Tug LADY'S MANUAL or FANCY MONK. \ A A Complete Warm:tor in every variety 'qt Ornamental Needle-Work. By Mrs. ' Aiguillette). New York: Diek 3 Fitsger &ld This is a truly 'desirable publication for la at it admirably blends tith useful 'with. die ornamental. There is scarcely en elegant, art in embroidery, lace, beads, netting, knit ting in colors, or indeed any of thole pretty recreative parlor employments, that gratify the taste, please the eye, amuse the hours of leis ure, and dispel ennui, that is not hare fully de ecnbed—not only as regards design, but mani pulation. And one of the best filatures of the hook to to be found in its three hundred ea grav ings and illustrat ions. The authoress mer it, and will receive the thanks of her amiable eel throughout the Union, for homing prodieed tt complete Instructor in Fancy Needle Work, to a single volume, and at the -very moderate price of $1 25. On the receipt of this sum, the publishers will mail the work, free of post age, to any part of the United States. Communicated. Ma. Entros.-1 guess I must he a Teaks., it inquisitiveness is any indication. lam un fortunate enpigh to be asking questions about e verything around me. It is second nature with me—l believe it is first nature, for the habit was formed *bent the time I began to calk Pardon me, therefore, for eshing some plain questions which I do not, of course, ex. peer yuu or anybody else to answer, unless ton rather like to. Why is It that Intelligent, respectable, and professedly ehristian people, tolerate, and not only tolerate, but encourage and patronize vice and obscenity. Why is it that they foster what is surely detrimental to the interests of community, and destructive of good morals! I ant just dull enough not to understand the reasolr, if there hp any, for this Perhaps you do not comprehend me. I will endeavor to make myself understood. If a low fellow without character or decency. notorious for his infamies, 'walks into the par. fur of a respectable citizen and commences re-' tailing, in violenfand profane language, vulgar slanders against those whom he hates, is he not very unceremoneously shown the door, and perhaps aided in his exit by an application of boots ! Who wants to have the slang and bias pheny of rowdyism repeated in good society Butythe same low, characterless vagabond, by stealing, begging or swindling, gets possession of • press and type and prints his indecent language and vile scandal in the shape of a illespaper, is he not encouraged by " respect able" people and paid for laying his vulgarities before their families ! Why is this ? Is writ ten obscenity any more to Ise tolerated and ,anctiosed than verbal scandal and abuse' Is it the sound of noisy scurrility that places it withoutthe bean of society. or is it the mean= mg and nature of the language' Does the -Bence of lettere on pure white paper give elte-lie-ter to what is outrageous and shameful 111 ll+ nature and expression ! These plain q uestions suggest themselves to me, but I can Mid no obvious •velisons, no rational excuse. fur the indifference of society with reference thereto When an cull is admitted by all, when it has become a leraxett, shameless niii •Xllee, is it not high time that it should he dim mitinteenatieed and discouraged le) 311 docent men • When neither age, nor eel, nor respec tslulity ate protection against the slime and sole of professional yonder* of defamation, is o not time that swirl . " should point the ranger t -, , ,rat a n d contempt at them and drite them :iota menimunityv Is tt n o t a fact, too, that le . .. if 10,1 e. kimile+l and pea,Ahle citizens *lee most betide to lie stigmatized by these moral ens.? It the pithily hes no withering eon de Hood ion for these vipers, if the law has nu penalties, then, we must nut complain if inno cent well. weary of being traduced and 'Mi ned shall take the law ipso their own hands 'trot tolintiost, , r summary ,ponishment upon the J. T. V. EMI NEWS SUMMARY The municipal election at Bath, Maine, last Motility, resulted in the choice ut Putnam, Republican, for Mayor. A disastrous tire occurred in Masi°, last Saturday, night destroying property to the amount of $30,000. Slierin&n Croswell, Esq., late editor of the Albany Argos. died et New Haven. Coon.. last Sunday. lion. Henry S. Geyer. formerly C S. en atur from Missouri, died at St Loui.A on the LA II instant Ex:President Fillmore announced to speech at eincinnatti a few evenings since his final retirement friiin public life. Guy. Packer has appointed Charles D. H2neline, of the State Sentinel, Superintendent l'ublic Printing. Edward Everett has paid to the treasurer of the Mount Vernon fund. up to the present day, $60,892 81. A 144 t occurred in Washington. on Fri day of bust week. between Mr. Magraw, for nierSuperintendent of the Pacific Wagon Road, and F. P. Lorder, hie aneceasor. - Magraw as saulted Lorder with a Ming shot. -- David Curry, an Irish laborer, shot John Foster, an Englishman, at Batavia, N. Y,„ on Friday of last week, for sedueink . his wife.— Foster died in a few hours, and Curry was com mitted to jail. A large number or rani 'lies, both here and in Europe, who had relations in the steam er Austria, intend, it is said, to sue the Com pany in whose services ehe was running, for damages. 1 number of the friends of the Rev. S. D. Shelter, candidate for Mayor in Toledo, of fer to bet WO that he can whip any man iq hat city is a fair stand-up fight. Where's BroWnlOW ? The population of St. Louie is 185,000, ..t which only 57,657 are Aniericane-48,874 t aw are Osman, 22,012 Irish, 8 461 English., and 1.887 French. The free Its and slaves are shout 1,500 each, but the e slaves are two to one of the male. The remains of Thurston, the lost bal loonist, were found Sunday evening last ten miles north-west of Toledo, and only about ten, miles .I:koza the place of his seeond memo. Mrs. stail Miss Walton, the aged mother and daughter, who were so murderously &assa y' in liarttiorough, Montgomery musty, a short time since, by two brothers, are recovering from their injuries. The total stock of sugar in the port of New York. is stated to be 14.6.118 hogsheads, against 12.200 at the sane period last yest.- 1 - The total stock of barreled ntolasaes is 5.017, against 4.300 last year. By s fire at Memphis, Tennessee. on Toes -lay nlht last, sic newspaper (Aces were burn- N.uot, wiz: the 'Eagle and Inquirer, Arsbombe, ,Ledger, Christian Advocate. Pna►yterian, and dentinel. The loss amounted to $lllO,OOO. An oyster dealer in Roehester, N. Y., gave ta, for the first mat sold for the Piteohmalni concert in•that city. lie mum have bees a • • ,of-shell." Ttsty bad a dams titoothar night at Mad ison, Wis., for tits Inas& of the aura. The Sentinel suppose, it was a raligkros isory agent! Mr. lissisti, & lUDs, as Bomb Westorio, Allow Cotaty, s ldlrdap no sold Ms Harm for 118,000, pm* $2,000 AS Ms wits and oldl sa4 liho babas* ,Mspod with a Or girl to Callfornla. - . • • .- Mr. Charles Sampson of . the vell-knOwn pnbHeidng Ones of Philips, ilimpeon H Oti.i4 Bostoo, died at Ms residence in BrotAlin.; en Th . twooD l / 4 He mu ;bout 40 years of age. —Ro Olds has been confirmed by the Beasts as , e United elates Attorney ' for the District of umbia, in plaMo of the late Mir. Philip Key, s . hin t gad the info of the station agent of the Pennsylvania Inbreed. at Baileysburg, . 11 has been arrested or having poisonedler hus band, who died a days since, with croton oil A than named Cit i rles Reed, whit' was on board the Central Anted= at the time she was wrecked, and was picked- up after Seating on a pivot of timber twelve days, was recently burned to death In his cabin in California. A boy fell i through a hole in the ice at Auburn, N. Y., and was carried thirty feet by the current, when be came up. accidentally through an aperture, sad was then rescued. The eiseinnati Inquirer says, that an Bi ded beggar applied to a young gentleman with an extellnive wardrobe, the other day, and the Wier took-him to his room and gave him a full suite, so transmogrifying the fellow that a mir ror would hardly have recognised hint. The beggar still seemed loth to depart, and he final ly asked the charity-giver if he could not let him have a cane and a pair of gloves, as with out, those no gentleman's dress was complete. The lifinnesota papers say that the In dians in that part of the country are being rapid ly civilised, all those in the neighborhood of the settlements, drinking whisky, chewing 'tobac co, lying, stealing and swearing equal to white men ; and the other day a young squaw com mitted suicide by hanging herself on a tree., on account of disappointment in love. —A young man namid Orlando G. Parsons, formerly a clerk in the New York Post Office, committed suicide at his 'boarding house in Baltimore on Tuesday, by Shooting himself through the head. He had beertdisappointed in his effort to secure a clerkship* the State -Department at Washington, as a Bitter from Secretary Case, which was found in kirpocket, showed. Out of means, and in &fit nf despair, he committed the rash act. Letters from Hon. Charles J Faulkner and Hon. J. Glancy Jones, recommending him for appointment, were also found in his possession. —There is great excitement at San Antonio, Texas, among all dense*, owing to the great' and enormous amount of silver which has been, discovered at theminesof the Veiled Nleatlows.' in Sonora and Arizona, near Ilermacillo aid Tepicque. It lies in blocks and panels, weigh ing in many instances tons, yielding from To to 90 per cent, of zinc and lead with copper.".— 1 There are companies organizing in ever county in western Texas, and the fever islmp eliding-, preparatory to emigration to El Paso a t.l - Dona Anna as soon its the grass shall spri up of' sufficient height to sustain animals. wl ich will he in a few days. There have been large claims+ in purchases made by the Southern Aid ASSO eistion Company, of New ()Timm.' which cover much of the mineral region. —J 1.1 Merrick, a Sandusky architect, has made a design for the Perry monument. which the Mirror hopes the committee will give scare: fill examination. The proposed height is 128 feet. It has a shaft of 109 feet 8 inches, rest• ing upon a pure Egyptian _base, 18 feet high and 2:1 feel square at itsfoundation., Theohe• list at its base is 15 feet square, and H teak square at its summit. The stairs are to be of iron, circular in form, and in the basement are feet in diameter. The dome willbe 7 feet !rt diameter. At the several landings 4re wind° srls lighting the dome fully on all foursides. 'rhe whole t# be surrounded by a neat iron fence. proper grading done, and such other outward improvements made as may staggelt themselves , to the, corn mitt re —A startling tradgedy was enacted in rib. cinnati on Monday. The particulars are their. For a considerable time past a Hungarian nam ed Emanuel Gerrard. who keeps a, cigar store at No. 620 Vine street, opposite Green. boil suspected his wife of an improper intimavy with a German physician. and had accused her, from time to time, of making and keeping assi gnations with hint. The familiar intercourse of the two wits made the subject of -neiglitior. hood gossip, and had been indtpo riousiy report ed to the husband. The Doctor had heat in the habit of visiting the store two or three 110 PB every day, and the husband had warned him that he intuit cease his attentions, and he (sad not made his appearance in the store since last ' Tuesday. Some time last week a letter writken by the wife to the Doctor, making an appoint ment to meet him at the Postoffice on Sunidwy last, fell into the bands of her husband, amid by his request an apprentice in his employ, named Jacob Qoebel, witnessed the, meeting. and followed the parties about the ete i eet, tinol the return of the wife to her residence. They did not stop at any place of resort, hit wall* and talked for an hour or two. Monday evep lug the husband and the apprentice were sit t 4ig at a table in the cigar store, engaged in manu facturing, the wife occupying a chair between them, when Gerrard occulted his wife,of-Adttl tery. An angry dispute followed, ip which both became very much excited, And used harsh language, which continued for some time,— Mrs. Gerrard finally arose from her sedt, And Passing behind the counter, took dpwn a load ed pistol hanging on a nail, and wi l tlking back near her husband platted the nadttle td her right temple, and literally blew tlt top of her head off' Her brains were scattered in every direction—over her husband, the show-came of cigariand fable, and the shelves and boxer in the store. Of course instant death followed. —We 4nd in troChteinuati front Louisville l i papers the account of one of the ost barber ow, and unheard of trrdiedies eve the annals of Kentucky eves produeed, pro• state is for osiine,of this sort, Mrs of this tradgidy ere loriedy time during lest Rammer, adi • between Mr. T. & Lowe, of He Mr. C. Maxwell, Commonwealth's the Third District. After ing between the parties, Mr, Boise toccurred ilia, and toracy. of I OteS plum e, one day last week, publicly denounced, 314 wall as I ca coward and aaostuireL ,ad that if Mr. ➢lazwdl did act in half an hour, he should at . 11 /.. publicly assault him. Mr. Marweil sutde sad Mr. Lowe was at once set by, Max weal and a mob of twenty or ma - They fired rapidly with revolvine,riite4..i rit tr. love took refuge in the house of a w lady. which they at ones enrrenadod. After some. time, they pledipd themselves nal . to molest him if he would dim= and dive bbaseli ap i whereupon, bear estemildanstf of at=w7* thing and came Ma. He had no made his appearance ho vast opinmisaihed it s most eowanily ‘tompt by the nab. He fled amid a showe r rs ii t im lballs, and Was spin overta ken, after two Ofithsie she* and oonduetod to the ConN.hotwtitl fhrWslakan and confined' itj Ow jail. Allill'aingt nitrating the jail was hellion open by tie mob, aid sin of the pubbir Weed, *Med with regrohirs, and while tie victim lax to *unwed I sla, ' Mil .wouide and infixes tof the '' . seated their ' and . • Ma body. d ibis took Ilsation of the bowed . , L It is not what eat, 'bat wikas the digest that makes th strong. It is not what they gain, but w t they save that makes them rich. tls not what they mead, but what they bar that makes them learned. It Ai .t t they profess, ltrat What, 'makes them fthteous. These are very plain and im portant truths, too littl heeded* gluttons, Spendthrifts, bookw .. and hypocrites. UPORRAMA—This weakening diabline of the most obstinate in medial ordina medial treatment, simply beetnisnk is re gardedjtoo muck ire heal •• n. Ey at tacking the eenstitutional • • by improving the general tone sads the PERUVIAN SYRUP ivigor s Of 1, If able toystem, remove s • . • this exhausting f„ of Swale disease. vet; (if/MITA/Ma—To the Voters' of the Bast "lard, City of ;Erie. Tager myself se an indeldent candidate for COstelohle In the Boot Ord, and if elected pledp etyeelf to perfo the duties of said Aloe &Way. Morph, 1859. t ADAM SCHILLEIN. TO. THE VOTERS THE WEST W AEII6. The subscriber offers OF hiniself to the Totem of the West Ward u a candidate for Coneyible et the aqprouhing munici pal elec tion, Pledging himself, it elected, to dillobsiTe the clinics of the place with Impartiality and fidelity. Erie, March 6, 1569. CHARLES MILLER. - SW JUSTICE OP THE PEAOE.—Mi. Stow Please unonace JOHN A. MAY t u a candidata for Justice of the Peace la the West Ward, ONE OF THE PEOPLE. suttCONSTABLE.—We are requested to ee E. CAM:HMIS, as a Candidate for Const•ble, in the East Ward, at the election in Mare*. Erih, Feb. 28, 1859. KrTUOMPSON'S s ream O tray .O for aaleat Wholesale and Retail at BALDWIN'S Drug Stork, No. 6 Reed Holum CATRARTIv PILL& me recommended by all tbi nerseMbir Piga ce 1 tbe City of Brie for ell purees as • badly Pkys ! OrBALDWIN'S CATILUITIO PILLS an of greet herbal to persons of Mier habits. r dowianottel use is mall Soap after mail Or Ariake/ too hotly. They aUmulate the stomuel au tifeetion, thus obviating the 01141•111 4 held/111M and.• whteh frost ailing too heartily. They should be Wes mull bo as, of from oche to two after eating. "WHY AMA WIC SICK Ill'eseSligtit Pr dispositions as they see called, as costly 4 emir stonsech. Headache, etc, though regarded as - a iaatters de tkienmeleee, are, nerseleare, indications ; deningemient, which It allowed to continue, will result ~.,, general dimatee of the whole spriest. With all lb -, 7. pleority an long as the action le, through any mum , "' tiered, that moment commences a derangement, w . • not speedily remedied by a neenoval of the mime, will I g ' through k long list of Imam ills and aches to Liver -• plaint, feyereepaia, premature ekl age and Death. 'T stomach is the grand rstervOlr from whence is dila • omariaLmient, and lib and vigor are IMported to the - tem system ; 11 is all linportain4 then, that the b - lei kept healthy, and tree from everything calculated I li f .. excite a dtsramd action, and der the parlors:mew o Its legitimate lunatic**, and ben through indiscreti • accident , or other cirthisie the marital of Hi body late prostrated, and th e m ach and other parts , the mina' economy am al and intibilent in the L performance of their duties. Or. ben there is an excited ovrrantioa, then It Dements 0 sear; to resort to so /1041einin, whom. alterative eorreetant qualities ma restore a trigen.tie action 'and a healthy tone. A genii aperient end lasetive, will'peehaps snore than any othe medicine s accomplish title smil-vaind It is hi this character, of a Mild, gentle, and eflcient aperient, lama'', and eor setant, that lin Lli W IN'S CA,IIIIARTIC i'LLIA are o. ed to the pular Bring entirely vogerekie in their oom position,.they may be administered eakily to ail, of*, . age and eel, as well to the infant and tinplate female, to the vigorous min. For the speedy ears a Cedaid. nem hieffireetema, Hesrtbara, . . Jana dace, &chasm ea,. StemerA, Afiterseee et?l s r ."4 (Leerer, • lArreavameata .1 the Braless Spasm irostertalg they cannot be eurpamed. Three Pins are already looginalng be known as one of the beat and most elyeetenyeeme4 . 1 .41 and as lb* m 1 perfect compeutol which bas aver bee devised far the Mimicry of disease. 'hey ea • to fire *OW ion, AT their pries Urge , per bee, SOU remade/. , Mot in Erie only, at BA.L.DWIN'3 Dru &ore, so. 4, it House. Girard, B. C. Ely. 26 - - - 7. - -_._- --.: MARRIAGES. In titruttlt t Mnreh aid by Rev Mr Flowerm, Mr. WIEN 'REGOOR, to Mimi JANE MC. CLELLAN It. daughter et lA ot McClelland. E.,' . all of liirsrd tp 6 On the '27th ult , Jlrr. ZINN of Girard town ship. On the 2:1i1 tilt . ip I(enango, of Con.inup tom. ELEN 1101/0 40 N. wife of Thomas kohisou. and ditugt4m 41 Allen Soot Kean, munch.. std 14 iinv- I u McKean, OIL th :td tio . ELBERT ‘I .on of Unah Skinner ay.' year+ and ti 10..nt h.. At the t tf 1114 parents. in Wit:4llllg tnn tp. “n edne.alny, March 2.d, SAMUEL ALKEIt, youngest sou 01 Dyer and Plielle Walker age 2; years and tire nioutlo4 ANuiliEtt S..i.ntketti6,xe Died 111 Iteinson Corneis, tiedina count). Ohio. Jun 1r... Wisan, aged 'AI )ears, Months and I'. day lie was born in New Haven. M 17 - 0. When a youth he entered the Continental army. under command of Col. 13ray. his two elder brothers being al ready in the held, one of whom, (Lemuel, ) was in the battle of Lexington. The three broth ers served until the close of the War of Inde pendence, when they were honorably die charged and paid in Worthless continental cur rency. Lemuel died many years ago. Darius received a penSion from government, and died a few years since in Chantamitie county, N. 1., upwards of la) years of age. John never received a pension. its lie entered the service of his cOuntry, and from pure patriotic mo tives, he religiously refused to call on govern ment to supphrt his declining years, thug set ting an example worthy of his country's no blest heroes. During life be enjoyed a remarkable degree of bodily health and mental 'vigor. walking erecl and with firm soldier-like steps without the assistance of a cane, reading the finest u..3in pri without the aid of glasses, and woeld re co t the scenes of his younger days wish that dell t known only to an old soldier. * • • Yet in his years was seen • youthnli rigor and autumnal green," a few weak, oppressed and struggling col ties he saw the Star of Empire shedding itsl lustre over the noblest, freest, and most presperons nation on the earth. lie saw the Measure of his country's glory =filed,— Arid like good old Bimeon, was ' ready to; join his Brothers and Compatribts in Peace, when the order should coma from Him who commands the armies in Heaven. Lutiax.' )1!al as that Ns Take Partiotilar Notice. =I AT HALF PRICE 4160 MUSIC •r WILLING'S MUSIC STORE 7 - PARK HALL. declared Publicly Ho! very one in want of the latest and most popular VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL. SHEET MUSIC. 50410 11111 by soysolf vtib groat aoso boos tbo mimeo ro lisidog 1301111104 both toot outi Viii , conioft of , . Boatk Duette, Tribe, ' . 'Ctairtetta and tkorasei; r Waltzes, Polkaa, • 1 Gallops, I 31421010114 ) Varchas sad Feat" per ; •; • aramorei~s• taimmemeies4aegrme 0 . 4 , lemtreee et ma seal am saes' memb lememommier dr Oi l et kir It ISIIMIS. allialltille i . 1 InotssiOan Itommitilmr ail limmaleallamiroseiats. , lede, Meer 111. 1510..*: , , Wag and lad the" &tips der• ticr Pr•- amoi th °smeary, DEATHS NO. 8, m , cost t*:.4ttinctiolow, Han oft h a ili ii r - Are i g4 l - 64, IRON, NAILS, Cut and "97rouipit Spike, 'Mg ai ft : 1.1 CARPENTER' TOOLS, A .arf ES' SHOVELS mad SPADES, FLINT, MULET, M 1414 CIRCULAR CROSS-CUT Springs, Axles, AND AN VILS, V ICES. AND BELLOWS, Wrought Nuts sad Washers, - - LE IRON, TABLE AND POCKET PLATED sppo4vsi AND FORK.% BORING MACHINES, ELEYS' WADS AND WATER PR 0 . 0 ;"' CAPS, SHOT BELTS, and POWDER FLAMES, WHIPS, &c., &C., No. 3, Reed Rome, Erie, WCONKEY & SHANNON Eris, larch Lk IUO Lake, Marine and Canal INSURANCE. cASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. (JANUARY 1. MSC] $1,867, 9 2 0 , 0 8. I.I.).SYES DITRLVG THE YEAR lxs8 1 $773,601,11. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, AND 111 E Perils of Inland Nar_gation. J F. IXIWNINID, Agent for count; of tie and vicinity as.,. n rat.. 1111.. • slog lAA* Agent. W. 12, 1859 .-40 BA LDWIN'S cATHAiiTI BALDWIN'S CATHARTIC SILLS, BALD WIN'S CATITIVIC PILLS, BALDWIN'S CATHARTIC PILLS, lINTIRELY VRGETARLE, NNTIRALY VROATARLF., F:Nrrinicyr TS:GETABLE, £P THE ltiNT CATUARTIr NOW LN CAs ('ATHAKTO• NOW EN rBF. CBTII4I(Tic NOW IN ViE voW •t 25 rrntr p.r t, ■t BALDWIN°A Thug inoro. Matelt IA 1k.59- 40 No 5 teed flncrr Odle* N. K. corner Third anti Dock 4trPetA. Philadelphia. Nett toilette on Jan. I, 1,04 ssatArs NI. Guarantied Capital..... . . ... . ..... ...IHOO.OOlk JOHN W HORNOR, DANIEL. L HILLER, tleeretary Predident siAII'L.R grelirdS, Vine Pres t R. LYLE wiarp., Ageut for Erke, March 11-4 BO“i': A ST) - S - Ho Es:! BOOTS AND SHOES! BOOTS AND SHOES! BOOTS AND SHOES! T'E R 1' LOW FOR e .1S 1!!! VER Y LOW FOR ('A.I fl!! r'bß 1' Low FOR cAsfl!! AT 13. BARR's, No. 10. BROWN'S BLOCK ERA, PA. Marsh 11159 . 11AI D W I N'W4 7 ATii - A - Rfilqii EL; . inza.tirely Nrc•igeot.ebiza.c. 1 /.h-111ilbwes, Thew, mut Asta-kbyfpepoi!i ; far behretr hew, Ceetiresese, Heartburn. Heagache OPPerna Justin. Swims*, lA* St./ad, .a ggig .1 the Liver, ea/ derhartaiest .1 the ' Swaim geseraUp. PRICE 26 CHATS PICK BOX. Sold In Erie b 7 BALDWIN. N 0.5 Reed House Mareh 42, 18642.-40, HOES, SHOVELS AND SPADES. *bevels.Spaidies. Manure Forte, flay Forks, Roes Akkr, Mattock ^ Crowbars, Rakes. Ike, for sale by War* 12, lin. J. C. BILDEN. pIARTER. $0 Teas, prime Ground Plaster. in Bowels or Balk, for solo by J. KELLOGG k CO. Ens,March 12, 1850.-43 w 40 Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. TM. AUSTIN, in Paragon Building. • am: Penh Street, is sttU in town and would state fur the information of the public, that a Ins amortment of Cloths. Watches, Jewslry, Ifewey and Whoa Goods sin on hand and lot sale at sensual low prime, in abort so dISSIII ere they leaving the stare that no one cm aspect to imam% la prim, Mart of giving mug their Goods, 'hitt be intends to de If fonosoary, to emostmoodate him fides& and the depravity of the money' wink. It is however proposed to motive each oddities, to tbe stove is Imam from the tasters cider, m shall Wirer parab olas at may low prkm, of all desirable Goods la his Hoplag for am saapktionatlaaa la Ms, tor ea to. tura 10.1111$1/ Is ones more aatarlild at lie Parsec lA* Masai 12,1844.-60. GOLD AND SILVER GOODS. rube Diamonds mid all kladeofJe mode aa4 repalred by tie my Met wertmea. 84,11111, eon . atl7 Mad sad mole to ceder. Clerks sad Watebai y revolted at low Mee, sad all work warranted. T, K. AUSTIN, Nowa %Wag, NM, Peach Street. Mardi 12. DA ' FANS A ' LOIANT FANCY Articles. Tin 'Adele will tied a few ism of Moan spleadid het and Combs st the " I'. N t AUSII 11. ows RM* Merck 12, GILT PORTRA FROM: . Gilt Illemldhgs, toildageimissiats• /mob Lith ographs is Pruner. «.l Milos amp at gie • Ileng X Palli rit. B4 Mt. --'--. lo.E,ish . by given that John Ntio lt a Iddik Illarot Inaillaq bap role a qtateof hie S. A. Domoowore. be lola Weft to amain, borsesir Midst char Kr. a owwwa ohom art ma lame who are Wedged I. the TII4 Own ad An* hamodisto . 11. A. Ifig7riT i o alis_. Mallik El• • ' r. pm t AND Or (MOM! --W• bar a %aloft: otos. Mane Si 'AND .=lts. %Web we eV; tontgle at 10e , aiwnot it, Brno. T_o W 0 0 'VS Iwo a lat. sift *soft at wit Knob I. in ,Cas tigad lowing as bead' w111: 4 = .IMO. ~u ~:,., ~~~11. . - ,.visa-rJ ~.~+w.,,u.•...... r:: '-'~'...:+:. = GRISWOLD'S COLUMN. 4 ‘4L4 II IP 'oP $ 4 POPITLAR I i TRADE. . EE2 WM. A. GRISWOLD. SAS TIM DAY MIX= THE LAINDINIT AND BENT r EARLY SPRING GOODS DRY GOODS, Carpetings, OILCLOTHS, ec., &c., AND HAND SA'Arti; Terms Sc Cash Prices Uniform. PIPE BOXES, 172 ps. Spring Styles Drees Silks, 7150 •• " •• Dress Geotis,every variety, 619 Spring Shawls, (aewo A large line of fine Embroideries and real *161,4 Pi 3 :V4l Dress Trimming. and Fringes, /7 Cases, French, Eng. and American Ptinta, 6 , Fine Challis, and M. De. Lainei, Stir HOUSE FURNISHING.-11111 14 ps. Velvet Carpeting, 'Tel eet!tor .lii!d 24 Brussels do - loom. 111. 0/20 Crolllolly se sou 20 " Tapestry Brussels do. m sne h ae s er , 114 3 ply Ingrain, cotton antrwool, Monaie, Matt lug RICH LACE rind EMBROIDERED 'MUSLIN anhatelles, ' PILLS Plain and Gohl ornwt • Belcher's pat. Curtain Rollers, Lis LW AAI • (' 0 TA N ,4IIEWTI.VqB PILLow LIN in; AND (...( A grit. rated make of FINE FRENCH Awl AMERICAN 'fable Linen, LAIPE & ELEGANT STOU MI 1 SELPLIZO 111 . 001 OP CO)IV&NO OF FANCY &2 Domunc Z VAR .111FOILl 047W.D IN MIS Augur. • --L_ a THE BEST STOCK OF DOMESTICS IN ERIE 4P f f! and Cotton Carpeting, Azodatter. and Velvet Bugs I), or Matt% e, &e, &c, OIL t L4)TIIS IN EVERY VARIETY CURTAIN MATERIALS. oTRTAINS From to So'll per wituktir Sitin eml Wool bauLeaki, Bordered Shades rurfluti 4'..ra. and Tae.tels THE REST IN CJE 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 relelsikkivS: 4r- ktpfzi Piano and Table Covers, Napkins, i , . ,t , 1 1 owellmg, tic., &c. BD CASH SItiiiTEDI works well. and 1 Shall pursue it Every day'A experience cutrinces n - more fully .._ IIZEI t i • benefits to be derived from it About the 24th bunaut • 1 11111A4t 10 the on dm opposite side of the larva. lately built aid finished effeesely fur me Jolts hiooits FAQ.. 1 which time - .faiother . I**fit Imporl;iition • 10111ter.opeseci. • :; :4 • oßi`sair itoor4, (Aliosetsowsto Sidaugots & 40,4 GROCERIES„ . Woogents Wilk* Ware, FLOUR AND PEED, FOR THE MILLION; 1: AND WILL IfE SOLD THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN EVERY BODY WU.L.SAVE EXAMINING OUR. SUGARS, TEAS, OOPYEES, AND VERyTAING ELSE IN THE XX, Extra Superfine &Graham Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat, Of all kinds kept constantly on hand and for rule at pnces that cannot but satisfy all. filififtAll goods It'Jr, tinted G. ; • 41 1.4 e: ler -Remember the old stand at ' 4 ~,hAnnon a. Ryan. No 5 ChPapside, Fare,PA. 01131611 V t B0(11 - 11 . Erie. March 12. 1559 r)rn-11) •‘B NO-UP " RllY.f Whim was .std tl:e othor Jai W here did I go wit bout tri,lo„ Aod bring a lord horns on► dlar When Tits is wanted. Instil aul tar:, And Sugar to sleet with cars, You'r always minim had them why r. Who has lot, ot(yirtoteeit n,t And other kinds of wholesome food, iteaddemsamil / Othwet nntle-sisiOttd 41:e Who geeelnyou with a sratlioN And shona you all that's to On man, • Got up so Matey, nice and clean I 9 BALP4ILY. Who.ktreps the setermol "Osaa-re Pit Thai:and that's made beneath the sky, For which so many lone sad sigh r 11ORSC14. illtho't at hi. post both early and late.. To wait on all— big, small and great, At Om Omits earner rdittliattel State • II isAllsWiN Erie, Marchl2,lllf4 —4O, p A PET? ILANiI I N - rqs• / am now =Moe large it:Martin. to my stock of PAPI/14 1N0.4 tar the Spring Trate, trim ti for beauty of style and cheatioces • • Ippli <award he surpassed • ter a• Eric, March 12. Iti,o J. iirm: G ILT :ill-WE:S. -1 i ILT `ZII-kriF.: 4 A beautiful lot of Gill ,batlea .t eery I. w prier. tirts , 1. tumid at g 5ig7,1,14, \ f ' W IN IN )NV 1 1: S 'E.: . Curtain tulle Kllll TA• Window Flxturew, f•tr sale el 04,1 .1 e \ Cr:FUN - ATI lit. Au *troll Cultivator Teeth at J J CARPENTERS' NERS"I' 4 • 1 b.,. ...Anti, made taro ►J•ittnd.t to m) former •t•wk of Carpenter. and Jiiinerl Toole, making it the• mold complete in the rttr. March 12. • 'lO. .1 C. T r:141. - 1 4 FOR THE EA Irish Linen, 10 00 11)0 , '26 and 1424 ?ova, March 12, I.t.ati. 2 ztk.,..10N B ABBITT METAL- _ A supwrior artlelo 'a Al.w.,l's R I Yl" c01v..11.! nth., itMtulac tu of pi.t.,i.. t„. req. low, at Mardi 12, PLATED wAiiE. Calm ftaxlet". F•tritic 422{1.4,1)•, (AI" and treat whaiety of i‘fell (:owls , for pale h! T M. A VRTIV. Paragon Building, Year Peacb St- Match l'i CITY AN 1) it...".NTY BONDS AT PAR. The Ilubirriber, Heeding a few and L. County B on d. , .01 ...It the Pt:lowing dealsatle property an.l take Donde at . Tar: Ow Farm 54 arr.* a)ile■ from VA.., ruin. au* pet &ON. One Fares Vi acres, 8 miles from Fri., on Waterford tam" As, $25 per acre. 14% acre* Out Lots, o Ridge Rosa, void)• ,-..,utter) SAE pi, nem rite ACM Oat Lot., salpiiOng rtiu l; f. , u1.4. COO ~r t..t Tbntio Henson and Lots on !leech Lane. ssnu • •• tight Lot* on ElneetrLanr. 1160 •• an* Feb. 113. 11189.... Tan. GABLE 4 NEW SflOl-rfORE. ' SELLING OFF ! ! SELLING OFF ! t Boo's, gDOE/ 1 4 AND nunextes: OF taint Y DESOIDIPTIoN FOIL Ladies, Gettlemait, Youths and Children. ►T GABLEI3 NEW SHOE STORE, OS &at; St, Odlaawn 'dui anti ild areas j116. 6 7, 111 Wri ori l ini k D i rt If 1 1 1 Ie g iie:ut: ally, that h. two just opened • very pogo, stack sum' of the above sytkiitS, slid will insanitsotara to'onier any thing iu his line orr short. s oon" wow' ha will sell as sheet as the cheapest, WI and examine quality spd prices. Ibis, Yob IS, M+9—U.om BARR BIROTHER. etAvit jest noshed Irom Pbtladelibto • OM luP Stook of STAPLE; EMT GOOD+, Which thu MU he' ten Loweet Retei:V.tBll, Country Produce (daft ebhmed) or Iteke fy or Ott Raab at- 16 per eta abets the high et setae. Thor him Woo • goeglistoek of Boot, hod Mott, Skirts, %wren, Mato& to,' he» be sole oh thous'. !heresy. Omani", a* she ee the chariot he Cash. We* WarehiS.llN. GRAPES! GRAPES I WOULD all atirotloo. ofIIIRAPI ttm ettS to Or =fo *Asir mo o * ti tore vadat* or th. a - rib coo be r S i !fa ! Clam ' ' I na"- Am" - - " - Iliabatio, - ember atm teslis. T III " , : : 0.. B er =prok i. xi •• . L w , V "24 13,4 ideo . .. .: .4 ;• 4 ' ' Tett gi el , =I EMI DRALENI3 IN i Pork, Fish, Bali , &o. &a. BOUGHT ;4.)8 CASH, . 1 CHEAPER THLS CITY FOR CASE OR READY' PAT. MONEY BY CALLING AND SPLENDXP STOCK OF GROCER Y AND PRO risro.l LINE, BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE': FLOUR, GRAIN AND FEEL iirtred In all parts QI :44cl cr (2, ch.r•yr • • -, Sim* it. .-; • . SE 1 II NEW STYLES--Prices ftom $5O to $125 Extra Charge $5 tbr Hemmers. 495 BROADWAY, 1541 SUPERIOR St iu aimr Than inteltines sew from two 'Oa jilleilit from nekton, terioiriog Do re-ti 1..... ife aloilial - Hem, Fon. Ostler, and Stitch lay* MOM log taithemot by their own operairni, 'titillate esemeas to the hand-needle, on is required by other *meanie/ They will do better end etatepee mon* am anmaitime coo, Mil Wake works kis me eat rat hoar, sad am no qmpitionably, the tad Mitsefse* Le the' market for t oily miring, ow amoant of their shoplleity, durability, ma of management, and. adaptation to ail varieties of Maly swiring—ezeurtiog either heavy or line work with equal Pitney, mitt IA thf flat special adjnetaient. as widens of the napastioued interiority of their lisehien. the Gm* . ma k Bama Strome Meow= CON , ' PANT beg leave to remeethalif refs/ to timioUalelag 'P E S T I-11 0 - WI .A 4 L 5: villeins bail ooirtif Mover It Beteen Xachlnee to mr family for nebriglOyoirruid •nnf, I tale pleasurr in emornsoding itnanelm wag MUM* for the peepooe for which it is der 1 40wilig."—Airs. Jeans ma t, NO .1 ; . .., Zeiler nr Al E. fede 44lita '1 elitiaiii . ' tad eith,your Romer Machine, whkh haft - by ter many moetlee It has always duty, remixing no Millstone*, and is emir 4,0 entry rarely of ramie Kyles br ,imply Menthe the meets ce Wert"— /Wm flisrbeti Suiekirki; egg if Rte. Dr. titeeitipad. Edam of if. I'. Chrigikui livocots. "after trying reestsl 41111k4est good machine., I pre ferred yowl., on PAcettu4 of ito eisoplicity, anti the per fret - mum with which ft is 1n..44.4.. well Le tqs awl durability of ilea wadi ;Abet lung experience, I feel competent to MAMA In thu. ~ manaor, mid to ruolldently recommend it fur every loimio of family 11*.ritle "—.Afra. E. B. Spooner, wife of the /Sifter tf Brapk4pw Star. PI Imes need !Mita hiiAairt Steering !Octave for tee years, and hive tooth, lt dapted to all Wide oft/m -il, sewing, from Cambria to rondeloth. idarisentabovic b«.1:1 worn out without the giving way of a tat. Thu Machin to randy kc;it in orOow, and oaello a ^-411fri. A. R. Irtigopio. rile of Rev. Goa. freinde, %ej. rwk , «win f illaythlne hes been, In see id me family the poet two row-e, sod the (edits request me ta glee eon their tantironal. to pr fret sdeptedases s as well a. leher.earteit In the performance or family and hone o h o ld lowing " - Reioced Beeman, meal }.rk "For ~ r eral months we *or toed (hewer k Baker. Se atne %whin., and hsee,naewttn the ennelusion that v 7 4 . aery 14.13 o hif desire. her lab( neenditnity.nni pony ,1, The ... 0 ,04 be m" (arta in powteming one or thooi mliabla Sod tottorstoigablo rots ne.51.-wannen,' Theme r..,n,,,,n e n . 1 ,e..tty • 01 basalt, ateengal, saagilapeitar, aro in•altiehi. '—J 0 ,ltfrere i doecater ay G.A. air P. 'Werra. Adder .1 Or flos•e,„lowaari. Bt Wart of o I. I tor from THral, R Iravirk, TA , so .4 fII.IIEXU r-011.4nwa, Dor relate/It In Flrdaoyi Kw &tab 0'' , .1••,, nat. I Jan „It 12, 1 , 441 t "•1 had s tint mli.h. ,n../Ilielbouroe, in 1114, in which there ere, ..., tare— lb. sand rands at ar•rtagr doom ~ tl, 00.. II; Pr,. r kAtalterlt ilhkehinws, and gained ream of 14'51 Lae outnaol,4 all 1114.j•lasbie mains sewed by Whir, •II • ofoollr an), t•iar " , "I( Homer canid La. cal Seinp from big murky had., he wnald asn i x OS•• a.l , •rit nrnr it Raker as a tams be moult oatmeae of art that) waa ever Valeagea mnithy.— Ha armateldenoarice and otalA thin-making.= man direful •prirry‘f woes uonamberel "—Prof. Nara. "1 r.. 1 take phreaur- to ea! t, tlmt the Geyser at Bakal ler tug Ifsehitiew have m , rhea enateined coy experts teen ktte r try in' y and tithing otherN) have three of them io operation to my different plaera, sod, after foul )rare' trial, have lso WI i S t.. bad."—J H ileratmosyr Sroator of Soma. Carefree "Itr rife ha 4 tr,d nor neOrnene ft Baker's Family Ss. .ng. Mantua. f.,snnte tune, and I unsatisfied it IA oor of bo.t inh.r unto/ matign. a that halo basal Inrasord I title must:lll6.sta,, to r4t , Inmene.ing it to 4 . 4 pnhh, " —J (.. Hams, Garrra, : ef resumer "It la 0. towit Ifni thing, and pato everybody tato I.A el eit,.enent humor; %rev. I a Catholic, I shoola Ln•ist Upon Sakn , 4 tiro , and Nana[ tua,iair o.7:klay Inotatlin 01 1104.1 . ge.od deeds for ho inaalty."—Coseres M atlp "I think it he far the bet patent in lase This Machias can adapted from the IlInt•t C210014C CO the heaviest rasiderere It PO.l •trObger. Zed ware hear.t.thally than one can imagine If wine could no s t replaced rn•iney ovUW Dot but it" -Mrs J. O. Br Nashaaa.; Ti.. fk, ti ti.LCwa..l t , a11..1) , I •I t re, ,nita and durable to Its wet*: L. easti, und..rat• 0.1 2.t.: 1..-0 to repeal( I carninaly ive c m. MtCid this KALI &JIM; aNlatatancto Awl oahms," N -Mrs. AI 4 For ' "We 6n.1 this 111 +chine tp work to oar sattthatlab, with *astir, ritoommend tt to ttt• pubtk, M We WWI* GrocertLe Raker to be the best owing Machtnata ass." —Deary Brothers, Altssositt, Tenn. "If used exclitieply fort fnmi lt' purposow, with ordinary esne, I w,ll wrier they w9llaet Ono 'tbnw score years and ten, And ue , er zet out or tit." —JoAn Ersktme, Niwkrair, hat e bad t nur MAchlue for pereral weolut, and am perf,,tly .t stied that the wort it does i. the beet and be.kutif ;1 that ri - Pritrat made."—Margie Atimao., Impart/le, Tees "1 aae mr Ni‘. ',lO • open rwatt dr e eom s i i i nir, an d tin. hn, n n n•I It.. "or k A arlimrable•-•-far better than the best han•:—. .r.anr other marbine 1 base ever keen —lvry /1 thwarsj•se, Aeskrdie, lb,,a •'1 t.i, I the u • i•rnnzo•t an I mold beau; it I vTer • 1,1 OW ItVit I' hand nr to . 7,...1r.1 thou iirovvr Uariker liAchin.4. one of t , r , es t r y, 10 oar •et itrS. Taylor, ,NitaAsals„ r 71 ,1 N . • "•1 hal, I I:akeinge,wll).7 Willebl , 12.1. in u.r ut s• m inn.0%.,1 , 111 , 11,1 I int IlnAhle. 1 C2O r nfldroll. nr •Ittrtt,rt I it t•. ell to•tinr,• In want n machine"-4 T Tirowspvm 3anhrsll , . Tram. ••1 ol the utlittl the urn, r 0.k.. S r . tug Umeliktwc. I bare n n a ItnnSt rr ery Ilrort iptt.ou .4 • .11 4 4 , 11 11,1•1 t 1 much an./ . I• ." IN 11,, TO•pb•I than work done hr "—.lirr. 1. 5 1 ievirr Anakrair, Ti.,... ••1 w I, .1( tri, IerON , P?& Baker 1.. r \l• km..db t. rva ld I rant repts., It again at plewaur. - --,lir, 11 .Naohritia, Tex*. t plrehviv.l 'rmn eon. ito the .ork . , nte eiv 1141..4 W. with pit - lonee menmtn•nl the lir •ser , e,rtn,f !(.'..htut to be the twat io 4., —3' 4. C.,. Mewrims, 7inft. "Timl;fot, r 11 . .rliinr works *Amtrakly 1 thlnk, lue ~.• .4•• t ..iptrjor to Vast of may strwirrz rise. 1)., but. work. 1 thipk tLx v••I t•• brat • J. bur•r, .I.lempkr, Telex .1. C. 5e.1.1/F:,.*:- hn 1 1111,,tral, durable, and hike pie e .n n • omoteodin4 it to all who wish coni 6- mono% and ' —7lrr F. Taw, Mr.. plus, Trott ntrairms . l3lllidl.t.; "This Gron-cr Liseor IN 11 oittinea hare given such aatiar a , u,a r !.t..t . futtv lecotrimeod th-ro to ail who wort, w I vo/ r.d lot..otoott+i r•rw [lv Moehint. It ww w .e u t, t work with .nu ,-oro O 1 1 4 1, &IA !woe, i, or ic th an any other inachil, I sven. R. 11 21h144 - 11, Mon. phtl, Teat. "run happy to Vt . " Hi , frAtim.tiy to favor of Grover Llakete• ',voting klav%atm. and of the perfret. ikatlatart tt vivo' , in evvry rrliforCl. It tie., naatiy. sm it, b y Do ...entity-0dic...1, and I iknAl'r it t.i tabors I have asten."— Alm Brow., /rift 4 , 11,, A M Bryan, Itleatpkis, 'it +Cords M, witch ; 4 otirtiro In stir. that the Mathise works welts so 4 I do hesits.. to rooortissosti!it 14a poseitslakt all the adessitssees Inu claim for O. Hy *do to very 111 ;straws! with It, w.t wo take vlramire In •Ner tuit U.lbia <host , R I . C. BY Daley. MRSIOII4. Ttaa • I: ~ea yiesltarr to find th, Grime & 114/terlasring :‘,.n. 1 Wive It In eon giant woe, and anttit nI) t lat could ie. dee:seg. It to the cuntt amp% am? d}tral•io rawhin• in hos sn I sodtiPaf tilt' r•aNsnsoleLti II:: -#1 M W6te. ArsopAss. Tram "Harkt *Pen. lraraltse.( 3 , 34 ostat nil's* other kind. of Maatlye.,.l.l.•-•1 Iran to say that the th orkr & 8. ter ai.tehlt.e. Sr. rbr o,r te•rior to all others 'a Pres:our Soit• , 1 y.lriUe, 'Pren. . o ft " 11.. .411...•1. f Illi V •fl 411 Z WiNettilde iII VIII Oftkpi,, .ad II ..111.1 ant take :s e ... In i its eeeet,-er I seoulti Ist seippli Its place , Wad Is t esn , an 4 IL toy funtly ornerlug In about surf eu rt Is tise Liens I oestld mstils nie hand+ " tet../ Stott, elressellrilte, 7lnts. LIN FOR A CIRCU LAR. A LOO4 AOENT WANTED. Ussett 12, 0.94.--1y.40 • 1 0 (1 h Pap 4, Stationery, JOHN 04.111. F A"T \ PARK BO 7 At BOOK BTORK D. P. IN %MON, rilltiot R, H, M .4 WO. NEW YORK ,CLEVELAND WSLL•PAAES &c., MEM C. antcesu.~a SHOES, octoiltest, that al lt °Os' :4)cwin3;4 kamd:at pbolessle Rai idle* `I.„W, W. totem ial 13 ham ..ate Ina Yam
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers