AMERICAN CITIZEN lab PriattagOffiee? Ornamental, plain, Faney, card Book AND stntm m ntimiii, BUTIJER FA. W« AN* PBWAKKD TO PEIMT. ON SIIOHT NOICI hill Heads, Books, Druggist Labels. Pro grammes, Constitutions, Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, lilanka, Business C'arda, Visiting Cards, Show Cards, Pamphlets, Posters, Bills of Fare, Order Books, Paper Books, Billets, Sale Bills, to. ■BIRO FURNISHED WITH The Moat Approved Hand Pi ea»es AND TEE LAROEBT ASSORTMENT OF Typa, Bardars, Ornament®, Rules, Cuts, 4c., IN Till COUNTT, We will execute everything in the line of PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PRINTING NtATLT, PEOMFTLT, ASD AT RIASOXABLI KATESS in a style to excel any establishment at home, and compete with any abroad. IBKILLED WOHKMEN Are employed in every branch of the business, and we endeavor to meet the wants of the community, and to re tain the honorable distinction which has been already conceded to this establish ment, for TASTE ll* COMPOBIION AND® In Press Work. In all the essentials ot Cheap Printing, flood Paper, Tasteful Composition, Beau tiful Press Work, and DISPATOH, we in vite comparison, from getting out a Card of a single line to an illuminated Poster, or a work of any number of pages. The American Citizen. rs inblithe'L «T«r» W«ln!»l»!r In tli.horonltl. nf Pnt!»r by C K A>ni*«O*. In Kourlli' nailillng. Main strwt, •pnosito tlif jack TL-niaa. TK«MH —s< O# a tnr, If paldln advance, C.r within lb* flratflr.t til inonll..: ... J 50 if n»l pal"1 >lur thf expiration O tl>eflr.t NIX NV UTLLK. TERMS OF ADVERTISING, &c. Oneaquarc, one Inwrtion Karl. anbarqiit-nt InaertlOß J" 'X column for »i» monlUa }'- JJJ Vcnlnltin f..r nil montli! F 1 column fur NIT moutba ® " Wonlumnfnr on. JEAR Q column fur on* JMT ■*>*> \ column for one year • * 00 provisional and Buiiuess Cards. not exceeding and Auditor's notices, each,3 00 Applications for Licence*. earb ©0 Cautious, letraya, Notice, of l)iaio|utlon, Ac., not exceeding 1 square, 3 insertion* each 2 «M) 10 line* of Nonpareil, or its equivalent, will make a square JOB WORK. aheet hand bIU, &0 copies or less vf M •' " * OO fill - - " - 6 00 SLAKES. For any quantity under 5 quires, 112 1 50 per quire : on all amounta oter that, a reaHoneldr reduction will be made actuats* CA*M. Single paske, W;»0; each additional pack, W eta. LOCAL HOTICKB. 10 cents per lias for each insert ion si Ama AH» MARBIAOKS, Will be puMiahed frat's, where the same does not exceed Mines ; for each additionallirle, 5 cts. will be charged. Adrertleementa of O. I'.Ne, Exerntora, Adimniatra torn, and Auditor's notices; Katiays, Diaaolution of I art nenhip, Cautione, and all transient ad*erti»»meatn MUST rOSITITELf as HID I* ATHTANCg. C K. ANDKKtiON, Editor and Proprietor. Dec. 5 It** PEOFESBIONAL CAHD3. L, Z. MITCHELL, *»- Office N. r. Corn»r of Diamond, Birtlcr, Pa. -h* CbarlcA M'C'iliidloHH, /« t ««»•-•»«- >" mm* . Off.., ft n-L WRAI corner of Diamond, Bntler, Pa. j7 x. A JI'CRV IAStK, A. ttorueya »t Low, Oil c«, oa I. It of DIAMOND AND Main it. Butler, Pa. M. TIUIHOI, »«!!! IT0» THOMPSON"FT LYON, Jtk t M ■w C ■- ■ » *.w |D-0(! ~0.M.i. BTR«T, Butler, !>. -<.» A. M. NF.YMAN, M. D. rhyi.oUn and Nurgcon Office immediaitj•apesitc Walter s buiid»Bas Butler, Juae J7 li<4. • 10. A. BLACK, «EO. W PLKKGKR BLACK At FLEEGER, ATTOIINEYH AT LAW. /HD PENSION AND CLAIM AGENTS. Office. Soutli Eejt Cwraer of Dia«ond, Butler, Pa JOBBPH J. KLUOTY OEOKOE ROMS ELLIOTT & ROSE, House, Sign &. Ornamenta Painters. Paper Haacig Daae oa *he tKirlasl Not e*. BUTLKR, Feb. !*>, L»>7 —ly. mW. Itlslal ■ ATTOTTKEY AT AW, Will attend to all boMinvea rairytttd tohia c«re prompt* J*. /*/kci»i/ attention jcimmj to the cuktec«ioaM of l>n «"«», Unci J\ijf ami Will nla«i act ae tor tbosa wishing to buy or •ell mil totals. Office on South side of Diamond, in Rredin's building. Bill «>r Pa. THOS. iRXD^BTIsrSOIsr, Attorney at Law, PENSION AND CLAIM AGENT OFFI.-e with <'HIIRLCB M'Candless, K»<) 8. W. Corner ot Diamond BUTLER I'A. Claim Agent. THE undersigned would respectfully notify the publie that he has been regularly couimieeionod ae OXXA-IIM: -A-Q-zehstt, for securing Arrtart of Jlty and /Vi sions, for soldiers, or if Uiey are dead, for their legal repreaentatirea. No charge will bejnatte for prosecuting the claimaof soldiers.).' their the same are collected K. AtNDMMON. Witherspoon Institute. aIHl c Academy. locate<] in Butle'-, Pa., has attained a high reputation under |hc charge of Ita accom plished Principal. Iter WN. 1 BRL'GII, late Professor of Natural Science in Washington College. The next sesaiou w ill commence ou Monday, the 16th of Apiil. Jhe Trustew having greatly enlarged the » uildinß, tiieie will be sn opport«»nity for a number of voung ladiee to board with ths Principal LOYAL YOCNG. Sec'y. Drs 0. L. Dieffenb&cber & H. Wis« A KK prepared xVvtiAcial dentuiea on the lateat improre Wljjfc m«>nt from MM to an eb- HEKb tireset on Vulcanite, Coral ifef'i iyfr' le ' Silver Platiua Thoee deeirvus to avaii thima«lTeaof the latest iniproTimentsla dentiH try, should not &il to examine their new styles rfVuleaiuteaad Coralite extracting ana adjusting the teeth done with the beal material. »oaio the hast mapper. Particular attentioa paid to Chilean's teeth. As mechanics, they defy com petition ; as operators the} rank among the beet. oac^u 4AL,LWMF PLASTIC SLATE, ?0R Roofing & Other Purposes. TtlE process of reconstructing SUte Stone from * die in tegrated -tat* woe patented Febiuary 21«t, 1885. It w a combination of Pufverized State and Viscous Matter. (The latter possessing qualities of gaolaglcal and chemical affinity f.»r the former,) and fa a development of one oft lie simple but nnal t arable tendencies of nature As a roofing material it STANDS UNRIVALED. A mantic—it adapt* itself to every shipe awl slope. Non combustible, impervious, non-expansive, and un decaying. Frost does not crack nor heat dissolve it. The only roofing material ever discovered that will resist tlie action of the element* a* long an the structure BJprotocts. Being susceytlbie of little, If auy wear fiom exposure, and PERFECTLY FIREPROOF. It i* cnequalled an a coating for railroad or farm building*. JAMES CLARK, MH HAKL BTINETORF tt SONS, Proprietors for Butler and Beaver Counties. Slipper*rock Fust Office, Butler County, Pa. no 14, :?mo SEWIITO. MRS T. J LOWMAN, Woald respectfully inform the citltens of thb place that shela prepnied to do all kinds of sewing, such ui Dres. M iking, {toques, Gents* Shirt*. and Children's apparel. Also, luteal Agent for Wheeler 4 Wilson's Hewing Machine*. leb 20, %014, no ll:tf SPANISH SHEEP. TI!E undersigned would respectfully inform thew«K»l growers of Butler county, and all who may be desi rous of improving their stock, that he hasalat of Span fsh Mi-riieoh" ep. of the finest qaaiity, oonjlstlng of 40 Ham* and 20 ewes, which he will Sell at reasonable fig ure-. This is a rare opportunity afforded to the enter prising wool gr»wera of Butler county. Call and ex amine these sheep, awl thus satisfy yourselves of the kind and quality McABOY BROS. Feb. 1», 18#7, tf. Butler, Pa. NOTICE! ALT. PFHSONS LIABLE FOR COSTS DVF. AND unpaid to Sheriff Scott, Sheriff Brackenridg* and Clerk Mifflin, and J. II Cratty, Beputy Kegister, a.e hereby notified that the same are in our hands for collection, and tbey are requested to pay them, anil save additional costs. March 2 07, «3,«w. BLACK k FLEEOER- To the Public. THE citizens of Butler and vicinity are h reby re spectfully informed that the undersigned has open ed a shop on thi* NV est sided Maine Street, between the Courthouse and the Yogely House, whers he is pre pared to repair , Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and all kinds of Locks and Sewing Machines. All work June warranted to gi7e satUfttction. TltY ME. no 9, 3mo J.M.JONES. P L OWS. WK ARE RELIABLY IXFORM —"I e< ' ll,Rt HOIm " P r ™ " or have bacn selling plowsthrongh out the county Representing them as uiade by (J. 4 J . R. Moeer, this in theref »re to warn the public against such, as all pl->W* we make have our Plows always on hand, and work warranted. U 4 J R MOSER. no 9, Omo. Bntler. Pa. RESTAURANT, On Ma it Street, On* Door North of Court-Houte, SAMULL SYKES, SR., Has constantly on hand. Fresh Oysters. Ale, Beer, Cider, and Sarsaparilla. Sweet Meats, and Candles ol all kinds ; Ginger bread and Sweet Cakes of every vari ety. Nuts of all kiuds. If von want good Oysters, gotten up in the very hest style, just call in and you shall be waited upon with the greatest of pleasure. H KIT EN M V I E»„ T. B. A M HE... C. HOO FASHIONABLE TAILORS. TOIIK undersigned having associated themselves in the I Tailoring business, would respectfully say »o the public in general that they have Just received the Fall and Winter Fa«hiona, aid are prepared to make up clothing in the latest and most approved style Plesr* call and examine our Fashions and Specimens of met. and boys' wear. Bpeci • I attention given to boys' cloth ing. KIT EN MULL Kit. WHITE A CO. August 12, 180ft—tf. R & W. JENKINSON, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In Tobaeeo, Negnrs, ftnufT, Pipes, ete. No. 6 FKDERAI. 9TUKET, ALI.KUHBNV CITY, PA . 3rd door fr«m Bnspeusion Bridge. Nlgu «r tlie Big liulittii. vol 4, no 12, lyr. of l,eltrr«, REMAINING in the Post Office at Butler, Pena'a,* April Ist, IHd". Adams, George W, Gillespie Hamilton Aggas, Sylvauus (Gruber, Miss 8 Brown, James F. (eon of Gilbert. Miss Tibithe Robert.) tiro we. M J ResendorT, John Giudsey, Wm. A. Brown. Miss Klixabeth Hosteller, 15. 11. Mrown Mrs Elen (in careof Howard, Mrs. Laura Jane Kdward Scoth ) lap, Dauiel Beanie. Mrs. Sarah Jouuson, Miss Rachel Blaudbaid, James Morrow, Thomas Burford, Mrs, ( oydstownV Mc&aiu, vi** Nancy Br. wnlie. Rev. Mock, Mr. Ellet Crmdy, Miss \Wr> Morrvsr, Mi*s KUeB Collins, J W , .Vayshine, Miss Catharine Clark, Mrs. Lus K Morrow, Koburt Camp, C M. Plankerion, Jessie Cling Miss Sarah 1 present t, C B. Curisty, Andrew P. Pierce, Miss tfllie Cwmpbell. Miss Ma-garet Richard, Mrs. Elizabeth Duffocrf, Miss Mary T. i Robinson, Mrs, AH Ihoaiwors . W. Rethijog, F. Dun, Andrew Remuurg, M. Duuhar, Carson Stawart, .Mrs. Anna A. I'avis, Patrick Stenoety, Mrs Marg,uat Deininger, John B. Sclieidy. 11. 11. PtMhM% Mm. Naucj 'SuwsUUeu, :*olotuoa l»avmey, James s»«lder, Miss A. Egbmel Herman |Bweet, l>oa Richard Folse, Valautine ;Tylie. Bend Fair, Simon Thorn, 11. T Oerslner, Mrs. Katy . Ih'juipson, David Gerstner, Mrs Persons calling for any of the above lett< rs, will sa> 4, aderrU»eil." J. J. BEDM iCK, P.M. Executor's Notice. Entate of Benjamin Morgan, N'OTICE ia hereby given, that Letters T. s'anienUr having been ia»ue«l to the und«rsigi.ed, on the ef tale of Benjamin Morgan, late of Parker towiisfcii, Butler county, Pa dee'd; therefore, M || pei»t be granted. By order of the Court. BUTLER COCETE, GS recertified from the Record this 23d day of March, IW7 J. ». CLARK, no 16, 3w. Prothonotary, NOTICE. ~ 4fiy w.tfo, Snsannah Miller, has left U»y lH«d and board without may anst cause on mv part. I therefore warn all pereons iw.t to harbor her or Eva her credit on tay account, as I will pay no debta of r contracting. SAMUEL MILLER, «o. 44, 8w Centre^ownship. Fest Sunbury Academy WILL open IU Spring session on the 15th of April, under the superintendence of prof. JAMES 8. BUCK and Mra. £ELL A. BUCK, experienced ami cue* cesefui teachers, who w*ll deygjtc all their tyjie to the Higher Class**. Boarding can be obtained for any number of pupila in respectable families, on favorable tarei*. Instrumental Music will be taught if deaired. By order ot the Board of Trustees, Rev. WM. P. BREADIN.Ch'n. J W. CBBISTT, Sec. [uol4-M. SELECT SCHOOL. mHE Spring Term of the llurUTill. Select School X will commence on Monday, the lith day of April, 1867. and continue twelve weeks Boarding can txi had oji reasonable terms. M-* CR oss, DO. It «w.» VrlMlpii. SPRING TRADE FOB 1867, McElroy, Dickson & Co., No. 84 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. Hart thf)r itork oprn for (hf trad*, GOOD ~G00DS! REASONABLE PRICES, p. B M'ELROY, JAMES ftfCKSON, no 14. Bmo JOHN T. SHANE. Drug and Groc ry Store. TH E subscribers bavs just received. and arc now Opening, at their Store-room, opposite Peter Duffy's in Butler, Aii Extensive Assortment DLTUGS, NEI>I IX LHKUKOC'HKY UKPARTMENT will be found ereiy article for fain ily use. Also NAILS, OLASS, (JL,A»BWAHE, QUF.ENSWARE, COCKER Y, STONEWARE, BUCKETS, TUBS, Ac., &c., &c. The highest market price paid for all kinda of produce in exchange FOR 0001)8. BELL it DIEFFENBACHER. May 2iJ, 186'5::lv. FRANK MOOriE'S Anecdotes, Poetry, and Inci dents of the War. 682 pagan, colt|mn, beautifully illuatrnted with 11 e'egant Cabinet Steel Engrnvingg. OPINIONS OF TIIK WORK. * Horace Greeley In the Tribune of June 5, says «' It is an exceedingly rich hook, containing more njat tor of interest than all the novel* that have been iasued for the last six ynare, or that will be fbr the next six It icivea the best tiling" s»id, ih»Ue, or written by Rebels, aa well aa Unionist*, m-»»t judiciously selected, compact ly put together, and handsomely printed. It a aold only oy subscription; hat those who have a chance to snbacrfb* and don'*, will make a blunder." The/few York Kvening P«>st says; " The hook is full of fun anatea affixed to the chapters, for each morning and evening's reading, comprising the whole Bible in a year To these hfcve lately been added two very desirable features, vi* : U contains a family photograph depart ment in connection with the family record an x tendtd concordance. It la one of the most desirable Bibles published. The work contain* nearly fifteen hundred crown quartopage*. printed from clear and beautiful type, on fine paper, with numerous engravings, and ia bound in three different and beautiful styles. Rev Ji'hn Davis, of Connoqueneaaing towiishig>, ia Agent for Butter C. nnty. Post Office Addrea*. JJ HITKSTuWN, Butler Coujula , Pa. March, no 14-a. u -tf PROPOSALS: PEIISYLVANfA Agricultural Land Scrip FOR SALE. TnR BOARD OP COMMISSIONERS NOW OFFER for sale 520.000 acres of Agricultural Coljpge Ijind Scrip, being the balance of the Scrip granted to thji Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the endowment of Agricultural Colleges In this State. Propoaala for the purchase of :his Land Scrip, ad dreaded to 'TTie Hoard of Commisaioners of Agricultn ral I .and Scrip. l ' will he received at the Surveyor Gee eral's Office, at Harrishiu^',until 12 o'clock M." on Wed needay. April 10. IM7. This land may be located in any Stale or Territory, by the holders of the scrip, upon any of the unappro priated lands (except mineral ianda) of the Unßei States, which may be subject to sale at private entry. ! Each puce repreeenti a qutrter section of one hundred and sixty acres, issued in blank and will be transferable without indorsement or formal assignment. The bUnl need not be filled until the scrip ia preaented for loca tion and entry, when the party holding it can fill tb« blank and entai the land in his own name. Bide mnet be mad* as pei acre, and no oids will be received ki less than <>ne quarter section. The Scrip will be i-ened immediately oa the pnymew of the money to the Surveyor General On all bids toi a leaa quantity tbap JO.PQO acres. of them chase money muat be paid within ten days, and timers maining two-thirds within thirty days after notificatlcr of the acceptance of the bUI or bids by the Board a Commissioned. JACOB M. CAMPBELL. Surveyor Oanertl far th aboard of Coaamlaaioe r IlanistßT 4 ! Frbeaarv !D IHIH-D-**, MONEY FREE AS WATER.— IO.OOO ACTIVJI Local and Traveling Agenta, Male or female, . 112 all pgee, are to solicit trade in every City, Town, llamiet. Wotkahop and Factory, throughout the entire world, for the most saleable novelties ever known.— WO per cent, profit and READY SALE WHEREVER | OFFERED, gin art men and women cop make from U> to S6O per day, and no risk of loss- A small capital re quired of from s2o to $lO0 —the more money ipvested the great* r the profit. JYe money required in adramce —Mnjirst tend th* article* and receive pay afterward*. If jqn actually jrteh to make money rapidly and easily, arrlte for full parteculars and address, MIL NOR k CO , (From Paris,) ( *lO Broadway, New York City Ly, (Newspapers eepying will be liberally dealt | BOOTS AND SHOES, B.C.HUSELTON OETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS AN? »IIOEB, THREE Jtv doors North of M A boy « store, In the room lorm- r ly occupied by Mr«. Hertzbergcx, ou Mais Street. but ler, Fa., announces that he has opened a Boot and Shoe store, consisting of Mi * n< (lint' Congr t LI3I t d Morocco Gaiters. Tampico, French and grained Morocco, Kid, & Calf Skin Shoes. Also, a complete stock of Ladies' Gents' »n<\ Child' ren's Over Shoes and Slipper, of nit size* and styles. MEN S & SOYS' WEAR, Consisting of Cftlf Conflrross Galterfl* Frpnoh Pacinian, Kip, and Upper Boots, A large stork -f children's shoes, of all the different styles, constantly on han't A large stock of le»»ther and finding*, suitable for this market, constantly on hand. consisting In part of Kidfy Morocco#*, Jjinings, IWnch and Common Calf, Kip, Upper an t SOLE LEATHER. Also, Sh«»e Nails, Lasts, Togs, Awls, Shoe-thread, Hammers, Pinchers, Rubber*. Ac To short time and cash buyers, I offer Superior In; dncements. Call and examine my stock beforv pur chasing elsewhere. Particular attention paid to Ordeis. no 8. ly. ,j. a Great Sale of Watches, On the popular one prtee plan, givintr every persoi. a handsome and reliable wat--h for the low priee of Ten Dbllars, without legard to value, and not to be paid for uuless perfectly satisfactory. bOn Solid Gold Hunting Watches $250 to S7OO 000 Magic Cased Hold Watches 200 to s 2fio 6,0J0 Silver Hunting Levers Mto 150 5.000 Silver Hunting Duplexes 75 to 450 7,000 Gold Indies' Waoches 60 to 260 10,000 Gold Hunting Lepines 50 to 100 10.000 MlscelUneoiis Silver Watches 50 to 75 25,000 Hunting Silver Watches 9". to 5 » 30.0QU Watches, all kinds 10 to 75 Every person obtains a Watrh by thl* arrang -ment, costing but $lO, while if may be worttf $760. No |M»r tlality shown. Messis J. Hh-kling * C 6.'» Great African Wa|c|) Co., New York City, wish t<» immediately dispose of thp above magnificent stock. Certificates naming artjclga, are placet} in sealed envelopes. Holders are entitled to the articles nameil »n their certificates, upon paymeii' of Ten Dollars, whether It be a watch north $750 «.r one worth less. The return of any of our certificates entitles yon to the articles named thereon, upon pay ment, Irrespective of Its worth . and as no ai tide valued less than $lO is nau/.ed on any cer.iflcute, it will at once be seen that this ts no lotteiy, l/jit a straight-forward legitimate transaction, which may be participated in even by the most fastidious. A single certlflcafp jpill be sent by mail, post-paid, upon receipt of 25 cent*, flvef rsl,el»ven 112 >r *J, thiity three and elegant premium for s■'< sixty-six and ui.oe valuable premium for $lO, one hundred and must su perb watch for s|s. 'l.O agents #r Uios* wishing em pUyment this is a rare opportunity. It I* a legiti mately conducted business, duly authorized fyv the Government, and cpeu to the mint carefni st rutin*.— Try Uk. J. IIICKLING A CO , 149 Broadway—Near l» O, n08,3m.' City of New York. S6O 00, 00 ' 00 - WEE* LOCK STITCH BEWTffO UJiIJINE ALSO, FINKLR A LTON. BEST IN use. THIS 18 wnAT SOO WILL DO soo Machine will Hem, Fell and Bind ; Braid, Tnck and Cord; Gather and Quilt; Make a Beaver Cloth Overcoat; Make a Frock Coal; tyakea Satin Vest; Make Cloth Pan!*; Bind JVIII do jert-rr description Of pre,w jjauitig ffiO Mai bine will do kind* of tamily Sewing. $6 > Macbiue will run over seam* without breaking needles or skipping stitches. fd) Machine Htit< hes alike on both aides. s<nij bafjß a pei feet Kir»* and Water Ff.* 112 Paint *n<& hoofing I emeut- and Ky repeat ed and exhausted tests it k been demonstrated that the above discovert fu'ly snpple* thut want. Oxid»-oflttW mid Sellcla are two of the in«Mir ihde-rrnctive i»utis,ances known to cliemitftrv. When atplied to shingles bv the dipping pieces*, or by laying the naif In cement It hit* eite u unqualified satisfaction. Applied to an old nhin gle ri»of that is leaky It effectually stops nil leakage. If applied according t. instruction!*, forms a coating of ••xide of ir>n tnat Is water ».nd Are proof. For Felt rooflng It In second to none In the world. It la Cheap, Light, Durable, Fire and Water Pi 9pf. Such «n Inveultyn commend- Itself to owners of property iu this ago of destrucU\e c >nfl.igi ailons The demand for it is already gre-it— Thla improvement was patented by N. E. 11l ike, of Almond. N. Y., which l/etters Patent bear date the Iftth day of April. I*6.V A Stock Company, with suf ficient capital. has bee«#iartered by the State of New Tftrk to devel-pe the mines and supply the necessities I of the public. The underslgved. having purchased rlgl-t of lint ler County, for putting on roofs of above described material, are now ready to ntract- for doing tlie same, at a less roet than it can be done ot i any other We will warrant all roofs to be water and fire pro if, and to be durable. We will •ell the right of a port* in of the County oft rea-on*ble terms For further particulars apply tfc or address TIIOB. .M'UAFfICor.IAS V. RIDDLE, C>utreville. or H. S BINGHAM, Barrisvllle, IVftu *. no 14, 4w The Magaiine fer the Times. PEnRSONTjiG&ZINE. IknMe-#'\ie steel colored Fashion Plate*. THIS popular Monthly Magiuine is the cheapest in the world. In 1867 it will contain ONE THOUSAND PAORS FOURTHKN SPLENDID STERL PLATRS! TWMLTKMAMMOTH FASHION PLATES TWELVR COLORED PATTERNB! MINI HtTNDRRD WQQD CUTS TWENTY PinKß OF MfJMCI All thla will t>« siveq »jq|y TWQ DOLLARS a year or a dollar leas than Magazines of the cliu* of "Peter eon." Its Thrilling Tsles and Novelettes Are the best published anvwhere All the most popu lar writers are employed to write originally for 'Reter son." Iu 1867, in addition to its usual quantity of short stories, Four Original Copyright NoTclotin will i»« giv en. by Ann 3. Stephens, Frank Lee Benedict. Ella Rod man, and the Author ef "Margret Howtli.'' It also publishes If A«f MOTH COLORRD FASHION PLATRS Ahpad of all others. Theae plates will be engraved on steel, {wipe f|ie u»ual site, and will contain from four to all ftgurga. TJifV W'!l •nperbljr colored, Alt.-, a pattern, from which a dreaf, mqntijlif, of cfii|da dress can be cut out. without the uiaf of a mantu i-niaker. Al so, several psges of Housi-h Id and other receipts. It is the best Lady's Magazine in the World. TRY IT FOR ONE TEAR. »»» in Adt^nce. One cqnjr. pne yeai ) 2 Oo Fire copies.for one vear «no Kitfbt copies, fir one year. 12 00 Fourteen copies, for one year....,, 20 ft Pre miu or Qettiog up Clubs. To every person getting up a club of five, eight o fontteen, at the above rates, a copy of the V.agazin for IHIS7 will be giv. n gratia. 'Specimens sent gratis, when written fir. Address, post-paid, CHARLES.I. PETERSON, Nov. 14 (16.) 306 CheMtuijt S|r,<:«?!. Phi adelphla, Pa. POBni!VN< ELECTRIC SOAP SAVES TIME, SAVES MONEY. SAVE* I. \ ItOR. >4VhS cboriiEs. S4VES WOMEN. And all Nell 11. If i« used by cnting info s;uaP shavings and diaa.*Jvint( in hot water, then »"ak the clnthee five to ten minutea, and * little hand rubbing will make hern as clean a« hours of hard machi ie rubfiing with ordinary soap, and the d dlcafe fabric reeeive no injury We cuti r«?- fer lo thonsand* of fiitiiilieft who are using it.' an.J not be Dobbins' Electric Soap. Sold by all leading groceries throughout the State Manufactured only bv DOBBINS & LOVE. W'holeeale Oflce 107 South lireet, no 8 3m. Philadelphia, Ji}. 'PUR subi-criber would respectfully inform the |iat*Jic I that he has erected a new CAIt RI A'JE and W'AO OV MAKIVO f*ll »l». on Street, eppoalte J. 11. Neglejr, and below the M. K. Church, where he ia to die of Jt'e«M aeaa, such as making Busgies, Cnrriages, Wagon*. Sul aies, Sleighs, and any thing in the line of Carriage and Wagon making. itkpairing done in the shortett pos*iUe tluif. «TtiIVE HIM A CALL'tt» Nev. ?, -66 tf J X Situate in RvAier tp.. North Eaat of pM adjoining the borough <>r Butler, contAiuing 84 Acre* of Choice Lnni/, under a Ugh atate of cultivation two fine brick houses one of extra large siie, one brick and ote frtune hutn thereon erected; all theee bnlldlngs are in .condi tion. A large of choice fruit of every .variety . This Faf m is Well Watered. OTje good coal bank opeped, and Jn good working or der! 'PI?l> Ma^e.very easy to perehaaera. For fur ' ther particulars call on the subscriber iiving on the premises. Dec. 12, ltjoH.3m) CHRISTIAN SRIBERT . WATCHES, CLOCKS, —AND— JEWELRY. Tn* nndereigred would reepeetfully inform the pub lic that they have on h»ud, and are conatantly re ceiving a varletj of SPLENDID OiPCKS, among wbiah is the . Xew Patent Lever Clock. Thia la • striking clock, and b/is been latelr introdu ced by ««. It ia a flrat claes time keeper MAXTfX ( I s Q( KS, of all descriptions, and of the very be it material and workmanship, warranfe«l to keep good time. American and Patent Lever Watches. hunting case, warranted *«•»*! time keepers. Colt miwclry establishment, in a Hitisfactory an«i Workmanlike tuauner Wajtehea aud Cloeks, elfr.nw.l HIM! ropaintil.on .hurt n .'ice lM>o*t tl. p;«:o. W(.| .I.l* of Main gtiwt. - nearly e| p»u, Duff>'a •u.r., »od.u|,po. lr Dr. N«y , m»n . "fflte CBAd. WISiIMAN 4 CO .I JOHN SCOTT, On# Door SoutHof J. M. rhow.pson'a taw Office, IN BUTLER, ANNOUNCES tbat he Is now opening andj receiving t bin beconu slock of Iffl&MSfEllHj Consisting of DKY GOODS, of all descriptions, such a* CLOT II CAS9IMKHEB, SATIN ETTt, JEA N*. T WEEPS. FUPNOH MERINOES, 81 hit, POPhINS. ALPACAS, COBURGS, NOTIONS, Jcady |rtncle Clothing, , H.AXVKLS b positively wairint*d superior lo any other article of Urn J.lnd h m-irKff; and i/i sold in • hut way that person* can'liave their money refund**! by calling on the I/.k-iil A Kent if n «t perfectly satisfactory. ##-.-oid everywhere at 2b cent* per bottle 4 fc. i; KJ)H K 112, CO., n«v 21. '€•—(jtn.osl b»r Ilutler. Are you afflicted with a Cough or Cold 1 Are vou predisposed to Consumption ? Are the lives of children in jeop ardy from sudden and repeat ed attacks of CroupT If so. purchase a Bos pf BJyADE'S EUPHONIAL LUBRICATORS! THE PEOPLE MOST SURE ANI) EFFECTUAL ft EM EI) Y I'OR COIJG HS, CQLftS, CJJOUP, CA'RKRH. ASTHMA, PIP 'fHKRIA. BRONCHITIS. AND PULMONARY ' DISKASKS. The Lubricator Is a medical preparation in the form of a loxeuge, wlmh of nil modes is th«* moat pleasant and oonveuient. They contain no deleterious ingredi ent, and warranted to be always safe even for the weak est and most sensitive stomach. In Croup they give immi'dnUe reli*?!" For jCcughs and Colds tiiey Rra in valuable. Km Catarrh, Aerhma. Bronchitis they fytiVo no ei|iial in the maikc't, (yide certificatesaccompanying each l»«»x.) Idptheriu, iji;it dreaded and dp'solntinjc din— ease, they control Wonderfully aiid alni'j-timmediately. No Public Speaker, Singer or Tear he/. should be with out thetn, as they remove huarsenehs and strenglhln and clear the voice. " mf Always use them in iime, and if symptoms are severe ns« very froely. J. II Blades ACo Proprietor, Elmlra, For sale by all druggist*. J. HENDERSON aco*, Wholesnle Agents, Dec. 13, IRtyV—Jyr Pitt*burg, Pa. .'•l'ffquritionahly tire best miktained work of the kind In the World." HARPER'S NtW MONTHLY MIIiUINE. Critical Notices of the It is the forenio*t Magazine of Abe tiajr TDe fireside never hail a more delightful <■-rii pur-em, nor the million a more enterprbdi g friend, than Harper's Magazine Methyl ft i:reak of this work a- tin evidence of the culture of the American People; and the popularity it has acquired is mental. haeh number contains fully 144 pages ot reading matter, appropriately with good j.ood cuts ; apd it coutai..B in it*elf the monthly £nd the more philoaophicai quarterly, blended with He best features of the daily journal. It ha* gre«t power in the di*»enr nation of a love of pure l.brature. Trubxer's Guide to American Literature, London The volumes bound constitute of themselvee a libra ry of miscellaneous reading, nidi a* cannot be mtpd in the same compass in any other publication thifr tijk come under uur rfotlte —HntU>n Cdnrier y " SUBSCRIPTIONS .--1867 The Jjajv e perfectml a system of mailing ! by which they can supply the .Hagacine and Weekly 1 promptly to those pho prefer to receive their period!- 1 cals directly troro the office of Publication. j The poMtago on Harper's Magiudne ia 24 cents a year, which must be paid at the su bocribers poet office BGM MTqi * Harper's Maoaiimb, oneyear....T...# ,fl 00. An«XL» «l»her the Magakfne br Weekly will b« suopVic 1 gratis f.. r every club of Klva Subac riOer at S4 OO each, in-'ue remittance; or six cop tea foa fiO uu. . Hack Numbers ceo be suuplKl at any time A Complete Set, 'i»/#' coniprlsin* Thirty-Three Voi nmea. hi neat cloth binding, wII be M -nt by express, freight at expente of purchuiwjr, for %2 25 per volume. JJinglo volumes by mail, postpaid $3 uO. Cloth caae« for binding, 58 ceqtA, by mail, p<»Ktpaid. ' %• Sub-cription# from Brit sh North Amaricio Providences must be accompanied witti cent* ttonal to prepay United Mafee P<*tage. Address, : w HAUPKK A B&OTHEKB strr. 14 W. Fraoklin Sqnare, | BURfcL HILL NURSERY. l -*t- to OF ALL Kllffps % J 111.) BETTER LIE ERER ULBRE TUFTARUUB . Fruit Tfees of Ail Kinds. AND s SHRUBBERY 4 SHADE TRSE9 4 OF ALMOST KVKRT VARIETY. The universal testimony ot those who h*». fruit and other Tree* from Rural Hill Nnrsery V 7T . """ , FR""" FORELGI. NURA«RL M ; OF TYPE TRUTH., ANY NUMBER OF RELIABLE T«LLMO„L.|J C.N. BE'HAD IN I HI. CUM, AND TLDNLLY. L>ER«.N. DEIL- RE.JUE.TED IJ N || , N< l EIEMINK ji» 5?5 mTIS'JS*'B O M'^ UP " "" * Ub,CriMr "" B * Rutler, Nor. , ?6 * T ™ 4 SOBS. THE Saturday Evning; Post > A BEAUTIFUL PREMIUM EN GRAVING. Beduced prices to £Uubs. THE SATVRDAT SVENISG POSTg IT... B.ANTI FNL RLEWENGIARIU* (I, M ED 0,, OR UTI'I LL.RRR LLOR»») "Si? 1 "# oa vSMTIK} A TILEOFTH,. BOATHWRAT.'>'BR KMRNIN RRNIU.LT AUTHOR OF "TILT. I'LIANTOUI OF THE KOREAL." PRAIRIE FLOA.R •• A. ,: TBI. WILL H. F.,LL„.M LIY OTHER BRAT ATILLIORA, MIORLER ATORIEI, K.AEJ> SKELCLIE., UTT.R. AGRICULTURAL ARTLILE., AC., .RE A REGULARLY „| TTN HIT. HAT IT NTULRAL IN I'OLLTKA- HEING RX< ITITIRRLRA*- ROTED LO AND JIU DOT DLECN.. POLITIC.] ON Rellg' .ni »"« LL OLFCRA ANION* IT. PREMLJIM. WHIAL#R END WLLAON'A Sawing MNCHL.UA, BL|F»R PLATED TEN GALA FAOOTT, ANIF I"',! C 'I°R^,l, 1 ° R^,l, " LLL W'L" BL, * ER L>OUL.LA (TURRET IIUNA R FT~. METODEOU'L, CLUTBE. WRLNGERI'APNLITUNJ CYCLOPEDIA I, AC. NFEW BIT>IECRLH,RA WHO ANLU-RIBE NOW FUR L»«7 WILL HATE THEIR LUTOIR. ENTERED ON. XW HAL OF TIIK POST AT «" ««' RECTI T* the whole R 1567 betUte, ' «c in m . I copy (and ona Premium KugAtviiirr' $2 50 4 copies 6 (and one gratia) g OG Jt I ! SU° ***!?> 14 °R ?? .. (and ofte gratis 28 00 On'copwaacl, of POST * LADY'S FRIEND, 112 Imf The g%.tfer up of 11 club will always receive • cony o the |iV(jKAVINO Member, of ac'lu6 />/!« miirtt remit, s>nt Ik>lla, 1 Thwe ilenirons of Retting up Clnl>« or Hreu.ium l.ivta ri"" -i?t l'r- ° * r : ■ nn, rl? l" l P*r. eontalßlng tho partijuiarii. H. FKTKHHON h CO T|m fj -a chaapi-At, and most ruccaaafu) Family Fapar intha Union." ir - ,Tr HARPY'S WEEKLY, SPITNDIDLY ILLUSTRATED.* ' Critical Xntri of tht I'rtti. "TH-> BE.T KIT 11111 V I'll PER PNLIL.ALIED IN THA UNITED .•*tatea.'— Arw Lottdtm Advittr. ' •• Tilt* >loi»»L .\K«»r «n.a Mf onr country—eomp'ata in nil the departments otuii Anieriran Family Papcr- II \AHt K'a \\ J.KKI.V hiu e«i'i«d it» M |f right to its tp n« 'A Journaltf/ Civilization * ' —JV. }*' Krening 7Wt Thl* l'i»|H»r rurnhhatf/i/ l*tt MuttA/lloni Our fu ture hiMtorians will elincli ihemaelTM out «.f llarprr'a Weekly loliicalji r writers and painter*, and puhliahaH are turned to <|6»t. V. }' AV« nyelitt. , "A in erery htfqaeholil. '— /Uiton Trantcript • It m at on re a leading |»..iitical and hutorical anna I iat of tha nation*"— fhilaJtlphia Pr,,, "The hfcet of its class in Am«rlca "—Hotton Traveler. SU^IJCR{PTIONB—|B§ , jr. The Fuhliahera have perfected a ayatem of mailing bj which they can anpply tha Nugatine and WMHp prompt ly to who prefer lo recive Ujeir pari«>dicala direct ly fr«»m the office of puhlicallon- /'o«tnia»>tera and oth" rmdeairnna of getting up jUluba will ta aupplied with a on " The which munt ba paid at the aubacribar's poat olttca. • Harprr's Weekly, one year .94 00 An Extra Copy of wither the* WerJrig er Magaetne will he 411 nplied gratia for erery Cln»> 01 Five Subieribe/i at $4 H'cfw, in remittance : <>| alx copiea for S2O of ttarper'i Weekly, In naa| clntJji binding, Wiil be aent hy expreaa, Dee of aspenae fur |7 each, A complete Het, compriHrng Xina Yidumar] ■ent on receipt of eaah at the rata of $6 24 per *«F at the pnrchaaer. Toluna X taadj January lat, 1867. Addre** HARPER A BROTHER, Franklin Square, Naw York muDnWir A OEAUTIFUL PREMIUM KN'ORAYINQ —> REDUCED VftUFaS TO CLUBS Tlie LADY'B FRIEND aanouncea for IIHT. the lb) lowing nexeleU:- A New Ptofy by Mra llenry Wood, autlior of "East Lyflne," "H,e Chanofhis," Ac "Iluw a womati ha«l her Way," hy Elizabeth Preecott, arf thor >)f"To!d by tha Sun," "No l«ongar Young." b 112 A'maritta M- Douglaaa, anthor of*' In Trust,'' Ac., and •'Dora Castel," by Frank l.ea Benedict. * It will give a Mplrndid Double Paige Finely Colored Fashion Plata—enffraved on Steel—ia every number It will give a beautifully executed Fancy B'eel engra ving in every number. It will givß a large asaortpient of Wood Cats, lllua traUn|f tlePirtJk&na, Ac., in every num ber. It will give a popular piece of Maaic. worth tka coat of the .Magaxine in itaelf—in every n«mt>4r. It will give a copy of the Premium Steel Engraving—"Ooe of Life'a Hnppy' ijoura"— J6 iaahek long *» 1 inchea wide—to every alrtj a (MAt) aubacrC. bar, * 4 t every paraoi) aending on a Club. It <1 m aa prMtiiiunis, "Wheeler A Wllaon'a Sewli Mach.nea " "Silver Plated Tea Seta," "Ppoone," i4 t i chera," "liold and Silver Watchea," ,4 Guna," aa "Melodeona," "C.othas Wringera,*' '• Applaton'aC it pe