THE AMERICAN CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. Wednesday August 1,1866 JFnton Itepnbll<-MM County K\- ci'utive i'omwfllw. C. K. ANDERSON, Chairman. Adams lownpship, Jas Harr, Allegheny " Joseph Uosenberrj. Brady " Jonathan ,'l«ttou. Buffalo •" M. N. ijieer. .Uutier {' Jacob twii iffner. Centre " J. "Clay " Aadfiew Wick. HJherry " John Smith. Olearlield '• Ptorfwwd •Clinton " Hart-woo Norri«, •■Concord " Ate* Kulm. (Cranberry " Jas. Sampi*, Ee<}. fCounoq'n'g " Samuel Ileed, Ksq. Donegal " A» Jrew Ha-nhart . Fairview " Lewis 1). Campbell. Franklin " A. W MeCullough. ' forward " K. I. Hoggs. Jackson " James June?, 4/Fersoe " James >» right, Ijancaster '' Oeorge Kuei**. ,Mari.ju " Robert Atwell. ;»Vl#rcer " J. N. Cubbison. .Middlesex " Ale*. Leslie. JMuddycrceJt" lleuben Shanor. 'Oakland '• Christy K<>bb. ■Perm " J. (J A. Kennedy, Ksq, Parker '• Lt. Kobert v. Slippcryro«k" J. 11. Chrutlejf. ..Summit " Jawee Steveunoo. Venango " Franklin Joiuiaon, j Washington" ht. Hawiiel Milliard. Winfield " J'apt. Sam'l I). Ilaztett. "Worth '• Thos. M'Nees, Ksq. Hor. Hutler, Thos. H White. '• ('entreville David M'Ponaid. SaionbHrg Chu. Hoffman, Km], " Sunbury. Chas. M'Clung, Ztdienoplc,%ewis Heed K»fj. lA«TS VH TIIKOKIKN. -"Give Die a place to rest my lever on," nays Arehimcdwi, ' and I will move the tro*ld." "Give Hie pure and jipadulter tteil iirngs," sa&* >J#rfic*i, oUlaji tiitt'Jt I *'lll cwie ,4lsensc:" In one sense, both of tbcjjc | Hiits ,iverc the vei iuist (ulxitiutans.— Thns beeyoie as hobbles in the sun, atj• J burst bfeak with every breath we draw. Let Archimedes shoulder hi* lever an 1 ike will find a rc.-trtg I'ur it to move the K'irkl. Let,feline Adeieot Mudicus pant and toil 110 ttore .for the dru/s lie so sorely bleeds, for we have thrm at our ban .'■nver ready to serve tncdi at Tiis bc'rk. HeliiK'il in |(& Uftiratory of I>r. Mag yiel, the finest materiels known in the /medical profession are obtainable by apy ►one. Ilis llillious, Dyspeptic, and l)i;ir toheaj'ills stand unrivalled, uud his Salve Willi magical effect upon burns, ocalds, and.n'l Huron iiid uleur* at' the •#>k in. In fact, |)iink M.iOOJKl's I'ilk ami Salve arc tlic jropderof thin cent wry, and wo arc happy ip the thought that, many ■others of our hretlircn of the craft a_ r rec twith us. Wo wouid earnestly counsel rihat all families provide themselves with ti)r. Maggie' 8 Preparations at once, and keep the in ready at hand, no as to use them »t the most opportune time .and as occasion serves. — Valley Sentinel. TJbe Cholera. Nkw Yoiik, July 27, —It is pro posed to close all the districts i feet-* •oil by cholera, and the subject will probably be discussed at the meeting •of the IJonrtl today. On Governor's Island hopes were entertained that the cholera had reached its maximum. There were no new cases yesterday, and the old ones were considered hopeful. Di arrhoea still prevailed largely among jibe men. The c littler a oa David's Island was increasing. Tljem were fifteen new cases and three deaths on Wednes day. In the Twelfth ward of Brooklyn, the cholera was still on the increase, there being eight cases reported on j jthc Health Board bulletin, aud one j death at the hospital. Seven cases, with four deaths, by | cholera in this city, are reported this iporning, and 9 cases and 5 deaths in Brooklyn. Police Justice Mansfield of this city, is reported drowned while on a pleasure party while in Orange cotiu- i ty in this State. Several othrr* are j reported drowned at the same time. Three more arrests t">-day of bou -404 ware-bouM robbers. s—A sloop was overhauled in Mobile Lower Bay early on I uuiduy isuruiug, . July 17, by u United States cutler, hav , jog on board 150 nugrow, whom the par tips were about to carry to Uuba and .sell jnto slavery. These ueg roes had been collected at different oiuploy-neut office.- jo Louisville, Nashville, aud Memphis, 1 under a promise of #iJU pur uiouih to j yrork on a plautatiou. The uaptuio :md prexr of tit£ wore ironed aud placed cm board the shup-of-war Au'ju*tiue lor safe keeping, aud will be torwarded to Washiugton. A n«>- law id Connecticut provides % severe penalty for tbc crime oi procur ing the publication pf a bogus uiarringe UOtic*?. THE ATLANTIC CABLE. The Great Achievement of the Age. Line in Perfect Working Order. This great achievement has at la*t been accomplished, as the full >wiatelegrams atteit. All honor to tlio*e whose eiiei* g : £H and skill have uiav*>djn,i it: NEW YORK, July A» —The following dispatch has jmt been received from Cy rus \V Field ; IlKAjtr'g COSTEST, July 27th, 18Gt>. —We utrived here at nine o'clock this morning, all well. Thank <>►*!, tiie ca ble has been laid, and is in pcrf«ct work ing order. [SigoedJ -CvitLs W. FIELD. ttKCOND DISPATCH HEART'S CONTEXT, July 28th.—We are in telegraphic communication uith Ireland. The cable ic in |>er!ect order. Cvut's W. FIKLII. iSHittDiDIfiPATCU. HEART'S CONTEST, July 28th.—Eng land and America ate again united by tel egmph. The oabJe is to perfect order. We have l«en reeeiving and sending mei suges through the ttfhole fable, ever since the splice on the 13th inst., off tValentia. CVRUS W. h'lHi.u A soldier who lost both hamimin the war was furnished with a baud-organ, and, with hu son a youny lad, has.trav eled a year or two in the of lios ton, with remarkable success, having al ready accumulated 815,000, the gener ous con'tibutions of the charitable. A special dispatch Irom St. Joseph to the Democrat, says parties from the Plains report the Indians massing for mid old ranchman say, us «oon as the corn is ripe, nearly.every tribe on the ,l'tii|),si»vill start on the war path. They are w, S6U being the higher-t sum offered. The an tn il was 18 year* old. —The bronco statue ul' \Va>hin»u>< . removed from the Institute at ton, Va.. during tbe.War, lias bee re- j' turned, anil will -faeifewailutl rated o>i 'lie Kith of E*-triv jjeteho; t will uclivor an —Thirty .yetxte jyin a \tnjow named i I'ati.y folk, »'»• <||iiii Jete ii. < • .-I ( en t,v. Maryland Tile perpetrator w■- li t discovered last >*e It i>y li.< owu conic.-- ihimi i! --iej. Iwd. M|i hll bus mster i nati. n •!.«:« getting well. —A mutiny occurred on Thursday : night among a .purtiou of negro troops on foHy 'Hand, S which was sup pressed alter one of the mutineers had j been killed and two wounded. Ihe rest I of the mutineers were brought to j Charleston uu ler a slron,' guard. A country merchant lns«ned a X s (•Wleins jrrocevy ti in fir soil liirn: brown smjar containing 2 > per cent •>! i cohim >n-sand. Three persons hive died in l'hila : delpliia frout eating vegetables cooked in j a copper vessel mv mil II r>. On th<- Ut tilt., bv Rev Wm P. Itremton, at hla own reiM.nro. Mr Will- K unorer, ami Ml.. Annie Kmkiid b"ih <>f Fairview ip.. Hurler county, Pa. On the 11th ult., byjfeev. Wa. M Landi*, Mr.George Rind ream, to Mi*» Cut Win- tlulniiin. boib from near Mtd» E l> U# tbe '2vtb of June, after a Imicerihg iiii.r„., j on lb>iubgaidn«*r, of Miodle lAncaster, aged about U6 yrs. On the 21st. ult., Wm. R-«d<*ut»ach , of lltrmtuy. 01 Tjphoid fever, aged 44 yrs lOuioe., V day* On the 17th day of July, at hti' residence in Middl itex tp., of Dmnsy.Mrs Rachael Hi itton, aged 70 ye »rs 0 mo*. and 10 days- Special goticcs. C ftfTTKR"TEARI Wp'wnnt Agents everywhere to well our lUPßovr.n SJO Sowing Machines. Three new kind* t'n der and up|»er feed. Pent on trial. Warranted Ave rear«. I Above nalarv or large commission paid. The o*t'y ma chine*. mdd Uj United Htaten f ur !«■»• than |4O, which are I full if lie*** sed btf Home. Whttlrr if Wilftm (Irnrrr | Maker, Singer d 0» , and Bachelor AU other cheap | machine* are infringement* and the teller or user are I liable to arrest, and imprit*nment. Illustrated clr -1 culari aent free.. Addre«a, or call upon Bha%w k Clark, at ltiddef»rd, Maine, or Chicago. 111. jane V! ffrQn A MONTH t—AORNTS wnfK.-d for l« entirely new articles, junt out. Addr«a« O. T (i ARKV, City Building. Bid lo'ord. Ma. muo 27 «6-ly*. nu§vc. TIIK MASON a HAMLIN CAHIVKT ORGANS, fi.r fiacrsd and necular mimic . for«v dHbreat ntvlm, $H -g o fdutteach. FIFTY-ONE GOLD OK SILVHK MKU- A LS. or bther ftrtd preniiuinM uwarded them. tedCatdoguo. frae. MASON & HAMLIN Botton or MAS9N B8 ofH£Ht New York WANTKD. AOKNTft—s76tn|tOO PKR MOM 11 lor gentlemen, amj Hi t to $76 tor ladiee, every wheie, t • iutroduce the C#Ubrau4 Common Hen-to Family tew ing machine, improved and perfected It will bem, fell, ijuiit, biud, braid and embroider beautifully Prtcft only S2U, making the elastic lock «titch,aud fully warranted for three year*. We pay the above wages, or a cuouu>«aioo. from which twice that amount cau be mad*. Addie*a with nUuip.ui call «.n C. lloWKiwtt a d without juat eauH», 1 therefore warn mJI perntms :uaiiii(t hn b -riun hci "112 giving Iw credit on my acoouut, a* 1 will pay a » debt* of her eo«r ractlng I'hTLlt UK »KljL. 1 llfllWt.* Zalienopla, Hurler co, Pa. j NOTICE. IV the matter ol the |i»ti|i it) of KrnUriok Pequ i fir 4>force | rom C. P. N«X7. Oee, Term. Unift. And now, June iltli > 18W.(ourto , Motion of J. M Thouipeon appointed ' H. A.lurk. n Commladoiier to make pubdeatiou. tako tvw 1 Uißuuy, Ac., in thie caee. Unfitr cvuntyi ; Certified Irom the reconl tbi« 20th day of June. 18*'4> WM. S I'UJf?, I'roth y. I will attend to th© dutiei of the ab »ve appointment at tho office of Wna. Stoop*, £»q ,i D ltntler, on Friday the -4th day of August, A. I) lo 6, at 100 olock a. iii! of faid day, at wltico time all ro/Ue* may attaud if they •XX) proper. v j. y CLARJK. I Atijfjirt Hf. W'>l». CcTncjlr»lgtc| ' PTJTIJER MAItKETW. Bvrvr.%, Pa-August 1, 1866. ***• Mntl P* r i-ound HKANB—W hiu, ll.Ou xier bushel BARLEY—Spring, M REESW AX—3O r<-ur- i>. *tuA . KOGFT —I* - at* Fb)UR~ ' bent, *&,.*> ta W) p«rbvn FEAHf KKCt—tA rwt« per pound. GRAIN~U u-u S'.Oiper l.unte Ere, 76 Oate. 45c. C<-r* 4>, l!nek wheat, 7/e. UiIOt'KHIKS-Coff'*, Rio, 90 per pinnd; Jtn, 86, Rrown Husrar. 15eper pound; do. Whitei *2r N.O. Mohu e* f1.25 cents per gtll>n; Symp 1 00 and 91,50. JIIDEf*—7 cent* per p*«N»d. LARD—I 6 reatJ p>r pou«d. NAT!.*—fß.oop«r keg. POTATOES—II.26 per bn-hel. PORK—Shoulder*, 10e ; flitch, 17c; Dams, 92 per pound RAGS—I rent* per pound. HICK—IS eog<* P*r pound. !*A LT—H.'M p«r barrel. cents per poand. W«*)L— 16c per pound. PITTSBURGH M ARKfcTfiL PirrSßtrmaa, July 30, 1866. A PPI.ES—fS.OO (ft) 112 5,00 per bnrrel. Rf'TTER —Fre. CHEESE—Western Reserve, 22c per lb; HaraWure 17 ® 20 per lb. EGo*-VJBB 25 per dozen. FLOCK—Wh*at, sl2,so wit.lone 17 IS»fl ()i motion of McOamllitii, Ct U;'t appoiuie i Thos. Robinson, an Auditor to make disii :buti rtifle«l frt»m tLe record this 81st day of .Inly. A. D. I** s W J. VGt T NG, Cleik. NOTICE is hereby given that I will attend to the du'.ie* of the ab- ve appointment at the oftke of I'harle* McCnn«ile*«, K*q., on Thursday, the 3uth da> of August, at 1 o'clock, p. m.of said day. THOMAS KGtIINSOX, A«r 1, '6O, 4t. Auditor. Atf XULRY AtADEJII. THE Fall term of the Minbury High school will open on Ihe l:-th of iH»n. mi l continue twelve *e« k,. Kor teruis, Ac., addrrss the Principal at Coul l»r*vn|e, Uutier Co., Pa . , J). AM. CROSS, July £% 06 it Principal. A Valuable Farm For Sale. QITUA I'M) on the Mercer nn I Ktnlenton road, one and tKD mnh.tff mile frOiii Han I ,*il,e, Rutler Count v, |>a t ill IIIIJ " ' One Hundred and Seventy-Five all>>f uilH'h ,is ill A iiijfll «tifo of CsiliVMtioQ,-- Ktohs*.rn l-.«*ell Hs{.r'l iiU'td .w. IVrsou* wi.hing to pur do well i.,cull v »uf 'repurchasing 112 I-on here, tor in tber int.uiiia; ion ca'l at the pre mined, or address the -ui'-i i iber at Ilarrisviilr, llutler co Pa. I • lul> - , ' ;u JACon no , J,U> ™' JMPdU - V > ID WIN LT , >S | THOMPSON & LYON, AT3TOH KEYS'AT LAW. '3 i/-c;r, v; \\j NOTTf K It hereby given that l.ettera Teatmentary • ■iilt'ie estate <bini<>n. lat • of the town of Kit ill \wnt«r, .lobnson, Co., Mi**»uri, dee'ed, have b««-n in »n:ed to tli- un<.erNi K ne'l. Therefore, nil per sons knowing them*elve* in lehtwj to said estate will nnk® pavment. an-l those having claim* i *<*lni4 tbe same, will preient thaiu properly authen ticated for settlement. RORBETSTORY. July lllh ISfi#—fit Executor Auditor's BTetioe. IN the mutter of the petition of N ¥. McCfcndlona, (JowiuUteeof ChriM lan Vimgerfor leave to sell real C. |», N027, June Term. 1861. And now to wit: June ; Bth, 1866, Court appoint <). W Fle-ger, Koq ,au audi tor to take testimony in reference to the claims of the I creditors of the lunatic vu Rci'uuut, im ! * ili pay no debb or bills by bur con tracting. ADAM MAY, Juiy 11, ISG6, 3t,* Jackacn t,■iiutler Co., Pa, Exerutor'n \ulice. I I FTTKHh testamentary on tke KlUteof Wm. Patt<>n \j late Of .Nli|.peryrock township, deed, bave this day' | t». eu jcranted to tlui oa lersigned. Person* indebted to I the are reqne*ted to make immedinte |wiyment, aud tbone having claims will present them properly au thenticated f.»r settlement ' Julyll,rtb,Ot. DAVID AHMrifRONG, Cx'r. Exerutor's Xattrc. 112 I BTTKRf testamuiitary on the K»tateof John Young. J_J **le of Lancaster township, datr'd, bave Jieen issued to the undersignetl. Therefore all pereou* kimwuig I theiiiMnlves indetited to Mid estate, are requested to iruiku : uuuu?diate payment; *ud those hav lug claims acainst the same a 111 prveeut tbem properl v antheuticute.i for ttjement. FRANCIS UTT. julyll'o6,flt* Executor. NOTICE. 4 LL (terpens indebted to the llrm of Rhlknl A flirl *er are hereby notified, that the Book account-*, Notes and Due Bills, owing said Firm, are left in the hands of Wm 8 Ziegler, fcaq.. for collection. Butler, July 11, 1 >M, 3t. BIOKKL A BIIRIAER. $lO REWARD. fill! K above reward will be paid by tho subscriber Upon 1 inf r million being g-r.-n him. who the person or p«r sons ii « that continue to do malicious mWhief in the But ei t'emetery i.y bre.kiqg glassaa, Pluwer por*. Flowers aud i,the will ex lame t«» sale by public vendue and outcry. U|m*u prea- | i-es on Saturday, the 2&th day of Aagnst, A. D |M«6. j 'o* 4 '•»»- , wiqg de«(]i-ineut one-fourth ag acre »»f land ! situate In the vi44.i|fe of Haehersvilfo, Buffalo townsb'p, | Itetier county, pa . bounded on the Nortl) t?y land of | Jacob hrnian : the Hui ler and Freeport Turnpike Koad: N»uth by lands • 112 I'lirisiian Amith; and west by land* of heir* off la>«ris Krumpee. dee d, on which is j **ss2*l*? House. .lI » t BALK.—One-third in baqd on conflrma tn»n of « n «lthe balance in two oquui %f)=ual insUll- : m«Mtt» Lheieailer. witlj iniefe-t from d-4e "112 confirma tion - NORMAN Kl UK LAND, . . JOI,N juiyil OB.tM Executors of Adam Peters, dec d. STOVES ANrrPLOUGHS. \\TKOKnECKKK 4 KEUIKK. —touu- «lor«--*-«iniidry North of I Ik- boi- SmonM ( ' Ce - Their wardroom i«on Main." reet In M a>» u they ran he bought •tony other cfuMitffcmcßt in the county. Oi i««.i tf REDUCTION IN PRICE OF THE American Watches, MADE AT WALTHAM, MASS. In consequence of the recent great decline in gold and silver and all the materials used in the manufacture of our goods, and in anticipation of a still further decline we hare reduced our prices to as low a point as they van be place* 1 WFTFT @©TD! AT PAP, so that no one need hesitate to buy a watch now froxa the expectation that it will be cheapor at some future time. The teat of Leu years and the manufacture and sale of More than 300,000 Wniche*, bare given o«r productions the very highest rank among kne-keepers. Commencing with the determination to make only thoroughly excellent welches, our business has steadily Increased as the public became acquainted with their raise, until for months together, we have been unable to supply the demand. We have repeatedly enlarged oar factory building* until they BOW cover over three acres of ground, and give accommodation to more than eight hundred workmen. We are fully justified In btatlng that we now make MOKE THAN ONE-HALF OF ALL THE WATCHES SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES. The different grades are distinguished by the following trade marks engraved on the plat •: 1. American Watch C 0.," Waltbam, Mass. 2. " Appleton, Tracy k C 0.," Waltbam, Mas# $. " P. S. Ba/tlett,'' Waltbam, Mass. 4. " W m. Ellery." ft. OUR LADIES' WATCH of first quality U named *' Appleton, Tracy t Co ," Waltbam Mass. 0. Our next quality of Ladies' Watch Is named "P. S Bartlett," Waltham, Mass. These watches are Air. nlshed In a great variety of size* and styles of cases- The American Watch Co., of Waltham, Maps , author ize us to state that Without distinction of trad* m*rks or price, ALL THE PRODUCTS OF THRIR FACTORY ARE FULLY WARRANTED o« e me keepers of their class e w er mvle In this or any other country. Buyers should remember tthai unlike the guarantee of a foreign maker who oan never be reached, this warrantee is good at all time against the Company or their agents, and that if after the Bioet thorough trial, any watch should prove defec tlve in any particular, It may always be exchanged for another. As the American Watches made at Waltham, are for sale by dealer* generally throughout the coun try, we do not solicit orders for slnglo watches. CAUTION.—The public are cautionod totbuy only e respoctubl* dealers. All t|rt»r*otu selling counterfeits will be prosecuted. ROBBINS & APPLETON, AOBNTS FOR THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, 189 nil OA DIVA Yf N. Y. Julvll r pnrchase Karro?. or other Ileal Estate. will And it to their interest to rail ou me 1 have on baud a number of ro petition; as operators they rank among the beat. Cha» geamoderate. Advicefree of chvg*. Office—ln BoytT« Bidding Jeflersou Street, Butler Pa. Dec. 9, 1863 :::tf. KNITTING MACHINES. THE uqdersigued would inform the public, that ho ia prepared to aell the Dulton Kamilv Knitting Ma chine—the strongest, moat almple and beat in the world —Patented in lwjl, Mn«J perfected In 1864. Tbta ma shins will not only do plaiu work, such aa socks, 4c. but ako fancy knitting, with a most perfect and heauli ftil stitch. It will knit comforts, JVnbies, £p., (wenty articles Any per*on wishing to obtain one will please used lor circular. Address (enclosing a stamp » 11. F. SAW HI EL, Z« lienople, PehU HMV« A K ,.nt f.a- it.,tU, rA„„lr I.inie lor Nale. TUO.SE wishing to purchase a cood quality of Li«« can bo uccommodated by calling iijioii the -übscri bet at hit rosirtenc* in lot ward township, 12 mil,, gpntfa West of Butler, aud i taLUmi up Breakurck &CIL Evanabuff fAfk W. WAT&Mf, Juc* 20 . THE HAMILTON dol(hiul^ilttr|ftinintj cojs&F A.irt, Phila. HON. T. J. COFFEY, .T'hiludelpMu. HON. GEO. \V. WOODWARD, Chief J ustic* of the.State of Pennsylvania, BANKERS. NATIONAL BANK OF THE BE IT II LI C SOLICITOR. SAMUEL O. THOMPSON, KSQ. THE HAMILTON (tM & Silver (to, O JT NEVADA. ! The proporty of this Company Is situated in the Msnu moth and North Unidti .Mining iHstricts. Nye County, Stnte of Nevada, and Tom prises the following nauicd ledges of tilrer bearing quaitt t I. EDGES IX MAMMOTH MINIXG DISTRICT- The Winnebago Ledge, Twelve hundred foot. » 4 ' Union tadge. One thhousand feet. " Red Jacket 1.iig5,..w,.,'.,-„OBe thousand feet. M Wabasha w Lmlge Klghteen hundred feet. " Ojibwa Ledge, >v.Twelva hundred fret. " Mammoth <\>ni-tock Ledge.. Ligh toe u hundred fejt. * YelloW Jacket Ledge,m One thousand feet. " liecotab Lodge, ..Twelve hundrod feat. »♦ Comet Ix.lgc. ;un Uue thousand! feot, " Leviathan L«srtge,....~ Eighteen hundred fn *' Emerson Ledge..; (Hie thotiHand feet et. LEDGES IX NORTH XfNION DISTRICT. The llHiniltou L'dge, Twelve hundred ftet. »• Hamilton K* Lwtlffe, amii. ..Twelve hundred feet. *• (Jjibwa Ledge, Twelve hundred foot • l lfecotah Ledge y. hundred feet. " llriiHH Valley Ki, Ledge, ..i...Twelve hutidro I feet. " llushnell Kx. I*«lge TWelve hundrod foet Kx Lodge .fW'elve hundred feet. " Pony Kx. Lodge,. . TU'elve hundred fe-t. '• Overland Ex. Ledge, ...TVelye hundred feet. Tim Officer* and Itond of IHrectors of this Com|rtnv present the al>ovecombination of twenty rich »nd valu ulile Silver Ledges, comprising: tWenty-tlve thousand feet, which they confidently believe embraces a proper ty for profitable silver mining'Un4urpas.ied by any on tiie Pacific coast. This property was selected and located by practical and experienced miners, among the'llrst, in North Union and Mammoth, whwh are justly regarded among the bent silver mitimu districts in the «ate. on account of the richness of the ores, the width of thevqi"*, the fine timber on the mountain, and the salt ba4iu* and gra«s in the valleys. This Cumttfitif da not design to sdt forth statements that will not be verified, and pre:er under-estimating What thwy bulieve the results will prove Fuel han itamot grent rxponrto in manv of the district.4 The A Cutry, Ophir, Savage, and other celebrated mines in Washoe, are paying Irom fifteen,twentv dollars per cord for wood. A twenty etimp mill will consume fif teen cords of wood per day, ai#lSper cord, amounting fo 122 A per day. In the Mtmmoih and North Union districts it would besiuiply the cutting, $» percotd. or #6-> per day. There IM a large saving on this item. In the c hsumptionof salt, which is larg Iv use lln mining operations, the saving would not be las< than I'M) per aay over many other districts. In lliwetwo Items tliefo is an advantage in cost of running a twenty atainp mill in these districts which would inako a handsoqiu yearly | profit of itself. It Is not tho Intention of thoCompnuy to work all this I property at the Mem-nt time, but to hold it In reserve for futuredlapoMClbn. either ti form a uart of It Into ! other organisations, or to ur«it other uilll«, as may be | deemed expedient. A twenty stamp mill new a w*dl eelected l&de will pay a large dividend os the capital the Hi st woi king rrmr, and leave a reserved fund ie the treasury, to be applied to the erect u# another mill This Ouipany intend to erect a Arvt-cLtts *IU near the Winnebago tod*, which Is tmr and oae-balf fwt wide, tffjd is%Mmsldhred one of the rkliest silver Lodges In .VfK-ltSk, and will afford an ample supply of ore for a twentv-etamp mill. I'rofotsar Illatchly, who Is a scientific, reliable, and very cautious gentleman, ways of this lode : • > This is a strong well-defined vein, thowing every tndictitinfl <\f dspth and jtermanence. Tho ore it of great ricAne**» o*«f wf diffused fArovg/ioMf the rein, and all the ore will pay for working from the very sur face. Thin is a very valuable mine and can be made to pay from the beginning" A. ULtTeHLT. , .Mining £ngine«r It Is more than doubtful If Professor lilatchly speaks in these terms er ton. or S4OO tor 15 tons, laiving a net profit of SIBUO Ptor a working day, ojr a monthly profit of over SIo,OUO fot one mill. This ftiteincnt may a or 70,000 aharoa of atock, and will aell 40,0(10 share at par value of $5.00. full paid. These forty thot/Wand shares are preferred stock to bear 26 per rent, dividends per apnum out of the ttrst earnings of the min«* until the pur value ia refunded. It also shares in dividends with the commou stock all profit* of the mines over and above twenty-five per cent., the Compuny unserving the right to ledvem this prcfeired stock at anv time by the pay. Qicntofthe par value thereof, ond Interest The pre ferred atock after It aball have been paid by dividends of twunty five per cent, or otherwise, to take grade with the common atock, will ahare all profits of the mines equally. This equitabloplan h an evidence of tha good f«ith uf this Company, and I heir contidetice lit thia propertv. It guarantees to the subscriber the whole property ami improvements for the payment of the pr«feri ed stock, and insures the payment of it speedily, leaving his in- Ur«st In the Company®witbout coat. No other stock will be H I by the fluctuations of the Th- precious metals are th«* etandsrd of value; \vhert unco pvuducsd, th«y pave n > uiui ket toseek. but ut ike their own market. J. T. .ll'JiiuUiii, i:s«|., Travel ln| Ageul to take N»lbxcri|>tioii. GOING FAST FOR CASH! R. a A J. L. MABOY. Uarejoet received**. their (WtabliahinoM 1« BUTLER a lar\e» sad wsll sclaoted stock of ©cs^i&s® which they are selling at low rate* K«*) the f>ilon lug catalogue and profit thprtbjs-r Far the ljdlc* : A Large Stuck of dreai goods, Booh Silks, Cloth, Print*, Alpacas, Coburgs, Delaines, Ginghams, Hooped Skirts, &c., &c., &c. For the OeniUmem Ala-aye on haud, Block Clothe, Fancy and Black Gassimeres, Satinets, T weeds, Shirting, Hats & Cups, Boots & Shoes, Household goods, such as Linen, Table Cloths, Carjiets, Oil Cloths, Curtains. &c. SQME OF QUR PRICiS: Heat Delaines, 2 5 eta. per yard. He*t Heavy Musi ID 25 eta. per yard. Heat I'riuts 20 to 25 ct a. per yard. A stock of (irocerida Heat ltio Coffee cents per |>oand. Coffee Suj;ar 18 eta. per pound. Crusted Suptr 22 eta. per pound. Drown sugar 124 ceuts per pound. «IVfc UNA CALL AND EX A M INK (llllt ASSORTMENT. Butler, June 20, IMS— |f. Drug and Grocery Store. riMIE subncrlb»ra have Jmt received, and are now opening, at tboir, opposite Peter Duffv's iu Butler, An Extensive Assortment Of DHUOS. MEDICINES OILS, I'AINTS, I)YE STCFFS. PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET SOAP, . PERFUMERY. AMD TU»: r Q no COH3S For Chrmleal aud Medicinal pnrpoaea Also, all kinds'bf NOTIONS, Ac. Pliialclaiia preacrlptlona eareftilly arid promptly eompoaaded. IN i UK GHOCKHY DEPARTMENT will be found almost every article for fain ily u?c. Also NAII.S, GLASS, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWABE, CHOCK ERY, STONEWARE, HUOKETS, Tuns, kc., &c., &c. The highest market prlco paid for all kinds of produce in exchango FOR GOODS. BELL Sl DIEFENBAGHER. May 23, 186<5::ly. BOOT, Jg ? SHOE, LEATHER AND FINDINGS STORE, ON MAIN STREET, One door North of M'Aboy's Store. GENTS' FRENCH CALF HOOTS, BIIOES AVI) - CONGRESS GAITERS. LADIES & GENTS' SLIPPERS. MISSES' HOOTS, SHOES, AND GUMS. BOY BOOTS & SHOES. Children'#) Shoo* of all Hindi*. A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT »112 my own manufacture, constantly on hand,and woik made to order, of tbe BEST STOCK and in the AT3T 3 r Y A large and fun iMeurtmont of ha* tern stock, of the very brat material and workmanship. All kiuda of LEATHER & FINDINGS French and Common Calf »kin», Sale and Upper heather, Morooca, Kip* and Kid*. ROANS AND LININGS Of all kind*. We have the largest, beat selected, end for the timet $ it* cbeapeat stock ov*r offered for sale in Uutlor. The public sre invited to call and examine for them selves. May 31—tf THEODORE HtTSELTON NEW SHOE SHOP. milE u'Kleraljrneil having puicliwed the VeUrknown I hh»*e hop C. AF. rlui lv,4uh«e<|ti6ntly owned by A. K(»n, • it'.vt i-M-piireti to eeli aa )<>w h» aov oth« r c«- tMliliehm nt ..f thekiud ui t>»wi, ah I ia plowed to do jofcw /ri on ill'e foiling evstem. To tfc and Infirm a few theae PTLM will prcr A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOl r»r in twy c*M th»j adj new nr. u>i Hotvr •» • •lore /he waning eaorgtee to their prlMfor rtii the roan* and MlddtMjM. tkrf »«Tprota moo It V oal.fe, aea re«rt». and uterlln* iwJfcltJ. li J l»a dream that Pose* t t , three hundred years a*o. aud b,svar fbund, Be I* '" for a fun ate tn the* would the old to Tic ! make youth evar An EteraalSpvte^ ft wu left for this day and hoar to ra>llii (fee * v e, nod show, In one glortoas S»ct, ihe magic (|M bk&- •» Mr. THESE FAMOUS REMEDiri Cannot tut tin of nu,, hat the/ eau Ltm k. ix atid hold aloof, dleeaee that ni]j(hl trlttlnph (j*f aged anl the jonag. Lei ao«e keelUK thee, tat »*, tho ratorable optmrteolt, that <*kra. Wkea ul« prescribed FOB BILIOUS DIBOBDES Nothing Cao he more productive ot cwre thaxi < * * Pill*. Their almost magic lnHueaaa la frit atom*:' the a.iual concouiiXani* of thJa aoit JJa,* • are rnmored. Theae remedies are'made from the pnA,' { Vegetable i'OHpcnailN They wtll not barzn the most dellrala fcapalc. %*vl •. t he glvmplalnt, UowncM of Hplrlta, BiiMtworm. Salt Bit earn ttoalde. Skin IHaswse#. 4V"Notl««.—None genuine without the eugrarol trade mark around each pot or bo*, signed by DR. e, MAQUIKIi, 4A, Fulton York, k» counterfeit whia Is felony Aold by all ree|>ectahla Dealers in NedfcJ*' throughout the Uuited State* and Canadaa—at fift emM per bo* or pot. For Sale at Dis. GBAIIAM 4 IfCBILTOX'fI W«t Ptore, Sole Agents In Hntler Pa. A!VD UNDERTAKING. fj Fe'tDQUABTEBSpn Main Street, opposite Jack • It Hotel. Th*- subscriber Is «*tatuively engaged lis "UNDERTAKING LINE, being fully ptepared to make OOF*FIWfi# a# all description/, neatly and promptly to order Cfli fins of all sizes and kind" ready made, and always oa handa» lie has procured an entirely New and Neat Hcame ; and Id thus prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice. He also keeps ou bauds and manufactures toorde COMMON AND FANCY FURNITURE CONSISTING Oir liiircauH. Tablcn, Stsnda, RedHleadM, Chain 4ke. All nindu in a neat aud wortoiea-like manner, an* of the finest finish. T KH.MBltoasonable and to suit the times. Thank ful f«»r iiaMt favors, the patronnge of the publio la r«s* pHCtfully solicit.-d. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. JACOB KECK. May 1«, 00-ADwe. MOWER & REAPER. IWOrLD respectfully announea to the fhrmers of Hmler ronnty. that I am Agent for the great labof siring midlines /ETNA & CAYUGA CHIEF MOWER, AND REAPERS, Als > the celebrated Excelsior Mower & Reaper manufactured by Clark A Qulgley, Canal, Fultea, Q, j TUB WQKLD BKNOWNKD Sharp's Steel-tooth Hay-Rake, Aleo the gr Mr American Champion Hay &' Grain Ea&©. » fend tor nmr circnl ari r-f tbe different mac hi net. AQ orders fidreened to tho roderiigned at Zelieoople, Pa. will receive prompt attention. Jwie 0.1S&. QEOIIQ En DASTIAN, NEW SKIRTS FOR 1865-6 The Great Invention of the Age in. HQQP f=gCIR.TB. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duplex Eliipic, or double, SpringSkir. TIIIS INVENTION consist* of Dcplbx (or two) Ellin tic Pore Krlined Steel Springe, ingonfously traded tight ly end firmly together, edgu to edge, making the tough 1 est, moat flexible, elastic and Jurat Spring ever used, They eeldom bend or break, like the Single Spring*, anl consequently preserve their perfect and beentiful Shape more th*n twice as long as any el ugl* Spring Skirt the* Ever 11m or Can be made. The wonderful flexibility end grvat eomfort and pieaaure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Ell ptfc Sklaft will be experienced particularly In all crowded Assort*. Ullea, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cam, Church Peel Arm Chairs, for I'n>mopade ami Ilonse Dreea, aa tfcj Skirt can be folded when in uee to ooonpy a email plat* aa easily and convenience aa a Silk or Mualia Dreea. A Lady having enjoy edThe Plcasrn a. Comfort aud Ureal Convenience of wearing *h* Duplex Klllptle te«iSprlA Skii t lor a bingle day will Never afterwards willing!] dispense with their ns*. For Children, Miss ss, and Tougg Ladies thev are anperlor to all other*, TIIK lIOOPS are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice aa loug aa the Single yam eo re ring which Is uaed on all Single Steel Hoop SklrUL 1 he thix-H bottom roda on every frktrt are also Double Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent tbe wwy log from wearing off the rods when dragging down stain stone steps, Ac., Ac., which tbey are coustautly U< when In use. All arc urn Jo of now aiyi «4s#ant Carded Tapea, aru the best quality in every part giving to U»e wserdg thM ni"-t graceful and peifc£i Shane possible, and aoi unquestionably the lightest, moat dediable,conik>rteb& aod economical Skirt nv«f m>ule. U rsrs BRADLEY A CAIIY, I'ROPRJETO&fI of t|>| Invention, find SOLE MAN (TPACTURERS. and 7ft A -*1 lte*du Strvots, .Now York. fOU SALE In all fimt-elass Stores in tins Clt/, aqfl the United States and Canada. Havana m <,u: a, Mo-lco, liwutb Anionics, au 1 tUo Wait Indie*. *• ***