ifarmens JlfjMvtmcnt. From the Farmers Advcrther, Fowls Laying in Winter, MR. EDITOR. Dear Sir —J see by your paper that you wish to hear from the Poultry men in regard to " how to make hens lav in the win ter. I thinV there "re three things nec essary to attain that object, viz: Ist. A proper house ; 2ml The pnper foo'l ; Bd. The proper breed. The house should b'' large enough to give plenty of ro >m for the fowl; it should 112 ice the South, wilh a goo I fence about six feet high on the north and West s.des of the yard, as it form- a good protection from the cold winds. The front should be entirely of glass,; win 'ow sath. s with six by eight lights are the best, so if they get broken it will not cost so much to mend i . There slioul 1 be a good floor to it, which must be kept clean. The nests can be placed on the back side about a foot from the floor so that 'lie sun can shine on them, as it makes it warm and pleas ant to the liens. My hen houses, which are mad" on this plan, are al most as warm as my kitchen. One thing is very certain,and that is that hens cannot be made lay in the win. ter, no matter how well, fed, unless they have a good, dry, warm, light apartment, especially in stormy weather. Now in regard to their food. I think that the more variety you give them the bettor. I havo a regular bill of fure for each day. First day corn *vith meat and cabbage; next, oats with meat; next, meal and boil, ed ma hed potatoes; next wheat, with cabbage or other vegetables; rK'xt, l)!irley with meat; next, scald ed meal with cayenne pepper. I think,that grain is better boiled than in the raw state, and if a beef bone putin the water it improves the flavor much. In feeding meal and mashed potatoes I putin a little ca yenne pepper. Feed warm but not tno hot Th" lung's, liver, anil tripe of an ox is what I use for fresh meat it should lie boiled tender so the beni can pick it off easily. I always keep n cake of pork scraps and a good supply of pounded bones, oyster and clain shells, bits of p'aster, lime, grave! stones, and sand in my hen house. 1 also save all the shells of tho eggs used by the fami'v during the summer months, dry them wll and pound up fine and feed in the coldest of the w< athor. lies w« t a ■ ood place lo dust in the winter, for this urpose have a shallow box in a warm p'ace filled with wood ashes, ar.d Inst, but not least, let them have an abundance of pure, dean, unfrozen wafer by them all the time. There has boon a prosit deil of discussion to what \* tin- 1 est breed of fowl for laying. 1 think that ev ery oho will agree with me that the best lor winter laying arc tin* lirah mm. although there are manv breeds winch are ahead of them in th" sum in r time. I think that the best va» ri ty a farmer can k' ep is a mixture of the SjHtninh od man concluded it was expected he would rwd it,ami according ly, to the surprise of all, he announced, at the usual point for reading notice— " George 8. Brown keeps constantly on band, and for sale, a large and wed se lected assortment of boots and shoes, which he will sell low for cash, at No. 10 Pine street." And he tdded— j " Brother Brown is a worthy member I of the church and society and deserving the patronage of the congregation." The consternation of Brother Brown may better be imagined than desciibcd. —" Behold, mi l'"lora, how. glorious Nature looks in her bloom ! The trees are filled with blossoms, the wood is i dressed in its green livery, and the plain is carpeted with grass and flowers." I *• Yes. Charles, I was thinking of.the suuie thing. These flowers are dande lions, and when ihey are gathered and pur into a pot with*a piece of good fat |Hirk they make the beat griwo* ia the world." —Paddy," haul * j'ker, "why don't joa get your ears c; opped—they are en« tirely too loug for a man T" "Aud y ins " repbed ,I'at, '-ought to he length cue..—ihey are too short lor an ass." ~ AMERICAN CITIZEN 4e£ PriaiiagOfficeS Ornamental, plain, Fancy, card Book AH D ZMtMI BUTLER FA. W1 AR« PRIPARRD TOPHI NT, ON SHORT NOICE Bill Heads, Books, Druggist Labels. Fro grammes, Constitutions, Checks, Notes, Drafts, Blanks, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Show Cards, Pamphlets, Posters, Bills of Fare, Order Books, l'aper,Bouks, Billets, Sale Bills, Ac. m HEIKB rtTBXISUED WITn The Most Approved Hand Presses AND TIIJE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF Type, Berdarf, Drwameirta, ftalee, CmU, &•., IN THE COW NTT, We will execute everything in the line ol PLAIN AND DEOATIVEFRINTING N EATLT, PaOMWLI, AJt!» At RIAMftAfeLS KaIES, in a style to cicel any establishment at home, and coni|>«te with any abroad. HRII.I.KI) WOBH MEN Are employed in crery brunch of the business, and we eniteavtor to meet the wants of the community, and to re tain the honorable distinction which has beeo already conceded to this establish ment, for j TAHTE I!* COMPOSITION AND Elegonoe In PreM Work. In all the essentials of Cheap Printing, (Jood Paper, Tasteful Composition, Beau tilul Press Work, and DIHPATCII, we in vite comparison, from getting out a Card of a single line to an illuminated Poster, or a work of any number of pages. The American Citizen I<* published every Wednesday In the borough fo Butler by THOMAS KOIJIXSOS in the Arbitration room In the Court House. TBBMS:—S* 00 a year, If paid in advance, cr within th* first flrnt MIX mouths ; or 250 If not paid until after the expiration o the Hint nix uu nth*. TEEMS OF ADVERTISING, &.C. As agreed up Aft by the Publisher* HI d l'topi i*t<>r« of ll.e Uutler I'apers. One square, on* insertion 112 1 t> Kuril subsequent insertion 6< column fur nix months.. 1J i> column for six month* Ju t> 1 column for -Ix month* Jo u* ' {column for one year ...» 25 Or column lor ou* year 4f> or I column for one year. 70 00 Professional and Business Cards, not exceeding I line*, otoe year 1 00 Kxecuton»,Adniinist*atcrsaud Auditor'*notice*, each,3 00 Application* fi POSITIVELY HE PAID I!* ADVANCE'. Wo, to* undersigned, Puhlinht+t and Proprietor of ie Butler papers, hereby agree to strictly adher* to .be nbov* schedul* of prices, until further nolle*. HM. II AS LETT, Uutler American. CLAUK WILSON, Union Herald. ROBINSON k ANDERSON, Arnei'can Citizen. July 13 1864 «i Unquestionably ills best sustained work of %k« kind In the World." HAMPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Critical Notices of the I'rest Jt is th* foreniott Magazine of the duy- Tho fireside nerfrt- had n more de 'ghtinl-c tupsnlon, nor the million a more enterprising friend, than H.trper'i Magazine— Metkoditt I'rututant, (Baltimore) Th* moil )>opular Monthly in the w^rld.— X. V. Ob server. We must refer in terms of Eulogy to the high tone and varied excellence* of HARPER'S MAOAZlNK— ajoivnal with a monti.ly circul.ition of abouj 170.000 copies—in whose ages are to he foun I some of the choicest light and general reading of the day We speak of this work as an evidence of th* culture of th* American People: and the popularity it has acquired Is MOTited. Each number contains fully 141 p-iges ol reading matter, appropriately illustrated with good WOf oue First-clus Hotel with Wsreroom at tached, situated at tba AJiegbeny Wharf, at tbe end of tbe bridge, and very convenient to where the Itailroad Da|"»t IS located ; one ot best .New Herns in the conn ty, well cakulared for 'lavein purpose*, «nd Lirrey Stable ; also, one new iirewery. w.fk all tbe apparatus, only a few mouths in u*e, and in c< n-plete order. An abundance of Water, witb lfydrantto protect tbe bnili ing frotu fire. Ibis properly will oe Bold in part, or In whole, and on reasonable terms. This property Is Well worthy of tbe notice of any person or persons who may desire to pur. chane. For further particulars inquire of the aubscrityr )ir« ins on the premiaee. g. KKB S. NOT. 28,1806—3 nop. ♦ LAMPS ATVD 112 FOR CAS OR CARBON OIL. • -f 1 SOIETHIMW! LATE INVENTION. JUST THETllimi 411 I' IM'II us, School Houses, ISAlak®, AND n Anil wherever else gool substantial ligli is required. All the abuve, and a geo oral assortment of GLASS WARE, LANTERNS, &c., Also the the best quality of CA.I?,BO3sr OT ~l_, Kept constantly on hand*, andall order* will retain Mfw Billftud proni a t»-nfion. l»y AHTIILI KIRK. Noe. 172 A 174, Federal Street. Allegheny UtJ NOT 14. M—3ane. TIIK inburibM 1 would r—pectfully inform the pnblic that he li a a erected a now CAKRIAOK and WAG ON MAKING SIIDP, on Street, opposite J. H. Negley, and below tha M, K. Chnrch, where he la pre]>ared to do all kind, of work in bta line of hu*i new, aach m making Buggiea, Carriages, W agona, Bol ktea, Sk-ighc, and any thing in the line of Carriage and Wagon making. Repairing done in theahortett poeaible time. 49-GIYK HIM A CALL.-fc* NOT. 7, I FELIX B. TBCXAL. J. B. CLARK Attorney at Law, BUTLER, FEHITA. I f6T*Office in the Court Housc.~tdt QOVFRNMENT BOUNTIKB EQUALIZED. The extra Bonnty allowed by act of Congress in Soldiers or their representatives collect*! without un necessary di>laj. M&'TERMS#HI* All letters promptly auwered'tM Batler. Angwat Int. IHT». tf iimikiM lusiitY, Attorney at Law, fRANKLIII, VENANGO COVITT, PA OB- nt <atient i- suffer ing ami re-Invigorates the failing system To tho iged and infirm a few doses of these PILLS will prove to be A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Por In every case they add new life and vitality, and re store the waning energies to their pristine state. To the young aa.l middle-aged, I hey will prove most inval nahlp, as a ready, specific, and «(< ling medicine. Here Is a dream M-ajir.ed tb*% Pofc • de-Leon sought for three bandred years ago. and nc.. »r found. lie looked for a fountain that would restoro the old to vigor aud make youth ever An EternalSpringt ' It was left for this day and hour to realise the dream, and show, in one glorious fact, the mcgic that made It fair. THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES Cannot stay the flight of years, but they can force b ck aud hold aloof, disease that might triumph over the aged an 4 tin* young. I.et none hesitate then, bur seize th<-favorable opportunity thut offers. When taken as prescribed FOR BILIOUS DISORDER Nothing can be more productive of cure than th#*e Pills. Their alnmnt ina*|r influence i* felt at once; and the usual concouiitaiits of this nio«t dislreasing disease are removed. These remedies are mads from the purest Vegetable Com pound*. They will not harm inmost delicate female,and can be given with good effect in prescribed doses to the i youngest babe. For Cutaneous Disorders Audalle options of fhs skin, the BALVR Is m»st in valuable. It does heal externally nl-ne but penetrates with the most searching effects to tho very root of the evil I DR. mm Pius Invariably Cures the Following Diseases: Asthma , Dowel Complaints Coughs, Colds, Chest Dl*eases Cnatlveness, Dyspepsia. Di-irrhta*. ftmnat, D'eblMv Knvrr k Petnale Complaints Head ic'ie Indl^eetloOr laflauiathyi. Inward Weskiirss, Liver Complaint, I.OWBMS of Hpiiita, Ringworm, bait Rheum Scalds, Skin Disuses of Ice—None genuine without the engiHved n sde murk around each pet or box, signed by l»R. J, VIAOOIKL, 4.1, Pultonst.,New York,tocounterfelt which is relony Sold by all respectable Dealers In Medicines throughout the United State* and Cauaitas—at 25 cents Per .«nIJ at Dr. GRAHAM'S Drug Store, Sole Vgeut Til llutler Pa TAKE YOUR CHOICE ! Whl WII.L soml by K*press or oti| erwisc as or.)5 iScwirifr Machine, either NVhee'er V Wilson, or Crover & Ji.tki'r, to any icrson xondi;:# us, before ilio Ist uf Jan i-iry licit, t lie N a tubs of .Sixteen New ■Subscribers to I ho New York Observer. ivith tho money (SSO) fur one year in ad vance. Orxi" On anil after January I it, 1867, we. shall require EHIHTKEN ?ieu' ilthscri Ijert (SO3). We have sent aw.iy as premiums nearly THREE HUNDRED if these machines, and they give uni versal satisfaction. The new subscribers may be from one, >r from various places. Send tho names as fast as yon obtain them, with tho money, \>y check t draft, or Post Office order. Sample copies and Circulars sent Jree * Terms s»;i.so a year in ad vanee. H. K. .VOKHK Jr. «fc Co., 37 Park Itow, Slew York. November tin. iamywm. G | AND UNDERTAKING. }v»AHTEHS on Main Street, opnr* te .Isrk « ilolel Th» subscriber is extensively « gaged in the UNDERTAKING LINE, being fully ptepared IJ muke ("OFFINW of all deerript*oiif t neatly an ! promptly to Order Cof flrn of all sizes and kiude readmade, and alwayn on hands. He has a so procured an entirety New nd i i t IlearKC ; and ie thus prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice. lie also keeps on hands and manufactures to orde COMMON ND FANCY FU Mil I I CONSISTING OP Bureaus. Tablet). Stands, Bedsteads, {'hairs Ac. All made in a neat workman-like manner, aad of the finest finish. TKRMB:—Keaeonatle and tosnit the times. Thank ful for past favors, the patronage of the public ie res pectfully solicited. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR stock:. JACOB KECK. May IS. Ot-Cmoa. Valuable Real Estate lor Sale. PROPOSALS INVITID. 'pilß SCnOOL Director* of the Borough of Bnlert offers for sale the square of ground, frounting not th street, having therein erected a two story brick building now uaed for school purposes. Seal Proposals stating trices and limes of payment will l*> received by the boa. d until tile first of Decem ber next. PH rtias may bid for the lofa separately. Possession to be given ou the firs', of April next. IJy ord«r of the board. <*'• 17 M 1 I.ETVISZ. MITCH MX - Claim Agent* T HIS undersigned woald respectfully notify the public re ttat he has been regularly commissioned as JLG-EZtsTT, for ppcaruiß Bounty M.mry, Arreart o/ Pag aud rtit «to»j, for...ldlers, or If they ire .lead, for their ler.l N'o charge will be mode for prwieccflriK the claims nf soldten, or their ref-eeeiitat|ye» until the Mine are collected. p. B ANDKKSON. Btrtler, »na« IT, t&»s|. •* GOING FAST FOR CASH! ■ R. C. A J. L. AtABOY. Have Just received \ their establishment In BUTLER ZPZEUSTJST'A.; • large and well selected stock of ©@©iS)Bs> which they ere selling at low rates Head (lie following catalogue and profit thereby Ker the ladles : A Large Slock of dress Uoods, such Silks, Cloth, Prints, Alpacas, Coburgs, Delaines, Ginghams, lloopcd Skirts, &c., &c., &c. For tb* (lentlrmen: Always on hand, lack Clothe, Fancy and Black Cassimeres, Satinets, Tweeds, Shirting, I lats & Caps,* Uoots & Slides, Household goods, such as Linen, Table Cloths, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Curtains. &c. som OF OUR PRICES; l!o I Dcluinex, 25 c's. per yard. Hem Ilenvy >1 u-4'iir> 2."i i'H .per yain. IK'ai l'rinln 20 to'Jo (•:•■ |e. \«rd. A lai»o stuck pound <'offei! Htltrar 1M <-f.s per (iMuiid. (Jru*led Snj»»r 'lt ets. per pound. Brown sugar 12j cents per pound. CiIVL I fc A AI.L ASH r.x Aill'lt. UIJH ASSURTMKXT. Hntlrr, .fnn»-2n. • "A Complete I'letoi lal fllhtoiy of the Tlwei." The be*t r cheapest, aud'm«*t Mirrcaeful Family P««per in i be Union." HARPER'S WjEEKLY. tin ENPIDI.Y ILLUVI'IUTID. 112 ritic a •'The but Fauiil/ I'np ;r p>l■ >ll si r-• J in lb© United >tit«-* " —i\rw I.mulhn Sttvi tr. " The .Ntwap\r, K .»| our countrr- r imp © c in all III* department* of an American family Pa| or— ll\RPf:n'H VVf j.Kl.r liH e:u Med f,r it-df n right to in il tin ■ a Journal of C'ieilimtion ' IV. J'. £ t tiling /W •'This l*nper tut unite* tht he*! illntlr.it iont Our fu t*ir•* lii«tnviau* will oiiibh th©m«dve4 out of 11.-irp«*i » Weekly lon* after writ m h and and puhliahcr* •re turned t i dual.' — V. Y /•>«*»'Wi*/. "A niTcd.ll* inev iv housidiohf"— m Tmntrripl. , 4 Jt i* at oil ;o a Ic-idiug p<» itirul and liiHtoric.il anii.tl i»t of then »fiou"— I'hiladelphUt Vftst •'Tho best of it* cl*.** in Amei lea."-— Cotton Traveler. SUBSCRIPTIONS.- -1367 The Pnbliubers have perfect© 1 aayateui of in tiling by wh'ch they can snpply the tine Ant l Weekly prompt ly to thou© who proff r tore. ivt their periodical* direct* lyTrom th© Olf.ce of roalmaster* and oth er* desiroiM of grtting'ap Cluba will b©>oppliad with a Bhow-|till on applicati in. The poataga on Harper** wetk'y I* SO cenf* a yenr. | which must be paid at the sub*. r.ber i post ofllc©. era m * Harf.f't Weekly, on© y©ar ft 00 1 An P.xlrn Copy of either the Wee'.lp e>r Magartne ' will li© nuppliedgriti* for ©ver> Clnh «»i Fit* Sufferibert ' Ht $4 0») each, in one remittince :nr nix copiei fm 112 J)00 Hack .Humifer enn l»o itiippliorl at nny tiine. The Annual Volunwn i»f llirper't Weekly, in neat rloth hind will b« aent by ex pre**, ftee <»f «xp«'iis©, for f7 e«rh A Comidet© Fet.ciiupriitinK .Mix* Volume*, nent «»n loceipt cfr-iMiiat the intoot #"> 2/> per vol.,froifrht Ht the puichiuer Volume X. ready Jutimiry Ist, 1887. • # *Huh©cription» •out fr»rn niltinh American pjovin c©« must he nr«ompxiued wiib'Ji r#«nta additional, t<> prepay United Kt.it*>npoatage Addrewt ) iiAIU'EK k DbOTIIKH.-. faAHRUSf H<4t A*r, Vtw Y«-«« | Drug and Grocery Store. I r 1 111 K *ol»ecHbor» hav* Jn»t received, and arc n> w 1 opening, at tuuirHt<>re-. > >m. -.pp a.tM l»«t©e i»utT» * | in iiutl©r, j An Extrusive Assortuieut K OF DIIUUS, MEDICINE, OILS. PAINTS, DYE hTCKFS PATENT .MEM' INKS. ; reiLETSOAP. J'E-HF Ml UY &M Ommd'A l Jul QMIM*.•> For Chrmleal an dftclnal ■«. ! all kimla »112 Bau.«>l. S-rriO ' hi alf turn preaclpflniia ttrcfi.ll) nnrt protnplly romp«ni.*d«-fl. IN ittil UKOOhiii t'K^\ilTMi.M ( will befound almost every article for Cam ily u«e. Also NAIM, 111. AS'. GLASSWARE. QUEENKWARC. CRocKERr, STONEWARE. IJUCKETS. Trßfl. &c., Ac ic The liigliest market price paid for j\\ kiods of produce in exchange FORooone. BELL & DIEF ENBACHER. Mav 23. 186t»::lv. HU a i:<>> dkktih'l KT DRS.S.R.&C.L. DIEFENBACHER. lIK prepai wi to 11, tier WjJ tire©et uaValcaoit©,Coral " work. cleantne, extracting and adjaating th© tenth done with the best materir.ls .ind in th© bent manner. Particular attention paid to chHdren'a teeth. Ae mechanic*, tbey defy com petition; aa operator* tb©> rank among the bc*t. Char ge* moderate. Advicefre© of charge. Office—in Boyd Building Jefteroon Street* Butler Pa. Dee V vtf. A7M. NFYMAN, M. i>. Physician antl Nurncon Office immediately opposite Walker » buildmga _ _ B'ltler Pa. D*tJ, itrscft THE HAMILTOX (ioldnnil^iltnlßiniitj O O IM! paitt O* KITADA LOCATION OF MINES t MAMMOTH ANi) NORTH UNION, NYE COUNTY, NEVADA «Oi Organized under a Rpfcial (Charter frtm the state q/ F*. CAPITAL STOCK $1,001,000 200.000 SHARES, »5 EAC Principal Office, 224, Si jrth PHIL A DHL ?F l«» «-»■»«' ** m - PRESIDENT. HON. ALEXANDER RAMSB U. S. frkmrim from Mtnnetola. VICE PRESIDENT. ALFRED OILMORE. I'hiladelphia. SECRETARY. JACOB ZIKGLER,, Philadelphia. TREASURER. EDWARD F MOODY- Citshier Nutiimnl /lnnk of the lt^g>ublie, w MANAUIND DIRECTOR. LLORFCLTI W HAMILTON HOARD OF DIR• CTORA HON. ALEXANDE RAMSEY A/ /W, Mi . Oofi. 7il (• I,ER. Duller, Tlrin WM. B; OAISE*. Csq., ( htcago, ill. ISAAC li DII.LKR, ESQ., t'eayo, 111. HON. ROBERT W. HAMILTON, Ifftada. - (li I'LWL It. I'REsnuiif, ESQ.. flnl!imnyr, Mil I RAN hi STKM,K. KBQ., Philadelphia. HON AI.FRKD (in.MORE, /•in/ fa. '..'M, »JOIIN M WETHERIM. Pnttxvillt. Pa. II RKEI» M VI.H. ESQ , Surveyor of tht Ibrl, Phil* HON. T .1 ("ort'KY. I'Sjladelphjfi. HON QEO W . WOODWAMi, C/iit/ Justice of Iht Slate nf 1 "inntylwani*. IMNKtifIH. NATIONAL HANK OF TIIEKEI'UBLIC SOLICITOR. SAMUEL O. •njOMI'PON, K««. THE • (soltl & Sitvfv pining Co, C) F N K V A. DA. The property of tlifaPampstiy 'Mltasted In the Mam moth and North I'nioH Miuin/au [fystrlcfs. Sjm Comity. .State of Nevada, and Comp s the following u*ane« ltd get of r.letr 'lenrini ffitu't* ! I.n'mh.S IS MA MMO 111 MINIM DtSTH/CT. The Winnebago Twelre hnndrr.l feet. l inn Ledge One thhon and feet. " K'd Jacket 1.cdf thie 4!omj«ra t preneiit the aWovecomldii tt'on i»| t«veuiy i and v.tlii ithle Silvei r..iii| i Iviue (hnn«:>n 1 fe»-t. which l!i»y (nnfidi-Btiy l»L*lle»» emhi aces a pieper ry fir pr««fl'alngthe Ars(. In \mtb Uniu» and .\L«mniolh. wh|«ih Air juoily regarded among tun bwnt silver inln nt? tha*ieLn«*-itof Itieorea, tu« *l«lth of the Une on ibe nviiintaln. and the e;»!t b.vslns and grass In the vulleys. Till* f'«»mpnny do wt IN»LJ;N' to#et forth sratement* that will not be verified, jnd pre er noder-esinuailag what they believe (lie lemtlu will prove K< «l la an itein»f grcnt expense id mnnv nf the diMtirti Tb- A ( nrry, Ophir, Savage, nn ! other celebrated mines In Wash'H*. are i.«ying from fifteen t> (went/ eonl for wood. A lw«*n'y stimp mill will consume ftl leen « o--deol wood per da> , at »IA per c«»rd, amounting b» per dav. I.i the.M Mlini'dfi an-1 Nor*J» L'ni«'n districts it would be*-imply thecuttlng.ft pereo»d,or per duy. Theie is a large «a per day oyer many nt he- .ii-tiiit< In kli "e two Items there is an otr.cti whicU w.mld make a handsmie yearly prol.t «.f It-Hf It ia not tt.e intention of the Cnmonny to work all this property nt the | r««ent tirfie, hut 'to hold It In reserve for future disposition, either U for ni a pait of It lot* other orxitni'/xitoiis or to ei»ct other mtlls, HN may be deemed iirdient.. A tweniy st«oip m-*l near a well •vlei ifd lo.|r w.ll pay a dividend «n the ctp'ttl the flint w-M ki >«-ar» -tnd n».»ve a reserved fund in th» tienmny, to i"• lit- : t the eiecti nof another mill I Thie* •>fnp'tt » -o-.- ,d : < e.'ert a hraf-cls.i mdl near the tVii.rj i o-ie. uhtfh is 112 BF a?id onu>balf feet wide in < s » 'r-r-t- on« <>f (h« fn Iw-i silver l d.e« in evade. »" «fio ( .an ample supply < 112 ore lor a twenty *«•»* >p <« I I'rof wh ■ a ««>lentiic • dlable. and Very cw<.tr . . e «|l ■ i« ~ s-iVa . 112 tliie halt: " This * »'f *e I . lint-d vein, thowtnq t*e) y ixdir;ft >ii hi fh-pt'i vita' jmrmanenetl. T><9 me it • / great run , n well >t JTu - IhroitgliOHl the vein and all thfjie wiU 112 u*>rl>*% Ut* r try >m fare. Tin i« a very rahinle -line md ein It* made, tn j\iyj 112 ivl fbtfytimitif/ A .BLVT IlLf. 'dining engineer. ■ •> don'>tf.il 112 r; uiy «p.-Mk» A fw-n * >' • in.l' r-ncuih iw.iii» t .us pe day; loft - . I| r -b«'<4'lft IOIM pe. , y. t '» nee «pvci < ! li t . W ueV'gir 1 •»!•* in» SH< I, w| iiUipv. j *■■:> ', • |'t t' * y tint Will give anUv « ■' p«-r tin, 112 »#«••: net « «tpif» from the ,v,. .• .O op .l.ye A.i | yinbl I i'so", fie erf- I" ' • i» tin's* iMfrlct •« It not . i-.-d <3t) .•"i ton..» k. t. e 1.. i im, h ,i him ;• oflt.d siauo i t a monthly profit »t over 1'i,006 112 <«T H,;H IH m*v SIM '4 e .11 IT la prjven by ito- ■'-•tit bluer »i I.i ii'i i.i I-*e .>• > li cjted V. e . ••uti'lMot 1 l»i',iev;e he t- .* no other invest' en« «ill p.y-n.b .ar inn, ,» stl-.-. P r p-uty, when w. il 1..» ed. niwiihe nulls properly iti'ina^e 11 ■« in«UM*>n K « -,re«toi Habe*pet*i.m;e.i nm | pril jca i "User o»e tsurlurr in aU ib». «>-tiie; in the pr; eof life «.f excellent hirf.fe, s.nd lnd«o»«.d»ir rnmgy ; b has been and |uv raldy kuoMii to out I'renjdoiit, ~ov. Ritui-uy, and to *|». fpui.k i*i»e|. ..i.e of toe Hoard wf lllri- to Is, and with whosti g .od opliibyn ..f Air IJ .mrl t4»u. the Hon A. W Uoiidalf, F"iißt And'tant i*o-tnia>tt.r an fv« taenty-hvo per cent., tjiw Cotnpuny reservfng he right to ie«b>em thJd prt-Mi »rd ater the a hole propel ty and inf* proveoieuta tur the payment of the preferred stoek and insures the f»y ment of it i