M A lIKKTH. HCTLIR, !»a. April 25. l*«(t. JlL'TTFß—rr**«h tlnli Itt eents per pound per bushel. JJ.\ KI.KY-—Spring. 'JO HKKMVAX —:>» rent* per pound. WW*—ls ~nt* P«fH. W liwi, (b,Si) (u A,iiO per Itnn*lHyo 4,0J; Buckweeat. I -• »p« r liimu. Flll'lT —I»r. i Apples, 20ct*. per lb; Dried fetiche*, «:» cent* >* H». KKATIIKRfl —ft** cent# per i*'"*- URAIS-Wlirtt f-7*>per bn hal Kye. —sl. U|WI bitshel. pOU k—Shouldera, 1th;; Flitch, He; Uatns, 1H c per 1 ft .MS A—tcunli per pound. pIC'K-—lft cent* p«r pound. HA l*T—i »,•'«*» l«*r barrel. TALLoW —la rent* per pound. —iV»H' per pound. . "PITTSBURGH MARKETS. I'ITTIUBOH, April 24, 1800. APPLEfI—IU** fa p«T barrel. HI'TTKH —Kredi lb.ll. 4«» <1 4 iw per !b. CIIKKHK W-stern tteeerre, *3fc per lb; Hamburg. 21 ('i/ '2b per It*. WHIS-2J to 21 per dozen. VMNJR— I Whflßt, flu 25; Ry«% 526 H & w>. 4lKAlN—Wheat, fl.Uo (rt> f,2,10; Cora, "iV-Oata, 65. tlAKl.KY—Spring, T4,; Kail, »>. OltOCKItl Kr l —Sugar, 12 (a, I3rt« p»*r m: C«w», 25 per lb; MOIRIUM**, N. •»., 1,10 «$ 1,14r per gallon ; ftyrup, V;M* (lU i1 .«»••, I»«*r K»llun. MALT—Liverpool, per mck; No. 1, Oipliiin - Court Hiile. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan'* Court of Untied Co., March Bth I*W. levied on all th«* title, Interest and claim of Dn*ld A. Conn, and Kcrfit •<>n Conn, <*r in and to One Hundred Acre* of land, sltu ate In Washington tp.. Butler Co. I*a. bounded and des ■trllMil IU follow*; to wit: .North by Thos. Kelly ami M*» Naiightoti, east by John Conn, nonth by Wadsworth ni.'l Mark, weal by Jarob l)oulwuep«-rk; containingono ihiindrril acre*. more or lens; frame burn and donble log ihoiinc then-oii erected: seventy nerw uiwi*d, more or Je»s. \\ hirh will be stdd at public outer 7,0n the prcm i*e«, on Tuintlay. MnyHKh, !»•». at 1 o'chrk, P. M. J\nnt: —One third on ronflriuittion of sale, the bal vtK'e ill two e«|nal niiliual pnvineilt* with lulfre^t; April 18, lso.i. \\. O. HIIACKK.N KlUti K. Trustee. Trciisun'r-K SHIC. I >IJHLIC NOTICK i■« herulry plven. tliat agreeably t.» Inn Act «»f A*> - cn»bly. paused the oth day of March, .4; l>.. I Si'*i, fill j|led a|| Act to Amend the Act entitled. Direct IUK 'he niotlti of mdlitliT |'n*at«l |an«la and L «i- Rented lot*, ill lint hf# c.aintv. P«.. will expneed rale for the nrrear* of taxe*, »t the Coininl**i«ni®r a oflice, on the Secoml Monday of Juu«-. lWifl, to wit: IKPL'TSD OW.\CBn* ATI. Tut. JiHlUr T'liCiilhip. s!'('idmot A. It 83 :iirn*h\]i Cov « John. Lot«'fo. 51, 4'.i. 45. 40 A W i 05 .lonn Pottos No, 88 52 Sainnel Willhun*, 4'i, 47 4 48 1 62 /Van Townthip. I Daraey'* ft**lr« luti.Hu 52 Ifnnrtjtil Township. Dennia Houlihan 4M 8 87 yurttiirtl Tuwnthip Jo~l.il A.1.1. .11 1 «'«' IS tonr.uUr Tuvmihip. ! \ ThuniM ?•* 3» On I lii H'l Tnwnntrt TvwmHip. Christopher Miller 81 7 50 »l«»hn Neuli-v 400 25 :to ftitmuel P. Thompson, lioiue HII«4 lot I !»"i Win M'Candlftv, of R»iht. 1 lot .. . 45 ll'tronyh MiUftftnwn. |N»rtt»rft«ld M.H* hoiv- an-l lot 1 40 Donftjn\ Tiiwiuhip. pally Patri. k ' 121 4 70 I Miming lluu'b 4-'t " Uouto., Utohtrd 4» Mnri"u Ti'it'tta/tip. Pnrtner Andrew*.... 100 ]«i *,» II.OMII Willi nn :.«• 175 f*eMon Ale* .'MI I, 0 Meaton Mar< m-t 50 1< II Thompson HIIUKM !. 188 83 88 .N««gky ; John l:tti, h• 4 r-M.i njn T'lifnu'ii/I D>nnclly Tli.m 275 |0 08 V.ntpr t It"rolljh. Kelly A' \rnittr-Mi». I lot 250 M l.niKbliM Dimlap, i; I .|. , 1 <• 22 ' f»pe »r 11. hell - J |.i| * ' J ! |»rv|d« \\ 111 I. heir- lot . " 7 i ii»>- u.i t.b.n o a it 2 5 i /\ iTfnt: b:. I, I lot, 4'l , o, 5 : . ! jionu i. ni..ma*....jirv.***.".'!. «v>. u I*. Cork 1.1 in \..:.:-Ulle i V Sinit;. nn-- ; tun—lot A -hop 4 52| £l.. '1.1.10 i.-. i-k ... 24 4M j D> Th - • 17-o j darnel ii ean I lot ..... ............. .". " I Same. ttiniH-e 14 07 H.-Mricl; C. cM |oiV # /.' 71 , MCI He; iv Hugh, \ 2 14 . 112 V»«iko Conia !, hou»e and lot 4 51 I'f.rrr>f Tnwnthip. lif-ll .Inmc-i \V 'j;, Ino Itrvj Bonne t, Trimmings, &c., „ Silks, Kibbons, Ac., Silk and Cloth Cloaks made to order, J {outlets trimmed, \c. ) MEN'S WEAR, Ca-4»lmt»ren, .Satinets, Tweedn, Ac., Boot* and Hhou*. Hardware, Ac. j Fancy QOMIK, Notion-, *e„ A jrm*l assortment of GROCERIES, AC. Allot' \vhit'll we oiler at the ; Lowest FriceSe Give us a call and examine our JOHN P. M'QUISTION. Sou'h cud of Town, Opposite Ziinuiermaii'ii Hotel It IT 1. Kit. I*A. ! April 18, '6(5::4t. VALUABLE FARM FOE SALE, Til K niHl«*rNi|cnwl offer* f«»r Unit Vnlu*i.l« Kara *ttnnW-d in Korwnnl town*tii|i. known itn tW "J**, jrtnrp./ rniitniirinjr "Unit 212 Ai'KKS. «»f whlrfe *&•»»« lap mrps ami nwlrr good > Hri.-k kmtmj 'iararh lm-go Frame Marti: 2 A|ip!<- Ofrli *r«>*. «*tn< JMWII ami <»tlirr fruit Irwx Well unl *rtil AUo. tw*. lug t. )h>imh on It. It «M l*» *o 14 together ««r dlvklvu, iw to tu»tx't' mnl churoi l«u*d, to 4Ult (MUVhIUMMV. T«riu» nmy, nno nwtlf known )>r John N. I*ur mVp- or "- v 1 *rew, "HERE IT IS" AN ARTICLE OF HEAL MERIT. A REMEDY That hn» been and stood the U-Ht, not oitfff In an occa alanal cane, hat In every com munity where used It ha* been j piftnouneetl the nafcut and mo.it reliable remedy Known for CHOLERA DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, CRAMP IN THE STOMACH OR BOWELS, CHOLERA MORBUS, &c. It contain* nothint/ Irri tating or Injurious to the stomach, and in mild but prompt in its action, and 1 effect* a permanent cure by remoriny the caime of the complaint. Xo FAMILY should be without it, as the cost is trifliny compared with the aujferiny that may be avoided by hariny it at hand in case of a sadden attack. fair Try it, and judge for yourself. SOLD It y A hi. l>lt UGGISTB. Prepared only by J. HENDERSON & BROS. PITTSBURGH, |»A. J. C. REDICK & QO., DRUGGISTS, BUTLER, Pi., Agents for Butler County, Pa. ! April 2."», 'l*--6 mna. Orphans Court Stile. : I>V virtue of nn order and deeree of the Orphan'* ! I > Court, in :uid for the County of-llutler, and Stale of j l , < nn*ylvanla. the ntideridgued, Kxei-ntor of the la»t willaul tentanient of Th<-nixn lienny, lateof Xlddlem-x j tp., stiid county. diT'dn wl I offer fort-ale ut pnldie ven I due, on the ttreniUifli, mi Thiirnlay, day of Mn), t :»t of)eo*elcM-a. p. ni., . ! Kareli 2.5. IMId. Kxeeutor. Orplimis' Court Niile. vlitit'- ..f an order an-biy, |K*t»t, j»t 1 o'chvk, I', ut., ol *ahi day, a house i-inl lot. (n Sarrers vi 11 • . said tow nshfp nml eoiint.v: bounded on the north by lot of F >lnilt/, on the east b.> the Ktee|n»rt A lint h'l* turnpike r>»ad, on the south |»y lot of.l. \V. Honey, ! and"ii the West by other property ->f said deceased—be ing uO feet in front. by SiiTent back. . I\K*K Hue tiiirdef ti e |inrchiMo |nu||ey to be paid ' on the e.'nlit mat ion ol the anatauee in two -.|iii! air.iud j■l\l>n - It t s. will, Interest from sai.t cmfir- | tAlt-AII hTKIM%KUHI>. Murfh *JK. Adininlfdrati ix. NOTiCE. IN th© mailer of the |n-tilion of Kr»-.b rbU lVaijuo for :i .1.-erei- of divorce frutil teles tine I'e.i.jno his wile vs I 'elesiim- I'tW.jli ». C I'. Nr. .'l7, IMII ember Term, iHrtft. Now to wit: Keh. Si. I s '". . n not let-of John M. l hoiiipsoii. KMJ., C«mrt ' • pvi i ited .1 >liii I'urvii 1 i-e, IVM|.,h t oiiOiiifl-ioiitr to lake j testimony iu this rake. ; • . j -. IR.W r the Petition of Itohert M'Camlless ! j Adm rot Kll/.a-lk»yd. lat. of l»enntownship, liutler r„., . j I'a., dtv'd. wan pre-fnted getting forth that the *ahi , Kil«a lltiyddied inteatate,letivingno husband«»r children having nevyr been married, that the pirs >nal estate of j sahl intestate \n iiunillicieut for the |«> HM iit of lu.r just i ' debts, a* by the aci-nunt and echeuiiln herewith pro- I I duce.l appears, ami that the Kaid intestate died seixe.i in ! j her deiuusiie an or fee of in and to flftv three acres of land in Penn tp. ltutlerCti . iHiiineed on the north by | lands of Nn than Brown, on fbu east by land* „112 Aaron i West, on t ho south by Kohert M'Candless, on t)i» w«*t ' sell the said iuteres of theaaid deceased in said Real Ks'ate for the pur pi¥i*H aforenaid. An Executor's Notice. I" BTTKItS. testamentary on the estate of Mordecla I JJ Oralutm, litre of Forward towuship. H»ft|ur runntv ' Pa., dec.d.. have heen crant wl bv the Register of said I county to the undersigned . thwreiore.all persons know j ing t bent-elves indebted to mid estate are licreuv noti fletl to make immediate payment, ami those jmvinv 1 cbtims . r demands aaaliM the same are req vested to I present properly for settlement I , MOItDKCAI UKAII AM, march '**, 66—«lt * Kxeeut«.r A«liiiiiiislrntor*s !Vollee. •» A, l |ll, "l"rei ') l "■> »•«' «•»!,. I,r A,|*m : > ' """'"l'' iMiv. lKi.n j *eltrs indebted •• said estate arc requested to maKe im .ml ,l„. -nme Will pies, nt them properly aiillo-uii«-ale.| for st-t --• *e4eiiiciit at their store in lloyd's buildings. Ibitler l»a OK4»MOK \\ KIIKIt j AUAM William E. Moore. PENSION, BOUNTY CLAIM AGENT K. M'Jnnklat-a Offlrr, Main Slrrct. on poalte Zimmerman'* Hotel, Hutlcr Baiier Co. PH. S® charge until claims rcpelred.-gfr 1 | THOS. K,O"BX2STSOISr~ I Attorney at PENSION AND { LAIM AGENT, Office with Chan. M'Cautllrea, Kaq. ( Month West corn r ofthtdlaia ond , ltutler Pa. Aumun luizi&t,'* Attorny at Law, PHAJIKVIH, VKNANGO COISTV, /> ' . üßr .l.«* North of KINNKAR IIOD SfOTME. Indebted to the undersigned will please make ' imiu.-Hiate Melt lenient of Ihe same. t Call at hlt> former store, now occupied by J.din P. M't|uMhin. » „, a . _ , JAW# A. NKOI.KY. 1 April U4-~£t pa. I GOING. FAST FOR CASH !^J|§ Have just received at their Establishment, in Butler. Pit., n Large and well selected stock of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they Helling nt low rates. Read the following Catalogue and profit thereby. For the Ladies : A Large Stock of Dress Goods, such as Silks. Cohurgg, Cloth. Alpacas, Prints, Delaines, Ginghams, Skirts, fcc. For the Gentlemen : Always on linnd, Black Clothes, Fancy and Black Casshuureti, Satti ; »}iets, Tweeds, Vestings, Shirting, Boots & Shoes, ilats& t'a|»s. House-. hold goods, such as muslins, Table Clotjis, Oil Cloths, Linnen. Car pets, Curtins, &c.,. &c, Some of our Prices: Best Delaines, 25 cts. per yard. A large stock of Groceries. Crusted sugar 22 cts. per pouud. Beßt Heavy Muslin 25 cts. per yard. Best Rio Coffee 30 cts. per pound. Brown sugar 12 1-2 cts per pound. Best Prints 20 to 25 cts. per yard. Coffee Sugar 18 cts pet pound. GIVE US A C ALL AT¥l> EXAMINE OUR ASSORTMENT. Butler, April IS, 1 S(»(i::tf. i Auditor'* .\otlce. I.V the matter «»f the Partition «.f tin* Heal l'state of Mm Ml. lut f-eiiwuhel. der'd. J t). C No. 4'J. June Term. Ami iiow to wit: — I February. A. I» f IKiW, on motion of John M. Thompvn. I Court ii|>|H.int <>. W. FlCoficr nil Auditor, to make dis ; trihutlou. Isv tin* Court. Oitilled fn»iii tlir rueont, thl* 2*th day of March. I 1M««. W.J. Vol XH» Oris. Per Ka»tnuiu. I will attend to Hit duties of the above >«t»|M»int noMit. i :it the offl'-o of .luhn >l. Tliompaon, in Hutlffr, oil Mon ; liny, the £b| liny of April. iHtW. ut o'clock, I*. M..of i Mhii'h all parties intereated will take notice. G. W. VLIiKHEH. • Hurler. April -J,lJWrt. Anditor. NOTICE. IN HIP matter .if iIIP tiiml a. count of Wm. Smyth Committe of Adam Heigh ley. a lunatic li lln j ' "urt ot < *>lllllloll I'IPHU of Itntler cinuty. No. 112, Jan ! Term, I-.VS. Ami now to wit: —Feb 'iilli, lS(Ht,Mnmnt | Hlp«| ami'notice of tho filing directed to he given accord ing to rnle relating to mt'itiinu of WM{KIII'I' an * one will he allotted on tin- Ist day oi Uexi Term, to wit: Tim 2d Monday of June. lWtl. un less except LOT* he tiled on or Wforu that day, of which notice IN hereby 112 I veil. lintlrr ctntiifg, *.*. from the Record, tlilrf .10th dav of March. WM. Hit m|»S, j April 4. ISflO. Protli*.notary. I H. ltlTnifOy.l| T. u. piflT*...,* C. HOOCT. FASHIONABLE TAILORS. milK invlmlninl having ixxnliitwl ttfeu)«clre* In the I Tailoring hu*inc**, wotihl respectfully say to the public in general that they have jnat received |lie Spring ami Summer Fashion.*. ami are proparwd to make up clothing In the latest an«l llioft approved *t, Jp. Plenta- I call and examine our Faalilona and Specimetwnf men nnd boy's ware. Special attention given to t'loth j lug. KITKNMIU-Klt, WIIITK Jt CO. Itntler. Apill 4* IW>l—tf lteui Folate Agency. rnilK undersigned ha* opeiml an ofKcp In Itutler. l*n. I I for the purchase and wale of Beal Kstate. iVrmnw I w i«hiii|{ to either well or purchase Farm-, or other Heal j j Kstate. will Jlnd It to their Interest tocjill on me. | 1 have on hand a number of p*«| Farm*, ofvarion# i sixcH for ante. onmich ternw a* will *nlt purchasers. Persons wishing to dlspoae of their Heal K-tate, will find it t»* their advantage to place it on my Imn»I»* I ThtmP dMirilM to pnrclir • • can In* united, in variety, price ami quality. by reference to my Hat. Any information In reference to Heal Ketatc in thin i'l.inify. can he obtained by applying by letter or |>er» I fcuiuilly.to the uuderaigned. Office with JIK». M. Thumps* n. Att'yat Law, Itntler,Pa. JAVKX T. M JUNKIN, I eb!4. 'Sbtf. J I folate nud 1 nominee Agent. Mr|)iiiuis' Court Male. BV virtue of an order and decree of the Orphan*" Court, in and fa*rthe county OF Jin tier, AND State of Pennsylvania, the undersigned, Administrator of the K*tate of lb-bard Tinsmau. late of Jnck«»n tp., -aid county, «LVC'd„ will offer f«»r saie at putdic vendue, on the premise*, on the 3D day id May ISMS, ut onu o'clock. I'. M. OF said day, Thirteen ami a half acre* of land, | more or LEA*, rdtnato in the TOWNSHIP. C ainty ami State I aforennid, bounded OIJ TLPJE north by the Kvnnsburg AND llaruamy njad and Cnnnp*|«tene*alng creek, on the coat by the tame road and creek, (ON the sonth by laud* of Abraham 7Jegler, and on the west by land- of Klia.« Ziegler, and JVlchola* Tester, j Also, Sixteen acre* of laud, more OR le**. situate in the 1 township, cop UT y ami State nf>M| PA|TUEPTH thereafter, with inturcHt from wild eonflrmntion. KLIAS '/.K Hi I.Kit, March 2S, 'FTV Admlnidrator, Teacher's Examination*. IfX A MIX ATHENS of kadwn for xchoolf J will IH» held as follow*, v ix : I itutler, (FallcrV SehotddioiiiM J Monday, April 2I«L; ?axoiibnrg, TUESDAY *-4pril ?IRH : North WNIDIINKTON, IWeilbefNlay, APRIL 'i'.th: Snnbuiy. 7tmr*day. April tllh: llarriKVille. Friday. April 27tli ; llariUony. W«-dne*dav, 2«L; Adam.* tp*, Thursday, May 3»L ; Proapecj, Fri tlay. May 4th. Kxaminations t» eontwenre ato'chirk. A.M. The*e 0 MMWIIMILVIM VM FIFWTI'RTTJF for lb OWE intpiidiuK P» T(4CH : during the Summer. TLIO CWIIF as hereto- J fore in HIEITXFTUTIWTFIOIU. A. 11. WATKUS, I I'RIWPWT, Ajiril 2, '(VI.) County Superintendent. K«ff|it«r'H Swliw, IKTTKKS. te # lHiuenraiy on the eidate of %erat) // C. JTFT nlter.v iate of Clinton t«.wn«hip, Hutler T'o. dt'E'd, I BEEN KMIUIMI by the Kegiater of -aid county t«'» the I THEREFORE, ell poraons knowing TBEM-^VES IFHWUMI to said <-* tat» are liereby MTTM L» make Im mediate |tayment. and Uiimhi having claims AKAIN*T tne aaaic will PREAENT fhem proi-rilv authenticated f.»r tlenient. ADAM KKAS Apiil ( An Old Song Set to a New Tune, ! 1 10*1866. 112« sprint I'Pfif *tch t* I III.'- "IHI 'ft.,,"-/,, . h'rutu th*if Imlrt CttH€ oi4t .-Iff// Mir? awl /tint. , hi t/iilc »112 t''l *. «*IS years efllnh Halted in X. V. Cltv.". '•Only iufallnldo rcmwliw known.' 'Free frolll I'oiaotis ' <'\ot dangerous t>> the Human Family."' "Hat* eomo out <>| their Jioloa to die," • 'Coat nr's" Ilitl, Rnncli. &r M Milcr'n If a pa«te—nit'il f..r Itiitf Mirr, Jtinir/irt* Mark- and Hfl Ants , «ir., Ac., Ac. Ac. "Cottar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator. 1* a liquid or Wn*li —used to destroy, and al-o a* a preventative for Hcd-lltig*, Ac. , "COSTAIt'S" ELECTRIC IMJWRER FOR INSECTS ii* f»r Motlii«. MiKniuiU'", Klisiit, Red hugs, limecttf on I'fuatu, Fowl*, Animal*, Ac. Rr.w»ac!!! of nil wnrtlilmit ImitiiHoiM, TI »"• . See Hmt "CO*T\RV name in on ITIRLI Box. Mottle mii*t Flask, befbre you bur. A'Mn—, IIKNKV R COMTAII. 482 ltr.Mt.lwnv,N. Y. i *£-Sold in Rmtler, I»n. t Hy ult and Retailer* j 18G6. I j INCREASE OF HATS —Tlj* >\>rmrr< GattHri Eng lish) n*«ert* and prove* l»y Hjnirw that one pair of HATS will have grogeny aud defendant* no lew* than tWil.nno in three jinr*. Nov, nnlr** this immense family can be kept down. they woiilil ninxtiDio jnore f.H.,| t)uiii would *uatatn tl&.ißNi human Tieing-. too Sco "Contur"* advertisement :il»orc. 1866, HATS rtrtut ItlßHS.—M'lioeTer engages in *liootii)g i -mall bird* i- a cruel mini: ll'hneveraldain extermina ting Rats Is a benefactor. W'e should like nonie oiio to give ii* tlif lM>n«llt of their experience in driving out the*e nest*. We need noun-thing beside* dog*. cat*, nutl ttapN far this hu*im>-» — Srirnlijte Amrrinm, Jf. )', J&c Sew "C'ostarV Advertisement above • 1866. •COSTA It #"' RAT EXTKRMIXATOR is Ample, safe amlsnre—the most perfect R.IT-ilication meeting wo have ever attended. Every rat that can g»t it, pro|Hjrly prepared, will eat it. aud every one that eat* it will die generally at aMttO place its distant UH pos.-dlde from vUcreii was taken.— Lair Shorr Jk/ir/i., Mirror. Sett - CoaT.va'a adverttxeuient above. 1866. IfOUSEKEEPEHrf Moulded with vermin need he so n<> louder, if they use **Coat2r's ' Ex torinitiator. We have n«*-d it to our satisfaction : an*l if a IMJX cost* SO, we would IMVC it. We havo tried |NIUHI« Imt they effected nothing : hut "Cw*tarV' article kuoens the hreath out til It Its. liiarW-, Ants, ami Red-Pug*. quicker than We can write tl. It is in great demand all over the country.— Mr 11 inn Ohiu. tMrrttr. 1 %*», See **OeaT.\»V advertisement alx»ve. 1866. K VOICE FROM THE KAR WEST.--Speaking of •♦C««etai-*i»*' Ri||. Roach, Ant, Ac, WfctOHrtinatora—"more grain aud provisions are di-Ktroyed luinually in 4irant I t'omity by vermin, than would jmy fi»r tons of thir* Rat and luaect Killer.'*— lsmrtidt-r H it.. Ilrrald. 4Mr See "Coritar'n ' advertisement above. FARMERS AXD IKH SEKEEI'ERS, ahould recollect that humlrede of dolinrs , worth «»f Oraiu, I'rovinioiin, Ac., Are annually «le»tro)edby Rat*. .Mkr«, Anta.aud oth er ineeet* aud vermin— all of wt|ich ran Im- pre rented Jiy a few doßari'w«»ri*h *»f'•C*»starV' Rat, liuach. Ant, Ac., Exterminator j Uught and uaed freely. See 'CtNttai's a*lvert is. no ut above. ».9u Sold in Bntler, I'a., by all I»ruggi»t« ami I»ea lers. April 11,'<»L.;tiino. Notice to Collectors. CQLI. BCTARB apptiiated to colli ct tho County and State tax for the year are herohv n*»t it)*-«i that the Duplh atee are now n'wdy lonlMtibutn n. Ily order, * 11. IS. COI.R V. RT, SPRING ft SUMMER m%Y ■ ITXKARE NOW OFFEEIXO OXKOP TIIELARt.- \ V EST AXI) M OST COM I'LETE STOCKS OF DRESS GOODS, Cnaimprea, Twee N, Mu-I in. llrint-. Gipffhnma, < link . j Ac.. Ac.,ovef nfTerod to the public mid ut cMim I Inv ; pticea. SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! Splendid St«>ck, all stylo*, prices and qualities, Al on I fffHMt Haaorttnent LA mm* oiaQMS i of the very latest utiles of our own iirinnfaclure, In J which wo are offering great inducement*. CARPET, FLOOR OIL CLOTH, &c., &c. the lirgost and '»e*t a<*Mortinetit ovor offero*l I n the city, j which we ftro «e||ing at Very Law Prices, IVrjMUM in want of auytiling inyair line, would do ireet«a*M of Butler Co a>nu»): In iMir-nniio- .•rilic H.rlj-lhir.l .iTllan (if Ihr Art of "111 M.J-. IK.>4. J.«\ «r.' Il«.hv tu Hif.t In I Jifvciiti-m. ut 1 in ftiirlif, im the first Tuo-flay of May, A. |).,'IWW, being the tirnt day of the month, af I'oVloek in tho nfu«rie>on, au«t selei-1 rint rtice, hy a uuijority of the whole number * 112 dlffr tors pr*.*out. one purson of literary ami ««-ien title acquire ments. ami of Hkill and experience iu the art of teaching ! M*('Miuly Sii|><.rinteii«leui.ior the three succeeding year*: I determine the auionut of oHiNpaaaallan fcr the nuuu-. | and certify the result to |h*- State Superinteu*h>nt, fit i llarri-hnrg. a*re*|nireo|.liers, or their rep-esentativw until tho eagMt ary C. hi. ANpUUSOX. Duller, JujioiT, 1*65. J"-AJOIC'S hotel JACK, I^jfo|)t*lc(or> Cacncr of Mailt and Jefferson Uu'Jfr, P«, " n ' March 16, IH. U. Sl'SLftoT JIU. PICK Bo S JVO. T. 611 INK SPRING TRRDE, 1866. Dry Goods mm r ■ B^bcx M'ELRBI, DIGKSON CO., 54 Wood St,, Pittsburgh, Pa., i jVO ll* OI'FEU 111 KM SPRING GOODS AT ins j LDY/ElTf MJiKjrt Pill C E i TIEIR/JVES CASH. j TIIK STOCK WII.L BR IWPT COM'.M.BTB DCRING THE SEASON, i BUYERS FROM EASTERN & CENTRAL OHIO, ; 1 ViKlern P'nn*ij/intii/ii if- )Yctt Virginia, ARK tXVITKD TO CALF. AN)) EX A MINK i The As so rfmo iif, j Marcli,l4,?M6. jWfItTE. IN the matter of tli#* account of Thomas >l' fi lit*, kfi Humming Jhk. Fnlt'ii C.'oiiiiiiif l - -fv,;» lunatic. In the Court <>l Common I'lumh of Hut* ■ l«* CiHtitt, A«>. I, tfept. Torn. \H±l. An 4 l now r«> wit . ViAk'JJ, Mccmin't filed mid noticeof df* rij" rf«.- |-M Monday of «fitnu next. mile** exception* fllotl on I oi w nil h tioticc ia here!given. , j litWr,- .<*. Certified from the lit cord till* :»# fr*. Js. Jli3»tt.Tox, m. d <«**»•**. *• 11USELT0X & GRAHAM (Lat« of the I'. s*. Army) PHYICIANS AND SURGEONS, j *4-orn:ciii B .jrcf»Mov.k, jfiia St ?it BaUor I'u. , KKriTlll.l. • 'DRY GOODS. HEAD QUARTERS, D. T. PAPE CO. ( One Door South of Ist National 3ank *OO Pieces Sheetings AT 110, 15, 2(1 aftcf. 23, : 300 piMCM PrillUt,*lo, 15, IS, 20 too i>n>«c» uoiaiiiM. 15, yt». as, 50 piiwx J'olOf (llcvj'CH 31.37 200peices Dr'ss Goods AT all prices. millinery Goods, an enor mous Stock, at |OLl> PRICKS. | 350 T, utile* SvqiieN, Coiilt, niiU (Jtwlorflclilii. IjAHGKHT STOCK EVEK 01-lnku. WE INVITE COMPARISON AS» DEFY COMPETITION. CALL -A, IST ID SEE THE LIGHT OF_THE WORLD \ DR. MA&GIEI/S PILLS AND SALVE. ZjteMv life fcmrAte* Hl#* nnW, fcr fh* lr-t timo jriven pnbllrlly f«»the world For iivcr a quarter ot n renfory of |.n vale practice the iuuritdienl* in Hiumu LIFE-GIVING PILLS! Have iwn mwl with ih«- nrcate-«t wircww. Their tniMimv 1h m>t «>nly I » prevent dta»a*e. Imt r*» cure." Thev *e*rr>y out flu varlon* maliidir* by which the patient i* miOer in* ':iinl re lirriKiimttM Mm* (.tiling iy»tem. To the lyrcif anil (ttttrm »• few tho*«> wil I prove to i>« A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, For in every caao tltey :i*l«l new litu and vitality, mid re nt or* lf»e waning to ftjuir prirtine >*ta»e. T » the yonnsrfcod udddh--u*ed, ihey »IJI prof moat Inval oahir, hi a ready. h|mm file, ami medicine. U''lo h n du-mn realized. >h»»i fronen d«-l.eon eought tor ihriv lmiHli'd iikW fmind. lip looked,. f»»r a fountain that would itmluni ilio olu to vigor ml mnkc youth ever An Sternal Spring! It wni loft for thin day an.l liour to r-aliz* the dream, and idiow, in ••tir zlori"iu luct, the luetic tnat ntiulo it fair. THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES I Cannot stay the of var* '"it thoy ran force b»rlc I and hold aloof, dhteiuie tiiiit inuht triumph over tint njrtMl iind tlnrytHinp. I«et nolle In, -ftal.i flmn, but mlkn the tavarabb- oppMftumty that oiler*. When tdkm\ i\n prearriked FOR BILIOUS DISORDERS I Nothing run Iw more productive ot cm a thnn them • Pill*. Their altmwt iutlueure i« felt At once; and th" iftOtnl eonaimitiinr* of mia m«Mt dlatrrmui.' dt«ea«>i my removed. (sew made fruui the purest Vcgelablc t'oiugioiniri*, Tlioy will not harfti rhe m<»it delicate tenia!". and ran, ho jjiven with good edict in proocriboi done* to rhu youngcpl b.ib". For Cutaneous Disorders And an erupfTon* of the wo, the MTl •>!>•>> , Ui-hiKty \ Fever A Auiju. Complaints ' llcndnrhe Ijtfik'y^uU, IlitlllHU/'l. i Ilitlainnliop. liiv\:«rd Wcakncvi, Liver Complaint. iuri« "112 •pirilj", lUufprorm, salt lUienm 112 • Jjealdw, Hkin l>iNMuull&], ±>, Vork, to cvuuterteit which' in felony. i W S'l'l I'v all T»< H r»r- in MmlicineM throughout the •. uiUnijMj|lM» jjud Uuiauus—ut 2o ciud I U>* >»r p«>r. Jar 8»l" »' Di\ m l! the iHilton Famiiv KniM.n- \n. rhini—tlte tnonl simple and be-t in the world —Pat on Veil in 1M«1, and porfecttal in ]Mi4. Thi* nia ; rhiwr will not only do plain woi k. Mich an wk«, *r l-ut »Ui fuwy knitting, with H ino«