V.- « *♦- • V-. V THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. Butler,Pa. Wednesday Aug. 15,1866. Agricultural Meeting. There will be a meeting of the officers and members of the Butler County Ag ricultural Society, held in the Court House, on Saturday, the ISth inst., at 1 o'clock, P. M. A general attendance is requested, as bminess of importance will be transacted. By order of the Presi dent, JOHN B. M'QUISTION, Scc'y. CHOLERA! In Riving the prescription for lli cjirtl indirationt in Cholera, as published in your paper last week. We did not wtih to convey ihe idea that we desired any one to send to us (or the medicine, but rather that they woulu procure it at the » "rug Stoic. Our whof* time ami attention is fully occupied with our own practice, which we find, by referring to our '-Report," numbers about one hundred and fifty ca sus per week, including all kinds dis eases. Consump*lon, hivcr Complaint. Dyspepsia, Scrofula, ropsy, Kidney af fection Heart disease. Nervous disorders- Many of them from a'gieit dis ancc, and requiring prompt attention. ' L. OT.DSWUE, M 1)., 132 Grunt Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. MAKE Yoiru TXCOMK IIETURVS UN DMIHTAMMXOLY. —We suspect that quite a number of persons pay more in collie tax than is required of them un der the law, and the farmers in particu , lar,goring to the want of keeping a sys tematic aecouut or to ignorance df'what deductions are legitimately allowed them V. 11. Stauficr, Assistant Assessor at Mount .Joy, Pa., will issue a little work on the Ist of October next, entitled '■TIIK INCOME PAYERS GUIDE AND POCKKT-BBOISTER," which will con tain the income law as revised and J men ded, with the decisions concerning the same, &c. Also pages" of writing paper with columned registers, to be filled up from day today, showing a correct and itemized account of receipts and expen ditures—of amounts subject to income or exempt therefrom, simply arranged and easily comprehended. Deductions claimed and allowed from hints in this little book,,if but amount ing to SI 00 more than would otherwise lie secured, at 5 per eont would be 8.) tax Kivcd, while the price of the bonk is but 'JS cents. Kneiose that sum to- the pub lisher and secure a copy by mail. Com mence with the Ist of January next, to itemize your income accounts. "THIKI> A.\L> TIT I K, (|R — LOVE \ND LOYALTY: A Slury "/' the Great lluMfioi >, —BY— IVr*. Holla K. Kprncpr." This most thrilling narrative of facts (with some fiction) is now ready for jsub scribers. It is a Book that all should read. It embodies a great deal of useful and important history, with something of the attractive stylo of Bomance. A chance will soon be given to tli/ise wish ing to purchase this interesting Bonk Mr. Thomas Duncan, who is the autho rized agent for this county, is now entered upon the canvass for subscriptions. We recommend him to the patronage of all lovers of valuable reading. J. 8. MEGHLING, Attorney at Law. :o :■ OfllGe with Lewis Z. Mitchell, E3Q.. North Kfcit Sldr of Diamond. A UR I.VSM >) Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that Letter* of Admlntsfa lion has l«*n issued to tlio underpinned,on .the es tate of l.lizalwth Martin. late of llufTalotp , d«*c'd All persoits haviug claims against said .->tite, will pr Kent ♦ hem properly authenticated f..r Mll«mp||l, ami tli >se knowing them* Ires indebted to said e*tar.-. will make mm«diat» payment. KOUKItT M 11 AltllHO.N, Auguftt 14,18»i—lit. A«!mii»if«tr it or. Orphan'* Court Nale. | N pursuance of n order ami decree of the Orphan'* J t'.mrt or liutler county, I will offer for sal. at public outcry, on llie premises in Concord township, on Thursday, the Cth dug of September, next. THIRTY ACRES OF LAND, t»U >iulng lands of .lohu M Kinm-y, J. Coulter, and others. Term* cash THOMAS - . TIIOMMOX, August 11. 18«0—tM Adai r of It. W. Thompson, dee'd. Orphans* Court Nate IN pursuance of on order of the Orphans' C'»urt of Ih.tier rounty, we Will sell at public sale, on the i remits, in Marion township, on the Bth day of Sep tember n«xt. at Joclock l» M. Fifteen Acres of Land, • late the property of Roltert Thompson, deceased. This piN.|H rt> is of go.»d quality and improvod • TM l *-:—Ou»-t hirtl in han I, Ihefemaiudcr iu two equal >par)y payments, with iutei eat from *ile, ll!c. McCOY. «« i«, JOHN kehr, August y, 1806- Executor* of Robt. Thompson, deo'd. For Sale. ONE LARGE FARM of Four Hundred (400) acres of Land, more or lew. well improved, j^.j, House, Double Hera, and Out Buildings. This farm i well watered and timbered. Good Fences ami about2oO acres ol' C*«al ; l«ank opened and iu good order. This Farm i* one suitable for either Stjck or Grain, and will nverage with tlu- host in liutler county, and is well loca ted Joining Set ienople* just 9 miles from th:- lUil Komi at hocheste' ; two stages running daily from Z*lieuoi4e to Rochester aud l ack. 1 his property is now iu the binds of the heirs of.l *- eph Alleu tlec'd. And in older to Kettle up the estata ft will be sold at auction on the 2Jtb day of September, at 2 o'clock p. in., ou the premise* For ioforfitatinn. enquire of Win. ® R»vd, of butlor. Ph ,or Richard Al)*u,of Pittsburgh Are h • lawfully)*: t,honzedto sell and make titles, Au, persons wishing to sou the farm can call on Joseph Allen, who lives ou the premises, or Win. Allen, of Zelienople. TKX.MS* —One third down, and the balance ia one, two or years, to »uit parchaier Adgnar 9. I«W6 ir*l « BOYr I TLEK M AItKI2TB. BUTLKR, Pa.Angnst 1.18 W. FUTTKP.—Fresh R.d, 20 cents p*r pound UEAX. B—White, 8 —White, SI,OO per bushel. - j BARLKY —Spring. UO HKKSW A X—3o rent* per poind. ' 800S —1H rents per dozen * FLOUR- Wheat, 15,60 to«, 00 per hnndßye 4,0) I Bnckweeat, 4 Olper hnn'i. ■ ! FRL'IT—Dr. HI Apples, 20cts. per lb ; Dried Peaches. • 25 cents fb. - , FKATHKRSI—SO rcnti per pound. GRAIN—Whoat $2,00 per busiie Rye, 75. Oat*. 45e. , Corn 4 ( >; Ruck whoat, 75c. j GROCERIES—Coffee, Rio, .*UI per pound; Java, H5, | Brown Sugar. 16cper pound; do. White, #3r N.O. Blola.v | j e» $1.25 rents per gallon; Syrup 100 and $ 1,50. IITDBS—7 cents per pound. . | LARD—IO cents per pound. NAILS—9O,OO per keg. j POT A TOK8 —51,25 pet bttshel. PORK—Shoulders, 16c; Flitch, 17c; 11auh,22 per { ponnd. j RAGS—t rent* per pound. RICK—IS cents prr pound. F A LT—s3,6o per barrel. TALLOW—IS cent* per pound. 112 WOOL—4Sc per ponnd. i PITTSBURGH MARKETS. I PITTSBURGH, July 30, IMO. A PPLKS—S3.OO fib $5,00 per barrel. BI'TTKR—Fre h Roll, 30 3>. per !b. t CH l'KSK—Win tern Reserve, 22c per fl>: Hamburg. 1 17 (•<. 20 per IV > ft F.GGS—23 ft 25 pot dozen. ' FLOUR —Wheat, ?12.Mtf$ sl3 Rve, 525 5 60. GRAlN—Wheat, $2.25 s.2#oh Corn, 75c. Oat*, 45 BARLKY—Spring, 7ft,; Fall, 00 . I GROCI-'.RIES —Sugar, 12 (&> Llcts per P<: Coffee, ' j 112 i>r if»; Molasses, N. »> . 1,10 (aj) 1,16 c per gallon; Syrup, , j 95c <@2 SI.OO. per gallon, j SALT—Liverpool, $2,2.V<552,50 per tack; No. 1. gotiw. gotiw. (H« EffeA PBR TEAR! A gout* .'Vfrwl,-r.. to sell oir > lifnorrD S2O Sewing Machine*. Three new kind* Un ) der anil npper feed. Sent on ti lal. Warranted five years. I Above fill irv or large c iinuilssiou ptld. The oxt.r in i ! chinos s-.l I in Unite I States for lea*tfi if. ?40, which are ' fuliji licenrrd by How Whrrlr if- \VH*»n Crortr if ; Jiaf.ir. Sinfl'r tf- f'n, nn!!>• or utter are j liable In arre<(. fin* ant Illustrated elr- I ciilar* sent Addr- or call upon Shaw A Clark, : at Bidder r I, Main?, or Chicago. 111. j line 27 VC-I}*. ;$90 , "" ,r:l: ' v\ i »VT OARKY, flty Rail liar. Rillo'o. I Me. msi(. | TUB M.ISOX e IIA MM X CAISIXKT Oll'i \XS. fo j cacrod anil secular music, for*v different styles, to * »" FIFTY OXE COLD OH SILVRH MFD , A I.S, or ether find premiums awarded thorn. Illu tn tfd Catilo-mM fee Addrc<-. MASON & HAMLIN Boiloi.oi MASDN BROTHEtS New Yark \\TANTKD. AGKNTS—S7 Ato sJoi I'hit MII.SIII lor \ V gentlemen. and £.'{"> to $7- r . for ladies, everywhere, j t • introduce the Celebrated Comtii >n Seine Family dew ing machine, improved and perfected If will hem. fell, | stitch, quit, buiil. brant and embroider bountifully i Price only S2O, unking the elastic l ek stitch, and fullv | warrautodf >r three yours. \\ .• pay the nbovo wage*, or I a cuUMriitsiou. IVom which twice tint amount am be ma le. Address with ht imp, o| ell! nit c. BOW KRB & j <'o., No. 2iw Sourti FIFTH Street, Philadel ■ P''ia, l*a. All h-tteri an.iwejc.l promptly, with ciiculara | and t THIS. \i;w ii»* s:ssTisi„ME.vi's. lIIKIU IW SALlk' I? Viilni- nr V.n.lili.mf Kxjmnu onto/ the I » "'"«r l —i Ktitl. r • amity,mi l I i riTt-l.«li.'i-mrtlU .-. vpn 'ilrii uiijthi- unit.. »t ili»i>iU|t II iifi in the boniiiKh if Hi tler. «>»i fliotnhfv. tMbllth day it Veptcnbor, A. !>. lat 0.,e o'clock," P. M..the , following dwribod pr«iperty, to wit; j Ail the r ght. title, interest and claim of Mary Oal laher, Adniiuiatratfix. of in mid to On, Hun iifil acres of j html, mora <»r.le«, nitu.t»d lu Mu ldvcreek toWn-hip, ! Butler C.junty. Pu . bounded \o th by .lerty Kie-t-r. ft al., I'.a-t by David Mnmhnll, South by Thotuan Hallui.er all 1 NVest by John Oallaher. About eightv acres clear i «d, double ing hoii-e and leg barn, and good uichard thereOn erected. Seized ami taken in execution as the property of Mary Gallaher, Vdministriit ix of Jame-f tlajlnhor. dee d, at the init «if James A. Uallaher. ALSO, j All the right, titl • interest ml claim of John M I M M'iiiidless. of in and t . On- Hundred and Ten aere. ..f ; j land, moie or le«s, nitn itcd in ( i-ntre ti.wn-hip, Butler conn t>. l'a...boiidiied Noith b\ (i MTandlesi, Kast bv - j K L. Ve, nun*. 5..11H1 b* lleniy Albeit et. al . aiid*Ns • -t !h> A .M'y'ali llesi. Sevcnty-tive n res eb ued. ID «.f | whiclila e meadow, 1 irji- frame hoiisi . frame barn, Ac. I thereon erected S / I and taken in ex. cutinn as the . property »d John >l. ,M Candles, at the suit ef Marv j AT.S-.. j All the right, title, inloic-t and claim of John M M'- t 'midless, of in and t. On . I uii I 'iVii acres ~112 ; lull I. luoiem liMN, »itti.ite-| hiT'outre town-hip. Butler county. I'll., boiiiiilod N . tti.bv tieoi ge M'« ail I'.- - 1 i t I'V 1.. I. vrnii.", I.v 11.n,, "a 1...., j West by A M(. andl.tis. Seventy-livu acres cleared, ten , j of which are me clou , large frame house, frame bum. Ac., tiiereon erected Sei/ere o V-'h. situated in Centre townahip. Butler count v I'a I "WII' 1 V JM. Mm 1.1,1 I.J l.c,v<.. s I.v ! K.it .ui.l MCmalim. tto.t I.v llalt-ii. (in.. llumlroU ticfes clenred, tif eon i.eres men.low. douhlejog h ujse L»g barn and bant - staid • thereon erected Seized n d fJk en in ex ecu ti MI N« the property of &. p. i.y ins, ntifi? suit ol O. B. Sherry. ALSO, t All the rigl t. title, interest and cb'lrn nf Fhrah llPl laid. Aitini ii • t ,i( i\, n: in and to ucta -> ol Isnl | more oi b-ss sjinat'.l in Ye.ian• -ii>>• led N-rth by Jacob Stumor l. ir inn- I J ery. South by Jwiph Otoer, West !»y Mylort A: ( lvui. r / thiity live aires Henod. nine of win h is him.iT.J ] Frame bonne thereon enwied. SolaeJ in «\xe : eiitl-m us the property 112 Sarah Adm'x of /. 11. Hilda..l,deed, at tie smt of fc. tlrnfl. Kx'r. of 11 Uraff, dee d ALSO j All the.iurliL fiUe u,tc« fl ta:iUl«UM yf. llfiviJL AW j R Conn, 112 n a>.d tf»uo Hu . Iroj A. r.n «: 1 »i« i more or less Htn ted in Wa-liM-yt n to., luOec Top« j bonno«l -Wnrfb bv Th -* Ifgfv |, v r.Mia .% At ifts South by M and Black. by JaeoH Daub | enspeck. Seventy acius clwjuiml. L;uiu. danid j log boiM" thereon erected. I and t.rfu-u In - xecut o . ias ihe property of David Colin & W. R. Conn, HI the ■ult ol George Murrin. # Ali«0, All the right, title. Interest nnd nairn of George W I Smith, of in and to one lot of ground, Kitnatod in Boro. Butler, Butler county. Pa., bounded North by an alley- Bast by an alley. South by the diamond. West bv Mia' • Chrlstry : being twenty fe.t front, more or Itna, «m the diamond, r.iniii,.g back North one bun I red und'eii-litv feet to nil alley; a•m ill dwelling lions,, there >n erected*. , Seined mi.! i .ken in exm ution as the properly of Ceo. ; \> . Smith, at the suit Oliver David. W O. BRACKt:\JiIUiK. . j Sheriff aOffi. e, Bullae. Aiiguat 15, \*M Sher.ff. Spanish Sheep for Salef A NY p*F-r A M'iehtttg to purchase purebred Spanish I Sheitji, Would do well to call and examine our Sheep, as we cl iim to have pure*biei «to<-ka and will sell either r.wee or Bucks nt very reasonable prices. The &h«op may b«au« n ©a the l.um Mougiug to uqo of the sul.se ibcrj, 'Jfniies Eiut of n.'.rmony. Butl r county, Pa. M |j BTTLKR August 7, 1860. J. M. MOWRLY. J. S. CLARK, Attorney at Law^ BUTLEm, P3ENITA. | iBQr Office in the Court House. J QOVKRNMENT DOCNTIKS EQUALIZED. The extra Bounty allowed by act of Congress to I Soldiers or thair represeututivua collected without uu- I necessary delaj. S*s. All lettersproutjitly answercd""S* Butbr. August Ist, IS<>6, tf. Auditors Notice. ;' Butlvr cuuit/i/, js .• IN the mat:er Of the final account of Israel and James If it lm tn. Kxecntors of Jacob Stout, late , of Tianbeny to\fn»iiip»dii d. ' ! ,y.i Airl i«nv fcS wit.^—June ' j o*i motn« of McCanilfl|i<% Cftut npjtolnte^ . lhos. Kobinson, an Auditoi't) miaeuftimluti'Jb.* r, «« liy the t ounty. 10 if rtlfle(1 froni the record thiaSlat day A. D. , _ w J. YOUNG, Clerk, hereby given that I will attend ty the ' rfr' .o a-lessor the uihive appointment at the o flke of ( Liiariae MeCaitdl«M, Ksq ,on Thursday, the 3oth I of August, at 1 oclock, p. ni. yA said day. ! A*s IUOMAJ UOBI.VSO.H^^ - ■ ; Writ of Partition. IN the matter of the Partition of the Ileal Estate of Edward Kennwlv, Court of Butler county. 1 will expose to hale by ] public vendue and outcry. tfym the premises, on Batnr dav, the 8 h day of September. A. I>. at 1 o'clock, P M.the 112 >ll da grilled Red lfstate of Elizabeth O'C n i rand Isabel!* OConifer—thlftor r'alldrer of Win. ! O'Cunnei . rth by | tud of J .oil'*-. M. Bred in, Js»st by Isaac and William Miller, SoiUh by Jaiu - Milliard, and West by ! James M. Brediui; about five arises chaired, and a ljjg I IIOUHC thereon erected. Theab ive described properly is I good for firm in; purposes. and is superior coal land* <>" } the lino of the Atlantic an I Ureat Western branch lb il : road, to Brady's Bend. ! Terms :— jne-third of the purchase money In hand, the balance in two equal annual installments, with Inter• ; est from contirinaQbn of sale. W M. STOOPS, Guardian of the minor children j August 8, ISCG, 3t of Win. O'Connor, need. Writ of Partition. Butler aunty, .«». I.N' the matter of the Partit'on of the Ileal Estate of Am * Kena.- iy. dfc'd, No. 14, Man li Term, I \j. ('., ButleiT .nn v. The Common wealth of Pennsylvania—to the heirs ; and legal lepresentatjves of Amoe Kennedy, dee'd:— | Vou. and each ■ t yoti, are heieby cited t» be and an pear be >ieoui Judges, at an Orphans' Court, to bo h\v. Persons wishing to pur < liase w add d » well t•• •. ■«11 before purchasing For further information ca 1 1 at Die nretnUes. or address ; the •-ul. srriber at Ua: r|sviH »i Bubl -l 1 co pa. July 25 3t JACOB lIODIL. NOTICE. WriIRUKAS, my wife Margaret has left my bed*and board without just ratise, 1 theref»ro warn all | persons against harboring her or giving her credit on my account, as I will pay no debt« or bills by her con ; trafting. ADAM MAY, | July 11, 18<»6, St.*. Jaekscn tp., Butler Co., Pa. NOTICE. \\ T II Ki;K AS my w;fc Oilli.irlnc, lint 1. flmv l.nl nml boar debts .»f her eon racting PETER HItOKLL. I August lit, lSt'.o-3i.* ZulieuopL*. Butler co» Pa. NOTICE. I \ the matter of the petition of Frederick Pequb if.»r 1 divorce from Crl«stina Pequo# I C. P. No:t7. D'e. Terrn. Is'.V And t> rw, Jane lit:, I 4 "''. Com to-. itl<»n of J. >1 Thompson appointed J. i!. Clark *a C«»iiimi-si.»uer to moke publication, take tos timony, Ac., in this case. ! Ilntb r county, m : ; Certified Iroin the record this 2Cth dav of June, 180 ft. WM. STOOPS, I'roth'y. I will attend t > the duties of the ab >ve ap olntmen at tbe office of Win. Stoops. Esq ,in Butler, o Friday, the J4tli day of August, A. I).. Im tft, at lOoVdock a. in. of said day, at which time oil Parties may attend if they see pnqtvr. J. 11 CLARK, August Ist, 18Cft Commissioner. NEW EST&BtiSHMERT. W atclics, Clocks k Jewelry. The nn ler«igiicd res]M-ctfullv Infjrros the public that lie has on bniid . atid in coiHtautly receiving, iho Xew B'atecit J.evei* Cloeb. These are striking Cldck*; an 1 tlie first. 112 Hie km I that 1 lias ever Imtn ojfered for sale in thispla< a e. Manic! Clocks : of all descriptions, and of the best quality end work i maiiifhip. American & Patent Lever Watches, j hunting case, warranted to keep #•»! tint''. I Oolt & Sharp's Kcvolvers and Cart ridges.' j Jewitlry of nil kin Is. and of go'»d quality; all of which i will be sold on reas ...able fruis foe cash, j Having procured the services 112 a ClasH orkinan,' j I ;sn prepar««d t /p. rforfci all work proper!} Im'ongiiig I to a .MfWeb y KsMbLshuieiit with sarimicfivh tohrynn llfp ririnrj Watches, Clocks, fr., done ina workmanlike manner Don't forget thepla I —Ma n rf r.-nt, u arly opp-t ite Dutfs. Hurler, »»a. CIIAK bKS WIS KM AN. WM S Ill's | TON, M. I» SsMl'rl. ORAMSM, M.- I lILSEI/rOA GRAHAM (Late of tho U. S. Armv) PHYICIANS AND SURGEONS #i~i)rfr|rr >n B .ydV Id >• k.n Mai Street "Butler Ps, Publie Male. THE Committee of Dsniel Lulr., a luna i A tic. will offer f»r sale ar public vendue, on the preiu- I ises. on Thursday the .Tutli day ef Anguvt next, at one o'ebirk. P. of saHl dav. the interest Fa. J AMI.Sf T. M'JUNKI.V, | Ecal lisbite nnd Insnrance Agent. I COUSiTI liltVElOB A NY person wishing surveyfng done by the County XIL burreyor, can be accommodated by leaving word or addrcssiug J B. Clark, at the office of the County Surveyor in Butler; or addresalng N. M. Slator at Peters ville Post Office, Butler County Pa March r-tbl^etf. THE JET W A AND THE PORTLAND FIRE. JBTTfA lEStiraiice Oompny HARTFORD, CONN. ASSETS, JULY 1,1866. Cash on hand In bank and with Agfa $257 320 09 United States Stock /. 812.277 25 Keel estate unincumbered- 00.359 05 State Bti»ek« „ 497,690 00 New York Hank Stocks 734 170 00 TTartford Bank Stoeks 270.810*00 Miscellaneous Hank Stock 129.000 00 ' Railroad Stock, etc 273.0 67 50 ' Mortgage Bonds, City Canity k It. It 1.0i1.138 86 TOTAL £4,0T&,830 53 LIAHILIIIEB. Lowe* unadjusted and not dne a..221,286 ?5 JTct, 83,834,504 2«. Income for last year (n0t)...?. $2,938/109 94 Or a daily income of soy 112 ,300. Lossei aud Expetses for same time $2,541,294 30 Totu' lomoh paid In 47 year- $19,127,410 06 Aiz Fire, $17,313,000 iKi Inland, f1.884,409 07 Government and Stita Taxes paid 112 179,179 31 LOSS BY PORTLAND FIRE, July 4th. The total amount covered by .'Etna Policies on prop, erty destroy odor damaged in f2OO shad* tre**— N>ur|.|. Ed ou three side* by wator— Indeed, literally, almost rising from the'ncc*fu—and with a tr><«d i»*«nm fire de partment, yet it has #* a property consented in a few hours—tfl.qn a-holiday when fts people are least occupied— trnin th 4 very iasig nlftrant cause of a contemptible fin* cracker. Itemember the triflingoiigin of fire* that i'weepaWaV in u few hours t lie earnings of yearn. Coitsiib r your best interests and give the .Etna agent a call IT you Heed proper insurance security Policies Issued at fair Minx. JAMISB T. MINIUN KIN, August 8,1860,5t. Agent. JOHN M. THOMPSON, ~. ; II) WIN LT6R THOMPSON & LYON, ATTORNEYS' AT LAW. '!} (M. r VTiWIVA, Executor's Notice. N" OTIt Kis herebyglten that Letters TeStmefttary on tiie estate if «»f .1. K. Itobiusoii, late of the town of Knob Noster, Johnson, Co , Missouri, dee'ed, have been granted to the unnersigtied. TiwrefOra, nil per son*. knowing themselves ill iebted to said estate v\ ill make immediate pavment, and those having claims agninst tfcr same, will preseut them properly nulla u ticatcd 112 >r settlement. lIOUEUT STORY. •luly 11th 18(50—ot Executor. Auditor's Notice. IN the matter of the petition of N. F. McCandless, Con unit tee of Christian Fleeger for leave to well real estate. C. P. No 27, June Term, 1801. And now to wit: June Btli, 1806, Court appoint U. W Fle-.'ger, an audi tor to take testimony in reference to the claims of the creditors Of the lunatic and make reputed ami state an account of same that are claims legally upon the es tato of said lunatic By the court. Butler county, m. Certified from the record thle 18th of June. I*oo. Wsi. St >ai's, Prolh'y. Notice is hereby given to thoae having claims against the said estate, that I will attend to the duties of the above appointment at t lie office of Black A Fleeger, in Butler. on Tuesday, the 21st day of Atiuust, A D. 18«>t>. at I o'clock, P. M. 0. W. FLEEO ER. July 18 1800 4t . Auditor. Kxccntor'N holier. I UTTERS testamentary on the Estate of Wm. Pat ton, 1 J late of Slippery rock township, dee'd, have thi« day beeo granted to the undersigned. Persons indebted to the K-tite are requested to uiake immediate payment and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement Julyll,oo,»it. DAVID ARMSTRONG, Ex'r._ flicciilor'N I ITT LRS testamentary on the Ivtateof John Young. J 1 it.of Lancaster township, «h-c'd, have be« n lamed t ■ ilie un lersigned. Therefore, all persons knowing themselves indebted to . »fc to sale by public vendue and outcry, upon the prem ises, «>n Saturday, the 2ath day of August, A . I» I8t)0, the foil »wing described real eatate,late of Adam Peters (leyeßMd. to wit: —About ont-flbnrth of an acre of land situate iu the village of Barbersvtlle. ItutFslo townsh>p, iiutler county. Pa., on the North by land of Jacob Erman : Ka*t hy the Butler au«l Freeport Turnpike Road; South by lands of Chiistian Smith; andw«*st by lands of heirs of Krumpee. dee'd, ou which is •ected a Two-Story Frame llou»a. rtR.MS OF SA LK.—One-third in hand on confirma tion of bale, and the balance in two equal annual install, ments thereafter, with Interest from date of Conflrina NORMAN KIRK LAND, JOHN PKTKRS julyl 1*66,6t Executors of Adam Peters, dee'd. STOVES AND PLOUGHS. | Irfyrzme* YITECKBIICKKR A REIBKR Ponn j W r »{«rv[«t* i »i dera—Fonudrv North of the bci rough of Butler, where Stores, Ploa is i CTsTll°*l | ® r cnatingsare made onahor uo- Kn9W tou hand .. large I stock of Ploughs, which they sell as cheap as they cau be bought at any other establishment iu the county. I Dec .9. ltMH;:tf FR0IT!»FR0IT! i TJIT j rpHE undersigned prof»rlrt..n, of "RURAL HILL NUR i 1 SERY''wl»n#i to inform the public that they haye now oil bandi at tiiati-Burslty,' iicatrtd two on ! oue half miles wmth-wegt .'f the borough of Butler, the best and largest variety of fruit trees ever offered i> the I public in this county. | Their fruit trees c'onsht of the I APPLE, PEAR, | „„ PEACH. AND CHERRY 1 heseare unquestionably the largest as they are nh.. the best v irieties ever Offered in this ?M IN THBXnnTBD ST.v i BS. Thodlffanntgrifles ; are distinguished by the following Irado nnilcs engraved ! on the pint 1.•• American Watch C 0.," Waltbain. Maw. 2. u Appletoit, Tracy ACo Waltham, Mass. I 3. " P. 8. BaMett,*' Walthas, Mass. 4. " Wm. Ellerv." 6. OUR LADTEB* WATCH of fint quality is name J j '•Appleton, Tracy & Co.,** Waltham Mans. 6. Our w<»xt duillty of Ladles* Watch Is named "P. S Bartlett," Waltham, Mass. Thaae watches are for. < lushed in a great variety *»f si*r the County of flutlor. r c ommends the Commls* ! oneni of said County to build a nrw Jail as soon as practicable, and th it the iron fen< e flrflttnd thdCourt House b • cleaneiranu well prtldflr'tl.wn t whatever necessary repaid the Court House may need, be iivl'le W. C. A |/A MB, February 28. Foreman. And the Grind Inquest Inquii Ing In andf>r the County of Butler. to June sessions. 1800, mado the following Tin-Oram! Inquest of tho County of Bullor do respect fully present. Thn* w«> examined »lie Jail.of said County, in the Bor ough if Butler, mid lind it utterly unfit 112 r Uic use f-r Vr'hfcfi It is Intended. There are lio nu irn for keeping lepaiate the male aud female inui.il * Jtisso arranged that it is impftjslbic t<» remodel the Jail, so as to effect any permanent of important change. The Jail is, bo sides in our opinion, too Hindi and unhealthy, being damp and murky. Wq. In hliort, condemn the Jail as worse than USSlimm, by lining positively unfitted its a hab itation f»r any burnt.n being. Itis Inhumni to put and keep men.* much more females, in such a lode. Attor neys cannot se -and consult with their Client* in the Jail, llmut pie.it inconvenience as well as di'cmif >r» Itis. in our judgment, an obtrude on dcc««ncy an I hu imuyty. and a dfNgtuce to the County. W«* therefore earned ly advise and recommend the demolition of V'to old Jail and the immediate erection of a new one. W« further present that the .lail and its surroiintllHgs are well, ii -atly . and comfortably kept at present by the Sheriff and his good wife. its.is po-silde. We farther recommend the Commissioners of the County, to have the Court II uso insured as soon as possible, in a sum approaching as near as may be its Original cost, in home one or more teaponstbltf Insurance c< unpaid en We further lake the present opportunity of ex| re-sing our opinion of the attentive and gentlemanly attention ol our worthy District Attorney. W. 11. II Riddle, Esq. (Signed) ALEX. UILLESI'IE. Foreman. And now to wit: June 180(1. Tho Clerk I.s dlrerte-l to publish this presentment in the papers of Hut lo County. By thoCourt Certified this 20th day of June, 1860. W -J. YOU NO, June 11,1806. Clerk. JAS.'T. BRADY & CO., (Successors to Jones & Co.) Cerner Fourth and Wood Streets. BANKERS & BROKERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. liealcr* in all Kinds of 00 VEHN M BUT BBCUItItTK4, FORK 10# EXCAANOE. UiILD, SILVER and COUPONS. INTEREST ROTE*. Collections made on alt accountable points in the the United Hate* and Canadas. Interest Allowed on time De posits. Highest Kates l'aiii for Cuinpoudi. Cnios. OF THE AT].ANTIC MONTHLY FOR 18 S3 With the number f-r Jamil y, 15<*.rt, the Atlath UoMItLT entem upon Its SEVENTH VOLUME. 11 baa reached an age and a circulation never before it tamed' by any American magacltie of its ela «. and lis V)polarity steadily increases wit Ik our h succeeding ;o*i I'lie Publishers bav.j provided f-r the re:t.|ftN .if th \tuaxti«; during the <* nilng y«ar articles which they ireconfidunt will n »t only trustain the reputation of the uagar.ine a.s the (ending exponent of American litera ure, but will iucwise its general attinctiveness and ralue. Th# Atlatic for the vear 1806 will contain tho follow ng features of espoclsl interest: PASSAGES FROM lIAWTHOiISE'S DIAII~ l!eing extracts from tlx* late NathAMQ!. llawiiieo - >eginniug at a period immediately (subsequent h •■avinff College. GRIFFITH (!AUNT, ok, JEALOUSY. A new tavel, by CirsiLLi:.s Kkaoc. this n«*w story logins in he December nuinbc-r. and bids fair to lie one ol 3lr. leudestnont iutefnHting tioVeln. THE CHIMNEY CORNER. By Hasrift BarKcn [B 'irisri. r-t Stows willcoutiuue hwr aJuiirablo pa .ers upon doinestic and social topics. The ftiree p a'nros will be eontintier 00 un j each ruMitiunal copy •oi every «In'- oi twenty tubserineis an extra copy will be lurched grain, or Twwnty-oue copies 112 r sixty loli.il> ■ ( lulibing wttn Onr You oik#.'"—The Atlantic utfL)ni Young Folks will L>c to oue adilitb.s 'jfTivS Doflafs pet vewi. TIC KM OH k FIELDS, l*nblish«is, 124 Tiemont St., Bostou. I.iine lor .Sale. IiyOSK wishing to purchase n good quality of Lim« mo be iiccoiAjßodntud br calhng upon tlis eubacrf iMfi at hi" renidei.CM .n io.a t d township, milt Mj«»th West of Butler, and i mii m op breakneck fr . JA*« W +A r i;Vi l uiS 2>, l 6\ 3.16 "SHE HAMILTON (Sold ahtl£iluer Mining OP NEVADA LOCATION OF MINES: MAMMOTH AN J NORTH UNION. NYE COUNTY, NEVADA CAPITAL STOCK $1,00),00C 200.900 SHARES, $5 EACH. Principal Office, 224, S. Fourth St rniLAVELrniA. » mr m? a. az ««. m - PRESIDENT. lION. ALEXANDER RAMHB U f S. Senator .from Minnesota. VICE-PRESIDENT. ALFUED (ILLMOKE, Philadelphia. SECRETARY. JACOB ZlKdLfill, Philadelphia. TREASURER. EDWARD F. MOODV, Cashier Xa/i mat Bun A of the Kcyu MANAGING DIRECTOR,. * 11015 HItT W. IIA MILTON HOARD OF DIRECTORS. HON. ALEXANDER RAMS •SI ]\iul, Minn. Cot. JACOB ZIKI.LKR HutU-1, /V/lo'tf. WM. ]J. ()cr>KN, ESQ., Chicago, 111. IBAAC 1!. DLT.LKIt, ESQ., Chicago, IU. HON. ROBERT \V HAMILTON, Nevada. OTOUOE 15. L'RF.SBunr, ESQ., Haiti more, Ml. FRANK STRELE, ESQ., /«fludcl phla. HON. ALFRED OILMOHK, VhiliUflpMa. COl.. JOHN M WETHERILL J\tUtcille. I\i. E. REED MVKR, ESQ , Surveyor of the l\jrt, J'hi la HON. T. J. COFFEY, t'hllaJeli'hui. HON. GEO. W. WOODWARD, Chief Justice of the State of finnsylvania. BANKERS. NATION AL BANK UF THE REPUBLIC SOI.ICTTTJFT. SAMUEL U. THOMPSON, THE HAMILTON (Md & ill*ci' pitting do. O IN 1; YA I> A . The property of fbln Company Is situated In tn» Mum- I moth and North Unlou >1 initio JDUtrict*. NlO tJouuty, Stilto of Nevada, and coiiipriiet Hie fallowing named ledges of silver bearing quarti: I LI.!HIES I.\ MAMMOTH MINING DISTRICT. j The AVinnobago Lodge, Twelve nundreu feet. " Virion Ledge, One thhousnnd feot. " Red Jacket Ledge, One thou-and feet. " Sv a bashaw Ledge, Eighteen hundred feot. " Ojibwa Ledge Twelve hundred feet. " Mammoth Coin-lock liedge,. Eighteen hundred fo«t. 4 Yellow Jacket Ledge, One tlimfound feet. •' Oecotah Ledge, Twelve hundred feot. Ji Comet Ledge One tboiiadndd fee:. " Leviathan Ledge, Eighteen himdreil 14 Kineiiioii Ledge J Hie If e « I.EDGES IX SOUTH vhwir ■niSTltV'T Tho 1 Ininllton L'dge. Twolv* ftundred feot. Hamilton Ex. Ledge,. Twelve hundred feet. '• ojibwa Ledge. Twelve hundred feet* ] •' In-cotah Ledge Twelve hundred feet- Onus Valley Ex. Ledge, Twelve hundre I feet. 11 Itushncll Ex. L«dg<- Twelve hundred feet. 44 Forest (juren Ex. Ledge, Twelve hundred foot. ' 41 pony Ex. Ledge, Twelve hundred fec»t '• Overland Ex. Ledge, Twelve hundred feot. Tlie Officers and Board of directors of thin i'"in;iinv present the ahove combination «.f twenty rich and valu able Silver Lodge*, comprising tvreiity-flve thousand feet, which they confidently believe embrace* a proper ty for profitable silver mining un«urpMnd by any on the Pacific coast. Tills property wm selected and located by i>ractical and experienced miners, among the first, in North Union and Mammoth, which are justly regarded umong the beat silver mining districts in the State, on account of the richness of the ores, tho width of thevei»s, the fine timber on the mountain, and the salt basins and grass in the valleys. This Company do not design to set forth statement* that will not be verified, and preler nnder-esti mating what fhey believe the results will prove Kii**l is an itemid groat expense in many of the district*. The .V Carry, Ophir, Savage, and other celebrated mines In Waslw", are paying from fifteen 11 twenty dollar* per cord for wood. A twenty stimp mill will consume fif teen cords of wood per day, at sls per cord, amounting to s?2fi per day. In the Mtinmoth And North Union districts it would be simply thecuttlna,s4 percotd,orsoo per day. Theie is a large Having on this Item. In tho c nsuniptlonof salt, which is larg ly used iu mining operations, the saving would not be less than f.MI per nay over many other districts. In these two Items there is nn advantage iu cost of running a twenty stamp mill in these districts which would make a handsome yearly profit of Itself. It is not the tytfention of the Company to wSirk all this property at thf present time, but to hold it in reserve for fittnredispositioii. either to form a part of it into other organizations,or to erect other mill*, as may he deemed expedient. A twenty stamp miU near a well selected lodtV will pay a large dividend on the capital the tilst woi king year, and lea\,e a reserved fund In the treasury,tobeapidiiid t»the erection of another mill. This Company intend to erect a first-cliss null near tho Winneii.igo lode, wlr.eh is four and one-half fe.et wide,and Is Considered ono of the richest silver ledges iu Nde ha, a—.l; .-d pur ton;, it is a I >w estimat ■ to say that it will give ati av erage yield of $l6O per ton, take:; as it conies from the vein. Fifteen tons per day would yield the ex penses W crushing in these districts wiJI not excoed ft) per ton,or s4.">ofor 15 tous, leaving a net profit off IH<«J for a workiifg day, rr a monthly profit of over $i),000 for one mill. Thle statement may srcui large, but it is proven by the results uf other mills in districts less fhvorably lo cated. We confidently- believe there i* no other invest ■ 1 eui will pay such large r turns ns silver property, when well located,and tho mill*properly managed. The minuting director4sadpjtperjeibifd add practical silver oie worker in all its details : nets in the prune of life, of excellent habits, and!ndomH*bleedergy : ho has been long and favorably known riohidout, Uov. Kumsoy, and t<» Mr. Frank Steel, one of the Hoard of Difotjrs. and with whose goo I opinion of Mr Hamil ton tlie II in A. W.Rondall, First A«>i Unt Oei ersi, and Gov. Farwvll, ot Wisconsin, ulso Col. iJnr bauk of Minnesota, fully concur lie one of the dls ceverers ..f this property and is largely luterested in It, and will certainly tiik« great j«ido-id discharging.his duties promptly and economicallv, an liu such a man ner as to make the OoApany a success which hear* his A trustworthy and competerut cleik goes out with tho oia laser as financial agent. The plan of organization of this Company offers pe collar advantage* t» the subscribers. It jjive* them se curity, insures them a I ngo interest upon their money, and provides for its reimbursement in a si.ort lime, leav ing them their interest in the of vnU The Coin pan y reserves for the treasury $350.0 JO or 7Oktxx) shaitss of-st.»oU, and will sell 40,(juu shares at par value of $5.00. full paid. Those forty fhoasand shares are preferred stock to hiMtr aperient, dividend.* per annum out of the first of the mines until 1i par valao is refunded. It also shares in dividends with the common stock all profit* of the mines over and above twenty-firs per cent., the Compmy reserving the right to te>ieem this prefeired stock at any time by tbe pay ment uf the par value thereof, onJ lute*e*t< The pre terred stock utter it shall have been paid Ly dividendscf tweuty five per cent, or otherwise, tu take yradu wl'.l tho common stock, will share all |>'>fit«of the mine equally. 'ibis equitable plan Is au evidence of I Ho good fdtf: of this Company, and their couftdenje in this properly It guaranteee to tho feubscriber ti. t whole pr *p«rt> aie' rmprovemenLt fui|»any w«tho»it >. s:. N > thei .-t'»cl will be f<»l i. excepting the piotwrid »tock, ssi.tii tu* Con.pam • minus pay dividend*. 'Jhi.s CoCnpauy h»v a lib jrt charter g-snte-1 &p» clal act of the Legislature ot The 1 iu to this property his been -if.;llv examined ah l pro noumed g «»l. Tbeprodu t •: SiU-r m in Jiffei'. u from iron, cyal. CM»p«?r, or !• «I, wh»«»l\ 1: iufiueu ••i h; Uie fluctuations ftf the m-Tkot. 'j'h- precious mesa) Sfe Ih* ttandard of value; wbuu . nee pi lu.-od, Liitf' haven» market to seek, out make t l.cir W wn m^ketK J. T. .WJlilfriUtt, Trilii ! inK »q FSilWcriitfiCt ■;/ ■_ Jj 1 ' • [ THE LIGHT OFTHE WOftLD I DR. IWAGOIELi'S PILLS AND SALVE. Those life giving remedies are now, fcr the first time given publicity to the wojdd. For over a quarter of a century of private practice the Ingredients In these r LIFE-GIVING PILLS I Havo »H*en used with the greatest success. Their mingle/ iii not only t • prevent die* Me, hut to euro. They search out th» various maladies by flitch tho patient is ■ unerr ing nnd re Invigorate* tile fulling pystem. To tho aged ami Infirm a few dps.-* of theje BILLS will prove to he A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH For In every ense th'tfy add new Ufa and vitality, and re- Ktnre llic wttuinc "iiiTgU* to their prlhtino state. To the young au I middle-aged, they will prove most Inval uable, as a ready, specific, ami sU Tng medicine. litre is a du-ani realized- that Pot.-.»de l eon fought for three hundred yoaYsago. nnd nc. t frfind. ne looked* for a fountain that would restoio the old to vigor i.nd make youth ever An ESternalSprlxigf Tt was left f«»r this day nnd hour to realise tho droam, j and show, In one glorious fact, tho magic that made It THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES Cnnturt lUr t!it! lllnhtof ?nn, bat tfcoj tin forw 0-itlt 1 and hold aloof, disrate that might triumph ovt«r too aged an I the young. l.«t none hesltuts than, but seite j the favorable opportunity that offers. When taken as [ prescribed FOR BILIOUS DISORDER Nothing can be more protective ot euro than those Pills. Their almost magie Influenc* Is felt Monco; nnd the usual concomitants of this most d stressing disease are removed. These remedies are mad j from tho purest Vegetable Compounds, They will n-»t harm tho moat delicate fbmilo.and can . U- given with good effect in prvfcribod doses to tho i youngest halm. For Cutaneous Disorders And all e options of tho skin, the SALVE is most in i valuable. It does heal externally alojio, but pen*trnlst searching effects to the very root of the : evil! DR. MLFIGIEL'S PUIS ' Invariably Cures the Following Diseases: Asthma ttowel Complaint* Conglia, Uofcta. Ci;«-.»t Diseases C'ostlvenes*. Dyspepsia. Dlarrtivua, Pro]*/, DebUJty Feter & Afar. Pomnje Complaint* Headache Indigestion, lnllnnnxi, t Infltinn'ioii, Inward Weakness • Liver Complain:; l.ownoss of Splits, Mhigworm, Salt 11 how.a Scalds, fkin Disooses. && Notice. None genuine without thv engruved tin do iimrk around each pat or box, aliened by DA. J(- M VtJfJI Kl., 41, Fulton St., New York, to counterfeit which is felony . J old by all rc-epoctablo Dtwlers In Medlolm* thi.>Uj;hout tho Uuitcd States and Cauudas—at 2. 1 12» coute per box or pot. For Sale at Dr». GRAHAM A HUSELTO.VS Drug Stoi'o, Sole Agi'iits In ltutier Pa. IL - N"R UNDERTAKING. nV. DQIJ A TITERS on Main Street, opposite Jack# Hotel. Th' subscriber is extousively engaged in ! "UNDERTAKING LINE, Wing fully ptepared t» .make COPFINH of nli ih >erlptto|if, newly and promptly to order Cof (lns ot all sixes and kinds ready made, and always on hands. •' ' i > 110 ha-i abo procured »>n entiio|y . . \«>w inui Xrnt Ileursc; and Is that prepared to attend funerals ou the shortest ndtiee. lie aNo keeps on hand* and toorde . COMMON AND FANCY FURNITURE" CONSISTING OP IlnrcanH. TubloM. Nlaiidx, llodsloailH, Chairs* Ac. i Al! ninth' in ft nrat ai.rtAtt}{ ! ' VvV,«i' p.ItADI.EV t CARY.PKOKRfBTQg# of tLt , Jnveot'-u, a.>J SOLK HANUPACTi I'PL'Uft, 97, Cksu'b<*r find : J a ni Mo.ule Bt.eet- . .New Yogk. FOa svILL In all i.ss Stoics tUI: City, rhrot-prV>ntt!ie United States and Canada. Hstwp 9t ] Cdba. Stcicku, < AmexlCrtjaiid lUe V..*t iutUftk..^. i h ' ihr *****£ ; $ •