American citizen. (Butler, Butler County, Pa.) 1863-1872, October 24, 1866, Image 1

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    VOLUME 3.
M«tfy sr« the wild wenes thu» havo 00/.tsurred
/.tsurred out ou tlic prairies, and Aiotig the
great chain of mountains fliatstrotch from
the froxen sen to the furthermost point of
SoOth America. Ham# of rtwse, with sin
gular perversion, havo crept info print,
while others lupio \ivid remain Jo be re
• corded.
It is our purpose, in litis sketch, to re
cord an incideut tHat occurred on the
i prairies nearly thirty years ago, and
i which powerfully illmtrates the habits
> and wanner? of life of that singular race
'who s| eid almost their entire ezisteuce
beyond the pal* of eivilii itioo.
One day, as uight wai drawing on, a
person, iu the garb of u Iflrtter,
Was riding.over tho piaitit*, no the back
of a n.ule A glance at the person woul.l
have excited woud.'r and inquiry that /<e,
of all others, should have lakeu up the
profesaiou of trapper, lie was young, of
delicate features, with a fair eomplt xion,
and with a countenance that bespoke an
ciucatinn and refinement sncli a* would
have uiade liiiu a man of uiark anywhere
among civilised people. Hut there was
an expression that was on doge
scrutiny, that tbowed that A-pt had for
saken th-it heart. Such a look of unut
terable wo and sadness as marked that
countonauco would have 11 nutted a man
to bis dying day. Ceitainly, there had
been some powci fyl cause toat had driven
this younjt man iuto the wilds of the I' tr I
The day was quite warm, and the gait
and slowness of (he initio showed that be
■was wearied with a long tramp. The ri
der was lost in a deep reverie, aud was
.almost Unconscious of what w»s occurring
,around hnu. NOW and IINMI lie raised his
head and looked arjund him, as it to
make sure that he was not stealthily ap
>proavhad by bis ever vigilant enemies,
I tie ludians.
"I can (ravel a few miles before
; it becomes dark," he i-oliiloqu zod,
looking up to ilia sky. " lleigho !yi n
der's Miuit) one !"
Directly ahead lie paw a single man on
loot, walking forward in the direction lie
wan traveling, llecognizing liiin at a
glance as a white luan, he quiekeuud the
jiaee of his mule, and also shouting to
liim to attract Li* attention, ho soon
overtook him.
The latter personage was carrying n gun
on Ins shoulder, hid pistols in his bell,
aud was over six feet in height, lie had
restless, dark eyes,a lithe,muscular frame;
but what identified him at once among
.other men wis a large, broau sear thai
traversed the entire length of Ins right
check, it must have been a fearful wound,
for it was of such depth and breadth, that
it could not in the least hi concealed by
,(iis beard, which w is rather luxuriant th m
The moment our young friend catue up
be icgretted the meeting. There was a
,sinister aud forbidding look about the
man that impressed liiiu most unfavora
bly: but powerful as was the cause that
banished 111 in from the dwelling places ol
civilized men, be still craved oo.iipatiion
ship ill this griat solitude, and would
have sought the company of almost any
man of his own race.
' A-fine day, uiy friend,' observed the
young man, us ti * reined up his mule be
side the sttauger aud began conversing
with In iu.
4 Yes, rather warm,' replied the hunter,
as lie ran his eye over him: ' especially
when a man has tramped all day, as 1
4 Y'oit must have ootiio a considerable
* Reckon I have; I've scarcely stopped
since sun-up, and it's n>'W about sundown,
you sca I've bad a powerful ehatice ot
pulling a few miles behind me.' ;
4 Anything of Indians ?'
4 Not a sign all day ; seem to be scarce
iu these parts.'
They had Bow resumed their journey,j
an l were traveling side by side, both go
ing slowly, however.
4 Stranger,' resumed Scar Cheek; ; I
don't know bow it is with you, but it is
just about my camping time.'
• It is past mine ; t should have jialted
before had I not seen you, and been anx
ious for your company.'
4 Bliged to you, sir.'
4 Shall wo stop here!'
4 No; a little way on is the head of the
I'awnee Fork; that's about the purtiest
place 1 knows oil for a camp. If it's #ll
the samo to you, wo'll camp there.'
4 Ain't you tired ? i" should be glad
to walk and let you ride my mule.'
4 Oh, co; I'm used to ihat kind ot work.'
Thus conversing in a friendly manner,
they journeyed on until they reacted the
forks of tbe Pawnee, when they halted and
made their preparations for the night's en.
campment. Wood and fuel were collect
ed ; the mule was staked close at hand,
and they sat down to thoir evening meal
on tbe best of terms.
Far different would have been the feel
ings of these two individuals toward each
_other, had either been aware of theotber's
Tbe evening weal was when
JSear Cheek remarked : ,
.< It seems we are not alone in these
.■parts; yonder is a chap who d«n't seem to
p jm ney us.' »
Looking in tbe direction indicated, a
jingle man was observed, rifle in band,
tbe couple, as if not alto,
gethar satisfied' with their appearance,
'fle circled arouud over the prairie, as if
undecided whether the banters were
friends or foes.
' Shall we sot signal him to come for.
.ward V asked tbe young man.
' No; he will find us out soon enough.
.See ! be has already done so.'
Such proved 4o be the case. The hunt.
,*t t who WM evidently experienced and
"Let us have Faith that Right makes Mighty and in that Faith let us, to the end,dare our as we understand it"— A - I'TNOOT.W.
cautious, was now seen coming straight
toward the camp. TUe two sttrvfcv«>i him
closely as ho caul? up, and saw that he
was much older than either of tbeuj. He
was tall, rather full of frame, with long,
black, matted hair, and an habitual scowl
upon his feature*, that made his counte
nance unprepossessing iu the extreme.
Upon coming «p to the camp-lire he
halted witlj military abruptness; and, be
fore returning the salutation, looked di
rectly into the countenances of those be
fore hiiu. It did not escape the notice of
tl.o jyung uno that the i-cowl upon the
old ifuuter's face increased, umil it be
came positively fearful when he locked
upon himself.
' Have you been to supper V inquired
the young man.
'No ; was the curt reply.
' Will you take some of our meat V
' Yes.'
Ho was invited to help himself, and he
did so with a gu.ito that showed lie was
uot wanting in appetite, if he wns in man
ners. He asked no questions, and spoke
no words, except in reply to direct obser
vations. The young man saw soinothing
in the hunter, despite his savage manner
and forbidding appearance, that attracted
liiiu toward him, and he resolved to draw
him out if possible
' Do you coma from the fountains V
he asked.
' Yes.'
• Ou your way to the States V
' No.'
• Arc you going tiack again V
' Yes.'
< Do you hun,t ajone ?'
« Yes.'
' llow do you Wte it »'
4 Uinpli !'
' \\ by do you hunt alone ?'
The old hunter paused in his eating,
and tnriifd his dark eye full upon the
young uian iu a manner tfcat -was awful,
lie had evidently had enough of this im
puUence, and his interlocutor concluded it
IT *s heal nut to ' draw him out' any fur.
tlicr just uo«r.
It liie old hunter had been a-i otijcct of
curiosity to the young man, the position'
ot iff<irs was no# reversed. The lornier
appeared to discover something iu the
laiicr that excited his curiosity, und gazed
al hull as if ho Would penetrate his very
Whatever were ihe thoughts of the old,
10 1.1, ho contented himself merely iu look
lug, and ultered neither a question nor a
word, unless directly addressed.
It was growing dark, when Sjar Cheek
again r< marked :
•if wc keep on at this rate we gliall have
ilieiu all here before uiorniug. Yonder
comes the tourlli man.'
Tie person alluded to was upon a mule
and came steadily and fearlessly forward,
as if no such tiling as fear ever entitled t
his h a I.
4 look ye for red skins,' he said, as lie
rode by, and nodded good-uaturedly to
them all.
' Where from?' inquired Scar Cheek.
1 From the Ksaw.' (Kansas )
'l'hu m w-conier was about tilty years of
age,alibis weaj hair contrasted strangely
with his daik, b.onzcd features, upon
ttbich care and misfortune were sirougly
stamped, lie was ouly half elad in the
miserable skins he wore, ycl there was a
look of good nature aud Iraukiiess about
him thai would have imptessed any one
the first tnuc be saw him.
' Looks rather comfortable here,' he ob.
served, as be dismounted from bis mulci
aud came forward. 4 Sartiu you was red
skins wben 1 hist set eyes on you, and it
look me some tune to find different.'
4 We have secu no Indians to-day,' re
plied the young mail.
4 That's no reason to think they ain't
about. 1 seed signs this morning, but
uoue since i come in these pacts.'
Do \jou hunt with them !' inquired the
new.comer, in u low meaning tone, care
ful thai be seuld be overheard by no one.
, 4 No; i have uever been with them un
til to-day.'
• Good,' was the comment upon ,tliis.
While this fragmentary conversation
wa.- going on, the trapper was engaged in
uusaddling his mule and preparing for the
night's rest, lie showed a partiality for
the young man, and the latter, siuce his
advent among lliem, had felt drawu tow.
aid him, aud experienced a strong repug
nance tiMtard Scar Cheek and the scowl
ing hunter.
The dilapidated trapper, after unsad.
dliug his mule, carefully staked him: and,
taking a scat by the fire, produced a short,
black pipe, and Jbegau smoking it. Bo- \
fore doing so, lie carefully examined the
priiuißg of his rifle, shaking tbe powder
into the pah, i*nd adding a few more graius
to it. Then placiug a thin, dry skin over
it to keep out the damp, he shut the pan.
The group watched him, but be paid
little oi-flo heed to them, while Sear Cheek'
seemed more interested than the other.-',
aud manifested a strange uneasiness. He
examined his own rifle, and loosened the
pistols at his belt as though they iucom.
uiodcd him.
The young man find the hunter with
the scuwi looked at each other, but said
Now that they were all seated around
the fire, tbe four manifested a disposition
to engag6 in conversation An obseivtr
of human nature, however, would have
detected that, upon the part of every one,
except the yonng tuan, this was eutirely
forced. I
It was as if all three were suspioiov*
of each other, and took tbis method of
quieting tbe others' suspicions. It was
uoticeable, further, that not one of tbe
four inquired the others' cames. 1 his
was singular iu itself, to say nothing of
their suspicious deportment toward each
4 How are furs down in St. Loyis ?' in.
quired the last arrival.
• Sellin' low,' returned Scar Cheek.
'Dunoo what's to become of us hunters
if tbey much lower,' added the trap
per pith the black eyes and the forbidding
« A fellow can't make much more than
togo on a decent spree.' „
'Aud there is the ri-fe you run from the
Indians,' said the young man, anxious to
I«et> the conversation going, new that it
had startcc. ' I have found that's the
worst part of the business. I<n>t spring,
wlion I had got my peltries down to the
head-waters of the Kausas, I had to IcaTe
them all, aud was then just able to get
"•Wooffcj that's jet the fun of the
thing!' exclaimed the hunter with the
scowl. 'lf it wasu't for the kuife-stickin'
and hair-raisin', I'd give up the profes
si( n altcgeth r, aid emig»te.'
' When you get older,' said Scar Check,
1 that'll bo the port you'll like about the
bi s'nerg. It «oakes a fell w sharp, too.'
The ragtid trapper took his pipe from
his mouth, and lookml at the speaker with
a curious stare, that made him uneasy and
restless again. Then, replacing his pipe,
he looked into the coals, as before, aud
did not raise his eye for a long time.
1 1 count it rather curious that I have
uot seeu the sign of an Indian to-day,'
said ibe young man, this tunc addressing
himself to Sear Cheek.
112 Kij very cuiious about it,' replied
the latter. • I've been further West than
this, and have triuiped day in and day
out, wi bout g> tang a (quint at a red.
' You do not generally go a fool ?'
'No; my horse gave out last week,
down ou the Kansas, and 1 had to lrnvc
hi in. It ain't the best way of doin' this
gom' afoot, l'ui on tlio look out for an
animal, and hope to ca<ch one before I'm
a week older.' ,
4 Both of you have hunted and trapped
lor tnaiiy yeais, 1 suppose !'
The luan with the scowl nodded his
head, aud Sear Cheek made answer :
' Yes, 1 have been at it a good many
•' i'.Q.V l>'-e it?
The trapper who was looking in the fire,
raised his head and looked into the lace
ol Scur Check, as if waiting for his an
swer. The latter showed some unrest as
he spoke : • Some times I does, and then
again 1 doesn't. I've been at it so long,
howsuiuevcr, that I s'puse I'll stick to it
1111 go under.' Tlio trapper smiled and
lowered his head, as though sati.-lied with
ilie a iswcr. it was observable, aud no
d.iubt noticed by this man, that, although
he plied the others with questions, yet
they tilled to utk a jungle one of lii^o.
« You are alone, also—that is,'you nave
no animal,' pursued the young man, ad
dressiug the scowling hunter w ho respond
ed, ' Yes.' l ls it your own choice!' ask
cd' the quc.rept. 4 Injms! exclaimed the
aeuwl. 4 A good reason; you seem to'
take it philosophically,' said tlio young
man ; I could scarcely get along without
mine.' 4 Y'ou are a younkeryet,' said he
of the scowl. ' 1 know ; this is a sad life
for lue;' aud the old look of woe came
back to the face of the y.oyng man, as he
turned and g.-ixed into tin) emkcTs before
him. Tears t ( riekled down from his eyes,
and dropped upon his bauds. The silent'
ragged trapp r, without turning his head,
1 'oked steadily toward him. There seem
ed to be something in that young, sad
lace, that stirred his soul to its very
depths. His brows contracted, and he
set his lips as if to keep his feelings,
but ho never uttered a syllable. His
breath teemed to be deeper, and lie grasp,
ed his rifle, as if it might escape him.—
Scar Cheek aud his companion, who sat
on the other side of the lire, occasionally
exchanged glances, and stuoked harder
than ever; but neither of them spoke to
the other, nor to the other two; and the
silence became really painful. The young
remained, for some time lost in h:s
Sorrowful reverie ; aud, for several min
utes, the ragged trapper never ri moved
his gaze from liiiu. The group formed a
study for p juiater. Uctweeu tlio threo
eldest there was, evidently, the greatest
mistrust—nut the uitural mistrust which
individuals feel toward cacti o her when
thrown together, and kuowing nothing of
their mutual intentions. Under ordinary
circumstances, these men,, meeting as they
had, among the great solitudes, jvould
have been attracted together as brothers,
liut there was something more thin this.
There was some dread secret in their past
lives, which roso liko a wall of llackness
between them. Some of these had cn
. countered each other before, all ->ugli the
youngest of the four failed to suspect it.
The conversation which we have stated,
as has already been hinted, was nit spon
taneous but forced. The impulse of each
and all was to silence, and the conversa
tion now fell dead. The ragged trapper,
who had disdained to join in it for some
time, maintained precisely the same po
sition us before, while the youngest ap
peared to love tbo communion of bis own
thoughts better than aoything else, and
made no attempts to resume the discourse
which bad ended so suddenly. Scar Cheek
and his comrade smoked, and occasionally
looked at oacli other, but neither broko
the profound silence. Far in the distance
tbe'wail of tbe wolf was heard; and, after
a while, it was answered from another
quarter; but it excited no remark from
the group of hunters. Like statues they
maintained their several positions. Tbo
night wore on ; and all, save Scar Cheek,
were unconscious of tbe passage of tiiue.
At length he began to look from one to
the other, aa if to receive some suggestion
from tbom > and, observing tbe same stolid,
absent look in each, be said :
4 It's gettin' purty late into tbe night,
and I propose we »el our watch and turja
in.' This remark arouscd'tieiu all, and
each arose to his feet, as if to yawn and
stretch before lying down. After consult.
iog together for several minutes, the man.
Ncr of watch was agreed upon. It was de
cided that it should be equally divided
among the four, eaeh standing guard for
two hours; tbeold.trapper taking the first
watch, the young man next, and Scar
Cheek and be with the scowl following.
The latter, from the lateness of the hour,
it was certain, would find his watch com
posed more of day fban of night. This,
t|ien, being decided, the three men lay
down in their blankets, and the old rag
ged trapper took his position as sentinel.
It was a bright, moonlight night, and
over that barren, wild waste of prairie nut
a sound was heard, as tho three lay sleep
ing upon tjie ground. The union was
nearly overhead, and its light revealed
objects at a great distance. The old trap
per scanned every portion of the prairie
visible, but saw nothing to exeito suspi
p on. The two mules oould bo sees upon
the ground—they, too, i<erc asleep. 11c
alone was awake and conscious, and the
cuioliou9 that wcro surging through his
bosom would have diivcn away sleep for
many and many a night. Trailing his
rifle, ho paced slowly backward and for
wardj looking out upon ihe prairie, and
then gazing upon tho furun by the smoul
dering fire. Frequently he stopped short
iu his walk, and muttered, brokenly :
' It cannot be he,' hi said; ' but it is so
long ago, und that scar may have dis
guised him.' Ho resumed uis walk, but
shortly paused again. 'That boy, too;
it's mighty strange how 1 feel drawn to
ward him. l'oor fellow ! he -don't know
Again he paced backward and forward,
bis head beit, and muttering to himself.
So occupied was he with his thoughts
that a horde of l'awnees might have sto
len up to camp and seized him uud the
others brfors bo could havo suspected
tbeir presence.
"That villiati," ho exclaimed, stopping
short and shaking his head ; 'Mb»t villain
with the Feowl 1 ain't mistaken about.
I'd know him if I hadu't seen him for fif
ty years. I must Jo it.
The trapper noiselessly approached the
sleeping men, and, kneeling down gazed
upon the features of each, and scauned
them narrowly.
If there had remained a particle of
doubt in his mind regarding their identi
ty, it was now removed.
llisiug to bis feet and walking off some
distance, he stood several moments ener
getically muttering and gesticulating, as
tlinug'.h e were debating them utter with
some oue. He was arguing with con
science, 1 ut not long, for the latter shrunk,
back, trigbtcd at Ins vchemipcc.
"7/ ghull be!" bo exclaimed, louJ
—-» .u *l.v ol<- r »o. , l[u j
turning on Ins heels again approached
the gioup.
Judgtii.r by the Gf-ys that his watch
was up, bo approached the young man
aud touched him • u bis shoulder.
As he opened his <cycs he pressed his
linger on bis lips to command silcuce, and
motioned for linn to follow.
Tbey walked fully a hundred yards
without stopping, and then the trapper
paused, and turning the young man so
that the moon might shine in his face, be
looked wistfully at his feature*.
. 'Are you Walter Hamilton?'
The young man started wildly, but tho
trapper motioned to him to keep silence
while bo said: 'Enough! enough' no
doubt remains. I aui your uncle,' be
'and that man wi'h the scar is
the man who murdered your father, and
lie with the scowl bis convicted mo of
forgery under falso oath.'
The young man turned pole, and ho be
came fearfully excited.
'Are you ready 1' asked the trapper.
He pressed bis b.ind by way of reply,
and moved toward tho 'camp.
'Hold !' said the trapper; 'not in cold
blood ; give tbem a chance.'
They cautiously returned to the camp,
and found both men asleep. Un: le and
uephew stood over them. Sear t'beui
was breathing bard and irregularly,
be suddculy called out :
'I did not kill Wal'er Hamilton.'
'Li'ir !' soid tho trapper, in a voice of
thunder, tbe twu sleeping men bounded
to tbeir feet.
'Red-skins about V they nsised together.
'No ; worse than red-skins,' replied ;be
troppcr. 'John Hamilton is here!' and
raising his knife, ho plunged it iuto k'ear
Cheek's head.
'Then take that!' said he wi'h the
scowl, and raising his piece, the trapper
fell a corpse.
With a bound and a wild cry, the
young man sprang at tbo murderer of his
uncle. The struggle was fearful, and
terrible blows were given and exchanged,
but the elder was taken at a disadvantage
from the suddenness (if the attack, and
received several fatal wounds before ho
could do anything biuise.lf. Finally, he
fell exhausted, aud speedily expired.
The young liuotcr remained alone, but
his father and uncle were avenged.
—"Nearly opposite Hallonell, on the
bank of (be river, stands the famous haun
house of Chelsea. It is an old square
building, and tbe very picture of deser
tion ; tbo doors and windows being out,
tbe out-bouse ID ruin.s, and tbo fences
broken down. For quite ft number cf
years attempts hart been made to inhab
it itj but annoyances by eight and by
day, of a mysterious character, have al
ways driven away tbo occupants. A pa
trol stationed in every direction, and the
examination of every nook and corner
within during theso disturbances, have
failed to give any satisfactory clue to tbeir
origin. An interval of years, during
which tbe building remained vacant,'did'
not ic any wise abate the evil. Though
! the owners offer a free rent, no onoacan
be any longer found with tbe oourago to
' accept it."
"I ick, I am afraid tho old min has
faksft ft intj his head to seffd y&uadrilti"
Why, what can you mean, l'liilip?''
Ouljr that lie was talking Very earn
estly with Mr. Oglethorp as I wont iuto
tho room jost now, auij t.ljoy ceased very
discreetly on my entrance. I took the
liberty of waiting outside tho 4oor til'
tho conversation was re. umed,and I hear I
enough to sitisfy lue that Oglcihorp ha ß
a nephew who is about to take your
place 112"
"What did you overhear?"
'•Merely a sentence from each. Ogle
thorp said : 'So you think my nephew
will have no difficulty in filling the place
of your head clerk/ iho Heale replied:
■None whatever, and the other cleik,
l'liilip Warden, has been in my estab
lishment a long time, and he can give
hiiu a little insight info our business al
furs if need he ' I did not wait to hear
more, but that is enough I should tliink."
'"So it would seein," was the reply, in
a tone of deep despondency.
"It is mean in tho old man to dis
charge you, and equally strange; if it
was uic now, I should nit think it HO old,
*.Ait lie all along seemed [to thick fio
much of you. Rut 'tis just like him,
always doing something outofthe way.''
Richard Wilkin* was too sick at heart
to reply. lie turned tothedesk nnd en
deavored to concentrate his wandering
thoughts upon Ills work, but in vain
Tho pon droppod lioui his finger*, and
leaning his head oh hie hand he gave lull
scope to hi* sorrowful and indignant feel
ings. When the two gentlemen emerg
ed froiu Mr. lieale'a private room he
started like oue guilty of a secret crime,
and snatching tho pen, pre'ented to he
all absorbed in .his duties. His flurried
mannor, to different from his u-ual quiet
Ci»iupot« e, was noticed by his em] loyer,
who drew his own crnciusi ms thetefr m.
Mr. Ogle thorp w:is lcturuing to hi' home
in ISaltiinorc. His friend accompanied
him to the steamboat, and on returning
closely observes his two clerks as hu
sauntered back and forth through the
store, l'hilip's appearance iudicted noth
ing unusual; but Utchard, though lie had
t .it,. a hts customary Oompi;-
suio, could not pievent a slight hesitan
cy and constraint when replying to Mr.
Beale's ca ual remarks.
Several days after, Mr. Bcalc brought
Richard a letter to seal and deposit it in
the postolfico as lie went to dinner. At
the same time lie sent I'hilip to a neigh
boring store on business, which w. uld
dct:in liiin some little time - he then re
turned to his private room. Left to him
self, lliehard gaated on the superscription
of the letter, long and earnestly. "D.
o{;le(horp, Esq., Ualtimoro"—the words
secerned burned into Jiis bruit/. What
would he not give to kuow the contents
of that letter? Doubtless it related to
the nephew thai vras to supplant him.—
lliehard hesitated, turned (he letter over
and over. Why could he qot glance iu
to it? It was scaled—he would hetray
no conSilcuce by doing ro most of (he
business letters wore given him to ans
swer, and certainly to one living would
he reveal the contents, whatever they
be. 'J lioso reflections overcame
his strong repugnance to the act, und
with trembling hand ho opened the let
ter and read :
"DJCAII Sltt : I wi.-jh your nephew to
arrive, if possible, by Tuesday, the 30th,
as on that day young Wilkins' year will
have expired, and it is deniable that his
succcvs >r should be oil the spot to enter
immediately On his duties.
Truly, yours, J. DEALS."
The blood rushed ; t) Richard's brow
as he tcad. I'or on instant he forgot the
consequences to himself of tho threaten
ing blow cf indignation of his employer's
Four years ho murmured, bitter
ly, ay, four years next Tuesday. I enter
ed this store. Not once since that day
fas lie had occasion to reprove me for
the slightest or oversight, sle/n
aud cxaetiug as he is. I have given DO
cause for complaint, and that is the end
this is lay reward. lam to bo dis
charged to make room lor one of his
friend's connection's connections, lam
thankful I opened the letter —now I can
prepare for his treachery.
With a calmness that surprised hiic
self, the clerk sealed the letter, and drop
ped it in the post-office as directed. Ou
his way back to his employment he call
ed at tile /Counting rooni of a merchaut,
whom, as otie of Mr. Beale's acquaint
ance, ho well knew Richer! wiohed to
make inquiries, in an indirect way, for
a situation, but while he was striving to
form some question to this end, the gen
tleman came to his relief, by asking if
he knew any young man in need of a
situation wbosu bo could reoommend to
him. as he had a vacancy for a ojerfc.
Richard eagerly offered ' liimßalf. Mr
Curtis was surprised that bo should wish
to leave his old place, but gladly acccn
tod Mai, having lorig Admired the integ 5
ri'y and striet application of the yount;
man, whoso praises ho had ficquoi.tfy
heard from Mr. Isea!e. The yearly sal
ary was named; it was one hundred dol
lar.i more than Ilichard was now recoiv
nig; and having cngagod IQ enter upon
the duties of his new place on ilia fol
lowing Tuesday, ho went with a light
heart to his old pnipicyihent. He did
not mention his intention to' Mr. Rca!c.
so the week passed without *Mr. Curtis
visiting the stole. He hoped ho had not
mot his emj liyer, for Richard hada wish
that the latter should not licar how his
treacherous scheme had been defeated
til the last mouient.
Oil Monday evening Biehard knocked
at tho d:>or of Mr. Jieulu's room, and in
as few w< rJs as possible requested the
wa«;es due liiiL*, as he was engaged togo
to another house on tcAiorrow.
1 i have known of your engagement
since Wednesday," said Mr. Ucalc; "Mr.
Curtis informed me of it. May 1 ask
tho motive of this secret and unusual
proceeding on your part'! 1 believe 1
gave you no cause fur go sudden a deter
mination to quit my employment, did
' Xo cause !" Richard repeated, bitter
ly. "Ob, no sir, no causo, of course—
the clerk is ouly tho dupe, the flave of
the merchant, and has no right to com
plain of any [conduct, however iniqni>
Jo'iis, of which l.c is the victim."
''Your sawm is rather out of place,
young mar.," ropliel Mr.- Ueale, coolly.
' I at-ked if I had given j(.u any cause
of ((Fence. I know I have not; you
finely imagine that I have, and thus im
agii.c that I I.are, and thu.i imagining,
you have done yourself a great injury
Nay, *>o questions, I will tell you all
On the day that Mr. Ogla'horp was here
[ noticed a great alteni'.ioD iu jr.urboks
y< ur words, your whole' Conduct. I MIS
peofed at once that I'hilip had ovcihcard
.pur conversation, and repeated it to you.
incjusequenca of which you were dii
turbed iu wind. 'i bis was natural, an
I was far from blaming you ; but it af
forded me an opportunity for a test which
I had [tculiar reapon fir desiiing t« ap
ply. I penned a brief note to .Mr. Og
k'-horp, gave it to you to tcabund wa.cli
ed your proccodiug from that window.
1 t bought the temptation would provo a
severe one, and if ymi arose superior to
it, I need never «iavc any fears concern
ing you. I was right, tho temptation
was strong—t )o strong for your hun.>r or
tj Witlistin I. [ si'v you open
the letter—'l was enough. I did not at
all wonder when I h ;arl of joti apply 'ng
lor a new situation; you tbougt that I
was acting treacherously to you, and that
you would outwit mr."
Mr. licule ceased, and looked fixedly
at Ilicliar J, whoso whole countctianca
was suffused witli blushes as the true na
turc cf his conduct was brought thus
c;. : ,uily to his vitw. ID liia indigmtnt
feelings he had not tijl this moiucut
thought of his dorelietion of principle in
opening a letter not intended for his in
spection; uiw he was overwhelmed with
•shame and rcm>»rse, tjr he was naturally
uprigl.t and ingenuous.
Mr. iical J saw his confusion, an 1 turn
ed to hid desk to pay what was duo of
Richard's salary, but firct taking tome
papers tiom a secret drawer, throw theui
oti the table before the young man.
"All this is rt au end now," he said,
"but you may sec how unjust your sus
picions wpre to nie,how injurious to your
self, as I said awhile ago."
Richard's eyes ware intently bent up
o.i the pipers One was in the merchant's
hand writing, a uitice of Richard Wilk
ins having boon admitted as a junior part
ner into his own and established business
Gnu; the others were necessary business
papers relating Utpreto, Richard contin
cd gazing at theui as jffacinatcd, till the
merchant's voice broke the spell.
•'Well, young uian; do you understand
the matter uow
I l, Oli, sir," BaiJ Richard, turning his
I ryes imploringly on him, and then ana
! ble to repress his tortured feelings, he
boot his head on the table to conceal the
fast gushing tears.
"llogret is unavailing,'' said Mr. li< • e
in his clear, cold tones. l 'l had every
reason to place confi lence in in you
During these years L have observed
your conduct closely. It was such as to
satisfy me; and resolving to reward yonr
strict integrity aud faithlulucsg, I had
dc.'tded to tuke you into partnership, as
you iea by these papers, prepared nearly
t .o months ago, and only awaiting the
siguitures aud date. My friend, Mr. O'j
lathcrp, had frequently mentioned his
iifl[ haw, w how lie much desired mo to
oiupli>y. At his Inst vijit I aijroedHo do
'' r ;:S i"y intention lo j»i»e you no
iijtreeuMc..surprise to lOttUW£JAL ftere
"l■ ail iny arrango
mmts secret fortunately, a, I now see,
112 r Biy wh'.ia em.tAd tiiT- U icH' the
s,rcl S •» of your 112 rincipies."
' Oh, if )-ou Ctuid opljr J«£gjyo me,
Mr iJealc," cxelniuied Richard, implor
ingly. "It wus my first error in this re
gard -I am fUIO J t w ;|] mj j m{ „
For all answer, M Bealo quietly push
ed the tiudey ho had counted over to
liichurd, and pickidg up the papers,tore
tlicm into ?mi II fragments. The young
man looked sadly at them, but knowing
that rcmoustrance>r eutreaty was aliko
unavailing in tho stern man, ho by n
3 ' r °ng effort conquered his emotion, and
taking up his money, bowed his thinks
and farewell to his late employer, and
turned to leave the room. As lie laid
his hand on the door knob, ho paused
and ask«<d, inn ' still faltering Toioe, if
M . Curtis was informed of allthis.
''No, I did not think it necessary
speak pf it," said M . Ueale, "for I had
reasou to lliink it was your first depart
ure (rem the straight road; and though
all business connection* between us has
ceased, jet I would not injure your rep
uta'ion by revealing an act which I
thought you would regret. You will find
Mr. Curtis a more indulgent employer
than the ono you are leaving; your sala
ry will be larger than it has been here,
so that on the whole, perhaps, you are ao
lo3er, and I nope for your sake that your
frst error will provo also your last."
Richard sadly loft the store. On tho
morrow ht entered on the duties of Jbif
new situation. It proved agreeable, and
the addition to his previous salary was of
groat use to hnn; but what conld silence
remorse for tho act by which he had not
only lost so much in a pecuniary point
or view, tot also sunk immeasurably iu
his own estimation. lie profited by the
lesson, however. Years after he found
himself in a position prosperous and ea
vioin as that which he had forfeited ia
narly manhood; but to his dying day ha
never tried to banish the humiliating but
iihitnry recollection of hio first and last
deviation from tho straightforward path
of honor and integrity.
—At our school feast, writos tho Super
intendent, every h-id exhibited a
tolerable appetite, but one boy had eaten
to repletion, so that when I saw him sud*
denly turo very pale, and attempt to riso
from tho table, I began to fear that ho
had made himself ill.
" What's the matter, my good boy?"
inquired [, whiJc a sympathizing throng
of philanthropic ladies, who had been
acting as waiters upon the company, gath
i red around tho sufferer. "Do you feci
" My stomach aches, Sir,'-' replied bh#
boy, with great distinctness.
"I'ear me !" said I, almost suffocated
with my endeavors to repress laughter;
"don't you think you had better go
hoaie ?"
" No, no, Sir," roplied tho lad, with
determination. "It will aohe a precious
s:ght more ttjort 1 ha' done ici him I"
And I am bound to say that he did not
submit to the threatened dictation, but
devoured two slices of cold pudding in
addition to his precious supplies, as well
as au enormous hunch of bread and chfeee.
—Cousin Charley is th? (post precious
youngster that it was ever my lot to know,
u t summer he And his little sister paid
me a visit at my farm in Orange County.
One day when I was taking them out for
a drive a robin reu™reast flew past and
alighted on a fence near at hand.
"Ob, what a beautiful little bird !" ex
claimed, Jennie.
"Yes," I said; "but it's a very naugh
ty bird; it eats up all the cherries."
"What is its name 7" asked Jennie.
Charley who had been listening atten
tively to wluc had been said, turned tcr
waul me with a self-satisfied expressitn
on his little face and shouted out: "I
know; it's cherry pec(k)toral; isn't it
—lt is related of Rov. "Robin, of
F , that he once entered a store and
b Jlight, among other things, some eggs,
One of tho by-standers observing bin*
put them in his pocket, told hiua to be
careful not to sit on them. "Yes," said
the divine; "but did you never know a
robin to sit on hen's eggs without halt
ing them 7"
deed, because it has a shifting crown.",
"Uood, but net correct. Because thsre
is no mow dying or pprtinj thejrj !'*