"""THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. Butler, Pa. Wednesday, D c- 26,1866 * For l be clfW»r MR. EDITOR :—As the time is near that is to decide the contest for Senator, I hope you will permit a voice to be heard for Thaddeus. None of the other candidates who have that respect for age, talent and public services to which Mr. Stevens is entitled would pretend to be his competitor. If Mr. Stevens if de> lea ted, it will be under pretext thaf lie is more scrvicable where he is. Hut there is an honor to be confercd in this election, and let it fall where once fell the scoff, the scovo, the jeer and the contemptible cry of radical. Let us, as a great and just Commonwealth, improve the present opportunity, to atoue 'for our past misapprehension of true is pjjes, aud reward the master intellect that destiiscd the fcorns and buffeted the waves of error, and like the faithful vidette, fought the enemy tingle hands ed, until the slowly moving line ol bat tie reached the summit. I.et not those gray hairs go down to the grave unhon ored. Let the representative* of a grate, ful commonwealth reflect the sentiments of a grateful people, and do an act of .justice in which histo-y will over glory, "aad which if nit done, history must ev _•! mourn. I.ct uot the venerable sage and patrio! have to pass the outposts of lime to learn that iheie is a reward for li lelity to principle, but let the humble voice of a grateful republic be heard to say '.veil dune, th&s good and faithful servant." How much more noble would "tha State and its representatives feel over such a choice than any other which can at present be made. i}«t little you can add to his glory. Ms wh'i noble end* by noble means attaint, Or failing, smiles iu exi'e Or in chains. Like good Aurelins, let him reign or bleed Like Socrutes, that man iagreat indeed. A UUNDBBO YEARS HKVCE. Adjournt.-t Court. There will tic an adjourned Cnurt held in Hutler.oii Tl tirsday, t!ie 9;h day of nesi inoutli, for arKiiuienis atid r. ad bu-iiies-.. Ueeipt-ct to see a full liench. flastion Nottco. 'I lie Stockholders of the Conuoqueriqs r sing N'alley R. R , will uicet iu the bor« ouL'h of Zelienoplc, llutlor county, l'a., on Monday, 1 Ith day oi January, between the hours of 12 M , and 4 o'clock, l\ M. to electa President and twelve Directois as officers for the en?u ng year. liy order of the President. AMOS LIMK, Sec'y. Dec. 2G, 'OG::2t. Head the advertisement of Mrs T. J. Lowman. If our lady readers want tiicir Dresses made neatly and in the fashion, ( which nobody will dispute,) they should goto Mrs Lownian. Gentlemen, do you want nice fine shirts? If so, go to Mrs Lowinan,who took the premium at the last County Fair. Parents, do yulf desire that vour children's clothing should bi nude neat and thus, have, your chil dren a; rear respectable, then goto Mrs Lowman. All sewing entrusted to her will be done ucally and to order. Her residence is on Street, N. W. of tho residence ofj. M. Thoiup son, Esq., and second hou-■ ■ k The (Miiti-n:.-. origiual itud >. lo- us, arr I dj«< v. ill !.■•■ ! read urith"intnre*t aud dtdight. T! «,• i 1 good and cheap ungiicio'e a c- t t. A.iJross T. S Arthu 11 <)!., '.taut ! street, Philadelphia. The Atlantic ft>r January. J lie Ati.antic AJontiily enters nil i .■> nine eiuth .o.utne with an array din tinguished uaiues and sterling urtiule.- that promise well fur tlio eoujing year.— The January numbor contains the first instalment of Dr Holmes's story, "The Guardian Angel," in which will he found the sauie old charm thatso fascinated the leaders ol the Autocrat, the J'rofctsor, and El sir 1 'timer; a humorous .story in ver.se, b) James Kuss II Lowell ; a gra> h io sketch ol Henry Ward Bcecber's church, with some |«rtincnt reflections j upon modern church-goiug by Jauies ' J'arton ; a legend in Terse, told as only j Whittier can tell it; a poem entitled "Terminus'" [on Growing Old,] by It. W. Kmersou ; a spirited and faithful translation of the contest between Achil les and Agameniuon.trom the First Hook ot the Iliad, by W. C. Bryant.—Mr. llig ginson contributes a Plea >'or Cui'ure ; Mr. Trowbridge furnishes another of his attractive stories under the title, The Man who stole a .Meeting-Hou.se ; Hazard Tay lor tells a characteristic story of The ,Strange Friend; >Vlr Shanly gives a hu morous sketch of Capillary Freaks ; K. ,C. Stedman offers a poem on Fan io Wall Street; and Walter Mitchell de scribes the Kingdom of Infancy. The story of Katharine Morne, by the author of "Herman," is continued. Topics of /current political interest are thoroughly treated, —the Causes for which a Presi dent can be Impeached are lucidly set foith. and Frederick Douglass makes a powerful Appeal to Congress for Impartia fciuffrage. The number closes with ooti cee of several popular new publications. Harper's Monthly, For Januiry, 1867, is on our desk. Iti3 full of interesting matter. among which wc notice, peeds of Heroic Men, Personal Recolections of the War,'''lours with the Head,' 'Three Days of Terroi, Three Hundred a year.' Medical l)e!u sions of the Old Time,' &c. This Maga zine for 1867, promises to be more inter «* illustrated with wood cuts, hi the Litera. r \ iU'j artmciil. we find the names of ihe i.i-st writers " Orville i 'oilege, ' a new tiry tiy Henry Wood, author of "East Ly Q.'ie," &e., and''Mow a Woman Had Her Way, ' by Elizabeth l'rescott, are commeuced iu this Dumber. The publi hers announce iu addition, novelets by Amanda Douglas and Frank Lee Bencdjet. They also an nounce, in addition to the Wheeler & Wils.m Sewing .Machine-, a Lis' 1.1 utiw Picmiuins, i.cludv Si >. Tilted Tea-Set. «'.ik•• Hi-kit.- and lee Pitcher.,, silver and ('.old Watches, Gui* and Rifle ■, < loth*' Wriniiors Mtlodcona I iiti i () ,Jills. Appleton's (')t 1,0,! ... * t . A boautiful /t.-l iv.gr, vi-..' -6 ' long In J" IJH iies vide, calle I One ~1 "'•h S llappy 'l' u - will b»! seut gruti.-i t" ; Dried Peaches, 25 cents lb. FEATI!ER£I—76 cents per p«»uhd. UKAl.N—\\ beat $2,00 per busii 1 Rye.l.W. Oat*. 40c. Com 4'>, Buckwheat, iWc. GROCERIES—Cdfee, R«o, 30 por pound; Java, 4), Brown Sugar. 15< per pound. do. WliHe. N.O. Molaw es's7s centa per gallon; Syrup 1 Oo and $1;50. HIDES—7 cent* per pound. LAltD—lo cents per pound. XAI LS— S»,OU per keg. POTATOES —50c per bushel. pi IKK—Shoulders, 46; Flitch, 17; llama, 12c jar pound R AGS—4 centa per pound. RICE—IS cents %tpr'\ onnd. SALT—SI,SO pe. barrel. TALLOW— 15ccnt<) per pn.ind. WOOL—4S corrt* per pound. Ipecinl Notices. i* CONN«>QUENESBING LODG B. Main at., Butler. Pennsylvania menelng at') o'clock. Brethren from sister Lodges are respectfu.ly Invite.t to atieud. By order ef the N G. • A Y M —Bntler Lodge, No. 272, A. Y M , holds Its btat 'd meeting* In the Odd Fellows W| llall. on Main Street, Butler, Pa., on the first fiSTsC Wednesday of each month B.etbren fr« m ' >£ \ a!.tw , are respectfully invited to at tend. JJ/ of Air of the W. M. TO CONSUMPTIVES.— The Advertiser, having been lettered tj health In a few weeks, by a very «lni- remedy, after having suffered several" years with a severe lung ttfectl-n. and that dread disease, Consnmp- JI on—is anxious to m'ajle tl"*n to his fell i* sufferers To *ll who de.-ire it, he *ill send a copy of the pre at'riptiun used, vtree of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a IRlClikl roR CoMSI'MPTIO*. A.nTBMA, I.H N II.TH. 4c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Pre scription. la to benefit the afflicted, and spread iufornn tion which he conceives to be invstluahle; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost then; nothing, and may prove a bless. Parties wishini tha prercriptlon. will please address REV.EDWARD A. WlLriObf, Williamsburg, King* county, New York. Nov. 7, l*Cf, ly. 1 Cholera, Diarrhoea, and Qysentery . I A C.MK is WMunMreD by UK. TOBIAS CE«B».IT« ' VFNKTIAN LIMMfNT, if u»ftl wficu fir-t taken b persjua iemporat# habits. Thin medicine lifta een known in the United Jtatesover J' yoira. Thousands Imve uwd it, and found it neve» fail® l ' cure any com plaint fur which it was re.omniended, utiw .all those wl o first tried it, are now never without it. In (lie Choi-., o* IH4S, l>r. Tobias attended 4J cues and lout 4, being called in too |:»te to do »t:«y good 1)IRKC1'10 V 8—'fake a tea-*pm'.nful in a wine-glass of water every ball hour fyi two hours, an 1 rub the abdo men and extremities wall with the Liniment. To ullay tha thii'Kt take a lump of ire in the mouth. abcut ttis size ot a marble every ten minutes It is warranted per fectly inuocent to taku Internally. Sold liy all dm* gists, price 4u and 80 cun(b- "Depot, 56 Cuurtland St., N *W Vol k A Single3a*of B3AND.IETH PILLS Contains more vegetable extractive matter than twenty hoX%*of any pills any where in the world besides: fifty five hndured physician- use them in their practice to the exclusion of oth«-r purgatives. The first letter of their value is yet scarcely appreciated. When they are bet ter known, a sudden death aud contiuuel sickness will be of the past. Let those who know them speak right out in thei p fa* or. It is a duty which will save life. Our race are subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile at thia ieae<*n, tt is dangerous ns it is preMilunt but Lnndretb's pills afford an invalu ible nnd efficient protection- their occni»nil use we pro vent the collection t*f those impurities which, when in sufficient quuntitiea. c iuw so much danger t < the lively a health. They M.XMI cm e Li*er complaint. Dyspepsia, Lonsuf ap petiie, I'aiu in Ihe lien.l, lleavtbuin. Pain ill l.rea att Pone. Sudden Fan tnee* ami Costiveneas. riold by • all re-pecta!.le Dealura in Medici una Pi-'-R 1 E All I We want XliV w W \ gent i everywhere to sell our Sewing Machines Three new kinds L'n tier and upper feed. Sent ontriai. Warrantwl fiveyeara. Above salary or large commission p ii-l. Ttie DNLV ma chines sold In I"nited States for le»s than which are uUy iirfhirii by Howe, Whrrb-r tt Wilson Hr<>rrr «112 Uuk 'r, Sirtfjfr tt Co, and Jtuchflnr All other cheap machines are infringements and the leiUr or utrr me liable h> arrest,jint umi u*pri*»nmenl. Illnstrateil cir culars Kent fret. Address, or call upon Shaw Ail'laik at Hiddtford, Maine.or CUi cago ill. j uh* 27 yl-y9.« \\T ANTKD. AGKNTS —$76 to S2OO T KR MONTH lor \V gentleman,and tt. $75 lor lad.es, eveiywhem, t > introduce the C'plelini*fd Common Son r Family Ing machine, unproved a/:<1 petf.-cted It will liem, fell, sri'tclS, <|Uilt. bind, bratd nnd embroider beautifully Price o .iy s"io, making the elastic 1 »ck -h, and fully w irrante«l f»r ilir«i y.-ars. We pay Ihe above wages, or a comrti Kfion. IVoni which twice that umouiit can be made wuh sfamp, • i call on C. H >WK!JS* Co., Salesrooms, No. '2tth South FIFTH Street, Philadel phia, Pa. All letter* answered promptly,with ciiculars and terms. It AI»VI HRISI.HI:\ rs. HL'Ltj. Came 11 the reddenc ' °f 'he snh bull supposed t» be une and a a t yeafs old; white lave, black head a,l n. ck. «t. l t »• "«> "I" ted white an lld ick. No ear mat hs. 1 "* requested t - . ine I rwiird. r>. !• .. t> u..v hi. iwa v. ..r he * I .. ' -mm • t .-c .rdiug toV.w :\Jtw HI 311M R . ..viNG! SEWhMG: r llllK undersign .) would respectfully inf «nn the pub- I lie thtt she prepared t> da ill kinds of -ewitig. such as l»ress M tkiug. ijncka, l Qent'-< Shir s. ('liil Iran's Apparol 1 til kin Is made too : .uil with nea'nest an I dispaich. She would »!*> |r,f.»rn all inUrMiv l, tint she is aole I. ,ral Agent in Puller. fur V\ he.-1.-r & Wilnn"a Hewing M iiihi' *•. V h .I. Hill Mill »s low a- Hi. lowest. l)«c. X-2w Mr* T J LjU MAN. Orphan's Court Sale of Real Estate. 13V VIRTUR ofnn <>nlir ami decree of the Orphans' y r-'iirt of llnrli-r ' iiiiniy authorizm* n e thereto, 1 will wpp# to mil* by public vendue and out-cry, upon the preipises, on Sutunlart of n lot of ground, situate on Main street, in the bur ugh nfore *aid. brine "ijty fret iu front on M iiu street, mid run n;nn IfMclruus hundred t: -I eighty feet t » an wlley. nnd bounded on the .North by I>t \ o "JH; Ka.it by an alley. South by nu alley Hhd ffef the Diamond, in said borough, a Two Story Bmk lltmw. Brick Shop or «nud buildings thereon ere- ted. Term*—One tliiid of pur chase money In hand, and the halaiu-e in two equal annual luatal hiisnts.wiih interest ftom continual iuu of •ale. 11. I) T1 >i ULIN. Dee. 26 3w. Administrator. J^TOTICK I, THE aubacrilier, hereby gtve the public in yene A - Al. notice, that my wife ftll.Nfc.KVA DaL'B ha» left tHj bed and Ihjerd. without « an-e or provocation, all persoti* are theref.i |p wuriied n<>t to barhoi her, tl>e said M1 N • URVA DAUB, t»i trust her on my account, h* 1 w ill not be responsible- for iNbt o9uirncted b\ her pre 12. tW—4t] . . GKOBOK H. DAUB. OrphauNCourl Male of ltval Folate. BY virtue of on order and decree of the Orphan* Court of Butler county, the undersign- d. ifdiuiu lutiator of Wra ilaighart. will expoev to saie, b.v pub lic vendue, ou th«* preiuiftCri on Kriday the of Jiiiiua ry, I*B7. the following real estate, situate in Clearfield township, itut'er county, b >uu le-1 and descrilmd h a fol low*; on the north b> lands of John ftlillittau, on the east by l.tnda of ftlirhael Denny, on the north by lanne-third of the purchase money in hand, the balance in two equal annual installmenu, with iuter ••l from continuation of aale. I'KTRE FtXNKL, Dec 13'flft—u. Administrator. OhiSQfttttQtT. hereby given U» all persons concerned. Ouat the pattneralup heretefutU by land* of John Barker, and : west by lands ut Hum v Double, containing 30 ACRES, more or IPM. TERM SOPS ALB:—On* third of the purchaao money in hand, and the balance In tuo equal annual, njeiit*, with interest from of sA« a " JACOB ROHRER, Dec, 19 Gft—tk A Jminlstratof Orphan's Court Sale. BY virtue of an order and decree of the Orphans' Court, in and for the county of Butler, the uuder ! storied, Guardians of the minor cbildien antf grand child of! Jas. Thompson. late ofCberry ttewnshlp, said county deVd, Mill ofl.r fji sale. at public vendue, on the prem ise,, it one o'clock P.M. qI MONDAY, be.2Uh day of February next, » ' <72 ACRES OF LASD, mora or le*s. situated in siifd township'Pf Cherry, said county bounded on the Hbrth by landeof K. J. Bryan: on the east bv lands of Win Ix>gne; on the noulti by lands of the heirs of James Ai mtsrong.dec d, and on the west by lands of It J. Bryan. TiRMH or Saik: — >ne third of the purchase mcney to he paid at the confirmation of sale by the Court, and the residue iu twe equal annual payments tuerefrom, with iutarc-t from confirmation of aale. ISAAC DOI'BLE. JOal All E. RL'SSELL, Dm 18 CO. On»r.li*n. gTIUY S TJCEII. "VA MK to the feil.lence of the «üb>crltier In Fr nk tin township, rou New Cwtlo roaj, ttr. mil.s we«t ••f Butler. 1 sometime this foil, a red stejjr, small star tn hi* forehead. btUy and legs «hlte, both ears ero fi p«d . and a small point brok n off tho born, suppo.ed to be tm re'years Id The owner is notified to coma forward ir .veiiMi-eriy pay « hara*s and take l.lm an ay. ; ' IRE. 19, 16 JOSEPLL STEWART. ; p EK TO EVERYBODY ! \ L \ROK fi pp. Cttamgue, teaching how to remove Tin Fieckle- Pimples, llMcbe*. Moth Patchy. Sil lowuese. Ernpti-ns and all impurities of the skin- II*»w to force NVhiskeisa. i and beautity thehair; renew the age. cure Dnmtfetuu'*", Nervous Debility, and Other useful and valuable information. Everybody I for it- Addier>» BEHUER SHUTS A V.O , Chefr ists. 2*5 River htreet, Troy, N. Y. decl2. 'nfl-lru. FARM FOR SALET TUB iab.criber ntftr. fur WIE hi, ipl.n Kiut of »nd ndjoiuint l He b'oro.,gh of diuur, c-ntaiuinf i , 84 Acres of Choice Land, nndt-r a liish »tnL of oiiltivation two fine brie* lio»«, on.irf extra Imm oi'» briek and fiape tntq tlifieon creeled; all the.. tiniidiiiK* »rein *»"«t every variety •• • ■ * » This Farm is Well Watered. One good coal bank ope.ioii, and In good working or- A ni r-. r, ~~ r ' Mail " verj en Are you afflicted with a CougL or Cold ? Ale you predisposed to Consumption? Are the lives of your children in jeop ardy from sudden and repeat ed attacks of Croup ? n so, purchase a Box of BLADti'S EUPHONIAL LUBRICATORS! TIIE PEOPLES MOST SURE AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR COlHi IIS,COLDS, CROUP. CATARRH. ASTHMA, I'IP TH t4 HI A. BRONCHITIS. AND PULMONARY DISK ASKS. The Lubricator is a medical preparation in the form of a 10/enge, wbiil, df all modes is »li« most mid convenient Tkey contain lio deleterious ingredi ent, and warranted to be alwarssafe even f.»r the weak ••-I and moit Sensitive stomach. In Croup they give iinuiediitte reli'd Ki>r roughs and Colds tliey are in valuable. lo> Catarrh, Asthma. Bronchitis they have no eauyin|{ ea< h IMIX.; Diptherla, iliat dreaded nnd dev.'.utitiK dis ease. they control w .nderfollY and alm -t immediately. N„ Public Speaker, Bit K* rot 1 earlier, should be i%it U• on. them, .s they remove hoarseness and ami clear the voice Always use them in time, and if symptoms are J. II Dhvtes i Co ,* Proprietor, Eltnira, N. Y. For sale by all Druggists. lIhNDKRSON k Co-, NVh de*ale Agents, Dec. 12, 186 ft— lyr Pittsburg, Fa. Pittsburgh Commercial. PROSPECTUS FOR 1867. By common eonse.'i the COMMERCIAL rank* Out anions the paper* pnl.i'«h«i n We.ieiti Allhotigii bin iei'entlv t"tabllalied ita circulation and Inflnence »re already widcl," extended An a Journal o i nierpriie in gallieiinK the l i.'»«t InUlligance. an.i gir ing in eacii iwtne a lurye am u.'t and great variety of read ng m-uiei it n>t »nffe.- i" sompaiiaon with the 111-i ti.tli.oooul.lv ideutifie.i with the city In »t. , i'i. .„,b 1.ne.1, ,111.1 to exttudei. circle aiound . t - I-::. :- r . • •*.,whe a the num. . ...l-li .tut it.i iitiu-'t-'ei are coll tanti.v lll a- it l.o.iia of.,nnd IJnion i- 1.1.1(1.-.. .t at the .UIK ii.* •!"..* ape ill altcutlOi: oot only IO all r« ul'(a«>ii«'i-al iiilcrcHl. But lo topi. #oV molAent to tlif ' Capital st, Tin' Laborer; 'J'he Ag ricuhun>'. The Jlt'ciianite, Ami tin' Famity Circle. It, ample column, embrace a carefully prepared Literary and Valuable Scientific Miscellany, Agricultural And Horticultural Information. From the beat source*. In giviag the Earliest and Fullest News, From ill <)iiartera. Neither expen-e n«»r labor i* spar ed ; and it has complete ei for EXTENDED AND VALUABLE fomnicrelal Koport* Giving the Stocw. Financial, Dry (»o«»d<. (}rocery Cat tie and Uener «l Muik-t ueport* of l itt.-burgh. an>. tiu liitf-t re|«>rts by Telegraph of the Market* of itie lead ing citis I the World: and in evor» department it at.it to l»eep pace v'h til* firetnoaj in Ihd ( rogreHii of im, rev. nifiit it.* cOttr>pico<.ui« in'jonriiuli-'m al (he pies ent time Firmly ewiplan weU matiicpd, looking to Increased strength aud uoefuls nejgi TKBMB OF SUBS^KIPTfDN Dally Paper, per year r.*.slo 00 Daily pa|H*r. |ier w«-ek by Carriers and Agent*, ' 25 o o r M' ■■ K WEEKLY COMMERCIAL. This is ne of the best aud rheapeat papers 'ublished in HIM c untrv. each istue lining equaiu>a good *ized volume. Carefully n;a dir. will b« worth many times the sub acript">n price., hi its columns it givju, a|s<>. a weekly Review of tjit* Pittsburgh Hn d «th- r leading Markets of ooiintry, including a carefully p>-e|*ared Report of tLe Pittsburgh Family Market, A Sure and Safe tiuide to Producers. r jricit.%i m m Wtck'v single copies jv no Id'elnbgof -jfi 1 00 tec 6 it, 11. C IffclNlMAN, Sec'y. Election of Directors. First Nationsßank of liutler, Pa.) Decemhei yd, lt»»m. J Tha Annual Election for Nine Director* of this Rank to serve for the ensuing year, wiU.be held at ttie Rank ing House, on TU £SU.\ V. January fith, IKb?, between the hours of 10 o'clock, AM, anJ 4 oMock, F, M, I J. CUMMINUS, Dec 5 4t, Cashlor. Admrnistrator*# Notice. I: KTTKRS of Administration, on the estatate of Jdlin J R. Moore, late of Clinton tp., dee'd, having been tha day irsued to the undsr>4i|;ned. Therefore notice is hei*by given to all Interested in said estat*, that al. knowing thetnNolres indebted to said estate, are ftaVchr r j quested to make immediate payments, and those FmVinr claims against the same, w:ll present them properh' autLQnticated for settlement. J l lll N MONTGOMERY,) . .. rm Nor 27 6t ' SAMUEL ANDERSON, / A ,m SHERIFF'S SALE. HY virtnfc bf aundnr writ* of Venditioni Exponas, 4c issued out of the Court of Common Pleas' 112 Uutler county, and to me dirncted, .will be exposed to public rale at the Court Ilouie, in ihe I orough of liut ler.on MONDAY, tha 24th day of December, A D. U6C at 1 o'clock, p. u»., the followiug described property, to wit: All the right, title, interest and claim of \Ym. Ilaslett of i*t and tu one house aud lot. n tuated in the Roro. of Butler, Rut.er county.Pa .bounded north by D, S, Wal ker, ea«t by Muin atreef, south by Chas. Welsoman west by an al>v . One two story brick dwellins house and frame stable thereon erected. Seized andt ikenin execution as the property of Wm. llailett at tho suit of John M.Thompson for use of W. 11. 11. Riddle H O BR ACKENRIDOK, ShertfT. Sheriff i Office, Dec 5, U63. PLACE TO GET BARGAINS. (All All SIH. milE undersigned would respectfully inform the pub -1 lie, tfmt he has on hands at the old stand of BKD- W ICK & BROWN, a large aasurtmant of Saddles and Harness, COLLARS, nitir.s, snd all articles tHually kept in his line of t)Aslnesa> I which he will«ellat reduced prices. All wi rk to order ; and repairing 4yneon the shortest notice, "tift the place One door south of Sykea* Pho tegraph tlau« r >'i Main Street. Roller. Pa. P. P. BHOWN. Dec. 5, 06, ft moi. NEW GOODS! rpilE Sitbscribar has just returned from tua EASTERN X CITIEt 4 , having.purchased a > Large Stock of Goods, which he now offers at hi* Store in Butler. A full line of Ihe following articles, TOYS, Toy Sewing Mnchlbe, Yankee Locusts,t rowing Rooster a, Ccdden Nightingales, l-ggf of Pharaoh's Se.pents, Chiti'-se 'lhansparenc e", k Dolia in every variety. pwket Cut lei t. Family an I Porket Bibles. Uyhin Ro«i'ks, Ph >t (graph Albums, Uutu Bulls. Also u full line of Mis cellaneous works, A general assortment of Bcliool ilook*. Every variety of Mem Qraudtitns aud Dl< ariea. l'a«ket-, ail styles. Paper and Envelopeu. Wall Paper, Window Shades, A ad Fixturet. At wholesaVand retail, at city prices Examine my StiK'k of Ooods. "%1 11. C. HKINEMAN. Butler Nov 7 1860-8 mos. . ? » wum foe Mm riIHK subscilber offers for sale tlie farm on which b® ( now r< ntdes. situated in penn to* iwddp. Butler Pa :i tulles Wes of Saxonburg. 3 miles Noi th-east o' Olado Mills, aud 'J mile* >.a*t • 112 the Allegheny and Itutlvr Plank Road; co italnlng 125 ACRES, about N5 seres cleared, and under good Improvement. Well watered and timbered, a good young orchard of choicefVnli, about f>ti treea now bearing A good Log liou«e with frame kitchen attached, a large and sub st ititinl frame barn, a atone spring house, and other outbuilding-* thereon erected. There arc 40 acre# of good upland meadow. This place is wwll adapted for either stock or Orain, and is in a good rieighborhood : 4 chni'chrs within 3 miles, aud a good brick school house within 9£of a mile Those desirous of purchas ing a gocd farm, on reasonable tenna, will please call snd exartiine (ha piemises. Nov 28.8tni>.* JOHN WAREHAM. MACHINE PREMIUM WILCOX k 01 BBS' CELEBRATED noiseless Sew lug machines offered a* premiums for subscribers to Arthur's Home Magazine FOR 1Q67. Th-; HOME MAGAZINE Is now so w II known to the rea tug pub! ''Vthat we need scarcelyaa) what has often been said, thai 't» editors regard literature as something highar than a all *PI" «rt. That its crowning excel leoi* ;h*y consl.t*.- Its power for And so they Will evers ektomaki the home'Magaaine the minis ter lit-, ail liiagi pure a 'd noble, the* teacher,whether by slo •>'. Roe >n oj ess »y, that only as men live by the "doldai) IM*' ' cau thev he v*l«® or happy. In that obr Ifcdy ren ier," •hrougliout the corn try may have t r ue ety/m of dusi, **e have | laceu our Fashion lij the haieh ct H'mp. Demurest, of ,\eir York. This lady lias beronto the fashion in 'he mitwl .-tuea. and it ia gratifying to krv>w that hei' taeie s pure and wonisnly TERMS yearly iu advaura I copy. 2.60. 4 copie* r»r JW.ta). 6 copies, and otoe e»tK to getter up of clubs fin. 9 copies, and one eUia Slj. 14 copies and one •%-Foi premium* »• have 'elected a pair of chann ing pictures—»*The D, nsriarr of I lie !>nsi low»." and •• Tl»« Return of ilic Suaj. lowa.** One (»112 these picturea aiil i a «ent «o each pe son fr. m whom w»' r.*ceive a club of snbecribers as above. One will al«o l>a teiit to each aingle subscriber whoaends us ft*. 60 tor the Home Maaeiuie. S-'t we will sen I the ' Heme Magnsine,'* ami the *• children s IIou»Mr- Arthur s new Slnga/ine for the 4 Little on*S " For f4 AO we»eiiJ Home Magazine and "Lady's Book , Fy« 95 60 w« send the three mag azinc-s Just uauied. OUR SEWING MACHINE PKEMICK. The mar hi be we off-y (WILCOX a OIUllS') is the N«. 2. as deacrib«raide r This machine has become a bouse Iwld lavourite ou accouat of its noUelessnees, apldlty 'ahd Anry aianageiaent. A child can work it 4 . For to Home Magazine ahd SIOO we send one of tbeee marines Rut in wttUr te euabU . those who cannot procure ao many subscriber's to get a machine, we have so ai ranged the offe. that, bv the ad d.tion of a sum M " rH *'hat may be secured f»r enb sc/iptioas, of | rom fS to fw, according to size of list,, aov one may obtain a machine •fl.'end 20 for specimen nnmber of Hume Magaztue and get full par ticulars, Ad<,t -*a T g ARTHUR k ro., Nov 28 - Mguinst the « me will predeui -theni«duiy xuthentica ed f«»r xett nov. 28, ) EMkLiNE LEM MuN Adm'X: W*. 8. ITVFFBLFO*. M.D SAMHIL ORAB AM N HUSKI/IVI.V & GRAHAM. J-* ' ■ (Aalte of the U. S. Army) • A » r . ! PHYICIANS AND SURGEONS. Bvpl t blark.Utia UrMt C.illor r, ' JOHN SCOTT, One Door South of J, M. Thompson's Law Office, IN BUTLER, ANNOUNCES that he U now opening and, roceiving hia Secouaetock of m&mnaim, Consisting of DRY Q9ODS,of all descriptions, such as CLOTHS, CABSIMERES, 8 ATINETTB, JEANS. T W fIEM, FUI NCH MERINOK2. PILK r POPLI.NB. ALPACAS, COhyiUlS, NOTIONS, #EADY PIULC CJOTHIU^ FLANNELS OJ" ALL KINDS AND COLORS. BLAMKBTS) CARPETS, AM Oil CXtot Ixs. Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware. Hats, Gaps, Boots, A Shoes, SOLE LEATHER And all such goods as this market reouiros, which will be sold CHEAP. ■* JH ff ft. sv ?. i i jfrara o timJi J a J-JLiLiiJi ii t Xo Troulile to MIKMV Uoodn. Highest Market I'riee Paid for all kinds of merchantable Produce. N0v.14 CO) JOHN SCOTT. THE Saturday Evening Post. A BEAUTIFUL PREMIUM EN GRAVING. Reduced Prices to Clubs. Tlit SA TV HO A r KVENI VG VOSTi i»e-« l.eautl. ful ite'l (n qind o?ik OF LIKE'm I(u>PT Hot a,, 20 lnohe4long bjr inches wWe— 11every single fei fiuj sul'scrlber, and to ev«»>y tiua Handing on a cltt It will commence In tho first number • 112 .January a new *tory, call-d "77//: OUTLAW H DAUGHTER-, A Tale of the SouthweHt,'' by »• m MOU Renuett, author of-The Phantbm of the Potest.' Prairie Flo«er. H Ac • Tills will bufidlowod l-y other Serial Stories from the best authors, Shorter Stories, K**jty* Sketch «*, Letters, Agricultuial Articles. Ac., are al*c r«'j;ulai !y given. The I'o t is Neutral in Politic#—rhniug'egHujlively de voteu to Liteiature an I does (lot diM tm Political or Sectiiriau questions—leu\ing these to the Pulijicul and Religions f.ess. It offers amo.:g It* Premiums Wheeler and M'ilson'a Sewing .Machines, • ilver P.ated Tea Seta. Spoons, and Pitchers, tiold and Silver Watcben, Double liarrel OIIIIH Aliens Rifl'jfc, Mt lode> Clothes Wringers' Appletons Cyclopedia i, Ac. New Sub-tci ibers wlio subset Ihe now for I 67 will have their names enter.d on the lilt of THE POST al once—and receive the whole year IS»J7 betxdet. w: n« n . 1 copy (and one Premium Engravings $2 50 4 copies '• u '• •« •« •• 0 00 5 »« (and one grails) KOO 8 %t (and one gratia) 12 tnj 20 ' (ami One gratie) 28 00 One copy each of POST X LADY S PRI E.N D, $ I 00 The getter up of a club willalwuvs receive a cony o the PREMIUM ENU RAVI NO. Members ol a club wishiug the Premium EngraVing intlet r«uii( One Dolla, Extra. Thnse desirous of g.-itlra: up Clubs or Premium Mate, should inclose Jtve cents fur « .niple piper, c-uitaiuiug the partuttlars. Addr«-S IJ . I'BT Kit S< >N A (() ' 310 Walnut St. PhThule>phia. NDESING SYEbiM FOB Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Chol era Morbus, Cholera Infan tum, Fits from Worms, Wind in the Stom ach and Bow els, (tc. f BUT a «■ B* r. -%c TOB Children when Teething! | AND TO PRODUCE SLEEP, THIS Medicine positively wairmted superior to anv Other article of the f.ind in market, and in sold in that way that personscanjhave their niwu. y rcfunde I by calling on the Ixx al A«ent if not perfectly aatlafoctory. ♦#* Sold everywhere at 2b centu per bollie J. C. HKDKJR A CO., nov 21, 'CO—Amos] Agents i >r Butler. Farm for Sale. rpHE undersigned offers for sale his FARM, located | in \Vaahlngt<>n township, butler county, lieilig.lv* Acres 112 good f'rming land: Sixty which at* cle;ire-l, the italaitce well timber#.i. Theie in a good double l>»ie Dwelling house thereon. A youngorchard j of Apple aud Peach trees, farm in g«KM| condition— j Twelve fei>t deep L.f co.ibn three vein*;. Por pars tie lars inquire of the Eu't- r CiTtza.v, or of the Ed residing tn(ni prem.'«e< RfiRKRT i-PKAR Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of dmfniatra ti on ha* been issued to Ihe <«n»e knowing themselves indetud to aaul estate, will n. ake mmedinte payment. JO UN C. XIOORE Nov 7,1866—6t. j]|| ra< NEW FIRM. Til K undersigned having gone Into partnership, in the i itOU land SUOB MaooUCturing busineea. Bo vd's • Nock. Two doors'Sonthuf Weeber A Trqptuiaa'a Store, Main Street. Butler, Pa., are prepared to make the n>*et ] est Boot add Shoe and do the best job work of any other rstablijjbnieut in the place. Having great evpeiiegc* »o toe we. canuot fail to please. Call andeu iin yourm»sure. KfHRTRETt ANI J' LAS OriilianN I'ourf Sale. BY YIRTCE of an order and decree of Court of Hutler county, the undersig;ied. tiu irdi- t aus of the Minot I'Mluivu ..f Jacob Kumbangh, la:e of [ Prospect, said county dec d Will offer for *a|e on the ' premises, on \\ KDNESD AY. the 48 day of l»ecerub«*r ' next, at 1 o'clock, P. 11., the uudivided.<>ue > ftfth of one i htinoredHcreri of land, sitnnte in 'CcrunoqUenesaing tp., ! Butler eounty Bounded oi» the Noith bv Und* juf K. | Kennedy and Amos Kennt •> 'a bains, on East by lands of i Joseph Edmundsou and other, op tiio South by laud» of George Beighley, uud on the West by ■ Beigliley's ! h»ire. 7' . TERMS of sale.—One-third of the purchase' money ' to be paid on con fir mat ion of aale, by the- Court, ami the balance id two equal annual p>u«i b tlierealtci j with ioUreft. HENRY PILLOW, \ ~ . ' r>«- Jl e; JOHN Hl Onur-tlan. | NEW ARRIVAL' t OF i * * WINTER §1? Hf'CRS, CLOAKS, A BID SHAWLS. WK 'II AV* fust i cocked Ik®" l«rg«t aflS BMt couapUte btjck of FRENCH MEIUKOES, WOOL JJcLAIXS, CASHMERE, . COBURGS, ..raiNTu, MUSLINS, oiairvHftu, 4% Hvar offered to the pnbllo. and an oar etock waa pur th&»ed on the ; eceni putilo, wi are able te e«ll M rtj low pricaa, FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! WK IIAV3 amj lirgt Itoek ef L*4lea Hi—j * Children* i. API, VICTOBI.NJM COLLARS, CUFFS, AND M U K?t, OF ALL SXTLM and qual.ty. Alao a tery fine aaiortment «/ Cloaks, Saquesand Circulars, of our own Manufacture, wklch enablee ■« to sail H leaa prices than paitiee who buy thatn eaal Webavea very large and okeap block af SHAWLS of ill Btjlc«, Siiii, Pritic and QUALITIES, 11 v Rcmcmbor wo buy ill onr gtodi k; Ik* ; ' * Case. Bale &, Package nhioh anablti as U sail at EASTERN JOBBERS PRICIiI, Wo would call the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS, To litis Stock of Qoodt. DUNLAP, LUKER * CO., ICG Federal street, Allegheny City Penn'a. Oct fit eC-«mM. RURAL HILL RURSER7. . 1 2z £23 OF ALL KIMB£. r |lH 112. undersigned take* plomra t a aaaHM'ng t 11 hair ninny friend* :ta* peklie gene-aljj, tk* they b-ttai a* prep*i • d ;h«3 ever te ere tof.mlak auit Trees of All Kinds, AND SHRUBBERY & SHADE TREES, OF ALMOST EVKKT V ANIKTY. > Tin* universal »«stlm>ny ot tlioaa wka have kaaa ntippliud with frnit and other T.eea fr»m Rural Hill Nursery If*, that they are larger, of Fnperior quality aad prrew KKYI'KH than tb .«a brought froia foieigh nnrseriea, of these truth* any t.umber of reliable tufiiaoniafa c»n hehad-ln thin couply, and vicinity. Peraaaa deaW roiis ofpurctineing.ar* requested to rail aad eiamiaa our Hpn-iidid variety. It fill amply repay, aay peraea that aiah en good fruit, and at aa early day frees ra pi •.nt to purcha«u of tie, aa our treve ai a extra larga Mix] good. A number of reliable ageaH can flia 1 profls abje employment.by calling upon tbe eukaci ike. eli via* 2 12 mi lea weat at Dntlcr, l'a. Silas Pearce 4 Sons, Buller, No*. T > par J')o, ilftO par lu«>0 l\o2 tln.M 2ioen?s eaok, $: 4> per tfosen. sls pel 100, $12.1 per lOQO. I)p In wire No 1 vine* 40 ate ••sell. Ja for dwu Ho j,* r 100, | jfiti per 1000. No S 3o cent* each, s.'s per dozen, $J > per 100, SIBO per 1000 ( renting &ocentN each, #'i per dozen, S4O per 100. 11, nriihurg 60 cent* each, f-1 per dozen, s4<» jer 100* Oar rime huve been propagated from aingie area ia epea grownd, a r id are of .up. rioj quality. Tboae wiebing t" plant riuex should er»rl > aa tka demand pa« 112 ses to be creator than the aupply. KiriJtlt 4 MOWRIT, II irmony. Duller Co , Pa. Ak . AppleTraea delivered at or Few Caatle, ad $l.O per 100. Pe;i.*h accompaoieive4 the Fall and Winter K.»-hi »TH, a'd are prepared in makn ap