THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. Bcq'. p i AM~nviw S?pt 19.1866, ta)~ court commences on next .Won day. Jfew"l'or waut of space we are compell ed. to leave out several communications, nnd other interesting matter, which will appeal in our next Gkauy Club. —The liutler Geary Club will meet in the GaanJ Jury Room on Saturday evening, the J2nd inst., at 7 o'clock, p m. A general attendance is requested AYantkp. Kight Teachers to fill the Public Schools of Butler tp ,for the term of four months—meet with the director* ■nt Faller's School House, near ltu>lcr,on the firjt Saturday of Oet.bcr next, at 1 •o'clock, I'. M. Preference given to male freachers —good wages will be given. liy order of Hoard, W«. Stoops, See'y. Horrid Accidtiil. As the Presidential party were mak ing their way eastward, they stopped a short at the depot at Johnstown. — Here the platform of the depot which extended over the bed of the old canal, at an elevation of about twenty fict. gave way, precipitating about 7 maki! a merry cvfniiij. It is ({lven sway { gratuitously by Wau imaker iV Hruwn,| I lie popular 0 lot liiura, Oak Ilali, S. lv corner Otli and Market St* , I'iiiladclpliiu. and any body fr«:t it by ouclo.inj; tlicii address m>J a two cent stamp for t'.e ■ lai.-taue. Tlio I'alr. Tlie managers of the Butler County Agricultural and Stock Afcsociiti .11 are rapidly pushing to completion the neccs k iry arranpeinents tor the coming fair. Several hand» are busily engaged ten e'ng the ntw grounds and prcf ailing tl e track. We are assured that nothing will | be lull undone that may he necessary, so i far as they are concerned, to make our j October fair a grand success. We are j informed that there will he a Flying ; lloisc on the grounds for the nccomnioda t inn and aniu.-euieut ot all that may dc- | t- re the sport. • We ;:re also informed that a game o! ]sa*c Hall will lie played on the grouiu'g on one of tlio days of the l'air, hy the Keystone Club of Buth r. Scientllic. The art of diagnosing diseases by the simple inspection of th>! urine has been practiced by many medical men; but tltt j attention of the medical world h is lately been called to the subject more by the valuable scientific treatise of l'rof. Old shue, M. !>.,ot l'ittsburgli, I'a. He has ilcaionstrnted beyond a d.iubt, that by close ocular ex limitation, scientific cliein ; ical aralysis, and correct microscopic ot> | s.'i'vations of urinary deposits, a most iin portant auxiliary to correct diagnosis is to i be attained iu nearly every disease. Arid 1 so well has he maiuta.ned this view, both hy theory and by its practical application iu the numerous that have been presented to him, that his office is one constant throng af patients, lie makes the most critical examination of every case, and however complicated may be the disease, seldom or never tails to len der satisfaction, when a reasnnable hope can be entertained Scientific knowledge thus practically applied, must ren ler more definite and intelligible this peculiar biuueli, and from what we know of tlie ■uau and his extensive practice, we would recommend those wishing medical aid to call ou him. Office and residence No. 132 Grant s' , Pittsburgh, I'a. The I.imlj 's Friend, for October. The October number of tins charming ]>eriodical, opens with n beautiful and suggestive engraving, illustrative of the interesting story of " Hugh Maxwell's lleir." The double colored steel l'asbiou l'late is as elegant and rcfiucd n- usual. The other illustrations refer to the Fash ions, aud lady's work, such as the Work liasket with I'ockets, Dress with High Waist aud Kcuiovable Basque, Canezou of Tulle and l.aee, Biding habits, Siaui oig Bonuet. Triauo i Bonnet, Ae., itec.— Hit Music is '.lie u Queen of Summer " Among the literary contents we notice '•Second Love," by Mrs. Ilopuier; "The Magic of the Suubcnn " The story of a i'roud Heart," by (.iabrielle Lee; "The Bachelor Angered," by Mattie Lyer Britts ; "The Disputed I'atri nony," by Auber Forestier; "Winter time" by Horcuce Percy, author of " Bock Me To Sleep;" Edkoriuls, Bcceipts, Fashionable Intelligeu e, &u. Price $2 50 a year; 2 copies S4 00; 8 copies (and one rjriitit) 81G. Specimen numbers will be sent for 15 ce^ts. Address Deacon & Peterson, 819 »nt Street, Philadelphia. I'IRCI'I.AR. To the Soldiers of Butler County. All houorabl; discharged Soldiers of Butler who »rein favor tf the election of Major Generall. I*l K KCTION ? —Tnko a ti-vp xinful in a wine-p'anH of water every half hour f»i t*\o h »urs, .ml futi the ab.l >- men aud extremities «*tl! with th«* Liniment. To allay the thirst bike a lump of ico in the m«ut!i, i lx'Ut tin- Kiy.e o| :i marble every ten luluutii It is wit ranted per fetilv inn n-:it totikf Intel ii Iv. H«dd by all pr-eel and Xd ci'iiti. l».'i»>t, 6J Co inland M , V -k- A S aj!« Box cf tiRANDRETH S PILLS Coitsin* mute vPjfetiblu extractive m it ler than twenty boxes of any pdU any where in th.- world besides; fifty Ave li.idi.nd llv;m in their practice to the exrbuii'ii of olh°r purgatives. Tlie first letter of their VHiueis jet scarcely u.»preciat«d hen they are bet ter kn wii. a Ritdde'i >rd an inv.ilu ilde aud elMcient protection. Ily t'uir occ.iSiotul Utc we prevent the r dlecti'inof those imparities which. wh":i In snfflcient j •tu.'int itir- cau-e mi miieli dinger t» the b.iys heilth. | They S.H.I, eiue l.iv. r t otnplalnt. |)Vipep-i:i. l.o«- .if Ap ) etite, I'miti in the lleail, I « irtl uiu. Pain in Ktei t-tf | Hulie. Sudtleti K tiiitue . mid Costivo iesi. .«■»»! I i>. e ,i'l I re'pectiild * Dealers In .Me«lle|n $1,500 .MIM'! l*i I'ttoV ;> » s e\v lug Much hi •*. Thrri-tieiv kinds In der and up| et f.-ed. .Sent on trial. W m ianreil five ye;u s. AlMive s:tlir> / h-'.„4,rl >•; ttmvr. ll 'h-'l- r «.'• Il'i7x''»i (Jrm-r ti Jf.ikrr.'Siitgfr tf- i'n , anrt li-irl,'h,r Alt other eheap iniK-liines are infringemrut» and the.jv//. r or ufr are tin hi* tn arrttt.Jint an I intprignnm-nl. Illustrated cir cul -r-i ient fr*c. A'lilr'»«,*or call upon tfhaw L Clark. «t lliddefur>!, Maine, or Chicago, ill. Jnne 27 ly*. A MONTH! -AOK\TS» wanted f-.r u? W tix entirely mm articles. Just out. A Idresti <». T liAItKV, City bulling. Bid le o l M,. WAM I |. UIK.NT." *7 i Ijo PKK MO.VTH loi \ t gentlemen, mil ?;»"> t > $75 for ladien, everym here, t • Introduce the Celebrated Common Sense K.unily Pew ihu machine, improved and |ierf«*cted It will hem. fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully Pi ice only s2>». making tlie elastic 1 * k stitch, aud fully warrant «il fir three years. W e pay the almve wages, or a e from which twice that amount can be made Addrrss with stamp, ot rail on C. HOW KKB i Co.. SalesrooiiM. No. JftftS.uth FIKTII Street, Philndel phi i. Pa. All letters answered promptly,with circulars and frtns. TIIK MASON a II AM LI N CAHIN'H T ORGAN.®, 112.. sacred and s«*cnlar music . fov»y different stvl<-s. fsoto jn.vie.ich. Firrroxt; HOLD on SILVLH \tr.t>- ALS, or fcther first pri'miuius nw n.led them. Iliti-»tra ti-iratdAitiie« A«i i. e-«. MASON A HAMLIN Boitoa, o. MAS >N ttROTttZIS. New York xKIV AttVi:it rm em ev rs. COOPERING. rpilK undersigne»| wonlil t ewpertfully notify the pul»- I lie thai he is engagad in he Con|ieriiuc bnsine-s. and i* fully prepare"i toin-ikeou shortest Notice aud iua V i II; KM VNLI K K >IA N N KH, alt artlcies in bis line «d bosinesa. Sb<*p west sids of Main >rr » t opposib-to tbe ither-p>i<>o Institute fept i, tf I) S Met Tl I.* • 1 i• 11. "NOTICE " \LL poi sons are hereby ca'ili«Hie«l n »t t » lake, reeelvt or buy n tei or Duo UllU g.ven t-. and payable to l»ai id ifcott, kisq., on condition tliat he. the said l»avid Scott, won 11 pr.shro Petisiotis for tbe soidier-< of the war of 1812; as said Scott did not, aud wss uuitblj tu procuiesaid rensinßs b r us. Mast Soloum or 1«12. Itutler. Anglial 2J. 18«6—It RJBIBOVAL. riIHE undersigned aunoun.-e* to the public tha/ she X has removed ler MLLUMATFLFLM. To the room ftirtnerly bv Wm, S. Ziegler. foui diH»rs Noith oi M' Alloy's -t ire, an I tiiat she has o« hand anil is conxtiutly receiving the choicest stick of MILLINERY GOODS. Ever offere«l t • the public • consisting of BONHETS, HTRAW GOODS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, And a full and general assortment of FINCY MILLINERY GOODS. Ttonn< t« d««ne up In the latest style. Thankful for |(a-«t fivors, we would still invite pur chasers to give u- a call. May 2d, 1 M4>-:imi MRS K IIKI'TZTIpHOEH. Krai l>.tute Agt-iu j. riMIE undersigned has opene«l*an office in Bntler, Ta. JL tar the purchase and sale of lteal Estate. Persoim ishiug to either sell or purchase Farms, or other Real Estate, will find it io their interest to tall oo me. 1 hir.e ou baud a number of g'Msl Farms, of various tixes ftir sale, on such forms as will suit purchasers. l'ar.>ons wishing ti> dispose of their Keal Estate, will j find it te their advantage to place it on my books j Those dssii iiij; to purchase can be suited, in variety I price and quality, by reference to tuy list. Any information in reference *o Heal Katai" in litis ounty, can bo obtained by applying by lettei ** or per nallv, to the ttu ler«ignr J.C llanee, George W Wade, GOs>igo Hunter. James I'wrs ins c.illiiii for an) of the above t-rs will plcaeo say thej ere Advertised. J. J. 82DWICK, Itmler, Sept 6, iHmi Postmaster. Ksrciiiin-'s Xolirc. I EITERB testamentary on the Kstsite of KlisAlx-Ui J J MoOie, late «>f Allegheny tp., d»*c'(l, have thin day t»cen yranted to the the Wttie are to m ike liumediiiie payment, and those havlnp claitu* will present them properly au thenticated f'»r settlement A»k-2l»,tt*yit. _ .li>ll N HAMS I'.x i. Trhi l Ijlml for Sopl. Term, 1800. FI R.ST U'KEK Wm. Fowler Ti Dnvid M*D->nald. Mm It I*Minr m vx i.vob 1N» i axper Kim v* llenry Htrntt. Mary I) .M Call, Adm x f<»r J ioe McDer mott ct al. Dirbnra l.t iixxH ts llenry Let bold. SECOND WEEK. M iUoti K . Putts vi \\ illiliert Fred .'rick ot al. Win. Stiii y rs Wm. Adams. Sp »nder *4 David viarshall, a \\ m. Mutrin, Kx'm *■< .Daniel Kelly Itachai-I Cow tn vs Mary M kinuh, 1-arc Knjllsli vs Robert Ailju. W m. Konjnei 11 itfcli A Win- Murrln, Ex'rs Mm Imvidson va John fteU'oid. Wm LaylOa v» I. Chambers, IL-nry limner sainmd l*nt*eiHoti, llnzliA WlO Murrln. Kx'm vs Duiiel Kelly, Adam l>etiii-k vs 'Hi-una* Richardn, Jidiu RiHftel vs Charles Corhran et al. Lvdia A vi Mai v ftionn et al John Nre ley Wm Vogeley et al Jatiies Call titer Jr. v.4 Janus (Jaililier. Hr. IlaiveyD. Thompson vs 1-aac spoa-lei ft al John I'i ire vs Win. Mardorf. Win. liu-n vs The School District of Oakland towndiln, Sutler County, Pa. W M. PTOOPS, Prbth'y. . Froth.Ml >tary's office; '22, lS'Ki. WUIIGKON I>KNTIHTH\ DRS.S. R. & C. L. DIEFENBACHER. rrr 4 iIE prepared toinser | * \ ,V. xV.i»rtiflclnl de ti tin le s ( -, ' t «»n Vulcanite, Coral , - :r '-- il ' A < Silv,! Patina l V improvement* in dentls ' § try, shonhl not fail to i ■J- •" examine theli new style* • i.f Vulrnniteand Coralite work. Killing, cleaning, I extracting 5%n«l adjusting tlio t#»eth done with the best ! material* nidi i the IrtWt manner. Particular Attention paid tochihbfii's teeth. As niechntiics. they defy coin j petition: ns o|»eratoi> they rank among the best. (.'liar | fern moderate. Advice free of charge. Office—ln Boyd IPiilding'.lofterfton Street, Butler I'a. Dec. 9, IbOa :::tf. Executor's Notice. NrOTH Kis hereby g ven l«etters Testmentnry on fnl within the Commonwealth to L'lve public notices of the Ueueral I.lections, and iu such uotke to enumerate- — l*t—l lie Officer* to be elected. 2d —Ib-ignnting the place* at Whifh the elections are to be h. Id I'berofore. I, \V 11 limit (). Ilrnrkctt< irtffe, Ili-rh Slier i , id of the County ot Itutler. «lo make k ~m,i and give j i till* pnb'lf not lei l to the Electors of the countv of Hut- > IT a t«ei»e« nl K ret ton will he hHd on the 2d Tne»day oCOciob-.*r 112 timing tlx- 9th day of the month,; at election Districts en - taldished by law ins lid county, at which time they will I j vofe by ballot for the several o.Deese, Ac,, hereiniltui One person to fill the office of Govern »r of the S'ate of Pennsylvania. One person for Congreas, In Conjunct on with Arai ■.torna eounty and tint part of county north of the Ohio and Alb glo nv rivers Four peruana for members of tlio II >uv.' of I!e;>ie{en latives of tin* general Assembly o. iVnnsylvonta, to represent the enmities of bntler, Lnuremeanl Mercer. Two jwrson* to till the office of Associate Judge fji the county of Butler. 4'tie person to till the office of Sheriff for the ccunty of Itutler. One person to fill the office of Prothouotary for the county af butler. Ooe person io fill the office of Register and Recorder f»a the county of Butler line person »o fill the officecf Clerk of the Courts if thf county of Butler. One person to fill ihe office of County C«mini-<»ioiior for tlie county ©I Builer. t>*e iwrsou to fill tbe olfice of Coroner f»r the c«mnty of Butler. Two person* to fill the office of Auditor for the coun ty ?f Butler. Three pe»*»n< for Trustees of the Butier Ao.ulc ny of Bntl. r c mity The .said Klections will be ho'.d th Coon ty ii- follow*. * The ele. t >rs of Ad tins township, M thr house of J ?* Ijouthett Tbe el ctors of Allegheny township, at the home of James M M iban. Jr. Tin* idiN-torsof UutTalo township,*at the ho ise tf Rob rt J. tire g. now Geo. Trubv Th ele t »r* of township at the bouse of ' Mrs. Faller TheetHi-tor* of Brady* township, at tbe honstf of Z«- I phaniuh Snyder l b»* elei t. r» of ClvirU. Id towns lp, at the hons - of Jobntircen The el««t «r« of Clinton township, at tbe house of John !' Kiddle. The i-l»i tors of Concord tiWMhip. at the house of 1 John M'l.aughlin. Tne electors of clay t iwnsbip, at the h >ll4O of Wil liam M..'ill. The electors ot Centre township, at the hour* of' John (loon The electors of Cherry township, at the house of W illlan. Lmdsey. Tue ele- tor* of Coi township, at the i house of M. F White, in Wbltestown j The electors of Cranberry tow.iship, at th bouse ol ' Smith Ri»*. The ele. tor-of Donegal township, at tbe hou*.* of Mrs A I) Wib a. in Mlllersiown The ele tor* or Fair view township, at tie house of Roiiett Itay, n«»w <» M.'Oimey. The el. Ct. rs of Forward township at tha house of K"t»ert II Brown. The electors of Franklin township, at tne 8 hool (loose, in the borough of Pn»sj»ect The ebi tors of Jackson township, at the house of Henry Wolf, now Jaeoi* Scho» nr.. m Harmony. The electors of Jfftlion township, at the house of Thomas Welsh. de« e.ise«l The electors of Lancaster township, at the public School House No 5. The electors cf Middlesex township, at tbe house of George Coi»p-r I The em-tori of Marion township, at the house of 1 Ro >ert Gilchrist ! The electors of M uddycreek township, at the 7 own : Ha 1, in Portersvtlte. The electors of Mercer township. attheTowu 11*11 | iu the lH>rough of Harrisville. 1 The electors of Oakland township, at the house of | William M'Cluug. The electors of Parker township, at the house of John Martin, now John Kelly, iu Martinshurg i The electors of Petin township, at the house of I John Maharg, Jr , lie's store) ! The of Summit township, at the house of Adam Frederick The electors of Slipper v rock township, at the School House at the north end ufttt e borough of CentreviHe. I The electors iu Venango township, at the hcuseof James Ksble. The elsotors of Wiufleki township, at the School bou*e No. 5, iu said township. The electors of Washiugtou towuship, at the Town j Hall, iu Nortu Washington | The electors of Worth lowuship, at the bouse of \V : Humphreys • The electors of tbe Borough of Butler, at theCour i house, iu said borough ! The electors of the borough oft; tLe I Cfihecl The elector* of the borousjh of Zelienople, ut the Coutwil House, in tu id borough 1 NUII Iv lei UtilttilSY «iIVEN". 1 -That every person. excepting Sustlcea of the Peaca wh> «K:«4I hold any odbe or prollt or trust under toe Government of the United States or of this State, or of any citv or incorporated district, wh< ther a c »nt niiasinucn officer or agent, who is or 1 he employ ed tinder the Legislative, Executive or Judiciary d*e pattitientof this Mito.or of the United States, or anv city or incorporated district, and alscthat every mem ber of Congress and tlie Stute.LeglsUlturo, and of the Select Of Comnjon Council of uny city, or Commis sioners pf mw incorporate# district, is by law inca pable of holding or exehilsillg at the same time the of lice or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or Clerk of any election of this* 'ommonwealth.and that no Judge I iispec-tur, or other officer of such election shall lie el igible to any ott<;e when voted for. And the s tld Act <>f Assembly, entitled "An >lct Heating to the ehetious of tliis Commonwealth, passed Jiily'id, Ih-30. provides as follow*, to wit : "That the Judge and Inspector*, chosen as afore said, shiill meet ut their respective places appointed for holding the election In the district to which they respectively lirloitg. before 7 o'clock in the,morning of the Second Tuesday if October, in each aud ever, year and each of the Said Inspector* shall Lpooint one clerk, who shall be a quulitr.-d voter of said dis trict " '•ln case the person who should receive the second h'l o-st n.uuber of volet tor Inspector shall not attend uu the d iv of anv election, then the person who sti ill have received theaerond higher number of .rotes 112 r Judge at 'he in st preceding cle« tion. shall a« t .is In s|Kct'*r in his place, and in case the j>ersoii who shall have received the highest number of votes fof Inspec tor shall not uttci.d. the present election /udge shal appo>nt au inspector in hts place, nml in case the perl sou «lotted J nd 40 shall n>t attend, then the inspects whore cived the highest number of votes shall ;.p --poiut a Judge iu his place; and if any v.icauc) shall continue iu the board for the space of one hour after the time llxed by tor the opening of the » lection, tit* quail lied v dersoftlte township, Ward.ui district, lor w.deli such offers shall have been elected present nt the place wf election, shall elect ou» of theif num ber to 1111 surli vu am y. '•lt shall be the duty or S.tld Assessors, res|>ectivel to attend ut the plow of holding every gtuertl. Special or t iwuship eleciou during the time said election is open li r the purpose of giving information to the tns|ievtors a id Judges. Whcu called on, litre- 01 tu tue rights of uny4«*rson assessed by them to vol • at such elections* or such other matter fu relation II the usses'ineiit of voters as the said Inspector* or J ttdges, or either of them, sh til from time to time re qu'ie." • No person shall l.e permitted to vote at any elec tion as ufor< Slid, other than a white freeman, of -JI years or more, who sh til hive resided iu litis State at leant one year, and ill the election district Where he offer*to vot-• at least lei. data immediately proceeding the election, uiid wit li ii« two years paid a Mite or com.t) t ix, Which shall have been assessed ut least leu du>s before the ebitioo; but a'ct xen of tiio tinted Stales, who been prevously .1 tjualilied voter of tins Mate and removed tltcrelroiii ami return ed. and v\ bo shall It ive resided in the election district, and |Mid taxes us aforesaid, sltall be eul t.ed to vote ulter residing in the Stale six months; l'rovtued, that the white Irceuien, C it.z* us oi tue t'uiU d Males, be tween the uge of *2l ami ti jears aud haviug resided in this stit« one year, and in the district ten d iy*as afore* iid, shall be entitled to vol •, ul.hung It they have 1101 luxes. •• |i i»cn tl all l.e ihtltlid to ute who*# name is 1 not contained iu ibe list ut taxable inbatjiiuUtii lui uibh ed by the Uouinilssi>'iiers unless ue produce u receiptf >r the pujuitfitl, \\ 1 thin two ye.trs, of u date ur county tux. assessed agreeibiy to the consiitutian,or gvljsat Isfiiclury ev deuce, eiiuei on ills outu, of atlii in it toil ol another, that iie has paid such tax, on laitili eto pi ocut e such a 1 eceipt "hall make until ot tiiepayliieut tiureol. 01 second it be claims iu be an elector between tituage ot zi an i l- ) eai *, lie shall dep»»s« uu oittii or aittruiatiuu that he r.Midid 111 lit Mnteut least one year next betore hit applic tti m, and make such prool ui his r*h.iii be insei te i in the alphabetical lift by the inspector, and U note liiude Opposite thereto by wntu.g the word • 'tux, i! i.csbull >»u pcrmiiteJ .o Vote hy i iL-unul Uuving paid U tax, ui the v\ ad' Age," It he Mini I be ml uil I ted «n uccounl ol his age uud eith er cttsethe rnUuli of such vote *b ill be culled oiit iuthu clerks, vi ii" nii di make the liltu note in tue tut of voter* kept by tlieui. in mi case* wji'Tc then inn!of t!ie per* m claiming to \ tf it ii<>t foiinii m the I -t fiiruishej by the Coiiimis hioui in Ulld Astensoi ,or hit right to vote, whether found theie or li"t. is objected to l»jr one qil ii.lled citlZeu, it shall be tin; duty ot the inspector to examine such per- All i mi until at lu lut qtmlilieiiliourt, and i! lie claims to have lesided In the suite one >eaf or more, his oath -hull be huliicieat proof thereof, but liesh ill in ike pruoi •>, at I.i t one i ui;ieteiit witness, wno shall benipial llled elector, that he low resided lu the district for more Ihu . ten days next ininiediuteiy prececdilig said t .on! und •hull ImuMfll swear t.» ht.i bou i tt ie resilience in ji.,r uaiii eof his law lid calling it vv•mm the district att.l ii'.t f.n the iiiii| «'t voting tnereiu." • II any ii« 112 'Oiiehall jne.ent, or utteuipt to pi event nil ollicer 01 to election mule. this Mctl, oili such el. • tion. or line or threaten any rbleiice to mi) nhHiofficer. m sliud Ihteuiiptor iin|ito|>t-r ly i iter fere w.t i hmi in the ixemiion .-I bin outy, »i.aii block II •>, or uttcmpt to hlo kup the wind >w, or the ava ni»e to any window wh r * tin* eanie in iy he hoi leu or n'li.ill ri« tously disturb tin |»*-««««' of »ii« u eh. tien.oi shall N«e or i TIC tire any intimidation, threat* n force or violence with the d»si»n to influence unduly, or overuow. r any eh . tor, or t • pcev- t him fr. i* or torestrain the fre< d mi 01 hit choice, s ich |*rs.»n, on conviction, shall be Hud any smi not exceediug rive hundred dollars, ami be imprisoned 112 -r anytime not exceeding twelve iiioutu*; and il it shall b abown to the Court where the trial ot aii.-h off nee snail oe hid, tint th« person ollendlii.'was not a re-bbnt of the citv. ward, district or township win-re tjie s id fittVnce was coin Htitted, und n«»t elititn d to a v«>b the'cln. Ih II *,iv a |Jiie nt lentn n inebu tdred or u» .re than <.,,e thmisanii dot a s, and to lie imp'is ned not 1 as than six months m.r more .Iran two years \.id if uny per*m, r persons ahull link- any ml or wi"i r upon tin- remits of any khctiou within this T omiiio ISM ait hot shall • fler to make any such bet r n\ i " r . eithir by v rbat proclamation tlureof, or otherwise, be or they shall forfeit three times the amount to bet or oiler d to bet. •Ifau. peis MI not by law «(UiliH d, shall gtradtl lentlv vote at any election withili tins Coimnonweaith or he II Mtuerwise quiMV-d. slull vol.- out of his prop. r bistro t. or miy knowing t.n- want of such utnl ii' uti t citizeus of the United KtUes, are u«.t. under the Constitution and laws of I'enn- qualilled electors ot this t'oiiinionwealth ■ hi til .n I. lit >t cn ici il, dr.. That in «il elections hereafter to be held in this t ainnionwe «lth. it shall l c unlawful foi the judged 1 any mieh election j to receive any ballot, or ballots, from any person, or p< r- I s.ui', enl raced in the provisions,and subject to the dis sbib y, inip« ». il oy Mid set of U>iigie»s npproveil March third, one th >usand eiglit iinndred andiixty-llvu, and It shall be unlaw Inl 112 a any such person to offer ti> rote any ballot,or ballots. Sec ion J That II any such Judge and inspectors of elr. lion, or any one of them shall receive, or conuout to ie eiv.-,any such unlnwtai ballot, or ballots,from nny such di (|iiautie« guilty «»f a niis«h mettnor. and, nj»on cuvlctlon tlii-teof, in any c >u>t quarter or this Com monwealth, he shall, for cavb offence, be sentence"l to pay a fine of u t ieaaitlign on" hundred and to ui.d »an linpriaonmeut, in the jail ut tiio proper county, for not ion then nxty days SeciioM .'J. liiat if any per*oude| rived of citizenship, and u Iteld in ins C«>ntiu nwea th, voie, or tviidci to tbeofti' era iheicof, and offer to vote, a bal -1 4, or ballots, any peraou, so «>ffont|ing. shall be deem ed guilty of a ir.iitieiuenii »r. ao.l on cuuvlc»i»m tii*-reof, iu any court of mt u tei ae*>ion« of thi-> Oomuionwcaltli aliail, fur ea< h « n.-ncc, lie [iiinishtHt in like manner IM U piovided in the piece section of thia act, in the case of officers of election receiving such unlawful bal io or, ballots StrTiuK 4 That if any person shall hercsittfrptr suade, or odvt-l di»<|uaiinifd a* af•tesM-l. to off<-r any or ballot-, to the ofttc-rs ..f any election, here after to oe held in this Commonwealth, or Khali per suade. or advi«t-» any »uch officer to receive any billot or ballots fr.«m any person deprivtd of citi&enehlp. and dl»qualitie>i a» nfotusiuJ.such persou, ho be guilty of a mis emta tor. and iifx n conv ctlou thtre ot. in HPV court of quarter •w of this Couin>on, aliail l»e pqntshod in like manner a* h provn eJ in the fecund seetmn of this act, in the. a<-eof ei# in of such election receiving .such unlawful ball it, or ballot*. Particular atU'tttiou is directed to the first section of the Act of Assembly, passed the 3oth »l«y of M<«rch, A D.. lofcti cutitledi ••An Act regulating the manner of Voting at a 1 Klectljns, in the sc7«rai Ciuniles of this Coiunionw <• d.h' "lli.'U tbe (jollified T.»trm of the several eoU'itlrt of tli!'* < vuniiiouwettlth, at ail general. township, b »rough ; an' 1 opuc*t*l *ued j anil re-juued t r»»te', bv tickets, printed, or written.or l»artl.\ printed ami ptrily t<4i ws one lii k»-t idiall embrace the naur* of all jn of court* voted f»»*■» and to be label! *l, oulsiile. * Judiciary;*" one ticket shall embrace th# n:unea of nil state officer* v..ted fur, and be label led, i- one ticket shall embrace the uuno<«-ufltur, nu'inbvr, and ni<;in- i bers of uwmUy.U voted for, and tnctnlK'rtt • 112 ' :II Voted f.#r, and IMJ labelled, "count* one ticket afc.ill ; embrwri'thenainea o! all towndiip dUce.-w v,»t>.d for,and l»e labelled, ** to*ndilp;" one ticket ahall embn Co «L« uuinea of fell borough officer* vote I fur, and be labelled, •• through and each class fchall be ucpjcltcU iu sepa rate t«»llot-b.*xw'' i And the Return Jitjgea of the respective district* a foresaid, are hereby reunited to meet it the Court Jlouae, iu liutler.o.i Friday next (October 12th,) alter the second Tue*4ay I- October M|t then and l»e: eif ter to jwjrforiu thooe thing* leqvir d by law j tihran under my ban i and neal at Bothr. the lC»tb of ! September, in Uie v»i.- of our Lord, fclghK-eu ilu>dred and fcixty-fix .ana of the Independence el U»e (Jnitnd . States tbo Muetleth. tV. O BRIfcKKNRIDCI, REASONS WHY THE AMERICAN WATCH Made at WfttTHAM Mass. Is Hie IIe«t. It i.4 niAds on the best principle. It» framsls compos sil of SOLID I'LATES. NO J-ir can Interfsrs with the hsrmony of Its working and no sudden shock can dam age it 1 machinery. Every piece is made and fluished by mnchluery (Itself famous far Illu/altjr, rs well ai for its elTectivene.l*) and ia therefore properly made.— The watch h what all mechanism should be—AOCU KATK, SIMPLE, STRONG, AND ECONOMICAL.— Except some high giades. too costly for general use, foreign watches atechi -tly made by women anJ boys, Such watches arc cotnpgethor, and require constant re pairs to keep them in any kind of order. All pffMni who have carried ' ant res," ''lepines" sud "English Patent Lovers," are pei fc-ctly well aware uf the truth ol this statement. At the beginning of our enterprise,'more than ten years ago, it was our objest to make a thoroughly good low-priced watch for [the million, tot ike the place Of these 112 irdgu Impositions—the refuse of foreign facto ries—which Mere entirely unsaleable ut ltome aud per fectly worthless everywhere. How well wo have aeeomplished this ntay be under stood from the fact, that after so many years of public trial, we now nuke MOIIE TIIAN ONE-HALF OF ALI. THE WATCHES SOLI) IN TUB UNITED STATES, and that no others hav. »v. r given such universal satbfuc lion While this depart inert of our business is contin ued with increased facilities for perfect work, we are at present engaged in the manufitclure of watches of the very HHMIESTORADE KNOWN TO CHRONOMETIIV unequalled by anything hitherto made by ourselves, and unsurpassed by anj thing made in the world. For this pnrpoee we have the amplest fkcllities. We have ifji'twl un lulditiau t • of.r main buildings expte*»ly fir this branch of our business,and have filled it the best workmen iu our h -nice. New machines and appli ances have been construct*!, which perform tlitlr work with consummate delicacy and exactness. The choicest and ino'-t appro Veil m it-rials only are us»il ar.d we chal lenge coutparisun between this grade (four woik and the rtnrst imported chronometers. We do not pretend to sell our watches* for tat wmry than foreign watches, but wo do assert without fear of conlr.idiction tliatf>r the I tine money orir produrl is incompnnibly superior. A!l our watches, of Whatever Rtade, are fully warranted aud his warrantee is potMlnt all tiniMngsiiiat us or our agents In.uil purls uf the world. CAUTION.' —The public are cautioned to buy only o respectable dealer*. All peraolts selling counterfeits will be prosecuted. ROBBINS & APPLETON, AGENTS l-01l TIIK AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, 19# BROADWAY) N. V. Aug.29Uo,lm. Writ or Pari!lon. Jiut/rr comity, w I N the matter of the Partition of the Real Estate of 1 Aluos Kennedy, d'e df No. 11, Match Term, 18CI.— 0. C . Hutler « mil iv. The Conimouwealth of Pennsylvania—to the heirs sii>l legal representatives of 'Amu* Kennedy, dec d Yon, and each of you, are heteby cited to baud ap pear be ore out Judges, at antlrphaiis* Court, to be he'd at llutler, in and f»r the county of Hutlwr. on the 3d \I Miday of September tifxt. it being the 17th day of n.iid mouth, to accept *aid premises at said valuation and appraisement, or shew cause why the snitte shou! I not bo sold. Hy the Court, W. .112. YOUNP, Clerk O.C. Cleik 1 office, Butler, July 9. lmwt.—all of which tlie above heirs and le< il representatives of the oti I Autos Kennedy, dee'd, are hereby required to take notice. W. t». Hit EC K EMI I 111 IE. Sheriff's oflW, Cutler, August *, ISOU. HUeriff. Spanish Sheep for Safof \NY pir4.ll wishing to purchase pure bred Ppauish Sh-.-ep, wonbl d 1 Well to call nn«l examine our Fheep. as. we claim 11 h'tve pure-bred stocks nml will sell either Kwes or Uucks at very reasonable prices. The Pheep may be cr<, '2 miles Last of llsruumy. Butler canntv, Pa. M. II SITLEIt. August 7, 1851. J M MoWItKY. • Z?"or Sale. ONE LI HUE FARM of Font- Hundred (MO) Land, more or less, well improved, large Brick House, li aibU Barn, and Out Buildings. This farm is well watered and limbered, flood Fences and abniit'2'Sl iures o| <'••«! ; bank opeiu-d and lupoid order. Tlif- Farm Is on« suitable for e'ther Stock or Ortln.aiid will average with the be-t in Butler county, and is well loca ted, joining /.eliettople* Juit 0 miles from tli • Road at hoclieste* : two stages running daily fl oat Z-dieu > ( d t«i lloche«ter and back. 'I his propeitv Is now in the hands of the heirs of.l, eph Allen decM. And In order to settle up tliHsitv , ii will be sold at auc lon on the 20th day of Septeui at 2 o'clock p. in., oh the premises For information, enquire of Win. Q Hoyd. of llutler, Pa.,of llichard All. i..«d Pi t.burgh ve It • lawfull>|iu thorir.eil te sell n rid make tit'ev, Ai») persons wMiiug to see the farm can call on Joseph Allen, who lives on the premises, or Win. Allen, of Zellenopie. Tr.RMS• —One third down, and the balance iu one, two or three years, to suit purchaser Butler. August H, latW. Mil. S. BOYD. Af Portersville, dee'd. Al persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, are requested lo make immediate payment, and those hav ing cbiiuis against the same. rue requested t9 |»reSeiit th. in properly authenticated for sett(oment JAMES NEWTON, August 22, '6ft~rt) Administrator. NEW SKIRTS FOR 1805-0 The Great Invention of the Ago in HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duplex Ellipic, or double, Spring Skir. THIS INVENTION a. mist* of bvn.r.x (or two! Ktllp tic Pure llcflat'd Steel lynud firmly together, idgr t«» making the tough est, most flexible, elastic ami durable Spring evor.nncd Tiny seldom bend or break, the Mingle Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful Shape moretli -n twice ai long a- any single Spring Skirt that Kver lln- or Can be nmde. The wonderful flexibility and groat comf>rt and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex KM ptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assem blies, Opeiiit, Carriages, Railroad ( urs, C'hureh Pewn, Arm Chain*, f-»r Promenade and House Vre** n« the Skirt ean be folded when in nae to occupy ji small place us easily and conveniently an a Silk or Musliu lues*. A Lady having enjoyed the IMoastit e, Comfort audtiree Convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic leel Spring Skill rIA NU K ACT I RHUS, 97, Chamber i«it*l 79 A Hi Read* Streets. New York. FOR SALK in all flrst-closs Store* in this City, am throughout the Unt ted States and Canada. Havana dt Cuba. Mexico, South America, and the Went Indies. tn. Enquire for (he Duplex Elliptic (cr deubf] S#rme 9ki-» A 4 a NOTICE. \\TIIBRKAB my wife Catharine, ha» h-ftmy bed and Y\ board with'JUt juktcauje, I then-fun warn all persons against harb »riug her or giving her credit on inj accouut, as I will pay no d-bts „112 her eon recti ng PKfKM BRJKLL. Aiuu-t I*t, IHdC-3t.* Zellooople, Bp tier co 112 Pa. ISTEW FIRM, rpllK having KuQ. liuu partiK-t.lilp, to lit* J. IHIIT and BIIOK M»Dofaet«rl«i» l.unlnn*. Uoy.l*. htork, two d.wir* iMinth of \\ ot-lwr * Troutin«nt-lore, Main Hint, Ht'tlcr, l'».. nrp prepare! make tb* ii"M --..1 11. *1 au-l BU Ik* I—' **• work of «".v other rataMlrtunont la (lie pU'e- IlMiuS pxpwience in tilt bmin.'v. wo cafaat fall to plenae. Cell aud glr* n. vour measure. • fciIIUIUER NICHOLAS eb2*(V—tf ' Of,, i. »UCS... ; 6B- *■ TittlltL —, 0 BLACK A- FLEECIER, 1 ATTORNEYS' AT LAW, AXD CLAIM AGENTS. Pension* pro£ttr«d f<>r soldier* of 1812, or their wid ow*. All bosiueea in to their carifprviuftty #t? ten lel |o* Office, Bo ith V\ cvt of Cdiurt U-ue", toruy JAS. T. BRADY & CO., (Successors to Jones & Co.) Corner Fourth and Wood Streets. BANKERS & BROKERS, PITTSBURGH, PA, Dealers !n nil klndf of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, FOREIGN EXCAANf7R» Ht>LD. SILVER and COUPONS. INTEREST NOTEI. Collections on all accountable point* In the flie United Stat-.* and Canada*. Interest Allowed on time De posits. I i »_«■ lie it Rates l'uid for Coiupoml#. 1R flftnum. _ v j W9 .a«iMPJMt A \ I> UNDERTAKING. HP. PQUARTBRS oh Mala Street, opposite J*, k • Ilutel. Th^suhscfiber U extensively eugaged in UNDERTAKING LINE, bring fully |i«p»rcd t> nnko COFFINS of nil description!, nw'ly and promptly t j order l'of« fins of nil sizes and kind* ruaoy made, aud ulvruy* wu hand-. He ha* a co proenrcd an entirety IVow and Sent llenrwe; and 1* that prepared to atteud funeral* ou the shortest notice. lie u!*o keep* on hand* and manufacture* toorde COMMON AND FANCY FURNITURE CONSISTING 01' lIIirCIIIIH. Tables, SIIMKIN, Itcdsn-iiils. ChnlrM Ac. All mn.lf Inn limit ami worknmo-like uituuer, «n«l I of the finest finish. I TERMS :—Reasonable and tn unit tlie tlinoa. Tliatik fill for pant fuvura, the patronage of the public la res pectfully solicited. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. JACOB KECK. Mny 10, OC>£IIIOS. W. U. ii. Middle, ATTORNEY AT LAW, V illattetid toall business entrusted to bin cure protnpt ! ly. Sftecinl attention given to the collection* of /Vn tinus./hid. I\itf ami fiovntiti. Will also n tas vg*iit for thnae wishing to buy or <♦•11 real estate. [ Office on South side of Diamond, In Rrmlin'* building, Rutter Pa. Nnrrmber R, 19C6::ff. MOWER & REAPER. | 112 WOULD respectfully announce to the fhrtmr* of . J It tit If i county, lam Agent for tin# great labor airing machinal /ETNA & CAYUGA CHIEF MOWER AND REAPERS. Also the celebrated Excelsior Mower & Reaper ! manufactured by Clark k Qnlglon, 0. THE WORI.D RENOWNKD Sharp's Steel-tooth Hay-Rake. Also the great American Champion Hay k Grain Hnko e Send for mir circulars of the different machines. All order* addressed fo the cnderalguod itt Zelienople, Pa. will receive prompt attention. June ii. ISO*. a EURO E H R A ATI AN* Writ of Partition. I N Hi* mntfer of t lie Partition of the Estate of Edwaid Kennedy, dee'd No. 7*. Decernbei Term . IH«.'». O C Bailer County.s- Comiiionwealthof Pennsylvania—lo the |(elr« and l»e --pal Representatives of Edward Keuned T ( dec''d, to wit • I'nidence Kennedy (widow) |.lix.*«t»«tth intermarried with .lohnMieer; Maty Intermarried w Hi I#wtac Pponsler; Margaret Intermarried with K. S. M»g«*e; June inter married with Dr. II It llroweri D <• Kennedy, I d»ard Kennedy, Milton Kennedy, Newton Kennnedy. Jaine- H Kennedy, EliZi Kennedy, Emily Kennedy. Mirerfj Kennedy, William and Kale Kennedy, minorchildren ut John Kennedy, dee'd, for whom the Prudence Ken nedy, ix tu Von. nnd each of vmu are hereby cited to be and *p pear bef.»re our Judge*, at an Oipban*' Court, to be held nt llutier, in and for the county of Duller, on tho4(h .Monday of Ht*| teinber next, it b*dng tllo 21th day of mid mouth, to accept or tefuse the premises at tne vaj uation or nppruixemcnt, or »hew c »use why tbo aame should not bed ild. Ry the Court, XV J Clerk OfC.0 f C. All of *hlch the above l|elrs and Repre*e«U -tivea of the said Edward Kenue'd'* Rio Main Btre#-t Rotier Pa. We have constantly and for sale a pure quality ol DRUGS CHEMICALS a«id PAINTS OILS VARMSHES ANDOM?S. WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD A;LITIIERAG£ Dye-Stuffs, and Putty, TUIII'ENTINK, AXDAUTOIIOk LAIII), HMI t IKATP-FOOT OILS. Uurri.kS, VIALS, A.VDCUIIKS. 80AP. SPONOM i MM PS, I'L'HKURUU.ND Sl'lCfcS ptn.rel Tiuiftj of Perfumery & Toilet Artic-les, Wines nnd Liquor* for Medical purposes. W hie* (nal property | amount ng t > |OOO B. Berningber, Kx r. No- IfUtUie Vurm, 18ft» t Mr*. ■ -Miller, wid ow of Peter Miller, dec d Ttfiß property amount tofo-A! on, iWnp ol John t'ocbrau, m'X. Of which the Hairs, Lagw*-**. lM«t. iboie.<4 • u»loth-" ' Interested, w ill take nolice aixi appeal' at a.i Orphans'Coart t#i beh«ld at Lutlei , in aud tor tjie county dßntlei on theT'v- nty fourth day of,2)epleßiber IMV>. and ft>l Util than the tliud day IbrTvof. to *how cwuaalf afty they k*ve why tLe **id Apprai^oema JOINU FAST FOB CASHJ 8. C. nu«i and profit thereby.-* Vr tlio hidiva ; A. Block of drew Ooodt, |«cß "silks, Cloth, l'rints, Alpacas, CoburgSj Delaines, Ginghams, Ilooped &c., &c., &Q t Per the (J e a Ueme» : Alwjj *on hand, Black Clothe, Fancy and Black Cassinierefl, Satinets, Tweeds, Shirting, llats&CapS^ Boots & Shoos, Household goods, such as Linen, Table Cloths, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Curtains, &c. SQME OF OUR PRICES! Best Delaines, 25 cts. per yard. Host Heavy Muslin 25 cts. per yard. Best Prints 20 to 25 cts. per yard. A stock of Grooerltf'i He-it Itio Coffee 80 cents per pound. Coffee Sugar IS cts per pound. Crusted Sugar 22 cts. per pound. Brown sugar 12J cents per pound. (iIVK I'M A CALL A\l> EXAMINK OUR ASSORTMENT. ftutlor, Jnne 20, IS»KJ—tf. _ Drug and Grocery Store. rnilß nil»«rHlu»m have Juat received, and ar* now 1 at their Store-room, oj»jK»»ite I'eter l»uffv | In Butler, An Extensive Assortment Dlll'OS, MEDICINES OII.S. PAINTS, DYE STI FFS, ,|| PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET SOAP, ' PEIIF• MERV, * XI- Til R mio«l anil Nfd}eli)a) ai«v aii kindi of i nrsin *, jidtio la v eletane prea©rlj»M«wa tartfallf find in oin|tlly i oijipoiiiiU«d. IN i iik oiiocbiiy DEPARTMENT will befound almost every artiolo far fam ily u-e. Alsu NAU.S, GI.ABS, CI.ASSWAnH, QheeHsware, CRorKKR4", STOWKWARB, BUCKETS, Tens, kf-., &e., &o. The highest market price paid for all? kinds of produce in cxchaupo FOlt GOODS. BELL h DIEF ENBACHER. May 23, 180'i::ly. Jiii» LEATHER A N t> FINDINGS STORE, ON MAIN STEIJET, One doqr North of M'Aboy's Store.' GENTS' FRENCH CALF BOOTS, SHOES AND CONGRESS GATTERS, LADIES & GENTS' SLIPPEBS, MISSES' BOOTS, SHOES, ANB or MS. BOYS BOOTS & SHOES Children's Shoe* of all Kind*, A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of my own mMnnfactnre, constantly on hand,and woik made to. order, of the BEST STOCK aud in the AT3T sr TT-« A large and ful! a*«>rtuicnt of Ea-tiern th»* very he»t material and w"rkiu^iihhi|». All kiuJfc of LEATHER & FINDINGS French and Common Calf skint, Sole and Upper Leather, Morocco, Kip* and Kid*, ROANS AND LININGS Of >ll kini)». W. tlx*. n1» l»r»««>. t>Mt MWscUtf, »nd for l|i« tlmM tl>» ehw|w»« rtoci »T«c oflWxl fcr nk la B«tW. ~"* TU» public ar« niriiwl to c«U »nd t,i a«m aeKce. iuj «—if iWEopora nnwyem Vmrm far Sale* l«rf: M»l* AtimU » *«" "atoer.U. Th... Im >I O< d«nbU Log DaralUaf hotoee tU«reo«. A y of Aoplt aod V'jmco ir**•#». f«r« in g ud — lw«Iv« feet de»p of roaLn «« u*> V»r paretic lentMnir-vl lb. tAU ,HT .1 ,„rM tb, , Un V>6» n ' k "~** irUf