American citizen. (Butler, Butler County, Pa.) 1863-1872, August 08, 1866, Image 3

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Butler, Pa, Wednesday August 8,1866
Odd Fellows.
Tho members of
Lodge are hereby notified that all arc
earnestly requested to attend the regular
mectini;on Monday evening, August 18th,
as busimss of great interest to all the
members will be transacted ; and every
member of the Lodge should bo present.
Ily order of the N. G.,
J. T. MCJU.NKIN, Sce'y.
fS?"CuI. M'Candleis has been commis
sioned Collector of the 23.1 District, Vice
Deacon White, removed, and A. G. Lloyd ,
has been assigned to duty as Assessor of
this district, Vico Samuel Marks. All
the Federal offices in Pittsburgh have
been changed by the sainu Presidential
e lict.
.i:<iiu I iiMimiM'v Com pa u,v.
Our readers are referred to the adver
tisement of the above company, which is
found in the proper advertising column.
Head it, and profit thereby. Our ener
getic and trustworthy townsman, James
T. MeJunkin, is Agfnt. l)o net fail to
g.;t your property insured.
Tlie Heruld of Health
for August contains an article on "Tobac
co," by Horace Greeley; "English Pluck,"
by Moses Coit Tyler; "'I ho Cycles of
Life," by F. 15. Perking; "Study of
Physiology," by Prof. Rufus K. Browne ;
" Personal Habits," by Rev. John l'icr
pont; Poems by Alfred 15. Street, Geo
W. liungay, Dr. J. K Snodgrass, and J.
1!. F. Walker, M. D.; Health of Girls;
Uses of the Turkifh Hath; Treatment of
Spinal Curvature; National Longevity ;
Causes, Pievention and Treatment of
Cholera; Hotany for Invalids; Anaes
thetics; Ventilation; Lead Pipe Poison
ing; Children Teething; lloujo Treat
ment of Cholera Morbus, Cholera Intan
<um, Nose-Meed, Difficult Breathing,
Sleeplessness, etc. ?2 a year—2o cents
a number. Address Mi I,l. Kit, WOOD &
Co., 15 Laight Street, New York.
A Story of the, Great Rebellion,
Mrs. Holla Z. Bj»e nccr."
This twist thrilling liarrativo of facts
(with some fiction) is now ready for sub
scribers. It is a Hook that all .should
read. It embodies a great deal of
and important history, with something of
the attractive style of Romance. A
olianee will hoon be given to those wish
iog to purchase this interesting Hook -
Mr. Thomas Duncan, »ho is the autho
rized agent for this, county, is now entered
upon the canvass for subscriptions. We
recommend him to the patronage of. all
lovers of valuable reading.
"Prepare for War in time of Peace"—
this dreadful disease seems to prevailing
to some extent in our Eastern Cities,aud
it is not at all improbable, that wo may
he visited this year with that alurwing
In view of this probability, it becomes
our citizens to take all possible precau
tion in res[>e£t to diet aud habits of liv
ing, as well as to 111 akcpreparation against
the disease by procuring medicine* to
meet the rery firtl indications, as the do-
Jay in finding a physician, and procuring
the medicine afterward, may many times
lie fatal delay.
When the Cholera visited this locality
a number of years ago, our professional
.duties brought us immediately into con
tact with it, aud our labors were incos
sant during the whole time, and wo are
fully satisfied that this kind of delay was
the cause of many deaths.
We had endeavored to be posted ou i
tho best possible method of cure ofChol- j
era before that time, and tried tojlcarn by
.experience during its prevalence, and
h: vc ever since been waking observa
tions of all the different modes and pre
scriptions recommended and have come
to this conclusion :
That the Jirtt indication* of Cholera
jjricld quite as roadily to appropriate med
ieinc as do those of any other disease.
Voiriting and diarrhoea being the Jimt
rymptom* , they are met most effectually
by the following prescription, which can
be filled at any Drug-store, and should be
kept on hand by every fauiily during the
Cholera season, "to wit.equal parts
x>f Tincts. Camphor, Opium, Kino, Cut
£chu, and Xanthoxylin,—Dose, from hajf
to a tcaspoonful a» often as the evacua
tions occur—and so until checked, or
until a physician arrives.
We would state further, that in all ca- j
sen the persous attacked, should lie down
.at once, and take entire rest from the
very beginning of the disease.
The above is from tlie very practical
.experience of Dr. 01dshu<e of Pittsburgh,
with whom many of o«r readers are per
sonally acquainted, and kuow hitu to be
H geutleman of skill aud ability in every
disease with which he grapples.
Mis Offiee and Residence is No. 132
S&. Why is a Printer like a chicken ?
lie cause he Uvea by picking.
On Wednesday and Thursday, Ist and
2nd inst., the citizens of our town had
the ploasurc of witnessing a weH-contest
'ed game of Rasc-15all, played between
the first nino- of the HIAWATHA Hase
Hall Club of Kittanuiug, and the KEY- |
STONE Hase-Rall (,'lub, of Rutler, on the j
grounds of the latter, Wednesday was )
the day appointed for the game, but at
the conclusion of ihe second inning, time
was called and on account of the inclein !
cncy of the weather, the game wr.s post
poned until Thursday morning at 8 o'-
clock. Notwithstanding the severe rain
of Wednesday, TLR: fair sex was well rep
resented ou the field during the progress
of the game, and sturdily refused to leave
until the play was stopped.
On Thursday uiorniugatan early hoar;
groups of ladies and gentlemen, girls aud i
boys could be seen wending their way
toward the play-grounds, some in car
riages, some on horses— many by that
popular mode of conveyance, yelepped
"on foot," and by the time play began T
the number of spectators exceeded that
of the previous evening. U|> tothc sth in
ning Ihe KEYSTONE managed to keep
ahead aud uid some fine fielding and bat
ting, but after that they seemed to lose
spirit, and the IIIAWATII.V steadily gain
ed uutil tin last, when they were 20
scores ahead. The fielding and batting
on both (tides was splendid and the game
throughout was well-contested. Every
body exprescd themselves well pleased,
the players parted satisfied they had
found in each other " foeiuen worthy of
THEIR steel." The following is the score .
O. R. O. It.
J J. Elliot, e 11 (Inched, e J 5
Oco. Zi'Stl'T.p 3 til' llav«.)i 1 7
T. 11. l.jon, I(< I 3 Smith,l6 4 5
8. li.llllKllM. 2 6 ft 1 : 1'-ufrit/i b II 2
(1 I'tirvlmico, 3 6 4 slrrstn, 3 6 2 ii
S. Syke*. r. 112. 2 3 lleynoldn, c./ a 7
A. O. 7.1r«1.r, i /... I flu. IIh)-«, r.f. 4 6
A.B, HIIKIIM,*. T.„ 1 (jpnintur,!. / A 7
11. 11. Millor, r. 112.... 3 !1 Barclay, «. > 4 6
27 a') 27 4S
lsstvn lit M 3.1 4th sth oth 7th Sth 9ttj.Total
Key* one iTT~B i i 3 2 2 2—2*
lliawathn .6 3 2 S S 5 3 14 3-48
(J) irJro-C. A Sullivan of Kojutone.
S<-orcrs—A. F. Ziegler for Key-done, B. J. Fchmauk
for 11 ha.
Fly Catches—Keystone 11, Hiawatha 10.
Missed Catches —Keystone fi, Hiawatha 3.
Home HUN*— Keystone 1, Hiawatha 1.
Lrltrr from Hon. Huui'l A. I'nr-
VIHIICC IU Hon. Cowan.
To Hon Edgar Cowan :
As a member of the National Union
Executive (•, deriving my au
thority from the Union National Conven
tion of Baltimore of the 7tli of June,
1804, I take the liberty of addressing
you in reference to the forthcoming Phil-
I adelphia Convention of the 1 -till of Au
| gust next.
The Committee of which I am a mem
ber, as is generally conceded, alone pns
• .IS'CS the power between Presidential
' Nominations. of calling conventions to
meet the emergencies of tile Union par
| ty, unless the people, the acknowledged
source of all poaver, should in their pri
mary meetings, assume THE control th«m
No such cvi lence of any popular de
monstration within ihe Union party hav
ing ct 1110 to my notice, speaking with the j
authority of a member of the National
Union Kxecutive Committer, and cspec
ially so far as Pennsylvania is concerned
and as her especial delegatn and repre
sentative, I repudiate the Convention of
the 14IH of Augustas being called with
out authority from the Union party or
any of its delegated agencies.
I address you because tho Convention
of tho 11th of August is evidently as
sembling under the auspices of President
Johnson, yourself, Senator Doolittle,
See'y Seward and others, and because
you are most prominent in connection
with its call. The call as originally made,
purports to be fur a Union Cshvention,
but as the delegates are being selected
and anuounccd, tho fact is most glarings
ly disclosed that Pendleton, Vallandig
liain and that class of men are to bo the
I FIJE leaders, and as their course in the
Chicago Convention led directly to dis
union by proposing to withdraw our ar
aiies and give Jeff. Davis his own way, I j
cannot but regard the forthcoming Con- j
vention as a re assembling of the China- '
go body, with a large addition of rebels,
who, in 18(31, were engaged in lighting
Sherman, and on that account could uot j
make it convenient to attend at Chicago, j
Pendleton having declared that whilst j
in Congress ho had uot vote a sioglo ;
duljar to put dtiwa the rebellion, and
Vallandigham, when in Jeff. Davis* do
minims having counselled the confeder
ates to hold out another year and the
North would yield—how can you and the
President co-operate with such mon ; re- j
ceivo them and confer with them, and
monstrous to think of how can you and i
the President take couusel from Vallan- |
dighaui whom the mar'yred Lincoln ban- :
ished, uot ouly from his own, but froui
the prcsoncc of all loyal ojen 1
Upon what principle consistent with
loyal views ilo you invite to this Union
Convention the rebels of eleven States, j
who fought for four long years against ,
the Union, and have not as yet given any
evidence of loyolty to, or affection lor, ;
the natiijial flag.
Asa delegate to the Baltiinero Convert'!
lion in 1861. I voted for Presideut Joht- l
son for the Vice Presidency against the j
remonstrances of such uieo as Tnad. 1
Stevens, Gen Cameron and others. I j
feel deeply mortified that their predic
tions of his infidelity, which then 1 be
lieved groundless, have been fulfilled.
The sufferings which lie had endured i
nt the hands of rebels, and his resistance j
and stern denunciation of treason, gave ;
me the most positive assurance that if j
the government should devolve upon him
it would be so administered that Ua ion- i
ism and loyalty would have no cause for
humiliation and shame.
i I living, as an original friend, watch-'
ed his cour.-e'witli an earnest desire to
have it approved, 1 l'jlt that I" ..coupied
i a relation to him which enabled me to
| take an impartial view ol his adiniuistra- j
j tiou. His nntislavery amendment as
sumption of our, and nspudiatlon Iff the
' debt, his theory that the rebel States
were never out of the Union; his repeat
ed declarations that none but loyal men'
should rule; his view of representation,
that it should bo ba»ed upon sufirage pop
illation, —all met with uiy approval, and
with, as I believe, tho general approval
|of the Union party. And when Con-
I gress proposed their resolutions on Re
onstructnm, embodying thee great fun
damental principles, it was confidently
1 expected that you and tho President
j would at once approve and harmonize in
future action. The prestige of tho Pres
ident's favor of the measure would have
at once brought tho rebol States to terms,
and doubtless within a year every ono of
them would have accepted and cheerful
ly performed the conditions. Instead of
this, I regret that you and the President
have thought proper to insist upon the
establishment of a rule which would eu
i title "Jeff. Davis, Breckinridge, Mason i
and Slidcll to resume their seats in the
Senate of tho United States, and there,
some of them but fresh from the battle
field, where tlicy have been beaten, to
take part in the enactment of laws for a
nation llicy tried to destroy. A united
public sentiment forbids this. Justiceto
tho loyal living and to tho memory of
the loyal dead forbi 1 it, an 1 you anil the
President, with all the patronage you I
possess, cannot demoralize enough of
Union men to effect your purpose. See
where your and the President's test ot
loyalty has brought you right into the
arms of rebels of the rankest kind. Your
Convention has not yet assembled, and
it may not yet be too late for you to re
No man, no matter how high a position
he may occupy, should feel ashamed to
conform his act oi to tho wishes ot tho
people who conferred upon him the trust
he holds.
You and the President received yours
from loyal men north and south and not
from tho Vallindighatns, l'ondletons,
Woods, Seymours, Reeds, and others like
them and as high minded, honorable men
finding you have made a mistake, eon
less it and rschew all further connection
with tho Convention of the 14th of Au
gust. The city, which contains independ
ence Hall, in .which President liinnoln on
his way to Washington in 18(51 declared j
his willingness to suffer martyrdom rath
er than sacrifice the prinsiplas of free |
dom, and the same Hall in which his
martyred remains lay instate in 18G5,
ought not to be desecrated by any such
assemblage of rebels as will doubtlass be
there. In that body there may be some
Union-loving, loyal democrats and Re
publicans, and to them I mean no d.isrc
sped, but, they will be in a proportion so
small that the sprinkliug of all their salt
will not confer upon the putrid character
of that body tho slightest savor, and
tlicy will find, when perhaps it is too
lale, that their contact with so foul jin j
assemblage will result in their political
destruction more effectually than if they
had been members of the infamous Hart- |
ford Convention.
Your call, emanating as it does from |
yourself «nd a few professed Union men \
in Washington City, meets with no re
sponse from the loyal men of the States,
ami iu this.tho banner Union County of
the Hation, in which Mr. Lincoln receiv
ed ten thousand majority, there is not a
single Union voter whs will endorse tho
proceedings of tho Convention of tho
14th of August, as now foreshadowed.— [
j [l there be an exception to this it will bo ;
confined to tho few upon whom the Na
tional offices have been conferred.
In conclusion, 1 sincerely hope that
you may yet withdraw from all connec
tion wi'li what is now apparent to you
will be nothing more than a rebel assem
blage, and that you will eounsel the Pres
ident to do tho same and that the Na
tional Union party—after having fought
and won the [power of tho government
may be saved the disgraco of having it
handed over through treachery to the
discomfitted rebels.
Member of tho National Union Execu
tive Committee for Pennsylvania.
July 31, 1 863.
Special Notice;*.
IMPROVED fJO Fairing Machine-. Tlirvo new kind*. I n
j 11 of and upper fcu«l. Ronton trial. Warranted fivoyrars.
1 Above salary or large cummtaftlon piitl. The OUT MV
cliiMM W.M ill rnit. I .States f.r l«*< tfmn f«0, which nro
fully limited by //OHM, I Vh*ebr «F- WiUnn. Or'irer if
\ ll'tkrr, Sinf- r<f Co., and Bttchrlor. All other cheap
machines lire infrtnymenU and the ntll'r «>r u*rr aro
Habit In arret!,Jinx and impritanment. Illustrated cir
cnlan nent free. Addross, or call upon Shaw & Clark,
at Uiddtf rl, Maine, or Chicago, IJJ.
June 27
A MOUTH !—AOKNTB wanted for
tix en'iretg new artielet, jnst ort. Addro<B
O. T OATIKY, City Building- Hidlofor l, Mo.
nne 27 66dy«.
sacred nud seculnr music; for»v different stvl**, sH<»ti»
♦Aooeach. mmr-ONK GOLD Oil STL VEH MKH
ALI*, or ether flt>t premiums awarded them. Ilin-itni
ted CattlOfiie* free. Address. MASON A HAMLIN
Boston, or MASON BROTHERS. New York
T V gent If HIP 11, ami to $75 for ladios, everywhere,
to introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Family Few
i ing machine, improved and perfected. It will h»»m, fell,
! stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully.—
| Price only $ - JO, making the elastic lock stitch, and fully
i warranted for three j«nr*. We pay the above wages, or
w cMtnmisvion, from which twice that amount cnu be
made. Address with stamp, ot call on C. BOWRUS *
j Co., Salesroom*, No, South FIFTH Street, Philadel
phia, Pa. All letters au**4M7cd promptly,with circulars
and terms.
Witherspoon Institute.
THE last half of tho Summer Term of this High
School in Butler, nnder the instruction of Profes
sor lirugh, will commence on Monday, tho loth of
j August.
| Butler, Aug. l-2t LOYAL YOUNQ, Soc y.
WHEREAS my wife Catharine, has left my b*»d and
board without Jnst cau?e, I therefore warn all
! persons again«t harboring her or giving her credit on
my account, as I will p«y no d<-hts of her fon'racting.
i Ansust Ist, 1866-3 L* Zellenopio, Bntler co. Pa,
IN <hematter of the petition of Frederick for
divorce from Crlestina Peqno.
j C. P. No «7. Dec. Term. ISftA. And now, Jnne 14 th
! WHM,Coni4o:i Motion of J. M Thompson appointed J.
B. Clark, a Commissioner tofliakc publication, lake <e*
I timohy, Ac., in this case.
| Butler count}/, m : j
Certified Iroin the record this 2» th day of June, IS*si.
vr M. STOOPS, Proth'y.
I will attend to the duties of the above ap* 3 ointmen
at the oilceof Wm. Stoops, Esq., iu Butter, on Friday,
the 24th day of August, A. D.. »»t6, at lOo'uloek a. nt.
of said day, nt which time all Parties may ntfand if they
ree proper. J. D. CLAKK,
I August Ist, CoromlMfencr.
T Ti rril 3! A liKKTH.
Re-runt, Pa.Angnst 1, IKO6.
Rf'TTßß—Fresh Rot, 20 cents pr-r pound
BEAN'S—White, SI.OO per bushel.
BARLEY—Spring 90
HKFSW AX—HO rent* per poind.
EOflf*—lH -ents per dn*efi
FLOUR- "Wheat, ?6,50 to",00 perhund.; Rye 4,0)
Bnrkweertt. 112 n ">per jinn ,# ..
FRUIT—Dri U Apples, 20cts. per lb: Uriel Peaches, |
2') rents "j? |h.
FEATHBRSI—fto nonnd.
(MAl'S—Wh'-nl f*. I no per lnn!n Rye, 75 o»t*. 45c.
Corn 4'»: Buckwheat, 750.
OROf*KßTEß—Coffee, Rio. 10 per pound: Jnm. 38,
Brown Sncnr. 15rper pound: do. White. 22r N.O. Molas
ps >1.25 cents per gallon: Syrnp 100 and ft,so.
HIDES—7 cent* per ponnd.
LARD—IO o;-nt« per pouml. 5
NATIJf —$9,90 ner keg.
POTATOES—*I.2S per bushel.
PORK—Shoulders, 16c; Flitch, 17c: llinn, 22 per
RAGS—4 rents per ponnd.
HICK—IS rent* pur pound.
SA LT—s3,so per barrel.
TALLOW—IS fentf* per pound.
WOOL—4Sc per pound.
PirrsßCßOif, July 30, 1806.
A PPLF.S—I3,OO rffc $5.00 per bnrrel.
BUTT BR—Fresh Roll, 30 32" per !b.
CllEKSE—Western Reserve, 22c per It); Hamburg
17 o'H 2 : ' per lb.
i 8005—23 (d) 25 per dozen.
| FLOUR —Wheat, $12.50<a sl3- R ve, 525 @ 5 50.
Oil \ IV—Wheat. $2/25 fa) f.2.30; Corn, 75c. Oats, 45
BARLEY—Spring, 75,: Fall, 00.
GROCBRIES—Bngar, 12 13rM per Coffee. 25
rer lb: Mo 1 ossein N. 0., 1,10 Co) 1,15 c per Syrup,
Ooc tfi) fl.oo. pe^ftillnn.
SALT—Liverpool, $2,2"».<052,50 per sack; No. 1,
WETW A I»V r, II riN is m:\is.
Spanish Sheep for SaleT
\NY pirscn wishing to nnrdiase pure bred Spanish
Sheep, would do well to cnll nnd examine our
Sheep, a» wo claim to hare purr-bred «tocks nnd will
sell either K wes < r I ticks at very returnable prices.
The Sheep may be seen on the farm bolnngtng to one
of th»* sitbsc: liters, 2 miles Fast of Ifirmony. Butler
c» mi tv. l*a. • .M. 11. BITLER,
August 7,1856. . J. 31. MOWRFY.
Oi |tltnns* Court Sale.
TM pursuance of on order of the Orphans' Court of
I Bttlor county, we will fell nt public sale, on the
premises, in Marion township, on the Bth day of Sep
tember liext. at 2o'clock P M.
Fifteen Acretf of Land,
late tbo property of Rohcit Thompson, deceased. This
property is of go id quality nnd improved.
TtRMH: —One-third in ban I.the remainder In two equal
yearly payments, with interest from sale,
11. C. McCOY.
August 6, ISO Executors Of Robt. Thompson, dee'd.
For Bale.
ONE LARGE FARM of Four Hundred M00) ecresof
Land, more or less, well improved, large Brick
House. Doubls Barn, and Out Building". Thin farm is
well watered Mnd limbered. Good Fence* and about 2:«0
Acres of C v, al ; bank opem d and in good order. This
Form Is < ne suitable for either Stork or Grain, and will
average with the be-t In Butler county, and is well loca
ted, joining Zelienople" just 9 miles from the R..11 Road
nt Rochester ; two stages running dally from ZHisnople
to Rochester and back.
This property is now in the hands of the heirs of I »■»-
eph Allen dee'd. And iu order to settle up the estate
it will be sold nt auction on the 23d day if September,
ut 2 o'clock p. m., oil the premium
For information. em|iiire of Wm. Lloyd, of Butler,
Pa.,or Richard Allen,of Pittshurgl ws h »!awful'j|a -
thori/.ed te sell and make titles. Any persons wishing
to see the farm can call on Joseph Alien, who lives on
the premises, or Wm. Allen, of Zelienople.
Tea MS One third down, and the bnlttuce in one, two
or three years, to suit purchaser
llHtler. August 8, iSOtf. • WM. 8. BOYD.
Writ of Partition.
TN tho matter of the Partition of tho Ileal Estate of
I Edwitd Kennedy, dee'd.
No. 78, December Term , 1805, 0. C Butler county.—
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania—'lo the Heirs ami Le
gal Representatives of Edward Kenned/, dee'd, to wit:
Piudetiee Kennedy (widow) fclizabeth intermarried wUh
•lohaUieer ; Mary intermarried with lsaae Bpousler;
Margaret Intermarried with F. 8. Ma gee; Jane Inter
married with i>r. II B. Br >wer; D (1. Kennedy, Edward
Ksnnedy, Milton Kennedy, Newton Kennedy, James 8.
Kennedy, Klix i Kennedy, Emily Kennedy, Minerva
Kennedy, William and Kate Kennedy, minor children
of John Kennedy, dee'd. f«r whom tho said Mrs. Pm
dcm^>Kennedy Is Uttardi in
Yod. and each ' 112 you are hereby ."ited to be and ap
pear before our Judges, at an Orphans'Court, to bo held
at Hutler, in and !<>r the* county of llutler, on the :kl
Monday of Se| tember next, it being tbo 17th day of
said month, to accept or refuse the premises at the val-
UHlion or appraisement, or shew pause why the same
should not lie sold. By tueCourt,
W J. Young, Clerk 0.0.
All of illicit tho above Heirs and Legal Representa
tives of the said Edward Kennedy, dee'd, ar«- h« reby re
quire.! t'. t»ke n tice W.O. BRECKENKIDOE.
Sheriff's oflice. Duller, August 8,1800. Sheriff.
Orphans' Court Sale of Real Estate.
HY virtue of on order and decree of tho'Orphans'
Court of llutler county. I will expose to sale by
public vendue and outcry, upon the premisos ( on Satur
day, the first day of September. A. I). 1806, at 1 o'clock,
P. M.the following described Real Estate of Elizabeth
Homer und Isabella Homer —minor rhiblrec of.Meiham
Homer, dee'd, to wit : Eighty acreeof laud situate in
Washington tp . Butler county, Pa., b •und'*d on the
North by land of James M. llredin. East by Isaac ami
William Miller, South by James Hiiliard, and West by
James M. Bredin; about five acres cleared, and a log
house thereon erected. The above described property is
good for tannin * purposes, and is superior coal land, on
the lino of the Atlantic and Great Western branch Ri il
road, to Brady 'h Bend.
Ti.RMs :—One-third of tho purchase money in hand,
the buiatice in two equal annual installments, with inter
est from confirmation of sale. WM. BTOOPB,
Guardian of the minor children
August 8, 3t. of Wm. Homer, dee'd.
Writ of Partition.
Butler county, ss.
T Iho matter of the Partition of the Real En tat oof
I Amos Kennedy, dee'd, No. 14, Mar-h Term, lHtl.—
t>. C., Bu'ler coun fy.
The Coinino.iw%aith of Pennsylvania—to the heirs
and legal representatives of Amos Kennedy, dee'd: —
You, and each of yon, are hereby cited to be and ap
pear beloreonr Judges, at an Orphans' Court, to be held
nt Butler, iu and f<*r the county of Bultar. on the 3d
Monday of September qext. 4 being the 17th day of
said in- nth. to accept said premises at said valuation and
appraisement, or shew cause why the same shoul I not
be sold. By tho Court,
W.J. YOUNG, Clerk O. C.
Clerks office, Butler, July 9, lSrifl, —all of whieh the
above heirs and legal representatives of tho said Amos
Kennedy, dee'd, ore hereby required to take notice.
SluvifTs office, Butler, August 8, 1860. Sheriff.
3. B. CLARK.
Attorney at Law,
feiTOffice in tho Court House.-Tcfl
The extra Bounty allowed by act of Congress to
Soldiers or their representatives col'ecteil without un-
All lotterspromptly answered'uO
Butler, August l«t, 18"fl, tf.
Auditors Notice.
Buffer m? :
IN Iho matter of the final account of fsr&cl Cookson j
nnd James Hdlman, Executors of Jacob Stout, lats .
of 6uib«ry township, dee'd.
O C. No—June Term, lxrtti. And now to wit . —Jj»ns j
17 1800. On motion of McCandlesfl, Court appoint*!
Thos. Robinson, an Auditor to make distribution.
By the Count}'.
Certified from the record this 31st day of July. A. I). !
1860. W. J. YOUNG, t lei k. ;
NOTICE Is hereby given that I will attend to tho
duties of the appointment at the office of
Charles McCandlexs, Esq., ou Thursday, ths 3«ith day !
of August, at 1 o'clock, p. m.of said day.
Aug* 1, 'OB, 4t. Auditor. j
milE Fall term of the Sunhury IHgh gchool wtll oj»en t
X on the U'.th of August, 18WI an<l continue twelve :
weeks. For terms, 4c., tuldrrss th»» Principal at Cuul
tersvillo, DutlerCo-Pa.
July 2ft, CO 4t Principal.
A Valuable Farm For Sale.
SITUATED on the Mercer and EmJfOton road,one and j
one half mile from Han lsyilie. Butler Conuty, Pa., I
Our Hwndreil and Seri>nt;/-Fire
acres/fltllof which is in a high state of Cultivation.— i
Said Iknn is well watered having two streins pn*«iog 1
ditcctly through it, besides two never failing springs. ,
ft Is well calculated for either a grain or stock farm, j
j There is on said farm a large two story frame huso. j
largo 112. ame barn. 'il«o a largo orchard of cbotco fruirs;
a sugar camp numbering over three hundred tree*, and j
' forty acres of go«ul meadow. Persons wishing to pur- .
>-base woiiMdowell tocail before purchasing t'bewjiefe. |
For further informaiion ra'l at Jhepremi»ea. or Address
the MitfscriSer al Harrisvliie, Butler co. Pa.
i "lirltWlKAS, my wife Margaret Iras left my bed and
W board without just cause, I therefore w«ro ail
. persons against harboring her or giving her credit o<>
r inv account, as I will pay no debts or bills by her con
tracting. ADAM MAY,
Juiy 11, 1806, St.* Jackscn tp., Butler Co., P». j
ASSETS, JULY 1,1866,
Cash on hand In bank and with Agts $257 320 09
United States Stock 012,277 25
Real e«taln unincumbered* •... 90.359 05
Stale Stocks 497.690 00
New York Bank Stocks 734 170 00
Harlfjrd Bank Stocks 270.810700
Miscellaneous Rank Stork 129.000 00
Railroad Stork, etj 271 0 67 50
Mortgage Bonds, City County A R R 1,011.136 66
TOTAL $4,073,830 5H
j Losses unadjusted and not due 221,386
Xet, 20.
Income fir last year (net) $2,933,390 M
Or a daily Income of any 112 ,300.
Losses nnd Expenses for same tlroo.. f2,54!,291 30
Tola' losse, pnl.l I n 17 THlr* $10,127,410 00
Vlr.. Fire,517,248,000 90 lulaml, $1,584,4H9 07
Oorernnfent ami Taxo3 paid $179,179 34
July 4th,
The total amount covered bv .T!'na Policies on prop
erty destroyed or damaged is $20(3,854, on whioli salvnge
will bo aliont 5 pereent. Oar total 1.,s- will not vary
much from $200,000. nnd Is being promptly adjusted and
paid. This sum is 5 per cent upon the assets, a figure
but slightly exceeding our and St dat"xes paid la-t year
or a proportion equal ton SSOOO loss for a company of
8100,000 a a<*.
The necessity for insurance and the vnlne r f wealthy,
strong corporations, is forcibly IHusttated by this fro.
Several weak Insurance Companies arn destroyed.—
Portlan 1 has a population of .15.0<H»;—was handsomely
built, mostly fine brick or ston-
and screened with upwards of 300.) shiole trees—bound
ed «n three sides by Mater—indeed, literally, almost
rising from the ocean—and with a cron.l ttoam fire de
partment, yet It In
of property consumed in a few hours—upon a holiday
when its people are least occupied—from the very insig
nificant caifse of a contemptible fire crnrker.
Remember the trifling oi Igin of fires that swoop away
in ii few hours tho earnings of years. Consider
interests and give the Jitna agent a call If vou
need proper insurance security I'ol'cios Issued nt (tir
terms. J a MBS T. M -.1 UN KI
August 8,1800,31. Agent.
Executor's ISTotice,
N" OTIf »Is hereby given that Letters Testmentary
on the estate of of J. V. Robinson, lute of tho town
of Knob Noater, Johnson, Co , Missouri, dee'ed, have
been granted to the undersigned. Therefore, nil per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said evbite will
make immediate payment, an I thoso having claims
anainvt the same, will present them properly authen
ticated for settlement.
July llt!i 1800—Ot Kxecutor.
Auditor's Notice.
IS the matter of the petl-lon of N. F. McCamlless
Committee of Christian Fieegor for leave to sell real
('. P. N027, June Term,lß6l. An l now to wit; June
Rth, 1866, Court appoint O. W. Flevger, Bsq., an audi
tor totaketestiinon> in reference to the claims of the
creditors of the lunatic mid make reported and state an
account of hame that ar« claims legally upon tlio es
tate of said lunatic- By the court.
Butler covnty, w.
Certified from tho record thie 18th of June. 1800.
Wm. Stoops, l'roth'y.
Notice js hsrehy given to those having claims against
the said estate, that I wJll attend to the duties of tho
above appointment at the office of lilack A Fleeger. in
Uutlsr. on Tuesday, ths 21st day of August, A . I>. 1800,
:rt 1 o'clock, P. M.
O. >Y, FItE&fKR.
July 19 1306 41. Auditor.
Kxri'iitorN Xoticr.
Y BITERS iostsmentafy on the K-tat oof Wm. Pattonf
Li late of Sltpperyrock township, dee'd, hare this day
been granted to the undersigned. Persons indebted to
tho Fhtite arc requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims will present them properly au
thenticated fir syttiement
Julyll,00,»;t. DAVID ARMSTRONG, E\'r.
Execiitor's Xottee.
IBTTKRB testamentary on the John Young,
J late of towndiip, «lec'd, have been hsued
to the undersigned. Therefore, all persons fcrawing
themselves Indebted to said estate, are requeued to nmke
immediate payment; and those having claims against
the same will present them properly authenticated for
ttlem at. FIiA,\CIS SCOTT.
julyll'oo,6l* Kxecutor.
TUB alH»ve reward will bo paid by the subscriber upon
information being given him, who the person or por-
I lions a,e that coatiuite to do malicious mischief in the
BulUir Cemetery, by breiking glasses, Flower-pots,
Flowers and Shrubs. Littlo lmys. who are in the habit |
of daily roaming through the Cemetery, had better quit
that nractice, ai it is not a suitable place for them to
rsmbh- without a parent «r guardian. Parents should
warn their children against such gross barbarity.
O.C. 1(0 BUS I NO
July 11, 1800, 3t Treasurer of the Board
Orphan's Court Sale of Ileal
BY VIRTKKof an order ami decree of the Orphan's
Court of llntler county, the underslgne<l will ex
j to sale by publk vendue and outcry, upon the prem
ises, on Saturdsy, the 2/>tii day of August, A. D IWJ6,
the following described real estate, late of Adam Peters
I deceased, bo witAlKmt one-fourth of an acre of la?»l
| nituatc in the viihge of Sarbersville, ltufTalo township,
Butler county. Pa., hounded on the North by land of
| Jacob F.rnian ; Best by th" Butler and Free port Turnpike
Road ; South by lands cf ( hrlstiau Smith : and west by
lands of heirs of Lewis Krumpee. dee'd, on which is
erected a Two-Story Frame House.
TBRMS OF SALB.—One-third iu hand on cc.nflrma-
I tion of nale, and the balance in two equal annual iasttli
nieuts thereafter, with interest from date of confirms
jnlyiroo,6t Executors of Adani Peters, dee'd.
stovesaSd plopqh^
i d ;rr nJrj Sor,hoft p j e b ° , ~
first door North of Jack's Hotel, where you will find .''► ores
I ofali sizes aod patrons. They also keep <m hand., large
, stock of Ploughs, which they sell as chesp as fhey can be
bought at any other establishment in the county.
I D®c.9.lß6Sc:tf
mil B undersigned proprietors of "RURAL 111 LL Niift-
X B£RY" wisnes to infbrm the public that they have
now on hands at their nurscrj, located about two and
ono half miles south-west of the borough pf Butler, the
; best ami largest variety of fruit Jrccs e**r offered to the
> public in this county.
i Their fruit trees consist of tho
ThMeare unquestionably the largest as they are also
| ttw l>est varieties ever offered in this section Their vo
! riety of SIiRCBBBRY Is also large. They would there
fore solicit a liberal patronage the coming spring. Now
is the time to select the ground ami make your order
which will be promptly filled. The (reeacan be had
the nursery or delivered where ordered to suit purcha
sen . Fvery farm should hsv« a good orchard.
| January 17,13C6.
American Watches,
In consequence of the recent grout decline In gold ami
silver and all the materials used in tho manufacture of
oar goods, and in anticipation of a ttill further decline
we hare reduced our prices to a» low a point an they can
bo placed
- With Gold; at Par,
fhat no one need hesitate to bny a wntch now from
tho expectation that it will be cheaper at aoino futnra
time. The teat of ten years and tho manufacture and
sale of
More than 300.000 WitO-hen,
hare given our productions the very liigbe-t rank among
line-keeper*. Commencing with the determination to
make'only thoroughly excellent watches, our business
he*, steadily increased aa the public became acquainted
with their value, until for months together, wo have
been unable to supply tho demand. We ha vu repeatedly
enlarged our factory l»ulldit|g* until they noiv cover over
three ncres of ground, and give accommodation tj more
than eight hundred wi rkmen.
We art* fully justified In Mating that wo now make
SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES. The different grades
are distinguished by tho 112 .Mowing trade marks engraved
on tho plat»r
1. 44 American Watgh C 0.," Walt ham, Mass.
2. 44 Applcton,Tracy ACo Widtbam. Mass.
3. 44 P. S. Baftlett,"' Waltham, Man.
4. 41 Win. Ellery." .
5. OUR LADIES' WATCH of first quality is Ifctnod
"Applcton, Tracy ACo Waltham Mass.
6. Our next quality of Indies' Watch !* named "P. 8
Bnrtlott," Waltham, Muss. Theuo watches are far.
nlshed in a groat variety of sizes and st> los of cases
The American Watch Co.. of Waltham. Mass , author
17.ens to state that without distinction of trade marks
obe thee me keepers of their class e**er made in
this or any other country. Dover* should remember
tthat unlike the guarantee of a forolgn maker who a«n
never bo reached, this warrantee Is go-»d at all time
against the Company < r their agents, and that if after
the most thorough trial, any watch ahonld prove defec
tlve In any particular, It may always lie exchanged for
another. As the American Watches matte at Waltham,
are for sal« by deafen generally throughout the conn
try, we do not solicit orders for single witches.
CAUTION.—'The public are cautioned to bny only o
rospectaM't dealers. All persons selling counterfeits
will he prosecuted.
Julyll Ofl.lm. __
Presentment of tho Grand Jury
111 ItCKtll'tl (O I In* IliilM
lintbr County, *.«.
The Grand inquest inquiring In an.l for the County of
Duller, at February Po-slons, 18<W, made the Jbllowlog
Presentment, to wit J
The Grnnil Jury in and for the County of Bntler. rec
ommends the Commissioners of said County to build a
new Jad as ioon ns practicable, ami that tho iron fence
around the Court Honse he cleaned and well painted, and
whatever necessary repairs tho Court House may need,
be made. ' W. C. A DAMS,
February 28, 1800. Foreman.
And tbs Grand Inquest inquiring In and for the County
of Rutler. to June sessions. 1800, made tho following
presentment, to wit:
The G rami Inquest of tho County of Dutlcrd<>rc*p*ct
fully present.
That we examined the Jail of said County, In tho Bor
ough of Bntler, ajt>l find it wttsrly unfit for the use
which it is Intended. There are no means for keeping
twyai Jte the mali* .-itid female inmates. It is so arranged
that it is impo-edblc to remodel the Jail, so as to effect
any permanent < r important change. Tho .fail Is, he
sides in Air opinion, too small and unhealthy, being
•lump and murky. We, In short, condemn tho Jail as
w<.r-e than usele-s, by being positively unfitted as a hab
itation for any hunu.n being, it is inhuman to put and
keep inen, much more females, in such a hole. Attor
neys cannot see and consult with their Clients In the
Jail, w.thout great inconvenience as well a*discomfort.
It is, in our judgment, an ontruce on decency and hu
manity, and a disgrace to the County. We therefore
earnestly advise and recommend the demolition of the
old Jail and tho immediate erection of a new one. We
further present that the .fail and its surroundings nro
well, neatly, and comfortably kept ac present by the
Sheriff and his good wife, as is possible. We further
recommend the Commissioners of the County, to have
the Court lb use insured as soon as possible, In a sum
approaching as near as may be its original cost, in some
one« r more responsible Insurance Companies.
We further take tbo present opportunity of expressing
onr opinion of the attentive ami gentlemanly attention
of our worthy District Attorney, W. If. 11. Riddle, Esq.
(Signed) ALEX. GILLESPIE, Foreman.
And now to wit: June 8,1800. Tho Clerk is directed
to publish this presentment In the papers of Unlhi
County. By the Court
Certified this 2Gth day of June, 1860.
June 11,1800. Clerk.
(Successors to Jones & Co.)
Corner Fourth and Wood Streets.
Dealers in all kinds of
, Collections made on all accountable points in the
the United States and Car.ada.s.
Interest Allowed on time De
Highest Hates I'aid for Coinponds.
• Ihi'*.
FOR less
With the nnmber for Janua y, 1800, the Atlatic
MONTHLY entcra upon its
It has reached an age ami a circulation never before
attained by any Amorican magazine of its class, and its
I popularity steadily increases with each succeeding year
The Publishers have provided for tho renders of th
Atlantic during tbo eomlng year articles which they
areconfident will not only sustain the reputation of the
magazine as the leading exponent of American litera
ture, bnt will Increase its, general attractiveness and
The ATIVTIC for the year 18C0 will contain the follow
ng feature* of espcclsl interest;
lieing extract* from the late NsTllAffftl. Hawthio *
beginning at a period immediately subseqiusut hjfJJJJ
ioj»yinff College.
Novel, by Crari.ks Reaps. This new story begins in
the December number, and bids fitir to bo one of 3lr.
Reade's most interesting novels.
THE CHIMNEY CORNER . By Harriet Bjtxxcit-
KttSrjvrs. a. Btowe will continue her admirable pa
pers upon domestic and social topics.
' The fhroe above-named features will be continued
throughout tlu» ysiu*. In addition to these tho magazine
will contain:
which—a Russian tale, entitled, "beauty and tbo Beast,'
—Will appear In January.
which, entirt«d, "Poor Chjoe," will be printed i« tho
February number,
VP. JOHNS By I* Aivri Tlio concluding chop
tors of this Novel wtll extend sotne three or fo*r months
into the new veer.
DOR. Containing a variety of Interesting incident
and personal reminlcence, by one who knew him.
Besides the foregoing article*., especially enumerated
the Atlautic for 1800 will furnish its readers with it
' from its unrivaled corps of contributors, comprising
jnany of the gest American Writers.
The January nnmher will contain contentions from
Henry SV Longfellow, tbe late Nathaniel Hawthorn
I Charles Reade, Harriet U. Stowe, J. T. Trowbridg
! Win C bryant fiVerd Taylor. Donald G. Mitch
. Gail Hamilton. The ether of"Life in the Iron Mill.
A nd other popnlrr wi Iter.
Single subscription —Frur dollars par yoarp.
i Club rales, —Two copies for#7,oo: five copies for SIO,OO
I tea copies for £30,00; and each additional copy $3,00.
> For every club 0 f twenty »||bscribois an extra copy
» will be famished gratis, or Twenty-one copies for sixty
I lubbing wun • Our You oiks.''—The Atlantic
and Our Young Ft.Upi will be furuished to one add rem
for Five Dollars por yeei.
TICK .NOR A FIELDS. Publishers,
124 Tremont St.. Boston
_ _______
A LL persons indebted to the Firm of Bi,ckei A Shrl-
ber are hereby notified, that tbe Book accounts,
Note* and Dne Bills, ow ing said Firm, are left iu the
bonds of Wm. 8. Ziegler, Esq., for collection.
Fptler, July 11,. ISOO, 3t. BICKEL A HSIBi IBE3.
<ty oI il a»(1 JSi I m sftiniwj
%tv itKVADA
Organitrdunilcra Sfwrial charter from tMe .Halt qf 7W
CAPITAL STOCK $1,00),000>
200,000 SHARES, $5 EACH.
Principal Office, 224, S. Fourth St
«» WS- JB- Jt «; JK ■« m .
U. S. S'linlor from MiimcaotQ.
JACOIS /I K(il.Kit,
Cashier Au 'i mat Hank qf the ft )iti
Hoy. Ai,I:XAN»ku RAMSEY, ' v -
.'I Unit. Minn.
(Joii. .lAfIOB Z(E(.LER,
Jlutlrr. J'tunu.
WM. D. OUDEN, Esg.,
(iiitiir/o, in.
ISAAC Ji Dilt.Kß, KSQ.,
Chicago, 111. .
OEOROF. 1). I'rbsrury, ESQ.,
Il.tllimtrt, JU I.
FRANK Steele, ESQ.,
HON. A[.frf.k (Jir.Moßt!,
Cki. Jons- M Wkthkrii.l,
I'ulltnUe. r.t.
E. REED Mykr, ESQ ,
Stirrtt/or «rth» I\nt. rhil t.
HON. (Iko. \V. W oodwarh,
Chitf Jiisti' eof t'/e Sidle of l\nntyltuiiia.
6oli! & iUininjj Co,
<> IV E V ADA.
The property of this Company lusltuntad In Iks Muia>
moth and North Vnlon Mining Dlstrlcta. Nye C\>unty,
tftnte of Nevada, end comprises the following namod
Uiltf's of silver tearing qwirtt:
Tho Lodge, Twelro hundred ffeet,
" Cnlon Leilgc One thhousand feet.
" Red Jacket Ledge, M .Onu th<numiid hot.
" Wabi-«hnw Ledge, Kightoen hundre<l feaf.
" OJlbwn I edpe Twelva hundred feof.
" .Miiniinoth Comstock I.edge,.Kitfhteen lumtUed fevt.
' Yellow Jock«>t I/dgc, Ono thoimaftii feof.
" Decotah |.**dg<>. Twelve hundred (out.
• 4 Com«d l.edtze Ono thou-<sudd feet.
•' Ix'vintlmn Ledgo, Kighfeen hupdre«tf
" Kiiu-r-oii L<Mlg*' One thounand feet
Tbe Hamilton Lnlge Twelve hamlru<l fcet,
•• llainll1■ >n K\ I.<• I-■ i' Twelve Miklial f«»ot
4< njihw.t Letlge, Twelve hundred f«et'
•' I*erotnh Lodge Twelvo hundred feel*
" Ornst Valley Kx, liedge, Twelvo hundred fret.
11 Bmdimdl Kx. l/wlgo hundred frel,
O Forest Qneen Kx. Ledge, Twelvo hundred feet.
" Vouy B*. J/*'** Twelve hundred feet.
Overland Ky. Ledge, ..Twelve bumlrod t**4.
The OfficeM end Bond of Director^Of this C-otapnay
present the aliovecoinblnatlon of twenty rich aud vain
able Silver l/edgcs, comprising twmty-five thousand
feet, which they confidently believe embraces a proper,
ty for profitable silver mining unsurpassed by any on
tiie Pacific coast.
This was «clect*d and located by practical
and experienced miners, among tbo first. In North Union
and Mammoth, whirh are Justly regarded among tlie
l#eid -v'lyor uiininif districts In the Ptate, on account of
the rlcbv'sjiof the ores, tlio width of the voles, tho flnv
timber up 4jie niouutaln, and tho salt b;udus and gritaa
in tbo vajleys.
This Company do not dodgn to act forth stateinants
that wifl not he wrtfie.l. and proler under-estimating
what they believe the results will prove. Knel is no
iteinol gru:ii expenso in many of tho districts. The
* Curry, Ophir, Savage, a« t other celebrated mines ht
Waslnw, are imylng tr.»m fifteen to twenty dtdl.-tra per
ror<l f.<r wood A twenty ctunp mill will consume If.
teen cords of wood per d:«y, at sl6 per cord, amounting
to 112 per d vy. I i the M ironiotn aud Nortli Union
districts it would be simply theeultlftg.f ft pereor«l,or
per dsy. There is a hug" saving on this Item. In tbo
c .nsnm^tlottof salt, which Is larg ly nsud In mining
operations, the saving would not be less tbaa pV) per
nay ovrr many otbor districts. In these two Items tlier*
is sn advant\go iu cost of running a twenty atuinp
in these district! which would make a handsome yearly
prof.t of itself.
It is not the intention of the Company to work all this
| property at the present tune, but to hold It In reserve
for future disposition, cither t» form a part of It Into
I other organisations, oy to erect other mills, as may be
dceuifil expadlent. A twenty stamp mill noar a well
i aslected lo*i" will pay a largo dividend on the capital
i thefhst wot king year, and leave a r«norvod fund In tho
treasury, to be applied to tho orrdlpn of another mill.
I This Company Intend to orcot a first-cloas mill amr
} the Winnebago l«»»U, which i- foiiy ami omvhalf ffc«r.
, wide, and is considered ono of the richest silver ledges
in Nevada, and will afford an ample supply of ore fur a
r i twenty-stamp mill.
{ i'roi'essnr filatchly, who Is a 'dentlfle, reliable, and
very cautious gentleman, says of this loda:
J «• This is a strong well-defined vein, showing every
j indication of drptU and )>r.rinanrmr, Th e ore. it of
grrat richness, and welt diffwed the rein,
j awl all the ore will pay for working from therffg sur
! fare. This inn rrry raluable mine and can he made to
pay from the beginning." A. Ulatoim.v,
Mining Knirinoar.
It is m»>rs than doubtful if I»rofessor 1 'latrhly spmka
in those terms of any other mine in Nevada.
' j A twenty stamp mill can crash twenty ton* per day t
' but wy th:-t it crushes 15 tons per dny, (choice spnel.
! mens from the Winnebago Km Ie hf»* assayed #ll3*i per
j ton), it Is a low extlmate to say that it will give an«v
araga yield of $l5O per b»n, taken as it comes from the
vein. Fifteen tons per day w »uld yield sft*2so; the ex*
}*ft*os of crushing In these districts will not exceed s."|u
per Jon, or #l5O for 15 tons, leaving a net profit of <lh(X)
for a working day, or a monthly profit of over $40,0U0
i for one mill.
. , This htatement may <"om large, but It is proven by
1 j the results of other niijls in districts loss favorably lo
cated. Wo confidently believe there is no other invest
i men* will pay such returns as silver property,
| when well located, and the mills properly managed.
1 i The managiug director is an experienced and practical
• silver ore worker iu all itfTdetails ; lie is In the prime of
, life, of excellent habits, and indomitable energy ; he has
been long and favorably known to our President, Oov.
• Ramsey, and to Mr. Frank Steel, one of the Hoard ef
; Dlro< tor*, and with whose good opinion of Mr llanul-
I ton, tho Hon A. \y . Rontlall, First A«l*tant Postmaster
I o.orersl,and (lov. Farwell, of Wisoonsln, also Col. Bnr
' i bank, of Minnesota, full v concur Hols one of the din-
I covor'ers of this property and la lara«dy intorested in It,
112 , and will certainly tako groat pride in discharging his
' | duties promptly and economically, and in snoh a maa*
I ner as to make the Company a success which bears hla
j A trustwi rthy and oompetout clerk goes dut with tho
I ma tagor as financial agent.
« Tb«» plan of organiaation of this Company offer* pe
cnliar advantages to the subscribers. It gives them so*
' curity, Insures I hem a large interest npon their money,
and provides fur its reimbursement in a sb<N t flmw, leav.
' ing tliem their Interest In the stock fre* of
1 The Company reserves 112 r the treasury #060,0*0. or
70.U00shares of stock, and will sell 4f),QX) shares st par
I value of #').UO, full pa»d. 'fhesa fbrty thousnml shares
are preferred stock to bear M> per cent, dividends per
_ annum out of tho first earnings of the minis until the
par value is refunded. It also shares In divldanda with
, the common all profit* of tlieialnesover and abova
twenty-fite par cent., the Company resorving the right
I to *edoem this prcfet rod stock at any tline by the pay
ment of the par vatno thereof, onJ intereat. The nr».
lerred stock after it shall hare been paid by dlvidendartf
twenty fire per cent. or otherwise, to take grada wlUi
the oommou stock, wij} share all profits of ths mine#
This equitable pjan is au « vj,l>«nce of the good faith of
D this Company, and their confidence in this property. It
guarantees to the subscriber the whole property and
t improvemenW for tho ;tayracui of the preferr e«l stock,
j | andes the pa.rtneiu of it spwxlily, leaving his in
; terest in the Company without cost. No other «toc|
c | will be "»old, excepting the preferred stack, until thf
i Com|iany's mige* |>ay dividends,
j This Company have a liberal charter granted by «p*
| eial act of the Legislature of I'ennsylvauia. The title
i to this property b«s been oarefully oxamluetl and prt»>
1 Aounceil good. The product of silver minea Is differ*a#
j from iron, coal, copper, or lead, which are influencedb* •
! the fluctuations of thn morkei. The precl->ns Dietary
are the standard of value; when once produced, th«y
no market to seek, but make their ova market. . /
; I J. T. M'Jtiukln, E«q., Travel
Aj|cnt to lake SulMcriptiaifc