THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. _ Butler, Pa. Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1867, TEACHER WANTED.—A good Tench pr can get a School in Butler township, by applying immediately to A. Cuthbert, or to GARRET PIERCE, , dec. 4, *67.] Pres. of Hoard. t®~We are informed that the Sunbury M. E. Sabbath School has closed for the season until the opening ol spring. At the last session held a few Sabbath's ago, there were one hundred and forty seven scholars present. The good peopla of Sunbury and vi cinity are alive in the Sabbath School cause. Persevere in the gx>d work and you shall be richly rewarded. fSTit seems that the energetic and liberal U. P. congregation at Sunbury is leading its children in the F»*JC path in which it walks. They have lately han-, fled over, through Mr. Christy, 833.20 for the Foreigu Mission Fund of this church. This is the result of a few Sab bath School collections, and should stim ulate them and Sabbath School children everywhere to do what they can, (and they can do much,) to send the Bible to those who are sitting in darkness. Sty- A meritorious article is Hall's Si cilian Hair Uenewcr; it is rapidly be coming known and widely and deservedly popular. It is apparently nothing in it self but an agreeably perfumed and pleas ant hair dressing, but it contains the most wonderful curative properties for loss of hair, and after using it a short time, gray hair is restored to its natural color. If any of our readers doubt it. let them try a single bottle of the " Ue newer," and they will add (heir testimo nial to the truth of what we say.—S'ti tinel, Burlington, 1 t ftjJ- G ray hairs may not mar one's goo I looks and in many eases even improve the appearance, but as a gciioral rule ure considered objectionable and many devi ces aro reported to prevent or get rid ol them. We know of DM m ide so little troublesome or objectionable as the use ot Hiog's Vegetable Ambrosia, an article Which if late has become so immensely popular as a toilet article and beautifiev. It is easily applied, rertorcs gray or tade l hair, prevents, aud in many cases cures baldness, cleanses the scrip aud leaves the hair in splencid condition lor arran ging MR OUR VISITOR, Oer tiinly bears the palm of being not only the cheapest and best, but absolutely the handsomest of all the Periodicals lor the j Young Folks, that wo have seen The i January number for I*6B, the first num> J her of the TWELFTH VOLUME, is already i upon our table. It is beautifully printed j and embellished with quite a number of,j fine engraving*; its list of contents is, j throughout, a rich feast of good things from some of tho best writers our coun try affords, and the whole is neatly bound in a tinted cover, printed in color Wc advise all the boys and girls to ' send at once for a sample copy, which j will be sent, with full instructions about j subscribing or forming clubs for 10 cent s and tee what bright, wide-awake, cheerful companion 'it wt uld make for these coming winter evening.*. Price $1.25 a year or 81.00 to clubs. The Publishers also offer most liberal Premi ums for clubs. Address, J. W. i)augh*» & Co., Publishers, 421 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. DEDICATION OF THE ST. PAUL'S OA PHANS' HOMK —The New Orphans' Home near Butler, will be dedicated on the 10th day of December, lso7i at o'clock. Clergymen Of several Claesis will be present and participate in the ex ercises. The public are respectfully iu' vited to attend. A special Classical Meeting Trill be held in the St. Paul's Reformed Church, in the evening, at 7 o'clock. Dec. 10th, 'G7. A NOBLE RESPONSE. —Too much praise cannot be given to the noble response with which the Washington Library Com pany of Philadelphia arc meeting in their endeavors to raise the required tfiieds for the endowment of the River side Lustita-'."- « tome for the gratuitous ed.ucaf.ion oi soldit.' rs •'sailors orphans. The filftn adopted by l' ie Company has been nthjeet -to fateful deliberation, and lias received iboeodi)»Kiaieutoi eminent icgal authority. Tiws Trustees nsleJ ,ct ' to dLshyisj die eionej thud raised, are jrell-kaown citizens of Pennsylvania aud New Jersey, and their names should be a sufficient guarantee to chose who would aid in rearing one of the noblest chari ties that ever thrust itself btf'oretho p«o pie. E very subscriber to the stock, which cost* but oa# dollar per share, not only recaiyee a fine steel plate engraving, worth at ft tail fifty per cent, mors lhan what is paid for the stock, but is also guaranteed some present in the great distribution of ;the 8300,000 worth of pr&teuts which are ie be awarded to the stockholders. The three largest presents are worth $>70,000. Each shareholder has an equal chance to .obtain one of the largest presents. Every one will obtain some present aud a bea.u> fciful engraving. Head Advertisement. IRON Cm' COI.LEOB. —This is one of the most popular au'J certainly one of the most successful institutions in the coun try. It is no institution of anhour,pos scssing a " bubble reputation." but it has merit, age and an established reputation —one which other schools may, and sorns do envy. The number of young men an nually fitted for business here, exceeds that of any other school in the oonntry, and what is still more important, their education is thorough and practical. From our personal knowledge of its Principals and Professors, we take great pleasure in recommending it to those in pursuit of a practical business education.— Steuucn* vil/e Herald. liOSl. On Wednesday morning, the 27th in staut, home place between Jacob Shanor's and the Court-house : one Not' of Two HUNDRED DOLLARS, on W'm. S. Boyd; one Oil Receipt, and one Receipt of Tin R TV-TIIIIEE DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS, and a Receipt for POLL TAX. The tin dor will bu liberally rewarded by return ing the same to th« undersigned, or to the Editor of the CITIZEN. • Nov. 27. 'o7.] EPHUAIM BROWN. THE TRIBUNE FOR IS6B PROSPECTUS. The year 1808 will long be remembered for its settlement 112 ihu boundry question between Aristocracy of Color and Imperial Human liberty, lhc War of the Rebellion being closed, we ha\e now to decide wheter the fjn 'am6ntal idea which impellud iind justified the Rebellion sball dominate over our wh jle c niiitry, moulding lies institutions and shaping her destiny. If it be true that God has not created all men, but only all Whiie men, in His own image, aui made them equal in political and civil rights, t!ien it is a world-wide calamity that Uraut not Bumud- rto Lee at Appimiat at; and • i he Lust Canto," trodden into mire under | the IIOOIH of Sheridan's cavalry not only should but will be reguiueJ in Coa" ntitutiena) Conventions and thebsilioC- bt.te snaked and i u;e iby m (1 *ll < a'CU L m oln n reluctant and tart itsistanee 10 ihe K -Oflii >ll a-» a camderS an aggr> smiii, a id pro.uuJly r j>ice . ovvr Bud Run as ttieir victoiy —will prove invincible, it «e can but bring it home t» tne apprelians.on ' 112 evry lojal voter. I here it no paramount «juesu' u < t go d faith or gratitude to tin DUCK.-. lheir votes <■ are as necessary t > the preponderance ol j White loyby as to tlmir own protection und S'-curiiy* Reconstruct too South on the | W hiie basis, and every one « t the fifteen ! States whiclili held slaves in ISO') will be ' intensely, o\ Oiwbelm ;ngly Copperhead ' iheoceloith and evermore. Allow to-day I the plea that the Blacks are ignorant ami ! degraded, and those whom )ou thereby J clothe with power will lake good care that i the pica shall be as valid and well grounded 1 a century hence as it now i'. Public Edu eatiou and Civil Rights for the Freed men can only be achieved an 1 maintained through the ballot. "We are for Negro SufTirage ihe way they suffered tu New Orleans" wa* the inscription of a banner borne in a late I Conservative or Democratic procession in I Baltimore ; and the spirit which dictated j that avowal is still rampant in tiie South.— ! But for what is stigmatized as Military Des ' potisin, it would uaily avengo by outrage I and iuliiction what it deems uegro treacii ery to the Southern cause. THE TRIBUNE has declled to be lured ur turned aside iroui the Main Question, it has persistently refused to swell the clamor loi vengeance on the defeat of the Rebel?, wtiteher by oxecution or by confiscation , and one of its strong ruasi lis 1< r tnis course is u conviction that no drop of Kebel blood cculd be cooly and deliberately shed without cs sent ally clouding tUe pru*peet of securing the Right of Suffrage to trie IJlacks. Defy ing the miidoess .if passion and the blindness ut short-lighted misconception, it has de manded Kecoustructiwn on the basis of Uni versal Amnesty with Imperial Suffrage, in perfect consciousness of the fact that it thereby alienated thousands who had been its zealous supporters and life-long patrons. The hour ol its complete vindication cannot be far distant. As for tha man who is tile chosen stan« dard-bearor of the Republican hast in the impending contest, while we avt »w our delib erate of Chief Justice Chase as the ablest and most eminent of her living statesmen, The TRIBUNE will render a hear ty cheerful, determined support to (Jen. Grant, or Senator Wade, or Speaker Colfax should he be nominated and supported on a platform which affirms and upholds the equal political as well as civil rigut-ol ail citizens of the Republic. We d«» not contemplate as possible the support by Republicans of any candida'e who does *i»»t stanu on this plat firm. And we d>< not apprehend that the candidate who, in our aproaching struggle, shall represent genuine Democracy in nppo* sition to the meanest phase of Aristocracy enn be beaten if proper means he !»y*teui« atical taken as they must and will be, to en lighten ami arou«e the American pe »ple. We ihank such friends as believe that The TRIBUNE will prove an efficient and cheap way to inf uence t ie undeci led, to aid us in extending its circulation, Th ours is eminently a political journal, but a small portu* o space is devoted 10 politics, while a » ™thy of more than $2)0,00. per aunuiu is lOoinc'l ec'ing and trans mitting news fro* ll of the world.— AVe have regular iOa."^P onti «nfs at nearly all t'i.e capitals ol Europe'* with a director a' London who is huth u*tc Ito dispatch spe cial c to ajl points im portant event* may at any time be trai. , *F , i r * inj» ojr imminent. The pngres* of the war in Crete, which i* tlie precursor of ft still gregtei war, ha bteu watched by one of these special cor acspondenU, while atuothcr telegraphs xVonj Constantinople each novel phase of the erit* ical diplomatic situation. £v«ry step of Garibaldi's recent heroic though untortu • nate enterprise, from its inception to its close, was noted l»y our correspondents, who arc his n»o*t trusted adviser ; while an es teemed member of our ed tor Sal accompanied the Kinbassad >r of Juarez to Afexioo Jo t» scan the Mexican problem «l"8e» ly and under auspicious more favorable to ♦he Republican chief than tho c which have colored the advices of our r\ l dents at Vera Crus and ta?°', r PPn"? n " j other correspondent accompY ' ,T n . ! National expedition to I or whatever our splinter of tl . p / i may be called, and is now rew j aspect and capabilities of that\ on . " D ii' i • ••• - A region. 1 Bayard lay lor is writing in f\ vc j u j from Centcral Europe j while all I dents report to us from Colon? Montana, Ac., more copiously tlf ca J find room to publish. Our ev * e ]n oo^9 and Literary Department are in one of the ripest American ecbolnrsT . riculture, under a competent p dit'»\ a leading place in our Semi-Weekl In short we have for years spent ' portion of the income of our orts to render TUB TRIBUNE a betl J better newspaper; and, if we have iP ceded, the fault is notexplaned by alkj. means orofefljrts, whether on our ow! or on that of a generous and discerning lie. ™ THE TRIBUNE is sent by mail daily (Sun excepted) for Semi-Weekly fo>* $4.1 Weekly for $2 per annum, payable infß ibly in advance. To clubs for the SeA Weekly we send two one year for $7 : f] copies, or ever for each copy $3. On reoi* of S3O for ten c»pies we will send on est copy six months. On reciept of s4j i fifteen copies WH will send an extra copy one year ; for SIOO we will send thirty-foui copies and the THE DULY I RIBUNE. We send the Weekly to Clubs of five for $9 ; ten copies or over addressed to names of subscri bers, each $i 70 ; twenty copies addressee! to names of subscribers, $34 ; ten copies to one address,slo; twenty copies, to one ad dress An extra copy will be sent for . i each olub of ten. A large and fine steel engrave I portrait of the Editor is sent free of charge t<> any one who, in sendingsl9foi a Daily, $4 for a Semi-Weekly, or !*2 for a Weekly shall ins dicate a desire to receive it. One will like wise be sent to any person who forwards a club of ton or more Semi-Week lies or twen ty or more Weeklies, »t our club rates, and a*ks for the portrait at the time of remitting. Address THE TRIBUNE, No. 154 Nassnu-st., New York. Dec. 4 18G7 2t. _ gIOO FOE TEN CENTS. Only a few more subscribers are required to insure the speedy is-sue of the Uieat Illus trated Paper— 'i HE WEEKLY Pit ESS, which in size and aoii'-arnocn wll rcscnihln HARPER'S WEEKLY, hut in value will fur transcend that publica tion. 'f'lie PRESS will bean embodiment oftbe spirit if the ai{e Eicli department will sparkle wit'i the genius of the m< st eminent writers of the day An originul SERIAL STORY of the most brilliant character will be com menced iri the first number. THE ILLUSTRATIONS will be entirely origioniif and ol the most at. tiuetixe style and natur • 'I lie great expense nn I labor involved in this enterprise lender it ncccessary ibat we should siari with an ENORMOUS CIRCULATION. In ord»r to do this we shall do *i H follows. *IO,OOO in Minis of SIOO, will be distr.bui ted ilir u;li ihe fi s <| r -ul Pianos (Steinway's). Value SSOO 5 1'r.%1 Pimioa Value 000 I Can,jr C f r om c. Witty's Repository 800 10 Ciol 1 y atehes 150 5 MeloViriA 175 10 Ladie»(jo],i \l r a*cbes 100 lo Ainer'hn Silver Watches 75 1 i) Music 'ixcs 45 0 Elliptic,,iek stitch Sewing Machines 50 3 Wheeleind Wilson's Sewing Ma chines 75 1 W ileox &'ibbs' Sewing Machines 45 50 Photograp Albums 10 '1 he b.ilanci.j consist of Acordeons, Tea Sets. Silverwa. &v. No Dollar Jewelry. No Gift worth « s than Ten Dollar*. 'IE PRESS. will be mailed Nny address upon the re co pf of price, 1 Cents, or eleven copies for *l, twenty th„ for $2, and sixty for $5. Address tySWAUT & CO., SEW YORK PRESS," No. 01 Rront A y New York City. Decernl»e- 4, 1857 (112 »" L.. - - j _ . £pcriai joticte. 4 GENTS WANTED, for k, „112 the best telling viib- A ' V "criplion books ever . i.linlied. One cntit.od •• M . tleries of the NeapollU Convents," by an Ex liene.liciine Nun. a true nrcoi ~112 the iuuer lif« of the conv«nts—the most thrilling \ interostiig work he fore the public Tho other «tled •• The Cottage l'y clopeaia, ' a jemof intellect** ealth, aiul wanted in every family : complj t• in on«- gc octavo volumo of over 1000 pages, illustrated en.J fn r circulars of terms, which are very liberal v. S. HALE A CO., Nov. 27, IS'l7. It. Hartford, Coon. I'se tl*e Heat.—IM.ADIS' h!*,,,.,., f.L'IJRICA TOltSaro a medicinal preparation £ e form of a are universally (he moitpleat ntit. Coughs, fhlt £ GRAHA\ na REDICK A CO., Druggists, Under. Pa., at 25 cts. r jj ox BLADES' COKSTITITIOipiLLS Are no called because of their peculiar ~,r / A .>.i cicnt effect upon fhe Liver, St >m<*ch, B„j - ai j . Vuus Sy«teru For inactivity <-f the Live^ r l(|) . St.-ti,- ach in derangement, or Dyspepsia, the% vi i, the patient with their mild and herioftciak-« c t ..-nee iaily if. from long continued indigestion \,j ccstive ness, tliey are left with periodical returns f u« m; r t Ilea,lnch.. In r , .112 a .cvrre Odd, pro<&,„, ni!u o n,t fti"r, Ton c«, bhK.k tl v.ry ,0..!i by j, 10 ~i Ut s* per direction with each »»«»* «*~Also asle l.y SAMI'KL OK A HAM j i.» n . ICK A CO., Butler, Pa.,at '45 cts- per Box. JOHN 11. BLADES *?o. jwn 12th. 1867—flmns ) Pmp-iMon. Elml §• CRHENCK S MANDRAKE PILLS A 3 eSTI TUTE FOR CALOMEL.— These Pills are t " Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills, '* an observe that the two likenesses of the Doctor are on th Government stamp—one when in the last stage of Con sumption, and the other In his present health. Sold by alt Druggists aud dealers. pe bo*. principal OSee, No. 14 Noth flth Street, Phila delphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents : Demas Barnes A Co,, 21 Para Uow, New York; 3. 8. Hanee, 108 Baltimore St Baltimore, John D. Pack, N. E* cor. of Konrth Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker A Tay10r,.134 am 136 Wabash Avenue, Chicego, III.; Collins Brjtbgrs S. \>\ orper of Secpad and Vine Sts., St. Louis, Mo. [itb A Uh w, u«t mo ly.] UUTtiEU 3IAHKETB. BUTT KR—Fresh Rol. 35 centa per pound BEANS—White, 12,00 per bualiel. BARLEY—Spring, |I,OO BKKSWAX—3& 112 en«s per pound. KGG.S— 25 rente per dozen FLOUR- Wbeat, $6,00 to 7,00 per hund ; Rye J. 50 Buckwheat, 51,50 per hunu. IKl'lT—Dried Applee, 6cta. per ft); Dried Feaehea, 15 cent# » !h. FKATIIKRS—7S centa per pound. GRAlN—Wheat $2.25 per buab-1 Rje,1,25; Oata. 55c Corn 55; Buckwheat, Sl,<>o. UROCKRIKS—Coffee, Rio, 26 per pound; Java, 40 Browu Sugar. 12*£p«r pound; do. White, Wr the building of TWO SCHOOL IIOL'SES in Concord township. Butier county, l a. Will be received bv the Ho r I of Directors ..f mild tp.. 'pt Middletuwn, on Saturday the 3 M tertl„g Counlerfclt .Money. ItailroaUinp, SteambCg Telegraphing/ PRACTK A BANKING, &C. STUDENT CAN ENTER at any time.and comply f u i| ronrse In fiotu eight to tweh e « e ks. FIFTY *OLLAIiS Pays all expenses for Tuiti n O oks, XlaUts and Di- HO EXTRA-JHARGES For Penmanship, Steamboat] ](,iilroading, Banking, . r Dipt/IIIH, as 111 other C'»llejl j.', e e losnous daily in l'enmihlp to nil rtudenta !i\ o (.'ommeicial Depart- For < '!rcmln r», flog hill information, a in! containing a complete ou u6 ~112 ~ur system of Practical Business Education, t-.thor with TEWtI From Practical Husim*** Mm, y-rc junta, Bankers, Jk'uk keepers. Ac., and the piiuu| s . Sill'l'l9 A E'itS i'nrj;!i. Pa. ~ .IOIIX \. NiS'io*. Confectioner and Cfc c Ick 010. 10» Federal Sir.,, t Allegheny city^Fa. Ice Cream, Soda Wat or, Fruits, Nuts, Jeiii», pickle# &c., always on hand. Particalfr attention paid to orders May'll2, 18A7, lyr _ Kxeciilor's .<«ftice. Estate of '■'/* ''' ''' I KTTERS, tutnin.lilur • on tha ortnte of lj Int. tow...hlp, .Irc d, I,M-„ this .lav. (\or. j 8 ""' l """ 1 I, on 11... " r ""J"' "" I"' 1 '" hoiih liavir a < «KHln«t said estate, will prvsnnt thorn j.r.morl/ authenticated for HPttlcinent, 'and tu»:«e kcoMinK ti--i«»elvw iudebted toaniJ estate will make imtiieuin'** payment. FA MUM, W. H AYS, Kev. JOHN DAVIS, nov 13, *o7—dt*) Executors. GO BEY'S LADY'S BOOK IF-OT?, 18SS. miiE CHEAPEST OF LADIES MAGAZINES, DE -1 CAUSE IT IS THE I! EST! The friend of Wo man the arbiter of fashion, tlie encourager and publisher of the best literature of the day, tho pattern from which all others copy. READING MATTER. In this there will bo an improvement. The volume f.r IsOS will beset up with new-faced t>pe. aud of * si/o that will enable us tn give an additional quantity of reading aiitter, amounting to about twelve pages in each number. Beautiful Steel Plates. Of the-* the Lady's Hook contain Fourtess each year, superior (we challenge comparison) tc any pub lished In this country, cither in book or periodical. The Literature of the Lady 4 Book. MAIIION HAH LAND. Authorest of tl Alan*," "Hidden I\ith" Side," ' • Xemetitand *' Miriam who contributes to no other mcnthly publication, will furnish a new novel tor 18»>8,callod PntMifc Rowi.ano that will run through the year. Her stories are an.x iou-ly sought niter, and as "they are copyrighted can be found nowhere but in Godet, Our former efficient corps of writers has also been retained. OUR FASHION FX-ATES The original double faai .n piatee will l*> coutinted. MODEL COTTAGES The only magazine in thin country that gives these designs is the L*PI s Book. DRA WiXG LESSORS.— In this we are also al >na ORIGINAL MUSIC —Godcy s is the only magazine in which music prepared expressly fjr it appears. We have also a Children's, Horticultural, and a Health department, GODLY 3 INVALUABLE RECEIPTS upon every Subject, for the Boudoir, Nursery, Kitchen House, and Laundry Til ED ENGRA riNGS.— This is a series of engra vings that no one has attempted bat ourselves. LADIES' FANCY WORK DEPA RTM EN J'. —Pome of the designs in this department are piiuted in colors, in a style unequalled. TERM 3FOR 1869. One copy, one year S3 00 Two copies, one year 5 60 Three copies, one year ... 7 60 Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to tue peison getting up the club, wakingeix copies 14 00 Eight eupiw. ami uu extra c.ipy lu tlie pel son getting up theclub, making nine copies 21 00 Eleven copies, one year, and an extra Copy to the pe: sou getting up the club,tuaKing twelve copies 27 60 Godey'a Lady's Bock and Arthui'i Home Magazine will be sent one year on receipt ot $1 00. Godey'a Lady's hook and The Children's Hot r will be sent one year uu receipt of {3 60. Oodey's Lady's P.O k. Arthur s Ilume MagatU and Cbildrc u's Hour will be sent one year on receipto fS 00. £ subscribers must send 24 cents ad itionai for every subscription to the Luly's Book, and 1 ceuts or either of the othur magazines, to pa. heAu.etioau tostage. HOW TO It EMIT. —Io remitting by Mall, a* roe* VriciOßDKßor a DRAFT, payable to the "rder of L. A. proferable to bank notes, as, should the Or !.cail."i I•" ■! lh. | VERY LOWEST PRICE! Person!* will • And it to their advants}*'* to giro us a cull and examine goods and pi-icus, before purchasing elsewhere. fear No Trouble to Show Goods.""* l * B SNODGRASS & ROSS, No. 24 St. « lair St., Nor. 27,18• tela, Tanneries, City and Buburbnn Property. This Register we print three times a yeftr—on Hut of May, September ami January, Patties wishing to buy <>r "ell Roal Estate, no irattet when? the location, should not fail to consult our Keg inter, a copy ■>! which can be had by sending your 1 ad dreas. September number now rvady. Nov. '£l I K l>7, lyr. DEMORE«T'B YOUNG AMERICA, the best Juvenile Magaaiue. 'Every Boy and Oil that -ees it says HO : nil the Pre** nay #O; and Parent and Teachers < onfirm it Do not fail to senre a cop/. A good Microscope, wlthatilass Cylinder to connno living objects, or a good two-bladed, pearl Pocket-Kni!<% and a large number of other desirabio articles, giwnas premiums to each subscriber Yearly, $1.60. The No vember Number commences a new volutin*. Published by W JENNINGS DEMOREST. 473 Broadway, New York Try it, Boys and Girls. Specimen copies, five cents, mailed free. [Nov. '2O, 1887, St. nK IfiOHEST'S MONTHLY 3IAOAZIME universally acknowledged the Model Parlor May azineof America; devoted to Original Sstori**, Poems, Sketches, Archil ei ture and.Model Cottages. Household Matters, Gems <-f thought. Personal and Lit* rary Gos sip 'including special departments on Fashions.'ln stiuctions on Health, Music, Amusements, etc by the bent authi r«. and profusely illustrated with costly En gravings lull size) useful'and reliable Patterns. Kin broideries. and a constant succession of artistic novel ties, with other useful and entertaining literature. No person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady «»f taste can atford to :lo without the Model Month ly. Siujclu copies, 30 cents; back number*. •»£ sped mens, 10cents: either mailed tree Yearly. SSI, with a v iluable premium : two copies, t0.5) ; thfte copies, 17 60; five copies, sl3, and vpleniid premiums for clubs at f-i each, with the first premiums to each subscriber. A new Wheeler k Wilson Sewing Machine for 2•) subset ibers at $3 such. Address, \t. JENNINGS DLMOP.EST, No. 473 Broadway, New York. Pfmorwt s Monthiy aud your.;; America together $4 with the premiums for each. [Nov. *2O, 1867, St. The American Citizen. IS pabliibodevery Wednesday in the boronjchof Dittler by C. Y. ANDtmso*, in Kearns' Building, Main Street, opposite the .lack House. TERMS:—OO a year, if paid in advance, cr within the rtr»t flr»t six months ; >»r 250 if not paid until alter the expiration o the first six ni> nths. TEEMS OF ADVERTISING, &c One square, one Insertion 51 Q*> I Each subsequent insertion «>' 1 column f..r six months... 12 JO column for six months 2o 00 1 column f-rsix months H5 00 /♦column f.»r on® year 20 00 U column lor one year .40 00 column for one year «0 00 rof.'ssional and Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lines, one year S 00 Executors, Administrators mad Auditor's notices, each,3 o0 Applications for Licenses, each .... ... 5o Cautions, Est rays, Notice* of Dissolution, Ac., not exceeding 1 square, 3 insertions eatb 2 00 10 lines of Nonpareil, or its equivalent, will make asquare jon suii. sheet hand-bill, 50 copies i less SHU V " " •• A 50 •' 4 oo Full •• 44 " 6 00 BLTXKS. 50 per quire; on a!! ainouats over tliat, a reasonable reduction will be mado BCBISBSB CARPS Single packs, 91 50; each itddltlcna pack, 50 LOCAL XOTICB4. lOcentsper line for each insertion. DEATMB Ann MARKWOE4, will be published gratis, where the same do«s not exceed | 6 lines; *.»r each additional line, 5 cts. will be charged. Advertisements of 0. C. Sale, Executors, Administra tore, and Auditor'* notices; Estiays, Dissolution of Part nership, Cautions, and all transient advertisements MLST PCS:I:VBLT nx TAXI. ;X AIVAMCX. C- K. ANDfcrtauN, Editor and Proprietor. Dee. 1* fa* Agents to canvass fbr the most successful subscrip tion book in th<» market. Our Agents are meeting with unparalttlled aucce«s. We pay the unusually large cemmit»ipn of SI 90 per copy Address 111 WIN A CO , K#v. M, *«?—lir,) W yiftk St. TlKsbcrgb. tBIKO'S B6 r nj g GRAY HAIR. TfaUUtboAuauosu tbrtKJjignufeL. Ttlil la th« euro tkit ljt]r ■(SH ' I This is tho Hell that rings away >* ]9F »>\'l'O rrouse the people BAD and gny r> Lnto this fact, which here does lay— If von would not be bold or gray, v the Ambrosia that liutg mad*. E. M.TUBBB & CO., PROPRIETORS, PETERBORO', H.H. WHOLKSALK. AGKNTS: Sellers A Vuu (iortkr, PLTT&FOTJRGH, PA. l>r. Samuel Grubnm, iofiv'2'. i* 21-e'tw-lvr mm.RR. PA.. Gifts for Christmas & New Ye ars. A SI PERU "STOCK ttfr" PfNE HOLD ANH SILVER U ATCiIK.-'. ALL WARRANTED T ) KIN, AND THOROUGHLY KKCULATKD, AT THE LOW PRICE OK $lO EACH, AND SATISFACTION GUARAN TEED. 10(i Solid O«'M lltintWatches to SIOOO 100 Magic CadHd Hold Wafches 250 to 600 100 Ladies' W lch«n, enameled 100 to 200 Gold Hunting (. hfonometer W a tehee 260 t-» 300 200 Hold Hunting English Levers fw t » 2>o ;>OO G«»KI Hunting Duplex Wncthe«. 150 to 201 *oy Gohl Hunting Aiiu»rlv.'Hii Watches 100 to -W ,' 1 ''.A*IT H ittiliug Lever# 60 to 160 .VV'U'Hing Duplexes! 75 to 1«0 6KO.. k Co. »01 llromlway, New York, wish to Immediately dlsp of (he above magnificent stock. Ceitificates, mining tin articles, are placed in sealed envtlepos mid well luixed. Holder#are entitled to the Q articles u:ima I in thei.* certificate, upon payment of Te Dtdltis, whether it be a watch worth 112 1.000 or ©no worth luf-'. The return of any "112 our certificate# enti tles you tm the articles named thereon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, and as no artiojo valued 'ess tliiiii $lO is named on any certificate, it will at cure t»« st-cu tint tit is is no lottery, hut a straight forward legit imate transaction, which m »y be participated in even by the most fastidhais. A single certificate will he sent by mall, p -st paid upon teceipt of '25 rent#, five f«>r sl, eleven for ?1. thirty three ami elegant premium for $5, sixty-six nod iuor< valuable premium for $lO, one hundred and moat an p.-rb Wat di for sls. To agents or those wishing em ploynifiit, this is a rare opportunity. It M a legitl m itoly conducted business, duly authorized by the Gov eminent, and open tot ho most carofAl scrutiny. Watch' es sent by Ex pi en*, with bill f or collection on delivery so that no dissatisfaction can possibly occur. Try us. Addie.# WhK.IIT, BROTH EIS A CO ,Impoiters, N0v.27,18C7, 3uij. 101 Broadway, New York " Where Will I Buy Is a question in the minds cf everyone a# thrt-llolidayi approaching, and one of great Importance to ; especially to those who think of making purchases ii WATCIIKS & .IKH'KI.KV' or anything pertaining to it. We would solicit call from itioee *t«lflnte ear during the Holiday Season to examine our largo and well selected stock of WATCHES. MUSICAL BOXES, > CLOCKS. SPECTACLES. JEWcLRY. BAHOMETERS. SILVER WARE, THERMOMETERS, And all kinds of goods. UIXSEATH »V IIANLETT * JEWELERS AND OPTICIAN?, mrmrmmrn. w« Opposite Masonic Hall PITTSBURGH. PA is Nov. 13,1867,2ui. PREMIUM TRUNK FACTORY, ' JOSEPH LIEBLER i •* MANUFACTURER OP AND DEALER IN :!;thunks, valises AND £ TK.ITEIJXti KAON, ■ NO 104 WOOD STRFET hi •; | PA. fie u* #3-orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed a- I Nov. 13 lftnT—3 mos. G. W. rUHEY, WHOLESALE sV RETAIL DEALER IN Clioice Family Groceries, TEAS. Foreign and Domestic Fruits, PICKLES, AC ALL RINDS OF CQTJNTR* PRODI'CB SOI.II OX COMMISSION, And Prompt Remittance Made. No. 49 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny lily. NOT. 13,1807,1 V FARM AND FIRESIDE JOURNAL. PubUihld Monthly. mHTS JOURNAL is deroted to Agriculture. Uonicul ture. Floriculture, Landscape, Gardening, Rural Architecture, etc., and to such culture of the mind, as well as tbe soil, as may be calculated to enliven and en lighten our social life. VKAASJIM. Sill scription for one year ...% S 1 00 Club of five subscribers . 4 «K> • Ten •« 7 50 '♦ •' Fifteen '• lom» invariably In advance. Address (poat-ottic© Box 3110 ) J. PAYNE LOWE, Nov. J7,1667, 4U Courtland Street, Nro Twenty Presents, valued at 225 each 4,500 Fifty-Five Present*valued at2ooeach 1 1,000 Fifrv Presents, valued nt $75 each, 8,<50 One" Hundred and Ten Presonts, val ned at SIOO each, 11,000 Twenty Presents, valued at $75 each 1,500 Ten Pi events, valued at ?50 each 500 The remaining Presents consists of articles of use and value, appertain* an# to the diffusion of Literature and the Fine Arta, £8*2,000 $300,000 Each Certificate of fto-'k accemponled rtith a Boaut'ful Steel-Plate Engraving, WORTH MOKE AT RETAIL THAN THE COST OF CERTIFICATE. And also loßQrts to tho holder a PRESENT IN THE GREAT DISTRIBUTION. One Uolliir. Any pernor. sentlin* , OXK DOLLAR. or mill's Mm ''"""J; A««'i'!». .1 roc.lvo immeJlotelr « fine 8t«*ol Plate hn/nnuig, at # „i. . from the follow inn 11-t. rliflrdle nTßMek.' - ?).,« I'roi cnt in t)>o OK MAT DiSTIIIBCTIOS. 1 "" OSK IIOI.r.AIt ENGRAVINGS. No. I —"My Child! My ClilM !" No.'J.—"Tliey'r, Saved ! They'Vo Saved 1" No. 3—''Old Seventy-six or, the Early Days of the Revolution." TWO DOLLAR F.NGRAVINO9. No. 1, "Washington's Courtalilp.'' No. 2.—Wash ington's Last Interview with hi* Mother." THREE DOLLAR E v said Company t« conduct such enterprise, exempt from ail charge, whether from special Ux or other duty. E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner. The A«rncintion havf> appointed as Receiver, GEORGE A. COOK K A CO.. JW South third Htroot,Phil adelphia, whoee well known integrity and business ox - perienre will be a sufficient guarantee that the money entrusted to them will be piunfptiy applied to the pui pjtte stated. PniLiBELPUIA, PA., May 20, T" the Officer $ and Jlrvnttrrn nf th* Washington LHm\ ry Company, A\ S. HEAD, Secretary Gentlemen; —On lecelpt of of the 16th, Inst., notifying un of our appointment an Refelven for yonr Compary, w« took the liberty to submit a copy • 112 yo'ii Charter, with apian «>:' yuur MHt«*pijr«< to ou.- mincnt legal authority. And having received' hin favorar bb"> in regard to its legality, and sympathizing with the benevolent object of your Association, via : the education and mairtai nance of the orphan children of our soldier* and sailors of tlio Riverside Institute, we have concluded to accept the trust, and to UKO our Lest efforts to promote so worthy an object. Bescectfully, your*, Ac. GEORGE A .COOiCK & CO. Address nil letter* and order* to GEO A. COOKC aat yeer,} and a* a puint for any purpose it uusurpaMed fur body, flora bill ly. elasticity, and adhesiveness Price |0 per bbl. of ioO lbs . whiob will supply a far nit r for years to come. Wan anted In all cas«< as above. Send for a circular -übicli jrive* ful> particulars. None genuine uuleae branded in a trade mark Oratton Mineral Paint. i Address DANIEL HID WELL, 234 Peail St., H. Y. Sept. 4, *67—flmos. # ORPHANS' COURT SALE. NY virtue of an order and decree of the Orphan*' Court of Butler county, tbe undersigned will ex pose to salo, by public ouMcry, on tbo premiiee,on Saturday, Deccviler 28 Ik, 1807, lha following described Real Estate, late of Patrick Fleming'