VOLUME 3. RECONSTRUCTION. faiial Report of the Joint Congressional Cr/mmittee — IVesidevt Johnson's "Pol icy" reviewed— The late Rebel States Disorganized C ommun itirt Recon - struct ion belongs exclusively to Con gress—Guarantees of Secvr ity for the Future Necessary— The Rebel States not entitled to Representation in Con gress. The following is the report cf the Com tnittceon Reconstruction, submitted in the House and Senate of the Bth inst. The joint committee of the two hous es of Congress, appointed under the con current resolution of December 13, 1865, With direction "to inquire into the condi tion of the States which formed the so. called Confederate States of America,and report whether they or any of th m are entitled to be represented in either house of Congress, with leave to report by bill or otherwise," ask leave to report: That they have attended to the duty assigned them assiduously as other duties wouhl permit, and now snbmit to Con gress as the result of their deliberations a resolution, aud two bills, of which they recommend the adoption. Hefore proceeding to set Forth in de tail their reasons for the conclusion to ■which, after great deliberation, your com mittee have arrived, they beg leave to advert, briefly, to the course of proceed ings they found it necessary to adopt,and to explain tho reasons therefor. The resolution under which your com mittee was appointed directed them to in quire into the condition of the Confed erate States, and report whether they were entitled to representation in Con gress. It is obvious that such an inves tigation, covering so large an extent of territory, and involving so many import ant considerations, must necessarily re quire no trifling labor, and consume a very considerable amount of time. Tt must embrace the condition in which those States were left at the close of the war; the measures which have been ta ken toward the organization of civil gov ernment, and the disposition of the peo ple toward the United States; in a word, their fitness to lake an active part in the administration of national affairs. A.s to the condition at the close of the rebellion, the evidence is open to all, and admits of no dispute. They were in a Mate of utter exhaustion. Having pro tracted their struggle against Federal authority until all hope of successful re sistance had ceased, end laid down their arms only because there was no longer any power to use them, the people of those States were left bankrupt in their public finance, and shorn of the private wealth which had before given them power and snfluence. They were also necessarily in astate of complete anarchy, without governments, except by the per mission of those who had been success ful in the war. The President of the United States, in the proclamations un der which he appointed provisional gov ernors, and in his various communications to them, has, in exact terms, recognized the fact that the people of those States were, when the rebellion was crushed, "deprived of all civil government, and must proceed to organize anew." In this conversation with Mr. Steurns, of Mas sachusntts, certified by himself, President Johnson said : "The State institutions are prostrated,laid out on the ground,and they must be taken up and adapted to tha progress of events." Finding the Southern States in this condition, and Congress having failed to provide for (he contingency, his duty was obvious. \s President of the United State# he hud no power, except to exe cute the laws of the land as Chief Mag istrate. These laws gave him no author ity over the subject of reorganization,but by the Constitution he was Commander in-Chief of the army and the navy of tho United States. These Con federates em braced a portion of the people of the Union whohud been in.astate of revolt,but bad been reduced to obedience by force of arms. They were in an abnormal condition, without aivil government.with out commercial connections, without na tional or international relations, and sub ject only to martial law. By withdraw ing their representation in Congress, by renouncing tho privilege of representa tion, by organizing a separate govern uen t, and by levying war against the United States, they destroyed their State constitution in respect to the vital prin ciple which connected their respective States with tha Union, and severed their federal relations; and nothing of those constitutions was left of which the Uni ted States were bound to take notice For four years they b»d a tie fucto gov ernment, but it was usurped and illegal. They chose the tribunal of arms wherein to decide whether or not it should be le galized, and they were defeated. At the AMERICAN CITIZEN." close of the rebellion, therefore, the peo ple of the rebellious States were found, ns the President expresses it, deprived of all civil government. Under this state of affairs it was plain ly the duty of the President to enforce existing national laws, and to establish, as far as he could' such a system of gov ernment as might be provided for by ex isting national statutes. As Commander in-Chief of a victorious army, it was his dnty under the law of nations and the army regulations to restore order, to pre serve property, and to prote<#the people against violence from any quarter, until pro-vision should be made by law for their government. He might, as President, assemble Congress and submit the whole matter to the law making power, or he might supervision and control until Congress should assemble on its regular appointed day. Selecting the latter alternative, he proceeded by virtue of his power as Commander-in- Chief to appoint provisional governors over the revolted State?. These were regularly commissioned, and their com pensation was paid, as the Secretary of War stated "from the ajipropt iation for army contingencies, because the duties performed by the parties were regarded of a temporary character, auxiliary to the withdrawal of military force, thedis bandment of armies, and the reduction of military expenditure, by provisional organizations tor the protection of civil rights, the preservation of peace, and to take the place of armed force in the re spective States." It cannot, wa think, be contended that these governors possessed or could ex ercise any but military authority,. They had no power to organize civil govern ments, nor to exercise any authority, ex cept that which inhered in their own persons under their commissions. Neith er had the President, as Couimamlcr-in- Cliief, any other than military authority. It was for him to decide how fir he would exercise it, how far lie would relax it, and on what terms he would withdraw it. ile might properly permit the peo ple to assemble, and to initiate local gov ernments, and to execute such local laws as they might choose to frame, not incon sistent with, or in opposition to the laws of the United States. And, if satisfied that they might Palely be left to them selves, he might withdvow the military forces altogether, and leave '.he people of any or all these States to govern them selves without his interference. In the language of the Secretary of State, in his telegram to the provisional governor of Georgia, dated October 28, 1865, he might "recognize the people of any State as having resumed the relations of loyal ty to the Union," and act, in his milita ry capacity, on this hypothesis. All this was within his own descretion, as milita ry commander. Hut it was not for him to decide upon the nature or effect of any system of government which the people of these might see fit to adopt.— This power is lodged by the Constitution in the Congress of the United States— that branch of the Government in which is vested the authority to fix the political relations of the States to tho Uuion, whose duty is to guarantee to each State a republican form of government, and to protect each and all of them against for eign or domestic violence, and against each other. We csnnut, therefore, tegard the various acts of the President in re lation t« the formation of local govern ments in the insurrectionary States, and the conditions imposed by him upou their action, iu any other light than as intima tions to the people that, as Commander in Chief of the army, he would consent to withdraw military rule just in propor tion as thay should, by their acts, mani fest a disposition to preserve order among themselves, establish governments den oting loyalty to the Uuion, and exhibit a settled determination to return to their allegiance—leaving with the law making power to fix the terms of their final re storation to all the rights and prvileges as States of the Union. That this was the view of his power taken by the Prea ident is evident from expressions to that effect iu the communications of the Sec retary of State to the various provisional governors and the repeated declarations of the President himself. Any other supposition inconsistent with it would impute to the President designs of en croaohments upon a co-ordinate branch of the Government, which should not be highly attributed to the Chief Magis trate of the nation, When Congress assembled in Decem ber last, the people of most of the States latoly iu rebellion had, under the advice of the president, organized local govern ments, and some of them had acceded to the terms proposed by him. In his an nual message, he gtcted in general terms what bad been do&t), but be did wot see "Let us have Faith that Right makes Might; and in that Faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as w« understand it"~A. Lii.coi.ir BUTLER, BUTLER COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1866. fit to communicate the details for infor mation of Congress. While in this and in a subsequent message the President urged the speedy restoration of these States, and expressed the opinion that their condition was such as to justify their restoration, yet it is quite obvious that Congress must either have acted blindly on that opinion of the President or proceeded to obtain the information requisite for intell'gent action on the sub ject. The impropriety of proceeding wholly on the judgment of any one man, however exalted his station, in a matter involving the welfare of the Republic in all future time, or of adopting any plan, coming from any source, without fully understanding all its hearings and com prehending its full effect, was apparent. The first step, therefore, was to obtain the required information. A call was ac cordingly made on the President for the information in his possession as to what had been done, in order that Congress might judge for itself as to the g-rounds of the belief expressed by him in the fitness of States recently in rebellion to partic : pa*e fully in the conduct of nation al affairs. This information was not im mediately communicated. When the response was finally made, some six weeks after your committee had beeu in actual session, it was found that the evidence upon which the President seems to have based his suggestions was incomplete and unsatisfactory. Authenticated copies of the constitutions and ordinances adopted by the conventions in three of the States had been submitted; extracts from news papcis furnished scanty information as to the action of one other State, and noth ing appears to have been communiiated as to the remainder. There was no evi dence of the loyalty of those who partic ipated in these conventions, and in one Stat# abnc was any proposition made to submit the action of the convention to the final judgment of the people. * Failing to obtain the desired informa. tion, and left to grope for light wherever it might be found, your committee did not deem it either advisable or safe to adopt, without further examination, the suggestions of tho Prcsidedt, more es pecially as he had not deemed it expedi ent to remove the military force, to sus pend martial law, or to restore tho writ of habeas corpus , but still thought it nec essary to exercise over tho people of the rebelliiflls States his military power and jurisdiction. This conclusion derived greater force from tho fact, nndisputed, that in all those States, except Tennes see, and perhaps Arkansas, the elections which were held for State officers and members of Congress had resulted almost universally in the defeat of candidates who had been true to the Union, and in the election of notorious and unpardoned rebels, men who could not take the pre scribed oath of office, and who made no secret of their hostility to the Govern ment and the people of the United States Under these circumstances> anything like hasty action would have been as danger ous as it was obviously unwise. It ap peared to your committee that but one course remained, viz : to investigate care fully and thoroughly the state of feeling and opinion existing among the people of these States; to ascertain how far their pretended loyalty could be relied upon, and thence to infer whether it would be safe to adroit them at once to a full par ticipation in the Government they bad fought for four years to destroy. It was an equally important inquiry whether their restoration to their former relations with the United States should only be granted upon certain conditions and guar antees, which would effectually secure the nation against a recurrence of evils so disastrous as those which it had escaped at so enormous a sacrifice. To obtain the necessary information, recourse could only be had to the exam ination of witnesses whose position had given them the best means of forming an accurate judgment, who could state facts from their own observation, and whoso aharaoter and standing afforded the best evidence of their truthfulness and im partiality. A work like this, oovering so large an extent of territory, and embra cing such complicated and extensive in quiries, necessarily required much time and labor. To shorten the time as much as possible, the work WM divided and placed in the hands of four sub-commit tees, who have been diligently employed iu its accomplishment. The result of their labors has beea heretofore submit ted, and the country will judge how far they sustain the President'* views, and how far they justify the conclusions to which your committee have finally ar rived. A claim for the immediate admission of Seuatorg and Representatives from the so-called Confederate States hag been urged, whieh seems to your committee not to be founded either in reason or in law, t»nd which cannot be passed with out comment. Stated in a few words, it amounts to this : that, inasmuch as the lately insurgent States had no legal right to separate themselves from the Union, they still retain their positions as States, and consequently the people thereof have a right to immediate representation in Congress, without the imposition of any conditions whatever; and further, that nntil such admission, Congress has no right to tax them for the support of the Government. It has aven been conten ded that, until such admission, all legis lation affecting their intereststs is, if not unconstitutional, at least unjustifiable and oppressive. It is believed by your committee that all these propositions are not only wholly untenable, but, if admitted, would tend to the destruction of tho Government. It must not be forgotten that the peo ple of these States, without jurisdiction or excuse, rose in insurrection against the United States. They deliberately abolished their H'ate governments, sa far as the same ccnnected them politically with the Union a? members thereof un der the Constitution. They deliberately renounced their allegiance to the Federal Government, and proceeded to establish an independent government for them selves. In the prosecution of this enter prise they seized the national forts, arse nals, dock-yards, and other public prop erty within their borders, drove out from among them those who remained true to the Union, and heaped every imaginable insult and iujury upon the United States and its citizens. Finally they opened hostilities and levied war against the Gov ernment. They continued this war for four years with the most determined and malignant spirit, killing in battle and otherwise, large numbers of loyal people, destroying the property of loyal citizens on the sea and on the land, and entailing on the government an enormous debt in curred to sustain its rightful authofity. Whether legally and constitutionally or not they did in fact withdraw from the Union, and made themselves subjects of another government of their own crea tion : and they only yielded when, after a long, bloody, and wasting war, they were compelled by utter exhaustation to lay down their arms; and this they did not willingly, but declaring that they yielded because they could no longer re sist, affording no evidence whatever of repentanceJor their crime, and expres sing no regret except that th«y had no longer the power to continue the desper ate struggle. It cannot we think be denied by any one having a tolerable acquaintance with a[public law, that the war thus wiged was a civil war of the greatest magnitude.— The people waging it were necessarily subject to all the rules which by the laws of nations control a contest of that char acter, and to all the legitimate consequen eos was that, within the limits prescribed by humanity, the oonquered rebels were at the meroy of the conquerors. That a government thus outraged has a most per fect right to exact indemnity for the in juries done and security against the re currence of such outrages in the future would seem too clear for dispute. What the nature of that security should be, what proof should be required as a re turn to allegiance, what time Bhould elapse before a people thus demoralized should be restored io full to the enjoyment of political rights and privileges, are questions for the law-making power to decide, and that decision must depend on grave considerations of tbo publio safety and the general welfare. It is, moreover contended, and with apparent gravity, that from the peculiar nature and character of our Government no such right on the part of the conqueror can exist ; and from the moment when rebellion 'lays down Its arms, and actual hostilities cease, all political rights of re> bellious communities are at once restored; that because the people of a Stat* ofthe Union were once an organized community within the Union, they necessarily so re main, and their right to be represented in Congress at any and all times, and to participate in the government of the country under all circumstances, admits of neither question nor dispute. If this is indeed true, then is the government of the United States powerless for its own protection, and flagrant rebellion carried to the extreme of civil war is a pass tiipe which any State may play at, not only certain that it can lose nothing in any event, but may be the gainer by defeat. If rebellion succeeds, it aooomplishes its purposes, and destroys the Govern ment. If it fails, the war has been bar ren of results, and the may be fought out in the legislative, halls 0 f the ' country, Treason, defeated in the field, has only to take possession of Congress and the Cabinet. Your committee does not deem it either necessary or proper to discuss the ques tion whether the l»te Confederate States are still States of this Union, or can ever be otherwise. Granting this profitless abstraction, about which so many words have been'wasted, it by no means follows that the people of those States may not place themselras in a condition to abro gate the powers and privileges incident ton State of the Union, and deprive themselves of all pretence of right to ex ercise those powers and enjoy those priv- A State within the Union has obligations to discharge as a member of the Union. It must submit to Federal laws and uphold Federal authority. It must have a government, republican in form, under amd by which it is connected with the Peneral Government, and thro' which it can discharge its obligations.— It is more than idle, it is mockery, to contend that a people who have thrown off their allegiance, destroyed the local government which bound these States to the Union as members thereof, or defied its authority, refused to execute its laws, and abrogated every provision which gave them political rights within the Union,' still retain through all, the per fect and entire right to resume at their own will and pleasure all their privi'egCs within the Union, and especially to par ticipate in its government, and to control the conduct of its affairs. To admit such principles for one moment would be to declare that treason is always master and loyalty a blunder. Such a principle is void by its very nature and 6ssence. be cause inconsistent with tho theory of government and fatal to its existence. On the contrary, we assert that no por tion of the people of this country, wheth er in State or Territory, have the right while remaining on its soil to withdraw from or neglect the authority of the Uni ted States. They must obey its laws as paramount, and acknowledge its jurisdic tion. They have no right to socede ; and while they can destroy their State govern ments and plaoe themselves beyond the pale of the Union, sa far as the exercise of Stato privilege! is concerned, they cannot escape the obligations imposed upon them by the Constitution and the laws, nor impair the exercise of national authority. The Constitution, it will be observed, does not act upon the States, as such, but upon the people. While, therefore, the people cannot escape its anthorjty, the States may, through the act of their people, ceaso to exist in an organized form, and thus dissolve their political relations with the United States That taxation should be only with the consent of the people, through their own representatives, is a cardinal principle of all free governments, but it is not true that taxation and representation must go together under all circumstances and at every moment of time. The people of the District of Columbia and of the Ter ritories are taxed, although not represent ed in Congress. If it be true that the people of the so-called Confederate States have no right to throw off the authority of the United States, it is equally true that they are bound at all times to share the burdens of the government. They cannot either legally or equitably refuse to bear their just proportion of these bur dens by voluntarily abdicating their rights and privileges as States of the Union and refusing to bo represented in the councils of the nation, much less be rebellion against national authority and levying war. To hold that by so doing they could escape taxation, would be to offer a premium for insurrection. To reward in *>tead of punishing treason. To hold that as soon as Government is restored to its full authority, it can be allowed DO time to secure itself against similar wrongs in the future, or elso to omit the ordinary exercise of its constitutional power to compel equal contribution from all toward the expenses of the Government, would be unreasonable in itself and unjust to the nation. It is sufficient to reply that the loss of representation by the people of the insurrectionary States was their own voluntary choice. They might aban don their privileges, but they could not escape their obligations. And surely they had no right to complain, if before Resuming their privileges, and while the people of tjie United Strtes are devising moans for the public safety, rendered nec essary by the act of those '*bo thus dis franchised themselves, they are compel led to contribute their just proportion of the general burden of taxatioq incur red by their wickedness and folly. Equally absurd is the pretense that the legislative authority of tfcp nation must be inoperative, so far as they are concerned, while they, by their own act, ' b»Y« lost tbe right to take pari to it.— Such a proposition carries its own refu tation on its face. While thus exposing fallacies, which, as your committee believe, are resorted to for the purpose of misleading the peo ple, and distracting their attention from the questions at issue, we freely admit that such a eondition of things should be brought, if possible, to a speedy termin ation It is most desirable that the union of all the States should become perfect at the earliest moment consistent with the peace and welfare of the nation, that all these States should become fully repre sented in the national councils, and take their share in the legislation of the coun try. The possession and exercise of more than its just share of power by any seo tion is injurious, as well to that section as to all others. Its tendency is distract ing and demoralizing, and such a state of affairs is only to bo tolerated on the ground of a necessary regard to the public safe ty. As soon as that safety is secured it should terminate. Your committee came to the consider ation of the subject referred to them with the most anxious desire to ascertain what was the condition of the people of the States recently in insurrection, and what, if anything, was necessary to be done beforo restoring them to the full enjoy ment of all their original privileges. It was undeniable that the war into which they had plunged the country had mate rially changed their relations to the peo ple of the loyal States. Slavery has been abolished by constitutional amend ment. A large proportion of the popula tion has become, instead of mere chattels, free men and citizens. Through all the past struggle these had remained true and loyal, and had in large numbers fought on the side of the Union. It was impossible to abandon these without se curing them their rights as frea men and citizens. The wholo civilized world have cried out against such base ingratitude, and the baro idea is offensive to all right thinking men. Hence it becomes im poitant to inquire what could be done to secure their rights, civil and political.— It was evident to your committee that ad equate security would only be found in appropriate constitutional provision-. liy an original provision of the Constitution, representation is based on the whole number of free persons in each State, and three fifths of all other persons. When all became free, representation of all necessarily follows. As a consequence the inevitable effect of the rebellion would be to increase the political power of the insurrectionary States, whenever they should be allowed to resume their posi tion M States of the Union. As repre sentation is, by the Constitution, based upon population, your committee did not think advisable to recommend a change of that basis. The exercise of represent ation neoessarily resulting from the abo lition of slavery was considered the most important element in the questions aris ing out of the changed conditions of af fairs, and the necessity for some funda mental action in this regard seemed im perative. It appeared to your committee that the rights of theso persons, by whom the basis of representation had been thus increased, should be recognized by the General Government. While slaves they were not considered as having any rights, civil or political. It did not seem just or proper that all the political advantages derived from their beooming free should be confined to their former masters, who had fought against the Union, and with held from themselves, who had always been loyal. Slavery, by building up a ruling and dominant class, had produced a spirit of oligarchy adverse to republi can institutions, which finally inaugura ted civil war. The tendency of contin uing the domination of such a class by leaving it in the exclusive possession of political power would be to encourage the same spirit and lead to a similar result. Doubu were entertained whether Con gress had power even under the amended Constitution to prescribe the qualifica tions of voters in a State, or could act directly on the subject. It was doubtful in the opinion of your committee wheth er the States would consent to snrrender a power they had always exercised, and to which they were attached- As the best, not the only method of surmounting all difficulty, and as eminently just and proper in itself, your committee comes to the concision that political power should be possessed in all the States exactly in proportion as the right of suffrage should be granted without distinction to oolor or race. This, it was thought, would leave the whole question with the people of each State, holding out to all the advuo tage of increased political power as an inducement to allow all to participate in ita exercise. Such a proposition wo lit J b»i» ik> nature geatle and pe*suaaiv», and wo«l4 lead,was bopsd, a| no distant NUMBER 35. day, *6 an wuial participation of all, with out distinction, in all the rights and priv ileges of citizenship, thus affording a full' and adequate protection to all classes of cituens, since we would have, thfough the ballot-bos, the power of self-proteo tion. Holding these views, your committee prepared an amendment to the Constitu tion to carry out this idea, and submitted the same to Congress. Unfortunately as we think, it did not receive tlie necessary constitutional support in the Senate, and therefore could not bo proposed for adop tion by the States. The principle involv ed in that amendment is, however, be lieved ta be sound, and your committed have again proposed it in another form, hoping that it may receive the approba tion of Congress. Your committee Have been unable to find in the evidence submitted to Con gress by the President under date of March 6, 1866, in compliance with (ha resolutions of January 5 and February 27,1866, any satisfactory proof that either' of tho insurrectionary States, excopt pcf baps the State ot Tennessee, has placed itself in a condition to resume its politi cal relations to tho Union. The firet step toward that end would necessarily be the establishment of a republican form of government by the people. It has been be! jre remarked that the provisional gov ernors appointed by the President in the exercise of his military authority could do nothing by virtuo of tho powor thus conferred toward the establishment of <1 State government. They were acting under the War Department, and wertf paid out of its funds. They wero sifftply bridging aver the chasm of rebellion anrf restoration. And yet we find them call ing conventions and convening Legisla tures. Not only this, but we find tho conventions and Legislatures thus conV vencd acting under executive direction as to the provisions required to be em bodied in their constitutions and ordi nances, as conditions precedent to their reorganization, by the Pruid«nt. The inducement held out by the President far compliance with the conditions imposed was directly in one instance and presuma bly thereafter in others, the immediate admission of Senators and Representa tives to Congress. The characters of the conventions and Legislatures thus assem bled was not such as to inspire confidence in the good faith of their raombers.— Governor Perry, of South Carolina, dis solved the convention assembled in that State before the suggestion had reaohod Columbia from Washington that the reb el war debt should be repudiated, and gave as a reason that it was a "revolu tionary body." There is no evidenoe of the loyalty or disloyalty of the members | of these conventions and Legislatures »r --cept the fuct of pardons being asked for on their account. Some of these Statos now claiming representation refused to adopt the conditions imposed. Mo rclia able information is found in these papers as to the constitutional provisions of sev eral of these States, while in not one of them is the slightest evidence to show that these "umended constitutions," as they are oalled, have ever been submit' ted to the people for their adoption. In' North Carolina alone an ordinance was passed to that effect, but it does not ap pear to have been acted on. Not one of them, therefore, has been ratified. Wheth er with President Johnson we adopt tho theory that the old constitutions wero abrogated and destroyed and the people " deprived of all government," or wheth er we adopt the alternative doctrine that they were only suspended and were re vived by the suppression of the rebellion', the new provisien mast b« considered as equally destituto of validity before adop tion by the people. If the conventions were called for the sole purpose of putt ting the State govcrnwont into operation, they had no power either to adopt a new constitution or to amend an old one with' out consent of the peoplo. Nor could either a convention or Legislature change the fundamental law without power pre viously conferred. In the view of your committee it follows, therefore, that tho people of a State when the constitution has been amended might feel themselves justified in repudiating altogcthera!) sttelt unauthorised assumptions of power, and. might bo expected to do so at pleasure. So far as the disposition of the people of ttie insurrectionary States and thq ptobability of their adopting measures conforming to th» eitaoged condition of affairs oon be inferred jVoai the papers* submitted by the President as the basis of his action, tho prospects are far ftora esoouragius, It appears quite clear that the anti-slavery amendments, bath to fchft State and Federal Constitutions, wero adopted with reluctance by the hodiea which did udopt them; and i» §U.tes they beett sither passed