Department. Wheat A "ter Corn. A corre*pondent of the German town Telegraph says:—Last fall I putin a field of sixteen acres of wheat; in three of it I had potatoes, three with corn and the balance with oats. I had oftiuie« heard it said that a crop of wheat joulcl be grown after corn, but that grass would not take so well as after oats stubble had been plowed down and wheat sown. I had but a moderate coat of manure to put on ; a part of the oats stubble I put on but half a oat of barri-yard manure and plowed it in ; but just before drilling in the wheat 1 sowed three bushels of salt to the acre nnd harrowed it in. The corn I hauled off, spread the manure on, und plow ed corn stabs and manure in togeth er. This part had but one plow ing. The potafb ground I plowed - twice ; the potatoes gathered pay well for the last plowing. This part I sowed broadcast, not being able to drill it on account of the fall grans and isoots that lay over it. For manure for this 1 liad to wait until it was made, in the fall.and early part of the win ter, when I spread it over the top.— Timothy seed was sown over the whole at the rate off ur quarts to the acre, at the time the wheat was pat in. In the hitler part of March I sowed four quarts of clover seed to the acre. Now for the result. I harvested this summer the finest crop of wheat I ever did ; most of it stood up, was well grown, and reinarkaVly well fill ed, and judging from wha' I have already threshed out will average overtwentv bush Is to the acre, prob ably twenty-five. I could see but little difference in the wheat the field over ; it was all good. The grass at harvest and up to this time is best where the potatoes and corn grew; and although it is well set all over,, it is not so forward where the oats was grown. So you see, Mr. Editor, the old saying that grass will not tal'e alter corn, has failed in this instance. In regard to salt as a manure for wheat, it is a new thing to ine, but I intend to use it to a considerable extent, as in the above instance tree bushels of it wns equal to half a coat of manure, which at the lowest cal culation Was worth eight dollars. 1 have 110 doubt that many I my brother farmers will say that the conclusion I have come to is an oSi travagant one; but 1 would very much like some at lea t of tlieut to test it, as 1 have done, and report the result in another year thro' the columns of the Telegraph. This is the best way to arrive at facts—and facts, not theories, are what the far mer wants. Cure lor Shying. If alad v's horse bo addicted to shying; 1 -Will give her a sure and simple cure for the same, one w! ich J have never known to fail. Let us, for instance, suppose the existence of a heap of stones on the near side of the road. The horse sees an in distinct gray object, and prepares to shy at it. The uioueht he shows such symptoms let his fair rid' r turn both her eyes on exactly the opposite side of the road, and look steadily away from the offending heap, and, X engage that the horse will walk quietly by. For many years 1 have ridden horses of all tempers and di;-. positions, some of them much given to shying, and have never yet found this simple remedy to fail in its ef fect. Let those who scoff at me try it. The reason is this:—The human 9yc doubtless, a great influence on all animals, and there is a Strong and secret sympathy between the horse and its rider. The horse sees an iudistinct object, and looks doubt fully at it; his rider becomes alarm ed, imagining that the animal is go ing to commit some eccentricity ; the fear is communicated to the animal, and he starts in terror from the ob ject which has frightened him; where as, if he finds that his rider sits un moved and unconcernedly, he regains his confidence, and goes on"in the even tenor of his v. ay." 1 believe tliHt one-half of our horses are ruin ed for life by being "hit over the head" by groom 3, to cure them of shying.— Home Taming. ■foo LATE! —AIas! how many henrte have ceased to heat with the wild pulsation of hope when those cruel, crushing words have fallen on the Par, leaving only the utter dark ness of despair ! llow often have the struggles of long, weary years realized a fortune too late! iiow of ten have we all found what we covet ed most —friends, power, love—hut too lato ! llow madly happy it would have made us once, before" our trust had been deceived and our spirit broken! It sickens us now, for we huve given up the thought of it long jgo, and turn from it even as the dying beggar turns from food, the \vant of which ha killed him. —The chameleon, who is said to feed upon nothing but uir, has of all animals the nimblest tongue. While* shame {seeps its watch, virtue is not wholly extinguished from the heart: —Why is o conscientious baker like u ship miuus ballast ? liecausv beiug short' weight, be given « luii uyer. MIBCELL AUEOUB ITEMS —Kvery heart has a secret drawer,the spring of which is only known to the owner. —Why is twice ten like twice eleven? Heeause twice ten is twenty, and twice eleven is twenty-two. lie temperate in all things Our first parents ate themselves out of house and home. —Happiness grows at our own fire aides, and is not to be picked in the stran ger's garden?. —A y ting lady in lowa all for love recently htyig herself—to a limb of the law. —What is it that has two buildings, two trees, two animals, and two fi.-di ? The b.uni .n body, viz : two temples, two palms, two calves, and two soles. —An Iri>h editor in speaking of the miseries of Ireland, says, "Her cup of misery has been for ages overflowing,aud is not yet full. —A Western editor "disgusts" him self at the vein of Artemus Ward's hu mor, giving as a primary reason that "the darned fool doesn't know how to sp.dl " —The Worth of a consists in the spirit it breathes—the lesson it in culcates— the influence it exeits—ifthese are exceptionable, do not stop to inquire about the author. —Young Man : Arc you waiting for some door to open into a broad and use ful future ? Don't wait. Select the door and pry it open, even though you get your fingers pinched. '•Do you know who I am?" said an of ficer to a fellow, whom lie had by the' collar. "Nat exactly, sir," the fellow replied, 'but I think you must be the inaligncnt collarer." —'-What is the difference 'twixt a watch and a tedder bed, Sam?" "Dun no— gin h up.'' "llccause de tick in ' of dc watch am on dq iuside and de tickin' if the fedder bed am on de outside." HUMILITY AND FAITH — We hatte no instance of great faith unaccompanied by great humility. The more we recognize I lie gloriou> excellence of I'Jjvine char acter, the mo e self sinks, the more faith rises, for faith is the independence of weakness upon strength, ignorance upon wisdom, uuwortliiaass upon righteous ness. VARIETIES OF BAD TK.MPKR.— Had temper is oltener the remit of unhappy circumstances than of an unhappy or gan. zition. It frequently, however, has a physical cause, and a peevish child oi ten needs dieting more than correcting. A child ol active temperament, sensitive Id ling, and eager purpose, is more like ly to meet with constant jars and rubs than a dull, passive child; and, if he is ol an open nature, his inward irritation is shown in bursts of passion. 11 you repress these ebullition by scolding and punishment, you only iucrea-e the evil by changing passion into sulkiness. A cheerful, good-tempered tone of your 0 n, a sympathy with his trouble has arisen from no ill-conduct oil his part, are the best ant'dotes- Never fear spoil ing children by making them too happy, lluppiyets is the atmosphere in which all good affections grow. AN ILLUSTRATION.— Dr. Adam Clark was pica hingtoa large congregation in Ireland, und alter dwelling in glowing terms upou the irectiess of the Gospel, and telliiig them that the water of hlu could be had 'witdout money and with out price," at the conclusion of the ser mon, a person announced that a collec tion would be made to support the Gos -1 el in loreign parts. This announcement disconcerted the speaker, who afterwards icLted the circumstance to the lady ut the house where he was staying. "Vet) true, Doctor," replied the hostess; "the water of life is free, 'without money,aud without price,' but wo must pay tor the pitchers to carry it in." A STORY WITH A MORAL.—A joung man paying special nttcntiou to a youug lady, mot with the following incident during one of his visits : Being invited in the parlor to await tha lady's appearance, lie entertained himself as bett he might ior some time, and was becoming very weary, when a little .girl about five yeus old slipped in and began to converse with him. en you are coming to our house." "lou can he replied, "and how do you tell it?-■* "V by, when y<>u are going to be here sister begins to sing and get good, she gives iiie cake and pie, aud nnything I want, she sings so sweetly when you are here, aud when 1 speak to her she smiles so pleasantly. 1 wish you would stay here all the while, then I would have a good time, liqt when you go off, sisier s not good. She gets mad, and if 1 ask her for anything, she slaps and baugs Uie about." '1 his was a poser for the young mi j "'fools and children tell the truth," | quoted he, aud taking his hat, 113 left | and returned no aiore. Moral—Parents wishing their ill-na tured daughters married, should keep' their small children out of the parlor when strangers are there. AMERICAN CITIZEN lQ)fe Pri&ti&gOTk©! Ornamental, plain, Fapcy, card Book AND 308 MIMTIMB, In the Arbitration room in the Court Klonae, BUTLER, PA. WK ARK PREPARED TO PRINT,ON SHOUT N OICE Bill lleads, Hooks, Druggist Labels, Pro grammes, Constitutions, Checks, Notes, Drafts, Hlanks, business Cards, Visiting Cards, Show Cards, Pamphlets, Posters, Hills of Far®, Order Hooks, Paper Hooks, Billets, Sale Hills, Ac. BEI.NU riHNJSUKn WIT-.J The Most Approved Hand Presses AND THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF | Type, Borders, Ornaments, Rules, Cuts, Ac., IN THE COUNTY, We will execute everything in the line of PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PRINTING NEATLY, PIOMWIY, A3ID AT ItEISOXABLE KATES, i n a style tn excel any establishment at home, and compete with any abroad. :BKII.I.KI> WOIIKMEN Are employed in every branch of the business, and we endeavor to meet the wants of the community, and to re tain the honorable distinction which has been already conceded to this establish ment, for TASTE I > COMPOSITION AND nil- HI! 11 ro in Press Work. In all the essentials of Cheap Printing, flood Paper, Tasteful Composition, Beau tiful Press Work, and DISPATCH, we in vite comparison, from getting out a Card of a single line to an illuminated Poster, or a work of any number of pages. The American Citizen IS published every Wednesday In the borough fo Butler by THOMAS It OH IN SON In the Arbitration room in the Court House. TERMS: — %ii 00 a year, If paid in advance, cr within the first first six months ; «>r 260 if not paid until nfter the expiration o the first six m< ntlis. TERMS OP ADVERTISING, &e. A« agreed upon by the Publishers and Proprietors of tte Butler I'apers. One square, one inset Hon $1 0*) Kach subsequent insertion 6u column for nix months .....12 60 column for six months 20 0" 1 column for six months 35 !»■ '{column for one year 2G 00 >£ column tor one year 10 00 I column for one year 70 UO Professional ami llusinoa* Cards, not exceeding 8 lines, one year 8 no Kxecutors.Adniinlstratcrsand Auditor's notices, each,3 00 Applications for Licenses, each 6o Cautious, Kstrays, X ••tires of Dissolution, Ac., not exceeding 1 square,insertions, each 2 00 10 lines Ot Xonpnreil,or its equivalent, will make a squatr sheet hand-bill, 50 copies or less ? 1 5 % 2 60 'A * <*' Full •' " " 6 00 BI.tNKS. For any quantity under 5 qnires, $1 50 per quire; on all amounts over that, a reasonable reduction will be made JIUBIREBB CARDS. Single picks, fl_soj each additional pack, 60 cts. lOcentsper line for each insertion. DEATHS ANN MARRIAGE*, will In published gratis, where the same does not excVed lines ; for each additional lino, 5 cti. will he charged. Advertisements »»t O. C. Sale, Kxecutors, Admiuistra tors. and Aodiioi's notices; l-.stiays, Dissolution of Part nership, Cautions, ami all transient advertisements, MUST We. tiie undersigned, i'ublithrrt and 1 Proprietors of\\xt llutler papers, hereby agree to strictly adhere to the above schedule of prices, until further notice. \\ M. lIASLKTT, llutler American. ("LA KK WILSON, Union llerald. KOUIXSOX & AND Kit SON, American Citi/en. .Inly 13 1864. 8* ISO 1" ESS BOX Ali «'A It l>N. A7IOWMIN7M7D^ I»h.VHlc*ln 11 ou(I Wui'ifcon. Office immediaiciy opposite Walker s buildings Itutler !*»». Dw.B. l*Aft:tf JACK'S HOTEL HRNJ. JACK, Proprietor. Corner of Mnln nnd Jfffenon itriß!" Butler, P«. March 16.18M TITOSTBOBmSON Attorney at Xiaw, A.IN l> PENSION AND ( LAIIYI AGENT OfTlcc \*ltli ( lias. M'CnmllrHß, Knq. Soul" v\ c t corn r of (lie illftmouri i.imcr I»h. Attorney at Lav/, FHANKLIK. VENANGO COUMTV, A • one ibutr Norlli of KINNKAR IIOU R. M. M'LUER, Attorney at Law* PENSION AND'CLAIIYI AGENT Ovncr.N. K.comer of Diamond, llutler, Pa. Feb. 3,18«>4::tf. Claim Agent TUB underMigneil would respectfully notify the public r»* tL»t he ha* been regularly corami**ionc.i as CLAIM -A-GIEIsrT, forsecuriug Hounty Monet/, nf I\iy and /Vn tiong, for H..idiers, or if they are dead, for their legal representatives. No charge will be made for pnwernting the claims of Holt tiers, or their ref-esentatives until the same are collected. C. E. A N DKRBON. Ilutirr. .Iniio 27. l«fifi. W. N. N. FTIDMXT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Willattend toail businessentruflted tobiscare prompt ly. Special attention given to the collections of Itn fiont. flunk /Viy and Il>>unti*s. Will also net as *getit for thooe wishing to buy or well r««al estate. Ofltoe on South able of Diamond, iu lirediu's building lint ei Pa. * X vmurr 8. ;l£ 3. fi. CLARK Attorney at Law, BVTLES, PENN'A. B&*OBlee in the Court House.~tßa | QOVKRNMKNT BOUNTIES EQUALIZKD. The extra County allowed by act of Congress to Soldiers or their representatives collected without un necessary delaj. *#~TEK MS :—s?*. AH letters promptly answered "E& ltutlcr, August l*t, 18»kJ, tf. GEO. A. BLACK GEO. W. FI.EKKKIt u BLACK Ar FLEGUER, ATTORNEYS' AT LAW, AND CLAIM AGENTS. I'i-iwiioiv' jtr.-curod f..r soldi, r- of 1812, or their wld- All busliiotw luirunUHi t-j ilutii care promptly at toitdad to./ Olllce, South \Ve«t of Court Uuuh, [urnier ly occupied by tj. c (j u l|„ a u. Ma?2'tjtWtalo * y».?■ HuMiro*. •.JUmni.Uuniai.ii. HUBKLTOJJ & GRAHAM (latroftbß U. g. Army) PHYICIANS AND SURGEONS *J-Jrrict In B.jd • tilock.n MnlStreol Butler !'». (SURGEON DENTIST'S. DRS.S. R. &C. L. DIEFENBACHER. to luser ~ \ . work. Filling, cleaning, extracting am) adjusting the teeth done with thebes material*and in the bent manner. Particular attention paid to children'* teeth. Ah mechanics, they defy com petition: as operators they rank among the bunk." Char ges moderate. Advice free of charge. Office—ln Boyd Building Jeflarson Street, Butler Pa. Dec. 9,1863 :::tf. Drugs ! Drugs! Drugs ! DRS.GRAI&M&HUSELTON HW I.NO purchased the Ltug Stoic receu tiy own by l»r. It. F. Hamilton, w ill carry on the Drug bn i.ess in all its departments, at the old stand, Byd's 111>> Main Street Butler Pa. We have constantly on ha and for Male a pure quality o! DRUGS CHEMICALS and PAINTS OJLS VARNISHES AND 01, ASS, WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD AjLITIIEB AGE Dye-Stuffs, Glass and Putty, TU It PENT! NK, AN D A LCOHOIj, LAUD, FISH A NEATS-FOOT OII.S, Uori'LKS, VIALS, Ai\'D COIIKS. SOAP, SPONGES it LAMPS, PUR*: GROUND SPICKS Ac. Ac. Ac. generel variety of Perfumery & Toilet Articles. Wines and Liquor* for Med leal purpose*. Wines for Sacramental n-«\ furnished at cost. Physicians pres criptions carefully compounded. The public in respectfully invited to call and examine our stock, we arecontldent that we can sell AS reasonable u*any similar establishment in the county. Nov. 22 lHW»::ly. REMOVAL. milE undersigned announces to the public tlia/she I luu removed fcer Ml ill fll flf 3ft) fi 2, To the room formerly occupied by Win. S. Ziegler. font doors North oi M' Aboy's *t ire, an I that she has on hand and is constantly receiving the choicest *t ><;k of MILLINERY GOODS. Ever offered t > the public * consisting of BONKETS, STUA.W GOODR, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, And a full and general assortment of FANCY MiLLiKERY GOODS. Bonnet* done up In tlie latest style. Thankful for past favors, we would still invite pur chasers to give us a call. May 2d, 1806—3m) MRS. E. IIERTZRERQKB. Farm lor Hair. rpilE undersigned ofTers for sale Ills FARM, located .1. In Washington township, Butler county, beihg 107 Acres of good farming land: Sixty Acre* of which are cleared, the balance well timbered. There is a good double Log Dwelling house thereon. A young oiYhard of Apple and Peach trees. Farm In good condition.— Twelve feet deep of coalin thr < veins). F..r pnrstie' bus inquire of the Editor CITISBX, or of the ed residing on tlie premise! tie 0. 18'fl.) j»0 BERT SPEAR. Executor's Notice. N r OTTf Eis hereby given that Letters Tcstmentary on tlie estate of of J. F. Robinson. hit* of the town of Knob Nosier. Johnson, Co.. Miss uirl, dee'ed. have been granted to the unoersigned. Therefore. nil per sons knowing themselves injebted to m.«l e>tite will nuke immediate pivment. and those having cliinis auaiu>t the s une, will present them properly authen ticated for settlement. ROBERT* STORY. July 11th 18ft6—Gt Executor. Auditor's Notice. I 'N the matter <>f the petition of N. F. MeCandle**, Committee of Fk-eger for leave to H< II C. I*. No 27, Juno Term. 1861. Anl now to wtt: .Turn* fitli, is»wt. Court appoint G. W Pledger, Esq., an nmli tor to trfke testimony in reforenee to tho claims t.f the creditors of tin- lunatic und make rep >rted and slate nn account of r>ame that are claim* legally up »n tin- es tate of gaid lunatic* Ity the court. Jhitfrr county, 88. Certified from the recor.l tliie 18th of June, IROfl. WM. ST.HUM. Proth'y. Notlco is hereby given to tho* • having claims against the said estate, thai I will attend to the duties of the above appointment at the office of lUack & Fleeger, iu HutUr. on Tuesday, the 21st day of August, A D. 1800. at 1 o'clock, P. M. G. W. FLEBOKIt. July 18 1800 4t . Auditor. FiXoenlbr'N Notice. IETTKRB testamentary on the Estate of Wm. Pat ton, J late of Slipperyrock township, dee'd, have this day heen i!rantril to the undersigned. Persons indebted to the KstUo are requested to makt) Immediate payment and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement julyll,o«,6t. DAVID ARMSTRONG, Ex'r. Exe'culor'N Xoficc. TETTERB testament iry on the Estateof John YonMg, J late of Lancaster; i#.unship, dee'd, have been issued to the undersigned. Therefore, all persons knowing the involves Indebted to said estate, are requested to make nimediate payment; and those having claims against he same will present them properly authenticated 1 »r ttlement. FRANCIS SCOTT, July 11'66.61* Executor. nbwpirmT rnllF. undersigned having gone Irto'pa: tncrship, In the 1 IWHIT and SII<»K >1.»r1111 i> tu: inu lu-iu block, two doors South of Weeber A Troutmau's Stoi* Main Street, llntler, Pa., are prepared t . make the neet est Do«.t and Shoe and do the beat Job work of any other establishment in the place. Having great experience i the huslnoM we cannot fail to ploase. Call and give us BCHRIBER NICHOLAS eb 2' C—tf STOVES AND POUGHS. "IT7ECK BECKER A RETBER.—Foun »* dor*-—Foundry North of the boi feffMpW ana other castings are made onshor uo fcHyA''..r-ffitl JlK* 1 ice. Their ware-room is on Main . w reel tirst door North of Jack** Hotel, where you will find t <>ve* of all sizes aud patrons. They also koop on hand.. larg. stock of Ploughs, which they sell as cheap a* I hey can b« bought at any other establishment in the county. Dec. 9, l&C3::tf NEW SKIRTS FOR 1865-6 I The Great Invention of the Age in HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duplex Ellipic, or double, Spring Skir. THIS INVENTION consists of DUPLEX (or two) Kllip tic Pure Keflned Steel Springs, ingenious!} traded tight ly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the tough est, most flexible, elastic and durable Spring ever used They seldom bend yr break, the Single Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful Shape moretii -n twice a* long as any single Spring Skirt that Ever Has or Can be made. Tho wonderful flexUdu;> and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Dupfek Ell ptic Skirl will be experienced |Mirticularij in all crowded Assem blies, Operas, Carriage*, Railroad Car*, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promooade and House Dress as the Skirt can be folded ylien iu ui»e to occupy a small place as ea*ilv and conveniently a* a SUk or Muslin Dross. A Lady having enjoyed the Pleasuie, Comfort and .l at all time against the Company «»r their ngen's, and that if after the most thorough trial, any watch tihould prove defec tive in any paiticular, it may always beexehiugcd for another. As the American Watches mule nt Waltham. are f«»r sale by dealers generally throughout tlie coun try, we do not solicit orders for single watches. CAUTION.—The public are cautioned to buy only o respectable dealers. All poisons selling counterfeits will be prosecuted. ROBBINS & APPLETON, AGENTS FOlt THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, IS2 llltOAbM AY, N.l. JulvirtW.lin. Presentment of the Grand Jury In ICck»£<> (<> the PnWic linild iiigH. /hitler County, s.i. The Grand inquest inquiring in and for the County of Untler, nt February So-sions, IStJtt, made the following Presentmei.t. t > wit: The Grand Jury in and for the County of llutler. r!*c onimends the Commissioners of said County tn Imlld a new Jn.l as soon as practicable, and that their >u fence nround the Court House herlenttednnd well painted, hii I whatever necessary repairs the Court House may i.fvd, be made. ' W. C. A DA MS. February 28, 1800. F -reman. And the Grind Inque-t inquiring In and for the County of llutler. to June sessions. 1800, made tho following presentn «*nt, to wit: The Grand Inquest of the County of Rutler do respect frilly present, Tha* we examined the Jail of saul County, In the Bor ough of Butler, and find it utterly unlit I r the use fir which it is intended. There are no means 112 r keeping separate the male and female inmates It i-» s - arranged that it is Impo .-dblc to remodel tho Jail, so a j t i effect any pfimaucnt n us possible, in a sum approaching as near as may be its original cost, in some one or m re lesponsdde lu-uranco ( »tnpan:eh. \\ efm ther take the present opportunity of expressing our opini.'ti i.f tin* attentive ntn! gen.l.-tuanlv atti-niio'i of our worthy I'Miict Alt mi. v. \V. II II Kiddle, (Signed) ALKX. Olhl.ESl'lE, Foirinari. And now t.. wit: Juno $, ISM. The Clerk i* ilir«*cf«> , to publish this pri'Miitiiicnt in tin* pHp, SILVER and COUi'JNS. INTKItKST NOTES. Collection* made on nil accountable point* In the the United Mute* mid Canada*. Interest Allowed on time De posits. Highest liules I'aid Cor COIII]I>>IK]>. IK fCtinioH. , ...... ",'y\ - '■ V UU -J-W^.XCJUjiLwy is c -J§£Liit 65 23 43P** 1 (H AX!) UNDERTAKING. H E .DQtJARTERH on Main Street, opposite J«k Hotel. Tli<- subscriber in extetulvcly engaged in "UNDERTAKING LINE, beidg fully prepared t . nmk* COFFINh of nil dean ipt'onf, neatly anil promptly to order Cof fin* of nil nize* and kinde ready made, and aiwuy* on hand*. lie lihh a so procund an entirely Xcn ami ]Vc>at llraiw; ii nd is thus prepared to rttend funeral* on the »hoi tea t notice. lie al*o keeps on hands and manufiu tures toorde COMMON AND FAN Y FURNITURE CONSISTING Bureau*. 'l'n bios, SIUIKIM, lU'dHicsuls, Chairs Ac. All made inn neat aud wo. kui.ui-like maimer, an-l of the fluest finish. T Kit >l3:—Reasonable and to suit the time*. Thank ful for i»a.*t favor*, the patrol) ig« of the public in res pectfully solicited. CALL AND EXAMINE OUIt STO.CLtC. JACOB KECK. May 10. fle-Cimo'. Administrator's Notice. VT OTICE is hereby givei* that letters of Aduilnhtra i 1 ti on has l»een issued to the undei signed. on the es tate of Lliwibetli Mai tin.late of UutTalo tp„ dee d All petm.nH liavitg claim- *aiii e*4«t«. wiU pr sunt them properly authenticated for »>ellle'»eut, aiid those knowing themselves indebted to »ui<| etdute, will make>' payment. ItOUtKT M UAItHIS'JN Auguot 14, lbtiG—fit. Administrator. Orphan'* C ourt Kale. I ur f n * n £ e oi order and decree of the Orphan* X Cr mile, ut public outcry, on th* premises in Concord tow linkup, on Thursday, the G/A duy of September, i ? e f*' ACRES OK LAND, adjoiuing laid* of Joun M Kiuoey, J. Ccuilter. and others Terms caali. I THOMAS <:.T1I(»MI'«0N\ , August 11.1866—ts Adm'r of K. W. Thompson. de:'d 1 GOING FAST FOR CASH L J a. c. o.»t l!io Coffee 30 cents per pound. • Vffco Htljrar 18 cts. per pound. I Crusted Sugar 22 cts. per pound, j Brown sugar 12{ cents per pound. €4IVK rs A ( lUt AND KXAMINK nil a ASSORTMENT. I'uia-r, .Inne 2ft. —if. Drug and Grocery Store. mm: subscriber* have Jut received, and are imw I opening, at their Slore-twoiu, oppositu Peter Dnllv s in Butler, All Extensive, Assortment I'Ul'i is, * MEDICINES 011/s. PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, PATEXt MEDICINES, TOILET SO A i*. PEP.FU MERY, AXD RNK 01X0 (U'iia'T IYCQ I/O 1.1 For mid Mrilhilnnl pmn'.s(n Al*i, nil kinds of I I.l> HI F. M 110> Ac. I'h l air IntiM preaoelpf iami enrefolly nnd pioiapily com |»r» it ml e«l. IN J UK (JUUCbKV liKI'AKTiMKNT will be found almost every article for fain ily u-e. Also NATI.S, GT.ASS, (> r.ASSWA It E, QtJ KKNSW A RE, C HOC K K H v, Stoxi.WAHK, ]?VCKF.TB, Tuns, ■ &0., kc. Li-. ,This market price paid I'i- ili kinds (if produce in exchange I'OU (JOO l>S. SELL (Si DIE F ENBAOHER. May 180'!:: 1 y. SOOU^SHBE, '5 LEATHER AND W FINDINGS STORE, ON MAIN STREET, One door North of M'Aboy's Store. GENTS' FRENCH CALF HOOTS, SHOES AND CONGRESS GAITEHB. LADIES & GENTS' SLIPPERS MISSES' ROOTS, SHOES, AND OITMS. MY BOOTS k SHOES. Children's Shoes of all Kind*. A VVLL AND COMPLKTK ASS<>IITMKNT of my own manufacture, constantly on hnnil,and work made to order, of the BKST STOCK ami in the AT3T 3 r nr A Urge and lull assortment of eastern stock. of the very best material and workmanship. All kiuds of LEATHER & FINDINGS French and Common Calf skins. Sole anil Upper Leather, Morocco, Kips and Kids. ROANS AND LININGS or nil Wo have the largest, beat selected, and for the time* the cheapest stock ever offered for sale in llutler. The putiic are invited to call and examine for them selves. May 31—If TIIKODOIIR IIUBK/.TON NEW SHOE SHOP. rpilE having pnicluised the weil-knmn J Shoe hop if C. A F. Hurly,subsequently owned by A. Kutn, » now prepaied to tell n* low a* any other e.+- tablishm nt of the kind in tow-i, and is prepared to do Job worl oil short notice Call and see. is aiso carrying on the Tannery buiineas at the oh* stand, and will pay the blithest pries* Tor all kinds of liiues and lawk delivered in good condition. Bailor, 1e1'.28, '66- lj. nil. MARUORI. 1 "HERE IT IS" AN ARTICLE OF REAL MERIT. A REMEDY That has been tried and stood' the tent, not only in an occa sional ease, but in every/ com munity where used it has been pronounced the safest and mostt reliable remedy known for CHOLERA DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY,, CRAMP IN THE STOMACH OR, BOWELS, CHOLERA MORBUS, &c. Tt contains nothing irrl-< tat in (j or injurious to the stomach, and is mild but prompt in its action, and effects a permanent cure by removing the cause of the comjtlalnt. No JPAMIL.X should be without it, as the. cost is trifling compared with the suffering that may, be avoided by having it at hand in case of a sudden attack. tee-Try it, and judge for yourself. SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS,. Prepared only by J. HENDERSON & BROS. PITTSBURGH, PA. J C. EEDICK & CO, DRUGGISTS, BiITUB.Pt., Agents for B .tier Couaty, Pii, Ap I 35, *65—6 nn *. An Old Sons Set to a New Tune, !Sf*l߀B€S. .jpf "Ati tpvinti appiwr'itii Ant* and l'ifichtl Front th'-ir hole* tome out And Aliff ninl Hat*, In fvitr Cat*. (:,> .7 *' '•18 yetrs estnbllsho.l In N. Y. Cltv." "Only infallible remedies known " "Free fr. >III POISONS'' * Not dangerous to tho Human Family."' "Bats come out of their hale* to die.*' •TOIIIII'I" Rnt, llonc li. Ex'fr'i, 1M a f«nrtlih'saimitations, . Sen that •■OMTWIV name i« on each lb»\, and I 11- U before you buv. Hitf Address, MF!I*FI VR C OS.VAH. 453 BROADWAY, Y. 4«-Md In Bin tier, Fa., I y all Drugisls and Itetailors 18()(i. I N'CHMASK OF BATS—TIi Farmer* C.atrtU (Fn*. Ilsh i ;is.ei is and prove* by figures iloit nn« pair of HATS will Itnve grogou.v iM'l di •'Mi-hint* no less than tbll.iMM) In ihree vNow, unieiH this i,intense fimilr ran be ».«-pi 'I MII. t!" \ would I'MIIHUIIKI nmro fiiud than woubi -nsla II «'•'».!). n Itmii i JI i.elag*. Hr) ' Sei i oft'irs adverl iseine .1 above. il I' ATS vr*u* ! :If I S.— Whoever enirapm in nhnotyigg flr-tl bli<'s is .1 rim I Itiao : \\io.\ei ; j.|s in extvi lllilM li' * Kats is Ibell■. II I \V. Sb uld life** I**ll9 one give ns the bi'ii-'ilt -i Her «/\pe «m«« in driving oi.l tlie «• pest*. U • iir.oi . thing I iden dogs, eats, and tiaps i.i this busin -h —Sr., itiil ■ American, A*. J', Se" II V e li-«-!ii u: itb iv«* iB6O. "COSTAITS'' P.AT i:\TiCH lINATOIt is smjd.- sef«. and sufe--the ill >sl |i«-i h-rl B.IT ilie.ilion inecfitig w« have ever attended. lv e J ra. thai ca|i gei It. pi HIM rlv pi || ired, w ill eat il. »• <1 o»M- Hint -ntn B die generally at - -me ji oTAK o udve. li-i hove. 1866. j llOl'.'llKßKl'liilPtiiniiiicil it! 1 v«*; mi l lined l>e s• no linger. If they n« * .i-ifji-- ' F.xt- i mlmifdp. We h-vo tided it toon- s..ti-f.i fi -ii ;«ud it .. box costs v.. wi.nld have It. \V<- htvo »rh- Dplir n* but thev effected nothing ; hut "Cuttar n ; ;i k i - in the lireail. out id It it*, It" olios, Ant' 1 lei 1. d-I'.i gs. <|ii cker than We wnte it it i-in etl den.and all over the c*»unrrv.— M tlfna Ohio, G' <.' tfs. •B. See Co bTAttV advert isetiiL-ut above. 1866. A VOICR FROM TITR FAR W I'PT Ppcnking of •'(?««MtiirV ! Hat, Iloqcii. Ant, .to .Ex tnui t ators—• mote tf'ain and pi..visi. ii.4 are d* strove I annua ly in (Jrant County by vermin, limn would p'lv for tons of this llat atid In ••«. t Knier inc if'- r H'u., /fernhi. 4ly»- 4vO "Costai's ' Ildvwitsec-ypt Above. {11(11).. FARMKRS AXD HOngKKKBI'KKA, should recollect tint hundred* of dollars' worth » Grain. hyvWaiia. /.c., me annually destroyed by Rats. Mice, Ants, and oth er luuects and vermin—ail if which can be prevented by a few dollar*' Worsh of ''CostarV' lint, Roach, Ant, Ac., Kxterminator, bought and used freely. See t'Costui 's advertisement above. Id In l!utler, l'a., by ail DrtiggjftUi and Dea. lers. April 11. ti^.,;eniv, MOWER & REAPER. I WOULD respectfully, announce to the farmers of | Outlet county, thai lam Agent for the great labor saving machines /ETNA & CAYUGA CHIEF MOWER AND REAPERS. Also the colebrato'l Excelsior Mower & Reaper nmnnfiictiircd CI irk h Qniglon, O. TUB W.JRI.n KKNUWNKD Sharp's Steel-tooth Hay-Rake^ Also the great American C'ha npiou Wav & Grain Send for our circulars of the different machines. All prders a-idre.i-ed to the endersigued at Zelien-?|>lo, I»u. will receive prompt attention. June 0. lKisi. QBOROK B. IJASTIAX, toivii si ityi:\ou A NY peram wishing survoyinz done by County J\ Hurvcyor. can bo acc nnuodated by leaving word or ndessing.l. I». Clark, at the office of thy County Surveyor In Mutler; or add retains N. M. 81 ate rat l'eters vllle I'ott Office. Itiltler Couritv Pa. March 7th ISOCtf.