EIGHTH ANNUAL FAIR —OF THE — Bu tleronnty Agricultural Society, TO BEHELD Iff BUTLER, OH September 26th, 27th &. 28th, 1866. The Entry Books will be opened on the 15th day of September, and continue open until the cvwninK of the _oth day of September, at which time thej will he E A 2d best " u. u. 2. OQ, best pair mat«ked> carriage mules, & CO best single baggy horse or man, 500 best saddle hone or mare K & 00 - best brood uaic and colt,. 5 00 2d best 11 "■ 8 00 best three year old ho»c,. 5- 00 2d best «• « a 00 best three year old mare, 5 00 best bora eolt 2 years old. 4 00 2nd beefc- " M 14 00 best horse oolk 1 year old, 3. 00. 2nd best " " 200 best horse colt, (spring,Y 2. 00 best mare colt 2 jeers old, 4r 00 24 hast '<■ " 2 00 best mare ook l'ye*r>old, 3 00 3d best " "• 2 00 mve colt, apriflu* 8 00 best jack, 2 00 beet pair of mules oyer 8 years old, 3 00 best mule colt, spring, 2 00 Committee —Robert Story, Dr. Jomph S. Lnsk. and Robert Gilleland. CLASS E.—Blooded Cattle. Hest blooded bull 3 years oM, $lO 00 best blooded bull 2 years old 8 00 2d best, " " " 4 00 best blooded bull 1 year old 5 00 2d best " " " 2 00 best blooded bull calf, 3 00 2d best it a 1 00 bent blooded cow il years old or over, 8 00 beet blooded heifer 2 years old, 500 2d best " " " " 300 best blooded heifer 1 year old, 4 00 2d best " " " " 2 00 best blooded heifer calf, 2 00 2d '• « 1 00 Committee —Robt. Love, Clinton; Wm. H. Timblin, Sunbury ; and Philip Bickel- Class F.— Native rattle velds of cassimere _ 00- » u. " doth 2 00 a a u- gating 1 00 •i. u u « barred flannel 100 " .< n <• c » r pet 100 it it ...$1 (0 ' p •• * " 00 t mm. Pur any quantity under 5 quires, $1 60 per quire; on all amounta over that, a reasonable reduction will be made 2 BUSINESS cms. Single packs, sl^so; each additional pack, 60 eta. LOCAL HOTICES. B 10 cents per line for each insertion, t DEATHS Ann MABBIAOES, will be published gratis, where the same does not exceed c 5 lines; for each additional line, 6 eta. will be charged. 1 Advertisements of O. C. Sale, Executors, Administra I tors, and Auditor's notices; Estiays, Dissolution of Part nerchip,Cautions, and all transient advertisements, MUST ~ POSITIVELY BB PAID IV ADVANCE. _ We, the undersigned, Publishers and Proprietors of the Butler papers, hereby agree to strictly adhere to the r above aohedule of prices, until farther notice. WM. IIA 8 LETT, Butler American. CLARK WILBON, Union Herald. ROBINSON A ANDEBSON, American Citixan. July IS 1864. r Farm fur Sale* . mHK undersigned oflbrs for sale his FARM, located JL in Washington township, Butler county, beihg 107 Acres of good farming land; Sixty Acres of which are . cleared, the balance wall timbered. There is a good 1 double Log Dwelling house thereon. A young orchard of Apple and Peach trees. Farm in good coodition Twelve feet deep of coalin three veins). For par*tin 1 lars inquire of the Editor CiTUßjr, or of the under£ugu „ ed residing on tne premises ' tue 6. 1866.) ROBERT SPEAK , Real Estate Agency. TIHE undersigned has opened aft office in Butlnr, Pa* tor the purchase and sale of Real btete. Persons - perishing to either sell or purchase Farms, oa other Real Estate, wtiM find it to their interest tocalLon me. 1 have on hand a number of good Farms, of various „ sixes for sale, on such terms as will suit purchasers. Persons wishing to dispose of their Heal Estate, will - find It to their advantage to place It on my books Those desiring to purchase can be suited, in variety, price and quality, by reference to my list. e Any information in reference to Real Estate in this ounty, can be obtained bv applying by letter oc per nally, to the undersigned, n Office with Jno.M. Thompson, Att'y at Law, Butler, Pa. 9 JAMES T. M J.UNKIN, L Bsai Estate and Insurance Agent. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. —inrTOimrnrny; Phynlolon and Surgpnn. Offica Walker'* building*. Ilutlcr Fa. Vee.t. lWSbrtt THOB. I^O"BI2STSO3ST Attorney at Law, AS D PENSION AND ( LAIM AGENT Office with ChM. M'Candleaa, Eiq., loath West rrnrm r af the dUm end imlicr P«. AMStSAU SUttMY. Attorney at Law, rHANKLIN, VKNAHGO COBHTf, A • nnr floor North of KINlf EAR 1100 R. H. H'LDRE, Attorney at Law, AND PENSION AND CLAIM AGENT. Orrics,N. E. corner of DUmond, Butler, Pa. Feb. t, lM4::tf. _ Claim Agent, Till! undersigned would respectfully notify the public re that he has been regularly commissioned «H -A.C3-E3STT. for securing Bnnnly Money, Arreart of I\ty nnd J>n tinns, for soldiers, or If they are dead, for thoir legal representatives. No charge will be made for proaecntlng the claims of soldiers, or their tali Tea until the same are collected. C. K. ANDERSON. Butler, June 27,1865. "W7^7l7¥MileT ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will attend to all business entrusted to hie care prompt ly. Special attention given to the collections of f>.n iinnt. Back I\ ijr and Bounties. Will also act aa agent for thoee wishing to bny or aell real estate. Office on South side of Diamond, in Bredin's building, Butler Pa. N orember A, 19i6::tf. JOHN B. BUTLER, ATTMBKTATUV AN I> Claim Agent. Orric* with W. S * A.G Boyd, in Boyd's block, sec nd story. Claimsagainst the Government, for bountj ock pay, pensions, Ac., promptly attended to. march 28. 'firt— «mo. 019. A. BLACK GEO. W. FLEECIER o d FLEEOKR, ATTORNEYS' AT LAW, AND CLAIM AGENTS. Pension* procured for soldiers of 1812, or their wid ows. All business intrusted to their cam promptly at tended to. Office, South-West of Court House, former ly occnpled'by C. C. Sullivan. May'2'66-6mo. H CITENMULLSft T. B . WHITE C HOOBY. FASHIONABLE TAILORS. THE undersigned having axsociuted themselves in the Tailoring business, would respectfully aay to the public in general that they have juat received the Spring and Summer Fashions, and are prepared to make up clothing In the latent and inost approved style. Please call and examine our fashions and Specimens of men and boy's ware. Special attention given to boy's cloth ing EITKNMULLER, WHITE k CO. Butler, Apill 4' lßflft tf JACK'S HOTEL nBNJ. JACK, Proprietor. Corner of Main unit JtlTtrfon itrwli Uatler, Pa. March 19,1864 HVIVOEON DENTIHT'B. DRS.S. R. &C. L. DIETENBACHER. —BB wo! k. ill illi g, c 1 nl'nJr"' extracting and adjusting the teeth done with the beet materiel*end in the beet manner. Particular attention paid to children's teeth. A* mechanics, they defy com petition; as operators they rank among the bent. Chat ges moderate. Advice free of charge. Office—ln Boyd* Building .Tefterson Street, Butler Pa. Dec. 9,1863 Drugs ! Drugs! Drugs ! ORS.GR&IAM&IUSELTON HAVING purchased the Drug Store rocen tiy own by Dr. B. F. Hamilton, will carry on theDrug bu ness in all its department*, at the old stand, Byd's Bio Main Street Butler Pa. We have constantly on ha and for sale a pure quality ot DRUGS CHEMICALS and PAINTS 01L8 VARNISHES AND GLASS, WHITR LKAD.RKD LEAD A|LITIIKR AGK Dye-Stuffs, Glass and Putty, TURPENTINE, AND ALCOHOL, LARD, FISH k NEATS-FOOT OILS, BOTTLEB, VIALS, AJVDCORKB. SOAP, SPONGES k LAMPS, PURE GROUND SPICES, Ac. 4c. Ac. generel variety of Perfumery & Toilet Articles. Wines and Liquors for Medical purposes. Wines for Sacramental use, furnished at coet. Physicians pres criptions carefully compounded. The public is respectnilly invited to call and examine onr stock, we ere confident that we can aell as reasonable as any similar establishment in the county. Nov. 22 1W6::1y. REfIOTAL. THE undersigned announces to the public thai she has removed her To the room formerly occupied by Wm. 8. Ziegler. four doors North ol M'Abov's store, and that she has on band and Is constantly receiving the choicest stock of MILLINERY GOODS. Ever offered (o the public * consisting of BONNETS, STRAW GOODS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, And a full and general assortment of FANCY MILLINERY GOODS. Bonnets don* up in the latest style. Thankful for past fevors, we would still invite pur chasers to give us a csdl. May 2d, IRM—3m) MRS. K. HKRT7BEROER. Public Sale. THE undersigned, Committee of Daniel Lnt* a lima tic, will offer for sale at public vendue, on the prem ises, on Thursday the 30th day ef August next at one o'clock, P. M., of said day, the interest of said lunatic, to sixty acres of land, more or less, situate in Lancaster township. Butler county. Pa., bounded north by lands of John Bhaffer; on the east by lands of Joseph Stauf far; sooth by landsof Henry Kohrn: and west by lands of the heirs of Thomas Wilson, dee'd. The interest of the said lunatic—there being the undivided thiee-sev- enths thereof. TERMS OF BA LB.— One-third of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of sale by the Court, and the residue in twe equal annual payments, with Interest from said confirmation. Title good. SAMUEL LUTZ, niyll'MJt. Committee. KNITTING MACHINES. rpUE undersigned would Inform the public, that he is X prepared to sell the Dalton Family Knitting Ma chine—the strongest, most simple and best in the world —Patented In 1861, and perfected in 18M- This ma ohlne will not only do plain work, such as socks, Ac. but also fancy knitting, with a most perfect aud beauti fal stitch. It will knit comforts, JYtobJes, Ac., twenty articles Any person wishing to obtain one will please nsed for circular. Axfclress (enclosing a stamp.) B. 112. BAWHILL, Xelienople, Feb lA, 'fife J. Agent for Bailer count*. GOING FAST FOR CASH! R. C. & J. L. MAS OY. Have Just received at their establishment in BUTLER PEUN'A; a large and well selected atock of SIBASdDKAIEILiIS ©©©EDBa which they are* selling at low rates Head the following catalogue and profit thereby.— Fer tbe lad fen : A Large Bloc aoi drees Goods, encb Silks, Cloth, Prints, Alpacas, Coburgs, Delaines, Ginghams, Hooped Skirts, &e., &c., &c. For the Gentlemen: Always on hand, Black Clothe, Fancy and Black Cassimeres, Satinets, Tweeds, Shirting, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Household goods, such as Linen, Table Cloths, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Curtains. &c. SQMI or QUR PRICES: Best Delaines, 25 cts. per yard. Best Heavy Muslin 25 cts. per yard. Best Prints 20 to 25 cts. per yard. A large stock of (Iroceries Best Bio Coffee 30 cents per pound, t toffee Sugar 18 cts. per pound. Crusted Sugar 22 cts. per pound. Brown sugar 12 j cents per pouud. GIVE UN A CALL AND EXAMINI Oil H ASSORTMENT. Butler, Jane 20,18»fi —tf. Drug and Grocery Store. THK auhacrlbera have Juat received, and ar»» now opening, at their Store-room, oppoaile Peter Duffv'i in Rutler, Ail Extensive Assortment DItUOS, MEDICINES OILS. PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET SOAP, PERFUMERY, A*ro rnie ®3El©3(ga®® f.-IQ'tiO.tlß For Chemieal and Medicinal purposes Alao, all klnda of BRUBIIFP, NOTIONS, Ac. Phrdctana prescriptions earefkilljr and promptly compounded. IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT will be found almost every article for fam ily use. Also NAILS, GLASS, GLASSWARE, QU KENS WARE. CROCKERY, STONEWARE, BUCKETS, TUBS, kc., &c., &c. Thi> highest market price paid for all kinds of produeo in exchange FOR GOODS. BELL & D!E F ENBACHER. May 23, 18fi0::ly. BOQT.Jfe; SHOE, LEATHER m&Um AND FINDINGS STORE, ON MAIN STREET, One door North of M'Aboy's Store. GENTS' FRENCH CALF ROOTS, SHOES AND CONGRESS GAITERS. T.ATVTEfi & GENTS' SLIPPERS. MISSES' ROOTS, SHOES, AND GUMS. BOY BOOTS & SHOES. Children'* Shoos of all Kindt*. A ful.L AND COMPUTE ASSORTMENT of in, own numufactur.. <-<.iu.|»ntljr »nb»nd,»i*l workm»J»to order, of lb, BKUT STOCK an.l In th. A l»rg« uwirlniMit ■ lock, of tbo rvry b»«t material au.l wurkmannhlji. All kluds ol LEATHER&FINDINGS French amd Common Calf tkint, Sole and Upper Leather, Morocco, Kips and Kid*. ROANS AND LININGS Of nil kind.. We have the largest, beet selected, and for »he time* Ihe cheapest stock ever offered for sale in Bntier. The public aro invited to call and examine for them ■eivee. May 31--tf TIIKODORK HUSELTON NEW SHOE SHOP. rnifK undersigned having purchased the wcibknown I Shoe- hop of C. *V. II urly,subsequently owned by A Kom, » now prepare dto nell as low as any other es« ta'hliHbin ol of ihekind in town r aad w prepared to do job worl on short notice. Call and see. lie is aiso ( trying on the Tannery business at the ok 1 stand, awl will pay the highest price* for ail kinds of hiues aud ba»k delivered iiteuod conditio®. Butler, Wb 28, »W-ly> WM. MAAJXHUI. "HERE IT IB" AN ARTICLE Of REAL MERIT. A REMEDY That has been tried and stood the test, not only in an occa sional case, but in every com munity where used it has been pronounced the safest and mosi reliable remedy known for CHOLERA DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, CMMP IN THE STOMACH OR BOWELS, CHOLERA MORBUS, &o. It contains nothing irri" fating or injurious to the stomach, and is mild but prompt in its action, and effects a permanent cure by removing the cause of the complaint. No FAMILY should be without It, as the cost is trifling compared with the suffering that may be avoided by having it at hand in case of a sudden attack. t&~Try it, and judge for yourself. SOLD BY ALL DHUGGISTB. Prepared only by J. HENDERSON & BROS. PITTSBURGH, PA. J C. REDICK & CO, DRUGGISTS* Agents for Butler County, Pa. Ap 125, 'Oft—flit**. An Old Song Set to a New Tune. 5T1866. "As spring approachat Ants and Roaches Fnm their holts come out And Mice and Rats, Jn spite of Otto, Gaily tkip about." "18 ypnr* established In N. Y. City." "Only infallable remedim known." "Free from Poison*'' •'Not (InnperoiiM to the Unman Family."' "Rata come out of their holes to dir.'' •'Coitar'i" Rat, If oaeli, &«., Ei!«r'», la a panto—lined for Rats Miff, attaches' Rlatk and Red Amis. 4c., Ac., Ac. Ac. "CoslsrV Bed-Bug E*Urmln»tor. 1» a liquid or wash—mod to destroy, ami ali!o mi a preventative fur Ac. "COSTARD" KLRTTRIC POWDKK FOR INBRCTB in f. Her that "COSTAKV' name la on each Box, Rottto and Flank, be lore you buy. Addreaa, IIESRV R COSTAR. 482 ltroadway, N. Y. jff - Bold in Bmtler, Tit , Ily all Drngiata and R< taifer« 1866. I INCREASE OF RATB.—Tb* Fnrmera Ontetto (Eng lii«li) asserts and proves by figure* that one pair of HATS will have grogeny and deremlmtt* no leu* than in three years. Now, miles* this immense fiirniiy can bo kept down, they would CKWIIMH more food than would snatatn 66,000 human bring*. } See KTostat *i advertisement above. 1866. ! RAT? rrrtua BlßDS.—Whoever engage* In shooting small bird* i* a cruel man; Wbosveraid*ln ex tormina ting Rats is a benefactor. We should like some ono U» give u* the benefit of their experience in driving out these pest*. We need something besides dogs, cat*, ami trap* £»r this livdrvsut — Seirnlijlc American, N. See "Cos tar's" advertisement above. 1866. "COSTA R'S ' RAT EXTERMINATOR ia simple, sef« andaure—the most perfect R.IT ifteation meeting we have ever attended. Every rat that can get it, properly prepared, will eat it, and every one that nets it will die generally at Nome plate n* distant a* nosaible from where it was taken.— Lake Short M\ch., Mirror. See • COSTA R » advertisement above. 1866. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with vermin need he so no longer, if they n»« "CostSr's" Exterminator. We haw used it to our satiafeetlon; and if a box costs $6, wo would have It. W* have tried poisons but they effected nothing ; but "Coster's" article knocnS the breslb out of Rat*, Roaches, Ant* and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write It. It I* in great demand all over the country.— Medina. Ohio, OateUe. *•)_ See "CostAS'adverti*ement above. 1866. A VOICK FROM TUB FAR of '♦Coster's" tut. Roach, Ant, Ac , Exterminator*—-"more • grain and provisions are d« stroyed annually in Grout County by vermin, than would pay for tons of thia Rat snd Insect Kilter."— Lancaster Wit., Herald, tdf See "'Coster's ' advei Uitcnient above. FARMERS AND HOUSEKEEPERS, should recollect tbnt humireds of dollar*' worth of Grain, Provisions. Ac., are annually destroyed by Hat*. Mice, Ants, and oth er Insects and vermin—nil of which can be prevented by a few dollar*' tPjrsh of "Caster's" Rat, Jloacli, Ant, Ac., Exterminator, bought and used freely. See "Costar** advert isement above. Id in Butler, Pa., by all Druggists and Dei** lers. April 11, WJ.,;omo. Orpliun'M Court Sale. BY virtus of an order and decree of the Orphans' Court, in ami for the soanty o* Butlar, the umler signed, Administrator of the estate of Elixa Boyd, late ofpenn township, dee'd, will offarfor sale, on the prem ises, on Tuesday, the 21st day of August next, at on» o'clock l» M. of «aid day, all the interest of said deceased, (4, In amfto fifty three acres of land, more or less, situ - ated in Penn towiytfeip, Butler county. Pa., bounded on. the north by lai*tn of Nathan Brow ft; on the east bv. land* of Aaron West; on the south by Robsrl McCand less, and on the west by land* of %. Coaoby, Joseph Grubhs and James List; ami the ialetesl of the decerned, fropovul to he tobl, being the. one half theremy TTBMB or SALS: —AII tfee purchase money to be paid la hand on the confirmation of aele by the Court- :Ml HUBERT McCA.NDI.EBS, Adm'r., jane 27 '6Mt. NEW FIRM, fIIHK imlimßiiml having gone in tk<>! I BOUT and SIIUK Manufacturing business, Boyd'Sl block, two doors South of Weeber A Troutman's Store, Main Street, Butler, Pa., are prepared to make the neet-, sst Boot and Shoe, ami do the best job worif of any other, establishment in the place. Having great experience t n the business we cannot fail to.pleose. Call uud give UA. SCRJUBER NICUOLAB. ,I*2B' e—tf COUXT\ SIIIVEIOR ANY person wishing surveying done by the Connty. Surveyor, can be accouiuiudttted by leaving worti or addressiug J. B. Clark, st the office of the County, Surveyor In Butler; or add resUug N. M. Bla tor at PcieOK >Uls Post Office. Butler County Pa. March. TttHMtl