American citizen. (Butler, Butler County, Pa.) 1863-1872, December 04, 1867, Image 2

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Important letter from Hon. It.
J. Wnlker.
The Hon. Robert J. Walker, former
Secretary of the Treasury, is preparing,
at the request of his friends, an elaborate
letter upon ihe national finances. It will
be lemcmbered thet Mr. Walker advoca
ted Secretary Chase's national banking
and financial system in 18G3, and after
that became a law he went to Europe, by
request of Mr. Chase, as the financial
Bgent of the Government, and caused our
loans to bo taken, mainly in Germany, to
(he extent of several hundred millions of
dollars. It is believed that ho will in a
lew days publish this letter, which we
learn is to embrace the following points :
1. The immediate resumption ot specie
payment to be effected by a foreign loan
as proposed by him in deceniber, 1804.
This, he believes, can be obtained at par
in gold at six per cent. This would
make all our greenbacks equal to gold, as
also our national bank currency, and all
deposits in the national banks, and put
cur whole bonded Jcbt of 82,000,000,000
at par in gold. This, he thinks, would
add atonce at least 81,000,000,000 totlie
active wealth of the country as represen
ted by currency and negotiable credit,
and preveut a collapse.- Gov. Walker is
opposed alike to paper expansion and con
traction, as both necessarily leading in
liia judgment to repudiation.
2. An immediate restoration of the
Union and the reduction ol our expendi
tures to a peace basis, 'lhese expendl*
turcs thus reduced, including the pay
ment of interest on the public debt, and
a very small and gradual reduction of
the principal he thinks ought not to exs
ceed 8220,000,000 a year in gold. The
payment of the Government expenditures
in gold, instead of paper would be equiv
alent at once to 30 per cent, reduction of
these expenses. Thus, immediately re
suming ppecio payments and reducing the
expenditures to a sum not exceeding
8290,000,000 a year, he thinks that a tar
iff or revenue would bring at least 8200,-
000,000 a year, increasing every year
with our augmented wealth and popula
3. The immediate abolition of our
wholo internal system of taxation, in
cluding the income tax, tho tax on sales,
stamp tax, and all other internal taxes,
except tho excise on wines, fermented and
spirituous liquors, and tobacco. Without
1 educing the taxes on these articles, or
surrendering their proceeds to fraud and
rascality, ho believes that at least 8120,-
000,000 a year could be realized. This
would make tho total revenue 8320,000,-
000 million in gold per annum, which
would leaTe a very large margin, far
more than ho think* is required. Should
it yield much more than is wanted, lie
would still further reduce the taxation by
taking off duties on sugar, tea, and cof
fee. Should there still bo a surplus he
is in favor of still further reducing or rc
pealing all duties on the necessaries of
life not produced in this country. Should
there still remain a surplus he favors de-.
voting it to j-rcat national woiki of in>
ternal improvement. Ho thinks, a3 ho
always has, that the raw material of do
mestic manufactures slionld be duty free,
and exempt from excise or taxation.
4. The national banking system should
bo sustained and improved upon, repeal
ing tho monopoly clause and leaving all
perfectly free to establish banks who will
comply with the laws of Congress, thu?
giving all sections of the country as large
an amount of substantial circulating nic«
dium as their interests require.
NEW YORK, November 20.—The
New Haven Palladium publishes the
following from a correspoabent who
in «n intimate terms with Gen. Grant
and who had a free interview with
the General. Speaking of the stric
tures of the New York Tribune on
his reticence, Gen. Grant said: "If
there be in these complaints any
assumpsion of fact which I may know
to be erroneous, I do not now and
here controvert them. If there be
in them any inferences which I may
believe to be falsely drawn, I will
not now and here argue against them.
If there be perceptible in them an
impatient and dictatorial tone, I
waive it in deference to others who
have a right to think and speak as
they may be prompted by a sense of
duty. As to my princplos, 1 have
not meant to leave any one in doubt.
1 would save the country; I would
save it in the shortest way under the
Constitution. If there be those who
would cot save the country, unless
they could at the same time save their
own theories, I do not agree with
them. My wish is to savo tho coun
try and as s3on as possible to restore
all the States to their p-( per relations
as much, and upon the ( rinciples of
even-handed justice. What I do in
the premises I do because I believe
it helps to save tho country; and
what I forbear, I forbear because I
believe it helps to savo tho country.
I shall do less whenever I believe that
lam doing what hurts the cause; I
shall do more whenever I shall be
lieve that doing more will help the
cause. I have now stated my own
sense of personal and official duty,
and I intend no modification of my
oft-rcpeated personal wish that all
men may be permitted to think freelv
and on all suitable occasions speak
out what they think, if by so doing
they can benefit all mankind and
help save the country.
"Why don't you trade with me 7" said
a close fisted tradesman to a friend the
other day. The reply was characteristic.
"Yon have njver asked me, sir I have
looked all through the papers for an invi
tation in the shape of an advertisement,
and found ntfne. I never go where lam
pot invited."
gtmtt'icau Cittern.
Ci' " Liberty and Union, N|W tad For«*®r, On*
and 'nseparable."—D. Webster.
tSte" The Largett Circulation oj
any Paper in the County. "tSf[
0. E. ANDERSON, - - ■ Editor.
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant,
Of Illinois.
JBSir For want of space wc are com
pelled to keep out several articles ot im
The Citizen.
This number ends the IV Vol. of Ihe
CITIZEN. We return our sinceielthanks
to our numerous subscribers, patrons and
friends, for their generous support, and
respectfully solicit a continuation of their
patronage. Wc have endeavored to make
the CITIZEN a welcome visitor to our
kind patrous, and iu the future, improv
ing upou our past experience, wc shall
double our diligence and spare no effort
to merit the continued support of our
kiud patrons.
Very little of importance has, up to
the present time, been done in Congress.
Although several important measures
have been brought up and notice given
of the intended introduction of others,
wo need expect but little to be doncin the
way of legislation until the President's
Message is placed before Congress. Iu
our next issue we will give our readers
a synopsis of what has been done.
-A li«. Nt I*Miie.
Wo are aware that our good naturcd
neighbor of tho Democratic Herald, —
"l.'ncle Jake," —is much given to joking
and that much he says and writes now
a-days, is considered, "in the way of a
joke." Especially is this the case when
our jolly friend ventures to discourse ol
principles—then, all consider it a "good
joke," and that they have a right to
Rut still, wo must correct tho Herald
relative to the proceedings of the last
meeting of our Republican County Com
mitteo. Speaking of it the editor says :
•We have understood that a serie* o!
resolutions iu favor of negro suffrage and
certain side issues were offered aud vo
ted down." Who tho Herald "under
stood" this from, we are not iuformed ;
but we are informed that it is quite a
mistake, aud that no such resolutions iu
favor of "side issues" were oflered in
tho committee, and consequently none
such wero voted dowu. On the con
trary, all of the committee agreed, that
in view of tho one great work uow be
fore tho Country, that of properly re
storing to the Union the late Rebel States,
all side issues should be dispensed with,
and considered of minor importance.—
This was the position taken in tho resos
lutions alluded to by tho Ue.ra/d so far
as side issues are concerned, and noth
ing on that subject, or any other, was
voted down in the committee.
l!ut iu regard to "negro suffrage" in
the late Rebel States, how of this ? The
resolution passed by the committee cou>
tuiucd aud combined in a brief form, the
sentiments of the committee on that sub
ject, cordially endorsing the action of
Congress. The Herald quotes the reso
lution, and notwithstanding it had "toi
ilcrslood" that negro suffrage was voted
down, yet it says: '-This is negro suff
rage in disguise.'' There is no disguise
about it. So lar as suffrage iu the late
Rebel States is concerued, the Republi
can party havo been, are now, and will
continue to be in favor of the suffrage of
all tli loyal people as ag iinst the disloy
al ; of all the patriotic, white and black,
who stood up and fought for the Uuion,
as against those who seceded, fought
against aud tried to destroy it. It is
now, as heretofore, a question, not of
negro suffrage, but of Rebel suffrage,
and Congress has taken the right ground
and w'll continue iu it, aud the loyal
people,toth North and South will con
tinue to stand by it. It is the ground of
Justice, of Patriotism, and of God's
own right. It is the cause of humanity
and liberty, aud Congress and the great
Republican party will stand firm until
all the just results of the lato rebellion
are made secure to the Nation. If we
cannot have indemnity for the past, for
the thousands of noble lives lost, let us
at least have security lor the future.—
Is there any other way to secure this
than by placing all necessary means in
the hands of the true and faithful in [he
South to protect themselves, and to cn
ablo them to bring back these States with
free forms of government? The simple
question is, who shall govern iu whip>
ped llebeldoin ? Those who are with us, j
or those who are against us ? On which ]
tide is the Democratic Herald? liut we j
need not ask that question. The Dem
ocratic party now, as during the war,are
on the record, are committed on the fide
of the wrong, against the right. It pre
fers that the beaten Rebels should rule
in the South for the reason, that they
have and will vote the Democratic tick
et. Hence, the Democratic party i9 now
the same as before, —the party of objec
tion, obstruction and reaction; while the
Republican party is the one of progress
and humanity. This is the difference
between the two parties. They opposed
soldiers voting, and they now oppose
nearly the whole loyal element ot the
South in voting, while we lavor the loyal
element, and commend the action of Con
gress iu the passage of the Reconstruc
tion laws. We commend them as just
and wise, and as necessary to complete
the great work of properly restoring
those States. A couutry recently bathed
in blood, and yet mourniug, demands
that those States should be brought back
by the Union men, and not come back
with Rebel colors living. This is the
issue, an J the Couutry will soon again
judge w 10 is rtijhl, and give the victory
to the light.
MAN KILLED. —On Tuesday night, the
j '29 th ult., the sad intelligence reached our
peaceful town that a man had been shot
at the Res'aurant and residence of Mr.
Weaver, in Summit township. The cir
cumstances as nearly as wo have been
able to gather the same, are as follows :
On the day allued to, a daughter of Mr.
Weaver was married, and shortly after
nightfall, when the wedding guosts were
enjoying themselves, as is cus'omary upou
such occasions, they were startled by the
almost unearthly noise of a sereuading
party, and the discharge of fire-arms, in
close proximity to the house. A son of
Mr. Weaver named Jjhn, went out to
ascertain, if po. sible, who composed the
party. The supposition was, that the
crowd was composed of some rough chars
acteis from an adjoining township, at tin
horn, cow bell aerenaders are generally of
that character. The night being ex<
treuiely dark, it was difficult t3 ascertain
who the parties wero Rut young Wea
ver satisfied himself that tho party was
made up of young men living in the im~
mediate vicinity, lie was returning into
the house to report and have the party
invited into the house, when he was met
by his brother, Wise Weaver, who was
coming out with liko objects in view, and
at the moment the latter came round the
corner of the house, a gun was discharg
ed, the shot taking effect in the left
breast of young Weaver, causing a wound
about one and one-fourth inches iu diam.
oter, just below tho left collar bone, frac
turing the fiist and second ribs, aud cut
ting the Pulmonary artery, also, tearing
the left lung partially ; from tho effects
of which he died iu tweuty minutes, and
before medical aid could be procured.
On the following day an iuquost was
held and a post mortem examination
made, eliciting substantially tho above
facts. Andrew Kneuso is said to be the
individual who fired the fatal shot, who
was present at the iuquest and acknowl
edged tho same.
It appears from tho evidence of the in'
quest that the shooting of Weaver was
entirely unintentional ind accidental.—
This sad circumstance is a fearful warn
ing against th i practice of serenading as
the same is now conducted. This case
should be fuily and thoroughly investi
gated, and tho parties properly punished
for the violation of law in this respect.
It should not be suffered to pass off un-.
noticed, and it is to be hoped, for the
credit of our community and the protec
tion and security of individuals, that
justice will be meted out to all who arc iu
the habit of disturbing the peace, and iu
any way endangering the lives of the peo
ple. Serenading, as practiced at the pres
ent day, should bo discountenanced by
every friend of good order. To say the
'east, it is degrading and debasing iu all its
tendencies, aud should be stopped every
where,and marc especially in a civilized,en-*
] lightened and christian community. Will
' our pwple and ihc proper authorities suf
fer this state of affairs to continue, aud
the offenders go unpunished ? We hope
sarTlie LITTLK CORPORAL, for Dc.
ccuiber is a capita! Dumber. It contains
' On the Hearth liug,'" "The Great Pan
jandrum Himself," "Jennie's Memory
String," a new "Rhyme of Little Kcd
Hiding Ilood," the conclusion of"Camp
Bruce," besides a number of sparkling
poems, among which is a perfect gem,
the Associate Editor, Mrs Emily Hun
tington Miller, entitled "The Baby's
Stocking;" music by Geo, F. lioot, a let
ter from Theodore Tilton, and an Editor,
ial describing the beautiful process by
which Cbromos are made.
A new volume of TUE LITTLE COR*
PORAL begins with the next number.—
The publisher has determined to contin
ue his offer of the November and De
cember numbers free to all new subscri
bers received during December. Terms
SI.OO a year. Sample copy free if sent i
for before January 1. Address ALFRED
L. SEWELL, Publisher of The Little Cor- j
doral, Chicago, 111.
—Experience is a torch lighted in the
ashvs of our delusions.
For tho Citizen.
We HA7E heard from VERITAS. Aud
his duplicity proves to be just like our own
more than we expected. The differen
ces being that while wo have always been
in fun, he appears to bo in earnest. He
compliments the temperance men upon
their success; tells them he hopes God
will spare them tha shame of going
backward. Tells them he never signed
a petition for license in his life; tells them
Kohler ought togo to jail; then comes
the other, and he tells you He never
signed a Remonstrance in his life. And
Sykes ought to have license. And he
always respected our landlords and we
paid them a poor compliment when we
called theui " neiijbor like" Thoy are
certainly much better than that Hav
ing gone over both sides ho again de
clares liis faith in Republicans- Now
we beg leave to hope that in the maiu
all Republicans will follow after VERITAS
and be on both sides of tha question,
sign no petition, Sign No Remonstrance,
Cry Good Lord, Good Devil. Discard
the issue altogether and merely claim to
be a Republican—but dont say anything
about sending Kohler to jail, 6r Grant
itig Sykes license. Remember that is
a special privilege VERITAS has as pri
vate Counsel we presume. If any person
should blame tho party for being too
meddlesome upon the question, deny the
|/act, liko VERITAS nauw over three or
four White Crows, and quote a piece of
! poetry. Rut if any person should con
front you then abandon that position aud
plead justification but dont forget to cud
by asking license for some favorite.
This is a very proper progrannie and I
hope VERITAS will excuse us for having
selected him as a model of Republican
perfection on this subject. We join
with your correspondent in admiration of
Abraham's Motto at the head of your
columns, but there is another of his wise
sayings which he uttered at a critical mo
ment when ho decided to deliver up
Mason and Slidell that, was •' One war at
a time is enough." Tho war of which
the Martyr spoke is not yet ended. The
same men who gave their blood freely
to destroy this government and those
who gave their bloody sympathy to the
same cause have today a stranger polit
ical affinity and organization than they
had in 18G1. There is a great question
of Rncons'ruction aud also a great finans
cial question to decide before this war
is over, then VERITAS our model will be
free to sign either a petition or a remon
strance, as he "nay see fit, but at preseut
tho issue is joined on national questions
altogether ancl you must excuse him.
fie would further, in justification of his
neutrality, ask you in read the old tale of
Johnson's journey of Life (not Andy'.",)
shall this great national party now, that
it is in the Meridian of its jouiney, turn
aside out of tho main road into paths
made pleasant by the flattering of the Non.
Voting population who wave their ker
chiefs and beckon you to a new war with
the whiskey power. Shall the party
turn aside and lose the main road, and
maiu issue until tho Sky is overspread
j with clouds and tho day vanishes before
us, then'in darkness we would have to
retrace our steps, and liko Obidiah look
for the dim taper of your neutral corres
pondent VERITAS to guide us out of the
labayrinth of side issues by whioh wo
would be surrounded.
Tlic example anil advice of VERITAS
is commendable but as same will not tuko
it. we beg leave to add, If people will
remonstrate, let the Remonstrance be
divided by a line running down the cen
tre. let one side be marked Republicans
and the other Democrats. Then lot
ery Republican who wishes to sign, sec
that the Democratic side is even or one
ahead before he signs it. Petitions g it
ten up in this way would prove the truth
of his first asseriion that there was no
cause f<r complaint of the Republican
party Perhaps as VKRITAS isanxious to
prove'the truth of his asseriion he would
so far depart from his neutrality, as to
carry round the Remonstrance, and if he
succeeded in getting one half of the Re
publican and one. hall of the Democrat
ic voters of this Rorough to his Remon
strance, then I will take pleasure iu ac»
knowledgiog that I was wrong and VER
ITAS right but if he refused lo do so or
his Good Templar friends for him, then
we will only ask an equally frank ac
knowledgment from him, this is certainly
a /'air and honest settlement of our insig
nificant dispute.
If certain of our worthy citi
zens who in by gone days have made a
fortune selling whiskey, should carry this ]
Remonstrance round, we would sug>
| gest that they act "neighbor like" and ■
| call and see Mr. Kohler. Have a kind'
word tor him. It would certainly bf
hard to send Mr. Kuhler to jail for wh'
i in your day was a respectable busint
and out ot which y,u made euough
join the temperance society. In j
day distilleries were uioro than twin
numerous as blacksmith shops. \V
key was drank morning, noon and /
ing. Every Store sold both wh^ e
and retail. Everybody drank./®
duily viiitor, if not treated, was if
When the good parson called,/*" 8
happy to partake of the oldest
which the settler had in his et-bin. These
were happy days; when all men aotod
like landlords—opened their hospitible
doors and hearts to the poor and the wea
ry ; when men and women found honest
employ, and disdained the midnight
secret oath, bound conclave to injure the
bvsiness of their neighbor. These wero
bright and happy days, when the hon
est pioneer went forth with his axe on
his shoulder, and his jug in his hand, to
subdue the forest and lay (he foundation j
of this mighty empire. Ilappv days ]
when preachers didu't seek to send men
to Heaven by an aet of the Legislature,
or an order of Court but were content to
rcmian in the pulpit, preach as they
were commissioned. They were not yet
blind they could read, '"Not that which
goeth into the mouth defileth the man,
but that which cometh out of the mouth."
These men were uot so well educated or
fastidiously refined as their selfsrighteous
successors of the present day, but they
helped to clear the forest and reap the
harvest, they had puro blood and healthy
brains, and their sermons were full of
charity and love. They called with the
landlord and treated hiui "neighbor like."
They rose uot up to disgrace the sanctu
ary by heaping curses upon his head and
his children's fchildren, even unto the
fourth generation. Honest wives mend>
ed their husband's clothes at night, in
stead of running the streets pandering
for the signature of gentlemen, to some
paper outside of wouiau's sphere alto
gether. Happy days, wheu every hearth
stoue was an altar of liberty, and no hov
el was found so wretched as to shelter the
conspirator against the lights of a neigh,
her. Preachers didn't dictate to Courts
ol Justiee, but the ifcudge wore buckskin
breeches, and when lie wanted to hear a
sermon he was able to go. Everybody
minded their own business, and we had
happiness, contentmeut, and good whis
key. In those days of Natural Rights
but few suffered from tho excessive use
of liijuor, compared with the present day.
And why is this ? I answer, bccauso
you try unduly to trauicl the liberties of
tho people, and in so doing you drive the
noblest, specimens of Young America to
excessive drink, just because iu so doing
he imagines he expresses his manly in
dependence. I, with many others, have
seen " Young America away from home,"
and among specimens from this town, the
boy tubject to them >st severe restric
tions under the paternal roof was among
the first to become intoxicated, while the
boy who always had his liberty had cons
trol of his passions, and maintained hi
equilibrium. Forget not, old man, tb
you was once a boy yourself, and h<P
not upon the heads of your children
dens which neither you nor your f/ ers
were able to bear, but allow them
u little "for their stomach sake." K "'
ITAS talks of going into winter < ar, cr.' !
nod we can assure liini lie neer o '' ca ''
with (jrant, Sheridan, or at '' ) at
class of men unless he has a ft bottle.
We never heard of but one JK u ' ar Ar
r.iy Officer that didn't take K r ation. I
once saw Sheridan and sow 1 ' bis Staff
drinlc upon the battle~field Dtl was only
sorry I couldn't drink w' them ; but
alas : the Red tape. All" as dignified
as VERITAS, that would 6011 Kolller to
jail without a trial, 'l'f '"fcrnal tr»f
fie" was ths business of / CoomissarioEi
»nd each soldier was ou ' '"is ration
of whiskey the same P rca d t0 koep his
body healthy that ha able to
battle for his count* The burden of
the heroes of the.V w^3 made light by
the cauteen, and (/ Revolutionary
Fathers rebelled / nst a » c *cise acr,
and yet the cffeiF® jurisprudence ol
VEIIITAS looks J 1 with contempt upon
the examples of stoI 7> ailJ lI »o wisdom
of ages, and " ,at this town shall
not go back itstride sha made
last winter to* l becoming a great city.
When evcry' r ' c ' n o man's home and
traveler's re/ as closed, and mourners
vent about* streets, and desolation
stood like 112 "chanted ghost over the
metropolis'' lo soap mines, the proper,
ty holder* R ut l« r must have an ideal
notion o^ a,nC!l ' s 'bat never had an
oxistanc/ history. What do you wish
to becof A New York, a Chicago, a
a fhiUdelphia, Cas
tle. /' these places hav>j their li-
cense/' a " t ' ie power of abnormal el
-oqUCfau't take it away from them.
property holders of this town
foll/fter the selfish, still-born notions
0 F MTAS until the tide of enterprise,
and greatifess has passed
you on all sides like the railroad
was to be made to Butler long
;t the Temperance meeting spoken of
1 wbter, some parson proposed a reso
lon to petition for the prohibition of
manufacture of intoxicating drinks
(he county. I protested against it as a
epublican. Here is a small specimen
112 the way these men watch over the in
erests of the county —this resolution was
iefeated at the next meeting, one of the
faithful having discovered that "it was
necessary for sacramental purposes." No
use in quarreling about this question, for
whiskey will be drank right here ia But
ler aftct VERITAS aqd his unworthy MON.
[TOH are both dead. Our Druggists and
Doctors roust have it, and shall they bo
compellod togo out of the couuty to pur-'
chase, and tlio farmers out of the county
to find a market (or the grain that pro
duces it ? That is the way to build up a
city. We are called a camp-follower be
cause weadhero to the old happy days when
men were " neighbor like," but ap-.
pellation belongs to tho3c who follow af
ter such abolition ideas as the above.—
That never was in the old abolition plat
form for which we once fou«ht. Tho ab
olition for which we fought was fouuded
iu the natural rights of man, but this
new abolitionism is opposed to it and
never can succeed. VERITAS was a good
model of Republicanism, but lately hi s
vision failed him and he has ruu into »
narrow alley ; he can't whitewash one
side without making the other look black
but he attempts to whitewash both. It is
too cold and too early in the season for
this business, but if Veritas intends to be
found hereafter ou the same side of this
"Desolation Crew," lu must remember
that every property.holder has a real in>.
terest in this question. Not only those
of tho Borough, but (hose of the county.
All are interested in the valuo of real
estate and in the payment of taxes. The
Commonwealth reefcives from Tavern an 1
Restaurant license annually nearly half a
million dollars. The two distilleries near
this town jiai/ ten limen as lynch revenue
tax as all tho 308 subscribers to last
Spring's Remonstrance
Now these are facts that you can't rub
out, to say nothing of tho great amount
that is lost to our treasury from the refu
sal of our Court to grant licenses. The
patience of the people groaniug under
taxation is remarkable, lut they calmly
look forward to the day when they will
play Jidge themselves for a short time,
'fempumlice meetings are a nice thing on
long winter evenings to pass tho time
away, (Specially for tho i/uurig folks ; but j
tho best fun was trying to legislate whig,
key oit of ii'itler county You might as
well .ry to legislate the man out of the
moon. If #iesc people should ever carry
their ideas into perfection and build a
Cbineso vaf" around these soap mines, I
suppose /EKITAS will stand sentiuel at
tho Halt! Who comes there?
the countersign. Advance
oue. *P comes your old friend from the
Kmc - "' Iso: "Troth, and I got tho
ceuo ,rs 's?" here 'f we can only get it'
ou t' and ho pulls tho cork, and I fear j
th/'i'y would be taken.
A henevcr you can change the laws of j
jture so tlii't malt will not ferment, and |
o that the still will not boil, then you j
can stop tho manufacture. Rut this is !
the work of Oinnipolence. Ho has es
taldished these unchanging laws. In the
perfection of his wisdom has ho created
all things. It is an easy matter to find
fault with this world, but not just so easy
to make a belter one.
And before the Honorable Court insists
upon the abolition of the " infernal traf
fic," we would ask 'hem to name ono na
tion under Heaven that has succeeded in
such prohibition, or to poiut to the people
that were benefitted by an ineffectual at
tempt. States that have tried it have
gone back to the old license system And
Massachusetts, the Jerusalem of Vfcsr-
TAS, the Kden of liepublicaoism, has vo
ted prohibition down this fall by a large
majority : they considered it better to
drink by the fjlass than the jug. And
truly a licence system !» a temperance
system, and the best wo can have. Let
the Government have the Revenue. Let
the State have the license money, and if
VURITASand his friends don't want to be
" neighbov like," and take a drink, UIC7
can lot it alone. And you are hereby
notified, in the name of Common-sense,
that sooner or later this will bathe end] of
your Temperance movement, like all oth>-
ers that have preceded you—served by
reading and copy. So answers
BENZONIA, Mich., Nov. io, 18G7.
MAJ. ANDERSON, Dear Sir:—What
has come over the young fulks of Butler
of late ? Cupid must have been very busy
of late. Much happiness to about forty
of them, more or lei-s.
Winter is now approaching ; we have
| had a little snow : The first was on the
j 3d of this month some days after the hills
of old Butler were whitened. On last
I Tuesday morning when we wakened up,
we saw snow ou the ground enough to
make a show. Today we had a few
flakes. So far we have had about an
eigth of an inch this fall. It is still
pleasant enough to work out of doors
without a coat. Last week it was so
warm that we kept the doors open
ly all the day. Wo hare bah quite a
time with tires in the woods of late.
Last Saturday ono started about a mile
from here and ran over a considerable
extent of counfy, and today, it broke
out again but has not done much dam
age. There are so many Wves in tho
j woods that the fire has a §K>d chance.
J The wood burns here very easily and
fires keep in for a long time. I set firo
| to an Elm tree about fiive feet in diame
! ter on the Bth of July, and a week ago,
one hundred and twenty three days after
being kindled, it was still burning.
What have Che Kepublicaos in I'enna.
been doing that the election passed off
in the manner it did ? There is very lit.
; tie stir, here ou the subjeot of politics.
All one sided or at least about Twenty
Republicans to one opposition-
Real Estate is advancing rapidy. Lands
near Crystal Lake are now worth near
ly twice as much as they were a year ago.
Allthcugh in the country a corresponding
rise is going on. The Government Lands
are about exhausted and there is nathing
to keep the prices down. Investments
in land are safe and profitable, far moret
so to an ventures in Oil. A amount
j of land is held by Speculators. Too much
j for the good of the country But these
| lands will soon be seeking a market aud
settlerswill flow in. Mechanics are much
needed. We especially need a good
Blacksmith here. Can't you send us one?.
There is a good opening. We want no
one who is not prepared to meet and
overcome all sorts of obstacles All par
sons coming to a new country must have
energy or starve. There is work for all,
and each one must be prepared to fit into
his appropriate niche and do his own
Yours, &o.
seu? Advertisements.
hrw./i?/!! 6 to reß,ll ®'>co of subscriber lu Centra
J*"' 'IL®" ® r .the lit Of August, ISI7, four
r.i , £ jnark»__rt small nick out of the under side
jor tbe IC n oar and * small nicfc ollt of thu rj bt i #nr __
rho owner l. hereby ootifl«,| lo came fcrwiTrd. prove
thai XiV f my ,fJr*7 "r na tilke th ' ,n awi4 - T ' otherwise,*
they will bo dispoeod of according to law
!• 0 tth, 1867- It I G.7. WKISKA'STINK.
nmi A P*"n of 100 Acres in Penn township,
Butler county, Pa . 4 miles South of Rutler, and 2milea
I from II,„ I*liinic r0,..i, r.O Acre, cU-urM uu<l l.> a
1 11 II V. ou,tlv ation. The improvements are, Two
ittaeliid* »h""m : °?° with kitchen
att tciieil, the other Un plank frame ; a large hewed loir
fr» m „ „.bl£ »„ d „,h.¥
" , ">'»'<™ I. within IU mi |„. „r thr..
•• i n,,: ~; '" n l "" i V nMO " rh "" 1 Over
»,I I TH ! "" *'" 'lml.,r«rt ,i„d
»» "0.1 rhia rural li»T,n K u Soiitliurn <-<
II for K ruii>. It IS .voll werihytUo liottc. of un»
person wanting to buy. '
For further particulars, inquire of the subscriber llv«.
ing on tho premises.
Dec. 4th, 1867—tf.j Wil. CALDWELL.
The undHisigneJ, thankful for the patronage of
IV.« .ui I • » ». P'" l, Wo,lld respectfully inform
Hn.C! .r 11 bas again "turfed In the Tailoring
Business. His shop is ou West side of Main Street. i
doors .North of Court llouso. Those desiring work done
neatly and promptly, will givo him u eall. '
box. 27, I*« 7, 3tnos. WM. TRCXAL.
In Lot on the corner of Clay and Washington
:M reels, neafTy opposite the resldencenf o*o. C. Roe*
sing, l—j, is offered for Bale. A reasonable good Framo
1 s - thereon efeeivd, Title good. For particulars.
' ".Nov '•? isr,7 t f C ' E A VI,EKSuN
To engage in a light and honorable business for the
WII.t. r IUOUMM iu tlie vicinity where they r.-*ide. which
*M net them from to K I 0<» per month.
'-'.M a' a i ,;,ly , or J, Jdress PARMELEK
iikos., . Sanson* St., Philadelphia p«
Nov. 27,1807, It.
**15.00 (M -f Dozen ;
Itetnil, M1.50.
Nov. 'IJ, IWJ7. Sinus.
T The subscriber wishes to inform the pnhlk rentr
I ally, Hint lie has locale J't permanent Iy, ono and a
half 1.111. M Not til-went ..f Uutlcr, wliore he intends carry
in* on the Uunsmithini; litwuuefl*, in nil it-, variolic
branches, in now pr.paiad to accommodate all who
may favor him with their cuii(oni>, MiffON, Hm toth tlirte*.
fMiot Uuiis and Pistohr, an cheap a« they cau be had at
any other place. AH work warranted
112 oratm* from the country can leave al) work at Ko«*.
him* A M*-ill's Store, in Hmler, whero tlio mwrte will bo
got and returned by A HTRAWiOK.
\VA N'TKD— 1.000 feet of good Cm led Maple IMank.
from IV; 2 inches thick, lor which the highest price
will be paid in cash if deliverod soon. A. 8
Nov. IBrt7, ft".
Willrich & Hartford,
Have now openod the finest selection of
Whh h they are selling «t
Great Bargains,
Call and Examine Our Stock,
]Vo. 100 Hiirkcl Wt.,
Corner of F*iftli,
Nov. 27.1M7, lyr.
A. t City Prt<*eei,
■ 9. m m.' w: -%tc .m mi *m~
Nov. 27, lfcfi7 2mo*.
I The Publisher* . 112 the ATLANTIC MDNTULT hav»
no# fit ten > •»»** ainie.l lo give tho American people ;i
; t loas Mnzal/W- Th«'jr hare cpared a» pain* or
expen*w to procure from the moat Hhio and popular
112 writer* of American an«f England, article® embodying
1 the licit literary culture ami Hi® fie.ihecl .«wt nu*t vig-.
- oroiM thought of the ttg*. The .'Xcellent aurt varied-
I runt-tin <>f tho tw. uty volume* already leaner!, awl the
largo ami constantly h.crowning circulation Of tiur Mag
azine, prove tlx- Ini t mcree* of the Pubtml'Ts in th*\r
efT.rtu to furnish i periodical that should meet thrf
| w*nts of ihf intelligent readfn.
Tli<* Publishers will seok lo giro yet greater variety
I an.l value to the ATLANTIC in future, to make it tho
I medium through which the foremost shall
communicate with tho public; und they are gratified
, in being able tp promise for tho coming year ttivch co*«
; tribntioiis at cannot fail to accomplish this result.
1 DR. I. I II Arm, llio Arrtic Voynjre,, will contribute
a serin* ut "ii "Uh In llrernloml au.l tli« Arctic
Region.*,'' aimtlar in olmi-.r. tnr to "Doctor Molike."
.(AMIS l>A»ros will ODutlnno to furninli artlclu otv
; cities of tlie United Slut**, prominent Industrial
j and other topics. An article on "Pittsburgh" will ap
poar in the January number.
IIITABB TAYLOB, who IN now in Kurope, W J|I cei.trib
ule ie,<ularly papers on "Ou'-oMhe-way Coriiurs of
the Old World." ?
Two excellent Serial stories will he commenced in
the January number.
IULFH W KxkstoN will commonco his nontribu>
j tions 112 n thy year with an article on "Aspect* of (Jul.
lur*. which will he given in the January number.
KDWABD KYEKCTT HALS, Author of"The Mai* witla
j out a Country,''w'>l contribute frequently through
out the year, Hi* Urst paper for l*tW will appear 112»»
the January number, under the name or "A Week iu
Sibarls." " .
EDWIN P WHIPPLE will continue his serieJ"of admu
able articles ou KnaJiHh Literature.
JOHN MI EDIT it KP.AD, JB.. Author of "An Historical
ItKjuiryJconcorniuK Henry iludsnn," will contribute a
series of Historical Articles, of .Jeep general interest
WILLIAM J. STILLMAN, I'nited States Consul in Crete
will furnish a series of papers, giving bin experienced
and obiterva:ion* during the struggle of the last reap
><r two between tho (Jreeks and Turks.
CIIAALKS DAWSON SIIA.NLY will contribute regularly.
Several new contributors, who have already made
their mark in the Magazine, h*ve sent in capital arti
cles which will appear during the comiug year.
The Publishers deem it oue of the niott important
functions such a Afrtga/.iuo as they aim to make the
ATLANTIC, to dbouts frankly and temperately the great
political principles and issue-., that agitate the country:
and thev trill ondoayor ( j procure from the ablest wri
ton of the Und suuh artic es as will aid to a clear un
derstanding of the leuding qusstions of the day, and
to a settlement of them it| the interest of Liberty and
SI so LL SLDSCBIPTIONS —Four pollers por year.
CLUB KATKS.—-Two Copies fur Seven Dollars; Five
Copies for Sixteen Dollars ; Ten Copies for Thirty Dol
lar*. and each additional copy Thref Dollars. Yor ev
ery Club of Twsuty Subscribers an e«tra oopy will be
furnished yratit, or Twenty oqeCopies for Sixty Dollars
Specimen Numbers sent to any address for Thirty
CLUB lUTßS.—Atlantic Monthly and Our Young Folks
$5 .<0 a year ; Atlantic Monthly, Our Young Folks
and Every Saturday, $9 00; Our Voting Folks aud
Every S .turduy, Atlautic Monthly, Our Yoane
Folks, aud N. A. Iferiew, $10.•JO ; all four Period>
icals, • 14.00.
FOHTAOE,—for the ATLANTIC, 6 cents a <|Uftiter.~Otr.
Youwo FOLKS, S cents,-—EVI.BV SATURBNT, 5 cents
must be paid at the Post Ofllce where the Periodicals
are receive<l. Tht pottage on the Review it jniid In tht
I'ublititer* - -
dec 4, 'C7.;3f.) 124 Treaio&t St., Vosuii).