VOLUME 4. (Driipal JJadrg. For the Citizen. A DREAM. On the ■Me of a "beautiful mountalfl, Grew flower* ofspary hue ; In the vru'ey bel'.w a bright f»untaln Purled ever, iu fiioadnblp moat true. • - TJpthe side* clambered vinas of tha i*y, On which grew tbe fl .vrers Ire seen; Brffcht OUM I plucked Ib. to carry, To bedeck our gentle May Quean. Seated in shndy evergreen bowers, Intermingled with man that Hoed A rati ad the bright bnds and flower#, BuclrcfM the wieathM that we twitted. A more lorftly *cene wa4 never beheld Than that "which in dreamt wa< shown me ; To lenre it In boMuda I w.t* Compelled, When .1 woke—and my mountain, no more I— could so*- Thus may of/by pn*s away, When least * c think <>f their flight, Hours tnat wera spentln plemnrfe to-day, Muv tafiiflh nrwilewre us tndaiknesaot nigiit. Ilarriaville. Pa. |ftisxcliaitcpus. - •> > IH >111.". ISVOI 1,1 SHERIDAN'S RIDE. General Shetidan had errired it Win chester the night before, On his way back from the conso'tetion ut Washing ton, to which he had been ordered. In the morning artillery firing was heard, but it was attributed to an intended re connoisatice, and nothing was thought of it. Alter an early breakfast, Sheridan mounted and twitted quietly tl(To«(fh Winchester, Southward A mile from the towu the first fugitives from the lost field were eneouiilered. He instantly gave-orders to pwk 'the retreiaiwg train on either (Mite of the road, directed the greater part of bi« eseort to follow as bent-they could ; then, with only twer.ty cavalrymen accompanying him, he struck 6«ifif) a fwmging'gGllopSbr the sceneut danger. As he dashed Vp the pike the crowds of stragglers grew thicker. He reproached noite'; o#ly swinging his cap with a cheery itnile for all, he shouted : '"Kafce the otoer way, boys; face the other way. We are g*>il»g back to our camps. We ure going to lick tj»etn oat of their boots." Less classic, doubtles-. than Napoleon'*, "My children, will camp on rhc battle-field, as nsu.il j" but the wounded raised their hoarse Voices to cheer as he'passed, and the of fugitives turned and followed him to the front. As he rode into the forming line, the men quickened their pace back to the ranks, and everywhere glad cheer-, went up. " Boys, this never should have happened if I had been here," he exclaimed to one and another regiment •' I tell you it never should have Imp pened. Anil now we arc going back to our oatnpS. We are going to got a twist fln thcin ; well get the tightest twirt on ttrern yet that ever you saw. We'll have all those camps and cannon hack again !" Thus lie rode along the lines, recti fied tbe formation, c lustre J and ani> mated the soldiers. Presently there grew up across that pike as tfonapact a body of infantry and cavalry as that which, a mouth before, had Sent the enemy " whirling through Winchester." His men had full fnith in the " twist" he was " going to get" on the victorious foe ; his presence was inspiration, his comnifinds were victory. While the line was thus re-establish ed, he was in momentary expectations of attack. Wright's Sixth Corps was some distance in tho rear. One staff officer after another was sedt after it Finally Sheridan himself d ished dowu to hurry it up; then back to watch it going into position. As he thus stood, looking off from the left, he saw the enemy's col umns once more moving up. li urried warning was sent t> the Nineteenth Corps, on which it was evideut the at tack would fall, By this time it was after three o'clock. Tho Nineteenth Corps, no longer taken by surprise, repulsed the enemy's onset. " Thank God lor that." said Sheridan gaily. " Now tell General Emery if they attack him again togo after them, and to follow them up. We'll get the tight est twist on them pretty Boon they ever saw." The men heard and believed him ; the dc-noralizatiou of tbe defeat was gone. But .ho still waited. Word had been sent in from the cavalry of danger from a heavy body moving on his flank, lie doutited it, and at last deter mined to run the risk. At lour o'clock the orders weni out: k ' The whole line will advance. The Nineteenth Corps will move in connection with the Sixth. Tbe right of the Nineteenth will Bwiug toward the left " The enemy lay behind stone fences, and where these failed. brWastwprks at rails eked out his line. For • linle he .beld his portion firmly. His left over Japped tiheridan'e right, and seeing this advantage, he beat it down to renew the attuck in flank. At this critiral mo mentSheridan ordered a charge of (jen. WcWillianu" hrigadu ajrainst the angle thus caused in the rebei line It forced iia way through, at)*l lh<*Tcbel flanking party was cut off. Caster's cwrahy was sent gwooping down upon it—it broke, and fled or surrendered, according to the agility of the individuals. Siwultane* ously the whole line charged along the front; the rebel line was crowded back to the cre'k; the difficulties of the crossing embarrassed it, and as the vic torious ranks swept up it broke in utter «orrfmion. Custer charged down in the last gath firing darkness to the west of tlie pike ; Devin to the east of ft; and on either ot the tleeiug rout they flung them selves. Nearly ill ttio rebel transporta •ti«p was captured, the eawps nrtH artil- Jefy mere regained ; up to Fisher's hill the road was jammed with artiitery, oas -end ambulances; prisoners came j streaming faster than the Provost Mar- I AMERICAN CITIZEN. thai could provide Cot them. It was the end of Karly'a army ; the end of cam paigning in the beautiful Valley of the Shenandoah. The effect upon the Government and the country was electric. The first ru mors of disasters were painful and wide spread. On the heels of these came Sheridan's' dispatch, announcing the re verse and is retrieval, and giving a faint hint of the splendid prises—artillery for an army, transportation, ammunition, small arms iu a profusion that could scarcely be estimated. General Grant telegraphed from his position before Richmond : "I had a salute of oris hnn dred guns frem each of the armies here fired in honor of Sheridan's last victory. Turning what bid lair to be a disaster into a glorious victory, stamps Sheridan what I alWaps thangnt him, one of the ablest of Minerals " The Secretary of War endorsed and published tbia to the world. The resignation of General Mc- Clellan soon made a vacant Maior Gen eralship in the regular army, anoetors shake their heads approvingly over the report, and cxo.aim, " Nothing ! could be more absurd than to dispute ! the right of tlie President to bring laws j which he believes unconstitutional to a judicial test." Tbe President, ns President, has no thing whatever to do with the uncoDs'-i* tutionality of laws after he bas opposed them by his veto. Ills solo duty in re gard to them after they are passed over his veto is to sen that they are faithfully executed. TIICB, it anybody feels him self to be aggrieved, he wijl bring an ac tion in the Supreme Court. Hut if the President, having exhausted tho veto, proposes to treat all laws which he doe« not approve as unconstitutional and res fuse to see to their execution until they are legitimated by the Supremo Court, nothing can bo plainer than that every law passed by coagrcs3 must be sent into the Supreme Court room and approved before tbe President wi'l take oare that it is faithfully executed. Nothing could be more absurd than such a view of the duty of the Executive except all tbe rest of the President's theories. Of course, as the Copperhead Doctors truly remark, this appeal to determine tbe constitutionality of a law " is a right possessed by every citizen." But to say that nobody is bound to obey a liw until some Court has decided it to be eonsti. tutional. is simply to declare chaos eftme again. The l'euure of QiEce Biil is a law—and not a very wise one; and the President lus just as much right to dis regard It as he has to nullify every otbo* laW upoa the statute book He is a cit izen ot the United States like the rest ot us ; and if be disobeys the law he will inevitably suffer the penalty. THE INFLUENCE or NEWSPAPERS— Daniel Webster once lcmarked : "Small is tbe sum that is required to patronize a uewspaper, aud amply rewarded is its patron, I care not how humble and un prctcuding the gazette which he takes. It is next to impossible to fill a sheet with priuted matter without putting in ' It something,*!,::!.;* worth the subserip : tion price. Every parent "W sm is away from lnuie at school should supply him with a newspaper. I w;ll remember wbat a marked difference between those ot my schoolmates who had and those who bad Dot aecess to newspapers. Other things being equal, the first were always superior to the last in debate, composi tive, and intelligence." --No Kind so bright but drink will befool it; no fortune so a®pie but brandy will beggar it ; the hap piest it will fill with misery; the firmest health dissipation wiljslmtter; no businesi so thriving tl.ai wtiiskey cannot spoil. —lf you want to get at the circumfer* ence of a man, examine him among men; hut if you waut /to get at his actual di ameter, measure him at his fireside. —Religion is but anothur wotd for the mind according to what it ii, acting in the spirit of love toward God and to ward tueiv "Let us have Faith that Right hiakes Might; and in that Faith let us, to the end,dare to do our duty as we understand it"— A."Ltncoln. BUTLER, BUTLER COUNTY, PENN'A, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1867. Geneaal Grant and his Advisers- It js Yery amusing to heaj Fagin warning a detectivf to look out for picks pockets. Or, te put it in another way, it is very comical to hear the New York World tell General Grant that he mint beware of political shyster# and trick-, stars. "You dear man,"says the artless frieni of humanity, " those naughty politicians will be the death of you. Stop your ears at once, and don't listen to their wicked stories ; and if they should ask you to be President, run as fast as ever you can, and tell them togo to the bad|place wbere they belong. If you want to kniw whom to trust come and ask your grandmother. General Grant has not Jet found it necessary tn avoid or to attract the pol iticians He is of necessity and from reasons entirely superior to.ordinary par ty Control the master of the situation. Thore are cirtain movements of the lie mind whieh may always be predicted. Aid one of them is the popular tendency to exalt and honor the military leader who without the least seifish ambition has been the successful hero of a war, and especially one which has vavtsd the nsttttß This tendeooy has been illul" trated four times ia o»)r own hietory. General Washington was the spontaneous choice fur the first Presidency. General Jackson, General I]arrison, and General Taylor followed, and they were success ful; not from any remarkable fitness lot 1 salesmanship or ejperieuce of. aflairs but because they, were successful soldiers. This t&ndan'cy, indeed, is the tradi tionalperil of republics. 3ome «Uy. say the euemies of free gorernment, there will come a war Then the people be» come an "vniy., , They win a victory. They deify the successful leader. lie suddenly turns into Mr. Oaleb Casting's man on hortehack, and by the iid of the people overturns popular liberty There is a fatal defect in this logic, and our history Is the illustration of it. It is, that when the people are the artay their liberties are pretty safe. It is the stand ing army wh'ch is the enemy of Liberty. But the army of the peopU with which Washington secured our national exist ence, and that with which Grant main tained "it, dissolved in the moment of victory And during its existence it was not a public danger, but a public defense "If General MYlellan," said one of his staff. ,; had undertaken to march upon Wellington the army would have march ed upon him." Tims with us the great eoldier becomes the great citizen. The instruments with which he has done his military work disappear, and only the gratitude and admiration which his work excited re malj. And they exalt him. Wedonot giSriiima peerage, nor an estate, hut what we can do is done. And when his service has been not only unselfish but especially wise; When he has shown in his whole career that supreme and steady good sense, which is to much tarer and greater thau the mere brilliant dar ing in which a true discretion and pro deticaarc wantiug, a profound confidence springs in the popular heart which ttiakee it willing to trust the same wisdom in untried spheres. It is with such facts that politicians and all men who would sjecuro public results must reckon. Tbe true advice is not not to bid such a man beware of poU iticians to consider him and his relation tion to the country. The secret of the World's amusing advice to General Grant is tear lest the party that sustained tho war should nominate the General who victo riously ended it. It is indeed natural that those who excused rebellion, and w'no declare the action of Congress revo lutiouary and anarchical should, fear to see the victorious chiwf who approved that HCtioD. and the most popular man in the country, the postible candidate of loyal men. It is also natural that Mont gomery Blair, a man known of all men, should undertake to reveal to a crowd of WashJotoa Copperheads and rebels the opinions of (ießeral Grant; couuting upou the General's habitual silence not to expose such loolish 112 ilsejiood. It is also natural that a Paesident who means if possible to restore the Government to the old political alii, s of the rebelsshould rcAnlve to remove from tho Department of War the General who crushed the re* belliou. Meanwhile human nature remains tho «ame. The purpi se of the loyal people of the Uniied States is not changed by the performances of the President; and their faith in the General whoui they hive waohed and tried is nut shaken by any assault yet ma e upon 'him.—Har per » TVetkh/. —He who is sofe pressed with tempt tution need not flatter himself that by and by the cease, and he be delivered fcum ain : for tv-Oif 1 cations will not cease, and must come, not from change in outward circum stances, but from strength given to' the mocr man, lifting tbe soul ab ive temptation. Thus may help come, if l,t earnes at all —lt is doubtful whether there be io the world tswjy things more useful than a well-balanced fljind. To se cure the balance it assist have an e —Whenn pickpocket "puils at your wath, tell him pfainly that you have no time t? spare. )f —To keep yi)ur doors from being bro, ken open by burglars, don't close themi —Noah waq probably the only person who Went tos#* tot fearof being dro#ned. —Why is fir* parad&tical ? Beeadse the more it's coaled the hotter it gets. —The poorest man in the world is ene who has nothing but money. * ; —Height of absurdity—a vegefarian at a, cattle show. , —What is that which ma*Vbe taken from you before yoil can give it away t Your pltotofraph. —lt beauty's privilege to kill time, and lime's privilege to kill beauty. A good kick out of doom is, to some, better than all the rich uneles in the world. —A Gentleman asked a friend ih a knowing manner—"Pray, sir, did you ever see a cat fish ? —Matrimouial History is a narrative of many wortfj, but the story of love may be told in a lew lellert. —The err widely who propose to turn men to the thoughts of a bettir Wotld by making them think meanly of this. —What is that which if you take the whole away, there will be some left ? Wholesome. "We see," said Swift, ?n one of rtoSt mfrcastio modds, "How little Ood' think* of'riches by the people he gives them to." —Young lady—"Goingto makes flour bed here, Suiithers ? Why it'll quite spoil our croquet ground." Gardeqer— " Well, that's your pa's orders, Miss. He'll hev it laid out for 'Orticulture, not for 'usbandry." What do you mean by a catvand dog life?" a husband to his angry wife. " Look at Carlo and Kitty asleep on the rug together; I wish met) lived half as peaceably with thoir wives." " Stop," said the lady, '• tie them to gether and sea how they will agree." —A negro returning from church Was in ccstacies over declaring it was the best he had ever heard. Soino one asked him to repeat a part of it, when he scratched his woolly head and replied, " nebber mocks do preacher." —William Andrews, a wag in Eng land, hit off the salyage mania there, a lew days ago, by issuing a prospectus for a joint stock company to drain the Red river to recover the valuables the Egypt ians lost, when I'haroh and his host were overwhelmed by the paters in their pur suit of the children of Israol. GOVKRN THYSELF. —An Italian Bish op, who hat endurbd much persecution with a calm and unruffled temper, was asked how he A.tained such a n » ter over himself. 'By making a right use of my eye«," said he."l first look up to heaven, as the place whither I am going to live forever. I aext look down upon the eartti, and consider how small a space of it will soon be all that I oc cupy or want. I then loolf arountP me, and think how many are far more wretch ed than I am. —A ptrsou in Parrs noticed a poor man w;th a wooden lejr walking past his hotel, and gavo him i fraud. The next day ho saw the supposed beggar, but ho had changed the wooden leg from (he right to the left. Enraged at the decep tion he went up 'o the man aud exctamod, "You rascal, you had tho wpoden leg on the other side vesterdy ' You are not i,-e at all!" tho refpo.se with dignity, "J I I wear a wooden leg economy, so as not to wear out my trousers, ana I change thd leg to provnt one leg of the tfoc.sere wearing out before the other. —Ttrtr REASON.— At a certain collcgfe the senior class was under examination for flegrees. The professor of datura! philosophy badgering in unties. The point under illustration was that atrietly and scientifically speaking, we eoe no ob jects but their images depicted on the retina. The in order to make the mtter plainer, said to the wag of the class I "Mr. Jacksorf, did you act ually ever see your father? Dill replied promptly,''No, sir." -'Please explain to the cammittee "» v '- •"*' borl ' di *' J 1 »" ON THE OLD TRA.CK. If the Democrats wish to have their wax record forgotten, as tlicj unquestion ably do the way they take to accomplish it proves them to-be still undsr the fa tajity of blundering, which has marked ' their conduot for yetm past, Hy charg ing the debt, discord and taxation of the country on 'the Republican party, they take the most certain and direct ipethod of keeping alive the recollection of their oa-n compfiohy with rtrenedftions "leaders of secession, ih bringing thtfse burdens upon us. The falfity of (he allegations will not only keep the remembrances of [ the past fresh in the minds of Rerub- I lieans, but will make it an active force in their political Contests with the Dem ocratic party,-which first abetted a tre mendous wreng, and then tries to fix the odium of it on others. Their naming of G. 11. Pendleton as a candidate for the Presideudjk fn sitioft to such a mart as GeeeWfl Grant, is a further cvideneo of tho doomed blundering of the party, as well as of their preference of the llebel to the tb'cion principles The false democracy of fte former adhered to him through all the country s trials, hesteadily syni l pathizei not with the defenders but with fbe assailants of'tbe Union. It ia pro poned to plao# him In opposition to Giant whose true democracy transferred bim, in thf day country's danger, iuto the fellowship of tl\e Rapiiblioaa Union partjr. And the one only cavifett at thni meisurek, aad was apparently, ai least, indifferent to,.its success, the other devgted binwelf to it<| interest and .became the grand engiaeei; of its success. Jhe naming of ton lot Ptwsidettt, by the Pembcfato, and ibgpecially in opposition to Grant, will bring up to Republican minds with fresh ness and vigor, the- remembrance of the old days of sympathy with the Rebejs and hatred of Union defenders. It seems to indicate either stone blmdnSls or blank despair. Or if the'party fe«lly' indulges any hope in vuoh a contest, it gives evidence of nothing so niugh as a low estimate of the people's judgment arid capacity. If the party should throw oat Mr. Pendleton and take Mr. Rey motir, it would not be much better for it, and if General M'Clellan should come home and take the party, it could not be touch worse. General Grant, should he be nominated in form by the Republican Convention, is able to beat either.— l'itttburffh Commtreial. USOB or LOVE. Governor Seymour has undertaken the task ut piloting the Democratic party in to power again. But just: »•: tie gets fairly at work he finds the prospect d»- •troyed and all his hopes dispelled by the certaility that General Grant, the Hopublicao candidate, will be the hett President. There is in this that which amounts almost to cruelty. Banished from power aod patronage for years, on account of their disloyalty, jifot as the Democratic leaded bcgifl to entertain lively hopes of returning'again to the offices which at one time tliey seemed to think wore created for them, the pros pect changes to oue of absolute certainty against them. In case the circumstances are peculiarly aggravating. Having kept himselt aloof so that be might cuius upon tba track as the most arailable candidate of tbp Democracy; having nursed his ambition to an inteuse pitch, arid banished from his mind ev ery dou.t that his lime was at hand, his disappointment is necessarily of the keen est description. In a general way the disappointment is shared by the Demo cratic leaders and party. Their finely concocted schemes for presenting issues a« well as Candidates their plans for carrying States in detail and parceling out offices among the faithful well-nigh famished from loug banishment to short commons, are all at once upset by a sin gle Stroke of adverso fortune so over whelming that, in the language of the Pittsburgh l'vtl, it will be useless to make an .effyrt. Ufj.der these circum stances, Mr. Seymour witt be excused if his eloquence should bo less effective than Usual, and the applause of his party feeble and uncertain.'— I'ittsburyh Cum merciid. AN ICE CAVE. —Nearly all the ice us ed on the Pacific coast is obtained from a oerer failiog ioe cave in th° Northern part of Oregon. Tbie fiparkablo sub terranean cavern, where ttw ice remains in p perfect Mate the year round, is jus ted o» a stream known as the White Salmon which emprtes into tW'Colum'. bia river on Uie Washington Territory side, about thirty mi lea below the l>al» lies. The entrance, to thi? icy chamber it) near the base of Mouut Adams, which stands twenty miles from tho Columbia,' and whose melting snow constitutes tho waters of the White Salmon. The di mensions of this cave are vail, extend* many (uiles under the snowy moun tain, and the scenery inside is »upreinelj grand. The ire is found in columns formed by wate* falling from above and concealing as it falls. There columns are cptoul i%blnck#«iid conveyed on the back of animalf w. ! te Columbia river,and from thencc-are shipped to all markets on the coast. Make the heart right, and thi man will be right, the wouian wiil be right the child will be right; make tho men women and,children right and the name will.be right; make the homes right, and the town fight and the oitv will be right, —w ♦».«. towns and the oitiea right and srws,'i» 11 »««■ «3S will be jjigM ; i»lf» I M n» tlol » p , g the w»rid will be rignf . RECONSTRUCTION ELECTIONS VfBOINIA. i Contrary to the confident expectation of the opponents of reconstruction in Viiginia, the Republican conventionists have carried tbe day. The returns from ■ll the counties have not yet bren re ceived, but as far as heard from 7°.777 votes have been cast for a convention and restoration under the acts of Con gress, fnd 44.925 .against. The rest of the state will probahly iucrtase the ma jority. was unexpected to both parlies, and the'white population of the State very greatly preponderates over the black, aud ii overwhelmingly com mitted to the rebel cause. No influence could be found strong enough to produce auy \i , <• r | U « ARKAMBAS. I v ~| | The ofßcial majority in Arkansas in favor of the State convention was H1.V87. Number of vote* registered, 165.239; for convention, 87.072 ; against, 5.b85. Ma jority of registered votes, 10.212. 4 T,OCISTA!»A. Gen. Mower has issued an order ap» pointing Satnrday Noveniber 1 23, as the day frtr the issetnbling of the Louisiana Con vent! oft to frame the new constitution, instead df the 19th, as before stated. ALADAMA. Geo. Pope baa direescd the Alabama Convention ta assemble at, Montgomery on Tuesday, November 5. Not more (ban bftcen eolored delegate* were chosen. A DAY OR rnANKSffiVIJfo. The President of the United State* has issued his proclamation for the usual National Thanksgiving Day, and has ap pointed Thursday, November 28. Coi.ons MADDEVINO ANIMATR— »hat reason o*n be lissigfled for the well-known tact (hut red, mote fhan any color, excites many animals to the high est point of desperation ? Many persons Imve unquestionably lost their lives in consequence of wearing articles of droSs which provoked domestic*!# 1 animals to such a piteli of fnry as to lead to melan choly results. Peipijle?, for-example, in attempting to cross a pasture, wearing a red shawl, a red covering fir tho heed, a scarlet dress, or fluffing sckrlet ribbons, where bulls arc grazing, hsmrl their lives. Otcn, otherwise peaeeubiy dis posed, becouio intensely infuriated at some seasons by tho sight of -bright red almost auy article of female dress of that particular hue. It is equally curious that turkeys manifest tho samo restlessn«!s and ultimate excitement at red Hugs or red dresses. The turkey cock ou such occasions assumes extraor dinary dignity, gobbling most uproar iously, and creating imiuuose excitement ip bis I'amiiy, oot accustomed to the sight, Nearly ail tbe wild graj*ng ani mals exhibit surprise, if not positive fright,. when a red cloth floats before them. Perhaps the carnivorous quadru ped* feel the same onooyauce under like circumstances ; but, at all events, as a cause for all this turbulcuca is not ex plained, it is always safa not to provoke the iro of animals whieh are tbus affooted. LOST TIME Let any MAP pass an ereting in vicant idlecpss, or even in reading sopie silly taje, and compare tbe state of his mind when he goes to sleep or gets up next morning with its state some other day when he has spent a few hQifrs hi going through the proois by facts and reasoning of some of the great doctrines in natural science, learning truths wholly new to him, and satisfying himself by careful examination of the grounds on which known jhruths rest, so as to be not only acquainted with the doctrinos of themselvea, but able tj} show why he believes them, and to provo be fore others that they are true, will find ap jjreat a diffcrenoe as can exist in tho sstue being—tbe difference between look ing back upon Time unprofitably wasted, and time spent in self improvement, he will fcei himself in o op case listless and dissatisfied ; in tho other comfortable and happy In the one cast, if bo did not appear to himself humble, at least will not have earned any claim to his own respect; in the other case be will enjoy a proud con»oi»tt»nw» of-having by "ma o#n exertions become wiser, and there fore a more exalted nature Brougham | •" —Tho grave of • freeman is far gr*av I «Jcr than the of J ?lave NUMBER 46 Trial of the Arch Traitor .k^L° r 9t ' c ? phase has given notice that he will preside at the trial of Jeffer son I avis, provided,the parties will con sent to bring it on Nov. 13th instead of latt sr Deing the day specified in Davis' bail bond for hi* ap-, peat-auce to answer to the indictment.' found agaibst h.m, A. the Chief Jus tic. » to provide in the Supreme Court, which commences its annual session oa the first Monday in December, his re* quest is reasonable, and, wo presume wiii be acceded to. So we may consider it settled that the tri*l will commence on the 13th inst and that the Chief Jus tice wi preside. This the whole cow try will be e l»d to hear. May we o 3 t now hope that the Attorny-Gonera! will 0 Hie prospcutieo 7 jKy i« uo natto ' larceny liwfjja sjjeqr afiqftajiah | lO it as oilier than * State , trial ode destined to bp'cited as a precis t? and qo thrfcuglr many years, th, yMfop in volvea .re those of public an! coo Hit u.- tiQflal law -|h«e are po facta in and the examination of witnesses not occupy two hours. We judge, a!»o, that the impannelijig of the jury vepj excite little interest, since (he issue ui'43l depend ou the law of the ewe h ruled bj the Coi|rt That Jeffer&on Davig levi.ea war W'P« the Usited States ia M a faot as tint Andrew ,T Dt °iV* ?°/ I ' l " esideut , Of Saluioo P. Chase Chief JueUce ; w« oaaftot supposo that tpinent lawyaj-g wifl beiitato to ad. .AM« M tb< ? oo 'jT-gra ve qjipet i ons liivolVpd are question* of law, U would •I®".' P'»in fbe law o» wibiali a «oij- - rictjon (s demanded should J>e propound* ed and 4et forth bj officer or tho Government —in by the Government itself. Sixty h»v«. e,Up»«iuqe tho first great State trial in ouf Federal hi#„ tnry-—that (if Aarnn iiurr, lata Yico 1 resident of the I niteii States, treason. DaTis has not IllTeci quite so lofty a station, flavin£ Wen TT. 13. jaen ater and W ho was the'Fresident of s eonfeddttoy which for four year* dividsd and defied whole power of tho UfiMn. Th«n the Chief Jnstioo Was from the Sdnth', tho accused frdto fhe North ; DAW the posi tions are reversed ; but it is notable that Richmond is the scene of b&fh trials Judge Underwood would hhvef tried the ease with perfeot uprightness and judicial impartiality ; yet ft is fitter that the Chief Justice should pretiitf# And the properties dictate is plainly that the Attorney-Goners] should lead thh prosrf cution. Lot it he borno In mirfd that the Atneriean people aro tf/thally the plaintiff in this OM«, and that thtf divlN izel wrrld win note itS> process and award the ultimate *erdie».«— flkrrman loieit TrUgrapFi. r TROUBLE AIIEAD. —Many very DIS creet porsons are under the impress, ion that we are on the eve ,of anotu er civil war. The Washington Chron icle makes the remarkable statement that letters have been revived from the that the ex-rebels of that Reation r inclu(ling. bling of Congress. The writers argue' that the paroles given by the rebel soldiers to Gen. Gran preverit thom from fighting against the North ngait. except under the leadership of aom recognizeq power in the government, and they expert President Johnson; will furnish the leadership whet* tion grcss attempts to impeach him. Th■) canard» published in thcAdi.iinbtri tion papers, apparently authorized by the President himself, regfcP'Kfir: th® intentions "of the radicals North and their alleged inclination to forci bly despose Jobnsotl from thc'WhiV House, have so excited the people t. r that section that they are actual, preparing themselves for a war. Wuii these facte before them, e*>-yti tUe Chronicle, our readers precoive tb 1 significance of Gen. Mower's rcce:'* otder in Texas and Louisiana, pro hibiting tho establishment of unautfc* orized military picket guards at nig t in those States. A DAY.—A day ! IF has risen UPON us from the grest (Jeep of eternity, girt round with wondir; emerging from tho wotbb of tfarknefs 112. a veir eristion vrf life atfl ffjrht spuken iuto being by tW# word of God. In itself ono entire sod perfect sphere of Space and' time, 15 iM and emptied of the sun. J?/ory paU generation is repsesented in it; j,t is.ti+a (lowering of alt history, »n*l in so miwi> it is richer and better 'llian all other day# which have preceded it. And we ftavtf been re ereated "to new opportunities' With new powers—called to this utmost promontory of actual time, thii oentr i of all coming life. And it is for to-dav's woik we have been endo#ed ; it fts for this we sre pressed and surrounded with these faculties. The sum of our ettiro being is concentrated her#; and today is all the time we absolutely have."—CVSi pin. —General Kilpattiok, Minister " Chile has sent in his resignation eft's position in the anny, wt}ich jg in the First Artillery. His breve r»ui is Majot General. This » th# third %io»* ho has tendered it, aiid will ot-tf f* I accepted.