1&, --T— -- -i -*■ - THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. Butter, P*., Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1867 Dkntistt.^—l)r«. H. A. WieeAJas.M LefeTre hare entered into partnership in th« Dentistry business. These gentle' men are well and favorably known to many of our citizens. They have shown us some of theif workmanship, which, in our humble judgment, is of the beat quality. Those wishing anything in the Dentistry line would do w*ll to give them a call. Office in Keiber's (formerly Boyd's) block, on Jefferson street, opposite Jack's Hotel. See advertisement. MUCH has been sung ol the " Maid with Golden Hair." No song, howerer, bis yet been able to make that color a popular one for any considerable length of time Light red, faded or sandy hair •re equally under the ban of public opin ion. We are happy to announce to out readers who desire to change those col> ors, that three applications of King's Vegetable Ambrosia will give them beau* tiful auburn tres-tes possessing all that aoft, lustiou* appearance so desirable in this chief adorn-uent of female beauty. , About Iht Hair. it th* rob# wbteli eurieut Natur* »«»»« And doo# ADORN our bod IM, And .that doo« r«n»«in« when •*« ry other b*satj'« gon« NVheocfer a sew article has come up promising to enrich, adorn or lengthen this must ornamental ot all coverings, Mir people hare been exceedingly for Ward in giving it * trial, and in uioie instances tltaif one been sadly disappoint ed. It '« then with great reluotauee that we feci disponed 'o uiy any tiling new in the way ol U*ir KestoisH, and we would not do so now, Iwt for the reason that we have in our uiiud aiiaiti cle vf super eicellent quality, one that we have tried, and know lull weel its value. It is not ouly a dressing that beautifies and renders the hair ol a natt ural glossy appearanee. but it lengthens it aud will restore it to its origiual color. II rati, and has become gray, it w ill bring J back the red. If flaxen, back to flaxen; I il black, t|ic raven's plume cannot outvie the lustre with which it will again return to it. We know ot' a score of persons whose faded and fallen hair ha* been completely restored by it We speak ol Hall's Vegetable .Sicilian Hair Restorer. U»e no otber, or you will bo disappoint ed.— Vittt. Guzrtle. A BOSTON wit, defining tlio difference between an and a miefortune, snja: "If ANDREW John-on PIMUM fall into ihe I'ot'»muc river, it ffoiif] he an aceident. ( Andy J. d»»n't lik• water.) and if he should ever get that would be a misfor tune M M A It 111 Bl>. REIP—KIN KAI D.—On the »d nit., by the Rev. Wm P. Dresden. Mr Drvid Relpof Donegal tp , and Miss Nancy I KlnkaP, of Fairview tp., Mutler countv. Pa. McCANDLKSS—RIDKR.—Oa the 23d Ostober, IHC7 by Rev J II Fritz >lr Redick M'Candlea*, of Cla/ r -wnship. to Miss Harah Jane Rider of Centro town ahlp, all of ilut lor count). Pa. M DONALD-ttOWKR.—On the 9th tilt-.at the raai dance of the officiating minister, (Wm. M J ra'son,) assiated bf Rev. John Galley . Mr. Dune an M'Djnaln to Mias Alice Bower, both of Columbiana co , Ohio. BROWN—KMKRY —On Tuesday, October Wth, li"» 7, at tha residei.es of the urtde'a f.*ther ia Mercer tp , bv the Rev. Hall. Mr Nathan B own of llan Bville, to Matilda Jane Binary, all of llutler county, PA. KEMKRRR -HKKP—On the 2ith October,' t-'araonvilte, by Rev A. S. Miller. Mr. D. W Kemer er, of Armttroag county, Pa. t to Miaa Caroline Reep of Butler oudot), Pa. " PITTSIIU HGII MA RKETS. GRAlN—Winter Red. |2 00; No. 1 Hpring ia quoted at ft 10 and Ne.9 at 9* 00@t»00; <» ta.6.Vq,flr,; Hye,si 60 Corn. lUriey No. 1 Spring SI 10. FLOOR—Sprlcg Wheat, fl'i 50 ; Winter Wheat, sl3; Rye Flour, ti 00 V bbl; Uuckwheat, f.S 00 per cwt. PROVISIONS—Rac->n, ahouldera, 14c; Sugar Cured llama.24c; 24 c; Fresh Roll, Ssc KGGS—2ic per d.»*en II AY—Baled. gi2 par Ton. IKKDS Flaxaeed gaoO: Timothy.S 00; Clover. 1200 DRIED FRUlT—Peaches, quaiters, 17, halves 19 cts. per fit; Applea;B {^ f Jc. POTATOES- —Peach Blows, $1 25 csnts psr basbal. A PPLKS—S3 00TS&4 50. IKAN9-I2 75 per buahel 011, Crude, 13#14; Refined. S4 rents per gallon Lard Oil, 90 feo 95 for No 2. and $1 10 f->r N . 1 IIUTL.Kit MAHIV i; rs. ■UTTKR—Freah Rob cents par pound nKANS—White, f2,'>o pel bushel. BAULKY—Spring, 90 XKK>W AX—US !*ents per pound. KGGS—2O rents per d«»zen FLOUR- ' best, ffi.oo to 7,00 per hund.: Rye 1.50. Duckwneat. gi.so per hunw. FRUIT—Dr. a Apples, 6cts. per lb; Dried Peaches, 15 cent. V lb. FKATIi KK8 —76 cent* per poond UKAlN—Wheat fAOO per bust' ' Hye,1,15; Oata. 60v Corn »1,00. Buckwheat, SI,OO. GROCKIIIKS —€s..(Tee, 100, 26 |»er pound; Java, 40 Brown Sugar. pound, do.White, 9vX N.O. Mula» •aa SI,BO cents per gallon; Syrup 1 VK>an*l $1,40. 11IDKS—8 cents per pound. LARD—I 6 centa per pound. N AILS —$7,7 5 per keg. POTATOES—Vuc per buahel. PORK—Shoulders, 10; Flack, 11; llama, .4s ps pound* R AGS—3ce«ts per poend. RICK—I 6 cents per pound. SALT—S.I,OO pa. barrel. TALLOW—Wcents per pound. W OOL—4O cents per pound for common £pffial Notice*. , A. Y. M.—Butler Lodge, No. 272, A. T \f \ / holds Ita stated meetings in the Odd Fello XJfU llall, on Mem Street, Butler, P».. on tbe nr VVWednesday of each month Brethren fr< m yff siater Lodges are respectfully invited to at >tend By order 112« the ~ LOD3K 4. O. of O F„ b ids its stated meetings at tbe Hall, on if P Main St.. llutter, Pennsylvania everv MONDAY evening.com tnencing *t 6 o'clock. Brethren from aiater Lodges are vespetfttufiy invited to attend. By order ef the N 0 Lee the Ucst. — Blades' Kcraovui. LI'IIBICA "TORS are a modicinal preparation in the form of a Xoxenge, aud are universally considered the most pfsos* unl, effectual andconvenient r»med* in use, for Hoarit nen. Coughs, '\>tdi, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, fHp theria and alt above affections than auy other romedy ; also to contain 'hu deleterious ingredient, and not toofiendthe weakest -end moet sensitive stomach. For sale by 9AMUKL olt A 11A M and K EDICK. A CO., Drnggiata, llutler. Fa., at %5 eta per Box. HLAOSM' COHSTITi'TIOH fILLS Are ao called because of their peculiar dirtct and eJL cunt effect upon the Liver, Btom*fiii, Blood and Nor voim System. For inactivity of lbr lbr the Stom ach In derangement, or Djrspepeia. they wilt d*light Abe patient with their mild and benefit ial effect, spec ially if. from long continued Indigestion nod o.ative ness, thry are left with periodical returns of tke flick Headache. In case «112 • severe Cold, producing Chilli «i nd Plcvcr, you can break It very soon by using tbs Pills •a per direction with each box. A*-Also fur sale t.y BAMUKL GRAHAM snd RXD 2CR A CO., Butler, Pa.,at %3 eta per Box. JOHN H. BLADES A CO.. WO Iflb, IM7 • Pro pneta-s flrn ra N T TREMEND OUS CR A SH IN PR ICES, .——jot DOWN THEY COME 1 A LARGE STOCK OF BOOTB AND BHOEB AT B. €. HUSELTOUf'S, Mii-IIi? Bffioa U a Q a H Of Alt th© Lat©#t Styles, Just Qptitfrtg. CONSISTING IN PART O Men's i. Mi»se*'Glove Kid Balmorels, " " " Button Booti, " P. 0. Morocco Balmorals, " " Goat and Calf " " " Fancy Toilet Slippers. ■ «*■ ■■ «« mm «■ n«»jr*ia Cusaalapt *r CALF, KIP AND UPPER SOOTS. A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S BROGANS. Also, A Large Stock of Men, Women di Children's Slippere'ds Overt. & wmi ©? MM* m RABIES, JUST RECEIVED, CONSISTING- IN PART OLF French and Common Galf, Morocco*, K ids, Lining • of all kinds, French Kip, and up- La«tr, N.uls, Pegs, Thread, Wi*, Uoot-treea ; evert (hine a Sboeta&ker tiaes he can find at B. C. IIIJ^KLIOX'S. 'm~x ©IF B. A CALIFORNIA OIUWUCO AND SLAUGHTER. Prices on Sole Lea:h«r, 28, 31, 34, 35, and 38, according to quality ... Call and Examine my Stock, ' NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. B. G. HUSELTON. SCfHEfCK'S MANDKA" C I 1L1.9 A«UB the discharge of vltieteu bile, end remove those obstructions from the liver en 1 biliary ducts. which are the cause of bilious affections ID acnRNCK S MANDRAKK PILLS core Sick llead. ache, and *ll dlsardere a# the Liver, indicated by sallow •kin, coated Y>a«ne. coativenets, drowsiness, and a («ntral filing of wetriuesa and iaaeitude. showing that «be liver is in a tsrpld or obstructed condition. In short, these Pills may be used with advantage I a all reset when a purgative or alterative meJicine ia re uired. Please sak for " Dr. f*chenck's Mandrake Pills,'' and obaerve that the two likenesses of the Doctor are on tbe Government stamp—one when in the last stage of Con sumption, and the other In his present health. Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Price k 2scents per »*•*. Principal Offlee, No. 15 Notb 6th Street, Phila delphia. Pa. General Wholesale Agents: D«mas narnes k Co., 21 Park How. New York; 8. 8. llance, 108 Baltimore Bt. Baltimore, Md ; John D. Park, N. K cor. of Kourth r.nd Walnut St., Clnrlnnati, Ohio; Walker A Taylor, 184 and 13d Wabash Avenue, Chicego, III.; Collins Rrothera 8. W. corner of Second and Vine Sts , St. lbeiru elected. Seized and taken in execution as thei property of K übert Spear. at tbe suit of D. Gregg ALSO, .► All the r ght. title, interest and claim of Franklin Robh of in and to Two hundred arres of land, more or Jess. iitu4t~ in Parker town-hip. Bullet county. Pa., bounded north by .tames M'Alahan Tims Wally, et at east by Aichibald Tuosipwn. south by Thomas Smith's heirs, et al , west by l!eiidere»n Voore etal y five acrre cleared, fiftern of which is meadow Log home and Log barn theieon erected. Setx«d Bud tak»n in execution as the property of Franklin Robb, at the suit oftbenexer Christy Aden rof John P. M'Oilldec'd. A I.SO, All (he right, title, liteieet and claim or John W Rouey, of, in snd to Two hundree ecres. more or or lens situato n U infield tp , Butler Couyty, Pa , bonnd d north by Kaufltold, Last by V\ m . Cr.irkshanka, *>uth by A. MumfT, west by H Muidsh et al. One hundred aciee cleaird L wga frame bouse ar.d fi ame barn there on elected and taken in execntiouaa the prop erty of John W. Bouey.at thesud of Henry Crum JAMES B STOREY. Hherlff. Sheriff'• office, Hat let. tict. », Ifeß7 I'uriitiou Koike. IN the matter of the Partition of tbe Real JCstats of Wm Borland, dee'd, and now to wit : Court award Writ of Partition By the Court. To Jane Borland, James Borland, Lydia Bar tiny, (formerly Borland.) A'-ner Bart ley, Jno. Borland. Mar garet Rupel. (formerly Bii Bupel, Mm. Bor land, Robecca Olenn.(formerly Borland), Wm. C. lilena, Mary Jane ArHiatr<*n£. (tormerlv Borland). Lydia A. Borland, David Bor! «H, Nancy Grabs.n. formerly Borland,) Thomas Orahitn . and Martha Borland. Taks notice that an inquest will be held at the late dwelling bouse of Win Borland, dee'd, in tbe township of Butler, iu tbe county of Butler, on Monday tb« 11th day of November next, st 9 o'clock, A M , of that day, for the purpose of making partition of the Heal Kstscs of tbe said deceased, to, and among hia childran aud representatives, if the same cau be Jouo without p r*n dice to, or apoiling ths whole ; alherwise to value and appraise the same according to fkw ; at which time aud place you are required to attend if you think proper. oct23, '67.) JAS B STORKY.dh'ff. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate,. IWILL offer at pobllc aale, at the premiers on SAT URDAY. November 9th IHfT, at IS o'clock, II , Twenty-six Acres of Land, more or lass situate in Mercer township, Butler eoun ty, adjoining lands of M'Blree's hairs, Wm. P. Rrahain, John Meatty end others c There are about IWKNTY ACRKS CLKAKKD AND 112 KNCkB, a frame Dwelling Honse, a Log Stable and aa Oickard of young trees. Ihs land la of good quality , welt watered aud con veniently situated TKRMS.—Uue-third of tba purr bass asonsy in hand, the remainder in two equal annual pay mauls thereafter with interest Iron the time of aals Purchaser to pay for stamps and Deed. . A LUX BROWN, Adm'r OetJS of J II Brown, deed Hew Good* at Greatly Reiieed Prices! JUST OPENING One Case Prints at from - 9to 16 cts. 1 6-4 Water-proof Cloaking, $l4O Brown and Bleached Muslins at 9 cts k upwards. Balmoral Skirts, - - - 25 & upwards. Jeans, - - - 18 " " "jj Bnlnkets, - - -$475 "* " New Style De Laines, - -25 " Coverlet*, - - - $2 00 to $4 75. Plain Alpacas, all colore, - 50 " ,o: ALSO A FULL LINE OF FRENGH MERINOES, ICLOTHS, I G L O YE S, CO BURGS, I CASS IMS USB, \U O SIE RY, NOTIONS, Ac. t ■ A ; 'i s ''• '•> —o : • Also 200 Army louses, lined, at $2 TOG IT HE R WITH A FINE ASSORTMENT Of oUtk(n|i Ho 61 1 and Skoii, Kardwici, Qroeiriiii &c ~ to which the Attention of putchaßers is requested at CHARLES DUFFY'S, Corner of Main Street and Chnrch Alley, September 18, *67—2inor] BUTLER, PA. Partition Kolict. Butlm county, u : AND now 10 wit: Oct 28, IS#7 ; Th« pititlon of*« - l»r curri of Chert y township, ill said county was bicu in tbo offlce of the.Otbik of tbe orphans' Court in aud lor said couuty. setting forth that W. fjrlf flu, late ol said township, ded ou or ibMi the day ot ——. IbttJ, intestate, uiiinai rial, and without Imu* Your petitioner further repiSeentt, That the saio deca dent left collateriai heirs, iw ; Brotheis and aisters of th« whole blood, namely : the children of John Uriffln, drc'd; Francis Urifflu, aged l'i years ; Theodore (iriflin aged U years ' Ellen Uriflin aged S years,and who left aui viviug him, a widow, 6H<> is stfil living, She and her cbildien above nauied are residiug in Wurreu couuty grate of Pennsylvania. hi. Joseph Orifflu aged .14 years, residing In Clear field comity, Pennsylvania, whose interest is iegelly Vested in the above named petitioner. Hd Wn. Urif flu, residing m BMOrr county, Pa, aged about W years. 4tb. Heir* of Mary ||o«:kenbeiry, dee d , Mary Jane, aged about 17 years; Joseph. aged about 16 y.ars ; Rob ert, aged about IU years, and Lvtiuda, aged about b yea re V* ho left sui vivmg her, her husband, William Hockeuberry, »bo is •till living, residing in Cherry tp. in said couuty bib. Catharine Uriflin aged about M yeais, intermarried with Jobu Bai ber, residing in Clear field couuty, fa Oth. James Urifflu, aged 19years, re siding In Cle rfield county, fa. "th. Annie U riffle, aged abuut TL years, residing 10 Clearfield county, Pa. Mb. hlizabeth Urifflu now iutermarried with a*ed 38 years, residing in Clearfield couu ty, Pa., whose interest is legally vested in your petitioner. ttth. Ra cbel Uriffln, aged about 'J7 years. tesiding in Clearfield couuty, Pa. who** iuteres' in the land hereinafter de scribed is legally vested in yonr petitioner. 10th Jaae Urifflu, aged about 17 years, residing in Cleat field oj., Pa. The naid decedent left surviving him, his widow ed mother. Mary Uriltiu, who is still living and resides in Cl ear field couiit>, Pa„ whose intereet in said Heal hatute is legally vested hi your petitioner. Your petitioner further ehow* iliat the said Geotg W. Uiithn- died, laaving ins widowed uioilier aue brother- and sisters as aforesaid, he being anmarried and without imuo, seized iu hie dimense as of fee, of ui and to the following uewiibed heal Estate, being th undivided one-half pail of a certain piece of land situ ate iu Cherry townnbip, said couuty, bounded North bv ilewstiu Kussrl, Kant by Hugh Conway s heirs. South by James Stuitb, and West by Jacob Wo I ford ; contain tug Fifty Acres of laud, or thereabout. The other un divided one half part of snid described piece <4 land, the title of which is legally veeied in your petitioner, Your petitioner. theref'ore t prays tbe Court to awaid an luqueet to make partition of tha premises aforesaid to and among the said parties interested in such manner, and in such proportions as by tbe laws of tbie Com mon wealth is directed if such partition ean be made without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, hat it eueh partition cannot be made thereof then to value aud ap praise tbe sa me, end make return of the prociwdiug* according to law, aud your petitioner will ever prey, Ac • ict*'ber tfatb, IW7; Rule to show t.ause granted By the Court. F. M. EASTMAN,CIerk. And now, therefore, you tbe said Mary Uriflin, meth t-r ; end Francis Urifflu, Tbeadoie Urifflu, Ellen tfrifln children of John Unffln, dec d, and widow of said dece dent, Joseph Uriflin, William Uiifliu, the heirs of Ma ry Hockenherry, vix : Mary Jane. Joseph, Kobert, Lu cir.da and William Hockeuberry, husband; Catharine UriflinJames Urifflu, Annie Urifflu, Eltxabetb Uiiffln, Hfchel Orifllu, and Jan© (Jrifiu, and every of you, ere hereby ci'.?4 be end apjenr bff ri our J« d flee at an Orphans' Court to be held at Butler, in and tor !_? couuty of Sutler, cn the 3d Monday of November next it being the loth day of said month, then and there to show eause, if any you may have, why the prayer of the above petition should not he granted. Kule return able fo next term. By the Court. I. M KASTM \N, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Butler, Pa., Oct. 28.1*17. CrGDEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 0.868. Tllfe CHEAPEST OF LADIES MAOAZINIS, BE CAUSE IT IS THE BEt-T! The friend of women | tbe arbiter of fashion, the encourager and publisher of lb* beat literature of the d»7, the pattern from which all other* copj. HEADING MATTER. In thin there will be an improvement. Tbe volume for IMS will l>e set up with new-faced t)pe. and of a size that will enable ue to give an additional quantity of reading matter, amouatiug to aboat twelve pages ia each nun>b»i. Beautiful Steel Plates. Of these the Ladt'i **ook contain Fourteen each year, superior (we challenge comparison) tc any pub lished in this country, either In book or periodical. The Literature of the Lady'* Book. MARION HARLAND. Author 64! of '•Abtnt," " Httid'n Path," li Mott SHe," "Ntmtti*," •nd " Miriam,** wb<> contributes to no other monthly publication, will furnish a n*w nov«i lor 1868, called "Pnimi Kowusd" that will run through the year Her stories are aux iously sought after, and as they are copyrighted can be found nowhere but in (inner. Our former efßcieut corps of writers baa also been retained. OURFMBHION ELATES The original doable fast »n platee will be coatinted. MODEL CO T TAGES —Tne only magazine in this country that gives these designs is the Lady a tool, DRA WING LESSONS —l n this we are alao alone ORIGINAL MUSIC —Godey's is tbe only magazine in which masic prepared expressly for it appears. We have alao a Children's, Horticultural, and a Health department, OODKY S IN VALUABLE EEC EIPTS upon every subject, for the Boudoir, Nureery , Kitchen Hou*e, and Laundry fit ED SN'GUA riNGS— Thia la a seriee of etgra rings that no one baa a'tempted bat ouraelvea. LADIES' FANCY WORK DEPARTMENT—torn* of the deeigns in this department-are piloted In colors, In • style unequalled. TERMB yOR 1868. One copy, om year §3 00 Two copies, one year 4 40 Three copies, one year 7 40 Pour copies, one year 10 00 Flra copies, one year, and an extra copy to the paison getting up the club, making six copies 14 00 Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the pel eon getting up th« club, making nine copies tl 00 Eleven copiee, one year, and an extra Copy ta tbe p«:son getting up the club,making twelve copies. V 37 40 Oodey's Lady's Book and ArthuiS Home Magaxine will be seat one year on receipt of ftl 00. Godey's Lady's Book and The Children's Hour will be sent one year on receipt of ao Godey's lady's Bo >k, Arthur's Home Mngasine. aod Childreu'a Hour will be aqut oue year on ra:aiptof|3 00. subecritiers must send 24 cents additional for o*ery subscription lot ho Lady's Book, aod l'i cents for either of Cbe other aaagaxiuee, to pay the Amerioan poetage. HO W TO It MM IT -In remitting by .112 a * • orrica Oionor a Dftarr, payable to the wrd of (Jodey, is preferable to bank aotee. as, should th der or Draft be loet or stolen, it can ha ranewmt without loa ato tbe eender, If a Drail or a Puat-oMce Order can not be procured, eend CnJted Statee or National Bank " Addreee L. A. Gadoy, N . M. Crmrr Sisfh cad GAeWnw StruU Oct *v ) niiLADcLr/fiA TRIAL LIST for NoVtmber Term 1107. rtiWT wkkk * i Commonwealth of Pa., tlannsh Col lander, Pl'flP ve. Thomas Watsdtt ' T. Cooper v#. Wlh. O. Brackenrldge. SECOND WEIR John Fisher vs. John Berg, Willism Collins ft»f us* ve. John Collins, Samuel Parke vs. Sawiuel P. Thompson, Jec-ie Bice and wife vs Conrod Elholts, ftaff A Kngllsli vs. Robert Allen, William Imvideoft vs. Jot#n Relfour, Benjamin vs. Robert Dodde, J W. Forreeter et al vs Jacob fceigl-r. John Cannon Adrn'r vs. John M'DevKf. James William fibel rt hi, James Oervln Cor use vs Wm. C. M C'andlaee, John Fisher vs. Chrietian Rnnottae, Famuel R. Moorhead vs. John Carson, I John W. Forrester ve Jacob Zelgler et al, Andrew Norcroe* vs. Jamei dross man, Patron Reams vs. Bernard hoeesiog at al . damtiel Af'Ctellend vs. W m Brown et al. Daniel vs James Uailaher et al. Joseph Rinxer vs. Tbe Overseers of Poor of Butler tp_ Mary Crouse ve J O. A Wm. Campbell, John W. Ilarr vs. Joonna Barr. Lewis Z. Mitchell vs. William Wsllk. John K. Reanedy vs Bamuel M'Clymonds, William Clark vs. Thomas Watson, Klixabeth Walsh vs. Alexander Welsh, .V .». Tlmhlin Fx'r vs llenrv D. Timblln Ada'r, Allen Wilson vs John CampUll, David flcott vs. R M J/ Lure Kit J. B. CLARK. Proth'y. Prothonotary's Cfllcs, Oet. U, 1807 THE FRIEND^ " WASHINGTON AT MOUNT VERNON" TIIR LADY'S FRIEND ennonnres for I««8, the following novelels THE DEB A KRY FORTUNE, by Amanda M Douglas, author of"In Trust," ' Stephen Daue," Ac , A DEAD MAN'S RULE, by Elixabeth Pree cott, author of •• How A Woman Had iler Way,** Ac.; PLEEINO FROM FATE, by Louise Chandler Moultos, author of "Juno Clifford." "This, That and the Oth er." Ao. It will glee a SPIIMDID DOUBLE PAGE FINBLT COLORED FA3IIIO N PLATE—engraved on Steal—in every nnmber. II will gfvs a beautifully executed FANCY fITEHL ENHR AVINO iu every number. It will give a lerge aeeortment of WOOD CCTB Illus trating the Faehlous. Fancy Work, 4c.. in every number e It will give a popular place of MUSIC, worth the -cost of the Magaxine in iteelf—iu every nnrnber. It will give a copy or the new and splendid Premi um Steel EngrAving—••WASHINGTON AT MOUNT VERNON" —30 incbee leng by 21 inches Wide—to every full ($2 t0) subsc: iber, and to every persoa ssnding a Club. It offoi'i as Premiums a large v*risty ot 800K3 • WIIEELEh A WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, SIL VER PLATED TEA SETS, SPOONS,PITCHERS, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, CLOTHES WRINGERS, CROQUET, APPLETON'S CYCLOPEDIAS, Ac 49"A Bplx.idid Orrsa—New subscriber■ who sub scribe for 186S by tbe ( flrst of Novsmber, shall receive the November and Decembei iiumbsrs of this year in eddition, making 14 musitbe in alii Thoee who sub scribe by the first of December shall receive the De cember number, making It months in all! 1 copy (and the large Premium Engraving tl.lO 4 copies A OO • " (and one gratu, I OO 8 M (and one oratii) 13 OO One copy each of LADY'S FBI END and P05T, ...4 OO The getter up of a Club will always receive a copy of the PREMIUM ENGRAVING Members of a Club wishing tbe Premium Engraving must remit One Dol lar extra. £#»Thoee desiroos of getting op Clubs or Preminm Lists, should encloee fifteen cents for sample M agasine, containing the particulars Addreee DEACON A PETERSON, 0ct.33, 87 41.) 819 WALNUT Street, Philadslphia. ORPHANS' COIIRT SALE. Bt vlrtoc of an order and decree of the Orphans' Coort ia and for the County of Butler, tbe uudersigned will offer for sale ou tbe premises, situate ia Lancaster to wnahip, Butler county. Pa , On Saturday, the 16fA of November next, at 1 o'clock, P M of said day, ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY ACHES OF LAND, m*re or lees, bound ed on the North by lands of Morrlaoa, Esq., on the East by lands of Peter Miller, on the South by lands of Robert Kirker and on the West by lands of Adam Lough About One Hundred acres cleared aud under a good etate of cultivation ; the balaoco we II timbered ; good dwelling boose and barn and out-build inga err-cted thereon. Alao an Orchard of Apple and Peach treea, beariog choice fruit The Farm is well watered aud altogether one of the moot desirable in the TERMS OF SALE —One-third of the purchase man* ey to be paid in hand , and the residue in two equal an nual payinenta thereafter with interest from date of nale. Title good. AARON KELLY. Eiecotor of Aaron Kelly, dee'd. October 14th. 1187— it Registers Notice.* NOTICt if hereby given, (bat the following Partial and Pinal Accounts of AdminiaCrator'e kxecutors and Guardian*, have been filed in tbe Registers office of Butler county Thirty days before tbe tCu of November 18®" on which day lhay wf'l be presented to the Or phans Court of said county for confirmation and allow I. Final account ef Jesse Joseph Kz ecu tor of Thum a» Joeeph late of Marion to wash'j i. Partial account of Jobn K. Vincent Administrator of Hiram Donaldson lata of Mario* towuahip. 3. Pinal account of Mnrgarnt Hartley Adm'r of Joeeph Bart ley lata of Penn township 4 final account of Charles Geibel aod Casper gchnil li'r of Christian Gaibal lata of Summit township. 6. Pinal account of Mrs Kmily Wumsr Ad mr of Isaac Wnnior late of Allegheny township • . Pinal account of Rlixabetfc RoydGnardiao of Louisa Jane Royd minor daughter of Thomas J. Boyd lata of Cl«s Ip. 7. Pinal account of Elisal»eth Boyd Guardian of Rob ert C* Bojd miuorfaon of Thomas J . Boyd late of Clay *P t. Pinal accoant of Albert G. Boyd Guardian of Albert N. Boyd iniaor son of Thumaa J Boyd lata of Clay tp. 9. Pinal account of Albert G. Boyd Guardian of Jaoies M Boyd minor Son of Thomas J Boyd late of Clay to. 10 Pinal account of LUaabeth R«ak>-r Adm r af \V . M. Banker lata of Jsffrnoa tp. 11. Final account of Thouaae Mc Per mitt b'r of Sach ariah Fielding dec ana wd late uf aiipp«ryrock tp. 19. Pinal account of Sdtm C. Mowre Adm'r af William P. Moore Deceased late of Borw of Butler. 13* Pinal account of J. W. Lawrence and Sylvannu* Cooper Ex r of Sebulon Cooper Di re—ail lafe of tflip perryrock Ip. NIXON, g«g'r. Register's o®ce>,oet. ?J 1957—M f* BINO'I Bcray HAIR. ' -a-'-'—»■- * Ir'Hl»|B—l %'i3K MK Thla la th« C«m tturt laf Hi /7* btttijiUMUlMM^wki Thli la the In wh* «u Ml a< VkJt Who now has raevn loeke, tbtr nr. KXISi He UMh al la* la the AJtBWMIA that Ui»g nude. Thli la the Ifalden, hndaou an 4 *X Who m'lfrtad tha nu onee bald and Who nn * kaa reran loeke, they iar. Hawid tha Ajibikmu that Rlof Thli la tha Pareon, who, hr Mm war, Married tha maiden, hendaona wa To fti/man onee bald aad (fray, (r- Bat who now haa reran loeke, they j|H Beeetiee ha need tha Cora that lar T|»r» la IbaAMBBOIu that King made. Thla la tha Ball that rlnge awajr C arouaa tha people aad and gay V H!Kj Unto thla fact, which tiara doea lay yew MUM not 6a bold or fray, J/aa «k 4 JMMMOIIA that nAf mmdt. L H.TVBBB 4 CO., PiiomrniKs, PETEMMO', IH. WHOLESALE. AGENTS: fillers A Van Clorder, PITTSBURGH, P X. Dr. Samuel Graham, OMJ 33, no. 34-«OW-l jr. BUTLER, PA. THE VERY LATEST. Anderson, Penzold&Carson 48 St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, aIAKE the liberty of informing their and . the public generally that they are now opantng up | I St* AS ENTIRE SEW STOCK OF .Goods Si%» . j ! ® > - ods HwooiiUnsJ— ,v.« [Goody .V«t» which have been carefully aelectrd from tba Goods Ssv> LARGEST AND BEST BO cats IS i Good* litgtattd & Sew (iomtia Our atock ronaiate is part of ill th* finest .Sew aod moat deeirable style* uf i r?rto . . ___ , 1 Goods v IS IE .A. ZE3 3r& S, • 4 Vitr » Good# 1 of all colora. y«*\ Goods „ OZ.ACX, BLUE, Goods | v I SHOWS, Sttc , J*SD DAL!A Goods 112 «- CLOTHS _ *«»! Oooda 1.. I »OWEm uJC fll • „ , j w Good* heavy aod light weight. Mitobie for fu'l miti. ; Gooiis -V'« SAJ T BLUSH CASBIMKRI AMD V*L «<**<« VIST VJSSTINUa. A«r OOOTU ! 'Onr entire new atock being bought for caah ,- w and a full determination to do the Goods ! Aew \ Largest Trade in the City, t?aod# I Anal c Good* I Enable nato olfer graat indueemtnU to all | tfaoe* w ho may feel inchued to b* Ifinod* ' faah 'oaaLla. We flatter I.« .rwl y M b, m,. \ Gl>ove, it strikea at the Roota and flih the gland a with new life and ooloring matter. tr wirt, nnsTonn aA AT nun en. tra ORiaijrjj. c«tM. 1 It irttl hrvf th 9 llmir fmUln t ex*. ' It eleantrt the HrAtp. aaaaal Malta! fK» fttitr »OFT, IVBTMOVa, ANl> HLK.MW 1 IT IS A SPLENDID HAIR-DRESSIIfCf No person, old or young should fill to ua<" It It rtcommrnded imd uttd by rta Fijis7' J/oa. iCAL AUTHORITY,' , . IV A»k fur Hau.'i ViattTASLi Str*u\a HAIR RuntTTH, and take uo other. Tha Pronrletrri offer the Siciua* Hai* fcrt irmwCß to tha public, entirely confident that It wl* bring baek the hair to Ha original color, promote it* growth,and in nearly all caaea where it haa fa.'! -n •ff will restore it nnleee the peram la vary agM. R. P. HALL & CO. ProprlPlA'^ AViaWi, )/. It tar- gold by all Drttgglata. nTRAYKO, h 1.1 ROM the fafn»"f the auharrlber, in Oentro |o*«n •hip, Butler $ .nnfT, on the Mr h of OPfetMt! \"7 i T%# IOflJ( 4ABKIED , Executor's Notice. WIfCREAS, Lattera, TciUmfnUf; to tha eetnta nf Th >mae Keliy, late of Wa»hingtou tp ~ Hut •r county. dee'd, have Uiis day v Ort. id, IW7i b-** granted to tha und«raigi.ed by tha KagMar 112 •«.»! <*onnty; *ll peiaona indebted to aatd avuta arc hai i by required to make Immediat- paym«nt. and all |-r --aoca having claitfta or d amende aseinat he Mini *;ll prtaant tham duly authenticated for aett lament U :ke aubecribera. RTCIIA RT> KKLLV. Oct. 16, *B7.—4t a s™'*,, Valuable Farm for Sale. THB undersigned olfora f»r aala, ISO *Ar»i af good land, aituated. in Summit i..wnah| ft at lar CoHnty, l*a., 6*4 miles Kaet of Huilar, on th«, p«4 leadina from Bullwr to K ilUtuiiing about li/i arret elearad and in a high «tate 'Af cultivation. T' * i:u pruvetnente afe, two dwelling hou«e»->mtt brirk, and tha other 112 mine, and a good frame 'harn . an eiatdfent and naverfeiiinx spring Tbi* farm » aitiintet- nvau iout to a g.KxJ arbool, g«».vf irilla, and «f"i «*. TUcfa arfl about 100 baaring fraait traea. For further partirulara inquire at tli«- CiT'lf * .f*ra, or of tha anbacrlbar, living on tha premoaa Oct. lb, 67—tf t ) |». XOI/N'^ Orphan*' CtaHrl Maio BT tirtua of an ordar and dacra* of tha (irpbatfa' Caurt of Butler county, tha ud tar«lgo«4 avi.f „rf | er for aala at public vandu# on tha pramuaa, on Saturday, the 16M of Novtmbt r vert, at 1 o'clock, p M , of «ld day,ON* UIiNDKKI) * s|> FIFTY ACREB OF LAND,mora cr l*aa, aitua •• in liui Jar townah Ip. aaid County, bounded imi tlia North by landi of Samuel l»ra and otbara, on tiia I'.aa' by landf of Jauioa Hoarna, Eaq., on the South by laod" of |.«die S. McOlure, aud on the Wail by landa foioia: :y cl Hon C. Sullivan, dee'd, and otbara A oon*id««rati!'< '|.ortf.ih of said land U cleared and fenced,un.l nnuer a g'-o-i ajoi of cultiraUon;dwelling houaMan l barn *racf»J tlierA..n I ALhO at two o'clock, 9. M.. «.f -aid day, wID ha off arad for aala by the undaraignad nt public vandt- » LOT OF GKOUND, altuatf in tha Moronth gf iHitlaa, I containing twenty four (U> 112» • on .V.U'.in M,,.,-i and extending back iixty feet ; on whirh > reef•-J rt LrKlr dwelling honae and other impr vemonta. TBKMS OF BALK.—Ona ibird rf ri, f . m n#> to be paid on the eonflraiation of -ale. by the ( 'oijfU iu., I tba raaidue in two equal annual ( ajnienta tlnu«aHtWN 112 JrvAdm** O.C No. —September term 1H67; Mra. ilary l(*rh linir, widow of John Mechling. U.u* ol Waahiukt m tp . dee'd , peraonal property amounting toflW-u CO JOHN A JOSEPH L Es'ra Of which the heira, legateee, dfvmMta, riintrihuta-*. creditora, nnd othera iotereated. will tukn notice ; »««d be and appear before our JudK«-*e at anOrphiiM.i' >v. "t, te be helU at Butler, in and for the encniy nf Bntlor, on Wedneaday tba 30th cf NnTember next. t« dh •* Kit AN k M It AST WAIT. Oct 23, *#7 .*) Clark of 0. C. rallies for Farmers and Others TIIR Grafton Mineral Paint Co , ara W man »ef nrlng the Cheapeet and moat Il«.rnble fnna in tiae; two coata well put on, mixed with pur* Lluscrd Oil. will laat lo or 1& yearn ; It ie of a light !»rown beautiful chocolate color, and can ba to jtr#•. Ag ricultural Implenmiita. Canal Boaia, Yoeapl* and Rottome, Canraa, Metal and Sbingla K'K>fn. it b«u.r. Fire and Water proof), Floor Oil ( lotha. 'oni M-iiniftiet orer having uaed 50U0 bbla. the paet .veer,) and. ■'»» a paint for any purpo!«a ia uuaurpaaaiNl for body, durntd'l ty. vlaaticity. awl .ulheeivenean Priee ffl per bbl. of SfX) Iba . which will aupply a farmer for rem to ■ «ni" Wai ranted in all caeea aa abova. Semi for a ein iflar which gi»ee full partlculara. None genrino unl-e# branded in a trade mark Grafton Minernl Paint. Addreaa DANIEL BIDWKLL, 2i4.Piaii rt .N. Z. Sept. 4, *67—floioe. Drs- H. A. Wise 40, extracting and adjnatlng the teeth ins%bU poritts in that Mate Office iu Boyd's Building, M mu tftreel August 14th, 18§7—fl aua. J. If. dJ. PI'KVIAMJE. " Att»rH«y» k t l^ivw, on S. E.of Di»*oud ml Maliir T»v