American citizen. (Butler, Butler County, Pa.) 1863-1872, February 06, 1867, Image 3

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gutter, Pa. Wednesday, Feb. 6,1867
At the CITIZEN Office, a good boy,
10 years of age. to learn the printing
Iradc. Applicant must have a good
.tiow'edfle of English Grammar, and be
able to write a fair, legible |iatd.
None need apply that cannot come
yrell recommended for truth and houesty.
Jan. 23, ISA?.
I hare OBLIOEU many on the accounts of Jn moa S.
Kennedy, Rogtate' and Recorder. Th •" wl.h In* fo
OBI.KIR me will please cull mid settle with Simeon
Nixon for the annie. J. 11. CHATTY.
*slS""fhe new Catholic church in this
piace will be dedicated to Divine Service
by Bi.ihop Bomenec, on Sunday, the 17th
of this month.
the 6155,000 of Bonds issued
by the Commissioners of Butler county
to the North Western Railroad Company,
<5j8,000 has been redeemed, leaving a
balance of only $7,500 to be redeemed.
Hon. Philip Johnson, member of Cong
ress from the Eleventh Pennsylvania Dis
trict, died cf congnstion of the liver, in
Washington City, on Thursday night.—
Mr. Johnson's congressional career would
have expired on the 4th of March, as D.
M. Vau Auken has been elected to suc
ceed him.
fk&r Arthur's ilomc Magazine, for Feb*
ruary, is OD our desk. Th<; ■.'eel engrav
ing. —-'Snow Stc; m and Bird's Xest," —
are beautiful. The Fashion Plates and
Needle Work are very fine. The con
tents of this number are very interesting
and instructive. This is Off# of the best
and cheapest Magazines now published
only 82.50 per" copy. Address T. S.
Arthur & Co., 809 & 811 Chestnut sti cot.
®ay-The man who does not read th 0
advertisements in his home pupa, can
never be said to be well posted. The ad
vertisements indicate not only the busi
ness enterprise of the place in which they
are published, but the enterprise of the
advertiser When you sec * man who
advertises liberafly, you may be certain
of li.iding a good stock of goods in his
store, that he keeps up with the market,
and sells cheaper than those who do not
.advertise. If you want good bargains
always patronize those who avail them*
• elves of the advantages alt'irded through
the advertising columns of the pa
HaY"From our Pittsburgh exchanges
we learn that, owing to the rain and eon
scqu nt general thawing, the ice on the
A ilegheny, Monougahela and their tribu
taries has broken up, and in many locali
ties, swep/. everything bo lore i£. Stew
sM-'Htown and on the Alio
ji*ieny, were partially submerged, o.ving
to the fact that the ice in Piue Crock
had gorged near its mouth. The rise
was so sudden that the inhabitants were
.inprcpare 1 for it. Out-house* and fen
ces have been swept away and much J IUJ-
has bean done.
At Wheeling, Ya., the Ohio was very
high, several steamboats had been swept
away, and fears were entertainued of an
other flood; but owing to the suddon iu &tie weather those fears p.;i
haps have been allayed.
Six"' Tho Herald of Health and Jour
jial of I'liysical Culture, for January mid
February, arc both li'jh iu the very Lest
matter from the l>C3t auihw.. The schol
arly iu tlie January uuubcr, on
re J '
the Sacredness ot the liody, alone is
worth more than the entire subscript ion
jjrice, to say nothing of fifty other arti
cles. The February number son tains a
incst interesting article from Mr - Uccchcr
on Health Laws; one by Mr. Grcolcy, cm
buildings for the i'oor ; and ciders on
Muscular Power, liody and Brain, Home
.Treatment of Diseases of the Liver, and
a least of good things forjboth sick aud
well. S- a Yoar—2o cents a number.—
A Picture of " Lincoln at Home,"
on steel, 19x24 inches, for 2 subscribers
and $t ; pr a picture for eacli one of a
Club of 10 and 120. Miller, Wood k
Co., 15 Laight Street, New York.
SaT'The new church of the U. I'.
congregation of Mt. Varoum, of which
Ilev. W. A. Black is pastor, was opened
for diviue service opJSabLath, UOth ult.
A vory large uud appreciative audience
were in attendance. Dr. J B ■Clark, of
Allegheny city, officiated, assisted by Rev
Yf. 11 Jamison. The building is neat
and comfortable and tastefully furnished.
On Monday Lecture on ' Na.
tional reconstruction," by Br. Clark, cauie
off according to previous notiee Though
the snow storms blockading the roads,
Bom«irh*t restricted the attendance the
houM wan well filled. Altogether it was
quite a success. The lecture wu» one of
'great power and delivered with convinc
ing effect. The Tarious issues opnuect«
ed with the subject of Nationol Kecou
struction, and especially that of Negro
Suffrage, were preseutod ia a .light well
calculated to fasten conviction upou any
.right thinking mind.
The whole occasion was t*neof unusu
■ljjinterest, and the distinguished speak
er left uiauy friends behind him
Be£- Isaac Ash, Esq., of Oil City, for
merly of this plane, now associated with
Hugh Graham, Esq , has been admitted
to practice in the United Spates Court.
This is indeed gratifying to the many
warm friends and admirers of Mr Ash.
He is a young man of energy and ability.
This will give our young friend another
opportunity fur the display of the bril
liant talents which he possesses. Mr. Ash
hps shown what ean be done by perse
verance and energy. We but reflect the
general sentiment of this community,
when we wish him abundant success in
£his new field cf labor; and look for
ward to the time, which we hope is not
far distant, when he will be rauked among
the ablest of our jurists Success to Ash
& Graham.
j >3lll Burned.
i On Friday morning the Ist inst., about
j 4 o'clock, the Ptcat!! Grist Mill belong*
; ing to Ale*. Campbell, in Concord towu
ship, was discovered to be on fire. When
first L' i ("covered, the fire had not made
much headway, but the the only
! place where persons could get into the
t mill, was "n fire. thu» preventing pcrsous
froiji gfittir.g into the mill. Before as
| sistance could be had, the fire had pro
| grossed to such an extent that it was im
possible to do anything towards extin
guishing the flames, or saving anything
from the devouring element. Mr. Camp
bell liad done a great amount of hard
work, and expended a large amount of
niuncy in order to put his mill in good
running order. Within the last year he
had purchased a splendid engine which
cost him bet r een one and two thousand
dollars. Mr. Campbell has sustained a
severe loss. Wo have been informed
that there were over one thousand bush
els of grain in the mill, belonging, prin
cipally to customers. Total loss will
probably exceed 88,000 No insurance.
The Lady'» Friend,
! For February, 18G7, is on pur desl:. A
| Steel Engraving of touching Interest and
| exceeding beauty, called '■ The Sailor
, Boy's Dream of Home;" a f'aitjiful and
I picturesque Colored Stael Fashion Plate
' of the usual double page size; and a fine
i an 1 appropriate wood-cut of Winter, con*
j stituto tho Icaditigembellishments of this
; spl ndid number of the Queen of the
.Monti lies. The illustrations of variou g
j slyles of apparel for |adies and children,
i work-table patlcrns and directions, &e ,
I are such as the ladies will fully appreciate.
I The stories are excellent, "Opposite?,"
by Max Weir, and "A Parisiad Cf.ild,"
] from the German, by Francis A. Shaw,
j .vill attract *pec.9l attention. Miss Don
| nelly contributes a beautiful pomen, "Uu
| seen, Yet seen," and Mrs. Wood con tin
j ucs her story af ' Orvillo College," which
j is developing characters that strongly en
I lift t-l.e reader's sympathy a«id iik,ufVhis
i interest. The story of "llovv a Woman
| Had Her Way," is ulso a very attractive
J one. The publishers announce in addi
' tioo, novelets by Amanda Douglas and
! Frank Benedict. They also announce,
! in addition to the Wheeler & Wi'son
Sowing Machines, a Splendid Listofne *-
Premiums, including Silver-Plated Tea-
Sets, Oakc-Baskets and lee-Pitchers, Sil.
112 ver and Gold Watches, Guns and-Rifles,
i Clothes' Wringers, Melodcons and Or
gans, Appletou's Cyclopasdiii, &c. A
beautiful Steel Engraving, 20x20 inches,.
i ~olled ''One of Life's Hours,', will
I be sent gratis to every single (2.50)' sub
' scribcr. and to crery person sending a
| club. Specimen numbers of the maga
zine, containing tho particulars of the
i premium offers and the reduced pricos to
| llubg» will i/e "tnt on Uie reocipt of
Price (with cngraring) s'-.£o & year;
Fonr copies {witli one engraving) 80.0.0;
Might copies (with extra magazine and
engraving) 812.00. Address Deacon &
,Petcrson, 819 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
—Why are railroad"' companies l.kc
lauudresses ? Because they have iruued
the whole country, aud sometimes do a
ijttlc Cuangling.
Every young man, whatover may be his future celling
in life, wtil find a thorough and practical business edu
cation his greatest aid to success. Such a course may
be had hy all, aa the expense end lini* aeoeesary for a
thorough preparation can r&dily lie spared from the
earning* of every industrious youth in the country
Tintae«»*i.ihs ooiy en- iKvesaaiy for a preparation that
shall introduce any former's son, teacher or mechaiUe,
into a business position that '.shall bring hkn a good
salary, and that may lead him onto a busiup<»s success
At Philadelphia, Pa., a system of Instruction has keen
introduced into J. C. UniulWrd'a Businees aud
Co«leg* that most be thoroughly practical, and woik a
-revolution In commercial instruction in all schools hav
ing pupil* enough eo that it inav be introduced. Uo
fortunvtely th-s syetsin of instruction can only be cat
nod out In a law vf the larger -schools in the t'nited ,
•tatsa, as ur4quir*«j for its aucc« asful operation a gfeat
nuitber of sludaitts in daily attendance. This course
is receiving the encouragement and enthusiastic sup
port of the leading business men and educators through
out the country, and Is drawing for this College pa- I
ltuamf from Mu-t; tenry Suila hi Ihe Colon In® i
( practical arrangement of every department makes it !
profitable for young meniooome hundreds of miles to i
enjoy its i iyy at at io other school in the coun
tiy can Advantages' be had for business education.
Rev. A lelander Clark, editor of Clark t Softool Fi«-
tor, in a hot lee' of that institution', said :—"The Com-
I nt«rck|l CclWe of J C. Mumfqrd combines iu its plan
1 more practicalities, and better disciplines ita students
for successful business than any similar institution with
which 1 am acquainted jn the city, and but one in our
wbtffe ouptry in anv wise competes with it, and
one putsu™ a method somewhat the same but perhaps
not a m fuMy developed.
Such a report from Rev. Alexander CUrk is strong
I e7ider.eeot the character and standing of this school.
, The College fieA its rJan Of instruction, invites the at
tent ion of the Duuues. nd as it issues man v publications
«*xpl*£at rj of its a rking, which are mailed free of
charge, we suggest th \t those interested in educatiec
j send an application for circulars, as they will no doubt
be f'lrnUlied immediately on receipt of request,
j Addruas J. O. Mamfo r> , Philadelphia, Pa
j Jan qo, __•>,
No LICENSES. —We aro infprmcdjSays
the Sharon IbrnlJ. that the court inses
siop last wiek in Mercer, did not grant a
single liquor license, a fact which will
cheer the friends of temperance not a
little. Some of the venders in the arti
cle also received sonje favors in the im
pristtuieut line, besides pretty hea/y
fiues. |Among these were william L.
Prindleand Mr. Goldrod, of Sharon, the
former being fined SSO and cost*, and the
latler $l2O and imprisonment for thirty
days. Indictments were foiitid against
several of tfce dpalejs in that n|ace but
they were not brought to trial.
List of Grand Jurors March T. 1867.
W. W. Dudds, Bor. Prospect; .John
G. Christy, Concord ; Samuel Lcason,
Buffalo; Solomon Thompson, Brady,
Samuel Glenn, Clay ; James Js'qrris, Clin
ton ; Ebcnezer Dodds, Connoqueucsfcing;
Benj. Douthett, Adams; John Thomp
son. .Middlesex; Robert Fowler, Fairview;
Isaac Robb, Oakland; Jno. L. Maxwell,
Sr., Butler; Hugh Gill, Jr., Mercer; A1
fred Wick, Washington ; Jas. Stevenson,
Summit; Robt M'Vai r !<:•<*.", F'rwaTuj
| Benj. Sloan, Venaogo; Chambers Wick,
Parker; Juo. Hippie, Franklin; James
Frazier, Muddyereek ; A. N. M'Cand
less Bor. letter; ffathin F. M'Cand
less, Centre ; William Crocker, Slippcr
yrock ; Jno. ifj. Anderson, Allegheny.
John Douthett. Adams ; Jn3. C. Aav
derson, Allegheny; Xoph. Snyder, liwdy;
David Kelly, Esq., Buffalo; Jas. Ivearns.
Butler, Dickson M'Candless. Centre;
! Samuel Findley, Clay; Jas. Campbell,
| Cherry ; Peter Fennell, Jr., Clearfield;
j Wm. Norris, Clinton ; Jno. 11. Cl risty,
j Concord; Wm. Johnston, Cranberry;
J Joseph DoJds,'Conpo<j[uepes!>iug; Manas
■°es Gillespie, Donegal; A. L Campbell,
j Fai' view; Juo. S. Fisher, Franklin; Capt
Jno. Martin. Forward; Jno. Enslen.Jack
J son ; Juo. Pugh, Jefferson; Samuel My
ers, Lancaster ; Ties. Vandyke, Marion;
Edward McKlree, Mercer; Robt. Trim
ble, Middlesex; William Garvey, Mud
dyereek ; Lewis SpajT, Oakland ; \j'ra.
Patterson, Penu; Amos Toung, Parker;
S. II Christley, SlipperyrocK; George
Bartley, Summit; Joseph Sloan, .Vcnan
igo ; Jno. >Y ade, Washington; Jno. Ilet
j sel£escr, W infield ; Thomas McNees,
j Worth; Joseph Purvis, Bor. Butler;
! R. C. McAboy, Bor. Butler jT. J. Craig,
j Bo: - . Millerstown; Jcssoe Dodds Bor.
Prospect; Kzikiel Wilson, Bor. Centre
ville \ 1 i'red Piarce.Jßor. Harmony ; Jas.
Newtou, Bor. Porteisville ; pjiilip l'urt
ucr, Bor. 3axcribui>; Lewis Rued, Bor.
Zelienople; Jno. Black, Bor. llarris
vjlle ; W. C. Bryson, Bor. Sunbury ; Wm.
} McEhvain, Peon - r J. C. MoNees, Worth;
1 Jas. Jones, Jaekson ; Norman Kirkland,
Wit,field ; Jno. Gallaher, Esq , Clear
field; Jas Gillespie, Sr., Donegal
John Barr, Adairs; fjtepheu Stoops,
Allegheny; Jno. P. Thompson, Brady;
Patrick Kelly, Buffalo; Jacob W. Dursh
imor, Butler; Jacob Flccger, Centre; Rob
eit Brown, Clay ; Bryan Steel, Cherry ;
1 Robt Thompson, Clearfield: Jno. Coul
tor, Jr. Concord; Samuel M-.-uignnvry,
Clint n ; Juhn GoehrWg, Cranberry;
Daniel Cable, Connoquenessing; Zepha
riah D' üble, Donegal ; Thos. (' ruig.
. Fuirviaw, Wash. Campbell, Franklin;
Thos. Martin, Forward; Ja». Douthett,
I Jackson ; Andrew Baker, Jefferson; J s
[ A. Coats, Lancaster; Jas Vincent, Mnr
| ion ; John Barnes, Mercer; Thos. Parks,
i Middlesex ; Jas English. Muddycrck ;
| Josiah Nejman. Oakland ; Win. Morri
j son, Penn ; Ebenezcr Wally, Parker;
i Wm. Bovard, Slipperyrock; R. I). Ste
l'veuson, Summit; Sloan, Venango;
1 Robt. Speer, Washington; Geo. Douth
I eft, Wt{i'field; Jas. Hockejiberry, Witth;
G. C. Roessing, Bor. Butler; Audrew
i Barnhart, Bor. Millerstown; Joseph Al
' !cn, Bor. Prospect; Juo. McCarns, Bor.
' Centreville ; l'eter Otto, Bor. Harmony;
I .John Hay, Bor. PortersviHe; E. F. Mu
-1 dor, Bor. Saxonburg; Phil Ripper, Jr.,
Bor. Zelie-oople ; Kbenezcr Beatty, Boi.
llorrisvilie; Ebcnezer Adams, Bor. Su-i
bury; James Meharg, P.enn; j?am. P
Thompson, Adams ; Mathew S.loau, Al
• le^heny; Thomas Wasson, Washington;
Jas. A. Craig, Fairview; Robt Black,
Parker; Jno. Grossman, Franklin.
Comm'rs Office, Butler, Jan. 14, '67.
jAf B. STORY, Sheriff.
"Give me a place to rest my levef on,"
says Archimedes, ''and I will move the
world." "Givo me pure aud unadulter
atcd drugs," says Medicus, of the olden
times "and I will cure disease."
In one sense, both of these learned
pundits were the veriest charlatans.—
They knew there was to place to rest
their lever on, eftbev to move the world
or cure disease. Mechanism was in a
laojtjvard state, and the medical
sion was but another name for sorcery an
a'l the adjuncts of magic filters iuid
charms of the "evil eye," Ac.
Put these latter days have borne unto
us something more' tfcan evca superstition
and its crew ever dreamt ofui tneirmadest
philosophy In these iuv£ of practical
science, what was theory of yesterday
Wfaot today, and all the old-time uotious
become as bubbles•lti the otq, and burst
aud break with every trreath we draw.
Let Arehtmedes R!Hiui4er his lever and
we will find a ragtiag ftjr it to niota the
world. Let mine aneiefcn Medicus pant
aud toil no more drugs ne so sorely
needs, for we havo tlu'ta at our hand,
over ready to serve tfyeja at his beck.
Kefinca in the labratory of Dr. Mag
giel, the finest materials known in the
medical profession'are obtainable bj aiiy
one. His Billious, Dyspeptic, and
rhea Pills stand unrivalled, and bis Salve
operates with magicffl effect upon biros,
soalda, and all sure* and alter* ot the
skiti? '"
In fact, we think Maooibi.'s Pille a"2
Salve are the wonder of this century, and
we are in the thought that taany
others if our brethren of tbe craft tgree
withys. We would earnestly counsel
that all families provide themselves with
; Dr. Maggiel's Pieparutioua at once, and
keep them ready at haud, so as to .use.
them ut the most opportune time
and as oca»3ion serves.— Vul/'y Scninitl
1 iltTl.En >r'\Kivi:Tß.
! BUTTER—Fresh Kol» SO cents per pound
BEANS—White, $1,50 per bushel.
; BAKLEY—Spring, 90
j BEESWAX—49, fonts per pound,
i EGOS—K :ents periczen
! FLOUR- U'beflt, ST.W to 7,75 per bund.: Bve 3,50,
Buckweeat, 2 50par hum"..
FRUIT—Or.«U Apples, $ eta. per B> ; Dried Peaches.
I 26 cents y. lb.
! FEATHERS!—7S cents per pound.
I GRAlN—Wheat $2,50 per LUJII 1 Rye.l,oo. Oats. 40c.
| (_Vrt»:-7; Buckwheat. 75\
OROORIMEB—(Tofrtft. Kio, SO per povnd; Java. 4),
I Brown gogar. 15cper pound , do. White, 2<>c NO. Mola*
! es 51.20 cents per gallon; Svnip 1 dojand sl,f»o.
HIDES—7 cents per pound.
LA KB—lo conts per poun 1.
■ NAlLS—s9,ooper keg.
POTATOES—sue Del bushel.
POKK—Shoulders, 12; Mitch, 14; Hams, 16c per
! R AOS—4 cents per poitnJ.
IUCE—IS cent? per pi'tiud.
; £ALT—S3,2O pet barul.
TALLOW—I 2 cent* per pound.
( >V'OOL —45 cents p«r pound.
PiTTStiCßdti, February 5, 16ti7.
I GRAlN—Winter Red, ?2 *5 ; No. 1 Spr iyg is quoted at :
1 $2 00 and No. 2 at $2 4ta52 50; O >:
«Wa, Barley. No. \ spring-
FLOUR —Sprirg Wheat,sl2 25; Winter Wheat. sl4;
Rye Floar, $8 00; Buckwheat, $8 75$>••' cwt.
I PROVlfelOßß—Bacon, shoulders, 12c; Sugar Cured
, Hams. 17c; Lard 13c.
BUTTER—Fresh Roll, 33c
EGOS—SOc tier
I HAY—Baled, $25 per Ton.
' 112f REpS—Flaxseed $2 05; Timothy,s3 25; Clover,B 50.
DF.TET) FRUlT—roaches,«juaite:s, 17, halve* l'J cts.
1 per lb: Appics, 0(£loc.
POTATOES —Peach JUOVM, 90 centa per barbel.
Hi A S3—si 75 p*r bushel.
• Oil.—Crudb, Refined. IJ9 casta per gallon;
Laid Oil, 87 to 90 lor No. 2, and $( 12 tor
TUTE FOR CALOMEL. Tlisse Pills aro compied
of various roots, having tho power to relax the secto
tions of the liver as promptly and effectually as blue,
i pill or mercury, and without producing i ny of tho<o
disagreeable or dangerous » fleets which often follow the
use of the latter.
In all bilious disorders thesis Pills lijiy be used vHh
confidence, as they promote the discharge of vitiated
bile, and reinovo thqpc obstructions from the liver and i
biliary ducts, which are cause of bilious affections in '
ache, and nil disorders of tho Liver, indicated by sallotv j
skin, coated tongne, eostivoncss, drowsiness, anil a J
general fueling of woarinast and laasitudo, showing that J
the liver is in a torpid or obstructed condition.
In short, these Pills may be used with advantage in
all rases when a purgative or aCorative medicin a is re
2Ploav a.-lc for " Dr. Sche nek's Mandrake Pills,'' an-l
observe jhat the two likenesses of the Doctor aro on the j
Government stamp—one when iniho la.-1 stage of Con- |
snmption, and the other in his present health.
Scl.l by all Druggists and dealers. *Prl?c ?scenta par i
b"x. Principal Ofllee, No. 15 Nolh 6th" Sttae't,"Phila
delphia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents; Dumas Barnes A Co., 21 I
Pat k Row, New Yo:k; S. S. H into, 103 Bnltimoro St.,
Baltimore,Md.; John D. Park, N. E- cor. of Eourth end ;
Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker A Taylor, 134 and j
180 Wabash Avenue,
S. W. cot bar oi Second and Vlue tts , St. Louis, Mo.
[4th A 6th tr, ea mo ly.J
menclng at 6 o'clock. Brethren from Bister Lodges aro |
ry«p«*tfuUy invited to attend. By order of tho N. (I.i
ft A. Y. M.—Butler Lodge, No. 272, A. Y M, I
. A>\ holds its stated meetings in tho Odd Fellows
Hall, on Main Street, Butler, Pa., on the first
/\/\ Wednesday of each Brethren frrm
' \ \ eist. L< are fe«p?ct fuily. hiyitod to at- '
tend' By or jt r o/tlvfi W. M. !
i; rrors of Youtli.
\ GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nerv
ous Debility, Premature Decay, and all tho effects
of youthful fhdiecrcti- n. will, for the -ake of suffering
humanity, rend free to ell who need it, the receipt and
directions for making the simple remedy by which he
was cured. Puffer, r? wishing U fit a-jvei ti
set 's experience, cia do so by ad in perfect
confidence, JOHN 11. OGDEN,
J'an. 9, *t7, 3m No. 42 Cedar St : , New Yoi k.
TO CONSUMPTIVES. —s'iie Advertiser, having'
been i ©stored to health in a few weeks, by a very sim
ple remedy, after having suffered several years with a
severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Consump
tion—is anxious to make kn »wn to his fellow-sufferers
the means of euro.
To all who desire it, tie will send a copy of the pre
scription used, (tton "112 charge) with tlie directions for
preparing and n<ing the ramo, which tl«ey adnjylwlv
ctK cvks roa o'Vbl«ptji-h, ASTHMA, Lion otitis, AC.
The only object « 112 the adtettl.-er in H-ndipz the Pre
scription. istobenofit the nllllctrtd, and spread liiforma
tion which he conceives to be iuvaluablo; and he hopes
every sufferer will try hia remedy, as it will cost them
nothing, and may prove a ble.^it.g
Parties whinny the preroriptton. will pleaso address
Williamsburg, Rings county, New York.
NOT. 7. 18W,ly.
.Cholera, Diarrhoea, and Dysentery .
I VENETIAN LINIMENT, if used when first taken b
persons < 112 tempore habits. This medicine has een
known is the UnitoJ Statesovoi 2 » years. Thousands
e used it, and fouud it never failed to cure any com
plaiia for .which it was rocommended, and alUboeo who
first tried it, are new never without it. In tlie Cholera;
of I><4B. Dr. Tobias attended 40 cases and lost 4, being
called too Jate to do any guod.
< DIRECTIONS.—Take a toaspoonful in a wine glass of
er.*ery half hoarfjt two hand rub tho abdo
men and extremitioa well with the Liniment. To alley
the thirst, take a lump of ice in them -uth, about the
dito of a marble every ten minutes It is warranted per
fectly innocent to take infernally. Sold by all drug
cists, price 4J aud 80 cunts. D*pot. 60 Courtlaud bt.
N iv \« ik '
\i.\v \in nmsi Jii \rs . "
Estate of Abraham Parker, Deed.
LfcTTERS Taeumentary Witt* the will annexed hava
this day, February 4th , 1867, been duly granted by
the Register to A. 1). Weir. Executor of Abraham
| Parker, late of Buffalo township, dee'd , therefore, all
persons fo<l«ht*d to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and thoae having claims or de
mands against the .-aine, will present lUeni properly
authenticated for settlement. A; D. WKIR,
no 9, 6w
Executor's SCaco.
Estate of tSd'V.ucJ Parks, Dec'd,
IETTERS Ttjstejnontary on the esfutate of Samuel
j Tarks, dee'd, late of township, have fbi*
•'ay. February 4, 18&7, beon grantod to the undersigned,
t)> the RegJstev of Butler County thfcrfefifo notice Is
he; aby g'i van to all Interested in said eat ate, tbat al.
persons knowing th«maa!*es roilehted to said e*Ute, or*
hereby reqnesteJ to rr.*k« imaiediata psyroenta, aud
th<r-e h.ivirrr
proneirJv fc»Ube#»tieatod for settlement. r
no 9', 6w* \<M. HAYS, j gx
Estate of Joseph Wolf, Due'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamentary
having l»een issued to the nnd rslgned, dn the
estate of Jo-epk Wolf, P. twp , llec'i: all
persons haviug claims Wll jir-sent
them properly antheirtieauvl far settle»neiit, and those
knewiug tbemaclveti indeltMd to said estate, will make
immediate payment PATRICK HAMILTON,
Jnnuai v* Hi, 1 c 67 [no 0, 4w ] KeXecstor.
s ed that eome pern «n or persons
have been selling plows tljrougL
| out the county.l eiwnaeßting theto
us made byO. A J. R. Nloser, this is therefore to warn
the public ag.iinst such, as all plow* we make have our
Plows always on hand, and work warranted.
G. A.J . E. MOSEE.
1 no 9,6m0 Bntier, Pa. r
List of J.ettem,
{REMAINING in the Poat Oi&ca at Butlar, Pann'a..
'Lisbon Mlm MO
j be)>«al Catharine
>1 Bride Mr Noal
'M'Caudless Miss Evllla
i Mohr Freldertek
. M'Coonel Mrs UaaiiitCu
(Martin John
Mechling A Bryson
Nobs Jaaoo . 2
Neman Miss M M obn
obn Vjk\
i l'«UTer John
.PiJjigioJ It
Hither Mis Barbara
Kimbaugh S W
, lle» her WmW
bhondltr Lucas
obcatard D
.-.huler Mua Margaret
Yigusvun M W
Vigand, Fsrd, package -i
Walley Maggie E
.Weeks Asa li
K February 4tb, 1867
Arnold Mis* Ann* J
Bar iky Mi*« Li*«ia
Brannou Mr. Byras*
Black Bphiiarr.
Honey aud Minw I
Dunn Mr. Wui 2 ,
Doerr for John
1 Dufpn Miss Grace
Dwr Sagiuel
Dunn Mi** Elizabeth
Dinxmore M*as Nancy
I Gibson A. M
GilU# UfMaq
Guratner, M Ketbrena
I liorubark Mr Jua*>iiU
lUiav* Moaea
tlaaaiUiQ Mr Antan
i llays Miss Kebacca
HarUlwu Mr &Uthew
lug.irt Mr Nick»l
t . King Mr Ilunry
h lig Mr Jobn
Kennedy Mr James
Jwi ii-f AYeilei ick I
Kiiey Mr Ti<uuthy
Prisons flailing for <Jie abuvc named letter*, will say
'advertised.' y. j SEDWICK, f* M?. '
rpilE undersigned subscriber offer 1 for 3910 hi* firm'
I. situate in t'onoiquenching township, tf uu'ln Luin
Bntler and 3 milei from Petersvllle, containing
50 acres eloared an 1 under reasonablj eood improve
ment—D -utdeLogßsrnand
bjni ing Apple and Pench .trees Good fruit. Place
well wateied. A good Gii-.t Mill within two miles.
For further paitieuhirs inqaire of
no 9, St.) on the premises
To th© Public.
rjtHE cltitans of Butler and are h rebv re-
I. pcctfully informed that the undersigned has open
e t a shop on the West sidect .Maine Street, bi twieu the
house and the Vogely House, where !:<• is pro
pared to repair
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
and all kind* of Locks aud Sewing Machine-*. .Ml wot k
done warms ted to giro sati-.f ictiou. TRY MK.
no 9, Smo J. .M. JONES.
S6O 00, w °°- m
bestTn usk.
Mactiiue will Hem, t ell and Bind;
Btald, Tuck ai.d Cord;
Gather and Quilt;
Make a Beavsr Cloth Oiercoat;)
Make a Prock Coat;
.Make a Sit in Vest:
Make Cloth Pant;:
...BL.a Shoes;
' do every description
bfDriM Sinking
fm Mai liitl ) will *' ufl kind* of K»milj Sewing,
j toj Mucbluo wl'l r ua over Mams v lli. ut l.rtnVing
I need 1. a or skipping atitches.
|O3 Machine stitches alike on both aided.
S6O Machine is the cheapest Machine by 20 per rent,
in use, and will sew faster, if not superior t > any Ma
chine in the maiket. ho can return it aud hare his
money. Warranted four yearn.
The attention of Tailors, Shoemakers and Harness
makers is railed to No. 3
j warranted Ave years and licensed.
!is tho bo-tin use Will knit 12 pairs of socks In a .lay
I Rraid and Embroidery steinps lor sale, and stamping
A mode*! for cutting LADIES' and CHILDREN'S
I dresses. Any person can learn from it.
i Agents wanted. Address, with si amp.
It. 11. LONG, General Agent,
No. lUGntbt tt , Cathedral,
j ! Aittshurgh, I'a..
White town,
no 9. taio. *o«l«-r County,
Orphan's Court Sal 2 cf Real Estate, j
|)Y virtue of au order and decree of the Orphan's Court 1
|) of Butler county. 1 will expose to sale by public |
vendue aud out-cry, up m the premises, on
I Wednesday, February 27, 1867,
ntl o'cloek, P. M.the f.ilwlng de«crißed real aatnte
of Elisabeth O'Connor and Isabella O'Connor, nilhor
! children of Win o'C< inor, dee'd ~ to wit • Sixty acres
' .if land, slMmte in Waslvtegto»ii.»w nsnlp, Butler county,
j Pa, bound-don the North by lands 01 James M Dredin; '
Bal-'t by laoacand William Miller; South bj James llil- I
Hard; West by James M. lire-lib; about five acres cleared, j
and a 1 r house thereon erected. The above described
prqreity Mgood for farming pm posos. and is superior
I coal laud, on the line ef tho Atlantic and Great \N eat-
I ern Branch Railroad to Brady's Rend.
Terms—One-third of the nurchaae money In hand, the
1 balance in twocrjual annual installments,'with interest
from confirmation of anile. WM. STOOPS,
no 8, 3w. Guardian.
j Orphans' Court Male.
i 13 Y "virtue ef an order and d*ir*e of tho Orphans'
1 |l o»ovrt of Butler County, the undersigned, Admin
lstrator of th<« estate of Itobert J Hutchison, late of
| Oakland tow r ship, dee'd., will offer for sale on the
premisos, on
Saturday, March 2nd, 1807,
at 1 o'clock. P.M.. at public vendue,
Thirty-eight Acres of Land,
be the same more or les«. * : tuate 111 CoKlAnd township,
Butler county, Norib by Boydstown; on the
East by lahds of 0. Campbell; « 11 the South by lands - 112
A liner Martin: on tho Wist by land- <? J. L't-ll and /.. [
Phillies. 112 '■
T',m«A>f s.i.e—Or.o-tbhd of the purchase 4*oQey to
: be p/»id on cob fit niktlon of sale by the Court, and resi
due In two equal annual p ivments thereafter, with in
torest. if All All C. HUTCHISON
no. K sw, Administratrix.
Loral and Travelin ; A gouts, Male or female, of
all ages, ate wanted lo solicit t.ode in «veiv City, Town,
Hamlet, Woiksh -p and Factory, throughout the entire
wo) id, for the most saleable noveltloa over known ;
&00 per.cent, profit and READY SALE W HERE! ER
OFFER ED. Smart men and women can make fmoi ?. r »
to fSQ per day, aud no risk of bws. A small capital r» i
ipttred of from S2O to sl(K)—tlie more money invested
tho groat' r 'he profit. No money required in advance
-ice tend tb articles and receive pay after tea ids.
If you actually wish t«. make money rapidly and easily,
write ft>r full particulars and address,
MILNOR A 00 .(From Paris,)
210 Broadway, New York City.
B,ly (Newspapers copying w ill be liberally dealt with ■)
STAT', or I'RXI A.,| GG
WHEREAS, i»l sn Orphan's
Court held at Butler, in and for the County of Rut lor,
on the 25th day of September, A. D., 1810, before the
Judges of said Court—
The petition of J. W Christy was presented, setting
forth that Isaiah Wlgton was. In the year lfcHO, No. 4
March term, appointed guardian of D. 11. Morrow ami
W. E Morrow, minor children of Hamilton Morrow,
dee d., who weie uuder the age of fourteen yoars—
that the. said Wlgton, whilo acting as Guard in u as
aforeiai 1, received about seventy dollars, Oie one half
of whieh sum belongo<l to each of said miuors, aud that
said Isaiah Wlgton lias never settled an account of
lue Guftidian«blp, your petitioner therefore prays your
honorable Court, to award a Citation on said Isnlah
Wtgtou .to sbow causa why he should pot settle his
final account, aud as In duty bound, ho will ever
pray, Ac.
And now to-wtt : September 25th, ISO*, Coutt awnrl
a Cita*lon as prayed for.
By tho Court
And now, therefore, yon, tfca said habih Wit ton
Guardian of D. Li. Morrow and W. E. Morrgw hnr>r
chlldien of Hamilton "Morrow, dec d , are hcrebv cfFed
*iir»wr befbrn our lain-. at an Orplian'n
Wtirt, 16 h« hdlil at Biill.r, in titj.i fur tho Cotcty , 112
Bnttor, on th. tint Mw';, y „112 .Hw»h next, It holug the
4th day of said •••'uUt, then and thore to show cause
why,.as ghS'.oian aforesaid, you should not file aud set- .
V.c oceviunt, as prayed fbr.
By the Court. ;
S M. EASTMAX, Clerk ab «, 4w.
Great Sale of Watches,
On the popular one prioe plan, giviu* every person a
handsome and reliable wat«*b for the low prise of Ten
Dollars, without legard to value, aud not to be paid for
unleal perfectly satis/aciory,
Gold IluntUig Watches $250 to SMX) .
GOO Magic Cased Gold Watches.... ...,,.,. . 20(» to 500
500 Ladies' Watches, LnarueVed..*. 100 to 300
1,000 Gold Hun ing Chronometer Watches 250 to IHaj
1,000 Gold Hunting English Levers 200 to 200
3,000 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches 150 to 200
6 000 Gold Hunting American Watches,.... 100 to 250
5,030 Silver Hunting Ivevorb - 50 to 150
5,000 Silver Hunthig Duplexes * 75 to 2io
6,000 Gold Ladies' Waoe.haa...r v........... 50 to 2too
10,000 Gold Hunting Lepine<i /..y... 50 to 100
10,000 Sli.HceUtUeous Silver WatcUes, ......... 60 to 75
26,000 I|ant-ing Silver Wolches 25 to S>
30.000 Asaortod Watches, all kinds •10 to 75
Every person obtains a Wat«*h i>y
costittK but $lO, whifo U may bs yorth $760. No par
tiality shown.
Me*"». J. Hickiing A Co.'s Greit American M'atch
Co , New York City, wfch to imirutdiaiel> dispose of the
above magniikeutstock. Cer'ilicates earning articles,
ar» placed in sealed eavelopes. Holder* aie entitled t>
the articlea named on their certificates, upon payment
,o( Ten Dolors what her >t be a watch worth $730 or
oue worti» loss. The return of any of our ci'rtlficates
untitles you to the srt ciof uamed theruon, upon pay
ment, irrespective of its worth , and as no article valued
>tfs than $.lO is
be seen th*t this is no lottery, but a stiaight-forward
ieguiiuaiu ttaa-ac'ion, may be participated in
evoii by the most fiutldious.
A single certificate will be sent by mail, poet-paid,
upon receipt of 25 cents, five for sl, eleven for $2, thirty
three and elegant premium for $5 sixty-six and u*ore
valuable premium for gio, one hundred and most su
perb watch fbr sl6. lo agents or those wishing em
ployment this is a rare opportunity. It i* a legiti
mately conducted bus!IMP, duly authorized by the'
Xlovumuent, aod.cbno to the most careful tcrutinv.—
Try e*. .J. HICKLING A CO ,
149 Bro id way—Near P. O,
no 1,3m City of New York. j
aUIK (tritt i>f nC*. t M'Abcj Uii. tUr
ed b* inota*l conmnt, J Ujn» JfcAhov r.tlrln.
th« hfuniiM., hivttg M,.»rl«tj,l bluisoU with the
firm of nf O.J, So. 45 WooUl Stntt
.• II o*!og Rid Arm u.
irbure ra;-»«irt ctinndt be nwlf, to ). t)l< ijy ~a to or
otherwi.n The ii«.«it» or i.rompt «ottlimci)t will
r.omilKD.l itirtl to th. j.Urlligof J. I.vnti Mc-
Aboy require, ku fuQ.har. t. be withdrawn irooi tho
; tl °' l °"' nS «, 3w
> JO W Flit Jl
T ? ,A * K lbs .. luted mjTMir with • tntur
I 1 Wlolli.r, wilh whom tho l>usine«s will liereaft. r l.e
1 ( .rrn' lon at Itji* oH ftm-l 11 lul.r |l. > n.ililt- and »l\ 1. rtt
:• ,>I'.VBOV BItO ?
Telegaph Institute,!
Comer of Penn and St. Clair itrcets,
Thb Largest. Cheapest and Best
Actual Business Collearc
111 tha United States.
Dining the pa-t ten years, ppward* of I
Fifteen Thousand Student's
Representing every State hi the L'union, havagiadu'
at i d here.
A. College of Actual Business,
Supplied with Banks, Stores, Post Office, 'Commission j
Uruketw. Insurau* c, Hail Road, Steamboat,
Telegraph Offices, 4c., combining
Studentseie th< roughly ihtiliuctcd in all the blanches
of a
Practical Business Education,
including Book-keeping, Pettmnniptp, Arlthmelfc',
| CoiiUiiercinl Law. Political Fcorfotn.?, "Btudneoa C'rres
ponilence, the Art of Detecting CiantarlUt Money, .
' Railroading, 1 elegr*] lilng,
| ut any time. an«l complete a full course In froiu eight to
twelve weeks,
hjtn nil expenmi for Tuition, Uookn, Blank! an.l Di
■ For Penmanship, Stouinl. ating, Railroad! u'g. Banking,
or Dlnlom.n,sw in other College*. Free ieaaons daily in
; Peuniftnsliipto all student!* in the Confmcrcial liepatt
l-'ot' Clroului'S, giving full information,
and containing a coinplcto outline of our system of
Practical Business Education, together with
From Practical Rusinor.s Men. Merchant*, Bunk era,
Book-keeper*, Ac., address the principals,
I'ittKVHii'gh, I*ii.
January 9,'67, 6tno.
WHEREAS, at an Orphan's
j Court held in Butler, in and for the said County of
' Butler, oa the,2sih day <■( September, A. D.. 18 d, be- I
I foro the .fudged of said Couit
Tht» petition "112 I W. Christy was presented, setting j
forth 11 at laaiah Wigton was appointed Guardian of
Peiry Morrow, one oflho minor chil lren <>f Hamilton
i M-rrow. late < 112 BHpperyrock township, deed.. ut
i .March terut, ISOO—that lie haa hud in his
! about four hu.idred dollars belonging to said minor,
who is now dead, that J. W. Christy is now Admlnla-
J tratur of K.'.ifl minor's trtufti-tliat rattl Uaardinn linn
never settled an account of hia paid guardianship, votir
petitioner therefore p»ay« your Honorable Court tc
j avard a Citation on said Ouaidlan to show cause why
he should not settle his final account, and as in duty
bound, he will ever pray, Ac.
And n w to-wit: Sepli mber 26ih, Cpurf award
a Citation according to law. By the Court
And Bow, therefore, you,tho said Isaiah W igton,
jars hereby cited t« be aiid appear In fore out Judges of
the Orphans' Court, at an Orpli «ns' Court to be held at
I flutter. In and for the Comity of Bntler, on tho first
Monday <»f March next. it N-ing the 4th day of said
Month, to show cause, if any yon have, w by you »Inn Id
nt file and settle your account as Guardian afoi esaid.
By tho CtfUit.
F. M KASTMA*. Clerk. no B.4w_
Wagon & Carriage Brake.
J perfect Self-Acting Broke, with
out the aid of Horses, Man,
or any other secondary
Mot ire Poiter,
Received the FIRST I'RKMII'M. with n Special
Recommendation, at tho Pennsylvania State' Fair, at
William port, 1806; ftlto, Premiums at all other Fairs
ever attended.
Tills l« ..n invention that will commend iUelf to all fir
simplicity. cheHpiiess, durability, as w«U as *af< ty. So
simple is It in its construction, that it can he appilori to
any kind of ty agon or Vehicle,-a great ao
long wan tod. , ,
This valuable Brake wi'l, at first sight, commend
itself to all by Ms over all other Brakes, being
always a< tuated by tho weight of the load, which gives
it a gradual 1 jck, acc.oiding t>> the weight nf .he load. 1
It LOCKS lliv If lihl Wheels.
The weight of the load locks wagon—the heavier
the load the inorv the power—tho sfecpei the hill the
more power on the Brake.
It only acta where a _
It lets up over crossways on hills ; it does not Inter
fere in backing; the horses do not hold the Brake ; it
can be pnt «n any kind of Wagon—cither a Spring.
Bonder, Log or Lumber Wagon
SK. X. l>l f RREJf,
of Mt. Chestnut. FraaVHn township, has pur?b9f<*l th
Patent Bight of this Qew and valuable Invention forth#
territory t-n .braced within the )iiui!»-$< Butler county.
Orpjiuns' Court f»sic of
Heal I>iate.
I> V v u fne and'"kiroe of the Orphnn'i Conit of But-
J ler I will expose to salo by pnhlie vendue
"a u "e p. ombres, on
ihitrsday, February 21 st, 1867,
at 12 o'clock. Mthe following desc/ibed teal estate,
situate In Butler township, uoundud on tho north by
lands of Andrew Lcy-nnoi, east by Bilas Penrcn, aouth
by .lames Tracy,.and wosj by inuda/'-i'tuoifly owned by
Bobeit ijym»6n. r-pw by Sfmon Keofcr. coutiinlng
t Mcrot rooro"*or, le»a, fifty acrr« of which Is Im
prgVed, a brick dwelling thereon erected, and p large'
. orcliard of bearing fruit tree*.
TT.llNiS—One third of money in hand,
the balance in two annual pymcnts with interest from
confirmation of aale.
no. 7, sw. KAIELfNK LEMMOS*,
Adm'x of John Lemmon, dte'd
The Hammonton Culturist!
Itt'ftd and NiibM'ril)o.
! Centa and a three cent pontage stamp
i C B to prepay postage en premium, will pay
B for the Cultujist oafi. year, and eutitlo
person eeudiQg it to a
Superb C'artiO I>e Vlnile.
ONE DOLLAR will pay for FIVE copice of tho
CI'LTUKibU' <ii»f year and entitle the peraon sending
it to FIVE Premium Pictures.
Tht Carte Dt VisiUt we afl.u a» premium* are of the
finest character, and have been selected Vlth care from
\ ocliectt' n of more thau five hundred difleient kioda.
Tho .majority of them ar* copies ot mcst ceh:hrared
Paiutiiiu" and A stamp to prepav postage
on Pi emiuci, must alwavs accompany the ordor
In r« milting money for suben iptions, he ptrticular
t-> write the fuli n«me noot ofllre, iotaf i«nd . v fate/
and direct yoar ieltera t«. EDWoofr office
nf Cuhnrisf, No. WM Market Street, Phlia
Tie first number of the Culturist it printed in quarto*
form of tight pages, on aplon lid paper; print ie ex
cellent, and subject matter good. Tho proprietors pror
pose to increase the next number to Ii) pagoj.
This new work Is to be devoted to the Farm, Garden,
I Rural Architecture and the Firwrtdc
The terma are exceedingly low. E««ry farmer and
gardrner should subscribe at oace.—{Et. no 7, 3w
j Orphan's Court Sale of Real
|)Y VIKTL'E ofan order and decree of the Orphans «
D Court of B atlef CWftty antTivi lziag me thereto'
1 will expose to sals by public vendue arid oil-cry,
upon tho premises, on
Saturday, February 9 th, 1867,
at I o'clock pm..nll the right, title, interest and «Uim
He Wolf, late of the borough of Butler,
dee'd , of, ia and to the individual half part a lot of
ground.senate on Main etreetj lu the Uorottgh itfure
taid, being atxty feet i a froot oh Main street, and run-,
mn !,*ck oua hnnrtrad and -iah»y f«et to an alloy, knd
KSdad on Aa Norfnhy l«t Sf». V* Ka-t by an
S mill by *u alley and Weet bjf atreet; au.J Srfng
one square North of the Diamond, in *aid b<i;r» fsh, a
Two tttory Brick House, Brick Shop or Oflke,'4-*l out
buildings thereon ere* ted. Tcinu —0»o tbiid.uf pur
chaeo iwoucy in hand, any tho balanco In l4ro* equal
.tnnual insl.dlutept-.wifc. l '! Inteieat from cooflrLjation of
•ale. ' If. D.TIMBUN",
l>e.S6-owe A'liniui,frator.
t , »°ora North of M'Aboys Hore. in tho room former-
Jy «»ccupled by Mi j Hertx»;ergc/, on Main Street. But
ler, Pa . announces that he has 'openeda Boot and Shoo
•tare, cotnisting of
Misses and Childsen's
Congress, Laced.
and Morocco Gaiters.
Tampico, French and
Grained Morocco, Kid,
and Calf Skin Shoes.
r n'* * Cl,m l ,le, ° "°« k Of Inliw nnl Child.
! Over Shoes and Slippers,
j of all sizes and styles.
Consisting of
Oalf roniti'osn <H n ttoi H,
I'Tciicli Ci%' Otlmmon,
l» IP. »ml ; IfiiDwf i*oou>.
largt ..f children's nhonn, nf nil th. ilttrornl.t
constantly on baud. A large stock of leather
and findings, suitable for thi« market, constantly on
hand. consisting in part of
Aids, Moroccoes, Linings,
French and Common
Oalf, Kip, Upper an i(
I Also, 6ho« Nnlln, l.ait., Peg., Awl., Shoe-thread.
| Hammers, Pinchers, Rubbers. Ac
j To short time and ca«h buyers, I offor superior In
ducement-. Call and examina my atock before pur
chasing elsewhere. Particular attention paid to
Ordeia. no ft, ly.
Drug and Grocery Store,
subscribers have Just received, and are now
HZ?*"*' at Mie ' r ® t, V , e,rt,orn ' oppo'ta' Pator Duffv «
An Extensive Assortment
or I
for chemical and medlscinal purposes. Alao, all kinds
FoArushos, Notions, Ac.
lljnlclnnn prracrlpttnns earefnlly
nn«l |>i OIII pt 1 y compounded.
will befounil ulniost every nrticl" for(nin.
ily u-e. Also
BUCKETS, .T.crjiS,
Ac., tc., ' !ce.
The highest market price paid for all
kinds of produce in exchange
May 24, 1800:;ly.
SAVES TIMR, * • "-* 1
And all Groccm Nell It.
It is uat-d by cuting into small shavings and dieaoMnf
in hot water, then a ak the clothes five to ten minutes,
and a llttV i,ami rubbing will make hem as clean as
hunrßofl ard machine rubbing with ordinary soap, ami
the nK>s' dedicate fabric receive no injury. We can re
fer to thousands of families who are using It, and who
could not be persuaded to do without
Dobbins' Electric Soap.
pold by all leading grocerien throughout the State
only by . •
WbjleiMile Office
107 Ntiiith Filth Street,
no 6. fea •"'* Philadelphia, Pa
Writ of Partition.
In the matter of the petition) In the Orphan's Cottrt
of W U. Pefler, .fbrpur- | of Butkr County.
titon of the real ostate of Got- J
lieb Peffer, late of Lancaster | No. 10. September
township, dee'd. J term, 1866.
The Commonwealth of Panneylvauitt to tho heirs and
legal represen tativea of Ootlh b reffer, late of Lanciuiter
t'lwnabip. Bui ler county, dee'd., vla: Rebecea PefTer,
("widow,) Fredrick Peffer. John PefS»r, Willlatn Peffer,
Gotlleb Pefler, .fosvuti Ptfflur. ItKiiJamiu Peffer, Wo ry,
intermarried with Christian Rebecca, Intormar
ricd with Mlchaol Ziegler, Elizabeth Peffer, Emma, In'-
termarriod witi» Peter Pchnotdewnutla.
Take notice that an inuuest will be held at th 4 iif-»
rrsidonce of the dereaeed in townnllip. on
Tuesdari the 6th day oi February. 1607, at I o o'clock.
Am., of said day, to make partition or valuation ef said
real estate according to law; at which time and place
you and each of you may attend if you think proper.
,Ja|>o, CJT JAMKBB. STORY Sheriff.
Trustee's Sale of Real Estate
I WILL offer for tale at public out-cry, on the piemi
•as, on
Friday, February 22nd, 1897,
at 2 o'clock. P.M. of said di\y.
132 Aerc* of rand,
Situate In towtisWp, Bath r county, ad
joining lands of Jacob David Kennody and
o'hers, befrw the same land owned by Amos Kennedv,
docM.; about sixty ecrea eleairod ond fenre/t, a framo
dwelling hour**, log brfrn,ai*da good orchard of bearing
tro/'s. are part of the iinpi Otcbtenh.
t The laud ia of kiKkl qofeliif, well wat<*r«nl and tim bor
ed, and ft* iitualloo commend it to all desiring to pur
chase a good farfti
TERMS—One* third In hand, the remainder in two
equal emmal meats, with interest from tha coo
• flrmarlon af%alc*. W. M'. r>CDI»S
no 7.i Pro«pci-(
Guardian's SaU
BY virtue of an order ami decrp# of tho Orphan's
C urt, iu and 112 >r the County of Bntler, the under
signed. Kuardian of the minor hil4r**n of Huah Aiken,
l.tte of Brady township, dee'd., will offer for sale at
public vendue, on tha premiers, on
Friday, February 22nd, 1867,
. at I o'clock, Pm., with power to adjourn tho sale, tha
following described lot of ground, affnatw In franklin
twp M containing fifty four slightly Improved, and
' bownded «a follows: on the If oft b by Made ef Thom«i
Bu/!g« r, on the East by lands of John Covert: on thfe
fewtfa by lands of Thome* Allen* and on tha Weet by
lands of Ambrose A loxauder. ,
Terms, one third of the parohaso money In hand,\nl
iho in two annual paymente, with inter
oat from cvnftr'uatldC'af sale by tho Coivt.
no. fi, Onerdian.
rpHE ȟbfc]|>er Otftrn for aale tbn^y-dnirncrMi of
.L wnd. mtante In
l flinty, *r>. l>«nty» V wad/m.l underg.
Improvement. Tnunn Home "tii xaii n h»ir >t»rln
hiKh, Mid Kr«m« St>blv Ih.i ■ seated. Mu*ll orch
ard „r n ~,d e-ait, x-' d ' !ir:.i4 nat»r. Title good
TKItM; —Oho tliiickiu uniid nnd the b>«lnnrM in two annual in<tnllment>. with intere.t from n dnin
°'»»lf- InoT, Sn-J CARNKH.'