American citizen. (Butler, Butler County, Pa.) 1863-1872, June 19, 1867, Image 3

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Butler, Pa.jWednesday, Jur019,1867.
Uiit Hwiis
Shortly after we took charee of the
American Citizen we requested tbe citi
*en* of the different townships and bor
oughs of our county, to favor ua with
short articles upoa matters of local inter
est, for publication. We return ouf
thanks to those who have already eom
. plied with the request.
There are, no doubt, many subjects of
local interest to the different parts of our
edunty which conld be made known thro'
<he columns of the county papers. Our
readers look for and expeot to see in the
columns of the county papera, the lo**al
news of our county. This expectation
can oaly be realised in one way —and
that is, by citifns favoring us with these
items for publication. You will see at
onco that it is impossible for an editor to
give matters of local interest, in a rural
district, unless he is furnished with the
same. Every person, therefore, interest
ed in their county, and county papers,
Will favor us with short items and com
munications on subjects of interest to
the people.
Tt ew Jail,
The contract for the New Jail and
Sheriff's House, his been given to John
K. Kennedy, of Prospect; he beinp the
lowest bidder. We are informed that
the, work is to be commenced in a short
time. Mr. Kennedy is well known to
many of our eitizeos as an energetic
business man, and it is confidently bcliev
ed that the work will he puthed forward
to rapid completion. The carpenter work
has been awarded to Mr. Purvis, of But
ler,who is known as a first class woikmar.
Owing to the fact that it wus impossi
ble to have the old buildings removed
from the lot at an early date, and that,
iin consequence a great p'irt of the build
ing season has already passed, the new
buildings cannot be completed this year;
but we have no doubt all will be done
that perseverance and energy can accom
A vocal and instrumental concert will
be given in the Courthouse on the even
ing of the sth of July next, by the pupils
of Wm. R. Colbert.
This, no doubt, will be a rich enter
tainment. The lovers of music, and the
public generally, should make their cal
culations to be present on the occasion.
" 'Tit mnnic churma na U«»t on «»rth,
And gre«ta us flrwt in H^nren.'*
The singing of sweet, select music,
is certainly very entertaining,and the old
and youag could not spend the evening
more appropriately than by attending the
Notice will be given by printed bills
and programmes [June 12—4w.
DESOTO, when he visile I the shores
of America, sought long and arduously
for the ''Spring of Perpetual Youth."
that those who bathed therein might
■ever grow old in appearance. People
in our day have in part discovered a sub
stitute for this unfound spring in Ring's
Vegetable Ambrosia, a few applications
of which gives to white or gr.iy hair that
dark, strong and glo«sy appearance pccu
liar to youthful beauty. If any of our
readers doub' this, let try a hottU
and be convinced of the truth o! our as
Orphsßs' Rome.
We are authorized to say that speak
ers will be in attendance to address the
people in the Court room on Tuesday
evening, June 25th.
The establishment of <uch an inti.
tutioo as is contemplated, should inter
est every citizen of this community art 1
county, au-i it is hoped ihat there mil l>e
a general attendance and eipu-a. II ,d
sentiment upon this important inter 'it.
Sew arrival
H. C. Heineman has just received a
splendid assortuiout of the latest styles
o! Y\ all Paper, which he has purcha-ed
at the reduced rates, and is prepared to
sell at a low figute. lie has a'most every
variety, shade and pattern, being the
largest and best selected stock ever offer
ed in this market, aiid will sell at as low
prices as the game quality can be pur
chased at any place iu the Western »ar'
Hay Hake.
G. C. Roessing in still engaged in the
manufacture of Walker's Wheel Hty
Rake, which is known to be one of the
test in use. Now is the time for far
mers to prepare for taking up their har
vest, which promises to be abundant.—
Every one who has used this rake ean
testify that it is one of the best in use
Send in your orders without delay. Rakes
warranted to be of the very best material.
Plaaeiafmill Accident
0« Friday evening last, as William
Biaer was engaged in adjusting the
knives of the plaueing machine, in this
borough, the mill was incautiously set. in
motion. The fingers of one of his hands
were caught in the knives and seriously
las cera ted.
Read tbe advertisement of /. J Ste«
venson, with regard to Sle-unions' patent i
ears plow. i
Fee • Grand Mawlng Match
Near Butler.
Knowing that man/ farmara in this and
adjoining counties had, heratofora, been
deceived in the purchase of inferior Mow*
ing Machines, before offering any for
sale in thia section we endeavored to as
certain which might be the beat adapted
to the wanta of oar farmers. In the
course of onr investigation we learned
that Messrs. John Hall & Co., of Pitts*
burph, had traveled over many Statea of
the Union and examined nearly all the
machines made, and finally selected the
Union as the best and the one which they
engaged in manufacturing to supply the
demands of the western portion of the
State; all with whom we had conversed,
who had used the Union Mower, also
agreed in pronouncing it a first class Ma
chine; consequently, we selected it as
the best, and entered into arrangements
with the manufacturers to sell it to the
fatmers of Butler county. Hut we find
that those engaged in selling other mi>
chines assert that their's are superior \J>
the Union. In order, therefore, that far
mors and ethers may have practical illus
trations of the good and bad qualities of
the different machines offered for Bile. we
challenge Messrs. J. G. k Wm Camp
hell. and all others engaged in the sale of
Mowing Machines in this county, to en
ter into a mowing match in a field which
may l>e se'ected, near Butler, at as early
a day as the necesssry arrangements can
be made. What say you, Messrs. Camp
bell, and oth»rs? Do you accept the
challenge ? If so, let us proceed at once
to select a field, the proper number of
impartial judges, and miike the necessary
arrangements for the contest.
Farmers will please b°ar in mind that
if the parties tj whom this challenge is
extended, fail or refuse to accept, and
assist in miking the necessary arrange
ments, that the Union Mower will be ex
hibited in a field near Butler, at the ear
liest da; possible. Those who contem
plate purchasing machines should wait
and witness the contest or exhibition ,
notice of the time and place of which
will be given next week.
Agents for Union Mower. Butler, I'a
Tall Ryt. "
We have just received several stalks of
Bye, grown on the farm of Eugene Fer
rero, Ksq , near Butler borough, the long
est measuring 8 ft. 10 in. How are you,
Beiks? Butler has been stigmatized as
a poor county by the ignorant, but she
L'rowß tall grain. It any other man or
county has taller grain than the above, we
would like to hear from them.
Naw Tailor Shop.
Thomas B. White's Fashionable Tai»
lor Shop will be found opposite Thos.
Stehle's store. Main street, Butler, I'a.
GEN. SH HID*N seeuis to liavo lost
none of his antipathy towtrd Rebels.—
He pursues them relentlessly in New
Orleans as he did in the Shenandoah
Valley. He keeps up the whirliug pro
cess, much to the dissrust of the unreeon»
structed, but to the entire satisfaction of
the loyal people. Ilis reply to the in
quiries of General Grunt as to the cause
of the removal of Governor Wells, Mayor
Monroe, Judge Abel I, and District At
torney Herron, is characteristic of the
man and exceedingly valuable as a Oil
trihution to the cu-ient history of the
times. He says ho removed G ivernor
We Is because lie WJS a and J
a dish mest turn; ho deposed Mayor M>>n j
roe beeau-e lie instigate i the disgraceful \
tiot of last summer; he superseiied -fudge I
Afiell bee.iuse he promised the rioters iin- i
munity, and he displaced L>i«tr et Attor- j
ney Herron beeau-e h>' induced •-my the i
innocent victims of the riot an 1 te r tln» I
guilty ga seit-lree »t is u ■ terst.tod i
that Mr. Johnson is dispose ! to recall j
Sheridan, no" deeming the above reasons j
a suffir-ieat justification for li s Course. — i
How long, Mr. Piosidont wiil ym en
tinu ■ !u iiliui).! the pi'iert«B >1 "io pe ■- ;
pie ? —FrihikHn H p'<i'"rt/
Tli* •• i» l> nee I and oca i to
if di'tg our bps' iiM-ni 'iinries s ou • Wii '.
for thus i di.did y c-aifes-xy ti e (J "■ U"'
Chronicle! "Tlx* wliiie ton ur»- i '
ready divided in |K>iiticul eent'iuei t, a-d
tl pre is daug'T 'lnit'lie liadicaU will' »'r> ■
the State-" Thisadnii-ai ni ■ uiht •«» io«pir«* j
red"ubl d <ff irt on the pari of th* N ati"iial I
('•monit'pe. ''Every solitary vntf," mt» the i
M"hilt AdvctilCr,rv?ft rilir. strOMjjly, t4 w{ I IM* !
neees-arv to prevent Alabama from Iciuj; j
as eomp'etelv radicalized a< i
Ma«sachnse t«." Tlo* ti rebelsd mm ondir- i
rate tlieir danger. The Kadieaia. therelfre, j
st'Oul I not mis« their opp rfnuitv.
BMTH—NIOOEI,—On Tared*., 11th inet , l,j Re.
Iteinml uf the German (*lhulic rhftrc-h. Mr lohn
Sntuh.ol Butter b< >n.\n:h. .nil Mie. Lena Niggel, of
ltutler tuwn.Fiip, both of ButlerrouuTjr, I'a.
John, rtm would get married- Well, 10 nionglit It b«- i
We welcome you and your lo»«ly bride into our mat- |
rimonml ft eternity, and may yon enjoy all tbe bleeainft.
aad felicit lee or the marriage atate. and may It alwaya
be brim foil of happinee*. p.
/OHNSOS—WELSH—On F.brnarr 11th Hit
J. A twanpy. Mr Charlee C. John..., of All-irheor
rHj, l 'a ,to Mia* Kfthia Weleh of llutler county, I'e
BNYDKR—HAWK—On the 2-<d instant, by Ret. A It.
Domer. Mr. Abraham Snyder of Arnt'tronf? count..
Pa . to Mi a fcarv A. Hawk of fairrtew ti'«liebiq
Butler county. Par
BTERLY—WRIGHT—On Tburaday, June 13th. by the
Re». J. M Pberin, Mr Adam Byerly and Miu Jane
Wright, all of Butlpr county. Pa.
~ ——p-
WIMKR—On Sntidaj . May 2»th, Mr. John Wimer of
Worth towaehlp, Bullet county, la the ecTenty &rat
year of bte age.
Mr. Wimer waa a Tery constant man. an example to
the Christian Church , and one of oar beet citiieaa
well respected by all who knew his. He faarss a large
circle of friends to moors their laat. Bat oar loss is
his gain.
BALPII—Oo Tueeley the 11th Instant, in this borough'
Biter s eery severe illness, Agttss. younge-t daughter
of Jamee and KHta Balph.aged e montheand 21 days
SEDWICK—On Tuetdey morning. May 2let, 15«7, in
Butler, Pa... at the reeidence of bis paiettts. afters
lingering Illness. John I..Bedwiek, eldest sea of Josb
aa ), and Jane Sedwick. aged 38 yean,
bleeping to wakea,
When sngsls call.
To a land where
'-e,'. rset aad,»(etfciralt
lull M'KSfg.
BCTTKR— fresh Rol, IS cents p»r pound
BEANS —White, $2,00 per bushel.
BARLEY—Spring, 90
BEESWAX—St cents per potad.
EGGS— If :enta p«rdot«o
FLOOR- *'fae*t ( IT,OO U— M* *7* M?#
Buckww»*t, t3,60 per huni.
FRUIT—Dr.« 4 Appl*. «cU. ft; DrU4 PeachM,
tt c«U ft ft.
FEATHERS—76 e«ntiper ponmd.
GRAIN—-Wheat 9*,00 p« bu«hcl Rje.l,oo; Omta. Me
Cora 90; Back wheat, 1,00.
GROCERIES—Coffee, Rio, SO per pound; 40
Brown Super. WUper pound; do.White, fOr N.O. Molee
ee 91,50 cente per filivS; Syrup 100 end |I,M.
BIDES—7 cente per pound.
LA RD—ln cente per pound.
NAILS—-97,76 per keg.
POTATOES—OOe per buehel.
PORE—Shouldere, 10; Flitch, 11; Heme, He P«r
R AGS—4 cent* per pound.
RICE—I 6 cent* per pound.
SALT—93,26 pet berrol
TALLOW—I 2 cente per pound.
WOOL—4O cent# per pound for common.
PirrsacMi, June 19, 199*/.
OR A IN—Winter Red, 92 *0; No. 1 Sprinf ifl quoted et i
94 Iu end No. 2 et 93
Corn, 1,00Af.U6; Barley, No. 1 Spring SI 10.
FLOOR—Spri'I Wheat, 912 00 ; Winter Wheat.9l4;
Rye Flour 99 60 ft bbl; Buckwheat, 94 00 per cwt.
PROVISIONS— Becon, •boulder*, 10c; Sugar Cured
Hams, l&lic; Lard, 13c.
BUTTER—Freeh Roll, 16c
EGGS-17c per do*en
HAT—Baled. 9/7 per Ton.
SEEDS—Flaxseed 9300; Timothy.S 00; Cloeer.HOO.
DRIED FRUIT— Peacbee, quarters, 17, halret 19 cte.
per lb; Apple*;*
POTATOES— iVach Blow*, 91 16 cent* per bushel.
APPLES—96 26.
BEANS—92 75 per bnshel
OlL—Crude, Reined, 29 cents per gallon
Laid Oil, 87 to 90 for No. 2, and 91 10 for No. 1.
Special Notices.
great medicine cured Dr. Schenck, the Proprietor, o
I'uliuonary Consumption, when it had aesumed It* uioet
formidable aspect, and when speedy death appeared to
be inerltabl*. Ilis physicians pronounced bis rase In
eurable, when he commenced tbe use of this simple but
powerful remedy. Ilis health waa restored in a very*
short Uine, a nd no return of tbe diseane has been appre*
bended, for all tbe symptoms quickly disappea red, and
hU prexunt weight la more than two hundred p ouuds.
Since bis recovery, he has devoted his attention ex
clusively to the cunt of Consumption and the disease*
which are usually complicated with it, and tbe cures
effected by hia medicine* have been very numerou a
and truly wonderful Dr. Schenck makes professional
visit* to several of the larger citlea weekly, where he
ha* a large roncourse of patients, and it is truly aston
ishing to see poor consumptives that have to be lifted
out of their carrlnge*. and In a few months healthy, rt>-
erally all required In curing Consumption. Full direc
tions accompany each, s<> that any one can tako them
without seeing Dr. Schenck, but when it la convenient
it ia be*t to see him. He f£ive« ttdvice free, but for a
tboroiiKh examination with hia Ke*plrometer his fee is
three d >liars.
Please observe, when that the two like
nesses of the Doctor—one when in the last at ago
Consumption, and the other ns he now is, in perfect
health —are on the Government stamp.
Sold by all Druggists and D -alera. Pric 91.50 per
bottle, or 97.50 the hulf dozen. Letters tor advice should
always be directed to Dr. Schenck'* Principal Office
North Hh street, Philadelphia, I'a. General Whole.
n ale Agents: Dein is Rai nes A Co.. N. Y-, S. S. llnnce,
Baltimore, Md.; Joha D. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio;
Walker A Taylor, Chicago, 111 ; Collins Bros., St. Louis*
; Missouri. [3d w ea. mo lyr.
TORS are a medicinal prepaiatiou in the form of a
Lozenge, and are universnlly considered the mostp/iaj
ant, effectual and convenient rented* In use, fur Hoarse
n<)i, C'tughf, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, lfip
theria and all I'ulmonary Complaints They are war
ranted to give quiet er and more lasting benefit in the
above affections than any other remedy : also to contain
n<> deleterious ingredient, and not to oflend the weakest
and most sensitive stomach,
«-Hor sale by S \ MO EL GRAHAM and REDICK &
CO., Druggists, llutler. Ha., at ct* per Box.
Are so called because of their pecn llur direct and effi
cient effect upon the Liver. Stomach, Blood and Ner
vous System For inactivity of the Liver f.<r the Stom
ach In derangement, or Dyspepsia, they will delight
the patient with their inild arul henetUial effect, espec
ially if. from long continued Indigestion and ccstive
n«ee, they are left with periodical returns of the Sick
Headache. In case «112 a severe Cold, producing Chills
and AV* r. you can break it very so>.n by using the iMls
as p* r diiection with each box.
«#*Also for S*IH v SAMI'KL (JRAHAM and RED
ICK A CO., Butler, l'a.,»t 'i'» cts per llox.
June 12th. 18fi7—Omos ) Pntpiletors, Elmira, N. Y.
A Single Box of BRAN DRC THS PILL Consin
more vegetable extractive matter than twenty boxes o
dlpibda any where in the world besides; fifty five
iiylsure physician* use them in theii practice to tha
exclusion of otli«r purgatives. The first letter of their
value is yet scarcely appreciated. When they ate bet
ter known, a sudden death and continued sickness will
be «»f the past. Let those who know them speak right
out in thei p fa»or. It is a duty which will save life.
Onr race ore subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile
at this season, it is dangerous as it is prevalant
but Brtndreth's Pills afford an invaluable and efficient
p-otection. their occasion tl tt«o "•«. .
Col Jet tionof those impurities which, when in stiff eiaat
quantities, cause so much danger t> the body's b»%».»,., j
They s.x.n cure Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Lossof Ap
petite, Pain in the Head, Heartburn. I'ain in llrea stt
lt.uie. Sudden Faintne«s and Costiveness. Bold bye a!l
re -pectable Dealere in Medicine*
TO CONSUMPTIVES.—The Advertiser, having
oeen lestored t>health iu a few a-eeks. by a very «im- ;
p e remedy, after having suffered several years with a i
severe lung affection, and that dread diieas", Consutnp- !
tion—is anxious to rauko known to his follow-sufferers
the means of cure
To ill alio desire it, be will send a copy "112 the pre- |
acriptiou used, ifree «.f charge) with the directions for |
prt-piuiiig 'ind using the *am«, which they adnfylwlv
I'HKt'fi:; row CoKM!*moN, %hTHMA, IK NCUIT.-, Ac
The ittlv object of rh - aiivertiset in een>lilig tbe l'ie
scrlptbui. is t. benettr the afßtcte I.and aprea.. ii.f.irnia- !
Hon wh ill be conceives to be in* «lnalde; and ue hopes ;
every sufferer will try his reroe ly. aa it will cost tliem :
nothing, ami may piove a lde*„-. K
Parties winbing the pre cription. will please address
Hkv EDW AU D A, Wll .SO N , I
W illiautsbiirg, Kingscuiity, Nsw York.
Nov 7. INtB. ly.
Clioiera, Dianhcea, and Dysentery-.!
Acta la WATif:AKTt.I» by DR. To 111 AS <
\ KSMi AN LIMMK.NT, if need alien first (aken by ,
perSiiu* if te nperate b.tbits. This medicine bae m-n .
known In the United Statesovet 2 « year*. Thousands
ba\e used it.and found it never failed to cnrcHity c,»m '
plaint for which It was recommended, and all tboee ato '
fir-t tried it. are now never without it. In the Cholera, j
o« I*4B. Dr. Tobias attended 4o cases and lost 4, being |
called in bM.late to do any Ku .hl
DIRKCTIovS.—Take a tea-poonful in a wine glassof i erv
erv half ho t- f»i ta- oh * ours, an 1 rub the abdo
men and extremities well with the Liniment. To allay 1
the thirst take a luihp of ice in tbe moutll. about th.' 1
sire of a marble ever v ten minutes It is warranted pel .
fm-t 1 r inn-H-ent to take internally. Sold l»y all drug
gis.'s, price 4 ' and 80 cents Depot, 56 Courtlaud S I
'•'* i
i2M enn '* K,t we «» n
jLav# w w Agents everywhere to sell our
IMFHOV ii 9-* 1 * Sewing Machines, Three new kindn Un
der and npfter feed. Sent on trial. Warranted flvo years.
Above salary or large commission paid. The O*LT ma
chine* <«.ld in United States f.r leas than #4O, which are
utlg licnsfd by .'/owe. Wheeb'r it- Wt!s<m (jrirver cf
/taker. Singer <f On . and Hacheinr. AU other cheap
machines are inf ring 'mrnts and the eeiler or user are
liaNe to arrestJLne an.l imprisonment. Illustrated cir
culars sent free. A«idr -*«s. or call upon Shaw A Clark
at Btd ieft.rd, Maine, or Chicago 111.
June 27 •*««-. ly
WANTED. AGENTS—976 to 9200 PER MONTH lor
gentlemen, and to $75 for ladies, every whet *,
Co introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Faiutty See
ing machine, improved and perfected It will hem, fell, >
atitch, quilt, bind, bran! and embroider beautifully
Price 6\tly s2o, making the elastic lock atitch, and fblly
warranted for three years. We pay tbe above wages, or
a ccannnssiou. from which twice that amount can l>«
made. Address with stamp, oi call • <l4 C. BOWERS A
Co., Salesrooms, No. 256 South FIFTH Street, Philadel
phia, Pa. All letters answsred prompt!/, with circulars
aud terms.
«P*iU«UIJ 9- t *>, 0— Male and Female to in
ING MACHINE. It Is adapted for family use and Tail
oring. It mnkes a stitch alike on both aides. Price
only TWENTY DOLLARS Extraordinary inducements
to Agents. For full paitictdara, addresa
630 ARCH street,
Jane 19.1967, 3m Philadelphia, pa.
tw-t- LODGE
Mo. 278, 10. of O F., hold* ita
\zv •tated ai tue Hall, on
Main St., Butler, Penuaylvauia
everv MONDAY evening, con
mencing at 6o'cbick. Brethren from aiater Lodges ar»
respectfully inviteo to attend. By order ef the M G
i v . A. Y. M Butler Lodge, No. 272, A. Y M
/ holda ita stated meetings in the Odd Fellow
Hall, on Main Street. Butler, Pa., on tbe nra"
Wednesday of each month. Brethren from
aiater Lodges are reepectfollj invited to at
jftftft- W. Mi
Of B«c#nd Bouotj Account of MJi»«»«rjfock township,
for the 7Mr IMA ,-Joht MeKolght Collector
John McKnlfht, to amorat Of Duplicate, IMM#
Amount collected by J. A. Christley, VM It
****** Jno. McKnlgbt, 4,01* 09
Interest paid by McKnlfht MA 00 <
Mistake oa Duplicate, fO 88
Kxoneratlont, 770 18
Nnmber ot men, fifteen (18)
iVon «rt inventu . gift Ift
By cuh to McKee Oill, M. Henry and othari 84,682 09
Ain't due Milton Henry supposed to be Si9Q 00
We, the undersigned Auditors of Slippery rock town
ship do hereby certify that we have examined the fore
going mysttrious acconnt, and, front the document* and
Teachers prumttd to us, belieT® it correct.
n. M QII.L, V Auditors.
Jons 18,1867,8t.
THE snb«crtber wonld respectfully inform the farm,
ors of Bntier county, thst be has tbe right for the
county of Bntier, and <« eoffsged in tbe manufacture of
M O. Slemmons' Patent Iron Plnw; and la (repnred to
furnish tlie same on sh .rt notice, and at reasonable
rates. Menufnct'ti'ed at Mount Chestnut. franklin Tp.,
Bntier county, Pa.
Dealers and others are hereby notified that the Letters
Parent owned by me, veati In me the sole rirht to man
nfk "ture, aell and u«e said plow, and sell and convey the |
a«ms to others, within the limits of Butler county. In
accordance with (he laws of the United Htate« in such
cane made and profided. ,1. J. BTEV KNSON .
June 19, "67, 2t* Mt Chestnut, Butler Co., Pa.
Kxccutor's Notice.
Estate of John }Vimer, dec'J.
NOTICE Is hereby givan. that Letters Testamentary
on tbe estate of John Wirner, late of . - ■
township, dee d, iiavs been duly issued to the oudersign
ed; therefore, all persona indebted to said ettste, are re
quested t" make Immediate payment, and tin•%- having
claims will present the same pioperly authenticated for
settlement J FINDLKV WIMSR,
Jtiiie 19, 1W,31* Executors.
Administrator'* Notice.
Estate of James Cratty, dee'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of V ministrs
tion on the estate of James Orattjr, nte of Mud
dvcreek tp., Butler county, Pa , dee d, have this day
'June *rh. A I)., ISA",) oeen granted to tha tindorsigned;
tiierefore, all persons knowing them 'elves indebted to
said estate, will make itnmeditite payment, and those
having cl-tims against the same will present them
prophrly authenticated for settlement,
11109. QAKVEY, Jr., Adm'r.
Jnn«H>, *67-.11,
Executor's Notice.
Estate of James Henry, dec'AL
"VTOTICE is hereby given, that Letters Tes'amentar*
Xi having been Is-nod to the uud'rxitciied, on the es
tare of James Henry, late of Oakland township
Butler county, Pa deo'd; therefore, -II peisons know
ing themselves indebted to the said estate, will make
immediate payment, and thosi having claims asainst
the HHine will prtsent them duly authenticated for
settlement. JOHN ],. HARTLEY, Ex'r.
Kxceutor's Notice.
(Estate of Samuel Crooks, dee'd.)
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testsmentary,
on the Estate of ganttiel Crookl. late of Middlesex
township, dee'd. have this day (June 17th. ]H»T,;been
duly issued to the undersigned; therefore, all persolH
indebted totaid Estate are requested to make immedi
ate payment and those having claims, will p.essut the
sauie pioperly authenticated tor sottlemeut.
WILLIAM CKOOKS, > Executory.
June 19, 3t. JOHN CUOuKd, J
WonlJ respectfully inform the citixeni of this place
that nhe is prepared to do all hinds ot sewing, such as
Dress Making, gaques, Gents' Shirts, and Lhildten's ap
parel. Also, Local Agent f.»r Wheeler and WiUon'l
Sewing Machines !■>»>. go. 1*67. tf.
rpHE subscribers have on hand and are daily receiving
1. at their Store-KoOui,opposite Peter Dully sin Butler
An Extensive Assortment
Driign, |I)jo Stiiflfr,
Oils, iToilct Soap,
PalnlN, IPeiTuiiicr)',
Choicest Liquors
for chemical and medicinal purposes. Also, all kinds of
I1IIU8IIEH» NOTIONS. «fco. 112
Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully
and Promptly Compounded.
lii the Grocery Department
will be f.mnd Flour. Bacon, Fish. Offee, Teas, Sugur*,
tanned Fr«.lt <>f all k ills; in short every arlitle fur
Kami Iv «*e. Also,
Queensware,- Hardware,
And a general assortment of Tt.Hncco andClgat-s.
The highest tn.-nket price paid forall kinds uf p o
duce iu exchange lor (J<nh|*.
Rell & Dieffenbaqhor.
Juno 12. ISC7 ly.
Public n«rtiiig
For An Orphans' Hume,
In Butler.
THE Sf. Psnis Cla«*i" of theOerman nef»rmanehurch
are at nut to establish a Cbri«ti;in Home f..r Or
phans f n Western Penn'a. They have secured the r ln§ I
•112 hi eligible and ilsairat I* place for such a benatO lent
in-titution adjoining the fl>tir<Hblng townof llutler, l f a.
A Committee has been appdnted to vWt Butler, and
what feeling and spirit of co-opera:ion the
citixens generally may entertain towanls fh« propp ed
chri-tian enterprise; and, if , roper encouragement be
given, they have power to locate snch Home at Butler, Pa
A public meet ng or Af.l ciTizr.*s favornbl*. to the
proJe« t of ftcurmtj U\e Uratinn of such an institution at
tliia place. i» called to be hnl lin the Court House, on
th evening of TCE'DA V, the 26th of June, at S o'clock
to meet ttie Committee of said cla»«is, and to offer such
inducements as may be thought piop or to make.
C. A. LIMMURtt, Ps»t'»r
of the German Keformed Church at Bntier.
June 12, !807—2t-
Notice to Builders.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo hyfte School
Directors«»f Summit township, on Saturday the 29th
oi June, f<»r the rebuilding 6f Sch -ol llonae No. ',tm»re
commonly known the ifitrhell School House. The of the old building will he uia<le n-e of in part
In the erection c.t the new one. The Directors will meet
at tbe houee of Judge Mitchell, at t o'clock, T.M.. of
K aid day, where specificHtn»ns and plan of new building
can be s«eu ; at which time aud place the coutract will
be given L. BLEICHNLK . I'res't-
J IlLaicnviß, Sec'r. 112 Jnne 6. 1867, 4t
Attorney at Law,
Office, South-west Corner of Diamond
(That formerly occupied by Hon.Chas C. Sullivan )
May 15. 'o7. —ly) HUTI.ER. T*A .
Proposals for School House.
PROPUBALB for building a Brick School House at
Glade Mill, Bntier county. Pa., will be received en
Saturday. June Ist. at 2 o'clock. P. M
i By order of the B-»ard K OGDEN, Prse't.
H. W. MnCLRLLiRD, Sec'y.
j Mayti. M", «t. Glade Mill.
Pay Up.
A IF/ persons indebted to the nndersigned, are hereby
notiQe-t.that unless their accounts are settled up
witlrin thirty days from this date. (June *th, the
same will be left in the hands of W«. o Zieitljr Esq ,
. for o^liectieo.
J /mi. i, •*-«. ** y^wjyiKr
J. Hippely W. 11. Siller*
WfaolMAl* * Becatl Dwlsn Ist
Intersection of Ohio and Liberty Streets.
A T o. 1 Salt at the lowest Market price on Board the Cars.
•9"Highest Prlee paid for Oata and Corn.*^N
Consignments Solicited.
June sth, 1867—1y.
The undersigned is now receiving and opening at his store (one door South of
Johs M Thomfison's I,aw office) in Butler, a splendid stock of Spring and Sum
mer Goods, consisting of
Slates, Tweeds,
leans, Freaefet Eeriaaes, Papiius,
Alpacas, Gatorp*
Notions, Ready Made Clothing, Car
pets, Oil Cloths, Groceries,
Hardware, Queens
ware, Hats,
Cap.s» Boots & Sho©B, Sod© Leather, &q„
ADd all such goods as this market requires, which will be sold CHEAP. Call
and examine.
Highest Market Price Paid lor all kinds of Mercbanti blo Produce.
April 24, 1867::tf JO4N SCOTT.
Is still carrying on the Drug busines in the old stand in
ROVD'N Itl.OCli,
Main Street, - - Butler, Pa,
We have constantly on hand and fo* sale, at reduced
rates, a pure quality of
Drugs, Litharge,
Chemicals, Dye Stuffs,
Paintb, Oils, Glass, Putty,
Varnishes, Turpentine,
White Lead, Alcohol,
Red Lead, Linseed Oil,
Lard, Fish, and Neats-Foot Oils.
Hollies, Vliilit, Corks,
A general variety of
Perfumery & Toilet Articles.
WIVES AND LTQCOR3 for medical and mechani
cal purple*W iues 1 <r Sacramental use. furnii«hed 1
Physicians' prescriptions
Carefully Componnded.
Thankful f>r p-wt fivors w» invite th« pnblic grena
ally to call and «xamine our We are conflden
that we ran ►ill at a« reasonable rates as any simiUr
efttablinhment in the county,
may 'J9, 67 -lyr.
Cunningham &. Richey,
HAVIN'O associated together in the grocaoy business,
they are row prepared to furnish the public with
Cheese, Dried Beef, Ac.
We hava a full it»*k of canned fruit, such as
In tba Confretjonary line we are wall supplied with
Cove Oysters,
Cireen Apples,
9&~ Remember the place,
Cunningham & Richey,
Three Doors South of Vogeley Hon**,
Plows and Plow Castings,
Agricultural Implements Generally.
Xaa. ISI A 123 Liberty street,
Tk» {Moa Mow, r. enn tie b. oght Moitjr prlc«» from
I WBCtUI*C»KS A C<L Bntlor.V,.
SSyTs. t#W *» »H« fIAM, A TO
112» KING'S
Thta la tlx Amsocu that KlagaMte
Thl< la the Cnra that lay
aftM in the ams*O«u that Biof safe
£Thl« !• the Mas wba ni bald aad
Who now hae raven loeke, they iif>
Ha need the Car* that l«y
la the that King mad*.
This It the UiMn, haedeoane aad j
th* Baa cam bald aad
Who now haa m*s loeka, they *ay.
llajiard the AJtaaoai* that iUug ,
Thli la the Parens, who, by the war.
Married the maiden, baodaoou mh
To Sic man ones bald and pray,
HI Bat who now baa raren loeka, thef
Becauae be need the Core that lay
In the AMBBOIta that fiiag mada.
■E) Tbli la the Bell that rtnga away
/* Kgt To aronae the people aad and gay
> HIKJ Unto thla fact, which litre doea lay—
no< t* MM or aroy,
MMp Pa« the AMamoMiA Hut Mmg mail,
LI.TUBB3& CO., PmraiETon, (trassr, A.M.
Sellers & Van Corder,
PirrsntTk ;n, PA.
Dr. Nnmnel Gr«linm,
may BU, no. *<U-e»w-lyr. BCTLEB, PA.
Butler Twp.. Common School
I>is« rtet.
Receipt! and Expenditure* for the year 1864,
Gross amount of Tax Duplicate 91,299 4«
Amount received from Collector, 91 9ft3 20
Per centnge on the above, 60 14
Exonerations granted 32 il
Amount received ae above 91.903 20
State appropriation 130 20
From old Collector and Joist Tax 30 18
91,3*3 68
Treamrer'i Compensation to be deducted 27 27
• Total receipts 91,336 31
Paid to one teacber S3O per month, 4 months, 1120 00
»»4 u 926 " 4 " 400 00
3 " " 3 « 2156 00
Fuel, repairs and other expenditnree, 181 41
For eight sets of outline maps and globes, 1M 00
Old orders paid off, 230 00
Total expenditures, 91.981 41
Overpaid bj Treasurer, ££6 11
Three orders of 926 each, coune-1 om, sad two or
three other small debts atill unsettled.
By order of the Board, WM STOOPS,
June 12— 3t. Secretary.
WIU.J. eaAIAM . 0W» »TMI.
Fashionable Hatters,
Ha. *9 It Clair (ireat,
(Batweaa Liberty and P an Street,, oppoette St. Clai
Hats. Caps & Straw Good* of every
ttyle and quality,
At tbe very Lowest Prices.
yvr fi. i m. \y*-
TjMkifeMM Xa» stnat,
Whara all tfca m.t» mat —Mini Ml
To h.lp IMI •MM" and Mrt llxtrM,
Jut Um .1 <wa Sort* of M'AtxnN <tm,
Tsb'T* m«r km ta Mir
Um WUMLTON, a» U laatkat.
n. aalMkli Mlaa' pllm at mwdollur tmatrta. ktlt
A»4 »WT kind of MM* * ibM rfpitt * tkflaa'lN**,
L*' rach !" prleaa «k« two* tHd buafoet n
WMta Hchliok and kla laatbar araKakiaf aoak •§>•#/ ->■
'J** 1 * mr * 1 *« mw ***
WMaeors Ml SHOES Sa Mw*,j*at |-irikM»l I* Uw
Polish and Oil Goat
Balmorels, Tampico
and grained
Morocco Boots,
Alto, axnnl tie Mock or Maoi' and Bora' Warm. ■»
sitting in part of
Chand work warrantadj
A lao Mm' Pioboo 81:on, (oo!j Uto par pabj
Alio, a complete stook of
My stock of lMtbermd findings coos lata la put at
Kids and Moroccos of all
Roans of all oolore,
French and Common Calf Skins,
Kip, Upper and Sale Leather.
Bole 'aitW aonslsta of OR OSOdX OAtitdß!YtA H4
B. A. Sole.
Also, Lasts* Ffegs, Thfaad tfalla, ftnot-tresi to. Iff
ry thing a Shoemaker n*e* hees'h And at R* 0. HtTIRL
TON'f, three doora North of M A boy Bros. Store, Bat
ler, Pennsylvania.
stock yon will find la selected on the prla
clples thxt a tailor would make * tatter coat than a
blarksmlth, ao yon may expect to flad a bat tar qualify
of HOOTS and SUOES at a Shoe atore tbao at a dry
goods store.
To abort time and cash buvers we offkr superior In*
duceiu*nta. Call awl examine my stock. No tn«l»ls
to show goods.
Particular attention paid to orders.
no. 20. flmot.) BUTLER, IV
Ko Humbug
THE subscriber has Inst arrived In flatlet, (the tesns
« 112 his choice,) wito a mo*t splendid supply of evefry
article in his line of business vis:
Tofetcoo, Snuff A @fgiirs»
which he has purchased on the very best of tr rns, and
which he ia willing, nay, Anxious, to psrt with to any
persoa barings good name or the ready change, as
cheap, or cheaper perhaps, than they can purchase the
seme quality any where in tbia ••east Confederacy
This be pledgee nimself to do, and the only war ofprov*
ing wbethsr tie is a man of veracity or not, la to try
him. Among the «rticlea which be feels warranted aod
disposed to brag OD, are:
Superior quality.
Chewing Tobacco.
Chewing TobaooSk
An assortment of all kinds of Cigars, Snuff and Cktv*
ing Tobacco, But stop !
Iter*, his her wings maun cower 112
Sic flights are far beyond her power.'*
To sing or tell of everything he has, would oeenpF
too much precious time; just cull mid exsmine fef
yourselves O. VOUKLKY, Ja.
Butler, May 29, 18d7, 3moe.
Kasaraac© Gamgaay
CASH CAPITAL, $500,000.
K. N. KELLOGG, President,
GEO. 1). JEWETT, Vice President.
I 11. Ililliard, of Franklin, Pa , Agent
tor Clarion and Bu ler Counties.
THIS Is the only Live Stock Insurance Company that
is tfoing a Lire Stock Insurance business with a
paid op Capital. It affords the Stock raiser a protection
such MS has never been given him before. Where la
there a Farmer or a man that makes it bis bnaiross to
raise Il<-r*e* Cowa. or Sheep, but loses severely every
year from Dorses being stolen, horses dying.cows and
oxen dying, and sheep dying? Now if the loser could
hold a Policy in the above mimed Insurance Company,
he would be paid at once for his Stock lost either by
theft or death.
Alrw <sy have the Firmer* of the Eastern States been
greatly bencfitt* dby this Insurance. They make it a
yearly business to insure all their stock against death
and theft. They wont do without it. It cost* a farmer
but e few dollars to Insure bis ilursea, Cows, aod Sheep
There are men of capital who would invent their mon
ey in valuable stock, but they are afraid Of losing it by
theft or death. They need not do an any longer. Let
them In HU re. Mr. Ilillurd, the above namud agent,
during the coming summer, willpa** through thecoun*
ties of Clarion aud Butler, and establiah an Agency in
fevery Township. Those wiabingto Insure tbeir Stock,
or wishing to become ail Agent for the Township ia
which halivee before Mr. H. gets around, can ad«lree»
the Agent at Franklin, Pa.,and rat«s of Insurance and
Books of Instruction will be furnished them by retura
mail. Farmers, don't stand bock I Pitch in. This fs
fuat what you need. (May 39,*67,2m0a.
Wilson & Underwood,
TBA.S, »■ CHOtCe
So. 19 South Wut Dlanoali
Adjoining Bopler's Hotel,
On* of th* choapeH and best WhoUsaU and R*ttZ
Ptores in the two citut (Ml and es tomine our Stock 9*4
Sricts. (May 29, *«7. tmee
Local and Traveling Agents, Mala or female, «*fl
ail agee, are wanted to solicit in every City, Tew*.
Hamlet, Woikshop and Factory, tbrooghoat the eating
world, for the moat saleable novelties ever known.—
600 per cent, profit ami READY BAJLB WfLSRKVER
OFFERED. Smart men and women oan m*ke
to S6O per day, and no risk of loaa. A small capital ia
quired of from §2O to 112 100—the more money
the great* r »be profit. No money required in 9d*incm
— we first send ths articles and receipt pay afterward*.
If yon actually wish to make money rapidly aadeaettr*
write for fall partacnlars and address,
MILNOR A CO , (From Forte.)
*lO Broadway, W IMGMk
ly, (Newspapers emryiag will deab wis®
W. 8. EUSELTOff, X. S..
(la Ja of At V. S. ArmyJ
?Tn. «7 Federal Street*
Orrica Houaa: )
From » to 10 A. M. i _
» 3to 6P.M. 112 AtIZGBXST CITT.
7 ' ' M.rW -m jaeoa.
A. M. NS7MAB, M, D,
rhysici*2i and Burgaon
QAte* immedisf Wafb^a
Tt iw l