American citizen. (Butler, Butler County, Pa.) 1863-1872, November 27, 1867, Image 1

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    VOLUME 4.
He is Serenaded by Trades' Union.
WASHINGTON, D. C., November 19
General Cary, representative elect of the
Second Congressional District of Ohio.was
serenaded this evening bv the Trades'
Unions o 1 " Washington In response to
loud calls he appeared on the balcony of
the Seaton H<use, aud spoke as follows:
FELLOW CITIZENS :—ln behalf of the
woikmg men of the Second Congreseioin
al District of Ohio, I thank you for this
generous aud hearty welcome of their
representative. [Applause ] I accept
this expression, not lor iryselt, but as sig
nificant of your earnest sympathy Willi
the principles which were the basis of
mv recent canvass and id jour gratifica
tion at the result. [Applause.] 'lhe
pride of my position as the representative
of the working men is only mo lifted by
a sense of uiy unfitness for the high trust
reposed in me. Deeply impressed with
the belief that by far too much of our
legislation, both State and National, dis
criminates iu favor of capital and against
the rights of labor, tending to make the
rich richer and the poor poorer, my hum
ble efforts shall he directed to correct, as
far as possible, this growing evil. [Ap
plause ] %
I It was contemptuously said in my dis
ict that I was supported by the " tin
toket brigade," meaning those who went
Ijtiteir daily toil with their dinner in
fcir hands. It is trite, my countrymen,
fat these sons of toil did, without re-
M to their polities or the r religion,
ive mo their united support. Of this
Constituency I am not ashamed. [Ap
plause.] Those who obey the divine de
cree aud eat their hreid in the sweat of
>ir own lace, are God s nobility, and
coworkers in making " the wilder-
J>lossom as the rose " W licther
112 elsewhere, whether in or out of
,1 shall be true to the interests and
of the laboiing million. [Ap
plause.] Do not understand me as be
ing in favor ol class legislatii n, or ot
makii'g war upon the possessors of wealth.
There should be uo conflict between the
rich and the pcor, but capital and labor ]
should be so harmonized that each should
have its just and equal proportion ol profit.
[Applause ] That capital gets the lion's
share of the product of labor, aud that
labor is required to bear an unequal pro
portion uf the burdens ot Government is
susceptible of the clearest demonstration
Whatever tends to emancipate labor from
the unjust exactions and give to it its lull
measure of reward, shall command my
jealous support. [Applause.]
That you understand more fully the is
sue made in my canvass upon which I
was successful, I will give tho three
planks which constituted our platform.—
First. The adoption of the eight hour
rule in the government workshops. [Ap
plause ] Second. The preservation of
the public domain for actual settlers and
oppositiou to itsibeing donated to corpo
rations, aud gr.inted to speculators and
monopolies. [Applause] 'lliird. '1 lie
{layiueut of the ootidi d debt of the gov
ernment in lawful money, greenbacks, ex
cept where the law and buud provide for
payment in coiu, and the equalization of
the taxes. [Applause ] It is believed
by many that in alt these eslabli-huicnts
where brain as well as handwork is re
quired, that eight hours is as Ion:! a p.
nod for lab r as it is piofitalde lor th'-
employer aud sate lor the employed. I o
make the experiment and te-t the sound
.less of this opiuiou, it i- pro,use Ito
adopt the eight hour rule in the National
Dock Yards aird works ops. [Applause ]
ihe second plank ol this plailorm is
broad enough, aud fraught with import
atico euougit to command the attention of
ail who look to the iuturj greatness and
glury of the Republic The lavish, not
to say reck lest' disposition ot oor public
lands is tiaught with incalculable mis
chief Laud uiouo| olios iu this country
are already assuming giant proportions
The inau of small means, whether native
or foreign boru, who wouid build him an
altar aud a home, cannot within the reach
of civilisation find a seetiou uf laud at u
dollar aud a quarter per acre. The unl
lious of unoccupied lertile lands in the
States of the North west are in the hands
of laud sharks. As au illustration : The
llliuois Central Railroad is now adver
tising fifteen thousand farms tor sale. be
ing the remaining portion of the lands
bestowed upon that single corporation
My constituents believe, and 1 sympa
thize with them, that Cotigro-s has no
right to make such disposition of the peo
ple's inheritance, but that these broad
aores should be held iu sacred trust lot
actual settlers. [Applause.]
Ou the third proportion, viz; Pays
ment of the national ucbt iu greenbacks,
more time would be tequircd for its dis
cussion than 1 now have to devote to it
Permit tne to say in the beginning, that
uiy constituents are not iu lavorr 112 repu
diation . The nauou'n honor must be
preserved at whatever cost. Public faith
is the foundation of private faith, aud
public repudiation would result in uni
versal demoralization. The debt, as large
as it may be, must be paid to the last
farthing. [Applause.] We are in favor
of paying it <u the manner aud form as
it provided by law, aud as uomiuateJ in
the bonds. [Applause ] An insignifi
cant amount of bouds is made payable in
coin, and must be so paid. The great
majority of these bonds are payable in
"lawful money," ana as greenbacks are
lawful money they are legitimate curren
cy for the bondholder as well as the peo
pie. Their amount should not be dimin
Ished until the bonds are paid, or other
wise funded iu others bearing a smaller
rate of interest. [Applause] Those
who demand payment in coin are the real
repudiators, lor the sure foundation of
faith is justice, and when the sense ol
justice is outraged, the sense of obliga
tion is weakened, if not destroyed. [Ap
In conclusion. General I'ary promised,
at some future time to address the work
ingiuen of Washington at greater length
The Southern Convention
The delegates from the genuine Dem
ocarcy of the South, who are already en
gaged in or will soon attempt the task ot
• raining for their respective States cou
"titutious based ou Msiihood and loya ty,
undertake that respousibi'ity uuder great
disadvantages. Most ot theui are poor
aud hitherto obscure men,who utterly lack
familiarity with I gisUtive proceedings
and constitutional history; some are of
the despised, destested Black race, aud
have scracoly learned to read, having
beeu field-bands, to instruct whom was
felony by statute not three years ago.—
Tliey are watched with unconcealed con.
tempi and malignity by a large majority of
tne old I'lauiiug Aristocafcy aud its legil,
fuercantile aud clerical satellites, who ex
pect to overthrow, on the heel ol the next
Presidential election, the goveruiueut now
to bo erected, aud replace theai by sub
stitutes of their own construction, based
on the assumption that lllacks have no
rights that Whites are bound to respect.
Oa the side ol the Aristocracy is nearly
the entire l'ress —able, unscrupulous, anil
envenomed—-aud utariy all who send tol
egrauis to Nortbren journa's Of course,
the so called 'negro governments" must
expect to have all they do misrepresented
to their pr-judice, aud very much evil
charged to them and believed iu which
they never thought of Judging by what
has been, they expect to find themselves
charged with nil maimer of evil deeds and
purposes, even in the columns of journ
als which would treat theui fairly it tliey
We entreat the Southren conventions,
therefore, to eschew carefully even the
appearance, of ovil, and especially what
ever might seem to savor ol revenge or
proscription. Make Equal Rights for All
Citizens your coruer-stoue, and bury in
oblivion whatever is hateful in tho past,
while taking the amplest security against
opprea.-ian iu the future. Dissapoint
those who predict a new Civil Warns the
result of Black Enfranchisement, and nil:
proof upon proof that Universal Justice
is enduring Peace. Show the world that
you comprehend the exigency, and can
read the lesgou involved in the fate ol the
late aristocracy, who, iu seeking to extend
and streoghen Slavery, destroyed it. The
assured predominance of Republican
principles, alike at the South aud at the
North, imperatively requires that the
Froeduicn should prove safer, discrector,
more competeut depositories of power
than their late masters did.
We believe tile Conventions will be
fully justified in exacting of every voter
a promise or oath that he will not hence
forth seek to disfranchise the Blacks
Liberty and Equal Bights for Ail being
tho corucr stone of the new political ed
ifice erected on the downfall of Secession
and Slavery, it may be well to qu et ap
prehension, preclude danger, and " toko a
t,olid of fate," by such a requirement"—
And this, we aie eon fid en t, will sntfieo
No confiscation, no spoliation, no ven
geance ! let tho changes be so many as
are requisite to secure and maintain
Kqual rights; and there stop L,t ihe
changes be few and perspicuous, though
far reaching; let the Constitutions he as
brie' and rumple as may be, and as near
ly like those they supercede as is cousis.
tent with the great end of making each
ot them a Gibraltar of Human Liberty
Then let the wo'k be consummated at
the earliest practicable moment, and let
every State be fully represented in Con
grcss bet ire the Ist of March Our en
emies assert that we wish to keep the
South out of Congress : lot us show them
lisw utterly they are mistaken Aud, as
each resumes her proper position, reo n
strutted and regenerated, let the au-pi
cious event be fitly hornred iu every
State of the Uuion — N V. Tribune.
TKN FOLLIES. —To think that the more
a man eats the falter aud stronger he
will become
To believe that the more hours chil
dren study at school the faster they will
To conclude that if exercise is i*ood
for the health, the more viol rot and ex
hausting it is, the more good is done
To imagine that every hour taken from
sleep is an hour gained.
To act en tho presumption that the
smallest room in the house is large enough
to sleep in.
To arj-ue that whatever remedy causes
one to feci immediately better is " good
for"the system, without regard to more
ulterior effects.
To commit an act in itself
prejudicial, hopiug that somehow or an
other it cau be done iu your case with
To advise another to take a remedy
you have tried yourself, without making
special inquiry whether all the condi
tions are alike.
To c it without in appetite, or continue
to eat after it has been gratified merely
U> gratify ths taste.
To eat a hearty supper for the pleasure
expeiienced during the brief time it is
passing down the throat, at the expense
of a whole night's disturbed sleep, and a
weary wakiog in the morning.
"Let us tiave Faith that Right makes Might; and in that Faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it"—A. LINCOLN.
The first thought that occurred to me
when fairly inside was, " How small! —
Can it be possible that thirty thousand
men were ever thrust in here ?" I be
lieve there are twenty-seven acres in the
enclosure, but I can only say that it
seemed fearfully small. Just within the
stockade are some sheds, which might
possibly shelter one hundred men —these
were put up, I believe, during the last
four months of the prisoners' stay, and
they were the only covering provided for
the poor fellows except what they sooop
ed out with tl eir own hands.
And now, with solemn and eager cu
riosity, I glanced around An uneven
piece of ground it is, sloping from both
extremities towards the centre, where it
is crossed by a little purling stream, at
which thirty thousand dying soldiers lap
ped, or longed to lap. A large plot on
both sides of the stream is marsh land,
impossible to be used. Inside of the
stockade, and close at its loot, is a toler
able deep ditch, while portions of the
" desd line" stili remain, forming an in
ner circle. The ditch is grown up with
fl >wers and ferns, many ol thsui very
pretty, but I fell disposed to quarrel with
(h.! soii for producing such lovely things.
Oh, how could it do so ? Thorns and
thistles, with the deadly uight shade,
should aloue grow in the stockade at An
dersonville !
As I glanced around, my eyes were
met in every direction by those glariug
sentry-boxes; aud I felt that, had 1 been
a prisoner, I should have delved into the
earth, if only to escape the relentless gaze
of those pitiless guards. When once I
cast my eyes upon the ground the fascin
atlon was so intense that 1 had difficulty
in raising them again. Every spot 1
trod was consecrated by suffering and
death. The ground was everywhere
strewn with rags, old shoes, and bits of
leather, washed into the soil by raiu and
trampled in by feet. At every few pa
ces a little hillock, or a hole, told the
story how a man, accustomed to a New
England or a Western home had learned
to live in a space a trifle larger than a
Coffin. — Hours at Home.
Dill)- on'.Viaii ti fuel urea.
The Detroit Manufactures' Association
have taken grounds in favor of exempt
ing Manufactures, except articles of lux
ury, from taxation. In this they have
struck the right note. In lurtherance of
this object a National Convention has
been called to meet iu Cleveland, ou the
18t'n cf December, at which it is hoped
there will be a general representation.—
The Detroit Association, which has taken
the initiative in this importaut move*
merit, passed the following resolutions :
/('timlved, That the present burdensome
and exhausting internal revenue taxation
should bo speedily roduced to the actual
necessities of an economical administra
tion of fiscal affairs, n"t exceeding the
amount required to meet the interest on
the public debt and the current expenses
of the Government.
Resulted, That tho notional revenue,
under existing laws being estimated at
3150,000,000 more per annum than the
necessities of the Government require,
tho internal revenue tax on all the man
factureS and productions of the country
(except luxuries) should be removed.
Resulted, That tho tariff ou iin porta
t.ons of foreign manufactures should be
revised so as to protect well home indus
try against the unequal competition of
ihe cheap capital and obeapor labor of
foreigu countries.
Resolved, That a return to specie pay
ments can be neither permanent nor ben
eficial to the industry of the country so
long as our importations exceed the
amount of our exports, and so long as we
c mtiiiue to be the debtor nation.
Resulted, That the payment of the
public dobt should not be attempted in
the present unsett'ed slate of public af
fairs, and not until all the States in the
Union are in a financial condition to pay
their due share, and then its reduction
should be slow, commencing with the
payment of a small sum annually, and
gradually increasing the amount with the
increase "112 tho wealth and population of
the country
The Committee alsorequest that sign
ers may be procured to the following pc
titian. and forwarded to Jasper E. Wil
liams, Cleveland, Ohio, by December the
10th proxiuio:
To the Semite anil House of Representa
tires uf the United State*, in Congress
assembled :
The undersigned would respectfully,
yet eamenly, urge the impoitanceof a
repeal of the internal taxes on manufac
tures aud productions, except luxuries,
with such situplilving aud changing of
tba tax list as shall remove burthens
wholly unnecessary, and thus relieve and
stimulate the productive industry of the
Medical Gazette of I'aris states that M.
Laogautrie of Paris, after observing the
effect of sulphur on the odium of grape
vines, was led to administer it iu several
cases of oroup,
He mixes a teaspoonful of sulphurin a
glass of water, and gives a teaspoonful of
of this mixture every hour. The effect
is described as wonderful. The disease
is cured in two days, the only symptom
remaining being a cough arising from the
presence of 'oose pieces of false membrane
in the traches. Mr L says he baa follow
ed this plan in seven cases, all being se
vere, especially the last in which the child
was cyanotic, wth protruding rolling
eyes and noisy respiration.
—The poorest man in the world is one
who has nothing but money.
—Why is fire paradoxical ? Because
the more it's coaled the hotterit gets.
—Time is gold ; throw not a minute
away, but place each one to account.
—Gold gives a readjr passport to any
gate except to Heaven s.
—God has three hodses —one for in
struction, another for corruption, and a
third for destruction, .
—Live so as to prepare for a short life,
and you may oruainent many years liap
—The greatest best evet made has
bees decided by the printer to be the
—He is truly prudent, who looks upon
all earthly things as nothing : that he may
gaiu Christ.
A true heart will work in somo
way for the Master of its affections.
Let the reader consider this and inquire,
"Aui I working for Jesus?"
—Ono man asked another why his
beard was brown and Ins hai;,so very
white ? Because, said he one is twenty
years younger than the other.
A youngster who wanted liquor at
the Portland City Agency for a "mechan
ical puipose," further explained that it
was needed for sawing wood.
—Gratitude for kiudness shown, ac
knowledgment for favors received, are
unerring marks of gotd breeding and in
dications of Christiau character.
—The newspaper is a sermon for the
thoughtful, a library for the poor, and a
blessing to everybody. Lord Brougham
called it the "best public instructor."
An idle man always thinks he has a
right to be affronted if a busy man does
not devote to him just as much of his
time as he hiinsolf has leisure to was;e
—Among the actors in a circus which
srntcd lowa town, some time since,
a woman found her son froiu whom she
had not heard for eighteen years.
—"lsn't it pleasant to be surrounded
by so many ladies ?" said a pretty woman
to a popular lecturer. '• Yer," said he,
'•but it would be pleasanter to be sur
rounded by one
—We cannot all of us be beautiful,
but the pleasantness of a good humored
look is denied to none. «. e can all of
us, increase and also strengthen the fam
ily affections and the delights of hjrne.
A man boasting in the company of
young ladies that he had a iuxuiiant
head of hair, a lady present observed that
it was owing to the mellowness of the
—Women get married because they
don't consider it respectable to be siu
gle ; and men because they think a wife
u good thing to have about the house,
and, like furniture, to be both useful and
—An editor never leaves any money
at home for fear of fire, end never carries
any with him for fear of robbers, nor
deposits it in bauk for fear of speculi
ting officials. His money is gcuerally
in the hands of his subscribers.
A lady took her little boy to church
for the first time. Upon hearing the or
gan he was on his feet instanter. "Sit
down," paid the mother - 'T won't," ho
shouted "I want to sec tho monkey."
—Dr. Chalmer was wont to say, a
house-goiog minister makes a church go
ing people ; as the people are euro to
show ths courtesy ot returning the min
isters week day visits by their Sabbath
day attendance.
—lf a bee sting you. willyou goto the
hive and destroy it ? Would not a thous
aid come upon you ? If you receive a
trifling injury don't be anxious to avenge
it. Let it drop. It is wisdom to say
little respecting the injuries you have re
—A young lady, possessing more van
ity than pcrmnal charms, remarked in a
jesting tone, but with an earnest glance
that she "traveled on her good looks. A
rejected lover being present, remarked
that Uecould "now account for the young
lady never having been far from home."
—At a social gathering ot ministers,
a Baptist minister objectod to the Meth
odist policy because 'hero was "too much
machinery in it." John Allen, of cawp
meeting celebrity, responded in this wise:
"Yes, there is a good deal of machinery,
but it don't take as much water to run
it as the Baptist docs."
—A Lady residing on "Hemlock
Side," went out shopping, promising her
little son she would get him a cocoa nut.
She procured one with Ihe husk on,
in which state he had nevar seen one
On arriving at home, she gave it to the
boy,who looked at it curiously,smiled,and
laid it down Pr<iently he said/'Mother,
whore's my cocoa-nut ? "I just gave it
to you," she replied. Taking it up again
he viewed it contemptuously for a mo
ment, and exclaimed —"That thiuv a
cocoa nut! 1 thought it was a waterfall!"
A very natural mistake.
—Oh ! the bonnets of my girlhood
the kind 1 wore to school. I really
thought them pretty —I must have been
a fool. And yet I used to thiak myself
on hats a jaunty miss; perhaps I was,
as fashion went —bu' what was that to
this? Oh! the lovely little buckwheat
cake—the chaiming little mat! it makes
my head so level and so very, flat. Oh'
a sister's love ia eharmhg, as every body
knowt r and a handsome oouain's love is
nice (that is, I should suppose); and the
love of a true lover is a love that cannot
pall—but the love of a new bonnet is the
dearest love of all.
Mr, Pendleton's Financial Vagary.
The W»rU calls our attention to Mr.
Pendleton's so called •' Plan for paying
the National Debt" in fifteen years. It
is as follows:
'■Three hundred and thirty-eight millions
of these bonds are, by the report of the
Secretary of the Treasury, deposited to-day
ns security In the vaults of Ihe Treasury.
Three hundred millions of bank paper is is
sued on the faith of these bond . Now,
gentlemen, I maintain that this circulation
ought to be called in ; that these bonds
ought to be redeemed with legal tenders,
whieh will take the place of that bank cir
What would be the effect of this ? The
seventeen hundred millions of interest-bear
ing bonds would be reduced to 112 rurteen mil
lions ; nnd twenty millions of dollars would
be saved to the Government from the inter
est which is paid to the bankers for the
bonds which they have deposited.
Nww, then, suppose you take these twen
ty millions of interest which is saved, and
add it to the forty eight millions of dollars
which these gentlemen say they can pay
from the current revenue, and you have six
ty-eight millions of dollais, year by year,
and if you convert that sum into green
backs, at 140, you have a hundred millions
of dollars a year, and if this is appropriated
as a sinking fund, you cau pay off the whole
debt in less than fifteen years, without ad
ding one dollar fo your taxation, or one
dollar to jom circulating medium.
Bear in mind that 1 am arguing a propo
sition that these bonds can be paid in green
backs without inflating the currency."
The ouly portion of this plau which is
Mr. Pendleton's is that relating to the
twenty millions of dollars which he thinks
can be saved by abolishing the National
Banking system, and making the Treas
ury Department issue all the ouirency
now issued by the National Banks. This
would convert the Treasury Department
at Washington into a United States Bank,
without other capital than tho general re
sources of the couutry, but commissioned
to furnish tho couutry with all its paper
money Now, we maiutain that there are
practical reasons, growing out of the na
ture of a Banking and paper money sys
tem, why the Treasury Department can
not thus supply the currency of the coun
try. The ordinary mode in which a pa
per currency is kept afloat is that the
notes aud drafts arising in oourse ot trade
end business, and having from thirty
days to four months lo run, are received
by the banks, aud held till they mature,
the banks giving in exchange therefor
their own uotes, payable on demand, and
the latter pass into circulation as curreti
cy. Apart from this system of ditcount
iug private paper, a currency cannot be
kept in circulation. This business the
Treasury Department could not transact,
cither directly or indirectly. The at
tempt to do so through the old Uuited
Slates Bank broke down the party that
committed the error. Banking, though
necessary to our public and business life,
must be kept distinct trom the Treasury
Department and all Government influen
ces. Let us suppose Mr. Pendleton's
plan carried out —the present National
Banks recall their currency, and sell the
bonds now deposited with the Govern
inent lor about $300,000,000 in green
backs. This transaction has swept the
National Banks out of existonce. Theie
is the same amount of currency held by
the people, but there are no banks, no
places of redemption, no agencies for
keeping it in circulation, no security has
been given for it by anybody, and nobody
knows how much of it there is in circu
lation except at hearsay. The profit on
circulation, which is the ouly considera
tion which oan induce a bank to give its
circulating notes, payable on demand, in
exchange for notes of private parties, at
four months, is gone, and hence the
banking business is stopped. All this
would involvo an immediate depreciation
in the value of the greenbacks them
selves. Either the Government must em
ploy the banks as agents lo resume their
discounting, using its greenbacks instead
of their own notes, or else the system of
State banks must be revived. Assuming
that the revival of the Slate banks is not
what Mr. Pendleton is driving at, we are
brought to tho question, On what terms
would the banks resume discounting and
circulate greenbacks instead of their own
notes ?
It is essential to the safety of the
banks that the discounting shall be done
at the risk of the banker. This cannot
be, unless the banker ia responsible for
the redemption of the notes. It is es
sential to the safety of the banker that
when he gives demand notes for notes
payable at a future time, he shall have
the lull interest on the currency. This
he cannot do if the Government charges
him anything for the use of the curren
cy. it is essential to the safety of the
community that if the banker furnishes
the currency at his own risk, and has the
interest on it wlfile it ia outstanding, he
shall give seourity fos, its redemption ;
and DO security could be so good as that
of Government bonds. Thus r unless we
reestablish State banks, which nobody
desires, or abolish banking altogether,
which is impossible, or convert the Uni
ted States Treausury into a gigantic
Bank of Issue and of Discount, with
agencies in every city, like the Bank of
KngUud, which we don't like, the very
necessities incident to the maintenance
ot a paper currency drive us right back
to the three fundamental features of the
National Banking system, viz.: that the
currency shall be furnished without in
terest by the Government; that it shall
be issued at the risk of the banker, and
than it shall be secured by Government
bonds. Our objection to Mr. Pendle
ton's crude thuory is that it is utterly ab
surd, unsophisticated, and impracticable;
that it ignores the faot thi t paper money
can only be maintained at par b; making
it redeemable : that it can only be kept
in circulation an 1 made redeemable
through some banking system ; that Mr.
Pendleton proposes to destroy our pres
ent National Banking system, and, to
substitute nothing in its place; that his
policy would depreciate the greenbacks
to a third of their present value, and
would immediately precipitate > disas
trous collapse iu our financial and busi
ness interests, without accomplishing a
single beneficial result. We must hare
a banking system of some kind. We
could do better without railroads than
without baLks. The only question is
whether the Government has driven a
good bargain with the bankers under the
present system. If they have not, thoy
have the power to amend the bargan at
any time. They can drive it closer and
closer, until they drive the banks out of
the business. It has been shown that
the banks now pay in taxes about all the
interest the Government pays them on
their bonds. The profits of the banks
have been about proportionate to those
in other k?hds of business. But we de
not object to any amendments to the Na
tional Banking law whoreby the Gov
eminent will drive a closer bargain, give
less aud get more; but Mr. Pendleton's
so-called plan simply destroys the bank',
ing system and substitutes nothing for
it. The theory that Government can
save any sum whatever by destroying all
the banks is preposterous. It is one of
those oru le destructive vagaries which
men out of power, and divested of all re
sponsibility, may advocate, but which,
if they were themselves in power, they
would have too much sense to carry out.
N. Y. Tribune.
Why (lie People are for Grant.
The Philadelphia J'uxt, a spicy paper,
lately established in the interest of Mr,
Chase, prints a Washington telegram
which, speaking of the Grant movement,
says : " It is the opinion of the best in
formed politicians thai the 'hurrah move
ment' will soon die out." The writer
could have known little-of the temper of
the country, or the real character of the
Grant movement. Never was there one
with which the politicians had so little
to do. It «riginuted with tho people,
and it is among them ; and whoever is
unable to interpret it observes not well,
and has but a feeble comprehension -of
the philosophy of popular action. It is
ihe moderation, the firmness, the proven
capacity aud tried fidelity of General
Graut, far more than hiu military fame—
great and solid as that is—which mak*
him popular with the people and an avail
able candidate. These *re reasons which
will not soon die out. Of all men in the
world Grant's fame rests on no epheme
ral basis. For more than six years the
eyes of the nation have been turned on
hiai more fixedly than on any other man.
He has been the foremost actor, shoul
dering mountains of responsibility, in the
greatest drama in modern history. There
could be no severer test; and lie went
through it all with increasing satisfaction
to the people at every step, and came out
with such applause and homage as intel
igent people give only to first rate capa
city and great deeds. When these deeds
are forgotten, and the history of Grant's
part in the war of the Rebellion is sffa
ced, will the movement in favor of him
for the Precidency "dio out." We ask
our Philadelphia cotemporary to remem
ber tliis.— 'Pitt. Com.
AT the recent election in Virginia th e
negroes voted almost to a man in favor
of a constitutional convention, and for
just such delegates to the convention as
the majority of Whites did not want.
There was nothing suprising in this,
at least to any one who had credited the
Negroes with sufficient judgment to dis
criminate between friend and foe. That
he should want to exercise the rights of
citizenship, since he is campelled to bear
its burdens, is natural, just as natural as
it was for him when a slave to covet his
freedom. That he shouid use his ballot
so as to secure the former, might be ex
pected just as naturally as that he should
have used his legs in days gone by to se
cure the latter. Any other course on his
part would have indicated a stupid igno
rance or sottish indifference that would
have satisfied all minds of his utter un>
fitness for the endowment. But just be
cause he did just what he ought to have
done, ai-d what would have degraded him
in the estimation of the rebels themselvs
if he had not done, they turn upon him
with a ferocity that would disgrace even
the negroes were the situations of the par
ties reversed. They propose to drive
him from employment, to deny him the
common right of all God's creatures, that
of toil, and to bring uppn him all the
horrors of absolute anu hopeless want.
Such madness and stupidity combined,
hare seldom been equalled in the same
people. Even supposing that there ex
isted a necessity lor some vindicatory
measure, the thing proposed is the very
r refinemeni of nonsense itself. The com
munity that would attempt it would aoon
find that its own was the greater punish
ment, and we know of no people who
woyld be likely to discover the unpleas
ant truth sooner than the Virginians them
selves. They, can least of all, afford to
do thi* thing ; yet they have cammeiced
it in downright earnest, and today there
are thousands of Negroes in Virginia in
enforced idleness and perhaps want. Idle
ness is the Devil's work shop ; want is
his opportunity. Whatever of crime or
violence results from this mean course, let
the responsibility for it be correctly fixed.
That considerable of both will come if
the present purpose of the white people
ot Virginia is presisted in who CM doubt ?
I —Frank/in Riporitory.
An old document contains soma in*
(•resting information unknown to many
Among other things, it contains a table
exhibiting: an average age attained by
persons employed in the various popular
prolcssions of the day. In this particu'
lar, as in tnost othern, (he farmers have
the advantage over the most of mankind;
their average is 65 years.
Next upon the docket comos thejudg
es aud justices of the peace, the dignity
of whose lives in lengthened out to 64.
Following them immediately in the
catalogue of longevity is the bank officer
who sums up his account at the age of
Public officers cling to their existence
with as muoh pertinacity as they retain
their offices—but few lorsake them at
Coopers, although they may seem to
stave through life, hand on until they
are 58.
The good works of the clergyman fol
low them at 55.
Shipwrights, hatters, lawyers and
rope-makers, very appropriately go to
gether at 55.
The "Village Blacksmith," like most
of his cotemporarios, nails on hn last
shoe at 51.
Butchers follow their bloody oareer
for half a century.
Carpenters are brought to the scaffold
at 49-
Masons realize the cry of "mort," at
the age of 47.
Traders cease their speculations at the
age of 46.
Jewrllors are disgusted with the tinsel
of life at 44.
Bakers, manufacturers and various
mechanics die at 43.
The paioters yield to their oolie at the
age of 42.
The brittle thread of the tailor's life
is broken at 41.
Editors, like *ll other beings who come
out under the special admiration of the
good, die comparatively young—they ac
complish their errand of mercy at 40.
The musician redeems his "dying fall"
at 36.
Printers become "dead matter," at the
age of 38. .
The machinist is usually "blown up"
ot 36.
The teacher usually dismisses his
soholars at tho age of 34, and the clerk .
is even shorter lived, for he must needs
prepare his balance sheet at 33.
No account is given of the average
longevity of wealthy unoles. The infer
ence is fair, therefore, that they are imv
mortal.— Albion.
A Conner rati re Argument.
I'he Democratic papers and orators ves
hemently denounce the ignorance of the
new Southern voters. The World, espe
cially, has a great deal to say about the
"barbarism," Ac. Hut, if it be danger
ous to allow ignorance to vote, Is it sale
to encourage drunkenness? Just before
the late election in New York, the World
quoted an earnest appeal to temperance
meu from a Republican paper to support
the Republican ticket; and added, that
the paper might have strengthened its
appeal by stating that General James B.
M'Kean, at the head of tho Republican
ticket, was a Worthy Grand Patriarch ot
The stutement was untrue ; but what
was the object of the World ? It was to
rally the "Conservative" grogshops
against the Republican nomination. It
was to stigmatize a candidate in the Dem
ocratic mind by proclaiming him—not a
prohibitionist —but "a temperance man."
It was an appeal, harmonious with the
whole Democratic policy, to the meanest
prejudices of the most worthless class of
the population. Was Gen. M'Kean like
ly to be a worse officer because he was a
temperance man ? How the check of an
honest man must tingle when knowledgo
of what will persuade his party compels
him to say as an argument against a can
didate that he is a friend of temperance,
and consequently of public order, and of
low taxes ! — Harpar's Wtelclei/.
PECTS. —The New York World indulges
the foliowing version of the things that
are to be "Within four months after the
Presidential election a heavy battering
ram will tumble them (the negro gov
ernment!,) into shapeless rubbish. The
Southern people will immediately reor
ganize, hold new elections, oust the ne
groes, send their own representatives to
Washington, and tho House will at onco
admit them. The Southern Senators
plus the Conservative Senators from tho
North will farm a majority of that body
organize as such, and neither the House
nor the President will recognizo any oth
er Senate. TMs course is entirely fea
sible, will be perfectly constitutional and,
beyond all question adopted, If the Rad
icals are insane or wayward enough to
recognize the negro governments after
this great rehuke. The only thing that
could prevent it, would be acquiusoenae
by the Southern whites in the Radical
scheme. Whoever expects that, is bet
ter entitled to a straight jacket than a
refutation. We may therefore conside"
it as demonstrated that the present re
construction scheme is foredoomed.—
But until its destiny is recognized by a
considerable portion of tho Republicans,
it will b« vain to expect their <?o opera
tion in a wiser plan."
WHAT IS TRUTH 7— What it truth ?
We answer, God and His glorious attris
butes, Christ and His great salvation,
the Holy Spirit and his heavenly grace,
the Bibl* and it* revelation*, the prineK
pies and duties of a Christian, and the
ample sad glorious realities of a iutore