AMERICAN CITIZEN Job PriatingOffieel Ornamental, pl«i"> Fancy t card Book AKD JAS PttttYtit, ArMUMIM r«m In tM P«»« SUTLER IF.A.. V* A\» PSIT4Jt» TOMCTT.OIfWOBT NOIOB Bill Heads, Books, Druggist Labels, Pro rrammes, Constitutions, Checks, Notes, Drafts, Blanks, Busiest Cards, Visiting Cards, Show Cards, Pamphlets, Posters, Bills of Fare, Order Books, Paper Books, Billets, Sale Bills, te. EKINO FURNISHED WITH The Most Approved Hand leases THE LARGEST A A&SORTMENT OF Typa, Srns meats, Rales, •«ft, 4«.. IH TWi COVXTJ, We will execute everything in the line of PLAIN AN DDECORATIVE PRINTING NjUTLY, P«OK»Tt.T, AM» It lUWHU XITSI, jn a style to excel any establishment st • home, ani eosapete with any abroad. WORK. MEN Are employed in every branch of the business, and we endeavor to meet the wants of the community, and to re tain the honorable distinction which has been already conceded to this establish ment, for TASTE ll* COMPOBHOK AND Elegance in Press Work. In all the essentials of Cheap Printing, Good Paper, Tastefiil Composition, Beau tiful Press Work, and DISPATCH, we in vite comparison, from getting out a Card of a single line to an illuminated Poster, or a work of a*y number of pages. The American Citizen. IS publish** svery Wsdneeday in the borough to Butler by 0. S. AirwmaoH In the Arbitration room in tho Court House. ... TraM:—s9-00 a year, If paid in advance.or within the first first Mix months; or 160 If not paid until *fter tho expiration o the first six months. TBRMB OF ADVERTISING, Sec, On®sonars, ons insortion— , ~.41 00 Each subsequent insertion 50 \£ column for six months —U *0 \c column for fix months M 00 1 column for six months JJ J® for ons year..... ~ 22 Q oetumn for one year...— •£ JJ Icolnmn for ons year Professional and Business Cards, not exceeding • one year ~ 'OO Bxecwton, Administrators and Auditor's notices, each,S 00 Applications for Licensee, each . .. *0 Cautions, Estrays, Notices of Dissolution, Ac., not exceeding 1 square, 3 Insertions, each I 00 )• lines of Nonpareil, or Its equlvslent, will make a square 701 WOXX. KC sheet hand-bill, 60 copies or less ~ fl 6 12 " " " 60 Q ...» 44 .... A 00 fill - « w • W turn. Par any een leaned to the undersigned, on the estate of Joseph Wolf, late of Forward twp., fee d; aU parsons having claims again* said estate, will present them proparly authenticated fcr settlement, and thnee knowing themselves indebted to said estate, will make immediate payment PATRICK HAMILTON, January >l, 1807 [no 9, 4w ] Bexecutor Execstor , « Ustlce, Estate of Samuel Parks, Dec'd. T ETTERS Testamentary on the eetatate of Samuel I a Parks, dec'd, late of township, have this day, February 4, 1867, boon granted tofhe undersigned, by the Register of Butler Connty, therefore notice is hereby given to all interacted In said eetate, that aL persons knowing themselvee Indebted to said estate, are hereby requeeted to make immediate payments, and those having claims against the same, will preeent them proparly authenticated for settlement. JAMES PARKS, \ noo, 6w« WM. HATS, j* X r * imOfIBIBUOVJU. CARDS JM. Z. mitchjsix* EE mj/r* U mm mm m Office N. E. Corner of Diamond, Bo tier, Pa. Charles E^uMeas, Office, South west corner of Diamond, Butler, Pa. I. I. * J. PUWIANCC, Attoraeys «t t Law, Offiea, on 8. ■ of Diamond and Main st. Bntlerj Pa. vou m- n«BfSM|.— - s»wyr LTaar I THOMPSOTT a LYOW, JL.- — jnromc.. on M«ln StrMt Boiler, P» p,IS. 4. BLACK, —» •». W. ruuil BLACK &~FLEEOER, ATTORNEYS AT WW. amj> rasMos iivouH aaams. M-OllK, South But Conn of Diamond. Bitlw, Pa W ATTokinrr AT*AW?**" to alt ImlMaailnxM to hla can prompt }j. Special attention given to the coilectiun* at An- Back fiiy and frmntie* Will also act as agent for those wishing to hny or •all real aetata- • office on South alta of DimmoniJ, l» building, Sutler Pa. Tgpa KO"SXIS-SOiT, Attorney at Law p PENSION AGENT Office with CWles M'CandleM, Esq S. W. Corner ol diamond BDTUEB PA. Claim Agent* THE undersigned would respectfully notify the pnblic that he has been covuntasioned a# OTy A TM -A.C3-E3STT. fcr Mcuiiiig bounty Homy, Arrmri if Fay and Fm fiotu, fcr aoldlar*, or It thiy an dead, for thalr legal No charge will be made for proaacutiiif tte eialmeof aaMlan, ar their rayreaentatiraa until the #aaapaae collected C K AMOBMok. Orugarid Grocery Store. In Butler, An Extensive Assortment DRCG9, MBDICINEE OILS, PAINTS, DYE STUFFS. PATENT MEWOINES. TOILET SOAP, PERFUMERY, JIITD the C H 0 ICEST LIQUORS tor chemical »d medteeljld pwpOM«- *•*>' •» kl "' U Fo A rushes, Notions, mc. hyileUm pr«i«rlptl»||j m+vtmlly IN*L*HK&L~TY DEPARTMENT will b«found almost every »rtiole for fam ily ue{. Alsp NAILS, GLASS, GL-iBS\yARE, Qoeenswake, CoCKERT, STONEWAEE, BUCKETS, TUBS, A«, *° > *° The highest market price paid for all kind* of produce Ja exchange FOR GOODS. BELL & DIEFFENBACHER. May 23, 1866:-It. .Lilt of Letters, 1 nMAININO In tt» Poet o«ce •« Butler, Penn'e., I It «*>.*«?• I Andn-wa Dr K * iKellerman TClra Barunsrt Jacob J i Lynn T R Brown Jamn M Martin Miss Maggie daker Hiram Mafhe L Brown JamM .VJc.Vallen Joseph ff elaell Tilleman Moernth Jtofvjamia Bauer Frederick • N4clous Mint u Bomlller John Noel W J Enq Bnrther Franey Rochr Polk Valentine Davis Eran | Ryans Jeremiah Dickey J anew Rodger* Samuel Esq Dixon Miss Luey Sntt/cv WE ARE RELIABLY INFORM- ; «d that some pers n or persons bare been celling plows throngh - out the county ,i epresenting them as mads top O. AJ. R. Moeer, this Is therefore to wara the public against such, ae all plows we make have our Plows always on hand, aad work warranted. O tJ.R. MOSER. no 0, 6me Bntier, Pa. BJBBTAURANTT On Main Street, One Door North of Court-House, SAMULL SYKES, SR., Has constantly on h*ud, Freeh Oyetora, Ale, Beer, Cider, and Sarnaparftla. fweet-Meats, and Candles of all kinds; Ginger bread and Sweet Cakee of erery rari ety. •Nuta-of all kinds. If you want good Oysters, gotten up In the rery feet «tvle. )ut calf in and you shajl be waltod upon with the greatest of pleasure ■ .bitkkm vtim t. a. »«irr«. e. *oo FASHIONABLE- TAILORS. THE undersigned having as»ociated themselves in the Tailoring Business, would c*gp*ctfolly say iO the public in general that they hare 6u*t received the Fall and Wiater Fashions, and are prepared to make up clothing in the lateet and moat approved style Flesf call and examine our Fashions and gpecimene of aat>k and hoys' wear. Spacnl attention (Iran to hoys' cloth »«g EITENMULLEB. WHIT* A were a/ Butier connty. Call awl el amine tbeee Aeep.aad thua aatiefy yoanelree of the kind and quality McABOY BROS., 18CT, tf. BnUar, Pa. OEWIITQ-. MBS T. i. LOWMAH, Wotrtd -reapertfnlly Inform the oMtfua tt Able place that ebe le prepared to do all klode of eewlne, each ee Drea. Making, gaqnee, Oeute' ShuU. and Children', man). A lea. Local Agent for wheeler k W ilaon'e Sewing Maoktaee. (eh. SO, »ol «, no 11.-tf NOTICE t A Lt PRRSONS UABLE TOR COSTS DC* ASS J\ unpaid to Sheriff Scott, Shariff Braekenrldga and , ClerA Mifflin, ace hereby notified that the same are In our bands lor collection, aad they are xoooeeted to pay them, end eera additional costs March S 67, U, tlw. BLACK * PLKEGRR. FOH KALE. ONX half akara, (1-OiJ In the Weet Sunbnry Oil Company at Parker 1 , landing. Two producing weile on the lnqnlra lnqnlra of •a 12, Sw. W.J. TOURS BOOTS . AND SHOES. B.C.HOSELTON T> BTAIL DIAL IK IN BOOTS A*D 8110*8, THBM tv daon North »112 M'Aboya rtor.. In I*. rw» fwmrr- I, ocrupt.d bj 111*. H.rub.r*er, cm M.lo »tr»rt. Tint lar, Pa., snnouncee that be has opened a Boot ana Shoe •tor*, consisting of Misses and Children's Congress, Laced and Morocco Gaiters, Tampieo, French and grained Morocco, Kid, & Calf Skin Shoes. Also, a ccaoplste itook of Ladies' Q cuts' and Child* rsn's Over Shoes and Slippers, of all sites sod stylos. WW'S * SOYS' WEAR, Consisting of Ctklf ConjjrePS Gaitora. French Calf, Comipoft, Kip, and Uppc* Hoot«, A largs stock of children's shoea, of all the different styles, conatantly on hand A large stock of leather and finding*, suitable fur this market, constantly on band. consisting in part of Kids, Moroccoe*, Linings, French and Common Golf, Kip, Upper and SOLE LEATHER. Also, Shoe Nails, Lasts, Pege, Awls, Shoe-thread, Hammers, Pinchers, Rubbera. Ac. To short time and caah borers, I offer superior In dacementa. Call and examine my afock before pur ehaaing elacwhere Particular attention paid to Ort»o 8, If • A. M. NKTMAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office immediate^ oopoaite Walker's buildißus Bntler. Jnne 27 18rt*. To the Public* IIIEI lIE citizens of Bntler and vicinity are h reby re spectfnlly informed that the underaigned has opei* i shop on the West sidecf Majoe Street, between£hi Court-house and the Togeiy llanae, where he ia pre pared to repair Watches, Cleeks, Jewelry, and all klnda of Locks and Sewing Machines. All worl done to give satisfaction. TS* - ME. no ft, Smo J.M.JONES. JOftXFB J SLXJOIT OSOROS SOI* ELLIOTT^& ROSE, House, Sign & Painters. Paper Hsning Dona on Mia Shortest Notice. Benin, Feb. 20, 18tf7—ly. AdminiitratorN Notice. * WHKREA9, Letters of Admlnfatrntfon. on thaes tate of flirarp Donaldson, late Voteran Volun teer. dee'd, have been granted to the underaigned; therefore, all persons indebted to said eatate are requir ed to pay immediately, and persona having claims againat the sarv.e will present them properly authenti cated fox asttlemsnt. J K \ INUJCNT, Adinr. All perao is interested wUI take notice that said Iliram Donaldson, dee'd. while a prisoner in Andersonville, Georgia, loaned money to several of hi* fellow prisoners, for which he took their Notea or Due Bills which ars now in my hands for collection, viz : George W. Bbsksley, s3ft,otr, Arthur Crawford, $38,26; Chrieto—hfr Hendert«u, $7,00; Jyhq Joseph, $20,00; Henry L Benniger, $32,40 ;.?. 8. .?. $36,00; J. S Lytle, $2.76; Andrew Rodgera, Co. B, $30.00; WUliani H. Croop, s.'>,oo. If the above amounts are paid off onjOr before tha 20th day of next April, the rame will be accepted without inte-rst; after that date, they will be collected with in terest and costs. J. K VINCBPIT. Feb. 13, 18«7.1w. Marion tp., Administrator. new pmM I HAVE thia day associated myself with a young»r brother, with whom the buaineea will hereafter be carried on at the old stand, under the name and atyle of no 6, tf M'ABOY BUG'S •J. IIICKJLJNQ po.'s Great Sale of Watches, On the popular one prlee plan, giviuc every person a handaome and reliable wal"h for the low prlee of Ten Dollars, without rerard to value, and not to be faid for nnleea perfectly satisfactory. 60<> Bo4id Gold Hunting Watchee $260 to S7OO 600 Magic Cased Gold Watches 200 to 600 600 Ladies' Watcher, Enamelled 100 to 300 1,000 Gold llun ing Chronometer Watches 250 to 300 1,000 Gold Hunting ffngliah Levers 200 'o 260 3,000 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches 160 to 200 6 000 Gold Hunting American Watchea 100 to 260 6,090 Silver Hunting Levers 60 to 160 6,000 Sliver Ilnnting Duplexes 76 to 960 6,000 Gold Ladies' Waorhee 60 to 260 10,000 Gold Banting Lepinee 60 Ao 100 10,000 MieceWaneous Silver Watches 60 to 76 26,000 Hunting Silver Watchee 26 to SO 80.000 Assorted Watches, all kinds 10 to 76 Every peraon obtains a Watch by this arrangement, costing but $lO, while it may be worth $760. No par tiality shown. Mess«s. J. Hickling A Oo.'s Great American Wstch Co , New York City, wish to immediately dispose of the above magni£cent gock. Cer'lOcate* oaiming articles, are placed Is sealed envelopes. Holders are entitled to tbe articles named on their certlflcates, upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether it be a watch worth £760 or one worth less. The return of any of our certificates sntitles you to tbe arttcloa named thereon, upon pay. meat, irrespective of Its worth , and as no article vaifed lees than $lO Is named on any certificate, It will at once be seen that this Is DO lottery, but a etcalght-fonrard legitimate transaction, which may be participated In even by the seoet fkatidtons. A single certificate will be seat by mail, poet-paid, apoo receipt of 26 cents, five for Sl.eUven for $2, thirty three and slegant premium ftp $6 sixty-six and more valuable premium for $lO. one handredHnd most su perb w*ch for sl4. To agents or those wishing em ploy ment this is a rare opportunity. It I* a legiti mately conducted business, duly authorised by the Government, and cpea to/he most careful scrutiny.—- Try ns. J. HICK LINO A XXI , 149 Broadway—Near P. O, noß,Bm OftyofNsw York. S6O 00, 160 w. WEED LOCK STITCH SJTWTNQ MACHINE. ALSO, PINKLE ft LYON. BEST IN USE. THIS IS WHAT S6O WILL DO SBO Machine will Ham, Fall and Bind; Braid, Tuck and Cord; Gather and Quilt-, Make a Beaver Cloth Overooqfc, Make a Frock Ooat; Makaa Sarin Teat; Make Cloth Paat* Bind Shoos; Wm do ovary deecrlptlon Of Drees Making. $«0 Machine will do all kinds of Family Sewing. SSO Machine will run over seams without breaking need lee or skipping at i tehee. » Machine stitchee alike on both si**. Machine Is the cheepeet MachLpehy SO par cent In una. and pttl saw faetar, 4f not superior to any Ma chine In the .market, be can return It and have his no nay. Warranted four yearn. The attention of Tailors, flhnssasksrs and Tfam—s makers Is called to No. $ $» SHAW ft CLARKE'B SEWING JUCRKNS, warranted five years and licensed. THE AIE EN KNITTING MACHINE, s the beet ln.qse. Will knit 12 palp of socks in a day. l©Brald and Embroidery stamps lor sale, and stamping A modod for cutting LADIES' and CWLDJUtN'S Ireesee Any person can learn from It. Agents wanted. Addreee, with stamp, R- U. LUNG, General Agent, No. U2 Grant St.. oppgafte Cathedral. a-aSttX*' a.. a,«JS^ NEW ARRIVAL or WINTER SMfcTT 4ICHHMI was, QJLQAKB, AND SHAWLS. WE HAVE lust * nd mo * l complete Stock of FRENCH MERINOEB, WOOL D*LAINS, CASHMERE, COBURQB, PRINTS, MUSLINS. ciaimiiUi ft« Ivk offered to the public, and u oar itock vu par chased on the recent penfc, we ere eble to Mil el very low pricee, FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! WW HATK e very large Stock of Ladle*, Ml wee k Chlldrent HPS, VICTOEINES COLLARS, CUFFS, AND MUFFS, OF ALL STYLES emd quality. Also a very floe aaeortmeot of Cloaks* Saques and Circulars, of oar ewa Manulhcture, which eoeblee at to aetl et lees pricee than parties who buy them eest We have a very large and cheap Stock of SHAWLS of all Styles, Sixes, Prices and QUALITIES Remember we buy all oar goods by the Case. Bale & Package which enables us to sell at EASTERN JOBBERS PRICES, We wotild call the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS. To this Stock of Goods. DUNLAP, LUKER * 00., 136 Federal street, Allegheny City Penn'a. Oct tl DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP SAVES TIME, SAVES MONEY, SAVES LABOR. SAVES CLOTHES, SAVES WOMEN, And all Grocera Nell It. It la uaed by eating into small shavings and dissolving in hot water, then soak the clothce Ave to ten piinules, and a little hand robbing will make hem at clean an hoars of hard machine rubbing with ordinary soap, and the moat delicate fabric reeelve no iujery. We can re fer to tkouaanda of families who are uaing It, and who could not be perauaded to do without Dobbins' Electric Soap. Sold by all leading grocerlee throughout the State Manufactured only by DOBBINS & LOVE. Wholeeale Oflce lO? *onlh Filth Street, no I. 3m. Philadelphia, Pa. w" immp gp. THE eubecriber would respectfully Inform the public that he hae erected a new CAURIAHB and WAG ON MAKING SHOP, on Street, oppuofcte J. H. Negley, and beJowlhe M, 1. Church, where he la prepared to do all kinda ot work in hia line of basi neea, such as making Burgles, Carriages, Wagons, Sul kies, Sleighe, and any thing in the line of Carriage and Wagon making. Repairing done in theshortett possible time. 49-OITK HIM A CALLUS Nor. T, 96—q.) FELIX B. TRUXAL FARM FOR SALE, 'THE sabscriber offers for sals his eplendid term. * situate In Butler tp., North Bast of and adjoining the borough of Butler, containing • 84 Acre* of Choice Land, under a high state of cultlvatioa two fine brick houeee one of extra large sine, one brick end oce frame barn thereon erected; «Jl feLeee building* are io good condi tion. A (large orchard of choice fruit of almost every variety, Thi» Farm is Well Watered. On* good coal task opened, and la good working or der. TTTT? Af.Q Made very eaay to perehaeere. For fur- A&njyo Iher particulara call in the sabecrioer living oa the premiees. e» Dec. 13,lM&Sm) CHRISTIAN SEIBERT. WATCHES, CLOCKS, —AND— JEWELRY. El E nnderelgred would reapecUallj Inform Ik, pub lic that th«jr ha»e oa hand, and ara constantly ra ise a gtaat Taiietj of SPLENDID CLOCKS, among which Is the New Patent Leyer Clock. Tkfcba *bUacelaek.aa«haakaan lat.lj introdu ced kyjw. It la a a»t olaaa Una keeper HAITEL CLOCKS, j of all daacrtpttoaj, aad of tha Mf boat material and fp. warranted to keep good Urn*. American auf* Patent Lever Watchee, aaaa, wvraoied good U»e Juapore. Colt and Sbarp'a Revolvera and Cartrfdcca. *"* C 3-. We are new prepared to do all werk and npatrtag properly belonging to a Jewelry establishment, la a satislkctory and workmanlike manner. Watches and Clocks, Oea»ed and /epairad, oa akort notice. IXm'ttojet tha place, Waat alda of Mala Btr,.t,- =SSwr "aMtofisr JOHN SCOTT, One Doer South of J< M. r hqtn Law Office, IN BUTLER, ANNOCNCRB tbat he Is noi? ope u leg and| receiving hU Second stocfc of Ifilllilli, Consisting of DRY OOODB,of all description*, such as CLOTHS, CASSIMBRBS, SATIN ETTS, JBAKB, TW KKDS, FRFNCH MERINOIS. BIJ.K, POPLINS. ALPACAS, COBURQB, HOTIGN3, FTTNTK Clothing, FLANNELS Of ALL KINDS AND CCmGHS. BiiAHKETS^ CARPETS, AM ©II OMlks. Hardware^ Queenswave, Hate;, Boots*, A Shoes, SOLE ISSSATHXHL And all Rnch good* u this market require*, which will be sold Cf|BAP. iffll ffll IP®® j No Trouble to 8)iow Goods. Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds of merchantable Produce. N0T.14 66) JOHN BCOTT. ECJBC- WIEISLIITILBLB'P TOEOTS &YEOTS FOB Diarrhoea, Dysentery, CqHc, Chol era Morbus, Cholera Infan tum, Fits from Worms, Wind in the Stopi ach and Botcr els, dkc., BUT PA roi| Children when Teething! AND TO PRODUCE SLEEP. rpIITS Medicine i« positively wai ranted superior to anj L other article of the !Jnn»canjha*e their money reftine with out them, as they remove hoarseness and strengthen and clear the voice 9W Always use them In time, and If symptoms aro severe use very freely. J.H Blades k Co., Proprietor, Klmira, N. Y. For sale by all Druggists. J. HENDERSON A Co-, Wholesale Agents, Dec. It, IMS—lyr. Pittsburg, pa. the Wat sustained work of ths kind Ist the Wor id.*' HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY UHE. Critical Noticts Uu Prtu. It Is the foremost Magufee of the day. The fireside never had a more delightful companion, nor the million a more enterprising friend, than Harper's Magazine.— Methoditt Protestant, (Baltimore) The most popular Monthly in the world.—AT. T. Ob terver. We must refer In terms of Eulogy to the high tone and varied excellence*-of HARPER'S MA9AMNJ6— ajournal with a montUy circulation of l'o/SOo l'o/SOo copies—ln whose ages are to be found somfc of the choicest light and general reading of the day We speak of this work as an evidence of the cultnreof the American People; and the popularity it has acquired la merited. Each number contains fully 144 pages ot reading nifUer. appropriately illustrated w[th good wood cats ; and it in Iteelf (he racy monthly and the more philosophical quarterly, blended with the beet features of the dally Journal. It has great power In the disseminata of a lo*e of pure literature Tarsirxa'a Guide to American Liiaratur*, London. The volumes hound constitute of thsassslvee e libra a of miscellaneous reading, such as cannot be found in sanse compass hi publication that haa SUBSCRIPTONB-IM7. The Pnbllebera turn perfected a ejaUm of —"'-j h 7 which U>"7 ca? anpply tin Mhulm and w«kl T promptly to thoee who prefer to receive their periodi cal direct:J troa the odke of Publication. The (KMC* on garpar'a Magaalne la M cnu * year, which nut be paid «t the aa bacrtbara poet o«aa m Hiim*! Kiaum, ooa year M 00. Aaellra oopy at either the MacaaJoe ar Weakly will ha aappltail V* werj clah of fir. BobacrlhaK £»« OO each, I»upplieiir splendid TariMy. It JBS amply repay, aay Mraoa that * iahta |ood fruit, and at an aarly day ftiS re planting, (a purchaae of oa, aa oar treee are extra large »nd good. A number of reliable agenta ean And profit able citing upon the aubacrlbar liring 11-1 mile, mat of Butler, ?a. S**r,S»..T P®»'oe & Sons. THE Saturday Evning Post. A BEAUTIFUL PREMIUM EN QIIAVIIFG. Reduced Prices to Olubs. The &ATVRDAT KVKXJSO POSTgIre. a beaatl ful >tal engrarln* (n med On* o» Lin's If rise a wider infin«m;e, not only on the people at large, but especially upon the and, »s auxiliary in boXb c*see, upon those xebepm pr n iom* * llal, competitors for iewsrr iewsrr than twenty cempsMtars. hut at least tap, T FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS will b« awardad to tha moat awoemifnl. In caaaa of a tia, tba ordar 6f time of raeaipt ah all d*> cjd«; aad nothlag aaat altar Jan. SO, IM, or ractfrad Iftar J«ly 7, will ba allowatf la tha deetqtdti. Aeommi-io. 'rfjnyoWUon wfll allowadl for aach .nbecribW a. forwards, t„«. rrtaln- Mi by tha paraoa a*odin( A, nam. and aabaerlattaa price; «d th. «r.t t.n «» '*>rr <* W* OM ;«r beaida., Uit (* poaltlTa r.ward lor mrtfaoUlk ahaw* of a rary .ecawioa lo thair raa^lreaa. INSTBTTCTIONS: tMrr oompatitar .hoold aaamaca hi. Int.atloa with lb. flnrt aubKriptloa fbfirardad, aad ahoald number 2SSSS3i«m Write legibly all parts of ths address. Tbe addreea of tbe person awarded ibe premium wtH be promptly for warded to each competitor. THE NATION Is a weakly Journal containing JUte rary, Artistic, and Scientfßc Ihtelligence, Critisfame of Hooks, Pic torse aad Music, Foreign Correepoadence, IU'J deliberate comments oa Ike Political ami Social topics of the d«y. pbu » i •****>& A fpaclman aambar a.nt gratia a* aypltcatloa fa B. p. OODKIN St Co., Publiib [U, 3wJ iae Naaaau atraa*. Haw T*»tpl»»a, THEtIWjRIEID. -A HKAUTIFCf, PREMIUM BKQRAVINO REDUO|SD PRICF.B TO OLJLIBS. Tha LADY'S FRIRND aanooncea Ibr IW7. tha frl -owlnn nevelete:—A New Story by Mra Hanry Wood, author of "Baat Lysna," "Tha Channlnfa," Ac. "HoW a Woman bad bar Way," by lllaabath Preacoti an ther of "Tofd by th* San," •• No Lonier Young " bi Amanda M. Dongloaa, anthor of "Ik Traat, 1 ' to ' anl "Bora Cacel," by Prank Im Rj^iadlct. It will glra a Splendid OonlTla Pa*a Colored Paahlnn Plata— angraka.l on gta.l—ln .rary nam bar It wll| glra a baauttfally aivcatad Fancy Sta.l antra- Tfnf in every number. It will gira a large aaaortment of Wood Cnta, lllua trating tha Paahlooi, Paney Work, Ac , la arary nam ber. " lUI * |T » * popular place of Moale, worth tha coat ofiha Mafaaine in itaalf— in every number ft will fire a copy of Che beaatifut Premiqtn Steel Knrravina—"One of Happy Hours I '.-*J6 inekea lonj by »> inches wide—to e*«-ry W| * ($2 so, si»bs«rC ber, and to every p»reon sepdlar off* It offers as preminms. k tt'ilson'e Sa«ri Machines." "Sliver Plated Tea Set* " ' Spoons," 41 It- Chers," "Oold and Silver Watches," •*Onn«," **lti aa.V' I Prealam Kagrarlag.) SI M (and ,na jmla) I Oy « '• laJ'oKE&'i 22 One eopyof each of LADY'S PRIBNB A POST, *4 Li Thegettar an of a Clab will alwaya raeelra a caay a* tha PRICMIUSI RNORaVIKO Hambar. of aTlab . sv"T h "^ 4 * rfr '"" of WrtM H p rtftt or Promina IfM "b-old eoclo-a Bltoan centa (orSample Magailn. ifuntaialng the Partlcuian. •' Addreaa DEACON * PBTBRSON, SIS Walnut St., Philado^lp. GERMAITFIOWIf TELEGRAPH A Family an J an Agricutura Journal, Of th« Lar(jat and Handiomeit Dt»-_ eription. SEVO'tfell TO IATURR, Including Poalry, NoTelettea, Ton, and MoraJ Entartalalna ftodinif gworaily —ln • L"or»rp Dopartmatd wa •hall preawat the choieert rariaMae within tha r«a& of oar axtoadad aiaaaa. he NorekWoa, Talc, Pootiy, Ac., .ball bo anaplM from tha beet and hlgW ecdr(;ee>nd ba aqaal to anything %QKlfivj§:pZu AXD* HORTpULTURE. ambrnrta. Forming, rf.riaolog, Frult-rairtng, Ac. Oar labowll t. furttlab naefnl and B, infcnKHJTnJS !irTv" rJ IJP"<"« braoohaa of Indwatrr, and to/To- W •ofcrss within oar powar antut tha (Use doctrVnae and aalffsh of tha s , •"NTfeswjasrssi,. _ SEeSBSSffiSS^I FBAHK WOOfiE'S Anecdotes, Poetry, and Ind. dents of ffta. OPINIONS or THE WORK. Hotaae Orooley la tha Trihaaaad Mao 6, aaya ; s^-^^£SSsSSiSS aww TiTtd ptatara if tha Umea we hare jaJS 'kaoonjof them. It la laet the book *r Uiij Mttf. of wy pm." rba Nrw Tort Comaoroid teyei ' GREELEY'S GREAT Cff^FLICT icoouns jffiiovoraM fcrm a complete Hlatory of Ibo RebaUlon." (BMa^sswwai circulars s«U em applie«tioa. Addreee KOTJS.-SS