry, is who Guars, Finest ekturphea—tallestl steeple Fastest horses -.fairest teatime t Biggest lakes that ash can swish-in Most of railroads longest Avers-- Nom flinektut—never Hulking ; Bose of one sling—tooattfinnaidtin , Jumps the highest—squats the lowest Runs the itaistait--walka thealowest; More disatuera--mote delusions; More confessions--adore confusions; Who Gan oeut us—who outdo as ; Who can old a °sadist* ita! Biggest 10144 y—bigger to be— Now the teak of adding Cuba/ =EI DIE - . 11154.• The :tusts who sows Assensions Le tweak a ma* and his w44‘ ia very apt to reap aie-heivea and w6p•siticks. A poor crop, and neg. torthAfultivating. NS. "Belk r what is the very highest latitude o ?" "The a t latitude known is that which di Janes allows to his feelings, ,Iroc # when waltzing with our Kate." J-f is unnecessary to say that Bobby was immediately marched off to bed. me" -You Took, , ' maid an Irishman to a pale, haggard smoker, "as if you had got of your grave to Light your aegari and et)aldn't find your way beck again. • SIP - At • dinner Springfield, Mass., a lady sent the following volunteer toast : "sYyrucs old bachelors—the etergreens of society. ' 1 WIT EbTTLED IN VERSE Where yt.ikever ►a Cork, air •' Foote we, asked one day. And the actor replied. in his humorous way, That though in moat cities of note he had ireeb, Yet of Cork twos the drawings alone that he'd seen.' ipar •• Do yonofind the bump of generosi ty there 9" said a silly fellow, whose head was under-going phrenological inspection. There is something here rather giving," said the man of heads, pressing his fingers on the skull: When strangers visiting Words worth's house wished to see his study, the servant said- The library where my master keeps his books is in that room, but his study is in the fields." IM. A yougg man, jtud commencing hotuekeeping, said be did not find it hall so hard to gat married ea he did to get the furniture. • star queer how some folks get along.— There is a thzigerpop who never did a sutch of work, dressed Like a nabob's tife ; while Mr Spiglesk, a great lazy scamp, always lives is ell, has, the best pew in church, ap pears, quarterly in the tashion, and is in reg ular standing on Change To get along in the world, you must do nothing, and dress well. Try on a lair and see. 1109.. A Lady s rote upon a window come tter-et4, intimating design at never Mat-Ding A gentleman vi rote the follow ing lines underneath • The lady aohn4 , reofth-r rhe«e word. t token ; Wrote 6411 t..n gleam, io .I“.w a may ho broken To winch he mighe:have added And then, with ht , nvst fear that two might rate it Wrote a on Oita% that you d at least •ee throligh ifit— A drugglt Ant his Irish porter into a darkened celtex soon after, bearing a H01t... he went In the opening, and called out Patrick, ktiep your eyes skinned :" " Och Liver an eyeil roared Pat " but my ti(”q- that's intirely." A good story is told of Mrs. Doug lass, who vas asked recently regarding her Whig, Her replt was, "I am an old line Whig, with Douglpis proelivitte , " Oar What t 6 tile difference between a butcher and a yo4ng lady ? Ana.—The former kith the. dross, while the latter drese es to kill • Ste The Loinstille Journal contains a string of verseb film a lady, addressed to it• George D. Prenti4e." The concluding one ' quires whether lie will not come to her when balmy sleep" has wrapped her •3pir * "in a dream of hams,' and holy angels are , etching her, and press upon her lip- "a eet km?" Prehtice lays. ••WP empliat i ally answer. we 4111. - _ hi.! doine . tic I liiir An editor gpeakin of $ gnerease. gives the followini • - Sound the stagithorn, blaat the trumpet That the want* world may know' F'ubli.h, it through all the border.. Elen unto Jeritho Seize -your pen. uit, dreaming poet. And in.numbeq.qmootti ae may he. Spread afar the joyful tidings-- Bet:4y%, got **titer baby' ler A servant girl, in the town of A—, in England, whoa.- beauty formed matter of general adniiration and (11,..ceusgion, ut paa9ing a group !.,1 officer- in the- .itreet. heard one of them exelaini to hi , . fellow•. "By ileavens shp'... painted Turning round, she very qpietly replied, "Yes, -tr . and tt Heaven ¢nly"• The offioer- ac knowledged the tore,. ..f tin rf-Luke. and apologized. Sirt,overnor Morgan's private secretary. Mr. Bli e, iv..a wag. The other day a man, decidedly inebriated, walked into the exe cutive charnber and called for the Govern ur. What do yOu want with him?" in quired the secretary. "Oh, I want an uf • flee with a good salary-0, sinecure." ''Well, replied the secretary, "I can tell you.some thing better for you than a sinecure—you had better try r "water cure " The ine'bri ate vamosed. mr- A modest young lady, just gradua ted from a certain academy, remarked, the other day : "I cannot deceive how the young gentlemen can drink to such rec eas, when they know it is sr, onnjurious to their Institut ion:: • sar " John," said a father to his son, one day, when he caught him shaving the 'down' off his upper lip. 'don't throw your shaving water out where there are any barb-footed boys, for they might get their feet pricked !" gie, A Havana oorrespondent of the Hartford Ames says: Spanish friend *eked me yesterday 'WEat if the Spanish fleet should, go and bomixtr4.l, New 'York?' I could not ima gine such an absurdity and told him so.— He said to ts Creole with me, what would they do in New York if 10,000 Spanish soldiery should land there? A Yankee Captain sitting by said, if the soldiers be haved themselves they would not be trou bled, but if they made any disturbance, they would he put into the station-house.' Spaniard says—' Qineyi igabe." Wk.! Many a true heart, that would have come back, like a dove to the ark. after its first transgression, has been frightened be yond recall by the angry look and menaFe, the taunt, the Sill -age charity of an unfor giving spirit. - liar A little 'Swedish glfl, while welkin with her father on a starry night, absorbed 4n contemplation of the skies, being asked tg what she was thinking c replied, " I vont thinking if the wrong side of heaven is so glorious, what must the right side be?" THE TWO AIWELS. There are two angels that attend unseen/ Each one of us, and in great hooks repird Oar good and evil deeds. He whtyfrites down The good ones, after every act•fi closes .1E - His - Yolume, and ascends A" . it to God. The other keeps his drenAl daybook open Till sunset, that we tidy repent: which doing The record of the ... ac'tion fades sway, And leaves a itire of white across the page. No/ if my act he good, as I believe it, It cknn"..‘e recalled. It is already Bead up in heaven, as a good deed aecom plished. Thit rest is yours *ft. A quiet exposition of truth has a better effect than a violent attack on error. Truth extirpate% errors as grass extirpates weeds, by working its way into their places, and leaving them no room to grow. Up again, brother ! need not a fall! Rough is the, highway, slips chance to all ' Riae to your feet, then! have a good heart, Now, looking forward, nuke a fresh start Up, then, and onward; never despair, Morn may be cloudy, noon may be fail- What smiles and welcomes would I 46ve Some friends to see each day I lire ; And yet what treasures would I pay If some would always stay 'away' '' -Mother 1 sholdn't be surprised if our Susan gets choke some day." "Why, my son?" Because . her beau twisted .111, arm around her neck, the other night, and if she had not kissed him to let her go, he would have strangled her. " A NAIVE CONFESSION. - A. young lady last Kigniass" somewhat surprised her part ner tos expri%sing a decided aversion to moustaches I.eing I.ressed to grte her reason for it. -lie at tint fenced off the question by declaring that a lady needs no reason for disliking things. On being further questioned, she glanced slily at the moustache, and then darting an arch look at her partner's anxious face, on which the most luxuriant of moustaches had been cultivated, she replied, with charming 'la,- vete. "Well. I don't Mind telling yo. It is because they—oh. .‘c, tickle one"' Va." 312,,,, will you take my arm' " " Yes. sir, and you too " "Can't spare but the arm. replied the old bachelor " Then." returned she, - I .han't take it. 8S my motto i •ontA, trAole bey r noh my ." stir 'Tway twilight. The sun had sunk benerth the- western hills, and the bright rays which , creaked the eastern horizon had disappeared. A lovely female. ttho had been butane short week a bride, had been led to the hyrnenial altar with lively anticipations vi future felicity, sat en a se cluded apartment is ith her hus - banil She slowly moved her nymph-like forte toward, the partner of her bosom, raised h*.r deli cate hand—and-4 'upped 4,n. ila hie fa, c wah the The t inainth rof this inter esting :toy will appear in the Lid LiyAt7.o.y ahn b, a nti,-n in all the brilliant writer - vrol - 1 ,1 --and the county adjacent Asir (rlrie (9bserver. AL 4 14 .k 1 AS P PI 1 1.1TICAL Ii lt\Al; BY B. F. SLOAN. fir TX b ruboteriberm pall rn adraure, 11 ..u,—tre ~pie., will be e. 1.1 t. .“.! for $4, and at the mon rate ft r „arc. r Any eubncrlber telling to pa, wlttm, th, roar, the paper a ,i 1 ••11i/lEll aid If, n Mad. 1- tit at the rata. /1.1 r on r, Jod left w ItL aI r. I.•r for rAI/.1.11D I/ Alt- r VERMIN Ur. mu_ • , °be w ., Our ~.,„etit h• s , lino tw.i 1 .0) One r (111 One (hr. ,h Ilya I, .J rirl , b , .018 r n 1 bars K, .0 1r /to -- I sc. Nulires— u,. 46 • 0 1 , . I, nu all,. $ll 60, 1 1 ,ar 11, Ooe column, or 10 et, - , Sent SO 3 0+,,0th. • fl 4 •,,• (aids ,o•ech / Wert,.• ll St r LOAM .1 lib. 111 , w, 1 .0.- k 1 , trtgba, $6 opeetal and E • 10, 101 0i adrrrtura /tent soot in 11-11.14,11111tir for lean Man ono d,.llar Q' nrrelnante and.,there r.quirnor L'anat•• ID toot/ doer h•Wirrit, nl ll be al/so, d 1 , , ,ear•• a, (direr, and card. for $l5 hor addit.looal opac, be to pirtiportli 110,1 thritileirll.ll.o.y. sours be pt.rutl confined to 1.140 leitlll4lAt, hUl l lrl ,- /in • 1110 .1 1 k114 , er wont for tranatrut ndsortta.darat- ro est 11 Bills for 'elixir adrrrttatog wall 1, i,r0k0nr.,11,,,,p BUSINESS DIRECTORY rr 3. A USTIN. I DEALER 111 CIO•ko. ActitrbP•, F Inl J. • Stlper Lt, t ,k jtj , Glapp,p, Got Moultitnp, Cutler. and Fang. Gootip. Paragt•n north nude Wept Park near Prilpitch pt H AYES a: J0K.D.104 A /101..3, t I: MT 4 If. l tgA LA.P.I4 U Unney cad Staple Dry Giwalit, Carpe ire, Oil Llotbes, No. 1 lirvati's Mork, Ene. l'a. SQ A. DAVENPORT. e ITT"RNEI ( Block, o. ICoottreraer k Hake, Clothing k.n• trai re on State Street _ k. CIA 11.BILA 1711. Arroartil •T LA W--Oftirt• tab Dearly opposlatft the I wirt Fipu.e , Erie, I T. Ss ,Stesrare ¢ cra rlq.r, 10. HoLix ALS. r...ND {UTAH 1 1 1tr()01t1T, i or°. r 01 Stab• 7tb st's, Denier in Paints, Olin, lli e-Muffs, wa.A. rrunphene. Burning Fluid. Brnahee. MILLER 4 111n11.11", ['TALl'''. I .v. 'l/.43 tudin,n, Pntk to-t.t 'l4 Wr,fit k Co'. Ezell/44.g, .•r.., }_n., IL W 11.1.1 t .. /.eN115.. rtok ANIt , t,I %..ALL. , N AT I kW rrnoot...l 1.• r0.rn..1 1,411101 of c"rner State AN .1 Fn., 131111(iDEN dTI ,I II-fi 14 41 I 1K - glib , 1.11y14 d Block, ..ppooot.• Rrt.R o . 11. t. I, riitrstle, on U." Park, Krim, J W RRIGOKIN W k. 314.141L11„ Ilk TT IT. =MMI='! J. C. eiEI.DEN, WHOLZHALL mad IRPt.t. .Inider,lu 411 kind. of E . rirrlisti, German and AM•TICIIIVI Hardwire, Anvils, ‘" lees, iron, Nails, Steel, kc. Saddlery sad Carriage Ttimmings, Machine Belting and racking Vreneh opposif.• the Reed HODS., grip, Ps. R OGERS 21:: HENN EMT, ll W HOLLMA 14 A '0 HET A I L el. la fiaril wens, Croeker), Giamilmn. awl Saddlery, Noa. 11 and 12 Etripine Bloc*, eoroor • f Fifth and :lute Amt.., g&. Pa. L alla ram. I. A laral NETT WCON I / 1 .131( dc SUANNON. (Sneduseerata Sweep 4, At Crukey.... I-icicles in Engfljb, ()email and Amato= Hunleare and Cutlery. Also. Keil*, Anvils, Vim', Iron and Steel, No. 3 Read House. JAIIIES Ts most, u the room reeentt oompw..l by J1110)04 Keq. as s Law Offloe, and over the Store of N. Murphy between the Reed Hone* and Browne note!. NI NA FORD dc CO., inA.Laits is GoLu, sliver, Rank Notes, Coraleatee of Deposit, &e. Sight exchange on the rift cipsl cities 'penitently for male. tleloaNn D Reed noose, Public Square, trie t j AMES CILLOOK dc CO., liceLnicea sod Manufacturers of timat, lktort and Blinds, Yeenli et , I the shop formerly occupied by Hugh Joshes. 111111 RON SWAM'. strtualett Alto Pa %alma:T.-oam% at Ms rhalltuoa, Fourth stn.:, ou door FAO of tho old Apo thee:try Hall. MIN:11143 dic RANYAND. UKALSRII Iry Omerlie*, Pro‘ Wuur , Pro duce, Pork, Flab. Salt, anoint, Flour, Fruits , Nutt, Mare, Nat* Brooms, Wooden, and Stone Were, ke.. Tenni Comb. Pikes I le. No. 4 Wright'a Block, State Street, 4 doors *bore. the Post Ofileo, Erie, Ps. Lacs it RATIIIIIVN, . —..._ Dimmest, Ottlee In Bait? 'la ns .. Bloat, myth Ade of PabileBquare, formerly °amp .0 .y Magni k Co. AU work warranted. JARECK i BROTHERS. incatala in Jewell, %Valet" Cloaks, Sit vs; Brittannia and Mated Ware, Looking Olsson, Pocked and table Cutlery. rano , Gonda ke., ke. American Sloes, state street Erie Pa. 24 /- GRAY dlc FARRAR., wooLts.u.x GitoOMP, and Wert in West India Goods , Powder , Shot Caps, Wety Fuse Tobeeoo, Climb; nett, Oft, *c ., Ate., No. 7, poonell Mock, State 'tree; Erie, PL. A. N. GMT. Jon* num a co., lotl zir volormause munzliasson Merchants, Lau, In Coal, Floor, F d agent Ilbr a daily Hoe al tipper Laze ll<samets, Pa Bock, DU, Pa. E!!MM =I t rogunt 1 1 71 Tr - Wholesale aim alma of lad gio S oLek "..'B4lll LAM=, ra..y OW • Somme, Un b5i141,....h... Was Cords.. a T lump tißeihmosothirs. awls& Welts& • itattemsd • gds. Pi. IPA a. 5110 11X8, ► FAINIOII.II3/4 /MIMI ew itid .stmt uric trboolor t ikEd! red SIM* • Bomar over Auit la's Jewittry West - Pllfiy h. a'Bttteb i. to Orlon 0.11011448 dellemstr as Lair, airiNd. Ihri• Omit Celleetteme sad other basissu sassdtd to w ith Prbeastases sad dikoidsh. _ j yaw fl r iefter Wass Piaci, Me* to Sash. landing. arstilts, ark. Pa. 0 rt L LOW CIVIGIBAY CLAIM. Inpaasua Gaon" Aid Dobai is Domank and laiported Wage' and ums. ale = n Tobacco, halt, Mk 0111, sad Agouti' lot Mond* Ala. Dolmen Meek, ittato striot We, PiA vv. it g jOHN W. AVREA. linsinpurrnann.Wholand* and Reda Wolin in all Us& nt Tado, biswinit it= 244413 44 (Him li and Dining Chain, e. 4 Nary stone , Brio, Ps, S R. CHURCHILL. MANIPAINCILII & Dealer in Doak& Beat! etz Whiakey, V tisiolised House on Pelmet st• J ISAJOIL Mies in Boots and Shoot at Whole. eal: and Retail, at No. 10 lirown's Block Meta drag, Erie, Pa, `)LDS 411 c LOW, Ittarprwernass k Wholeeal• and Ratan declare In Wall and Obis % Pumps of enpertor quality, the cheapest and beet now in use. Shop ed Twelfth street neat Peach, Me, Pal .. X4lreduct for, akrrytng water for family, Win or purposed for tale cheap.L. W., IL L. D R. u. L. ELLIOTT, Roliunuerr barrurr.— °Mee and Dwell*" 14 south Part HOw, • first block east istnEii bask tiedIODIPL Erie, July 10, GINOROK 414/111TON. YouvrAabrsckand C.Hombsloa Xerehant, Public Dock, srfe, dealer w Coal, Salt, Fish. Flour and Plaster. JOSEPH MeCARIIIII4 W sousaas and Retail (Sealer in Groceries, Provision*, Ship Ckandier,y, Wood end Willow *are as, ke., State Street, rate, Peon. EMPI RN STURM W. A. GIIIIIIWOLD, Jobber, sod Retail Dealer to 'eery description of Foreign and Dotooetio Dry Goode, Carpeting*, Oil Clothe. to. No. 1.1, Slate street, cnrner of Filth. Erie. Pa. - • • • • • . 13 UBPALO CLOTHING M.TOILK, r. A. Taws. Deals, awl Manufacturer In drat quality Beady Medi Clothing and Gentlemen's funalaking Goode, M 0.7, Brown's Block, State street, Erie. Yu. IV 1 L LUX THORNTON, !varlets or nu Paws Deeds, Agree moot Bonds Lad L 05..., ALE, accurately tad eatatully drawn. Mot on reach, Woe., over Ju. 8. Stonett, Gracory Store Eno, Pa. TF. DOWNIIIII.3. ti • Arrenugire AT LAW AID JrIITICI TM AC I Will Nile:pee to the "wren.' Courts of Erie County, Lad pee prompt "hod faithful attention to all butanes@ en truhtedto hut Whod'', either aa au A toruey or Xigtatrate. cr . ()glee to inspire Mock. corner of rztote sad Fifth Erie, Pa mr B. 11.Vrit11/0111t. WWI Prochall, Jukuson. Co , OPORTOILO A Jobbery of Foreign and Domeatie Dry eeoods Noe Murray and 31 Warren Streets, New York. iLLLLY c COMMILL, CUARLIMa. eR.LPHZILD, Itritli O. JOR,P4M, eaRTI/2 lIAOYDRIM. .1 - W. DOCGLASS. • ATTOKNICT A T Lny,--Ottee removed to nen bgtlding gest of Stnte Street, on the northstde of the Parl4 Erie Nu. ALLEN A. CIAA Ili. • Joirire or THY P 5.401..-0001, ha litW Meek comet otreach Btreet and the Public Square, Eric Ps., I It. BLAKE, 111 . • • XVIACTCIIZ/i and WhOktlaill and Re L. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Straw Goods, Artin nisi Flowers, Ribbons, sin., /.4 1 4*.:5411 FRatiolnsige Mutt leery, Paragon Building, frontin4,tbe Park,Crla, Pa Isar ticular attention paid to thderr G. LI) IS , .14 THIS DAT OPENING • fplendid ru.o.rtif.ent of noll Galt Clans Valm•A, Motto ("upg ond 'weer*, Utst.o, Candlesticks, and • great rstrwty of ( SEFUL A.SD OR.S.LSIEATAL 4RTICLEs, au ita W. fesr the liohday• Elegant Cake itatiketa, Tea Aids, Pitcher*, tmlaer Cup., Forks, Spoons, 14Ales, Napkin I no, I beatail ul platten:kilo and lots of rt,L Jey elr), Wet ,ht e, and Fancy Ooods —Calf and op.. Frio. Dec 2.5,18:.8. 2 000 Y D rtrti wihted each Merino, amt . 'all wool iintaPe naAinro st mud) lees than ruling priem Very dump Good*at the nee 13-27 RFT EirCE (31. t? 11: 0 F V INNit I AM Dow prof or , l to tato& tor otle, mod *oho ...s3trir $t orehleo for the lollovriog het of TRE:ErI . ANLrj ui LA: f i f; ti . ,. 1, , , , t ; , „, , i „ , inn , , ~,, Ir . itru . 1 , . . .• 1,1,10 Tram., 41, .arieto feet bleb Peach " •21, • ato •• " SO " to • " liwarf—baara I/ it herry " Tarte* wry. i•abells and ('atawla tirsira tlurr , I.attng r ,, tlCOrn and b/Jfin el., earl!, et r,e Lawitin , rnio Kan, !leery, he. b.1./0/ • Eiergt•eila 111 • , us kin-n• Horne Chemiut, Ifounta.n t• 1,, 11 , 11.ris Plf. Plant, berry, Ctirranta, &s. Order far any of tim ala,• y tua, ieft at tin. Hardware Store of I. C. ! , ,ti.naar, Erie, or aent to the autweriber at Swan'a Station, Erie County, l'a 114:61%, SAIII.. EL SEILLYEN - MEW ARRANGE3IENTS. .1. MeteAISTER, be. mg purchased the tram. Inter eat of U.S. Clark, of the late firm of McCarter, In Abe Grocery and Prbvistou Buis:war, the Buboes' will hereafter be continued by bun at the old stand where he will to reedy and willing to wait on all the old Cturtoruers to the late firm and will he plea.a.i to eew as costly new Owe an will favor bun with )1 call. Eris, Jibe 27, MI. MEM= WOULD say to their friends .11.1 the pi:italic, that they hare erected and put in Wept a Foundry on Peach Street, ' , oath of the Railroad Depot. where they will naanufao ture and keep on hand all •uch Caatiuga as are usually mad , in their line otqfittaineas, Including iaTOVES AND P 1.0 %1' Pi, the. dillemenl lauds, Sleigh Shoe,, CAA Ireea Keith.* kee eke Thee, have I.lolf On Label a large. anti chola. Mel leevtet.n of MT ft V KM., wmonq which mat bu (ont' 11, , Keyittotor, anner's Fa 'mar, Ljula. .14Sunttoctia, Forsst WI, We xlsrm 19t1IX And Utotaile Also , dirk:vitt tontlttrun of I • arlorBtoro. rot l oft' sod Woo.. all of which they wiU iAI, whuh- Aale or rt rhea+ for CASII, escbasore for Old !tun, Copper, brae. ur leuuutry ]hoer about to purchase wilt lind U tp their interest to rite let s cab. MR. JOlth CPAti.'. IMA started s lbw-lent Hhop .3 ..section with our b.•usery, where Sle.o. ht., ID , . will tettlt end .u.. 1 such r nay to , ellitrd for in loot hut. SIB, W. SIALICK.', Is engaged Itlsa,uothiug on the p,rnoe. • 1.1, Lim %(•H k>uNi, Lune, rmrpt. 11, ISZAI 11Nt. F lfiF.! FIRE: I 1:1; ' : tail TO G. A. ItiENNOITTrO In- Dormer of Stale sucl F IRL street, Wight's Biotic, tip MAIM 110 , 101 your property leyoltra He re preeeuto the followinc reliahie Companies MLltetiol:TW FOLK 4 St 1: INSCRANCt COM PANY of Philadelphia. A utboriSeci C..1pWa159.40110,000 Secu rely invested Otto(1,000 YARIILILS' CNION INSURAFCR Ci/IIPANT, Athena, Bradford Co., Pa. Capital $11310,000 All 'paid up and ea/rarely invested. I= RAW* V tow OA attUrity to the laeured win permit. Erie, Der. 13, Itlbd. (1. A. BEND I . " AO. TJi. ,T L'yTTi'E UN THE FIELD Ity e AGAIN I, Wol; LD PtA If to toy and the public to peen) that I hare commenced the Toaoliss sad Heady Made Cletbhur Dustiness, In all its various branches, in the Store lately occupied by Mr. Cue, no the Public Square, between RrouVeliotal and th e Reed Route, where I will eadtparor to hart' at all time a choler selection of CLOTHS, CAP*l2llllAllic AND AIICZNDNe which 1 will make op to order upon short silica , and warrant to give satisfaction or no sale. Pe Win want of anything in my law can depend upon beinglairty dealt with, uI am determined not to make up all goods but such sa will giro ottistaction. lam making 4 good as sortment of IKALDE CLOTWfI, ableb r; l i t tl a be lk i Home make and warranted to be SP re presented or money ',handed. Perform partaanag for CASH are invited to mil and examine nrr Goode and Prices, as I am determia•d to rill charfor Bash. eVTTING &us oo abort notice and warranted. , Oct. 2, um JOHN' M. JUSTICE. THE DELAWARE MCI UAL INSUR ANC!. COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ' AUM now doing boalnees on the Entunl OW, giving the in rated a participation in the pandit of the Compa ny. without habi/ity beyond thoprertil i zit pall Mita upon the !cam and Camila cared on Gor most lemsmadeLot. Wises will be z inatially and promptly adjusted. illy , iitks on merchenese y bUildloge and other property in town or country, for a WWI term permanently. DLEBOTORS. Joseph H. Sen% ' JeaneeC. fland„ Theophilna Plodding, • John C. Davi{ Hobert Burt.. a i , John Gartatt, Ibigis Cs*, S at Edwerde. Gen . David D. Study, W Money, hese illi R. Davis. • Falwell, Wam Ilap„ Ile 8. Thomas. Dr. 11.. M. Muelost, . ' John Taller, Ja. Spencer lidlense, Geom. Sena% John J. Nartlho, Edward Darlinien, John B. Pm, J. 0. Johnsen, • IL Jones • Edmond Alooder Wx. ' Maxims,. Pewit. Minoan 8, NSISSOta.h, Seery. Erir Applkslion can be %mei. to Arie, April 4, 111111. , J. KELLOGG, Agent Aria. 0 ! , FARA( ER'S!! 1. 1 •._ i • t sane gee Um BUCWAYJI4iOTAZING *UMW An ndmituied Ind sold by g. ft UDDICL.L, Minn k CO., •. •. Ili AK, CO,VOXIT, Fruit Trees and Evergreens ACHESON .& HENRY 11117101114 & EME R. R. „.: XXIV, 11412.4 1 / 1 ArAN andattlenooie Watioataill *ay, Noe. 11, awl until farther Or hase„ hineg rim as tallowie WV* sant 1 • A. R. 2 Nlikt Rama, Map at W 0144444, Datddrh, sad Meet Ore* anima at Buffalo at t A. M. T. AA. Iffy at sli Mistime *sand Wodertfile. * w h a m s . and lbw arrive, at Rethiki atf99P.Y. dck, A. N.,amatanotteatten, stopping at all etattoas, imbed at Baal° 12 10, T. M. . The above teal= eosneet at banktri and While with 1:4 1 .8 11 Ro talus as k and New To* Cultist Rail ad. LEAVE BUFFALO. 11 46 A. V. Man, ii‘apptair at all Malawi exerptSwaltilk at 3 MAIN 46 P liaamarrads sad Wealarkv . tile, arrivapat Nato . 11. 2Night Express ilt,o at Sliver Creek, 11aakIrk aid aniva• MIN& at 6 60 A. 11. 4 P. M., aaaassaioasiloa,atopplag at all stations, affirm, at trla 9, P. M. Nev. 216, 1.6 6. 10 K.. BROWN. Supt. H : . c c ~t V .: y~,:.~ ONAND A ER Monday. December 29 4.1%141 13:11 feather none, Proanker Tulsa *ill AVE -CLEVELAND. 12 30 P.ll. bran Train stops at an Way Stations escape Wlsidias,p, Unionville and Saybrook. and w rites at P. X, Dunkirk 180 P. X, Sada& 090 P. 900 P. K. led Swami Train stops of Palosavnlai Coanoast, and Gisard, only. and arrives at ilth Wt .. 2 41 A. 111.• Elnealo, 4 1.0 A. Y. 30 P. X. Aconsitendatan Train stop it all Stations, olives at Sri. 10 80, P. X. - LEAVE ERIE. 7 33 P ia t:et Uprose Train rirat Girard, Conneaut, sod Pabanovia only; and arrive at '4 40, 31. 3 30 rV II & I Train stops at ,all Way Statioas exeepl - Saybrook, traisseille, Perry, Mentor and W lekbiffe, and &Mese arClerataod at Po, P. M. 7 0, A. Y. isprow Train atop/ at Girard, Connqaut, Aila takaL and Painesville only, and arri resat Cleveland 1100, A. Y. All the through trains going - Westward, ononowt „at Cleveland with trainetar Toledo, Chia go, Columbus, Cin alanati, ha. As. All toe through tribas to liaetward,ronneet at Pon kirk with the trains of the N. I' k Lite kationtid and at Baal* wttlt the N. Y. Central and Buffalo and N Vlair aullroutia. H. IiOTTINg; HAM, , apvrtatentirtit Clerelaad, Dee: 9, 1668. KNOW ALL PERSONS THAT THERE IS oN SALE ('HEAP A T HANSON'S PEACHES, cherrion, Currant. sod Tomatoes. as Crash a. New }'rust, pro- GROCERY 'nerved in Au TtgLA tan., FRESHIt.AISENS:, Currants, Ctt DEPOT. 'sou, Fig% Lemons •n.l Naito 'lions Linda YEA& CAICE:‘, Jr.o Iktou 1 -sot.; Forerpattsl weekly to All English Lady A T HANSON'S of this City, 7.1M14:..4 11.1 t host lltmal lin use S LERATU-, t ,•( Tartar. Car ,. FAMILY bonsnet and and Rabbitrs itsiurig I ovror GROCERY. ' lisieearont, t vr.l, ilia, Vstrina, Co- bA rt e. tifir/.114t. 111 W 11,1,1,, Sage Aug, -Mad 110 in large. A T HAP:SOWS and small 11.-klrot. Peper • rkaum.,, rat. u u p.. KIM Flavoring I. strtiv•v DANDUAIO, FAAtlw ,of CoMI% fain LOLL, in H4RSON'S 6 pound I an. nr trj 11, y•ti.iiin Jar% hlncho, Rio Ott. I miler C atkr., Rowar.l t odre I rul per tat t.un l'ou tint, Young Upton, o 4 Hylton, Skin, to buck Al HA01.94/N'3 t 0..., 01 011prrn, Aultht. I.y 11n . hu or no rttat SUGARS-4 rur.i....1 Nowderemi !aid Vtibll• I ".. P. A t BANS. ,, , N.. (i.e... .n.l P o rt" P -4 A; .11iPLA:•-b,N. l ean , an ,j p,,, t ,, Rh• Iltatutgriknit .• trim. H tome Syrup. A T HANSON'S itatd,c( II —,,,serk,,t F it., (ut Chewing w 4 Suu•Atu,;,. "grsothrh and 1 .. Saturul Leaf, A tol. rs-o • . .1.W., kc . but yr.. mu , t •tup—th. I', tp r , n I afford us won. It parr nem—hut air hutedreth r t b • 14, , t bPini told you Perhaps we ma, r. t 13111.• 1111. Prlbp.4l. (Wit week, but don't Plot l'..r that I.ut ,-,m. , . 5 .,,i m .p. and A i n, the Queen n( the t•outh V , ll %V.'. I. I. 1 I . oNr. tam. ••rt,.. Ulf' ..bako not 1,14 n tol,l luu ' DON'T FillflatiE.T THE t IA t F.. Erie, Jan. SO, Pi ..S. --- WHISK 1... N. DOILrBLIS KP.CTI.FIED, W 4 IR KA %TEO P 1 RE dr S. R. CHCCIIILL: REF.)) fir,r • f ON FRE.ICII r IRL.F.I IMBUE V Hitt NDI at I lit'R( • Cherry for lowliest tip., at Brandies of all kinds, at . '!II I! Wines of all kinds, it LIL*Ri://// I: Stn of all kloda, at t Ill'RCHll.l.* • Rom, a pare ►rttele, Hi - RCN/LI: Purs,gptrits &inn fnr me uinni •li -L. F.LI). ISOO E AV - FIRM =En City =roses 1017 C) ON the , .1111 of , r• tle STOCK and . t,„ r ,„ ,„ dell, liepl«r k Co., no.l • .1 LII ander Clo , itaino ..f I I, lir 111 1 s now oupptl log 11,4 wa i n . ,• ..•• tolms ilitic !no, ic. a.ur C 7 a artiza " Argkow tun& 1., Cu r •ut.4 ri. L:.', " littn.ohiia.c3x - sr; •,* Plows, Sleigh Shoes, Plow Points, &c. A. It la roraposstige td nr.O.r. •••41 rt•ting , r ,Vo rAsaatry sx.d ~ t orei at tLe ISt, , Ihpr,f,,re burl t a new rupult• au•i nri • , Na,4 ly tar Ilaehtnon We art. rya!, •ar that We falltil be drat 111 that llnr 5 her , . I•• 14,.• U nll r e tbat good Steam Engines, Boilers. Mill Geering, Agricultural Implements, &c., AT A LOW Pllll'Elt ItEALIN PAY. Lumber, Lath, -hinglw.. nil xn.A•M Purl an, 0141 I n•rt, Copper, Bram, b hat watt h. Itrotted vacn tat scowl I! d./ W t LILA .1 L.1111.1.E, 1 SIIN HERSHEY, .loit • r 11R1i Era... J lin W, I 4,0 c S Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy ! TIIIS Hit-IND 1 1.,.• , 4tn. .r• ••• eta' !earn trout thr• RI. It It t.‘ th.. I kll . lll IttRAPE, thus stfordwg aJ 1,1,1411,11 .40 • • 11, pr o , greps of Ainerocau Ent.tri.rott 41.41 I *t. t .tt ttbility to prtgluoto sett iv+ eit by soy otbrr batt.u. OHIO (.IT IW IS I KO INI ON ,•,,,r. t au. eireiii the. heest Import.. ~„,1 r It t, in NA., TII f.j; k \U\ 1. N t ;111 \ ThikittOloloont ), ("IP, .••end of Out wont thittintpopiir4 411114 Th. want of h lon, 1 , ...n coontry.and the inknoluetiou al to •u.•!r 4 .1 ity u, to ,tll..tmedu• not t., of t) „., pounds hitherto ondd °ode, toe moor of itrutult cuu only be regarded u a great poi lo kr t{\'. BA BRANDY ponnoeven al 11, Loto+: 4 . 411tu0i for the. bent Imported Liquor,. +n. ...d tm•ritel pont% liol,O potiol flavor, soda ituter,oru az..i MI r prune.•. for Dyspapata, Flutueney. erntop. Cbolle, Languor, Low Spirit?, General Dobilay. 0101. to 11 ••rbu,,.te. NO FAMILY 81101 Lit WITIIoI T IT. RETAIL PRICES! 13 PER HOT rs.x. Reft4 {l.ln toUrmin; JaTi n, 111a11.1 Slate Array. r asatria (trait r. u..err I hereby certaiy that I hare !Lie ~ ay :exile It eiteruleul anal)mis of sample of Ca.awbs }lwo , r , hrodght to too by 0. Simmontla,m4ilkand that I hair ‘,.011,1 Dot adulterating IngteeitesAta ar letlprot,or Am! •t.111(0 • 111 rt It leap, re brandy spirit, with Ole tvoiel ee',.• lug and macebertne. matters bolongine to hrerot, I 11 , 1111 rfteotnamomi A for medicinal uma. tll is I I. D.. -tate Amuk) r p er . o p. vt te.ttt‘ 1... ',twit. w tll be •upplie.l with a mall bottle graltic upon mppluati..rt In the A gm* Dec. 4, 1564.-61n1I0 I I IS tl,Dt% I\, ;:010 Agent, rtie,-Pa. S TEAM PI. NINi; NIII.I DOUR AND 111.17 ND .11.t:SL (*TOR I% /MPORT.I.I7' ry UMDEI4B Clear-ter cal Mgr ltoz-y. HAVE AeLARGE cToCK tiIdROCGRIN 4EAS ONEC Anti and Poplar gnoring, and Siding, ciamitabed and face planed Pine. Wind..., boor. , mind, Kau ldiogs, bah_ mink. Window Frame., Door Frauirt, kc , dc., which they will yell cheat for taah. Haring two of Woodworti's Improced Planing Machine. and competent mechanics to operate them, w r prepare, to do custom Planing, Matetang and Ripping at ail ton.. and in llsat • ladietory manner. All °bier. w 'there're pmmpt attirotion. Eris, Sept. 25, ISsft.. 4k3 4--L"me 1% ERIE COUNTY MU TU A L I Nsrit- ANCE COMPANY hicorpo; atm' ie 1839 Charts, Per, mtu all ereperty braced Aiming." Lem by Fire for &sly Term not exceeding five year.. Polfekts bowed upon the deposit of Yrxenouni Notre, or moo tb• pa t °fibs usual stork Rater, ,n Money with out the llebtlikr or. Premium Note. Wild with oulahroth Oli•Pult only Wu gym- bron brought sot. bat th Compayry. TkusCoopoor Is entirely Fret from 484 anti is a tie hose osterttot. ItECTOII:4 James C. Yard:all,- C. M. Tibbwls, Ww F Rindereetin & itesith.- 2,2l2amerly, Joe 14 Sterrett, In°l4/100tholk4. liaturno, Geolgt e r glum, ;. 13601411, Wm. D. Hap, J. M. Jostle,. • rrier,R!4, Prost. Jo3oAs T Grum; See. Y. IBIALB, Treas. • nu. :221 11:arrufiniona Mecnsret Lin aloe, A.IIIIIIIAL STAIZICINT simisidssere at ale Inv of MO, 1 11 hr r i1, ±4 4.0 . 77 . COMlgialle• With fhe OWWWWWWO2OWI of the I Comity of Ms, oaks BO stkildt Si tie Raesipts sod itsposiditerse Of_sidd Ossifytr. fir year A. D. me, to whisk is smassilda ststalesst of lbs Dup. Urslarr oMail al4irara Thaw bolsi to sash Tows. ship. Borough sad Ward Is ths Cosily for mid ma; *kw. • sistosiot of tho Cestr Midi dos as p. , aralliar's h.porl. Jamul, we. Of dodo agoatrao. Lan of Cosi lo ?ready, per Antlnes Snort far 1811, $l4OB 71. 0 .. ree'd oo set. 417ooratod Loads for 1161, - SlO a 6•1 • •,• 0 ° iSSII6 ' 47 . 2 41. ... ... o * ° 1861, WI NI . .. ... from Collects,* far the Year MIL if TO •• .4 -' Ise, war a -- - r lBll4 41218 SI Coronoomealtb foe adostice pc", Uf 00 " " w. LlCNair.lioss sod Ins, 100 00 " 11. Vedanta. Ws of atm. 10 ft • " Jolts IClllpairk*. loss it 1000 00 reAumptkou of troutr Land Solos. 42 it 004. 1 144 4 as amount Fold J o b. 12ssiell, 012 00 . W. Oaappiroll, 12 00 . " =as Sniebt, 12 00 . ..]r. Cloaalont. AadUllog Pro. and bra sot, 111 00 Mat. ;old tor Cool sad Wood for Jell sod Court Sous Yi INCSDIR2Atii. Amt. paid Oral k Farrar, Ibr brodras, 2 010 . •• J. J. Com pton aad Also* Gould, attaiiiiing 8. mind Iris itaildead dimities, ' 140 00 •• • George J. itusialL, tam reflinded, 200 - •• John Law, eaabions far ebalra t 16 .0,0 ••.. J. Croat at Co, bads( Lain, wood lawii in M. F. Rindernecht, pail, meads" /se , 200 Western Pesitantlary, boduding hunates in 90 - Recording Road Surreys, 22 00 • • Postage and Box nut, S2O Mrs. Clary, washing Bar and hider' Bench, 3 30 Jean golden, sew, shovel, ke , W. C. Keeler, Kling saws, Amt. pat.l Henry Jareelli i , repairing lock., 560 •• • N. Murphy, re.airing Pump, Le.. 953 • Daniel Weeks, repairing locks, lbs., 1 SO J. Hoakioeun, repairing on Ail, 10 09 " J. 1,. Stewart, physician's salary for 11160, 90 Ou •• John Killpainck, clothing for prisoners, d< 13 lasso licorotonlg, " a a Mores !Loeb, 11 40 • " Jrho Dillon, .rocong prisoners and impairs, SI 60 • • J.thu IS-111*inch, hoarding pr wooers from May 160510 Nor. 1856, 2112 86 COIAIT HOUSE -1 got pa 14 wra Co fur jrnf conformed and gas Silures, 16 SIS 73 46 COUNTY LOAN. tn.t 1.1.1 to rudestu sod cancel Bonds No.. It, 7, 10, 11, 21. 2b nod 26, county loan, :0W) 00 • •• to rebel= asul Called Bonds No.. 1 and 2, house of rings, 1000 00 •• tutorrst due on 00, Bonds, outstund log Jan. 1, lb* JUR.ORS. Amt. raid Tray. Juror. for attending at CourU .4 tend:non Pleas, Oyer and Ternainer and tinse l., S., 4888 01 • •• Gould Juror.. in Oyer and Termini rand t.PUM ter :•eileicass, tiVit 98 111=111111 II I T ,1•JI paol L onstabl•-• for mak it 4 retufbA to Qu.r tel *lowa, 1961 '172 Amt net .At tor - Or y, Shona, Clerk of t,litst tor St•naloon, J aatien, l outitables tad • intr.- • ID r ommonweiltb eAkkeo, 1157 W Hot 4.1 , : uF ItElh I tiE ni and clothing for foundry to m41..1%, 1:42 A iLd ;.at I t "r.tables for gt etng nytire of eleetton mini wad) tug ;kern... 156 UU ElerUotk Bosnia mind att,ntiaareuf drew t e: White, Court erirr. ITO , o , " I is% ul il ran, Tip Stive, b 4) ret , r stO iSareeu, Ib•nr Hdo•. Ault 1 ... Q J J i ..ttipt,,, •• Wm W it,..13.1, 'l4.: 74 ..4O . •• •• Aut. 4•utild, Jr: LAI • • W tlllani i'll 1t.r.,. 74 or u.l 1.11.. TI,uIIYP 1.411/.., h14 .1 / 1 1i 1,.• . 11/. I • • Im ingnußtar.•. _ CE.F.tiK HiRE MEM Atut 0141.11 , Psi'illVt. ata. A wilt... . I. , YRINTIN(, Amt. WS for pgibli.hkukt causal stateulecit, , heA ter ral Irit . . • llo , n, 141 i% prlll6lot. , :0; 111 %..I KrUinctrlek, for d . ..lteN 114, .••1.,11 tr 10 rrllitelall.). 1.7 7f.• • J ,I:patri .usonioniiiit 15e DO -- 033 75 f .%•nt I : J• 11)••• tkii:lier, Pro sod I ' lrrlk, tin. h`.ll ‘ri.aran, certif. itig l Ore l.r. alt OM/ I hoes, for recording election return. suit certif . ., mg the ,awe to the of tn. len V • NEW ToWNSIJII".t. l•ala C.oulitkilunoner• and l * .a.tabl..o, lu do, I: int I onuraut lownstitp, 7U Aiu p. 4.14( 13uttertirld, fur aperehetidiug lhr UAW, la) : 4 TATION £RY u. t paid for papor, ink, yulhU, ke., fiar Courts. L 4,1 k.uanti•istoner: ul6cr and dockets for Pr". aLd ..6ces mad bLasak work, AGRICULTURE. 4mt 1,4 1 1.1 Girard ("loon Soc'y, per act of Armetribl, for ISSI, Ivo 00 " Erie taunt) " - lass, Ice ou GENERAL ELECTIONS Amt paid the river-al election board. for ituldiug the general election for I ti3a, 4,0 U. DIRECTOR. OF THE POOR taut -paid to toll of Reitotaittort for the 'ear .11136, tilAokt uO COIIIIIMONZELT COI:NSF:1 .1 int pehl rhea. W. Kelso. 0120 year's salary TREASUBR. Amt of manmisston allowed Jeremiah C,Atuty Triraanrar, uo $3663881 Of louut3, Road and School Warrant*, retiaomt..l, Oki STATE FUNDS. the Columouwealth, being the State oritportion pf cash recet‘ed on taz u A*ll lied on County rates and lessee, also on .4tate Personal, tor the year 111158, In full 6,1 .aid year, etcept the account uutstandtng on unseated lands, Itgont T•tnl amount of distrursetneutP including amount of Mate taxes collected and paid over to the tutuu owswriat , 44M13 80 tot .tf Ca.h to Trranur) Jut. 1. 1869, 38d4 751 I.ld amount .4 fl arratals amo),l pilot t. lttLS, re deem, tl 1.1.1 mncell44l, T.hi NOW,. - c ..... Inteelon au I allowance tO Colleeninl ruse Itopltratre. aettlod dormg the year,ate not eat the fewlyrotaK AtatrlTED4l/ 1 / 4 0213Ch as tboy ►ere a. iti.wr pat•t nor out 01 the Troamay, and are 11 Gil -1..e•. nmaudtag abatements for errorso to Oa. An,l of abatement for lost la% allowed Collector• for the ear commuielors allovre4 Collectors for the eer Ittt.9 ou State and Co, 11:105 00 ..g.agrairat alf, balances Outstanding, Jam. I ti 39. %mt of b... ont•ten.ling oo Ccowate.d Land• for lALS, $1 Mt •• IS6B, tbl T 1 OUE. FROM COLLECTORS. AoU of 1..11 due from llyer Loomis, X. Es. t township, 1967 167 19 .." Andrew Caughey, IMB 751 09 " " " S. Chambers, Itarborrrtelt, 19.58 73 191 G. W. Darts, Amity, 1639 19 20 " •Vr B. Weed, Greene, 19.58 78 " " " F. W. M. Sherwood, Wash'n, 14615 :68 78 " " K. B. True, &Unborn, IBM 161 61 " " " •John Hay, Girard tp., 1968 107 " Ansel (hies, Wattsbors, DAS 31) 51 D CS VROSI Autt ,lue foosa •Wise E. WNissr,ous set fines segi •Pail toleuee In full since settlement, 1280. 0 It the amount of Duplicates of County, Poor and State taxes levied on each of the respective-townships, Bor oughs mid Wards in the county of Erie, being 76 cents County and Poor, and 25 emits State tar, malting a to tal of one dollar tar on every $lOO of the raluatton for the year 1858, together with the amount of Willitiallnes and the name* of Diatneta, Collectors, he. /est et. S:Co. Er. St. ea Al fa Mates. Glll•ere Yeses. es LW. ram rep' a ista s, flats. LestWard,lLHalsey Num, $676223 $92 00 $.13 60 $lBO 00 West Ward . J Zimmerli, 6415 IA 145 59 44 00 98 00 Itilkweek. A. Caughey, 5384 63 41 60 1:0260 Harbors:x*l4,S. Chambers, 2144 49 476 54 09 Worthies/11p. Dertse4 titian 246414 24 20 N. Emit bor., 8. Griffith, 624 44 800 18 50 Greenfield, Stephen Davis, 671 05 100 Veeaago, C. Weabbuta, 1004 28 225 2660 Wolfsburg, J. 7.Easworth 193 68 300 Amity, Geo. W. Davis, 601 46 7 50 Wayne, K. ll'Arthar, 87866 OO Coaeord, Frankliolliner, 799 56 15 00 Colon A. B. Werthap,962 33 19 50 Le Banff, WtelloMneon, 1025 15 74 60 Waterford tp. Robert Brown, 145625 - 52 50 Wssorf. bor., H. Hsouilto% 767 06 150 11 00 24 00 Greene, Wm. B.Wered, 1060 54 - 22 00 Summit, P. B. Duna, MID 40 65 Illtran, S. Waskibunt, 1275 CO . . 16 511 Waehingt, FWW.Sherwood,lsos 86 27 60 Ettlnbetro, , 11. E. True, 263 li 4la 340 22 00 Franklin, Alonzo Alden, 567 30 600 Elltereek, Calvin Scott, 866 00 300 3160 ettunrisull A.s4kals Barns, ma 46 ' 460 47 60 Springfield, S. W. ftrindle.266ll 58 385 000 70 60 Girard I p., John Hay, 3323 02 • 125 49 60 Girard bor. Tranvia 0000ni 553 33 12 $ 925 21 00 Jabes Luther, WWI T 1 2,26 15 00 9260 Amt. Of Fairview,oanty tax, which includes Calleeteni commleatea, lost limn and sun't on un- heated I.M.d 819481 811 "Your tisionied par ilequleinou of Directors, ',boo 00 stair tams 18nri•d, 11/1811 61 iNDMITZDNEOB OF lIELB coi;NTir. lIXPIIINDLIIVAItS. ArcotTows PAY. COUNTY JAIL A. Sherwood, patting, S Wurphy, rooting copal°, pipe for [sumac.* etoves, &c, W a J. Hoskinson, work on Pro office Wet steps, chimneys, Am, Itit 1 14 John Bill, wort on l'ro °thee and doors_ n Cocrt room, 44:10 00 1.e1.11e. Kepler t Co., grate for furnace, 230 I= luW ~-HII' :I.ECTIu.\ no, knd mating return. MEM 1.11%11-SitoNl i “1t41% F.R tern, la n John W. W'Laues on act. tines and foe■ in his hands for Collsetion, 107 ab STATEMENT Aa4. of' Saadi ofaastaaollas Ja s . I, 11511, as Co. Lass, ... wow oi• , Roma or ilatage, , moo ou =:=l Dated laft of Batas rodeslood sod aiaaolled 1166300411 la ISM, • As& eatataad In; Ju. lOUs, Moo (Jo Total mit. le Nadi Sarsed to S. sal Ms IL fS rrnetwihatthe itsasVaaxtVi oI Led Szproatursa amid c for the yr*, EATON, Amos V . niumi, -waif Ens C. •wrl, • Col ow. Okrik. Cormiasisswit OIL* la.. i 1101/. WO the usdoreigsod. Mullion el the County of Eriq, hostas at the lAce of the County Comantiostosort, sod ha careful! esenifeed the twooturto sad •own as of the owe and Treasurer of Erra Coma, aloasehl, for the year MS, do report that we Sod thew genes; sad that we find a balsa°, ht the bands of out Tassoarer. of County (nada of throe thousand eight Ems dna and boos t po or dollars Lod oreenty nine sena; a balsam ou des the Coikoty tram the Rama. opersos imistlea•d, tso thousand eight busdred sod two tioLlius and ormaty two mate, .Lich detours is ;titst the Whose of tat ancollostami so CaNgtll4 Ginn saner our hands and man, ut ed., ads ieu , ay of January, 1E49. CLUB BRECHT, (L S Barth 1101. —4w. HENRY 11„ BAWLER, (L 9 , PERUVIAN SYRUP 6400 Protected Solution of Protoxide of Iron. CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, ADosdoos of the Liver, Dropsy, Morroligia Drosefrisho, Coimpstre Toodsosolos, Sloss Wilms Dhows, paa, Swum Mos, do prostnadoo 'streets of Lail or Mercury. Gemara' DeWitt, ALL. DISHAUS WHICH REQUILS TONIC AND ALTERATIVE MEDICINE, By Its-orgaimisiwg the Disoryaniaid Blood, mod it, storing to dot Circulation Ma /*dupes/Jab& Qua n lily of /rex, without sokscA lipaith co-mug es warn tainad. 4 ZS 1 11 The proof. of 540 efftemeY us 1.0. • .tair aumerous, so well authenticated, S e. 1 b.., 4 and of such peculiar character, that 4 , saner, cannot memorably bents te - .f > k, :h th e P be erlisis e rei II le to recels• the proffered aid. P u re all, bu ck*s t ita ne r i an ir m ' is estensire, because many Masa epperently anlika, an Militia tely related, and proceeding "oe scone , may be cured by on. Theclassl of disease. for shirk the Syrup proyidos a core, to precisely that winch has so otten baffled the highest order of medical skill. The arta are Magni*, tb.- witticisms accessible, arid the safety and efficacy of th. Syrup incontrovertible. Thom, who nay wish for an opinion front disinterest. lemons respecting the character of the Syrup, cannot to be 'edam, with the lollowut, among numerous ttmosdats, in the hands of the Agent& The stem , • , am thereof postkeloso well knows It the common I v, of the highest reirpertablllty. 1233 3317 75 ECM The undersigned, having eiperiendett the bouesciet facie of the "Peru, Ma Syrup," do not bestitata to re. t mend to tba attention of the public. Prom our own experience as well as from the testim. • . Gloaters, whose intelligence Lad integrity are altos, • unquestionable, we have no doubt of its efficacy in of Incipient Dismusea of the Lungsand Bronchial Pus:. • Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint., Dropsy, Yieoralgia, kr 1• deed its effects would be incredible, but from tb* t character of Hone alio Lave witnessed them, and 'A volunteered their testimony, se we do outs, to Its rest. We power. Rev. JOHN PIERPONT, THOMAS C AMORY, THOMAS A. DEXTER, PETER HARVEY, . S. H. KENDALL, M. D , J AMER C DUNN, SAUCE!. MAY. Rey, THOR WEifTTEIII4,?. 131:1 ::Al 214 14)601 34 CERTIFICATE OF DR RATES It fa nett known that the metheal effect of Ireton. of Iron la loot by evens very brief expogure to air, .11 that to ntaintaln a aolotion ..f l'nrtwante of Iron, intl. further otnlatton, hs. bred deemed aupoamble In the Peruvian a. rnl, th.. , lreurabte point i• attai n , enli Tlof IN a It Al it/101U I NILNUW)I add Ib,. solution mad' /ephirle hn Vinte• ritrat.ra., and tartreter Modica. EEMI S•Viater, Boat" t,, r Alt I Elt & ORO , and Druggists r , " ally No T. 21, 185*-21'ci, At the old Stand N NI I' Hl'll V. 11333 13:2E3 Betweeen Brown's Hotel & Reed House, 104 .IN 1,.\ I - : A S s4 RT M ENT IF lit lIIILh (;• .41•1)% AllO, A lAZTIO And r‘ani.l.l. ae.• rttotot p. wet 11,11 YIN/ • A 1... • •nr_ I. 1.1 Cut 41, a• •• P r . t r. • --. &e... 141,W 'am 41.4, 1 ot T t.• • 116 CONNY/, l• rrela lawt I. 06; k • 11... 1114.., • • ••1•111 • ... Wit , tr • am..) t,...c• a. ,„rto I• 1 la. I v.) tii I -. anal 1,104 Ili., I .1r..• Mill., I Nei s • I It"! pi:4,Z P, Los I tooker., C o al setalonalit• :•• .• • HOOL 11 , •••1.• . f Ifs • and liattsiiAlt I .64, ht_. Nlat I al. n i so , nil lever trt Lead I • 1.ea.1, l ' un.k• r1.1r,•. tt : as. J r .- • lanai ?unlit, 0,1 1 ..1. :d• • I ••••!••1. •I. •• • • F 141.1 Lampe et nil 1,41.4 , 1.1• • aln. , / / • Sheet Iron, 11 ay., I '.ll“a. ••. s t,. t• x rut .t Table MM. ill liaJi.lll... u•I and Milk •4 4 Pat., r.. t H ..r• It a Kell., Drainuta, Snuffer. a 1.41 1'1161., 116.. e and Kat T . , • , Ser,ar, Tack.. •L 1 ilsl r., FO‘t her Ii 11.1. r., it 110,4 ht. a /11.• SLIM l;ritatl •tiol Mau VI `•• .1, All of *bleb will Iv. ..11.1 rbraio Int 1 .a.ll •.‘a 1, I • done on the tabtartelat I, Brit.., I'• r Rags taken in eseh•nire fur Ks.o I. Please•eall an - dezasniu. my stork shot Pablo( r 1 ••u: , ••• Erie, May 15, 18.5. Your. NI II VI MEI Gn4)lo FritNITI I.lw W I Taunt & Bristol, i - PI 11•RNITr - liE. .4 VD Lii ( )ELV (~, j . 1 , • WAXER' 19.11. N. N o . 233 Mum •reef (formerly Cutler 1 1 fic i BUFFALO. =I EVOTING 01 H ATTENTION TO THE ,lANI • (Iretore of nur u wk., sod selecting ami Pi • rrtth Imprimis reference to the retail custom trade. • are enabled to rider to those seeking an 4,scoll,•ut art of Dartuturs superior advantages for obbomog of nOali ty, stile and finish, whir b we ogres at low pn • • We atm to keep lbe beet quality, highest fluish, ,•• and Neatest patterns, and 'arrest assortment of ELHNITERE AM) NIIHKOILDS, W I* found In Ettithdo Win manufActitro and keep ruminantly on band a tar. Assortment of kIAROCANY, WALNUT, OAK and Roji WOOD, MARBLE and WOOD TOP BUREAUS, TABI E WIRAT-NOTS STANDS and SIDE BOARDS, Also, extsmos, 40IP TICTKB, CHAIRS, ROCKERS. QUARTETT. SKCIAKTAIIHN, BOOK CASV..., t WARDROBES, LOUNGES, EXTENSION TABLE, OFFICK D 2E3 FANCY CORNER STANDS, RECEPTION CHI ROSE WOOD FOTTS, ENAMELED CHAMBER :li. - PATENT RECLINING And SICK CEIAIR.%, and &II article.' of Parlor, Chamber, Duilog Rro illtibion FURNITURE. We manufacture 111.2(i has.. oo hood sift •i gala lea and hair Mattresses and Spring Beds. •1•0, • splendid rariety of Mabovany, Howe ti Gut MIRRORS, of 1111 P soil ,11ty BuSalo, Jane 2d, 18.5".-7.1y TAUNT k BRI .t $48.45 as N ,v E I . MEN I EZM PRI I" ATE 4.!% D N FIDE ATLI L VFL ADVICE AT THE BUFFALO PRIVATE ItIF4PII LI Established for the cure 01 Syphtlis,Seruirsal Wrs, - and the secret Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, "Offk SON. buffalo. N Y Office corner of 114,, Quay street*. tap,stalra. A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of tleultal Debility, Nocturnal F.missions, more properly knower' ae See, Weakness, ke. Can be permanetiv cured lln from et • days to two months by the use of this IrMtrunieut, used conjointly with medicines. rouNti MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOT' r. Dr. AMOS k BON take pleieure in minotincio, they hare Invented a most important lostrunent 1. cure of the above diseases. It Ilea Wen subject a tent by the most eminent physiciarm in. London • Philadelphia and New York; it bas been declared tip nmdul instrument ever invented fur the cure of 0..1. Weakness, or any discos of the genital omen by the secret habits of youth. Price $lO, by =al or•rp raw gismo:Dias AND QUICK. COM.. Dr. Amos it Son may be consulted from 6 o'cloek the morning until Y at night, to every stage and gyre' , of disease, Secondary symptoms, Seminal Weakness, potenee and Shietureg of the L'rethie„ and all tt aftentkon arising from the secret haw. youth, which produces constltattonal debinty, read. marriage impassable, and in the end destroy■ both bo. and mind. The treatment they adopt I■ the result of up wards of thirty years' extensive sod euatessful pr. tire in and America, A CURE WAlt/LANTIID. Dr. AMOS it SON have devoted their attention needy to this peculiar elms of maladies, and the relief • have consequently bean tumbled to render to their creatures Is fully testified and gratefully acknow led,. • convalescent patients and others daily arriving I, from ail parts of the country, for the express porp.... • of consialtaition, while their exertions have been or. with the moat signal advantages: :et from what • have experienced in Inquiring into the cause of the • ' toes complaint.tfienti their most simple condi:: that °tithe moat dangerous and inreterate,) they ha • ways mitertalned the pornibility of their prevent, removal, and likewise invariably found that the rible and malignant forms °Mem, could sine ways he traced to one of the following mimes /.o , • nosiest, or the ill effects of unskillful treatment • Dfr. AMOK h SON hare succeeded in discoveim. the selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual sr • • Motu' roufse. °wattles all combination or remedie.. , Mar an equivocal character, as well as those wh. mature and iniudicions applications might be prt of bad consequences In the heads of privet* coati In short, the laudable - end of their remedies is the in of a greet mass of human misery by the ally ..• relief and prevention of those afflictions that are si, r• • the secret foe of life, and which, while the) so eve s• surround us, call eland for our skill sod interfen their externalisation. COUNTRY INVALID'S. Plump to any rift or the world WAY IN • u •+. tooted by forwardiug • correct detail of their As. , • reemittsetoe tor Notteittes, tr itOroot Dr. AMOS SON, corner of %laic .1: • eteett, Dittblo. N. T. 7..41, DIRI.-1:18 ,421"48 • 0n Comasiesioasre sett% Conot9 you 4, FOR THE C3f Al. Ni. za . A. A IIAY LS, 11 U., • • • • • z t lie ißtat, Ilessachn*e^tt• \ I ( LARK kCO., Proprietary, 1 1000 •xi =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers