VOLUME 4. BIOGRAPHY OF Judge Henry W. Williams. The following biographical sketch of our candidate for Supreme Judgo has been carefully prepaid, and was deliver ed at a public meeting held in Pittsburgh a few days since, by C. B. M. Smith, Esq. It will be a gratification for every Union Voter to have the pleasure of sup porting such an able and pure minded gentleman. Read the biography. Mr. Smith was received with raptur ous applause, aud proce ded to deliver the following biographical sketch of our wot thy candidate, lie said: I come here to-night, my feliuw citi zens, to perform what is to me a pie sant duty—to join with you in giving our ad herenee to the platform of principles adopted by the great Union Republican party of this State, at the Convention lately held in Williamsport, and in uian ifesting our satisfaction and pleasure in the nomination by that Convention, of our fellow citizen, Hun. Henry W. Williams, as a candidate for election to tho highest jndicial position of this Com monwealth. While I shall express ray cardial ap proval of the principles enunciated in that wise, moderati and patriotic creed of political laiih, which breathes, in every line, a love for freedom and hu man rights, and mixed with no demand for vengeance, by saying that I would hardly add to, or detrict, one word there from, I shall leave its discussion to iho.se ablo gentlemen who may follow, and de vote the brief time allotted me upon thin occasion in speaking of the personal, moral, political and judicial character of our candidate ; and it is, perhaps, fitting that I should do this, as I have known Judge WiU'wis longer, and more inti matcly, than any person in this hou-c. My ance with him commenced in college in 1836, as class mate, and since tnat time 1 have studied with him, taught w.th him, and prtc iced in my prole,-*inn witL, and under him. I have known him as a student, as teacher, as lawyer and as Judge; and what is more, during all that time, I have known him as an intimate, perronal frien I. I have knowu him more thoroughly than 1 have ever known any other living man, not excepting my own brother, and I say here to night, in presence of this large audisnco, that, even were I so disposed, I could truthfully speak no ill of him. Judge Williams is ot the food old revolutionary Whig stock, which'aehiev ed our national indepen lenee in 17T• >, and from his ancestors he has inherited a steady love ol lilerty, independence, freedom and national union, which has been strengthened by the great events of these lutter times. lie was born in the beautiful valley of the Connecticut —a State that has given birth to sueli men as Henry lialdwin, Walter Forward (iarrick Mallory, and William Strong— and is now iu the full prime and vigor of manhood. From the people and of them, he has been mainly the architect of his own fortune. His father, a well to-do farmer, held with most New Eng land lathers of that da)', that it was bet ter fot the boys to help themselves than to be dependent upon paternal savings, and after having furnished his son with the means of acquiring an education, he sent him forth from the paternal home at an early age, to make his way in the world, and tight the battle of life unaid ed, save by his own energy and talents. In college, Judge Williams gave prom ise of his future suece-s. He became at on<-e one ot the most popular men ol' his class, loved and respected by all for bis correct deportment, bis kind an 1 social disposition, his high sense of honor, his great regard tor truth, his strict integri ty, and for his entire freedom from envy and jealousy. He immediately took high rank as a scholar, especial!" as a speaker a writer, a debater, a logican, and a net aphysician, which rank ho maintained nud increased during his collegiate course He graduated at Amherst College, Mas sachusetts, in the summer of 1837, and so proud has his atma mater been of this one of her favorite sons that she some time since honored herself by bestowing upon him the honorary degree of Doc tor ot Laws. After spending the inters •vening time in teaching, he commenced reading law in the office ot the Kx.Chiel Justice Lowrio, of this city, in the spring 1839, and was admitted to the bar of this eonnty in May, 1841. He practiced his profession with iucreas ing success from the time of his admis sion to the bar, as a partner wiih his preceptor, until the latter was appointed Judge of the District Court of this county, and then with the late Wm. M. Shinn, until elevated for the first time to bis present position in the fall of 1851. As a lawyer. Judge Williams was a cautious, safe, honest and reliable coun sellor, and an earnest, eloqucut and gen erally successful advocate. lie endeav ored to keep his clients out of the law insteading of getting them in, with a good cause, all bis energies aud abilities were beot to bringing matters to a favor able issue. His dealings with his clients were ever characterized by justice and faithfulness. While he would never knowingly take a bad case for the sake of fee. tie never gave up a good one bo cause hiscliect was unable to pay him. His intercourse with his professional brethren was always kind,courteous and honorable, never resorting to what is called "sharp practice" to gain an advan tage over bis opponent. Had he remain ed at the bar, few would have met. with greater success in that most difficult, la borous and honorable profession. At a large and respectable Convention of the old Whig party of this county, held on the Itli et Juno, lSot, Judge AMERICAN CITIZEN. William', then young; in years and in his profession, and without judicial ex perience, without solicitation on his part was nominated by acclamation, for the responsible position which he now holds, and was placed upon the judicial ticket of that party with the llun. Walter For* ward, ?s the eandidi ta for President Judge of the District Court and Hon. William K. M'Ulure as the candidate for President Judirc of the Courts of Com mon Pleas, &e. Ilis opponent at the election in the fall was Judge Shaler, a lawyer of eminent ability aud learning, who added to his other quiltfi ations for the position an experience of several years upon the bench, to which the dem ocrrtic party sought again to elevate him. The resu't of the election showtid that the action of the Convention in nomina ting Judge Williams, w thout a dissent ing voice, was peculiarly acceptable to the people, ile ran ahead of his ticket in the ward in which 1 e lived, in"the old Democratic Third Ward," and in tho county, bating his able oppouent 2,'245, while Judge Forward's majority over Judge Hepburn was only 1,228, aud Judge. M'C'lure's over James S. Craft only 1,117. So well, faithfully, impartially and satisfactorily did Judge Williams dis charge the duties of his office, and so learned, upright and useful a Judgu did he prove himself to be, in the estimation of all men, that at the end of his first judicial term of ten years, in 1861. he was nominate I by aclamation by the then t ,- o great parties of the country, and was re-elected without opposition from any quarter. Such renewed evidence of pop u nrity and appreciated in one's own neighborhood, and among men of all parties, are very rare, and most* clearly foreshadow the very flattering vote which the judge will receive from the people of this county ou the secoud Tuesday of October next. Judge Williams'manners and bearing are alw tys pleas : ng. In social intercourse he is the life of the circle in which he mingles. (Cheerful, lively and witty, never by look or word, intentionally, wounding the feelings or speaking ill of any one, ho makes friends of all. Ilis extensive reading and large information upon all subjects,make liis society sought for by the learned and scientific. Iu his history, in the classics and in the natur al and metaphysical sciences, there are few more thorough and extensive stu dents than Judge Williams. Judge Williams' moral and religious character is beyond reproach. Temper ate and chasle in all things, truthful in bis words aud honest aud upright in all his deiling, neither by word nor by act does he ever ofTend public decency, or bring the cause of souud morals and t'ue religion into reproach. Religious with out Pharisaism or bigotry, while he se lects and cherishes his own church con nections, in which he has ever been a consistent, active an 1 leading professor, he cheerfully, and as a matter of prin ciple, concedes the right of judging and deterraing for themselves to other men. No one ever heard him denounce any man, or any sect, for differing with hiui upon theological dogmas. In politics, Judge Williams was at the first a Whig of the Clay and Web ster school, holding with the former that protection to some exteut was necessary to encourage and foster the industrial iu tcrests of Pennsylvania, and with the la'ter that there was no object in our politics so much to be constantly kept in mind and maintained, in every event, as ti e perpetual union of these States. ■ hen the exigencies of the times give irth to the llepulican party his far-see ing patriotism, and his long chcishcd It ve of the Uuiro, led him to cast bis votes and give his iuflucacc, so far as it \ as consistent with his official station, iu favor of the principles and candi dates of that party. During the re bellion lie supported the Co .'cmnient and the armies of the Union by every means in his power, upholding the cred it and authority of the former, and en couraging by eonstaut faith the glorrtius cuccess ot the latter. Those intimate with him will not readily forget his cn erggetic utterance agaiuft treason and traitors and the strong and emphatic inanuer with which he was wont to de clare that the Union must an 1 should, at all hazards, be preserved. While no partisan or ultraist iu politics, he is in favor of .mp r ovement and reform, when the changes of the times and wants of the people demand them. The judicial position which Judge Williams has held for ouer fifteen years is as important and responsible as any in ihe State. It has becu adorned by some ot the best legal minds, and it is not saying too much for him to say that ho has proved himself in every respect the equal of any of them. During that time he has probably tried as many and as important commercial, and constitu tional cases, as any other judge of his years in the State, and as a commercial ;i nd constitutional lawyer and Judge, he has no superior on the bench. Quick to fee the real point in the cause pre sented before him. and prompt to decide according to the well established rules of law aud evidence, he has shown him self a sound, clear aud practical Judge, whose opinions and decisions have beeu as seldom reversed by the Supreme Cour' as those of any other Judge of auy other inferior Court in the State. These opinions, many of which have found place in our legal reports arc sound and lucid expositions ot the law of the case before him. They always possess tbo merit of adhesion to the question at is sue, of clearness and brevity. lie nov er wanders from the point involved, and never seeks to reject bis own notions of law or ethics into the decisions of the " Let us have Faith that Right makes Might; and in that Faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it"— A. LINCOLN BUTLER, BUTLER COUNTY, PENN'A, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1807. Courts which ought ever to be faithful interpretation of Constitution and laws as they are. He is not aju dieial law maker, many of whom, to the grief of the profession, we have, but a judicial law expounder, leaving the ma king of the laws to those whose business it is. In his charges to the jury, he lays down the law of the ease with great clearness and leaves all questions of fact fairly to their determination. Judge Willians is emphatically an honest, impartial and just Judge. He cannot be turned a hail's breadth by prejudice, by favor, or by interest, from what he believes to be the justice of the cause before him. So well is his stern integrity as a Judge understood in this community, that no couusel or suitor ever undertook to influence him in the decision of a cause pending before him, save by legal testimony and sound legal argument Judgo Williams is a christian gentle man, a lipe scholar, a sound and, well read lawyer, and a just judge, to whom the celebrated lines of the opening of the third ode of Horace will apply with as much force and truth as to any other man : Justum ac tenacem propositi rirom. Non civium ardor prava jubeutium, Nun vultn-t Instanti* tyrauni* Men to quatit selida. With such a candidate and in a cause so worthy, our own and tho Counties of the Western part of the State will vie with Philadelphia and her sister coun ties of the East in raising the banner of freedom and the Union still higher, and in inugaratiug a campaign for free prin ciples and a united, peaceful and happy country, which shall culminate in the glorious victories of 1868, under the leadership of a Thomas, a Sheridan, a Sherman, ot a Grant. l.uulsiuua. If Sheridan is not removed he will soon finish the preparations for a Con stitutional Convention iii Louisiana.— The Boards of Registers have nearly finished the enrollment of voters,and are ready to execute Sher'dan's order lo pre pare poll-books and voting places. It is expected that in a short time an order directing an election to be held for dele gates to the Convention will be issued.— The latest returns make the total of reg istered voters in tho State 119,390, of whom 41,16(5 are whites and 78,239 blacks. Tho Conservative papers con cede, upon these figures, a Radical ma jority of over 30,000 j and as during the past month less than 2,000 names have bc< n added to the lists in the whole State, there can be no hope of reducing it.— The colored men have a decisive majori ty in all the parishes but six, and those are the smallest in the State. The Avie Orleans Times is unquestionably right i'i its conclusion that l, the political com plexion of this Convention seenn to be already decided beyond qu stion. That it will be overwhel uingly Radical thero can scarcely exist a doubt. The prepon derance ol blacks registered is very large, and as a miss they will vote the Radical ticket. The colored persons who express a determination to cooperate with the Conservative patty are so few aud notice able as to prove that they are on'y ex ceptions to the general rule. Of course, even at this late day, enough colored people might possibly be influenced to elect delegates to tho Convention iusotne ew of the parishes ; but wo believe it would be impossible to materially reduce the large majority which the Radicals se 'in destined to have, and therefore it is better to look this matter boldly in the face, and determine to make tho best ol it." All this shows with how little de lay Sheridan has done his wo k and how little romsius to or-anise a loyal civil government His removal, we are afraid will be largely dua to his success. We do not believe that tho President de sires a Radical Convention to bo held in Louisiana for it is not forg ittcn t hat he defende I the mas-acre of that which as sembled in July, 1866.—A. V. Tribune. TIIF. DUTCHMAN'S "BONY."— you rccklemember dat lid lie black bjny I pyod uiit the bidlcr next week "Yah, vut of him ?" "Nothings, ouly I gits sheatcd burdv bad." "So ? ' "Yah. You see in the vast place he ish plint mit bote legs, and fery lam: mit von eye. Den vcn you gits on him to rite he up belli at unt kicks up be fore so vurser as a chackuiule. I dinks I duke hiui a liddle rite yesterday, unt no sooner I vets straddle his pack be gons inencc d »t vay, so like a vukiu poani on a poatstreaiu; unt vcn he gits tone, I vasso mixed up mide el'erydinks, I vints mine self zitten around packwards, mit his dail in my bants vor de bridle." "Veil, vot you gjing to do mit him?" "Oh I vixed him pe'ter as shauj up. — 1 hitch in le cart mit his dail vcre his head ought to be; den I gife him about a dozen cuts mit a hidecow; he starts togo, put soon he sfees te cart pefore him, he makes packwards. Den 1 takes him out, hitch him de rite vay, unt he goes rite off shust so good as anybody's bouy." FREE RAILROAD LAW.—The Gettysburg Star and Senlinal says:"The friends of a free railroad law are bestirring themselves. We observe that the Republican nomina tions for the Legislature in the Northern as well as in the Western part of the State, reference is had to the opinions and v itos of candidates on this question. Tlicsocret ene mies of this great measure—on which, by tho way, the Democratic State Convention pre served a suspicious silence—must prepare next winter to reverse their record of las ( session, or make a square issue with th e [ people." WHAT IS MY NAME? God made Adam out of du»t. Hut thought it best to im*ke ma first, So I Wim made before the uian, According to God's holy plan. My body lie did make complete, But without arms, or legs, or feet % My ways and tiuie he did control, And I was made without a soul. A living creature I became, And Adam gave my n tnie. Then fr..m bin pretence I withdrew, NJ more of Adam ev«n know. I did my Maker'* law obey ; From them I uever went astray. Thousand* of miles 1 move iu fear, But seldom upon earth appeer. Dnt God in me did sometblog aee, And put a living soul in me. A soul iu me the Lord did claim, And took lrom me a soul again And when from nie that soul was fled, I was tho same as when first in a 10. Aud without hands, or feet, or soul, I travel now from polo to pole I labor hard both day and night, fo fallen man I give great lignt, Thousands of people, .voung and old. Do by uiy death great light behold. No fear of death does tronble me, Nor happiness I cannot see, To heavn abtve I cannot go, Nor to the grave or hell below. The Scriptures I cannot believe, If right or wrong 1 can't conceive, Although my name therein Is fouud, They are to mo au empty sound. And when my frlenls, these lines Go, search the Bibl- with all speed, * And if tny name you can't find there, It will be htrange, 1 must declare. WIT AUD WISDOM. w»' beef-tea first made in gSiyA forte that is too much stormed now-u heme?' —When a man looks through a tear |in his own eye, it is often a lens which i reveals what no telescope however •kill* I fully constructed, could do. The Crops of the World. Commencing at home, and on the Rio Grande, we find that Texas has a large com, a good wheat, and a medium cotton crop. The same is to be said of Louis iana and parts of Mississippi, with some considerable deduction arising from the rdvnges of the cotton worm and the de vastations of late Spting floods. Around the Gulf States, all supplies of food will be abundant, bnt cotton is not likely to yield more than two thirds of an average of former gotid years. Of rice, and cane sugar, there are no good reports. These staples require large capital, and a cer tain kind ol labor which disappeared dur ing the war. In the rest of tha South ern States, with the exception of some portions of North Carolina, and on had jy-worn soils elsewhere,the yield of grain exceels any former year, audit is stated that in a great measure they will muke no demands on the North for bread.— Tobacco, generally, will bo deficient.— Owing to the great amount of labor be stowed on the growing of grain, cotton could not receive the usual undivided attention, and it is generally conceded that it will not excel tho unfavorable yield of last year by more thau a quarter. Generally, the freedtuen are performing their contracts with fidelity, and outra ges upon then are less frequent. By latest advices from the heart of the great grain-growing regions of the West, we mustcouclude that the yield of wheat corn, and oats wi 11 be unprecedcntedly large. Dealers who never carry less than hundreds of barrels of flour have work ed their stocks down as low as ten bar rels. At tha preseut time no large quantity of breadstulls can be sold at current rates, so prevalent is the opinion that prices must recede; and yet, through the whole West, there is an absolute scarcity. In estimating prices for the future this last fact should not be over looked, and the amount absolutely nec essary to feed the people, whose bread hitherto has been as cheap as fuel,will be taken into account. The vaiious fruits are in excess of former years. Grapes, h wever' are doing badly through inter ior sections. On the islauds along the southern shore of Lake Erie, as well as in other water climates, little or no mil dew has yet appeared. Apples arc abund ant, and thence the east cau be supplied. In the Eastern States considerable damage has been dune hay and grain by the freqeot showers. Still, iu various localities these crops have been secured in good order, and corn will yield heavi ly. Much more wheat is now grown than formerly, and with such gratifying results that its culture is likely still more to be extended. From all parts of Can ada the harvests now commencing are more than usually promising, bu', danger is apprehended from the weevil. However, its ravages arc not likely to bo more than lccal. North-westward, t). ward the British Possessions, westward to our new Territories, we have the same general cheering accounts of large yields of grain. Though the damage done by the grasshopper was considerate, the effect will be slight even in the States where for a time it threatened to destroy everything, and whence it has departed, no ont knowing whither. We have the general statement in the Territories of New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado that they will raise their own bread, and per haps Arizona should be included. In the valleys of Nevada some line farms have been opened, and they are growing ex cellent wheat. This year promises to equal the last in California in all tho fruits and grains produced in this remarkably and now highly prosportus State; nor do we have any discouraging report from Oregon or Washington 'Per ritory. The Territory adjoining this has been so recently acquired, and the means of communication are so infrequent, that wc must pass it by in our review. Last year that country which long was the granary of the world, owiug to the f'erteiizing waters of the Nile, had a short crop of grain, though tho yield of cotton was largo, anil the pr'ces of breadstuff* were high. This year the harvests have been abundant, and prices have fallen two. thirds. Southern and Central llus sia, which for many years have contrib uted so much to tho graiu markets of Western Kurope, will furnish an unusual quantity of breadstuff-!. In Poland there will be some diminution, owing to an oveifiow of the waters of the Vis. tula, for even houses were carried away. Through Austria, Prussia, and in Norway and Sweden, there is a pros pect of average yields of grain, and the same is to be said of Turkey in Europe, and of North Italy. In Portugal the weather has been so unfavorable as seri ously to injure the grapes. What may have been the yield of grain in Spain and France, the dry weather was doing considerable damage. England more immediately concerns us. In the sout!> ] em part the oat harvest cominen ed about j tho 20th ult,., and was large. This in cludes the Counties of Middlesex, Sur rey, llerks, and Bucks. In Yorkshire the weather had been highly favorable for three weeks, during which time a large hay crop was secured. This being followed by showers, helped the bwlev, which was short, kept up the grow'h of clover and grass pastures, and rapidly brought forward early souie turnips.— Our last account is up to the 24th ult.— The showers had continued, aud in places the standing graic was bjaicn about con siderable; still, there was no reason for believiug that auy permauent damage had beou done. On ilio contrary, the rain had of great advantage to bar- Icy, oats, peas, and beans, which bad suffered during the long dry in bsy harvest. At the date mentioned the wheat was only beginning to change color. To the hop grower, these rains, accompanied by high winds, were not so acceptable, for in exposed situations the young shoots were terribly battered. In Kent, owing to the attack of iusects, the hop prospect is verjr gloomy. Generally the season is from ten days to two weeks late. The latest nccount states that a storm was prevailing through Great Britain.— N. V. Tribune. The First of August. So long as " persons of African de scent" remain as a distinguishable class in America the First of August will be their great day. It will be their Pass over, their Fourth of July, their Saint Patrick's Day. Ou the Fit st of August, 1£34, slavery became extinct in the Brutish Wes> India Islands. By a strango coincidence, on the First of Au gust in this Year of Grace, 1807—a generation, to a day, as we now reckon human generations—persons of that race, heretofore held as slaves in tho United States, for the first time exer cised the rights not merely of " freed men," but of citizens, by voting for Governor and members of Congress. This in the State of Tennesseo. Verily the world does move. One ean scarcely believe that it is exactly ten years since Justice Taney pronounc ed his famous " l)red Scott" decision, wherein backed up by the whole body of Associate Justices, he laid down as established law that no person of Afrit ean descent was or could ever become a citizen of the United States. Let us, however, do justice to Judge Taney, lie never gave the atrocious decision HO often nttributbd to him, that the black race was "so far inferior that ihey had no rights which the while man was Louuii to respect." These words, indeed occur in iiis decision. He says that they had been so regardod for a century be fore the framing of tho Declaration ot Independence ; and that then " no one seems to have doubted the correctness of the prevailing opinion of tho time." Hut the whole context shows that Jus tice Tauey, so far from formally giving his official sanction to this seutiment,. had serious doubts as to its rightfulness He indeed denied to the colored race, through all generations, any political or civil rights. But he would doubtless haro conceded to them some rights which " the white man was bound to respect"—such rights, fo l- example, as tho amiable Mr. lie Bergh so strenuous ly maintains for turtles and donkey, om nibus horses and ragpickers' dogs—the right at least not to be starved or bru tally beaten. Many men had the gravest doubts as to the safety of extending tho franchise to tho freedmen. We shared in those doubts. But concurrent testimony from a thousaud Sources convinces us, as it has convinced thoughtful man, Norfli and South, that our fears were groundless. The freedmen have borne themselves with a dignity, a moderation, a decorum which their best friends da*' ed not to h pe. We have just received a letter from a Georgia planter, the most intimate friend and associate of Alexan der 11. Stephens, Vice' President of the late Confederacy. The wr tor, who fought during the whole war on the Southern side, says, in effect, that the South ought, loog ago, to have emanci pated the slaves and given them the right of suffrage. How the freedmen came to be found, all at ouce, in posses sion of so much real political knowledge has puzzled us all. Perhaps " Porto Crapon," in a picture in Harpers Mag azine of last Jauuury, solves the mystery. There we have a person of unmistakable " African descent" waiting at table, whereat are seated several most undoubt edly F. F. V.'s, who are clearly discuss ing politics Colored Persoa, tray in hand, is ready to change plates, or re plenish the wine or punch glasses; but his ear is turned so as catch every word which falls from the lips of tho P. P. V.'s. In au hour after the F. F. V.'s have retired from the festive board ev ery word which they said will have been told to a score of eager listeners in the negro quarters. That attentive " boy" was for the future freedmen not a bad substitute for a daily newspaper. Well, the election in Tennessee came off on the First of August. As we write, on the second, telegraphic reports thereof coina in. Nashville, which would most likely have been the Con federate capital, had Ihe Confederacy lived, has never been famous for quiet elections. But now we read that the polls closed upon a very peaceable sirene. There WJS no fighting, 110 "iriinkeuness no disorder. Early in the morning loog lines of dark laces were furmed at the polls. One by one, indue order, the du;ky new made freedmen deposited their ballots and departed. lu the af ternoon the whites mainly voted. That the election would go in favor of the '• Radicals" was a foregone conclusion. ; President JoliDson himself could hardly | have hoped to find any support in his I own State. Tins i'irst of August 1367, will stan lor, of the Chicago Evening Journal. The printer is the adjutant of thought and this explains the mystery of the mystery of the wonderful word that can kindle a hope as no song can; that can warm a heart as no hope can; that wjrd "we" with handsin hand warmth in it—for the author and the printer are engineers together. Engi neers, indeed ! When the little Cosei n bombarded Cadir, at tho distanoe of five miles, it was deemed the very triumph of engineering But what is that range to this, whereby they brnibard the ages yet to be ? Thero at the "case" he stands and marshals into line the forces armed for truth, clothed in immortality and English. And what can be nobler than that equip ment of a thought in stearling Saxon— with a spear or shield therein, and that commissioning it when we arc dead, to move grandly onto "the latest syllable of recorded time." This is to win a vic tory from death, for this has no dying in it. The printer is called a laborer, and tho office he performs is toil. Oh, it is not work but a sublime life he is performing, when he thus sights the engine that is to fling a worded truth in grander curve than missile e'sr before described i fling it into the bosom of an age unborn. He throws off his coat indeed ; we but won der the rather, that he does not put his shoes from off his feet, for the place where he stands is holy ground. A little song was uttered somewhere long ago. it wondered through tho twi light feebler than a star ; it died upon the ear. But the printer takes it up where it was lying there % tho silence like a wounded bird, and he sends it forth from the ark that had preserved it, and it fli«H on into tho future with tho olive branch of peace, and around tho world with tnelody, lihs ths dawning of a spring morning. A GOOD JOKE.—When I used to keep store in Syracuse, tWfe old man camo around one day, and says he: "Boys, the one that sells most 'twixt now and Christmas, gets a vest pattern for n present." Maybe we didn't work for that vest pattern ! I tell you thore were some tall stories told in graise of goods about that time. But the tallest talker, and the ono that had more cheek than any of us, was a certaih Jonah Squires, who roomed with me. lie could take a dollar out of a nian'j pockht. when the man only in tended to spend a sixpence. And wo man— I/>rd bless you ! —they just handed ovier their pocket books to him, and let. hm lay out what he pleased for them One night Jonah woke me up with— " By Joe, old fellow, if you think that, are's got any cottsn in it, I'll bring down the sheep that it was cut from and make him swear to his own wool! T'wont wear out, either; I wore a pair of pants of that stuff for five years, and they,re as good as when I first put 'em on ! Tako it at thirty cents, and I'll say you owe mo nothing. Eh! too dear! well call it twenty eight cents. What d'ye say? Shall I tear it? All right, it's a bar* gain." I could fed Jonah's land playing about the bed clothes for an instant, then rip, tear, went something, and 1 had my hi ad under the 112 lankets, perfcotly con vulsed with laughter, and sure that Jonah had torn the sheet from top to bottom. When [ woke up in the morning I found —alas ' unkindest cut of all—that the back of my night shirt was split from tail collar batd. —The strong vote in tho Michi gan Coristituional Convention in fa vor of prohibition, and refusal of th& Convention to submit the question seperately. are significant signs of tho times. The wisdom of such an extreme measure may be questioned. Nevertheless, it shows the popular tendency. This comes necessarily from the universal and still growing evil of intemperance—not the intem perance of former days; but a con suming epi lemic th t gathers its vies tirn-» by scores, and from all rank 3 and classes, ff by a clause in her Constitution Michigan shall be fortu nate enough to exterminate this plague, it wi'il be a hippy day for her citizens. The attempt wilt be watch ed with an absorbing interest by tho other Sta'es, not less aflictol than j she. j TO'DRIVK OFF HATS.—Tak& * : bunch nf matches and soak them over ; night ins tea cup full of water; then take out tbe matches thicken the wa- I ter- with Indian meal to a stiff dough, adding a teaspoonful of sugar and a , littlo lard; lay it about the premises where tho rats and nothing else will • eat it-