VOLUME 3. The Frontier Wedding. BY TIIE MINISTER'S WIFE. One day iu early wintei uiy husband received a summons to Burke a settle moiit to u «it« a. couple in ihe bonds ol wedlock. It was requeued that h s wife i-hould ni-f-couipauy him., as wo shuuld be requested to remain all o.'iiht and part'rke of thfc leilivities. It was twenty miles to the jettlemeni and we reached the log house of Mr liuiki , thefath r of thees.pcctiutl.i l , uuQVt noon A dozeu tow haired ch di re n Were at the Jo i waiting oui :iri\*l. They telegraph?'! tho lic.Wd lust .u-lj '•Harm ! tnarm ! litre's tho elder and his woman ! They're nothing but folks! She's got a intw.'s hat on and a turkey's wing in front of it,;, bis nose 'S just like did s, crooked jas a cowliorn squa di." Alas for Mr. Morrison's nqniiine liOff, o? which he was a little \ain ! "Sam!" cried a shrill female voice from tho interior ot the c toi i, '•run out and grab the rooster, an 1 I'll clap him in the pot! Sal. you /pit that churn r.nd hwi'op the floor. Kick that corn-dodger under the be '. IL-11, you wipe that ohccr for the minister's wife, and be pry about :t. J'urtUev rcri ai kt were cat snort by our c.itrariec. Mrs. iluike, ir. calico short gown, blue pattienat and bare feet, cam' I forward, wiping her face onhernpr o, . "How do you do, elder? llow d'ye do, rnnrm ? Mii«t excuse my head, fiaJn't had r.o chance to Comb it since last week. \V ork must be ilid, you know. Powerful sharp air. hain't it ? £?Th»q tli?re ! J? ill, drive ihat turkey out of the bread trough. Sal, take the 'lady's, thitig'. Set light up to the fire, inarm. Hands cold ? We'll, just run'cm through JJiil's hair—keep it long a purpose." l'iil presented l is shaggy hair, b. t I declined with an involuntary shud-, dr. " laws, if sh • ai lit actually s-hiv erin'g !" cri d Mrs. Burke. " Bring in so'J.e more wood' li re, tnarin. take thii hot corn dodger inter y.:ir Tip—it's as good t; ;i so.-it.t ri. A fi-at fill -1 jll ''l d t'i • -\ ! ocuti.ui oft". afterward he "a- ■' ' • ■ o: i a four quart t i :; 1 ; fire. Snl rt ! ui i»v 1 i- fcjttl j the extraordin;'. , i .. . »*> made her e n h< I ~ - '•> • , concern and butter and A'l-iit swiruVingoeei the tin 01.o 1 . '' the ladle, Bill," cil I Mr-. !» "and help dip it up. T k k-- don't put the sti.irl of hair i: Stratf 1i«»w (ok- will '■so i a t Die' , r d >' yU 1. 112 tI" the buWei li ' : : .> 't the pig- v.it t ii . a l>r ve that )u ■ on. .• q»tr k. • picked np a p(«t -if. I !.o,- t a'.roiidy. | There, Sal, <1 • try :;»:d < h;!rii ■ !ii' , more kevrful. ll you . vin t lie spliced to- trsotr ->v. Y.i; is"- .-it. rn crazy about i' "1 advise you tu dry up rt - marked the bri-' ... c% tlm-upiut away at the churn. By thi tine 1 got fairly win tired j dinner was ready, and you i av. hi bhure 1 (I'd l.' t i>jurc myself by over eating. Night eatne on early, ind after a j social chnt about the events of to morrow, I signified my desire tore tire. Sal lighted a pitch knot ani thesauie ro mi with us, and made the air vical with their snoring. I fell asleep and dr-am d 1 was j :st brnng-sh t from ; u j*lf- .j4uriii»vtt,- wUy'-jii I'lP* »trnAy.e *'« cwttfkn -i+Auc a,.d S'iMi «**.<•! | u4«d p.. tad »■ r ~t ;n*v • ci: .uliat tu! f->ur inttitba iar-ier than fel>" rest of her tppaivl, u while with red blue stockings, a yellow neck ribbon, and AMERICAN CITIZER white cotton gloves. lief reddish hair wnß fastened inn plug behind, and well adorned with the tail feath ers of the defunct rooster before mentioned. When it was announced that L*tn Lord, the groom, was coming, Sally dived behind.a coverlet, which had been hung across one corner of the '•oo'ii to eo»fC >al sundry: pots and kettles, and refuse 1 to corrie forth. Mr. Lir l lifted one corner of the curtain and peeped in, hut quickly retreated with a stew pin and a few words from Sally, advising him to initid his own business Lemuel wes ilreKHcd in ' lue with bright but long. Tins etiti r«t suit had b. ju ma le, for Lis prriwtdfather on ;i similar occasion. His hair wis well grinned wi h tallow, and his huge few." "Solute your bride." caid Mr. Morrison, " lien nil was over. "I'm rc uiy to do anything, elder," -ai 1 Lemu -1* ' but skin me if 1 kni\v a' oil! tint, sir. Just show mc how. a tl i' i do it if it kills inc." Vv litixhand drew back, but Sally ,'! -I ~cel. threw hr arms around bis •od hi'n a kiss that tn'tde •, • v:d ." s clatter. •1 i : I don't do ditto !" cried L mti >l, ■ -i i J sril-y taking a huge I.ire fro of nitif lc su^mi v hich lo < i'i no 1 iis poukct, mad" a dash at lof i r ' e o \ waJe.li guard .io . , i, i:v i |.i i vg a I'-ii at ■ ' oo'tijpa:.' . ' r .. I'li-'liaSiVu, ;/ 1 ■ - '! • r' ■ . LiMrrn^}lft> to ':i Y'l't'" of i'ttr •■Th- '. 1 ld-' r ." -ai I bv. "t'i t'f a t.ie--.- "112 inu-k-i'it -kin; hnil out 'h-re in the #h 'a hraij .ot '.-•thbugj.',a ilyonr wi.-ic Uii* to the *>!' .it" --, 1 My husloiud lxi>i il bis t?r. k-, aT.d ?")ie young peopb- went to dancing, Mrs Bulk;' \»111 to getting break fust iiti'd at rrty vai'tVesr request,' Mr. Mor ri* n got Otlr horse and wo hnde them all adieu. I tn-ver could have lived through another meal in that house. I have since heard that Mr. Lord said it It" had s. eii tjie cider's v>ite before ohc was mnrrjed, Sally might have iron to the dr kens. "Alas," it tnight lmve been!" ACCIDENTAL INSUBANCE Between Kenosha nnd Milwuttice, an HpsUt tfl .he Travelers' Insurance Cuui piny of llartl'ord, entered the ear, aud having issued tickets to several pas-en approached an elderly la-ly who. it ufler terWarda appeared was denl ".\jjiJu»ie. Would jou like to insure against aeeiiiiLUis?" iuipiiiod (lie ui tbc pauie tiuie ex/bib liuj» his tickets. ••I gotuiy ticket down to Kenosha." '-.Nut u ralroad ticket, uiadcui; .1 warn lu know il you w iuIU like toiusure yuu>' lite against accident." "I'm going to OnUkoeh t<> visit my darliug darter, ivho'a marriud up tliere, and lias just got a baby." i'hn ageut raised liis voice n little. "Would yuu like to insure your life against uccidout?'' "She's Oeeu warned two,years aud a half, and tlia'.'s the tii-st child. It's a gal..- . . . ■ a ; AjX.ii stiil i'luder. • i !«■ n - i .ucc agent, maduui.— i . tve ■i • ... .11 u:e your lile against ••Mw'Sw. r.. .i.-' r iiC. lirt is "So'iif." f'fl'fi-( J btf *• nitrrtcdr •mS -i "li.-, i 4 in.i- uiy is I live live uiiioe iroui Kcnosiii." " Let us have Faith that Right makes Might; and to that Faith let us, to the end, dare to do our rtjty as we understand it".—A.- Lincoln BUTLER. RUTT/fIR COUNTY, VX.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 81, 186G. Eema'kable Escape of Eminent Men. Some years ago a young man, holding a subordinate position in the East India service tniice nttempte 1 to deprive him self of life by snapping a loaded pistol at his heid. Each time tlie pistol misl ed fire. A friend entered the room short ly afterwards, h; requested him to it out ti e window, it then went off without auy d flicultv. Satisfiod thus that the weapon had been dii'v primed and load ed th • young man epran • up exoluimaig. ■ I in.St (e p-cs mid for something _'ivat." and from that ronmont gave up •die ilea of suicide, which fir sine time previous had been uppermost in his that's TI at young man afterward bccune Lord Clive. Tiro brothers wore, on one occasion, walking togelhor, when a violent storm thunder and lightning, overtook them. One was struak dead on the spot, tho other was spared, else would the name of the j;reit reformer. Martin Luther have teeu unknown to uutfkiod. Bacon, the sculpjor. when a tender boy of five years old, fell iuto the pit of a soap boiler and must hu*e porisbed, had not a workingmari, just entering the yard, observed his head and delivered | l:iui. When Olivet Cromwell was an inf. Nt, a monkey snatched him from his cradle, leaped with him through a parrot win dow, aud raa along the leads of the the hou*o. The utmost &larm was cxci ted anion-' t{i« inmates, and various wero the devicos med to rescue -lie cliil 1 from the guardianship of hi uewly found pro tector. All were unavailing; his would be rc cuerS had lont c mrace, and wore in despaif, of ever seeiog the baby alive again, when (ho- monkey quietly re'racod his stoics, and deposited burden safely on the bed, Oa is i' sequent occasion ll o waters ha 1 veil nigh quenehed his insatiable ambition, do fell into a pond; from drowning in which a clergyman named Johrfson was the sole instrument of bis rescue. At the s:e:ro of Li • ester. k young s >' lior, ft bout seventeen years nf nre, was drawn out lor son!r «t»»»v- Oue •• >.)« I . tavcl.is place. No ibjhe *i : and ih'- uiin went II" »'4» !'•••> ' id v.li io on uu.ird. 't'ii. . n.au. li> t .liu.v.-i a! ttJMVai •b; ai: :. 1 ut!• ■«■• o' ■- in - I d;- d e ''- wli'iti lori «M.« r-ouklj [ u .la th-u.ho wa3 bolievipjl ly ho tUW . \.. .. :■ ;• -t ■ -<.iW |«m •> _ •! v . 11.1.3'. j'ill-- tlio le lite a .-...v. ir w. Oil out particular uv't'u'nin. however, w :li out ijcinable t » acu.iuni iiil" it, lie w ;uld ueittar liiuisclf, nor permit any ouc else, t) occupy his pla 0 That very uijfht a bullet was shot in at the window, pur— ti-scly to kill him. it _:raz.' 1 ilia ehair in which he sat, ami tiiaiie a hole iu the can dlestick mi the table. M'.usy yc«ra have mw elapsed since, three subalterns might huvc been seen struggling iu tfae water off St. Helena, one 0' them, j.e>«r j IvIFE. —W't bnug luto tln»worid «jih us a poor, ueecy. uncertain life, short at the longo-it, and iiueert.uu at the best All the imagination ot' thc.w,tty and the wise have been pe pcually busy to Gnd ' out tho way how to rt-vive it with ploae ores, or reiicf'.t i' w ih Jfverstoiis—how 'to donip'osjj iV ■<* • i i, . • . * nali,ty, i.>. i . .•• ■ ' fluid \ i;ii :Uc iU!-: t -o wi ,• tiw cit.ravagancc'< Cf voiup'o .oi uieii \i! I she v.'mid is perpt.flally fit work -.u w nothing ei*e. S.ux inly thai ooj j *.* s iu 11 j t 1 hv«« pass tl»e easier and happier r j that little time wo thoiu. or «!-« I end the better when we lose them. j WIT Who was Jonah's tutor? Tho whale who brought him up. Another war with Turkey is at haul wert Thanksgiving diy. —AVatts, the Reason?— SVhy do "birds in their little nests agree?" Because they'd 112 .ll out if they didn't. —Air. Coleridge was once asked which of Wads worth's works he considered t lie prettiest, when he promptly replied, • -1 1:» daughter Dora." Lovers' J.ogic.— Ediviti: "You see dearest, a led r.v can't exist wiihoul his heart, an las y>u happan to have rtiiuv, of course I can't exist without you." Angelina: "Oil you absurd crei'.ure." —To the Would-be Author— If thou wou'd'st lain be thought a sage. Think a v Ju no, write a page, And from every page of thiue, Publish ou'. a single line. —A pretty young Atu >i\eano-s, whose Christian name is An if a, on re joining u cigar from a young gentleman who had not-pluoic ea)ii;h to say hj wishel to marry her, twirlea it playfully beneath her liosc, and, locking archly at bim, jMjpped the question thus "Huve-Anna?'' —" Here is your money, dolt, and teil mo wdiy your riiifbtilly master wrote me eighteen letters about that contemptible sum ?"■ "I'm sure I can't tell; but il you will excase me, sir. I j_u—s it became seventeen didn't fetch it." The city dailies published a telegram from Europe last week, ntinounciug the death of l'olii Thuuib's infant daughter. We think the news of such small moment as to be unworthy of telegraphic recog nition. —' iv ill extend no increy to you," said a prince to a jester, who, for a fault, was condemned to death, "except per mitting you to choose what kind of a death y>u may die. Dcqide imme'.Ua'cly for 1 will be obeyed," "I adore your 'd.'mcocy," answered the jester; '1 choose to die of old age." — A worn hi being enjoined to try the eff-.t of kindit"** on her husband, and li -'o.; lo'd that if would heap ceals fire "i bis I- : . re I'" I that she had tried 1 bi'iti w iter." ah I if didn't d i a bit ol giol. Sin wis taMier doubtful about the . ffie-jt"- of • owls.'' - \ • u l .ll V'l'-t rpi iel fervently for •■tin t'u: "■ a s-'ve ■ Liouh which 10. •an ':i fall id t . "V'nV j nst as the services clo-'l, wlieri't lift ("tra,els walking home og. th r "were gen awfully tiot, and one rein rrked to the oilier: -'The parson d ie.» rriv itit!, a i ">? lacks judgment." ■ —A dandy stratiin^'about »i tavern t-iok up a [-air of gracr Spectacles which lay on the tabic, put (hern on his nose, nd turninir to the ooking glass, said— "Landlord, how do these become me ? Don't you think ( hoy improve my looks?" I think they do," ro' f liol the landlord; they hide a part of your face." —A certain judge was reprimanding an attorney for bunging several email suits into court. an 1 lem irke l that il w i'jl 1 have been mucli hotter .fur all par ties liad he pcrsu i lei his clients to leave 'heir cause to the arbitration of two or three honest tuen ' Please your honor," the lawyer,, 'We iliJ not choose to trouble honsst men with tfceai." The Judge fainied. A gentleman lately c mplimcntcd a lady on her improved appearance. "You are guilty of flattery, said the lady. 'Not so,' replied the gentleman; lor I vow you are as plump as a partridge." 'At fii.st,' rejoined the lady, 'I thought you guilty of flattery only, but now I find you actu ally making game of me." —' Well, Tom," said a blacksmith to his apprentice, "yyu have been with me now throe months, and have seen all the different points in our trade. I wish to j give you your choice of work for awhile.' "Thauk'oc, sir." "Well, now, what part of ihe business do you like bast?" "Shut tin' up shop, and going to dinnor, sir." A cobbler living iu lialtiuioro-thus announces his calling: "Surgery perform ed here on boots und shoes, by addiug of the feet, making good legs, binding the broken, healing the wounded, mend ing the constitution, and supporting the body with new soles. Advice gratia." —A Hard One—Why should there If- nft seats in a church ? Uecause . ) u , . j. yi "■ i/oo'/ for nothing. Jv i,i n,< ,y j* mistake, the li •. ;C< nine: -tuwdusfc, . I: v.•! .ii_' the M . (112 'ibh..ie ■ ; : - lie old i* ij ma lt them ia,t- liUe.-u }> »•>. She ! is»#n Mu« , omita("T!ftH"Hfi6 KTilTs' ! feet to them evfery winter, ku the 9th of April 1840, tho court bouse in Clarksville, Texas, was crowded tq overfl iwing. Au cxcitiug case wu« tii l o tried. George llopkini, a wealthy pi in-.er, had off red a gr >ss insult to Mary Kllison. the young and beautiful wife of i bis overseer. Tho husbin 1 threatened to chastise him fir tho outrage, when Hopkins went to Ellison's house and shot him in his own door. The murderer was arrested and bailed to answer the change This occurrence produced great excite ment, and Hopkins in order to turn the tiile of popular indignation, had cirtula ti'd reports i, gains, her character, and she had sued him for slander, lluth suits were pending—for murder and slander. The interest bceatiic deeper when it was known that Ashley and Pike, of Ar kan«as and S. S Prentiss, of New Orleans, bv enorui >uj fees lial boia retained to defend Hopkins. Ho; kins wis acquitted. Tho T< xa■> lawyers we'o over.vhihue 1 by their op pollen's It was a 6 Jit ol'a dwarf agninst v'iniits. The sluh'lcr .«u'; Was for t'i; 9th nnd the throng ol Spectators grew in numbers as in exci'c nent. Public optn'oo Was setting in f>r Hopkins; his money had proeu.e 1 witnesses who served bis pow <■ r!u 1 advocates. When tho lander case was ea'led, Mary El ison w is loft without an uttorndy—all h id withdi'aivu. '•Have you nocoiii.self" iuquirei! Judg • Mills, looking kindly at the plaintiff. "No, sir; they have till deseite line and I alii too poor to employ any more," replied the beautiful Mary, bursting into tears "In such a case, will not some chival rouuieuibor of the profession volunteer?" said the Judge, glancing around the bar. The thirty lawyers were nilent. '-I will, your honor," said a voice from tho thickest part of the crowd, behind the bar At tho sound of that voice many stirt e l—it wasso ualai thiy, s ve it all I m njrii ful. Tlie first 'si".- ition was Changed into luigh'tci 1 when a tall, gaunt, sjiectral fig ure elbowed his way through the crow 1, alii placed him-dl'W thin the bar His c oth 's looked so ,-lribby tint the court li: n.ite lto let the :nse prooee 1 under his i^itiagftuient. "Has y .ur nniilo becn'cnterel on ilio r dls ol' the Stale?" demanded the Judge. • li is iinmltcrliil," a'fisworcd the siran ecr.his thin, bloodldss lips curling up with a sneeri "Herb is my jicctise from tin highest triburi.il in A uerica ! ' an 1 he ban-ted the-Jii Ige a broad parchment.-i The trial went oil. lie'sufforod tile Wltticiiffes to tell tlioir own story, and lie allowed tho defense t > lend off. V-hlcy up ke first, followed by I'ikc and Prcuti:'s. The latter brouuhi the hou e down in cheers in which the jury jollied. it was iIW tho >) anger's turn. He rises before the ha:, in it Icllind it, and to uear ihe won Icring jury that he might i. u.h the foieuian with his Iriirg, bony finger. As he proceeded to tear to jiipces .he arjiu ujntj of Adiley, which incite i mvay at his toiifch like fr ijt be ore a rfu i be iiu; evaty »ka i «a;-pri«o I A i he came to the laxiling r/i< of the "poet lawyer l'ike. 1 hon the curl ol bit. lip row sharper, his 1 smo-ltll l ice begin to kiuJh' up, and bis eyes to open, dim an l dreary m> longer, but vivid us iLditn rei as tire globes, and glar:nj; a- twin uk tcors. The whule soul was in the eye i the full heart streamed out of hi* face Then, without bestowiug an allusion to Prentiss, he turned chut nround on the perjured witnesses of Hopkins, tore then testinii ny into shreds, an'l hurled in their faces snih terrible invectives that all trembled lflte aspfcus, and two of them fled from the conrt hoafce'. 'i'lie exfetti rnent of the crowd was becoming tremeu dons Their united life and soul seem.' i to'hang up'id the burning tongue of t'hti strangtrr. and he inspired ibeui wirh the power of his passions. He teemed to hare stolen nature's long hidden secret of attraction. Hilt liU jrfiV'-! 'rut'if] was to covne.' Ills be*nn fo Ie e.t . )icrt'e\uh'ihtnrta'r.*?wVs fci ; flit"' '* j jenao:.. Mid held lip the tlai , . JX ami vVuieoiyt« , yopul^B.,- Hiviug thtts girt him übout liiui with a circle of fire, lio stripped himself to the work of massacre. Oh ! theu it was a vision both glori ous and dreadful to behold the orator, liis actions became as itfipetuoui as the motion of an oak in a hurrienuo. HU • nice became a trumpet filled v. ith wild whirlpool), dojfeaiug the car with the cm-dies of power, and yet intermingled all the while with a sweet undersong of the softest ctt-leneo. II is fortheae glowed like a hgnlcd furnace, his couutenai.ee was haggard like that »( a ujaoiac, and ever urid anon he flung his long an l bony aims oli high as if grasping alter thuneerbolts. Ilu drew a picture of murder in sucli ppalling colors that iu comparison lieli itself might seem beautiful; he painted ttie(landererso black tliht the suri seemed dffik at noinday, when shilling on scurfi a monster. A'id then fixisg both por traits i ri the tliriuking Hopkins, fastened them (hero forever. The agitation of the audience ani mated tihno t to madness. All atonep tile speaker descended froui tiie perilous high • v;oicc wai'ed mil fir the uiurderod Dr. AD and LIVING — tlir beau'itul Mury, mora beautiful evoiy ni mailt as l:er tears flowed faster— ti). m ' n wept nnd sobbed like children. lie closed by a strange cxln rlatiili I the j imy, ami through theiu to the by standers; he advised the panel, alter ibt -hmid ■ brill<» in a verdict for the phiut'l not to 6 ffcr violence to th.o t defoudau', however richly be desirvo ; r; ii otjier w irds, "uot to lynch the (illain, but leave his punishment with Ood j i his w..» the most artful trick oi i besi cjleulatod to injure veujlwuyjf. Th jury ro rrrd a veidiet of Gtty th oisa iI d nit • ;in 1 the night ufter wanis llopkin w(i» inkeu out of his bed by lyucbora and beaten übuoot to death As the court adj' uincd. the strange; said : ! J'lhn Taylor will preach here, this evening, at early candle light." lie did preach, au 1 tho house Was crowded. I have listened to Chy, Web > ster, and Culhoun-~to Dwigbt. Busi on | and Beei-her—but never heard unytbio; iu Iho for ui of subJi'ne words, oven np- . proxiniating, to the eloijuinuo of Taylor—massive as a mountain, and wildly rudiing »s a cntaraet of fire. HONESTY 5 WISDOM. Am ug the ptisotiers taken by the Ame;icauoai .he battle of Bennington, was a plain farmer named Riihard Jack sou, who redded in Hancock, in the coun* I tv ol I'Cikfl.ire, iu M itsachus tts. lie! conscientiously hud luken.tlie Bitinh side in the Revolutionary eontest, nnd bcllov el it to be his (Tftfy to'enter the service of h V «iiver/> : Vrt' at the earliest opporto- n■ tv Havltiu been iuformed that Col ■ in-1 Ijttim wm a lvnacing toward Ben nffitton fcith a body of tto 'pg, he rose c irly. Idled li s horse, and to de to Iloosac. iuteadinj- io attach himself to the corps- Here ha wis taken, in such eirrnmstances as proved his intcnflon he- Voiid any reasonable doubt, besides, lie w ,s too honest "too decy it, but confessed ih.it he believed bis duty, required him to take up in in»!for liis aovereign. Mr. J a'kxoii Wia delivered to General F« Hows, tliorlff of tli« county at Great 'lV:irio)it"U. who rmS icd htm in juii— Thin building was in such a condition, ,tba«. witliout aguard, no prisoner who wistvei to escape, couli be kept to if.— (snt to CSc.ipc did not accord with Jack hpriff. rhit lie Wii» los nt: his time, that doing not'.ing did uot accord with hie notion ofr.gVt and d«iy, hit he wished to he performing aonie ti e. and requested to fx> set to work.— The liheriff, who bad become acquainted with his character, told him as Le could uot supply him with work, ha mi'.-ht pi mt into the town, ar.d find work, if he would icturn to ihe prifem itery even >ng 'ibis he did for n.o c thru six u> nth.- 1 , (jetting constant employment.— At |a»t the time catnc ihm be to Le tried for hi jli treason. The sheriff was ready to conduct him to Spr llgfleld, whero ibo WM tn t»l,e |.lacq« bu' Jjtkvin asstroablu tod cspaasc of tlie , 'j'inri;fcy. 'im b'-lfii" !tfs.-iile-l -tflt iliis pryj-jbal. »1. Jl v'kiua«ita>H»«ihO*'l-llis 4 * ' ■ * 112 Tyrirghfim. he was, over 1. :• i . Rt|w.lrd3,V.ll , . .-.a v-iicro lis was , sir, tlicri to be r ZO~y~ 1i» an»w«r. . :O OSAO i dirucijV'ty SpriagfielJ, 1 'Hie (tariff of' .mjisUitf. «a.< tiicd, !'ouu I guihy, aad conatwuwi K> die Tbc Council of Mas- NUMBER 46 sachusotts was, at that time, the supreme executive of the State. Application wag made to them for a pardon. JJV. Ed w aids was one of this board. The faotg of ilio ease, and the sentence, were sta le.!. end at first thoy all agreed, who spike on the subject, that even the in tention of treason B hould be punished with death) but when Mr. Edward§ wai to exptiws his views, be first gave an ac count of .dr. Jacksou'a uniform bonegty of purpose, niid of seeing him, as he wai oil his way to Springfield, withoui a guard; ;i!l he know of Jaek.son'p character wag related in a simplicity, which gave it muoh force. The conucil were soon uuauiuion* for his pardon, and Jacksnu returned to big family. The old and truo maxim, that honesty, is the beat policy, was exempli fied in this «a«e, though Jacksoji acted Ironi a much higher motive; he was hon est, bo cause »o loved honesty and the right, it was a part cf bis life; the poliey of being honest did not cuter big uiind. \\ hen the war was over, Jackson wag as devote ! to tbo interests of the Union, as ho had before been to big king, and hell in my ..(Boos of tr®*tund lienor, Piianrw-», *TJS. o. ■ - ii m ,0, Wanted—A Printer! Vi a t 'd —ap i■ 11 e ," gayg a a tempor ary wuntel —u mloftl guri .iity, with 1 brain an I I1*g»r«--a thiui tb it will Wl a* many typos a day, —a inwabine lUat will tllink ml u t bit rill a machine a being wo undo take* liia most (ysteniatig and MM I drud^er^. yet one the ingenai* ly of aian has never gjpplau'ed lacgbani • ilfji "that's printer. A prlefer yet fo.- all hii s» aatiuu disgi pnt-d and rci klos& hgbltg—a irorkai-, at all tune-an-l bn* d y and n!'ne »i th theatres— later H id, when ihag're'-t ratelasg are gong and the # ty sleeps—iu t'lg I'r gb air ai mor ning io tha tnad and gushing ganli^h"—• some pr nting inuuhina is at his case, with hig litan a', unvarying oli ik 1 click I Click! cl uU ! t'ia poliniioJ into T!IO stiuk-t'iM D»U « integer! 112 expreiilon are nisnhelfl I i-no It ,uu I ruar.'h forth us imin rt il print 0 k! and tie late*! intelligence beomMi J—tin thought a p uo.|d- -the id a a tiring teatiiueat, f.oin £re>« lo £a>, itoui alWr item a robbery, a uiur Ur. a b.l of e>aadal a graecful ni:d glowing ih >ugh»-aw ia tur» close.! by tb3 ui'ita uud inipreaive tngor* of the ma hioc, a J «■« adrift q > iha as* of thfbugbt. I)e Bin t not think of tic fature nor re'nil the pas! —aiest not thioV of kindred, of wife, or of babe—hi* work lies bef>rs hira, aai thought ia chained te hi* cuiiv. Y a know h'mtv kia voikl, wfco rtad tin paper" and an quiok at typographical er ror»-~who«« c jn may M*t <>» tlreia Kate »t. idon.-*» of caalosa tail ; eoxrfrtpoadnfat, editori aid autbori, W'IO Cl'ora tb» aitgpla medium of your fame, thinV ait that tHa printer i* altitrr'her » tSiak not he in Indifferent 'o fie »*i 112 wh'ah ha la but t'.o latter- a no! tic tiv may paastrata tba reca a«x of kia b ail ; of tlia luwca ba ca:li«"6 tome 01:17 leave tl.tir ftajraaoe uy on li'a toilsTora linger*. But wlwa yoa «e.-k a friend, c >m;iani.jn, adti-e—wH«ny»« \r. uld elevati ona »h > far lympathy may 'eprosenleith ror I —w aa yon Want judjre* Le<;uWtor«, Gorarnora nai Prcal i lenta—O, ye people, advaruaa : "Wnnto4 -a printer." A ROMANCE IN IBELITO. The Irish papcrf- seowntly, white the drenaerwsi com* fortably eusonced in an an tra ehait before a blazing fire, he was ttartled by the serta.ii of a female. In a moment his overcoat T aß hurried on, and be ihortly after arrived on the spot whence the ln ln a deep ditch by the side of the road, a horse wa» kicking and plunging in a fearful mannor, atw tached to a jaunting car, which was turn ed up side down. Three psrsons wqr« quickly rescued fro n bewsath It, and 'ouDveyel to the house, where they soon recovered from the off cts of the 5 The gentlem Vn WB« had t.ave.l their hMpbarM all at