VOLUME t). Choice Xfoctvy. THE UNION FLAO. HY IION TIIOH. WILLIAMS. As*, " The BOT.II C MM f'ltj, Etc." Bri.thcr. Of f'ce rte-cmt " Knit .'ml to""I. in »« g 1,11 ,l0 > 112, n,t " ur H V,iii »I,!*\)mt bjnJ of .l«nw»l, MM **y torn n«r To MX •"'w wm»! I.ong live the stripes' we know r.O r l .^tSS r i"ll..rr.l. : fr th. din. FU*. Horiati! Hnrrab f..r lb- rn-oft ll«r, that kit.nr. no ♦Csiuglo stiir. * 11. Fo!mg»*fr Stwthern anogaoee forbore to touch that Fulj miutj ft tnui.t we meekly bore, mml many «n Ml- j lint wt"n*'n Sumter's baltl-mentu, the traitor ili'l It W.fl»»"«lm«4 Man, tlut ... ■••<■ AM l<« | " Mil'ml, ! Hurrah! ic. 111. .\n..|h nwrlb-d the A- nnr.rMit tv'l— IWrre it rtishM o*«r nil "IM Topniiwh th««fcwHodnr«*'l «>ur gl •tiouk Ptiipe-*j u„,l Star*. , _ , . Hurrah ! Hurrah Ac. V. Anil next tho bftrily pioneer., the .l.ntltl- . »ml «... l-roii. "|«I»- '">• Fr lorn w «., that n.ver I-n, w Th-ll "i li'-ty rill ■» »!'in b ir.J, with eye nn-l p.nl Ik lirtw|Jd »«*» vi,h ir " n ' h " ,l " "" 11 " llurrttb! ltnrri>lit te. V.I Aii'l r-<>m the bin-in"* prairie haunt*, " ••r M.**.*-i , From Miihnhu'* apoikllng Falld, from Kam«» 1 NC-w .-I Hi-"'- bavobe.,.l thedit. Ami bi\trt «»>i tliolr Fatlioi ** brand, and i eared t ic: " ' liuiinhl Ifnri«h! £c. VII. And farther whofo *mnet *eai e C:Uifi»r. ia' j Awl .rum'siorrnnd irl.lv fr •vn it* gobl.-n tr.aaui' <• ' • ~,,- h:iv»tii-».'l '■ - ,ll ' We corned 1 Ileal" high 111- Flo*, that klina- " "'iiarrnh! Ilnrn* ! <*c vin 511.. • 1.1m.h" - ; With In*»rt I. HiK»» »h..iil I.H "1.1. 'IV l )!«).- burat ¥.«b which t • uUI - • i ,li.it II ,\,W mil.-, A ».l VM.,I-°r W < , W t:. ' . ' >ir ';'iiuriabr &c. IX. Ami i • r ! nil m 1," t'MUK-' c..l 1 v.- Hi Hi" h'JI'I .'T .tm.lM.s l\ •• 'y n.ltl i!»«l MUMW - Atil 1 >•?'"» 1«. whore v. t ilio fctHNl, lMMi»Mt.i *'»•• .111 I F It %:r. «li- r ' vow-rtt; in..«•:•« i-•' •»"- - DailCliti-, i.f ktiir,-: Fair Fi—.l «'i -l>'l ! ''> ' ; " n Willi ,-.-1,-*i r*.- .Inn's for that bl--! I'>Rlb 'I 1 "• 1 "" Hnir.vli! Ilmnib: *c. MI. An.l n-nie *t« ill cimnt, no I'hl-ul b.m «t all that .Wni-i- TII MI«'1 .h'n '■ I'P " bar- voil.-il their mi.! tm,i. r l»ti«lIv b«m>i; ... i, ' Put or,«- I• v .Hi# ♦!■'*« wnn ! i 'uk liKh'« «!'«.! gem "»r , 1,,-UV. 111. liko M.u-i, And all tii> .\nii.tM j.h~*.nir:- r [.M.a«ar,.ruiici ..f Mir* Hurrah■ Hurrah ! ic. XIII. Ko fttber (!. S altall ever II .v.mtrh-.m-.orpw-. 1 hav# ur.llaiuuio, that fluitt-r« o«ruai lla rainbow -tripos—/nrN »rliicrn lights—with n | t»?t' liar-; . Our niiriciu I'l.i« ' Our Kuilu r Fhg. Our »n >m hii Mini i*t'irri; lluriuii '. 11 ur ah ' «TC. # XIV. Thou l»rnr Wmt burner prou.ll/ up, young wnrrlors o: , With !»!• inn of lovi-, ami arms «»f fii.h, an I m >ie thnn I iron haml• Pown with the Nortboroioneg\«lc. an.l j uuou. giu-uu In r*w-lmt' hlgjli. In victory, onr tleathlew Etiipe. an,l Hurrah! Hurrah. &«•., —Tlie rejoicini; in the l'liil»»le!|thi;i convention, over t lie tli-jtntch to Mr Doolittlc, nnnonncin'* 'lie election of ; 11 tint, tire Johnson -a Imi nisi ration canfii ilatc,.was prcnrituro, and in this ijnite in keeping with the spirit that pievai'.cJ thnre—lieeau-io on f.tlso rcprc»ont|i.tiinis The election of Chilicott, the Uepubliean cantliilatc, announced to be an ascer tained fact. The St..to has no interest in eustitis its fortunes with Johnsonism. Al though the power of the Administration has been freely used, the intelligence of the people of that now and distnnt Stcte lias, as everywhere it will .be found to be the sure "uarautee of the triumph of prin ciples of loyalty and freedom.— Pittsburgh Cum mrrciul. TaurENOUGH.—The Norristtwu //<■/•- aid (DcUi n-ratie) sajs : < " if General Grant should be nomina ted by the Republicans aud elected 4t> the I'refideßcy in ISOB. he will turn out the worst President we ever had." True as ffospel. Andrew .Juhnson is the President he will turu out.— Start County Republican. —Why is a bluebird like a lady thai leaves ;the Dentists 1" lleeause neither 01 llieui have any teeth. —o—►* —A ¥oung gi?l in Munehejter, N. IC, caught her foot in her hoop skirt, fell down stairs, sod wa* killed. AMERICAN CITIZENS "Let us have Faith that Right makes Might; and in that Faith let us, to the end,dare to do our c»uty as we understand it"— A - LlNC 11 e was crow led with cit izens. and speeohes were made in -i !e and with 'at. Senator Wilsonspoke j insi'.e to a laige nudie.tce of the League j and Southern delegates. HTKITIt OF SESATOTt WII.SO.V. MR. CHAIUMAX AMI I'l-.1.1.0VV-CITJ ZI.N —My friend Mr. (!i! soh iiisitits upon it that I shall s.iy a word or two to you ;to uLht. I certainly have no words to j niter here to night that can fi-c the hearts ! of ill - men who have .witnessed the spec tacle lhat I have seen today, and have I'. ime here from Mas-aclnisetts with oth er _ Mitlemcn of my HtMe to give the right hand of fellowship, not to Traitors but to Loyal men who stood iy lite lit: for four years. [Applause] j We have not couto here tj walk arul in I IIIUI v.iih traiti.rs who have been pardon ed or sc.-k pardbiiK, but we cone hereto j join with you of I'cnrnylvituia in taking | fiv the hand and giving a hearty welcome , to ihe noble ineii who aretiue to the old <•!' our »\>u'itry. [Applause.] We jre tool some..in •• that there are no 1 >y ■ uio.i ii llitt lale iU'l»ei Stale", but we •iv.. - i trao I 'Val men today Wc hi i : I tlie.u by the hand. Wc ; ,iv.; ...ii It.in well one, all iwe hid them • i;." and We n,em*l>y our l ai o! ■ ill the lilt.i. t-1 .-.•!< t> it that we give to » . m if e protect i"n of the fl ig of our c. tiii: ty. [Applau.-e ] We are not here is a National OHVI i.itoii from Northern I > ,i( < to make platloi'ins. | -iss r<- ofutions •r ti .osaet public business of any Jv.iu.l. v\'e in} here to nic't these truly loyal j . 0 h'Ar n ir fjpro n "at ion '.fthe II o'. afliifs in the Kcbcl States, lin h'-tr I in lifeii> who ;s re-ponsi . i- .h ■ ns that have mi lo our coun t yiiien hang their heads with shame tind -oirow during the oJ or 40 dais. [Ap plaii-e.] We arc liera to hear what they I have g t ! > say. nn 1 let them *ay just what ,1 y think, and wo, the men of lie 1. y::! States, will sty what we have u tlo si'.v. We will read what they say and vote :.s we feel, for the cause of our country, our whole country, and the lib— ; o.tio- and lights of all men. [ Applause] I here is traveling over the country a ; well organize.! wake. [Laughter ] Ma | king speeches, lie of what they | arc going to do. Well, gentlemen, we j thought in oiy simplicity wo lived in a j country where the people were the mas ters, aud Congress and Supreme Courts ; I that wo lived in a country where the vi ice of the people wisto be heard,to be listened to, and to be obeyed; but we are told, with as much emphasis as Louis XlVlh, v.hen he said, "1 am the State" —\ve are It 11 by tut) President that he has a policy'which he means to carry out. Well, gentleman, we have a Con gress, or a body of men, sharing in the Government calling itself* Congress— [Here there Was a cry in the crowd, oc casioned by the effort of a policeman to take ont a disorderly character By the neck. The malcontent vociferated many thue«, •'! am aif American mldicr of three wars," and with his shrieks were m ngled tin so of the crowd, '-LYET him alone," ' Let him go," "lie cannot do any harm," '-I'ut him out." etc.] Mr. W.lsoii continued: Gentlemen, I can say .to you, I can say to tho President and to the Cabiuot, iiu 1 to everybody in Ameri ca, that the I,'ongress.of tho United 'States i- not II subordinate portion of the Gov ernment, but a co*ordin.ito branch of the Government, backed by tfie people of this country as it has been, now is, and will be. We will let Hself speak the facts, its record in the Senate aud House of Representatives. (Applause.) We want tho e States to bo represented atibe eaiiicnt possible moment, and we want I men to icpreeuut them; uot such meu as I were lieie a lew weeks'ago. who liaTe met 1 us on blot.dy battle fields, but such men as are iu this city to-day i applau.-c), who have been true to our country, true to the CPUSC of Liberty, *wl.o have meant BUTLER. BUTLER COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1866. the country for every race. [Applause ] Tennessee, glorious Tennessee, has spo ken. Other States, our friends, will yet be heard. \Ye have time ®n our side.— I have high hopes of an overwhelming majority of the best portion of the Amer ican people whom I know will contrcdict what, has been said against the noble men whom wo have welcomed to-day, who will malfe their voices heard o." ApplaU-c.) If there was no great piinciple involve I, no great c >n tc I for our country and human rights, justice and humanity. We should re buke public men who conduct themselves as time pubiio jncu are, sending men round the c uutrj lo vii .ke * out these I üblie men. Many of the e.vil and mil ,tary tr.bn of the country are supporting the policy of the President, well know ing that they are not in favor of thai policy, but, to hoi I their positions, dare not utter their sentiments. I'herc is )i complete despot to.I ty iu America over the pub!.-'! officers of this country, but l am glad to find, as I do, that three— fourths of the men holding oflicc's in th# country were put there by tho patriot Lincoln, '"boy are true today as they were in the pist. It is said Johnson is supporting the polioy inaugurated by President Lincoln. Why iu God's name is he turning out all Mr. Lincoln .. friends then? It is a fact that those inon were in office agreeing with Mr. Lincoln and agreeing with tho great party which brought him into powor. The great masses of these public-men were of' his opinion and could lie trusted. They have not such a different opinion. They stand where they stood iu Mr. Lincoln's time, but they are hunted down from office, and jet these men have the brazen iin pudcnce to say, "Wc are supporting Lin coin's policy." Never did a blacker 112 tlse hood fall from human lips. Mr. Lin coin's policy ! He put tho Govern met. t in liOuisiana iu the hands of loyal meu ; he put Tennessee in the bauds of loyal nien. Ho wanted to reconstruct these States on the basis of fidelity to the country. An army struck the weapons from the hands of the Rebel armies and soldiers; tlioy prostrated and ground to atoms the wholcßebel jxiwrr. They were nt our feet humi iated,conquered subjugated; bntXr Johnson, when they were conquered anil powerless, without officers, without any power under the military raie of the country, and of our officers c.: inp!etelv. he has recognized these States with ev ery one of them into the ban Is of R. b • els, as in tho State of Tc^a 3 , and after placing Texas in the hands of Governor Throckmorton, bo declares that we have got peace. He makes- peace when he takes Rebel Stales that were under the power ol our Government, without any public offices and put them into the hands of non-rcpentnnt .aud even unpardoned Rebels, and then be makes a proclama tion of Peace. They may get up theo ries, talk about States being cut tf the Union as much as you please, but what we know is this, Abraham Lincoln sought to put those States, and did as far as he could, into the hands of loyal men true to liberty. Then Andrew Johnson lakes them out of our hands completely, and puts them into the haßds of the Rebels of those States. No loyal men are piit into the offices, and Rebels rule now as much as when Jeff. Davis was President of the Southern Confederacy. They can hot wipe that out. The people of this country havo carried U3 through this war, and the great God of Heaven has bless ed our country,raised upon us his choisest blessing. He lias carried this country through four years of war, and lie never intended that we fhould throw awayTiur victory. We shall save the country ;we shall save the cause ot liberty; wo shall redeem those Rebel States ; they shall go into the hands of loyal men and lovers of liberty. These loyal men many of them may die in the contest; many of them may be hunted down as they have been, but, gentlemen, the loyal musses of the South, under all, will be protected «tud encouraged through our efforts here. — Wc are fighting tlieii hattlee, Bad we mean to fight it until wo win, and wc know we shall win it. [Applause.] 1 tell all men of position whether they be Rebel* or Copperheads, that we are ac cusiotood to sleep on the field of victory, and we are accustomed to Win battles for our country and to tho cause of liberty, and wc intend to do it in the future. — They toll us new that Montgomery lllair has been down Kant trying to convert the State of Maine. I tell you to-night that one w 'tk ir ini this evening you will hear that tho State of .Maine has given a ma jority of more than 15,000 for General Chamberlain, her gallant leader, anil has elected an imbrokeu delegation to the Congress of tho United States. [Ap plause.] Hannibal Hamlin, one of the truest and noblest men of our country, bearing the office of Collector of the Port of Hoston, has surrendered it t > the Pres ident bceane he cannot support his pol icv, and to nighty or to morrow night, 1 forjrit which it is, he goes to tho State of Maine to speak for the cause of the coun trv. [Three cheers lor Hamlin ] I tell yon that w>'. the people of Niw Kngland, arc all where wc have been, 'lhere are a few bounty-jumpers among us. but they arc lew in number and insignificant in influence; and, gentlemen, it is so .over the country. The Bo". Horace Maynard of Tennes see addressed a considerable gathering to* night at N...ioi ml (iuard's Hall ou ltace sheet. al -.e Filth. His address was maiul> dev >t«: 1 to showing thein that tho Noil hern loyalists should help thoso of ibo South. REMARKS OP J I.IXI E IfCNTEIt, OF MEM PHIS, TI'NN. The orator who announced that the ' Ileart id' this people is as pure as the heart of a virgin," but announced a tru ism.. tVe delegates from the South feel and appreciate he fact that we are among men w ho act, and follow the honest con victions of their hearts,, while wo ac knowledge tl e painful truth that we came from men whose hearts are filled with falsehood, and whoso tongues tho yofes most astonishing thing that wc encoun tered is. that under any circumstances, pooplc who have been born and educated in tho free North, should participate in the sentiments which has engendered and carried out this Rebellion. That people, living upon freo soil, should bo bot/ayed by the corrupt treachery of a'man elected by free and loyal votes, is a matter of su premc astonishment. We find that in the City ot Philadelphia law reigns su preme. No Coutrovcisy excites even an unkiad feeling. When political contro versies are introduced ir ourcommnnilics, even as a tubject of conversation, the bowie knife and revolver spring forth the very moment au unpleasaut word is spo ken. The contemplated withdrawal of the armies cf'the Federal Government from the Southern States, causing great appiehcnsion. We know that theu the power which has so long controlled the Government, will again be in full sway, and there will be co more freo ballots, and the oppression if the people at the polls will again be what it has been in the past. There are hut two things that can save the loyal people of tho South ; cither that Andrew Job Won, !n the course that he is'aow J ursuin;:. shall be unfitted for the high position which he JIOW holds, or that, at the best meeting of Congress, 'ie shall be removed frotn office by the ! process of iuipeaehuieut. [Great ap ! plause. j lam aware that tho proposition : is received by titn'rd with hesitation ; but j I tel! you, and I want it to be understood ' by the loyal population of the North that ' there is nothing done that will save the I Southern loyal men fioiu destruction or extirpation. It is a crisis through whioh wo must pass to secure safety. The ques tion must be -met by the representatives of the free people of the North. Speech es outside tho Union League. Gen. Hammond of Missouri upokewith great contempt of Johnson, thought that the Republican party should keep him in the field as lecturer in their behalf.— [Laughter ] Ho remembered when the President favored negro suffrage in 1802 and Andy John on «aid4o him : "Then is no way on the face of the earth to hav< peace in the country until we dislraneliis the Kebels aud give their land ami vote to loyal black men." A Confederate Sen ator lately told the speaker that a plai had been formed by what Johnson agreet not to secure the Rebel and Copperheac vote. Three cheers were given for tliel Southern loyalists. Gen. Tomgee ot North Carolina, of Sherman's army, said he came from a State that was fairly corned with holcir, in which loyal men had hid thetiiselvts from tho persecutions of Rebels. I briefly stated that the hard ships they had endured at the hands of Rebels. They are to-day worse of! than at that !imc. They arc suffering more from the damned "my policy" than rven under Confederate rule. [A voice, "Dam my policy"—cheers] Wo uro without power to ourselves. [Here a grand torch light procession passed and was cheered, and returned the salutations.] In North Carolina there are no Johnson men ; only Jeff. Pavis and Union men, both of whom look on|Johnsonas a double-dyed traitor. The Davis men ore largely in tho major ity, aud Union men have to walk with fear and trembling. We ate determined to give blacks equal rights with us above the Rebel: [Applause.] The rock of Southern pride, which standi iu Ihe way of giving suffrage to the negro, must be overwhelmed by tho avalanche of justice, until not an atom of it can be found.— Until that is done, there is no more chance for a Union man in the South than for a fat pig near a butcher's shop. Wo are now iu tho position of the fat pig, liable to all Ihe cruelties that the butcher can invent. Once he had been idiot a', by a Rebel, who is uow iu his bed, sick. [Laughter.] Tho Union men in his district, 2,000 strong, had organized to defend themselves, in order to live at all. During the last three months, 1.800 Federal soldiers had been driven out of North Carolina. There :3 & hitvy rain descending, and hundreds of umbrellas went up ; but iu spite of it the crowd remained to hear a short speech from Mr. Stewart of Mary land— a repetition of former speeches.— Senator Croswell of New York gave a brief but graphic history of the extinc tion of Slavery iu Maryland. ItonnEll Ot'T VVITTFIK— A short litr.c since, an Irishman left Copperpoli, Cali fornia, for San Andres, with bis carpet sack on his back, and when about five miles on his way vas met by a " road agent" (tho name given in California to highway robbcis) who demanded his money. Pat immediately dropped hip. pack on the ground and sat down on it, and addressed the man. ' Holy Virgin, yer. linistlc very thick along this road ; I've only come five miles this morning and this is the fourth time I've beea stopped and askc I for money." " la that so asked the robber. '" By my soul, its tho gospel truth," replied Pat. " Well, then, you had better proceed on your way ; it wouldn't pay lo go thro' you now." Pa* shouldered his carpet bag, and the two were about, to separate, wheu he turn c l*.iund aud said : " lluvc ye ivor s'eli a thing about ye as a match ti> light me pipe wid ?" Ho was supplied with oue, and the two separated. The Irishman had five hun dred dollars in gold coin iu his pocket, and by this piece of shrewdness saved it. —A Ocrman paper relates the follow ing incident of one of tho* iatc battles, which is not altogether- incredible : A young soldier in tho midst of battle, thought he saw on the grass a four-leav cd shamrock growing. As such a plant is rare, and is considered to bring good luck, hfstooped to take it. At that very jnstanj a cannon ball passed ovsr his head so near that he roust havo been killed if ho had not been bending down. I The man so miraculously saved has sentl the plant to which ho m/es his life to] his betrulbed at Kon gsburg. —Fotniof the President's recent ap-1 pointnieu's are disappointing him. They do nothing he says to support his policy, and bo might as well havo retained the old incumbents. As the President aim ed to betray his friends in the new ap S ointments, he ought not to compla'n if le new appointments betray him. NUMBER 39 I SKPTEMRH P TKRM, 1866. : rt ,\s, Lancaster; John Cheest ®an, iMudJtot; Wm.Q. Miller, Pom; orgeus ShF! Washington ; Alexaude Browni (of AlMereOr; John. M Dun: " ! Di|l Hoover, Buffalo; Cha Butler; Brytfo • ack, i' ranklt jIL Young, Fair view Lndrow Urooljianks, Winfield j WII ompaon, Con^rd; iamcs Kirkpatric! entre j John (Hahan, Middlesex ; R. 1 .nderaon, Allegheny; Matthew Draw. lipperyrock; J a *bb Cioup, Butler; . bristy, Cherry; Malcolm Uraham, Fo »rd; John Iluilphrey, Worth j Pre< 2 Has, Jackson ; .Joseph Kkas, Jeffersoi tines Grossing, Brady; Dan'l Lar4ii iutou. IAVLRSE Junona, SERT. TERM — tti is WEEK, 18GG. Samuel Belfo* r Adams; Jolin R. A ), Allegheny ; Matthew Grant, Buff,! J Berg. Butler; tv os . McClymond ady; Joseph Coulter, Ventre ; J*pi< n>k, t!herry ; William Beighley, (jj av lac Shaffer, Clearfield; Georg* Mi a a o id, Clinton ; William Byers, Cdkcord hurt Bolton, C mnoquenessing ; \Y n lieland, Cranberry; Wm. Wolfon. negal; Washington Campbell, Fair w; William J. Graham, Forward lies J. English, Franklin; Jose pi irert, Jackson ; Joseph Begin, Jeffor ; George Knd is, Lancaster; Conra< odes, Marion; William M. B?lf, Mer ; Jacob Snydor, Middlesex ; Duvii izier. Muddy creek; John H. iVevmji kluiid ; William T. Fedwick, Parker . M'Cundless, l'enn ; Sylvan us (on Slipperyrock ; Francis liiott, Sumuut lliaui Seaton, Venango ; Samuel iS.tv sbington ; Wui. Hctselgessci, Win I; Newel J. (iienn, Worth; l'etei jfy. Borough Butler ; John A. Shela , Borough Centretillej Dr. Josepl k, Borough Harmony ; William P wn, Borough Ilarrisville; Georgt ton, Borough Portersville ; A. F son, Borough Prospect; H.T. Mark Borough Suxonlmrg; Edward Kan ih, Borough Zclicnople; John Wag- Borough Millerstown; Abratn Me dless. Borough Butler; Thomas An on, Adams; John llosenberry, Alle ly; Augustus Cuthbert. Butler; Jos. >h, Conuoquenessing; Nicholas Bau Mnddyoreek; John Bigham, Slip rock; Matthew Graham (of W), iberry. VERSE JUROIJS FOE SEPT. TERM — SECOND WEEK. din TTaslett, Buffalo; Robert Gra , Butler; David McJunkin Brady; I T. Cranmer, Centre; Andrew M. sty, Cherry ; J. W. Allen, Clay; 11. ir, Clearfield ; Arohibaid Montgom- Clinton ; Henry Blain, Concord : ry Brunamer, Connoqueuessiusr ; J telly, Cranberry; John Black, D"n --; Matthew Banks, Fuirviuw ; Alex tor, Forward , Samuel Davis, Frank John Parks, Jacksjn ; David Lo Jefferson ; Frederick Bupp, Laneas George Ray, Marion ; Jonathan Mo .Millan, Middlesex; James Barnes, Mor eer ; Isaac Covert, Adams ; Christian Ri der, Oakland ; Hamilton H. Say, Parker; James List, l'enn; Johnston Bovard, Esq., Slipperyrock ; MichaelTobin, Sum mil; Samutl Slosh (of Sam'l), Venango;. James Stoops, Washington; Win. Den ny, Winfield; Robert Ilampson, Worth ; George Eba, John Frazier, Borough But ler ; Wm. McCarnef-, Borough Centre villo ; Philip NORS, Borough Harmony ; Robert Barr, Korough Ilarrisville; Wir Humphrey, Borough Portersville; P. L Passavant, Borough Zelicnople. VULGAR LANGUAGE. —There Is NR muo'i connection between the words nn<« thoughts as there is between the thought? and tlie actions. The latter are not only thfe expression of the firmer, bnt they have a power to react vpon the soul an leave the stain of their corruption there A young man who allows himself to «BP one vulvar or profane word has not nnh shown that there is a foul spot upon hi • mind, but by the utterance of that wori he extends the spot and inflames it til'., by indulgence, it will poluto and ruin the whole soul. Bo careful of your Words (H of your thoughts. If you con trol th 3 tonjjue that no improper wor'.'i" are pronounced by it, you will soon bo able to control the mind, and save that. fro;n corruption. l'ou extinguish in flames by smotheriogit, or by preveniin;; bad thoughts bursting out by language. Never utter a word anywhero which you would be ashamed to rpeak in the pre c nee of the most refined female, or the religious man. Try this praotic« a little white, and you will soon have command • of yourself. A DIFFERENCE. —It is reasoned tho "John Brown made an unlawful attain nr< to t'es r>y slavery, which resulted in t' • killing of a dozen men. Hn was arr« ted,'triel snd hung. Jefferson Da made au unlawful attempt to perpetuv.'. si ivory, which resulted in Ihi death of » million ol men. He is in duratiee viio, but fio'n present indication# but litt.-> ehan ■« of being hung. From all t which wo gather (bat this is (reason w • thy of death to take up arm's agai/ 'slavery, aod no-traason to take up arpv for its perpetuation. If Jeff. Davis ! iiiot hung, the execution of John BroWn Bos cold bfo'o'ded, unj'ustifiabfe mnnler.